Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13
TITK OMAHA' DAILY BEE: fUTTRDAY. MARCH X lODfi. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Rule Steady Throuchout Whole Session. the SNOW BLANKETS SOUTHWESTERN WHEAT Dry Writhrr la Argentina Oata Meady ati4 Clone lachanged. OMAHA. March 2. V.6. The wheat tnatket wa a triple ens'- at the close, after a steadiness throughout the salon. Trade was 1 1 k t Predictions ol a cold wave following the rain m tm- south western wheat belt causi a smite appre hension, and fur a time shot is. won In clined to cover. Lat,-r a telvgiam from Nicollet at Klinrm tity .illayci tula tear ' tho report of ttiuk In western Kansas. The cash market showed Rome signs of Im provement. A little firmer feeling; In corn developed. Receipts were nt laige and there wan a lietler man demand. though fluctuatlona 'M small. There waa aume buying on tlry weather in Argentina. The trade ex pect n scalping market. Imt w-re steadv ami closed unchanged. Domestic, and export demand waa fair. 'learancea were '72.0U bushel wheat, .!2.nnj barrel flour, SPi.UiO bushels corn, 2n3, () bushels oat. Primary wheal receipts were 372.00 hush) and shipments 194. is bushels. Against receipts lust year of 372.- bushels and shipment of 2I9.IS4) bushels. Corn receipts were i.n.isst bushels and ship tnenta 46i.i' biisticl. against receipts la.t ear of i94.Q) bushel and shipments of 4ujmo bushels. Liverpool closed ''d lower on wheat and unchanged to ',d higher on i:nrn. There I a report at (nlcigo that Mln iiesMills bought 1'O.iisi tin. of wheat In Nebraska to be s 1 1 1 iif-il to the northwest mills. This may help make carrying linrgea In Minneapolis market, but It Is a bullish feature fur the southwest markets, especially should they have crop damage. Argentina wheat shipments were 3.4KS.IKI bu.j against 3,664. oio bu. the week before Hml 3.74.'n bu. last year. Corn shipments wero lu5.m bu., against l.K.nO bu. the week before nd i:t.ti lu. hut year. Seaboard exporters yeslcrlay sold .0(!Q bu. or wheat, mostly Manitoba; 4,U0O bu. of eorn and 75.0O" bu. of oata. The local range of prices: track: No. 1 northern. TV; No. 2 northern, 7Kc; May, 7f'4r; July, Sic, OATS To arrive and on track. 294c; Mnv, 29e. KW lOHK (.KtKRAL M.tHKKT oi Varloaa Articles V heat May ... Corn Mav July ... Oats May .... i Oi" n. High. I Low. Close. 7P-A, 37', It' 37B- I I T4',iA T4'a! 74VA 37V 37) ....I 37H 377, B 2S4 Omaha (ash Sales. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 1 car, 75c; No. 4 hard, 1 car, Sue. 1'ORN-No. ft white, 1 far, 374e; No. 4. 1 car, 34c; 1 car, 36c; 1 car, 344c; No. 3, 1 car, 34-c. Omaha Cash Price. WHEAT No. 2 bard. i&7tV; No. 3 hard. "i(J73c; No. 4 hard, mVh'iw; No. ; i-ptinrf. 734'Qio4c; No. 3 spring. 7txji724c. Corn No. a, 35yj.io4e; au, 4. :;4fi.i44c: no grade, 3ua33c; No. 3 yellow, Ji'4c, No. S white. 374c. OATB No. t mixed, 2V-: No. 3 white. 24c; No. 4 white, aC(l4c. No. 1 soc. Mnotatlons of the par Commodities. . NEW YORK. March 2-FIX"1'R-Receipts, 14.253 lbls.; exports, IS 5 bbls.; the mar ket wns ipilet and um banted; Minnesota patents. t4.3!4.Hi: Minnesota bakers, :t.oC'f 3 W; winter patents. ; winter s'ralghts. I3.7VH" 85; winter extras. $J.7Mi 3 25; winter low grad'-s. tJ (Wi 3 J". Hye flour, steady; fair to good. $XiKi:t Ho; choice to fancy. $3.9.VtM.2S. Buckwheat flour, nom inal. 12 in. spot and to arrive. I'ORNMEAl. Barel v steadv. flue whita and yellow, 11.10; coarse, ll.ngtil.te; klln dried $2.i6l7S. RYBNomlnal; No. 2 western, 73c f. o. b. BARLEY Iull; feeding. 4o-c. c. I. f, Buffalo; malting. 47ii?ft!c, c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHKAT Receipts. 14.i bu.; exports, 1I7.CT1 bu. Spot market steadv; No. 2 red. Sf.'c elevator; No. 2 red, Sfc'.c f. o. b. afloat; No. t northern, 9'n f. o, b. afloat. After a steady opening whent broke under reports of rain In the southwest and a bearish Modern Miller report and liquidation. Rallying later on fold weather talk Ihe market finally turned easv again and closed Ho lower to tc higher. May. : S7 l-lc, closed at 8ti-1c; Julv. DKV'u fi'i-, closed at tslHc; September, H5V1 fS5V. closed at ViVjc. ft )ll.V Receipts. lOl.OuO bu.: exports. 9S, K4 bu.; Bales, HD.OnO bu. futures, l,lMi bu. spot: No. 2, 49c elevator and 47V4e f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 47V; No. 2 white, 4Siy. Option market w-as steady all day on unfavorable weather news and dosed partly Sc net higher. Mnv, 4lV'j'4S lo-lc, closed at 4'o: July closed at 4!c; Sep tember closed at 5ti'.4C. OATB Receipts, W.,t) bu.: exports, 4,7M bu. Spot market steadv: mixed. X to 32 lbs., .-Htys-js. .; natural white, SO to XI lbs., 30HfJ3Hc; flipped white, 3x to 4o lbs., 37'fi.TS'c. II A Y Hteady ; spring, 47HtoJiCJ good to chotre. 75Oc. HOPS 4jnet; state, common to choice. Urns. llftlt)4'; 1!H. Millc: olils. ni'7c; l'aciflo coast, 19oS. Sil4c; l!i4, IVullc; olds, 5t7c. HII)K 8teadv; tlalveston, 20 to 25 lbs . 20c.; ifalifornla. 21 to 25 lbs., 31c; Texas drv, 24 to 3S lbs.. 19c. I.KATH KR Firm : acid. 2i'4f27,c PHOVISIONR-lleef. tlrm; family, 111. SO tr13(); mess, 9 mwf; beef bams, 21.0V9 21.6(1; packet, llO.Wgill.OD; city extra India mess, 1N.6Mj 19.KI. fut meats, lirm; pick led bellies, tt.7Va9.50; pickled shoulders. 17.0" Ca7.6n; pickled liains. lo.."jo. Ijird. steady; western steamed, l7.fU-fa7.K5; refined. Arm; continent. s.3m; S. A.. !.t; compound. fK.oof ti.7'4. I'ork, steadv; familv. tW.&fi 17. 50; short clear, 15.tM17.W); mess, lltt.ia'ii' 14 75. TAIXOW-Firm; city. 5c; country, 5fij fic. HICK yulet ; full domestic fair to extra, 34'i',c: Japan, nominal. Bl'TTKR Firm: renovated. common to extra. liiVonc; western factory, common to firsts. 13ftil6ic. CHEK8K Quiet: atate. full cream, smnn and large, colored and white, September, fancy. Hfall'c. KOiS Kasy; state Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected, white, 20 21c; stare choice. 1Nftlo; state mixed extra. 17c; west ern firsts, loV; western seconds, 14'i'nl5c; southern. 13'aloc. I'OrLTRY-AJIve, western chickens, lie; fowls, l.Hc: turkeys, inc. rressed, easy; western chickens. Ivdl3c; turkeys, ljfi2lc; fowls, 10ai3c. mYE-No. 3, i'HV. ( arlnt Chicago Kanautt City Minneapolis Omaha iHtlutli St. I.ouls ... Iteeel pis. Wheat. 7 4 21 . 45 31 Coin. ItiS as Oata. 127 12 120 IIIUAtiO GRAIK AD lROVIsl05 Featarea of the Tradlaa; aad flosing; Prleea on Board of Trad. CHICAGO, March 1. Rain and anow throughout the winter wheat section of ihe 1'nlted States had a weakening effect to day on the local wheat market. At the close wheat for May delivery was oh Vucy Corn waa off 'c. Oats were unchanged. Pro visions were a shade to 15c higher. During the first hour of trading sentiment In the wheat pit favored higher prices, there being a fairly active demand by commission houses and shorts. A steady market at Liverpool, notwithstanding the sharp de cline here of yesterday and the ofllclul fore cast of u. cold wave throughout portions of tha west. Hnd southwest, also encouraged the hulls. Later, however, the effect of the cola wave prediction was offset by numer ous reports of a heavy fall of snow or rain In various portions of the wheal belt. An the session advanced trade became dull, with prices moving sltvlitly In either direc tion. The situation in the northwest pre sented the same bearish features as yes terday with accnmlatlng stocks of wheat and an extremely dull demand for flour. lMle In the day the market became decid edly weak, chiefly because of an optlmiBtic view of the crop situation as expressed by a trade Journal. There waa quite general selling during the last half hour and the market closed weak with prices at the low est point of the day. May opened unchanged to a shade higher at MwViMDSn to fc. sold between 80Viifi0V and closed at )e. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to 41t!. 000 bu. Exports for the week, as shown by Uradstreet's. were equal to 2.300,000 bu. Pri mary receipt were C72.ono bu., against the same amount one year ago. Minneapolis, Iuluth and Chicago reported receipts of 302 cars, against 7oo cars Inst week and 2U cars one year ago. The corn market was steady all day. chiefly because of reports of wet weather throughout the middle west. Pit traders and cash houses were active buyers early In the day, but later the demand sluckf-1 materially. Belling was chiefly by coir mis sion houses. The market closed steady. ... y opened a shade higher at 43c, sold between iiitSf. and 43Ulfl43Vc and closed at 43fi ac. Local receipts were 168 cars, with 5 of contract grade. Tha price of oats held steady throughout the day. but the volume of business was small and trading was largely confined to local operators. May opened a shade to higher at 3OV30,e to aic and ad vanced to SOi.'fjSoSiC. and closed at 304c Lo isl receipts were 172 cars. Provisions opened weak because of a 10c decline In the price or live hogs. A decrease of local contracta caused active buying and for tha remainder of the session a firm tone prevailed. Packers were the chief buyers. At the close May pork was P15o. I15.S2U. Iard was up 24e at Ii.77mi7.80. Hibs were a shade higher at DUOfitt 12. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, S cars; corn, 2K8 cars; oats, 173 cars; hogs, 30.000 head. Tha leading futures ranged as follows": Ml. I. on Is Cieneral ST. LOCIS. March 2. WHEAT Lower; I No. 2 red. cash, elevator. KWiwc; track. !tli:3c; Mav. i&V 7Sc ; Julv, '.vii.iic; No. 2 hard. 7!f(jS3c. CORN Firm; No. 2 cash, 4tc; track. 41 (? 414c; May, 4oc; July, 41c. OATS Steady ; No. 2 cash, Uoc; track, .lOVtj.lJc; May, 30c; July, 2c; No. 2 white, 32' c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 14 30 (4.50: extra fancy and straight, I3.9uf04.25; clear, I2.9tsii3.25. SEED Timothy, steady: I2.5O82.80. CORNMEAL-Steady; 12.20. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, M'tf 85c. HAY-Steadv; timothy, IS.OOf.i 13.50; prairie, IS.nofn9.S0. IRON COTTON TIES-tl.02. RAOOINO 9Wc HEMP TWINE Hc PROVISIONS Pork, higher: Jobbing. 115.25. Lard, higher; prime steamed. 17.45. Urv salt meats steady; boxed extra shorts, !s.37Vs; clear ribs, S.62Vi; Vhort clears $8.75. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, 19.124; clear ribs, 19.25; short clear, $9.50. POULTRY Firm; chickens, loc; springs, 124c; turkeys. Itic; ducks, 13c; geese, 8c. HCTTEK Firm; creamery, 2Hi2c; dairy, lfcffj -'e. HOGS Lower at 12c. The receipts and rhlpnients of flour and grain were; Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls .' s.OOO Wheat, bu 31.000 37.ooO Corn, bu 4.n Oajs, bu 112.000 87,000 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market is Dull and Prices Drift Ainilesslj and Slneeridhlj. PRICE OF MONEY STILL A FEATURE Inlon I'aclne Rlaea ear (.lose aad tlmnlates I'.otlre 1. 1st Areata, mated Copper "ahjected to Strong; rressare. NEW YORK. March 2. Today a stock market was a dull affair and prices drifted sluggishly and rather almlewsly. There was not much pressure of liquidation and some show of strength was noted during the early part of the day. Hut the market failed to rebound to the extent usual alter such a drive on prices as that of the ndddle portion of the week. I Msappolntment over the action of the market caused aume dis couragement amongst speculative holders and induced a spilling out of stocks from time to time. The gains of the morning were mostly amongst the stocks not of the first importance and their effect upon senti ment was subsequently lessened. It seemed evident that no large demand existed for securities as yot at tne ruling prices. Devel opments In the money market were rather In favor of stocks and the tone of the call money market was appreciably easier In spite of the extra demand Incident to Fri day's operations, which carry over until Monday under the rules of the Stock ex change. Yesterday's high rate of 7 per cent was not touched and loans were made be low 6 per cent very soon after the borrow ing for tho day began. The estimates made up from reports by the banks of the week's currency movement Indicated some receipts on balance from the Interior by the ex press movement In spite of the current re jorts of very heavy shipments by that means. These reports pointed to the re mittance of nearly three-quarters of a mil lion dollars yesterday anil today to Chicago alone. Bankers here asserted that the move ment was normal and hud no special cause, growing out of the recent slight disturbance In 4'hlcago banking affairs. On the week It was said that the withdrawal of ja,793,tHJO by the subtreasury had been sufficiently offset by the movement from the interior to bring down the net decrease In cash for the week to below l.".ioo.flno. The demand for credits Is not confined to the call loan market and loans for periods up to ninety days were made today again at 54 to per cent. Foreign exchange also continued to decline, although discounts were harder at London and sterling exchange fell back in Paris. The week's exports of corn declined t3. 010 bushels from last week and suggested a iiuestlon how far the recent enormous ex port movement was due to apprehension of the going Into effect on March 1 of the dis criminative tariff measures by Germany. Pennsylvania and Rock Islaial Joined the list of extraordinary increase in net earn ings for January over thoso for the cor responding month of last year. Pennsyl vania's expansion reaching 11,433,800 and Rock Island's I550.48. The market wavered uncertainly up to the close, which was falriv steady, however, and at considerable recoveries. I nlon Pacific rising to the best ,.f the dnv with svnmathetlc effect on the 1 market. Amalgamated Copper was the sub ject of conspicuous pressure. hand, decrease, 4.. $," marks; treasury notes, decrease, Ryt.oon marks; other securi ties, increase. .9.' mark; notes in cir culation Increase. 60.0"0.ft"l marks. York Money Hatkrl. NEW YORK. March 2 -MoNEY On call, steadv at 34ri per cent; ruling rate. 44W 4V per cent: closing bid, 3 per cent; offered. 4 per cent. Time loans, firm: ' and 90 days 64fr per cent: months. 5V(i54 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE l'APEK 6"ia4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak. with actual business In bankers' bills at ILVW 5s575 for deman 1 and ot J I .:f(i 4 V25S for So-dav hills; posted rates, ft 3'-'iH.i4 and 14 .;$47V. commercial bills. 14.. SILVER Bar, 5!tc; Mexican dollars. 50V4C. BONDS Government, strong; railroad. Irregular. Cli sing quotations on, bona today were as follows: .Tv 'Japan 2d series .Wk' do 4 rtfi- .W I dn 4ta 4-tfn 13 I do Id series .V'i I.. N. unl. 4s. ... .1"3 Manhio tan e. a. 4i. ,l'i Mri. Central 4s .13" do 1st In. . 