Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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gpfdal Department for Thii CIass of Chil
dren Boon to B Demanded.
werlteBeJeBt Ialclea a
Ulna Be form Was Flat
tewe4 Oat at atlaal f.ala
rla mt rdaratcsrs.
'1 l;e dernaul ! t tie Chnaba Vomun's club
lor the establishment of a separate public
school for delinquents ar.d children tirt
mnbJe to the ordinary training jne
crlbed In the regwlar grade schools Is to
bo presented tt, the Doerd tit Education
within a short Umt, according to Superin
tendent Davidson, who Was Just returned
from a meeting of the department tt su
perintendents of the National Educational
association at Louisville.'
Superintendent Davtdcon favors th
founding of a de-tinciuent school In Omaha,
elleving a need exists f'.r such an Instl
tullon arid that It would keep many boys
and girls out of reformatory Institutions
and do a great eieal of good In correcting
the faulta of nature or- environment. He
advocate a school conducted without spe
cial rer train t or the exercise of arbitrary
uthortty toward the pupil, but fashioned
so as to meet the special requirement of
children delinquent tn various ways or cte
lrtur from the norna3 type. The school,
be contends, should be free from the odium
attached ti penal and reformatory Insti
tutions and no sentiment permitted that
dgrace is incumbent upon attendant.
No estimates have been made as to the
c..t of establishment and maintenance,
these matters having ten left for general
discussion after the matter pets before
the Board of education.
Sat far the b-I1Ibc Refers.
Superintendent Davidson aa;-s much more
interest has been created by the action
at Doeier-ille regarding spelling reforms
than! was created among the educators
there. The recommendation that twelve
more words be spelled in a new way in
all published proceedings and correspond
ence of the National educational associa
tion, was not adopted by that department.
It was proposed by Chancellor Andrews
of the Vniverslty of Nebraska and got no
further than at the round table at which
reformed spelling was discussed.
"Personally. I am opposed to Inaugurat
ing spelling reform unless It is accom
panied by broad basic principles and rules
that can b applied generally and com
monly." said Mr. Davidson. "I do not
think that any rreat amount of good can
result from trying to change our spelling
by a dosen or so words at a time, selected
almost haphasard and not conforming to
any definite plan. In other word, the
change must be broad and comprehensive
and not by trying to change the spelling
af a few words this year and a few more
ix it year, and so on.
"Sentiment at the meeting seemed to be
pretty generally unanimous against the
presence . snd effect of fraternities and
Hororities in high . schools. Other cities
liavc had a great deal of trouble over
the question, particularly at Kansas City,
nut, fortunately, Omaha has got along
uy well e tar..
Horribly Bsrscs
was C. Rivenbark of Norfolk, Va., but
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve healed his burns
without a scar. Heals ruts. too. sic For
sale by Bherrnan McConnell Drug Co.
l.neaJ ..Heat r.state . Attrmetts latere!
a ad Bayera frosa Other
, PI area.
"One gooj gr in the real estate situa
tion is the development of outside Inter
ests in Omaiia property," said J. E. George
f the firm of George & Co. "In the last
two week we have had numerous inqui
ries from the Hate and several prospective
purchasers have lece-t in. They seem to
realise thst real es'ate heie is low in com
jwrlson with the city present growth
and the prospects "f it development. Most
of them art ust.ina- for investment prop
erty, but some or 1 1 in want to make their
home here."
The George firm 1ks Just made three
sales to outside jeeeipie. One mas to Otta
I-ng of Turk. Neb.. h,i bought from
Jacob Ploslx rg a lot tW feet square at the
southeast corni r of Twenty-first and Cali
fornia street, the consideration being fTX.
There are throe tulck houses on the lot.
Mr. Lang will hold the property for an
increase in value.
Another sale by the same firm was to a
banker of Humphrey, Neb., who has ben
eking good investments in Omaha real
estste. He lnught three 45-foot unimproved
lots on the boulevard facing Turner park
and paid SI.ef for them.
A third was to G. Waavell of Lincoln,
aha purchased from Mrs. Jennie L. Maginn
a OCxitO-foot lot and a seven-room house
at m North Twenty-seventh street. Mr.
Wasell and hi family will rrnre the
place their resller...-.
Robert J. Clancy, an On.ui .v.. Ii.j
bought, through George ar Ci prop
erty of J. 6. Gibson at tin .ouili.asi
corner Of Thtrty-second street ui:,l I'oo-pK-ton
avenue and will live there. The
price was H.tKO.
A Trite Saying.
