Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Ground Floor Corner
Tht Ut BulldiBf I7tl and Farnam
Ground Flor Corner
Tit Bet Building I7ta ana Farnam
President Sends Special Menace to Goneness
with Report of Joint Board.
Increased Wealth of Country Offers Induce
ments to Attack.
Great Victor of Nary Due to Pact that It
Wai Free to Take Offensive.
Mmmic Thr lannot Be
Neglected l onurr If the I nlted
states lrelree to Retain
WASHINGTON. March 3. President
Roosevelt sent n message to congress to
day accompanying plans for coast defense
prepared by a Joint boaid or army and
navy c.fllc ors. In which he emphasized the
lioecsslty for further defenses and reviews
tho history of the defensive works In this
country. The president calls especial at
tention to the recommendation of the board
that the entrance to Chesapeake buy be
'added to the lint of places in the Cnlted
mates to be defended, lie says the In
sular possessions cannot be longer neg
lected If tho United States desires to hoid
Defenses are recommended for Manila
bay, Pearl harbor. Uuantanamo. Guam, Sun
Juan and Honolulu, because of their
etrutcglc locations. Defenses are also
recommended for entrances to the Panama
canal, .
Complete Njeteni Needed.
The president's message concludes:
The necessity for n com pine and ade
quate (ivstoni of co defense Is greater
today tiian twenty years ago. for tne In
creased wealth of the country oners more
templing Inducements to uttack and a hos
tile fiocl can reach our const In a much
shorter period of time. The fact that wo
now have a navy does not In uny wise
diminish the Importance or coast defenses;
on the contrary, thai fact emphasizes their
value and n-oosslty for iRelr construction.
H is an accepted naval maxim that a
navy can le used to strategic ml Mintage
only when acting on the onemmc and It
can lie lice to so operate, only when our
toast defense Is reasonably secure and mo
recognised by the country.
It was due to the securely defended con
dition of the Japanese, ports that the Japa
nese fleet was tree to seek out and watch
lis proper objective- the Huaslan fleet
. . Inll.l.llllll iir 1-.l'l.ll 111
twiuuui irui oi. i'ii-i.ui- ,. . i
vimi fl lis home norts uaalnsl raids by He !
ladlvostoK siiuaiiron.
I' I lis.
oi tie- j
most valuable lessons at the late wai in
the east. Is worthy of serious consiinra-
I... m.i i.i.iiiirri- witll It exteiislxi-
coast line. Its many important burbots
nd lis many wealthy manufacturing coast
cities. , , ,
The security and prof o.-l ion of our inter
ests require the completion of Ihe delenses
of our coast and the aeconipan.t lng put it
merits and should receive ine generous
support of the congress.
Will t ost Fifty Millions.
Jn bis .Ur ..transmitting the. report of
the board re-the president. Secretary Taft
ays the Iwiard estimates the cost of com
pleting the defenses at .VWJ.39V, or $J2.
Rrfi.iiOti k-ss than the sum imposed by the
.Endlcutt board. Tho secretary says the
growth of Ihe country, l:c- Improvements
uf tho ordnance and th" Increase or the
navy In tho last twenty yen is b:ve brought
about a rearrangement el, aivl additions
to, Ihe list of puts nmtle by t:e- Kndic
board. The changes that have t i'n'-n p a -In
the system of ilcfeme hi-.e li en mi lad
leal, he says, "that the one proposed in
Nj Is not comparable with the scheme as
It exists today."
lr. ghneklefnrd ns Speaker's Power
la Absolute.
WASHINGTON. March S. Legislation by
unanimous consent and under suspension
of the rules occupied the attention of the
liouso today and resulted In the passage
of several hills, some of considerable Im
poitance. The adoption of a resolution of
inquiry as to whether any criminal prose
cutions have been btgun against individuals
in tho Northern Securities company fur
nished the text for a speech of criticism
by Mr. Williams, the democratic leader,
directed against the administration. Urief
answers were niude by Mr. Jenkins of
Wisconsin and Mr. Grnsvenor of Ohio. Mr.
Jenkins showed that Ihe statute of limita
tions had run against any action that
might be taken In this case and that any
t-ffort at prosecution would be hopi less.
Fault was found with the rules of the
house and the concentration of power In
the speaker by Mr. Shacklt ford of Missouri,
who took occasion to address the house
upon a bridge bill.
Mr. Shacklcford expressed great personal
udmlration for Speaker Cannon, but there
was, he said, no man In Kuropc more ab
solute in his Jurisdiction. He had read
only the other day that the speaker had
"packed" the ways and means committee
viio ten men who would "stand pat" as
men of stone against any and every at
tempt to amend the tariff. This Mr.
Bhackh-rord accepted as true and com
plained bitterly. If the "stand patters"
would come out In the oia-n he declared
it mould be- found liny had less than a
cm inn ul's guard.
Another Instance of the absolutism of
the stieaker was In the iiassage of the
statehood bill On this point he read a
lengthy speech purporting to be by Mr.
Adams tVi ), denouncing the rules.
