Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Tim Omaha Daily Dee.
Dally Bee (without Sunday), one r. ..H
Dally Br and Sunday, one year
Illustrated Baa, ona year jO
Sunday Bee, ona year.. $ J
Saturday Be, one year 1
Dally flee ffncludlng Sunday!, per week.. 17c
Daily Be (without Bundayi. per wk-..-j
Evening Be (without Sunday), per
Evening Bee (with Sunday), per wek....lOc
Sunday Bee, pr copy :"'..
Address complaints of Irreculsritiee In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha Th Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago We Unity Building.
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Washington (01 Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to newa and ed
itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, eapreee or postal order
payable o The Bee Publishing Company,
unly 3-eent stamps received a payment or
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
C. C. Roaewater, secretary of The Bea
Publishing company, being duly "rni
aava that the actual number of full and
enmrte.-epe ef The Dally. Morning.
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
the month of rebruary, 11. w" . lo1
lowsi .
1 u". Sl.Oan w. sieo
i ai.Bo i sa,MO
t ... aa.soo it sa,so
i at jg s.o
I ..... ai,T0 . i siwo
c ...... ai.Tio ' BXJUO
7 81,5flO fl .l. 81,820
I Sl,4ffO a
t S1.4WI 3 Sl,40
1 83,TiK 34 82,090
li 20,000 i& so.aao
12 fti,ano : ai,at
IS S1.MO S7 S1.430
14 81,290 X 81.30
ToUI .. S78.210
Leea unsold coplea 0,182
Net total aalea gMW.oaM
Dally average 81.8T4
Subscribed In tny presence and sworn to
before me this 2Jth day of February, 11
(Seal) M. B. HUNGATE,
Notary Public.
Subscribers leavlaa; tha city (am.
rorarily ahoald hava The Bea
mailed to Ikria. Addresa will be
Arch Dyke Ferdinand mny change his
mind and decldo that a little throne is
better than no throne at all.
If Senator Lodge resurrects the l'liil
il'pino bill he will make some people be
lieve that the age of miracles is not
At last the wisdom of the ostrich has
been vindicated. The Standard Oil com
pany has emulated its example by hid
ing Its head.
If Colorado doesn't hurry thus Crip
ple Creek murder cases It may find all
tr. the ulleged , murderers Immune
' through confession. ' - ; - '
ltusalan lolice have been instructed
to take no active part In the coming
ejection. The down fall. of the rwtkn
s policy Is thus connrmocl. y;
pald-for autobiography of V. J.
Broatch declares that he has always
Veeu "conspicuous" In the public eye.
"Notorious", would express it better.
The way desirable corners In the
business (distrlet are changing hands, It
will soon take a big pile of chips to
get Into the corner lot game In Omaha.
Ktteh women who hope to vote for
members of Pnrllament because they are
graduates of a university may be doing
much to advance higher education In
certain quarters.
With the Chinese delegates to Amer
ica quarreling among themselves, the
uieu who. stay at home will probably
have their own way when It comes to
changing the rules.
"Billy Saunders. , Bensou ami re
form" Is tho battle cry of the Fontanelle
braves! "Billy" Ka under and reform.
Zlp-Hlp. Hooray! By the way. when
did "Billy" I take the reform Keeley
' Strange, Is It not. that the authorities
of ltoane college do not seem to be lm
pressed In the slightest with the Idea
that they should refuse to consider the
ofTer of Carnegie money for fear of lm
lug Mllutod by It.
For some Inscrutable and unexplaiu
; able reason the disquisition of Candi
date Benson ou the enforcement of law.
Including the Bandar closing law. Is
significantly silent on the enforcement
of the no-treat law.
The efforts of the Nebraska tlelegatlou
at Washington to hatch out a bill to lo
cate government fish hatchery in Ne
braska should keep the memliers In prac
tice to land political fish when they
come home.
Omaha bank clearings for the punt
week' have reached high water mark.
The aggregate is over fn,oa),nuo, 21
per cent above the corresponding week
of 1906, which was the most prosMroua
year lu Omaha's history.
That hole in the wall at the couuty
Jail can be measured best agaluat tb
hoi in the county treasury out of which
salaries are extracted for all the roust
abouts who have been enrolled as
deputy sheriffs and Jailers.
; The moat amusing thing about Eras
tug Benson's platform is hia denuncia
tion of platitudes which, almost In the
same breath. Is followed by a string
of platitudes borrowed from the cam
paign books of all the political parties,
living and dead, ancient and modern.
The only strictly original idea evolved
by Benson is that he favors "the mu
nicipal ownership of " government,"
whatever that may mean.
