Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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    yi.- o-vLVHA DAILV HEK; SUTHl'AV. MAKi H 1
ViClOT BoWtT Stlkmitl SamDiG Bailot to '
5ro! Opinions.
f mmrt Dirtrrii 1at
T MNt "! J Than aa
rfama tt. r rilarikilltr.
l-iAO'tS. ?rll. Ltlra.
ini ot-a- i;npl.- ' mi -o h jH at a
-atr pt-ma-i- t.i . ! i republican .andi
Uh' f ir vi. Vwii wnaif and to -
iot anriKiHi. n i.,r !: tfflcr. wn r-
Hvwi hy rhr ;atf offlrTS thin momin
frrm Vlrtor Rtix.-a1-r mrmtwr nt Un
cial cuminlM-v. rim letters riurt-d tlw
"Dlnkm nt th ifTjc.-r un tlif primary and
whether tin- hallot hu!d Include plarea
Urr tlrat and wriind rhuk-e if candidate
Att.rrifr Gt-ral Bmwn, Auditor -arl
ml Suprnnirndr-ut MiBrtvn are out of th
nr. hut Mr. Mi'Brien wtll not nb.t to a
primary, havlna alatfvt on a prvtnu ot:
'in h would bf nUFttfl with the pri
mary "tumid tin- "tat commit!- conchni
to lrtrnt dHgii-fl in 'hut manner. At
the nfflVe uf the attorney general It tu
'wted the place for votma for a weond
time would he (jljcid to. a it might
Hi" an oppurtunity to tluiee mi dlernned to
irampulaTe the .-nnrntjon and thu pre
vnt tha wtll of ihe people m voting in
i nictintip fir delegate nnd prevent Ihe
high man from wii.nin by trades on the
part of the onii i hoire men.
Treasurer Morteneen aald: "I believe aiuh
a prlmao'. tnaeiber with the convention,
would be all right, it wnuld bnng the elec
tion eiowr to "he p.pie ind would prevent
'rafe in thfc roTivpnikn. '
Secretary uf 3 a' lial'iHlm d Land j
t."omintMoner Eai m mih gi-eei that it i
was immatenal to tiiem whether a primary
wis held. Both il they wnuirt be satis
fled with whatever arrangements were
made by the tai committee.
''iOVrnor Mickev aid l. had not like.l
"'r the pr"i-.MiC'!i -ar-l'lily and waa as
: -t unable to give an express 111 of Ins
view s in tiie ina.t.i
"aa-a Mnmt Take lastker Tack.
Should tne supreme court adhere to its
decision in the ii land t'oney nundumus
1 .uie. in which it relused to go mio the
matter o tlie eligibility of a candidate for
office in such proceedings, fnrnds of suic
ireaaurer perrr Mnrtenien will have to
ttud some other metnod tlian iniindaiiius j
proceedings bv whicii to get ;K. ma'ter of ,
Uie eligibility 01 te treufui--r to Ik- aov- !
.rnor. before the supreme coui"t.
In the Hj !nnd-'oney c-iee "oruy brought
uiundainua jga-nnt I v. land to con. pel him
to turn over the dHce f county supei ln-
teudent til him. "llc huviilg rei-eie,l u
ruajoriiy of t. e . oies . aci lor that office,
inland detenu, d on lire m ound tlm: foncy
not cB.,i. .1 -t.e ..rflce on the dil
toe eU-c'ioii b. la in- .11- iiatl no hr"t
4:ade fct-nica; 011 ttiat day as provided
iy low
Hie court granted the mandamus as
Plweil for and Stat"d It w:im not liis-essar. 1
10 go into the menu of the eligibility of
fie -anrildates. as
uandamus waa not the
1 o irf-r pi nee-fiiim f,.r suiii
i-r price Villus r. r mail an mvestiga- !
r on. hut Tliat under the showing made. !
. I
1 ..nev having tin- certificate of eles-tion.
... , !
l ie . -ii issued. In that opinion, the court 1
-i.d. the proper proceedings to test ic
ligioillty of 11
.1 10 wrvanto.
ciaimani lor an office
Should the court hold to this rule it nas
. . . . ,
just down 0110 warranto pr'M'eMuia-
, .a , . , 1 T , I
. .is... " mr tll 1 ll'SUl (JJ 11111 Uir .
ellg'blllij of Mr. Mortensen could b,
lpwH, f'nder s.icri pineeedings Mr. Mur
! nsen would hist he to he voted lor
la-l-ire lie could . iainl Uie office and tin
1: nil then in office wnuld have to refuse i 1 j
give it up. ;
In tne meant. inc. howe et . friends t
Treasurer Mortem "' have made arrange
nu nts to gel up n petition of . nan.e
10 have his name put on the ta ki-t in orrter
10 get the matti-v betre tlie ctiurt before
i.e convention is held.
frle'trr DlMarbs Kasatlri.
Alter eignieen yar or married lllc .1 o-t
nig wlurh time both the hut-band and w'r
wire s-emingiy oonirnteu to hoe ttinr ' .
row without miuatlnu in sia-iety or cuttlr.g I
nirr wtile swath 111 1! circles. Mr. N'e, 1
lie L. Whitney ic ed a divorce fn
" , e - -
Holt county granted her peirtion. and n '
Ihe husband has appealed to the eupi-T'"
c urt for a reversal.
