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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1906)
TITE OMAIIA DAILY P.KK: SUNDAY, MAKCH 4. Wort. A REIGNING SPRING NOVELTIES IN IVIILLINERY, DRESS FARRICS and LADIES' SUITS 12 "FASHION'S fAVORITtS" BRANDEIS' EXCLUSIVE SPRING MILLINERY An early season for spring millinery .finds Brandeis' great style headquarters perfectly equipped. A wealth of beautiful new designs assembled for early showing reveal every settled style that enjoys fashion's favor. 9- w.nKVSK Twcxvm 8 wmr . 1 m 0RECF FROM THE OFfCE OF THE INSPECTOR OF CUSTOMS IMPORTERS SAMPLE PIECES OF LACE These are the choicest sample pieces of lace from the highest grade looms in the world. We i contracted for this special shipment as far back as last August. Kvery piece is selected for t its beauty of pattern and workmanship. Xo such display was ever VENICE LACES seen in Omaha before. Galloons, medallions, separate appliques and pendants. In white, cream and ecru. The pat terns are all new and extremely fine. In a regular way this fine lace should bring as high on'urT .. ... bs $1.00 yard Monday we offer your choice, LKVCntl LftCtb at, per yard PLAUEN LACES Wc 10c 39c ij BrandeW position as leader in th& xvestem wrldof millinery fashion demands that n o innovation, of 8tyl from Paris or New York can be omitted in our spring showing. Oar assemblage is a perfect and complete exposition of eosrg ph'ise of settled fashion. The small hat is the favorite for spring. Jaunty ttfects to harmonize with the trim character of the suits for 1906. The new Peter Pan turban, the dashing Katie Barry smilor. the little derby crown hats all are extremely modish. , SPECIAL ASSEMBLAGE OF STUNNING CI1 MODELS FROM NEW YORK DESIGNERS f V This 'is the first expression of accepted style in Manhattan as Rhown by the stunning designs of New York's master milliners. A splen- f EXTRA SPECIAL SALE TAPESTRYCURTAMS wo COUCH C0ERS did array of all the charming spring hats, including the new sailors, the swagger little turbans, the all flower hata, etc., shown exclusively by Brandei8i-sp"ec.ialat $10 BRANDEIS' SPRING tTATS AT $5 Here are the right up-to-dato spring models from New York as well as the adaptations of Parisian fashion by Brandels accomplished de signers. Hundreds of smart, becoming effects, Brandels' famous price 55 Fashion's Seal of Approval is on These Stunning Novelties in LADIES' TAILORED SUITS The leading styles. in ladies' tailored apparel are always found first at Brandeis'. )ur display is larger and more complete ' than can be found elsewhere in the west. . THE NEW SPRING SUITS The pony coat styles, the mart etons, etc.. made with the full circular skirt are the favorites for early spring. The pretty shades of old rose, coral, 'reseda, etc., are used largely, While grays are likewise popu lar. New style features, new fabrics, widest variety, at it-in 5 DRESSY SPRING COATS FOR LADIES' The new box effects, the dressy pony coats in coverts, etc., lined and unlined, perfectly tail ored, at '4-29 DAINTY NEW LINGERIE WAISTS White mulls and other soft, dainty fabrics eniov pormlaritv. the new styles show both the short and long sleeve effects the ' v., i ' , . m-Huuiuj iace insertions are extremely aud wri iuii luuiuivitiru i'm.-viOj tilt" J i mm M This $18,000 Cash Purchase -The Entire Stock on Hand of a Well Known Curtain Mill Enables Us to Offer the Most Extraordinary Bargains Ever Quoted in a Sale in the West. ONDAY THE SALE BEGINS This mill manufactured absolutely the highest grade of Ciw tains made in the United Slates. It is because it is so well known that we buy for spot wish, no matter how large the quantity, that some of the best bargains in the United States are offered first to us. From coast to coast BRANDEIS is known as one of the greatest cash buyers of reliable merchan dise in the United States. tVe Mention a Few of the Scores of Wonderful Bargains $25 PURE SILK CURTAINS at $2.50 Each First to Show the Reigning Tones in Gray Silks pi (Jrisaille, French grays in fancy and plaid weaves, gun metal effects and plenty of white and black effects for stun- f f ning shirt waist suits and dressy FA down fjf gowns, yard 1 DU fo Silks in the New Color Effects Old roses, new greeYis, helios, Alice blues, a superb assort- p ff ment checked silks, broken plaids with vine running I through, etc., 20 in. to 27 in. wide; Monday, yard