The Atchison, Topeka fanta r
Itailroad company Is to le commended
for Its refnanl to Join the other com
panies having lines In Kaunas In .their
attempt to nullify the state schedule of
rates on oil. by arbitrarily putting In
force rates higher than the legal rates
and fighting the public authorities ttsith
and nail through the time-consuming
ptocess of the courts. The Santa Fe
eoi..raiiT Incurs the displeasure of the
confederated roads, bnt sets a worthy
example when it officially announces
that it will submit In good faith to the
maximum freight charges prescribed un
der the state law, although as emphat
ically as the other roads holding those
chures unremnnerative and unfair to
the carrier, and proclaiming Its Inten
tion to go before the legislature next
winter to show that the legal rates are
confiscatory and to secure permission to
increase them.
This announcement, if It be sincere,
Implies a definite submission to the pub
lic authority, In striking contrast with
the attitude of two railroad systems
towards Mxes levied In Nebraska. It Is
strange that Kreat railroad1 corporations
should so long have failed to perceive
that genuine and conclusive recognition
of public authority Is the condition of
peaceful and wholesome relations. The
ultimate best Interests of the railroads
tLemstlves are bound up In It.
It may be safely assumed that the
Panta Fe will fare far better by taking
the people of Kansas Into it confidence,
by presenting Its case to them openly
and above board, than by any possible
effort of defiance and chicane, almost
limitless as are the resources of a great
rollroid corioratlon for the latter
course. Hut resistance Inevitably means
war with the public, and n state of war
with its bitterness nnd exasperation U
not favorable to consideration of the
nice details of equity. The railroads
ought by this time to have had enough
of the losses nnd enmities engendered
by foolhardy war with the public au
thority. The people of Kansas or any other
state will meet the transportation cor
porations fairly and more than half way
if they come, equally with other citi
zens, with ungrudging acknowledgment
of the supremncy of the state and ask
ing a square (leal on the merits of the
Nothing could be more Irrational und
unfair than Imputation to Vice Presi
dent Fairbanks of purpose to defeat or
to falter with the Dolllver-Hepburn bill
In the senate. Though the place of the
vice president is of great Importance by
reason of the fact that he succeeds to
the presidency In the event of the death
or disability of the chief executive, yet
otherwise his principal function 1b
simply that of presiding officer of the
senate, with exceedingly limited influ
ence in that tiody, of which he is not a
member nor even entitled to n vote ex
cept in case of an equal division of the
senators. He Is entirely devoid of the
enormous Influence which the speaker of
the liunse possesses over legislation
through tho power to appoint the com
mit lees of that body, and he is other
wise equally circumscribed by the very
constitution, the traditions and the rules
of the Senate.
If Ibere le just complaint or general
suspicion of the senate as u lody, or of
many of the senators, on the score of
disposition to thwart the popular de
maud on pending railroad legislation,
the odium should attach to the senate
Itself or to those senators whil are at
fault, ami not to the official who is des
ignated by the constitution merely to sit
us Its chairman certainly not In the ab
sence of specific evidence of Interference
on his part, not a scintilla of which is
even alleged against Vice President
Fnl'bnnks. If the field of speculation
I t' be o)Mnel, he ought to Ik? entitled
to the Iienetlt of all the presumptions
that rest upon the fact that both the
senutors trot r Indiana are said to be
heartily supporting the very measure In
Even the unofflclsl bearing of Vice
President Falrbunks 011 a matter like
this, so completely absorbing public at
tention and permeating all political cir
cumstances, Is one of extreme delicacy.
For if Ignorant or malicious misrepre
sentation assails him as to things abso
lutely beyond his responsibility, much
more Mould he be made the victim of
hostile criticism if lm were to obtrude
himself conspicuously in the lime light
a- If for the purtMwe of making olltlcal
Measured by any yardstick of ma
terial progress. Omaha, commercially
and industrially, Is pursuing a steady
course onward and upward. As tin
year 1!5 when closed disclosed a 1ml
ance sheet for Omaha notably In ad
vance of that for the year l!aM, so the
Initial months of the year lOoti a
marking records ahead of those of the
corresponding months of the preceding
In the matter of real estate and build
ing activity the statistics are decidedly
gratifying, being far to the good lu the
comparative column. This Is explaina
ble, of course, by the fact that the win
ter has beeu an ojhmi one, entailing no
cessation of outdoor operations and eu-
abling building projects to be carried
on almost as if through a summer
The expansion of general business
shown most gratlfylngly in the bank
clearings totals and the postoffice re
ceipts Omaha bank clearings for Feb
ruary, 1106, are more than 8.(XW.0U0 lu
exceaa of the bank clearings for Feb
ruary, 1005 a gain of approximately 30
per ceut. and this notwithstanding the
fact that the number of banks clearing
through the local clearing ' bouse' la
smaller thau a year ago. 8tamu sales
from theVinaha postoffice again for the
montn of t ebruary, 1908. are S52.W3. as
against I4V3h for February of last
year. The same sort of a showing is
doubtless made by telegraph and ex
press companies, which share with the
Hstofflce the Interchange of business
communications and packages, and rail
road earnings on freight In nnd out of
Oinnha must likewise le larger.
