Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Uncle Sam Refinery No.
on the Banks of
the Missouri, Wearing Completion
From Northern Texas to tb Great Lases Uncle Sam's company, backed by the
common people of the Nation, will secure and maintain supremacy of the oil trade
regardless of the dirty millions of the Oil trust. One hundred and twenty-two more
distributing stations will be established during the next six months In Kansas, Okla
homa, Arkansas, Missouri, Northern Texas, Nebraska, Iowa and Illinois. j
Refinery No. 1, at Cherryvale, Kas., now In successful operation. Refinery No.
3, on the banks of the Missouri by Atchison,' now partly built and being rushed to
completion, will be ready to refine oil In less than 100 days. Lands secured and
specifications submitted for Refinery No. 2 at Tulsa, I. T., on the banks of the Arkan
' iu, where foundation work will commence In ten days.
Cash paid In for stock and refined oil for the past three days averaged a little
better than TWO ($2,000) THOUSAND DOLLARS per day. FOUR (1439.000)
THOUSAND (5,400) FOUR HUNDRED stockholders now enrolled, besides public sen
timent Is with the company. Strong effort will be made to secure the BALANCE of
the next 60 days. This Is a poor man's company, fighting for principle as well ss
financial gain. If you are in favor of a square deal in the oil fields, better Invest
your mite and use your influence for the Uncle Sam Company, as it Is the only for
midable foe to oil trust oppression west of the Appalachian mountains.
From the Northern Indian Territory Oil fields, clear across Kansas 'from its
southern to northern border a main trunk pipe line will be completed to the banks
of the Missouri st Atchison, wbere, by light steel barges, the great trade centers of
Northern and Central Missouri valley states will be reached by river free from oil
trust railroads, while from the great refinery soon to be built on the banks of the
Arkansas at Tulsa, Indian Territory, a refined til line will be built down the Arkansas
river to Fort Smith, where barges will be load and taken to Little Rock, Arkansas,
and on down to the Mississippi river to the Gulf and Uncle Sam sold all over the
lower Mississippi valley states where Uncle Sam already has over ONE THOUSAND
stockholders to defend Its rights and more joining every hour.
'yPictnre of the first two carloads of
) it-finery on the banks of the Missouri by Atchison.
Whes tha V'nrU Sum rempenr eerure the It-acre farm on tlx Mteeenrl river juet south
at Atr.hlaon and annosncee: tkat It would build reflnerv No. t at thla location, cortain wlao (ill
as 14 tho Unci Sam eompany would navor build tho aald raflnarjr. Wall, It la a eaao of making
good again and of throwing tbe lla back Into tba tooth et thaao hlrollnga. Oo up to Atchlaon now
and you will And from ton to thirty man running tho work on tho foundatlona of tho at Ilia and and
tho foundatlona tor tha big tanka and dlatlllato tanka already com pi nod. alao offleo building,
i water Usee and alao And aeveral car loada of matarlal on tho grounda and mora coming. Thla
big river refinery, whan tulle completed, will kit a capacity of rotR THOUSAND TWO Hl'N
DRID BAKRKUI nor dar. and In loaa than four to aU montha tho main trunk plpo Una will
bo oomplotad to It clear through from Northern Indian territory and alao running through tho
Terr haart of tha groat Kanaaa all nelda. It will than be no longer poaalhle for Ihe oil truat to
cheat tba prndueere out of their oil and to boycott every man who baa enough Independence ta
ear that light muat win. They all look alike to the Weeternera and tho ttme la not far distant
when Juattce will prevail In heae oil ftolde and tha name medicine meted out to both alike. Uncle
Sam company preeonta a eolld Hue up for eurceaa, aupported by a otrength that oannot be broken
down or beaten hark. Juet aa well get en the right aide today and aend down IM.00 or lioo.oo or
11.000 00 and help a good cauae lo succeed mora rapidly and at the name time eerure etork that
will Ineroaae In eolld values la tha next two yeara to FIFTEEN TIMES ita celling price offered to
yon In this announcement. 11,000.00 draft or iheck sent Immediately after reading this will secure
you FIVB TIIOl AM shares, par value W. 000 00. and tha chances are one hundred to one that tha
stock will be selling at par In lesa than a year. About one-third of the big river refinery la now
shipped and with Ihe present rapid development thla refinery will be ready te refine all In eue
hundred daya.
