THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1906. 4 LIVELY SKIRMISH TO FILE Unexpected Bosh of Ambitious One to Ge on Primary Ticket ELBOURN CLOSES OFFICE AT NOON ( harles laltt aae A. U. KalwardS nilhirtn (omnlttrtafi tt File for Defaart OfflfM at rltr Hall. An unfxpectrd rush was mad on the illy clerk office at the last minute to make filing for placed on the primary bal lots. From 11:99 until after 12 o'clock the office was crowded with polltlclaps. A few minute after noon City Clerk Elbourn, noting the crowd n still coming, gave order to lock the doors. This was done, and further entries were barred. The clerk kept his word that no filings would be ac cepted after 13 o'clock, because the city ordinances authorlxe the closing of the office at that hour on Saturdays. How ever, several filings were written out and handed In Just a lew minutes past tha hour. The most Interesting events were thoe concerning filings at the last moment for the positions of city treasurer and city tax commissioner by men from both the repub lican and democratic parties. The present charter does not recognise any such of fices, but merges them with the county treasurer and county assessor, though a case Is pending In the supreme court seek ing to restore the offices and annul the consolidation. There has been no talk of anyone standing as a candidate for either office, and the democrats, at least, had wholly overlooked the mattes. laid and K.dn arris Get Busy. The first Intimation thit politicians had not forgotten all about the contin gency of a supreme court decision restor ing tho two offices was manifested by Charles Unltt and A. O. Edwards at about the. same time. Both withdrew from com mitteeship filings and submitted filings de manding places tn the republican ballot for the office of city treasurer. They were followed quickly by. a similar, application signed by William A. Hlggins. The news of these transactions spread quickly among the fifty politicians In the clerk's office, and a few minutes later mes sengers were scurrying to democratic head quarters and other places with the tidings. With the treasurership matter opened up the tax commissioner's office was suggested and In a short time .Von p, Iady filed for the office on the republican ballot. Arter Rounds them I p. A. A. Arter, one of the Dahlman cam paign managers, had. twenty . minutes of the most strenuous exercise in his lifo try ing to get democratic candidates for the two hypothetical Jobs. Deputy City Comp troller Fred H. Cosgrovs finally filed for treasurer. Tax Commissioner Fleming firmly declined to take a chance at making himself ridiculous and Arter was at his wit's end, for the hour of noon had almost come. Finally he persuaded Lucius A. Crowell, an uhfamed reporter lately ar rived from Los Angeles, to permit the use of his name. Crowell signed an application blank and thus the ticket was made com plete. The filing last allowed was that of Deputy City Treasurer I. L. Belsel for city treasurer, republican. City Clerk Elbourn said: TnlcBs the supreme court rules to the contrary, In time, I shall recognize no such offices as city treasurer or. city tax com missioner in making up the primury elec tion proclamation or the ballots. As tlie law stands these offices do not exist, uml under the prevailing circumstances It will require a, court order to induce mo to rec ognise the offices." Following Is a complete list of Mings: Mayer. Name. Residence. Party. K. A. Benson, 4661 Dodge Hep. W. J. Broatcn. JuH Harney .....Kip. Julius & Cooley, 720 N. 23d Rep. A. H. Henntngs, 3304 Davenport Hep. James C. Dahlman, 2901 Hickory Dem. C. F. F. Mlchelsen, KSi N. )lh Soc. City Clerk.' v ' W. H. Elbourn, 2681 Bpaulding Rep. Sara K. Orecnleaf, 1445 N. 20th Rep. William Weetman. 1TOS Ht. Marys Ave &c. Oeorge Holmes. 15" William Dem. Itelldlns Inspector. John H. Butler, 1416 N. X3d Rep. R. B. Carter, Miami Rep. Pumuel MacLeod. 816 8. 3sth Ktp. M. T. Murphy, 2UI N. SXKh Rep. Iwvid F. Tut. lis, 24.10 Charles Rep. Tsvlor Turner. 341s Pine Ren. Charles H. Withnell, 22i) Caldwell Dem. Charles Bauer, 2611 Patrick Ave Soc. t'oanctlmea. FIRST WARD. Charles Henn. 1416 8. tli Reu. Jhs. W. Wolesliensky, 46 Wool orth...Rep. E. A. Willis. Hickory Hep. Peter M Back. 1416 Park Wild Ave.... Rep. Isaac 8. Hascall, H. E. Ave. and BouL.Rep. Andy Hansen. I'Tr.J 8. 