While contemplating Omaha's growth.
we must reniemler that Omsha"s pros
perfty -s directly dependent Upon the
territory within its commercial reach,
and that every city, village and hamlet
In this territory Is also marching In a
forward movement. In the reflection of
good crops and fair prices enjoyed by
the people on the farm and In the field.
The best part of the situation Is that
with so solid n foundation resting
firmly In tho development of natural re
sources yet untouched, the outlook for
uninterrupted trade expansion for
Omaha was never better.
State Treasurer Mortenscu evinces a
commendable desire to get an authorita
tive ruling in advance on the constitu
tional provision governing eligibility to
state office in ample time before the
nominating conventions. We apprehend,
however, that the difficulty will be to
make a case on which the courts can
be induced to pass. The court might
issue the proposed mandamus against
the secretary of state requiring him to
accept a candidate's etltlon on the
ground thnt that officer is not the Judge
of the candidate's quallfica4lons and
has no discretion where the petition Is
In proper form and duly attested by the
required number of signatures. The
courts have almost Invariably held thut
the only way to test title to office Is by
quo warranto, and that a case In quo
warranto cannot be instituted until two
persons are In position to clnlm the
same o(Ht' at one time.
The decision Just rendered In the
federal court for this district on an ap
peal from an assessment made by the
county Isjard establishes the power of
that lwdy under the revenue law to in
crease or decrease assessments upon its
own initiative, subject, of course, to no
tification nnd hearing of the parties af
fected. This makes the county ismrd
share equally with the county assessor
responsibility for equal taxation of
property within their Jurisdiction nnd
relieves the property owners of the un
plensant necessity of complaining
against his nelghlmr In order to get Jus
tice for himself. The taxpayers will
watch the county loard when It next
sits as a board of review and equaliza
tion to see whether it will shoulder this
responsibility without shrinking.
The recent conference of school super
intendents at Louisville . among other
things condemned the tolerance of fra
ternities and secret societies among high
sch(Ml students as subversive of disci
pline and detrimental to habits of studl
ousuess. There is no' question but that
the high schools and some of the lower
grades of the public schools huve gone
altogether too far in aping college cus
toms and that the time is ripe for a re
action hen just as it Is for foot ball
It was to have lcen execterf that
the "immediate" compulsory purchase
of tho water works, which has done
service in every political campaign for
tho last five years, would lie trotted out
again-for another heat on the municipal
primary race track. Inasmuch, how
ever, as City Attorney Breen admits
that the "Immediate" purchase cannot
be effected in short of two years, the
voters are not likely to le stampeded
by any turning on of tho hose :it this
The proclamation by one of the
Omalm yellows thut parents In this city
are alarmed for the safety of their
children is simply a suggestion to des
peradoes to imitate the Crowe kidnaping
exploit. The Bet? feels free , i warning
would-be kidnapers that summary puu
ishmeut would overtake them Iwfore the
lts-al yellow journals would have time
to make heroes of tliein ami work up
public sympathy as a foundation for
their acquittal.
If the Fontanelle candidate for mayor
is really opposed to graft, how does It
come that the two chief champions of
the county Jail feeding graft are Fonta
nelle memtsM's of the county 1sard?
And where was the "protest of the anti
graft candidate when the attempt was
being made to perpetuate the county
Jail feeding graft?
Revolutions in Columbia no longer
possess the interest in America they did
wliile the Panama canal might he af
fected, but the sympathies of the coun
try will le with General Reyes, who
proved that he knew how to retvgnixe
the Inevitable gracefully.
The keynote of the Bensouiau plat
form Is "death to graft and grafters."
What does Mr. Benson think of the
Fontanelle governor's Jail feeding
graft? Did not "Johnny" McDonald
move to make Benson's nomination
Those banker in Cincinnati seem to
l decidedly adverse to telling about the
side payments they have been making to
hold deposits of public money. This re
luctance would indicate that the statute
of limitations has not yet run ou their
transactions. v
With Great Britain forcing a vote on
Important questions at Algecirus it is
probable that danger of war is averted
as the British' Lion never forces a fight
unless it has all to gain and nothing
to hc.
Par la tha Talag.
Chicago Chronicle.
Senator Lodge has offered an amend
ment to the Hepburn Mil displacing tha
present Interstate Commerce commlaaion
by a new one. consisting of nine members,
each witb salary of fl2.W. except the
chairman, who Is allowed fSfti more Sena
tor Lnrice Is opposed t'i giving the commls
alon more power, but he doee not object to
more commlMlntiers and higher aalnrles.
Kvenlna; I p Thine;.
