Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1906, Page 10, Image 10
I 10 THE OMATIA DAILY REE: TUESDAY. MARCH 6. 100G. RECORD IX BANK CLEARINGS Two Million Sii Hundred Thousand Dollars in One Day for Omaha. SETTLEMENTS ON FARM TRANSACTION k'-vry Ttmy In Vrar Omnha nrMa Other tltlea. In Irarlnaa, Far l.rHlrr In Point of lpalalnn. Hnnk clMrinas In Omalm Monday rrachrd th MKlicBt murk In tlip lilmory of the locnl li'Ml-inu Iwiuw, thr Kiim ln-lng SJ.i3,2t5.SS, which whs n.irly tt'."0 morn than ever Inform, til" lilfc'lir.t murk belli one luy iH.-t wcok. whe n (ivcr '.'. 2:w rou-heil. Aakrtl bk to the probable t-uinm of such hiige rli HfHiirrH, I.utliir Drake, (ireaident r,r the Mi-rchiiniH'. Nrttlonal bunk, aulil Miirih wna rlramnee tlmo on farms sales throughout llio stnte. Victor B. Caldwell, vic proHlilcnt of the lnlted States Nu. tlonal bunk, jmld: 'March 1 In becoming to lie recognised us n uveal d ay of settlement on mles and lcasr-n of liirm hinds In Nebrutika and the li-nult Is h ipat Intel change of erediu. March 1 Ims iilmnsl come to ! culled the iinnual settlement dny for farm lands. On that day old Iruws :iit renewed and new l n adu." ' Hut ns t ! and oilier bunkers pointed out. this mormons gain In clearings Is not hlHiHmodlc. hut tie- lilthniite outcome of a sieady and constant Iih t'iikc In tin? volume of bupinefs t:iiniuled in Omnha and In consonance with the swelling tide of iinmliu'K genenil commercial supremacy mi r any anifil cIij of its size In the I'nlted Suite. II Is recalled that when three Omnha national banks were merged, within the last year, some people feared a hhrli,k.iKe in i Valines. This apprehension lias more than been dispelled; In fact, never was warranted nor verified, for not a single week has closed since that consolidation but a growth of clearings has been marked. Hankers and other business men proudly )Klnt to the fact that year in and year out iiiiiuhii surpasses In bank clearings many Important cities greater In siie, such as J.os Ange'.es. Denver. Hi. Haul and fre quently Huffulo and Milwaukee, far K'eater in population. Kjihl A Johnston. will display new spring millinery on iind nfte Thursday. March 8. CHURCHES JOIN FOR REVIVAL I'rolratnnta of Ouiaba Deelde to In lie Torrey anil C. M. Alesander for t nmpalin. At the regular meeting of the Omaha Ministerial union Monday morning at the Klrst I'rf sbyteilan church the following ministers were appointed as a committee to arrange, for tile union evangelical serv ices to lie held in Omaha this fn.ll: R. B. A. MoHrlde. Central Tnited Presbyterian; T. V. Moore, Westminster Presbyterian ; K. Comhle Rmltli. 1'lrst Methodist; K. R. Curry. Calvary Iiuptlst; J. K. Hummon. Kountze Lutheran; 8. 1). Dutcher, I'-irst Christian; I- O. llaird, St. Mary's Avenue Congrcgallonul. . It was derided by the ministers to call Dr. Torrcy and Charles M. Alexander to conduct the kerviccs. Mr. Alexander Is an evangelical singer who accompanies Dr. Torrcy. They are now holding meetings In Philadelphia. Dr. J. A. AVordnn of Phila delphia, spoke to the ministers of the work being done by Dr. Torrcy and Mr. Alex ander. Dr. Worden will give a series of lectures on Sunday school work at the Presbyterian seminary. beginning this evening at 7:30 and continuing- seven days. Hervlces will be held every day at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. at the seminary. The ministers appeared quite enthusiastic over the prospects ot the forthcoming ivnniccltf Uc campaign. I.Ike Raratlns. When your head feels like bursting. Dr. King's New Ufa Pills quickly cure the rause. constipation. 