It la et out in the brief of the busn.
that Mr. Whitney sudden d tertunn
In get Into society caused her to m
her husband was on the "clod" 01 Vt.
,ia 1
t herefore waa more of a hlndmai e
help to her in her aortal ambit kina.
At the time of the marriage jf the
in Cedar county, in last the bne.
Everybody 's Asking
"Wh id's the EU3an
in -A he Heart?"
j.. .tC..'.'.. CsS.'.-t i-if W-fi JW
It is worth
to you
"f land. !-i r hi hml'ii.
wt U h hn4 m- r tn i"iii. li trt) .
nd tfif inmilj- mnvM t h r1n'm. TV i
lhr h unhand nro-J in m.I hunn
and rrni'-d a fjrm.
,.J mji Mi.
it of t(dl ;
) "mrS cnu-nt In k-
lh tinrf nai.l. The '
Rn,1",rh 11 " m ""
mi." -si
ihi.: Mr.
, w nitnrv 'nmlu1-d to d
ety. and '.hen'- got
n ren'.- d ;md
aent ..I trie
a )ea-:.i e pa-
ll'.tlOle llan T'le 1
ifm nxmey f ir whuh the :
finally Iecarrte the hnanf.
ncuee. and t laht aiK'-d :
ration. The hnelmnd
cturt. and :h-n. on the au
tcrney. Mrs. Whitney
rountv. where, in ihre m
ecurel the divorc-e and
hustiand atiaiks tlie deT'
that Mrs, Whitney was n
dint of Holt county ai 111'
ill t .
re ot
i tl
a 1'
ajv r
TT at
Hoi: T'w
gr"un 1
al re-,-lie
waa Sied.
Mows P. Sydenham of K .rni
Uie oldewi newspaper men 11 I
ne jf
ailed upon Governor Mickej
termion and left with the es
gant bouquet Just as a tok
esi -ruay .il-
lti' an " 4 -
I o- T..-l.
The flowers adorn the laule jf
executive today.
ma laiests la t alwrtulu.
Hon. Joseph Burns of Lan. i at c
legislative expenences. I.aa 111 fin a
Uttie sum of money :'. Cum .io
w.hitli he will stiortly ok into -
pose of filming sufficient aic U
Mr. Burns wtll continue u n... '
. y
.- dl
, ht..
t. cm cr
Tir ng
lost -gg.
ant'i stcr
quarters in Lincoln, and a,
of the next legislature, hut I
bold of thi land merel 'at
and iu go to when Uunt.1
don t anulr aa they iuu o
said, will aiao invest ir.
after Mr. Burns proven
a safe one.
1 .1
r Jc .a.'.ds
' je :::iei.i
mr BI'l.
i- iv a -n in-
: r ung crt.
arrle Bon m t n a I.
Rt-presentatjv- Frank C
coin again last n.K.'.t ..rni
atmg sentiment in f a 'or
bill aow p nding in oc
4 .. .- nd .fnf
s 'n '- arrie
4. i 1. rH-r.ti-1,
nut '"i.t-ves 11
. ! e , "I . 011
ea -igt).-d liber
- ji' ti.'d refused
feels very much "m'
llient ill fiivor of the
will surely l-e paHS-l
gress. His pciilior and not a 'in -lu
.-it;:, it
I Hoc Ual
ii ; t a t rj .
J ;ne ,,,.- -:.r s. it
! prison from . '
J i.iirg.ary
j The young ; .
'charge by H . '
, tranm.0rtjf.1-.
j aumt. 1 1 1 1 .- '
.j- iiiij 'minuted
, 1 . lllte, tent 1 j
.a js a ctini v: 01
'IH-e 'akcti .11
1 '' Smith and given
"v a' Y.rffiinii. !ii? old
. f age
ih ok i n rLrTt:
. ta t rriakl I rest a .et
aa " Heir Orders.
, Neb . Mar- h J. . Sp-
An .-Hst bound freight tra.n
-:;: in traiu N ' IS attempted
i e- 011 the main line alioul
h al' cast of the bridge-a bout
NORTtti .
vial T- nr.
and U.rt I
to pa; es '
a mi' an .
t evinini:. hut ihe attempt was
, ii. Hi tti '-nginei were deraiit d
Mil" damaged, and one air on
ger train and three or four on
.1 train derailed. Engineer Key
' Freman Eert Brown were on
nger engine and Engineer Garman
o c .a a
not i.'. .
I am n-
j tin t.i- -
I tl . T .
n ,'i "
,.j jr. au t inn on the ireigiiu ties--
o",i ,,,,i 1 .
1 nm 11 alio i-.oil i, 1 c
onl' , , . ,
.1, -n.ill! 'II nc ii.'iiii. i-i. um .in.. ,
" cr ... . .
,h ,ik and lilt- injuries .xinaist ..1 a
ait h p and tn.nor bnuees. i,arman
'P ,
tir"wn under his engine and sustained
ib-nl n1- F nn was found under the tank
I r-. will, er.u : anil m- nwltl-
P" ,,,.a r.e m --.