Dills weie pussed Increasing from ISO.ifH)
to -VO.iieO the sum available to supply metal
tor Ilia coinage of nickels and inn rites and
providing that these coins may hereafter
be made In the" mints at Denver. 8an
Francisco and New Orleans us well us at
present In Philadelphia. Also providing
lor a dehguld to congress from Alaska.
Hy unanimous consent the house today
authorised printed in Hie Congressional
Record the memorial add! ess of Uuoige D.
Perkins at the funeral of Ihe late Speaker
David II. Henderson. The imneirutl was
presented by Mr. Lacey (la.), who i-uuruc-tensed
It as beautiful und historical in
as It tame- front Haair,
WASHINGTON, March &. In the senate
today Mr. Nelson continued the discussion
of the atulehood bill, urging the passage of
Ihe measure us reported from the commit
tee on leriituiitK.
The remainder at the Mssiuo waa de
voted to the pusugc of the bills on tho
.al.-idai, among iheiu lielug one -jruvidlng
or compulsory education In the District
of Columbia and an. ther regulating the
selection of officers in the revenue cutler
air. Culberson reported favorably from
hm eommittee of Judu-larr a bill dividing
Senator from Montana
Till to Land Ho
Entry men.
Man Perfect
Klit f
WASHINGTON, March i Untied Stales j
Senator Clark of Montana today won tho
case against him In the supreme court of
the United Stales In which the government
sought to have canceled patents to 11,4")
acres of public lands in Montana which
wor, y, vl to have been fraudulently o-
rnri.y Mi., ntttnliiti In t hp fHSO Will do-
lixei? f Justice 1 lolmea. and upheld tho !
dec I?" J "f tho circuit court of appeals or
the Z
Tl J
cig r
th.; sj
.h circuit. Justices Harlan und 1
us a civil proceeding; instituted by j
trnmi-nt against Senator Clark of j
. to secure the cancellation of
no patents to land Issued under
)ur and stone ik-i.
Wge made by the government in
of complaint was that the patents
.iudulentlv hi i lived, and It was fur-
ther set .forth that about eighty of the
patentees are now under indictment In the
Montana courts. It was asserted that
Senator Clurk had entered Into a contract
to purchase the land before the patents
were granted and that he' knew or had
good reason to know that the proceeding
was fraudulent. The government charged
that Clurk was not u liona fide purchaser,
but that the 'court below, Including the
court of appeals, took a contrary view,
holding that the issuance of patents had
the effect of converting his purchase of an
equity into a purchase of title. The printed
record in the case covered 7,000 pages.
In his opinion Justice Holmes said:
The I 'idled Flutes is attempting to upset
a legal title in order to do that It must
charge tinrk with notice of the original
frauds. The fact that Clark, while he has
a merely eiiultnble or personal claim
against t fie government, held It subject to
any delect which It might have, whether
he knew it or not was not euuivalent to
notice of the defect. It is recognised In
the act of March :l. ISM, that there may
1st a bona tide purchaser la-fore I he patent
issues. The title when conveyed related
back to the date of the original entries.
Therefore uetual notice must be proved.
Hut so far as actual knowledge or notice
tin the part of Clark Is concerned Isith tho
courts below found In explicit terms that
the proof failed. We perceive no sulllcleiit
reason for ileiuirtiim from the rule that
exei-til III a. very clear case where boili j
courts have concurred we do not disturb j
their findings of (act. There is nothing
HUtlhient to show that Clark hud act mil
knowledge of the arrangement by which
Cobban (the man through whom Clark
made his purchase) got the land.
The constitutionality of the Illinois farm
drainage law was today sustained by the su
preme court of the I'nited States. In the case
of the Chicago, Burlington & Q'llnoy Hall
way company versus the state of Illinois, In
volving the right of the state authorities
to compel the railroad company to remove
otist ruction to the. drainage of landB under
the law. The opinion was delivered by
Harlan ami the law was unhold
in nicordatice within the police power
of the state.
French Officer Intimates that Trlrker
la Heine Planned In
Dreyfus Case.
PARIS. March 5. Major Cuignet has
written an open letter denouncing the de
lny In the Dreyfus case licfore the court
of cassation and Intlm.itin J that the delay
Is due to official manipulation of the se
cret papers In the case.
Majdr Culguet Is tie- officer who discov
ered the Henry forgery while he was ex
amining the Dreyfus document nt the
time M. Ciilvlgnae was minister of war
and who had a duel with the late War
AllnlrtiT Andre about tome of tin- papers.
He rceptly was placed under thirty days'
arrest owlrtr to ihe publication of a letter
in which he biought grave charges against
General Andre.
Dusisgp to French islands.
r.!US, March 6. Minister of the Colon
irs t'lementel has received a cable mes
sage confirming the press reports that tho
Flinch establishment Oceania was devas
tated by a cyclone und tidal wave Feb
ruary 7 and 8. Tahiti was particular!?
affected. Three hundred and twenty
seven houses at Papeete were destroyed.
Two relief ships sent to the scene of the
disaster from the Tuaniotu Islands have
not returned. Tho governor of the colony
has asked for aid.
Klaar Meets "llae lleens."