10th Dem. Daniel Lents. 814Vfc Pierce 8oc. N. P. J. Lunddahl, (16 Pierce Soc. SECOND WARD. W. W. Bingham, 33A 8. i'4th.... Michael Ie. 2702 8. lth William Nick las, 3i S. 17tn. Kdnard Rlclie. 401 8. 1.1th... C. L. Rossen, 2I2 8. 15th Ie Brldjres, lull Ontario A. W. Brubaker, 130K Oarfleld THIRD WARD. A. C. Taylor. 109 8. 15th Henry l. I'lumo, no B. jam Frank Norton, 1302 Chicago Emll Mots, 1511 California J. C. Mc.Mahon, i W. H. Hoffman. Millard hot-I.... Patrick F. Ford. 1006 Davenport. J. W. Cotton, Midland hotel Alfred Cayley, 617 8. 15th Louis Burmester. 1414 Chicago Charles T. Williams. 7o3'4, N. loth. ...Rep. ....Rep. ....Rep. ....Rep. ....Rep. ...Dem. ...Dem. Soc. ....Rep. ....Rep. ....Rep. ....Rep. ....Rep. ....Rep. ....Rep. ....Rep. ....Rep. ..Rep. .Boc. ...Soc. .Dem. ..Rep. ..Rep. .Hep. W. E. Stockham. 1807 Locust.... Albert SJoberg, IMS 8. 27th Alvln E. Patten, 1910 Ohio Jesse Moraine, 1612 Chicago W. E. Silver. 2225 Amen Ave Dan B. BuUer, 2018 California City Attorney. John P. Breen, 1719 Park Ave Jacob Fawcett, 2102 Spencer John M. Macfarland. 614 S. 28th.... Harry E. Burnam, 98M Dodge Adulph Outer, -a N. 17th Soc. J. B. Randolph, 1106 8. 13th Soc. t'ltr Comptroller. W. Ernest Johnson, 3509 Hawthorne. ..Ren. John N. Westberg. 2514 N. 2id Reu. John W. Feed. 223 & 2th Ave Rep. William F. Wapplch. 2211 Webster Rep. C. O. Lobeck. lull Spencer Dem. Peter Mehrens, 2767 Burt Soc. .Rep. .Dem. .Dem. ...Soc. ...Boo. ..Dem. ..Rep. ..Rep. ..Rep. .Dem. DEATH BV IX1HGKSTION .Dem, Sou. ....Rep. ....Rep. ....Hip. ....Rep. ....Rep. ....Rep. ....Rep. ....Rep. ..Hep. ...Dem. Hoc. Soc. A Long Train of Fatal Ilia la the Direct Result of Undigested Food.. Undigested food, by fermenting, forrns a poison In the 'stomach and this is absorbed in the blood. If this goes on very long, and your heart happens to be weak, you'll ha found some morning dead in bed, or you may fall back down the stairs about an hour, and a. half after dinner, and the doc tor will call It heart disease. Yes, that may be the result, but not' the cause. The cause is Indigestion. Indigestion Is a sim ple, common word, but has a terrible im port. And so you may get apoplexy, and die suddenly while you're standing. . If you have a weak liver, the poison of ,' undigested food will attack It. and you will get jaundice. If you have weak kidneys, you will get Brlght'a Disease or diabetes, from which there la no rescue for any man. " (t wna a learned physician who said that the prugreaa of a race depended upon .the rlcmach of its members. And you have at some time in your life eaten a heavy meal, or eaten In a hurry, and fell that "lump ut lead" Immediately afterward. That lump of lead is a hard tail of undigested food. The stomach can't digest It, and flndfc it hard to throw It out. And so it sours, and It makea you our and everybody sour who talks with you. It gives ou a bad breath and Is bulftHng for you the road to dyspepsia and death, unless you stop It. Stop It with Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Just think, these little tablets are every lilt as powerful as the gastric Juice lo .your stomach. Olio grain will digest 3,000 grains of food. Isn't this wonderful? And It Is l.-ue. Just try It and prove It. If you nave any brash, gas on the stom ach, fermentation, burning, bloaty feeling, indigestion, dyspepsia or heartburn, mart's Dyspepsia Tablets will make It . disappear before It can do any harm to your heart or other organs. They will invigorate the stomach, relieve the stomach of two-thirds of lis work and give It a chance to rest. They .will In crease the flow of gastric Juice, and If you will ever "live" In your lifetime. It will be after you have eaten a good, hearty meal. and taken one of them little tablets im mediately afterward. Tou 11 Just feel fine. Take Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after your next meal to-day and you will use them ever afterward. Tou will be cheerful. vigorous and your ndnd will be clear; you'll have snap and vim, and add many a day la our life- you can get hse woiidi rful .little tab- laag a.1 any druggltt's tut M a package. Harrv B. Zlmman. 140H Farnam Rep. P. J. Cummins, Midland hotel Rep. William C. Norrls. li"2 Farnnm Dem. William Camleman, "7 8. 