Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1906, Page 7, Image 7
HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. MARCH 1. 190. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Firm in Early Session. Part of the CLOSES LOWER ON RAIN PREDICTIONS imlr Sttrr game Predictions Trier Mar. and Are It Mill Cio P rem lam torn OMAHA. Feb. 2. 1MK. Wheat m firm early on Liverpool cable, and the fart that mr moiature hud fallen In the eoiith went. Later polling was started on prediction of rain In that district and th market declined about '4c. May and July wers together at the close. Early In December the spread wu &o. Some trader predict that July will aeil at a premium over May anil look for a currying charge, which la bear factor. Receipts of corn were moderate and de mand sit.w. The opening tirni. pries ruled around yesterday most of the session and cloned easy. Oats opened Vc higher and closed at a ss of Sc. Clearance wo. S4,0oo bhla. flour. 1VV") rut. orn. IMfi.ona bu. oats. Primary wheat Twelpts were 490,GuB bu. and shipments 1S2, Jof) bu., against receipts last year of 8Wi.i0 bu. and ahlpmenta of 2W, bu. Corn re ceipts were 4Sn,o0 bu. and shipments 444.UI0 bu., against receipts last year of 747,(810 bu. and Shipments of 374.o"0 bu. The seaboard yestertlsy sold I4,nn0 bti wheat, tJ.onn bu. corn and 20.i0 bu: oats. Split quotations are favored the director of the Chicago Board of Trade, and thuy disapproved of the petition handed In yes terday, slimed Ty twenty-llvo members and asking that the rules be amended to have plit quotations eliminated. Members of the grain dealer's convention at Peoria, who were from Illinois ami India, said last night a large proportion of their corn was buck. It Is said a large proportion of the Iowa corn 1 back. Liverpool closed Vd lower to VI nigher on wheat and tinchurigf d to d higher on corn. Bt. Lotils this morning reported better flour demand and acme hard wheat worked for export. An Antwerp cable predicts Increase In Russian wheat shipments mid says ten dency of European wheat markets is down ward. Loaning rates on grain were slightly ad vanced yesterdny by Chicago bankers, . partly the result of the general firming tendency of the money market and partly because of the steady accumulation of grain there and northwest. Present rates on sixty -day loans are per cent and on call 6 per cent. Uroomhali says official estimate of the Roumanian crop Is 5X,6on,0 bushels. An average prop Is 73,10n,ooi) bushels. The local range of prices: Article. I Open. I High. I Ixw. Close. Wheat-r May ... July .. Corn May ... July .. Oats May ... I I 75'iH! "4SA 3'V 75HH 7RV4H H"A 74" A I 7TJ ,T74fiS 3HH 3'A I . 2Sn 3BI 28B Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 7:117; No. 3 liard. 714173c; No. 4 hard, tt.4j.7oc; No. 1 spring, 73V(( 75Se ; No. 3 spring, 7Ki7.14i;. TORN No. 3, SfiWJtk'; No. 4, 34(Uic; no grade, 3in'a3o; No. 3 yellow, 36c; No. I white, 37'c. OATS No. 3 mixed. 2!Ci2fiVjc; No. 3 white, 2Sj29c; No. 4 white, 2XV4C RYU No. 2, bsc; No. 3, 56a7c. t'arlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn . Oata. 1Z4 20 Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . Omaha luhith Bt. Louia .... 5 175 .. 31 ..3HS .. 6 .. 30 .. 2i 60 30 CHICAGO URAI ASD FRO ISIO aturea o( the Tradlaa- and Closing rrlres on Board of Trad. CHICAGO, Feb. 28. Increasing stocks of wheat and flour at northwestern grain centers had a weakening Influence today on the local wheat market. At the close wheat for May delivery was down Mr'atc. corn was off Vc and oata and provision wer ehunged bns little:- . Ieplla hlgluir prices at Liverpool, the Wheat market was weak the greater part jf the day. Notwithstanding numerous reports of crop damage from Nebraska and Kansas, the traders generally were Inclined to the selling side of the market and about the only support came from shorts. Pri mary receipts today were 490.V00 bu., as against 8St,0u0 for the corresponding day a year ago. Moderate weather in the winter wheat belt also contributed some what to lowir prices. The market closed weak, with prices almost at the lowest point of the day. May opened So higher to Ho lower at 8TVl"-c sold off to Hlo and closed at 81ViSlc. Clearances of wheat and flour were eoual to lal.tioo bu. Minneapolis, Luluth and Chicago reported receipts of 401 cars, as against bis last week ami -13 a year ago. The corn market was steady during the first hour, because, of small local receipts and a slight advance ut Liverpool. But later sales by cash houses weakened the market and at the close prices were al moat at the lowest point of the day. A decline of ftlc In the price of cash corn had a depressing effect on options. May opened a shade higher at 43V, sold between auo and t-Va4.m.o and closed at 43WH3ac. Local receipts were 175 curs, with two of contract grade. Trading In oats was quiet and the mar ket steady. The decline In wheat, how fver, had a depressing Influence late In the session. lxjcal receipts were some what below the estimate, arrivals today being l-2 cars. May opened unchanged to a shade higher at Wl'SoSe to ,'. sold off to 30Vtloc and closed at 3Vii304c, I'rovlnton were firm and prices showed moderate advances. Late In the day almost all ol the advance wu lost uy selling on local longs and small packers. The early firmness was based on a loc udvance In the price of live hogs. At the close May pork was unchanged at 115.37V. lard was up iVc nt 17.80 and libs were a shade higher at Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 1 cars; corn, 276 curs; oats, 1J0 cars; hogs, diMi neua. The leading futures ranged as follow Artlclcs. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y Wheat May July Coi u May July Sept. Data May July Sept. 1'ork May . July Ird May . July Sept. Ribs May July isia-'i i i R2 ( 81V,ni4f MT4 4.itfllt 44 4.l"4 4t'l 44; 41 SOSf 30il30H'EiJ SOfflA, 29H 28 VtlHi2VaVli 15 47W 15 62'-, 15 1 85 15 S7HI 1 sv. IB S7H 16 15 37V, la St 1 W 7 0 10 Id so DO ?80 W 8 00 8 15 8 20 T77V, I BO ? 95 1 97H I 17SI 0-W 810 8 25 8 12V4 8 17 s au No. J. Cash quotations were as follow: r iJl R Dull and easy; winter patents, K (0Gj4.uu; winter straights, t3.a0'a3 sa: spring uMieiiis, j.iisriA.K; spring siraignts, J.oOi WH EAT No. 2 soring. 8oi3r: No, pniig. T,rtih:; Ha. i red. tCVutilWc. CORN No. 1. 4u3'40Uc; No. 3 yellow, 4fic. vaio "-s . io. 4 WUlltf, aivjy Ho. 8 whiu vtj3i4c, R B No, 1 tkic. uooq leedlug, 3Sc; fair to Choice malting, mooc. BEKD8 No. 1 flan 1.; No. 1 north western, 11.11. Prime timothy, I3.15)il.2a. tmvfr. contraci graue, i.uo. PRUVISIUNS Meos pork, per bbl., $15.23 B'Ui.JU. LATd. per nu lbs . 7 7i Short ribs sides I loose i,'qk.tb. Short clear The receipts and shipments of flour and grain were: Receipts. Shipments Klour. bhls 46.100 Wheat, bu 14.0uo Corn, bu 276, ) l-wts, bu , Rye. bu 3.HI0 Itarlcy, bu (Jb.snO K !) ltl.lill) 4.K IU On the l'roduce exchange today the but ter market was firm: creameries, 1727S- Dairies, ii!24Sc. Kggs. steady: at mark aes included, Ua; firsts. 13Vc; prime iic; rxira. invic. l ne. e, steady stllwaaWee Grain Market. MILWACKEE. Feb. S.-WI1 KAT-Mar e Bieaoy; ivo. i northern, 2'Klc; No, orthern, 796lc. RYE Iiower; No. 1, 6Mlk-. BAKU5V-Dull; No. 2. 56c; sample, 3M CORN Steady; May. 43Sfj43c. bid. Ualath Oral Market. IH LITM. Feb. B.-WHKAT-TO arrive sVo. 1 northern. 75VC. Nu. t northern, 7t'e 37 KSSiA In trsck: No. 1 nortl'rn, 7SV: No. 2 mr t li rn. 7'c; Mav. i,r: Julv. 1c. OATS To arrive and on track. i.9c; May. -'9V-. K 9OHK (.KM KM. M.JHKKT ((notations of the liny oa Wrloas ( nmmoilll les. NEW VOHK. Keb. 2 - VIJ l"R Receipts, Slo-S l.lils ; txrxuts. 3..;' Mils.: market dull and inn harmed; Minnesota pat ent s, t4.:"!i4.6i: Minnesota bakers, S3 .ki .,.; winter patents. 14 iji'iM winter straights, S3. 7." 'it 35; winter extras. S2 .V.V( 3 25; winter low grade, i.' KVn 3 20. Rye flour. .iilet: fair to g I. V Wot .W); choice to fancy. .', 9.Vo4 .25. Bin kwheat flour, nom inal, 12 10. spot and to arrive. ('ORN.MEAI.-Stf adv. tine white and yel low. 11.15: coarse. tl.03'a 1 (i6: kiln-dried, S2.10 i&2 0. R Y E Nominal ; No. 2 western. 7.1c f. o. b. HARLEY-Viict; feeding. fc, c. I. f. Buffalo; malting, 474f2c, c. I. f. Buffalo. Wlll'.AT-iRecclpt. i;.io bu. Btx't mar ket easy; No. 2 red. S'.'o elevator; No. 2 rod, KMc f. o. b. afloat. No. 1 northern Duluth, Wlc f. o. b. afloat. A steady open Ing in wheat today preceded further heavi ness and declines based on liquidation, small clearances and reports of a poor flour demand. later tlin market rallied on covering due to bud Kansas reports, but the close was heavy agiln under vigorous bear pressure, showing ft final VS-Tnc net decline. May, 7 7-lt'iiN7 16-liic, closed at KV'; July, ffccafieJ'ac, closed at 87c; Sep tember, fcRVfiH'ac, closed at (Wc. CORN Receipts, 73.1mi t)ti.; exports, 1"", 194 bu. 8 Kit market steady; No. 2. 4S',o elevator and 4c f. o. b. alloat; No. 2 yellow, 4Hc: No. 2 white. 49c. option market was Inactive and about steady, closing net un changed. May, 4!"i41ii(,c, closed nt 4Sc; July closed at 49"c; September closed at 5Wc. OATS Receipts, fil.nno bu. ; exports. 158. 4X3 bu. Spot market sternly; mixed. Ifi to 32 lbs., 34'Ai.'!5c; clipped white. 3R to 40 lbs., 37 4Sc: natural white, 30 to 33 lbs., Jotyo'.Kic. H A l Steady; SDrtllg. 47Vti-i2,.c; good to choh e, 7.;i'5iS'c. HOPH Steady: state, common to choice, lH1c; 19i4, 8'rfllc; olds, ottTc; Puciflo coast, 19H5. 914c; 3x4. Pftllc; olds. Mile. HIDKS Steady: Ualvestoti. 30 to 26 lbs. 2c; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 31c; Texaa dry, 24 to 35 lbs.. lc. I.KATHER Steadv; acid. 2t.M,'it27Hc. PROVISIONS-Beef steady; family, I11.R0 613.00; mess. S9 (D'a 10.00; beef hams. 21.0tVit lil.60; packet. $10 &Wo 11.00; city .extra India mess. JIN. ;,! 19. ii. Cut meats, tlrm; pick ed bellies, tS.7Ml9 nO; pickled shoulders. 17.00 67.50; plckleil hams, $10.50. Lard, firm; western steamed, nominal: refined, firm; continent. IS 15; 8. A..'.; compound. fft.M'nti.ftTH. 1'ork, steady: family. fl.tysU 117. so- short clear,; mess, xia.a lti.75. TALLOW Steady : city, uc; country, o'a 5'c. HiCK yuiet; run domestic rair to extra. 8VC'"': Japan, nominal. H.T1 KU steady: hem creamery, com mon to extra, 15rgi2c; renovated, common to extra, K'ifgWP, western imitation cream cry, extras, ilc. i.!ihtsB-nrm; state, iu:i cream, small and largo, colored and white, Steptember, fancy, lPc; state, October, best. 13tql3c: state, late made, average, best, small, I2tc; state, larpe, 12Vn; state, fair, 114ijl:.'c. F .OS-rone; state, ronimylvanla and nearby fancy, selected white, lift 22c; state. choice. 