PARIS. March 5. King Edward tnday
gave a dinner at the Hrltish embassy to
former President Toubot and former For
eign Minister Delcasse. The presence of
the latter la considered a graceful ac
knowledgment of M. Delcasse's services In
connection with the Anglo-French agree
ment. Princess Makra t'iiauae Wednesday.
PARIS. March 5. Princess Ena of Bat
tenberg. the future wile of King Alfonso
of Spain, will be received Into the Ro
man Catholic church Wednesday at San
Sebastian, Spain. King Edward will ac
company Princess Ena from Biarritz to
Bun Sebastian.
Fishermen on Floating lee.
CRONSTADT, Russia, March 5. A block
of ice from the gulf of Finland with about
100 fishermen on it haa been driven ashoro
here. The lee breaker Yerina"k has gone
to the rescue of the remainder of the
Morwaa Has a (old.
ROME. March 5.-J. Plerpont Morgan,
who arrived here yesterday, is suffering
from a slight cold, but generally Ids health
Is good. He will be received by King
Victor Emmanuel shortly.
Muaulsh Editor lu Trouble.
BARCELONA. Statin. March 5 The ed
itor of El DiVMllvo, u local daily paper,
has been sentenced to eight y cuts' Impris
unoient for priming an insulting dispatch
concerning King Alfonso.
I.oas of Life In innii,
TKONDHJEM. Norway, March a.B.:
sides eleven tisnlng lioals alreudy reported
missing us a result of the recent stor.u
Ave others are unaccounted for. The tolul
loss of lite is estimated at lift-,-.
t learina Hoaae l onintlltra OaTrra
Property to Eastern Mjrnrilcal
for si'T.liuo.tHHi.
CHICAGO. March S. The committee ap
pointed by Ihe Cliicagii clwarl tg house for
the purpose of liquidating the effalra A
the Chicago National bunk, of which John
H. Walsh waa pre.ij. nt. offered to sell the
Southern Indiana und Chicago Southern
railways, which are the principal part of
Mr. Walsh's usaets for 1T.Gm0oi. The offer
whs made to a committee of eastern rail
road men who have lately been lnspectig
the properties. If the price is accepted It
will pay of all thea.bllgutions assumed by
the Cbicugo clearing house, meet the book
value of the Chicago National bank, which
waa C4? per ahare, and leave Mr. Walsh
U.y lOi. The offer has been takcu uudtr
advUv UK-lit.
Scheme for French and Spanish Control of
Morocco Patrols Submitted.
French, British. Spanish Hill Portu
gnrse Delegates at Once Express
Their Concurrence nlth
This Hew.
ALOECIHAS. Spain, March 5. This aft
ernoon's sitting of the conference "on
Moroccan reforms was marked by an un
expected and Important move on the part
of the Russian delegates, who laid before
the conference an exposition of the police
question. The document, which mlnutely
goes over the existing situation In Morocco
and analyzes the position of the various
powers, concludes with an argument for
the proposition that France and, Spain are
the most fit to be entrusted with the task
of controlling the police force which Is
about to he created. The British, Spanish
and Portuguese delegates expressed their
concurrence In the Russian views. Italy,
however, though Inclined to favor the
scheme, reserved final approval.
Count von Tuttenhach. the Junior Ger
man delegate; Henry White, the chief of
the American delegation, and the delegates
of the several neutral- powers tlld not ex
press their views.
Discussion of definite police proposals
was positioned until Thursday, as the bank
project will be argued on Wednesday. The
French and British delegates to the con
ference regard the expressions from the
Mediterranean powers as not likely to exert
grout influence on the final vote of Ihe
neutrals relative to the policing of Mo
rocco. iltltnde of Germany.
An official communication shows that
Jlerr von Hudowltz. the first German dele
gate, also Joined in the discussion of the
police question and admitted that of neces
sity the police force must be organized
by the sultan, but he claimed that there
snnuin oe participation by all the powers
represented at the conference, The Ger
man delegates' contention, therefore, is di
rectly opposed to the Russian suggestion,
as Karon Hacheracht, the second Russian
delrgattc, argued that Inefficiency of col
lective action by the powers In Morocco
had been proved by the unsuccessful oper
ations of the International sanitary com
mittee at Tangier. He pointed out that
French officers' cxH-rience with Mussul
men's und Spanish officers experience with
Rifflans had placed them In the best posi
tion to control the Moorish lements, which
eventually must form the main body of
the police by which the security of for
eigners Is to be assured and commerce fa
cilitated. M. Ravoll. the senior French delegate,
expressed France s willingness to accept
the Russian suggestion, following on with
the proposal that the police force shall
consist of 2.000 Moors, distributed at eight
ports, each having four European non
commissioned officers and the whole being
under command of sixteen French and
Ppanlsh officers selected with the sultan's
assent and who shall become. Moorish offi.
c-lals ' , , " .. ' . ... " .
The Spanish delegates strongly aupport
Joint Spanish and French control, arguing
from the point of vluw that the proximity
of those countries to Morocco gave them
greater Interests thun the other powers,
whose equality of right, nowavar, will net
be affected thereby.
llaron Member Maya Emperor la
Contending for (ireat Principle.
