10 1 I. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FIUDAY, MATiCTT mop. OSAHANS HOSTILE TO BILL Local Lawyer Affairut Burkett'i Plan for ITew Judicial District. DIVIDED IN OPINION AS TO MUNGER Maar'TMak Meeilac la Called to Defeat Him for Ja4s:eahla I4 It Re Created ay (nairrii. Our Cloak Dept. is headquarters for all newest styles in LADIES' GARMENTS. Style. Beauty, Reigns Supreme in our new enlarged CLOAK DEPARTMENT. OMAHA WKATHKU FOKKCAST VrUUj Fair n- ColW I LV E I T s i B THE RELIABLE STORE Ther appear to division of senti ment atnotiK Om.-iha lawyer as to whether the meeting of attorneys called to assemble in Llncolit March 7 Is an rt of hostility to the randldscy of Tom Munirer of ln coin rarilie new JudRe.hip to be created liy Senator Rurkett a bill, or whether the meeting la In lit Interest. It seems to tie crnereHr coiyedrrl that Omaha lawyers are oppufrd jjto ;te Mil, which provide for the divlelon of the state Into a north anil south lod'rnl district. It la !nld a number of lawyer will yo to Lincoln to attend the meeting, pa they can do this and attend the session pt thr. supreme, court at the same time, ' ' "tt sretits to bo (he'jeneral understand ing here,'' said l,ce Itvrdnian, "that the meet Inn 'la culled for the purpose of pre venting lie Appointment of Mtinger. It Is conceded that m Mtinfccr l a cloae friend of Burket he will get. trie appointment if the bill pass, unless sorne action of this kind la taken. It la a. desirable poaltlon, and a good ninny attorneys do not like to sc il go to Monger without a fight. How ever. It la probable If the Lincoln meeting Indorse the bill, the North Pla.it attor ney will not take a very active part In Indorsing a man for the Judaeship, but will leave that to the lawyers of the territory loniemrd. Hostile to the Rill. "The lawyers here are generally hostile to the bill. They do not see the necesslty for another district and do not believe the business done by the court warrants It. Over the state there is a difference of opinion as to the manner In which the state should be divided, even among those who favor a division at all." "It looks to me aa If the meeting was a, move in favor of Hunger," said frank Woodland. "The Lincoln lawyers are fa vorable to him, and It Is probable they will be able to dominate Die meeting. If It were to be held somewhere else than In Lincoln It wmild look as though it might be a move against Munger. There is con siderable opposition to Hurkett's bill in the western part of the state. Out there they would like to have the state divided north and south, the western division In cluding about two-thirds of the state. They are looking to Omalin lawyers for aid in opposing the bill, but I doubt If the lawyers here will take a very active part." YV. J. Council said he did not think Omaha attorney were taking much inter est In the bill, and he thought few of them would attend the Lincoln meeting. ALL THE REMNANTS AND ODD PIECES from the Great Ashley . Bailey LC ML i Our tremendous sale of the iast three days has left us with an immense accumulation of remnants of tlie very finest silks. They all j?o on bargain squares Friday, iu pieces from J yards up to 10 ami yards black and white wash silks, Louisenes, rustling talletas, silk Lussan, pongee, etc. Ashley-Hrti ley whole sale price up to 87c yard, at, per yard . . . 