It la trite saying that bo man hi
vrongrr tban his stomach. Ir. Haros's
t'okien Medical Itcovery strtoog khent
the stoaiach put it la rnape to mats
bure, rich bUaal balps the liver aad
ktdnejk to ft pel the poison from th
body and thus cures both liver and kid
ney Voublea. I! jou hake, this a tort
biood jmnfter a ad tonic, you win aaiUM
your system Id manufacturing each day
pint of rich, red Wood, that to Invigo
rating to tha brain and nerve Tha
weak. MTvoua. run -down, debilitated
e addition which so many people suffer
from. i usually tha effect of poasotat la
Vh Mood; It tt ofvee liattcavnd by pimnles
er soils appeaitnc en the akin. Use face.
feaeoaMs thin and tha rattling 'sIm'
I . Fieros's Inseovery mnat ail Wood
huavor a wall aa Being a tonic that
makes ona vigorous, strotig aad foreafnl
It Is the only nedxane jm as tor ami
thraagh druggisaa for ilka parposes aka4
rmawlnl ajaiUidr alcoaiol aor hamfol
haHt-formiBf orajta. aad the aavly ona,
very togradssnt of o-hsch haa tha pitaHia
tonal aCdoraasMBt of tha teas' ing aaada-aa -ist
of this oowMrr. hams of Umo
aiiniiisiiuwiiii ar pubiiabed la a Itttia
hvjok of ortraeta fata stand ird marltrajl
arks aad aril) be aeat au any address
eex. oa rosatpt of re sweat ibarefnr by
lauar or posvaj card, siidiaand ao Dr. S.
V. TVsrea, BaCalo, K. V. It taUs jum
what Dr fSeraa's medlctaaa are made aL
1 he Words of Praise lor tha s-earal
lBgradkBatlB of which Dr. Ptarea'a aaedi-
ars nompaaed. by Isassn te all tha
kl atmaoU of madtril kTOettoa. aad
MoonimoBdusi litem for too ear of ut
'"" tar which the toidao MediraJ
Lhaoovary M adrtaad. ahauid bar far
mora watght with the aiek aad afmcaad
tha any aaoont of Uto eo-called aea
aaooials so eaBspteajouaUy taunsad hofora
tha ptibbe by those who or afraid to let
tha tagredMM of which ibw inrllnaai
xa eompoaad he kseeu bear in auad
taat tha 'Uuksan Medical Lesoooary aae
Tm bams or OjrmTT oa owary houa
wxappar, la a roil list of la tngredieam.
Dr. Pierce 'i PWaant Pellets euro cosy
at paUoc. iBvlgoraw tha liver aad reara
late stomach ad boweia,
I ,Pwo groat thoaaand paata UUta
araiaal Cosuaou Sx-na MadieAi Advtaer
wtU ba aont frae pair-boad. tcr tl oaa
aot tunM, ar dota-hoand tar hi ataaveV
"Ml as HbWVs" at tbe lirwMi.
This attractive and clever comedy fares
exceedingly Well from the Woodward stock;
company, although it does not by any
means exhaust the strength of the organisa
tion. The piece If modern, clean-cut and
delightfully amusing, without having re- i
course to tha farcical. Real humor in li i
runs in a rich vela through all of the four ;
acts. It gives Mis Lang and Mr. Morrison
special opportunities and both develop their
roles in a very satisfactory manner. "Miss
Hobhe" is a satire on the so-called new
woman, and the particular classification of
what Miss Hobbe set out to be is appor
tioned decidedly the losing end of the
argument. After ' discovering that Miss
Hobba believes all men to be hypocrites
and thorough sirmers. Wolf Kingiwarl (Mr.
Morrison) proceeds to demonstrate to the
lady bow much her views vary from a sana
acceptance of the conditions as they eaist.
He succeeds. He certainly ought to, for
Jerome K. Jerome, the author, gives the
new woman small latitude to ventilate her
opinions. She does put up something of a
mental contest for a while, but Wolf is
decrfctadly too clever in physical contrivance
and intellectual exchsnge; also in preach
ing sermons with object lemons.
Miss Xiobbs starts out with her views
perverted, and Miss Lang interprets well
the young nomas who has followed Iter
own cocksure notions long enough to make
little, trouble, but not to a point where
she is hide-bound by them and can't be
altered. In a measure the role is a hard
ona in which to retain sympathy, but by
the aid of bar beauty and an obvious un
certainty of assurance after Wolf has
sought to trap her. Miss Lang succeeded.
In fact, she compels one to take a heart
burning Interest in the final happy outcome
of the affair, rendering the role with
marked Intelligence.
Mr. Morrisons work goes a long way
toward making the play a hit. He goes
through scene after scene with a light
hearted abandon and crisp wit that are
captivating. Mr. Todd and Miss Hill do
eflective and pleasing work as Mr. and
Mrs. Fercival Kings earl. One of the big
gest laugh of tha show is provoked by
Grant Simpson as George Jessop in the
third act by a broad comedy touch. Miss
Ward is loveable, funny and happy as
Aunt Susan, Miss Davis charming a MU11
cent Farey and Mr. Schoheld and Mr.
Da vies acceptable in indifferent parte.
Vaadevllle at the ( rrlrhtea-Orpkrim.
The Orpheum opened the week Sunday
with another entertaining and amusing bill
snd at both initial performances the house
was thronged. Some members are above
the average and the whole is an adequate
fuinilment of the prime mission of vaude
ville to excite and amuse. Really there
Is not a "dead one" or an idler on the list.
