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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1906)
10 HIE OMAHA DAILY. BEE: SUNDAY, MARCH 4. IMC,. A o Good For Any Pain That Gan Be Reached Externally, Omega Oil is an extraordinary and unusual lini ment It is antiseptic and' healing in its action. You don't have to buy bottle after bottle before you can tell whether, it's good or not. One or two applications will give relief. A bottle ought to be in every home in the land. The 50::. size will last the average family a year, but for 10c you can get the trial size and see just what it will do in stopping pain. It comes in mighty handy for a Sprain or Bruise, for Toothache or Neuralgia, for Sore throat and Cold in Chest, and for the many little aches and pains that most p:ople suffer from occasionally. Don't forget that Omega Oil is for external use only. In its use there is no danger of injuring the di gestion or shattering the nerves, or becoming addicted to the use of strong drugs. It's just as safe to use on children as grown people. Often it proves a blessing to those whose pains are hard to bear. r There is no case of Rheumatism so bad that Omega Oil won't at least give relief. Boh old and new cases yield to its. influence. The body of this famous liniment is a sweet vegetable oil, which, as every one knows, is a good thing for the ilesh, muscles and joints. You may not believe in external treatment, but you will change your opinion after using Omega Oil. It's a mistake to -be prejudiced against a good rermdy like Omega Oil. Give it a trial if you suffer from Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Sore Throat, Cold in Chest, Dificult Breathing, Swollen Tonsil?, Asthma, Bronchitis, Quinsy, Bruises, Sprains, Sore Feet, Weak Backs, Sore Muscles, Swel.ings ani Inflamma tion. Omega Oil, being for external use only, is made strong. Liniments for both internal and external use have to be made weak. That is the reason why Omega Oil overcomes many pains when other linimjnts fail. FAMILY DOCTOR BOOK FREE mm With each bottle cf Omega Oil is given away free a 40-page Family Doctor Book. This book tells how to treat and cure at heme many of the ccrrmcn and also erious diseases that afflict the family. People say the Family Doctor Book is worth ten times what it costs to buy Omega Oil. TOPICS FOR A DAY. OF REST. Ticket are now being sold by the women of the First Unitarian church for a benefit concert to be held In the First Congrega tloruil church Friday evening March lfi. These tickets may be exchanged for re served seat tickets at Hospe's music store. Already 300 or more seats have been tuken by the friends and patronesses, among whom are the following: Mrs. Georgo A. Joslyn, Mrs. J. II. Pratt, Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlrk, Mrs. N. M. Mann, Mrs. W. A. Smith, Mrs. Draper Smith, Mrs. Mary Q. Andrews. Mrs. Hnrold Glfford, Miss Carrie Millard, Miss Helen Millard. Mrs. Herman KoUntxe. Mrs. Luther Kountze, Mrs. Charles Kountze, Mrs. C. C. Allison, Mrs. F. A. Nash, Mrs. I F. Crofoot, Mrs. Guy Howard. Mrs. K. M. Fairfield. Mrs. W. J. f'onnell, Mrs. Alfred Millard, Mrs. Clement t'huse. Mrs. Arthur Guiou, Mrs E. A. Cudahy, Mrs. G. V. Loomis, Mrs. T. M. Orr, Mrs. George W. Holdregc. Mrs. A. B. Smith, Mrs. M. L. learned, Mrs. Edward Roscwater, Mrs. Andrew Rosewater, Mrs. Frank Colpetxer, Mrs. N. Merrlom, Mrs. 13. G. McGilton, Mrs. A. B. Bomers, Mrs. Hubert C. Herring, Mrs. Georgo Barker, Mrs. F. 8. Cowglll. Mrs. R. 8. Hall, Mrs. George L. Miller, Mrs. Arthur Brandeis, Mrs. W. 8. Poppleton. The following artists have been engaged: Mrs. Mnbell Crawford Wclpton, c-ontralto; Mrs. B. J. Bcanncll, soprano; Miss