19c-29c-39c GOOD PRICE FOR FARM LAND One Hundred anil Tea Dollar an Acre , fur Property tx Mile from ltr. One hundred and sixty acres of land out side of the city limits on West Dodge street about six miles from the court house have been sold by Phillip 8. Reed to Wil liam Bttill of Omaha through Reed Bros. The consideration was $17,000, or 1110 an acre, and Is considered a big bargain. Mr. Stull bought the property as an Investment. Heed Bros, hove Just consummated a transaction whereby L. E. Peyton buys from the Commercial Isnd company a lot with frontage of sixty-six feet on the south side of Farnam street aliout where Twenty third would cut through. The considera tion was fO.ftlO. A few days ago Mr. Pey ton bought the forty-four feet east from the City Savings hunk, paying $5,0u0 fur it. Dress Goods Remnants 49c 25c Splendid lot of waist, skirt and drepsjpngthft, taken from our rpgular stock, no reRara ior ionner tost, on front bargain square, at. per yard Remnants of Gne all wool dress Roods left from the big sale of Philadelphia Mills goods, black and colors, (in Annex) at. per yard 75c qnalltv blark Gloria Silk, i Danish Cloth, cream and col 48 Inches wide, at, C ! rs. remnant up to fln per vard aJC 15 yards, Annex, yd. . lUt In Main Section Silk Kollcnnea, Pongees, Silk Voiles, black, white and colors, 60c grade, per yard DRESS QOODS RErtNANTS IN THE BASEIENT Mill lengths of 25c Floral I Travelers' samples Imported Organdies, at, per llA Dreas Goods, at, each li. . 2 i piece 0 25c yard ; i i ! i : I I Many New Spring Goods Just received, new shipment of fine em broidered voile suit ings, neat checks and stripes, for suitings and chil dren's wear C 25c yd. val- (0O ties, at, yd. Mill lengths of printed madras shirting, full yard wide, at, yard FRIDAY IN THE BASEMENT All new styles of Printed Lawns and Batistes, light or dark grounds, very m j good quality, fnP at, yard 5c J 36 and 32 inch India Ution, positively t worth 25c, in perfect J long lengths, 5 will go at, J" yard C0MST0CK HAS AN ORDINANCE Proposes Telephone Mrmre Whose Legal Statu I Doabted by the City Attorneys. Councilman Comstock of the Fourth ward haa asked the city legal department to prepare an ordinance requiring the Ne braska Telephone company to give connec tions and grant the exchange of business with any toll lines built to the city limits deinnndltig such arrangement. The coun cilman was told by Attorneys ltreen and Herd man that It Is very doubtful If such legislation ' would be valid, because of an apparent lack of authority for the city to make law of the kind. The attorneys promised to look Into the mutter and to prepare' the ordinance if they thought it would be legal and within the jurisdiction of the city- council. v In the Forenoon Fine wearing quality twilled sateens, suitable for men's shirts, linings or skirting regular price twenty five cents a yard, at, per yard 5c New Spring Per cales, dark styles, a good quality that will wash mji and wear well, yard . 2" Imported madras for waistinga and shirting, new styles for spring wear, 3 to 6 yard lengths. regular 35c values. at, yard In the Afternoon Beginning at 1:30 we will sell yard wide bleached muslin, cambrics and long cloth, worth up to 12', 4c yard, plenty of. sales people, sale price, .per yard ........ 