The string begins to unwind at a most
lively clip with the O'Rourke Burnett
trio, father, mother and son, in some nov
elty dancing work which merits the gen
erous applause it received. The boy is
about 3 or 11. but the little chap already
is a worthy student of his parents' art
and working between father and mother
in a three-handed affair his little feet clat
ter away with about as much dekterity
as some older folks. Mildred Flora, an
eccentric comedienne, is clever. She does
soma neat tricks on a slack wire. also.
Mitchell and Cain, or as the bill has it,
The Frenchman and the other fellow,"
come In for a large share of the well
earned cheering. They are fut,ny enouarh
to "stay on" much longer than they do,
and at that they didn't appear to shy at
the lights any. This pair of pink or posies,
aa tha taata may be, strike a rattier cordial
spot right at the starts for they bring
back that happy eld tradition of the "long
and short" and mix up at least three
languages in ways that amuse. Mary
Dupont and company in John. W. Cope's
sketch. "Left at the Part," Is only another
method of introducing Willard Hutchinson
and Miss Dupont, who proceed to get in
on first money with a mighty rich little
skit as incongruous as it is funny, being
a burlesque on a marriage affair which
comes so near not being the real hymen
that a woman with a top hesvy temper
makes life one unutterable horror for a dudy
man with a Wall street name. Ferry Cor
wey. a musical clown, and Chris Bruno
and Mabel Russell do some very humorous
things and the Watson-Hutchlngs-Ed-wards
company gets under the wire at
least a tongue ahead of some of the rest.
This aggregation consist of Alice Hutch,
inga. Ed Eda-ards. Harry Watson and a
monkey, name not given. "The Vaude
ville Exchange" is the title of the problem
to which these star lend their talent and
It s decidedly rich, as rich ss it is impos
sible. A Fair of Flake- at the Km.
Harry Vokee Is happy In having the as
sistance of Willie Wert this season. West
plays Harold, while Ward does Percy, In
Just the same old way. It is a natural evo
lution of the characters, or rather the In
evitable progress of the pcir. Ward and
Yokes made them famous in days of old.
West and Yokes are adding to their ex-
, prrience nightly. In many ways this com
; blnailon of nonsense and foolery has broad
ened since last keen here, and with new
song, new chorus inoteincnta and new
lighting effects, it Is almost a new show.
West is a most acceptable substitute for
the original Haroid: Indeed, some go so far
as to say that he is a distinct improvement
on Ward. At any rate, ht i a low come
dian of resource and apparent tact, and
makes a lot of a liule in the way of get
ting fteeh fun out of a somewhat shop
om role. Mr. Yokes is what he has al
ways been. Harry M. Stewart, who i the
"Ylddisher" of tha troupe, is a worthy
member of the trio. Between them they
make a lot of laughter. Margaret Daly
Yoke Is the real life of the occasion, with
toe &ahr family talent for dancing and a
reasonable excuse for a sit.xir.g voi -e. Sh
leads a sprightlt and sl.apely chorus
through two or three notable numbers and
otherwise adds to the pleasure of the oc
casion. The company is Urge and enthu
siastic In Its efforts, and the whole was
voted a suooeae by two large audiences at
the K rug ye it relay.
Miaa Bab While- at the sejs.
Messrs. Nixpn A Z4mmennn restrained
for tra seasons any impulse t send this
production of theirs west, and It Is doing
no real violence to truth to Bay that the
prosperity or general happiness of the west
wjuid not have suffered greatly if it had
never been eent. A thin plot Is stretched
through three acts of indifferent music and
comedy of the simplest sort. The company
in charge of the affair works In an heroic
ay to give life to the lines and situation,
but without any very marked succe.
The democrats will hold a club organisa
tion n.eetirg in the Tenth ward Teurdv
night at Nattorai hail, corner ar Thir
teenth and Williaiii street. Mayoralty Can
didate Ifehlman will lend his presence to
til occua.
Fehtuary shows a slight decrease ia the
number of birth uador the same month
last year, th nrurca hem- la for 1M.
against 1ST lor llsd. There were eighty
eight malea and seventy-woe fesualea aad
Uiiv of the latlat a an uulurad. :
Maroellus R, luadoa has tiled a auit for
givorce from Faiitii- A. rtiadoa. to aboni
he waa married in ElalH-m August n. lsgi
He says hi wtre kelt him in April. 14
aayang eh would return la the fall, but she
has nut In hark-' Ha charges bar aim
4e rtlooi and aas aha a li bmt tnno
ml to prejudice the mind ft their Jtyu
ota afaXbst tint- - - r
Old Stack tt Hammoud Font Blown Down
by Dynamite Blast.
Great trend Assess ale Mltaess
I alaae Eaperlaaeat la 'Way af
lctreylBS 1 alaaaey that Has
OatUied Isefalaeaa.
