Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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Offic, 10 rrmri
Deri sell trot.
Blocker! Ml la carpet.
Ed Rofrt' Tor 7 Faowt beer
Plumbing and heating. Bixby at Son.
tT. Woodbury, dentists, in Pearl itmt
Woodrlng-Bchmidt, undertaker. Tel. 3.
Ed Kofrrr ftmoul Mlrkelob on draught.
Jan-la. 22 Main. Brandin and whtskle.
Imported Irish whiskey. Jarvisv. 26 Main
Imports Scotch whifckry. Jervls, 23
Main St.
Diamonds an an investment. Talk to
Ulwl about It.
School wunts. pen, paper and tabietn.
Mexandera. 133 B way.
For Imported wine. rlquor and cham
pagne. L. Rosenfeld company. Lis Main 8t-
Get busy! Dancing every Thursday mn
in. new Armory. Whaley' orchestra.
For exchange, a-room hotel In food Ne
braska town. t. B. Kerr, Co. Bluffs, la.
Phone 417.
The Glen Ave, Grocery did the biggest
business in town last Saturday. Just be
riunt they make such low prices.
Our Jewelrv repairing department 1 the
large! in the three citic. 6atislied cus
tomers hare mult It so. Leffert. B dway.
Squire Annls. money to loan: cash on
hand, no delay; city and farm property for
saie on nuv terms of payment. omee, 101
pearl street.
Wa are paying the highest cash price I
for aid Iron and metals. Council Bluffs
Junk Hcuso. J Kettieman, propneter.
Tel. . U ft. Main.
Stop! at Grave , 106 pearl Sc. and have
those corns removed. Why sutler when
vou can liare them removed without ain
and for only Jbe a corn?
The Manhattan restaurant and bar are
giving the biggest meal In town. Short
orders, with purs cream . for excellent
codee. Try and you will b delighted.
Missouri oak dry cord wood. a cord;
sliellbark hlcaory, 17; Arkansas anthracite,
2 bo per ton Jess than hard coeX 'William
eleh. It North Main St. Telephone lA.
Are you drinking muddy waterr There
Is no excuse when you can buy a stone
tiller that elves you water as clear as
crystal. Price, each. W. A. Maurer.
A marruvre license was Issued yesterday
to Anthony Robinson, aged 5T2. and ISina
Gen til, aired 18. both of Coon Rapids, la.
They were married by Justice E. B. Gardi
ner. The Monarch rang Is the only range on
the market tliat a house can get real pleas
ure and satislaction out of when cooking
or baking. They are bandied by Keiier at
W. L. Williams will hold his present
headquarters at the Bracket Book store
until be rebuilds his studio, burned down
Saturday, which will lie within the nest
tnirly days.
A snan for somebody. A 1300 Ice wagon
for 217b. We have used It only four monms.
Is practically new. Bridenstein Smith,
coal yard, near Wabaan freight bouse, 14ih
Ave. and 6th St.
Painters., now Is your chance to buy
brushes at 2k per cant discount for cash
only. Council Bluffs Paint, Oil and Glass
company are going to move to Merriam
block on March la,
Word has been received here of the death
of Rev. John Y. Altchison. formerly of this
cltv. at Portland, Ore.. Friday. He Is sur
vived bv two sons, Clyde B. and John Y.
Altchison, Jr. He will be buried in Port
land. Real estate transfers took another tin
ward leap yesterday, tliirty-six being filed
for record, with an aggregate consideration
ot I;;.fc4H.i. For the first three days of
March eighty transfers were filed, with an
aggregate consideration of 40i.6. 75.
A small Iron-sheeted frame building at 11
South Sixth street, opposite the poeiofboe,
occupied bv W. L. Williams as a photo
graphic studio, was completely destroyed
with lis content by fire at noon yesterday.
The origin of the blase is unknown, as Mr.
Williams was at dinner st the time It broke
out, but it is supposed to have started from
an overheated stove. Mr. Williams' loss Is
said to be covered by lneuranoe.
Special bar gams for this week. Fifteen
lota on the Omaha car line, west of th
car barn, for I0 each on easy monthly
payment. Abstract and perfect title. Thi '
1 your opportunity to procure a good bar
gain. See Wallace Benjamin, room 1, First
National Bank building. I write fire In
surance.. -'Phone - - ;-'
Ressaval gala.
We are going to move March IS, to the
Merriam Block, and In order to reduoe
our stock we are going to give a 35 per
cent discount on framing, framed pictures,
wall paper, brushes, etc., for cash only.
Council Bluff Paint. Oil and Olaa com
pany. It 1 a pleasure to look at the many dif
ferent pattern we have on our new patent
wall paper design rack. We would like uj
Lave you coma in and look at oar big line
of aample and let us figure with you. Our
price are right and work guaranteed. Ber
wick, ai South Main. Tel. CO.
If you want a fine, up-to-date suit, before
buying drop In to Hicks', II Pearl street
Spring good Just received. Fancy worsted
aulllnga, cheviots, gray and blue serges,
Sootch goods, trouserings and black good
of all description. Fine trimming and
On work a specialty. Phone F OZ.
Tbe finest election ot marble gravestone
In southwestern Iowa can be found at
Shea ley Lane s marble and granlt works.