Boston Transcript.
The law of compensation never sleeps.
People will be very ungrateful If they com
plain the coming summer that Ice Is hlsh
In price.
nt Se.l.
Chicago Tribune.
It will lie h long lime. Just the same. !e
firc the National Educational sssociatlir'i
succeeds In popularlalng thru," 'lilinesa"
ami "tuf."
lodel for Action.
New York Tribune.
The president's commendation of Admi
ral Togo's address to the Japanese navy
may be taken as a compliment, but It Is
meant ss business.
Tip for n Knocker.
Chicago Record-Herald.
The commerce commission has decided
that certain petroleum rates are unjust,
but that It has no power to give relief.
Senator Foraker will uae this In his next
speech as sddttlonal evidence of the sum.
clency of present rate laws.
Possible tare. All for Hasina.
San Francisco Chronicle.
A suit is to be brought against an east
ern university to recover damagoa for In
juries austalned by a student In a baaing
affair. If the principle that the governing
authorities of an educational Institution
are responsible In cases of this kind Is as
serted. It will go a long way toward abat
ing a vicloua practice which is winked at
by many presidents because they are vic
tims of the delusion that It docs a student
good to subject hlni to hard knocks.
Worshipers of the Blfr Dollar.
, Philadelphia Record.
Sllverlsm dies hard. Four members of
the house committee mi coinage, weights
and measures have made a minority report
against a bill to authorise the secretary of
the treasury to Increase the supply of sub
sidiary silver by using as material some of
the silver dollars now lying Idly by tho
million In the treasury vaults. They want
the secretary to preserve the Integrity of
the sacred silver dollars by buying fresh
bullion for the subsldlnry coins, or to buy
bullion and coin dollars therefrom to re
place the dollars'colned Into smaller pieces.
Mr. Orchard of Idaho Is said to have
confessed to twenty-six murders. His
conscience may feel easier, but one is
bound to regard him as a poor Insurance
Queen Wilhelmlna of Holland is bearing
the ccst of concerts given by well known
singers In tho slum quarters of Tho Hague.
Only the poorest people are allowed to at
tend. Will S. Hays, whose songs "Mollie Dar
linr." "The Little Old Log Cabin In the
Lane," etc., were sung two score years
ago, Is living In I-oulsvllle, Ky., and re
cently celebrated the 74th anlversary of his
Congressman Champ Clark has been
good enough to give out the Information
that if Benton had been elected president
there would have been no civil war. Sel
dom does the little word "If reach a
dignity superior to this.
Champ Clark, ot Missouri came loping
down the center aisle of the house, rock
ing from side to aide, but covering dis
tance at a surprising rate. . "There's
Clark," mused Speaker Cannon; "look at
him travel. If he bad four feet lie wuuld
have been a camel,", ,
Daniel 8. Jones. . civil war veteran and
a member of thro, squad thai captured
Jeff Davis In lHtiS. Is dead at Kokomn,
Ind., aged U years. It Is said there la
now but one survlvcr. General Mils, of
the detail of twenty men who assisted In
the capture of Davis..
M. C. Conway, a trolley car conductor
In Denver, is making quite a name for him
self as a tracer of deserters from tbd
t'nlted States army. All told he lias cap
tured about fifty men who had taken
French leave of army life. At one time
Conway was a aoldler in the Kleventh
I'nited Statea tavalry. He has made ar
resta all over the west, getting M for
each capture he makes. He served In
Cuba, China and the Philippines.
Critic Saya 'Ilia 7-eal Outruns Ilia
Chicago Chronicle.
The Lenten' season pastoral sent out to
all the churches In Ilia diocese by Wallop
Rcannel) of Omaha Is a human document In
warm aympathy with human needs, some
times too sympathetic to admit of entirely
clear vision. Like most men of warm tem
perament, he seems Inclined to generalise
too hastily and too broadly.
No one who knows the world will ques
tion the Judgment that the simple, toilful
life of the farm tends to develop honest,
sturdy manhood when It has fit natural ma
terial to work on. but in the bishop's
the Implication In coupling theater Koers
and votaries of pleasure" grow old prema
turely and never become men. It Is not pos
alble to approve the broad generalisation
the implication in coupling thater goers
and votaries of pleasure. A habit of attend
ing the theater alone never dwarfed man
hood seriously The bishop's phrase Is too
broad. Hia seal outruns his discernment.
Btranger atill Is It when he appeals to
fathers to save the children, since they can
not trust the mothers because, he says,
women are swayed by extraneous consid
erations and their judgment is not to be
relied on. Here again It la evident that the
bishop has generalised too hastily In draw
ing ao sharp a line of distinction between
fathers and mothers. There ia not the least
doubt that If he will look about among his
own flock he can speedily pick out many a
case where the father cuts no figure among
the directing forces that control his family,
but the mother la the commanding officer
and director.