r "PERU DE CUPID" 300 pieces of this stunning new 23-inch silk, in street and even- much favored. The circular skirt, with the graceful flare, leads all the styles in separate waihing shirts tor mis spring wear. Both for street and dress wear, they are very popular. v e are showing many specially stylish models in golf skirts prices are . . . . V9 to 24" MONDAY-A SPECIAL BARGAIN DAY IN EMBROIDERIES A brand new lot of high quality embroideries just out of the im port cases-many in the new open work effects, all widths of embroideries, iuscrfings and bands, medium widths and the ex tra wide corset cover embroideries and skirtings fine sheer and heavier quality Swiss, nain- f ( sook and cambric, worth as i 2fm f f fm J high as a yard, at "V mJ LADIES' SPRING NECKWEAR, Hand made, silk braided effects in neckwear, the newest spring ideas, white, black, cream and fancy colors also collar and cuff sets and fancy chemisettes, values up to f oe each, on bargain square, at, each lt)C"i jC HANDKERCHIEF SECONDS frm Belfast Manufacturers. These are finest all Irish linen convent hemstitched handkerchiefs also ladies fine hand embroidered handkerchiefs., f worth up to 50e each, special Monday, at . . .' lt)C In this lot are all the rich brocaded pure silk portieres, all those elegant real tapestry designs in panel effects, and all of those heaviest silk" mercerized portieres in plain colors with tapestry borders, and all the brocaded velour and plush curtains. It is impossible on paper to describe this grand lot of curtains. In the regular way they would often sell at $25.00 per pair. These are in pairs and sin gle curtains. All to be sold at, each TAPESTRY CURTAINS 159 Worth up to $10.00 a Pair; at, Each, & In this lot are all the heavily mercerized portieres, all the tapestry bordered cur 'tains, all the plain colored corded edge curtains. These must be seen to be appreciated. All the $5 Curtains at 98c Each -1"1 o are 8"ch up estry curtaina.of every kind aud description as are generally sold at $5.00 per pair. These wo have placed in one big lot at, each ... 2 and 1( 98c $10 Oriental Couch Covers at $2.98 Each In this lot are all those extra heavv Oriental effect Couch Covers are usually sold at $10.00 each. These come in one big lot; at, each 55 and 57.50 Couch Covers, 98c and $1.98 All the Bagdad, French stripe and other Ori ental Couch Covers, really worth up to $7.50 each. This is the lot that has been displayed In our front show win dow and created so much talk; each 98c-Vl-Vl $1.25 Couch Covers at h9c Each In this lot are all ot the French stripe Couch Covers that usually sold at $1.23 each; they are full 6ize and go at, ea. , 49c 55 Silk Tapestry at Wc Yard- most extraordinary bargains ever offered by any house. ,Thi is without question one of the It is 54 Inch wide genuine silk tapestry, In a handsome line of colors, to be sold at the. extraordinary price of, per yard 49c 51 TAPESTRY A th striped Tapestry usu T.(. viton a"y sold at $1.00 per yard. It ft I 23C YftKU is 54 In. wide. In wide gm and narrow stripe, and is to be sold tS the remarkable price of, per yard mmJ tf ?5 SHK PI fJSH Long and short mill t .jlTor? remnants of various AT 25C A YARD kinds of silk up- im holstery plush. In every color; goes atrj the remarkable price of, per yurd mmf TABLE COVERS All th Table Covers from this great pur chas these are 6-4 and 8-4 size a eplen did line of eolors positively worth as high as 12.50 each: at, each OC- CSIh " nrrl af r Vrarf Heavy Mercerized Silk Cord, in all colors, and Tap- C Ollli IriOrU at DC a 1 aTQ estry and Velour Border, suitable for portieres and couch covers: never sold at less than 23c per yard; In this sale, per yard 49c n 5c 3C 3E MONDAY A SPECIAL SALE OF RARE IMPORTED SILKS Entire Collection of the finest Sample Pieces From BRUNET LECOMTE GERIN CO.. 2H Place Tolozon, Lyons, France. This is an assemblage of extremely high character boxight sptvially for Brandeis by. our European buyer, M. Koditil of Paris. These silks are all samples, made expressly for the leading mod iste of Fifth avenue, Xew York. The patterns are exclusive and the styles and color effects the most beautiful ever seen here. I'eau de Lyon, Tiadia Faconne, Soie Itadieuse, Feau de Messalinu (Quadrille, Noie Uracieuse, Crepe Den gale. I'eau tie Cygne Oris aille, specially adapted for party and reception gowns newest shades of