Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Tim Omaha Daily Bee.
Dally Bee (without Sunday), one year
In il V He and Sunday, one year ,
Illustrated H-e, one year
HiinrtHf H-e, one year
Saturday B-e, one year
Iallv Hee. (including Sunday), per week.. 17c
I'lllr Hoe (without Sunday), per week.. ..lie
Evening H-e (without Sunday), per week. M
Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week. ...10c
Sunday Bee. per copv 60
Address complaint of Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
i iiniilia The Bee Building.
H-nili utna ha City Hall Building.
coiinril Bluff -() I'eurl Street.
Mi-ao lt.lo Cnlty Building.
New York Home IJfe Ins. Rullding.
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Oiminunlratlons relating to news and ed
Itorlal matter should be addressed: Omaha
ilie, lidJlorlal Department.
Remit tiv draft, express or postal order
pat-able' to The Bee Publishing Company.
nlv I-cent stamps received aa payment of
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
C. (I Rosewater. secretary of The Bee
Publishing rompanv, being duly wc"rni
hmvs tliat the actual number of full hnd
iiif ilto copies of The Dally. Morning,
Evening ami Sunday Bee printed during
Hi month of February. 19. was aa fol
lows: ,
I a t.KU
2 ai.Bno
s :ta.aM
4 21,MiO
5 , m,7o
7 ,.. at.Bfto
in :u.7o
II .. 2W.UUO
12 at, a so
13 3l.atH
14 31,2tM
13 81.300
1 33.040
17 aa.soo
18 29JtC
1( 3l.3ftO
M 31.3TO
21 Sl.HUO
22 SltlM)
JS 81.430
S 2U.20O
i6 31.30O
Ji 31.3NO
Lens unsold copies ,
Net total sales K(U).OIs)
J 'aily uv;rage 31,374
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
b.'fore mo this 2Mb day of, February, 19ut.
(Seal) M. B. HUNUATE.
Notary Public.
Snhacrlbers leaving; Ike city tem
porarily should have The) Bee
mailed to them. Address will be
ehauiced aa often as requested.
"Mitko Oiuubu too Lot for crliniuuls."
Itut you cannot do It by electing Walter
Molse's niiii) for innyor.
The greatest shortcoming of the 1m-li-ii(liiiK
democratic love feast, wo fenr,
w III Ih tho (leiirth of pie to puns around
unions Hie Nebraska faithful.
If John . Rockefeller (1H8 not do
something to stop this decline In prices
on Willi street lie tuny And his vacation
cost inn him more than he expected.
Now that the house, of representatives
la short of work the members of con
gress in IkIi t net rid of their stock cam
paign speeches before the busy seusou
lit-Klnn apiin.
.1 list lee Otitic rslccvo' hits attain post
poned the oil hearing In New York. This
should Kive II. II. lingers time to be
come "wise" to the situation and to run
while he him a chance.
The Htissian I'tlmr leader who com
muted suicide to prov his honesty may
have conformed to Russian standards,
but in America self-destruction Is more
usually taken as an admission of gnllt.
'.Make Omaha too hot for criminals,"
is a Kood slogan, but In the Interval It
would lie a good Idea to put the brakes
mi the dally police gazettes that are
breeding new criminals among us every
It Is hardly befitting for any news
paper published at Hastings to berate
Omaha as a hot bed of lawlessness be
fore the shrieks of the poor Chinaman
recently tortured by Hastings hoodlums
have died away.
It remained for a German scholar to
discover an official phase to the trip of
Miss Roosevelt to the fur east. In
America the belief has been that it
proved to lie more o matter of sentiment
thau of statecraft
The czar has decided that hereafter
Vladivostok shall le a port of entry. His
proclamation may lie more effective than
the effort of the mikado, who attempted
to make it a port of entry for hU war
ships uot so long ago.
A Russian "blue' cross society has
la'eu organized to care for persons af
fected by present trouble In that laud.
Apparently the word "ml" has a mean
ing, to Russians not generally recog'
ul.ed In other lands.
If the telephone situation in Omaha
has itccp simplified Into a demand for
an additional telephone franchise, pure
and .simple, mid an abandonment of the
couipnlsory' connection foolishness, one
step in advance has been taken.