10c i v i s - "t 19c 5c ! ! Linen Remnants 25c New lot fine Mercerised Table Dam ask, nice long mill rem nants at per yard Nice lot of plain all linen remnants, colors and white, for doylies, fancy work, worth up to f f r II yard three lots ZC-JC-IU C at each ww Drummers' sample plwes all linen bleached ajid cream Table 1.t- usk, for tray cloths, etc., at vach Table Damask remnants, lh to 3Vi yards on bargain square. 5cl0c There la a Tide lu the Affairs of Mm Whlra Taken at the Klund Lead a tw Korlane." The opportunity to make a success comes to every individual at ome time In his life, but it often iippear In a disguised form and is. not recognised until after It hua flown. Failures lu lire result n often from poor health us from mismanagement, and yet people Ignore this fact and disregard a cold until It has mittlcd on their lungs and pneumonlt ha resulted or consumption has been contractid. The opportunity has passed and It Is too lutit now. to remove the cause. Your chance for success may rest In curing cold, and there Is nothing you can procure which acts so quickly aa Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. U is famous for Us cure of coughs and colds and can al ways ti depended upon. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result lu pneumonia. i Wash Laces All widths of fine Wash Laces on big liargaln tables, new and very desir able patterns, in laces and inserting!), at J ifi" jC yard Embroideries Medium widths of very line Kmbioid- ertcs ana inserting!), ninny new openwork patterns, on buigaiu square at a rd Extra wide Corset Cover Embroideries and Skirtings, some with neat ribbon beading rdges. up to IT inches, yd.. 7k-10c 25c BOYS' and GIRLS' SHOES For School and Dreis Wear The beat cor rectly mad hoe to na turally fit th foot of tha child. i BUILT FOR DURABILI'Y AND STRENGTH If u;i oj 6 sais sjo'IB .siuio ailtri leathers, fine .oak f CO f Q f OS soles, prices I. J7-I.07'l.70 Boys s Shoes-Sixes 1 to 5'i. bluher and lace, all sites. Vu.Qt !'"'h!?:': . 1. 75-2.25-2.50 Little Girls' Shoes lce, button or blui licr. dull or bright rinlsli leath ers, double or single soles, T:.T?.M: Misses' Bhoes In putent colt, vlcl kid, patent lip or regulur tip, single or tar!.:.0!": 1.59-1.75-1.98 si : I ; TEL. DOUGLAS 431. I (gffn-nv ) 1414 FARNAM ST. Special in the basement Boys' Clothing Sale $2.50 Knee Pants Suits at $1.69-Double i "brvahtetl suits, iu ages strong Scotch mixtures, The Best 50c Quality atSlr CAIIOII CITY COAL Lump for Grates and Furnace Nut for Cook Stoves BEST SOFT COL IN THE MARKET. NEB. FUEL CO. 1414 Farnam St. Knee Pants for Boys Mothers who attend this sale will be well repaid. Knee pants with reinforced seams, patent Excelsior waist bands, woolen materials. 50c i or 5c values, at 7 to 15 years, plain black or hlue, well made tor rough wear f CI and equal to the kind you usu- II 0 ally pay $2.50 for, at Boys' Russian Blouse Suits With patent leather belts, ages 3 to 7, worth f PA $2.50 each, at Is JU Last Ca.ll on These Waists 30c Flannelette Waiats or Blouses, 5g 76c all Flannel Wulats or Blouses, rtrt. hlue or gray, at w li 29c I! JJ GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERY TIME aftOaaMar 5,000 Yards of Mill Ends for Friday Shirting Prints in dark and light colors, in lengths A from 2 to 10 yards, for