The Omaha Illustrated Bee NUMBEtt 340. Entered Second Class at Omaha Postoffice Published Weekly by The Bee Publishing Co. Subscription, $2.50 Ter Year. MARCH 4, 1906. AROUND THE WORLD WITH WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN Conflict of Nations for the Control of Corea Has Decidedly Retarding Effect on People, but Japanese Hope to Correct the Evil During Their Protectorate POOR little Corea! One hardly knows whether to be amused or grieved, bo strangely have comedy and tragedy been blended In her history. Mr. Griffiths In his very comprehensive book bearing that title calls Corea the Hermit Nation, and the appellation was a fitting one until within a generation. Since that time she' might be de scribed as a bone of contention, for she has been the cause of sev eral bloody quarrels. The position of Corea on the map of Asia very much resembles Florida's position on the map of North America, and Japan's relative position Is something like that which Cuba bears to Florida. Sep arated on the south from Japan by about 100 miles of water and Joining both China and Russia on the north, It is not strange that all three of these nations have looked upon her with covetous eyes and begrudged each other any advantage obtained. The surface of Corea is quite mountainous, the ranges and valleys extending for the most part from the northeast to the southwest. Until recently the country was inaccessible and few of the white race have penetrated the Interior. A few years ago a railroad was built from Seoul thirty five miles west of Chemulpo, the nearest seaport. Since then the Japanese have built a road from Seoul north to Peng Yang, and southeast to Fusan. The last line, which has been finished less than, a year, is 275 miles long and connects the Corean capital with the nearest seaport to Japan. -This railroad is of such great military Im portance to Japan that she aided the building to the extent of guar anteeing 6 per cent Interest on the Investment for fifteen years, with the provision that the cost of the road should not exceed 25,000,000 yen. The Corean government gave the righj-of-way for the road and the free admission of material imported for Its construction and equipment. The engines and cars are of .American style and make and the road is standard guage. It is now so easy to pass through, Corea in going from Japan to Peking that the tourist should not miss Its strange and interesting sights, but the trip should be madj before November. We took the train at Fusan and made the ride nearly all the way in daylight, thus having an opportunity to see both the country and the people. The road crosses three rivers and the watersheds which separate them, making its construction ex tremely difficult. The mountains are bare,' and we were Informed that they had been denuded by the natives and the wood used for fuel. The Coreans sometimes blame the .Japanese for the appear ance of the country and attribute It to the invasion 300 years ago. An intelligent son of Japan replied that as his country recovered from earthquake shocksVlthln a few years, the Coreans should have been able to remove the traces of an invasion in less than three cen turies. Fertile Valleys and Indolent People The valleys are fertile, but in tillage and in evidences of indus try they do not approach the valleys of Japan. One misses the orchards, the, trees, the vines and the flowers which are ever present In "the Land of the Rising Sun." Rice is the principal crop in the south, while barley and wheat are more cultivated in the north. Beans and peas are also raised in large quantities and last year constituted the chief article of export. Rice, while often the largest exp'ort, fell below beans and peas that year and was closely followed by hides and ginseng. There are spnie gold mines, and the export of this ore amounted to nearly $50,000 last year, but the country has been so isolated ' that its mineral wealth has not been exhaustively explored. The population of Corea is variously estimated at from 8,000,-" 000 to 15,000,000. The men are larger than the Japanese and some what lighter in color, but not so alert. Like the Japanese they have rather a scanty beard, but it seems to be more fashionable for the older men to allow their chin whiskers to grow. In dress the Corean man is unique. He wears a long white coat of thin cotton reaching to the knees, with trousers generally of white, very full in the seat and tied around the ankles. The vest is of red, blue or green if he is not in mourning, but mourning seems to be a permanent occupa tion In Corea. It was explained to us that white is the color used for mourning, and that the mourning period lasts three years. When one of the royal family dies all of the people wear mourning for the full period, and as they have sometimes had three royal funerals within a decade, white came into general use as a matter of economy. The hat ordinarily worn is made of wire gauze, and, being only about a third as large as our hats, they sit upon the top of the head without covering it. They have a narrow brim of the same material nnd are tied on with strings under the chin. These hats are gen erally blank, although