A iare crud gathered on tut W street
viaduct at 1'j o ciock yesterday morning
to witness the lowering of the old square
stack of the Hammond plant- Originally
this stack wne one cf the highest in South
Omaiia and it was the first, but since the
build. ng came into disuse It has been sur
passed ty the active coropaniea. It had
gotten out of repair so aa to be of no
further servioe. so when it was desired
ta clesr the space for the Introduction of
the new hollers and th more commodious
new stack the National company began
to look out for the tet means to lower the
brick work. At first several feet were
taken off by hand, but the process was
slow. It was given out a few day ago
that the company would dynamite the
stack and bring it all down at once.
About 1J feet cf the stack wss left in
position. This accounted for the large
crowd that assembled to see the bricks
come down. r?rk. Jcr.nsr.u & Parks had
charge of the work., and they had the as
sistance of Mr. Chtistlanson. chief of con
struction of the National company, and
Messrs. Anderson and Gsrdener of tha
local fores.
The first step was the undermining cf
on side of the stack ss far as safety
would allow. Then a few sticks of dyna
mite were placed on the other side. H. C
Murphy wa given the honor of firing the
fuses which loaered one of the old land
mat ks and marked a new era In the activ.
Ities of the Hammond plant and the in
dustries of South Omaha. On the moment
of the explosion the firm looking structure
simply ditiaolved end dropped in a Bhape
less mass of rubbish. Th blast was a
perfect success in every wsy. Not only
did the brick separate from the. mortar,
but most of them fell uninjured and can
be used again.
In the place of the old stack the Na
tional company will build a new 2(K-foot
stack of large capacity. With the removal
of this stack the most of the ground has
been cleared for the erection of the new
power building and some of the new con
struction Is already under way. Quite a
force of men is buKy clearing and exca
vating on the ground, beside a very large
force occupied in the main building. The
construction of the new re-enforring wall
on the west side of the largest building is
almost completed.
Tsi Firemen Hart.
One or two narrow escapee on the part
of the firemen were recorded at the
Koutsky fire Saturday night and two were
slightly Injured. Assistant Chief Fred Linn
was one who fell one story and received
several scrstches and minor bruises, but
nothing of a serious nature. Jack McKeal.
one of the firemen, u also similarly in
jured. Lou Vanscoy fell into the fire and
managed to come out without a scratch.
With two other companions he volunteered
to assist the department. The chief sent
them up the stairs st the front of the
building which hsd burned through near
the ceiling of the paint store, but could
be mounted from the bottom for about
half the distance. He gave them a hose
to handle while he went about other duties.
When he returned he heard the men shout
ing from the mslrs. He rwhed to the
spot and was informed by Ihe two men
who were left that Vanscoy had Just fallen
over the top step of the partially burned
stair into the fire. He ordered the men
to throw the hose down at about the place
where the man disappeared and ran down
the steps to the first floor of the paint
shop, where the fire wa rapidly working
its way to the front. Here he met Vanscoy
walking out of the flames with the remark.
"They never touched me." So far as could
be seen the man did not have a hair
The firemen kept a line of hose on the
fire ail day ant? the ruin hue ceased to
smoke. The Koutsky brothers, who own
the paint store, are both out of the city,
so it cannot be lcsrned what the precise
damage to their stock will be. It was
stated that there was an insurance of W.VI0
on the building and that Koutsky Bros,
were Insured adequately to cover most of
their loss. E. E. Anderson, on the third
floor, manager for Schmoller A Mueller,
had considerable household goods which
mere destroyed, but these were also pro
tected by insurance. The estimated loss
by fire was about Uft.OMi. It is likely that
at least fi."".! Is covered by the Insurance.
The Stott Stationery company suffered a
loss of about from water in the base
ment and the Tcung Men's Christian asso
ciation estimates its loss at about 130.
which wa insured.
Aaaay'BBoaa ircalar.
The time of the political stampede is has
arrived and with" It appears an anonymous
circular, charging almost every officer who
has become a candidate for re-election with
ail degrees of shameless graft. There is
no distinction aa to party, although it is
said that th distribution among the ranks
of the democrats is more general than
among the republicans. Tb foliowl-r is a
part of the circular, insofar as it apt Ik s to
I local affairs:
I The prospects for our city this year is
good it e keep out of office grafters and
corrupt official. Remember the teal
to corporation without one oent of return
to the city. Remember the fire hail ail
for K.aO1 when the adjoining lot could be
bourht for tl., or a corner lot one block
north on Twenty-fffth street for . r.n t
forget the stiempted city hall site graft.
iKm t forget the corporation steals and
graft of Individual manipulators, while un
necaaJ7 lajtea are increasing and small
homes are sacrificed. lHn t forget that the
44 1 cari tell by ray little
ones' sleep when a cold is
coming on" said a mother
when speaking of the advance
symptoms of colds in children.