10th Soc. N. H. Church, Omaha Soc. FOURTH WARD. John A. Scott, 2045 Dodge Rep. Frank B. Kennard, 1824 Dodge Hep. A. 11. Comstock, 2012 Farnam Rep. C. M. Bachmann, 1615 Chicago Rep. Will N. Chambers, 2215 Dodge Rep. William Miller, 2DX Farnnm Rep. W. Bench Taylor. 2021 Howard 4 Rep. L. B. Johnson, 2023 Farnam Dem. Louis Junge, 625 8. 17th.... B H. Vull. 2211 Douglas Otto H. Stuben, 612 8. 17th Ave.. FIFTH WARD. William H. Bodemann, Majestic Harry S. Sage, 1136 N. 17th F. L. Barnctt. mi N. 19th Jrcob M. Counsman, 2216 Sherman Av..Rep. WllUam T. Edghlll, 1607 Locust Rep. James P. Redman, 1502 Spencer Rep. L. E. Lucas, 1821 Mnple Rep. Edward Abrahams, 1517 Burdette Rep. Ooodley F. Brucker, 1607 Burdette Dem. Thomas H. Dalley, 1834 Sherman Ave. .Dem. Thomas 11. Hatcher, 2210 Ames Ave... Dem. Thomas H. Bowon, 6711 Sherman Ave.. Soc. SIXTH WARD. Frank R. Martin, 4706 Boulevard Ave.. Rep. Matthew E. Muxen, 2106 Lake Rep. Oeorge L. Hurst, 1722 North 33d Rep. E. D. Evans, 2612 N. 22d Rep. Peter Ixich, 1806 N. 24th Rep. Burrett Bush, 2532 Decatur Rep. W. 8. Sheldon, 2428 Grant Dem. Christ Paulsen, 3024 Seward Soc. Wellington Ulllan, Decatur Sue. SEVENTH WARD. Charles 8. Hayward. 1313 8. 31st Rep. George M. Baler, 1W7 S. 28th Rip. Charles L. Thomas, 1012 S. 29th Rep. William Mullhall, sr., 2524 Poppleton..Rep. L. M. Gonden, 3022 Pacific Rep. Joel C. Grift-en. 3806 S. 42d Rep. Charles O. Dyball, 1329 8. 27th Rep. Alma Jackson, 2150 8. 33d Dem. C. J. Canan. 1922 8. 35th Dem. Charles Harms. 4S11 Leavenworth Soc. George Wells. 1317 8. 28th Sue. EIGHTH WARD. G. E. Dafrow, 2114 Chicago Rep. Charles J. Anderson, 2124 Burt Hup. M. O'llem, 81b N. 16th '..Rep. Ernest 8. Holmes, 12U2 N. 24th Rep. H. 8. Emory, 1620 Cass .Rep. Charles E. Bruner, 2518 Caldwell Rep. J. A. Davis, 24 Chicago Rep. William F. Cowger, 1810 Cuming Rep. O. 11. Barker, 2435 Hamilton Rep. P. C. Schroeder, 1504 N. 24th Rep. Ji hn C. Davis, 2114 Cuming Dem. Edward Whalen, 1614 Chicago Soc. NINTH WARD. C. W. Eckerman, 3419 Lafayette Ave... Rep. Harrv Fischer, 3uut Latayette Ave Rep. Harry A. Foster, 401 N. 30th Rep. George D. Rice, 3347 Harney Rep. J. C. Pedereen, 929 N. 29th Rep. Charles E. Malm, 520 N. 32d R p. Thomas 8. Crocker, 2709 Charles Rep. Charles 8. Huntington, 2921 Dodge Rep. Henry S. Payne, 2016 Davenport Rep. ijlward Roberta in, UNCI Douge Dem. Thomas McGovem. 2615 ChlcuM" Dem. V. li. Norrls. 3507 Hurt Parker S. Condlt, 3205 Dewey TENTH WARD. Sum W. Soott, 8J6 S. 20th.... , John Fred Belim, 1459 8. 15th Mellaril Burnell, JJ1 b. mil George Cott, 2226 Mason Charles J. Karbach, 22o8 popplelon Frank J. Kaspar, 1469 8. 17lh Charles Lang, 1212 Pacific Ernest Stuht. 1024 8. 11th Ralph D. Van Ness, 1412 S. 16th... John Ylrak. 1241 8. 16th Rep, R. C. Hallett. 845 8. 21st Rep, George O. Farmer, 9174 8. 13th Reu. Peter E. Elsasser. 1109 Pacific Dem Emll Cermak, 1264 8. 13th 8. P. Sorenson. 1124 S. 13th Emll Waskee, 1716 Hickory ELEVENTH WARD. Daniel H Wheeler. 559 8. 26th Ave....Reo. William H. Hatteroth, 4204 Cuming. ...Rep, William Coburn. 604 8. 27th Rep, Frank Crawford. Winona apartment house Rep. James A. Beverly. 623 8. 30th Rep. Lewis Bllckenderfer, 4460 Farnam Rep. Simon Trostler, 4223 Douglas Hep. William F. Gerke, 617 8. 25th Ave Rep. James J. Donnelly, 806 N. 46th Ave Rep. M. H. Funkhouser. 4H2 cumlng Len E. T. Morrow, 3907 leavenworlh Sot. TWELFTH WARD. Ed Cone. 4646 N. 37th Ave Rep, Emll Thompson. 2717 Bristol Rep. Algernon F. Wilson, Z86U Miami ...... .Hep, Jaied J. Smith. 'JM Ames Ave Rep, Robert Houghton. 2824 Ohio Rep D. A. N. Chase. 2425 Spencer ....Rep. W. J. Hlslnn. 3182 Fowler Ave KPO, Irving G. Barlght. 2430 8paulding Rep. Jeff w. Bedford, 20Z4 win ueni. Joseph Flury. 3424 N. 3oth Dem John Hubs, 9020 Plnkney Soc. Committeemen. FIRST WARD. Name. District. . Residence. Party Jan es Zeculuk. 1st. 1303 8. 3d Rep. w. G. Mahoney. mi. mis b. bin Hep. William Slaven. lxt, 1316 8. 6th Dem. Frank H. Lcmteux, 1st, 408 William. ...8ic. J. P. Roe, 1st, 15U! S. 5th Soc. L. L. lilines. id, 1KJ5 8. 9th Rep. Georae B. Willluiim. 2d. 1115 S. 7th Dem Adolph Krenek, 3d, 17 8. 4th Rep. John Mathleaen, 3d, 2212 8. loin Hep. Charles W. Young, 3d, 1712 B. lh Dem. Joe Loeback, 4th, Gibson Rep. Frank Is. Honia. 4th. 1012 Atlas Rep, W. H. Inman. 4th, 921 Bancroft Dem SECOND WARD. John Kowalewakl. 1st. 2414 8. I9th....Rep. Corliss F. Hopper,' 2d, 296 8. 24th Rep, David r . O Kene, zd, aiz oak Hip John Hahn. 2d. 2617 8. 26th Dem John J. Schultx, 2d. 3116 8. 