Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1906, Page 9, Image 9
THK OMAHA DAILY DKK? THTHSDAY, MAKCH 1. lOOfi. 1 I) 0 i I :! i I VFWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Offlee, 10 Irt MIOR M-.ST10. Pavi sella drugs. Try tha Central flour. Stockert tell carpets. Ed Rogers' Tony I-'aust lcer. Plumbing and heating. Bixby & S in. Lrs. Woodbury. det.tlsta, 30 Fearl atraat. Woodrlng-Sehmidt, undertakers. Tel. fflt. VA Rogera' famous Mlrketnh on draught. , .fat-vie. J3 Main, wines, brandies, whis kies. PhotM! UK School paint, pen, paper and tablets. ! ' Alexander's, S3i H'way. 1 Ohio potatoes at nor per huhc-l, one du only. liart. I Mlllrr. Tel .6i. ' Huy your building material . from (J. llafrr. l'.iK stock and liltli.- prices. Kor Importi-d wines, liquors and cham pagne, L.. Koscnfeld company, S19 Main 8t. Tlgredla temple. Rathbone Blntcr. will inl Friday evening In Knlgiits of 1'ythlas hall. Abe Lincoln Relirf corps will meet In regular aesWon Friday afternoon In Orand Army hall. It pavs to deal with the Glen Avenue Ciroeery, they .make, prices to suit every body' pocket. The. First Ward Improvement "'lull will meit Krlilay evening in the. lobby of the ogden hotel. Cotton felt mattresses for comfort and vest. Lt us quote you prices and save you money, . Keller Farnsworth. Twenty per cent discount on our J. Pou Jat Franch hlna gold decorated dinner ware this week only. V. A. Maurer. Btrlctly fresh efrg. lie. per dog., all you want, at the Central Grocery and Meet Market. 'Phone L4. WO-miS Broadway. Try the Central flour. The Knlits and I-mlle of Security will give n masquerade bar! In the Maccabees hall Saturday, March U. Admission Z cents encb. quits A Annis, money to loan; cash on hand, po delay; city and farm property for sal on easy terms of payment. Office, lvl 1'earl atrrtt. Harmony chapter. Order of the Kastern Htar, will antertain Its members and friends this avenlng In .Masonic hall with a card party and social. Tc wagon, good as naw, for sale at a treat bargain. Hee bredensteln & Hmlth, coal yard, near Wabash freight house, Utli Ave. and Sixth St. We are paving the highest cash prices for old Iron and nietnls. Council Muffs Junk Houi'c, J. Kattlcman, proprietor. Tel. M. ftV3 H. Main. " Hrt-e Is another xrnip: tine 25c package uf pancake flour and one package of and one package of Indian meal all for iSc- Battel Miller. Tel 3K. Ttio Manhattan restaurant ami bar are giving the blgmcst meal In town. Short orders, with, pure' cream for excellent coffee. Try and you will be delighted. Mlsaourl oak- dry cordwond. $ii a cord; hhollbark hlckorv, IT; Arkansas anthracite. t".'.. pti ton less than hard coal. William Welsh. 1 North Main Ht. Telephnno l;s. SHeely l,anc, marble and granite works, Kaat Uroadway; are the people to patronize. TheV cava yciu: por cent and give you the firwet material and best workmansnip. Mrs. l-'rnnces Fessato, wife of Joseph Fessate. .North Twenty-ninth street, died yeaterunT ntternoon, aged ;il years. iicBldi s her husband, two children survive hor. Jamli- . Field performefl the marriage ceremony yeateroay for M. N. Woodmancy and H H. Young, both of Macedonia, la., and Onnrge Mlcnel . and Anna Yimib, both vt Lincoln, Neb. Painters,- now Is your chance to buv I brushes at tf per- eent discount for cash only Ctnincil fluffs f'nint, Oil and Glass company are going to move to Merriam blncg on March 16. The Laities' ' Aid society of the Swedish Lutheran rhurcn will meet this afternoon ikL -the. .home or Mrs. Otto FaiK, Filth avenue.. The Hit nor league will meet this - evening in the church parlors. - Tha quality of our high grade work In watch ruiwIFimi cannot -be eoualled In thin k'iulty. and In oroer to get and kuep your ltionage we employ woi-Kmen that are lut;ou.njy. rename anfi juniy rguieu iij HKinarl. . Lrftcrt.-- . - - . Tha Woniaa'a auxiliary - of St. Paul's Kplsrnpal enurch will hold its regular mommy meeting Friday afternoon at -o chick at tne nome ot the presidont. Mrs. T. 3. Foly, on Mouth Hixtn street. Thu members are renueated to come prepared li tage up tha study of Japan. Th eaaa' against Marcellus V. Moxley on Ma" charge preferred against him hy Miss Hagmar Kntnerine Jenaen was disimsced In in uierior court yesterday on motion of tn' assistant County attorney. Moxiey - wn prepared wltn a long array ot wit nesses to disprove the charges against him. . - ' - ' The fire department was called shortly after ft o'rlocK last night to the Jeftens residence on Fletcher avenue. Lace cur talna In a bedroom on tne seivmd noor had caught tire from a gas Jet and started a blase, wntch the memliers of the family utieoeeded in extinguishing before the ar itl of the department. Mrs Mary Clark, aged M years, died yesterday morning at her home. Hat Norm eighth street, from tuiiercnlosls. Three daughters and four sons survive her. 