44 Thev toss about, are rest
less, their breathing is heavy
and there are symptoms of
night sweats. The next morn
ing I start with Scott's Emul
sion. The chances are that
in a day or two they are all
over it Their rest is again
peaceful and the breathing
Here's a suggestion for
all mothers. Scott's Emul
sion always has been almost
.magical in its action when
used as the ounce of preven
tion. Nothing seems to over
come child weakness quite so
effectivelv and quickly aa
Scott's Emulsion. N
oOvTT Nt, aj rearl OV,
preeent city oouri'-il mas going to t lin
stock yard M tor the 4 i leet "1
seer and exempt the yars from building
the tunnel at a eoet of lit fctt. making a
total graft of !!". to the yards if the
bonds had carried the first time. Of course
Jou know the ciusens' committee saved the
city this UneOtn
Citisens of Smi'.h Otiiaha, remerrber
Poston. Philadelphia, Palunioie. New York.
Chicago. Mmne"ilif . H, !.".'!. San Fran
cieeo and many other ciile beat the bood
lers and grafters snd sre now fnut lot
ward In leaps nnd bounds. South omaha
is today throttled by the worst gang of
grafter tht ever Infested any city. Sr.ak
them off and let South Omaha be a fit place
for a working man to live ir to own a
I home In. a ft place to invest .nonev tn.
a place f"r rich and poor alike. C1tsn.
along with the enormous smount cf taxes
collected the citv received in scavenger
txe the sum of tMTit. Where is It all
gone to? It Is stolen snd squandered, as
there is nothing to show for our noney.
Iaabert Makes a Reply.
It is not known what action the other
candidates may take with regard to the
above circular, but the city attorney. W.
C. Lambert, ha sent in the following
refutation cf the charges contained in the
accusing circular:
I beg permission for space sufficient to
reply to some statement in an uns,nwi
circular distributed to democrats uni on
yesterday. 1 00 this simply oeuause it up
pears at the lat ruinuie lur Hie sole pur
pose ot misleading someone not laminar
with the lacis.
The circular Is not only unsigned, but the
union label thereon is not numoert-d so
that it can he escertainecl who feinted it
iioth its contents snd its appearance tc
lrys the parentage cf the monster.
There sre only two candiuates fot the
nomination for the office of city attornfy
on the democratic ticaet, all other office
except city clerk have three or more.
A moment reflection convinces that tins
ofhee only would tie affected by this circu
lar snd that it was the purpose of th ' ii
rular 1 hurt toy candmcy the other
names being used ks an excuxe and a blind
The matters complained ot in the circu
lar concern principally matters before the
council, yet 1 am the Cist named on the
proscribed list.
I have had and could have had nothing
to do with the purchase ot a lire hail site,
nothing to do with the selection ol a city
hail site, exc-ept to advise its veto under
the circumstances.
The giving aoay of street was before my
time and would not come to my office iu
any event.
I did give an opinion to the mayor arid
council on the sewer proposition and to
the credit of this offife the comprnmia 2
oltered by the citisens' committee was
based soleiy upon low suggestions of Uiat
The city tteaFurer has charge of all
moneys received from the scavenger suit,
not 1. Our office has forced toe payment
of this mone and its incumbent is entitled
to the credit (if Its collection.
I am an King a renomination on no either
ground than my recuiru in tins office ana
1 am not seeking 11 on the hais ol bc-iut;
a mud sllnger. 1 am inamy enough to sign
any cuaree or accusation 1 might desire 10
make. 1 have been here twelve years and
exject to stay here, pay taxes and have
an interest in the city. I nave iield this
office for two years and invite Inveslita
tKin 4he records are vpen. 1 challenge the
author of this circular to reprint the same
or its contents over his signature. No one
hut a coward or a half-buKed thug would
rest under such a challenge.
Recom Bead V. J. Barrett.
We. the undersigned, a committee ap
pointed by the Central Labor body of
South Omaha to nolicit fund for the
families of the striking workingmcn during
the Ftrike of liM, wish to say tLat Mr.
P. J. Barrett, the undertaker, now a candi
date for the council on .the democrat
ticket, was the only one of the business
men to give us a much as $5.
Working-men of South Omaha, remember
Mr. Barrett as he remembered your fami
lies and vote for him. (Signed)
MRS. H. rXDTLE. 20U L St.
PalitlrlaB Interested.
Quite a number of anxiou politicians
visited Clerk J. J. Gillin yesterday and
the object of their concern wa the opinion
of City Attorney Breen of Omaha on the
judges of election at the primaries. Ac
cording to Mr. Breen the Board of Regis
trars who have charge of the revision of
registration are to act as" judge of the pri
mary election. It has been the opinion
here that the mayor and council should
appoint a new and separate body for this
work. This w as done last Wednesday noon.
The clerk said he did not know . whafAt
tomey Lambert's opinion concerning the
point wa. not thst St would be at all
affected by the opinion of Breen. Mr.
Lambert stated last night that so far as
the judges and clerks were concerned, he
had no Intention of following the opinion
of Breen: that Ereen had given out eight
or ten opinions on the elerton law which
had all been turned down by the supreme
court. As to the point of swearing un
registered voters, he admitted that Breen
was possibly right in saying that they had
no rirht to vote at the primaries at all.