21st Dem. Charles Oakley, 3d. 2.11 8. l&lh Hep 8 J. Cusirk. lid. 182a ail t'amp Ave... Dem human ( olluiiy. 4111, 24h2 e. ltn Hep. Henrv Karacn 4tn. in-jtt vinton uvm Frits JBIocmer. 5th. 1933 8. 12th Rep F. W. Bandhauer. &lli. 1951 8. 16th.. ..Hep, Aueust Shaeter. 5th, loll Oorcas Dem Juhn Keane, 6th, mi 8. l'.th , Dem, THIRD WARD. G. Wicks, 1st. 1312 Callfonlu Rep, Hayes Gsantner, 1st. 6t N. 13th Ren, 1 nomas j. Mullen, 1st. 623 N. 14th lH-m J. J. Cunlon. Int. 813 N. Inih Dem Jease R. Martell, 1st, 8Ul N. 16th Soc. John W. O'l'onnell. 2d. 624 8. loth Rep. Robert H. Johnson. 2d. 1124 Capitol Ave. Rep Ievi Broomheld, 2d, 1124 Didge Rep. W. li. Guusolus. 'd, zi9 is. uin Dem, fl. Kline. Ul, ai3 N. 15th Rep, nenry itorwicn, 3a. w is. uin Hep, George E. Crow. 3d, 4oT N. 14th. ...... .Rep. George G. Leeder, 3d, 1310 Davenport.. Hep M Landon. 3d, Victoria hotel Dem, Fred L. Smith. 4th, 221 Barker block.. Rep. Ralph H, Johnson. 4th. 1H6 8. 13th. ...Rep. lan I. i:uxier. 4111. Karuacn notei....teiii Julius Lund. 4th, Kurbach block ,...8oc Parmell Mangan, 5th. 1218 Jackson Rep. Edward Arnold. 6th, S-H 8. 13th Dem. L. M. Wright. 6th, 1423 Jackson Dem. FOURTH WARD G. R. Young. 1st, 1815 Chicago Rep. George 11 Begerow, 1st. 222 N. 19: h.... Rep. W. J. Krrtltsch. 1st. 1616 Cupiioi Ave.. Dem. W. 8. Shoemaker. 1st. l"eS Dodge Dem. Will E. Rodgers. 1st. 1715 Chicago Dem. Nathan Outer. 1st. 20f N. I7ih 8c. Frank W. EnsMer. 2d. 6 8. tmh Rep. J. K. Boyle, 2d, 1S16 8t. Mary s Ave. ..Rep. Harry Gllmor. 2d. Douglas Dem. C. W. Brill 3d, Tin 8. 18th Rep. Thomas F. Toy. 3d. 621 8. 20th Rep John 8. Uttle, 3d 706 8. 19th iK-ni. Charles Singer. 4th. '7 8 25th AVe....Rep. W. C. ChtxHI, 4ih. 2S4 Harney Hep. James Guirtln. 4tli. 411 8. 22d Dem. Ihin D. Mulcahy. 4th. 3U3 Harney Dem William K. Manning. 5th. 2521 Chicago. . Rep. William A loner. 5th, 1U3 Douglua...Rep. AiigUHtus Lbrknrr. Mil. 2C26 Davenport. R p. Mark J. Cuad. 6ih. 2214 iKiuglas Dem. FIFTH WARD. Fred Hnckenhouse. 1st Gust Rep A. H. lKnecken. 1st. 4ilS X. 24th Rep. O. P. Brown. 1st. 2222 Fowler Ave.... Ren. W. L. Nicholas. 1st. 41'1 X 24th Dem. Martin Tiahe, 1st. 3Sog N. 2h Iem L. L Mcllvaine. 1st. 2113 Grand Ave.. Ho.-. John W. McCune, id. 1813 Binney Rep. Cyrus E. Wilton. Id. 12 Corby Rep. Chase J. Taylor. Id. 2816 1-oount Ih-iii. N. VV. Christie, 90. luu BuiUett Rep. Dennis Kelleher, 3d. 1710 Willis Ave....Dm. Morris Oallen, 3d. 1812 Miami Soc. T. J Wiley. 4th. 1R43 N. 17th : Rep. O. II. Parker. 4th, 1816 lrace Rep, Hot.nrt Williams. 4th. 1544 Sherman... Dem. James Perkins, 4th. 1S48 N. 19th Dem. J. H. Cuslck. 6th. 11S7 N. 18th Rep. Harry Asher. 5th. 1617 Kyner Ave Rep. Benjamin J. Stone, 5th. 1156 N. 16th. ..Rep. P. J. Carroll, 6th, 1423 N. 17th Dem. SIXTH WARD. C. R. Baxter. 1st, 2219 Grace Rep. P. Cronln, 1st. 18.19 N. 24th Rep. E. J. Damon. 1st. 2018 Grace Dem. B. Vaow. 2.l. 2fio1 Patrick Ave,. Rep. R. O. Savage, 2d, 1K2.' N. 2th Rep. D. W. Canon, 2d, 2309 N. 27th Dem. Fred C. Tim me, 2d. 2730 Burdette Rep. E. Dowlinir. Id. 2213 N. 27th Ave Rep. C. E. Kelfin. 2d. i-J8 Burdette Dem. A. Rogers. 4th. 4340 Maple Hen. Charles U Hart. 4th, 4238 Maple Rep. Harold Overbeck. 4th. 23.11 Military Av.Dem Arthur R4 Orosvenor, 4th, 4131 Ersklne..8oo. Fred Nelson. 1st, KM 8 28th Rep. Frank 1 Weaver. 1st, ima ParK Ave..lem. E. T. Peterson, 2d. 1730 8. 28th Rep. Edward L. Bradley, 2d, 2715 Popple- ton Ave .Hep. Ed P. Berry man, 2d, 1317 8. 28th Dem. Kmll Wuhlstrom. 3d. 825 8. 3th Ren. William R. Burns, 3d. 1128 8. 31t Rep. Lysle I. Abbott, 3d, 3210 poppleton Ave. Dem. Martin L,anadon, 4tn, an a. win nep. James M. Buel. 4th. 4370 Lincoln Ave. ..Rep. Michael Hogan, 4th. 38 Oak Dem. I. J. DUnn, 4th, 3323 Francis uem, EIGHTH WAllll. Sam L. Morris, 1st. 1204 N. 24th Rep. August Johnson. 1st. 2420 turning ...Hep. w w M,-rnmhi. 1st. 1530 X. 2oth. .'. . . .Dem. John R. Davis. 1st, 2789 8. loth Dem. Julius Jankowsky, 2d. 607 N. 18th Rep. Peter Jessen, Jr., 2d,. 191 juming....nep. M. J. Kane, 2d. 123 N. 17th Dem. W. W. Mace, 3d. 1620 Cass Rep. J. P. Garrity, 3d. 18 unicago Lrm. V M KfrUav 4th. 515 N. 23d Rep. F.d' A. Bmlth. 4th. 2504 Chicago Rep. Martin W. Quick. 4th, 2648 Chicago.. ..Rep. A. J. Van Allstlne, 4th, 200S Webster.. Rep. Edward 1. Ieary, 4th. 2314 wcDSier. .. .urm. NINTH WAHU. ' Maynard I Wilson, 1st, 946 X. 27tn..Rcp. E. M. Tracy, lxt. 9816 Charles Ren. J. M. DcDowell. 