Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1906, Page 2, Image 2
2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEj MONDAY. MAKCIl a. l!MK. DEMOCRATIC LOVE FEAST Final Arrancementi Made for the Dollar Dinner Tuefcky Evenine. HAY ENDORSE CANDIDATE FOR SENATOR fl mm to rasalhle Nominee far Cinveraor Maaaner Ktaeet lrg Kinktr Will . , " Attend, Troiji HtHiT Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March -Speclal.)-Flnul or-rangeim-nti rmve boon made for the demo cratic love feast to be held at the Lincoln hotel Tnmlay evening, March 8. Chairman A Urn of the democratic state committee I vithorlty for the statement thut the meet Inn In" not for th purpose of giving any one an opportunity to arinotirira hi candidacy for office, biiv "De'rely a .Vtthcrlng around th banquet board to cement d"mocra.tlo tic. Out of this meeting la exacted to (trow a great organisation which will embrace the entire stste and with which the lout patty expect to find Itself and to cut aome Ice in the mining campaign. Sentiment among democrats la growing In favor if endorsing a "candidate for t'nlted States ronator and the question probably will be -decided before tbe dollar dlfiner la over Tuesday night. I'll the meantime aroun 1 Lincoln their 1 much aenilment In favor of Judge H'.lcmnb a the nominee for governor. A. C. 8hnllenrsrer, who ha a large following In the. state among' the faithful, will first have to overcome n con alderable Hi van feeling liefore ho tan be eome the stondurd-hearer of the party. This la because Mr. 8hallenberger nfter the last democratic Hate convention, when the Brvan faction of tin- party nominated Berg", had aome very hard thlnga to say of the Pr:-an domination of democratic af fair. There in some tnlk among democrat of bnmtnnling W. H. Thompson for governor, but ns Mr. Thompson hns senatorial am bitions, besides a line of defeats to his credit, democrat here predict he will not v thit nominee. Oenrgc Hcrge. who guided the hosts to defeat a year ago, will also nake a try for the ' nomination, and hla Iwst efforts will be put forth In hla speech at the hnmiuet. The fnct that the ml Iron. In lmve offered a one and a third rote for the round trip hna led the democrats here to believe a largo crowd will be Ir. attendance. Hepirt on Traction Affairs. Tho committee appointed by the Com mercial club to make a. report to the club on the proposition of the city buying tho J Ipe.olr1 Traction company, upon which It has a lien because of taxes unpaid, will make Its report to the club at noon tomor row. After the club has taken action a rrcamiuendutloit will be made to the city council tomorrow nipht. While the com mittee will not give cut It report until It give It to the club. It 1 understood there port will favor municipal ownership. Expense of Volverslty Students. A legislative Investigation of the State , university, with the chject of lessening the expense to students, will meet with the approval of at leust one member of the Board of Regents, If not, all of them. Es ''pcrlally does this member believe arrange- mem should be made whereby the stu den could be furnished textbooks at ' w liolejalo '"Jirlc or ; rent them from .the . Ixwrdof Regents at a nominal rental In the sabm manner In which tho State Nor mal board ha .idles It books. This regent '' said during a recent visit. 16 Lincoln. "I am in favor of the legislature specify ' Ing lh-3 duties Of the Board of Regents In -tho matter Of 'Irenfftig textbooks, to 'the J students. I feel certain such a course ' would prove of vast saving to the students, '' i or It evident the book dcairra In Lincoln ire In a pool to control prices. If the legls Istnre snjs the regents should furnish text hooks at cost then tho regents will be glad to do It. but at this time no plan has been mapped out whereby the proposition could bi piu Into execution.' "Ah far as the. fees charged the students nro cc-iieeriiert I ant not sure whether they iire exersslve. Compared with other univer sities the fees, I think, are reasonable, but If there If imvj way these fees could be cut down then I am In favor of It. The univer sity is for the benefit of the youth of the cntlto state, rich and poor, and the cost to the student ir.uM bn kept down to the low est poselblo nmount. "As a regent I am heartily In favor of the legislature making an exhaustive investiga tion and providing some means or some plan whereby tho students can attend 'IT SAVED MY LIFE" PRAISE FOR A FAMOUS MEDICINE Mrt. Wllladaen Tills. How Sht Tried Lydl E. Pinkhtm't Vegatabla Compound Jatt la Tim. Mr. T. 0. WiUajlsen, of Manning, owa, writea to Mr. Plnkham : Pear lira. Plnkharn . " I can truly say that you have saved my Its, and I cannot aipi-eas my gratitude to tou In word. "Before I wrote to you, tolling you how I fait, I Mad doctored for over two years steady and spent kits of money on medicines beside, but it all failed to help me. Mv monthly pe riods had oaaaed and I suffered much pain, with fainting spells, headache, backache ah J ' hearing-down pains, and I waa an weak I could hardly keep around. As a last resort 1 derided to write you and try Lydia E. Piuk ham's Vegetable Compound, and 'I am so thankful that I did, fur after following your instructions. whkJi you sent ma free of all charge, I bararoa regular and in perfect health. Had it not bean for yon I would be in my grave to-day. I sincerely trust tbat this Utter may lead vary suffering woman In the country to write you (or help as I did." When women am troubled with Ir regular or painful periods, weakness, displacement or uloeration of an organ, that baarinir-down feeling. Inflamma tion, backache, flatulence, general de bility, Indigestion or nervous prostra tion, they ahould remember there la one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. ttakham'a Vegetable Compound at once remove aucta trouble. ho