BT East Broadway, Council Bluffa. Many
different designs and colors. The work Is
done by ' experts who have bad year ot
Six rooms, city water; lot to grade; good
repair; rente. H4; for 11,060. Also five
rooms, beat repair; rant. 112; for tMO.
Houses and lot on monthly payment.
Alva Smith, real aetata and insurance,
room 7 Everett block.
tea Ptaaat Bargaia.
Parties leaving the city. Left on sale.
Original price 2350. Will sell on easy pay-
menu. baa. Sea at the big piano house.
Schm oiler at Mueller Piano company, 502
Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
This Is the season ot the year that you
drink coffee, and if you desire to have the
lert ot'ffe on earth served on your table
osdsi It from McAtee. The three leading
brands. McAtee's Java and Moolia at oc.
Special Blend (Or and Premium Blend at Z5c
Fine . Colorado farm land. K per acre.
Improved ranches, tie to M per acre. On
Improved ranch, four miles from town. K
per acre. A big snap. Excuralea March ft.
Fare (10.20. F. C Lougee, 14 South Main
We will handle during Lenten season a
full line of fresh, salt, smoked and cured
fish of all kinds at the usual low prices.
Central Grocery and Meat market. Phone
4. ew-sVS W. Broadway.
New piano at Swanson Music company
from tlK and VP on payments of H. dawn
snd la per mouth. Reliable standard makes.
New location. 407 Broadway.
8. M. Williamson, bicycles, sewing ma
chine. Edison phonographs, records. Re
pairing machines and bicycles a specialty.
Tel. Red 1167. 17 South Main street.
Swain A Mauer. bard war store. Quick
Meal range, only CS 40. Ocean Wave wash
ing machine, HM. Every family should
have one at thi pnee. 23S W. Broadway.
When you have your shoes half soled take
them to Sargent's. Have them sewed oa
and save sue. Sargent Model Shoe Shop.
I haul dead animal. C s per bead.
Garbage, a shea, manure and all rua
tush; risaa vaults and rraat mi All
essrk Aone I guaranteed.
Calls promptly attended ba
Phone. Asn-UOL
Be TcL 44.
DflnimaVes 05oes to B Tilled and Flaw
VI ere Polli In to Be Located.
All Kko M .t Heistered 1 st
1 ear ar Wk Have C-aaccd Tfcelr
Itraldeaee Sim fbra-tater la
Order 4 ete.
Mayor Macrae Issued last night hi of
ficial proclamation of the municipal elec
tion, to be oeld Monday, March 36. also ttic
official notice c registration. The electlaf
proclamation follows:
In compliance with the laws of Iowa and
the ordinance of the rity of Council Bluffs,
la,, 1. D, Macrae. Jr., mayor of said city
of Council Bluff, la., do hereby laeue thia.
my proclamation, giving due notice to all
properly qualified elector that the res-alar
biennial election of said city alii be held
on Monday. March A. IK, said day belirj
the last Monday In aaid month and lie
day designated by the lawa of Iowa fui
holding said election. hen the following
nameo. omoer will be chosen by the quan
fied electors of said city of Council Biuda,
Mayor, to nerve two years.
Solicitor, to serve two years
Treasurer, to serve two years.
Auditor, to serve two years.
engineer, to serve two year.
Assessor, to serve two years.
Superintendent of markets, to swrve tw
l ark commissioner, to serve six years.
Two eouncilmen-at-largo, to serve two
One Councilman from the First ward,
to serve two years.
One councilman from the Second ward,
to serve two years.
On councilman from the Third ward,
to serve two yeara
One councilman from the Fourth ward,
to serve two yeara.
One councilman from the Fifth ward,
to serve two year. I
One councilman from the Sixth ward,
to serve two years.
The following is a list or the pollua,
slaces: v
First Ward First precinct. VM EaA
Broadway; Second precinct, sr7 Efa-wt Broad
way. Second Ward First precinct, 23 Rrvant
street; Second precinct, L. p. Servian, ,M
West Broadway.
Third ward First precinct. 331 West
nr(Huivi second precinct, Jul, fciouih Jdain
Fourth Ward First precinct. Farmers"
hall, court house; Second precinct, carpen
ter shop, CU Twelfth, avenue.
Fifth Ward First precinct, countv build
ing, Fifth avenue and Twelfth treel; Sec
ond precinct, county building. 1511 South
Thirteenth street. '
Sixth Ward First precinct, county build
ing. Fifth avenue and Twelfth street; Sec
ond precinct. Firth and Locust streets,
lutst Omaha.
lhg. Avenue B and Twenty-rourth street;
Second precinct. Fifth and Locust streets,
feast Omaha.
Ckaaera to Register.
Any person who did not vote at the last
general election held November 4. 1W4. or
who has since moved from the precinct In
which he then resided Into another voting
precinct will be required to register on
one of the three days named In order to
be able to cast his ballot on March IS.
The following from the mayor's registra
tion proclamation shows the dates on which
the registrars will be m session and the
registration places In each precinct, to
gether with the names of the registrars:
The register of the several ward and
precincts will be In attendance at the fol
lowing places on Thursday and Friday
March 15 and IS. lmKL and on Saturoav.
