Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Special Spring Suit Sole
For ONE DAY, Monday, March 5
We wfiv simply ovcrllooded by tin- express om
panics last week with spring suits, and in order to ohtai
space and keep the stock moving, we offer these Special
inducements for Monday:
Novelty Mixed Eton Suits hr light gray, QQ
trimmed with broadcloth, regular value IaW0
Novelty (Jray Eton ami 1'ony Suits - Triinmed with silk,
el how sleeves, regular '-'.'..() (P f C
value, at. vpl
AND the finest i i n of Swagger Tailor Made Spring Suits
in the eitv. in Eton and I'onV stvlcs, made of hroad
r-loth, Panama or novelty
buttons, liraid or moire, regular value
.f.'7..7;, Monday only
S. Fredrick Bcrgcr S Co.
I line ,lnl Arrived mill May In- Seen nl Purloin of
The Direct Representatives Factory
Prices from S10to $100
40,000 Records to Select From.
c l'i'fin i:HrsN CIiiii'kch tin til Iti'luil Orders.
Ill It 4 It TKHMH Cortif) to tir Htor, lake Mix iuiicIiIiih litiiiu
with you mill pny fur 11 later ai yon r own lonvenlt'ticii.
.l (I. i:. MUM I,, Muuaucr.
tlV . Illli, South Omaha. it'll V. HrimilMii), Council Itlufl'it.
The Strength
l Is Its Weakest Link"
ThtM r la iui link in I lit. nu oug
tliuin of iilunuH we aill, from the Iowi-mi
in price to the highest.
There tiro plunoH of different KiuuVa,
lone, coiiHti in I lou unit price, lo milt the
taste aiul condition of every buyer but
even the mont inodertttt In price reine
Henl the beat in
Tone, Touch:
Theae piuuoa, bucked by years of experi
ence In 1ii Itttf. ample capital and uiuiuca
tloited ivpntatlou for fair dealing, itiourca
"A sgi'AltK DKAL Tt Al.l"
Every Piano Marked
Show inn cinii liihively
ti "'r,li- " will be our
f!&r with ou pemonaUy and
On ilutniH we make for your
(lul-of town buy era are leiiuewteil do
write today for cuialiniic and pricei..
Matthews Piano Co.
. fViM ". ns.M.wirs
Smart Stationery lor the Smart Set...
Ctmmercul StaitioAcry and Office Supplies
Bank anJ OllU SUtlo.ory. 22) 5outk) 161 M. , U.Vt AHA
v I
Muting, triinmed with sil!;.
1517 far nam St.
New 1906
of a Chain
in Plain Figures
the grade of piano
pleasure to talk
demonstrate the
w-ytsisy iSf as.v
Lent Dowii't Ee Much of a Depression.
Aiflonc Omaha Folk.
Hauieroas Krnls f lalerest Carried,
with Fair Prospects for
iilhrra lonlai la a
I aaanoaarra.
Marie's tli- girl I do adore.
Her hand I hope to claim.
I. Mmlf flie ni' ir Iwn called Ix-I'ir.
Kor Mary Is her nmf.
Marie Is slender as H reed.
What witrheiy unci ri'i !
(Shes skinny as a pole. Indeed;
And, gidness, what a face!)
ll-r ryes they are like liquid tire,
of 1 li-in I can but hint.
(The lsnl have merry on a liar!
Her eyes! And with that squint '
llrr mouth in like a Cupid's bow.
Ho small and and red.
(What In it really like? I know!
A hollow In her head'.)
II. t far Is like a tinted shell,
And calls forth a rarees.
(The kind or shell, I'd hate to tell!
An oyater shell, I guess!!.
Her liMlr it In like ripened wheat;
It glistens Just like fold.
(The limit that! It rant he beat.
"J'Ih brick-red, he It told')
Small wonder she ha won my heart,
Tina beautiful Marie.
(Ami now comes the Important part
An heiress great la she!)
The Fortune Hunter In Town Topics.
'I'hv Mortal Calendar.
MONDAY Qui Vive dancing party; Tem
ple lariiel Hlaterhood whlat party.
TI'KSDAY Mra. Herbert Woodland, the
Tueadav Luncheon rlub.