other female medloine In the world ha received ench widespread and un qualified endorsement, kefus all auto etituto. For ! year Mr. Plnkham, daughter la-law of Lydia X. Pinkham, ha under her direction, nd elnco her decease, bee) advising alek womea free of barf a. Adar, Lyaa, hf. n' ln.ol at n lowf.r cost than a( th present tln." (IIMHITOR RiiiTon . If. I.) man of l,aat Plae Journal I Keraaea io neiraei Mory. LONG PINK. Neb . March 4. (Special. Rt fining to apologia In his publication last wnk for the account of an alleged a Ife-beellnff ense, whlrh appeared In the Long I'lne Journal the week previous. C. U. Lyman, the editor, was Saturday assaulted In'hl office, by A. O. Broneon, a conductor on tee Northwestern railway, who also re sides here. Ijist week the Journal published a story nbout the disappearance of Mrs. Bronson, who left home while hr husband was out on hla run telling some.' friends before her d nurture. that her husband had formed the disagreeable habit of heating her, and she consequently decided to leave him and re side with relative In Chicago. The Journal further suggested that Bronson should be ridden out of town on a rail for his mis treatment of his newly-wedded bride, but staled that If It had been misinformed, which M did not thtr.k It had been, the edi tor would gladly make public apology to Mr. Bronson. Bronson, after the a ppeara nne of the article, did demand an apology, stating that it was all untrue. The editor, how ever. Investigated further and decided that he had set forth the, facta In the case and thnt no apt-logv waa due Mr. Bronson. Saturday, after the piper had been printed, Brenson. finding no apology In Its columns, proceeded to the Journal office and is al lied to have fearfully beaten Mr. Lyman, although no third party witnessed tlw en gagement. Leastways, the latter .has a fearfully cut eye and a badly bitten finger as a result of the encounter. Charges were Immediately preferred against Bronson for assault with Intent to kill. The was tried Saturday In Jus tice DcLand's court, who bound the de fendant over to 'the district court In the sum of f5tt. Mr. Lyman has only been In this place a short time, having come here from Grand Island. FATHER UH EKTS I.OSO I.OUT SON Welcome Full-Grown Man Whom He l.aat Nnvr as Tiny Rab. PI BUCK. Neb., March 4.-(8peclal.)-After having been separated from his son lor thirty-three years ever since the son was a bribe of 3 monthj and not knowing whether that child to which he whs a father had ever lived and grown to man hood or. Instead, succumbed and gone to a grave, D. II. Carver was surprised this week when that son, now a mliUlle-ag. d American citlsen, stepped off the train at Pierce for a visit with his unknown parent. The bnhy boy was born to Mr. and Mr-i. Carver In Wisconsin thirty-three years ago. Three months after the child's birth Car ver decided to leave Wisconsin and came west. HJ settled In northeast Nebraska and has been here ever since. He never returned to the home of hie wife and never knew whether the baby boy grew and lived or died In Infancy, until a few weeks ago when he received a letter from a Kansas town signed "John Carver." The writer proved to be tho son of this Ncbraskan. John Carver one day saw a paper from Pierce county In which was a little personal concerning D. H. Carver. He knew that this was his father's Iden tical name. He wrote and asked If the Pierce man had ever had a son, thirty three years ago In 'Wisconsin. A letter that took the next train back to Kansas said that this was the case, and the Kan sun Immediately started or Nebraska. He was met at t the train by his father, and the two niri Hasped each! other In affec tionate embrace.' Tha night there was a dance at tho Cafv ef luJitie.'MV. Carver, the Pierce man, having sejrtip a 'sjew'fiouschold in Pierce. , wa of Nebraska. PLATTSMOl'Ttl The' Wsttsmouth pub lic library has just added about loo new vol umes. BRA TP ICE The new bridge over the Blue at Bar nest on Is completed and has been opened for tratrle. PLATTHMOl'TH Dr. Schildknecht Is re ported to tw routined to his home In this city with bronchial trouble. BF.ATRICB Watklns ,- Duncan, one of the oldext grmery llinis in this city, will dissolve paiinerslui April 1. COOK Over twenty cars of live stock have been shipped from this point within the last two weeks, besides many carloads i grain and flour. TECCMSKH The I'nivcislty of Nebraska Glee and Mandolin clubs were greeted with a good house here Haturday evening. A splendid concert was given. TABLE KOCK-Clyde Jack and Miss Klla May Mupes. both of Table Rock, were married Thursday at the Presbyterian church. Rev. J. D. Murphy officiated. PLATTSMOl'TH Rev. Ouy W. Wads worth, D. li.. presldent.of the Bellevue col lege, delivered two most excellent dis in the First Presbyterian church In this city Hunaay. BEATRICE Albert Jones and Miss Mabel Newton were united in marriage In county court. Judge Bourne officiating. They are resident of Beatrice and will n rfko their home here. COOK The members of the Christian church of this place have purchased a fine !.... for use in their services. Tiiey will nib.. ..ut In a lapttstry and otherwise im provu their property. BEATRICE The Mlases Btarn enter tained u company of friends Saturday night in honor of their guests, Mlases Lee, Tee ter and Frye, studnnU of the Btate unl vsrslty. who are visiting in the city. BEATRICE W. H. Otto has been awarded the contract for carrying t lie mulls to and fri.ui the depots and poMtoffice here fur the next four yours. Frank Davis has had the contract for the last eight years. PLATTSMOl'TH Mr. and Mrs. Jixt Bed bieek accompanied the body of their young eft sou from their home in Havelock to this city Putunlnv The funeral services were held in t lie Bohemian Roman Catholic church Sunday. PLATTPMOCTH-lii the cane of Charles 8. JoliiiMin againitt the