March 24, Uwb, from it o'clock a. m. until
o clock n m fnr th. nnm..u. n. .
o'clock p. m., for the purpose of correcting.
revising, receiving and adding to the lists
the names of any m ho are entitled to
exercise the right of suffrage under the
provision t th upnatitution and the lawa
of 'the state. 1
First ward, eeoond precinct. 6 heel v A
Lane. No. 217 Bast Broadway. W. M. Green
ana J. ADboti. registers.
t Second ward, first precinct. City hall on
cryani street, j. is. uassidy, Jr.. and J. W.
Blanchard, registers.
Second ward, second precinct, Luchnw
cigar store, 74 West Broadway. William
Higgeson and H. A. Balrd. registers.
Third ward, first precinct. Marten s hotel.
217 South Main street. F. 8. Zurmeuhlcn
and Forrest Smith, reristers.
Third ward, second precinct, Schott's dm:
store. 811 South Main street. M. D. Hughes
ana v. j. w nitaker. registers.
Fourth ward, first precinct, George A.
Hsynes' office, 502 South Main street. J. J.
Fralncy and J. 8. Davis, registers.
Fourth ward, second prectnrt, Kelly
house. No. l'SH South Main street. Henry
Southard and Julius Johnson, registers.
Fifth ward, first precinct. County build
ing. Fifth avenue and Twelfth street. J. K.
cooper and u. ii. Acker, registers.
Fifth ward, second precinct. County
building, No. 1511 South Thirteenth street.
William McGlll and Lars Nielsen, reglsiera
Sixth ward, first precinct. County build
ing. Corner Avenue B and Twenty-fourth
street, Clint Mercer and P. J. Clatterbuck,
Sixth ward, second precinct. Fifth and
Locust street. Eaat Omaha. James N.
Tranekhr and John Hansen, registers.
On election day the registers will be at
the above places, except tn the first and
second precincts of the Fifth ward and the
first precinct of the Sixth ward, where they
will tie at some convenient place and not
within luu feet of the voting places, and
during all the hours which by law tbe polls
are required to be kept open for the pur
pose of granting certificates of registration
to persons, who. being voters, are not
But no certificate of registration mill be
granted except to a person who was absent
from the city during all the days fixed
for the registration of voters for this elec
tion, or. o i fierson, who being a foreigner
has received hia final paper inc th lHt
preceding day of registration of voters for
this election, or to a person whose name
on the preceding naturaay, ana in m o-
WM stricken from the registry lists.
and who on election day shall prove to the
satisfaction of the registers trial ne is a
lawfully qualified elector in such voting
Have You the Right Time? Vnless your
watch la thoroughly cleaned and oiled every
twe years at least it cannot be absolutely
depended upon. Our match repairer is com
petent to repair the most complicated move
ments. Our charge Is no more than you'd
have to pay a here ! skill and care are
exercised. Lt ffert. Broadway.
Your old worn out carpets and rugs are
valuable. ' Ion't throw them away. We
manufacture handsome, reversible rugs
from old curpets. Thousands of them In
use In tbe hrst homes, phone Bit Our n an
will call and tell you all about it. Send for
booklet. The Council Bluff Carpet Clean
ing Msnufairurtn Co.. 24 North Main St.
Do you know w hat makes a buggy worth
owning? 1 will tell you: First, its dura
bility and wearing qualities: second, its ap
pearance and comfort. These point you
will always find In "Van Brunt vehicle."
No use talking, they have no equals. Call
and see.
If you think of building give us a chance
to make yea price We are In good shape
to make close prices and have a large stock
to select from and ran make you close
price C. Haler.
Tlewa Administration Ike Mag a f
His Frleada.
The latest move tn republican circles
looking toward the selection of a candidate
for mayor was a boom started for Harvey
A. Ballenger by bis frienda " The boom
waa started good and strong and by after
noon the committee In charge of Mr. Bal
langer's eandidacy had enrolled a force of
twenty voters tn each of the wards to push
the boom along.
A good, clean administration of city
affairs" is the slogan of the Ballanger
cohorts and with this one-plank platform
they are expectant, it was said last even-
Itist. of securing wifllrKW delegates to the
rtty, convention on March li to nominate
the man of their choice.
Mr. R Merger is a lawyer and rend at
?J1 Willow avenue. He ha been associated
with the work of the Christian Home for
a nun. her of ream. Mr. Rallcnger has not
been prominent In local politics before.
Srstlsiesl ftewr 1 saalsas as
Had Brea soe4.
Report from the rural school districts
are to the effct that th opposition to the
proposed uniformity of tntbook to be
voted on at the school election on March 11
U growing apace. It Is stated that while a
majority of the school directors signed the
petition for the presentation of the question
at the coming election a large number of
the school patrons and not a few of the
school director themselves are' opposed to
the proposition.
By those who are opposed to the proposi
tion it Is contended thstm practically
twenty out of the twenty-eight township
school districts a uniformity of textbooks
at present exists and the adoption of the
proposition would mean nothing more or
less than a complete change In the text
books now used In these twenty or more
school district. It is also pointed out by
the opponents to the proposition that the
adoption of the pronositicn would undoubt
edly lead to lor.g and probably costly litl
gutlon, due to the fact that in most of the
township thro'irr'nut the county the pres
ent contract for textbooks have yet about
tour yeara to run. In this connection, it Is
contended that the adoption of the proposi
tion, shquld It carry at the school election,
would not have the e3ect of abrogating the
existing contracts, although County Super
intendent McManus in his circular has in
sisted that none of these contracts are
legal or binding. The- correctness of Su
perintendent McManus' position In respect
to the exlKttng contracts Is questioned by
the opponents to the proposition.