WKIiNKHIiAY-- Mrs. It. C. Chase, the T.
I A . keiialiiKton.
Till HHDAV-Mia II. 1.. Haldwlu and Mra.
Yoiiwon. a kenslngtou; Mra. KoenlK, a rlub
KHIDAY-Mr. and Mra. J. K. Wagner, an
evening card party; Mrs. J. K. Wagner
an afternoon party.
HATt'ltliA V-MIss Crate KohrbotiKh en
tertain. The prospect are that Lent la not going
to be hoiieluaaly dull, after all. Ill a iUlet
way dlveraion enough has been planned for
-ven those who are generally counted out
of aorlety during the Lenten season. Hevrrnl
raid parties of sire are In prospect for thla
week and next, and three or four kensing
toni. The m'.iic or more familiea who moved
Into lown for the winter from homea In
the Htihurba are makltiK preparations to
move bark again earlier than uaual thla
year, and where It la uaually April or
May before the town bouaea and winter
apiirlmenta are cloned, the majority are
planning to improve the coming month
Kill ling for the ttilmmer.
Tin' Improvement!) and addition to the
Country club liotine have claimed the In
terest of llu faahionable act and the IVll
aon road baa been the popular way for
auto part lea and othera who would keep
In touch with Ita prngrcHn. The opening
of the new club holme May 1 In beliitf
much anticipated and will launch the
aiiiimier ai-RHfin. and after that anrlety will
null the drawing rooma until next 'all.
The Wld Huh will open aome time near
May I alao.
oclal f '(-( 'h.t.
The youiigcr son of Dr. and Mra. J. R.
Riiiiimers la III )if acarlet fever.
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Council have taken
the house at Vis (lenrcla averiui-, having
moved last week.
IJeutenant Da via, recently iipailiiled aid
lo General Wlnt, haa arrived from Fort
Dea Moluea ami In at the Omaha Hub.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. CuUahy hove deferred
their trip to Hot Hprlnga. Va , us Ml.
Cuilaliy baa been detained by hualnean.
Mra. Alfred C. Petcraon, who recently
tinderwent a serious surgical operation in
the Iinmatiuel hnapllal, la now convalra
cent. Mlaa Ixmiax la com aleni liin aullNfactorlly
after an operation three weeks ugo, hut
will not be brought back to Uiualiu for
some tlm.
Mr. and Mi. William Archibald Hiultli
have given up tlieir apartiueiit at the
1'lntah ami gone Into their own house at
112 South Twenty-tilth street.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Uove to give
up their upartments at the Madiaou ataiut
March 15 and move out to their aiimmer
home, the Hunkers, near the Country club.
Mi. and Mrs. Fred T. Rhlnrock have an
nounced the engagement of their daughter,
Miaa Ruth Henrietta Rhlnrock. to Mr.
Habcin Klllott Kllgore, the wedding to
take place In April.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry WIIUIus and Mr.
E A. Cudahy, Jr., exH-cl to Bull next
month for Knglaud, to he
two months. The trip Is
business, hut aome time will
aba. ut about
primarily for
be devoted to
A son was horn to Mr. and Mrs. William
tl. Walker at Hong Kong. China, in No
vember. Mr. Walker formerly lived In
Omaha and with his brld.i was the gueal
of Mr. and Mra. Chirk Colt two yeara ago.
Mr. Walker is the representative of th
Rtaudard Oil company at linns; Kong.
Judge and Mrs. Muuger have received
word that the home of their daughter,
Mrs. Frneat Jackson, at Dallaa, Tex., was
entirely destroyed by tire recently, during
the absence of Mr. and Mis. Jackson. It
Is believed the tin' wm of incendiary origin
and that the house was robbed of Mrs.
Jackson's wedding gifts before It was
Mrs. Clement Chaae went to Lincoln
Thuraday to la" the guest of Madam MnU
Jeaka. who appeared at the Oliver theater
in Mary Rtuart that evening. Mia. chaae
waa a gueat tin Madam Modjeaka'a private
car that night. The madam will complete
her tour In April at Chicago and will re
tin a t Omaha to be the gueat of Mr. and
Mrs Chase before her return to California.