Bankers I'nlon of the World, a traternal Insurance company, Cour.ty Judge Travis gave the plaintiff a Judgment for IK'. The case has been ap pealed to the dUtrlrt court. BEATRICE Saturday being the bl-thdMy anniversary ol W. II. Fat more, district manager of the Nebraska Telephone com pany hero, the young women emploved In ihe offices at thi point, presented him with a beautiful gold fountain pen. BEATRICE Mr. V It. Calvert, an old resident of BeaTlee, died Sundav morning nt her home in West Beatrice, arter an Ill ness of shout a year. Hie was S years of age and Is survived by her husband and a family of five children, all grown. BEATRICE Mrs. William Schlx ke, whose dau. titer died a few days ago from diph theria near I't'-krell. is seriouslv ill of the disease. Her little son. who was ta'(en doar about the time his sister nmu.i away, is recovering from Ihe disease. TABLE ROCK liOUls J. Find. in. who lives on a farm In the vicinity of Burehard, mid Miss little J. Fielder, daughter of joaepu y-ieiur. inree miles so mil of town, Urovo to Pawnee City recently and were married. They will make their home on a farm mar Burehard. IICMLOLDT Roy Thornburg and MIhs Maud Moore were married at liomo of the bride's oarents. Mr. and Mrs. Cass Moore ot Halem, iy Rev. Mr. Gardner of Verdon. In the prexence of some seventy five relative and friends. They expect to reside on a farm near Salem. BEATRICE About thirty high -boo keys, with several members of the faculty. In order to help complete the new building of the Young Men's Christian association, donaetd their services Saturday. Through out the day their hammers were kept busy In a way which wis very gratifying to those lit charge Hl'M BOI.DT The 8petser Rural Tele- rhone company held US annual election at he I'hrl school house, south of this city, hen the following directors and orncets were f leeted: C. 1 Jonhei gr, prmident; R. F. Conrad, secretary; Simon Huffman. t C. IjUglnbill, Ed I'hrl. Arnold Bhuets and John H. Hunseker, directors. BEATR ICW tjeorg. A. Lev. u of the Instructors in the high scboul. is planning to leave Beatrice to go lo work for a pub lishing houe at St. Paul, and has asked tlm Itoard of Education to reivamt him from 'hi contrail. In caae a vacancy is de clared a Mr. Fleming of Ashland will prob ably be named as Mr. Lee s successor. Ki.aiB A. few ulchta age aome unknown parties broke Into the front rooms of the county all. evidently with the Intention of seeurtna the gej to litwrate three men who are now aetvlng a JhII sentence for tlie r"ent buatarl committed In this lty. Sheriff M-m-ke ha had the persons niH'-ed In separate cells since the attempted Jatl 'illv4 iy. TECCMSEH The city central eommlttee has called a mass meeting of cltlsens for Monday evening. March r;. At that time, favoring the time. honored custom. It I prohable a reeolutlon to vole on the license ouestlon direct will le adopted. Two popu lar candidates for each ofn.'e will be named, politics being lost sight of. There are a few aspirants. HTM HOLDT Ralph W. Moore and Miss Olive Stewsrt mere married at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart, at Salem. Rev. Mr. Oarh enen officiating. The ceremony was wit nessed bv about fifty relatives and friends. The groom I n son of Cass Moore of Salem and the couple will live on ono of the latter farms In that vicinity. R LAI M The stockholders of the Blair horse collar factory, which Industry was reoentlv located here through the effort of the Young Men's Commercial club, have purchased a apod location at a cost of on which tliiv will erect a two-siory brick building 4SxMt. The contract was let on Friday to Herman Shields of this city. The aggregate cost ot the lant will bo about $4,i0. BLAIR The Clifton hotel of this city, which ha: been run under the management ir Dr. .1. H. Foote for the lat two years, closed Its doors last night and Dr. Foote will take chartre of the I'aeifle hotel at Nor folk. Neb. Tne building was erected and equlpred for a Keelev Institute about twelve years ago and was used for that purpose some two or three years. It has never been considered a paying Investment as a hotel. The closing up ot the Clifton will only be temporary, as several parties are negotiating for a leac of the building. TABLE ROCK The puplis. patrons and teachers of school district No. Zl. three miles southeast of here, had a "flag rais ing'" at their school on Friday. Fatriollc readings ami recitations were given by the puplis. concluding with "Columbia's Be ceptlon." In which the pupils, representing the various states, brought samples of their chief products. Talks were given by County Superintendent E. M.- Avery, Rev. Mr. Schrer, J. L. Clark and Mrs. J. W. Llon berger and Miss Ella V. Clark, the teacner, whooe cftlclent labors made tne meeting a success. HI'MBOLDT Carl, the 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Williamson, lost his lett foot Just before noon Sunday by failing beneath the wheels of an in coming freight train at tne west end of the railroao yards, where a force Is at work putting a new abutment under the bridge across the Ixing Branch. With a number of companions he Had gone to watch the progress of the work and when the frelKi.t came along mey climbed upon a pile of crushed rock alongside tne track. Wliile the train was passing the Williamson lad In some manner Inst his footing and slipped under the wheels. It is thought amputation at the Htikle will be necessary. TABLE HOCK-With the municipal elec tion onlv a lltlie over a month distant tho matter of 'license" and "nntl-lleenso' again comes to tho front, to be fought over again. There lire two holdover members tin spfing. one belonging to each faction, and three to elect, so the faction that suc ceeds in electing two members of the bourd this spring will be In control. The license men carried last year by an unexpected