. , .. aiitieezeii and bruised. Lr .Mo ahe
s .. ...
ma ,,n 1 " in.''ies more serious than
s- -
thers. Brown )umrl from the engine
eca-d injury. The head brakeman
the fr ight, who was rn the engine, re
"I minor bruises.
-r- wee. king crew wan sent . lown. nut on
nrim' of the blizzard which prevailed lur-
j ' he night little headway waa made
i,iiy this morning the outfit returned to
.. wit ai d the men given a brief rest, an i
I , hoi.t " V. accompanied by a number of
' , ia t.taixts. n-turneil 10 the rw k and suc
j , .;. ! n . Iarng it up by noon. The wreck
4 iiiatsrltlly delayed traffic. Paeeenger Train
1 Kos 1 and IT arrived about on Time, but
Vt , -Id at the wreck until the track waa
1 clearei-. Trains Nos U. j and S were held
east of the wreck.
-rh, tW(, wreekeii trains wt
a Mt Gannett, hot thi-.c.iah
to have
ime iniH-
Jnd' rstandlng of orders they failed
tn do
eonuoaieiv tne rreiant train w.
, , et ,,ne and easily handled. Had it . en
.r- of the usual tonnage the result w.n..d
1 . e been much worse
Death rra Peealiar trrl4eai.
KEARNEY. Xeb.. March i iSpeciai
Telegram. Mrs. John Tuchel of redar
t.iwnship di.-d about 1 o clock thi morning
. tne result of being struck in The abdo
aen by the handle ot a hayfork whu h waa
Kicked by a home last Wedneadar after-
a great deal
to know
1 if C" IPT"
.s( and and
. of and
-a a da.igMer
, of this . ity.
Menrr iyder
'( i'f: W,r ting or.
a:tl umiiijl -r f M
ill lii'l V'XMl.
i r
l .tif fp Me a ttk aaaiT
siAT-h - Specia-I
. umt.T .:ie
- ..f .N.-'iraska and
i- :;n';t x. xo
-A ir tier- :n'V
i. -I i i l"nr r'n
he gir.tton K--,:"
l..lrl -t th''
l:itt lie ajs. ia-
jurtl ouee .n this
..j. . aft wa. m-.i-h hetter ji-
ten'.'-d '
nr ir. r
f ; rn -rr
te I .
;- - -
At ; 1
it mer m'-.ii jiw. !uo-no
rvt 'ii the part of the
fticn. The sunjert of
: a
- . T l is waf r osi a i
" . sj a I'n tical
. .itv. "A.faiJa
dairy larnier
and Tame
me handled hy U.
Hall of Alma.
s k
if interest from
u 'l.ush.
. .ie Jro -,.s ot drnaW Fnut ' was the
assian'-d ;o C. H. Baird of Table ind his address was tun 01 gems on
e ..t rsi! that certainly will be proflt-
if to the ft-ut raiserx wlio heard him.
i name gen'.ieman also gave some good
nts on The Propagntum of Plants. "
Peet v'ultuie - was next difH ussed by K.
Tule. a man who has hai yeaas 01 expe-rt..n.-e
n 'lis Mne. nnd as beet culture is
eapidlv coming to 'Ne front in tins country,
he elicited great nterest in his subjett.
Hi'Tniil ( OLLEliE
(rw araegle Donates
rkoaaaad Dollars.
HAt'T'.Mj. Xeb., Maifh i-Hfinei lai Tci
egrain. 1 Responding to the requests of the
executive boani. Andrew Carnegie haa of
fered to give Hastings college fclvMi for
the erection of a new building. The offer
is made conditional on the raising of an
endowment f ind of $'". P!odss aggre
gating a Utile over t have aif-ady be.-n
se "ird and Pr-sident E Van t ke W'ght
and Tr-asurer P L Johnson are now in the
east raising the lialance The information
..f 1 "arnegre s ofT-r camr in a letter from
Secretary Entrain this morning. It is un
conditional a to time and the monev wI
tie if Hiialne as soon .is the II " ' t and :s
Has1 nigs
.-ae it a Pr-sliy'er-an institu-
V af Nebraska.
Hl'MliotJ'T-F'unk Hntii". r ..nil Mm
Pailine Skriink drive ,,ver to 'a a n e 1 Mi
ami werr. auitiHl m uiamaae to 1 '-r L'.ti.ty
.ruiae atrd a ill make Their hone ou me
siPKiin s ia.-m south of tne it -.
Bh.lTRli r. ihe its al union of carpenters
held a meeting ;aj-t nigtit and hxed tne
niimmum whic of wages at i cents per
tiour. nine hours to constitute a dav s work.
The order becomes efft.ct;ve April 1.
Hl'MPOI.DT "hi-iH Stucke and Miss
Rosa Stnlder. two well known memliers of
tins community, were united in marriage
yesierdnv at Hawne.-e v .ty. the ceremony
being piT'ormed by tne county judge.
Ui-.A 1 KK"fc. J t'. Mcilintns. a veteran
-.1 tne -ivrl war and tor r-a.-nty-rjve yeai-rs
a resiuem .! iii-atr-ce. dl-1 at his mime
on t'.e we.-t sice vesir-1av mornini:. aiefi
lie is survrxed oy family of two sons
and two daughters, al grtiwn.