WASHINGTON. March 5. -Criticism of
Germany's course at Algoelra und charg.-a
that the German emperor is seeking th-jro
iui excuse for trouble with France rather
man an agreement about Morocco, which
have been current In Washington for some
time, received an emphatic reply this afi?r
noou from Baron Speck Von Sternbera-. the
German embassador, who discussed them
in course of conversation with a corre's-M n
dent of the Associated press. Tho embus
sadnre said:
"The time has come for plain speech.
Enough has been poured into America from
European sources about Germany's inten
tions." Tho embassador then proceeded to deny
In the most emphatic terms the charge tiiat
Gt rmany wanted war. He continued:
It waa for the rpeciflt: object at reaching
a peaceable arrangement that mv govern
ment urged Ihe conference at Alg'eclras
Important as is the German trade with
Morocco, and I shall later iiill.-u thi. i
statistics, the commercial side of the qtics-
....... ,n towih.i) consideration, (for
mally s policy has been and is to presortc
the status quo in all countries whose rigli s
rest on the aws of natlona. It Is this policy
alone which tius enabled Emperor Williui.i
to maintain peace In Germuny since the
time he became the leader of Germany
nineteen years ago and keep It out of il.e
wars In which the great powers liavo since
been engaged. "
That Germany stands for the open door in
Morocco Is clearly shown by the proposals
It made regarding the International police
system and the International iiank. Uer
maiiy believes that if the control of the
bank Is placed In the hands of Franc-e the
equality of economic rights will be forfeited
and Jhe open disir will soon be closed. Af
rica today shows enough examples of ilu
uwsut anies given by civilised nations which
have gradually vanished, leaving in their
places a European protectorate.
The position of Germany and the other
signatory powers is on the defensive. (Icr
muny bus already recognised that Frunce
has a preferential position In its fromicr
tegions In spite of the specific provision, of
the treaty of Madrid stipulating that uli
tho powers shall have equul rights in Mo
rocco. This concession by Germuny was
only made bet-ay we of Its earnest desire, to
do everything consistent with the national
honor to brink about a peaceful arrange
ment of the question and is another evi
dence tif Germany's dt-sire for an agree
ment. Should Germany now recede fuither
II would appear in the eyes of the world us
weak, but what is of paramount importunes
it would be buying peace at the cost of a
great International principle, which In the
future would prove to be poor economy.
What power can accept the contention
that a nation must sacrifice Its interests
outright simply because they lie in the wuy
of another nation. The greatest good to the
greatet number is a law among nations as
among individuals.
In l'6 German ships containing t'i.le'J
tons registered entered the ports of Morocco
against i.-i, French ships containing 4H.oo
Ions. About forty German commercial
houses of some importance are scalteied
over ilie. country at important plan a.
lmHiani, however, as are trade ques
tions, tie main quesiion at Algeclras Is
that of equul rights for til and of the open
door. Ia a few words it is possible to give
a syno-jsis of the Gernutn contention on
thesu points as presented at Algeclras. Ger
many proposes that the sultan shall organ
ize the police ill Morocco, that the money
for Cm purpose shall be furnished him by
the Uank of Morocco, and that to a force
of police, composed of offi
cers chosen from the minor powers, such
a;t Switai-rlaiid, Sweden, Norway and Den
mark, shall be entrusted the organization
and drill of the entire police force. The
police would be under the supt-rvlsiou of
the diplomatic corps at Tangier and an offi
cer of high rank should be appointed whom
duly would be to watch the development of
tlie new force and report upon Its efficiency
to Hut tliiilnmallc ceuptt. The acceptance of
this proposal would give to the police a
distinctly tuternaikonal character and make
It Impossible for any power to exercise ap
elal advantages. Moreover, organisation of
iCuatiaued ou Second Pag.
C hlcaao Health I!
Physician to Trea
Failed to
-lnrtiiit-iil ttenda
Woman Prayer
I .
CHICAGO. March u.-Tii city health de
partment is Justified in forcibly Interfer
ing In cases of cxttvmn sickness where the
services of a physician lire refused, accord
ing to an opinion ivridVied today by Cor
poration Counsel Dewls. Since the advent
of John Alexander Dowle in Chicago many
cases of this nature have been brought to
the notice of the city authorities, but no
definite action has ever been taken in such
cases until today, when prayer instead of
medicine was being uwd In the treatment
of Mrs. I-aia Turner, who Is a believer in
Dowie's teachings. The woman had been
suffering for over twenty-four hours and
her life was in Imminent ierll. as her con
dition called for an immediate operation.
Instead of culling a physician the woman's
husband and relatives; appealed to Over
seer Voliva of Zion CHy, who sent one of
his deacons to pray for her. Tho woman's
pain Increased so much that her cries at
tracted the attention of a neighbor, who
reported the case to tin police. The police
at once placed the matter In the hnjida of
the health department, and was referred
to Corporation Counsel Lewis, who ex
pressed the opinion that the health depart
ment was JusttUed In .Interfering In such
extreme cases. A phielaii was at once
sent to attend the worn
was stopped.
it and her suffering
Friends of Mlaalna; Men Fear that
Bodies Are In Meridian
MERIDIAN. Miss. March 5 -The work
of gangs of convicts, hoth from the state
farm at Rankin nml from the city prisons,
as well us thousands of citizens, in clear
Inn awiy the debt-is of the tornado of
Friday night continued all lust riight with
out interruption, a cordon of soldiers being
thrown around the places where the work
was going on to prevent the crowds from
Interfering with the progress of operations.
