Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1906, Image 1

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    he Omaha Daily
Ground floor Corner
The Bee Calldinf - I7(h tidHrgrrn
Ground Floor Corner
Tie Bet Bulldlag 171k and FVmm
United ttates Consul Sees Great Oppor
tunity for Americans.
Great Demand for All Olasses of Staple
Land of Splendid Possibilities Read; for
trtlem by Which Shipments from
America Can Be Prrpnld at
Fixed Charge to Any
Point on Liar.
WASHINGTON, March f.KuU'i re
newed attempt to establish a permanent
foothold In northern Manchuria by making
Vladivostok the port of entry, thereby off
s iting the loss of Dalny and Port Ar
thur. Is described In an official report
made, public at the State department
today which report recently reached
'Washington from one of the department's
agents In China. Th report expresses the
belief that thin will redound to the benefit
of American trade and will result In les
sening the Importance of Shanghai as a
distributing point. The report made public
at the department says:
Since the conclusion of peace between
Russia, and Japnn there has been much
speculation in the foreign community of
Shanghai as to the future opportunity for
trade and development In Manchuria, and
therefore the negotiation between Japan
nnd China on the one hand and the diplo
matic moves of Russia at Peking have
been watched with the closest attention.
As soon as the way to Vladivostok was
upen there ensued a rush of steamers from
hhanghsl, Tslngtao. Che Foo, Tien Tsln.
Nagasaki, Kobe nnd Yokohama, and as
h consequence the Immediate demand for
merchandise was soon satisfied. Then
came the riots both at Vladivostok and
.Harbin, which were followed by the lee
closing the port of entry. These discour
aging factors drove many away nnd left
the market well supplied with such lux
uries as are Indicated for Russia, but still
demanding staples for the natives and of
fering a great chance for development,
threat Demand for Merchandise.
Buch Is practically the situation today
and a period of three months from this
date will seo northern Manchuria eager for
that which Is now believed to be tne be
ginning of n new era, which will last a
lew yeurs at the least.
No one knows what Japan intends to do
in soutnern Manchuria, either In the way
of trade or developments In connection
with Its portion of the Chinese Eastern
railway and the new line that Is to be
built thereto to connect with Corea. Rus
sia, for the. benefit of Its portion of the
Chines Eastern rijlway for Its own po
litical affairs in the east, and perhaps for
ihe sake of affording a contrast, is letting
everybody know what Its aim and ambi
tion Is. It may be well to point out what
Is the field for the development now being
advertised by Russian agents. The Chinese
Eastern railway, which leaves the old and
original ur-ey of the Transslberlan rail
way at Nertchlnk. crosses the Manchurlan
border at the station since called Man
churia, and then bv a southeastern course
runs through one of the most fertile areas
on tha - culdluuot to ; Harbin, and from
thence on to Polvranltzanla (border), thus
reaching Siberia again and joining the
Osourl railway a part of the original
trans-Siberian route and now running to
Khabarovsy on the Amur river) goes to
Vladivostok. Through this Manchurlan
Section there are vust stretches of rolling
rid level land, great forests of fine timber
of a merchantable kind and rich mineral
ized areas. To the south of the line lies
the practically unexplored broken country
which forms the nc.rthern Corean border;
to the north lies the Amur river country,
a land of splnndtd possibilities for agri
culture and lumbering, and flanked by
streams which are remarkable for their
fisheries; to the west Is that which many
think is the best part of Siberia, wince
it contains all that has made Irkutsk the
great commercial center. It la a great
domain and one which under good man
agement and the lack of political disturb
ance from Rusrla as well as China will
produce rich results.
Convenience for Shippers.
It is already announced that the Chines
Kastern railway will institute a system
by which all charges at fixed rates can be
paid in America for shipments to any
point of Manchuria reached by the line. .
If the half of the optimistic views of
those who talk from the Russian stand
point concerning northern Manchuria and
the Chinese Eastern railway come true the
world will speedily see that as a matter
of fact Russia has euffered very little by
the outcome of the war as It relates to Its
development projects In the far east. In
any event In the. Immediate future northern
Manchuria seems, according to the pro
gram Indicated, a good field for American
Agrarian Manifesto Expected on
Emancipation Day la Mot
ST. PETERSBURG, March 4. The expec
tation In some quarters that the anniver
sary of ths emancipation of the serfs today
would be commemorated by an agrarian
ukase was not fulfilled. All the newspa
pers, however, seised the occasion to die
cuss the peasant question in view of the
general anticipation of extensive agrarian
troubles In the spripg. unanimously agree
ing that only legal satisfaction of the land
hunger of mujiks will prevent an awful
jHi-qUerie. The conservative journals draw
a striking parallel between the carnival of
riot which followed the proclamation jf
civic liberty and the events that succeeded
Kmpcror Alexander's decree of personal
freedom for the purpose of proving that
the present political preferment is only .In
cidental to the adjustment of the population
M a new regime. Then as now, they s.iy,
the emperor's act was misunderstood. The
I eu ant believed the land with which they
were endowed was a free gift nnd when
they were undeceived jubilation over their
freedom turned to anger and was followed
by uprisings and riots throughout the em
pire which provoked the sternest repres
sion. On the contrary Ihe radical Journals Una
the new situation and ilnt a sorrowful
picture Of th unfortunate peasant of the
lust forty years bound to the soli, burdened
by a debt not yet discharged and subject
to ths knout. They attribute the miserablo
condition of the peasants to the incomplete
ness of emancipation and, ask if the Rus
sian people are not condemned .to another
such period of misery and struggle because
th grant of civic liberty is Insufficient.