ATBl'RN A heavy rainstorm visited th.s
mrinity last ei-i-ning. accompanied by thun
der and lightning. A com wave arr'ved
heie tins momma, accompanied by a high
northerly wind, trie barometer falling rap
idly imucjTing a severe storm coming.
AI'BI RX-A brother of fal Tnvlor troin
Island precinct was arrested on tne charge
of t nrc.-.iening liie. He tnreaiened lo kill
a cee-ain pers..n. it is alleged, it tie should
testtfv against his brother in the Inland
precinct case, whuh is now m trial ;u
the district court in this county.
AI'Bl'RN John '"human of Brock, who
was in Auburn last w.-ea and who was re
fused a license to wed the freorgta girl,
was arrested tne irst of t he we,Ot on uie
charge of attemptisi criminal assauit of
ins own daughter. He hss been arraigned
but has not ihiI his hearing. He is board
ing at tlie roiuilv ja:L
0' K. A deie.tive rail in the sidetrack
at this Place caused a three hours dcy
to tne A jiiurtia 'rete train yesteraay. When
pullina tne lain from trie aidetmcK one of
the cars hroae the rail and was thrown
from the track, two other cars being de
railed liefore tne train could be sn.pped.
. No damage outsnfe of a broken rail waa
At'Bl'R.V The new warehouee of The
Auburn Canning companv was siight'v
(lamaaed last nigrit. A number of iyns
corn riad been placed m tne new warenoutie
wit hunt being piaced in and 11 .s
, supposed Tfiat tne floor sung, allowing tne
'ans to siiue. knocgriig out the nurt nmst
corner and damaging tile building to uie
amount of about '.
BEATRICE The hook and Laiider com
i pany held lis annual meeting last evening
'and elected these officers : S. H. Avey.
ipresidint: ("httord Horn, vice president.
W v . Lulierger. serri-tarv; C. O. liut.iner.
treasurer; N' H. Knuwu-s. foreman. 'il
iiam ljce. first aesiMant forc'iian. Xewon
Burroughs, second assistant forman. "ii-
! nam .piier. sti-ward.
BtATKICE-A party of l lllon Pacific of-
, ficia. ciiiiprrHing iienerrU Sunenniemjenl
Para. Suiierintenuent v ar". Aasistant su
pennieiment aimi and ldvrsion r-nguieer
rsenermer tiorn. irnvni in ihe city last even
.ng 011 a special train tor a trip over tne
m hern division. I'jon arrivurg in liie
city 'tie party learned of a wrecg on the
main, une near Nortri Ptaite and let. ini - for that puini.
1 LEA TRICE Al a meeting ..f the laiy of
the higri s. nisij last evening It waa de
1 elded io irai a worg aim atni.-iics tne
i coming season rainer tlian iiaee iim.i.
reaieui for 'ins decision was the tact mat
nii.r" fHivi r iiiij , r.gage rn ira a v.ik An
! inierciaa rie.u meet will lie neiii and ne
: gotiatums will new be made witn otner
SA-n.Hns. The hist held meet will uroiiabiy
I lie held her earry m April.
1 PLA T TSMOCTH The series of .nsiruc
tive le-iari- gnen m tnis ,-rty by 1 ..1..11.I
t". J Holt of Chicago, under Tlie auspic. a
Of Ihe Women 1 hrtatlan T-nrperari".
union, close! I hurrsitiiy ,- emng a u.i a
giowmg dei-nptk.ii ot t th- -'Lights and
aha.iows nf i itv Liie " Hiring w nicti in- t- id
of tne good and very mu.-n t :i i.iai was
he ng done n Chicago, and a triluiteil me
cs rise for tiie latter to the lluuoi irartic
ril MBOLDT-Prouioiers ,,f tbe brick
iiiuhl rim led hai ' t n m.nhHl I. t
tnai a nnni ut 'fit H'lmUijin cjav wiiti
Hn1 fr'tm (hi r- turn i mail-
u rait win in- rvanv uv ai)runini-ui
ttHVK. T'ie
1 f'TU
rlimi ry
m!in a ina:mer ImiUi rn-iinj contitiKHit,
liowv-r. iMn tiie NLi --raM t.i t ti- pr (-tu
exprmit-ni wM h t cla'.
bKATKli'K At a nu-ui!fc; -if uie N-m
Home Teiepnone rTmrmny nvld -;-ritk v.
tne p'tsiBTiHlion J narrv MyTM, ru, r
i'-nuv .aire (i-rv lr'ni .Nw V-.tfci .t.
nt tn jjromteri if irw ''crvpattN ,4 .