The generous concession of the rail
Kinds In granting a special rate of a fare
and a third to Lincoln for the gathering
of the leaders of the democratic claus
insures attendance of every self lui
(xirtant democrat who ran scrape op a
free pass.
, Archbishop Glen no u of St Louis has
taken tip the cry of, Bishop Scannell
against the demoralizing influences of
the yellow play. The objectionable
(heater is not confined to any one city
uor U the problem presented by It iu
5kny way a local one.
J. The Railway Age calls upou Trent
dent Roosevelt to take a decided staud
tm the railway rale bill. If the special
pletuler of the railway iuterests have
Ut liccn doing a lot of unnecessary
)toutlug. the Railway Age Is about the
oiily railway com-vrn which has not
found out that the president has not
only takeu a position, but that the posl
Uuu la well deuued.
A pow-wow of so-called democratic
leaders Is about to be held at Lincoln to
outline the party iollrj in Nebraska
and discuss plans for the coming cam
paign. This meeting will give the
democrats an opportunity to make good,
If they are so disposed, on some of the
promises made to the people in their
lust state platform. Among the resolu
tions promulgated by the democratic
convention last fall were the following:
We favor the passage at the next session
of Nebraska's legislature of a law provid
ing for the nomination of candidates for
public office by the direct primary system.
We fnvor the election of United States
senators by direct vote of the people ns
the only means of bringing that body Into
harmony with the -oters.
At the coming election the people of
Nebraska will choose a candidate for
United States senator, as well as can
didates for otiier state offices. In mak
ing their selection they will. In all
probability, have to choose between
nominees of the two great parties the
republican and the democratic.
If the democrats mean what they say
In their platform they will let the rank
and file of their party have something
to say as to who shall be their nomi
nees for these offices. True, their plat
form declaration relates to n law pro
viding for nominations by direct pri
mary, but ther is nothing whatever
to hinder the present party organiza
tion putting Into effect at once ft rea
sonably efficient direct priuinry system.
The democratic organizations in the
southern states have worked out and
put Into operation direct primary sys
tems of their own by which democratic
candidates for 1'nlted States senator,
as well as for state offices, are regu
larly chosen without any legal legisla
tive enactment on the subject. What
has lwen done by the democratic or
ganizations In Arkansas, Virginia, Mis
sissippi and Georgia can be done In
Nebraska. If the democrats sincerely
favor the election of United States sen
ators by direct vote, how can they op
pose the nomination of their own can
didates for United States senator by
direct vote, and how can they escape
the charge of indulging in political clap
trap If they nullify their own conven
tion declarations?
Nebraska democrats have the chance
to make the first move. Will they
take it, or will they, as usual, dodge
behind some frivolous pretext?
The Illusory and protean character of
a franchise Is freshly Illustrated by the
valuations Insisted upon by a proprie
tary corporation for the very different
purposes of selling and of listing for
taxation. The New York Central Rail
road company officially demands the
sum of $100,000,000 as the price of legal
condemnation 'of Its franchise for the
use of certain Important streets of New
York City as right-of-way, and stands
In open court with drawn sword to re
sist any lesser compensation. Last year
the state board assessed the same fran
chise at $1,480,000, In spite of the com
pany's vehement protestation that such
assessment Is excessive and confisca
tory, and the company Is today in court
resisting the enforcement of valuation
at that figure, for taxation as strenu-
otisly'as It Is at the same time Insisting
as a seller upon the higher price.
The New York case Is notable, but
not unique. It by no means snrpasses
the preposterous feat of the Nebraska
railroads which on a notorious occasion
established In court by their own wit
nesses the fact that the total value of
their terminals and rights-of-way in
Omaha was In excess of $20,000,000 and
later caused the same value to vanish
utterly from the assessment roll under
pretense of distributing it on a mileage
basis throughout the state.
Perhapg some day a rule may be
found good enough to work loth ways
on the franchise chameleon.
The assumption that a president of
the United States Is not permitted by
the constitution to go outside of the na
tlonal jurisdiction, although entertained
quite commonly. Is not well founded
There Is nothing whatsoever In the su
preme law to prevent President Roose
velt from visiting Kmperor William on
German soil, or In fact from passing
our own frontier into foreign parts
whenever ho may have occasion or de
sire so to do.