1st, 624 N. 27th Ave.. Rep. G. W. Shanahan, 1st, 2756 Webster... ep. Louis Fries. 1st, 2906 izsra... ....... Charles K. Nllson. 2d. 3o22 Hamilton. . Hep. Charles Unltt. Jr., 2d. 3207 Charles .Rep. A. D. Fetterman, W. a' miayene. - V. Tllton. 2d. 3126 Hamilton Soc. J. F. Donahey, 2d. 2770 Cuming -Soc. Frank C. Best. 3d, 3325 California Rep. J. Fred Kerr, 3d. 349 California Rep. 8. J. Potter, 3d, am h. sotn VT'"' Frank J. Norton, 4th. 3345 Harney JRP- Ki Garrett. 4th, 144 N. 33d ......Dem. H W. Cowduroy. 5th, 117 8. 29th Ave.Rcp. H H. Claiborne, 6th, 2628 Capitol Ave.Rep. O. F. McCormlck, 5th, 2609 Cass .Rep. 8. C. Sawtell, 5th, 2811 Capitol Ave.. .Dem. TENTH WAIUl Albert C. Kugcl. 1st, 1019 8. nth Rep. Bert C. Miner, 1st. 1115 8. lUh .Rep. Dan Gellus, 1st, 1314 . inn twin. G. D. Anion, 2d. 815 8. 18th Hep. C. Ford, 2d. 831 8. ltn .:p. Morrlssev. 2d. 8i9 S. 20th Dem. f t I ...,!. iA UA fa j Ken. George K. Howell, 3d, 2 KnoTt Ave....lem. Ed Cardlpee, 4th. 1424 8. 17th Rep. Joseph N. Stein. 4th, 1202 8 13th Rep. William O. Neckel, 4th. 1444 8. 18th... .Rep. Joseph J. Panuska, 4th. 1474 8. 17th. ...Dem. Joseph .. HKrvja. Itn, a. mn i-.i.. Ben Relnachrelber. 5th. 1710 8. 10th....Rep. Charles A. Shahata, 5th, 1429 N. 19tn. . .ijem. Isaac, Marcus, 5th, 1427 8. 14th Soc. ELEVENTH WARD. Carl E. Herring, 1st, 1318 N. 40th.. Rep. G. B. Dake. 1st, 3S66 Hamilton nep. John F. Helln. 1st, 112S N. 47th Ave Rep. Churchill Parker, 1st. 4018 Izard... Dem. 1,,hn 1. I.vnrh 2d. 660 S 401 ll Rep. C. G. McDonald, 2d, 112 N. ,18th Ave.. Rep. H. 8. Daniels, 2d, 4202 Harney Dem. A. F. C. Carmen. 3d. 4410 l.eavcnworm.nep. 1j. Dl Spalding. 3d, 7214 8. 36th Rep. Burt Murray, 3d, 50a 8. 33d Rep. Alfred G. Ellick. 3d, 3411 Dewey Avc.Dein. W. A. Messick. 4th. 641 S. 29th Ave Rep. W. A. Hauston. 4th, bXI S. Z6tn Ave.... nep. George G. Seav, 4th, 2717 Jackson Dem. TWELFTH WARD. 8. C. Walkup, 1st, 2819 Manderson Rep. Willis T. PecK, 1st. 3,01 wrown itep. Alf. Bugh, 1st, 4902 N. 25th Rep. Frank P. Murphy. 4018 X. 26th Dem. O. E. Hatcher. Int. 2720 Meredith Ave.Dem. Geo. H. Spencer. 1st, 2445 Spauldlng... Hoc. Henry A. Wilson. Zd, 4i3 w. mm. ....... Hep. Chas. R. Thompson. 2d. 3832 Saratoga. Rep. W. I. Horton. 2d, 4h4 N. 4"tn wm. W. W. Blackford. 2d. 6340 X. 36th Soc. A. J. Yost. 3d, 3213 Corby Rep. Ben 8. Anderson. 3d, 3124 Miami. Rep. D. Craven, 3d, 2510 N. Ski Dem. Jas. C. Andersen, 3d, 3816 Miami 8oc. W. W. Kerr. 4th. 2110 Ohio Rep. Joe Marrow, 41 h, 2517 Spencer Rep. IT. A. Mangum, 4th, 2xot x. aun.. Hep. M. Wherrv. 4th. 2419 Spencer ;..Dem. John Stribllng, 4th, -2708 Lake., .....Soc. DIGGS HELD AND WOMAN GOES aro Will He Tried for Murder of F. E. Wbeeler, Whose Widow Is Released as Witness. James Diggs, colored, of 911 North Sev enteenth street appeared In police court Saturday morning with his attorney, J. M. Macfarland, and waived the preliminary examination in the case of murder filed against him Thursday morning by Deputy County Attorney Foster. Dlggs Is held on the charge of murdering Frank E. Wheeler on South Fourteenth street the night of Friday, February 23. Dlggs has been taken by the police to the county Jail. On the recommendation of Attorney Foster, Mrs. Wheeler was released from custody on practically her own - recogni sance to appear at Dlggs' trial as a state's witness against the colored man. Mrs. Wheeler signed her own bond of $200 for her appearance. It is believed the Dlggs case will be called for hearing In" the district court during the May term. Before her release by the police authori ties Saturday morning Mrs. Wheeler had a final conference with Captain Dunn and Deputy County Attorney Foster regarding her knowledge of tbe murder. In line with her former statements the woman con tended she had no knowledge of how her husband was killed or who killed him. After the conference Deputy County At torney -Foster frankly admitted that what The Bee had said regarding the woman's connection with the case was exactly in line with Mrs. Wheeler s atatementa Sat urday morning. Newspapers of any kind had been withheld! from the woman during her incarceration of eight days. Sandbasjaied by a heavy cold or cough, your lungs are helpleia till you cure them with Dr. King's Xew Discovery. 