4-epld. It 1 auid Mrn iu 4.1 u ..rk
fir tli k-ll ruuiiwaiiy tu-iT, tsyv.n "iti
'iai 1 if me Hi -mi- 'tirnjuny re .it V y
TTnr v-fniy .nd it i- 'iniit-n-tiMMl trial
the mjunt iit'n "ull )ti.t :iit-i tfMjrusl !iif
cttnipauy to :ta prtKr- m 01
mill t- adjii-t-d 111 a lem- juml
FREMONT Frrink Luilesai an-1 ihe ftmi
,"'"! it r ". he I
rwr, , 'lr"M O' e '
he .. r nnni
f M Nih Jk 'IniiiMm rt iv nrii Hida-im m
in Uie tiimnit - ouit ttMay awa.fim iUf
t:aiitia;d "atTle -onipanv ur iw ait.r-n-v
u-- f'r i-ish1 T-rA-H- in wiiat mvt
knun .it the mit-li -a--i. whi-n w r- p-nd-:t:(t
111 I lie diHinrt Aim auprmi t tiur. -o'
a nunitr v-mr Thy ui in
mhil : tie oinipan v itiouM ! neir nH-ta
-r wrli ni to rxrmi TV re re.
in 11 nit i ,-aiiv rnul ujt jury
HEATRlv'K-.iii 'UKuniKauon to tje kn .1
an th- BufiiifNtt M n league va.a pt-r-tHled
Ihmi niK-il ai a WH-iki tie id by Uie
men tl ri.nt-iit - hart n. T'it-r wt-t-
f ti i rt-nt and the f..ik. mj nfficrri f
ivr -lt id R. W irani. prf.ti-nt ; jr
J. M. leery vice pretaent . arev J..i-. .
iM-Ti-urv; Hajr- Matnrn. :i-arer. 1 ae
t!'..-! ei funeiit jTe the x ut:v- t-onuniii-
T -nn--n M tne nur- n -rvd iviiii m-'.ii
an-1 a fiiuMPa. proirrstin aa iv-mler-d uy
i.Me Bi an i-tie 1 uvin auui Mayo Nic-eiy.
HT'MBi.LDT-harle E. Beuiler The
vAunieeiu a.iiii "f Mr. nd Mr, mih HfuHi
livii;n kii'M hHt ot the nty and M.aai
Margaret. UaoE liter (ul Jm M.-Oiiuun and
mil. ..v-r neur The Platte line -urrri 1
u.-i fnende rv laaing a i?-in r t.
Joaepfi, w;er- I hey r united in n'ar-
r-ae. The Tam M'sH't lve. lit XI
-a f'r P-i'(MM. iiiali fi- 111. ..nadu.
!iti The ua':i ld f Hiinr(iia u m.
tni piftt-e. ami aa mun ae iff t r
rnt.einenia c'i.;ie:-l m a:a cJ ui.i Mil. 1
t Keuiier m iii jum him tltei Ui li' e ptr
Ml u,rw)Miir.
Ii.:ei mti will 1m iuirr.,t.J iu il.i
sT.nd ad Snow Stora Bpirvd :a tia No serous delay -. r.')wry fmc w.v re-
SortJlWfrt. ' i"". however.
llailatlwBa Rlwa lews a.
EMI'. k!.. March : A lien-r wind
WIRES ARE D0W1 WEST OF LONG P'NE ! .i.o-n it Ir.mmnnJ. near her-, last niht
! niew -lcwn several strnll huihtinas and se--
niaek Hills Trala I)eiate4 aad lr
la Wftslwa Fast. Rrlaaina
rhree Is l larkra
SPUN". Lit. Nei... March .- Si"- 1... Te.e
gram.' A severe w nd and sn w"tjrm nas
been raguig ail n grit. T'-e sn w jnf te t
n many piacea .-ix f-" t ds-p. I: r. v-n'
w-et TTiii pa. kiUK ilid. Busuii ss s prac
tically SU?peuJet.
MHFI'LK. Ned.. Marcn 1 - A sev-re
storrn has str-icg north western Nebraska.
Snow is falling ste oillv west "t
ewr- 1
water. Wire communioni, op. is cit off
west of Long Pine. The "t.imi is work
ing east with snow three to six :in his deej
axid a high north wind. 1
The Bluck Hills trains m detuye.1. hut
01 wire ommunication prevents
vt nite r rs-rt.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. March Sim-
rial Telegram. 1 Last night caught the tail-
end of a genuine Wyoming hliersar-l. Snow
began lailing about .9" p. 111. ami con-
linue.1 at interval during the night.
cntnpamed by a strong wind trial drtfted i awatr la la Drnasa.
and sw rled the snow in tme blixxard j NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. March 3pe
style. The wtnd continued its rampage t.i- ual.i N r rn the hi"tory of North
dav. Fortunately, the tempemt ire has j P'a'.i" and Lincoln county nas real est-"
not failen to a sutT'-ring point and as most known such a boom as is now on in great
of the -tookmen are well provided with ' height. I -and which years heretofore has
feed ami have corrals and sheds, it s not ' been regarded a .uiu- ..heap is inoutititii;
likely that cattle will suffer to any
extent. The storm is lust ending
Barllaatoa Train Held.
LIN""L.V. Neb.. Mar-n :.-T!i- we
Nebraska blizzard reached l-itii-'un
1 "rn
ei'enrng in modc-aied form. There .s a
s'e.Hdv nf sn. w- wn 11 high wnd and
failing teinnerat tire. R.por's t. merit fr-on
central and w.-s't-n Nebraska towns t-'l
of The worst storm of the s-'uon. At
Indi.nrroia there :s z'r -:it!ii-r n..w has
dnfti-d and tmins ire ,einy"l. The Den
ver flyer on ".he P.iriiiictoi;. w '.n h 'ef
Lincoln this momir.g. a." w-U .is 'he new
Denver nssei.ko.r 'rain
w'ncii lef tins
- bot-i ueld at
c-ty ; bouts earlier are botri ueld at
Ha.-tinirs because it . not li.inH prudent
to allow them to proceed in the face of
a tremendous Inch wind and drift, ng snow,
Between Hustings and M.-Conk the storm
is also severe Rock Island No. due in
Lincoln this afternoon. :s ropor-"d snowed
in at MMMllund. Kan.. T"1 miles w.-st.