Write or Wire for Furthtr Particular and Pictures and
Report of the Oil Field, and Refinery.
Space will not permit us to enter into further detail relative to
the giant strength of the Uncle Bam company. However, the com
pany has complete reports and several pictures of the oil fields and
the refinery work which we will be glad to send to you. You should
not delay a single hour after reading thla announcement until you
write for more full particulars or remit for your stock as this stock
is going to be Bold. Hundreds of Investors have paid this price for
be stock several weeks ago. It may be advanced any day and you
had Just as well secure some of it as to let some one else secure
what you want:' i .
Unci Sam Company Should Build Up to a Dally Capacity in
Two Yjars of Eighteen Thou .and Barrels Per Day.
This company does not intend to even try to make one-half of
the wrongful gains now being stolen by the methods of the present
oil trust, however, there can be great profits earned without working
a narasnip on any one. i rtis snail re tne policy or Uncle Sam. You
can depend on a square deal If you Join our band and help the good
fight along. There is no reason why Uncle Sam with the three re
fineries forming a chain of refineries from the Arkansas to the Mis
souri cannot In a very short time build up' to ' over EIGHTEEN
THOUSAND barrels of crude oil daily. The company will go forward
very fast in a very few months and then the stock will all be sold and
will grow in value by leaps and bounds while you sleep.. The time
to get in is now. We wish to state further that It is probable for this
stock to go past THREE DOLLARS per share. At any rate the
future is a bright one and worthy the consideration of any business
; Will Benefit the Citizens of the Central West
The oil trust, through a few slick tongued orators at the oil
fields, have repeatedly misrepresented the value of Kansas and Indian
territory oil. They get interviews into newspapers by deception and
knock the Uncle Sam company and every other independent enter
"Active Principle" Tar Below th
Standard Beqntrcd.
llevelallsss Made b the Health
Department ( Slew lorlt
Uraetle Laws Proposed
, as a Heeaedy.
, Tha medicinal value of tba drugs dis
pensed in a large proportion of tba drue
stores of Mew York la so poor, aod nos
truma whose Ingredients are kept aecrvl
by their proprietors lime been discovered
to be so dangerous to public health, that
a movement, aupported by tha Department
of Health, the medical societies and many
of the leading physicians of the city , haa
been set on fool to improve ttieae condi
tions. At a recent meeting of the Academy
ot Medicine thai organisation authorised
Ita officer, to support a bill which has
buen introduced Into the legislature forbid
ding tba sale of any proprietary or patent
medicine containing alcohol, morphine, co
caine, opium or any other preparation, un
ices the ingredients and their quantities
are printed on the label. It haa alao been
recommended that a section be added that
shall empower the Departments of Health
of aU oil lea lit tha a lata of tbe first and
second classes to take cognizance of the
sale of poisons aod other drugs and adopt
measures ta regulate their sale.
If one may believe the teats made by tbe
Department of Health and the testimony
, I ,
you find a
Gordon Hat
you're pretty
sure to be in
good Company
Dividends Commence
pumps and boilers for the big river
of prominent physicians, and even drug-
giats themselves, there are few drug stores
In New York City where drugs which have
a full medicinal value are used in com
pounding prescriptions. Cheaply ground
orugs, wnoae strength is unknown and
whoa action canot be depended upon, are
used. Patterns, in consequence, do not re
spond to the medicines prescribed, and the
physician Is at a loaa to account for it.
He doea not know whether it is because of
the patient's condition or the fault of the
drugs, and he is powerless to cope with it
The variation la the strength of drugs
sold In New York la so great that the lives
of persons are jeopardised. Acording to
one druggist, this condition Is due to tbe
commercialism which has crept 1st the
business. Druggists are buying cheap drugs
and few of them are equipped so that they
can tell whether or not they are getting
drugs which are capable of producing the
results expected of them.