The only constitutional provision liear
Ing even remotely on this question Is
the one which 'specifies that in case
of the president's "iuubillty to dis
charge the twers nnd duties of said
office the same shall devolve on the
vice president." There hns lxen spec
ulation, for the most part of a far
fetched and hair-splitting character, on
the point whether absence of the presi
dent from his country constitutes' "ina
bility" to discharge the duties of his
office. But obviously and by agree
ment of competent minds mere ab
sence I by Itself would not create the
condition that would devolve the presi
dential powers on the vice president
The president might be abroad under
conditions which would constitute dis
ability, and those conditions were In
comparably more conceivable In 1787
than they are In the present state of
communications and international com
ity. Indeed, disability might then
easily have arisen from an absence
which did not take the presideut ont
of territory now included In our coun
try. The president U commander-in- hief
of the army and navy. If we Mipisme
him to take command lu iiei-son and
military necessity to require him to
cross the boundary there would result
this absurdity, from the familiar error
as to the constitution, that that act ipso
facto would work temporary forfeiture
of office and he would cease to be com-r-suder-le-chlef
, , .
But such views W-hmg to the realm of
speculation and have no practical bear
ing whatever. If Theodore Roosevelt
should visit Germany he would lie there
as much president of the United States
as William would le emperor of Ger
many while a visitor here.
The death of General .lohn M. Scho
tleld removes the last of the regular
army officers who achieved high rank
and fame during the civil war. He
will be associated In history with the
brilliant group of successful soldiers of
that period, whose most conspicuous
figures are Grant, Sherman, Sheridan
and Thomas. None of these served
continuously so long In the regular
armj- or In such varied employments
as General Schofleld, who entered the
military academy at West Point as a
cadet In 1840 and did not retire till 1805,
when as lieutenant general he hnd long
been the ranking officer of the army.
General Schofleld's enreer during the
civil war demonstrated that he was an
accomplished soldier, of solid Judgment,
as well ns of brilliant initiative and
dash, and never failing In emergency.
From the outbreak to the close of the
war he was therefore Invariably chosen
for serious and difficult duty. The Im
portance of his service, although under
stood by nil special students, has never
received the popular recognition It de
served. Hut it Is known that It was
Schofleld who broke the backbone of
Hood's army In the desperate fighting
at Franklin, Teun., and there paved
the way for its complete annihilation a
little later by the national forces con
centrated under Thomas at Nashville.
It was a critical time In the great na
tional struggle, when the fierce-fighting
rebel general. Hood, a classmate of
Schofleld at West roint, swept north
from Atlanta In the fall of 1804 against
Sherman's communications, aiming at
an objective lieyond the Ohio. Schofleld
was ordered to oppose him, so ns to
gain time to gather the detachments
scattered over that region Into an effect
ive force. The masterly skill with
which he conducted his retreat and nil
the collateral movements, until he was
able to turn and strike Hood at Frank
lin Is now acknowledged by military
critics to be one of the finest demonstra
tions of generalship In -the war. Nor
was the fatal force of the blow there
struck fully revealed till manv years
afterward, when the confederate war
records were published. The ultimate
result was to clear the whole interior
of the country and set Sherman free In
his famous march to the sea.
By such achievement Schofleld rose
from the rank of captain to that of
major general In the regular army be
fore the close of the civil war. Ills
military services after the war were
Important and honorable. Besides be
ing a typical fighter he was a gentle
man of learning and culture. He acted
ns secretary of war at a difficult time
toward the close of Johnson's adminis
tration and filled many other Important
assignments at home and abroad, al
ways with credit.
A challenge to mortal combat is in
order between the city attorney of
South Omaha and the city attorney of
Omaha. Nothing less thau blood ven
geance can wipe out the affront con
lained in the declaration of the South
Omaha city attorney that he does not
give n fig leaf for the opinion of the
Omaha city attorney as to the meaning
of the law governing the appointment of
judges and clerks of primary elections,
A mere disagreement on legal technical
ities might be passed up as harmless,
but the South Omaha city attorney
publicly adds that the Omaha city at
torney had given out eight or ten opin
ions on the election law which had all
been turned down by the supreme court,
Intimating that the only safe rule to
follow Is to ascertain how the Omaha
city attorney coustrues the law and
then read it the other way. When doc
tors disagree we know "what to do, but
when lawyers accuse each other of
knowing no law we are all up a stump.