SCHT'YLER. Neb.. March 2. Special
Telegram Shortly after noon snow com.
menced failing here, and trie wind rn-
rreasi-d till a hlizzard wan raging in a few
hours The storm is the hardest one tins
winter, and will do damage to the live
stock if it continues much longer.
BR1 '.'KEN BOW. Neb.. March I Special
Teh-tram 1 A severe winii. almost a hum-
cane, accotnpinu-i by plenty of sK-ef and
snow, has been raging here all night and
: day. Mails from the west are consmer-ably
delayed. A new building belonamg to J
C. Bolen. on the North Side, was almost
. demolished by the wind uunng the nitht.
ITrna ale I a Wroalii.
CHKTENNE. Wyo.. March 2. The nor-h-,
bound passenger train on the Cheyenne tit
'' Northern railroad, the Wyoming line of
the Colorado i Southern system, wruch j
left Cheyenne at S.iB a. m.. reached Iron I
' Mountain, lorty-six miles north of thi city,
at midnight, having been delayd sixteen
hour by the storm. A t-now plow and relief
! train were sent from tlua city to tne rescue
; of the paawtiger train, wnich iiad bei n
stalled by the drifting snow. There wen
i thirty passengers on the train.
All telegraph wires entering Cheyenne
were down last night, save one ou the
: Burlington to Sterling. Colorado linemen,
who were sent con yesterday over the Uu.on
. PMilic. w-re obliged to wail at Archer
until daybreak, as they could not see Uit
wires and poles in the .-torm last night.
Kai'id recovery from the effects ..f Uie
storm was made today. .iiut nine inches
of snow fell in this vicinity The storm
was accompanied by a hign wind and .11
some regions tiie mer'-'.iry dropped to nearly
zero.. Stock losses will ! small, as cattle
, and sheep are in good condition.
1 A speclul ir-a.n with a wrecking outht
li-ft here at il'.ifi fir 'he si-ene i.f t tit
wreck and the :n;urod w-re brought to
Cheyenne tonight. The pansenger coach, s
siups-d on tlie verv hr-nk of th
and not a single passenger was injur'si.
The trestle had been partly burned.
The tire, a :s lieiieved. was start, -d ! j a
W eslern Praia Ieia eU.
LENYEK. -Uarih U--Sx and one-naif
inchc ol snow fell in t-ienver yesterday.
accuni panic J hy a high wind, nmaing it
,,i ,i.ei .i..r-., ,.f wme,
Railroad trains in 1. il.-raJn and Wyoin-
ing were deiayed from one to three noun.
but 110 trams wee. tied ii
Advice from Wyoming says thai s'-nn
suffered in that n'lt .
Stre"1 .-a.' w-nrtf rn I'lr-!- was :m
pedeu and leii-grarb rtiul teiephonr wir,-a
nffeie-f in 'he storm zone.
Heavy snow till in me ri.imn'aiiis
some places three feet on trie Vvej,
unng plenty of water for irrigation.
WICHITA. Ivj'i.. Mar.-h Follow u.g a
duat storm hat rr.ged for tnree dav. a
rain storm reaching tin- proportions "f a
.-lomlliursi. prevailed last night. Street;"
and sewers were fhiodeti. The ie:n-
m-ratur" div.pisrd thrrtv degre.-s.
Todnv the w-irpt no,
m1i et Ml. T?ie irrnr
tre-tnm 4hd a -in-nie
i Mi.rrn
nt i 1 r
ont:"J Ut-
er. o i;iii."
k I.-liiiid rnum Pu Uu- i.--et-imt :
trimii wliib-'i -sii-juid liav.- ar?.l Safct niKf'i
stalled a.! nifi.'it on the prame
snMwdntt. A wre-kinis tra-n war a-nt oai
thin ntuiniiiK t'" t li I'naMj H-u itu . nn-
tl its i-ars u-e i eni ed : l:a -e let Uie
ra;l due to th iui p -i 'i.
The niniita. n r natif expenei.i rv
lit: it- T".trtif
Bllaaaird Rasea' in Kaatma.
KANSAS ITY Mar- a i e ere
ta: 4 ravd tO';iy .n wi au rn K iinrn. ex
tending . r mi iC.Iis. Kan., a pttint 3-s mil en
are more Jtjfp-seat&l in narar. mors stmilthy in pmpws.
more hnrrful to t:sue ui fttnu-ture ol thrmt and luce
tfcan 8"iJs inirat tJ in -.ii r rcaih. Trt ttif j urseurM
br Dr. Bull' t'ueh Srmp. It has curxd .'. and onut;h
lor y-ira. rKtnrs and nurae prwacrib it. Ttnnim1i
Clf A mprmn fmi!iu a
Dr. Bull's Gough Syrcp
miirht in a hiivr m.n whiiw teiitu to w rk 1 ioit uxlmn-
hm. The .-.Id lfvt.i .fi tuuUiU oounn.
in torn utumri aanrruu tfi'irnt'JML I
Lr. Bull ui.'fi ornip. mi l xhm r-markabi rmi, n
onlT k rilr riirvi me i , bin rursa un iu
auurf ' n i and I riinmnil ii to mr 'm-fid."
iLuu i uru.u i r j au a- 2- Wtaaauixton. 0. C.