different colors may be seen upon the street; sometimes an enormous straw hat is used for mourning. Social Customs and Street Scenes The unmarried men wear the hair in one long braid like the Chinese pigtail, but when one marries he combs his hair to the top of his head and ties it in a stiff topknot which is visible through the gauze hat. The foot is encased in a sock, padded with cotton, and a canoe-shaped shoe of .grass, cloth, leather or wood. . The women, except those of the'coolle class, are seldom seen on the street in the daytime, and the men are not allowed on the street at night, or were not until western ways began to invade the island. Even when going out the women wear over their heads a green cape ' with scarlet sleeves and draw it across the face In such a way that little more than the eyes can be seen. The streets of Seoul and of the towns through which we passed were full of men, many of them walking about in a leisurely way or standing in groups smoking long pipes. -Mingled with them were coolies carrying immense packs on their backs or leading ponies, oxen or cows laden with hay, wood or fagots. We saw more idle men in two days in Corea than we saw in Japan in a month. While the coolies seem to be quite industrious nnd carry astonishing weights, there seems to be a deep-rooted con tempt for labor even among the middle classes, and a contractor told ns that in the employing of the coolies it was necessary to pay them every day because a week's compensation would have to be spent be fore they would return to work. An incident will serve to illustrate the feeling in regard to labor of any kind. In making a purchase we wanted two things tied together with a string. We called the guide's attention to it. He handed the things to his attendant and the attendant handed them to the shopkeeper, who did the tying. We were also informed that the Coreans lack the power of organized co operation. Each one works by himself and carries his burden on forked sticks strapped to his back. In walking he uses what seems like a staff, but Its real purpose is that of a prop for his load when he stops to rest. Shopkeepers Understand Making Bargains The shopkeepers of Corea have the oriental taste for bargain ing to a marked degree and always ask a great deal more than they expect to receive, finding, apparently. Intellectual recre ation in haggling over the price. In making a few small purchases we were very much amused at the spirited discussions which took place between our guide and the merchants. Followed by a crowd of Interested spectators, numbering from tweuty to fifty, we moved from shop 'to shop. ' The vendor would announce a price as if his were a one-price store. The guide would receive the announcement with absolute contempt and the wordy war would begin. The by standers took sides and joined in the fray; the clerks and members of the storekeeper's family flocked to his aid, while the crowd elbowed each other to get near the scene of action. Usually the rulde would start toward another store before an agreement could be reached; sometimes less than half the original price was settled upon, and in the calm which followed the storm every one seemed satisfied. We heard of Instances where one-eighth of the price asked was finally accepted, but either the merchants with whom we dealt were more reasonable or our guide yielded too soon. Houses Poorly Built of Mud and Stones The Corean houses are entirely different from those of Japan; they are not so high, nor so large, but are more warmly built. They re usually constructed of stone set in mud and have poorly thatched roofs of straw; occasionally tile is used. Often the earth supplies the floor except tor the Uttle sleeping rooms, which have See Ninth Bryan Letter in Next Sunday's Bee ' rv- - v' ' VV -' KJLJ 1 , ip w GT. 'IW&Y- i U8MiCKiii'r- A'tfXtf.' . r"f ; h -.-v.-, iSrv"i"l , 6 m ) " ? ' e-;1f I A r.:'", '.'M'3c"N i i Wedding Ceremony in Corea While in Seoul we were, through the courtesy of Rev. S. F. Moore, one of the missionaries, invited to the wedding of two Corean Christians, and after the ceremony had a chance to Inspect the house of the groom's father. It was neat and clean, but the houses generally, as seen from the narrow streets, are .dirty and un inviting. One wonders where the men keep the log Vhite ooaU bjf F;yy which they seem so proud, until he is informed that the wives wash, and iron them at night while the lord of the household sleeps. Speaking of the marriage, I must as a truthful chronicler re cord that the young man whom we saw married (they marry young in Corea and the marriages are arranged by the parents) bad a pleasant face and that the bride was modest and comely. He wore a dark red, loose-fitting coat, a wide belt and a black gauze hat of in describable shape. The girl wore a green silk waist which Just below the armpits joined a very full skirt of red. Her head was or namented with two very large rolls of hair, which, according to cus tom, were borrowed for the occasion. We were informed hat the wedding clothes are often rented and that even the goose which la the wedding ceremony the wife presents to the husband as a symbol of constancy is