7 Minn. St I.. 4s.. .116"4 M . K T. 4s .I'M'i do 2s . S61 N R. R. nf M c . VSH N. Y. C. K SW- .KM'., S J IV . &... . 94 No. Pacific 4s . M't do Us .IM14 N. A W. r 4a... . M 11 S. L. rftla 4 . s? Psnn. r-onv. 3ts. . Kin Reading gen. 4s. .lW St. L I. M. r. n St. L. S. r . f. reg. f. s ref. : do coupon V. g. As reg do rnupon f. S. old 4s, reg.. do coupon I. S. new 4s. reg. do coupon Am. Tobacco 4a.... do s Anhlsnn gen. 4s... do adj. 4a Atlantic C. L. 4s.. Bal. A Ohio 4a do SSs nm. r. t. c. 4s.. central of (la. is. do 1st Inc do 2d inc do 3d Inc Ches. A Ohio 4"s. Chicago & A. 3, C, P.. & Q. n. 4s. C. R. 1. r. 4. do col. ka. .I("ii . . ' . SO .1"S .1":', . !4 4s. Bonds were lu egular. I oral sales, pai value 2.8mo.i. United States 3s, coupon, and the old 4s advanced 4 per cent, the new 4s registered 4 and coupon a point on call. , ,, The following were the quotations on the Vow Tnrlc Rtnck exchange: Sales. High. Low !9k St L. 8. W. 79T, Seatxiard A. L. 4s. M So Pac ific 4s CCC. 8. L. I 4s..l' 1 do 1st 4s rtfs Colo. Ind. 4s. aer. An. 77 So. Railway 9s do series B 7:ifc Texas A T. Is Colorado Mid. 4a " T . St. I.. A W. 4 Colo. A So. 4s 4 Inlon Pacific 4s... Cuba ts 1":iv do conv. 4s P A R. O 4a i' f. g. Steel 2d 6a.. PIMIIIera' See. 5a.... T iWahash la Erla p. I. 4s lot ! do deb. R do gen. 4a Western Md. 4s.... Hocking Val. 4',s...l'H W. ft L. K. 4s... Japan s loot Wis. Centra! 4s ... offered. sin, Mi i4 ...1M ...144 ... 77 .. .1I4 . .. S14 ll inula (a ..lln 4a M .. "4 .. t .. :t .. W4 ..It ... !, ..I'M'., ..!..' .. s ..nsv, .. so .. T .. l .. t24 Boston Storks and. Bonds. BOSTON, March 2 Call loans. ftfjt.V.. per cent: time loans, 4-V'i64 per cent. ufllcUil (luotatious on stocks and hond.s were Atchison adj. 4a., do 4a Mexican Central 4a. Atrhisnn do pfd Boston A Albsny. Boston A Maioe... Boston Elevated ... Ktuhburg ptd ... Mexlcau Central ... N. Y.. N. 14. A H t'nlon Pacific Amer. Arge. Cheni do pfd Amer. Pnen. Tube. Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T Amer. Woolen .... do ptd dominion I. A 8. Kdlson Klec. Illu.. Mass. Klettrlc .... do pfd Mass. Gas fnlted Kmlt t'nlted Shoe Mach. do pfd V. S. Steel do pfd Westing, common Adventure Bid. Asked. fm Alluiiea 574 ..1014 Amalsamated H" . . s.' Amerli an Zinc 12 .. i'Atla'iiic '1 ..1054 Hlngham 414 ..S.VI Cat. A Hex-la . . 1 77 'Centennial 2r'i . .1.-.4 Copper kiinge Sn'4 ..141 Pair West 144 .. SS4 Kranklln 191 . .1S Cranhv in . .Ii'.hS Isle Hovale .. ;7 Mass. Mining !4 . . .IS Mi. hloan 134 .. 224 M,,hak ..lis Mont. f. & C 1,4 . .137N old Pomlnlon 4:. ..1374 Osceola 7 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Break in Cattle Valtips is Followed by Lieht nr. Receipt. HOGS SELLING CONSIDERABLY LOWER Receipts of heep aad l.araba Light, nlth Qaalltr ot Verr liood and Market SIott anil IndltTer. rnt on All Kinds. OMAHA, March 2. 1!5. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 4.1W . ..i33 . 4.MS . . . 2,tJO 7.oo7 U.M I. '.iWi 4,(7 12.741 7.W II. P.V4 S.i.1" in.i i :,i" 64.4f-i 3.1.SM r: i: s.i7s 3S.i'.4 .1'.J 44 lf.9 W.i'SS Wi.) 1b.(w 4!'.!Ki Sl.t!19 the receipts inc 31.3H4 l,7ou 1.113 Cars. .... 1 & O. 43i, p,rrot ..1cm Ciiln, v . . .lo-t shannon ..SIS Tninarack .. 14 Trinity . . t6 t 'tilled Copper .. t I'. 8. Mining.. . .inn r a. on .. i4!t'th .. i .Victoria .. ti'V Winona ..lor,,'Wolverlne .. ; North Hutte .. .174 . t: . 4 .107 . 10J4 . 67 . S44 124 . 24 8:4 Minneapolis liraln Market. M1NNKAPOLIS, March 2. KLOl'R First patents. 14.10; second patents, ISrWil 4.00; first clears, $3.5i'3.ii; second clears, t2.4fii'.'.riA. 1 BRAN In bulk. tl:t.5iiK.7r. (Superior quotations for Minneapolis de livery. The range of prices, as furnished by F. D. Day & Co., 110-111 Board of Tradu building, was: Articles. I Open. I High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat Mav .. July . Flax May . July 7!4b4 Vs8 4! ' LIS I 1 H4 "Se4i W4I Li:i4i 1.144. 7o-! c, 1.12 L144 79 bl 1.1:14 11441 794 14 1.127, 1.144 Artlclee.1 Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Ves y. Wheat May July Corn Mav July Sept. tiats Mav July Sept. I'ork May July Lard Ma V July Sept. Rlba May July No. I - I iiti; si 4:1 4:1411 1 441 4 804'" 4 so-4 ta4 I S4' 4:'4 434:14 42Vn4S 434 441 434 4:14 444 45 444 444UVa: ill :iu,fi4 3t4S "i LH4I -S1 ' V ai4U4VoS 241 a4 2. 15 17H! 15 20 T7?4 7 -4, 1 KVI os I 10 IS S2V.I IS 1741 la Z74; I 17V! 1 NO 7 HO I 00 s 14 7 T-'V 7 8241. 7 D-4: 06 S 10 IS 324 IS it, 4 7 K0 7 so I 00 I 124 4 2S4 2!4 15 17V, la IS 7'7H 7 S 7 W4 s 10 k IS Cash quotations were as follows: FLOl'R Dull and easy; winter patents, t, 710 4.00; winter straights, 3.6o(.sS: spring lattents.; spring straights, .i.60f 70; bakers, 2 iw!i2,7o. WHEAT No. 2 spring, SoSJIc; No. S. 754c; No. t red. 2j2Sc CORN No. 2, San4uc; No. S yellow. 4iV. OATS No. I. c: No. 1 white, aiStjJ-.'c; No S white, l94t"-'Wc. KVE-No t. tic. BARLKY tlood feeding. 3Sc; fair to choice malting. 41tii0c. HERDS No. 1 flax. 1107: No. 1 northwest ern. 11.12 Clover, contract grade, I13.S.V PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl . 15 S 15 30. Lard, per I'M lbs., 17.70. Short clear sides ( loose . 7.!sVtil.oo; short clear sides tboxed). $tr 40. . The receipts and shipments of flour and grain were: Receipts, alhlpiiients flour, bbls ... IS." Wheat, bu I7.ii0 Corn, bu S63 li ilats, bu 17s.6"i Rye. bu Barley, bu lis.) On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 17274-; dairies, 17fi244c. Kggs. steady: at mark, caaea Included, K4c; tirata. 134c, prime tlrata. 144c; extras, lac. Cheeae, steady, 11J1V. 14.ii si 174.6 0 2C.3taj Uil) 524 Toled Seed Market. TOLKDO. O., March i 8 EKD8 Clover, cash and March. Is .23; Ovtober. J6. Tim uihy. tl n. Alaike. Is lS. Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard. 784c; No. 1 northern and to arrive 78c; No. 2 northern and to arrive, 7Bc; No. 3 northern. 74fn75c; No. 1 durum, 70c;. No. 2 durum. Wie. Corn: No. 3 yellow, 354&X'c; No. 3, 34tg35c. tKmts: No. 3 white and to arrive, 2c; No. 3. 21)4 2Gc. Barley: MHJ 45c. Rye: MiSd4c. Flax: Cash, II.U04; May, 11.124. Kanaaa C'ltr Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 8. WHEAT Market slow; May, "4Sc: July, 34c; Sep tember. 7H4C asn: No. 1 nara. itS4r(j 74c; No. 3, 72ti77c; No. 2 red. SSfiSOc; No. 1 fcfriMic. CORN-Market steadv: May. 39c: July. 394c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 384c; No: 3 white. 39c: No. S. 38Hc. OATS Market steady; No. 2 white, 30413 31V: No. 2 mixed. 29830c. FAJflS Steady; Missouri and Kansas new No. 2, whltewiHid cases Included. 12c; case count. He; cases returned. 4c less. HA V Steady: choice timothy. llO.TWi 11.50; c hoice prairie, IS J.VfjS.7S. RYE Steadv. 5Xf(inn4c. Bl'TTER Market lower on packing; creamery, extras, 2Ac; firsts, 24c; packing, 13c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 2S.OH0 K4.000 Corn, bu 42. flu lT.O00 Oata, bu 11.10 14.000 Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAl'KEE. March l-WHEAT-Dull No. 1 northern, sitiMc; No. 2 northern, 78't? sue: May, oc aaked. R YK Dull : No. 1. tiV84c. BARLEY Dull; No. 2. 56c; sample, ft62c. tXJRN Lower; No. 3, 39394c; May, asked. SS 43o Liverpool lirala Market. LIVERBOOU March 2.-WHEAT-Spot, nr.mlnul: futures, auiet: March, lia 7.1 May. ts a.d; July, 4d. CORN Spot, steadv; American mixed new, 4s; American mixed, old, 4a 74d; fu tures, quiet; March, 4s; May, in 14,1. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 2 COTTON-Spot closed steady, 15 points higher; middling uplands, 11 Ilk ; middling gulf, ll.Soc, sales bales. ST. UH' 18. March I. COTTON Steady middling, lu4c Sales, none; receipts, 17 bales; shipments, 456 bales; stock 4-1,164 bales. LIVERPOOL. March 8 COTTON Spot, giHM business done; prleea jx6 points lower American middling (air, t.:M; good mid dling. d; middling. S.7M; low middling. S(i2d; good ordinary. a.44d: ordinary, 5.2sd. Tha sales of the day were 12. Us) bales, of which bales were for speculation and export, and Included 10.400 bales American. Receipts, 2.a) bales, all Americun. NEW ORLEANS. March 2. COTTON Spot tlrm: sales. 4 9jO bales; ordinary, 1 U-lSc; good ordinary, 4c; low middling inc; middling, 1'iSc; good middling. 11 U-ltic; middling fair, 114c. Receipts, 9.1147 bales; stock, SW.tvfe bales. two 3,10 . 4nn 1.600 l.lia) SS.500 4, wis) 100 IIS) n.iai 20 71s) isi 4. t'10 lis) "iiion 15. son too rsi teS) Ji.sou 00 Adama Kxpress Amalgamated Copper 162. 4o0 American C. A r 3." American r. ft F. prd nw American Cotton oil t.l'10 American Cotton oil pta American Kxpress American H. L. pld 0 American Ice, securities 12.1 American 1.llleed Oil VX American Unaeed oil pta.. American Locomotive , Amer. Locomotive pfd American S. R American S & R. ptd Am. Sugar Kenning, en-dlv. Amer. Tohacco prd ctfa Anaconda Mining company. Atchison Atchison pfd Atlantic Coast Line Baltlmora & Ohio Baltimore A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Transit.... Canadian Purine Central of New Jersey Chesapeake - Ohio Chicago Alton Chicago A Alton pfd Chicago Great Western.... ChUaao Northwestern. . Chicago. Mil. r t. raui. Chicago T. T Chicago T. T. pfd ( .. c. St. Louis Colorado Fuel A Iron Colorado & Southern Colorado A so. 1st pfd ... Colorado Ho. Id pfd... ConsulldHled Uaa Corn Frodurta Corn Products pfd Delaware & Hudson Delaware, L. tc W Denver & Rio Grande t ied Denver R. O. pld too Distillers' Securltlea Moo F.rla 7,7m Kris lat pfd ion Erie 2d pfd 1.400 Ceneral Electric Mis) Hoiking Valley 4iat Illinois Central 400 International Paper 1.4a lntemettonal Paper pfd.... 900 International Tump International Pump pfd Iowa Centrui Iowa ('antral pfd Kanaaa Cltr Southern 700 Kansea City 80. prd 'Hi Loulavllle A Nashville t.nuv Manhattan L 100 Metropolitan securities 2.000 Metropolitan Street Ky 3.W0 Mexican Central '" Mlnneapolla & St. Louis.... 200 M., (tt. P. A S. S. si 100 M . St. P. A f. 8. M pfd Missouri Pacific I. too Mlsaouri, Kanaaa A Teiua. 1.400 Mlsaourl, K. A T. pfd 200 National Iad 4.tK National h. R. of M. pfd.. l' New York Central I New York. O. A W. ....... 400 Norfolk A Western S.o0 Norfolk A Western prd North American fcsi Paclnr Mall 44 Pennsylvania 11.400 People s Uss I.40O P , ('.. C. St 80. Louis Pressed Steel Car .oo Presaed Steel Car pfd 200 Pullman Palace Car K0 Reading 54.4ml Rradlng lat prd Reading Id pfd Republic Steel 1.T0O Republic Steel pfd Ma) Rock lslsnd Company t.non Hoik Island Co. prd St. L S F 2d pfd 400 St. Louia Southwestern.... 1.2'S) St. Louia 8 W. pld sua Southern Pacllc Inn Southern Pacific prd . ...... I'D Southern Railway 4.2s) Southern Railway pfd Tenneaaee Coal A Iron .too Tens A Pacific '! Toledo, St. L. A W M0 Toledo, St. L. A W. pfd... !) I nion Pacific 141.700 I nlon Pacl0c pfd lis) l'nile-1 - ' '-'vtireaa. .... I nitea Btatei Realty I mled aisles Rubber I V. 8. Rubber pfd l.tss) t'nlted States Steel iLOnn l ulled Stales Steel pld 1 n) Va. -Carolina Chemical l fO la -Carolina them. pfd.... l.lo W abash too Wabash pfd too Welle-Kargo Kknresa Weatlnghouse Electrie .. Western t ntna Wheeling V Lake Erla.. Wteronsin central WlM-oneln central pfd... Northern Pacific central Leather Central Leather pfd Slosa-Sheflteld Total salea for tha day, 1074 414 101 324 3H 474 214 1044 404 l'il4 a J 44 214 701, M4 1M4 122s 1194 1044 i6D4 S94 iii 1104 4 1 1711 4 1i4 1224 L114 11144 22 S t7" 10 14 74 1694 1.4IS) 554 t.'4 74 21 229 n 134 98 3 :4 724 51 U.4 174 74 204 224 174 IS', '97" 111 :n4 714 4(4 152 174 400 204 4 2m 44 17 4 r.H 4S4 7 4 K14 u4 1494 214 .44 434 74 55 414 774 74 167 1154 1M 94 Close. 247 ion 41 1'U 14 so : s 474 21 44 9 114 1554 122 4 1.194 I1144 S94 10S4 til 1094 94 DO 14 170V, 214 554 3 77 204 224 4 1774 13 30 94 l, 33 72 54 154 174 54 2'HI 4.-0 44 99 554 424 77 4 69 1674 Hi 1694 21 ew York Mlninay Mocks. N KM' YORK, March 2. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Con ." Little Chief 74 (l-lrrto .. 27a lophlr J0 Phoenix i Potosl 4 Savage 51 Sierra Nevada 30 -ma 1 1 Hopes 30 I Standard o2J SOPTH Receipts were: Official Monday ... f-'lal Tuesday .. Official AVcdnesday Official Thursday .. Official Kriday Five days this week..23.5W Same days last week....2'i.4!'7 Same days week before.. ID. 370 Same three weeks,lt Same four weeks ag 17.019 Same days last year....15.71ti The following! tame snows of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, comuared with last year: n. 1905. Cattle MS,ii7 132.113 Hogs 470.222 414.017 Sheep aUS,25t) 272,308 locrease. THl'RSDAY'8 SHIPMENTS. The following shows the number of cars of stockets and feeders shipied to the coun try yesterday and their points of destination: CATTLK. F. Martin, Anderson, la Q A. Fraxill, tircenneld, la. (j A. Frulllng. Stanton, la. Q J. Kinsley. Stanton. Neb. F. E... Kd Klin. O'Neill, Neb. F. E F. M. Wldner, Corning. la Q D. C. Morris. Logan, la -1. C K. M. Talbot, Herman. Neb. M. S. W. Fox. Liacomb, la N. W.. V. Piper, Corning. la Q (. F. Hew, Council Bluffs. la.-R. I. O. T. Larsen. Irwin, la. (1. W Pat Carey. Portsmouth. Ia. Mil Gibson Live Stock Co., Clarks, Neb. r. p A. H. Anthony, Central City, la. Q.. John Bennlgatt, lniogene. Ia. Wab F. Rust. Arcadia. In. O. YV F,. Anderspn, McPlierson, la Q W. V. Lat to. Logan, la. I. C K. Ditch, Malcolm, Neb. Q RANGE OF PRICES Cattle. Omaha 2.i'iii.2.ri Chicago 1..VW0.4O Kansas ntv 2.2.-nnv! St. lyiuls 2.2iiH.10 Sioux City 2.5IH3.50 CATTLB QUOTATIONS. The following will show the price paid for the different kinds of cattle on the r-'itlt li Omaha market: Good to choice corn-led steers... Fair to choice corn-l'ed sleers... Common to fair corn-fed steers. Good to choice cows mid heifers. Fair to good cows and heifers, dinners and cutters Good to choice Blockers and feeders 3 !sa4 60 Fair to good stockers and fcedets.. H.rifl'3.P0 Common to fair Blockers 2 7ofiS 50 Rulls. stags, etc 2 sOfr4.00 Good veal calves 6.006 50 The following table shows the average price ot hogs at South Omaha for the last several das. with comparison: Alice 335 Hreece 41 nrunswlck Con 52 Comstock Tunnel 8 Con. Cal. A Va 12.1 Horn Silver 2,0 Iron Silver, ex-dlv..475 Leadvlll ton 4 good were Foreign Financial. LONDON. Marcli 2. Money was In demand In the market and supplies not plentiful. Discounts were steady. Trading on the Stock exchange was irregu Inr and generally inactive, mainly due to week-end realisations. Prices recovered at the close on the higher monetary prospects and the more hopeful outlook at Algeclras. Consols Improved slightly. Americans opened irregular and rallied to above par ity. Denver it Rio Grande was strong and Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe and 1'nlon Pacific were (n request. Fnlted States 8I0I was harder. A moderate amount of busi ness was transacted, and prices closed steadv. Foreigners drooped on Paris sell Ing, but closed with a better tone. Kaf lirs opened weak on continued foreign and home realization. but later recovered slightly. Japanese imperial 6s of i:4 were quoted at 1034. 