'tne funeral iu be held Friday morning at -.m o'clock from the resilience and inter ment will be In Fairvlcw cemetery. Hev. F. A- Case ot tne First llaptlst chuivh will conduct the services. N. T. Plumblnif Co. Tel. 360. Night I. tUS. .IT'S NO USE. BOYS! If you CAN'T meet competition, why. SELL OUT oriCLOSK I P! Knock If you wish, that a tha best advertising we can get, BUT DON'T. GET GAY or your schedule will be violated and then won't there be a hot time In lids old town. These are our' prices from choice and yours if you buy goods enough to stand the pressure. If you can't, run along to the trust with jrour troubles BCT DON'T GET GAY! h.M puffy'a Malt Whisky... T!c All you want see. Il.m Llnuoaone want It .THc $1.00 Swamp Root. "You may have kid ney trouble and not know It" 7c ll.iw Mdnyon's paw Paw Tc 11.00 Plert-e's Medicines ' ,...79c 1?J, 11.00 Gordon a Malt Whisky This 1s the guaranteed kind. 100 Chester Genuine Pennyroyal Pills $. Mennen's Talcum Powder....- 1'ic l'sc Cutlcura Soap e?uc -"Sc Juvenile Roup '. Me. WE PAY THE FKEIGHT on mall orders amounting to flO.Ou or more. r"ree. delivery use your 'phone. pkici dun Atr Lit 0 sTots . . . .' E.' T.' YATES. PROPRIETOR. Curner Fifth avenue and Main street, ,. Council Bluffs, la. 'Phone 333. Cor. Sixteenth and Chicago Sts., Omaha. i wtiuy-iourin and is His., South Omaha. 1EWI0 CUTLER MORTICIAN 21 purl Jt. Phoms. Res. 83. Oftlca 97 Lady Attendant if Deal red GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS ' FOB BRICK SCHOOL building. Department of Indian Affairs, Waahlngtuti l. C.,- February 15. Iwu. haulal proposals Indorsed "Proposals IT gchool Building. Pierre, s. D.." til adalressed to the commissioner of radian affair, Washington. D. ('., will h received at the Indian oftlc until 3 O'clock p. ni. of Monday, March IS. ltnt, for furnishing and delivering the necea aary materials and labor to construct and T"!""" a cnooi uuiioina, ltn phautaaaa. attam hear and acetylene aiia(. at the Pierre Indian school, 8, 1) . I ia atrlet aei-orrlanca -with plana, auecinca- ' taM and Inatrwctlona to blddr which may ! a eiamined at this office . the ofth-ea of the 1 ' Improvement Bulletin." Miiiuapoll. I Winn.; the "Arcua-lader." tiiivui PhII 9. D.; th "lDU-r-cen." t'hlcaao. Ill - the iDter-Ocean, . t'hlcaa-o. III.; the "Olobe-lmocrat." 8t. Liuia, Mo. and the Omaha. Neb.l tha Bulldera and Tradiua' tLSchancea at Omaha. Nl Mil waukM. Wia.; St. Paul. Minn., and Mlnne apollH, Minn.: the Nor'.hweatern Manufue iwrrra' auuclutlon. 8t. I'ul. Minn.; the I'nlted Ulatea Indian Warehouaea t 3b', South Canal atreet. t'hkaao. III. ; kl& How ard atreel. ihnatm. Neb.; 11 Wuoatvr atreel, Naw yrk City, and ftij 8outh Seventh etrwat. 8t. Luuia. Mu., and at tha school. f-r furthr lnformalino -arply to J C lWhMl; 8upt., Ptrrie. 8. I). C. F. ijir laiMa, Act g. Cunirnlasluner. A!-Z4-;TMI-- t-10 BLUFFS 8t. Tel. 48. THIEVES ASSAULT MERCHANT , Victim Detect Theft and Attempt to Hold Them for the Police. ROBBERS FINALLY ESCAPE TO LUMBER YARD Officers Nntlged and Sneceed In Landing, lioth Men In Jail I himth One f i hem I'nts lr Fight. I Marcua Solomon. ,,.-... in, ,.- of a clolldhg I store at 21J West Bioadway. was set upon and harflv he.ton afternoon hv two sneak thieves whom he had detected In the act of stealing several pairs of trousers from his vstore. Solomon seised the men as they were about to leave the store, when they turned on hint, knocked him down and kicked him about the head and chest until he was rendered almost unconscious. Solomon's cries attiucted n number of people to the scene, but the two crooks dashed through the crowd at the front of the store and turning north on Second street made for the lumber yard of the (Julnn company on Vine street. A telephone message was sent to police headquarters and Patrol Driver Ixirenxen. being the only officer available, was sent after the men. A search of the lumber yard disclosed the men hiding behind a big pile of "lumber, and they made no resistance when taken Into custody by the ofllier, who by th! time had been reinforced by a number of men from the lumber yard and vicinity. At the city jail the men gave thu names of Frank Jones and Frank Morgan and stated they were from