Friday only, n yard TC Fine Dress Percales ;( inches wide, in light and dark col ors, : ; to IMo yards in a piece, regular 15c qual- A ity, Friday only, a van! IUC Drapery Cretonne- .'52 inches wide, extra heavy soft fiuish. very pretty floral and Oriental designs, regular A , 'J0c quality, Friday, a yard, only IUC Plain white, checked and striped madras and dimity, f worth to 25e, Fridav only, a vard lJv All the sliort lengths of our Outing Flannels, Flannelettes and Kimono Flannels, worth to 18c a yard, in lengths from 'J'i to 10 yards, Friday only, a yard. 100 pieces of Irish Twill Toweling, bleached, Friday only, a yard 1,000 yards" of Cream Table Linen in lengths from 2 to 4 yds., all linen, and worth 45e yd.,' Friday, yd. 15 dozen Comforts, covered with silkoline and ""CIQ with a nice fluffy cotton, worth $1.35, each, only. , vOw Cheap Sale of Dress Trimmings Big lot of fancy trimming braids, plain and fancy edges, taffeta silk shearing, in a full range of colors, sold from 10c to 25c a yard. C This lot will go Friday, a yard, 10c and C Embroidery Remenants From 2 to (I in. wide, inser- C tions and headings, worth to 15c yard, Friday, yard.. One Cent Lace Sale Friday from 11 to 12 in. we'll put on sale a big lot of lace Appliques, Heading and Trimmings ecrus and white, worth to 10c a yard, dui-ing this hour sale, a yard, only Ladies' Neckwear, lc 500 pieces of fancy AVash Stocks and Turnovers, worth 10c each, Friday 10 to 1 11 a. m. (five to a customer), each 5c Veiling Sale 2 to 5 p. m. Plain and fancy mesh Veil ings, with or without dots, mostly black Friday J? 5c Sic 5c 29c 2 to 5 p. m., at, per yard Children's Hose Cheap Odd lot of children's small size hose, regular 10c value, special Friday, a pair. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR FRIDAY ft SATURDAY ia UR LADIES' SUIT DEPARTflENT. Fifty Ladles' New Spring Suits in the latest designs, both In style and material. We have them both in Pony Jacket and Box style, with the new circular skirt, special for this " C A sale, a suit .OM Ladlos' and Misses' Three-quarter Box Coats, both light and dark mixtures, trimmed with velvet, wry nobby, this sale Clf) only, at, each LA OIKS' AM) MISSKS CBAVENKTTK8 Made of Priest- f QA ley Cravenettes, in tans and grays, all sizes, each. ; ZfJ3 We have 25 three-quarter Coats left in the early spring weights, colors tans, browns, blues and greens; some are lined through out, sizes 34, 36 and 38. This is a lot of 325.00 t'J C( coats, this sale each la.)U Bennetts Big Grocery IWt quaffiTfVs coupled with low prices our success. Bennett's Breakfaat Coffee rlttr- 2-pound tan OS Anil M Grren Trailing Ulanipf. Ti'H, assorted kinds ilMo pound .. OW And 4u Green Trading" Stamp. Diamond 8 l'eacn?a, F-ui, Clieirica, titrawbrrrles, t'iueiipph-a Oan can , a.OW And i Green Tradlnv Stampa. B A KG IN 8 IN FlCKKKd. 'Mc bottle Ucdney'a Aaaorted 1 Br PluklHS, to elude out Ijottle.... -' BCTTKK. ilKADQl An i KUS FOR THE BliST VAI.UEt. BKXXETi t'Al'llUL. CllliAM- 1'JKY, pound brick, lull weisni 3Uc . . CUliliSK. Full line of Domcrilic nd fureiui;. HmihI Cheese t i eacn aC Neufclmlel Clieebe Xf mill w Baylea' After Dinner Cliet'ne 2-iC And Id (Siitii 'riHilnm (Sc.nri.b. Corn, J-lb. can 5c i'utta. a-ib. can tic Su.liiitn, 1-lb. cun fcc Two oacki WuiLtaler Table SaJl lUw And 1U lii'tcn Trading Htaiiip. 