Here is another iwlitical howdy-do.
A factional schism Is threatened among
the socialists of Omaha, who are deny
lug the right of one another to liear
the party standard without first paying
dues to the International organization.
The socialists have slept upon their
rights by not registering written remon
s trances within three days against the
filings that are now questioned. The
state of Nebraska does not recognize
pre-payment of dues to any society as
one of the qualifications for office. We
might, however, have had an Interest
ing session over a contest for the use
of the party name and at the same time
obtain some additional light as to Just
what makes a man a socialist.
The suggestion that the. money raised
In aid of Japanese sufferers be used to
buy corn In America to be sent to Japau
conies from Michigan. The shipment
might also be made In American ships.
thus eucouraging another American in
dustry, but as the Japanese are not fa
miliar with the use of maize the gift
would savor too much of selfishness to
be appreciated.
Ills Real Motive.
Washington Post.
Dr. Hadley, president of Yale, says the
Hepburn bill la "Illogical and impracti
cable," but he would like to see It paaaed by
congress. In other words, he wants th
supreme court to earn its wages.
The t'rarlal Teat.
Chicago News.
Judge Eandls has ruled that the Intur
state Commercv commission has power ti
compel witnesses to answer questions. Now
all that It needs la power to compel them
to tell the truth.
Praetleal Theft.
Philadelphia Record.
The giving of a rebate to one customer
that Is denied to other customers on
similar terms by a public service cor
poration 1 a practical theft.. If It be done
with the -consent of the corporation the
stealing comes out of the pockets o
competitors who are unequally served. If
It be done without the consent of the cor
poration Its stockholders are robbed. The
penalty should be made to fit the crime
fine and Imprisonment, especially Imprison
ment. A few rebaters In Jail, there would
be an end of rebating.
flattery for m Purpose.
Chicago Chronicle.
And now comes our old and excellent
friend James Rryce of the new British
cabinet with the highly flattering assur
ance that Vncle Sam Is just the rerson to
deal with the slrk man and "do something
for the Armenians." It Is the fashion these
days for European statesmen who have hot
Jobs to do and would rather not burn
their own fingers to pass them along to
the "new world power" with some compli
mentary remarks to the effect that It Is
Just the expert to do them all with neat
ness and dispatch. But It was hardly to
have been expected that Mr. Bryce would
urn the sick man over to us In this smil
ing fashion.
Seaalble and Sound.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
What Senator TUIman, the new manager
of the president's rate measure, says of
the Interstate Commerce commission is
worth considering:
Rut, for one, I am not Inclined to ac
cord to the members of the Interstate Com
merce commission any less patriotism or
good judgment thnn is accorded to the
judges on the bench. They, In both In
stances, are appointed by the president and
confirmed by the senate, and I think on
can he trusted as well as the other. I do
not fear that this commission Is going to
establish rates that will be confiscatory,
and I think we will be able to trust the
vt iiu all respect for their honors on the
bench. It Is hardly republican or demo
cratic or sensible to suppose that the
courts are the only repositories In the gov
ernment of a sense of justice or disposition
to deal fairly.
Progress of Experiments with Sub
stitutes for Steam Power.
New York Tribune.
Railway managers In this country and
Kurope have for several years been
wrestling with the Question how to trans
port passenger trains on branch roads
where the traffic Is so light that the use
of the ordinary locomotive is a piece of
extravagance. On such lines It evidently
would pay to run electric cars, operated
from a distant station by means of a third
rail or overhead wire. For more reasons
than one It would not pay to run electric
ears operated from a distant station by
means of a third rail or overhead wire.
For moro reasons than one It would be In
advisable to abandon the service alto
gether. The only other plan which has
been suggested is to provide single cars
with their own propelling mechanism; but,
while the scheme Itself is rational and com
mendable, there la much diversity of
opinion about the best means of carrying
it Into execution. No less than four meth
ods are now being tried, and there Is yet
no agreement among engineers on any one
of them. Perhaps the least promising one,
which Is still regarded with favor on the
continent of Europe relies on the storage
battery. British railroad men have shown
a preference for small steam engines. In
the United States two other systems are
now being tested. The I'nlon Pacific and
some other western roads are experiment
ing, or Intending to experiment, with simple
gasoline engines, while certain eastern
roads are looking into the merits of a com
bination of gasoline, dynamo and electric
motor. It is worthy of note, however, that
two or three different ways of making such
a combination have been proposed.