obtained In the same way. As in this case the Chris tian ceremony was used, the couple did not pledge themselves ac cording to the native practice by saying: "Black is the hair that now crowns our heads, yet when it has become as white as the fibers of the onion root, we shall still be found faithful to each other." But as among the non-Christian Coreans a man is allowed to take a concubine into his home whenever he is able to support one, the pledge would seem to be a mere formality on his part. People Generally Illiterate Seoul, the capital and largest city, is surrounded by a sub stantial wall and entered by gates which until recently were shut at night, even though the city long ago outgrew the walls. These gates remind one of the gates described in the Bible, and they are not lacking in the beggar who finds the gate a convenient place to make his plea to the passerby. Aside from two or three broad thorough- TYPICAL COREAN SCEi'IE, SHOWING COSTUMES, METHOD OF BUILDING HOUSES AND SAWINQ TIMBER. floors of stone covered with oiled paper. These rooms are heated by flues under the floors which conduct the flame and smoke to the chimney, which opens on the side of the house. Leaves, fagots, coarse grass and all sorts of trash are used for fuel, and these stone floors, heated twice a day, keep .the small rooms quite comfortable. The people sit on the floor, as in Japan, except that they sit cross-legged instead of sitting on the feet, and sleep on mats spread on the floor at night and stowed away during the day. C9 v - - -it 4'V4 i:.';5: y-ii i ,f , s:f.H.Vl. .a. ..- .. oTvv . .... ESPgpgW.. " VWM ..ryr-.V'Ui.ieg.L- -oBowtny, : r-.T'-." COREAN FAMILT GROUP. Facts About Uncle Sam's Chain of Lighthouses LIGHTHOUSES are always lnci easing in number, but at present there are 1,464 of them under the care of Uncle Sam's lighthouse board. Some of these are what is known as beacon lights, and do not have a constant keeper, but the majority of them are lighthouses with from one to four keepers. The salary list for this establishment is $870,000 for the coming year; that is to say, the lighthouse board wants that much, and certainly ought to get it, for the lighthouse keepers are not a highly paid force In proportion to their Importance, and the life for some of them is as dreary and lonesome as could well be Imagined. For instance, two of the loneliest lights in the world are in the Alaska district, on Uniniak island, and guard the Unimak pass, by which vessels make their way northward around the extreme end of the Alaskan peninsula to Nome and the Bering sea. The lights are Scotch Cap and Sarichef. Fortunately for the keepers, they are less than fifteen miles apart, but there are months at a time when the keepers and their families do not see each other. And even if they do, these two little communities, so far off from the rest of the world, can hardly find any great variety in an inter change of visits between eight families. The Scotch Cap and Sarichef lights were not so hard to build, for all they are so far from civilization. They have a lot of land, such as it is, behind them, and the houses are as warm and comfortable as they can be iuude. There is plenty of fuel and food, so that the keepers are materially comfortable, and the. mall comes to them about ouce a mouth, while the lighthouse tenders make regular trips every bIx months. One of the things that rather riles the lighthouse board, how ever, is the fact that the vessel carrying mall for these far-off keepers charge $50 a trip for stopping to deliver It The light are put there for the guidance and safety of the captains, and they are forced to pass within arms' reach of the lights in going through the Unimak parage. But they refuse to stop and lower a boat for less than $50. This makes the officials of the lighthouse board very tired, but they have to put up with it for the good of the keepers. It would be almoxt out of the question to give even a lit of the remarkable lights that have been erected under the supervision of the lighthouse board. The work has been going on since 1810, and in that time there have been a great many remarkable engineering difficulties overcome. The lighthouse on MInot'a ledge, outside of Boston, has been renewed once, and is a remarkable piece of work. The Graves light, which has recently been completed off Boston, Is another that is a triumph of engineering over natural difficulties, and the Mile Rock light just la the throat of the Golden Gate, coat the contractor aad the government officials many a sleepless night before It was completed, at a total cost of $100.UO0. But the record light of the whole service for difficulties of con struction was on the Tillmanook Rock, off the coast of Oregon. This light was twenty miles south of the mouth of the Columbia rlvir. IU construction is a whole story lu itself. It was at first thought that the light might be placed on the mainland. But the fogs in that region made it imperative to locate the light ou the rock itself. This rock is about a mile from shore and rose originally 120 feet above mean wuter. It was necessary to cut off the whole top of the rock to get the founda tion for the station, and