As a result, many physicians are going
back to the method of tbe old-fashioned
country practitioner of carrying their med
icines with them, prepared by ehemlsta on
whom they can depend. So accustomed are
physicians ta the existing drug conditions
that when they learned of the reaulta of
the testa of a number of drugs made by tbe
Department of Health thev- manireatiMi n
surprise st all. Theae simply corroborated
tneir own experiences.
Great Hare Beta Desa.
Morphine and cocoalna flenda and drunk
ards are being made every day by tbe uae
of nostrum According to Champa 8. An
drew a. counsel for the Uedlcal aociety of
the county of New Yoih. there are 2,000
nostrums on the market containing alcohoL
opium, morphine or cocaine. Of these, he
said, too contain alcohol, ranging In quan
tity from U to W per cent; iQ contain
opium. 40S morphine and KM cocaine. Mauy
cocaine Mends have been made by uae of
catarrhal snuffs, whoae formulae were un
known to tha uaera TUcy did not know
that the snuffs contained cocaine ranging
In quantity from 1 to l per cent. "There
sre only two reasons for keeping the for
mula of a nostrum secret wortbleaaneas
or harmfulneaa," aakl Dr. E. Eliot Harris
of New York, formerly editor of the New
York State Journal of Medicine. "Tha
harmful ones contain cocaine, alcohol, mor
phine and. in the case of headache cures,
aceianlllde. which make the uaer feel good,
but are Injurious."
Tbe Academy of Medicine at the meeting
referred to adopted a resolution urging phy
airiaua not lo prescribe medicines with the
contents of which they were unfamiliar.
Dr. Eugene II. I'orter, state ccanmiaaioner
of health, says that be intends stalling aa
Mammoth bridge across the Arkansas river at Tulsa, I. T., where work commences In ten days on Uncle Sam
' ( Refinery No. 8.
About three week! ago tha Oil truat made a threat at tha oil producers of the Indian Territory If they did not meet In Kanaaa City or
somewhere else and bring Influence to bear on Attorney General Hadley of Mlenotirl to cease prosecution of the nil I rust that they would boycott tha
Indian oil fields. Immediately thereafter he Uncle Sam company made a proposition to the Commercial club of Tulsa to build Uncle Sam refinery
Number THREK at Tulsa. During the last week nogotlatlona hare all been rioted and work will commence In ten daya on tha foundatlona. Speciura
ttona for the refinery have been rushed to Eastern buildera and tha ateel will be put onto the grounda Juat as quick as It can be hauled from the
manufacturers. The Tulaa Uncle Bam refinery will start July first with a capacity of THRKB HUNDRED BARRELS every twenty-four hours and will
be Increased to SIX HUNDRED BARRELS dally In ninety daya from July nrrt. Distributing stations will be located In every principal city In both
Oklahoma and Indian Territory and a refined oil Una built to Fort Smith and the refinery Increased until when fully completed will hava a capacity of
TEN THOUSAND BARRELS per day. The man or men who think the Uncle Bam company la going to nop with a small capacity will see bla mistake
Inside of two yeara. Don't wait until Uncle Bam baa TEN THOUSAND stockholders and a MILLION DOLLARS' cash back of It, and nntll It in
creases Ita capacity to over EIGHTEEN THOUSAND barrels of oil per day, and until It has tha trade of tha Central West, and than eipect to buy thla
atock even at 13.00 ahare. Remember the atock la being sold. Every day now the completion of in chain of Three big reftnerlea with pipe line
connection will be marching nearer auccena. Now la the day for you to act. Either mall draft or chock todsy or write or wire for full particulars.
Uncle Sam company haa at Tulaa one tract of TWELVE ACRES: also a block on the river front right at the foot of these bridges, besldea TWENTY
SEVEN TOWN lots. Thla property was furnished by the eltlsena of Tulsa. Beeldea this the company bolda an option on three acres more. The com
pany will have a river outlet for email barges from Tulaa four months out of tha year, and there are some of tha largest gaa wella In the West in and
around Tulsa. A gaa line rune within three hundred feet of where the company will commence work. There la oil on every aide of Tulsa for from
thirty to arty miles. The moat of the production la vary high grade, worth la to to cent a per barrel above other oil. The Held haa only been acratrhed
isi by a little development a productloa of several thousand barrels per day can be secured In a radius of Ave or aiz ml lea from the refinery location.
prise, but the people are getting onto them and the time is not far
distant when Kansas and Oklahoma will be too warm a place for
them. Better Join our band today and thereby help the true interests
of home Industry and home people as against those who would bar
ter the rights of home people away.