Equally true it la that In other families
the father Is exclusively the director, the
arbiter, the "boss." And It la quite aafe to
say that the biahop knows In his heart that
theae father-dominated families are not al
ways the moat wisely or the most really
governed. Among all England's rulers tha
one -moat distinguished for uniting clear
sagacity and an Imperious will was a
And ao the bishop must know of yet other
families where father and mother contrive
to convey an Impression of joint authority,
exercised sometimes with much wrangling
and friction, but more often with smooth
and harmonioua preaaure that wina Its end
before it Is even recognised aa power.
Probably the bishop on reflection will ad
mit that this last named la beat of all, but
that joint authority, even when marred
with friction and cbtnktng jara, is nearly
always better than the one-aided force that
wastes much In lost motion, like the willing
horse In a team that must pull tha load and
Ita lasy or stubborn mate aa well.
Next after tha natural fiber of character
born ia the child. It la the home training
mora than any other ona thing that deter
mines character growth. If that training
has been Intelligent, faithful and whole
some, the bad play may shock and disgust,
but It will not corrupt. To blame It for
Immorality in spectators ia not unlike kick
ing tha inaenaata stone against which our
own groas willfulness er careleasnesa our feeU
Ripples a the t arrest of 1.1 fe la the
Met rwpolls.
The problem of dealing with gangs of
bad Isiys Is particularly scute In the me
tropolis. Meneurcs of reform ami repres
sion herttofore applied have not materially
doctva-d the number of crimes traceable
to youngsters. Whatever reform haa been
effected has leen offset bv the activity of
Fsgln schools of crime. One of the outlaw
gangs recently uncovered consisted of sis
boys, from IS to 19 years old. They had
rented a cellar on First avenue, made It
their home, nnd filled It with stealings from
small merchants on the Kast Side. Many
soils of clothing, kegs of butter, crates of
eggs, boxes of lemons, hams, side of beet
and bacon, boxes of soap and whit not,
were discovered in this den of thieves.
Alone the walls of the 12xJ0 room were
cots on which the boys were sleeping when
the police discovered them. The element
of romance and danger In such a perform
ance makes it attractive to adventurous
The mild winter dsys have encouraged
the managers of the Waldorf to throw open
the 'roof as a playground for children and
pots. Js'ext to Qrammercy park, this is
the most exclusive playground In Now
Vork. The small children, who have here
tofore been compelled to go out on the
streets with their nurses, can romp and
play to their hearts' content without fear
of anyone. Kut it Is noticeable that nurses
accompany the children; the women them
selves generally accompany the dogs. One
guest of the Waldorf the owner of a Japa
nese spaniel takes her pet on the roof
every day promptly nt 2 o'clock. This tiny
aristocrat does not condescend to mingle
with either the children or the other dogs.
And he has frequently change of togs. Re
cently he appeared In a red sweater with
hiKMi attachment. The roof of the Ansonla
apartment hotel (the biggest in the world)
has a gymnasium, a chicken coop, a pigeon
house and, in the summer, a truck garden.
The roofs here are coming in for use more
and more. Koof camping on Lower Broad
way skyscrapers Is to be one of the fea
tures of midsummer life when the season
begins. Already landlords have made ar
rangements with tenants.
Miss Hannah Hughes, A) years old, had
a fist fight with an alleged thief in Twenty
fifth street nnd Ninth avenue and the af
fair wound up with the man being taken
to Jefferson Market court, where he was
held In lol bonds by Magistrate Mayo for
petty larceny.
According to the story told by the girl to
the magistrate, her family had moved from
46a West Nineteenth street to 468, directly
across the street. She was coming out of
the old home and Just entering the. door of
the new residence when she saw a man
coming out who carried In his arms a bun
dle consisting of her brother Tom's cout
and an opera cloak and packet Is-longlng to
"You bring those things back here," said
Miss Hannah.
"Aw, go chase yourself," answered the
man as he ran down the street.
"Well, your honor," said the gill to
Mugistrato Mayo, "I didn't chase myself,
but I chased him,"
In Twenty-fifth street the man stopped
exhausted, and Miss Hanah overtook him.
"Give back those things," she said.
"Ferglt It, ferglt It," was the reply.
"Bkldoo for yours, little girl, or I'll hurt
Miss Hannah's fist shot nut and landed
beneath the man's ear and the latter fell
"down and out."' He still retained pos
session of the stolen property and In a
few minutes struggled to his feet and stag
gered into a saloon, with Miss Hughes
hanging to his coat and landing a blow
now and "then. - Then a policeman took
him in. 1
New York's "finest," grown remarkably
sensitive, would like o escape a police
parade this year. The patrolmen's benefit
association has petitioned the r nil of Al
dermen not to encourage the usual public
demonstration of the force by making an
appropriation of the people'a money for
grandstands and so on. Policemen regard
the annual parade aa a nulsanco, rather
than a glory. It Is complained that they
have been continually hniled hitherto with
derisive cries of "Here comes the grafters!"