majority and Table Rock has had a saioon tho last vear. The matter will be stub bornly fought this spring, and each faction seems to be confident of winning the vic tory. The license men have called a caucus for Thursday evening. HI'MBOLDT The bounds of the drainage district having been decided by the recent session of the district court, an '"''Mon has been called for March li at rails lt, when a permanent organization will ne effected bv the election of otticers and com mittees, and In nil probability a Prrl'm': nary survey will be ordered among the, first official acts with a view to the straighten ing of the channel of tile Nemaha river, over which there has been much discussion and controversy during the last few year. The promoters of the drainage proposition be lieve that oil obstacles of a legal character have been removed and expect to see the practical drainage work started soon, and further Insist that with the progress of the work all opposition In the mihos ot tho people will fade away, as it will mean a wonderful Increase In the value and productiveness of all the land along the Nemaha valley. The west border of the drainage district is several miles east of Humboldt, but It Is thought when the first work Is completed a second and third dis trict will be organised along both the north and south fork ot the Nemaha farther up stream. . LONGWORTHS N0W AT HOME Ohio itepresentatlve and Bride Benin . Ilonsekeeplngr In Wnsli-Inaton. WASHINGTON. March 4.-Representa-tive snd Mis. Nicholas Longworth returned to Washington today from Cuba, to which place they Journeyed after their wedding. They occupied a private car attached to a regular train of the Southern railway which arrived here at K:V o'clock this morning. They were met at the train by Mr. Ixing worth' prlvato secretary and drove imme diately to Mr. Longworth's residence on Eighteenth street, "here they have taken up their home. Mr. Longworth will imme diately resurce bin legislative duties at tho capital. Announcement of the Theaters. At the Boyd theater Tuesday evening Miss Lulu OUs-.r will be men in "Miss Dolly Dollars," tho iat-'St of her aucc-esses. It Is by Harry B. 8nilth and Victor Her bert and Is unqualifiedly pronounced Ihe bent thing Mi Olaser has vver had. Charles B. Dillingham, who is directing the tour.' lias surrounded the ptar with t splen did company anl h" equipped It with a msgnlrlc'itt outfit ot costumes and scenery. Tlie novelty of the engagement, lies In the fact that Miss Olaser i.ppears for the first time In modern co-turn. The engagement Is for Tuewl-iy nnd Wednesday nights and a mntlnee on Wednesday. Wvrtk Knowing -that Allcock'a are tne original and genuin sorous plasters; all other are imitations. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair and Warmer In ehrajWa Today, Except guow In Ihe South west Portion. WASHINGTON. March 4. Forecast of tho weather for Monday and Tuesday: Fir Nebraska Fair and warmer Monday, except snow or rain In southwest portion. Tuesday, fair. For Iowa Fair Monday and Tuesday. For Kunsas-iRaln. Monday, except fair In northeast portion. Tuesday, fair. For South Dakota Fair and warmer Monday. Tuesday, fair. ' For Wyoming Snow Monday. Tuesday, fair. For Colorado Snow or rain and colder Monday. Tuesday,, fair, except snow in southeast portion. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, March 4. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the oorresponding day of the last three years: 1!U. 19(. li4.'Wuil. Maximum temperature .. -5 37 41 Minimum temperature .. 17 SI !I2 Man temperature ........ -I 4H ;U S4 precipitation T -Hi Temoerature and precipitation departure from the normal at Omaha since March 1. and comparison with the last two years: Normal temperature. Deficiency for the day Total excess vinee 1 Normal precipitation Deficiency for the day Total rainfall since March I Deficiency since Marcli 1 Deficiency for cor. period l6. Dcftii'-ney tor cor. period l. 19 .04 Inch .'4 Inch . inch .11 Inch .V. inch .1 ln.ii Resorts front Station at T P. N. Station and State Temp. Maxi- Rain- of Weather. 7 p.ui. mum. fall. Bixmarck. clear 2:' A Cheyenne, partly cloudy i ' T Chicago, cloudy -" .! Davenport, allowing 'X 2 T IVnver. cloudy M . Havre, rloudv M -U .' Helena, cloi .ly :vi ti T Huron, partly cloudy bi ' .a Kansas City, cear SO :!4 .i North Platte, clear :ii Oinelia. cloudy -Jt "J3 T St. luils, rloudv - T St. Paul, clear SaP Ike 'it. snowing 34 J ..TJ al.-titiue. aiil cloudy 1- U .uu T indicate true of precipitation. 1 X. WXLtH. Ueel rorcatr OMAHA DEWEY ON THE OHIO Local Younnter How Cruisinc in Troubled Chinese Waters. DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK'S SON TELLS OF LIFE Bay Times on Shipboard, nltli lnaln View of Korelan Was mntt Some1 Incidents of Interest. wueen of the fnltcd States fleet In Chi rese waters at present Is the battleship Ohio. Which Is also the flagship of the fleet. In case of a diversion with tho Chinese growing out of the present somewhat threatening condition of affairs, the Ohio will be ono of the most Influential factors in settling the affair properly. On the Ohio at present Is an Omaha lad, son of Deputy County Clerk Frank Dewey, who has been on the Ohio now lor nearly two ear. At present he has the rating of seaman and remarks he considers the berth a pretty good birthday present, coming aa It did Just about the time of hla 17th anniversary. Young Dewey says In one of his last let ters that the chief gunner on the Ohio waa then expecting to got the world's record for gunnery. "He has the after twelve Inch turret, the ona I am in," say the writer, and adds, "If he does, you bet I will feel good." He protests about the malls being de layed (Ihe Ohio was then nt Cavlte, P. I., where It has been cruising around since last November), and says they cannot Imagine why. Waiting for word of the home folks