Omaha. While being conducted to the cells Morgan, the larger of the two prisoners, turned on Officer Lnrcmcen and put up a stiff fight before the officer was able to draw his revolver and hit the fellow over the head with the butt, Jones Is a young fellow, probably 20 years of age, while Morgan Is apparently about JS years of age. Solomon, who was badly beaten up. will file an Information today against the men charging them with assault to commit great bodily Injury and larceny from a building In the day time. It Is likely that Morgan will also be charged with resisting an officer. Civil Merrier Holes for City. Fire Chief Nicholson, who returned from Des Moines yesterday morning, said there was considerable talk there about the bill to he introduced which would place cities of 5.011 and over under a civil service law. Des Moines Is the only city In the state now affected by it and Chief Nicholson, who talked with a number of the members of the legislature, found that they favored an amendment extending the law In all cities of 26.000 and over, which would In clude Council Bluffs. The effect of the passage of such an amendment would be to place the fire and police departments of this city tinder a civil service commission which would con sist of three members appointed by the mayor, two of whom would ie republicans and one a democrat, one to be appointed for two ycara. one for fou years and one fur... six years. Promotions uud appoint ments would be solely upon merit and u member of either the police or fire depart ment could only be removed for cause. The appointment of the chief of police would, as before, rest with the mayor direct. Chief Nicholson said that from the talk at Des Moines he felt confident such an amendment would be passed at the present session ot the legislature. For huln. Large lot on Glen avenue, graded, paved, alley in rear; 11,800. Lots In Highland Place, to 1150 each. Lota In Broadway riace and Babbitt riace, up to grade, tJba. Many dwellings from io0 to (5,000. Insure your house and furniture with ma. CHA8 T. OFFICER, Telephone 61, 419 Broadway. Kor exchange, storeroom, with four llv- ; Ing rooms In rear part: also four-room cot tage on rear of lot. This property la on Broadway, a corner lot 44x128. The whole property la at present rented for $1S per month. Insured for 11.350. Price, 11,500. Encumbered for 100, 6 per cent. What have you for the equity? D. 8. Kerr, Council Bluffs, la. Telephone 417. Beautiful hand woven rugs made out of your old carpets. They are reversible and will last a life time. You run no risk. If the rugs are not satisfactory or exactly na represented we refund the money, also pay for the carpet. Send for free booklet. 'Phone 51. Council Bluffs Carpet Cleaning and Rug Mfg. Co.. :S4 N. Main. A reputation for putting out honest work of unexcelled finish, for building work em bodying all the latest Improvements, that haa made the name Van Brunt. A guuran- ! ! tee of quality wherever vehicle are shown. Drop in gc my repository, i- to -n rourin street, and see for yourself. The hnest selection of marble gravestones in southwestern Iowa can be found at Sheolcy & Lane's m.uble und grauit works. 217 East Broadway, Council Bluffs. Many different designs und colors. The work Is donu by experts who have had years of training. IpecUl bargains tor this week. Fifteen lota on the Omaha car line, west of the car barns, for 190 each on eaay monthly payment. Abstract and perfect title. This Is your opportunity to procure a good bargain. See Wallace Benjamin, room 1. hirst National Bank building. 1 write tire Insurance. 'Phone 303. Six rooms, city water; lot to graue; guud repair; rents.. Ill; for $1,050. Also five . uonis. best repair; rent, tl2; for JSOO. tlousra and lots on monthly paymenta. Alva Smith, real estate and Insurance, room T Everett block. i r I,' T of V,ul, ... .,.!., ! chaed a fine piano from the Houri' lu. piano house. It U a lieautiful oak ca-- j of modern colonial aiyle with a very flue true. Are you UMli "McAiee'e" roffera? If not giva a trial order and you will find them tha acme of blend and-xcellenr. All .,,4.. from IV, to if- r.H Nl ! far lauar towHli.lua. Peter Merkert. a well-to-do farmer of Miiideti township. wa before the commia alnnera on Inaanlly yesterday on comul&lm 1 of hla aister-in-law. Mr. Chriatine Merkert. ' li... i... .k. i.Auri. i. . .". .v w.r complainant ia the widow of Peter Merk ert brother, who died about five ycara ago. After hla brothel' death Piter took up hi residence at the home of the widow. Fr aome timu Petar and hla brother's widow maintained the relation of man a id wife without bains inarrhd and a on was horn for which Peter ha made ample provision. A quarrel followed and Peter and hta a:ter-lU-law aeparatvU. I'rU-t, whu la atilt will- lug to make hla im. t-in-hnv hi wife, only 1IOW refuse l) llHCe HllVthlllg In lil ! with 1 1 1 1 ii, it eaid at Ik- hem In, yen- i t'-rduy. Is Insanely jenloii of the irninun and. owing to threats he has niiub' nreutlj, 1 she Is In fear of b.