Commerce with Mexico.
MEXICO CITY, March 4. -During th
first four months of th present fiscal
year Mexlran trade with th United Slates
showed an increase In imports of over
ll.OOO.Ofni. Export to the t'nlted States wer
KCSol.o, a gain of more than I1S.OW.000 over
tk) corresponding period of the previous
fiscal year. Exports to Germany wer more
than J3.0iXi.ftw and to Great Britain nearly
t.CO0.M. Imports from Germany fell off
more than a million dollars, while Great
Britain and Franc both sold less here, than
In ' the previous period. The remarkable
gain In trade with th United States show
how actively the trade is being pushed on
both sides of th border. ,
Till y - rlnlist Had Mnrh Influence
r. ' esnlt of Recent British
L . March 4. (Biieclul Cabli gram
1 lee.) Lady Warwick continues
th c" .f the English socialists. Durln
th il elections she made a whirlwind
cn 5" which the elder Gladstone, in
! jf est days, might have envied, trav
el all parts of the United Kingdom
It ort to convert the worklngmen to
her Industrial point of view. It is openly
stated here In London that Lady Warwick
was not without an Influence upon th
general election; that though she tnught
socialism, th Influence of Jier sayings was
felt In the Increased vote for the labor
candidates and the. liberal nominees with
radical tendencies.
Characteristic of the English elector, he
listened to the titled socialist, remembered
what she said, but proceeded to carry ner
theories Into execution in a more practical
way by voting for the labor candidates or
the liberal candidates who were supposed
to be friendly. Instead of throwing their
votes away 'on the socialist candidates.
Now that the general elections are over,
Lady Warwick says that her campaigning
Is only beginning. Certainly she Is still
keeping up an active crusade, going out
almost every day in her socialist motor
car, addressing meetings attended by la
boring, men and farmers. She looked very
charming In her plaid motor costume, with
a hat to match, as she presided at a meet
ing of the agriculturists at Dunmow this
week, and discussed the merits of a scheme
of sending farm produce to London by a
motor oar service, to be disposed of on
street stalls. ,
One of the speakers mentioned protection.
He was stopped by the countess, who said
that she was one of (hose who taught that
they should spend the last years of their
lives for the good of others. She knew
that they all did not agree with her in her
socialistic views, but she knew that they
credited her with being sincere in her ef
forts to help the people. One r en son why
her agitation Is likely to prove effective In
the Punmow district Is that the district
Is poorly served by the existing railway.
There are a number of populous village
within six or seven miles which can only
be reached by this road.
One Member of Tarty Kills Una With
Itevolver After Exciting.
JOHANNESBURG. March 4. (Special
Cablegram to The Bee.) A letter Just re
oelved here from Ugnnda gives an account
of a narrow escape sustained by Csptaln de
Crlspigny, who, with several other well
known English people, has been hunting
big game In the North Woods. Captain de
Crlspigny was riding In advance of the
party, which included Ixrd and Lady
Waterford, when he came facet to face
with a full grown lion In an open Space. At
the sight of the animal Captain de Crls
plgny's horse shied nnd taking the bit be
tween Its teeth "bolted.- At the same time
the saddle slipped round and the captain
was dragged along bead downward by the
terrified horse, with the llorf In full pur
suit. The rider, who was unable to re
lease himself, drew his revolver to stop
his horse with a shot, but a well aimed bul
let from one of the party laid the Hon low,
and at the same moment the horse in
stinctively pulled tip. .
Another well known sportsman, a mem
bar of the party, who also has the "record
of eighteen Hons to his credit, also had
quite an exciting adventure In connection
with this expedition. When quite alone he
suddenly came upon four lions. His only
weapon was a revolver, with which he shot
one lion in the left eye. The other three
took to flight, but the wounded animal
came straight at the man and his horse.
The sport sman kept on the blind side of
the lion, however, and emptied his revolver
Into its body, finally disabling it.
Trastee tor Prince Desires to Enforce
Agreement by Which Koh-i-noor
Was Sold.
LONDON, March 1 (Special Ca oW gram
to The Bee.) The romance of the Koh-1-Noor
has Just been- told in the court of
appeals during the hearing of an appeal
by Mr. Frederick Seymour Salaman, trus
tee In bankruptcy of Prince Victor Albert
Jay Dhulett Singh, against the decision by
Justice Bucknell summarily staying ' an
action against the secretary of state for
India as an abuse of the process of the
court. Mr. Salaman's case was that under
certain articles of agreement made In
1841 between the regency council on be
half of the prince's father, Naharajah
Dhulett Singh, then an Infant, and the
East India company, whose rights and
liabilities were vested in 1868 in the British
government. Prince Victor was entitled to
the private ownership of certain lands val
ued at severs! million pounds and arrears
of pensions amounting to about 1500,000.