The many friends of Mrs. IHalmrr Olaseii,
lice Margaret Piatt, will be pained to learn
of the death of her little daughter, which
ik . in led not long ago at Clreen Cove
Rprlnga, Fla. Mra. Olsaen. with her only
child, was eu route from her home In
Sweden to Omaha, where she waa to have her father. Colonel J. H. Pratt.
While crossing the little girl coutrarted
diphtheria, and after spending some time
In a New York hospital was taken to
Florida. Mrs. Olsaen fearing to bring her
to Omaha during the winter. Colonel Pratt
had expected lo met his daughter In
Florida and bring them to Omaha, and
thev are cxected here the middle of th
w eek.
I'leas.res 1. I"rieel.
Friday afternoon Mrs. J. F. Wagner will
I entertain at eara.
Tsmple Israel sisterhood will give a whist
parly at th tempi Monday afternoon.
Mrs Herbert Woodland will b hoateaa
' of this week's meeting of the Tueaday
' Luncheon club.
Mrs. I Kornig will be lawless of Thurs
day afternoon meeting of th Common
Keaae Card club.
Th Qui Vim Dancing club will give ita
regular fortuightly party Monday evening
at Chambers' academy.
Th member of th K. K. hi. will meet
at I he horn of Mra. F. 11 Wagner. 211s
Gruul street. Wednesday.
Mis. II. N Wood and Mra. Ueorge A.
Ivay hi cards out fur a euchre party
lo b (iveu Thursday afternoon, March la.
at the home ..f Mra. Wood on Oeoraria
Mlaa Orac H"brbj'jli haa carda out for
an evenlriir at her. home on 8uth Thirtieth
avenue Katurday of thia week.
Mr B., 1.. Iialdwln and her daualiter.
Mra. Yonaon. will fivr a kenalnitton ifter
iioon on Thuraday nf thia ek.
Mra. Erie 1. Jolmaoti will entertain at
rarda Wedneadav ufternoon. March J4. at
her home on Kj'jth Thirtieth avenu
Mra. John Sto le ,ll give a k iiflnEton
afternoon Thuraday afternoon. March 15.
at her home on South Thirtieth avenue.
Mra. R. C. Chaae will be hoetena of the
krnainaton afternoon to be given Tueaday
by the wlvea of the Travelera' I'rotectlve
anao.lation I
Mra. H. J. Fer.fold and Mra V. H. Wil- I
bur will be hoateaa of the next kenaina- ,
ton of th current toplra department of the
Woman's Hub.
Mr. and Mra. John l Wagner have invl
tatlona out for a rsrd party to be given
Friday evening. March 9, at their home,
SHRI Charles street.
Friday evening, March H. Mr. and Mra.
11. N. Wood and Judge and Mra. (. A.
Day will entertain at tarda at the home
of Mr. and Mra. Wood.
Mia. C. tloiHjman. ll'f l'aik avenue, en
tertained a number of friends at a whlat !
party Friday afternoon.
Mra. F. W. Judaou entertained at a bridge
luncheon Thursday in honor of Mia Hlapprr
of tos Angeles and Mrs Calliday of Canada,
gueats of Mrs. W. !. Yetter.
Mr. and Mra. K. A. Farr, WA Kmmet
atreet, gave a wedding dinner Thuraday
evening for Mr. George IakHp and bride
of Deadwood, 8. D. Mr. and Mra. locke
were met at th depot Thuraday evening
by a number of friends and went at ones
to the home of Mr. and Mra. Farr, where
dinner waa nerved In their honor.
Mra, Kliiabeth (loodrlrh gave a luncheon
Tuesday for her guest, Mlas Parrotte of
Chicago. The guest were Mrs. Samuel
Caldwell, Mra. Harry Jorden, Mrs Warren
MlHckwell, Mra. Clarke Colt. Mra. Ned
Wealbiouk, Mra. Henry Clark. Mra. Marcus
Parrotte. Mra. Tunnlcliff, Mra. Bwe. ney,
Mlaa Mcpherson and Mian Curlla. Wednex
day aftermain Mra. Ooodrlch gave a ken
slngton for Miaa Parrorte.