-r life. The conimlsslon- marry Mrs. . Anderson, and ultimately the era iloclili d that the ciisc did not come up- j Indictment will be nuiiahi-il.-1 This arrangr der their Jurisdiction as Merkert Is appnr- ment was with the approval of County At- entiy or sounn niinii. nut was one for n Justice court. Metkert Is a stockholder In the .Mimlm bank Hnd also has a largo In- tereat In the canning faiinry there. RKI'l lil.K AS 4 tl.l. Date la banged from March l In Twn Days Later. At the meeting of the republican city ! central committee last night the dates for I holding the piimaries and city comentloti I ere changed. Instead of holding the city I convention on Murt-h l.'t nnri the m-imuH.-a on March 10, as previously announced, the l' "' t primaries to select delegates u. ,h convention will be held Tuesday March 1:1, a ml the city couven- tlon on Thursday, March 15. The ward caucuses to select t-ouncilinanic candidates will be held Friday evening. March !i. It was also decided to cull u mass meet ing of republicans for Monday evening ut S o'clock in the south court room of the county court house to name candidates for the Hoard of Kducatinn and school treas urer, Instead of holding a nomliiHtlng con vention. County Attorney J. J. Hess was re elected chairman of the commHtee. which is romposed as follows: First Ward First precinct, 1 1. C. Itrown; Second precinct. T. tj. Harrison. Second Ward First precinct. .1. P. Green shields; Second precinct. J. C. Raker. Third Ward-First precinct. F. F. Ever est; Second precinct, J. H. Chisuni. Fourth Ward First precinct, O. I,. Unas; Second precinct. Julius Johnson. Fifth Ward First precinct. F. W. Heed; Second precinct. T. G. McMullen. Sixth Ward First precinct. Israel Lovett; Second precinct, C. A. Hamilton. S 1IKMHF. PRKKKIT tlFFH V. ga He Haa No Ambition to Fill the Mayor's Chair. City Solicitor S. 13. Snyder was not greatly enthused yesterday over the proposition that he be the republican mayoralty can didate. He, felt suspicious that there was a gentleman of color lurking somewhere in the woodpile and that it was a deal to get him out of the race for a renominatlnn for his present office. His mayoralty boom. Mr. Snyder said, he suspected had been started by the friends of one of the men who are seeking the party nomination for city solicitor. Mr. Snyder said: "I do not want to be mayor, even If I could. The position Is one which I am not ambitious to fill. I have made no secret of the fact that 1 would like to receive a renominatlon for city solicitor and that is the only city office that I would care to have. I have no aspirations to he mayor and therefore decline to be consid ered in any way a candidate for the nomi nation for that office." Removal Sale. We are going to move March 15. to the Merriam Block, and In order to reduce eur stock we are going to give a 'i" pet cent discount on framing, framed pictures, wall paper, brushes, etc., for cash only. Council Bluffs Paint, Oil and Glass com pany. The Title Guaranty and Trust company, abstracters of titles. Books date back to 1863. Books are all up to date. Work ac curately and promptly dene at lowest prices. Office opposite court bouse, 136 Pearl street. Council Bluffs, la. 1 ' It is a pleasure to look at the many dif ferent patterns we have tin our new patent wall paper design rack. We would like to have you come in and look at our big line of samples and let us figure with you. Our prices are right and work guaranteed. Bor wlck, 211 South Main. Tel. fifcl. If you want a fine, up-to-date suit, before buying drop in to Hicks', 13 Tearl street. Spring goods Just received. Fancy worsted suitings, cheviots, gray and blue serges. Scotch goods, trouserings and black goods of all descriptions. Fine trimmings and fine work a specialty. Phone F 63 .Matters In Dtatrlet Court. The district court Jury In the lo.ouo dam age suit of John Harder against Chris Rlsse and others brought In a verdict yesterday morning after being out since 2 o'clock Monday afternoon, In favor of the plaintiff for