60c and $1.00. For sale by Sherman A McConnell Drug: Co. Mortality statistics. The following birth and deaths ham ho. n reported to the Buard of Health during the twenty-four hours ending at noon Satur day: Births M. C. White, 1919 Xorth Twenty, fourth, girl; Mike Bosanec. 1307 William, girl. Deaths Frederick Thomaa Andrew, 1130 South Thirty-second, 91; Rush M. Stewart, 1441 Grant street, South Omaha, 62; Caih- orina inrisiine Miller, 2876 California; Harold Hols, 829 Xorth Twenty-seventh, i. Do Away Viti food Adulteration The IVople Have a Itittht to Know WUtLt They Are Kating. Too great attention cannot lie given t5 the food we eat. The health of our fami lies depend on this food. Are we to sub mit to the atrocities of the food adultera tors? No. We must have laws lo pro- u, aim iiiuw wki must ue emorced. It is of Interest to note thai thr i least one article of food about which we can know everything. This is Malta-Vita, popularly called "The Perfect Food," the jure, all grain product, in which every ele ment of food necessary to the proper nutri tion of tke human body Is found. In the' manufacture of Malta-Vila the whole of the wheat is thoroughly cleansed, cooked n the jmrlty of absolute cleanliness and then mixed with tha Itnest malt ex. tract, made from specially selected barley. ine cooking amd steaming of the wheat gelatinises the starch, and the malt ex tract, a powerful dlgeeiive agent, converts this starch into Maltuee, or malt sugar, in which Malta-Vita H very rich. Maltose la of great food valuet sweetens the wheat uttlciently to make unnecessary the use of any foreign sweetening agent, and the weakest stomach diaesta and assimilates It without effort. Rolled into waterlike naaes and baked under Intense heat. Malta ita Comes from I hM nwena ,Hn u , brown. ptatitRely the most delicious food In me wuiiu. ah grocers. 10 cents. What the Women Will Wear for Spring 1906 Our early exhibit of Exclusive Models presents charming examples, and is authoritative of what will be worn this spring. Included are the popular Etonsthe smart Princess -the natty Pony suits ami ths tailored tight fitting coat styles, etc., with grace and beauty in every line and curve All have the beautiful hanging new circular fare or plaited skirts All made in this season's newest materials, such as high luster Broadcloths, Panamas and Voiles in all the popular light and dark shades, including Alice blue, twilight gray, coral, reseda, Helio and dark green also beautiful imp r ted light u'j tures and plaids- We are offering special values this week at $10. 75, $10.75, $22.50, $24-75, $29.75 and $35.00. Women's New Spring Coats We are showing a most complete line of Women's New Spring Coats in mixtures and coverts new man nish effects. We call your attention to two special offerings this week: Covert Coats at $7.90 and $9.75 Cannot be dupli cated for $12.00 and $15.00. MOVE TO STAMP OUT CRIME Popular Subscription of live Thousand Dollars as Reward for Arrests. COMMERCIAL CLUB STARTS ACTION Shooting' of Frank V Clarke Arnnses Omaha People, Who Are Deter mined to DrlnK Criminals to Justice. Reward for Hilt hw nif n. J. L. Brandels & Sons ;....ViO0 A. I Clarke ' J. E. Baum , I'M W. 8. Wright l'O J. F. Carpenter loo F. W. Judson 100 C. 8. Hayward 50 H. F. Wyman 10 We now having Joined with the Commer cial club In offering a reward of $2.5on for the arrest and conviction of the person who shot Frank X. Clarke Friday night, March 2. 19o6. our offer of a reward of $1,000 is merged and Included in the otter of the Commercial club. A. U CLARKE. J. L. BRAN DEIS OXB i The wanton assault upon 'Frank N. bank and treasurer of the Commercial club, Friday rilght, when Mr. Clarke was shot in the stomach by a thug, whose order to "Throw up your hands!" he resisted, has aroused the citizens of Omaha to action calculated to wield a deterrent influence upon such depredations. Though Mr. Clarke survived the encounter, tt Is read ily perceived that, so far as the footpad was concerned, the result might easily have been fatal. Tho fact, therefore, that a tragedy was averted has none the less modified the popular determination to cap ture and convict. If pdsslble, this culprit and his accomplice, who fled before the shot was fired, and place a ban upon a repetition of such instances of outlawry. Aetloa Promptly Taken. Promptly after the commission of the crime upon Mr. Clarke J. L. Brandels & Sons and A. L. Clarke of Hastings, father of the wounded man, offered a