Mrs. tlayto.i A. Pratt entertained at
carda Thuraday afternoon. Prizes were
won by Mra. Hlchard llorton, Mra. John
Mi Donald and Mra. Van Huren. Thoae
fireaent were: Mcailiimen II. J. Hoot, Mc
Clure, McAdama, Vrlon, Trimble, Harding.
McDonald, I.lvaey, Moody, Hcott, Cnla
nan, Arter, Hruniier, Mullin, Treat, Young,
Kelrstead, Towle, Dewar, llorton. Potter,
Van Kureri, Kdgerly, Kniiah, Bpenrer,, iloaa. Foote. Plenk, Hlarklln,
Hieel, WebMer. Ilyner; Mlaaen Agnes I.lve
aey, Huffet. Fllrhett.
Mlaa Kllzabelh Norgurd entertained a
number of f rIciiilM and the membcrn of the
Flkhnrn Huh nt enrda Haturday evening
at her home. The gueata preaent were:
Miaaea Kllxaheth Xorgard, Marie Norgard,
Carrie Chrlatem.en, Irene Kuach, Margaret
Rth'kler, Me-cy Haldy, May llooge, Odett
Jackaon, Helen Kanl'rK. Kleanora Han
sen, Carrie Fisher. Antonla Dangard, Mar
garet Coleman; Meaara. Frank Powers, Al
vl ti Wick. Richard Hrown. l.orenae (Jro
heck, Martin flrobeck, Lou in Kncher. Ar
thur Hroslrup. I.. H. Haldy. Harry
O Hearn, Robert Kuni, Kmll Htilllrig.
Come .nd ! (nsattt.
Mr. and Mrs. K.I ft. Williams have gone
on a trip to Florida.
Mrs. W. H. Ciates leaven Thursday for a
month's stay In southern California.
Mra. Louis Rlappcr of lam Angeles la the
gucnt ol her brother, Mr. W. L. Yetter.
Mr. and Mrs. dairies Colliday of Han
ley, Can., lire visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
. Mrs. F. F. McJafferl.v has returned fiAiin
a two weeks' visit with friends In Kansas
and Illlnuia.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Cuminiiiga and Mr.
and Mra. Arthur Ciuloti have returned from
a trip to Cuba.
Mra. W. C. McKnight has gone to Ht.
I xai in, where ahe will be the gueat of Mra.
L. Rliimenalocli.
Mra. O. W. Dunn and W. F. Wapul. h,
after two months' vlalt In Mexico and the
south, returned Friday.
Mlaa Kiuily Rulherfor.l haa gone to Den
ver with her brother, Mr. Foireal Kulliei
forrt, for u n Indefinite atay.
Mra. K. li. Rprague haa returned from
Chicago, where she has been visiting rela
tives. Wednesday she i-epi escnled the
Omaha Country Huh at the meeting of
What Sulphur Does
Fur Hie Human lludy in lieallli and
The mention of sulphur will recall to
many of J the early days when our moth
ers and graudmothor gave us our dally
duao of sulphur and molasses every spring
and fall.
It was th universal spring and full
"blood purliler," Ionic and euro-all, and
mind you. this old-fashloiiud remedy was
not without merit.
Th idea, was good, but the remedy was
crude and unpalatable, and a large quantity
had to bu taken to get any effect.
Nowud.tys wu get ail thu beiictlcial effects
of sulphur In a palatable, concentrated
form, so that a single grain U far more
effective than a tnblcapoonlul of th crude
In recmt year, rssoaich and experiment
have proven that the best sulphur for
medicinal use Is that obtained from Culciuui
iCalclum bulphldel and sold In drug stores
under the name ot Stuart's tal .utn Wata.a.
They aro small choculute-couteii pellets and
contain thu active Axdtciual principle of
sulphur III a highly concentrated, effective
Few people are uware of the value of this
form of sulphur In restoring and maintain
ing bodily vigor and health; sulphur acts
directly on the liver and excretory organs
and purities and enriches thu blood by the
prompt cli.iilnatlon of waste material.