19fiac; state, n Ixed, extra, 174c; western firsts, 16c; western seconds, l."Vc; aoutherns, lS((i liic. POL LTRY Live, steady: wpstorn chick ens, lie; fowls, 13V; turkeys, loc; dressed. easier; western chickens, lutiiae; turkeys, 15 (ii21c; fowls, llsti 13c. , .t. I.ools General 'Market. ST. IXJIIS, Keb. 28 WHEAT Futures higher, cash firm; No. 2 red, cash, elevator. MV'iSc; track, 9; May, 70'i'a79Hc; July, 79c; No. 2 hard. 7ft(Wgc. CORN Steady ; No. 2 cash, 4flo; track. 41c; May, -mViHOV; July. 41"c. OATH Weak; No. 2 cash, 30c; track. 31 fi32c; May, 30V4c; July, i'".c; No. a white, 32c. FLOUR Steady: red winter patents. $4.30 6 4.50; extra fancy and straight, $3.9"&4.2o clear, $2.!ofi3.25. SEEU-'Tlmothy. steady; $2.S0(SZ.8D. CORNMEAL Steady; $2.20. BRAN Steady: sacked, east track, S49 S5c. HAY Lower: timothy. $8.0OW13.50: prairie. $8.0Hrftfl.50. IRON COTTON TIES $1.03. RAOOINO-9V4C HEMP TWINE 7Vtc. PROVISIONS-Pnrk. higher: lobbing. $15.26. I-ard. higher: prime stesm. $7.45. Irv salt meats steadv: boxed extra shorts, 1S.37H: clear ribs. $8.62: short clears. $.75. bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $9.12Vi; clear ribs, v,a; snort clear, j'j.uo. l'OULTRY Bteadv; chickens. DVVolOc: springs, 12Vc; turkeys, 10 V; ducks, 13c; geese, 5c Hi I I EK viuiet; creamery, jnao dairy. 1W2! ' EOOS Ijower, 13Vc ' Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bhis 7.000 8.crt Wheat, bu 23.tuiO 35,000 Corn, bu 52,000 !7.flo0 Oats, bu 44,u 80,000 Minneapolis drain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 28. FLO I" R Fits patents, fi.WaA.'M; second patents, $4.10'ti .n: nrst clears, I2.&iii3.iiu; second clears. $2.40a2B5. ' BRAN In bulk, $i:t.iOriil3.7j. t8uiierior quotations tor Minneapolis de livery.) The following quotations were re- portid nt Minneapolis by t. 1J. Uay & Co.. uu-jji Douru oi i rune ouuaiug: Attlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat- I May.. July.. , V HI $01,1 1 icJ 1 15 79 1 13 79 so-1, Bl' 1 13)J 1 15 Flax May.. July.. 1 14 1 15 1 14 1 U) 1 154 Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard, 79c; No. 1 northern. V3c; to arrive ivttt; :o. norinc-.n, ,bu; to arrive, initt; oo t. M'liiovtc ;o. i aurum. nic: xo. durum, 68Vc. Corn: No. 2. 35Hc; No. 3 84o. Oats; No. 3 white, 28'ic; to arriv aiwc; No. 8. arWZi'jr. liarley: Sou 37c Rye: bfijufiitiic. Knmni City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 28 WHEAT Dull; may. vi'kc; juiy. iJ'.c; September. TitLc, Cash: No. 2 hard, 77WSi79e: No. 3, 724j78c: No. 2 red. Sxrnaoc; No. 3, KKjfcsc. CORN Higher: May. 39c: July. 3914c, Cash: No. 2 mixed, 'c; No. 3 white, sti? tU-UH; INO. J, iHC. OATS Firm: No. 2 whit", S0H''i"lHT. Rl'TTER Steady: creamery. 2tc. EOOS Higher; Missouri and Kansas, now No. 2 wbltewood cases Included. 12c case count, lie; cases returned, lie lower. HAY Strong; choice timothy, $10. Torti 11.50; cnoice prairie, RYE-Steady. 5Sntjo'.,c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 22.0OO Ii9.i0 Corn, bu 35.u 1.1 .0O Oats, bu 9,u0 19.UO0 Liverpool tiraln Market. IJVERPOOU Feb. 2S WHEAT Spot Nominal. Futures: Market easy; March 6s M: May. 8a Bil; July, lis 6',d. CORN Spot: Market steady; American mixed, new, 4e; ma, 4s 7d. Future Market steady; March, 4s; May, 4s l',d. Peorlsv Grain Market. PEORIA. Feb. 28.-CORN-Hlglier; No. : yellow, 4iic: o. j, K'lc; No. 4, 39c; no grade. Ifu::,c. OATS Steadv; No. 2 white, SO'c; No, White. 29,i?tv; No. 4 white. 9'ii3!iV4C. WHISKY On the basis of II. 2D. Philadelphia I'rodare Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. Si.-BCTTER- Firm: extra western creamery. 3oc. EOijB Firm; western, fresh, lKtao at mark. CHEESE Fnchanged: New York full creams, 12'ul4uc. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Feb. H.-SKED-Clover, ruary and March. 14 92; prime ulsike, prime timothy, 11.60. Feb 16 Cotton Market. NEW Y'ORK. Feb. 2S COTTON- Spot closed steady; 20 points -higher; middling uplands. ll.Odx-; initialing gull. 11.31K': sales, 3.241 bales. LIVKKPOOU Feb. J. COTTON Spot good business done; prices 7 points higher AtinTli mi middling lair. e.2ed: good mid dling, 5 94.1; middling. 5.76d; low middling, ft ; good orilinary. 5 4.(1; ordinary. i.2od. The sales of the day were l.'.ixx) bales of which 2i were for speculation and export and Included ll.l American. Receipts, 24a ixiiles. including 17. 8J American. NKW ORLKANS. Feb. 2-S4 COTTON Spot closed steady: sales. 3.4' bales; ordin ary, 7 13-loc; good ordinary, 9'c; low mid dling. 10c: miildllng. loSc; good middling. 11 l-16x; middling fair, ll'.c. Receipts. S.yt4 bales, stock, SHv'V.s bales. 81' IA 18. Mo., Feb. 2H -COTTON Firm; middling. U'V; sslc. S" Iwles: re. ceipts, none; ahlpnunt. 3Mi bales; stock. 43.444 bales. Otis and Hoala. NEW YORK. Feb. Oil Cottonseed oil. steady; prime crude, f n. i. ills 2.' 3 2xii-; prime yellow. SIx.fiSlA.c. Petroleum, quiet: refined, 7oc; llaltimoie and Phila delphia. 7.5f-: prime, in bulk. 4. Sic. Turpen tine, firm. 7KiiljC. R081N Quiet, strained, common to grxod, Hii4 15 SAVANNAH. Oa.. Feh. Oil, Turpen tine, tlrm. iV: sale. J70 bids RolN-rlrtn: sale. 114 bbls ; A. R. C, D, yn F. O. H4 07V II. 14 A: I. 4 f: K. Sa.2fi; M, ei.4i; N. i Du; WO. Km, W W. to. 31. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Leaden Slump from Ten to Twehe Points on Heavy Liquidation. SHARP ADVANCE IN MONEY RATES Plsrrrdltlnar of flomors that Have Been I sed to Boost Certain hares Almost Caasea Pnale. NEW YORK. Feb. 2K.