In Its last Issue the Railroad Gazette
makes a suggestion to American railroad
men. It first points out, as the Tribune
has already done, that both of the plans
which are on trial In the United States
have up to the present time been open to
criticism. With the gasoline engine pure
nd simple speed regulation has been
found unexpectedly difficult. The gasoline
electric mechanism is needlessly compli
cated and expensive. What Is more, the
Internal combustion engine has practically
no reserve of power. It cannot meet an
extra, tax on a heavy grade, as the steam
engine does. Accordingly, the Railroad
Gazette thinks It possible that the steam
motor ma eventually carry off the honors.
To be sure, It has not yet proved an over
whelming success In England, but our con
temporary believes that the chief fault Is
with the kind of boiler that has hitherto
been most extensively used. Surprise Is ex
pressed that no experiments have been
made with a steam car equipped with a
flash" holler. Precedents established by
the steam automobile encourage a hope
that a railway coach can be designed which
will develop the necessary speed at the
To Insure a test of the mechanism here
recommended co-operation between car
builders, engine builders and railway com
panies Is necessary, but the venture would
probably not prove very expensive. It la
to be hoped that the spirit of enterprise
among the men most Interested In the mat
ter has not all been expended on the ex
periments already in progress. The broader
the field of investigation the better the
promise of satisfactory results. It would
not he strange If the clew offered by the
Railroad Gasette should lead the way out
ot the labyrinth of existing uncertainty.
With a salary of 150,000 a year, Engineer
Wallace, late of the canal, will have small
dtmculty in smothering any lingering re.
President Roosevelt has reappointed lion.
Edward T. Kent as Chief Justice of Arlxo
ua. He comes ot a family of eminent jur
ists and Is an Indefatigable student.
President Roosevelt s favorite breakfast
Is corn pone with New Orleans mulasses,
bacon, watercress and a big baked potato.
He likes beans If they are served the Uua
ton way, a habit which survives his old
Harvard days.
The law nrm of Putnam & Putnam, In
Westtield, Mass., consists of husband and
wife. Mis. Putnam was admitted to the
bar last week. She began the study of law
three years ago out ot Interest In her bum
band's profession and soon decided to try
fur the bar.
Spencer Eddy, first secretary of the
American embassy at St. Petersburg, has
arrived In Chicago to spend three weeks
with his parents. He will be married to
Miss Eurline bpreckiea of San Francisco,
lu London about April zu and will begin
tils diplomatic duties at the Russian capital
again May 1.
The royal family of Sweden, Spain and
Italy all own lots In New York. Kaiser Wd
helm owns sevrrl parcels of New lork land
and has been for some years a heavy in
vestor in western property. The king of
England inherited from his mother a piece
of real estate on Nassau street In Nes
York. King Edward owns some thousands
of acres of western land.
The National Educational association will
soon have a chance to change the spelling
of several English word, such change hav
ing been recommended by a committee of
school superintendents. If the change Is
adopted for our public schools, the young
will flnd spelling quite a new business but
our nstlve tung will presumably be red
with enuf additional plesure to make us for
get how ruf and tuf it seemed lu the U-gin-
Minor Scenes and Incidents Sketched
on the Spot.
Persistent agitation and Insistent publlo
sentiment travels a rocky road before It I
crystallised In legislation at Washington.
The atmosphere at the national capital
repels the fresh, pure sir of the country.
The element of Its markeup Is contentment
with what Is. But changes are brought
about which startle and amase the special
Interests entrenched In Washington. The
great est change wrought In recent years
concerns the regulation of railroad rates.