beoomes Irksome to the boys, for. says Dewey In one letter to his mother, "There Is not much going on here now ex cept working parties ashore, but as soon as we have record target practice I guess we are going back to Hong Kong." The Ohio hua since been ordered to Hong Kong. Boy Life In the avy. Besides the dull times In Philippine water, the Jackie jn the American ships have the same trials as the most prosaic landltibliers. "I have Just paid 24 for hav ing my teeth shot to pieces and then filled," say the boy, without any comment. He also remarks in one letter that they had Just arrived at Nanking. China, from Che foo and Woosung, where the men In the first section got shore leave, but a he Is fn the second ho had lo remain on shipboard. "After threo daya there (Nanking) If wag u.i anchor at 2 bells in the morning and proceed Up the Yangt&e Kiang. We were within a mile of shore all the time, and sometimes within twenty-five feet. The river I something like the Missouri at home a pandbar here today and tomorrow none. The pilot has his own troubles. After leaving Woosung the country Is al most a mud Rat, "The valley of this river Is depended upon by China for the greater part of. Its rice for. export, and It Is nothing but rice fields, huts (with about six families living In each) and canals, the latter for sam pan and for Irrigation purposes. Brnah with River Pirate. "I wa upon the forecastle the other even ing and aome sampans were coming down the river. We did not pay any attention to them until they came almost alongside, when we discovered they were river pirates. They had a small gun mounted on bo'.h sides. During that night we dropped anchor off a place the first 'luff,' called Pigtown, because , of the droves on the banks. A bright lookout was kept all night, as some of these river pirates surprised a German gunboat up here about time years ago and killed all but one man. They make a bomb which we call a stink bomb, and when these are lighted they give off an odor no white, man can stand. When they attacked the German gunboat they threw these bombs aboard and suffocated all hut the one man, who got In one of the sails aloft above the stink. Of course there Is no danger of them attacking one of these ships, but the commanders are always on guard. Moving? is the Hirer. "Next morning all hands called at 5, up anchor and up the river again. At 7 o'clock j we passed the Klaug forts, which are pretty I well fortified. They have batteries on top of five mountains. Iiesldes the smaller ones at and near the base. The Chinese flag was hoisted In the forts when we passed and the sentries on duty saluted us. After passing the forts the country Is mountain ous and the landscape Is swell. We passed two other sets of forts before arriving nt Nanking, the old capital or China. We can't see anything of the city from the ship, as It la inside of a great wall. Everything In China is behind a wall. The tombs here are Interesting." The trip bark down the river was unin teresting, says young Dewey, as "we were breaking out gear to coal ship." This was done ut Woosung, while lying alongside "the good old Oregon and two Chinese cruisers (not much)." In, it Jettr written early In October last Seumri Dewoy enclosed the programs of two concerts given on the Ohio, Ontober 6 at Chin Klaug Fu. and October " nt Nan king, "for Alice Roosevelt." There are six numbers on each program and Hand master Genovese made some Snappy se lections, among the pieces rendered being "Yii.ikiana," which, it can easily be guexjrd, mode Mrs. Longworth "think of homo." tint of the Way for visitors. An incident Is mentioned, when Miss Roosevelt and the Taft parly visiting the ships, which evidently put mine of the sallormen out a- bit. They were ordered from one part of the ship where thev evidently would much rather have re mained, "so that some of the visitors could have nice little tete-a-tetes, as some of the lads put it," It is rather hinted that the night was of thu kind when moonlight tete-a-tutes would be very pop ular, even on the other side of the world. Nothing is said in the letters from young Dew-?y to Indicate that the crews of the j HTUOXU AH HTKKJV The Kind of rrin thnt t'nu Thing. Do A young uthletc writes concerning thu method by which be acquired steady nerves and also of some goon missionary work lie has done. "About a year ugo," lie says, "my nerves began to grow unsteady uud I found my self troubled with Sleeplessness. I set an inquiry oit foot and became convinced that the coffee I drank was the cause of tho trouble, and determined t quit It right there. , "So I got a Mckge id PomIiiiu Food Coffee and mother and I prepared it. We dl.l not boil it loi.g enough ftie first time and were not mmii impressed by It. The second thne,' however, wc fullom-d the di rections carefully and were more than pleased with the result. "I can sleep like a log now, since 1 ni easily, are hard and enduring aa iron. Heavy fctliletlc no kuiger give me pain In the aide and chest a formerly. "I have brought our whole family to use It. and It bas done everyone of them good. My father has found hla asthma almost entirely relieved since he gave up coffee and began to drink Potum." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. There's a rvason. ' Read the little book, "The Rtad to WsllvUla." lu lykgs. American ships were looking for danger to crop out, aa the present cloud did nut arise until after the lat letter wa sent. Accompanying the letters received by Mr. Dewey are about loo kodak pictures of scenes and Incidents. Some of these ar Intensely Interesting. There Is one picture of an execution ground Just after a Boxer haa be n beheaded and chopped Into thirty-six pieces. In the foreground Is the block, and beside It the trunk, with severed head, hands and other portions of the body. It Is ghastly Indeed in Its realism. In one picture Is seen a Chinaman built Into a wooden cage to die, and a crowd outside a fence gaping at him. In another View three Chlneae women are seen, "congtied," with their head fastened In a large board. They are guilty of fctd-naplng. NO DECISIVE ACTION NOW Rrerkrnrldae Thinks Present Con are Will Defer Insnrnnre "nnervlMon Bills. Attorney Ralph W. Breckenridge. who hive Just returned from a stny of tour weeks In Washington and New Tork. thinks no decisive action will be taken at this ses sion of ronrxes upon tho bill having the national supervision of Insurance as their object. Mr. Rrerk'urldge spent most of his time while away from Omaha at Washington and he appeared before the house Judiciary committee and argued In favor of the legality of natlohal Insurance supervision. His views were opposed by other eminent lawyers, but Mr. Breckenridge presented his view, which he formulated some time ago and ha seen no reason to change. "1 appeared In an entirely private and dlslntereted way," sold Mr. Breckenridge. "While I do not look for any action on tho matter during the session of the present congress, jet the question will not down. It is bound to be forced up and It Is only a question oi time until a great deal of pra stire will be brought to bear on congress for legislation placing the Control and regula tion of Insurance companies under the fed eral government. That Is unless In the meantime the supreme ccurt speaks on the point In a direct and certain manner. If the supreme court holds against the propo sition 'It means' it I lost, because tslk of it constitutional amendment Is Idle. We have never had :t constitutional amendment nut brought about by a war and (here Is no chance or hope of one upon a purely com mercial question. But the people who think a national Insurance law should be enacted arc going to fight for It until the thing la settled. I nlform Divorce Law. "While In V. (Islington I attended the con gress on uniform divorce luws, to which I was a delegate front Nebraska. One of the chief objects of my visit to Washington was In the int-rests of the Snnteo Sioux In dians, about 1 : of whom live in Knox cciinty. I endeavored to perfect arrange ments whereby the Indians will receive cer tain annuities, amounting in all to about IVKio.ejiO. to pay for lands taken by the gov eti'trent. I urged the matter before, com mittee of the hous't and senate and be lieve favorable rrporth will be made and the matter referred to the court of claims for settlement. "One of the things of chief Interest at the national capltol just now is the tentlmony about the Panuma canal before the senate commit too on intemronnlc canals, of which Senator Millard or Nebraska Is chalrmn. The Uu I between Senator Morgan ajid Mr. Cromwell wae one of the most intensely In teresting Incidents of the kind that has oc curred In Washington In years. Oovernor Magoon, a Nelirnskan, nuule an excellent Impression by. hli. -testimony before tho committer. . . . - .. SOCIALISTS NOT IN UNISON One Faction Object to Selection of Candidates nnd geeks to Reorganise Party. By word and deed local socialists are re sponsible for the information thnt perfect harmony does not exist Ir. their ranks at present. Friction has arisen over the se lection of candidate for the spring elec tion. To add lo this domestic, trouble cer tain members of the party were untitled the local 'organlzatlcn had no standing with the ntalonul body since It had fulled to remit dues. Twenty-live meibera met at Wash ington hull yesterday afternoon and took steps to get back In good standing with the head organisation and re-establish the parly in Nebraska. . This petition was circulated atal as soon as enough signatures are attached it will be cent to the national organization of the socialist party, aski.ig for a charter (or Nebraska: I, the undersigned, recognizing the class struggle betwen the capitalist class and the working class, and the necessity of the working clusd .opsMtutlr.j themselves into a political party, dls'lnct from und opposed to all parties formed by the property classes, hereby decline that I have severed my relations w TTh all other parties, that I endorse tho pliillorni and constitution of the socialist party and hereby apply for ad mission in said party. This meeting was called by ihe socialists who took excet.tlon to the oilier faction In the manner Ir. which the caudldutes who are to run at the coming election were en I'oised. It was c1hIiii.iI by those present that but sixteen memls-is of the party met ethers Ih lug burred and made the en dorsement which were not aareeahle to all concerned. . It wa also claimed by those present that no effort was made !' the older organisa tion to keep the membership of the party and an efTc. t will Ik- made by this branch of the piirty to aiuuse Interest In the or ganization and to get the party back to cheie t waa sometime ago when a ciulm was made ilieie were' 3,'iv members in Douglas county. Meetings will be held every Sunday after noon. A committee was appointed to draft a platform, which will be given out after tile primaries. Among thi o present were Juliu Lund. A. W. Brubaker. Louis Junge, J. P. Ro and J. F. Donahey. FIFTEEN THOUSAND DAMAGES Larnest Claim for Personal Injnrles Kver Obtained lu Federal Court f This District. The award of fl.VuCJ damage lo Mr. Ora Thomas, granted by the Jury in the Tufted Htivtes circuit court Saturday night ugainst the i'nlon Pacific for personal Injuries, l the heaviest award for personal damage ever granted in tin1 Tnilcd Ktat.