The school directors who are opposed to
the proposition. It Is stated, are so for the
reason that by the adoption of It they will
vote away for ever their right to select
Hi textbooks fnr their respective districts.
The adoption of lli proposition means that
In the future the textbooks will be selected
by the County Board of Education, con
sisting of th- county supervisors and the
county superintendent of schools, or, In
lact, by th ct unty superintendent himself.
Some of the school directors who are op
posed to the uniform ttxtbook proposition
are suspicious that possibly one or more of
the large school book publishing houses
may he back of the move. The adoption of
the uniform textbook system, these direc
tors point out, would result in the possi
bility of a targe snd lucrative contract for
some single publishing house and that the
awarding of this contract would practically
be In the hands of one man, namely, the
county superintendent of schools. For this
one reison, more than another, it Is stated
a number of the school directors are op
posed to the proposition.
The uniiorm texttxiok proposition was
voted down about four year ago and it
opponent according to the report re
ceived from the rural districts, are os ex
orclslng all their Influence to again defest
Tour eye have a comfortable time if
they are behind a pair of my glasses. They
read with ease. They are freed from strain.
There Is no blurring, no pain, no discom
fort. They look bright and clear. They
feel well. Consultation always free. Lef
fert. 40B Broadway.
Speclal Organ Sale We took several or
gans In trade. On sale at bargain prices.
Bourlclus Piano House, Council Bluffs, la.,
where the organ stands upon tbe building.
Saaday Ser-vleee.
The following announcement will lie made
in all the churches In Council Bluffs today
A mass meeting, hmintr for its object the
promotion of the Young Men s Christian
association In this city, will be held at a
Mace later to be designated on Sunday
March IK. The music will be furnished
bv a lare-e male chorus and out-of-town
speakers will lie present. At least l.txiO
people are expected to be present. A gen
era! invitation is extended to all men and
boys of this congregation to take part In
the big male chorus. They are requested
to meet for rehearsal at the First Presby
terian church Sunday afternoon. March 4.
at 2 o'clock. A arood leader and Pianist
mill be provided. The pastor and superin
tendent of the Sunday school are especially
requested to secure the consent of as many
or tneir men and boys as possible to take
part In the chorus and urge them to be
present at the rehesrsal Sunday afternoon
without fall. The invitation to Join this
large chorus is extended to all men. par.
llrularly to all young men of the city, who
are interested in this great movement.
Come and lend a helping hand and do all
within your power toward making the
greatest mass meeting ever held in Council
First Congregational church. Rev. Otter
beln O. Smith, D. D.. pastor. Morning
service at 10:30 and evening at 7:30. Bun
day school st nocn. Prayer and conference
meeting Wednesday evening at 7:4a. In the
morning there will be communion and re
ception of member, using for the first
time the individual service. Evening sub
ject. "A Chapter in the History of Liberty.-
Special music morning and. evening
First Presbyterian church. Rev. Marcua
P. MrClure. pastor. At 10:30 a. m., "Birth
and Growth." Bible school at noon. Voting
People's meeting at C.3l: subject. "What Is
True Happlnesa." At 7J0 p. m.. "The
Friend of Sinners." This is the second of
the series of evening sermons on "Tbe
Words From the Cross.
At St. Paul's Episcopal church Rev. H.
W. Starr, rector, there will be holy com
munion at 8 a. m., holy communion anl
address on the subject "is There any Es
sential Difference Between the Episcopal
Church and the Church of Rome?'' st 10
a. m.. Sunday school and Bible class at 12 I
m , address on confirmation at 4 p. ni..
evening prayer and sermon, subject, "Th
Parable of tbe Good Samaritan." at " M
p. m.
There will be preaching services at 11 a.
m. and 7 JO p. m. at the First Christian
church. In the morning the pastor. Rev.
W. B. Ciemmer. will take as the subject of
his sermon "Are Ye Able?' and tn the
evening his theme will be "The Trial -f
Vnhellevers " Bible school will be at i Si
a. m.. Loyalty Christian Endeavor meeting ,
at 4 p. m., and Young People's Christum j
Endeavor society meeting at ti.SO p. m
At St. John's English Lutheran church i
the morning service, at 11 o'clock, a
missionary cantata, entitled "Preach the -Goepel
to Every Creature," will be ren
dered. ' At the evening service the pastor.
Rev. G. W. Snyder, will take as the sub
ject of his sermon "Tbe Temptation." Sun
day school will be at 46 a. m. and young
people's meeting at 7 p. m.
Rev. Harvey Hosteller, pastor of the
Second Presbyterian church, will preach
this morning on the subject "In tbe Gar
den," and in tbe evening "A Strang
Rev. G. W. Snyder will preach thia af
ternoon at 2 o'clock tn the Union Chris,
tian church, corner of Broadway and
Thirty-fifth street, on the subject. "Our
Titers will be regular services at Vi:2w a.
m. and 7.W p. m. at the Swedlah Lutheran
church. Ret. B. N. Glim. , pastoc Sunday
school will be at moon.
First Church of Christ, Stteutial. will
hold service la tbe Temple Emmanuel, on
North Seventh street, at 11 a. m., when the
subject will be "Substance." Sunday school
will be at 12:16 p. m. and the regular
mid-week testimony meeting Wedntad y
evening at I o'clock. Beginning today,
service will be held every Sunday evening
at 7.30 o'clock.