Our grandmothers knew this when they
dosed us with sulphur and molasses every
spring and tall, but the crudity and Im
purity of ordinary flowers of suiphur were
ol'tcn worse than the Ulncttbc, and cannot
comparu with the modern concriitraied
preparations of sulphur, of which bluart a
Calcium Wafer is undoubtedly the best
sr.d most widely used.
They aro the natural antidotes for liver
and kidney troubles and cure constlpallou
and purity the blond la a way that otuo
surprises patient and plosiciau alike.
Dr. It. M. Wllklns, wnile experimenting
with suiphur remedies, soon found that the
suiphur from Calcium was superior to any
otner form, lie says: "For liver, kidney
i and blood troubles, especially when result.
I lug from constipation or malaria. 1 have
I been surprised at the results obtained from
j Stuart's Calcium Wafer. In patients
suffering from bolls and pimpies and even
I aeep-seaiea varuuntive, i ue repeaieuiy
aean them dry up ana disappear In four or
Qve das, leaving the skin clear and smooth.
Although Stuart s Calcium Wafers Is a pro
prietary article, and sold by druggists, and
for that rvasuii tabooed by many physl
viana, yet 1 know of nothing so aafa and
reltabls for constipation, liver and kldnsy
troubles, and especially lu all forms of skin
aisease. as thla remady."
At any rata peopls who ara tlrad of pills,
cathartics and so-called blood "purlnars"
will nnd In Stuart's Calcium Wafers far
safer, utor palatabls and cSsctlv prspar-
the a Western ("lf aaaix lalion. hrld
at the Audhorium
Mra. W. O t;nbrM baa returned from
the eaat. where ahe baa apent several wreck
with her mother. Mr Norment.
Mr and Mra. K1fcai Morsman left Friday
for Coronado Ifeach. Cal . where they will
Join Mr. and Mra. K M. Moraman.
Mr. A. H Colin of Han Franrlacn i ex
pecteij today, to Ije the snieat of his mother
and alater. Mm. Hertha Cohn and Mlaa
Kay Cohn.
Mlaa Avery of Huffalo. N. Y.. who came
to attend the Kilpatrb k Mixter wedding,
has returned to her home. Mlaa Mlxter baa
gone to vlaj friends In Minneapolis.
Mra. I.. A. Trowbrldae and little daugh
ter. Carolyn, of Kvanston. 111., who have
ta-en the gurM of Mra J. p. Lord, r turned
to their home Friday. Mra. Oliver Iraka
of ftockfoi-4, 111., Is Mra. Lord gueal thla
Miaa lac- will show new aprtng millinery
Wednesday and Thuraday, Mar.h 7 and S.
315 Routh Fifteenth atreet.
Coast) Assessor uhial)s 1. 1st of
Fori y - Ts n Raines the
i )uanlsalonera.
County Asaeeeor Reed haa submitted lo
the county commisaioners a Hat of forty
two namea of person recommended by him
for drputy county aaaesaors for lsor,. Thr
Hat was not passed upon by the board at
Raturday's meeting because of the press
of other business, but will be brought up
Tuesday. These are ihe recommendations
for the country preclncta:
Chicago John W. Houaley.
Benson F. IC. Raich.
Douglas H. J. Rcsslng.
Dundee K. R. Hume.
Fast Omaha J. W. ITi.-et.
Elkhorn George O. Hhaipe.
Florence Kd H. Walker.
Jefferaon P A. Anderson.
McArdle-Frank J. Rleick.
Millard Christ Dahmke.
Platte Valley J. H. Ingrahiini.
l'nlon W. A Btoltenl'ii.
Waterloo R. R. Hopper.
For the cities of Omaha and South
F. M. Robinson.
Ren J. Ktone.
Joseph McCaffrey.
D. P. Hllah.
Thoa. Harrington.
F. W. Mandhauer,
V. H. Riilcombe.
J R. Parrotte.
L. V. Willlama.
r . J. IM-Iavega.
H. C. Van Avery. K. Rvenaon.
R. R. I-tovsky. J. If. Drake.
R . Van Kuraii. W. R. O'Rhaughnessv
Frank Mahoney. R. C. Rarnes.