S2,omi. Tills Is the same amount as that of the verdict In the former trial of the suit. Harder claimed damages tor having his right hand severely cut and crippled in a right at a dance near Minden. where It was alleged Risse and his partners per mitted the sale of beer. Martha McCann, ns administratrix of the estate of Floyd F. Mitchell, deceased, brought suit in the district court yesterday against the Northwestern Railway com pany and Arthur Finnegan and M. 8. Hwi gerl for tlo.000 damages for the death of Mitchell. Finnegan and 8wlgert are en gineer and fireman, resectlvcly, of a mail ; .... ,n iiiiukiii. ran down and killed Mitchell at the Broad- .a, is io snow what relation the administratrix was to Mitchell. Make up your mind and embrace this op portuuity. We are giving a winning dis count of 10 per cent on our entire stock all ween, i nine cany and get the first pick, I). . Keller, lei. Red 924. 1ii3 Soulli Main. You can buy n good, new, well-mnle pi ano, veneered Inside and out, with Ivoiy kcs. for $190. on eusy terms, at A. Ilospe Co.'s, 33 South Main St.. Council Bluffs. We stand for quality and price. Gilmor's corn, i cans for 25c: Maryland ltiuulv toiiiHpjes, three cuns tor 25c: Olson's best j Hour. $l.i. every sa warranted. John j Gra cs l"j Pearl stri ct, permanently r I Olson. 739 W. Broadway, tel. Ill ' moves moles, warla und '.suki tluoua hair ..... ... ; 7 , .... , more every day by the women who wan: only the best. Tell your grocer to send yo i i no other kind. i - . . a :, , uiauua ti ci . ii iimm aiuaie company from iii iw up on laiymen: or u and (6 per mouth. Reliable standard makts. New location, 4u7 Broadway. Try the Central flour. Every sack wur- , ranted. $1.25 per aack. Central Urocery ai. I ! Meut Ma' ket' XV H'way. Tel. ;t. Geoige Hoagland haa the old reliable i Atlas Portland cement. Now la the lliui- to make contract for spring work. Bring j our (umber bill for estimate. j Harry Schmidt, photographer. Tour ruone bank If photo are not the bait on earth. Engage attting at 4 W. broad Artistic In every particular. Fine Colorado farm land, K 11 aci-e. Improved ranches. !0 to tlV r acre. One improved ranch, lour nillca from town, $'. j per acre. A hlg snap. Excursion March . Mara l 3r. V. C. Ijvig.' in South Main j atreet. rlo Itrlraard ua Halt. Willluut Nelson, w ho waa Indicted I it Junuary on complaint of Mr. Hessie And erson and has been in the county Jail since the early part uf January, was released yesterday on lioud furnished hy the complainant. Nelson was prevented from carrying out 1,1a promise lo marry lis Anderson owing to tin- fact thm lir luul another wife living at lH'ltH. la. Now it has la-en arrange.! that NcNon i. l t'ting milt for divorce ami lit!" wife will ned con- test it This will leave Nelson free to i i.niirv ll, II.IIHtl. HI I Ht TK FM IIFMF.Mt J. F. W Ileus onstrncts tine eeti by The hanOsumcst floral tribute ever strut ted ill this city was made eslei-day 1 by J. F. Wilcox on. order from the I own delegation In congress for the funeral of I Hon. I. 11. Henderson, former speaker of the house of representatives. The order for the emblem was contained In a tele gram received yesterday morning by Mr. Wilcox front Senator Allison. The piece was seven feet high'ijud live feet In width. Surmounting it was a large crescent wreath composed of white and pink roses, lilies of the valley and aspara gus fern. Inside the wreath was a large lanel containing an American flag com posed of red and white carnations, violets and lilies of tha valley, and a gavel com posed of Enchantress carnations, the handle of the gavel being tieil with u bow of liluck sulin. The basa Of the disign was com posed of callu lilies, white roses and siuiliix leaves. Mr. Wilcox hlmseir last night conveyed the emblem to Dubuque.' nnp Piano nargaln. , Parties leaving the city. Left on sale. Original price SCV). Will gell un easy pay ments. $1 See at the big piano house. Schmoller & Mueller Piano company. 503 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. A new plumbing shop in town. F. A. Spencer. 15S V est Broadway, is an expert in his line and Is always glad to ligure with you on any plumbing or contract that you may have. His work Is up-to-dttte and guaranteed. All kinds of shoe repairing at Saigont's Ijpdel shoe shoo. Shoes half soled while you wait. You save 50 cents and better. Look for the bear. The Vienna restaurant aerves excellent meals and lunches, cooked ti the most appetizing manner: delicious cofTea with pure cream. Meal tickets at reduced rates. 