"Three years ago, when I first came here,"
says Congressman Townsend of Michigan,
"my views on the railroad Question were
Jeered at. This winter the whole country
has seen a scramble for the honor of being
known as the author of a rate bill that has
even the smallest chance of passage. Three
years ago so many of my colleagues
laughed at me that I wondered whether I
was really so outlandish In my Ideas of
what the lawmaking power ought to do to
curb the growing and Illegal power of the
corporations that had been chartered for
the most beneficent purpose of all that of
making it possible for persons and prop
erty to be transported to the best market,
no matter how far away that might be."
"Less than three years ago," writes a
correspondent of the Pittsburg Dispatch,
"Robert Marlon IjiFollette was a good
deal of a joke In this part of the country.
But he Is not a Joke today. When he rose
In his place In the senate yesterday every
line In his face indicated full comprehen
sion on his part of the fact that times
have changed and that this Is the day of
the men who have insisted for years that
there Is need of reform In the management
of public utility corporations. The populists
have ceased to be a political entity. They
have not one man In either house of con
gress calling himself a populist. But
their Ideas are there, just as a few years
ago the long-bearded Peffer, the sour-looking
Pettlgrew, the noisy William Vincent
Allen and a handful of others were there
In the flesh. They talked, incoherently of
course, about the abuses of the railroads,
whereupon everybody laughed at them.
"The hurt that the abuses of power by
railroad officials is now doing was not so
perceptible then as now. Men who were
being squeesed thought the squeezing was
only temporary and that by their own
efforts they would be able to bring about
proper conditions. Now, however, as the
Federal Coal company asserted, the exac
tions of, the railroad officials Interested In
Industries along the lines they manage are
turning some ot the most substantial citi
zens Into agitators.
"But nobody laughed when Senator La
Follette said that the two railroads that
cross Indlun Territory are trying to steal
the very valuable coal lands in their terri
tory. LaFollette stood up In the senate
confident of himself and defiant toward the
rules and usages of the senate which seek
to deprive a new senator of two or three
years of his first term the very years when
his ideas are still those he received during
his contact with the people.
'LaFollette stood up wearing the air of
a man who told those around him that he
had a commission from the people and that
as he had most recently come from them
his right to speak was really better than
that of those who had been there longer.
Every word he said came forth as if
crowded out by the vast store back of it
struggling for exit. Ills effort waa to say
as much In as few words as possible, so As
tf get them said in the time he could spare
to devote to that part of his work. He
made motions, demanded a roll call and
acted just as if he had been In the senate
for years, knew all his rights and proposed
to have them.
'And what a voice is that of LaFollette!
Resonant as a silver bell and as clear as
tho clearest crystal. It Is no trick for a
public speaker to make himself heard all
over the senate chamber by raising his
voice a little. LaFollette, however, did
not appear to lift his voice at all. He ap
peared to be talking in a conversational
tone, but there never was the slightest
trouble in hearing him. He talks like a
man who will always have something worth
while to say. His first essay into the tur
moil of the senate indicates that he will
make good in that body all the promises
that have been made for him."
Representative Capron of Rhode Island
sent a bundle of government seeds to a
rich friend of his who lives at Pawtucket.
The friend grew some carrots and a few
days ago sent to Capron two of the oar.
rots and a sample of what a gentleman
farmer can do with the seeds of his
country. He also wrote a long joking let
ter asking for more seeds.
This was Representative Capron's
"Dear Sir: Acknowledging your es
teemed favor, with two specimens of two
carat carrots, I feel It my duty to inform
you that our beneflclent Uncle Samuel
sends out two general kinds of seed; on
to actual farmers and those who need
food products for actual needs as such:
the other to debutante and dilettante agri
culturists who enjoy experimentation with
fertilizers, and whom a paternal govern
ment hopes to Induce to actually, . practi
cally, personally perform with a hope to
keep down the weeds which would choke
the growth of hoped-for crops, as well
as to eliminate the weeds of error from
the heart of the would-be bucolic cltisen.
"Properly manured and cultivated these
carrots would have attained a growth of
from two to four feet in length and twelve
to twenty inches circumference. I beg
you, therefore, not to become discouraged,
but to plant the several varieties I shall
send you as early as January 20. Carrots
should be planted four feet below the sur
face and the trenches filled with fertiliser
one foot below and one foot above the
"Until the middle of April irrigate with
distilled hot water or hot Scotch, twice
dally. Salt and pepper according to taste.