reward of tl.OOO for the arrest and conviction of the culprit. This action was heartily , com mended by business men Saturday, and at Its meeting yesterday afternoon the Com mercial club took steps toward raising a fund of $2,600 to be paid for the capture, within ten days, of Mr. Clarke's assail ant, and another $2,500 to be held by the Commercial club for similar purposes In case of another emergency. The club will raise half and asks the public to raise the other half. "The Commercial club wishes to invite every cltlxen of Omaha who is anxious to rid his city of crime and criminals and punish the perpetrators of these dastardly outrages to co-operate witn u in raining this money," said Secretary McVann yesterday. Messrs. Brandels and the senior Mr. Clarke agreed to let their $1,000 head the list to be raised by popular subscription. and before the Commercial club adjourned its meeting another $500 had been sub scribed. It may be mentioned that this meeting was called abruptly and owing to the tlma It was possible to secure but a slight attendance, but the project Is known to have met with cordial sympathy. In addition to the money thus proposed to bo raised Acting Chief of Police Moalyn said yesterday he would submit a request to the city authorities- to co-operate In the movement. Mr. Clnrke'a courageous resistance of the highwaymen has been generally com mended and In the same degree has the crime been deplored. Money for Chicken Thieves. Fifty tltlxens of Monmouth park and Central park have made up a purse of $100 which will be paid for the arrest and con viction of thieves who had stolen hundreds of chickens In the eoninunlty during the winter. The last depredation was upon the henroost of Walter Wbarton and forty fowls' were taken between dusk and dawn. The sufferers have organised In despera tion and besides a private patrol system have subscribed the reward money. Reward for Fnaltlves. Xo trace of the tnree men who escaped from the county Jail Thursday night has been found. Sheriff McDonald 'has offered a reward of $50 each for their arrest and la sending out 4u0 notices to the authorities all over the I'nited States. Another Calurlt Wanted. The county commlssloneis Saturday morning authorised a reward of $H for information leading to the arrest of the man who committed the criminal assault upon Mrs. Alfred Hengreen at Valley early Wednesday morning. The matter was brought to the attention of tho board In the meeting of the committee of the whole by Deputy Sheriff Bteere. who said the people of Valley would offer an additional $1j0. making, a reward sufTclent lo Induce private detective ageucies lo lake up Ui mint. So far no clues have been found even to throw suspicion on any person and the aggravated nature of the crime led tho commissioners to make an offer of the reward. The resolution was signed, by all of the commissioners. For Colorado Fair and warm-r Situr day; Sunday, rain In west; fair in ust portion. MISS FCOS IS RE-ELECTED Despite Her ferlons Illness She is Again President of Teachers' Association. The meeting of the Omaha Teachers' Annuity and Aid association at the city hall yesterday afternoon was sad dened by the serious Illness of the presi dent. Miss Anna Foos. An encouraging financial showing by Miss Emma Wheat ley, the treasurer, did not dispel the melancholy spirit of the gathering. By way of showing- their feelings toward the. sick woman her colleagues re-elected her unanimously to tho position of president. The report of Miss Wheatley showed that the .membership Is ninety-eight, or the same as a yeas ago. The total Invested assets are $14.7.S4.9 and the net gain in resources during the year was $1,535.07. Since the association was organized, nine years agq, by sixteen nietpbers, $16,657 has been received In the treasury. Four mor tuary benefits of $100 eacn have been paid. The total expenses Incurred last year were but $!.55. Miss Wheatley 'estimated that in five years, without Increase In mem bership or Income from entertainments or other sources outside the association, $25, 000 would be accumulated and the paying of annuities begun. Plans for a bazar to yield revenue to be given soon were dis cussed. These were the officers elected: President Miss Anna Foos. Flrt Vice President Miss Margaret Mc Carthy. Second Vice President Miss Clara Ma son. Treasurer Miss