Can You Afford to Turn Down an' Investment In This
Growing Enterprise?
As you will notice by the following quotations on stock, so
many shares, when sold, will pay for so many rods of main trunk
pipe line. It is very Important to complete this pipe line, and a
special effort will be made to have it completed by the time the big
river plant is ready to receive oil. Of course, if the line is not en
tirely completed the company will use tank cars from the nearest
railroad station at the end of the completed pipe line, and make the
big pipe line a big payer from the word go every mile of pipe line
completed knocks off that much freight. We think that we can
pay for TWENTY MILES of this pipe
we base our calculations on the results from the past, when the com
pany was not one-hundredth as strong as it is today. The offer on
stock is as follows, and following each quotation is the number of
rods of pipe line your remittance will enable the company to buy:
$1,320 will pay for one mile of the main trunk pipe line, and
buys 7,000 shares, par value , $7, (MX)
$704) will pay for over mile, and buys 3, BOO shares, pur
value $3,500
$500 will pay for nearly H mile, and buys 2,000 shares, par
valne $2,300
$300 will pay for nearly U mile, and buys l.SOO shares, par
value $1,500
$200 will pity for nearly 1-6 mile, and buys 1,000 shares, par
$100 will pay for over 1-1S mile, and buys 500
$50 will pay for ten joints, and buys 230 shares,
$20 will pay for four Joint, and buys 100 shares,
Investigation of tbe uae ot pour and adul
terated druga.
It was an astonishing condition of things
which the Department of Health found
when It began to investigate the druga used
In the city. Tbe bead of ita drug depart
ment visited eight of the leading wholeaale
druggists, supplying, according to the de
partment. " per cent of the drug stores
of the city. "1 asked," said he, "for the
beat drugs they had." Samples to the num
ber of ISO of such druga aa aconite, bella
donna, digitalis, lobelia, powdered senna,
saffron and rhubarb were secured. Of theaa
the aconite, belladonna, digitalis, lobelia,
saffron and powdered aeuna have been
tested. Not one of these proved to be up
to the standard msintalned by the Depart
ment of Health. Owing to careleeaneea In
grinding and, In the caae of aaftron, which
sells at about HI a pound, and therefore
tempts to adulteration, to tbe presence of
artificially colored flower' petals which
looked like those of the daisy, there was
not one which could be depended upon for
strength. Age had also affected some of
Better OrladlaeT needed.
The "active principle," aa the druggists
call It, In each drug Is not distributed
evenly and to a certain Oneness. Standards
of fineness have been established tor differ
ent drugs. They must be ground neither
too fine, for they may be too strung, nor too
coarse, for they may be weak, or uneven
in strength, or absolutely Inert.' Screena
containing different numbers of meshea to
the square Inch are uaed to determine the
fineness, in the rake of lobelia, for iu
atance, It should be ground so that all of
the particles will pass through a screen
having fifty openings to the square Inch.
About a third ot the lobelia obtained passed
through a screen of 100 meahea, while some
of It would not pass through a, screen finer
than M. All the other druga had this un
evenness, so that one could not be sure
whether he had the right strength or not,
or whether or not there was any of the
"active principle" in tha drug. The normal
doae for aconite, which Is used to reduce
fevers, is shout tea drops. In the samples
examined by tha department some were so
weak that twenty-twe drope would have
been required of the tincture In order to
obtain the atrength of a normal doae. la
other words, a doctor prescribing
a normal dose would have ob
tained lesa than half ef the "active prin
ciple" which he wished to give. The life
of a child might depend upon tbe quick re
duction of a fever. In such a case be might
lose the life because of tbe weakness of bla
medicine. The alxteen samples of bella
donna ranged In quantity of "active prin
ciple'' from ,.4 to . per cent The nor
a lew days
line each month, and
shares, par
par value, . $230
par value. . $100
mal dose of the former would be eight
drops,, of the latter about fifty drops. Some
of the samples looked like weeda, hayseed,
tea leaves and sawdust. ' s
digitalis Is used ss a stimulant In heart
disease. The samples ranged in "active
principle" from 30.44 per cent down to 26. 5
per cent, the normal being 36.08 per cent.
