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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1906)
THK OMAHA DAILY BKE: SUNDAY. MARCH 4, UHKI. Telephone Douglas CIS. Row located in the new retail center, Howard and Slueeutb KtrerU. These Dres Goods are of highest quality aiul exquisite beauty. They come in Mimll broken checks, toautiful silk finish. For traveling for outing, for suits ..waist-.separate skirts, children's and misses' dresses. Always considered very superior quality at $1.1X1, Mondays clearing sale price, in basement, 39c a yard. On sale H a. in. NOTE On account of the very superior quality of these goods at Monday s special price it will make this one of the greatest bargains in the history of this store. You had better investi gate it. Special Sale of Embroidered Mull Waist Patterns. Mondar morning- we will place on aale 100 embroidered mull waist patterns that sold at $1.50, Monday sale price 89c each. Special Sale of Japanese Lunch Cloths and Scarfs. . - . . i. i 1 . K ,. Monday we will sell all our 1.7 and acarfa at $1.00 each. In Our Second Floor Cloak Department. Are now uliown the highest class novelties in stylish suits, stylish coats, stylish skirts and stylish waist. Our goods arc always new. Our method of keeping our stock Is the same, a la used by nil the tine eastern stores. Everything la clean and crisp, never mussed or shopworn, lots of sunlight to Allow careful examination of color and fabric. Everything In our store Is dono in the opert. Suits of newest designs at KJ.So, up to SoOOO. Skirts of newest design from K30 to $M. Waists of newest designs from $1 to $18. Ladies' House Wrappers in our Economy Basement. One of our sections in our Economy Base ment Is devoted to the sale of I.adcs' house wrappers. We carry an assortment of splendid styles and beautifully made, gar ments. Our wrappers are all cut extra full and wide, and made under good sanitary condition. You pay no more for them than you do for the common kind. lYices, $1, tl.M and Lace Curtains. Among, tha new lace curtains for this "-axon there are many novelties In two-'ton-id affects that are very beautiful; the background being of ecru and the principal designs of white, make this style of lace curtains strikingly effective. Let ns show you the new line at 12.50, $:.TP, $3.U) and W a pair. Our prices "on ruffled Swiss curtains are interestingly low to those who are in need of them 2Sc, 40. 0c, 75c-, 78o, !We. Il.nrt, S1.2S pair perfect goods. Sash extension curtain rods, 6c each. Curtain extension rods, with white or yellow metal ends, at 10c each. Miss McCauley, expert coraetlere, remedy and correct troublea you may the fitting of every individual form and fitted during her stay. Howard REWARD FOR THE COSSACKS Over Two and One-Half Million Dollar. Given to Faithful Troop. ARMORED AUTOMOBILES REACH RUSSIA err Wnr Marhlnea Will Be lard kg Soldiers In Case vf Hiots In the Cities. 8T. I'ETERSerRG. March 3.-Tue sum f t:,6on,nr0 has been presented to the Don, -,'ral, Kuban and Teren Cossacks, ostensi bly for the Improvement of their lands, but In reality It Is an exceptional reward for their services during the war and tholr Hdellly In repressing the troubles In the In terior. A number of armored automobiles manu factured In France for the use of the Rus sian army have arrived here. It Is under stood that they will be used by the troops In case of street riots tn the cities and agrarian troubles In the country. Two anarchists armed with bombs were arrested at a railroad station here as (hey were boarding a train for Tsarskoe Setu, where, the emperor Is at present sojourning , . I.lentrnant to Be Hanged. ODRSflA. Russia, March . J. Lieutenant Schmidt, who headed the naval mutiny In last June at Sebastoppl, was today sen tenced to be hstnged; three other mutineers were condemned tii bo shot and twenty seyeft others were sentenced to terms of Imprisonment-. Ten of the accused were acquitted. The condemned men have ap pealed to the .court . of fcassa-tfon. Thw executions are fixed for March (. NEVt YORK, March S Stories of es capes ( from the Russian frontier on rafts and of massacres alleged to have occurred In the' cellars of Moscow homes during the recent outbreak there were told here today by Russian refugees. The stories came We NCLE SAM IT I I --rvWwJ VI Cigarette Papers