this work uloue took months. The building of the station ufter the rock cup was reduced was a comparatively easy matter, and now there is a comfortable first-class li:ht established on the rock with a steam fog siren and all the com forts of home. Despite the fact that It is so close to clvilizutiou, the lighthouse Is one of the most inaccessible in the service and the keeper is almost as much cut off from home und friends as though he were lu Alaska or the farthest section of the I'hilljjpiues. Much the same thing Is true of the Mile Rock light, Just outside of San Francisco. This light is a tlilrd-cluss station and is much smaller in every way than the Tlllmuiiook Rock, which has been in cperutlon since ISM. The Mile Rock light hgad a surface of about 1.000 square feet and the cap had to be cut down to allow the founda tion plates of the little station to be bolted to It. There Is a l'-'-knot current past the rock and the weather conditions are about as bad as they could be for working. Ho. although the undertaking was much smaller than that at Tillmanook, the difficulties encountered were of much the same sort. The lighthouse itself had to be built on a circular cement tilled steel foundation, and so violent were the storms that when the steel foundation was filled with hulf-drled cement it was dented by the force of the waves. Many of the lights on the southern const nre of yon and stand aplder-Uke ou the keys and islets off the Florida and gulf coasts. Kooie of them are almost as little visited as the lights of Alaska, but they have better weather as a rule and are more to be desired as peruiaueut stations. But there are no permanent stations in the service. When a man has served a tour of duty at one of the faraway points the hoard tries to get Lim placed for a while at one of the more desirable lights. There is no fixed tour of duty, but changes are made as the good of the service indicates and a man is promoted for faithful service and disagreeable duty as he would be in any other jveU cond acted establishment Washington Star. ' v fares, the streets are narrow, crooked and filthy. The open sowers on either side are filled with refuse matter and reek with foul odors. There Is no ceneral educatlonnl system iu Corea, and the per centage of illiteracy is naturally large. The missionary schools are doing an excellent work and a few of tho young men have boon scut to China, Japan and America. During recent years there has been quite an awakening among the young men, and they are showing an Increasing desire to learn about western civilization. So great is this interest that a newly organized branch of the Young Men's Christian association at Seoul hud a membership of over 500, four fifths of whom are not professing Christians, but are drawn to the institution because it gives them a chance to study western prob lems afcd methods. Mr. Wanamaker, the merchant prince of Phil adelphia, has Just offered to supply the money necessary for a per manent Young Men's Christian association building In Seoul, and, having attended a meeting in the present crowded quarters, I can testify that a new hall Is badly needed. The Chinese characters are used In writing, but the Coreans have a spoken langunge which is quite different. There is no ex tensive literature that can be called Corean, although Dr. Allen, for many years American minister at Seoul, has published in a volume entitled, "Corea; Facts and Fancies," a number of delightful folk lore stories, which show an appreciation of the love story and a very clear recognition of the personal virtues as illustrated In dally llfo. Mr. Allen's book also conalns an interesting chronology of the prin cipal events, but it is significant of the change wrought by foreign influence that it only requires twelve pages of the things worth mentioning from the beginning of the Christian era down to 1875, while eighty pages are devoted to the things that have transpired since. What Missionaries Have Wrought In examining the pages devoted to the last century one is struck with the disinclination of the Corean government to accept the offers of Intercourse made by the various nations of Europe since 1875, and with the number of missionaries who suffered for religion's sake prior to that date. Persecution, however, seems to have increased rather than diminished the zeal of the various de nominations, and today Corea Is regarded ns one of the most prom ising of the missionary fields. While Confucianism has influenced Corea, Buddhism never gained such a foothold in this country as In China nnd-Japan. There are no gorgeous temples here, and for 600 years (and until recently) Buddhist priests were not allowed within the walls of Seoul. There are missionary stations throughout the country, and at Peng Yang there is a native congregation of 1,500. At Seoul, a modern hospital, built with money given by Mr. Sever ance of Cleveland, O., has been opened by Dr. Avison, where, be sides care of the sick, medical training is furnished to natives who desire to fit themselves for this profession. I was assured by Dr. Avison and by missionaries residing here that young Coreans, both men and women, learn quickly and are