25c. For sale by Sher man & McConncll Drug Co. FIGHT OVER J4YDRANT RENTS Mult of C'ltjr Aaalnat Water Company Finally on Trial In Federal Coart. Tho trial of the case, of the Omaha Wa ter company against the city of Omaha an! the Water board was begun in the United States circuit court Monday momlnjr. hult Is brought to recover approximately $nii,CM 'or hydrant rentals for the last half of the year 1904 and the first half of . the year 1905. A motion was made by the attorneys for the water f-cmpany that tho tut-es should be tried separately, but this motion was overruled by Judge Munger, who directed the two cases should lie con solidated. An exception to this ruling was taken by the water company. After some little argument It was finally n greed between the attorneys that the counsel for the plaintiffs stood ready to produce any witnesses the court may di rect, speclul reference being made to tho production of the books of the water com pany in connection with the witnesses having charge of such books. HARRIMAN BUYING REALTY Heeares Property Several Cities Where His Railroad Interests Arc Sltaated. f.. H. Ilarrlman has been making ex tensive purchases of real estate In several western cities, lie bought a lot In Seattle on the southwest corner of Fifth avenue south and Washington street for which he paid SlX.uou, at least it was supposed 'the purchaser was Mr. Ilarrlman, who Is buying up land whose owners might claim damage by reason of the construction of the I'nion Pacific tunnel. Another pur chase was in Denver, where lIMrtO was paid for several lots at Nineteenth and New Haven streets, known as the old Continental Oil companies' triangle, and which probably will be used for storage tracks for passenger couches. 'There Is m Tide la the Affairs of Men Which Taken at the Flood Leads oa to Fortnne." The opportunity .c a success comes to every Individual at some time in his life, but it often appears in a disguied form and Is not recognized until after it has flown. Failures In life result as often from poor health as from mismanagement, and yet people ignore this fact and disregard a cold Until It has settled on their lungs and pneumonia has resulted or consumption has been contracted. The opportunity bas passed and It is too late now to remove the cause. Your chance for success may rest In curing a cold, and there la nothing you can procure which acts so quickly as cham berlain's Cough Remedy. Jt la famous for lis cure of coughs and colds and- can al ways be depended upon. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result In pneumonia. ALL THE COUCH COVERS From the great $18,000 cash purchase of a well known tapestry curtain mill ON SALE TUESDAY 111 THREE BIG LOTS We l.uvt foronirht farward now lots of goods from this Immense jnii-chase? ThPHC will be sliowu Tuesday for the first time. All the llajrdntl. French trio anil other Oriental Couch Covers, worth as it Ut.."n each now hiii! beautiful patterns all In three lots at, each. B8c-1s-i" BIGGER BARGAINS IN PORTIERES Handsome iiortlPre, silk mercerized effects, In liluln colors and tapeHtry borders, brocaded velour aud plush cur tains should be sold at fifteen dollars a pair, at, each - TAFEHTRV CUMMINS Worth up to eight dollars a pair heavy mercerized portieres, tapestry bor dered curtains plain corded edge, etc., at ALL HVK DOLLAH CUMMINS AT MXKTV-KKiHT CKXTH KACH One big lot of these, the kind that usually sells up to five dollars a pair, at, each 2M 1 59. 1 25 98c tBMiPM s. --or SONS WASH - TRIMMING LACES Now patterns in the finest laces, mechlin tops, etc. in a variety of widths on bargain tables, worth up to -0e a yard, at, per yard , torchons, nec 31c-5c-10c ALL LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS AT 15C The handkerchief seconds of a Belfast manufacturer all pure Irish convent hemstitched, imperfections are too f" small to be noticed except by ex pert genuine 30c values, at, each LADIES' SPRING WALKING SKIRTS A new assortment new circular effects and pleated skirts jaunty new style fea tures for spring, 1906 the mixed QQQ f;iujR me veiy biuujiuig a special at J IS Years 5am Location DR. BRADBURY. DENTIST 1506 FARNAM 'Phos, Douglas 1756 Tetb Extracted.... 