The Second Church of. Christ, Scientist,
will bold set rites in Woodman ball, la tbe
Quaker Maid IRye h
"The Whiskey f r-KI?
with a Reputation" v (p&fy 'ffllr
iT3y jrirtfjfr.l:? al'lr'rlAjrpj J il j """' ! Je A Whiskey unsurpassed in
iSESl JrJ 1 -r ' f ' st. louis torlds fair, I'm
Merriam blork. at 10:45 a. m.. when the
subject will le "Substance.'' Sunday school
will be at 11:46 a. m. and the mid-week
testimony meeting Wednesday evening at
:4fi o'clock.
Fifty Directors to Be Chain Wednes
day, March 7.
Secretary Reed is making preparations
for the annual election of the Commercial
club, to be held Wednesday, March 7. As
was the case last year, lt will be con
ducted on the Australian ballot "System, and
the polls will be open In iJie rooms of the
club from 10 a, m. to C p. m.
At this election fifty directors will be
eltcted by the club membership. The di
rectors. In turn, will elect a, president, two
vice presidents, a secretary and treasurer.
These officers will then elect an executive
committee of five, exclusive of the presi
dent, who is an ex-officlo memier of th
committee by virtue of his office.
The present officers of the club are:
Piesldent, H. W. Binder; vice presidents,
W. H. Kimball and Chris. Jensen; treasu
rer, Ernest E. Hart; secretary-, W. Brooke
Reed. These comprise the executive com
mittee: C. W. McDonald, chairman; F. R.
Davla, H. H. Van Brunt, H. A. Quinn, Em
met Tlnley.
The annual banquet of the Commercial
will be held Wednesday evening, March 14, ,
at the Grand hotel. Governor A. B. Cum
nuns will be the principal speaker of the
evening. Hon. Emmet Tlnley of this city.
W. E. Mitchell of Sidney, la., and possibly
other will also make short addresses.
From advices received by Secretary Reed,
the coming banquet promise to be the
largest attended affair in the history of the
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfer were reported to The
Bee March 2 by the Title Guaranty and
Trust company of Council Bluffs :
Samuel Wood and wife to Clde Kel
ler. sw and se nw lii-74-. w. d f la.Oiin
Ida M. Campbell et al to James S.
Carse et al. ne1 -7i-40. w d 12,o0
Isiah Miller to C liar leu W. Miller, V,
nwv nwV nw and nw eww -
74-a. w. d .
Stacy E. Beven and "tfe to Llewellyn
Sheets, nw1 and 11 W s 3i-7b-i,
w. d lXOi
Llewellyn Sheets and wife to Robert
CauKbell, n1, wl, nw and part
nv nw -.&-3i), w. d ll.Uiil
Willis F. Pierce and aife to Jacob
Caughell, neV, 4-74-KS, w. d
Hans F. Sievers and wife to Ola us
F. Sievers, S int. in sw and s
11 w, -77-3f, w. d y.n
Amelia Tines aud husband to Cuius
F. Sievera. int. in r snd s1
nwVi lot and se -77-.u w. d . a.OOU
Harriet A. 'iuit:hn and husband to
Andrew G. Jacobs. eS ut e.,-3a,
w. d Mioo
Iianiel T Gilman and wife to R. T.
Ward. lie 3-77-43. w. d i.iurt
Heirs of lairus F. Perry to Franx
Maltke, n1 nc and part ne -7i-
4. w. d 1U.7.4
Claus F. Siever and sift to Hans
F. Sievera, Vj int. in s,- -;;-.
w. d S.eiO
Clyde H Keller and a-lfe to Charles
B. Lot g. ei. nwV Ja-7t-;iV. w. d ... 4
Willis F. Pleroe and wife to Alex
Osier. nt Be aud part k1 ae 4-
74-ak. w . d C.WJ0
Llemeil)n Sheets and wife to W. 6.
Tipton. otrt ni 7.r,-aa. w. d. 4.117
John W. Peterson and wife to George
fcl ara, part rw n V and wU n-
fc-77-41. w. d 4.23
Jacob Caughell to W. D. Caughell.
wV neV 4-74-3. w. d 4.W4
Charles A- Ellis snd s'l'e to Joseph
Powelskl. wVt sw lk-77-41. w. d... 4.1U'
John W. Sievers and wife to Han
F. Sievera h Int. In sV m1, and
swW lot 2k. and sei, 277-2i. w. d. 4.MIU
Henry Sievers and wife to Hans F.
Sievers. 1 int. In nai, and W
lot a, and sei 2-77- a. d. .... . 4.0U0
Clyde H. Keller and mi'e to J. W.
lllllyer. nw ne;. Si-'b-Sk. w. d t.TMu
Julius Sievers and wife to Claus F
Sievera. int. in H nw lot .
and sw lot 2K. and se 2-77-2k.
W. d 2.&MU
Gustav Sievers and wife to Amelia
Trues. i lot ft. and sX nw lot
snd ee a77-3a. ci r. d l.s
W. C. Sievers and mire to Hans Fred
erick Sievers. S nw' and lot
2k. and se -77-. g. c. d 4.0
Silas C. Steong and wife to Ii. J. Pat
terson, aesi ls acres of n 3-76-3k.
w. d .lw
Charlea M. llari and wife to Lucius
V eils lot 1. In block 17, and ri
.f outlot 4. in M:ll add. 'm Council
Blufta. w. d. asuu
Aiexarider Doad and wife to Samuel
M. H k. e ee, -7i-41. w. d 4 40t
Peter Jaoobaun and wile to lvld
Nelson se" st' -76-43. w. d 1.