faithful assistants. The medical missionary, being in an excellent position to show his Chris tian spirit by helpful service, is doing much to aid in the propaga tion of our religion in the orient. In this connection I might add that Dr. Allen went to Corea as a medical missionary and became the emperor's physician. This intimate relation gave our country a good standing here when the doctor afterward became the Amer ican minister. These friendly relations are still maintained through present Minister Morgan. , Effect of an Absolute Monarchy The government of Corea is an absolute monarchy and has a reigning family which has held the throne for about 500 years. All authority emanates from the emperor and is exercised through ministers, governors and subordinate officials appointed by him. If one can trust the stories afloat, the government Is as corrupt an or ganization as can be found on earth. Just who is responsible is not clearly known, but that offices are sold and all sorts of extortion practiced there can scarcely be doubt. There is no Bpirit of patriot ism, such as is to be found in Japan, and why should there bo when the government gives so little return for the burdens which it im poses? Changes in the cabinet are of frequent occurrence, there having been something like sixty within a year. For a long time Chinese influence was paramount and the Chi nese government bad a resident minister in Seoul who was the con fidential adviser of the royal family. But Chinese influence ended with Japan's victory in 1894. Soon afterward Queen Mln, the wife of the present emperor, was put to death, and, the murder being charged to tho Japanese, the emperor took refuge at tho Russian legation. Now that Japan has driven Russia out, she is virtually In control of the country, although the nominal sovereignty of the em peror has not been lnterfe.'ed with. Just what form the Japanese protectorate will take hw, not yet been decided, or at least has not yet been announced. Marquis Ito Is in Seoul now as the representa tive of his government conferring with the emperor arid his ministry. Japan Now Controls the Country In the end the protectorate will be whatever Japan desires to have it, for neither Corea nor Russia nor China is in a position to question her decision. Besides building railroads through Corea, the Japanese have established banks and issued a currency for Corea in place of the copper cash generally used. The government. recognizing the Inconvenience of currency which had to be kept in huge boxes and paid out at the rate of 1,000 or more to the dollar, had farmed out the right to coin nickels and these were soon coun terfeited. The counterfeit nickels have been classified as, first, bet ter than the originals; second, good imitations; third, poor Imita tions, and, fourth, those that can only be passed on a dark night. Japanese soldiers are to be seen everywhere and Japanese set tlements are to be found In all the larger cities. The Coreans as a rule regard the new Japanese invasion with silent distrust and are In doubt whether the purpose of Japan is simply to protect herself from future danger at the hands of China and Russia, or whether she la expecting to colonize Corea with her own people. If Japan purifies the government and makes it honest; if she establishes schools and raises the intellectual standard of the people; If she re vives the industries now fallen into decay and introduces new ones; if, in other words, she exercises her power for the upbuilding of Corea and for the advancement of the Corean people, she may in time overcome the prejudice which centuries of hostility have created. But what nation has ever exercised power in this way? And bow can Japan do it without developing an educated class which will finally challenge her authority? If she keeps the Coreans in Ignorance and poverty, they will be sullen subjects; if she leada them to higher levels they will the more quickly demand their inde pendence and be better prepared to secure it. Which course will she pursue? W. j. BRYAN. (Copyright, 1906.) . Fooling a Scientific Man The Belgians ence succeeded in getting cut rates on au operation from Sir Morell Mackenzie. He engaged to attend a cuse at Antwerp. When he lauded he was met by three men In mourning, who informed him that the patient had died, but that they would pay his full fee. "And now," said the man, "since you are here, what do you say to visiting the city hospital and giving a clinic for the benefit of our local surgeons? It is not often they have au opportunity of benefiting by such science as yours." Sir Morell said he would gladly comply. He went to the hospital and performed many operation., uuioug which were two of a slinllur natnre to that for which he hud been called' over. When be finished all thanked hlna profusely Ou the steamer going home lie met a friend who had a business house lu Antwerp. "Pretty scurvy trick they played on you, Sir Morell." "What do you mean?" asked the surgeon. Told you the patient died before you arrived, didn't they?" Yes." , "Lied. You operated on him and a friend with the same trouble at the clinic. Got two operaOwia lor one jtrfcer' Reader Slafiaiine. 7"