-s courts for th' district. Mrs. Thomas' claliu fur dumages wus fi r J .' lor personal injuries sustained July 21, l'".j. ner fliiinore, while a passenger In a sleeping car on the defendant's road. The accident was a peculiar one. and resulted ficiii the rr.r In which she waa tiding hav ing nil' of ihe tnn ks torn from the car at a switch ut Ollmore. thus derallhig a pan of the car and causing it to come Into col lision with a Missouri Paclde engine on an aJJacent track. The impact threw Mrs. Thomaa from her seat to the floor, causing an injury to Iter stomach from which ulce ration ensued later and she has been an In valid since. She ,was the only person In jured by the accident. The caae was stoutly fought by the rail road cotr.pauy. the trial lasting practically all ol last week. Tbe I'nlon Pacific will appeal the rase. WATCHES Frenter. 15th and Doda TEN GAMES FOR CORMIl'SKERS Nebraska Not Bound by Decree of Faculty Committee on Toot Ball. AMOS P. FOSTER ENGAGED AS COACH All t.arae Will Re Pin? en nt Lincoln F.xrent Thoe with Crelahtnn and Min nesota. LINCOLN. Neb.. Msrcli 4. t lial Tele gram.) The athletic iiuthoiltles of the Cnl versity of Nebraska will not lw governed by the faculty committee of the western conference nealnst tho ptofesslotnil foot ball roach and the playing of more than five games. The Cornhuckers' Imnrd. be sides electing Amos I Foster, n former Dartmouth player and former coach at Cin cinnati university, as c nch. hr.s announced a schedule of ten games, all of which will be played on Nebraska's field, excepting the Minnesota .tnd Crrlghlon game. Colorado and NorthwesterTi hive both asked for the Thanksgiving dale. The Kvntoli Metho dists Ifkrly.will be glvm the preference, while the mountaineers may possibly be substituted for one of the minor colleges booked early In the season. The full schedule follows: Orand Island college, Acp'cmhcr 'J: Lin coln High school. October ; Knox college. October 11; Ames Agricultural colleve, ic tober lit': Minnesota university, October 27; Mouth Dakota university, November .1: Crelghton unlversbv. November Pi; university, November 17; loane college, November 14; Norinwesterti or Colorado, November 3. ATlll.KTIC FIKI.D FOR fOMVIMIt Proposed Playground for atndenl to Cost Million Dollars. NEW YORK. March 4 A spacious and splendidly equipped athletic Held, costing, a proposed for Columbia uni versity in plans filed with President Butler today by the committee he appointed some time ago to take the matter tip. No ground near the university being available. It is proposed to make the ground by filling In the shallow shore waters of the Hudson river as far out as the pier head line, be tween One Hundred and Sixteenth and One Hundred and Twentieth streets. The consent of the city being necessary to tho plan. It Is proposed to secure this If possible by combining public play, grounds with the athletic field and to fur nish facilities for I lie sports of the Public School Athletic league. It Is also pro posed to erect an ornamental water gate on the grounds where dlstliiKiilshed visitors might be received. The stands siirroundlng the Held would be designed of steel and concrete. With this Held of unusulal size Columbia university would be able to Inaugurate Its RroKised new policy In regard to at hole tics v iloing iiwav with oil charges for gate money and bv Inviting the representatives of other institutions or those of the army and navv, for instance, to use the grounds as the university guests, tickets of admis sion being distributed to the alumni and students instead of being offered for public sale. The committee in charge of t. under taking consist of George L. Rives. William Barclev Parsons and Daniel Ixroy Dves ser, all alumni of Columbia. A MOAM THB BOWLKH". In another practice match between thu two Louisville entrants, the Krug Parks BStuIn won from the Storz Blue Ribbons. Yesterdav the Krucs piled up a total that will bring home a bunch of money If they tan dupllcatf- the work .it the tournament, three game above tin and one of thein onlv 4 pins short of l.i). French had the best total with id;! and Hartley was next Willi 631 and the high single game. Scores: KRl'G PARKS. 1st. I'd. 2d. French ) 1517 S Johnson 1M 1W 1'" Zimmerman 1W Walenz Kl 1 Bengele 1W U 1- Toial. oi S47 M'l "11 Totals !13 W8 DriD t.h64 BLl'F, RIBBONS. 1st. 2d. ltd. z Itt 133 43 1S4 Total 5!S 518 479 KS1 it Frltscher Cochran Oleide Hartley Huntington Totals V..!l 1M l ..b!7 . .IS ..1T7 ..KS3 9l 9b 1,742 Ptiin Colleg Against Foot Ball. OSKAtiOOBA. Ia.. March 4.-Spcclal.-Penn college of this city has decided against foot. ball, the committee deriding that for one year instead of foot ball the assorlatlon game will be tried. If It does not work well the college will return to the regular foot 4iull game. BEST SYSTEM FOR JURIES Question of ' Not Isolating Them Dlscnsaed aa Heaolt of Allen Trial. The resolution presented to Judge Sutton by the Jury that tried the Allen murder Tase. In which the Jurors thanked the Judge for not requiring them to be lorked up during the trial, were the subject of considerable discussion among attorneys Saturday morning. Judge Sutton said that Inasmuch ns he had to deal with Juries in criminal cases he did not care to express an opinion aa to whether or not Juries in general In Important cases should be Iso lated except that the conditions surround ing the rase should be taken Into considera tion. He did not think a general rule could be announced. "Wo do not demand that Juries be iso lated," said County Attorney glabaugh. "except In cases where there Is great public Interest or excitement, and then It Is only fair to tho Jurors that we keep thein away from tho public. We have had cases where friends of the accused approached Jurors greatly to tbe embarrassment of the Jurors, though no blame at all attached to them. The personnel of the Jury and the condi tions surrounding the trial ought to be taken Into consideration by the Judge. I do not believe that business men when they ask to be excused take Into considera tion the fact they may be locked up aa they are kept away from their business during business hour anyway." J. M. Macfarland. who defended Allen. ; said he thought the court ahould take Into consideration the makeup of the Jury and the cmdlilor ut der -which the .n. I tried. In the rne of the Allen Jury, he said, there wa no need of isolating the Jurors, because they wc-re well known men, whose Integrity was unquestioned. He thought a better grade of Jurors might be secured If the isolation rule were not re quired, though he did not think It would do to allow the Jurors their freedom In all caes Judge Troup expressed practically the same opinion. 