He did not give this as his official opinion,
but expects to Investigate the matter this
morning and report the same to the city
clerk. At all events any one wishing to
swear tn hi vote tomorrow will have to
be able to prove his party affiliation by a
reference to a poll book where he last
voted. It is the apparent Intent of the law
to exclude that class of voters from the
primaries who do not take interest enough
in them to see in good sen son that their
names are on the registration lists.
Rebllri Active.
The usual lively Interest has attended
all the meeting of the republican clubs
during the week. Friday evening th
Polish club met at tis hall at Twenty
seventh and J streets and celebrated a
great victory in advance. The meeting was
one of unusual enthusiasm and remarkable
for the large number of candidates present.
Most of the candidates made short speeches
asking the support of the club in the pri
maries. Saturday night the Bohemhui Republican
club met In Smkule's hall in Brown park.
This is the newest .organisation in town,
buf'lt also was most enthusiastic. The
meeting was addressed by W. P. Adkins,
H. C. Murphy and other candidates, and
It Is apparent there will be a strong vote
In this quarter.
Testrrday afternoon the Lithuanians met
In their hall on the west side and had a
combined fiolitiral and all around good
time. The membership is growing rapidly
and after the primaries will increase still
Plire Department Resert.
The monthly report of the polica depart
ment to the city council will contain th
following Item: Total number of arrests
mad during February. 1. number fined.
4; amount of fine. ilS: amount of coats
attached, flil; number of cases diamissed.
U; number sentenced to county jail. I;
number sentenced to city ail, 41; cases
turned over to other citie, S; case con
tinued. It, Th amount of stolen property
reported was estimated at 1J1 and th
valu of that recovered was about !&. One
death sentence was issued, that against an
obnoxious dog.
City Clerk at W rk.
Owing to the urgent pressure of th de
tails of th election Tuesday the dty clerk
spent part of the day yesterday ia his
office, where the counting of ballot for
the election was completed and all other
details brought strictly to a rluae. He also
read th proof of th poll books and they
were returned to the printers, who have
had to work night and day to get the
necessary printing don. Today the clerk
will ask the police department for a special
detail cf e fftvers to attend to th distri
bution of the ballot boxes Tuesday morn
ing. Several teams will be hired to expedite
the distribution.
strsl(ratlaa ( Vain.
With regard to the specuiaUons among
the voters and candidate of South Owaii.
as to whether any person who had not
been able la register hi vot on the regu
lar day of regiatraOou. nor on ti day of
revision, would be allowed 10 swear in iaa
vote or primary day. City Attorney W. C.
Lambert Monday morning Issued the fol
lowing opinion, aocordiiif to which thti-e
The "Discovery
of the
Soda Cracker
will be no changes from the present ar
rangements for such registration. The only
thing will be the extraordinary precautions
taken when such candidates apply before
the city clerk. He sas:
SOlTH OMAHA. March 1-3 1. Gillin.
City clerk, viiy: Iv-ar bir Complying with
your reiust lor our views in writing as
to the rinht of one not repsicred to vote at
the coming primaries, we submit the fol
lowing: In State ex rel Adsir against Prexel. re
cently rteeicled by our supreme court, and
belr.K the last expression of our court on
this question, the following is lound: "The
conclusion reached in respect to the mat
ter last discussed disposes of the objection
that only those who have registered at the
last general election, except first voters
and those moving into the precinct since
t.aid eleciiori. are tiermilted to vote at a
primary election as therein provided for.
It doe not appear to have been the legisla
tive intent to exclude from voting at such
primary election those not having registered
at the lata general election, nor do we
think it competent for the legislature to do
so. Such election must be free to all who
are other wine qualified to participate
therein; where there is a failure to register,
when good and sufficient reasons exist,
this fact shouid not justify disl rancliise
nient of the voter at such primary. State
against Comer, Neb.. 3b&. The provi
sions for registration tefore voting, as w
have feeti. contemplated a registration on
the same day as the primary election, and
those provision having been eliminated, no
obstacle in I lie way of registration, or the
absence thereof, can prevent a voter other
wise qualinod from casting a ballot at
such primary election "
This language is too plain to admit of
douk.t. and it is unquestionably the law of
this state that a qualified voter may. upon
the showing of good and sufficient reason,
vote at the primary election. However, 1
believe .that there is considerable discre
tion vested in ou to determine whether or
not tlie reasons asnigned are sufficient be
fore giving the affidavit. To the end that
fraud may not te practiced under this
rather liberal provision of the law. it would
s-em proj-r that utmost precaution be
taken to de termine the sufficiency as well
as the good faith of I he excuse offered for
not reaieterine. tnquestionahly the two
persons takina the oath with the applicant
should be irecholde rs and should reside in
such proximity to ttie proposed vote r a to
exclude any aoubt of their knowledge as to
the facts to which they swear to. With
such precautions rigidly impose-d, the intent
as well as the plain provisions of the law
will be carried out to its full extent.
Maavir City t.oaslB.