Vera Allen, soprano; Alexander C. Stewart, tenor; Ira B. Penulnian, baritone George Barker, violinist ;f II. H. Allen, organ ac companist; Miss Corinne Paulson, pianist and accompanist. Mrs. A. B. Hunt Is In charge of the musicale. . t V. K. Whitehead, secretary of the Colo rado bureau of child and animal protec tion, will give a lecture, illustrated by sterroptlcon, under the auspices of the Ne braska Humane society, at the First Con gregational church, Nineteenth and Daven port streets, Sunday evening. Two series of sermons are Wing preached by the Rev. John Albert Williams at the Church of St. Philip the Deacon on thj Sundays In Lent. At the morning service the subject of the series Is "Jesus In the Wilderness; or. The Temptation of Christ;" the evening series Is on "The Beatitudes." The following music will be given at the First Congregational church. Nineteenth and Davenport streets, 8unday morning; Martin W. Bush, organist; Ira B. Fennl man, director: Prelude Melody Moskowskl Anthem All Praise to God Wagner (Unas solo, unaccompanied quartet and chorus.) Offertory Andantino I-enare Offertory Anthem Awake! Up! My Glory Barnby Quartet and Chorus. Postlude Nachtspicl Noble Music at the First Methodist church: MORNING. Prelude, Carillon H'arflebeck Anthem, "O, Come, Let Us Worship".. Hlmmel Solo-Mrs. Ellis. Offertory, "Romania" Dunham Postlude, "Marche Trlumphale"... .Dubois EVENING. Prelude, Offertolre : Batiste Anthem, "O. How Amiable" barnby Solo Mrs. Ellis. Postloile, "March of the Priests." "Ath- alle" Mendelssohn J. C. NORMA N RICHARDS. Organist und Choirmaster. Music at First Baptist church: MORNING. Organ prelude, "Rrvrrle Anthem; Offertory Weary" Postlude Jubilate," solo, "Oh, In D... Eyes Mrs. Welty. EVENING. Organ prelude, "Traumrol Nleordl Thickstun That Are Brackett Mendelssohn Schumann Anthem, "Oh, Jesus, Thou Art Stand ing" , Hyatt Offertory solo Selected Mr. WIHuir. MRS. ANDREWS. Organist and Director. The special muslcul service arranged for Sunday evening at Trinity Methodist church has been postponed until a week from Sunday night on account of the union meeting at "the First Methodist church. The meetings at the Second Presbyterian church have been encouragingly well at tended during the last week. It has been thought best by the session of tne church to continue them through another week. Accordingly there will be meetings each evening except Saturday ut 8 o'clock, ths pastor preaching. These meetings are open to all and a general Invitation is extended to everybody Interested to attend. Music at the Kountze Memorial Lutheran, E. D. Keck, choirmaster: Processional Beautiful Saviour German Melody Gloria Patria T. Norrl Gloria in Kxoelsis old Chant Epistle Lesson with Response, "Christ Has Humbled Himself" Fr. Rlegcl Gospel Lenson with Response, "Praise Be to Thee, Oh God" LayrU Anthem Incline Thine Ear to Me. ..Htinmel Mr. S. S. Hamilton and Chorus. Hymn There ir a Fountain Filled with Blood Mason Offertory Create Within Me a Clean Heart Rlegel Recessional All Hall the Power of Jesus' Name Holden EVENING. Processional Come, Thou Ever Blessed Jesus Verclcle Make Haste. Oh God, to De liver Me Response Make Haste to Help Me, Oh Lord Lnyrlz Hymn There is Wldeness In God's Mercy Richards Anthem Oh. Saviour of the World Goss Hymn Ye Humble Souls Approach Your God Dykes Dut There is a Ijind Klein Miss Hazel Livingston. Mr. C. J. Francisco. Recessional Jesus, King of Glory. ...Haydn Rev. Lucius O. Balrd has been confined to his home the last week by a severe Ill ness and the, doctor has forbidden his op tica ranoe tn the pulpit on Sunday. In con sequence the first of his series of sermons on "The Old Faith In the New IJght" will be omitted, the series being Introduced next week with a short preludjoverlng the ground of the first sermon. Dr. M. B. Ixiwrle will preach Sunday morning and Rev. Herbert L. Miljs Sunday afternoon. Thomas Paine will be considered as a contributor to religious liberty in America by Rev. Newton Mann of Unity church in his sermon Sunday morning. Dubois' "Seven Last Words of Christ" will be given by the chorus of the North Side Christian church Good Friday night. April 13, at 8 o'clock. This year the regu lar chorus will be enlarged for the occa sion. Mrs. C. A. Mangum, soprano; James Knight, tenor, and II. B. McPherrln, bari tone, will be the soloists, as last year. The support will be increased. Places in or chestra: Miss Edith Miller, piano; Miss THAT ONE WEAK SPOT. "Kidney sickness robs the back of all Its power and strength. It's hard to lift, to stoop or straighten, and even to get up from a chair. This indescribable weakness of the back, the endless dull aching that goes with It, are never falling symptoms of kidney complaint. A bud back is Na ture's signal of distress, a call for help from the kidneys. The aching tells of dangerous congestion that robs the kidneys of their blood filtering power, or painful, wasting inflammation. There is immediate need for Doan's Kidney Pills to relieve the pain and heal the diseased kidneys, to ward off more fatal and painful disorders. If you are not sure your kidneys are affected, but do suspect, it, try the urine. Set a bottle full aside for 24 hour, and if it then shows a cloudy settling at the bottom, or a sandy sedi ment, you will know you need Doan's Kldpey Pills at once. Neglect of such troubles as these is what brings on thousands of rases of dropsy, diabetes and fatal Blight's disease. Healthy kidneys keep you well by keeping the blood jiure. Sick kidneys S'E2 ry Picture Tell a Story" keep you sick by failing to purify the blood. This is the cause of many forms of rheumatism, neuralgia and gout; of such nervous troubles as headache, irritability, dizzy spells, de pression; of palpitation of the heart, stomach troubles, liver complaint; of lagrlppe, colds, chills; of half the aches and ills of humanity. Learn to keep the kidneys well. Doan's Kidney Pills will do it for you. Grateful residents of this city testify. Their statements prove It to you. OMAHA PKOOF: John C. Hoefler, stock keeper of the third floor in the McCord-Brady Company's wholesale grocery, living at 2627 Charles street, says: "I had a weak back for nearly three years. Sometimes It ached continually, par ticularly so if I stooped or lifted. I used medicine said to be good for the kidneys, but the trouble still con tinued. An announcement about Doan's Kidney Pills In our daily papers led me to procure a box at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store, corner 15th and Douglas streets. The treatment cured me." , f DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. 1 fold by all dealers. Prlc fVO rents. FOSTER-MIT-BURN CO., Buffalo. N. T.. Proprietors J Lucy Miller, first violin; Mrs. Robert Br.i der, second violin; Robert Brader, bns viol, and Miss Swanson, harp. Mrs. J. H. Klrchsteln, orgunlst and director, An nouncements of music will be made from week to week. A musical program ar'St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church Will be as follows: MORNING. W.30. Processional. j'Uod the Lord a King Re- niaineth" Smart G'orla Patri................ Crotch Canticle, Venite exultemus (95th Psalm) Goodson Anthem, "Call to Remembrance" ' Farrant (15X0) Offertory, An andnnte Tschaikowsky VESPERS. 