A chain fall Is commonly used In pulling
these vegetables. The Department of Ag
riculture confidently expects much of you
and requests further reports. Sincerely
yours. A. B. CAPRON."
Representative Castor of Pennsylvania,
who died yesterday and In whose memory
the house adjourned today, was a tailor.
When he waa first elected a Philadelphia
correspondent wanted to write a sketch
about him. He asked a Phlladelphlan who
Castor was.
"Why," said the Phlladelphlans, "Castor
Is a 'brltches'-bullder."
Whereupon the correspondent wrote a
glowing article about Representative Cas
tor, "who," he said, "made his fortune
and acquired much reputation as a builder
of bridges."
Because of his youthful appearance. Con
gressman Dawes of Ohio has been a vic
tim of embarrassing circumstances mora
than once since his arrival In Washington.
The other day be was struggling through
a crowd which hung around the main en
trance to the house, when an assistant
doorkeeper called to one of the attaches:
"Say, stop that young fellow. Don't let
hlra In there." Explanations followed, and
Mr. Dawes, looking five years younger
than ever because of his blushing cheeks,
hurried Inside.
' Time Will Tell.
St. Louis Globe Democrat.
The last time Senator TUIman spoke on
the administration he shedi tears. There is
no telling who will weep over tils manage
u.ent of the rale bilL .
Fifty Years
A Cream of Tartar Powder
rJlado From Grapco
No Alum
Arcadia Champion: Omnha is having a
city campaign that is attracting- attention.
It takes In the state adminlslrtions of for
mer Governor Savage and Governor Mickey
In Its scope, and Is the usual fight between
decency and a wide open policy in the city
affairs. Rosewater Is the man who Is lead
ing In the fight for a better condition of
things, and we hope and believe that he
will win.
Chappell Register: Many of the poli
ticians of the west end of the state. In
replying to candidates for state office who
have asked for support, have made it plain
to them that they would support no one
who was not In favor of redisricting the
senatorial and representative districts. This
is a good plan and every man in the west
ern part of the state especially and some
of the eastern counties should see to It
that this was made one of the Issues of the
fall election.
Kearney Hub: Tho Omaha Bee Is qulto
right In declaring that no half-way meas
ure will settle the telephone controversy In
Omaha and that an actual settlement
means either one company or two com
panies. Then It follows quite naturally
that a monopoly of the telephone business
of the largest city In the state cannot be
held a great while longer by the Bell com
pany. The business men of that city and
especially the city councllmen will probably
make this discovery at the eleventh hour.
Central City Record: This paper has
never had much use for Senator Dietrich,
but It Is now willing to give him a good
long credit mark for at least one highly
creditable action. A few nights ago a gang
of drunken ruffians in Hastings Jumped on
to an Inoffensive Chinaman of that city and
nearly killed him, ,poundlng him up In a
most brutal fashion. For the detection and
conviction of the miscreants the senator
has offered a liberal reward. We have no
doubt the senator will willingly pay the
sum offered, and we hop he will have a
chance to do so. If ever we feel called
upon to comment caustically upon Dietrich
in the future this act of his will incline us
to mellow somewhat our remarks.
RATE DiscniMiNno.
Learnl' Knoekont for Coal Dealing!
Chicago News.
The decision Just rendered by the United
States supreme court in the case of the
Chesapeake & Ohio is likely to have an
important bearing not only on railways
that mine coal, but also on any companies
that carry their own commodities by rail.
The principles laid down In the decision
are of wide application. The Chesapeake
A Ohio had contracted to buy coal In West
Virginia, transport it to Connecticut and
deliver It there at 12.75 a ton. At this
rate, the rond, after paying for the coal at
the mines, received only 28 cents a ton for
transportation, though the published rates
for the distance are $1.45 a ton. The In
terstate Commerce commission brought suit
for a violation of the act forbidding a de
parture from the published rate.
