THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: tlf& DAY, MAIU'H f. 1000 TKLEPHON1S DOCGLAH 6U. Sow located in (l new retail center, Howard and Sixteenth Street j. i This year wc begin the new sea. on earlier than ever, and with' more complete stock than ever, which simply means that wo are endeavoring to make this season the greatest ever. Whether you intend to purchase or not, we will be pleased to have you come to this grand exhibi tion and become acquainted with our large, sp'endidly equipped modern store and the iinmensit) of our stocks. We pride ourselves on the following displays of Thompson, Heldcn & Co. characteristic value. ANOTHER OF THOSE GREAT WHITE GOOD3 SALES. A Sale of White Piques. Tuesday morning we will place on sale all our 'Jju and IHU; White Piques for ladies' shirtwaist suits, soft finish. Tues day sale price, 10c yard. Main Floor. Infanta' and Children's Wear. Infant' White Bllk-Ltnod punnets, the light M inn for spring, rrnm c to ItoO in h. Children's Colored Silk Honnets, prettily Illumed, Mv each, formerly $1.80 Hild SCOT. Another lot of Colored Velvet Bonnets, $!.::. formerly $2.00 and $-!.5o. Infi.nts' .Hand-Embroldcrcd White Cash nirre Jackets nnd Nightingales from 73c i.i ti.ui emh. Hooters In Wool, Silk tiiul Kid. also Boft S il Shoes. 3fic, up. Ready-made Pillow Cases for baby's pil low, trimmed with lace Hnd embroidery, I'm ti. The IV w lilt-Hi Linen-IMdded Table Bib, .iU!t the thing for the !!"le tot. 25c. We carry a full line of Children's Colored presses In Olngham, Percale, Chambray ii ml Madras cloth. In also 1 to 8 years; si-s ) nnd 2 yeais, 50c up; 2 to R years, SI .(hi up Redfern Corsets lii-HM-ak figure stylt-i that suit prevailing fushlons. No matter what stylo you may wish to affect, a Redfern corset builds the necessary contour. The little things of corset construction are most ' important; chief of all la the exact matching of the earns in order that there nuiy be no varia THMlpgIFSolEt!l)EIfil Howard and Sixteenth Streets McCarthy and Kennedy. They expect to start for home tomorrow. ; , f all oa the President. Early this morning Senator Burkett pre sented Attorney Uancral Brown and Mr. Stanley to the pres.'dnt. Just what too place at the Interview between the presi dent and the Xebraakons is not known, for i-noh of the gentlemen refused to talk of tho Interview. Mr. Brown, however, wore a twenty-two-carat smile when he came out of the cabinet room and seemed to be greatly elated over the conference. He said the president had remarked on several mat ters In which he had felt a vital interest and that he was more Impressed than ever I with the bigness and intense Americanism of Theodore Roosevelt. Buffalo Pasture Bill Passes. The senate today passed a bill authorizing the secretary of the Interior to lease land In Stanley county. South Dakota, for a buf falo pasture. This bill has now passed both houses and goes to the president for ap proval. Towasltes on Irrlssllits Reserves. Tho committee on Irrigation of the house uidav recommended favorably a bill em- powering the secretary of the Interior to I establish townsltes on public lands under ( irrigation projects, these sites not to he , over lfiu acres In extent and the proceeds of I the sales to go Into the reclamation fund - I The. bill further gives power to the secre tary to contract with towns thus estab lished or with towns within the immediate lclnlly for delivery to said towns of water for municipal purposes, and it also provides that the secretary may lease water rights ior operative purposes, said leases to run not to exceed ten years. Jehaaea Gets . Mure Real. Mens Johnson is postmaster at Valley, Neb. He also owns the building In which the postoftlce Is located, and fur which the department pays him $132 rental per an num. Johnson insists that the rental is in adequate for the facilities furnished. Con gressman Kennedy took up with the Post offlce department the request of Johnson to have his rent Increased, but the con gressman was Informed that under the ap pi epilation a larger rentul could not be paid. The postmaster has an application to sublet the lobby of the poetofflce, and as I this soems a way out to give Mr. Johnson a larger rental, Mr. Kennedy was author- , laed to ask his constituent for a diagram of the space to be rented so that the de- ; partment might properly proceed in the ' matter. .'