Mr. W. Ptewart ha returned to Okla
homa. Iicck room for rent in Bee office, city hall
building. South Omaha-
The Inish Politicl club met at its hall,
i'41 N street, yesterday pfternoon.
Jetter's Oold Top Beer delivered to all
(arts of the city Telephone No. .
Mrs. S. N. M-Cold has returned from
Iowa, where she attended the funeral of an
uncle .
Mrs. Paul Bycrlv left fcrr Sioux City
Sunday morning. She expects to vifcit a
week in that city.
The city wil: meet tonight. It i
possible, oaing ;o the near approach of
the el'dlor.. that the iody will adjourn
iin'll Wednesday nigh-.
Mrs. Holland Beavers gave an elaliorate
lunch at 1 o'clock Kridav afternoon in
honor tit her sister, Mrs. J. hi Carpenter
of CrooKston, Aln.n. Cover were laid for
thirty guests.
The appointment of the new Board of
Fire and police cominisnloners will be
miide public today. It Is likely that most
If not all the old board will be appointed
for a new term.
Mr, tieoigia Ptton. ajfi North Twenty
seventh street, died Sunday morning at I t...
The burial will be Jroni G. H. Brewer un
dertaking jaijer Tuesday at if p. m. The
burial will le in Laurel Hill cemetery.
The Board of Lduoation of this city will
hold Its regular iixnuhiy meeting tonight at
the high school building. It 1 not known tiiere will tee anything out of the usual
routine to occupy the attention fo the
ivmte a large crowd wa out to hear the
e a ngelinic talk of W. K. Fenno, the rail
road vatie li! i. last night. The crowd was
not as laie as it should have been, cem
siderinj: tne spl-ndid and practical talk
Mr Fenno is buMneaaiik in his style and
fully a earliest L.a any man in business
could lee. He will ejeak during the even
ings of this week. South Omaha people
should not fail to hear him.
Omm Fin for the k.n TVI
Via Chicago Great Western rahway o
points within 1&0 miles. Tickets on sale
every paiuiuay auu puuuar iu Apiii ft. uw
Good returning the following Monday. Dow
rates to other points on saie every Friday
For full information apply to H. l,
Churchill, G. A , loll Parnam St.
Kabl A JebaatBB.
will display new spring millinery on and
after Thursday, Marih 1.
Tickets for Sam Jones' lecture on sale at
Auditorium Tuesday morning. March .
Jim Key 1 coming,.
6TERLJNG SILVER-FTetiaer. li D dg
Ihrr raeiSe ABetllor.
R bert Adam? of Kan Tranciseo, G R.
rv.l II ,. . I.i. r,i t1 tlr.iiamri Tn - T ft P.
! ward i-f New Orleans C C. Barry of San
FrMtiriwn and C J McNitt of Salt 1-tke
City, auelit'ers of the Southern I'acinc Kail
; rcead 4-eit:iaiiy. are In tne e-ity on hueneea
curve-ted witn mat road, ana are guem
at th fallen. It wa learned from the
auditor ofhee they had boen her about
liRSe liKSLOirS
lBne.4) Tor aiarrwiaea.
For years the humble soda cracker remained
obscure and unappreciated. No one seemed to
realize its food value no one seemed to know
that it was one of the most nutritious rations
Then one day the soda cracker was
"discovered." The NATIONAL BISCUIT
COMPANY saw its value if properly pre
sented to the public They set about to
bring its quality to the highest possible stand
ardthe result being U need 3 DiSCUlt,
which are to-day recognized as one of the
staple foods of the American people.
Nearly 400,000,000 packages of them have
been sold, and the food value of the soda
cracker is a settled fact.
HJneeda Biscuit
three week going over the Joint auditing
books of the Harriman system.
Retire te Lbb4 Seekers.
A large1 tract of valuable agricultural lund
Is to tee thrown open for settlement on
March 30, W. This land has been in litlya
tlon for twelve years and on January 10
the Vnited Btate land office handed down
an opinion which will open this land for
settlement on March 10.
The tract consists of about W.Oifi acres of
fine agricultural land in North Dakota, or
about 1 homesteads. Tl is is a very fine
tract of land and is worth at the present
time from 3.V.l to H.Oflfi per homestead.
It is valuable wheat land, with an im
mense deposit of lignite coal underlying It.
A special excursion for March is being
arranged to take a party f people up to
bhb this land, and will be in charge of an
agent of the Illinois Central Railroad com
pany. It is a chance of a lifetime to get a
good quarter section of farm lsnd and a
coal mine for the asking .
In order to -avoid a rush the facts are
not made public at this 'imc but full in
formation can be Lad by applying at the
Illinois Central city ticket office, 14"2 Far street, or addressing Samuel North,
district passenger agent, Omaha, Neb.
Bid for Sew BnlldlaBra.
Fisher ttr Lawrie have asked for bids on
the Conservative Savings and lxan asso
ciation s building across Harney street
from the Boyd theater. The architects
have drafted plana for a building of strik
ingly leeantifu) classics! front, with col
umns at the second story. Bid are being
People who investigate give their unquallified endorement to Dr. E. C. Scott rebtrip
tion because he rejec u ail elements that produce drug habit or leave had after effect.