-There were no de velopments In conditions or affairs today to account In any measure tor tne ncavy liquidation ami the violent declines In prices which occurred In the stock market. An active demand developed lor money snd there were considers tile witnurawais or credits from the stock market, but It Is not probable that restrictions on credits were large enougn to loree iniuiiiaiinn in any proportion to the actual selling which oc- I'UIICU. 1 II." I IIWT III IIU7II.-J 1 1 , ' I . and the selling which was Induced proved amply sufficient to topple over a market which had become tup heavy and easily vulnerable by a progressive growth of dis trust over the level of prices ruling and the means which have been employed to accomplish thHt level. A number of the projects wnicn nave been subject to Industrious rumors In the stock market and the motives for some or the most active advances and the largest speculative buying have come Into distrust, and In some caes actual discredit, within the last few days. An Important Instance Is the project for the purchase of the ore lands held by the Oreat Northern Railroad eotnpanv In the Interest of the 1'nlted States Steel corporation. .Reports In the last two davs of a hitch In the negotiations have aroused a fear that the project might fall through. Tint the effect of these re ports nn the prices of stocks concerned in the project discloses a realisation on tne purt of the speculative operators that the price movements in them have been ex travagant and beyond anything warranted by the promise of the actual accomplish ment of the proposed projects. The action of the copper and metal stocks shows the. results of similar conditions In the specula tion. The banking situation In New YorK of fered ample explanation for the action of the money market, the absorption of funds by suhlrcasury opera t inns alone since the last bank statement amounting to more than the surplus reserves of the banks as It stood last Saturday, which was $6.125,72j. Interior centers are nlso . withdrawing from New York. The requirements for the March 1 settlements necessitate some large borrowing and the centering of tnis de mand on the restricted banking supplies lert the stock market speculators without means to liold their stinks. The only re lief to he had was by liquidation. The sharp yielding in the foreign exchange market showed that some resort was mak ing to foreign money centers for accom modation. That It was not sufficient to carry through the situation was amply evident from the result. The liquidation seemed to have spent nmch of Its force In the late dealings, but the nervous fluctua tions hi the last were not far from the low level of the da v. Losses In some of the stocks most severely affected run to 10 and 12 points, while the declines ranged very generally between 2 and 5 points. Itomls were weaK. Total sales, par value, .H3M.HO0. 1'nlted Ste.tes 2 registered ad vanced ti per cent on call. The following were the quotations On the New York Stock exchange: Ha In. High. Low. CloM. Ailftma Express Amalgamated fnpper 1:14. 10U Uh 107 American C, K M"0 43 4Vi Amsrlran V. K. pld u0 lot 1011, Amsrlcan Cotton Oil !.0" S4 iZ American C'nttnn Oil pfd... Sno M U 147 1074 41V 101 J2V4 ti 330 44 2H4 44 9V4 118 15414 133 1394 249 , M 1"1 1671 110 7 so4 189 314 10 77 ro tn 177',, 1 so i 144 73 HM, 15 17 M t"l4 450 8744 63 4 42 77 8 lit,', lie '4 1HK-X, J't 37 1 M 58 28 59 4 145i4 1..5 8li', 11 !', American Exprees American H. A u pm American Ice. securltlea. . .. 4.KK) 4S 4 American Linaften Oil American Llnaeeil Oil pfd American Locomotive 17.0011 7Ha 8Vj Amur. Locomotive pfd 1"" 11 It American 8. & R M.WXI t 1S! American g. H.- pfd !.!') in 122 American Sugar Refining... It.onn 141H 1MT, Am. Tobacro pfd clfa W loa, Anaconda Mining Companr. .Sno IT'S 1ft AlcMaon 27.non lot s Atchlaon pfd ino l"!1 i" Atlantic Coaat Line .0"0 lStS 1S74 Baltimore 4k Ohio l.SCO 1.0 im Baltimore Ohio pfd Brooklyn Kapld Tranalt.... 3.oi IH 7S4 Canadian 6.400 P0H 1M Central of New Jersey 100 215 lift Chenapeake 4k Ohio I.""" Mt a9 Chicago ft Alton 1.21)0 30 JO Chicago A Alton pfd Chicago Oreat Weatern M" !!' t Chicago Northweatarn... 2.1 lt Mt Chicago. Mil & 8t. Paul.. x9,oo m liena Chicago T. - T "0 UV, II Chicago T. Tpfd C, C C. Al St. Uiuia ') 100L 19 Colorado fuel eV Iron 45,000 (4( H4 Colorado Southern 4 3.1S Colorado A So. let pfd.... HM ll 7-' Colorado A So. !d pfd Consolidated tiaa Kll.ono 15 154 Corn Products 3"fl 17 1T, Corn Product! pfd ino 5714 Delaware A lluilion 400 M4 104 Welawsre L. & W lienver & Hlo Orande U.OUO 4fi 41'4 Iienver A Hlo (Irande pfd . M0 i a Matlllera' Hecurltiea 1.700 66 61 '4 Erie 15.6011 4Sa 41 KM let pfd !.!' " 77 trie 2d ptd 'V "7 (leneral Electric .( 170 lal Hoiking Valley Illlnola Central S.3HH 171', 18 International Paper i.C'iO i 31 Internal lonal Paper pld.... eilO 4 W't lnteniattoiial Pump Iiilernatlnnal Pump pfd "0 84H 844 Iowa Cenlral o0 31 30 Iowa Central pfd S Wj 67 Kannaa 1'Ur Koulh-rn .'-' "J Sit, 814 kanaaa City 80. ptd aoo 69', lai, Loumville A Naalivllle 4.1oo Hfi 1C.', Manhattan L 1.4ml 167 166 Metropolitan Securities 6"0 6 Metrnpolllan Street tiy.... 14.800 114 111 Mexican Central 4,5i 24 !a74 Mllineapnlla 8t. Loula... -' 7( K M., St. P. 8. 