Tha character of digitalis and some other
drugs, according to the Health department,
ia aucb that they deteriorate and become
inert In courae of time. Digitalis should
be renewed at least every year. It is
sometimes adulterated with a beautiful but
worthless leaf. There seems to be a ten
dency among many druggists In replenish
ing stock to mix freah material with the
It did not require the evidence of the
Department of Health's testa to convince
some physicians of the untrustworthlness
ot many drug stores. "It often happens,"
aald Dr. Herman M. Biggs, "that we do
not get the reaulta expected from digitalis,
which is prescribed for heart dlseaae. Gela
tine coated pills are often of no value.
For some reason they do not dissolve, and
the patient secures no benefit from them
at all. "Whether it Is because they have
been In atock for a long time Or because
the gelatine Is of a poor quality, I do not
know. Oftentimes a druggist will have a
stock of tableta of various mixtures on
hand. He gets a prescription which corre
sponds to the contents of one of his tab
leta. It la to be put In capsules. . He
pulverises the tablets, which may be old,
and puts the powder in the capsules. Bella
donna and digitalis deteriorate rapidly. If
a druggist is perfectly honest he will be
constantly- getting freirh drugs; if not be
will let his old atock serve."
IHsappelatlasT Reswlta.
The careltesness, to say the leaat, of some
druggists and the intentional aubstitutlon
of drugs which others are guilty of are
Illustrated by a couple of Instanres re
lated by Mr. Ami reus. In one a child
was sent to s drug store on the West side,
uptown, to have a prescription filled. The
child did- not go to the drug store where
the prescription had been filled first. This
did not fessa the druggist te whom the
child, went, however. He look the bottle
over the counter and filled It with some
thing, probably the compound which was
represented by the corresponding number
contained la his book and returned the
bottle to tha child without changing the
label in the least. The members of the
family who were to take tbe medicine did
not receive the expected benefit, but.
the contrary, were Injured seriously by
The other ease was that of aubstitutlon
of a cheap chemical tot the higher priced
June 20, 1906
SI .
In addition to the Uncle Sam Company selling its treasury stock
at the above cash prices, the company also makes the following
monthly payment offer, so that investors of limited means can secure
part of the present allotment before a big advance occurs, which is
certain to come. Offer is as follows:
7,000 shares, $200 cash, 6 monthly payments $2O0 each
5,000 shares, $150 cash, 6 monthly payments $150 each
i 3.0O0 shares, $00 rash, A monthly payments $00 each
2,000 shares, $60 cash, 6 monthly payments $00 each
500 shares, $15 cash, 6 monthly payments .$15 each
1,000 shares, $30 cash, 6 monthly payments - $30 each
250 shares, $7.50 cah, 6 monthly payments $7.50 each
100 shares, $3.00 cash, 0 monthly payments $3.00 each
tne company will sell stock in fifteen
( 13,000) lots par value $ 13,000 for $2,800 cash.
This amount of money will pay for considerably over two miles
of main trunk line. Where a club of men go together the company
will issue stock as directed in amounts of 100, 600 and 1,000 share
certificates- Just as directed.
Fifteen thousand (15,000) shares for $500 cash and six monthly
payments of $400 each. The chances are ten to one that long be
fore you have the six payments made, the value of your stock will
have increased double, and be selling at close to 60 cents per share,
if not higher.
In Conclusion.
The charter name of this company is "The Uncle Sam Oil Com
pany." Its authorized capitalization is TEN MILLION SHARES.
Par value, one dollar each. Every si are of stock draws the same
amount of dividends as any other share. The officers of the company
are: James Ingersoll, President: J. H. Ritchie, Vice President, and H.
H. Tucker, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. These men also
one required and the consequent Injury of
the complexion of a handsome woman. An
Eighth avenue masseuse had a prescription
for improving the skin, which she had pro
cured from a physician. She took it to a
druggist and had It filled. She applied
some of the concoction to the face of a
patron, a woman who had a beautiful skin.