Alice, coral, vieux rose, new French grays, J r f champagne, ciel creme in plain and glace values jU J 1 up to $4.00 yard. The window display has attracted If i much notice; the price Monday YARB BLACK SILKS Km- Swl Flnloli Dre and Lin ing TanVta at $1.2i i7-ln. Costume Taffeta (Lion lirand) at, yrd tl M 3K-m. wH SprHnl Ixom Fln- in marK silk, yard. 57c 75c 98c $1.75 45-ln. BlHck Crepe d Chine. f At very lustroun I.WJ WHITE SILKS Our own Importation from Japan 300 pieces of various widths, all hand woven, all washable. Shang hai. Halmtal. Japanese and China silk. 36 In. to 20 in.; Mon- JC- day, 80c down to. ing shades, adapted for dresses, waists and linings specially made for this house; Monday, in special silk booth at Arcade entrance, yard 39c IMPORTANT SALEl Spring Dress Goods All the stock on hand of fresh new Dress Fabrics from THE LEADING PASSAIC, N. J., MILLS, together with fine Spring goods from the famous JAMESTOWN, N. Y.t MILLS $1.50 SPRING DRESS GOODS 69c YD. On front bargain square new spring styles that are selling up to $1.50, fine Taffeta Pop- lins. Chiffon Panama, Worsted huitings, tine Serges, Tailor Serges, Mohairs, etc. black and colors, 46 to ,54 inches wide, per yard, at $2.00 DRESS GOODS at 89c YD. Spring goods, black and colors. 54 inch Worsted Panama, Mohair, Melrose Pu nella, Clay Worsteds, Chiffon Panama, Poplin, every style and weave in the greatest ' demand today, values up to $2.00, at, yard. $1.00 SPRING DRESS GOODS at 49c YD. Fine black Mohair Lustres, Panamas, Chiffon Panamas, Worsted Twills, 44 inch Granites, all colors and styles in the greatest demand today, worth up to $1.00, at a yard ; ' proof cloths, 25 69c 89c 49c Cravenette water pieces, many new shades, 1.75 grade, at, yard $1 39c Ten pieces 54 inch Cream Panama. $1.60 grade, a yard, Seventy-five pieces Silk and Wool Crepe, pin dots, Eollennes and fine (LQf French Illusion Voiles, sold up to $2.00 a yard, ... w-w GREY DRESS GOODS One hundred pieces of new styles Just In are 20 per cent below J 1125m 159 New York prices at,, yard " tiOe and 75c grades of Silk Eollenne, rich printed and shadow effect, washable, 27 inch Loutsenes Silk, at, yard FIXE WHITE ROBES Dress goods department, 25 pretty, white French Batiste embroidered Robes, selling elsewhere at $7.50, Zl75 at ; . - Elegant Tulle and dotted net robes, J $25 New Wash Goods Are Being Displayed Fine hand made French Linens, sheer or heavier, whit and color, Washable Chitfon lii-, all colors and styles, a yard 25c Unstarched Frenoh Swiss, 42 Inch, with small dots, a yard 59c 44 inch Mercerized Batiste, regular 75c grade, at, yard 45c Just received new lots of cloths specially adapted for aklrta. Our Ladies' Tailor will make them up at nominal cost. We guarantee work, fit and prompt delivery. SHEET MUSIC DEPT. ARCADE A FINE VIOLIN AND OUTFIT Violin Is seasoned beachwood rubbed in oil to fine piano polish, one full size bow, set of strings, rosin, all In a hard wood violin case Just to introduce our department Japanese Iron Musk Stands, W)rlh $t.00, on Sale, 50c. Compltle tot $5.9 94 The New Court Ties and Christy Ties Are the Style Fzvorites lor Spring. Both in the new dull leathers and the smart patent cojtskins these low shoes will have great popularity this spring the new gun metals are very dressy; styles are all new we mention spe- 50 $T 150 - cials, at 1.AIUKS' HKJH SHOES IX KW lBO HTVLES Buttou. lai e or bluc her st)les all the dull or shiny leathers, styles made for comfort and smart appearance as well ut MKV'S KTV1.ISH KHOKM FOX Kl'IUNU The new swing lasts are style leuder Brandeis' show the new styles in advance of other houstts wide range of prices P3.250.350.J5 ire style leaders ,250-3'35045 In conjunction with our great sheet music department, we are opening up a line of musical merchandise and small instruments. Values to suit the economical ones in violins, mandolins, guitars, harmonicas, tambourines, metranomes, in strument cases, accordeons, music stands, music rolls, stringo and all musical merchandise. Muoir Kolls Good service for little money, black or tan. worth $1.25, on sale Collection of the Latest hits "I'icnic for Two," "Have You Seen My Henry Brown?" "Beauty Lane seven others, worth 25c each it bought separately- entire collec tion at 64c aud 18c JAPANESE NOVELTIES, in Arcade A thousand dainty novelties in chinaware, bric-a-brai etc. priced very reasonably.