8 M 70fl 16314 ao4 M . 81. P. ft 8. S. M. pld. 211O 17.1 171 Miaaourl Pacific 4.M0 10un W'4 Mleanuri, KanMia tt Texas.. 4 (no U U4, M. Broun, K at T. pfd 4 6 CX National Lead M.3.X1 704 National R. H. of M. ptd New York Cenlral 10. tig) 147, Ntiw York. O. & W 3.4110 WH 4 Norfolk ft Wratern 6.IU0 87 84 Norfolk ft W pfd North American 1.7' tit'i H Pacific Mall I.01A 44 4:1 'i Peunavlvanla I.3hi 137S People'a Uaa 2 00 7 SM, P.. I'.. C. ft St. Louie fcrt 78 78 i'reaatd 8teei tar .J'I M4 & Preaed Cletl Car pfd l.OOO v M14 Pullman Palac Car keaillng llll.llnu 138 1M Heading 1st pfd 100 J 2 Heading 3d pfd Republic Storl 4.2U ' '-'9 Kepuhllc Steel pfd 3.MI0 104 pi Ko, k Inland einpany. . .! . . .4'i0 n 14 Kotk laland Co. pfd 1 I'D a-'.L, St. Louia ft 8. E. Id pfd.. J"0 44 46', St. Loula Southwestern Sou 2114 34 .31' 16U 170 99',4 J4 8 73 .It 14 494 90 98' 43' 4 78 6.114 98 l:'4 il"4 i'J4 111 24' 6 45 S, 24 Hi. Loula s. w. pfd aim 64 b Kouihein ran he 11. S6U ao 55 Xa Southern Southern Southern Tenn. l Texaa ft I'aclnc pfd 4iel 118 117 Hollwar 13.500 .18 3784 Hallway pld 6ih lim uti- ft I . ei-rlgttta. .. 3.2011 l.Ml', 149 117 39 99 raclflc i.ano :l4'4 3:l4 38H Toledo. 8t L. A W too 38 ., 34 ', J6 Toledo. 81. L. ft n. pld 64 i4 I'Dion l'a tAg lli ion Paciflc Vnlted states I tilled Statea I nlted 8talea I'. 9. Kubber 1'nlted Siatea I nited fttatea .511, 5u0 152t, UK', 1I9-. 95 115 pfd Expreaa Healty Rubber pld Steel 100 1"0 700 4IH) ..114.JOO .. 22.0OO l!2 im 41 x, ii', 48 '4 114 24', M ' 123 84 '4 ' 10814 4" 106 V, 44 113', to.. 84 1, 19S 108 V 4u Steel pfd . I'S) 48 110 2J' 51 ::;i 181 Va. -Carolina I'hemlial 1.400 ; 3on 10. 800 Va -Carolina ( Wahanh Wabaeh pfd Welta-Faigo Eprene . Weritlnghouee Electric W eMeru tnion pfd 400 8"0 40O Sou 38.100 1 o 800 US 8014 rt 54 318', 48 'i IHi .1'4 sw 651, 2u;4 42 Hit,', 1', Wheeling ft L. E Wieioiittn Central W iM-oueiii Central Northern Pacific 20 jS 68 3"4 41 '4 1'V.S pfd. Ceicral LetherN Cenlral Leather pfd.. Sloaa-Sheflield Total aalea for the 1 Si X) 83 day. 1.428.600 aharea. London Ntox-k Market. LONDON, Feb. 2S. tloslng quotations on the HlocK cxciiauge wete: Conaola, money do account . . 90 9-14 s. Y. Central 94 l-l Norfolk ft W .... 144 do pfd .... .' Ontario W la! . HI .' . o!4 71X, - 6'4 . 71H . 47 . 61 . 4 .11 J . I7Ta .lfxi4 . 9, 42 .109 4 . . 54 . 0H Anaconda Atchluin do pfd Btillmora ft Ohio ..!" Penneylvanla ..u; Hand Mmea ..175 Heading .. 61j do Ut pfd .. 314 do 3d pfd ,.l.w &o. Railway .. 1;4 do pfd . . 44 .So. Pacific .. 41 I'nloa Pacific .. 44,! do pfd .. laiS l". steel .. tl-il do pfd .., .1771, Waoa.h ...7. Canadian Pacific .. Chee. Ohio Chicago Ut. W 4 ft 8t. P.... DeUeera fianeer R. U do pfd trie do let pfd do 3d pfd Illluoia Central .a Loulaxllle ft Kaah. M.. It. ft T .161 I do pfd :.. .. M gpanleh 4a quiet. 3-iSd per ounce 8I1.VKR-Har. MONK V 4 per cent The rate of discount In the open market for short bills l 3'ii:t' per cent; for three months' bills, 3Vt'o per cent. Foreign Financial. LvONDtJN. Feb. 28-The demand for money was Increased In the market today by various calls amounting to to.iVi.iOi, In cluding the iHHt Japanese loan. Discounts were weak. Trading on the Stock exchange mas rather more cheerful In the absence of further forced selling and hear 'operations. Consols recovered on the Influx of gold, lift ing up giltxHtged evcurltlt-a. Home rails allied. Anierlcuiis opened weak and Ini- proved mostly In above parity owing to steady support, . Pnlon pacific being the feature. letter trading became Inactive. Price reacted during the last hour and closed weak. Foreigners were steady. Russo-Japanese hardened. Kaffirs were firmer. Japanese Imperial As nt 194 were quoted at l"Si. PARIS. Feb. 3s Prices on the Bourse to day opened firm and further Improved on the optimism of the Rerlln press regarding the Francfi-i ierman situation Russian Im perial 4s were quoted at M.75 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 491. HER LIN, Feb. IS. Prices on the Bourse today were llrm. exr lark Money Market. NKW YORK. Feb. 28 -MONKT On call, strong and higher. 4S'ii? per cent; ruling rate, it per cent; closing bid. 41 per cent; offered at per cent; Inst loan, 6 per cent. Time loans, firmer; i and fi days, 6Va per cent; It months, stft'i' per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPKR-M1&4 per cent. STERUNO EXCIIANflE - Vfk, with actual business In bankers bills at 1 1 tVa i.mii, for demand and at 14 WAVS 4 8270 for tUMluy hills; posted rates. t4.KH"4M and 14 .874 S74; commercial bills. $4 IC'4. SILVER Bar. ftfiSc; Mexican dollars, 61sc. bdNDS Qovernment, firm: railroad. weak. Closing quotations on bonas today were ss follows: f. 8. ref. l. reg....1H IJipan a. 3d 8erle8..IOfl do coupon lOSta do 4a ctfa 87 V. 8. Sa go 4",a ctfe do coupon 108 I go 3d aerlee 98 t 8. old 4a. reg...Hi!'i L. A N. unl. 4a lm do coupon 1024 Manhattan e. g. 4a. ..108 V 8 n. 4a, reg I294 Mex. Central 4a l 1294 do let Inc 34 4a 788, Minn, ft St. L 49.... 94 114 lM.. K T. 4a 00 4e 109V4. do 3a 99 96 N ft. R. of M. c. 4a 98 do coupon . Am. Tobacco 4a. do 6p Atchlaon gen. 4a. do adj. 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a Bal. ft Ohio 4a.. ...1014 N. . C. g. 3v,a 98 .. .1044 J C g. 6a ISI'4 ...94 iNo. Pacific 4a 1044 ... 4 I do Sa 784, ...114 iN. W. r. 4a I0H4 ... 9.M4 0. 