F. S Child, guardian, to Frans
Maitke. 3-i int. u ii se and part
ne-, 16-7f-. w. d La 4
Al Rich and wife to S E. Osborn.
lot 11. in block 3. in HlghUnd Piau
additiun 10 Council Blufta. la,
a . d x
D. A. Sampson, General
P. J. Murray and
Wheeler, part ne
life to E O.
swV, HI -76-4.1.
w. d.
lows Townsite company to Joseph
J. Cook, lot 1. In block G. in Uiilial.
w. d
Charles L. Morehouse snd wife to
Florence Basch, H swV &-75-4S.
w. d
Allca A. White to Jessie A. White.
part si nei, ne L'4-75-44. w. d ....
George S. Wrifrlit to Leonard Ever
ett, executor, part nwW 1K-74-4S.
w. d
Juoob Caughell to Eva K. Caugliell.
nei, 4-74-Sfl. w. d
Thirty-six transfers, total...
... .
Dallaess Is
i -i.. ki. I-
Social Affairs.
XT I u. lAAHel rnnk baa from a
month's visit In Dundee. Veb.
Mr. N. P. Dodge will lesve tomorrow for ,
an extended trip in the south. !
I trip In the south. ! Mrs. R. B. M Turner. Mrs. B. M Sur- We now hsve an entire .iew spring stock
iW..Tnrbnar ! SrsV OP. 'iTkhm!1 Mrs D LTreynori carpets, rugs, oilc loth, linoleum, window
Mr! Je H,f ,7 . Mrs. C. E. Price. Mrs. W. J. llelser. Mrs. shades and lac curtalna Come In and in
e7rom Zthern "orVgon thta "' ',V'J .V.." J" B Alk'n' i 11 D' '' K"1"-
Mrs. Gale
will enterta
Mr. and
pectea nottif irom soumern cjregon tins
week. i
Mrs. M. C. Stanton of Chicago Js th i
guest of Mrs. Eve Murrsy of South Seventh j
"l1" , . , '
The Klatter klub will be entertained !
Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
George H. Mayne. j
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClelland of ,
Tabor, la., will spend today alts, Mr. and
Mr. W. W. Wallace.
Mrs. N. J. Swanson. S2n Franklin avenue.
has as her guest her neic-e, Mrs. Minnie
Wilcox of Monmouth, 111.
Mrs Reeder of Sit. Fourth avenue and
two dniighlera left Friday for Tuos Angeles,
where they will make their home.
The Girls' kenslngton met yesterday aft
ernoon at the home of MIsk Ethel Cook,
on Avenue F. Dainty refreshments m-ere
I Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Knight, who hsve
oeen cue guesie 01 coeir oaugnier. sur. ...
W. Senift. 7W Madison svenue. returned to
their home in Charter Oa. la., Friday.
Mrs James T. Hamilton and Mrs. Gale
W. Hamilton gave two delightful lunch
eons on Thursday and Friday afternoons at
1 o'clock. The roonia were decorated in
various spring flowYr and ferns Forty
guests were present each day.
Mrs. J. P. Hess, 40 Bluff street, gave a
course luncheon Thursday afternoon in
honor of Mrs. Walter Frederick. Those
Present aere: Mrs. Frederick. Mr. Fil
lert, Mrs. Swanson. Mrs. Mjsser, Mrs.
Shmpless. Mrs. Stlllwell. Mrs. Spears.
Mrs Koingmacher and Mias Heistand.
In honor of Mra. Walter Frederick, who
will shortly leave for Marne. la., to make
her home. Mrs. N. J. Swansou gave an
Informal kerixlneton Tuesday atternoon
Those present aere Mrs. Hess. Mra. Fil
bert. Mias Heistand, Mrs. Konigniaciier,
Miss Swansou. Mrs. Stlllwell and Mrs.
The C. M. L. flub met Tuesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Walter Clogstun.
Sixth svenue. prises aere swarded Mrs.
laui emitter ana surs. ci it. nroan. air,
iluliert Tlnley of Glen avenue sill be tbe
next hosierH. A course luncneon xai
served The club guest was Mrs. E. G.
The Floaer Mission held its regular
monthly meeting and kensinrton Wednes
day afternoon at the home of Mink Helen
Wallace. 87 Bluff str-ei. The following
nea niemtters aere admitted: Miss Elltior
Brown. Mi Phoebe Judsoti Mrs. Oliver
Patterson and Mrs. Henry Saunders. Re
f refhrnenis aere served.
The Proto club was entertained by Mrs.
C. P. Shepard Tuesday afternoon at her
home on Perrin avenue High five is t'ie
club game and prise aere won by VI -a
l' Mra. Roberta and Mra A S.
Hall. A daintily appointed two-course
luncheon was served. Mrs. Lee of Madison
avenue will be the next hostess.
Mrs. H A. Bearle and Mrs. W. B.