. Representative McCarthy today recom mended for reappointment aa postmaster C. A. Sweet, Creighton. ! Pursuing to Be Brigadier. It Is understood that the president lias selected Captain John J. Pershing, Fif teenth cavalry, son-in-law of Senator War ren of Wyoming, and at one time military Instructor at the University of Nebraska, for appointment as brigadier general of the line to Itll the vacancy caused by the re tirement of Brigadier General C. C. C. Carr, recently In command of tho Depart ment of the Dakotas. Immediately after bis marriage to Miss Warren Captain Per shing left for the far east, and is at pres. ent military attache at the United States embassy at Tokto. Capaln Pershing saw distinguished service both In the Spanish American war, China and the Philippines. Usnaaa C ases la Supreme Court. U rowing out of the purchase of the 1 American National lnk in W by the Union National bank, a number of ysults are now pending In the su preme court, and which will come up for argument tomorrow. These rases are Henry F. Wyman. Peter Frenier. Edgar You Employ an Expert I am IaJ .stlftl.. yon cat v - -.. Grape -Nuts Itl "The Huud to Wellvllle.' I'unq in peg. - An Exquisite Display of fashionable Spring Attire tion from the slse Intended.. Miss McCau ley, now In attendance In our Corset De partment, is especially trained by this de signers of Bedfern Corsets and will see that you are properly fitted In the proper style for your individual form. Second floor. Exclusive Novelties in Fine Tailor Suits. . We were the first store In Omaha to show the pretty new Qray Suits which are now so popular. While it Is true there la no patent on ladles' suits, wc at least never copy any other store. We have styles and ideas of our own. Aa the lead ing fashion center of tho city It Is to your advantagn to sec our really new Spring Suits. Swell new Suits from $!!S.B0 to $50.00. Spring Cravenettes In Our Economy Basement. It Is always agreeable to the economical buyer to find the latest and correct styles at prices which are attractive. Tou will And just such bargains In our new Spring Cravenettes at $8.69. Dainty Neck Dress. Attention to the minor details of dress la of viul luuyortanto to correct dressing. M. Morsman, William S. Poppleton and others against Sumner, Wallace. This case conies before the United Stales supreme court on appeal from the United States circuit court for the eighth circuit. R. 8. Horton Is in Washington In behalf of tht appellant. Edgar M. Morsman. The appel lees, so far as known, are not represented. R. S. Hall, who, with James M. Woolworth, is of counsel for appellees, Sumner Wal lace and others. Is detained in Omaha by reason of .Ills wife's Illness. I Shan speaks to Dakolaas. Representative Martin ' of South Dakota this morning called upon Secretary Shaw and presented the invitation from the Re- 1 publican State leagu'.- of Sioux Falls to ad dress thm at a banquet en tit evening vf June i, the evening of the meeting of Ut state republican convention. . Secretary Shaw, after considering the Invitation for a few moments and comparing It with other dates, decided to accept. President Favors Martin Rill. Congressman Martin today had a talk with the president on his bill which pro poses to regulate corporations engaging in Interstate commerce dealing In food sup plies. The president expressed himself aa (n fvor Qf thp and t0 u make prf)fre!( ,ow-rd a ea,.,y p. M(. MrUn w)n granted near. , .... , . ... ... ,, ii in" mil inc lllliri itiui vi nil" v f ; or early next week before the Interstate commerce committee. Minor Matters at Capital. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Oreene and Mr. Frank Hamilton of Omaha, who have been In Washington for the last few days, will leave for the west tomorrow. Mr. Oreene Is in Washington In relation to tag vases in which the Burlington and Union Pacific railroads are Interested. M. H. Houshey of O'Neill. It. O. Frost of Stromxhiirg. Neal Combs of Huntley, Ira M. Miller of Lincoln. Neb.;, f- A. Osby of Roscoe, P. J. Farrell of Waucoma, Ed W. Krempe of Baxter, la., have boen ap pointed railway mail clerks. Tho application of F. A. Ayere, J. L. Hamilton. C. H. Holaday, H. C. Fuller and N. H. Tyson to organize the First National bank of I.yti.-n, la., with $26.0iiO capital, has been approved by the comptroller of the currency The Flrat National bank of Little Rock, la., has leen authorized to begin business with $25.i capital. M. D. Bilsljorough is president and Charles C. Armour cashier. Rural routes 1 and 2 have been ordered established April 1 at Wesslngton. Beadle counli-. 8. D., serving HUG .en le and 139 houses. DEATH RECORD tCdmund abater. TEKAMAH. Neb.,, March . 6. (Special.) Edmund Shafer, an old resident of this place, died at his home last night after an illness of six weeks. Mr, Shafer came to. Nebraska in wm, locating at ' Omaha, where he lived oneyeat. He came to Burt county in 17 and resided on a farm In Arizona township unlit 1870. when he moved to this place, where he has resided continuously up to the time of his death. Mr. Shafer was in the iiei-chundise busi ness in Ibis city from 187U until JMp, and In 1871 and 1R7S he was postmaster. In US he was elected mayor of Tekauiuh and has been a member of the city council Several times since. The deceased leaves a wife and three, brothers, who have beeu with the deceased since be was taken sick, r'oaeral of Ci.tioveroor Hosts. AUSTIN, Texas. March 5.' The fun--.ral of Ex-Oovenior Hogg took place this nfter noon and was largely attended, thousands coming from all rections of Tezas. HYMENEAL Meyaolas-gt. Joss. KEARNEY. Neb.. March $. (Special Tel egram.) Today at noon at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. 