to you in Nebraska or any otjier state regardless of any state law prohibiting the sale by any dealer in your state. Send us your orders they will be prornptly filled. Write for free price list. The Central Cigar-Store Corner Pearl and Droadway. COUNCIL DLUFFS, IOWA. Bee, March 4. l!)fW. Handsome $1.00 Checked Nov elty Silk Finished Brilliaivtine, Monday 39c a Yard. o Japanese openworg lumu umm Kayser Silk Gloves. We have just received our spring ship m.iit of Kayser gloves, the best silk glovo on the market, with a "guarantee ticket" In vich pair that the tips will wear well. Kay-r silk gloves, heavy quality, black or white, I1.U6 pair. Kajsrr silk gloves, our largest and bes; assorted line. In black, white, brown, tan, mode, p mgee, gray, navy green and reseda, plum and red, at H.iW pr pair. Kayser allk gloves, a very good quality in bluek, white, brown, tan, pongee and gray, st 76u per pair. Kayser silk gloves. In bluck, white, gray, brown, tan and modes, 50c pair. Kayser lisle Milanese, with two pearl clasps, in black, white, grays and modes, i6e per pair. Kayser lisle, with- two-metal clasps, In black, white, grays and modes, at o"e pair. We tilno have n large line of 1- and lt I) n 1 1 on gloves. In hiuek and white, at "5e, 1.( and $1.50 per pair. 12-hutton silk gloves, in all colors, at 1aO per pair. Mercerized Taffeta Checks. Nearly ever) body now Knows wnat mer cerized cotton is. The beautirul silk like lustre and extra good wearing qualities soon dispelled the suspicion that -mercerized cotton was met with some years ago. It Is needless to soy that there are Just as many qualities of mercerized cotton as there are of the ordinary cottun. There are goods that are mercerized in the piece that lose their lustre and there ore goods that are mercerized In the yarn like ours. Taf feta checks, and these will remain lustrous sort and silky no matter how often they are laundered. Wo. have a beautiful line to show you In all the shephards checks, plain colors and new changeable shades. Prices, 3c, 30c, 35c per yard. V now in attendance in our Corset Department for n brief period; In here to experience. Mips McCauley is trained proportion, It will niean years of corset ease, comfort and economy to ne and Sixteenth Streets from some of the 2,0n0 Russians and Rus sian Jews who arrived yesterday on, the steamer Pennsylvania from Hamburg, and who passed the Immigration Inspection to day. ' ' Rebecca Isaacs, IS years old, one of the refugees from Moscow, said that she was the last of a family of twelve, and that a father, mother, brothers and sisters were killed by soldiers. She said for two days she was hidden In a rturk corner of the collar In her home, which soldiers entered at Intervals hi search of the occupants. The other members of the family, she said, were found and killed, some of them so near her that she hoard the unavailing cries for mercy. She is now on her way to West Virginia. Michael Slatovltch. who lived near the Austrian frontier in Russia, escaped with his entire family by crossing the rlvor Vistula to Austrian territory on a raft under cover of darkness. A patrol of sol diers which was on the lookout for parties attempting to escape In this manner heard the noise made by his raft, and tired In the direction of the sounds, without, how ever, miiing anyone, aiany -other Jews ,are wild to have taken the same method of getting out of Russia. UNION TEAMSTERS FIGHTING Mverelarir t t'oni Men's talon Shot ; ' by Member of nitsl i Fsrtlen, - . .. ' ' CHICAGO.' March S.-Uuring the last few days numerous fights have taken place be tween factions of the teamsters' union, and today William Kelly; secretary f Coal Teamster' :unlon No. 704, 'was shot in the leg and seriously wounded by Lawrence Ready. Ever aim the teamsters' strike of last June-there have" been In the unions fac tions supporting President Cornelius P. Shea and factions opposed to lilm. The Shea men have been asking the other teamsters to strike on a number of Jobs and the men opposed to Shea have declinod to do so. The nghts have resulted from the .failure of the anti-Shea men to fol- Are Licensed Dealers says we can mail or Beautiful and Popular Millinery. Second Floor. Hundreds of new' models in fashionable spring acini-dress and dress hats. Exquisite creations at lo.OO. $7.60. llu.Hi to I15.UO that