'i'luve package Jcll-t- OCr aBHorted SmiJt And 1U Green TrailliiK Slumps. Two cuna All. Kinco, luiue, Corn Ot And lu Green Trading Hlump.-t. IVund can Hciini tl u Cupiiol OAr UaKing 1'owder a.1 And lu Grveii TrudiiiK Slttlnp-i. Tliieu-pouud iin Camp J'lre e Bdked Beans IOC Ana -U Green Trailing Stuinpii. XkAV GAKUKX S10K1W- Vegetable and Klower Seeda 1 puckuee ....V W Tnree packaged Sliredded Cod- O,-, tlali aSOC And 10 Green Trading Stamps. TWKNTY 1'Or.VHS BK8T (f URANrUTEU Sl.tiAH I.VJU And 30 Green Trading Slanius. MKNKKTT S CANDY SECTION. Salted I'eanuta iT. pound Vanilla Chocolate cake 4c Wash Boilers, heavy bottoms, quick heatei'M, up Q M from Ot"C And Forty (ireen Trading Stamps With Each. 'JVn (jreeii Tratlinif 8taiiiH Willi t-Hili of Xlicse: Mop Sticks, at UK- Cotton Mops, at i!(c Paring Knives, assorted, good steel blades.. 10c HAKDWABK BASEMENT. FRIDAY'S BARGAIN BULLETIN It's Remnant Day at Hayden's Surprising Silk Bargains Linens , Muslins and White Goods GAe Photo Art We Heartily Invite Every Photo-ist to See Our New Line of KODAKS, CAMERAS And All Pho-M&kii Accostriet. It's a Charming Display. Prices Right. Southaast Corner Main Floor. Friday in Hardware WASH lAV MAIE EASY. Galvanized Tubs, strong, durable, guaranteed, three sizes, bargain struck for Friday, at 72c, Olc and. ?OC And Forty Ureeii Trailing; Stamp! With Each. Galvanized Palls, b a u d s o in e, strong, perfect. 1CI at 21c, Uc and I If C Anil Twenty (ii-ecn Trading: Stamps With Each. After four daya of the mmi t reniendmm IIr nellltin ever knutin In ouiaha, wi Will aril all short IrnKtliM to flno pi I k from . the big (lock of the .hlrv .Vt Hiillrjr Co. of It 10. II-S and IJ.ihi .,ualltlr. Kriduv. In two lots, at yard HI.-. :;? Hint.. AVC Frnin to 1 a. m f". .1. Itonnet .'T-ln.Mi hla-k tnn'eta. II. 2b arailo .ti nt. yard UVfc. From in to 13 C. J. lliinnc-t 3ii-liich black tnffrta, l. 7u grade, QQ Our tl il S-lnrli black talTota "7Ct Hprclal at iOC Our II ! XA-lni'h black double faced peau do soia nl Our Vic 27-lncb white Jap ei) wjali mUk at OVC Remnanfs;ol Wool Goods FROH ia' Tl Hit.". A. 51. We trill noil remnant nt hi fib grade all wool and Mlk and wool drew goods. In IniitthH or L'i to ; yarda. prunellas, eolllenne, vollea. Iiatlsteji. albatrnns, etc., vollinpii and all fine toiniinor weight that add from 11 .m to $3 .W yard, all will go at. yard. 6:'c, 4!c. Kr and.... FIIOM 2 TO itl p. M. We will kpII nn entirely new line of wool dreFa goods at, yard ie .'SK:, iic. 1" nnd IOC High Grade Wash Goods (5IAIN WASH GOODS DKI'T.) Keinnnnta of linen auitlngs, white, colored and fanclea, that aold up to fl yd., 1M-. will go on sale at, yard IV- Remnants of silk orRumllrs, Flench or gan. lie- and silk moiiRHolinrs, that f er sold at 50c and 6ftc, at I" Remnants of wash goods, that aold at ?5c nnd c yard, will go at itr a yard . Remnants of fine linings. In gloria, cloth, lustral, spun glass, peroiillnes. silks, etc., that anld at from iSr to 40c a ynrd, ii-. all will go at a yard IVW. SE 1CRAL OTHER HPKCIAL8. 