The supreme court In passing upon the
case grants the Injunction sought by the
commission and lays down the broad prin
ciple that a carrier "may not take Itself
from out the statute simply by electing to
be a dealer and transporting a commodity
In that character." The prohibition against
charging less than the published rates Is
held to be all-embracing, applying to every
method of dealing by which the forbidden
result could be brought about. Th fact
that the road giving a low rate substan
tially amounting to a rebate In this form
waa the only one to suffer loss does not
alter the character of Its offense as a
violation of law. Furthermore, the court
points out, any road Indulging In such
practices would be able "to concentrate In
Its pwn hands the products which were
held for shipment along Its line and to
make It, therefore, the sole purchaser
thereof and the sole seller at the place
For Coughs
and Colds
There is a remedy over sixty years
old Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Of
course you have heard of it, probably
have used it. Once in the family, it
stays; the one household remedy for
coughs and colds. Ask your own
doctor about it. Do as he says.
Wc have no secrets We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.
SUee y the . O. Art Oe., Lewell, Msu.
Alee ataufmrs f
ATBI'f MAIM TlOOa Fer tks eau. AYSK'S PULa-fer eosjttMtlM.
AUKa ilUtfUlUi- et tks kleos. A TUB'S A0UB COkJt-Fef auterta sal ifM.
tho Standard
where the products were to be marketed
In other words, to create an absolute
It remains to be seen how far this de
cision affects companies which, like thu
beef-packing corporation or the Pennsyl
vania coal roads, actually produce the
commodities that they ship and do not
merely buy them. The prlnolplu laid down,
however, trenches closely upon that In
volved In these other cases. It dedans
substantially that any practice whk-h "di
rectly or Indirectly" admits of a rebate or
preferential rate or other discrimination
Is an instrument of monopoly and there
fore Illegal. Apparently that would stump
as Illegal any arrangement by which a
reduction of rates Is hidden away In tin
form of a reduced price of the commodity
transported to the consumer. Taken in
conjunction with other court decixlons, the
opinion Is gratifying as calculated to
strengthen the hands of the Interstate
Commerce commission and as denoting the
breadth of the powers which congress
may delegate to that body.
"And you are ready to forgive you;
daughter for eloping with me, sir."
"Yes, I'll treat her kindly. The poor sill
will be sufficiently punlKtied In having you
for a husband." Cleveland Leader.
Mistress Whom can you give as a n
ference? New Girl Shure, here's the folne wan vex
wrote yersllf Bix mouths ago. New York
"Lady," said Meandering Mike, "I'd like
to trust to yer generosity fur somethln' to
"You're the same man that I gave a meal
to day before yesterday."
"I am. I couldn't keep away from de
cookln'." Washington Star.
"George, what Is all this talk about a
uniform divorce bill? What is a uniform
divorce ?"
"It's a technical term, my dear. Just as
soon as the bill becomes a law people who
get divorces will have to wear a uniform."
"Well, Well. Isn't that a shame?" Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
"In these days of wholesale adulteration
how is one to distinguish the bogus article
from the genuine?"
"Y'ou can't. The manufacturers are sharp
enouKh nowadays to charge Just as much
for it." Chicago Tribune.
Mr. Stoplate That lamp appears to be
going out.
Mihs Tersllep And yet they wiy inan
imate objecta have no Intelligence! Cleve
land Leader.
"Oh. George!" sighed the romantic girl,
"I wish you were like the old-time knights:
I wish you'd do something brave to show
your love for me."
"Grarlous!" cried her fiance, haven't I
agreed to marry yon. and me only gettlnK
$30 a week?" Philadelphia Ledger.
New York Times.
This world Is such a Joyous place
There's naught but pleasure in It!
(I have neuralKla In my face
Excuse me just a minute.)
The whole earth teems with fragrant
For good all things are turning
(Now what confounded news is this?
They say my home Is burning.)
Rare treasures lie on every hand
Karth flows with milk and honey;
(You'll have to let that old bill stand
I haven't any money.)
Love lives enshrined In every heart.
And virtue is a Jewel.
(My wife and I have got to part
There's going to be a duel.)
Sweet fancies still In childhood lurk-.
Our Infants, how they court them!
(Those kids of mine have got to work
They know I can't support them.)
How sweetly time may ring its clilmsl
Old age, how grand, how pleasant!
(That old man's been In Jul! three limes.
And should be there at present.)
How gently doth remembrance speak
Of those in death now lying.
(That skinflint. Jones, who died lust week-
What wondrous Kick, his dying!)
How beautiful Is life! How gay!
What rapture to be living!
(If poets care not what they say
And readers are forgiven.)