1 1 I!!!!!!!!! I 1 Hogs. tS.SsYiiti.OS 6.7570 30 S.(sVtJ 15 5.4"i?i1 30 5.S5ftH).00 ..i.i.lO'-go.nO .. 4.754(5.10 .. 4.0iV(i-l.fi5 .. S.Wo4.40 .. 3.0ir63.fio 1.80ft .0 BLL1J". I .l."l J 5 1 43" 9 i 1245 2 9.-, 1 144 3 50 1 l!n t 95 1 9 t (0 1 ion J m i im I n 1 IS59 I it 1 1M 9 9l I ITS 14 ; 1914 S . 1 1174 3 2 i 1'a i as 1 147(1 9 15 1 '.sv.fl I 5". 1 hi I? l ta 9 a 1 in r 1 1570 i .. I .Id 9 25 1 !: 9 5 1 lt 3 25 I1 I 7i 19Tii 25 1 174a i Tl, t 14111 9 So 7 1T 4 75 1 147 9 43 1 lo 1 9,1 1 9 95 1 2"Iu 9 95 1 tow 3 " COWS AND I1EIFEUS. a usi a 7n CALVES. 1 270 t 95 2 :7 I (10 1 3o 3 t5 1 1 20 4 50 9 414 4 00 1 t" J SS 1 4s1 4 25 1 130 4 75 1 4il 4 26 3 10 4 25 1 (' 4 25 14 ISO 4 15 1 no I on l... no it t 225 4 Oil 8TOCKF.RS AND FEEDERS. 1 390 no J to I ! 2 914 9 nil 2 575 4 l 1 45o 9 50 24 9 4 05 1 (40 I 50 II 3l 4 so 30 790 3 60 4 441 4 15 3 im 3 VI 4 741 4 15 12 7U 4.0 9 49t 4 20 1 9S0 I 75 11 432 4 A' 1 940 I 75 1 494 4 t 774 90 M 4-t 4 24 1 4" I 95 and mixed. 92 rwj.: atorkers and 'eefler9. IS.ifi4 2ri; calvos and tearllngf. 2.7Vul 90. IliMlS-Recolpti . ,V3" head: market l"c w. selling at tvs.,i.m c; Intlk ef sales, 4 !nrt s. HOGS Fnder the Influence of a sharp break at Chicago hogs opened 4ow mid dull nt this point, with buyers generally bidding 6'Tlie lower than the avers mar ket of yawterduy. rVUais were slow to make such a concession as that, and when they finally let go nf their holdings It waa at price anly Vij7Vf lewer tknn yep'r dav a general market. The hags sold largely at $5 71i'tifi .00. s against i;.oaV)t. 10 yesterday. While the traaV was slew at the opening It was reasonably active when tho trade was once under way and the big bulk of all ttie hogs sold by lo o'cleck In the foreion. As will be mated from the table above the receipts nf hog todav were ajtilte lib eral for a Friday. 140 cars being reperted In. as against lul a week ago. For the week thus far tho lecelpla have averaged about the same as for the previous week, but fomewhnt lower than a year ago. Representative sales: Date. 1DV6. ,l!s . 1904. 11903. !1902 . 19ol. U900. Feb. 1... ! Feb. 19... 5 98 Feb. 20... 5 07H Feb. 21 . . . o HI 4 Feb. 22... 6 5V fell. 2.i...i ti til's Feb. 24... 6 o5a Feb. lo... Feb. 2t... 5 98 Feb. 27... 6 H4i Feb. 28... 6 10j Mch. 1... ti (to M.h. 2 I 4 07 a 25. 4 4 Wl 4 T4 S 2S 4 O'.'l 5 23 4 06 5 20! 4 5 05' 11 7i 5 79 6 12! 6 SI 6 8 ir.i 5 22 5 23 No. Ar. 80. Pr. N'a. Ar. Bh. Pr. 49 13 ... 4 9o M 234 ... 4 00 99 ISO 140 4 91 4 07 224 ... 4 00 9.1 172 ... 6 95 55 1:9 90 4 HO 51 197 ... 6 95 55 250 ... 4 00 62 2iD 90 4 95 73 246 ... 4 00 at 241 40 4 95 59 243 ... 4 no 12 J"9 ... 4 95 75 247 Son 4 00 90 !'I2 ... 4 95 97 214 90 4 00 60 230 ISO 6 95 79 2H ... ton 91 13 40 i 95 If! 237 90 4 CO 4 270 to 4 471, 46 219 90 4 00 90 217 no I 47', 23 214 ... 4 00 54 2"5 an 4 47i as 2ni 40 4 no 96 2"! ... 4 974 "3 2:10 40 4 00 56 219 ... 4 971, 71 273, 4,1 00 64 205 ... 6 97 4 71 235 40 too 76 14 ... 6 1171, :il 210 ... too 47 219 40 6 97', 7t 222 ... 4 00 73 217 120 5 971, 6 270 m ll 70 214 40 4 97', 71 2F9 40 4 00 5'J 235 ... 5 97', 46 199 ... 4 ill 62 223 90 4 97', 40 269 ... 4 191 91 211 120 4 97 4 40 264 120 I On ti 209 ... 4 971, a :v;l ... 102', "4 212 40 4 97 4 99 292 to t 02, 17 224 40 4 974 49 M ... 4 021, 79 212 160 4 97', 64 251 ... 4 02', 95 191 ... 4 414 69 252 ... I .", 95 212 160 4 97', 64 229 ... 4 024 "7 2ii9 ... 4 97', t 264 ... 4 024 96 211 ... 4 47', 47 252 90 4 021, 63 227 ... 5 97', 93 2(2 ... 4 021, 65 I'll ... 4 971, 43 219 ... 4 02 4 72 2"7 ... 5 97', Hi t2Z ... 4 02', 64 197 ... 4 474 4" 254 ... 4 OS 4 42 2"7 ... 6 971, 71 i71 ... 4 05 70 230 2ll 6 971, 161 275 ... 4 04 90 211 90 ( 97i, 6:1 314 90 t or. 99 223 90 t 00 57 39 ... t 05 45 247 ... lis) 73 265 ... f ns 66 253 40 k ihi 67 254 ... tor, 71 264 120 IIS) 44 264 ... 4 00 ' 49 225 ... 6 00 6 95: 6 93 84 4, 5 3i g X'Ji ft 9.1 I 5 401 ti S3 5 88 I 77! 5 32 A Vii 6 H3 I 5 21 1 6 88 5 95! 4 S" 5 131 I ti 22; 4 T2 5 09 1 C 08! 6 22 6 84i b 31 D 0 3:1 6 961 5 30 ft 3: 4 84 4 78 4 74 4 70 4 70 4 69 5 38; 5 34; 4 65 ft 27i 4 67 5 2! 4 70 4 95 4 tip. 4 901 4 66 Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle.Hngs.Sh'p.H'ses Treaenrj- Statement. WASHINGTON. March 2. Today's stats nient of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $15o.oi9),i6iu gold reserve, shows: Available cash bulunci, I152.567.OH0; gold coin and bullion, iti.29ti,S25; gold certificates. $51."4i.310. C M. & St. P 3 2 t Wabash 1 Missouri Pacillc 5 .. .. 4 I'nlon Pnclile system.... 24 2V. ft 2 C. & N. W. (east) 4 10 C. & N. W. (west) 15 79' 1 C, St. P.. M. & O .1 8 C B. Q. (east) 2 6 11 C, B. Q. twos' 1 21 24 C, H. I. P. (east) 1 li 1 C. R. I. Ac P. twest) 1 Illinois Central 4 Chlcugo Ot. Western 1 I Total receipts TO li in 9 jno ju4 ;ir4 500 300 ISO 2'in 24 J'SI . It'll lilt) 400 294 to 14 1574 71 116 244 714 150 99 34 94 394 14614 494 954 " W 4:i' 139', 944 '24 951, 240 13614 294 1M2 4 7 46. 46 24 554 -'4 1174 S94 14"" S3 4 3S', 55 1514 954 5n4 110', 414 1m4 49 ins 234 504 iai" 9:14 144 55 213 4-l'4 90 931.50V ahaiea. 1464 167 4 7114 1164 24 764 150 994 S3 4 6 724 391, 1454 4'0, 944 49 Is 424 1374 954 -6i 96 240 1344 294 101 24 454 234 644 54 1174 147" 334 364 55 1494 964 494 109 404 1'I54 Vi 1114 22 4 491, inn 91:4 65 210', 424 MM, 79 94 SO 904 3", 67 2'4 on 4 1461, 157 704 114 24 75 149 169 991, 334 64 734 :i 1464 41 9t 91 99 424 134 99 79 424 97 2.19 1354 4U, 99i, 24 1"l 2614 44, 45 4 2 55 654 1174 S5S f.i, 144 334 3 4 544 161 954 115 94 494 lll4 44 M54 -, 112 23 49 234 140 914 '4 "4 V5 213 42li 1(54 79 London (losing; stacks. LONDON. March 2 Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: nalallt Grata Market. DULVTH. March 1-WIIEAT-To arrive: 4'- 1 avstrUw-D, 1c; No. t northern, 'itc. On Olla and Reela, NEW YORK, March t OIL Cot tonseed oil steadv; prime crude, f. o. b. mills. 2Yi 344c: prime yellow, 3Hi324c Petroleum S.ilet; refined. 7oc; Bultlmore and Phlla elphla. 1.55c : prime. In bulk, 4 65c. Turpen tine, firm. TlfiTl'jC. ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good, 84 's-,. 4 15. SAVANNAH. March S.-OIL Turpentine Steady, tbc. ROSIN-Firm: A. & C, V. K. F and O. 14 10; H, 4 36-t W; K, $5.30; N. 5 90; W. G., K 10: w. w., KK. OIL CITY. March I. OIL Credit bal ances, tie.; akrpinewra, 71.414 bills.; aver age, T3Ai bl'la ; runs, n.'w bbls. ; aver age. 62.415 bbls.; shipments, l.linu, is), 281 blila.; average. 6o.2il bbls.: runs, Lima, 80,827 bbis-i averggai, 4J,ti bbls. 1 onaols, money . do account .... Anaconda AKhlecn do pfd Baltlmora A Ohio -Canadian t'a. Igc . v new. at unm f hl.sto Ol. W. ... C. 34. A St. IV... tie Beers Denver ft 0 .. do ptd ......... Erie , do let pfd do Id pfd lllinote Central . Loulavllle Naak M . K A T F.s-lnterest. RILVKR-r-Rar. uncertain. 30sd per ounce. MONEY 3, i4 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 8 ll-liwi3 per cent; for three months' bilka, 84 per cent. ... 90 'X Y. Central ... 904 Norfolk A W ... 134! do pfd ... 91 lOntaxlo A W ...lot ! Pennsylvania ...11314, Hand Mines ...1144 keadtmi ... 614 do lat pfd ... 214' do 2d pfd . . lmt Buuihern Railway ... 