5c II glai.ii 5c in i.u.i anil iiii- vi'llll'll Milllt' IU.K.IIIM aiMlll. ,11 .HI lll'l IKMV tAe.lXI'H. O'UK Mllll ICM4UIM, ei(lliAr -.1' ti ,WO lll.llllj, III, I ., I II, J.IC Hllll 11 J k i -nun iniU- M.iiMiuH, In inailiMa. n.'iiu- sll'Oh.S plillr.M, llllltli MI U'I'S. ilO'l I'l l IScil. I'll.. KOIKIS tjtllt SCll lll.ni 1-.4U to yiiiil. hi i"iiH mill iciigiiis, it. aid l'ottni Swiss, in good Ioiik ii'iiKtli-. IM-. lUlll JuC ltlllill, HS ll.HK 114 I liny im.sl, at aid i. Flue she r Inula uii"ii ami iiiiinty , iiMigins, icKUi.ir.i.ic to .oc i4iiaiil, at, yaio Kciniiuiili in b'Wi ittig. in blcaclicd bo allien, in iciiKti.M fpiiii .' lo i y.uu, r'iuiiir i.- to in iiaiii, ul, , yaru, . '''i'' ano W Ki'liillHlilM ot uibic 1 1 in - li. all our almi L ' ItiiKlns. In mi l' to I liinls KinK, hi bleached iiiki uiioleaeheii, ma linen and liu i l enzi'fl giHios, tnat sell i c(ulai ly from Loc io n. .iki, in 4 mis, at, , I He y a r i--iz.se, ;i!K-, Luc nurt ICW hi iiinantM oi I'l'-iu ln.J OMinl'iitl and nuib tins, in Ioiik mill iiKtiiH. n ini.ir l"c aim 1 .'' iiuaiity, xi, .kr yard 5V t noleaciied timsiin. koihI iiiulit, from me bolt, worth he yard, ijo yaina 'lit! lo ciistonicli. ut, yard u" Wash Goods in the Do mestic rioom 5c 7ic i i.i i - ,7ic Jic flannel Department I and 3c 4ic 15c c 6ic 3ic J casra mill remnants of fancy dot led Swisses, worth In a regulur way l.n: lo -He yarn, your dunce at yard. 3 I'llMCH l .. I J CI rules, 111 mill I I 1)1- nants, r'nmo. at, yard I case JK' clievioi wauling, mett terns, long null unguis. at, - yanl ni pieces high grade calico si li t- Inn", on sale Friday at, yard Remnants of Sic white shaker limine outing naunel, at, yard Hriiiniinis of Arnold's licat made .li.-iiieli flannelh tic at, yard..... RemeaulH of In st madn at Sllki'iine, at, per yard Remnants of best made 36-inch wide outing flannel at. yard... Remnants 'of l"c and 12V flan nelette at, yard Grand 5c Ribbon Sale We have Just receid the odd bolts of plain and fancy rihhnns from the largest ribbon manufacturer In the country. Satin and gros grain ribbons, plain and fancy taffetas, etc., all colors and widths; ribbons worth up to 85c per yard all at one price Friday per yard Friday is Bargain Day in the Cloak Dept. Several small lots will be closed out Friday at one-half to onc-thrd regular prices. Don't miss them. 11" handsome walking skirts, Ti O ()Q and $i values, Friday U "' 4? spring covert coins, worth , Qti rcgulnrly up to $7.00, special J.u Many other broken lota will go Friday at half price and less. 75 women's eravenette coats, that sold up to $10, Friday 36 winter coats, worth regularly up to $15. at... 25 doien new home made wrap- , f OS pers, tl.ua, $1.76. $1.50 and 4 50 495 Sale of Furnishings Friday Men's merino shirts and drawers, all sites, spring and winter weights, 2C at Misses' and children's vests and pants, heavy ribbed, worth 26c, IOC Indies' corset covers, Jersey 1f)r ribbed, worth i5e, at 1 "w Ladles' combination suits, regular 2Sc tOc values, at - 1-adles' vests and pants, heavy ?K,r fleece lined, wortli up to OOc, at aCV Ladies' tape girdles. In pinks and blues, all sizes, wortli up to 75c, Oir eli.ilrn . -' Meti s and boys' dress and work IO" shirts, worth up to $1, at Roys' shirt waists and blouses, light and dark colors, worth up to 1Sc" 6nc. at ,L,W Read These Grocery Prices THEY ARE MONEY SAVERS FOR YOLT. HIGHEST Ql'ALITY AND FRKBHEST tJOODS GUARANTEED. 21-lbs. pure, cane granulated sugar $1.00 4s-lb. sacks very highest patent Minnesota flour ,.$l.zi 1 lbs. best breakfast rolled oatmeal 7-lbs. best hand-picked navy beans 25c Rromangelon, or Jello, per package.. 