8. L. rfdg 4a.... 94 ... art Penn. ronv. Svxa 101 do ixxe Bra. R. T. r. 4a. Central of (la. lie do let Inr do 3d Inc do 34 Inc 94 Reading gen 4a IOOT4 Chen. A Ohio 4Xia...ll8va St. L ft 1. M. c. Sa..ll7 Chicago A A. S',e... hi St. C . B. ft U. n. 4a 99'4 St. L. A S r. fg. 4a MVx L. 8. W. e. 4a.... an 1.. R. 1. ft P. 4a... 74 Seaboard A. L. 4a ... 90', do col. 5a 91x4 So. Paclfle 4a 9:l4 l'V do let 4a ctfa 94x4 77 8n. Hallsay 6a 11' CIV. ft at. L. g. 4e. Colo. Ind. hp. aer. A do aerlee B 78 Texaa A P. la I2.T4 Colorado Mid. 4a.... Colo, ft 80. 4a 814 T., 8t. L. ft w 4a.. "' . 94 il'nlon Pacific 4a .log do conr. 4a . 99 'P. 8. Steel 2d 6a.. . n74 Wahanh la ion, do deb B . 924 Weatern Mi. 4a... , .108 W. ft L. K 4a . lx'VWIe. Central 4a ... ...104 ....152 Cuba 6a P. ft R. O. 4a rilatlllera" Sec. 6a... Krle p. I. 4a 904 111 "4 87 V, K t do gen. 4a Hocking Val. 4ia Japan 4a untreci. New York'Mlntnar gtoCks. NEW YORK. Feb. 2S. Closing ouotatlons on mining stocks were: Adama Con...: 30 Alice 880 Little Chief . ... fx ...736 ...650 ... 1 ... ... 50 ... 38 ...S" ...360 Unojrlo Ophlr Phoenll Potoal Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard Breece 40 Bmnawtrk Con 63 Cnmatock Tunnel 8 Con. lal and Va....l36 Horn Sliver 31 Iron Sliver, ox-dlv.,475 Leadvllli Con 4 Assessment paid. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. Todny'M state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,i8W).(8) gold reserve, stions: Available cash balance, llfit. 065.743; gold coin and bullion, $75,!)1,39; gold certificates, 4R,779,S). Hank Clearings. OMAHA. Feb. i8. Rank clearings for to day were $1.7!7.7ii7.01 and for the corre sponding date lust year 11.637,198. 30. Wool Market. BOSTON. Feb. 28 .-WOOh-Ui ge block of wool have been sold during the last week. The market held Interest from all sides with firm prices obtaining. Scoured territory wool lias beon a feature, one big consignment going to a Philadelphia nouse. All grades or territories aie now well exhausted after the steady Increasing demand. The new foreign wools, both Australian and South American, are at tracting considerable attention. Supplies His being steadily decreased. Pulled wools are quiet., leading quotations follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania. AJt mnd above, hixvit c: x. S.W34C.; No. -I. 3Wt39c: No. 2. :ts'o 40c; fine unwashed. StKlUc; quarter blond tinwasnea, :taa.i.x,c;. , tnrexveigntns dioihi, 3C(&34c; half blood. 33'&,33He; unwashed De- la ne. j.'Mii:c: line washed Delaine. Sifti 37V4C. Michigan fine unwashed. 24f26c; fine quarter blood unwashed. Sl'ii'fiS-c: three- eighths blood, aa-ass-Vfc; half blood, S-'IVf S3c; unwashed Delaine. Zifl'jxc. Kentucky, Indiana, etc.. three-eighths land quarter blood. 3-."TfS3c. Territory. Idaho fine, -"isiac: heavy fine.- 1if:c: line" medium. !K'if-A1c ; low medium, 27inKc. Wyoming, tine, 2223c; heavy fine, 4i-iic; nne medium, medium, WqTiv; low medium. 27tt'.'Sc. L'tah and Nevada, fine, !3fi'-'4cv heavy fine. 18S 2s;; fine medium, 23'aiflc; medium, a;fj'.'7c; low medium, iTi2Xc. Dakota, fine, L"2ii23c fine medium. I'lM.iJSr; medium, 27ini8c; low medium. 27i-c. Montana, flne choice. 2fyi 2tic; fine average, 24fl;'6c; nne medium choice, 2fMi7!bc; average, 24'ri2oc; staple, 27'u ihc; medium cnoice, iiU-'sc. ST. I.Ol'IS. Feb. 2d WOOI Steady : me dliini grades combing nd clothing, SRrjjf'Jsr; light flne, 20-(24c; heavy fine, lsulc; tub washed, 32'?(49c. Metal Market. NKW YORK, Fob. 2S.METAI8-8pot tin was unchanged at 1K3 Ins In the lon don market, but futures declined 5s to H7t 15s. The local market was dull and a shude lower, with spot quoted at $.16,151 IW.S' Copper was about 2s tkl lower in the I.onlm murket. with stuit selling at 15s and futures at 75 5s. The local copper market was firm In tone, with offerings light, aitnougn some authorities claim that supplies are accumulating In the hands of some of the large producers. Ixik is quoted at JlK.KVfil&.riO, electrolytic at $!. DPt.nti and casting at (li.K7X4iiiitj.un. Iead was tinclmngcd at $5.35iin. 15 in the looul market, and higher at K2 lus nd In Ixm don. Pis'ltcr was tinchnnged In Ixotli mar kets. Iron was higher abroad, with stand ard foundry quoted at 4s and Cleveland warrants at 4s 4H'l In the Kiisllxh mar kets. Locally prices were tinchaiiKed. with No. 1 northern foundry quoted at $18.23'4) in 3i'. :no. -i northern tounury ut i7.75ilo.K5. No. 1 southern foundry at SlB.25tHK.7n and No. 2 southern foundrv nt 117.7511 1S.2K ST. I.OCIS. Feb. 28,-MKTAl.S Lad, sienuy, ta.-'ig. BKitcr. steuay, sugar and Molgasra, NKW YORK. Fib. 3). -SI'OAK Raw- steady: fair refining. 2Ti'2 15-ltk-; centrlf- ugitl. I'fi lest, 34113 i-lhc. Molasses sugar ';St-i 11-ltic. Refined, steady; No. 8. 4c; No 7, 3!)5c: No. 8. S.ftoc: No. 9, 3 K5c; No. 10, S60c; No. 11. S. 73c; No. 12. 8 70c; No. 13, s.ftoc: No. 14. S 66e; confectioners A. 4 S5e mould A. 4.7fic; cut loaf, 5.2CC; crushed ft.2ftc; powdered. 4.1VX'; granulated. 4.5oc; cuoes, 4.ioc. NKW ORDEAN8. Feb. 2S. Sl'GAR Firm: opi-n kettle oentrlfugal, 3Hi3Vc; cen trifugal whites, 3Vg4c: yellows, 3'3So; scconiis, ."11.1 j-ik'. MOI.ASSK8 Open kettle, KxMie; cen trlf ugal. 7tfiiW. 8YRI P-2i.ri30c. evr York Live Stork Market. NKW YORK. Feb. 2V-BKKVE8-RC. ceipts. 1,4!' 7 head; good to choice steers slow; top grades barely steady; medium firm; bulls steady to strong; cows lac higher; steers. 