4:30. Processlal, "Bightly Gleams Our Ban ner" Ft. Haydn Canticle, De Profundls Ancient Special Lenten hymn, "In the Hour of Trial" Lane (Sung by the choir unaccompanied.) . Offertory (organ), Serejadn Jensen Anthem, "Whoso Dwelleth" Sir George Martin Recessional, "Weary of Earth" Laugnin Rev. B. F. Fellman, pastor of Grace Baptist church, will preach ot 10:15 Sunday morning on "Law Enforcement and Public Morals." The music at the North Side Christian church, Twenty-sixth and Grant streets, will be as follows: MORNING. Processional, "Be still." Response, "lord's Prayer" (chanted). Anthem, "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say." EVENING. Processional. "Cross of Jesus" Stainer Offertory, "All Things Come of Thee, O Lord." Anuthem, "It Is Jesus" Mrs. Mangum and chorus. The annual meeting of the board of the Nebraska Methodist hospital and Deaconess home will be held Tuesday, March 8, at 2 o'clock, at the Commercial club rooms. A special meeting of the Omaha Minis terial union, to dicuss the evangelistic campaign in Omaha, will be held Monday morning, March S, at 10:30 at the First Presbyterian church, Seventeenth and Dodgo streets. An account of the absence of Rev. Q. A. Deck of the First United Evangelical church Assistant Y'oung Men's Christian Association Secretary Rothery will take charge of the services. Rev. Mr. Deck and wife left this week for Hastings, Neh., where, on March 8, the annual conference convenes. T. W. C. A. Soles. The fifth number of the entertainment course, which was to have been given Mon. day evening. March 12. will not begin on account of the pressure of work resulting from the finance campaign. . The regular gospel service will be held Sunday afternoon at 4:30 in the assembly room of the association. Rev. J. W. Con ley, D. D., pastor or the First Baptist church, will speak. Mrs. E. A. Weathers will Bing. Lunch will be served at 6.30. All women are invited. The millinery class, which was very popular last full, will resume Its work Tuesday evening, March 6. at 7:0 p. m. Miss Rose McSliane. who has hud charge of the class fur several seasons, will teach' It again. The tuition fee is II for ten les sons for all members of the association. Miscellaneous Anmiairrutsti, Park Forest Chapel, Twelfth and Do minionSunday school at 3 p. in. Ontario Street Chapel, Eighteenth and Ontario Sunday school at S p. m. Church of the Covenant. Twenty-seventh and Pratt. Rev. K. T. Bell, Pustor Serv ices at 1 30 und 7.30. Grand View Baptist Sunday School, Fourth and Cedir. Rev. George D. Madi son, Superintendent Meets at 3:30. Third Presbyterian. Twentieth und Leavenworth, Rev. John E. Siiencer, Pas torServices at in: 30 and J:3u; Sunday school at 3. Second 'Presbyterian. Twonty-foui th and Nicholas, Rev. Newman Hall Hurdles, pas tor Preaching ul lu.Js and 7:30; sermon to children at i. First Presbyterian. Seventeenth and Dodge Services at lo:30 and 7:3o. preach ing by Rev. James A. Worden, I). D., LL. p.. of Philadelphia. ' Swedish Methodist, Nineteenth and Burt, Rev,. Peter Muusen, Pastor Preaching at 11 and 7:45: Sunday school at 10. young peo ple's meeting at k.ifi. Plymouth Congregational. A. J. Fuisom. t Pastor .AloroiiiB avrvlua, tu lu 3v Hihie school at noon; no evening service; Chris tian Endeavor at 8::). Westminster Presbyterian, Mason anl Georgia Avenue, Rev. T. V. Moore, Fastor Rev. Stephen Phelps. D. D.. of Rellevue will preach morning and evening; morning subject, "The Exaltation of Christ," serv ice at 10:30; evening. 7:30, subject. "Savin Faith." Sunday school at noon: Christian Endeavor ut ti:30 p. m. Dr. Phelps will preach each evening during the week ex cept Saturday and pastor will hold Bible meetings each ufternoon and Saturday. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Twenty firth and Sunday school at 9:45; morning service at 11; evening service at 8; topic of lesson-sernion. "Substance." First t'nlted Presbyterian, Twenty-first and Emmet, Rev. David R. Turnbull, Pas torServices at 10:30 and 7:S0; Bible school at noon; young people's meeting ut 6:30. Calvary Baptist Branch, Thirty-fourth and Seward, Rev. Ks R. Curry, Pastor Sunday, 3:30 p. m., Bible school; Thursday, 7:45 p. in., gospel service. North Side Christian, Twenty-sixth and Grant, Rev. B. J. Klrschstetn, Pastor Morning subject, "Heathen Responsibili ties"; evening, "The Church the Body of Christ." Church of St. Philip the Deacon, Rev. John Albert Williams. Prlcst-tn-Charge Holy communion, 7:30 and 11 a. in.; con firmation lecture, 4 p. m.; evensong and sermon, 8 p. m. Reformed Church, Central Boulevard and Twenty-third, Rev. F. S. Zaugg, Pastor Sunday school at '2:30; preaching service at 3:30; subject of sermon, "The Divine Pat tern of Church Work." Unity, Seventeenth and Cass, Rev. New ton Mann, Minister Hour, 10:30; lecture, "The Freethinkers' Contribution to Re ligious Liberty In America Thomas Paine;" Sunday school at noon. People's, Rev. Charles W. Savldge. Pastor Morning, a sermon to children, "Honoring Our Parent and Practicing Thrift"; even ing, "The Struggle for the Prizes of Time and Eternity Contrasted." , First Christian. Nineteenth and Farnam, 8. D. Dutcher, Pastor Bible school at :4i a. m.; preaching at 11 and 7:30; Christian Endeavor at 6:15; morning sermon subject, "A United Church and a Believing World;" evening. "A Faithful and Worthy Saying." St. Mark's English Lutheran, Twenty first and Burdette, Rev. L. Groh. Pastor Services at'lo:k und 7:30; morning subject, "l.ient and Its Privileges" ; evening, "Old Testament Fuith"; Sunday, school al noon; young people al t:13. First Baptist, Twenty-ninth Avenue and Harney, Rev. J. W. Conley, D. D., Pastor Services at 10:30 and 7:30; morning ser mon, "An Unasked Wuestlon;" evening, "An Unspeakable Privilege;" Sunday school at noon; youn people's meeting at 6:30 p. in. Grace Baptist. Tenth and Arbor, Rev. B. F. Fellman, Pastor Services at 10:46 and 7:45; morning sermon, followed by com munion, "U Enforcement und Public Morals"; Sunday school at noon; Junior union at 3; young people's prayer meeting at 7. St. Mary's Avenue Congregational Serv ices at 10:30 und 4:30. Dr. M. B. Ixiwrie of the Presbyterian Theological seminary will preach In the morning, und Rev. Herbert L. Mills tif Hillside church will preach at the vesper service. Theme for the latter, "A Sacred Memory." Hirst Memorial Methodist. Thirty-fourth and I.urimore, lie v. William Esplln, Pastor Clans meeting at 10; preaching at 10 43 and 7:30; Sunday school at noon: Junior league ut 3: Epworth league at ti:30; Bible study Tuesday evening; prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Trinity Cathedral, Capitol Avenue and Eighteenth. Very Rev. George A. Beecher. Dean Holy communion at s: hospital serv ices it 9:15; Sunday school and Bible cluss at s:45; holy communion and sermon at 11; confirmation instruction ut 3:30; evening prayer und sermon at 7:30. Dundee Presbyterian. Fiftieth and Un derwood Avenue, Thomas K. Hunter, Pas torMorning worship ut 10:30; evening ut 7:30, when Rev. Joshua Rlule will preach; Sabbath school at noon; Junior Endeavor ut 3.40; Senior Endeavor at 6:30; prayer meeting Wednesday at V p. in. Low Avenue Presbyterian. Fortieth and Nicholas, Rev. A. 8. C. Clarke, Pastor Morning service at 10:30. subject "Co-operation"; vesper service at 4:3o. subject "The Profit of (iodlliiess"; Sunduy school ut noon; Junior Kndeuvor ut 