Thoma Rrwln. Adolpli Reifkeii.
H. L. (lllleHple. Charles Ringer.
Kmll Motz. .1. M. I-cla.
C. J. Westerdahl. W. A. Hharrer.
W. J. Mount. W. C. .Mi lan.
If. W. Cowdurny.
Coimuerelal I lull Fxerls llfTorl lit
Secure Muine Hates ns for
Twin Cities.
The Omaha Commerrlnl club la to nnike
nn effort to have Omaha put on an eipjal
footing nt least with Minneapolis and fit.
Paul In reaped to railroad rates from cer
tain parts of Booth Isikota. Many of the
towns of Routh Dakota are twice as near
to Omaha an to the Twin cltlen and yet
In nearly every cane the rate in lenn to the
latter than lo Omaha. The rate on one
commodity from Sioux Falls in IS cents per
hundred lo Mitinennnlls nnd 20 rents to
Omaha and yet it Is twice an far to Minne
apolis as to Omaha.
Milwaukee officials were in Omaha Fllday
conferring with the tranaiiortiitlon commit
tee of the Commercial club In regard to
this matter, but no adjustment whs made.
The rate between Omaha and Bloux City
was raised aome time ago by both the
Northwestern and Milwaukee roads. Tin)
Commercial Huh made complaint, with the
reault that the Milwaukee has announced
that beginning March 5 the old rate will be
practically reatored as between Sioux City
and Omaha.
Mra. Isiulae Rlncluir, head milliuer-de-algncr
for J. L. Rrandcls & Hons, has just
returned from an extended trip, during
which ahe has viewed the leading moU'jls
of millinery ail lata in Paris and New York.
Mrs. Sinclair will be pleased to give her
personal attention to the hosts of millinery
patrons of J. L. Ilrandt'la .Vi Hons, and show
them the exquisite assemblage of original
French nnd American pattern hats she
bKoiiglit from the fashion centers visited
during her trip.
I'roiioalllon Will lie Settled bj- .;s.
ecutlve Council Which teeta
In Omaha. .
The executive council of the Woodman
of the World la scheduled to meet In Omaha
next "NVednesday, when matters of im
portance will be considered, chief of which
will be the question of retaining the head
quarters in Omaha in race of the threat
ened tax of per year v ,n the reserve
fund. The executive council la composed
of the president, secretary, treasurer and
the board of sovereign managers. J. K.
Fitzgerald of Kansas City was In the city
this week conferlng with Mr. Root In refer
ence to the matters to come up at the meet
ing. He has returned home.
Miss Dacy will show m w spring millinery
Wednesday and Thursday, March 7 and 8,
Sl. South Fifteenth street.
Warreu. naus and eliui Plead Not
(.ulli of Murder of Nels
Joe Win i en, Angus and Kay Xelsun,
charged, with J.iy O Ileal n, with the mur
der of Nils Lrtusteii, were arwlKiied be
fore Judge Sutton Saturday morning and
('leaded not guilty to Ixith of the counts
In the Information. The dates of their
trials have not been ttxtd yet. but th-i
O'llearn case has been set for March 12.
Frank Noonan. charged with the murder
of Charles I'arlston at South Omaha, was
also arraigned and entered a plea of not
Mr. Im Hook, the fashionable ladies' !
tailor, has Just secured the services of an
eastern designer of ladk s' shirtwaists ulnl :
shlrtualst suits and is now prepared to tnke I
orders In this new denartment. '
Wares l.rair (or llmur.
Kuv.. tleorgo O. Ware and Mrs. War
left Saturday for their home at I-ead. 8. II..
I where they will remain until the appeal of
I Mr. Ware to the l ulled Slates circuit court
I of appeals tor a new trial Is disposed of.
i The appeal has been formally prepared and
submitted. The hearing before Hie cir.
cult court of appeals may not he had lie
fore July, If not later.
The IHmiestic tluild. M N .'e Hidu..
will have on sale every Saturday homemade
brown and graham bread, hermits, dough
nuts, pecen waters and Swedish waters.
saaa's Brolaer la UUIe.