8t. John, occurred the marriage of Mlsa Almee St. John and Casaius W. Reynold the eereinouy being performed by Rev. Arthur Newell. The wedding was strictly private, only the members of the family uf the bride being present. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds left during the afternoon fur Minneapolis, where the former la engaged in business and where they will make their home. , . To tore a UM la One llav Hake LAXA TIVK BROWO QultJne Tableta. iMusgisis refund luotiey if il fails to curV. E. W, Givte's signstuie is ou each box. He. BEE, MARCH, t 14. and nowhere Is taste better displayed than in tie selection of neck adornment. Here you will And dainty Lac and Embroidery stocks. Collars. Chemisettes. Coot Sets and Collar and Cuff Sets that sre modest, yet beautiful In construction and appropriate for any function r gown. Collar and Cuff Sets, Lace and Embroid ery trimmed. Wc up. French Hand-Embroidered Sets. $1.2. Mexican Hand-Drawn-Wnrk Sets. $1.00 each. Coat Rets, Sue up to' $7.00 each. Embroidery, Insertion and Lace Trimmed, also French Hand Embroidered, very beau tiful creations. Chemisettes, made of fine quality Tuck ing and Insertion. Wc. $1.00. $1.80. Lace Chemisettes. 75c. $1.00. $1.25. Ginghams for Wash Dresses. In spite of the advanced market price of ginghams we still maintain prices that are as low or lower than they have been for years. This fact, together with the cholce ness of the styles and the almost unending variety of colors, make our ginghams par ticularly desirable. A. V. C. ginghams. Jic per yerd. Bates seersucker. 12o Jpcr yard. Toll du Nord ginghams. 134c per yard. Imperial Chambray gingham. IBe per yd. 52 In. tephyr ginghams, 18c per yard. Embroidered broche ginghams, 15c and lc per yard. Scotch sephyr ginghams at 25c- per yard. Fine yarn Chambray gingham, embroi dered, at 20c per yard. Fine Panama weave, 3oe per yard. Silk checked gingham. JSc per yard. Parisian novelty plaids. 26c per yard. Harlequin novelties, 28c per yard. Shimmer silk sephyrs, 25c per yard. Sink ginghams. 10c, 4.V, 80c per yard. Mercerized taffetas, 26c, Joe, 36c per yrd See Howard street window display. OIL HEARING GOES OVER Testimony in Case of Missouri Against Standard Oil Company Postponed. ORDER ISSUED BY JUSTICE GILDERSLEEVE Mew York Jurist to Aaaln A Trait De. vision of the Mlssoarl Courts on Point Int'olrlna; Koarra' Testimony. NEW YORK, 'Marco S.-Leciaiua uu Uie question whether 11. H. Rogers shall be compelled to answer the questions asked of him in the Missouri oil hearing and which he refused to answer, was post poned today until March M. Justice Gildersleeve, who has heard the argument, directed the adjournment to await a final decision in the Missouri courts relative to a similar case. During the argument for adjournment, W. V. Rowe of counsel for Mr. Rogers, said: "I wish to tell the court, aa the mouth piece of Mr. Rogers, that If he final de cision of the Missouri court is against Mr. Rogers he will answer the question as to the stock transfer without an order oi .lie court." Henry Wollmann, who represented the state of Missouri for Attorney General Hadley, objected to the adjournment, say ing that it was another effort uf the Standard Oil company to delay the case. Promises to Make o Appeal. "If Mr. Rowe will state as a matter of record for this court," said Mr. Wollmann, "that Mr. Rogers will answer on March 13. I am satisfied, but we do not want to agree to having this hearing adjourned so as to give them time to appeal to the Ulnted States supreme court." March 23 is the date eet for the resump tion of the Standard Oil hearing before Commissioner Sanborn. Mr. Rowe then repeated his previous statements on Mr. Rogers' behalf. Justice Uilderslecve adjourned the hearing before him until March 16. saying that In the meantime the final decision of the Mis souri court would have been handed down and If this decision should come before March 23, and be against Mr. Tlogers, the latter would answer without any order of the supreme court of this state. St. Loola HearlaaT toatlneeel. ST. LOUIS. Mo., March 5. Owing to Hie absence of H. Clay Pierce, former president and Charles M. Adams, secretary of tho Waters-Pierce Oil company, the hearing of depositions in the duster case of the state of Missouri against the Standard, Republlu and Waters-Pierce Oil companies was con tinued until March 19. Counsel for Mr. Pierce and Mr. Adams said the two witnesses would lie ready to testify week after next l.oaaworth la the Hour. WASHINGTON, March S.