The woman's beauty was ruined for a
time by an unpleasaut eruptlou. Analysis
of the compound proved that the druggist
had used aa the base a drug worth about
one-sixth of that called for in the pre
scription. "I presume," aaid Dr. Eugene H. Porter,
state commissioner of health, "there is
hardly a drug store In the state in which
you will not find medicines of poor quality,
and many Inferior druga, rendered so by
ignorant or Indifferent preparation. Many
druggists cannot help themaelves. 'They
are not in a position to know. They think
the goods are all right. A first-claaa phar
macist using large quantities of drugs
ought to know something about them, how
ever. I think the two questions, pure
drugs and the control of patent medicines,
are very important." New York Tribune.
the Hector Wka Said
DleaJ After Fastis Five
Dr. Richard A. Terhune, the dean of the
physicians of faseaic, N..J.. by whom he
was always spoken of affectionately as
"Doctor Dick," died there recently of In
testinal cancr. He had not eaten any
thing for over a month, snd to the last
bantered bis brother practitioners on the
fact that he was a living example of his
pet theory that no one would die of starva
tion if be had plenty ot water to drink.
Dr. Terhune had alwaya declared, and
would argue on the subject whenever he
had an opportunity, thai persons who had
died of what ia called starvation were
really the victims of fright, and had simply
died because they were afrsld they would
Snd not from lack of food. '
The aged physician, who was a stalwart
man. became ill about seven months ago.
He speedily diagnosed his ailment as In
testinal cancer and gave out a fatal prog
nosia of hla own case. All the Passaic
fhyslrtana and scores more from the neigh
boring towns snd rlt(es called on him In
the montha of hla Illness, and many eng.
g eat Ions as to treatment were made to him.
He turned a deaf ear to all and only em
ployed a urn palliative measures as sug
gested themselves to himself snd his son,
r t. Percy A. Terhune.
, About flvs weeks beiors kls death "Doe-
Laying Uncle Ram Pipe Iiine Across Neosho River
The above picture was taken near Neosho Falls, Kas., about two weeks
ago, as the Uncle Sam pipe line men completed the pipe line across the
river. At this point it is Just about sixty miles due north of Cherryvale.
Since then about four miles more of the main trunk pipe Hue has been
completed. Completing of this pipe line to the Missouri river will make
this company Independent and free. Better send down a hundred dollars
or so and help the good work along. This company is making a square
flgkt as can be proven from the books. Money Invested goes to buy more
pipe and more refinery material. Every day more pipe line will be com
pleted until the company has over 300 miles In main trunk lines and
laterals to the different oil fields.
the Board of Directors. All of the stock of the company has been
sold for cash or its equivalent from the start. You cannot buy a
single share from a single one of the above-named officers under
$1.00 per share; in fact, their stock is not for sale at any price. The
management Is the same now as In the beginning the old guard
are In the traces working harder than ever. This stock Is offered for
sale and being sold to buy pipe line and machinery for the river re
finery. When you Invest for stock your money goes into the enter
prise to make the very stock you buy more valuable. The company
is In touch with over TEN THOUSAND investors by special letter re
port. This announcement will appear in the principal and influential'
papers in the United States will be read by over TWENTY, MIL
LION PEOPLE. The company is a, straight, legitimate enterprise,
one that is already a far greater success than even the most enthu
siastic expected on the start. References Montgomery County Na
tional bank, People's National bank, and Cherryvale State bank, all
of Cherryvale, Kas. The company has several pictures of the re
finery at Cherryvale, and different views of the oil fields, which it.,
will send with other Information to investors who wish further in
formation. The company is so well advertised and has so many
working for It that, without a doubt, the stock will soon be sold, and
investors would do well to not delay in securing the stock you want,
as the company Is one of great merit, and the price of the stock, with
the assets back of it, offers every man an Investment that he must
admit is good, and far above the ordinary proposition. You will
probably never have an opportunity again to invest with a company
like this. It was born of necessity, on account of the black list by
the oil trust of certain producing properties In the Cherryvale oil
fields. It is backed by influential men in both state and nation, and
if you Join our band, now over five thousand strong, you will be
treated fairly, and. we sincerely believe, will secure stock now at
twenty cents per share, or one-fifth of its par value, that will go to
par In less than a year. The company realizes that it must offer a
great investment and great Inducements to raise money as fast as we
need it. but will make it all back in a few months with main trunk
pipe line and river refinery completed. We solicit your investment
in good faith, and the statements made herein we can back with
For further particulars write or wire.