possess an i xcluslveness ana distinguished stylish effect unequalled ex cept In the expensive Parisian hats. We never duplicate a style; every hat model is totally different, assuring you positive excluslveness. You should see the display Monday, whether you intend to purchase or not. Everything Suggests Gray, Green and Mew Blue in Dress Goods for Spring. We have displayed In the past many beautiful dress goods and silks, but noth. Ing quite equals our present showing of exquisite dress texture. We have: stepped a round still higher on the ladder of dress perfection. Plenty of room. plenty of good daylight, no crowding. The whole range of the season's fashionable weaves and shades are here. New wool taffetas, new batistes, soft and clinging; new silk and w-ool poplins, dress elegance Itself; new chiffon finished Panamas In the no."t, pretty tones of gray. , Embroideries and Laces. The embroidery stock Is very complete with new and fresh goods from the world's best manufacturers. Complete matched sets in cambric, nain sook and Swiss, for every occasion. : Edgings, Inserting. French seam head ings, rlblxin headings, round and square medallions, alloveTs, etc. A Very choice assortment of batiste cm brolderf-d allovers for yokes and entire waists, from 11.00 to $5.00 a yard. Laces-Matched sets of round mesh or German vol French vals. Normandy vols and Torchons. Auk to see the varied widths and styles of the durable Cash's ruffling for underwear. Our Customers' Deposit Ac count Department. is , for your convenience. Deposit any amount you wish. We pay 4 per cent In terest, and your money Is not tied up. as you can draw out all or part at a mo ment's notice. Have your purchases charged. It is not a bank. by the designers of Redfern Coraeta to low out the wishes of Shea and his follow ers. Early today a fight took place at Wabash avenue and Van Buren street, and later another along the tracks of the Illinois Central at the foot of Van Buren street. No arreats were jnude in either instance, the fighters disappearing as soon as thi police appeared. In the right In which Kelly whs shot the trouble was started be cause of the failure of one faction to agree with tho declared wishes of the other, und In the melee Ready drew a revolver and shot Kellyi Ready was arrested and Kelly was taken to a hospital. HYMENEAL (rnhnm-MerwIn. Leon P. Graham and Mlas Laura F. Merwin were married Saturday night by Rev. J.' B. Priest, pastor of the Seward Street Methodist church, at 2ZX Seward street. They will leave for the. east for a visit of two woek with the bride's relatives In New .Haven, Conn.', her nM home, and On their return west will stop at ludlan a polls to "Visit with the parents of the groom. Mr. Graham is manager of the talking machine department of the Piano Player company of Omaha and the bride waa employed with the aame company. The groom formerly was u newspaper man. having been engaged on the editor! ll start of the IndiunuiHills Journal. He came to Omaha for t!ie Talka phone company, for Which he traveled for a while. I'nder hH management -the Piano Jlayer caminuny has vastly increased Its bualness. Mr, and Mrs. Graham will muke Omahu their home. C'lrary-Knblk. Ueiinis deary and Mis Hose Kuliik, both of South Omaha, were married Satur day by Justice of the Peace Fields al the Utter s ofllce. President Has Ueerlnar law, Washington. March s.-The case of Assistant Paymaster George A. Deeting, I". 8. N., who waa tried by court-martial because of .the mixed up condition of Ida accounts, has been forwarded tn the resi dent by Secretary Bonapaittu for fliml action. exm-ess CA SHOW OF HANDS AT ALCEHRAS British Delegate Mores to Take Up Police Question. CRUCIAL ISSUE NOW BEFORE CONFERENCE Austria nnd Mnrorm Vote In the etle, with Uerinnnf Keel ing; of Optimism nn 1 Prevail. AI'"tuKA' Muren a.