Under this agreement the Koh-l-Noor was
transferred to Queen Victoria.
Mr. Rufus Isaacs is making the appeal
for Mr. Salaman said that Justice Buck
nell had apparently stayed the action on
the ground that It affected a matter of
Stat over which the courts had no Juris
Death of Red t'ontya at Hands of
Robert Bruce la Com.
'GLASGOW, March 4 i Special Cablegram
to The Fee.) Dumfries has Just celebrated
the anniversary of the capture of the cas
tle of that name by Robert Bruce, which
was the beginning of the war of independ
ence which culminated in the defeat of
the English at 4 Bannockhurn eight years
A memorial stuns was laid with Masonic
rites by the moat of the old castle, the
stsndard of Scotland, broken, on the flag
staff near by. and there being a pilgrim
age to th site of th high altar in the Grey
Friar monastery where the slaying of the
Red Comyn began th war.
Italy is Austria Show Jealoai
Presentation of Arms and
-tan inanition.
VIENNA, March 4.-Spcil Cablegram
to The Bee.) The king of Italy recently
presented the prince of Montenegro with
twelve mountain guns, an act which was,
however. Interpreted as a threat against
The Austrian government has retaliated
by presenting Italy's dangerous rival in
Africa, the negus of Abyssinia with com
plete mountain battery together with am,
Area of Ceded Portion of the Reserration
2,000 Square Miles.
Climate la Too Arid for Raising
trope Without Irrigation
lnnrt Well Adapted to
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. March 4.-(Speeial.)-The
ceded portion of the Shoshone Indian
reservation to be thrown open to settle
men this summer is the area lying north of
Wind river and east of Popo Agle and Big
Horn rivers. It lies in the northern-central
portion of Fremont county, Wyoming,
and Includes also a smsll corner of Big
Horn county, adjoining Big Horn canyon,
south of Thermopolis. The total area Is
about 2,000 square miles. The northern
third of this srea lies In the Owl creek and
Shoshone mountains, and the southern por
tion comprises a wide srea of rolling plains
In the Wind river basin. The area Is bor
dered on the mouth of Wind river and its
eastern margin Is crossed by the Big Horn
river. These streams carry a large volume
of water and flow In narrow but flat bot
tomed valleys, along which there is a mod
erate acreage of land which Is Immediately
valuable tor agriculture.
Rainfall Only Thirteen Inches.
With a mean avetage rainfall of about
thirteen Inches a year the climate is too arid
for the raising of crops without irrigation,
hut a large amount of water in the two
large rivers Is available for this use. Along
the bottom lands' bordering the rivers the
water can be taken out In small ditches,
although, owing to the spring floods, there
will be difficulty In maintaining these and
especlnlly their heaclgates, sn the amount of
land that can be Irrlgnted by this means Is
small. By the construction of Irrigation
canals, however, wide areas of the basin
lands could be brought under cultivation,
especially if the flood waters of the moun
tain slopes could be stored for use during
the dry season. The greater part of the re
gion Is well adapted for grazing, and this
undoubtedly will be Its principal use. Fully
two-thirds of t.he land bears a fair growth
of nutritious grasses nnd water for stock
Is within reach, excepting In a few dis
tricts. Gold an il Coal.
In portions of the Owl Creek mountains
granites and associated schists are ex
posed which contain gold and other ores,
which may possibly occur In sufficient
amount to be of economic Importance,
while In the southern end of the Shoshone
range, which constitutes the northwestern
corner of the ceded area, there may pos
sibly be found a southern extension of the
mineral value of the Klrwln region. Coal
deposits occur In the center of the ceded
area, and although probably they may not
merit extensive working they will afford a
useful local supply.
The only settlers now in the ceded area
are a few Indians and white men who have
married squaws, and the ranches of these
persons are widely scattered along the
rivers and on the creeks near the foot of
the mountains. ' - . " .
A report on the geological formation of a
portion of this area will be Issued shortly
by the United States geological survey.
Colorado "prlnas Preparing; for Cele
bration of Centennial of
WASHINGTON, March 4. Vice Chairman
Wray of the Colorado Springs association,
which Is preparing to celebrate the. cen
tennlary of the discovery of Pike's peak
by Captain Zebulon M. Pike, has made
arrangements withUhe authorities here for
a liberal representation of the government
on the occasion. As Captain Pike made
his expedition to the Rocky mountains
under the auspices of the army, of which
he was at the time an officer, a large de
tachment of troops will be detailed to at
tend and participate in the exercises. The
date for the celebration has been fixed for
September 23 to K). and as It will Immedi
ately follow the annual maneuvers at Fort
Riley the troops will be sent directly from
that point. The exact number has not
been determined, but Mr. Wray is of the
opinion that there will be several thou
sand of them. Commissioner Leupp of the
Indian bureau has also promised that the
various tribes of Indians that inhabited
the region of the peak at the time of Pike's
visit in 1806 shall be represented by liberal
delegations. These will include Utes, Chey
ennes. Arapahoe. Comanches and others.