-Representa-tlve Longworth (O.) returned to his duty In the houe today. Ho Is-ought with him to the cspMol and presented to Speaker Cannon in his room a huge cigar, at least eighteen inches long, a product of Havana, Cut. hip oad rrw Leal. MACH1AS PORT Me.. March i.-Tlie loss of the schooner Millie of Parrsboro, 8. V, and four of Its men in Machlas bay is re ported. Keep Dr- Graves' Tooth Powder where you can use it twice-a-day. It helps the poor teeth; preserves, brightens and whitens the good ones and leaves a pleasant after taste. Abk your dentist. la haadr weta! eaas or hotUos. SSe. 3r Graves' Teeth PowderCo. CALDWELL SELLS, OR OUITS . . ... . Mrober of Board" of Ifine Examiners Now an Owner ef Goal Lands. C0URTRIGHT FRAMING;-.' PRIMARY Bill Leg-1 slat airs- Heaasesnltles with a Large Amooat of Isaportaat Baslaese oa the Calendar RIs; Loss I lr Fire. tFrom a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES, March .-(Speclal.)-Jolm Caldwell of Beyniour was In conference to day with Governor Cummins nnd a com mittee from the United Mine Workers- of Iowa and at the- conclusion of the confer ence It was announced that If Mr. Caldwell Is still an owner of coal land on Anrll 1 he will resign his position on" the board of examiners of mine : Inspectors. It was agreed that when he was appointed to the board by the governor he was a miner. He admits that since hen he has purchased soma coal land, but has agreed to either sell the land so as to be eligible legally to his place on the board or else to resign his position April 1, and this agreement Is sat isfactory to the. miners. At the session of the convention this morning the miners. Adopted as ah amend ment to their artlolin of Incorporation a provision by which 'every member Is In sured to the extent of tltn and In case of death this Is paid to his heirs or assignees. A fund amounting to $in,ro is set aside for the purpose, wlllch shall never be al lowed to fall below that amount. The Joint conference with the operators of Iowa will convene at' 10 o'clock tomor row morning for Uie purpose of fixing w-ages. The Joint convention will organize and then adjourn tir) some action is" agreed upon by the nattdnal conference at In dlanapolls. Coartrlght Has Hill. During the recess of the legislature Sena tor Court right has been working on a pri mary election bill wh(ch will be introduced soon In the senate or house. Senator Gillii land from Mills county Is reported to have remained in the city till Friday night to assist him. Senator CJiurtrighl is ranked as one of the foreniost constitutional law yers or the state and Senator Glllilland, from his long experience, is ranked as one of the foremost attorneys. It Is proposed that the bill shall escape all criticism of being a bungle such aa was heaped upon the Crossley bill. It is understood that Senator Warren for 'a time contemplated Introducing a primary Mil that would not require a vote for United States senators and would requtre a majority selection of candidates. It Is expected that the Court right bill will have these provisions and will require votes only on the county of ficials. Legislator Meets la Morning. Both houses of the legislature will meet In the morning at :. There Is nothing on for special order. The regular calendar will be taken Up unless the morning seslon is devoted to m mortal exercises In honor of former Speaker Henderson. It Js under stood that there will be resolutions offered setting a day for sSioh exercises If they are not held tomorrow , There are a large num ber of important measures on the calendar In both houses, that are not down for spe cial order and It may be that a number of these will be taken up and passed. The Klnnn school bill Jo1 simplify the school year business, making the fiscal year and offi'-at year end ln, July at the same time, Is on special order, for, the afternoon In the senate. ' !...'. fTR.ono Fire Loss. A fire that did cTnrniign to the amount of ii bo lit $75,001) broke out in the Grand opera house on Fourth street! at 4:30 this morn ing. The Oi-and was totally destroyed, oiJy the outside walls standing. The Observa tory block, on the corner of Fourth and Locust, adjoining the Grand and Just across the street from the Pavery, was damaged to the amount of tlfl.OOO. The damage to the Grand amounts to atioiit STiO.OUO and damage to the amount of $15,000 was done to the oc oupanls of the two buildings. The Obser vatory building is .one of the finest office buildings In the city and is nine stories high. The Homeseekers. a troupe that has played In the Grand during the w.k, clos ing an engagement Sunday night, lost about