414 Broadway. Two thousand bushels of potatoes arc to i many to have on hand nt tills time of t!i" year. We intend to make them move. This price will do it: Karly Ohio's at 5'ie per bushel, for one day only. Burtel v Miller. Tel. 35. Heal F.alate Transfer. These transfers were reported to The Kee February 2S by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: Ida E. Emmert and hushitnd to 11. J. Henrickson, sw' 25-77-3S. w. d I1I.7J0 Heirs of Imvld S. Brown to Clans Kuhr. nwi4 IH-7K-3S. w. d ll.iioo E. C. Clnpp to Frederick Berge, se't S4-77-40, w, d 10.56(1 Juigen Stamp and -wife "to llenrv Reiner, nw'i awW 3-'S and n'k seU 32-77-40. w. d ;. John Leytham und wife to John Madi a.mi son, s',4 sw'i M and part se' sd4 27-77-43, w. d " 7 7..1 William Whltnev to Jav S. Edic. sij awi 28 and nw' 33-75-3M, w. d -."75 John Madison and wife to Oluf Hondo. 'S '') W-77-i:i, w. d , 5,700 John Michener nnd wifrf.i to F. K. Wright. nwi nw'i 31 and wH , 30-77-43. w. d .v 4.150 H. M. Thomas and wife to Eugene S'Uffell, e' pe'J 2x-TS4:, -.rd 3.4' F. t Lnngee nnd wife., and -,E. 11. Lonaee to Swen Rasnuissen. part lot 2, Auditor's subdlv In' ne'i tie1. 24-75-1". w. d s, A. D. Mills and wife to Jnhn Barclay, lot u, vhlock 7'.', Riddle's suiidiv.. w d . . . I ,..-......, imo Anna Case and husband to Annie Car michaeU lots r. 1 and 17, block 12. " Wright's add., w. d Hit) Horace J. Evans to H. .1. litnert. Iota 0. 10 and 11, block 2. Railroad add., w. d ;. (j5 Peter Znwacki and wife to Anna L. Hueen. Ipts 7. S. !). 1ft, 11, 12 and 13, McGea's subiliv.. w. d...i !50 W. C. Sievers and wife to J. W. Wicsc. lots I and 2, block 4. Hinck ley's add., w. d -,75 J. W. Sunlre and wife to Dartmouth Savings hank, lota ;n. 21 and 22, block 17. Mill add., q. c. d Florence A. liaverstnek el al to Thomas H. James, lota 23 and 21. block 23. Burns' add., and lot 9, block 1, Railroad add., q. c.d 1 Seventeen transfers, lifuil... $74,313 Jensen & Nicholson, tha great wallpaper establishment, have just received large shipment of domestic and imported wall paper. Designs tha latest nd most beauti ful In the city. Home, aweet home: What makes It sweet? O. C. Biown's pure und wholesome home-made candies, angel. food, taffy, soft and creamy; pea.iut brittle und black wal nut cream caramels. Three Western Iowa college students have tul-.en positions in Council Bluff.? banks since February 1. New classea next Monday. Why not eirnll? I'onie ti us lor your new rung.- or cook tove. We always show the besi. Prices io ( $,3. IMddock-Handschv Hdw . Co. ' 8. M. Williamson, bicycle, tewlf.g n.f. chines, Edison phonographs, lecords. Re pairing machines and bicycles a apecialty. Telephone Red 1157. 17 South Main street I j For tine Week We will deliver and t up for you Lindsay burners, each. W. Price of burner complete, 75c A. Maurer. Swalue & Mauer, hardware sime. Quick Meal range, only f 2.40. Ocean Wave washing machine, ' $i;.aO. ' Every family should huvo one at this price. SM W. Broadway. thy electrolysis. Wi .ilso give electrical , facial massage, ' Marrlage I ii-runri. Licenses to Weil were issued csleld;i 'the following: Name and Residence. Auh ii v ooduiniicy, Macedonia, la... I K. 1'. Young, Macedonia, lu 19 i A V. Hobin.. founcil Klu(Ts M ! Mettle I.. Morn. Council llluffs. '.'ii i ' VOICE feel the exquitite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and tear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror of child-birth can be entirely avoided by the use of Mother's Friend, a scientific liniment for external ute only, which toucrhent and renders ti n. i J pnaoie an tne part., and aitts nature in it sublime work. By its aid thousands of women hare pnwed thi great criit in perfect safety and without pain.. Sold at fi.tjo per bottle by druggists. Our book of priceless value to alt women tent free. Address BHAOnCUf tU9VLATOm VO Atlmmtm. STa. REV1V1NC PRIMARY BILL Proposed Measure is Not to Be Applicable to State Offices. SENATE PUTS BAN ON SUNDAY SPORTS Tnaara Hill Making It Illegal 4 barge Admlaalon to Place on that liny Hill la timed nt Snnday Itnae Hnll. irioin :t Staff Cm respondent.) li: MOiNKS.i Feb. iS.-iSpeilal.l-Tlirte Is a p'-opnsltlon on foot among n numt-r of ""-(,,. atitiulpal t.-t s of the senate to Introduce another primary election bill. The bill Is 1 slill In the itn mative stage and Ii Is isis sible may never la- Introduced, but there is every likelihood that It will In-. It will be drawn along the lines of the Saunders pri- , inury bill, which was offered as a substi- ; tute for the Closshy bill and defeated. It will provide for pilmarles In counties av.d . for all county oHk.