Or H. H. TUCKER, JR., Secretary,
tor Dick" found that he could no longer
retain food, snd he gave up eating. After
that time nothing paased his lips except
water, snd now and then a little medicine.
One Sunday night aeveral physicians
dropped in to sea him. and he took the
opportunity to enlarge upon his nonstarva
tion theory. . ,
"You see," he begun with a smile, "I
cannot retain anything but water, and yet
I am strong and able to move freely about
In bed. I am proving my old theory that
no one ever really dies of hunger. So
called death from hunger la simply due to
terror, If there Is plenty of water to be
TwfH call to your attention the ease of
a young girl that came under my own ob
servation. She was 111 with a disease which
was pronounced incurable by skilled physi
cians. That girl did not eat anything for
forty-eight days expt half s soda cracker
a day. Did she diet Not a bit of It. On
the contrary she got entirely well, and in
ths forty-eight days she did not eat she
pursued the even tenor of her way, went
to parties and danced, too.
"You know very well thst doctors don't
know so much sfter all." continued the old
physician, shaking an admonishing finger
at his auditors. "Nature doea the work snd
we get the credit."
After bidding good night to his callers
"Doctor Dick" went quietly to sleep Snd
died st 4:10 o'clock the following morning.
Dr. Terhune wss 77 years old. He re
tired from sctlve practiee aboui ten yeara
ago, but had frequently been called In con.
sulfation up to the ttme of hla Illness. Be
sides his son he lesves a daughter, Mlaa
Bessie Terhune. The funeral waa held at
tbe First Ilefonn-d church at Passaic
New York Times. .
- PeMated Paragrsaka.
A tramp works hard trying to avoid
work. . .
A little taffy la apt to make silly people
appear stuck up.
The business of a cradle manufacturer Is
rocky, but piofltable.
Manr of our beat home ties look very
much like mother's apron strings.
There's nothing cunning about the tooth
ache, even If it is acute pain.
Often a man casts a sbsdow over his
charitable sets by talking about them.
Civilisation enaljes woman to wear a
tailor-made gown and eat with a fork.
Never Judge the cigar a man gives you by
the price he claims to have paid for It.
Don't get disoouraged. No man is really
down and out until the undertaker gets
It senictlmes bajtpani that a modest man
employs a press agent to do his boasting
for him.
No matter how much a man owes he la
always ready to liquidate If Invited to face
the bartender.
After a man has acquired a certain
amount of wisdom he would rather add to
It than make a display, of what little he
has. Chicago News. '
Wordy Warfare.
"Do you know what ths longest word In
the language is?" asked the literary editor.
"You're thinking of 'amllea,"" said the
poet, "because it has a mile between the
first and Ust letters. That's old. I know
one thst has three miles between the fiist
snd last letters."
"Yes," retorted the other. "You're think
ing of 'beleaguer. 1 But I know of one thst
has a whole lake between the first and"
"Of course. 'Slakes.' That'a simple. But
how about one that Ukes In the whole
earth, heyf
"Dead easy. 'Bertha' And there la a
still longer one that hss ths sun for Its
second syllable."
"Everybody knows that. 'Lswson.' Then
"Hold on t That won't "
"I say it will. And there's another"
"Which Includes the whole sky. Cer
tainly. 'Risky.' But that's nothing. ' I can
tell you of one"
Here, providentially, somebody came In
to Inquire where .the subscription depart
ment was. snd the trouble coaaed Chicago
Ia shoe wheat werV
asasahip, style and fa
aswektsi tectort
i crre krat dUcs. Tbev
the cieeW sad aaliav lla
la while end color -fast iaLcks
1 1.00 AND S1.25
Uaaaat Meaam ef CWkee aee Saaiw to ska Weaes
M 9 aSfBsW
I f S -aSBaW'
'-' Daeaaa