S3.OU0 In scenery and clothing. Governor Cammlna Speeches. Governor Cummins leaves the city tomor row morning for Grundy Center, where he will deliver an address that afternoon. He speaks at Charles City Wednesday after noon, at Asbury park In this city Thursday evening, and at Hume ton Friday after noon. Leon Loser Case Aaala. The leon Loser case will be argued on a motion for a rehearing in Uie supreme court Wednesday. The court sits tomorrow morn ing. ' The Loser case is one in which he Is charged with swindling people out of their money in foot races by conspiring, getting them to bet money on him when he would lose and take the stakes. The conspiracy la alleged to have taken place In Council Bluffs, though the races were run In Mis sourl., The question of whether Iowa courts have jurisdiction Is one of the main points. Open Perklaa Headquarters. A. F. Cull of Blou City, who Is reported to be about to open headquarters at the Savery for George L). Perkins In his candi dacy for governor, srrived In tne city today and Is at the Savery. Mr. Call denied himself to reporters and would neither eon- llmi nor deny that he was about to open headquarters. It Is considered perfectly reliable that Perkins' headquarters will he opened here soon in. the Savery, but Just who will lie in charge is not known. The only noted person In conference with Mr. Call today was E. H. Hunter. Iowa Cits' Ulrle Leave. ' Chief of Police J. W. Jones has been noti fied to be on the lookout for five Iowa City girls, who are said to have loft that city last night on a lark and are believed to have come to Des Moines. Descriptions of the girls were furnUhed the patrolmen. Carter Mot t.ailtr. The report of the Jury made to Judge Howe of the district court esterday found W. U Carter not guilty of the murder of Kd Gresser. the Avon, la., farmer. ( hreklag mate Treasurer. ' J. M. Gllirest of Omaha, representing the surety companies furnishing bonds for State Treasurer Gilbert son and Deputy Willis, will conclude In a day or two the work of checking over the accounts of the state treasurer's oflice. Reaubllcaaa tarry Cedar Itaalda. CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., March S (Special TeU-gram.l A. H. Connor, republican, was today elected mayor by a majority of be tween l.Ouu and ever C. D. Huston, democrat, who has held the office for two U-rnis. A Uauraateed fare fer Piles. Itching, hiind, bleeding or protruding piles. Vnur druggist will refund money If Past Ointment f uis to cure you lu to 14 days. Joe Saeelal Shiga Wsaliil. WASHINGTON. March S. War depart ment officials state that they are not en deavoring to charter any private stegm shir on the Pacific coast for the trans portation of troops) .to the Philippines, as has been reported. 'There Is no present In tention of dispatching any troops in addi tion U the twe regiments and two batteries already oa the nay to Manila, w hich 'will sffotd General Wond'a command of aliout 15.000 men. " ' ' COAST DEFENSE PLAN (Continued from First l'agi-) the- western Judicial district of Texas snd creating a new district. The bill was passed. Mr. Knox submitted extiacH from the laws of certain state regulated railroad" setting forth the provisions for review of orders of state commissions. The ex tracts, he said, would he useful In con sidering the pending rate bill. They neve ordered printed as a public document. HOI K IIK.MOt RT OHUAM.K Minority Announces Members of t am palan Committee. WASHINGTON. March 5.-The demo cratic congressional campaign committee Is now fully made up, and the foluwing men will be entitled to vote at the meeting called for tomorrow night to elect a chair man and other officers: Representatives Alabama. Hiirnett; Ar kansas, I.lttW Florida. Clark: Georgia. Griggs: Illinois. Raincv: Indiana. Zenor: Kentucky. Hopkins; loulslana. lirotissard; Maryland. Gill; Massachusetts, Keliher; Mississippi, Mowers; Missouri, Lloyd: Ne vada, Van Duser; New Jersey, MeDermolt; New York. Ran; North Carolina. W. W. Kltchln- Ohio. Garber; Pennsylvania, Kline; Rhode Island, Granger; South Caro lina. Flnley; Tennessee. Gaines; Texa.-i, Smith; Virginia. Southall; West Virginia, Davis; Wisconsin, Welsse. Senators Arkansas, -Merry; Idaho. Iu hols; Tennessee, Carmack; Montana, Clark; Texas, Culberson: Virginia. Martin; Flor ida, , Taliaferro) Missouri, Stone; Nevada. New-lands. Delegate Smith. Arizona. Sosnlnatlona lr the President. WASHINGTON, March 5.-The president today sent the following nominations to the senate: Postmasters: California A. W. Wllev, Areata. Iowa 1,. 1J. Hulse, Kiota: A. K. Curry. Shelby; K. G. Swift. State Center; A. K. Klncald. Walnut; C. Van Z.indt. Wil ton Junction. Missouri- G. L. Mtiker, Lan caster. New Mxli- K. W. Hopkins, Albuquerque.