Cessna gave a card party Tuesday at the
home of Mr Pearle. 7 Bluff street The
house waa decorated in a profusion of
Jonquila and hyacinths. Six-handed high
rve waa played and prises were swarded
Mrs Lou Zurmuehlen and Mrs McDonald.
Sixty were present. Luncheon was served.
Mrs Clem F. Kimball entertained about
twenty .l tier friends at i oclian tea 'lues
day afternoon and in the evening Mr. snd
Mrs. Kimball were at home to a number of
their friends. The Invited guests weie
Mr. and Mrs. Go r ha in Mr. and Mrs. Trry
t.or. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Danforth. Mr.
snd Mrs. True. Mr. and Mra. Kietrhnicr
and Mr. and Mrs Muliiueen.
Mr and Mr. Robert Marx. 4 Benton
street, entertained al iarQ Tuesaay een
tng risea aere aaarded Mra Nora Klien.
Mr. Ernest Ever. Mta. Beck and Mr.
Lieche. A courae luncheon was served dur
lr.g the evening. The guests aere Mr. snd
Mrs. P. v leae. Mr. snd Mrs Lot-he. Mr.
and Mrs P. Beck. Mr. and Mrs Ernest
Evera Mrs A. Weber, Mrs. Nora KUen
and Mr. E. Slacken.
The Young Men's Fortnightly club met
with Mr. Waller Luts on pernr. avetm
Thursday evening. About twenty yo jng
men aere preseul. Rev. S.uilh gave an in
teresting lecture on mental science, fol
lowed by a musical protrrain. Which con
sisted of a vocal solo by Mr. Char'es Scott,
vocal solo by Mr. Charles Chase, vocal solo
bv Mr. Paul Wycon and a Piano solo by
Mr. Lee Hunter. Luncheon waa served.
Miss Fba'ence Shepard f Perrin avenue
er.tertamed a number of her friends st
raids Tuesday evening High five was
pis ed and prises aere awarded Miss E"ts
libs bagaiton aud Mr. Myroo Van Brunt.
Kansas City, Mo.
Sales Agent, Omaha.
Dainty hand painted score card were uned
Those present were MiKPe Haxeltine
Covert, fartith Organ. Huacl Brown. Ijouisc
Slej.han, Evallne Kdgertoti. Vera Stora.
Leone Pierce. Margaret Metcalf. M"sr.
Carl West. Winsor Allsworth. Albe-i
Menerav. Karl Kare. Bernard Bros, n. Win
field Mayne, Will Cutler. Frank Hctitilgei
and Myron Van Brunt. A two-course
luncheon was served.
Mrs. Lea-Is Cutler, 1S4 Bluff street, enter
tained at six-handed euchre Monday after- .
noon. The rooms were prettily decorated i
with yellow jonquils and the tables were J
lighted by candies with red snatien. The 1
head prize was a or. by Mrs. C. E Price
and Mrs Ray Blxby earned off the taenty
iirise. Those preoent acre: Mrs. M. 1 .
t Bohrer. Mrs. Joe W. Smitn. Mrs. Waller 1. ,
Smith. Mrs. Lucius .Wells. Mrs A. W.I
oissadv. Mrs. A. S. Haxelton. Mrs Roy!
Blxby, Mrs. I". Farnsworth. Mrs 8. Furns-
worth. Mrs. J . w. Barstow. Mrs. H
Brewlngton. Mrs. Hanthorn, Mr. and Mrs.
. ..l . ' - . . . .. . , .. 1 IT M
VI TkuV.,1 Mr. r,h.r!n. T t, V nl
Mrs. Thomas Metcalf. Mrs. Robert Mullls. .
Mrs. C. G McDonald. Mrs T. G. Turner. ,
Mrs. R. B. M Turner. Mrs. B. M bar- 1
fi ft st1 tl V a a a T l 1 1 a. r- I
-- - t.i...i i
t "1 r w ' . ,..,.:
r ... the scene of a .louble !
eadnK Tuesdsy evening. The ruests as- '.
senibled early In the evening to witness
the marriage of Miss Corinne Albright and
jjr. w. H. Anderson and were surprised bv
the appearance of two bridea and two
arrooms. while they were Informed that I
Miss Sue Craig and Mr. Perry liHdoliet j
by making the wedding double. The house Something new. .candled puffed rice, fine
was tastefully decorated In a profusion of eating, manufactured by O. C. Brown at
rcises and aspsragus fern, a pink and green the pur1ty Candy Kitchen. SM W. Broad
color scheme being used throughout The .
four little ribbon bearer. Helen Marine, wa. ,
Delia May Bevers, Ruth Wlckham and 1
Ella May " Knight of St. Louis, were ' Harry Schmidt, photographer. Your
wibU or irk ,r r are no ih brBt "
c, i,i. . i 11,11. ir.., mnr. rarth. Engage sitting at 406 W. Broadsrat-
dainty go-n of white and carried a large . Artistic In everv particular.
tiasket of pink roses. Miss Ella Albrirht .
acted as maid of honor to both brides. Miss 1 ... . . ,,,,. ,ilMM ,
Albright aore a datntv gown of white I ljiulr " be little things the
crepe over taffeta and carried Brlde'a roses. Stork brings." Our selection of suitable
snd Miss Craig was elahoratelv gowned in Fir;g fr imbles Is unequaled. Leffert 4"
white laci over taffeta, also ca-rylng '
Bride's roses. The brides were met tn tne "roaowaj.
parlor by the grooms, where Father
Smytbe un'ted Visa Corinne Albricbt and I Pianos that are often sold at from At to
IT'. Wi. "' Ar,d'"";n direct Iv following ,,-5 caI1 u XMMfM for tit on easy pa) -which
Rev. Starr officiated over the tntir- , , 1 '
riare of Miss Sue Craie and Mr. Perry menta at A. Hospe Co. one pnoe plant
Badollet. Arter tiie cermonies th go.-is store. CS South Main St.. Council Bluffs,
were served in the din In room. Mrs. .