"Look at the side door rappers'." "Bee this
bunch of fakes!" These remarks pain and
displease, and do not cheer, and constitute
one ot' the chief reasons why the men beg
not to be forced to an exhibition ot
The project of the Singer Manufacturing
company to erect a forty-story building ou
lower Broadway is by ill means the first
for it building of this height that the am
bitious New York architect has projected,
but it is the first thnt has come before the
building department in the form of serious
and responsible plans. Certainly It must lie
the first in which au altitude of forty
stories hus been projected on so exiguous a
hasU as that of u slxty-live-foot square, or
something ever 4.UHU square feet. The utili
tarian New Yorkers at once begin to ask,
"Will it pay?" He "figures" on the eleva
tor service that the tenants of these forty
stories would require. If he be a building
expert, he also figures on the proportion of
tho space that the elevators necessary to
tender satisfactory Service would absorb.
Those who discussed the subject today
agreed that a skyscraper of sixty-five feet
square on the area and of forty stories In
height did not exceed the structurally prac
ticable, but most of the experts think that
the projector should shorten the building or
buy more ground.
The enterprising malinger of one, employ
ment agency now makes a specialty of
germ-proof cooks. He udvertlses his stock
of Immunes by means of a circular letter
addressed to families afflicted with sick
ness of a contagious nature.
"I learn the address of those families
through the health reports." said the man
ager. "The servants I supply them with
have lived through all contagious diseases
under the sun, from hives to smallpox,
hence they are comparatively free from at
tack and are wllllna;, for the sake of the
extra money there is in it, to accept a sit
uation in a quarantined house. The fami
lies to whom I offered aid of this kind were
mighty glad of the assistance. Employ
ment agencies do not, aa a rule, keep a list
of germ-proof cooks on hand, so, after the
regular servants had Qed, the members of
the stricken households were obliged to
take. charge of their own kitchens. After
several days of drudgery thtry were pretty
well played eut, and were willing to pay
almost any price for a cook who was not
afraid of the job."
Baltimore American.
The various laws being Introduced In
federal and state legislatures to stop cor
ruption may not all pass, and some ot
the hi may be upon an entirely too Utopian
basis, but they show the public conscience
is aroused and that some measure of hotw
esty and honor must replaca present ex
posed conditions. The public may resent a
ruling state of things better than Ita own
moral standard; human nature hardens
itself instantly against the "holier-than-thou"
attitude, no matter how Justly taken.
But nulther will It tolerate conditions be
low Ita own moral code, aa haa been proved
more than onceby the reforms In social
and political affairs brought about jn the
face of strongly entrenched power and in
fluence by the sheer force of public opinion.
PANY was the first company jn America
to make watches, the first to be organ
ized, and at the present time is the
first in the quality and volume of its
product. '
"The Perfected Amtrian Wkh," n illastrjtted book ofMertstinf
information About witches, free upon reqaest.
Cosud Tribune: If Senator Millard is wise
he will not be a cnndldate for re-election.
Nebraska voters do not want railroad and
corporation men to represent them.
York Republican: It took a long time to
smoke Senator Millard out of his hole and
Ids aetis ration of his Intention to stand
by the administration was tardy enough to
make the publlo suspicious of It. An
agreement or a promise extorted under
compulsion Is not a very lasting thing,
after the pain of the extortion has passed
away. When the devil was well the devil
a monk was he.
Papilllon Times: Kdltor Rosewater of
The Omaha Bee Is the best and most logical
candidate In the ranks of the republican
party to succeed Senator Millard. But
Rosewater is not acceptable to the railroad
und trust Interests of the state. He has
made the sad mistake of advancing ideas
that have not been officially sanctioned by
the managers of tho g. o. p., and thus he
has absolutely no chance to be named.
The republican party In Nebraska Is not
looking for brave and fearless defenders of
the rights of the people.
Waterloo Gazette: The senatorial situa
tion in Nebraska has been clarified some
what the last week tyy the formal announce
ment of Norris Brown's candidacy and the
withdrawal of one or more candidates out
sldo of the olty of Omaha. One of thobc
to signify his purpose to get out of Mr.
Brown's way is Kdltor Hammond of the
Fremont Tribune, who comes out strongly
for the attorney general. It looks like the
field against Omaha, but with all duo re
spect to the field, we are disposed to stick
by the Douglas county candidate, whoever
he majr be, and to add that of the three
ellgibles In Omaha so far mentioned we
believe Fdward Rosewater Is the best
equipped from point of service to the state
and acquaintance with its needs, and this
county should lay aside personal prejudice
for once and support hln).