1"iils the Isolation of the Jury I required by statute ho thought the Judttc should exercise his discretion, taking Into considcratlori the nuii on the Jury and nature of the case. Business men, he though, would probably not ohjert so strenuously to Juiy servlre If they knew I thev would have tho time la-fore and after I 33 Atwerya tatenfenr In Fun NtB4 j tiative ftromo rjmnine , CwMCaMfaOMly.Csa!ay I scsslors of the court und during the noon recess to otttnd to ttnir business sffalts. I.Ike Mmating When your head feels like bursting. Dr. King's N- w Life Iviis .-il Mv cure the cause, con.-'lpitlon. 2.V. For sale by Sher man A- McConnell Drug Co. STRENGTHEN CHANNEL FLEET Hritlsh liberal (.o eminent Wilt terry tint rittii Forinnlaleil Hi Its Predecessor. IINDON. Match 4.-tSalul Cahltgia.n to The It-e ). -The plans of the bite gov ernment of Mr. Balfour for tho strength ening of the Poet ii, the vicinity of the Kngllsh coast on- to Is retried Into effect by the new liberal government. It is said that tin re is to lv a rurtlu-r re duction In the Mediterranean Meet ami that the Board of Admiralty has deemed it advisable to Increase the strength of the channel fleet from the twelve battle ships origin. illy proposed by I.ord Bel l.ourne to seventeen, the Increase. Iielng mad" by substltufmK newly completed vessels of the King IMward VII. class for the vessels of the Majestic class, to b. brought home and after refitting to b. commissioned for service with the channel fleet. PKKSONAI, REMIMSCKN'SKM I'rof. S. A. Wcltmcr, Nevada, M.i. While In Washington during the winter of )hm was iniro- du I to Henator .Mark liann.i b Hcivitor Burroughs of Michigan. A little later (Senator Itannu re ceived one of my papers. Nat urally. I la came well acquainteo with him during the week 1 treated him. Two characteris tics about him struck tne most forcllilv as a friend, his devotion to President b -Klnley was touching to a degree: as a i American cltiscn. the following incident, us reloted by hint, showed the broadiies of his view. "While a mcniber of the commltee on bnll.llnus and grounds I made a tout ot the rapitol buildings. 1 bcrainc very much annexed at the great number of signs dis played In some directions, prohibiting cer tain act anil stating penalties for theii commission, such as scattering papers, throwing mutches and cigar stubs, etc, on tho lioor. I at once ordered all signs re moved and all tracs of them effaced. Tin guards hiked at me In ronsternailon and asked how they could keep the cunttol clean with the signs away. I answered: '1 WHnt you to understand that every Ameri can clllxen. and ninety-nine out of every hundred visitors are American cltliens, has su equal proprietary Interest In this and everyone of the public buildings. It makes no difference whether he is rich or poor, a senator or hodeariier." . Prof. Weltmer will send you his Journal free upon request. Headache Nervousness, Dizxlness. Indigestion, Neu ralgia are caused by sick nerves. By soothing the nerves and stimulating their action Dr. Miles' Anll-Paln lills re lieve almost Immediately. I'nllkft any other pain remedy, they con tain nothing injurious, and you will never know you hnve taken them, except by Hi" relief they afford. Dr. Miles' Anli-Pam Pills have become a household remedy In thou sands of families, where they never fall to cure all pain and relieve those little mis erable ailments which sre so common. "Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills have not only relieved me of severe headache, nervous ness und Indigestion, but my mother, who has suffered a great deal with neuralgic and dizziness, has been cured by their use." -MRS. O. H. DANK8. St2 W. 3d St., Moorestown, N. J. The first package will benefit; if not, the druggist will return, your money. 25 doses, Jo cents. Never sold in bulk. FAST TRAIN Leave Omaha - 6:00 P. M. Arrive Chicago 7:30 A. M. Steamship tickets to all Europ ean points. ILLINOIS CENTRAL TICKET OFFICE 1402 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. You Sometimes Annoy Tour friend with that hacking cough. Why not accept a suggestion of a remedy? LA GRIPPE COUGH STRUP : Will be a relief ana the relief begins with the first do, i IT STOPS THE TICKLING. , KKUKYHH BORKVEBS SOOTHES NERVES After eevar cold the cough that re main i aonictime dangerou. LA GRIPPE tXJLOH BTRl'P puts you on the road to better health, t sit, Dio, Ma ana $1.0. Sample free. Manufactured and gold by Sherman& McConnell Drug Co. Corner ltth and Dodg Itraetn. AMI KKMKXT. TONIGHT AT S IS -- THB DA1NTI. ML'ljUM'. MISS BOB WHITE Tuesday-Wed., I.l'l.l' Gl.APKR, In the Municttl Comedy, "Mis Dolly Dol lar." . Thin.. Krld.. Sh. Mat. and Night--l.KW V Kl.DH iWfWr & Fields!. It Happened in Nordland." n . J Nights-Sun." Mat. 10c-;!8c nil! WlllllI Tue... Thurs., fcat -Mat. loc. 20c Tin; woomvAit'i htim h ro. vcekT- MISS HOBB8 PKOFKHSIONAL MAT. TfKSDAY Muts. Thurs, rtatuiduy. Next Week Ibid "A 'I iNTKNi'l-.D WOMAN." 'Phone Douglas W. Every Night. Matinee Thut.. Sat.. Sun. , MODKICN V.U'PF.VIIJ.R Vtoi. Hutching V Kd wards: Kerry Corwev; Hruin i lu-ll. Mry Dupont at Co.'; Mitchell Ar Cain: Mildred Fioia; O'Rourke. Burnett Trio and the Klnodriuoe. I'lkr !, ."Mir. K R U C TONIGHT 1.1 TONIGHT :li Wel A okea ad Maraaret llalr take A Pair of Pinks Prices-liie lie. jOc. 7tc. Thursday 'The Way ' the Tiaiigivor."