The main efforts of a majority of the
workers were confined to the ruins of the
Meyer-Neville Hardware company's store,
where several dead bodies, have boon taken
out in the last two days. The relatives of
several missing people fear their loved ones
are still lying beneath the debris.
Offers of assistance and drafts for finan
cial aid have been reaching tho relief com
mittee so rapidly that refusal was hardly
possible. It is again announced that money
is not needed for relief purposes, tho people
of Meridian being amply able to take care
of themselves.
Tho list of casualties us a result of Fri
day evening's tornado remains unchanged,
twenty-six dead and forty-six Injured. The
suffering among the poorer classes has been
found to be much greater than at first
supposed, and contributions from whatever
source will now be acpted.
Attempts to Kit Ingnltrti Flames In the
Indian Territory Meets with
Fallu le .
CAKKY, Kan.. March 6. The great gas
well five rnlles from here, in the Indian
Territory, that has been burning Blnce
February 23, when it was struck by
lightning, continued to roar today with
unabated fury. The flames, forced 10 feet
into the air, were visible forty miles away
last night. The liie probably is one of
the worst of Its kind gas men have ever
had to combat.
' An attempt to extinguish the flames
with steam having fulled, an effort to
drop an immense iron cap over the well
was made, but without success. This cap,
weighing 3.00H pounds, was turned to a
white heat when within twenty feet of
the well. Another attempt will be made
to ca? the well.
W. V. Barr, un official of the Cnney Gas
company, says that the waste gas would
supply a cfty with a population of SiO.niK).
From a spectacular point of view the
flaming, fiery tongue, reaching more than
loo feet In the air. Is proving a great at
traction. It is estimated that ten thousand
persons have come from the surrounding
country In the part twenty-four hours to
view the night.
Attorney Morrison Cannot Find List
of Witnesses Furnished by (am.
uilssloner Garfield.
CHICAGO, March 5. A call waa made In
the packers' case today upon District At
torney Morrison lor the list of atlO wit
nesses turned over to the Department of
Justice hy Commissioner Garfield.
District Attorney Morrison said he had
been unable to find the list. The attorneys
for the packers protested that there had
been plenty of time, and unless the names
were Boon produced the purpose of their
use will he defeated. The district attorney
said he would continue the search with
all possible vigilance.
George XV. Brown took up the cross
examination of Special Agent Durund for
Nelnoti Mcrrla & Co. When he had fin
ished Attorney Miller for Armour & Co.
examined the witness. '
Jury Must Paaa on ( lie - Wherein
He la Aeruaed of
WASHINGTON, March 6. Justice Gould,
in criminal court No. 1, today overruled
the motion niada by rounswl for the de
fense in the case of George E. Green of
Biughamton, N. Y., on trial for conspir
acy in connection with the sale of supplies
to the Postoftlce department, to Instruct
the Jury to acquit the defendant, and the
defense proceeded with the submission of
its case.
In reply to a question from the court,
counsel for defense suggested that they
might get through iiu their testimony
Representative W. Bonrke (ertiaa
saecerda Jnallce O'Goriuan aa
Head of Order.
NEW YORK, March 5. In the pit-seiice of
the largest gathering of braves assembled
In years at an annual meeting, the thir
teen auchems of the Society o Tammaii) ,
or the Columbian ordar. wi re duly Installed
tonight in the One Hundred and Forty
eighth street wigwam. The Interesting and
ancient ceremony waa held behind cloved
doors, none but members of the order In
giKtd standing being admitted. Representa
tive W. Bourke Corkran was installed as
grund sachem, in place of Supreme Court
JwstK-e O'Gonuaii, who reajgued reotruily.
Omaha Man Says He Had No Political Aid
in Securing? Panama Contract.
It as thnt Hntehlna A Unmaa Bid
Waa ftiMlt.O(l! Helotv Market
Hid for Entire FIt
1 en rs.
WASHINGTON. Mutch 5. Jacob K.
Markel of Omaha, whose commissary con
tract with the Isthmian Canal commission
was cancelled, was again before the sen
ate committee on lnteroceanlc canals today.
Ho repeated denials previously made that
ha had the benefit of sample menus pre
pared by Hudglns and Dumas of New
York In making his bid for the commls
saty concession.
Mr. Markel admitted that he had seen
Chairman Phonts of the Canal commission
und Wlllitm Nelson Cromwell, counsel fo;
the Panama Railroad company, and had
discussed his testimony with these gentle
men, but only In a goners! way.