-tne cnieieii-- on Moroccan reforms took a most Im porta nt step today by deciding on the Ini tiative of Great lirltaln to proceed to the Immediate discussion of the police ques tion. After Sir Arthur Nicholson, chief of the British delegation, had submitted this proposition. Marquis Vlscontl Venosta, head of the Italian mission, actively sec onded It, eloquently appealing for con ciliation and asking for the abandonment of the absolute nnd unbending standpoints taken by France and Oermany. His words were listened to with deference. The voting showed that Germany had with It Austria and Morocco, while eight representatives of powers supported Blr Arthur Nicholson. Belgium and Sweden announced that they would abide by the decision of the majority. One of the dele gates then proposed that the pollen ques tion lie referred to a special committee which should prepare a project and submit It to the conference, but this proposition re ceived a negative vote. Derisive Issue Raised. The result of the vote on Sir Arthur Nicholson's proposal has caused something of a sensation, as It means' that the deli cate Franco-Herman contest over the po licing of Morocco has been forced to a decisive Issue In which both sides will be compelled to show their hands. Moreover, the vote gave the first indication of the strength of the two sides. While this was not decisive, as the question was aot upon the merits of the police question, yet It disclosed that Austria and Morocco were the only countries voting with Germany. It Is understood that France will not present police projects to the conference and that, therefore. It will be consulted simply on the question . of principle In volved. It is expected that the discussion of the question of police will be begun Monday. Emperor William' A Geared I'lun. Concerning a dispatch to a Ixmdon news paper from Washington In effect that Km peror William contemplated a dramatic, stroke by announcing to the world that France and Germany had agreed, the dele gates declare that they do not possess Information warranting such a statement. However, many of them admit that the character of the German emperor makes such a step possible. Herr von Kadowitz, head of the German delegation, while de nying Jhe statement, expressed a hopeful View of a settlement of the controversy. Count Cassini, the chief Russian plenipo tentiary, says that he pins his faith on the events of the Inst hour, when both sides are face to fuce with -the tremendous re sponsibility, of the failure of the confer ence. On the whole the trend of o;lnon among the delegates Is that the chances for optimism are growing. LAST STAND OF REACTIONARIES Russian Cabal Inn hie to Thwart Csnr a Desire tn tilve Assembly Rent Power'. BT,. EtBR8BT?HaMarch 3.-Tlu reac tionary cabal at' Tsarskoe Selo headed iiy Count Ignatlcff, General Trepoff. conima'd nnt of the palace, and General Prrtice Putlatln, made a last ditch fight at the recent meeting of the special council. to de feat the decision of the emperor to Incor porate in the fundamental laws of the empire the provision that hereafter no law shall bo ffectlve without the consent of the national assembly and the council of of the empire. According to some reports their efforts were not without the sympathy of the empress. When It becnhie apparent that Premier Wltte and the emperor's councillors, who argued that only such a renunciation of tho Imperial power fould appease the sentiment of the country, would carry the day. Count IgnatlelT made a last personal appeal to the emperor, warning him bluntly that on the eve of the assemb ling of he national assembly such un Ir revocable step would put an end forever to the autocracy. The emperor, however, remained Arm and ordered a vote to be taken, and when tlt proposition was carried hi majesty formally confirmed the decision. This cabal is represented to have been driven to desperation by the defeat and there are sinister rumors of an attempt at a palace revolution. In high quarters. nowever, alien a possibility Is scouted. A prominent personage. wh participated In the council, said today: "No nintter what the culial might secretly desire with only tho support of a portion of the officers of the guard regiments it would never dure, in such a cause, to at tempt a coup d'etat." The holy synod has issued a circular to the clergy forbidding them to uae their Influences with their parishioners In the coming elections In favor of any partluulur candidate, but informing the clergy that It Is their duty to give moderate counsel In tho interests of the emiiemr, ihc peoplo and the fatherland. CHURCH TROUBLES IN FRANCE Resistance lo Makings Inventories In Interior Provinces Continues. PARIS, March 3. Resisluuce to the mak ing of Inventories of church proiiy con tinues In the provinces. At GrenoMe today a strong force of troops