- Texas l.ola Woand. Fort Sain Houston: C. McCormack, l'lalnview; F. Leahy, Hodgers. Washington J. N. Scott, Kennewlck. To be placed on the retired list with the rank of brigadier general: Colonel Abner H. Morrill, artillery corps. More t ents and, Mekels. WASHINGTON. March 5. -The house to day lmssed a bill Increasing from tfto.ouu to ILW.OOO the amount for the purchase of metals for 1-cenl pieces and nickels, and providing that these coins sliull be made In Denver, Run Francisco, New Orleans and Philadelphia, instead of exclusively In the Philadelphia mint. Hoaae Wants Alaskan Drlrsatr. WASHINGTON. March p.-The house to day passed a senate bill providing for a delegate in congress from Alaska. MEETING FORJTHE TEACHERS Session at Fremont In Which ludcr Wants Douglas t'oont) to Participate. County Superintendent Yoder Is seeking to interest teachers and members of school boards In the meeting of the Fast Central Nebraska Teachers' association, which will be held at Fremont April & and 7. This Is one of the divisions ui the state associ ation and has Just recently been organised. Teachers who attend are promised both Instruction and entertainment. - Among those who are to lecture are William Hnw ley Smith, N. C. Abbott in an illustrated lecture on the Philippines; Dr. Davidson, State Superintendent McIJrien and Prof. J. W. Sear si in. Sectional meetings ' of county ' : superintendents.1 high''- ' sc'heol, primary, music and rural teachers are. some of the features of the session. A mode rural school house from the state depart ment will be on exhibition. A railroad, rate of one and a third fares has been secured and a large attendance from this part of the state Is expected. Superintendent Yoder Is urging school boards to allow their teachers a holiday on Friday, April 6, in order that they may attend the meetings. E. E. Mages uf Ashland is president of the association. COLONY ON C0-0PERATI0N Settlement lu Orenvon by t'hrlstlan Federation for Which Million Acres Are Keeureil. Rev. H. F. Wallace of Portland, ore., president of the To-operative Christian Fed eration of that slate. Is in the city on busi ness connected with that organisation. In reference to the enterprise he said: "We now have secured 1.100.WO acres of land for our colonisation scheme, which is not unlike the p,ellamy project, but of a more practical character. The enterprise consists of a colonization scheme with u capitalization of JSii.i.iO.iidii. of which 1 1 ;.'. -000 Is already secured. We have arranged for the i-tmstruction of 5;'.i miles of rail road from Portland to Ontario. Ore., and expect to establish l'i,K homes there In the near future. Our plan contemplates ex tensive Irrigation projects and the establish ment of producing homes for the memlx-re of the colony. It Is a co-operative enter prise. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Cadet Taylor has gone to ( 'tiled go. Dr. Dan F. Ie has gone to Malvern, la., on business. Chief Clerk A. A. Hastings of the Muirnv hotel has gone to Griswold, la., on a brief visit. Chief Clerk Scott of the Merchants hotel, who has Ix-en con lined to his room with Ill ness for u week or more. Is muieilallv on the mend and expects to Is- utile to preside at the Merchants' desk in a day or two. Hallway otes end Personals. A. L. Mohler, general manager of the Vniou Pacific, has returned from Clilcugo. E. L. I-oniax. general passenger agent of the l.'nlon Pacific, has returned from Chicago. J. F. Falrlam has been appointed gen eral passenger agent of the New York Central, vice George H. I'anlels. who v.lll take rharge of the advertising biiic-iu of the New York Central. Samuel 't oucej , who made his last trip wltn Mr. Mohler last week, left Monday to assume his new duties as train-raster of the eastern district of the Colorado di vision of the Cnion Pacific. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Murray and Mr, and Mrs. Jay !. Foster have returned from an extended trip through southern California, going ,1a the San Pedro route and returning over the Southern Pacific. IS EHBanM pure. The critical ordeal through which, the expectant mother must pass, however, is so fraught with dread, pain, surTeVing snd danger, that the very thought of it fills her with spprehension and horror. There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either paintul or dangerous. The use of Mother' Friend so prepares the system for the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This great and wonderful . of women through the trying crisis without suffering. mm" " r, SI m Seal lerlrw bosk eeslatsln. l.fenasUoa )M 11 1 fUl ITU llf I fprtealeesvslse to all espeetaol Mothers. Z.. U LfU U U LLU Tin lrtl Rtf s-latsr Cs., Atlaata, U. Apollinaris " THE QUEEN OF TABLE IV A TERS.n Bottled only at .the Apollinaris Spring, Neuenahr, ? Germany, and Only with its Own Natural Gas. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTIONS CAPON EXONERATED SECIIOFF Russian Prieit Present at Time When Labor , Leader Committed Suicido. DEATH AS PROOF OF HIS INNOCENCE ccnsed Man fays He rirr Secured Money from Father liapon and F.nda Life In Prove It. ST. PKTEHSRfRO. Mulch S.-Tlie ac cused member" of the Father Gaptm luboe organization, who- committed suicide yes terday while the scandal Involving the charges of accepting money from the gov ernment Was being Investigated. was named Bechofr. lie enjoyed a hlRh stand ing among his follow ' workmen, who are depressed because of the scandal. It now develops that Father Gupnti was himself present at yesterday's session when SechofT killed himself. Father Ore gon Pet ruff had charged Bechoff with ob taining L'.'io from Father Gapon and with having accompanied a mcmlicr of the se cret police lu the search for M. Malus hensky. press agi-nt and counsellor of tin Father Gapon movement, who tied with the organization's fund. During the meeting Bechoff made an Impassioned speech, de claring he could not support the Infamy Involved In the charge that the organiza tion bad lieen In league with the govern ment nor the obliquy heaped on himself, as both he and the organization were. Innocent. SechofT then called on Father Gapon to declare in the presence of his fellows whether he (Scchoffl had received a cent from the government- Father Gapon arose and exonerated SechofT. whereupon the latter said: "1 will now give you the supreme proof of my hon esty." and. drawing a revolver, hi- blew out his brnlns. Pate for Russian Elections. An Imperial ukase, which appears toduj, orders the elections to the national as sembly to begin April S in twenty-eight provinces of central Russia, on April 27 in seventeen other provinces of central Russia and the Don regions and In two other provinces on May 3. The primary elections of the aaiit class, of which there arc four degrees, are in progress. The returns thus far are significant. Yesterday Jn the rural dis tricts of St. Petersburg province the peas ants, almost without exception, chose the present village elders and volost chief, or members of the volost courts to select the delegates to the provincial congress, whl.'li will be composed of representatives of the four degrees, and which later will choose representatives to the national as sembly. The selection of the sume leaders who, under the old regime, were named, more ox- lesjj, through the , influence of the government district agonts. Indicates that the. voice of the t .Hants In the provincial congresses will be conservative. No charge, however, litis been raised thus far that the government has-exercised undue Influ ence, and until the result of the peasant Selections in the districts in which ex tensive agrarian disorders occurred Is known, the deduction that f communal machinery has la-en empleu In the pens ant elections cannot be drawn. M. Matushensky, who was arrested at Saratoff February 24, utter having been located by a committee of St. Petersburg workmen and compelled to give up the $12. 0ii of the workmen's fund which he took with him. reached St. Petersburg today He says he will demand an Investigation into his conduct. RUSSIA OFFERS POLICE PLAN (Continued from First Pnge. ) such a force would guarantee the sov eretgnty of the sultan. Germany firmly be llevt.s the above plan furnishes the fairest solution of the iiuckiIdii. Germany's proisisals with regard to the organization of the lumk follow the lines suggested for the polite tone In that they liuv. for tlu-lr object the preservation of the lnti iiHlioiinl ch iiacter of the bank by pla cing it under control of iv:resentatlves of the iHiwers. The adoption of the French plan regarding litis guestion would. In Ger many's opinion, turn the bank Into a French Institution, in brief, the accept ance of the Flench proMimil with regard to tin. Hank of Moiocco ami the police sys tem, it Is Germany's llrm lielief. would give to France the control of Morocco In all economic, tiiiHiv ial and military matters, tlierel y closing thu duor to the rest of the world and destroying rlghM acipilred by treaty. INSURANCE BILLS IN OHIO Kosrtrra Measures Drawa oa f lark Plau Introduced lu , Huekrye Legislature. COLl'MHl'H. O.. Match 5. Fourteen bills regulating insurance companies doing busi ness in Ohio were inliodiiced In the house j thla evening by Representative Stewart of Clark comity. The hills cover the most Important recommendation of the Arm strong committee and are drawn in close conformity to the bills recommended by that committee to the New York legisla ture The bills Include one designed to secure it greatly enlarged publicity In the management of life insurance companies by requiring fur more definite and de tailed reports than have heretofore been exacted by the