25c l-'JUil-MHHiiH Bridge Work.. $3.50 up Porcelain Fillings $ 1 up f lpff Nervca removed with- Oold Fillings $1 up npLjia-?? out pain. Silver Fillings... 50c up (j Ty5ZS mik Loots Tooth rtade Crowns $2.50 up NJJYYyTv Solid. Hate ...$2.t0up 1 I I I r Work guaranteed 10 yrs. Mortality Stall. ties. 'Cu. loUoMing- Mrlhs and deaths havu Inin rtiioilrtl to tho LiiHtrd of Health during tti. forty--iKhi hours vmliu at noun Monday: Hirtlis-John li. lyke. 7' (South beveli toenih av-nu. boy; William Coats, i7 South T.-iiiU. bov: Frank Uulsi hwski. J buuin I'wentt -ihiiil. Kirl: William Ooocli. lu7 North Twcni -ninth, hoy: U. A. gum lan, Zii l-ariiiiin. U.v: Kolnrt Hamuola. lvJi North 1'tneni) -ii.uit'i. Uiy; livuis W. Hi buuili Xavui-lhiiil, atrli MEN'S S3.50 SHOES You henr a great deal ahnut the good values In mrn's shops at $3.ji. are in a position to acll you a better shoe for tl oU than any one line store in the rlty. We are at no extra ex pense in selling our "men's special" at I3.50 for it i only one line in hun dreds that we carry and we would have to employ as much helr pay as much rent and advertise Just as much if we didn't have a man's $3.50 special. What we save in thlH way we give you In extra value In the shoes. They are made In all the latest styles in liox and Velour Calf Vlt-I Kid and l'atent Colt Ijire and Ulueher Cut lieKt shoes In Omaha fur H jo. Drexel Shoe Co. j 1419 Farnam Street OUT OF THE ORDINARY Thero are "sales extra ordinary." "spe rial Hulex," "extra special sales." "stiak ri'duulng sales.'' etc., etc., but this one of ours is HlMl't.V tJt'T OF TUKSK OK 1MNAHY SAI.Krt. It's this way: We bought of III lU.Bl'KTS box paper In certain styles which a Itirne lubber hail. There is a STACK of it and It is of the, luteat wallet-shape envelope, ill delicate colors. Huilbuit s box papers well all over th world at 5oc r box NOW LISTKN! WE AUK OOINO TO PKI.b Tlilrt HOX OF PAFER Ft IK 2-c FKR KUX. HKTTKH Hl'HRY. We liave 3 lartie htores to buy Koods for ami we set koks riKht. Mukc of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Itluffs people know w sell goods riclit. loo! Are you one of them? There is s. .on to be another advance In the price of imtent medicines, cause the I' ATE NT MKD1C1XE TlU'tiT is still buy and unHtlslied. They think they are so lus; to act their iroods up to full price. WK IX IN T. And they won't If the people will still stay by us iu our hfclU aKUlnut the combination. This box paoc-- sale Is good in all three stores. We deliver any place In either city. SCHAEFER'S Corner iSth and Chicago. OMAHA. :h at.d N . 80. OMAHA. Cor. lib and Main St., CO. BLCKF8. IA. Harry II. Waterman. H bouib Thirty-first, boy. Deaths Frank Junlk. U!4! South Fif teenth, ill; Timothy lUiutisn, Jbi Avenus li, 4; C. A. Furlell. HutUi. N. u . 44. I'bil4 Bora la llaek. A case of somewhat nisteiious and un usual Inieresi is resrted tu the lly health department by the Salvation Army Rscua Home. H"4 North Twenty-fourth street. A few da aso a telephone messiig. was iiiVt uiiik that u youiiic Kill would soou aVne at iLs hvuts. No vartkuUrs DAILY TO H Five Fast Trains Chicago end the East vis the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY over the only double track railway between the Mis souri River and Chicago. This complete service includes Pullman drawing room and private compart ment sleeping cars, parlor cars, composite observa tion cars with library and buffet-smoking apartment, free reclining