was repeatedly re pulsed, hut finally the parish priest Inter vened and thn Inventory was made. The church was draped In black and a cata falque stood In the center aisle bearing the inscription. "Here Lies Liberty." At Montrlgaud a commlio-loiiei and four gendarmes were besieged in the town hall by the Inhabitants of the village who were armed with pitchforks and clubs, Troops and gendarmes sent to release the prisoners were -obliged to fire on the crowd, wound ing two persons. la llonetr of Prnuklln. PARIS. March 1 Ambassador McCor mick and Premier Rouvier are planning a notable Franco-American celebration on the occasion of the unveiling of the statue of Benjamin Franklin April Former Postmaster General Charles Emory Smith nkiid .i..i.v.i.. a-01 ,.t,uf u.nC- I ill lauifJMiot win w in. . ill, , PJa,.:i , It Is rohabe that former President Grover Cle.vtland and former President Loubet will be asked to respectively head the American and French Uonorury commltees. Wellsnaa Starts Hume. PARIS. March I. Walter sailed from Havre today on the French line steamer La Ixrnilne. His polar dirigible balloon will he completed In May, after which the expedition will proceed to Spits bergen for trial trips preparatory to starl ing for the p'le Devastation tn Madaaaarar. ANTANANARIVO. Island of Madagascar, March 1 The great destruction caused by the waterspout, which recently destroyed the village of Mahanoro show that only two house were left gtandicg. TlUlly bodies have been recovered. All the Kuropcans were Injured and tin- muterl'il losses were very great. The Italian Ktiminrr A f lira was thrown no on the beach and the French brig Luclennc wan I engulfed and disappeared i MUCH SNOW AT MITCHELL ! lnrm I bates fter Twenty -Konr Honrs. Wnrklnc llavuc to Train Jickednles. MITCH KM S. I'., March 3. (Special Telegram.) After twenty-four hours of continuous snowfall the storm abated this i morning. Three trains, u passenger and I ,wo frtlrnt!, nu ,t)r Milwaukee, were snow bound near Kimball the greater part of the pight. The Milwaukee passenger trains ar rived here on time today. The trains on the Omaha road from the east were delayed seven hours today nnd the morning Minne apolis passenger was abandoned. The storm out nt Chamberlain nnd west of there on the reservation is r not ted to lie severe, although no telephone communication can be had wtih theve counties, ns the wires are down. Twenty cars of emigrants which passed through Mitchell last night for the cservatlon country will experience dinVulty In reselling their claims. Over twenty-four Inches of snow fell during the storm. No loss of life is reported 111 this section and no dim. i (re to stock has resulted. The storm was the worst which has visited central South Dakota jdnee the blizzard of 1WT. III' RON, S. II., March 3 Snow plows are operating in all directions on the fhlcapo Northwestern railway and ef- ii.iiiii. iiiu iok wrr iouiK Plirtiallv RUCfPSMflll No trnlim 'i.r, nf i but over the Northwestern or the Great ! "how" major'1 Of the senate In favor Northern roads from here lust night nnd "f co,,rl review festure. This poll, how freights were held at stations. These in- ever. Is not In the form of a pledge, eluded more than loo carloads of Imml- nnlllver nnd M"IP Cnnlldent. grants and their moveables. The storm Senators Polllver and Clapp. the repub covered the w hole state and Is reported J llcnn lenders of the faction supporting the more severe in the Black Hills region. ' bill without amendment, still lwlleve that Some stock losses on the ranees are certain TABLE ROCk. Neb., March .T-(Rpeelal.) A blinding snowstorm, somewhat resem bling a blizzard, prevailed here last night. About three inches of snow fell through the night. Trains on the Burlington In all directions are delayed this morning. Iiclng rtcm three to six or eight hours late. The sun Is shining today and the snow Is disap pearing. FREMONT, Neb., March 3. (Special.) The cold wave and windstorm struck this vicinity about 3 o'clock ysterduy after tiMn. The mercury dropped from SS to 2n ai,d a strong north wind, accompanied by flurries of snow, made It seeni much colder. GKNBVA, Neb., March 3. (Special.) A March blizzard riitfcd all night. The nier- cury Ml to is above rcro. WKST POINT, Neb., March 3. (Special.! f f speculation and no doubt will be for The springlike