114 do pld ... 45 Southern Pa.iBc .. ... II Inlon Facile ... 4l I o pfd ... 194 L' g. steel ... 494 do pfd ...174 Wabash ...1604! do pfd ... 444 tpaolah 4a .1504, '4 . 91 . 514 714 . 4 . 104 . 47 . 501, . 39, .101 . 474 .1551, . 49 4J4 .1094 . 14 . 43 . 91 Bank t leartaaa. OMAHA. March I Bank clearing a for today wers 2.1k2.7T.7I. and for tha eon e spondlng date laat year I1.847.1 t8.S. Bank atf rsaanp- ttateaaakaat. BERLIN. March 2 The weekly atate. n.ent of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows the - following changes; Cash in Wool Market. BOSTON, March 2. WOOL-The Com mercial Bulletin will say tomorrow of the market: The feature of the week Is the transfer of l,Msi.(4 pounds of tine Monte video remaining from last years Importa tions. The wool was sold at 24c 111 bond, or 35 1 duty paid. It cotiM not lie replaced under 38c. One of the large worsted mills took all hut alHitit :n.''o pounds, which were bought for Antwerp account. Some merchants sav that the business being transacted Is of a smaller volume than last week, while otheis declare that the sales aggregate more than Is admitted. How ever, Ihe mnrket Is undoubtedly as active as supplies permit and prices are on a very firm liusls. Present conditions warrant no change In values for some time to come. The wools now here cannot be duplicated at the existing selling prices. Woolen mills are the chief operators and they are buying clothing wools In quite a satisfac tory manner. All wools are being taken and sto ks are being steadily depleted. Fine staple territory Is scarce and Is worth 724 73c: medium Wyoming sells at 2f'27c; tine clothing brings liOtiT'te; fine medium. 66' 08o; V-blood, (SRfniTc; scoured territory is moving well at a range of 65'Sj70. : Cali fornia fall free scoured Is in demand at On'ri (7?tt. little grease wool is to lie obtained; ..... ,' na,-r. i:oy .r, nl.l.v I tunny cattle lll.,, unit U.liln,iil l,lnw linns. ! few I08US Oil ferred at 32i33c; Ohio fine dilaine is prac tically nominal at 3ti4'n3Tc, and XX and similarly situated a' 34V.c; all grades of fleeces are well cleaned up; pulled wools are In belter demand; tine As sell at 05'n tixc: A supers range from Oiiti2c and B supers are being purchased moderately at ft2'u55c. The shipments of wool from Bos ton to dale from December 27, l(is5, accord ing to the same authority, tire 43.5wi.4:;7 lbs., against I3.31t.172 lbs. at ihe same time last year. The receipts to date are 42.2Ni.5f.ii lbs., against 4S.8"9.1'i3 for 'he same neilod iHSt venr. ST. LOt'lfl. March 2. Wt gI Steadv: medium grades, coinlitng and clothing. TVa 28c; light line. 2iTi2lc: heavy tine. tub washed. 32ti40c. The disposition of the day' receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of heud Indicated. Cattle. Omnha Packing Co Swift and Company Cmlahy Packing Co.... Armour & Co Vansatu & Co MeCrearv Mil' & Son L. F. HtiKg nil.'' liaggerty Sol Degau J. H. Root i Co Bulla & Kline Other buyers 20 373 431 312 1 5o 71 213 237 344 Hogs. Sheep. I.h. !.m ;i.ii' 435 4;',o 726 Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 2 METALS There was a further break in the London tin mar ket, with spot closing at 163 and futures at 162 Ins. Locally the market was re ported weak, with spot owned at $5.T"'ii5.ri. Copper was irregular in London, spot being 2a 6d lower, nt 178 2s nil, while futures were a shade higher, at 77 12s fid. lineally no change waa reported, and the tone wai4 quiet but firm, with lake at fl1.12Vul8.5i: electrolytic. H8.issiiis.25. and casting at 117.87- ttlH.c". Lead was unchanged. at $5.3.VrS 45 In the local market and at 10 2s nil in I.ondon. Spelter was tun hanged, at 25 in London and at J1..1M116. In locally. Iron was easier abroad, with Cleveland warrants closing at 4s 14,1 and st.indatd foundry at 4Ks. The local market was un changed. No. 1 foundry northern ia quoted at $19.251 1H.35: No. 2 foundry northern at $17. 75ft 11. HI; No. 1 foundry southern at $1S.2.Vi; 18.75, and No. 2 foundry southern at $17 7fg 1 25. ST. Lot'lS. March 2. METALS Lend Steady, at $5.12H; spelter higher, at $6,011. Totals 2.131 Ji',,251 1.724 CATTLK4 T,here were oui.v a tew came here tnis nmi'itng, tne run being lignt even for a Friday. All told seveniy cars were reported in, as against eight y-tnree week ago and 137 two weeks ago. There was a good ileal of trash Included among the receipts and only a few reauy desir able loans. All kinds of killing cattle were a slow- sale, with the tendency easiec Packers old not a nm-ar lit need of many cattle i.ugelv for tne reason that they nave been free tiuyers nil trie wcck ami were pretty well tilled up. It was late wnen they got started and the market waa without much lite or snap at any time. Win 4) was said above regarding fat teeri4 would iPily equally well to rows and heifers. It was a slow. Indifferent 11 arket. with no one apparently wanting and it took longer to sell th hand than It dors to dispose ot twice the number on most days. The tendency of prices was lower and those wMi had cattl" fi sell found It an uusatls lactory market. There were few stockers und feeders, but there Is never a very urgent demand for that clasa of cattle toward the end of the wek, as the cotiutrv demand usually falls off at that tin.e. Owing to tin- large run this week the demand today was less ur gent than mlpht be expected even on a Friday. Hence the market was slow and weak, li was decidedly lower yesterday, so that It was not an easy matter 10 tell whether prices today were very much wurse or not. i llcprescntulive sales: Ottr Bl(-'o.l3 No sugar und Volaaaea. XEi' YORK. March 2 . Sl'UAR Haw , firm; fair rdlnlr.g. 2Vi -' 15-hlc; cent i ll ugal, 96 test, 3'v,i3 7-lCc : molaa- sugar,- 24'fl 2 11-loe. Itetlned. steadv; No. 6, 4.1'v: No. 7, 4.05c; No. S. 4c; No. 9. 3.')c; No. 1". 3.:V; No. 11. 3(5e; No. 12, 3stc; No. 13. 3.75e; No. It. 3.75c; confectioners' A. 4 15c; mould A. 4.95c; cutloaf. &; crushed. 5.3oc: powdered, 4.70c; granulated, 4.kjc; cubes, 4 85c. t offe Market. NEW YORK, March 2. COFFEE Mar ket for futures opened steady at unchanged prices, or about as due on steady European rabies. The market closed steady, net un- j changed to 5 points higher. Sales were re ported of 79.250 bags. Including May at 7.15c. 1 July at 7.JH-. SepreniUr at 7 4.'i'n7.5oc, In-I ccmber at 7.7"i7.I5c, February at '.kitf-1 7.85e. Spot H10 quiet; No. 7 Invoice, l-p;. Kvanorateal Apples anal Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK. March EVAPORATED APPLE! Market sleadsr: common to fir are quoted at 7r4,,.: good. 19m, 8i,iNc; fair t going. 19i, oi4MT.e; print. 4ti44c chetre. Jav: t3eV. UaViri. CALIFORNIA DR14JD PTITTTS Prunes ara la fair demand, with quotations ranging from 41ae to lca according to grade. No. I.... I. .. 4.... 4.... J ... 1.... 6 .. 7... I .. II. .. 1... 19. . ID... I... 1... 1... 1 .. 1.. 1 1 . 4.. I.. 1.' t . I . J., lo . .. 1 . I.. 1 . 1 . 4 . 1.. 1.. I . 19 . I . I . I . I . I . 11.. I.. I . Av. . 7u0 '. iii . K.I0 . 935 . 1060 .11.5 .1666 .1153 ..1270 ..l'75 ..1I.U .. 7r, .. 720 .. too . 950 . . aw . . 10M) .. vo .. 9vi ..I'll') . . 6s5 .. 50 .. 997 ..1140 . ,wo . .104" .. SsO . . 954 . .l"'l .. SMI . .low . . sisi . Its .. 9MI .. 910 .. 4JI .. t"4 ..1124) ..1U44 ..l"20 .. 91,4 ..luoo .. 169 .1011) . . l'S.0 . . 1060 .. 434 .. 931 .. 490 . I'SO ..1044 .. 