3: Renoir En d avor ut 0.3O; Bible study Wednesday ut 7 Central United Presbyterian. Twenty fourth und tJodge. Rev. R. U. A. McBrlde. Pastor Morning worship at 10:30. sermon subject "Influence"; evening worship at 7:3. sermon subject. "The King's Notion of What Is Worth While"; Sulibuth school st noon; young people's piuyer meeting at 6:30. Castellar Street Presbyterian, Sixteenth and Castellar. Rev. Walter it. Reynolds, pastor Preaching at 10 : Sunday school, with orclu'stra. at noon: Endeavor society at :3t; preaching st 7:30 by Rev. Dr. T. K. Hunter of the Dundee church; special meetings will be held ut 7:45, except Satur day, every evening, at which Dr. Hunter will preach. First Congregational. Nineteenth and Davenport, Rev. Hubert C. Herring. D. !., Pastor Services at 1" 30 and i 30: Sunday school at noon; Christian Endeavor at 6:1X1. E. K. Whitehead, secretary Colorado Bureau for Protection! of Children and Animals, will speak in the evening, with stereoptlcon illustrations. Clifton Hill lYesbyterlan. Forty-fifth and Grant. Rev. R. L. Purdy, Pastor Preach ing nt 10:30 and 7:3o; morning subject, "Transformation versus Conformation"; evening. "The Call to Dlsclpleshlp " ; Sun day school at noon: children's meeting at 3:3o; Christian Endeavor at 6:30; midweek meeting Wednesday at 8. Kountze Memorial Lutheran, Rev. John E. iluuimon. Pastor Services morning and evening at 10:30 and 7:30; morning subject, t'The Temptation ot Christ in Hit- Wilder ness"; evening, "David's Sin and Confes sion"; mhl week conference every Wednes day evening during Lent; Sunday school at noon; young people's prayer service at 6:30. Hillside Congregational, Thirtieth and Ohio. Rev. Herbeit L. Mills, Pastor Mom ing service, with observance of the Ixird's supper, at 10:30, subject "A Test of Dis clpleshlp"; Sunday school at noon: Junior Endeavor at 3; Intermediate Endeavor at 4: young people's meeting at i:3o; evenln worship ut 7:30, subject "A Hero of the Cross. Knox Presbyterian. Nineteenth Street boulevard and Ohio, Rev. M. V. Higbee. Pastor Communion at 10:30 and reception of members; Sabbuth school at noon: Junior Endeavor ct 3: young people's auxiliary at 6:30; evening worship at 7:30. theme "Better Than Being Happy." Dr. James A. Worden of Philadelphia will speak Wednesday evening in placo of the uuul prayer meeting. Imnianuel Baptist, Twenty-fourth and Einney, Rev. P. H. McDowell, Pastor Services ut 10:30 and 7:30; morning subject. "The Food and Drink of tho 8onl"j at the morning service the Ixird's supper will be observed and the band of fellowship given; evening subject. "The Capitalized Church of Christ"; Bible school st noon: juniors at 3:30; young people's at :3o; prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:43. Graee Lutheran, South Twenty-sixth and Poppleton Avenue, Rev. M. L. Melick. Psa lor First Sunday in Lent, (he services adapted to the day: morning sendee at I0:4."; evening at 7:30; Sunday school at 12:15: I. other league at 6:30; prayer meeting on Wednesday night; Bible claj-s Friday al 4. An entertainment. "A Model School of Fifty Years Ago,'' will be jrlven by forty persons iin Friday night, March 8. Calvary Baptist, Twentyflfth and Hamil ton, Rev. E. R. Curry, Pastor Services at 10:30 and 7:30; morning subject, "The Per sonality of Authority;" Lord's supper st tho close of service and hand of fellowship given new members; evening subject, "Th Young Disciple and His Amusements;" baptism at the close of sermon; Blbls school at noon; men's Banica class at noon; young people's service at 6:30 p. m.; Wednesday. H p. in., midweek prayer and praise service. . An Knaaalna- Doctor. uses gentle means, such ns Electric