Mr. Taliaferro put Into the record a state
mnt prepared by his clerk showing thnt
under the Hudglns and Dumas contract tlnj
receipts for the first year would havo been
139.IVK) less than under the Markel contract,
and In five years as!l.:y0 loss. It was shown
further by Mr! Taliaferro that If all h
canal employes came under tho commissary
contracts the receipts under Hudglns &
Dumas' hid would be IwilUn less than un
der the Markel bid for the first year. The
figures for Ihe Markel statement had been
basd on the prospect of feeding J men
on the gold roll and 1.W0 on the silver roll.
Mr. Taliaferro asked Mr. Markel to state
how It was that he had received the con
tract in the face of the showing made. The
witness said he had no knowledge of Hud
glns & Dumas and Mr. Taliaferro read the
names of several persons given by tlv
firm as references. Among these was the
pros! lent of the I'nlted States. ,
"Do you not think this Indicates the firm
to be a reputable one?" asked Mr. Talia
ferro. "It Indicates (hat it was after political
Influence anyway," retorted the witness.
Mr. Taliaferro asked Mr, Markel If he
mea-it to Imply that because a firm gave
as reference tho president of the t"nlt.d
States he was seeking "political Influence."
"I was asked what political Influrnce. had
aidd me and I replied 'absolutely none," "
said the witness.
Mr. Taliaferro did not pursue the Inquiry
on that line.
"Do you not desire to change your testi
mony where you say the men on the
Isthmus were fed 'like hogs, the only dif
ference being that the food was passed
out on tin plates?' " asked Mr. Taliaferro
The witness said he was willing to let
his statement stand as made on Friday.
The witness was then excused.
Senator Morgan had put on fllo for future
disposition a resolution declaring that the
contract with Markel was without legal
authority and the payment of J10.7I5 to
him did not constitute a proper charge
against the government of the United
Mi-. Morga. . moved to amend the pro-.
ceedings of the committee on Saturday to
permit the recall of William Xelson Crom
well at the instance of any member of the
committee after' the type , of canal and
other legislative matters have been dis
posed of. The committee accepted the sug
gestion and the proceedings were amended
accordingly. The committee, adjourned un
til tomorrow, when Chairman Shouts will
be heard.
Cyclone In Tahiti Cnnaea I.osa of
Property to the Inlted
WASHINGTON, March 6. The State de
partment today received the following mes
sage from W. F. Doty, American consul
at Tahiti, dated February 17, and sent by
way of San Francisco:
Cyclone destroyed th'e consulate February
8. Records saved, but damaged. Library,
stationery and consular forms lost. Gov
ernor -solicits subscriptions. Estimate
made loss in French Oceania II.OOO.OOO.
The State department may find some dif
ficulty in re-establishing the consulate at
Tahiti, which Is the most Important point
in that quarter of the world, owing to the
failure of congress to allow the appropria
tion for $.10,0(10 sought to be included In
the urgent deficiency appropriation bill to
provide against such emergencies as this.
Statement by Fourth Assistant Post
master General Covering; Work
of the Service.
WASHINGTON, March l.-The operations
of the rural free delivery service up to
March 1, l!oS, are shown in a statement
issued today by Fourth Assistant Post
master General De Graw. I'p to that time
6t2'.'7 petitions hud been received and re
ferred. Of these 13.77J were acted upon
adversely. The number of routes in opera
tion March 1 was 33,o:3, leaving 3,124 peti
tions still pending, of which JH have been
assigned for establishment.
In connection with these figures the
statement is made that notwithstanding
the development of the service there Is an
unexpended balance on hand to the credit
of new establishment of ji'.o.nm from the
appropriation of t-.3T6,JM which became
available July 1 of lost year.
Mrs. Paol Morton's Private Car Waa
la Train bnt Did ot Utvt
ALBCyl'ERQVE. N. M.. March 5-8anta
Fe passenger train No. 1, westbound, waa
wrecked at Toltec, N. M., today ninety
miles west of here. Eleven persons were
injured, several seriously. Five cars, In
cluding one tourist car, left the rails.
The private car of Mrs. Iaul Morion,
wife of the president of the Equitable In
surance coniiany, was In the train, but it
did not leave the rails, and Mrs. Morton
escaped with a severe shaking up.
J. A. Summers of Albuquerque gnay die.
The others injured were Mexicans. Spread
ing rails caused the accident.
F.lgbtk Infnntry Off for Manila.
1 Slates army transport l.gan sailed today
for the Philippines. In addition to a nu:n-
, her of cabin passengers it carried the
, Eighth infantry and two troops of the.
Third cavalry. It also took back two
Mowaway who arrived here un the Huford.
'The trauaport Luwtou went to the Mare
Island navy yards today.
j hhrrrlrk on Trial.
I INDIANAPOLIS. March e.-The trial of
I David E. gtierrick. former auditor of atate,
ha'Sed with grand larceny and the eni
' rwzzlemenl of $lk,tM0 of slat funds, began
I tuUa..
Fair Taeadny and Wednesday Kxrept
Know Tuesday In onthern Portion.
Temperature at Omnha -leaterdayi
Hoar. Hear. Hoar. Ilea.
8 " I n. ni. . . . . .