Mr. Wray has also received assurances
that copies of Pike's manuscript reports on
his expedition will be supplied and he ex
pects to secure reproductions of the army
uniform used In Pike's lime and also
models of the modern warships the Colo
rado and th Denver.
Buffalo Physician Crashes Wosann'a
Skull with Hammer and
"hoots Himself.
BUFFALO. N. Y., March 4-Henry L.
Whltbeck, a physician and dentist, killed
his wit with a hammer today and then
blew his brains out with a rifle.
Whltbeck walked up behind his wife as
she was sitting in a rocking chair and
struck her a terrific blow on either temple
with a hammer. Then he left the hammer
on a table and walked Into the next room,
where he took up a rifle. Resting the butt
end on the floor he leaned his forehead
against the muxzie and pulled the trigger.
The top of his bead was blown off.
Mrs. Whltbeck was taken to . a hospital,
where rhu died In an nour. She had been
an invalid many years. She was about the
sime age as her husband, 45 years. Whit,
beck recently had been a patient in a sani
Book Mailed by Reform Bnreaa Sot
Mailable Under Congressional
WASHINGTON. March 4. -The postmas
ter general has rendered a decision in the
ease of th us by th International Re
form bureau, of which hev. Wilbur A.
Crafu of this city Is superintendent, of
the lrank of a member of congress to
transmit in the mall free of postuge mat
ter not frankable. The decision affirms
the ruling of the third assistant postmaster
general that the book entitled "Patriotic
Studies," which bad been circulated by the
bureau under frank, la not a "public doc
ument printed by order of congress." and
la not. under th law, entitled to trans
mission In th mails free of poMage under
fiai.k of a member of congress.
People of Wa I worth County. f. D., In
censed at Reanlts of Teaching
f Jacob Mcrkel.
SIOUX FALLS. 8. D.. March 4.-t Special
The authorities of Walworth county have
declared war against an individual named
Jacob Merket, who claims to he Christ,
and who has become. In the opinion of the
authorities, a very dangerous person to be
at large.
Merkel Is a religions Tanatic of the ex
treme type, and . at least one death and
an attempt at arson Is directly traceable
to his fandtical teachings. The victim of
his pernicious lnlitenc was Karl Moser, a
farmer, who rerently committed suicide by
strangling himself arter he had Informed
his wife that lie hid been Instructed by
Christ to sacrifice himself for the sins of
the world.
Moser wns an Intlinat friend of Mcrkel
and the coroner's jury which investigated
Moscr's death returned a verdict contain
ing these words: "The direct cause of
suicide was religious Insanity, which In
turn had been originated and fostered by
his close association wflh one Jacob Mer
kel, whose pernicious Influence unhinged
the mental balance of deceased."
There was evidence t show that Merkel
threatened that If Moser did not take his
own life he tMerkel) Would kill him. It
was believed by the religious fanatics with
whom Mcer associated": 'hat he (Moser)
would return from the. dead on tho third
day after he had ended his own life, and
they naturally were disappointed when he
failed to return to the Jaud the living.
The religious fnnatlcV refused to bury
the dead man after even they had lost all
hope of his coming back to life and a few
kind-hearted neighbors bad to perform this
The records of the county show that ho
attempted to kill a resident of the neighbor
hood "because God told liim to." Moser
at the time of his death at his own hands
was under bonds for tils appearance at
the next term of the state circuit court In
Walworth county for trial on the charge
of arson.
The coroner's jury In the Moser case
recommended thnt vigorous means should
be adopted by the authorities of Walworth
county to put a stop to the undue Influence
exerted by Jacob Merkel, the false Christ,
upon the followers of tils religious delu
sions. In view of this lit is probable an
effort will be made in the near future to
place the false Christ anil his more fanati
cal followers In the state hospital for the
Insane. ,
ASM) 14
Dr. w. H. Brltt of Creighton Seeks
Immediate Dlvlaon of Estate.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D., March 4 (Spe
cial.) Dr. W. H. Brttt of Creighton, Neb.,
has Instituted in the county court in this
city proceedings by which he seeks to set
aside the will, of his father, Thomas M.
Brltt, a Sioux Falls pioneer, who died u
few weeks ago.
The will gives to the widow outright
the homestead In thl city and the income
from the remainder of tho estate during her
lifetime, when the estate, exclusive of the
homestead, goes to the Creighton phy.
slcian. The widow Is the stepmother of Dr.
Th stepson I dissatisfied, with that por
tion, of tne will which gives to . his -alep-ruother
the income from the estate during
her lifetime. Dr. Britt alleges in his com
plaint that the widow used undue influence
In having the will executed in her favor,
and also alleges that his father wns not in
sound mind and capable of making a will
at the time the Instrument was executed;
During a hearing In the ease before
County Judgo Bailey attorneys represent
ing Dr. Brltt gave notice of an appeal to
the state circuit court, where the case will
b tried during the month of April.