chair cars, standard day coaches and dining cars (a la carte ser vice.) Tickets and Tull information on iptli cation to ticket ofhrt 1401 and 1403 Farnam St, OMAHA, NEB. OMAH i WEITIIRR KORKf AST Taesday FaJr mn Warmer P Iff MM Lllll Err GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERY TIME 1 Our. Early March Sales Are Lively Ones First display of new spring silks and dress goods coll for your inspection. New spring millinery the nobby, snappy ideas of the Parisian. Dorothy Dodd bench-made ox fordsmost stylish and glove-fitting footwear that money can buy. These are instances of spring weara bles that fascinate and delight. Suppose you have a leisurely walk through each depart ment Tuesday. Welcome! Bennett's Big Grocery MONKY SAVING SALES EVERY DAY. . TUESDAY. Sl'EClA LS. 2 cans M. K. Maine Corn U.V 2 enns UenncsHe Tomatoes U.V 2 cans Little Dexter Peas U.V 2 cans Diamond "S" Salmon U.V, Vl. oo And Eighty (it-crn Trading Stamps. Oetlne.v's 30c Pickles, bottle l.V Anderson's Tomato Sour, can V Vegetable and Flower Seeds, package Uc Rennetfe Capitol Coffee, pound package UHc And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Diamond "S" Fruits, can...' U.V And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Three-pound can Camp Fire Baked Beans.... l.V And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Two sack" Worcester Table Salt , . 10c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. .Two cans Maine Corn U.V And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Twenty Pounds nest Granulated Sugar $1.00 And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Diamond "S" Chill Sauce, pint bottle.. U.V And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Candy Section... Omaha Headquarters . for 7 New Styles Jin Ladles' Coils and Suit SMYIB3s THE RELIABLE TRE v 1 Our Great March Rug Sale Continues Tuesday. Great Sale of Undermuslin Continues The most successful sale of lTnderniuslin$ we have ever hold begun Monday and wilt continue diirini; the work. On account ot tli immensity of the stock It Is Impossible to t-liow at once in Us entirety, but ceh day new liiirgatn! will lie brought forward. Tlila Is not it sale of clirnp underwear, but n alt of good underwear cheap. Four manu facturer's surplus st.xks at. prices the like of which have never been Known on garment of such beauty of design and high qual ity. Garments of finest cambrics, muslins, nainsooks, sizes made full and trimmings the daintiest and best. The most critical cannot help but. tlnd just what they want in this iilieqimled display. Don't fail to attend lliis great sale Tuesday, Grand Notion Sate Tuesday Our V'fi-kly Net ion ode has proven a great success. See prices for Tiles d.v. Stnple .Notions will In- sold at one-half to one-flflli regular prices. Gobi Kye Needle. i tH Re Horn I lair litis s . it m w rr ik-. f .ll'll IVarl Buttons, ; Hall hihI Snekot Fastener, per dnii tl I f'-r ileZ' ll Salted Si Peanuts, i very I i:-: B i m li w mm pound, I! 11110 1 Darning Cotton. per sMol Aluminum Tliinihle. t eaeh , I'ntton Tax. all sires. per roll Hooks nnl Kyes, per inril BewiiiR Silk. per Hwol I S aids Thread. per spool c I Wai reu s Silk 1'eutlier JSinie, . S W .(,f lc lc Warren's Cotton IVatlier line, per yar.i IietxinK-" Hooks mill Kyes. pel eiucl l.V Mark Horn Combs, eaell f2.'e Needle Hooks. ' WOOL DRESS GOODS 1c earn Il'undrt-ds of other to 2Tx? articles, at, lo, l"tO and.. .. Jc ..2ic Ac .44c .41c ,41c 41c WASH GOODS, High Grade Dept. Orsnndies ,1V, 2.V, 19c s nnd IOG Silk Mulls ;tv. r.e, l-. lfic m.