" Il l it . nt K1
T g.'t :i p. m .Hi
a. m g; 4 p. , n(
n " m SCI ft p. m ill
10 m y. t . , HI
11 a. in HT T p. it .11
131 m a S p. m no
t p. 111 SIM
Conference Representing Fifty Thoa
aantl Men Will Convene at
Plttahura Today.
r'lTToPl'KG. Kas., Mutch 5 The oillcers
of the three soMh wt.tet n ilistucts cf ihe
United Mine Win kern of Ameiic.i, r.-pre-rttitlrg
50. ni miners of Kansas, Arkansas.
Ind'.nn Teriltory end Texas, wire In confer
ence in this city today. It is expoctod that
Chris Evans, a pttM.nal it prctentitlvi of
President Jchr Mitchell, v. .11 arrivj litre
tonight and lave with district leaders for
Kansas City. wher a conference wltn the
operators will le held.
The conference today was behind e;los-.d
doors and no statements were given out as
to Its purpose, but It is known that one of
the objects of the conference was to fire
pure for the approaching conference witii
ihe operators.
INDIANAPOLIS. March 5-The Unit..!
Mine Workers International executive iMiard
has been culled to meet hero March 14.
Prendent Mitchell will be beck fo preside
at the session.
NEW YORK. March 5. A meeting of the
operator's committee of seven to consider
the demands of the anthracite miners has
been called for tomorrow afternoon.
President (tampers laauea Call for
Merlins; to He Held
March 1t.
WASHINGTON. March i President
Gompers of the American Federation of
IjHhur, has called a meeting of the ex
ecutive council here March 1!.
The matters to be discussed have nut
been disclosed, but the fact that Preslijont
Mitchell of the mine workers, who Is a
member of the council, will be present,
lends color to the belief that the coal
question will be considered. President
Gompers has gone to Philadelphia and
New York on matters connected with the
Peoria School Board Gives Dffasltlng
Superintendent Credit for
SC.I.OOO oa Account.
PEORIA, III.. March 8 The school board
tonight adopted resolutions providing for
the dropping of all litigation against tho
Peoria National bank and the school treas
urers and their bonlsmen. TIs action makes
it certain that no proceedings for the re
covery of to school funds will he under
taken except against former Superintendent
The board tonight accepted from tho
Dougherty estate property with a face
value of $)O,O00 and gave Dougherty credit
on account for $250,000.
Measure Must (o Throogh I nantrnded
or There Will Be an Extra
Session of Congress.
WICHITA. Kan., March 5. "Either the
Hepburn hill will go through congress as
It passed the house or there will be a spe
cial session of congress," said Congress
man Victor Murdock, who arrived here
tiklay to attend the Eighth district con
gressional convention, which will meet in
this city tomorrow. The Eighth district Is
the new Kansas district made by dividing
tho old Seventh district, which Congress
man Murdock now represents. He will
probably be the first republican nominee
for the Eighth district.
Concern at Franklin, Pa., Haa Beea
Doing noslneaa at a l.oaa and
.Ones ftNM,O0O.
FRANKLIN. Pa., March 5. General
Charles Miller today filed an application
for a receiver for the General Manifold
company, makers of carbons and manifold
papers. Judge Criswcll will act on the ap
plication tomorrow. The plant Is capital-Izi-d
at $4,000,000 and employs ZOO men. Gen
eral Miller claims the plant has never oper
ated at a profit, and has an Indebtedness
of over $SeAi,U0. of which $131,000 Is due
Council Advances Cost of Licensee
from M lo fl.OOfl by Vote
of 40 to SS.
CHICAGO. March 6. As a step toward
stamping out crime In Chicago, the city
council tonight passed an ordinance In
creasing the price of saloon licenses front
$j00 to $1.1X0. Unless Mayor Dunne vetoes
the ordinance It will go Into effect May 1.
With the licenses costing $600, Chicago has
7,017 saloons. The saloon element put up
a bitter fight against the high license plan,
but the ordinance carried by a vote of 40
to 28.
Former Equitable Official Ultras
Promise to Rrtara at
Jrrome'a Demand.
NEW YORK. March 5. It became known
today that James II. Hyde, formerly vice
president of the Equitable Lite Assurance
society, us well as Richard A. Mi Curdy,
former president of the Mutual Life In
surance company, before salting for Europe
some time ago. made a written promise to
District Attorney Jerome to return to this
country any time his presence is desired.
Body of General Srboald Veal lo
Waabloatoa for latermral at
8T. AUGUSTINE, Fla., March S. The
body of Lieutenant General John M. Scho
field was tonight sent to Washington for
Interment at Arlington. Brief burial serv
ices were conducted at Ihe late residence.
The honurary pallbearers Included United
Slates Senator Cullom and Brigadier Gen
erals W. M. Wherry and WlJIia-n Ennls,
General tJuboui-Ul s former staff offline
Conifressman Norris Introduces Bill Do
nating; Nebraska Public Lands.
Fifth District Member Believes This Would
Settle the Leasing Question.
Likely to Report Bill for Diiect'llection of
Members of Upper House.