414 .. 450 .. 41 .. 494 .. 4v .. 430 .. 134 .. 92 . . 440 .. 654 .. 716 .. a-w) .. 41(1 I r. 1 75 3 7 1 95 1 90 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 25 4 25 4 40 4 4u 4 4" 4 - 14.. I. 3.. 11. 4. 11 10c 22. 13. 29. COWS. 1 93 t is) I On 1 11 1 1 15 a 25 i 15 1 25 1 25 1 25 2 35 1 40 1 40 2 4'l 1 40 1 40 1 60 2 U 1 50 2 w 2 fi i 5". 1 ('. 2 65 1 95 1 15 I ', " 1 ,5 t 1.1 . 1j . au i 00 1 00 I on 4 00 a ot 1 00 10 a ia HEIFER3. t 10 $ 44 a u 4 4 a ot 4 Ot a it a 15 t" a ia 1 25 a as a u 11.. 14.. It It. At. 1017 ll"7 Has) 1'31 1116 1195 11.4 1265 .. .. Li 1121 1135 1451 ...v1341 , 090 1"70 1030 1043 1 4f.q 1340 i42 110 ft HO lost 991 974 441 90 40 1166 975 lll 1360 1152 11 JO 1121 1339 1400 l04t UM I"S II. 'a 1 174 1144 10JU 1231 15ot 1'Ul 1930 127t 1141 Pr. 4 40 4 to 4 60 4 4 44 4 I il 1 40 4 90 4 00 4 10 40 4 14 a 25 a to a 25 a 25 a 15 1 15 a 25 1 25 1 15 3 15 a 95 a 40 a to a to a 60 a to a to a 60 a m a 40 a to ., 44 a ti a t5 i i a tu a to a it a u 4 1 , i 75 a 7t a 75 a at a to a 90 4 14 a to ' 412 a as a 91a $ to 1 940 I 40 72 444 4 44 i 939 a 10 a s. t a at t 440 a t 1 9-i a 40 1 a 40 9 ! 111 I i7u 4 no 4 lat 4 ii SHEEP There was very little here In the way 01 eitner siieep or lambs una very little wanted. The quality on an average was nothing extra, although there wero a lew loads of pretty decent stuff on sale. Such a combination of circumstances Is bound to produce a slow, Indlffeient mar ket. Some of the sales looked steady and some looked lower and the feeling was weak. (The fact that It was near the end of the week and that packers were not very greatly In need of supplies had a good deal to do with the condition of tha trade. While the trade has been slow and to that extent, at least, unsatisfactory, all this week, choice sheep and ewes are fully steady with a week ago gome would say a little stronger. On the other hand, the medium to common grades are lower and me same tning is true 01 an Kinus ot lambs. Quotations: Good to choice native Iambs, $t'i.4oco6.rtti; good to choice western lambs til.3oiii4i.60; fair to good lambs, $6.156.30; cull lambs, $4.5irt4o.2u; good to choice light year lings, eo.o.Vgo.eO: good to choice heavy year lings,; lulr to good heavy year lings, $5 411(5.00; good to choice wethers $5.5ii4iu.iii); f:iir to good wethers, I5.26ii6.50 good to choice ewes, $1.S0Q6.25; fair to good ewes. $4.50414.00. cull sheep and bucks, $3.00 4)4 00. Heprcsentatlte sales: No. 40 western culls 15 western cull ewes I!i7 western ewes 21 western ewes 179 western ewes 47 western wethers Ay. ; 95 . 9 . 92 . 100 . 91 Pr. 2 75 3 60 4 55 4 76 5 00 a 75 CHICAI.O l.IVK STOCK MARKET Lower tattle Dull Hogs Ten tents Sheep and Lnniha Steady CHICAGO. March 2. CATTLE Receipts 3.i9sj head: market dull, prices steaay; com men to prime steers. $3..54j.So; cows, $3.10tr 4.5o: heifers. $2.5C9ti6.i9: bulls. $2.40(ri4.35 cabeg, $3.5nfr(C.50; stockers and feeders $3.(964.75. Hi MiS Receipts, 35.0U0 head; market 10c lower; choice to prime heavy, $6.26fi0 30 medium to good heavy. $ti.l5rS6.25; butcher weights. tti.SO'iig 30; good to choice heavy mixed, $o.Lslr 224,; packing, 5.9"fo.2i), SIIEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000 head; market steudy; sheep. $4.00rtiti.l5 yjurllngs, $5.50tfi6.25; lambs, $6.2&fl7.0u. ew York Live Mock Market. NEW YORK. March 2 -BEEVES P.e celpts. S.706 head. Market for steers, slow but steady; bulls and cows, steady to strong: steers. tl.ifXuo.Sit; fat oxen, $4. 0'j 5. in; bulls. $3. 5093.80; cows. $2.104.30. Liv pool and London cables quoted live cattle slow at 114c per lb., dressed weight; re ftigerator beef, lower at &4yi(9p per lb, Exports tomorrow, ,60 cattle and 1.6M quar t. of lieet. CALVES Receipts, 1H1 head. Market steady for good calves; no very prime or choice here: common to good veals. $5.00 9(4); city dressed veals, steady at 914o per ill., liillllli; llirpK-u, iiirfr, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, head. Market l'sfiloc higher on light sup- nlv: sheen, nominal: cnoice. axis). IIOGB-Receints. 1.703 head. Market feel Ing steady; stale hogs quotable at 6.i5'ti.4o. rO- ins t ity IA Mock Market KANSAS CITY, March 2,-CATTLK Re cetpts. 2.&10 lead, including 35o head south cms; market shade lower; choice export and dressed neef steers, e-i la'do.!"); fair good, $4.tii6.15: western fed steers, HSd'n 6i)(i: stockers and feeders. $3.(9Ti4.Ki; south em steers. $.'l.5"ri4.90; southern cows, $2 2541 35: native cows. $2,255)4.10; native heifers I3.t6.4)0: bulls, $2.751 4.00; calves. tn.Oriig.TK. HOGS Receipt. ti.lOO head; market 61j 7'' lower; top. $0,124; bulk of sales, $ii.0nr(i B io; heavy, i..l(rvf 0.U4; puckers, i,.oisi4.01 pigs and llgh's. in.HMifii.flii. SHEEP AND LAMH8- Receipts, 1.000 heud; market steady; native lambs, Vilr' n.7o; western lambs, Vi ,ii. 16; ewes and yearllngM, $l.7'rJu.9o; western fed yenrllngs, e5.5toi.isi: western fed sheep, $!,2.jn stockers and feeders. $3.2.vri4 00. :ev 7h'tf llc; $1.' of bu., lil'U and red. Colo- 2iifl3.'c. per 2-bu. 3D lbs. 3i 3o OMAH A 4 4401.F.91 W.K M4.HKF.T. en4ltlna ef Trade aaif Uaatatlnnt on ate pie anil laser I'rodnee. EO(1l9-Rece1nta liberal; candled stock, unsettioal at 1 LIVE ItiCLTRY-llens. ltv: old rooster ; mrkeve. IV; gucka. 11c; young roosters (iO'V; geese, ge. I'RES!9EI POULTRY Turkey. lS-ilPc old toms. 15filc; chickens, lOW'uU'ic. oK roostets. 7e; ducks, l?r113c; geee, loc. Bl'TTER-Parklng stork. 144c: choice tt faney dairy, llolsc. creamery. 217i2l4c. HA I ITIced qtHiten rjy innana reea com-. pany: No. 1 upland. $o.: medium, $.'..". coarse. t4.sOQfi.oo. Rye straw, $0.50. BRAN Per ton. $16 50. TROPICAL FRVITS DATES' rr bo of 90 1-lb. pkgs . ,2.00: llalkiwaen. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 5c; Say ars. per lb., 4c; walnut stuffed, l-lh. pkgs.. ti-00 Tr do ; s-ll. Imxes, $1 00. ortANtiKsi t alirornia. extra tanry iieo- and navels, all iaes, $2(); fancy navels. .45: choice, all Plaes. t:.s'fi2.76. LEMONS tJtnosstera. extra fancy. Size, 13 25; to 300-slce, $3 75. FIGS California, per lo-lb. carton. ace; Importfd Smyrna, three-crown. Blx-crown. lSe. BANANA-Psr medium slied bunch. 12 35; Jumbos. $f$n'.i3ofi TA Nt 1 Kit I N ES 4. alii mln, per nnx bout iar. tsao. CRAPE FRl IT Florida, per box. , T.50; Callfatnla, per box. $4.0tVti4 aO. FRl ITS. PEARS Winter Nellls and Mount Vernon. 2.40 A PrLES California Pcllflowers. $1 ts) pet- ba. box; Ben Dm Is, $1.76 per btv box: WIik -sups. $2.25 per bu. box; other varieties. $2,011 fn2.50 per hu.; New York apples, $5.50 per. bbl. GRAPES Imported Malagas. $.i..yrrfi .10. OLD VEGETABLES POTATOES-Home grown, per one: South Dakata. net- bu.. 10C ONIONS Home srown. yellow per bu., .5c; Spanish, per crate. 42 rado, red and yellow, per bit.. $1.00. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.00. LIMA BEANS Per lb . 54c. CABBAGE Home grown and Wisconsin. In crates, per lb., 2c. CARROTS. PARSNIPS AND Tl HMl'n- Per bit.. fi.Vu7.'ic. CELERY Kalamazoo, per dog., SWEET POTATOES Kansas, bbls.. $2.00. NEW VEGETABLES TOMATOES Florida, per crnte of net $0. WAX BEANS Per hamper ot about lbs. net, $ti STRING BEANS rer hamper ot about lbs. net. $3.14114 00. EGG PLANT-Florida, per dot.. iTl.S". GREEN PEPPERS Florida, per hamper of about 10 doz., 421.5a. TV RN I PS Louisiana, per doz. bunches. 