The ( estate is valued at between 115,000
and JJO.OW.
Present for Superintendent Whitney.
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. March 4.-(Speclal.)
Superintendent W. A. Whitney, who 're
signed his position with the Union Pacific
on March 1. left Friday night In a private
car for Los Angeles. He was accompanied
over the division by Superintendent Ander
son and other local officials. At Rawlins
Mr. Whitney was prestntod with a certi
fied check for $3,678.W by the employes oi
the Wyoming division. The uin. know
ing that Mr. Whitney is i.i and woul 1 otd
money and not jewelry or si! Anvar. took
this sensible way of showi.ig their dep
love for and appreciation of the depait'.ng
official. 'Mr. Whitney was completely over
come when the committee ha.ided him the
check, and tears welled up In his eyes ss
he accepted It with a few appropriate woids
of thanks. Mr. Whitney lep.ve3 tho read
with the best wishes and highest ret:a:ds
of every employe and ail cltlwns'ln 'he
many towns along the line. All hope that
he will soon be restored to complete he.Vih
and that he, will return to tt.e 1'nlon' Pa
cific. Meeting; of Cattlemen.
HOT SPRINGS. S. D.. March 4.-(Spe-eial.)-At
a meeting of the cattlemen of
Fall River county. C B. West was re
elected cattle Inspector. Mr. West gave a
very Interesting and comprehensive account
of his work last year, of his correspondence
with heads, of the department relative to
dipping and how he had endeavored to co
operate with cattlemen toward eradicating
the itch. He said that he believed it was
pretty well wiped out of Fall River county,
excepting in the extreme southern part!
where considerable stab seemed to yet
exist, but he hoped by energtie co-operation
with the stockmen to get rid of it this
spring. He says tlvirw are nine dipping
vats in the county and there is no reason
for anybody's cattle not being dipped. He
says the only dip -ecognlrtd by the govern
ment Is the aulpher dip. Mr. West is thor
oughly awake to the tact that the scab
must be killed out and proposes to be at
tentive and energetic to that end.
ettlers for Month Dakota.
ABERDEEN. 8. D., March 4 (8pecial.)
What promises to be a heavy Influx of set
tlers has started in in northern South Da
kota. Overj' eighty carloads of Immigrants'
property have arrived In Aberdeen witlvn
the last few days and more ar expect ?d
next week. Th homeseekers are settling
on farms In Brown and adjoining counties
and in North Dakota counties along tho
South Dakota border. Thy ar mos'.y
from northern Missouri ani southern Iowa.
Boy Killed by Feed Grinder.
ABERDEEN. 8. D.. March 4.-(Spclal.)-The
U-year-old son of John lvyte. a farmer
residing near Hecla, was Instantly killed
by getting caught in the belt of reed
grinder. The boy was thrown to the ground
with such violence that his neck was
Chinese Deny glory of Kaarrel.
SEATTLE. Waah .. March 4.-Local Chi
neae deny the story thai ther was a split
In th imperial high commission and that
thre members were left behind. Thev
state that thre members went to Purtlund
to study the schools of Oregon and later
California. Thsy were following th Peking
rlsn nd will join th main parly ia Washington.
Outlook for Settlement of Moroccan Question
Seems Much Brighter.
Germany to Yield Something on
Police Proposition and France
on the Bank Ques
tion. ALGECIRAS, March 4.-One of the dele
gates having a vital Interest In the con
ference on Moroccan reforms said tonight
that a settlement of tho controversy bo
tween France nnd Germany now seemed
possible, but he declined to make known
the lines the arrangement would take.
However, the trend of recent events was
Indicated that If any settlement Is reached
It would most likely be because France
would make concessions with reference to
the bank question and Germany In return
would adopt a less uncompromising atti
tude concerning the police.
France Pleased with Outlook,
PARIS, March 4. The voting at Algeclms
Saturday on the proposition of Sir Arthur
Nicholson, chief of the. British delegation,
to proceed to the Immediate discussion of
the Moroccan police question, gives great
satisfaction here, chiefly because France
has' ranged with it a large majority of the
powers, while Germany Is among the small
minority. Public tension was such over
the Franco-German controversy that the
vote was welcomed both as a success and
as shoeing that France wns able to count
upon the almost unbroken support of Eu
rope. French officials have claimed for
some time that If a vote were possible It
would give France a sweeping majority.
It appears that yesterday's division did not
produce a recorded vote, yet the powers
aligned themselves with sufficient precision
to amount to a vote. All the French Jour
nals give the division In the form of a
vote, the eight voting In the affirmative
being France, Oreat Britain, Russia, Spain.
Portugal, the United States. Italy and Hol
land, and the negative three being Ger
many, Austria and Morocco. The officials
had even considered Austria as doubtful,
and had Austria balloted in the affirma
tive would have been ranged on tho side of
Views of French Press.