Several Nebraska Tonne Coma In fog
Appropriations, Both for Bnlld.
inaa and MtcaMone) for
rmy Poata.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, March 6. -Congressman
Norris is buck again In harness, after the
b leave men I which he has sulTcrcd by rea
son of the death of his two Infant boys and
the serious Illness of his wife, who is hap
pily on the road to recoveiy. Today Mr.
Norris introduced a bill that, if passed, will
solve tho question of land lease in Ne
braska. His bill provides that so much of
the public lauds of tho United States within
Nebraska as have not been entered under
the homestead laws shall be granted to
the state for the support of tho common
schools, under the same conditions and sub
ject to the sumo limitations ns the govern
ment granted Its public lunds to Nebraska
for school purposes under tho enabling act
Mr. Norris' Idea is to settle tho public
land question In Nebraska. The bill gives
to the state the unoccupied public lands
within lis boundaries, taking away from
the government control of the lands In
question. It does not affect lands already
taken, and therefore, as might he pre
sumed, would not discontinue tho land of
fices In the slate. The laws of Nebraska
governing the school lands would apply to
the lands taken over under the Norris bill,
snd the proceeds of these lands, whether
from sale or lease, would go lo the com
mon school fund, which, according to A'
torney General Norris Brown's brief flleil..
today In the supreme court 'in tho tav
cases coming up from the circuit court of
Nebraska, Is greutly In need of funds to
carry on work of education In many coun
ties of the stain. It is Congressman Nor
ris' opinion that if somo such a bill could
become a law. as he proposes, the demand
for a land leasing proposition at the hands
of the government would be entirely done,
away with, and that the proper state au
thorities, together with the legislature,
could Intelligently legislate on this question,
which particularly Interests 4.he cattlemen
of the Sixth Nebraska district.
Senatorial Election Bill I'p,
Congressman Norris at the beginning ot
the present session introduced a bill pro
viding for the election of sonatora by the
people, w hk h bill was referred to the com
mittee on election of president and vice
president. Owing to the demands made
upon several members of tho committee by
other seemingly more Important commit
tees, the committee to which Judge Norris'
bill was referred ban not held a meeting un
til today. Among tho first measures con
sidered waa Judge Norris" bill and one of
the liveliest meetings held by that com
mittee In a number of years grew out of
its consideration. Judge Norris waa un
able to attend the meeting, but it la be
lieved that had ho been present the Com
mitted would have voted to report tha bill
favorably. Out of courtesy to their col
league the committee passed over final con
sideration until Judga Norris Is able to at
tend. Public Building Bill Coming.
The sub-committee on public buildings
and grounds, charged with . preparing a
.public building bill, has about completed
Its labors and It Is expected that a tentative
bill will be reported to the full committee at
its meeting this week. Out of the number
of bills Introduced for sites and buildings
by the Nebraska delegation. It ia thought
Judge Norris, who is a member of the sub
committee, will urge an appropriation for
public buildings at Grand Island and York,
sites for which having already been pur
chased by the government, la addition It
Is expected that he will recommend so fat
es Nebraska goes the purchase of sites for
Kearney, Columbus and liattsmouth.
Should this prognostication prove true
five of the congressional districts will
be taken care of cither by a public
building or a site. It Is understood Mr.
muted to the members of the Nebraska del
egation and particularly to the members
from that state on public buildings anil
grounds committee, that his district Is not
a candidate for either building or site, lead
ing towns In the second district being pro
vided with public buildings.
Improvements at Army Posts.
Senator Burkett today Introduced In tho
senate an amendment to the army appro
priation bill, asking $2no,oo0 'with which to
begin the building of Fort Niobrara as a
regimental post, preferably for field artil
lery. Fort Koblnnon is already provided for
In the bill as passed the house, the quarter
master having estimated $lol,5o0 for new
buildings for that post.
The war department now has an aye on
reservations having a large area, where
troops ran be given all kinds of exercise
Incident to war. Fort Niobrara has 40,000
acres, one of the largest In the country and
Fort Robinson has 13. 0e acres, which- Is
large as compared with many others. Fur
ther, it is asserted that mounted troops ran
be maintained at Fort Robinson cheaper
than at any other post in the country, with
Niobrara a close second.
Tax Case Presented.
Upon the motion of Representative Hin
shaw, Norris Brown, attorney general of
Nebraska, and M. F. Stanley of Aurora.
Neb., were today admitted to practice be
fore the supreme court of the United
States. Immediately following his admis
sion Attorney General Brown submitted a
motion praying for the adv-tneement of thn
Nebraska, tax lase. officially known aa th.
Chicago, Burliiigtou Ac Qulncy Railroad
Company against F. C. Hancock, treasurer
of Adams county, Nebraska. The court
took the motion under advisement. It la
expected, however, that the court will take
no cognizance of this case until October of
this year. In connection with this case At
torney GcM-ral liiowr. has filed with the
court a volumiilous brief of several tboti
eund puges of typewritten matter.
Aiiuriu-y General Brown and Mr. Plan,
ley, after completing their business before
the supreme court, started on a tour about
tha t-upltol. calling upon senators and re-
ituieiitatlveB from Nebraska, They
luiuheon wltn zXepreaeataAlv-ag ilia has
- jCvuUuutU ia hVitfund. fate 4