14 iii (in; oxen, S4 W); bulls, t3.25&4 6u: cuwsr S2.tVH.2ft. Cables quoted live cattle lower at iidiiixjC )er ID.; tops, 12c, dressed weight; refrigerator beef, slow, SVqlic: sheep. 12Utrl3x4c; lambs, 14'4i dresaed weight. Kx ports were 840 cattle,'il sheep and 7 400 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. I. '1x5 heud: veals 2o!? tic nigner; nil soin; veins. o 1T so top S.4tit(!.50; little calves. S4.0"1i4.5i; barnyard and fed calves, f3.5fmi 4.i7; dressed calves higher: city dressed veals, SXfciillitoc per ;b. country dressed. Millie; choice, 12c. HtMjS Receltits. 5.71 head: market firm stale hogs, S.rl54iti 75; choice light and pigs quotable up to SvGO. 8IIKF.P AND UMR8- Recefpts. 5 003 head; murket firm; sheep. 4iuiu0; no prime here; lambs, ti!'iiii.ib; tirlme ycur lings, ti.uii; lew kpruig laiiios, iid.iai. loax ( llr Live- Mock Market. SIOIX CITY. Feb. 28. (Special Tel gram.) CATTLE Receipts. l.ouu heal market strong; Blockers steady: beeves, SI oiti5.60; cows, bulls and mixed. S3 Mxil 25; stockers and feeders, S3ot)4.25; calves an! yearlings, S3.0uftS 90. HOOS-Reccipts, 5,000 head; market higher, selling at, So 'g.10; bulk of sales, Si.:i6.0i. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 200 haad; market steady. Stock la lgkt. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western- maraeis yesieraay Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. . 4, 12.7i 7.0 . 1.(941 3,ii Sou .lo.vo 11, (Ml 4(J . S.38 7.SX1 S.45 . &.( 7.0U) l.oia) .17.000 S5.0UO 23.0UO .40.2S8 57.0K3 43,735 Bouth Omaha., Bioug City Kansas City... St. Joseph St. I-ouls Chicago Totals.. 1'oaTre Market. NFW YORK. Feb. 2K.-COFFEE Fu tures ruled steadv at an advanx-e of 5&JA rsili'ts, in response to higher European cables Sales were reported of &0,4 bags. Including- Mar at - I.ltWi7 2ic: June. 7.25-; July, 7 3.ti 7 4c ; Septt nilitr. 7.51c; Decem ber, 7.5"x. Spot, uuicl, No. 7 Rio, S'sc. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Fat Cattle of All Desirable Kinds Sho Decided Improvement. HOGS CONTINUING ON THE UP GRADE (nod, rll-l lalshed rat ihei and K.Trea Fnlly stead), with l.ambs ry Dull and lemmos ghrrp loxv stnel Weak. 8t)fTM OMAHA. Keb. 28. 1W. Receipts were: Cattle. M"gs. Sheep. Otticlai .vlotiuay ... .. 4.i"o .. e.Kld .. 4.t 14.M-4 t-Mii.ial Olnclui 1 ueeimy euncsduy 4.1V' I.WXJ Three days this week..l7,f 2U.4SS .WH Pains nays last weeg 14. sj' 14,iS Hume oas week before. . I K,4M -u.rf"J l.ls6 ttame das three weeks sgo 1J.312 S3.854 ar,Ui2 Samsalays four weeks ngo Iti.JKit 4.059 14.S7S Same days last year....lii,iti7 lb,u-l la.171 'tne toiiowlixg tttuie snows tue receipt of cattle, bug and sneep at tkmtii Omna lor tbs year to date. cuiiilnmu witn last year: istii. its. inc. cattle Hogs , Sheep ...leU.h'iB 12o,na !16.14n ....4o4,H.'3 3)4), 1-11 M.itM ,...2tl).uu6 .,34i 0,2 HHIPMKN'18. shows tne number of TL K8DAV 8 1 he following list ars of stocaei and teeners snipped to the count i luesdsy and their points of des tination: CATT1.R. Cars. P. P. Daniels, Arcner. Neb. J 1 M. A. Sneioy, Winterset, la. H. 1 1 O. P. Knsty, New Market, la Q 1 Danner t 1.0.. (.ltd. Neb. 4j..' 4 J. T. Hailock, bray ton, la. H. 1 M. F. Hanitar, I nderwnod, la. Mil 2 C. Andrews, bt Anthony, la. N. W 1 8. A. Tiller, Riunt. 8. D. M. A 0 1 W. W. Morse, Loieila. Neb F. K 4 H. M. Stephen. Menuen. Kan. R. 1 1 M. T. Bernard. Grand Island. Neb. I'. P.. 1 F. Hopper. Kenton. Neb. I'.. P 1 O. M. Marsh, Weeping Water. Neb. M. P. 1 J. tierates, Silver City. Ia. Wab 1 t ooley ft 8., Olldden, la. N. W 1 pnea Hros.. Arlington. Neb. F K 1 H. Puloer, Klrkman. la tl. wi I E. K. Miller, Aurora, Neb. Q., 1 F. Grlmin. Klkhorn, Neb. i: P 1 F. Ollssman. Walnut, la. R. 1 1 RANUK OF PRICES. s Cattle. Hoes. Omaha U .2686.76 W.Oft'jin.WVi Chicago l.ljiMriri.411 b.KO'Uo. Kansas Cilv amuirt.ixl 5.mku.2iV4 Ml. lxiuls b.ointo.iu Sioux City 3.0t'tto 50 6.9tM( CAI'lLtl UooTAiloNS. The foliowitiv xvii. Kriinx' il,e orlce tiald i or me (iitierenl kinds of caliix on LI bouth Omulia tnatket: Oood to choice corn-fed steers SS.lOi&S.tlO r air to cnoice coin-led sicers 4.ib(yb.lo Common to lair tum-ipd steeia 4.uUux4.'i5 Oood to choice cows and heifers.... l.ng4.4U ran- to good cows and lieuers.... a.noiaJ.J6 (annua rtu0 cutlers l.wu j.VJ Oood to choice stockers and feeders 3.9"u4.5o r air to goou sloCHers anu leeuei.. 3.jUy3.SK) common to fair stockers 2.'it'xt3 50 Bulls, stags, eto 2.404 00 vjuuu veai calves B.uvtatj ftv The following table shows the average price ot hogs ai aoutn Omaiia lor the iai oevyiai aas, witn coinpai isons: Date. lsutj. l!W6.:iSlti4.ivi3.l!sr2.l!jrl.il9'Ai Feb. Feb. 14... o ititk! 4 41 1 4 WJ o ei; o tt i 4 U 14.. . t sSti 4 61, I S bbi axil S 01, 4 10 Feb. 10... I t tw 4 t 4 l8 t Mi, a 2 4 7 10... 44X41 4 U IH, 6 3 I 4 4S 4 go a i ... I u Hu-ssi 4 io B UJi i Oil I 7Ki i 4 io Feb. t eu. Feb. 14... I I 4 till & "oi ti Kit b 7, t 22 Feb. Feb. 1,..,5SI I I 1 VI i 7 b ts 4 S4 20... I 6 Hi Hi 4 6i 2oi 4 t)i 6 Mi o 1 4 18 r eo. 21...I i- 4 Ivxi i st 6 4 0.3JI 4 Feb. U... S soVsl 7 6 38 IWI Ju 4 70 it vtt 4 bu; o iai t S3 1 3i 4 70 24... t wo '4 1 4 t 6 2UI 84 1 t i, 4 4K r eo. Feb. Feb. -O...I 4 I4l 0 ii O SJi 0 S3l 0 3S Feb. 2...6 98 I i 6 40 tt H3 6 88 6 S4 4 2l... o4 I 771 dai tt Mil a Ml Xh 4 til Feb. Feb. I a 21 tt Wi s li s 2S, 4 io Sunday. The orrtolal number of 4-ars of stock brought In today by each road was: cattle. Hogs. 8 he d. 11 r . J., M. HI. 1' 4 I Missouri 1'acitlc 4 3 L nlon Paclnc system 43 32 IV C. A N. W., east 14 S C. & N. W.. west 12 to 2 C, Ct. P., M. & O.... 81 lu C. B. & (J.. east.... s n .. C, B. ft g.. West...... 4L 3D C, R. I. At P., east l.i C, It. 1. tt l:, west.... 4 3 Illinois Cential o Chicago U. W, 5 Totals lf 177 29 3 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follow s. each buyer purchasing tne num ber ot head indicated. Cattle. .. 