Sampla sent free to all readers.
U r.t j ,a to bow attac.lata "nfl ltmce in Dr. Ball'
C.utf ti rup uii. u thia ou'l. w:ll m-ud fa a itaovvia
tram, d Tuu II wnte f.r 't m i mixtion thi patwr.
AilarMA.C MVKU M Ut, baiuiuura. XJ.
Hnfc T'-r i nn rrmfty
Om eicum Dr. aJ ; U wursa aaa Uh
.f Kansas ly. the " .orido line
Mia'i her was not ry -old.
cig wind dr f.ed ihe snow and played
with reietrrarh nd wrs.
'rril ot'ors wets 'inr'W'fe!. .i .ne was in
jured. F'lKRRl-X V . M.trc-h fif-ciHl Teie-
iim . Th. 'r.i.wwtorm wt.u h hea.'in here
'..kt n.Knt i! ih. worst of the wnter. ap-
pr-.n a hlizrd on '.lie .n-n prairrc.
with no ssirn of letrina up Mns cvenma.
T'.e after-noon rnin foni the east tsp held
here in.) T't ailowl to return t
MITt'H EL1 ? r . Man n - f pe. 'ai
r--i. rriri. i With ,in uninter'ipt-d snow -
or-n f vi!iion 'noirs i-illv twenty-two
'iich. luis fnilen stni-e 1 o .-lock this morn
ing and 'he snow has dnf'ed hsdW all dav
A.l ti ins .-n'Mnng M!t( hell today a er
mialia and the Milwaukee -oads have
been on time. Mve rural mail carriers
would not tace tue storm tins morning
and abandoned tlieir daily drive. -Th
s, liools weie closed this a:ernKin.
ST. J 'SEPH. Mo . March Z. X hlixxard
I reached here late today and It ta feared the
ffiit .r-'p will suffer Fine n::riicle of
t sntor are f :tllmgaud a higfi northwest wrnl
nieva .it
I Kit KIwH nf Real Katate Ii
up and bringing prices
I hood of Ha real value
ill the neighboi
The cans- to a
great extent of tins rise
in rrirrs is the
fact thai very little vacant homestead land
is to te found .n this neighborhood siiu e
the ..reration f trie Kinkaid or one-sec
rlon honustead law Praciii ally all of the
aesir-ihie land iiaa liecn honi'SUaii-d 111
the North Platte district, and now that
j tile L'nion Pacific railroad l building up
, the North Platte nver from this place, the
I .and .11 that nc-ghborhood has become 1-iy
d and tro-re are many parties wtio
i go over the land and look for those sec-
j ;i,'n" upon which those who nuaie- entry
; 4r" n"t -""iding or oomplying witu the la
j aJ'a ' lltna-
I mains tliat practicay
But the fact re
ail Um- vacant
j homestead jind w inch has heretofore b-en
! regarded aa free land is gone, and hence
j parties desiring real estate w ho do not
j car" to contest homesteads are up agxiust
t.ii- proposition of buying the same, and
j thai is one reason for the rapid advan.e
I in prices. The amounts received for lands
' here are not mure than the lands are
1 worth, nut, on the contrary, as a general
j rule. less. but. al any rate, much more
thun land in tins councy formerly wild lor.
i The sales during Uie last week Uuve
I amounted 10 in the neights.rhood of .
( acres mat are reported, nesides numerous
. .'ntracta and bonds for deeds. The price?
r received vary ail Uie way from ft to Joe
an acre, deepndnig on the character of the
land. Western Nebraska land must be re
garded as a paying proposition- The great
BTatfflrauon of it ail is that as a rule the ,
buyers are parvii coming from the east
to avoid high rents, large taxea and abeo- :
lute inability 10 ever own land on account
of the high rnces. who are locating in tin
county to become permanent resident and
citizens, and altogether the very class of
people needed and desired. There haa been
such an Influx of people on homeatead land
and deeded land that were a census now
taken it would surely show a wonderful
increase ill population, ranging, according
to the various estimates, from 2S to Ji per
cent increase during the hist year to eight
een months.
IT 7. AD
W. Hr4 or Foaad Dead la
Beil brr Raoaaate.
COZAD. Neb.. March i .Special Tie
giam.i -harle W McCoy of Omaha was
f .und dead in bed this morning at the
Hendee hotel riere. The deceased hail ben
here .several days "-epresenting the Kansas
Citv L.le Insurance company.
Mr. Mcfi y intended to leave fur omulia
last night, but. fwllng !1I. he and hi part
ner. Mr. S. tPii, also of Omaha,
tiled, occupying a room with separata
bel. On being called about this morn
ing Mr DPass arose and spoke to his
1 n:.srn roommate R.-cen mg no reply .he went to
ljui'si. ! tne ledside and loimd In fit dead. The up
! pi sition is that death was caused by
rheumatism of tne heart. No . nquesl ha
yet been held.