Kearney Hub: Borne weeks ago Senator
Millard announced that he would stand
for re-election. Aa a cltlsen of Omaha he
should at this moment be having pro
nounced Omaha support, and It is not quite
easy to understand why he Is not having
It, for he ha dona much for Omaha and
he has been an active and influential sen
ator and occupies a present position of great
honor and usefulness. But we take it that
there is a feeling In Omaha, as well as
throughout the state, that Nebraska ahould
have a younger man In the senate, and
the slogan of "Burkett and Brown!" hag
appealed In a remarkable manner .to Ne
braska republicans. So It may as well be
taken for granted that there is no possi
bility of the re-election of Senator Millard,
and when be becomes thoroughly con
vinced of that fact the best service he
could perform would be to announce that
he Is no longer a candidate, as Hammond
and Kinkaid have already done. By doing
so he would deal a solar plexus to the
Omaha Intriguers who have been casting
about for all kinds of impossible candidates
when as an Omaha man Senator Millard
was the noblest Roman of them all and
entitled to an undivided Omaha support
If he desired to succeed himself.
Aurora Republican: The call for the
state republican convention la soon to be
made. The Republican does not know the
sentiment of the committee whi:li will
formulute the cull, but It does know (hit
the sentiment of the people is for including
lu that call the nomination of a candidate
for United States senator to succeed Sena
tor Millard, whose term mkih expires. Tin:
experience of two years ago, when K. .1.
Burkett was chosen by the convention
method, has proven the convention method
to be. far ahead of the legislative way.
The people had a hand In the matter and
they chose well and wisely. The opposition
to the convention method comes from the
politicians and from others who would
choose by the legislative way a senator
who would serve their Interests belter and
the people less. Naturally Senator Mil
lard, who is a candidate for re-election,
prefers to take his chances with the legis
latureand well he may but the voice of
the people la not calling for Senator Mil
lard or any other mail of his style. The
demand Is for an open champion of the
people who is in hearty accord with the
policies of the president and who will stand
squarely with the administration on all
questions which aim at public good. Such
a man can be chosen by the candidates who
attend the next republican state conven
tion and the will and wishes of the people
demand that the nomination of a candidate
for the Unite States senate be included
In the convention call.
Arcadia Champion: The republicans of
the state of Nebraska need exercise no
great liaste In the selection of the next
candidate for United States seustor. nor
need the fight be confined to any one man
issue. The office of senator ia an honorable,
and dignified one, and the party will do
well to look carefully uixm the candidates
who present themselves and use deliberate
judgment in their choice. We are not
fighting, nor do we wish to fight the can
didacy of Norris Brown for the position.
Mr. Brown Is a young man of splendid
talents. He has been given a position of
honor and trust In the state and so far
his services have been acceptable. By
right and by precedent he la entitled to
another term as attorney general, but we
see In this act no pressing need to advance
him past men whose claims are no less
ou the party und whose right to a reward
from point of years of service are niuch
greater thau his. Senator Millard has af
firmed by a letter his slleglanca to the
president's program, but the Lincoln State
Journal haa attacked thia aa being untrue.
A long session of congress Is still shead
Coal. Wood. Coke. Kind. Inc.
W. ssll th best Ohio and Colorado Coalo -eloan,- hot, looting;
Also Rock Springs, Illinois, Hanna, 8horldan, Walnut Block, lis.
For gonoral purposes, uso Chorokoo Lump, $B.50 Nut, SS.00 por ton
Missouri Lump, $4.75s Largo Nut, 94.50 makoo a hot, qulok Dro.
Our hard coal la tho SCXANTON, tho boat Pennsylvania anthraolto
Wo also ooll Spadra, tho hardost and olaansat-Arkansas hard eosl
All our coal hand oeroonod and wolghod ovor any olty aoalaa doalrod
before the state convention will meet, and
It Is only fair to allow Mr. Millard's acts
to prove or disprove his words.' In case
the present incumbent Is not able, how
ever, t'o harmonise the different factions
und gain a- re-election, we are In favor
of Edward Rosewater for senator, a man
who haa always labored with effects that
were beyond petty quibbling and Jealous
ness. who would make a senator that any
state would be proud of and a record
that Nebraska could and would point to
with pride. '
Fremont ' Tribune! The-best Judges of
the senatorial situation agree that Norris
Brown Is likely to sweep the state as
Mr. Burkett did. The probabilities sre
there will be no other candidate In the field
outside of Omaha, and very likely none,
from that city when the convention meets.
Senntor Millard will soon discover that he
doesn't have a ghost of a show. Then he
will fade from view. This will be ths
tlmo for another Omaha ' man to step In
if he feels like it. O. W. Wattles Is said
to be holding himself In readiness to take
the fatal step. Mr. Wattles haa been quoted
as saying he will spend $10,000, $26,00o. $50,00.
or even ?100,000, to perfect an organisation
looking toward his elevation to the senate.