The S(mi-offlcial Temps seems to accept
the decision of the conference as a vote in
favor of France's proposals, saying:
The vote, though referring to a question
of procedure, is valuable to us from more
than one viewpoint. ' Not only have Great
Britain, Russia. Spain and the United
States clearly adhered to our Ideas, which
was foreseen, hut Italy. Belgium, Portugal
and Holland unhesitatingly recognized the
loyalty to our proYosltkn.
The Temps correspondent at Algeclras,
however, points out that "the vote refers
merely be procedure signifying the desire
of the conference to attain a result. At
the same time the character and Import
of the action of the delegates with refer
ence to procedure should not be mini
mized." The result also affects the . diplomatic
status of the controversy. Germany wants
to settle tne bank question before that of
the police, but France does not. wlshUo.
grtint concessions on the hank until it Is
sure that Germany will make a reciprocal
movement concerning the police. There
fore the decision of the conference to con
sider the pollen question requires that Ger
many shall' say whether It Is or is not pre
pared to change Its attitude relative to
the police. Germany's answer will thus
determine whether France will yield on the
bank question. Tho Indications are that
if Germany refuses to give way on the
police, France will not yield on the bank,
thus accentuating the former deadlock by
carrying it Into the open conference.
King- Calls on President.
King Edward's visit to Paris Is attracting
great attention, enormous crowds cheering
his every sppearance on the streets today.
Tho cordiality of the greetings exchanged
between the king and President Falllerles
during his majesty's official call at the
Elysee palace was much remarked. The
conversation between the two lasted half
an hour. Iter the president returned the
call at the British embassy, where a state
dinner was held this evening, at which
President Falllerles and Premier Rouvler,
with their wives, were among the guests.
There were no speeches during the dinner.
Afterwards King Edward, President Fal
lleres and M. Rouvler conversed for nearly
an hour in the smoking room.
During the course of the day former
Presidents Loubet and Casimlr-Perler left
their cards at the British embassy. The
king Invited M. Loubet to dinner Monday.
Prinesses Beatrice and Ena of Batten
berg, who lunched with King Edward to
day, will leave for Biarritz on Monday,
where they will await the king's arrival.
Later un Interview between the kings of
England nnd Spain 'will occur there, at
which official consent to the marriage of
Princess Ena to King Alfonso will be
Rumor that Heads of Germnn and
American Governments May
Exchange Visits.
BERLIN. March 4. Prof. Albrecht Wlrth
of Munich today contributes a signed
article t Der Tag on the possibility of
President Roosevelt and Emperor William
exchanging visits. Prof. Wlrth has con
nections with the Foreign office and his
suggestions therefore have a certain inter
est. Congressman Nicholas Longworth and
Mrs. Longworth ar expected In Berlin In
May, he says. This is not the first time
that the president's daughter will have rep
resented the United States diplomatically.
Her Journey to East Asia had official char
acter, which was expressed by her accom
panying a member of the cabinet.
"President Roosevelt himself is not per
mitted tp leave American territory, but as
an American warship Is also American ter
ritory, as President Roosevelt has already
proved in practice, why cannot the presi
dent give another example by visiting Kiel?
Binperor William could then choose a re
turn vlrlt of th: same form, going on a
warship to waters r.tar Washington. These
visits would add much to the mutual friend
ship of the two countries," says the profes
Government of Irsgsay Discovers
Plot and Prevent Insur
rection. MONTEVIDEO. Uruguay, March 1
Learnlng that plans for a revolutionary
movement were in progress the government
has raided the opposition clubs, arrested
the plotters and instituted a censorship on
telegraphic dispatches. The government
will present a it ate merit of Its action to
Parliament tomorrow. There has been no
disturbance here and order Is being main,
talnvd throughout the country.
Fair nnd Warmer Today, Except Snow
or Rain In Southwest Portion.
Temperature at Omnhn Yesterday!
Honr. De. Hour. Den.
A n. ni l 1 p. m 2."
" n. ni 17 X p. m
Ta. m . IT a p. m ...... 2-4
a. m IT 4 p. n SI
n a. m in n p. m 2-1
to n. m 21 t p. m vr
11 n. m 22 7 p. m 2:1
19 m S I n p. m 241
ft p. m 23
Former Commander-in-Chief of Army
Pnsses Away at His Home la
ST. AUGUSTINE. Fla., March 4 Ueu
tenant General John M. Schofleld. U. S. A..
retired, former head of the army, died at
8:30 o'clock tonight. He was attacked this
morning With cerebral hemorrhage. His
wife and young daughter were with him.
The body will be taken to Washington to
morrow for Interment.
WASHINGTON. March 4 General John
M. Schofield, who died tonight at St.
Augustine, Fla., was secretary of war dur
ing lS'S-Gfl, and his career was marked by a
continuous service In the army from the
time he entered West Tolnt In 1849 until
he retired September !9. 18HK. with the rank
of lieutenant general, the highest military
honor then permitted by law of congress.