-rs and for districts and district oftlcers where tlv district is eo- Xlstent with the county. These provisions are the wamc us were In the Siundeis bill. A difference will lie that It will require legislation at a general election, which ; would prevent lis going into cffecl this ; year, the general election this fall Is Ins necessary in order to give oplMirtunlty for registration. ! uniln) Prohibition. The senate today got busy and passed a j number or Important measures. Alter the hard light 'of two days over the primary' bill the senators were In a mood to do business. Almost the Hist bill cal'ed up was the Garst bill to prohibit Sunday base hall. Pumluv theaters nnd every other kind i of an attraction or entci tulnnienl where admission fee is charged. There w;ts an amendment offered by Lewis to amend so j that Chautauqua', which depend on Sun- day as the big day, could chaige an ad mission on that day. Senator Saunders nt once got the I'oor nNid made a p;ieech of about llfty words that probably killed the amendment. He staled In brief that the Chautauqua people, being the leaders in all good reforms, were tin- last lo claim such a privilege and exemption, and that the ar gument was no better thnn that for allow ing Hie saloon to keep open the back dooi-. Thu amendment was killed and the bill passed by So lo 3, those opposing being Gale. Crawford and Wilson tf Clinton. Many Hills Passed. The senate today passed the Harper bill, requiring laUilng of gasoline cans and ie strletlng the sale: the mileage appropria tion bill; the Ericson bill, permitting town ships to Join with towns located In tliem In support of public libraries by voting a niillage tax; the Snuiid.-rs bill, relinquish ing to the city ot Council Bluffs all light and tille to "Can" lakif The bill allow ing limitation and restriction of admittance to the Inebriate asylum at Knoxville and giving discretion to district Judges to send only cases likely of cure to the institution, vus defeated. There will likely be a move to reconsider. It Is evident that the in stitution will soon lie filled and there Is no provision to stop sentencing inebriates even though the place Is full. It is apparent that some authority must exist either to limit tho udmlttance or lo send to insane hospitals after the Knoxville plnce is filled. Senator Taylor has introduced a bill per mitting the state to take a change of venue in criminal cases after the defend ant has taken one change. Hartshorn to day introduced the bill agreed upon by the legislative committees of several organiza tions, changing the drainage law so us lo take from the railroad commission the au thority to say where a ditch shall proas, a lallroad. The Hughes anti-pass bill has been made a special order for March 8 at 10 o'clock. Senator Saunders hopes to get his Inde terminate sentence low from the committee the last of next week, after the ' return from the recess, and expects it will be made a special order at once. The senate committee on claims has recommended for passage the claim or former Adjutant General M. H. Byeis. for merly of Glenwood, for $2,5cO lor milking a collection from the federal government for the benefit of soldiers In the Philip pine war. Proceeding of House. The house for the second time t'Mlay gave a quietus to ihe movement to change the Iowa constitution so that women could be. come voters. When the resolution was lost two weeks ago a motion was tiled for re consideration, and this had stood upon the calendar until today, the friends of the measure evidently waiting for a more favorable time for exiling up the motion. Todai' thoy asked for a .vole and the mo tion to reconsider was lost V to 31. This ends the matter for this session and the lobbyists who have been working for the neasure will ictlre and prepare to attack the next legislatuic. A bill was inlroduced In the house today to iy the contestants In the O'Brien xiuiily contest case and reimburse them for ihelr expenses in the matter of muklng a contest. The bill provides for payment to Charles Youde. the unsuccessful con testant, of $370 uud for the payment to G. R. Whltmcr of Sioux City, Ihe successful man. of $12.",. The lull came from the com mittee whii-h had charge of the contest mailer. Whinner, who got his seat some, what unexpectedly, has not la-en in attend ance at the sessions except for a few days Just after he was given his scat. The committee lull to