Henrv Cutler. Mrs Robert WtillR-r. M"-s
H Burton-P"-lth of Siout City and
Miss Genevlve Wlckham ssHi?ed In serv-
Ing and Mrs. F. W. Lyon as-ltd throurh
tne rooms sir. sno nara niaouei cave
sorie to Dead word. B D . for short
, vls,t and wfll t ,t" v,Tne t' their friends
after March !& at If!" Glen svrnue Dt.
snd Mrs Anderson -ill inuy tbelr home
tn Duriiip. la. The c-t-o'-town Tiles'
were: rr. Benson of Gler wood Mrs R.
H. Purion-Smtth of Sio" '.'It'' Mrs J. .
Snarki or Valent'ne. Ne1' M'-s T K.
Knisbt of St. Louts d Misses liatmsn I
and McAsham of Omaha.
The price of olives has gone away up. 1"H
we were fortunate enmiph to purchase a
large xtock Just before the price ra!et.
which we will sell at pc and up. Thev are
all the famous Don Carlo brand.
73f-'"41 W t Broad may.
J. Olson.
You have noticed special sales 011 M"s
Potts' Irons advertised H9c to 9Sc per set.
Our regular price for the past twelve
months hBS been 77r er set. Rememlier
..... T. ml T...t,t... L.Urt I v
.-v ,
Hard a are company. '
N. T Plumbing Co. Tel. 2j0. V,gbt L m
t , , , . .
The Title Guaranty nd Trust 5-omiaiiy,
abstracters of titles. Books date back to
1I5.J. Book ae all up to date. Work ac-
. . . . , . . ,
rurately and promptly done at lowest
of the ufferinr and danger in store for her, rob the expectant mother
of all pleaaant anticipation of the coming event, and cast over her a
ahadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thou---5 of women
hare found that the use of Mother's Friend during j rincy rob
confinement of all pain and danger, and insure fety to - v.f mother
and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at th.
time of their most critical trial. Not only doe Mather's Friend
carry women afe!y through the peril of child-birth, but it use
gently prepare the system for the coming event, prevent "morning
aicknest," and other dis
comfort of thi period. nrifFh mf7mf7Jf l
S-id by all druggist, at UUuiUJ U UllUL
joo per bottle. Bock " u hi im
containing valuable information
Is. aV..Ve;j lef -lata Cm., atiaata,
prices. Office opposite court house, 1J6 Peurl
street. Council Bluffs, la.
A new plumbing shop In loan. F. A.
Spencer, luti Went Broadway, la an expert
In his line and is always glad to liguie
with you on any plumbing or contract
that you may have. Hi work I up-to-date
and guaranteed.
The Vienna realaurant serves excellent
meals nnd luncnes, cu.xed in the most
appetising manner; delicious coffee with
pure cream. Meal tickets st reduced rates.
414 Broadway
Jensen a Nicholson, the great wallpaper
establishment, have just received a large
shipment of domestic and Imported wall-
' I
Designs the latest and most bean-
tiful In the city.
We now hsve an entire .iew spring stock
Telephone Red IC4.
George Hoaglsnd has the old reliable
Atla Portland cement. Now I the time
. k .,M. ,.,..
l" n'"ko contrsct for Spring work. Bring
your lumber bill for estimate.
Faffed Rice.
"Big A" flour is being used more are)
more every oay by the women who
only the best. Tell your grocer to send
no other kind.
Trrara4a, Hale .
0n Jgnito burner and iieir-lightlng matitast
, , . . .....
Have you tried one? Me have exclusive
Bale. W. A. Maurer.
Next Monday U'lng the first in March
nea claKaes will be organised In the Weak-
', ei ti lwa college. Plan to enroll Mien,
, nviea.
! I'FNLAP The J ' W. Thompson Mlllmg
company have sold their milling wuuerti'
to J J. Luts of Pa pillion. Neb., who will
1 acquire posnession April 1.
I WEBSTER CITY Fire at Stanhope wiped
out the whole m the east atde of the busi
ness street, destroying aeven buildings. AH
vere iraine structures. The loss Bill be
fi;, . with but 3. Insurance carravd.
WOODBINE Dr. J. Giddings. an old
Ji-'iim.n euuiliy, uiea Dm
: wennearluv
night si the age of 7t veara.
victim of pneumonia. He was a Mason
and a loemlier of tier Grand Army of tbe
i I'VNLAP Dunlap's municipal election
alll occur Monday. March Sti. A mayor.
,.rk treasurer, solicitor, assessor and
three councllrnen will te elected, tm March
u -cur the !..! election al which Urn
a treiisurer and two director will he
ll an ordeal which all
worjfti approach with
indescribable fear, far
nothing compare with
the pain and horror of
child-birth. Thethoutrht
free. HTPi j fl f H