Bit ters, lu curing dangerous diseases, like Bllliousness, Dyspepsia, etc. 60r. For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Oo. Make Ypur Wants Known Through Ths Bee Want Ad Tage. Ronali Itlder Deputy Marshal. J. A. I'roctor of Omaha, appointed early In February us deputy United States mar shal, entered upon his duties Friday. Mr. Proctor was formerly an employe of the Omaha Street Railway company and was a member of a Rough Rider regiment dur ing the SpiintHh-Aiiicrlcun war. With ths appointment of Mr. I'roctor the force of deputy marshals now consist of J. O. Mnore of Palmyra. John F. Stiles of Dakota City, liOgan Sammons of Kearney and J. A. Proo tor of Omaha, nn Held deputies; J. B. Nlek erson of Omaha, -xtenographxr, and Earl Mathews of Omaha, chief office deputy. The force Is Increased by one over that of former Marshal T. L Mathews' administration. A Friend in Need THAT thin, little, 10-cent Box of Cascarets. When carried constantly; in your Vest Pocket, cr in " my Lady's" Pursa it will ward off ninety par cent of Life's ordinary Ills. Eat one of the six candy tablets con tained In that "Vest Pocket Box" whenever you suspect you need one. It can't hurt you, and is sore Insurance: igalnst serious sickness. Wanl of Exercise, indoor Employment, weaken the Bowel Muscles, just as they weaken Arm and Leg Muscjes . The Muscles lose tone, tension, strength, lo foreo the food onward. And the longer they stay In that state . the weaker they become, because the less exercise they get through the slow pass age of food. Cascarets contain the only combination of drugs that acts on the Muscles of the Bowels and Intestines, just as Cold Water, or Exercise, act on a Lazy man. They act like Exercise. t When you have Heartburn, Colic, Coated Tongue, Suspected Breath, Acid-rlsing-in-throat, Gas-belching, or an Incipient Cold, take a Cascaret. Remember, all these are riot merely Discomforts, but Indications of a serious Cause. Nip them in the bud eat a Candy Cascaret. Cascarets don't purge, nor punish the stomach like " Bile-driving " "Physics." They act like Exercise on the Bowel Muscles that propel Food, and that squeeze the natural Digestive Juices of the body Into Food. Cascarets ward off, or cure, the follow ing diseases: Constipation Bad Brtath x Bilioumttt hut tUi Indigefticn Iteadacks Dyspepsia DiarrheHt Torpid Liver Flatulemt Appendicitis Hives Rheumatism Jaundkt Catarrh A'ausea Colic Vertigo Scrofula PitpUt Womanly Troubles Worms Bio tckes Biles Ectema I 'htrs Dysentery In such cases a little Cascaret In tjme It worth fifty dollars worth of Treatment later on, to say nothing of the suffering, discomfort, loss of Business Energy, and loss of Social Sunshine it saves. A coming Headache can be warded stf in short order, by a single Cascaret, and the cause removed. Heartburn, Cas-belchlng, Acid-risings In the throat, and Colicky feeling are aura signs of bowel trouble from food poisons, and should be dealt with promptly. One Cascaret will stop the coming trou ble, and move on the Bowel load, if taken at the first signs. Don't fall to carry the Vest Pocket Box of Cascarets with you constantly. Al! Druggists sell them over ten million boxes a year. 'Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Com pany and never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC." tr FREE TO OUR miXMDSt Wt wist to tend to ear Meads s Vfjl 'rench-OMlned. GOLD PLATED BOH BON lif kard-taaiiitied to coIms, It U a teaslr tm Us dressing Ubls. fro crats la ttaafs i Mked a aieaw at food faith tad to w irrirrti. wits wbictEU"Out trtakst to IssdeC Tit Snd to-day. meodouiiif this saser, Addrnd Stciufic Justed beuiftur. Cawags sr In farts