-. nnd IUL The tlnest lot of niey Worsted In thelFltdM 3 Til 4 1". M. we will sell pleoe- "i ior lanor kiiiiiiiks or lancj ires i or the Ilntst slle eotton chnllies ihit weave. Ht, yard. JJ.tHi down In ever sold In timahs. S yards to En Bt-' a eustoiner. al. vard ov Mnnnish effects In new French SultlnK", hard twisted worst tils, J 23 $!., 75c, jne and Special Prices on Groceries Advertised Sunday for Monday Continues Tuesday. "Longer, Higher and Wider Berths" This is an exclusive feature of The Milwaukee's trains to Chicago. The sleeping cars, as well as the dining cars, chir "car's and coaches are owned and operated 'by1he Y Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Leave Union Station, Omaha 7.5 a.m., : 5:45 p.m. or 8:35 p.m. Arrive Union Station, Chicago, 9:30 p.m., 8:35 a.m. or 9:25 a.m. Buy your ticket East from your local agent, but INSIST that it is via the Chicago, Milwau kee & St. Paul Railway. F. A.' NASH. General Western Agent. 1524 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA fi Roch Springs Coal Original Genuine Supply of fresh i.iind just received. Lump and Nut All Ready! FOR YOUR CRITICAL INSPECTION ICOLL'S handsome array of Spring and Summer Woolens represents the best thoughts of the Foreign and Domestic cloth makers. Over 1.000 styles on disylay. Trousers, $5 to $12 Suits, $20 to $50 ton Careful Drivers. Prompt Service. pj lit through fast trains from Omaha 8:80 P. M. and 8:00 A. M. arriving Minneapolis 7:25 A. M. and 6:50 P. M. Rates and information at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam street. SAMUEL NORTH, District Passenger Agent, OMAHA, NEB. pi..-. n..i. inn? IIS 1IUJIC VVUjltl IVVI Vhwwpiiibw"" Vi ii i.ii'h 1507 Howard St. TAILOR WILLIAM JERREM3 SONS. 09-211 So. lfith Btnet NEW LOCATION The Business Office OP THE OMAHA BEE Ground Floor Corner F THE BEE BUILDING Seventeenth "and Farnam Sts. u u ti r r.Ultiu' rrUiivek or tatioit in lif.- Klvt-ii. TI.p nt the Hoivatiun Artuy iMiil UarntMl of i)i uiuttrr was a h. n arrived rontainins not ily the yi.uug but an infant which had Imii Ikiiq la tho convryano. It died. The inuilivr mikiiiMMl at ti.a hiHite amt ia r.oviliiK raidiy. bho liaa -niuttii no tijormaituo vuuciuiia iter I imupiii DENTAL . I lArl a rooms. m 1517 &oulas FAST TRAIN Leave Omaha -6:00 P. M. Arrive Chicago 7:30 A. M. Steamship tickets to all Europ ean xiolsts. ILLINOIS CENTRALS TICKET OFFICE I 1 402 Farnam St, Omiha. Keb. I largaSims $14.45 $18.25 $20.00 $10.00 $22.95 $18.25 $14.40 $13.60 $25.85 $14.40 $21.10 $10.00 $20.00 $21.20 $43.45 $22.85 $10.70 $18.25 $20.00 $17.85 $32.00 $10.00 $15.80 DOD AMARILLO, TEXAS, AND KETURX. AUSTIN, TEXAS, AND KETUKN. BEAUMONT, TEXAS, AND RETURN. BURLINGTON, COLO., AND RETlHtN. CORPUS C1IRIST1, TEX.. AND RETURN. DENVER, COLO., AND RETURN. DALLAS, TEXAS, AND 'RETURN. DAL1IART, TEXAS, AND RETURN. 1 EL PASO, TEXAS, AND RETURN. FORT WORTH. TKXAS, AND RETURN. OALVESTON. TEXAS, 'AND RETURN. GOODLAND, KAN., AND RETURN. HOUSTON, TEXAS, AND RETURN. LAKE CHARLES, LA., AND. RETURN. MEXICO CITY. y EX., AND RETURN. NEV ORLEANS, LA.. AND RETURN. OKLAHOMA CITY. OKL., AND RETURN. PUEBLO, COLO., AND RETURN. SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS, AND RETURN, SANTA TiOSA. N. M., AND RETURN. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, and RETURN. WICHITA, KAN., AND RETURN. WACO, TEXAS, AND RETURN. ON SALE MARCH 6 AND 20 F. D. Rutherford, D. A. P. ilirannnAnffnAlJ JiiR mm ' i 1323 Farnam Street Hand Painted Cluna, ulwaya muk'-a an arritaljle. ttrdillng nr annl vi l wry Klft. We lire MhowiiiK "nif i-hI art ((a in I'luU-a. C'n ai.itra ami HUKra. Vm, l' r aii'i hall. Hat f-in Itoliiera any litly would lilt.- lo lonk Hhhh (,vfrVI,rn down town bih iiJ a fi-w inlnuit. In our more. UX)K lm TUB NAMB. S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 1t DOUOLASST. ! NONE sucii h ' w TWELVE MILLION PACKAGES LAST YEAR: 50Mt MINCEMEAT! tPPtU-SOlXt COMPANY I SYPACU51.NXWYOBH nSr IN 2Flt iuc KAurvA.uDC5.ji