7'sj Xcello, or JYuen's wheat wafers, )er package "u The beat soda or oyster crackers, lb tc 2-lb. can fancy sweet sugar corn 5c 2-lb. pkr. self-rising pancake flour 7e B-lb. pails pure fruit Jelly Lie Oil sardines, per can 3o 1-lb. pkg. condensed mincemeat 5c 10 bars best brand laundry aoap 26c 2 cakes Imported custile soap 6c 2 cakes tar aoap ....lo 1-lb. can fancy Alaska salmon be 2-lb. can soused mackerel... 2-lb. can smoked haddock... 2-lb. can kippered herring... 2-lb. tan fresh herring ,...jr.c. . . . . -tH) ...o . . . . luu FRl'IT. FRV IT, FRFIT Another' car of Fancy Highland Navel Oranges. This la our extra fancy car. There is nothing like the Highland Na vels. They are the sweetest, Juclcsv and richest flavored orar.go that grows. Tomorrow we will commence on this car per ilosen '-""a Itetailed everywhere for 2.'c and 3oc per dozen. New honey, per rack 12Hb Fancy Fall dates, lb Iim Fancy Hallow'en dates, lb 4-lbs. shelled popcorn hn Fancy Crown imported figs, lb 12.: Fancy California Hsi, pkg 4u ill! I UNSURPASSED by any Coal Mined In Illinois, is the GENUINE TRENTON COAL ia thoroughly screened free burner burns lo a light ish LUMP - TON $6'25fJ You can t beat It, and you don t want io iry wnen you nave once tested It we'll deliver il promptly. C. B. HAVENS & CO. Tel. Douglas 317 219 8. 16th St. 198 Men's t3.no Flints, at Men's $2.00 f - Pants. at....sJ All the Odds and Ends of Men's $10 Suits will go at Men's Odd Sft- Wool Vests.. -v Boys' $1.60 QQp, l.ona Pants. VOL. $5 ?! f1 T A BT'C DENTAL r,1 ROOMS. FANCY WORK We have all the new things in the art goods and in charge of expert at tendants. Silks in all the anadea made. Stamped Linen Pillow Tops. Cotton Cords, Ribbon-in fact, all in full lines. CLUNY PATTERNS AND BRAIDS This is the nem work which will be so popular In a short time, and we are the first lo show it in this rity. Come In and take a look, at the work. CTflPllllf rrrT Why dam your aoae when you can get new wlUumitU ILL I futrntlss. In black or split foot. (JC Three pairs for Jbc, ail In faat colors: can be put on in a few minutes. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS FOR APRIL, 190. ARK NOW lN-Agency for Nebraska for Pictorial Review Patterns. In sending mail orders for patterns add Su fur postage. JOS. F. BILZ 322 South 16th Street. Omaha, Neb. VIA UNION PACIFIC EVERY DAY To April T, It Hi. SHORT LINE FAST TRAINS NO DELAYS Be sure your tirictti read over thi$ line. Imiiitre at City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam 'Phone. Douglas 334. MM ID m Two "SiIilllllli Fullmm through ASxA. Sleeper fast train- X8iTirSSi' n1 Pr,or from Ornaha Cfe Servc 8:80 P. M. and 8:00 A. M. arriving Minneapolis 7:25 A. M. and 6:50 P. M. Ratei and information at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam street SAMUEL NORTH, District Pang.r Ag.nt, OMAHA, NEB. EVERY MAN Tak'S priii In s nice wm c'i. The new K'-sise. thin iiiooei ror Ji i'y niau is jui m. ninn ne wmim itKe. It la thiaf in ixieket tlie old style bulky watch is aoirf- and then the price are so moderate these l-iiu) buys a SJtuxl STe movemeni. wirn a nobDy. tasty fll'ed ae-we have them aa low as $10.00- heaper imlo 1517 Douglas St. I LOOK F'lK THIS " S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER 11$ OOUOkAtST. i