establish a slate reformatory anil to provido for the inde terminate sentence and a board of pardons, in accordance with the recommendations of a committee which considered this niHlter for some time, was Introduced In the house. It 1 un clalsirate measurit providing for a general change ii the penal code of the . slale and the management of the prisons. The Weeks bill to establish a state In- ' specloi of liquors and lo require fees for ! inspection and lahiing came up in the house on siei-lal order, but It "was objected ' lo by the i hairmun of the appropriations ! committee la-cause it carries un appropria- j lion and the bill Win finally sent lu that ; commit lee. Great Us BaM iertdl. Tha supreme court, the people, has tla- , cldrd that Vr. Kinn'a New Olncoveiy win . uxuiuKt Coughs ami Colda. uOc and fl. For ' ile by Sherman & McCoiinoll Drun Co. I It the joy of the houtehold, for without it no happincuean be complete. How twct th picture of mother and bab, an?eli tmiie at and cc tmend the thoughts and aspirations of the mother bending over the cradle. The ordeal through which the expectant mother mutt pass, how ever, it to full of danger and iurTering that the looks forward to the hour when the shall mum l In selecting a whiskey three quali fications should be considered the age, the purity and theflavor Uideroof Rye Possesses these qualifications in a greater degree than any other whiskey CHAS. DENNEHY & COMPANY, Chicago. 3C nri at. I f stift Far West s DAILY UNTIL 4 mm aim..,- imim aiMMinii1g na iinasr iSt : I a lr ,71 i v M n'-if TO Paget Sound California. Butte- Spokim Country, Portland San Francisco, Helena From District LosAn.eles.etc. District District. OmiKw... $25.00 $25.C0 $20 00 $22.50 Lincoln... $25.00 $25.00 $20.00 $22.50 DAILY THROt'GH TOVRIST SLEEPERS to Los Ansis vU Dever, mlth dgyllght rid" via the Rio Grande Route through Scenic . Colorado and Salt Lake City, iheno'e the Salt Lake Route; TUES DAYS and SATURDAYS personally conducted. DAILY THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS to California Tla Denver, thence the Rio Grande Route through Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City; Southern Pacific beyond Ogden. THURSDAYS and FRIDAV 8 peraonally conducted. TWO DAILY TRAINS TO THE NORTHWEST From Omaha at 4:10 p. m. and at 11:10 p. m. Chair Cars. Dining Cara, Standard and Tourist Sleepers via Rllllngs, Montana, 10 Htute. Helena, Spok ane., Seattle, Tacorna. Portland. Folders and descriptive matter, rates, berths all Information of J. B. REYNOLDS. Citi Passenger Arent. 1502 Farnam St., Omaha. Nek V --WW", - iJAPKQSEj If! iJAPEOSfl 8 WMj , Jap-Rose Soap An exquisite production. No skill can make a soap less harmful or more delicate. It beautifies the ' complexion, keeps tha hands soft and white, imparts a constant bloom of freshness to the skin. JAMES S. KIRK & COMPANY OPPORTUNI FOR INVESTMENT I I hava TWENTY SECTIONS OF 11 tha grast wkaat aravlno af SASKATCHEWAN Western Canada They ar fHUXT BtCTIONS-HKI, KCTEO PKRSONAl.Lr-lha kind that will average V bushels of No. 1 Hard Wheat to the acr. I want to get tenant farmers producing wheal on thla land at one. VnilD PUN IJ PC to lnv'"' comes In the buying of tha aactluns at tJf au lUUll LnAllLC. ,;r. hlrh I contract lo leaaa from you for ten ara 10 Per Cent of the Purchase Price la tan yeara you get your money back In Ineoina and will ha tha ownei still of ona of tha richest .4uare milea In tha world, auulpped with houaea. barna, fences, eic , and all undar plow. How It Figures You invest la ten years you lake out, Von have then A4U (or S20) acrra of land that will tte worth (940 an acre) 92.iWO . 4I2.HOO Net ;aln $2A.0tM) Ulii.HOO Par safety-aut yaur saanay lata land. P r big sraflta-wsll, yau caa't aiMct da snuek katwr thaa 10 M' Mat Swaraataaa. All tranaavtiona are mad through tha I'nlon Bank of Canada, which rc reive purche money, dellvara tha papara and forward rental. Two parson or biora may unlta to buy ona of theaa actluna. but tlier ar only 30 of thani. Mv aiperlanca with almllar offr ahow that tha lnv(tmot -pubile ink of erratic atocka, liaaardoua mining projects, wild rat acheinea and low Interval bond will tak thaa rholea sectlona, shout aa faat aa i can xplaln tha proMittljv. rtAi'K to laud for untainted wralih. ..... E. Warren Stees, Farmer, Caron, Saskatchewan. Canada wmmmmammmmmumBgESSSSSS jniai MiakAa Id 3C an i a One Way Settlers' Rates Northwest APRIL 7, 1906. " TIE S WENT I LANDS 3 ptlans on THE BEST WHEAT i ACSrS lit acits 0.4OO 0,4 OO .4I2.H(K . l.ROtt