Emma Wheatley. Financial Secretary Mrs. E. W. Xlchols. Recording Secretary Miss Minnie Bye. Directors Mrs. Orletta M. Chittenden, Miss Fnnnle Arnold. Mrs. Mary D. New ton. Mrs. Cora 8. Anderson, Miss Mary Krebs. S FOR MEN DOTOK HI THE MEN'S TRUE SPECIALISTS When you are first aware of any private disease, weakness or drains upon your vitality, then It Is that you should deolde an Important question, one that means much to your future health and happiness. If yeu proours the proper medical advice without delay you w 111 secure to yourself that health, success and enjoyment of life which is every man's lot whose bright and steady eyes, clear and healthy skin, aotlve brain, congenial makeup and physical development show that no contaminating influence or private disease are devastating his sys tem. That no mental, moral or physical weaknesses are depleting his man hood, that no secret drains upon his vitality are robbing him of his aueetajioe and making hlsllfa a miserable failure. Otherwise, if you delay to long or experiment with uncertain and ding arena treatment or allow yourself to be deceived by misleading statements or Incom petent doctors or specialists, then you will be one of the many unfortunate who have long regretted that they held their first little ailment toe cheaply; who, after years of suffering and dosing with cheap preparations, free treatment and quick-cure fallacies, come to the specialists of the State Medical Institute to be cured. They fully realize the great mistake that they have made In not consulting these great specialists first. Will you make the same mistake or will you get the best first? Dp not be satisfied until you have been examined by the best specialists In the country. Tou may be esnt away happy with out any treatment, but advice that will not onl save you much time and money, but will save you mental dlsgTeoe. If your condition requires treatment, you will be treated honestly and skillfully and be restored to perfect health In the shortest possible time and at the least possible expense. We cure safely and thoroughly Stricture, Varicocele, Emlsiona, NTTO-8eual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, ex cesses, self-abuse or the result of specific or private diseases. We make no misleading statements, deceptive or unbusinesslike propositions to tbe afflicted, neither do we promise to core them in few days, nor offer cheap, worthless treatment in order to secure their patronage. Honest doctors of recognized ability do not resort to such methods. We guarantee a perfect, safe and lasting cure in the quickest possible time, without leaving injurious after-effects In the system, and at the lowest cost possible for honest, skillful and successful treatment. TPrr Consultation If you cannot call write for symptom blank. nit and examination Office Hours a. m. to I p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE IS OA Farnam St., Between 18th and 14th Sta., OMAHA, NEB. Complete External and Internal Treatment ONE DOLLAR Consisting of Warm Baths With Wife T SOAP To cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and sof ten the thickened cuticle; Cuticura Ointment to in stantly allay itching, irrita tion, and inflammation and soothe and heal : and lastly, Cuticura Pills to cool and cleanse the blood. A single Set, costing but One often sufficient to cure torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood hu mors, eczemas, rashes, itch ings, and irritations, with joss of jiair, from infancy to age, when all else fails. Sole lhKihout tha world. PiMMf Draf S Ckeaj Ctp.. Su4 Pro..., BoMab. M.h. aarkwSfcif " Uu iv Cum i7 Buaei. LCW ONE-WAY RATE VIA union PACIFIC 1 J FROM OMAHA EVERY DAY TO APRIL 7, 1906. to San Francisco, Los J' geles, Ban Diego and umu other California points, to B t er et t, FslrhSTeif, Wbatcom, Vancouver tud Victoria. to Portland. Astoria, Tt- coma and Seattla. to Ashland, Rosebarg, S fane, Albany and 8a lo a. Including So. Pac. brsnca lines In Oregon. to Spokane and Interns ' dlate O. R. A N. poUta li Wenatchee and lnterma dlate points. to Butts, Anaconda, Hslrna and all Intermediate nisin line points. f9f1 Aft to Ogden and P-'i I."1' t)U.V J city and Intermeddle mum Una points. Tor Fnll Information Inqutr- t CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $22.50 $20.00 Bee Want Ads- Best Business Boosters