TKHKKA.N, i'ersla. March J. The shau's
second brother. Nalb I'. SaJlaneh. has been
reappointed foreign minister, a poet which
h held from 1 to ISM.
t kaaaes at r'egeral Hallalaa.
Arrangements are rapidly approaching
fomplellon for the change in the i H-atmns
i ha various btttces In the federal bulld-
lug. particularly thosv ou the stcond and
The Coming Forth of the New Spring
Apparel at Orkin's
The New Suits
Xi'w arrivals of spring suits are hero for your
choosing. The smartest motlels for the sjirinic
season. All the new styles of eton ami pony
suits; also fitted tailor suits, with all the devi r
touches of style and high degree of excellence;
adopted from the hest source of original concep
tions they are distinct, correct ami out of th-j
ordinary ideas, each one standing for some indi
vidual new style.
Tins materials n't of ihe mo- nought tor rubric, plain
colors In voile, Panama and broadcloth, on the latest
weaves or gtilrtly tailored rant leu, check?, plaids art
stripes, In all the newest colors.
Prices $20, $25, $30, $35, $40
up to $60.
ngtlme You Krow jh)
vgT Is Ring Time."
You will be surprised at the simplicity of my credit system when
you learn how easy it is to obtain a diamond without the ready cash.
I require only a small first payment of about one-third the pur
chase price, and the balance in small weekly or monthly amounts,
arranged to conrorm with your salary or income. A signed guarantee
is given with each diamond., attesilng its quality and value.
Diamonds Are Trumps
Kvervbody should hold some trumps my plan makes It possible
ror any honest person to do so. All business is strictly confidential.
1 sell Watches, Silverware, Cut Glass and Well Jewelry on charge
accounts. Wear and use the articles while you nay Tor them. Step
in and lei's talk it over together. Out-of-town accounts solicited.
A. Maadelberg
Omaha's Leading: Jeweler
We are prepannj to clean your carpels ami rugs hy the
most improved and up-to-date methods. We take your floor
coverings' just as they come from the floor, rnnove all dust
and dirt, kill the moths, destroy all disease germs, disinter,
them and brighten the color.
We are the only carpet cleaners in Omaha who destroy
all bacteria and disinfect eveiy carpet that we clean. Our
aim is to give our patrons better service at reasonable prices.
(Ulil'ETN .") cents jht running yard.
li;(iS 10 cents per square yard.
l.r the XAPT1IA process add 1 cents per yard to
above prices.
Work called for and delivered in all parts ot the citv.
ll work guaranteed first-class in every respect. THY t'N.
Expert Cletiticrs and Dyers
407 So. 15th St. Tel. Douglas 963.
Wild Buck for Dinner;
Th Merchft.rts Rest&ur&nt !
1519 Dodg Strt.
third floors. The ernYe of the I mted
Slates district atteiney ll! t- removed
from the mcoiuI tt.ior in the ihird l . oc- .
cui.vlng the crmr sulf
tic s The collector of CMS1..1IH 'ind cuio- i
dan will iMcnpv the loom on ine . ...n.l j
(1iHr vacated by ihr district attorney. ,
Special l'.triet Ationiey Ki.... w. ;"; .
Klgueil me inn" ; - -
tiarrow and Ine .H-rei service department
will be a. veil the nanus vacated ! Mr
Hush. It is n?H-ti thai ihe ilea
changes will be completed by Maich t.
tl Hrawwela' Mmlr lel.
I Uh to announoe that I am now asso
ciated with the music department at J I.
Ilrandeis at Sons, where I will Is- po-as-a .
to give my personal attention to friends
and customers. AKTIll R N HOWk;
i.k:scdfield I5I0
W carry a rv commata tins of ATO
MIZE US "1 NKBfl.lZKKS of all k'nds
and ar. masm, " lo- I price. or
sams. Our stock comprises forty kings,
ranging In price from
3So ta SJ.aO
A well known stvla Is th rsTVTLJSUs
Atomiser No. I ws sell for
I i by mail. I.J
W g-Jarsntee our Atoie'.ars to WORK
PKKl'KiTl.lf Writ t"r Catalogua tf
Ituhher iloods.
Vm: t h a4 Vw4a) ttants