To prove ha can do this he says he bought
$900,000 of Omaha street railway stock at
50 cents on the dollar and that It has ad
vanced to $1.90, ao that his profits are now
more than $1,000,000. It goes without saying
that the people of this state will' not send
a man to the senate at this time, above all
other times, on that platform. Neither
his great wealth nor his unknown party
servlce will appeal to them. If there Is a
candidate in "Omaha who can make anv
headway against Norris Brown that candi
date Is Kdltor Rosewater. He has pioneered
along the lines of the present sentiment.
He has friends in many ports of the state
and admirers in all parts. . But Mr. Rose
water Is not available, for the reason that
the state will unite almost solidly against
Omaha, That city has had a senator from
the beginning of statehood. The time has
come when the remainder of the stats will
demand the senator and contest it with
Omaha. The Omaha candidate could secure
a few straggling Burlington counties, but
not enough to encourage him, whoever he
might be. This is why the chances are
against an Omaha candidate lifting his
head after it has soaked Into Senator Mil
lard that he is a dead one. It is probable
that the next month will settle the sena
torial situation, when the decks will be
cleared for action with reference to other
candidates on the ticket.
- -; av
"t-t me speak with you a moment."
The busy man paused to listen, and tha
other furtively begged the price of a meal.
"That's the first 'after dinner speech I
ever heard before dinner," said tha busy
(So tickled was he at his own wit that
he yielded a whole dollar. 1'hlladelphla
"Bomeliody says the climate of tha Philip
pines is like eternal spring."
"Yes, and I understand that all the na
tives hav nu eternal spring fever." Cleve
land Iialn Dealer.
Asoum I've, heard your minister wasn't
very popular, but you seem to treat hint
as If you liked him.
Church Think so?
Ascum Yes. I notice you send him away
on trips to Europe pretty often.
Church-Yes, that's the way we Ilka him
best.-IhlJadelphla I'reas.
"How Bid Mr. Bcadds make his money T'
asked the Inquisitive girl.
"My dear." answered Mlsa Cayenne. Vyou
nillMt h.l'd, uruin tt-1. ...... U .. .
... . nn ii m question
ntlS.llt tin,- ,,.., 1 1 1 II, .wt, .
ibout any one. I'eonle will think .
Itlng for a magaxlne!" Washington Star.'
Discharged Cimk-An'. will yea give ma a
reference, mum?
Cross Lsdy Reference, indeed! What la
there to recommend you?
Discharged Cook-Just say th't I've lived
wld you a whole month. Cleveland Leader.
.l.W1lJr?rlou"! What's the matter with
the bRby"
.rrh,Jh." bumped his head against ono
of the pedals of the piano.
oiwhurt "t,le P,'hI h'
Pa-Oh, I guess not. , It was the soft
pedsl he struck,-Phlladclphl Press.
Was any- tenant ever known to go out
Sjtrll.v to the cemetery three months after
! V" 1f"",r,raLnn1 mournfully put flowere ou
his landlord a grave ?-Somervllle Journal.
OLIl Tuxrg.
J. M. Lewis lu Houston Post.
I in pmln' for some music like the tunes I
want nothln' slow;
I don't want nothln' dreamy an I don't
wont nothln' slow:
I don't want nothin' classic with rumble
S':ueak an' roar.
I'm just plnin' for some music like I used
to know o' yore;
I want the how a-mopin' full o' joy atonic
the strings
Till my heart begins a-thrubbln' an my soul
sets up an' sings;
Oh, there ain't no other music that can
bring me up to taw
Llkt "The Wind that Shakes the Barley"
and "Turkey in the Btraw!"
I'm H-lofiKln' for the music like the kind
I used to know
When I roomed with Mark and Jlmmle
and with Aleck. Oish an" Joe,
In the boarding house off yonder In the
lonesome time o life.
'Fore I bud a little baby, 'fore I had a
little wife;
When I git my pipe a-burnln' an' I'm settlu
In the gloom
I, can hear the fellows laughln', see the
three beds in a loom.
An' I hear the strings a-singin' aa'tha
how logins to saw
At "The Wind that Hhakes the Burley" and
"Turkey n the Straw!" '
Then I hear the hands .a-pattln'. an 'the
voices pause an' break. ,
An' I smell the perfumed breeses that have
made the barley shake:
Nights we've sat und cut and shuffled till
the rnmln' of the dswn
Or have bluffed, and been caught at It, on
a bobtail flush or straight.
We have "done" the town by aasllaht nj
have gone Its every gait;
But the memory of the music is what
br!nn my heart to taw
With "The Wind that Shakes tha Barley'1
and "Turkey lu the Stiaw!" ,