His command of the army extended from
1888 to 1835. Since his retirement from the
army he has made frequent visits to Wash
ington, though he marie It a practice each
year to spend his wintT In Florida and the
summer In the east. lie was a. member of
the Loyal Legion and for two terms was
Its commander-in-chief. He was 74 years of
Former Texas Executive Directs that
Two Trees Re riantrd nt
His Grave.
AUSTIN, Tex., March 4.-The body of
former Governor HoRg arrived here this
afternoon from Houston and was met at
the depot by thousands, who acted as
honorary escorts to the statehouse, where
It will He In state until tomorrow.
Today It was learned that the governor
evidently expected death. On the evening
before his death he talked nt length as to
the kind of monument he wished when he
should die.
"I want no monument of stone," he said,
"hut let my children plant at the head of
my arrive a pecan tree ind at the foot of
my grave a walnut tree, and when these
trees shall bear let the pecans and the wal
nuts be given out among the plain people
of Ttxas so that they may plant them and
make Texas a land of trees."
Body of Mnrdercd Brnkemnn Tnkea
to Colombo and City la
SPRINGFIELD, O., March 4.-The last
seen .of rthe race noj; of. the last week will
be enacted tomorrow morning, when the
nlno companies of mllltla now on duty
here will return home. Tho city has been
quiet all day ,nd tonight. The body of the
dead braKemnn, M. M. Davis, was taken to
the home of his parents In Columbus today.
It was said tonight that evidences had
ben secured against about 300 persons. In
cluding many mere boys, one but 13 years
old. The Investigation shows that the
mobs were made up almost wholly of young
men from 16 to 3 years of age.
L. '. Tower.
YANKTON, S. D., March 4. (Special.)
L. N. Tower, for many years a widely
known conductor In this state on the North
western railroad, died here at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. H. W. Box. Mr.
Tower. came to Dakota twenty-five years
ago and is widely known over the state,
as besides the acquaintance built up In
years of railroading he was a prominent
Mason and a member of St. John's lodge
No. 1, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons,
the commandery and also of the Oriental
consistory of this city. He leaves three
daughters, Mrs. Box and Miss Josephine
Tower of this city and Miss Elisabeth
Tower of Washington, D. C. The funeral
took place this afternoon at the temple with
the Masonlo bodies in charge.
Mrs. Catherine Shnnnon.
Mrs. Catherine Shannon, wife of Luke
Shannon of lt',15 Cuming street, died yester
day at tho family residence. She leaves
these children: Thomas F., Grand Island;
Mrs. P. H. Cosgrave, Colorado City; Owen,
Davenport, la.; Anna M. and Luke J.,
Omaha. The funeral services will take
place Tuesday at 8:30 a. m. at Holy Family
Catholic church and Interment will be at
Holy Sepulchre cemetery.
Valnnhle Railroad Records.
, PORTSMOUTH, Va.. March 4.-TI gen
eral office building of the Seaboard Air
Line railway here was damaged by fir this
morning, and while the monetary loss was
only approximately 13,0no, there were many
valuable records .and official papers of the
road destroyed. Th auditor of freight
receipts, comptroller, general superintend-'
ent, car service agent and auditors of
passenger receipts and disbursement lost
practically all their records. President Barr
also lost many valuable papers and records.
Fifth City In I.cyte.
MANILA. March 4. Tacloban, the capital
of the Island of Leyte, has been destroyed
by fire. The financial loss Is reported to be
teoo.uoo. Tacloban was the fifth city of the
Island and was situated In an important
hemp district. A num'n-r of warehouses
were destroyed. Government assistance
will be rushed.
Village slide Into Lake.
ROME. March 4.-The village of Taver
nola. on the cliffs above the Lak fzeo in
the province of Brescia, was almost en
tirely destroyed this morning by the rocks
suddenly giving way, apparently because
the lake had eaten Into the base of the
cliffs. The disaster wvs prtceded by a
lour roaring sound, which alarmed the l.uoO
Inhabitants in time to make their escape.
One fisherman was killed. Alxut J00 feet
of rock and the houses on it were swal
lowed up by the lake.
Connterfelter tnught In Act.
EAST ST. LOUIS, 111.. March 4 -Detec-lives
today arrested James A. Kapo, 1
years old. and his brother Jesse, 18 years
old. on he charge of counterfeiting.' 'it Is
statd that when the detectives entered tho
rcimi James held a ladle of .molten metal In
i ts hand ready to pour It Into a plaster
mold. Th police tonight stated that James
hud confessed that he and his two brothers
hud been engaged In making counterfeit
dollars. The Hpp brothers formerly lived
In Xenla, O. Flcyd. a third brother, sus
pected of being a "lookout," was also tk
Into custody.
Senate Will Spend Five Days iu TJebatinc
Statehood Bill.
Friends of House Measure Say Chance Will
Kill the Bill.
It WU1 Remain in the Foreground Until
Finally Disposed Of.