E-LIM-I-NO overcome Weakness and Depra-saion without alcolioU whisky, win o
strichnine stimulants. E-lim-l-no acts by cleaning the blood of poiaonous waste products
and thus restore the circulation.
E-LIM-I-NETS Cur Chronic Constipation and make unnecessary the continued
use of physic T hev are a dehcht to all thus afflicted.
E-LIM-I-NA-TUM Stop Pain and Relieves Soreness without the ne of opium,
morphine, cocaine, or other narcotic. E-lim-i-na-tum arts by dissolving from the tissues
and Joint the poisons that are settling and causing pain.
,.T ';nl"1JL1" h'ri ,M,ne slrsOB life mra resort t tb whip spar of t!mnliion. Vnt
r''T1' eii-ei.. to which niaar d the we of tdeacco. ac-i. ,id alsouVue
drink all of wturh hul rause n c-eamuittua e.f poiscmoiM .ui. tr the sTsiem. '"'ue"
... , "r"" f 't"' reai-lieel th limit, lo atlampl to whip up lbe fmllnt litem with mora
..ot!.b Th'iTI HiJir' i',dMl .'lh re'""" tmxJnrt. the .-sly le course I to t-lea eat the
ETrStor. bke.Uh HX,':"'' ' " """" ,J'le" "T " "4
Ar ou Willing to Be Shown!" To prove the great superiority of the Elimino Reme
dies over ail other medicines for the ailments named below we will send a maka-d copy of
Dr. E. C. Scott's New 64-Page Book Free
to all sufferer who will place a cross (XI in front of their ailments and send this announce
ment in with their name and address plainly written.
Poor Circulation Despondency
Low Vitality Drug Habits
Catarrh Constipation
Sleeplessness Varicose Veins
.-ena no money, the Book is free, "i ou get th medicine of your druggist. F.liminets
Sc; r lunmo and tlirtunatum f i.oo each. If your druggist does not haxe or will not cat
them for you, they will be sent direct, prenaid. on recemt of nrir.
tr i . . ...
Mill FOR
fcs ihrough our treatment be restored to
and restores mental and physical powers completely. We hare
cured thousands of men and reax-ued them from becomi&s mental and
physical wrecks. Don't hesitate to consult us free of charge. You ran
be cured. lie a maw. We treat successfully Xervo-Vital lebiliijr. Vari
cose aiid FnLargc-d Veins, Plica, Kupturr, kldoey and Uladdr-t- I It tea-,
Korea, rinrrt, Krsrni, aad all skia dlaeaaew also Blood I'oiaon and
ail e-lal diseases of men.
We have made a study of and devod all our time to the
treatment of men's dlaease for the past twenty-four years.
Northwestern Medical & Surgical Instituh
Mertkent Car. lata aad
taken br Fisher A- Lawn for a row u
flats at ' Twentv-mxth and rwey aventi
tor K. C. Mover. They will cost abois
DUtre -t Holt Cowwty itlseas la
Vlatled I bob lirrl Osnaka
rst mast er.
There seems to be no etsj of postofficet
trouble in a little town In Holt count.
and the Omaha postmaster l.s been In
vited through aa anenymous letter to settle
the trouble. The letter was received Mon
dsy morning And Is as folio-.
S . Neb.. March 2. (. Asist Postmaster
generl we have a very Boor mail servlcee
here or Poor management in this office
Post master here here opens and reeds MslI
that roe not Concern him maters at all
and Burns letters that should of Been sent
to it Destination snd there is lots of other
things so we wonld like to have a Chang
here and a new Postmaster here we have a
good man here to fill the Place so atend to
It at once.
WATCHES Frenaer. lith and Dodge.
DIAMONDS Edholm. 18th and Harney.
Marriage Llreae-.
The following marriage license have
beeu Issued:
Name and Residence. Ag.
Clarence- R. Dixon. Omaha a;
Nettie P.ash. Omaha 2i
William J. Ore.-n. Omaha e
Mary Brasher, Omaha 4
Kidney Trouble
Stomach Troubel
Heart Trouble
Dlssiness i
... 1 .
i nese remarkable remedies are based upon the new ttn-ir.-
r.f .. : j . . i '
i uiuui.uuiiiiiiiHaDi ine common practice of stunn-
m fiuiituon. j ne cook ana the remedies deserve
every home. Write todav. Do ii nn laa -
MEDICINE CO., Dee Moines, Iowa
I lllllTatlllslllllieiliej
Our specialty lg diseases of men and
men only. If yon feel weak, gloomy,
despondent, have poor memory, lack
ambition and fee! that there Is a grad
ual growing wekD of your nervous
and physical ostein, come to us and
ceann ana strenetn. it rejuvenates
and builds up new nerve force and pro
motes a free circulation to the organs
ta-, OMAHA. Mat.