75c. SHALIiOTTS Loulsluna, lier doz bunches, 75c. HEAD IjETTI CE Isntiisiana. per Bin.. tl2.! 15.00; per doz. heads. $l.7Rt2.00. LEAF Will i (.1-. tiotnouse, per ooz -heads, 50e. Cl'Cl MBCRS HOtnouse. per ting.. 1. RADISHES lrothmise, per dog. bunches.. 50Ti 75c. Ml SintOOMS Hothouse, per 10., oc. BEEF Cl'TS. No. 1 ribs. 13c; No. 2 ribs, 11c; No. 3 rlb. i'-ic; No. 1 Icrtn, loc; No. 2 loin. 12c; No. 3 loin. 94o; No. 1 chuck, 5'o.c; No. 2 chuek. 44c; No. I chuck, 4c; No. 1 round, JV: No. z rouno, oc; rso. .1 rouna, w , rso. 1 plate, 4c; No. 2 plate, 3'fcc; No. 3 plate. 3c. MISCULUANKUl B. CIDER PVr keg. $3.76: per bbl., $6.75. HONEY New, per 24 lbs., $3.50 . CHEESE Swiss, new. 1c; Wisconsin brick, lfic; Wisconsin llmberger, 15c; twins,, 15c; Young Americas, 154c. NUTS ainuts, rso. 1 una sneus. new crop, per 11., lb'-fcc; nara sneus, per in.,. 134c. Pecans, large, per lb.. 14c; small, per lb., 12c. Peanuts, per lb.. 64c; roasted, per lb., 6c. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12C(jl34c. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lb- ir-'- Cocoanuts, $1.25 per sack of 100. . . , FRESH riSH Trout, lie: nannut, jno; pickerel, dressed. 7c: white bass. He; sttn- tlsllt (Knc , percn. enuiiieu iiu uirerru, r. , rlke. 10c: redsnappcr, lie: salmon, lb-;. crapples, 6'tiOc; eels, ISc; black bass, Zjc; whltensn, lie; irog legs, per uo., 00c, lobsters, green, 3:1c; boiled lobsters, 3ir: hluetlsh. 15c; herring. 4c; Spanish mackerel, ltic; haddock, loc; shrimp. tl.tWfjl.jO per gallon: snielts. 12c; cod, 12c. (jyain,rr5 r resn nmooaiu, ,,-i nn. , shell oysters, tl.0oea2.O0 per 100; Llttlo Neck clam. t150 per 100. 81 GA K Urunilltlicn cane. in 1101s., .i., granuiatea cane. 111 siiisa. eo.oi, aiauuiuiru beet. In sacks, tt.Ol. HVRlT-lii narreis. ;jn per gni. : cases, n 10-lb. cans, tl.Ou; cases, 11 5-1D. cans, $; cases, 24 24-111. cans. !.:. COFFEE Koastea: ivo. .1,1, i"c per in.; v an. aio nrr Hi. ; No. 25. 184c per lb.; No. 20. 154c per lb.; No. 21, 124c per lb. FlOL K 1 wlioiesaie) nesi nigii gtaue ie- braska, per cwt.. $2: best high grade patent Minnesota, per cwi., i..', smisni isnnn Nebraska, per cwt., $2; second patent Ne braska, J1.90. Cl'RED FISH-lunilly whltetlsh, per H bbl t Km lb., M 50; Norway mackerel, per bbl , 200 lbs., bloaters, $10: No. 1. $Ji; No. 2, $2i; No. 3. $20; Irish No. 2, $17. Herring, in bbls., 200 lbs. each. Norway. 4k, $13; Nor way, 3k. tl3; Holland, mixed, $11.50. Hol land herring, in kegs, milkers. c; kegs, mixed. 70c. BROOMS No. 1 carpet. f.1.2n; No. car pet $2.4": No. 3 plain. $".25. CANNED G( )( iDS -orn, standard west ern. o.Vgiioc: Maine, $1.25. Tomatoes, 3-lb. cans, $1,251(1.50; 2-1 h.. 974-fttl. Pineapples, crated. 2-lb.. $2.06"(2.30; sliced. $1.9f.4i2.2i): callon apples, fancy, $3.50. California apri cots $1 4"ri2.00: pears. tl.TTifi 2.6); peaches, fane'v. tl-76i2.40; H. C. pea-hea, t2.OtWi2.5o. Alaska salmon, red. tl.15; pink, 90c; fancy Chinook, V., $2.10: fancy sockeye F., tl.95; sardines, '-oll, t2.50: t-mustards. t2.5ixfi' 3 10 rlweet'potatoes, .n' 1.25; sauerkraut, tr pumpklna, socffitl; wax beans, 2-lb., 75ti 90c; Lima beans, 2-lb., "ri'ifflcfitl.SS: spinach, 41 3oi2.00; cheap peas, 2-lb., bOc; extra, 76( 90c; fancy, $1.36111.75. HIDES. PELTS AND TALLOU'-No. 1 g-een bides, K4o; No. 2. 74': No. 1 salted, 10c; No. 2. 9c; green bull hides, "(iiSc; cured, 9iluc: dry hides, 1oi(2tk-. Horse hide. large, $3; small. $2.60. Sheep pelts, each, 50c'g$l.25. Tallow. No. 1. 4c; No. 2. 3c; rough. 14c Philadelphia Prod ore Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 2 Bl'TTER Firm; extra western ci-camery, 30c; extra nearbv prints, .X2c. EGGS Weak and barely steady; nearby fresh nnd western fresh, 10c at mark. CHEESE Quiet; New Yolk full cream, 12V14'4C. Peoria firaln Market. I'EORIA, Marcli 2 CORN Strong: No. I yellow, 4t'4o: No. 3, 404c; No. 4. 39c; no grade. 364''l374c. OATB Steady ; No. 3 white, c; No. 4 white J9'C. REAL KKTATK THAMiFfcHS. St. Lonls Live Stock Mnrket. ST. I.OI IB. March CATTLE Occ-intt, ot) head, including 40o head Texans; rna ket steadv: native shipping and expirt steers, $5.u"(4i.lii; dressed beef and butcher steers. t4.lotiS.2Ti; steers under l." llis :1 I'll 4.6n: Blocker and feeders, t-'ii'alT'l cow and heifers, $2.1i''i5.iiO: cannets. $1 S5' 2.; bull. $2.2f,fi4.5o; calves. $3tri;.T5; Tt xaa and Imllan steers, t3.9OM.70; cowa and heifer. t2.3ie4.10. H("a;s-Receipts. 0.500 head: market 15c lower; pigs and lights, t5.4is7ii.25: packera, t'.tsi'riii.i; butchera and best heavy. ti.l5?i 6.J0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 5Uihead: mark'-t steady: native muttons, $1 lambs, In.M'n ,vr,; culls and bucks, $3.5ti4t.26; st'K-ker. $;.ij7i4.Wi. stork la Hlght. Receipts of live stock ut the six principal western maraets yeatemay: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha .!.'' lo.uo i.'ttt Sioux City ) , 9 ;si Kamsaa City !.5no 0.1x1 l.osi St. Joseph l.(',7 ii.231 2.932 St. Louia Sisi ti.ysi , Chicago t,U4 36,(s R.iaX) Totals 12.7457 72,031 14.432 l. Joarph l.lve Slock Market. ST. JOREPH, March I. CATTLE Re ceipts, l.obj head; maiket steady: natives. f4.n-(i6 . cows and lielfus, tl ioi4 0n, stockers and feeder, ti.tty 4 6y. HOGS Recelfits. (i.321 head; market Value lower; light, t5.9oiiti.o7 4: medium and heavy. tV (Asutl U. SHEKl AWD LA M Bat RectJVia, 2.9.12 iwiad; market ateudy: lainba. f ; pi. feeds filed for record March 2. 190K, as furnished by the J. Fred Kerr Co.. bonded abstracters. 1(9 8 New York Life building: 1. 110 wig Grimm and wife to Charles L. Thomus, Id 22, block 15. Wet Albright t 5 E E. Stenberg et al. to Henry Mor tinsen. lots 5, 22 and 23, block lo. Rose Hill "'' Hlldur Appelgren 10 Krlstlane Mor tensen, lot 7, block 10, Rose HID 1 Same to same, lot 20, block lo. Rose Hill Fred W. Wood to Frank Lootnis, lot 6. block 10, Patterson park K G. A. Lindqucst ami wife to M Erlck iin. lots t, 4, 5 and 6, block 11, Rose Hill 45'J The I D. Mercer Co. to Edward L. Balbui-h. lots 8 and 9. block IS. Wal nut Hill add 1 Oliver I). Belli and wile to Maggie 14. Rea. Iota K and 9. block 7. llil cyon Height John M. Huston and 2.'HM wife to -John A. Duff, lot 27, block 3. Missouri Avenue park ' Pai-sumpsie havings loink to Carl F. Johnson, lot 6 und 6, block 3. Mon mouth Park add l,4"sl Josetih Claudt and wl'e to Michael Opltg, tract In 17-10-13 5"l Ellen M. Clurkson to Catherine M. Hciinenerry, p.irt lot 7, block 93, Omaha 1 Catherine M. Ilenneberry to Ralph H. Johnson, eacie 5,9s Stori Brewing Co. to I". P. R. R. Co.. part lot 9, block M. South Omaha iMxt Viola J. Cameron and husband to Wil liam A. Bell, lots 10 and 11, block 122. Dundee place , l,rs Marv Mulli.ill to Wllliutii Mulhall, lots 5. 7 and . block 1. McCormlck's add 1 Cora A. Sanders arid husband to John W. Rapp, lot 9, block 1, Yates A llempel's 2..'i'4l Graham L. Bradley t al. to f. P. R. R. Co., south 140 feet lot H, block 61. South Omaha .(0 Nebraska Investment & 1 uiprovenicnt Co. to M. F. Fuiikhouser. lot 6. Rlv- , ertlew tidal .'t F. Ds Day Ql Co. aioavg Cltr I.W49 HtaeW Market. SIOI X CITY. March i.-(gpeclal Tele- , gram.) CATTLE Rccolprs. 4s) head, mar- 1 ket stead, ties vet. $1 Cio'36 60, cows, bullg 1 BU 'fboa Sii, aer alers tat Stocks. Cirain. Provltioni Itraach omet, 11(4-111 Uonrtl of TaMtdt, Hldar Omaha. Ke4. Telepkaa Snii. , T'-Zii txchaoua Bldg. South OmaJia. 4li4ieIiaM ruu 4