wint"r weather was rudely some time to come. broken yesterday afternoon by a severe) M-.,. Philippine Bill. snowstorm. In:m-nse quantities of snow I 8rnator Ixxlge. chairman of the commit fell and drlrted badly, but on account of . t oll tnf. I'hlllppinee, has decided to make tl.o humidity of the atmosphere no serious a motion Unit the senate discharge the ennseouenoes r suited other than stoppage ; committee from further consideration of of travel. A high north wind, accompanied the snow, but the temperature throughout the night was mild and saved the suffering whlcJi otheiwise would have resulted from sucli a don til ail, of snow. This morning the tenipetature If lower, but no great In concenloue" in fell. KINDRKD. N. D., March 3 The fierce storm which ha-s swept over the state for the last three days has become a raging blizzard and is hourly Increasing In sc. verity. Tho Great Northern, Northern Pa cific and Sou lines are now snowed in ami trains are blockuded. ASHLAND, Wis., March' 3. The bliizurd which set in two days ago continued throughout today and Is- increasing In vlo lence'every honr. I 'rifts six Jeet deep are forming and over a foqt of anow baa fallen on the level. While railroad 'traffUr will be Interfered with temporarily It will ex tend the logging season several weeks and 111 bo of great value to the lumber in terests. MISSOURI BRIBERY CASES Four Men Heavily Fined on (barges (irswlng tint of Hyatt Murder nt W nrrensborar. WARRBNSm.HG. Mo.. Murch 3. Sev eral brllierv cases that have lieen In the Johnson county criminal court since tho In dictments found by the grand jury follow ing tho celebrated Hyatt murder trial last June, were terminated today, when the de fendants, nil prominent cltlsens, withdrew their pleas of not guilty, and through thulr attorneys died a nolo contender. J. F. Cor bln, charged with an attempt to bribe a Juror and with perjury, was lined $5n0. W. C. Hyatt, father of tho' Hyatt boys, who were found gtiilty of the murder of young Martin, charged with attempt to bribe a jury, was fined )5au W. K. Mulltns, against whom were four counts for attempted bribery and conspiracy, waa lined $1,600. C V. Wallace, a member of the jury and the man who Hist gave evidence, was fined toco on a charge of conspiracy. Dr. John Ful kersou, against whom there Is an Indict ment pending charging him with attempted bribery, is out of the state nnd cannot he located. Like Bursting; When your head feels like bursting, Dr. King's New Life Pills quickly cure the cause, constipation. "JTki. For sale by Sher man & McCuiinell Drug Co. . IOO ixi G-oidL) GIVEN AWAY in our VERSE CONTEST RHYMSTERS GET BUSY! WHAT WK WANT Bright, snappy verses In rhyma, telling of tho auparlor merits of our "Krypiok" and "Torlacua" lnse-a. Theae Yeraea are to be uaed In newspaper and afreet car advertising,. First Prize, $30. Second Prize, $25. Third Prize, $20. Fourth Prize $15 Fifth Prize, $10. We want you to try for one of theae prliea. You do not need the ability of Longfellow or Poe to win In itaia contest. Almost anyone i-au write a verse sufficiently catchy and Impressive to make good advertis ing.. Why now you? CONDITIONS The contest Is free to all. C'rnlest closes April 16. MO, and anuojiicemeut of prise wlrjners will be made as soon after that date as possible. Verses to be ellgahle for a price must not be more than ten In length. They may be as short as the writer chooses. As many verses may be written as desired, but' each must be complete in Itself. of ' a I "T0RISCUS THEY CURVE AROUND THE EYE Ordinary Lens In use. Columbian Optical Company 211 South Sixteenth Street. Omahs, N.b ' LINING IP ON HEPBURN BILL Division Between Two Factions of Repub lican Becoming Sharper. D0LLIVER AND CLAPP CONFIDENT They Hellene Measure ll Hecome a Un as It Wnm 'assert l the llonse. WASHINGTON. March :l. -Conferences on the Hepburn railroad rule bill are every day becoming more numerous and more confusing. Groups of republican senators advocating an amendment providing for Judicial review or orders of the Interstate Commerce commission, groups of repub lican senators who support the bill ns It passed the house and was r ported by the Interstate commerce commit tee of the sen ate, and groups of democratic senators may be seen In close consultation almost every hour of every day, the latter trying to de termine what their party policy will be. The most notable of these groups Is the first mentioned, which has directed its ef forts toward bringing about an agreement concerning an amendment that mig'il prove satisfactory to all of thq republicans, j The members of this faction are making i use of the argument that unl-ss ann-nded WASHINGTON. March ;i.