It Will Discuss Indian BUI and
Attend to Routine Matters
While Waiting on
WASHINGTON, March 4-Th United
States senate will devot most of the week
to the consideration of the statehood bill
with the view of reaching a vote on it next
Friday. There Is a possibility that Sen
ator Culberson may speak tomorrow on tlx
railroad mte question, but if he does thlj
will be the only Interruption of the con
sideration of the bill for the creation of
two new states. If the Texas senator doe
not speak either Senator Nelson or Sen
ator will take the floor In support
of the statehood bill. If they do not get
an opportunity to speak today they will
find that opportunity Tuesday and front
that time forward It la expected the sub
ject will be pressed until the tlm set for
voting, which Is 4 p. m. Friday. Senator
Patterson will probably close th debate
for the opposition and Senator Beverldge
for the bill. These will not be set speeches
In the usual meaning of that word, but
are sure to provoke so much discussion as
to cause the controversy to take on the
character of a general debate.
Practically all the Interest in the bill
centers in the Foraker amendment and
every possible effort on both sides Is being
made for and against that provision. Even
the friends of the union of A,rll0a Hurt
New Mexico admit that the vote will lie
close, but th opponents of that policy ap
pear more confident of success. Both sides
profess to have assurances from the house
friends of the Joint bill that with the
Foraker amendment Incorporated in the
measure it will be allowed to die and Its
opponents insisting that with , the addi
tion made the house will be so eager to
accept It that they will not even allow
the bill to go to conference.
Rote Uneatlon to the Fore.
The fact that the railroad rata question
will not occupy tho floor will not be per
mitted to lnterferu with the activity on
account of It. The bill Is still receiving
more attention from individual senators
than any other measure, not excepting
statehood, and it will remain In th fore
ground until it Is finally disposed of, re
gardless of its place on the calendar. The
especial question under consideration now
Is as to whether tho proposed compromise
amendments shall be aotV-ipted. 'Th bill
will b iniula the unfinished business as
soon as the vote is taken on the statehood
bill. Senator Lodge Is still disposed to ask '
the senate to take the Philippine tariff
bill from the custody of the committee on
the Philippines, but he will not move In
the matter until after the statehood vote.
House Short of Work.
For the first time during the presenl ,
congress the national house of represent,
tlvea is short of work. There is nothing In
sight for the present ween, but the Indian
appropriation bill, and although not con
sldered necessary, the consideration of this
bill Is to be allowed to consume Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday
Bills on the calendar will b considered
today under suspension of the rules, and
Friday will be devoted to the passage of
private pension bills. An adjournment will
then be taken until the following Monday.
The provisions in the Indian bill which
provoke discussion Include a proposition to
make expenditures for Irrigation In sev
eral Indian reservations; to investigate the
feasibility of establishing a reform school
for Indian children in connection with on
of the Institutions of learning maintained
for Indians, and to estahlish a sanitarium
for the treatment of Indiana s filleted with
tuberculosis. Added vigilance Is to be ex
ercised to suppress the the liquor traffic
among Indians and $10,(100 additional la car
ried In the bill for this purpose. The bill
carries a total appropriation of $7,786,5
Under suspension of tho rules today It Is
not unlikely that an effort will be made
to get consideration of the bill abolishing
the grade of lieutenant general In the army.
This bill has been Introduced and favor
ably reported from the military committee
since a provision to the same end failed as
legislation on the army appropriation bill.
The bill as reported goes Into effect on Its
passage and makes no provision for th
promotion to that rank of Generals Corbln
and Mac Arthur.
Outlook Abroad.
The Algeclras conference on Moroccan af
fairs will continue this week to be th
focus point In International Interest. The
question of the Moroccan bank having beeu
practically passed over, the conferees, by
a motion adopted Saturday, will now con
sider the most Important point, the policing
of the country. Should agreement on this
question be possible an early solution of
the whole problem and an adjournment 4
the conference may be looked for.
Off for a two months' holiday and travel
ing as the duke of Lancaster, King Ed
ward will this week visit Paris, where he
will stay at the British embassy until
Tuesday. He will meet President Falleres.
He then goes to Biarritz, and will stay
there until the end of March. While at
Biarritz he will receive King Alfonso and
discuss fith him the details of the latter
marriage to Princess Ena of Battenberg.
In view of. the recent riots In France,
much Interest attaches to the consistory
which will 1 held at the Vatican on March
10 fomthe purpose of considering the French
government's attitude In the matter of the
separation of the church and state. Th
pope, it Is expected, will formulate a pro
teat against separation and probably secret
Instructions will be sent to the bishops In
France as to their attitude toward the new
law. It Is considered possible that at this
consistory the pope will fill th vacancies In
the college of cardinals.
Th association to prevent corrupt prac
tices at elections will meet' In New York,
March I to 7. The subjects for discussion
will be primary and election laws and cor
rupt practices acts. Among the speaker
will be R. I Borden, leader of th opposi
tion in the Canadian Parliament,
Earthqaak In Mala.
PORTLAND. Me.. March 4 A distinct
earthquake alio, k was f)t in this elty
today. In several parts of th elty this
hock was acrnnipatuAd. Ljr rumbling whlcn
luld ttvtrai stcuuda,