Ohio statutes. Aceordlng fik Mr Hiewurl. the bills have the a o- proval ami endorsement of the Ohio Life PollcynoKiers association. NKW YORK, March S. Trustees of the New York IJle Insurance company toduy No womsn's happi- nett can he complete without children ; it is her nature to love and want them as much so as it is to love the beautiful and authorised the president to employ counsel If he shall- see tit to oppose mssiigc In the legislature of certain recommendations of the legislative. Investigating committee. The trustees did not state specifically which fcfiinmenatlons were objectionable, and declared that they Ixllrvcil some pro visions of the Insurance commit lee's hill to be salutatory. The trustees' report says that In their nplnion some of the provisions of the pro posed laws will he highly Injurious to the interests of the policyholders of the com pany and will tend to lessen instead of to Increase Ihe' safety of their invcstmeiiM represented by theli premiums alread. paid. SITE OF THE NEW SYNAGOGUE Lot at. Tn eiily-Mutli and Jackson llona-ht for Temple Israel nnd liinl Closed. i , , The money clumped hands and the detd was made out and transferred Monday after noon for the sale tf the southwest corner of Twenty-ninth uisl Jackson streets, which is to be the site of the new Temple Israel synagogue. The lot Is Taxltu feet and cost f.l.t""'. The church will cost nliout and woi k on it will le begun in the sprinc The building will be modelled alter the style of Dr. Parkhurst's church In New York. C. S. Klgutter, one of the commit tee, which made the' deal for the church, denies that the material in tho old Youuk Men's Christian association building Is lo be used in the construction of the syna gogue. OFFERED TO UNI0N PACIFIC I'nniphrll Homestead Proposed aa site for f n Headquarters for Overland Houte. Along with several 'uther pieces of prop erty the 'Campbell ' homes'toad" at the southwest corner of Hvonter-hth ami Dodge streets will lie offered' by Harrison AV Mm--too to the t'niott Partlf.e for its hcadquAi t"ts building. Tho question of the new headquarters is an interesting one to res I estate men. and thrte are very few of them but have property to offer the com pany. They say the lucky man who makes the tale will have unbounded opportunities for making money by buying real estate lu tho Immediate vicinity of the headquar ters location. FIRE RECORD. Des Vlolnes Opera House Block. DES MOINES. March. 5. Fire of unknown origin destroyed the Grand Opera house and did IlE.tmO damage to the Obseff-afdt'y ' building early today. The total loss Will aggregate $mo.i. partially covered by In surance. The effects of an opera troupe, set for a three nights' stand." were totally destroyed. . Wagon Workeri Ho Out. BOSTON, March 6. Five ,biuidred, ,cix . rlage and wagon workers struck today for" ' t nine-hour schedule, a closed shop and a Saturday half holiday during the summer. About sixty llrnis are afructed. Spcyer Leaves Mutual Life. SKW YORK. March 5. James Speyer of Speyer & Co.. bankers, announced today lie has resigned from the hoard of trustees of the Mutual Life Insurance company. $1 Advertisng Book Sent FREE To those Interested In the subject of adver tising, we will send free upon receipt of liV in stumps or coin to cover postage, the lid page bound book entitled Current Rides of Live Publications. This book contains list." of all publications in the fnited States with their circulation and their rates for advertising space. It also contains a com plete list of street cars showing costs of street car card advertising. A most valu able hook for the old us well aa the new advertiser. . . ... Pilnter-Tobey-Jones Co., Al.estislng Agents 3SS Dearborn St.! Chicago, III. IMI KMKT. BQyD-wo;;::ndMf: TONIOHT AND WEDNESDAY " Charles IMIIIngham Presents LULU GLASEK In Ihe Musical t.'omfdy ' MISS DOI.LV DOI.I.AKS - TH I' R8DA V-Fill DA V SATl'RDA Y MATINKE AND NIGHT LEW FIELDS In ' .'', IT HAPPENED IN NOJRPLAD Burwood ! Nights-Bun. Mat. 10cv,o ' n-. . frit... lj . . Mat. ivc, sue. . .i : THK V(XJI'AliU STIH'K C'tL- fliluT- MISS HOtfBS PROFESSIONAL MATINEK TODAY TONIOHT ALL WBEK Net Week ' Hovt's "A CONTENTED WOMAN." CREIOHTON 'Phone Douglas S4. Every Night. Matinees Thur.. Hat., dun. MODKHN VAl DKVIIXK V Si so ii. Hutchings Edwards; Ferry forwey; Kruno & Russell; Marv Dupom H Co: Mitchell r Cain; Mildred Flora; O'Kourke, llurnett Trio uild the Klnodroms. Price lOc, U.V. SOc. K R U C TONIUHT s:15 - TOMUHT Meat lokr aad Margaret Daly okes A Pair" of Pinks Prices lie ac. SOe. 76c. Thursday 'The Way of the Transgressor." AUDITORIUM ROLLER RINK Neck-Tie Party Tuesday Kight Thursday Afternoon Iadiee tywe, Indies' Kate Thursday' Night. Admission, W Cents. ' Always Something New That Will . Tempt the Appetite, Ghe CALUMET Out .ii ice is lb ituiiktsi aud