The .ieeeased waa a memlier of the
Knights of Pythias, and tlie local lodge is
looking at'er the remain prior to sending
1 them east,
I Mr. Mct'oy worked f
1 Liie Insumiice company
'lit rwatuHrtji t'ity
wljuw offlcfB are
in T!i B hiuidnnf. i:id llvt-u at Mlh B-rt
(rKM. Hh was about i" years oid and Uum
a brT:ir Dr MHti . ll line al B-nmnri.
uui anttM-r tiroilirr in Tii -Mrn part of
t:if state. H f"mir!y . iiauijfM in like
j Niih k hiibini'cR at uitli Oniana.
Mi ilf'uy i-t t Onutha Uuje and h-irv,
! a;nir-nty. T!iur!Mly. Hi" lainlly a ter- '
ntjjy aor:M t the nma of hi 1eath.
H. :iHh a mCf .huurn in Uiualtji. His
ro! :- r. rr. MrTy. ltft for a utn
aa 'it'Hm-d l tht i1taih.
Mr. Pa iiiPo . an !U of tne H.;ae
,'t.impany f'r whitti Mn'oy worked.
ymh Merehaat irreaird.
B.:.4THIX Neh . Marh i t.praJ Tej.
.;!h:p -A s'rringer wa taken inio imih
: iy 'n- r41i-niT Trade thi vnii.g tin The
liuigf -1 the 1 Vful Mile of aeh. He vkjt
elhp riHl i rom a g m nn The ai.-f t
and ayerrs he gM hem out of a lake xi
Mhenarl. "a:ne Warden farter will he
her- tdiimr'W to iiivfiTiKate the iae.
Jo tea 4. tr4 alia VI 111.
Y.RI. Marii J.-The will
.hi- J'lhn V. M .tl wrjo ftr many
( a pr-(id-nt -f the N Y irk L.f Innur
' n-e 'inipuiiy. wan nlel f,r prnlaai itfta
J A.-forri'in iu the tie-iiinn for the prrnat
".- fkta' I. vaiuei at "over t&iv.'' it .
ief ent.reiv .i hia wife-, 3tlar- I- Min ail.
; wh p the fwle -xe"jtr.x. The will im very
1 tinef and m dated February K laef
ar.d 'ha o.uti y y
'jufluit - i lutry '
"j iut a g"" Dr Boll Orach 8rra. Inmat
tMc a.i a ixrum. . aad W-im.
We have the clothes to please you
made in the latest styles, of the newest
and best materials and offered at the
lowest possible prices.
We can satisfy you
ooviate Dollar duncuities.
Why shouldn't you be happy?
sack coats
Ladies' Spring Suits and Jackets
Goats, Lingerie, Millinery Priced Lower Tlian Ever
Our Superb Spring Suits
A large assortment of these beauti
fully, tastily trimmed Suits in newest
elTeete and cloths are ready for your
selecting. We were never stronger m
value giving. Prices
12.50, 15 00, 20.00 to 50.00
New Spring Covert Jackets
are here. Corser. pony and loone back ef
fects. Select your roat early this year while
the size are complete. Prices range
7.50, 10.00, 12.50 to 25.00
New Short Sleeve Waists
A beautiful assortment. They are "dan-
dies." Materials such as Baby
oidery. Doited Swiss. Etc.
1.25, 2.98. 3.98,
Northwestern Medical
Required to Commence Treatment
WecaaTkU ut Einphilitliv. It it 1r Yon For Eerbd.
Lost Power Restored. According to Age, 14 to 60 DAYS.
Private Diseases, Recenrty Contracted. 4 DAYS.
Varicocele, Without aa Operation, 10 to 30 OATS.
Blood Poison, No Mersitry or Paiash, 30 to 90 OATS.
KIDNEY ANS BLADDER TROUBLES, either acute or chronic. 15 to 40 DAYS.
t Cw. 13th
Every Tueiay during March and April to
points in North Dakota, MinneMita, Manitoba
and Canadian Xorthwett, also
to same deotinaf iona first and third Tuesdays
iu Harrh and April, via
Fast trains leave Omaiia Union Station at 5
a, m. and 8:30 p. m., via St. Paul.
Eates and information at 1402 Farnam St.
District Passenger Aent, Omaha, Neb.
Bee WantAds
in every particular and
and Boys' Apparel
Hijfh ralt suit. are here! SinirK or double
breasted styles with broad shoulders,
latest shape lapels. xvile collar. The
are cut Ion? ami have vents.
Trousers cut full. Materials are
in this spriny's latest fabrics.
tVlen's Hats and Shoes
We have greatly enlarged these two de
partments and they are at present filled
with this spring's newest offerings.
Prices rang1. for Hats and Shoes
1.50, 2.00, 2.50 and 3.00
:M iv
Mull, Allorer I ', . ' A
4.50 and up to 12.50
& Surgical Institute
We are Specialists for Diseases and
Weaknesses of MEN and MEN ONLY.
We know just what w: C3n do, and we
have sue' firm esnfidsnce in our NEW
METH3QS and TREATMENT that we are
wilting to cure our patients under an
absolute guarantee of
Produce Results