-Nu mure wtt the bill will be declared unconstitutional. n"-rt wl" lw- examined by th- senate cem It Is an argument used alike to repub- n.lttee on Interoceaie cansls until. afWT lion and democrats. This faction ro. the type of canal has Wn detei mined and f esses encouragement. It is said by some of these senators that an Informal poll the bill ought to go through In that form. No amendments have yet been submitted to them which they are willing to accept. They will have a conference with the pres ident on Monday. It developed today in case the republicans should be successful In getting together that It would tend to solidify the democrats and It is quite likely they would endeavor, to Secure caucus action favoring the Hep burn bill without amendment, basing their action on the unanimous support given the bill by members of the house. Some of the democratic senators believe that In case their party should get together on the bill as It came from the house that quite a large number of republican senators would vote with them. However, the whole matter relating to the rate bill Is still In the realm the Philippine tariff bill and that it be taken up for discussion, t'nder the rules of the senate a motion of this character is I debatable. The senator proposes to make an argument In favor of thu bill and will ask that action lie taken by the senate concerning It. He does not Intend, how ever, to precipitate action until after the rtatehood hill has been disposed of. The means suggested provides the only way lu which the bill may Imj brought before the senate, In view of the action of the com mittee in defeating It, Opponents of the hill declare that the senate is overwhelmingly opposed to the passage nt the bill and that Mr. Lodge's motion, if made, will lie met with a counter motion to lay It on the table. The seutl- mont of the senutti then would lie de f , i FIRE RECORD. Firemen Cheek Blase In Gnle. NORFOLK, Neb., Marcji ( Special. I Skillful work of Norfolk's tire department at midnight, and in the fare of a howling gale, saved the city from the most dis astrous blaze in Its history. The fire started mysteriously In the heart of the Chicago Lumber company's yards and was being whipped on Into the sheds by a terrWc wind, with danger of leaping across Nor folk avenue, taking tho 11101110 block, with a number of stores, the 1 'mi tic- hotel and the Queen City hotel. One hundred guesta In the Pacific hotel dressed hurriedly and liuiri' d with their grips down to the street, but the clever work of the firemen saved them from danger. Some, of the women In the hotel hastily threw cloaks over their night robes and descended lo the ground floor when the alarm was given through the hotel. The loss on tl)o lumber stock is about H.oOc orthrllfre to Help Flak. NLW YORK. March 3. A cablegram was received from Lord Nn'rthclifte to Ktuy vesant Fish approving of the latter's stand In the Mutual Life Insurance inquiry. It Is understood thai Lord NnrtluilfTe will receive the proxies of policy holders of the Mutual company In Fngtand. France. Ger many, und in ether ways lend in the weight of his Influence to the movement. Mr. Fish was not in the city today, and his legal advisers had 111K yet given out the names of local policy holders' trustees who are said to have joined with Mr. Flsb in his demand for s thorough Investigation of the Minimi's affairs. Make Your Wants Known Through The j Use. Want Ad I"nge. j Toriscus lns In use. Blood Humors Commonly cause pimple", boils, hives, eesema of salt rheum, or some lother form of crup-( tioo; but sometimes they exist In the ststem. Indicated by feelings of weskness. languor. Ioks of appetite, or general debility, without csuslat siiT breaking out. Hood's Sarssparllla expel them, renovates, strengthens and tones the whole system. This Is the testimony of thousands annually. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is peculiar to Itself. Accept no substitute, but lusWt on having Hood's and get It today. Liquid or tablets, 100 JJosea Ona Uollar. SENATE COMMITTEE RESTS No More Canal Witnesses Are to Be Beard at Present. -.. MATTER AWAITS DECISION AS' TO TYPE ( hsraOr of Canal tn He llelermlnat Hefore Mare Kvldence Heaard- Init Hairs nnd Reitnlnttnns , U III ' He Taken. -v , other Information obtained, which is note. sary to tho preparation of a bill for- Hkt, government of the on. oiel the ecu struction of the Isthmian water. This decision was reaeln-d today ill executive, committee of the session. The comtni.tee went into executive s slon at 1:.10 o'clock. S.-nators Mlllar.l, Klttredge. Dryden, Knox, Ankcny, Talia ferro and Simmons were present. Senator Klttredge stated that he thought, the substantial questions relating to rami sffalrs should be settled as soon s pos sible in order to prepare the committee to draft and consider canal legislation. Nearly all of the senators present ex pressed views similar to those of .Mr. Klttredge. .Markrl to Re Heard Mnnda.' It was pointed out that Mr. Oomwell bad been on the stand for several days, and nothing of Importance had been se cured from htm. Senator Taliaferro went to the committee room of Senator Morgan. ' .1... .. .....I I.. l.,tDl.,l.,l, BH.I nitu n nn ,- igt 1 in uuiri i' p. , . . . : presented the situation. Mr. Morgan agree r i f 1 a iiivMtlim hnf iha fnether exami nation of witnesses be postponed. Mr. tTomweii, wno was waiting in tie corridor outside the canal committee rooms.'" was then excused, subject to call of the committee. The action of the committee, howev i . contemplates the completion of the testl many of J. K. Market or Omaha. Neb." and he will be beard on Monday. After that any witnesses summoned will be- With a view to gathering Information for a ca nal bill. It Is likely that this will Includ.-' members of the canal commission - anil some members or tne consulting or engineers, jiartlculorly the American mem bers. - DEATH RECORD. Judge B. F. Graves. DKTROIT. March .1. Judge Renjumln K." Graves, former chief justice of the Michi gan supreme court, died today at his home In Detroit. Judge Graves was SS years old. He was the last survlvOr of the noted quar tet of Michigan Judges, Thomas Cnole.v", James V. Campbell, J Isaac. P. "O'liristlsncv and Judge Graves, whose decisions'' have IOI J-llf' l-,ljr tun. 111 ,,uiin m, law colleges throughout the t'nlted States!' lienor Romero Robledo. . MADRID. March J..-Senor Romero Rob-' ledo, the former minister of Justice, prcF- Ident of the chamber and leader of the Weyler pai'I. is dead. He had Suffered from bronchitis .for a long time. James II. Hogg. DALLAS. Tex.. March 3. Former Gov ernor James M. Hogg died at Houston this afternoon. Row Hoat Occupants Drown.. STKt'UKNVILLE, O.. March 3-tu u collision with the Virginia, the largi-si steamer on the Ohio river, a row boat, hi which were four men, was capsized at Mingo today, drowning Joseph Herhc, Gregory Maul and Gerbhurt Springer, while George Vlpchnlch, a saloonkeeper, will die. SPECIALS IN CLEANING AND PRESSING EVERY TUESDAY EVERY TCEBDAT we will clean and press any kind of ladies' (Cfls skirts for EVERY TI'KSDA Y we will clean and , press men's overcoats J QQ , Remember we do only first-class- work and thoroughly press and clean every garment. Sixteenth Street Dye Works 414 N. ICth 5. Ttl. 0m0. iVI Contestants may select fur subjects either ' Krypluk ' or Turlscue" lenses, or both. The merit of competing verses will be considered solely from a standpoint of good advertising and competitors must accept our Judgment as to their availability Verses for competition must be addresses to Ad- DPj . Columbian Optical Co., OmaJia, and self addressed stampM envelops enclosed to Insure their return In esse no prise Is awarded them. "ToricuV Ileuses are made for any wearer of glasses and for many reasons are su perior to any other lens mad for ths eyes. Owing toth-ir deep curve ther can'b m closer to the eye than the old form without touching the lashes, thus giving aa enlarged Held of vision and doing away with "seeing the edges." which Is so annoying to many persons. , The lerut la equally distant from the eye In looking at any angle. and vision Is lust as good when look- ins: through the edges as the center. le edges as the center. "Kryptok" lenses can also be made In m-s can shape. the "Toriscus J