4",i .. 1,413 .. 1.131 .. I,!" 45 Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. l.ixll Swift and Company K.lV.I 2.nl8 4.0.t2 2,Uis l.tttl Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Vansant & Co Carey lo4 2 II :! i9 13 Hi 244 lfio 5 12 tt Lobman 4t Co McCreary W. I. Stephen Hill A Son Huston ft Co Hamilton & Rothschild. . L. F. Htiss Wolf & Murnan Mike Hagerty Sol Degun J. H. Root & Co Bulla A Kline C. H. Clark Krey trucking Co Bt. litils Union Puck lyiax I nlon Dressed Beef Co. Other buyers 730 127 122 llo 625 l,tOn Totals 5,734 12.739 6,721 CAT'I LB There was a good, liberal run of cattle, 191 cars being reported In, as against 201 cars a weeK ago and sixty-five cars two weeks ago. There wtts a goou, actlvo demand for all desirable kinds ot beef sieers. Buyers were out In the yards early In the morning and evidently had liberal orders In hand from the way tney went alter the cattle. Laie. trains prolonged ton trade somewhat, but the big bulk ot the good cattle sold In very reasonable season. As to prices it it sale to Call the general market Sulou higher than yesterday. With regard to cows and heifers there waa a considers til difference of opinion owing to the tact that yesterday's market was decidedly uneven. Those salesmen who felt tne full force of the declinu yes terdsy were calling today's market fully lftc higher. On the other hand, sellers wno happened to be fortunate yesterday In get ting out at the best tune did not see so much improvement today and they did not consider H sale to uuiito it more than steady. Thero did not appear to be any great niimlier of stockers and feeders in first hands this morning, but speculator and regular yard traders hud a good many on hand that had been carried over from yesterday. In consequence of this il.ey were not overly anxious for fresh supplies this morning and the market did not pos sess quite the snap that has character ised the trade on most days this month. Sellers who happened to have something that just suited thought they got out as well as ever, but otli-rs found the mar ket slow and weak, to say the least. , Representative sales: - BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Ar. Pr. I M U4 17 13"i 4 86 3 .1C.I) 3 60 to 1399 4 K 4 866 4 00 11 1194 4 96 1010 4 10 V..US4 4 90 4 413 4 30 11 lift 4 9', tt' 1010 4 M 31 1174 4 96 .12 T77 4 40 1 1473 4 94 1 1064 4 40 4 1460 I t0 i 89X1 4 6 31 lt.4 I 06 34 1100 4 60 19 ISM t 1 17 191 10 MINI I 10 1134 4 60 17 1384 1 19 1081 4 (6 39 1363 I IS 67 )173 4 86 18 1314 I 35 It 1131 4 70 It 1394 I 36 14 If S3 4 76 1 1740 I 96 30 I'll 4 70 69 1393 I It 31 1233 4 76 1 1330 4 Ut 41 1163 4 46 33 1483 i tt 38 1187 4 86 18 1394 I 44) 1 974 4 44 17 1671 t 60 COW8. 1 910 t 10 4 Ml I tl 4. 837 t IS 1 410 I 34 1 460 t 36 973 I 36 1 490 1 36 941 8 36 1 910 I 34 1 91 I 36 1 74 I 36 46 891 I Bt 1 8xa 40 - 1014 I 36 1 Ill I 6 1 479 I 46 II 930 I 60 37 973 I 44 1 1140 I 60 1 1140 I 40 1 1000 t 60 4 low I 40 1 1070 I 60 1 1160 I 10 1 90 I 60 U. 1093 I 60 1 1 I 60 1 984 I 6 t got I 66 1 810 40 1 1J0 40 1 1046 40 I Ill I 46 ' I 1W0 I 60 t 180 1 44 1 1111 I 66 1 114 I 16 1 117 I 66 I. 94 II 4 Ill I 10 1 990 I 76 4 U86 I 40 1 970 T6 1 944 I 16 4 14 86 i 106 I 71 I Ill IS , 976 I 16 1 60 f 9v 1 1161 I 46 1 790 I 96 1 110 I 46 1 118 4 1 116 I 9 1 48 I 0 I I 90 1. '., iom oa it iii 4 m 1 tiv S o It 1161 I M 1'WI . 97 IV.'" lf . 307 . tn . . oo . . "l . 918 . 860 . ?:o . 91 .. 90 ..173 ,.1810 4 w 4 in 4 1.1 4 :o l ?.". s m 3 So I 6 4 00 4 en 4 !' 4 0.1 4 Oil 4 04 4 T til 3 40 8 80 J ax . 9.11 1"W .13I.0 . H) . Ml . 840 . 7' . xn . 7"0 . 60 1!M . 473 . 9M . 990 HEIFERS. l : 4. sa I I n I in 3 00 I 10 l 16 I I.'. 1 !' 11..'.'.; 16 '.'. '.' I : lUXD?. . 117 .1870 3 16 t 4" 1. 1M10 14711 IMS 17MI ism 16111 I9S0 31 1 HEIFER. IJ90 I 9i I 00 . 6X0 .Iran . 1 V.0 .i?n . 710 3 oa 3 11 3 ti I !' I 9-1 4 00 4 Si I mi I on ts 1O70 9 26 STEERS AND 933 4 40 I in.' STEERS AND 8TAUS. 18. ...1JM1 4 Ml TALVES. 970 . 10 . I3 . 30 . 196 , ino . 370 . 36 364 . 8X0 . 190 . son t m , 110 n HI 88 130 130 , 143 130 . IJfl . I J 310 , 130 . 390 , 380 I 3D I ti 6 t. I 60 76 6 75 t 7s t :r. I 00 t no I I1 I 011 36 I 6o l 60 I IM t to I 76 I Tt 4 00 4 00 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 71 4 76 I no 11.! 110 I on STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 811 4 no 1 730 I 60 4. 1 63.1 I 76 4 476 I 00 I 746 I 00 1 486 4 on 1 4.16 I 00 9 7Z6 I 00 1 90 I 00 14 907 4 10 t.. 665 I W II ,.. 46i 4 15 1 700 It 6 724 4 10 1 66 I It 19 4MI 4 Ki 13 813 I 96 1 340 4 to I Ml) I 60 t: 418 4 36 1 70 I 6n 738 4 10 16 Tin 90 to 919 4 90 1 437 I 90 1 1101) 4 8 14 88 I 46 WESTERNS. Parker A Co Idaho. 21 feeders.. fin6 3 90 47 feeders.. 7M 3 !K K. I Harris-Mont. 4S feeders.. li)2 4 70 9 feeders.. 9S7 4 30 1 cow inoo J so J. W. Knapp Mont. 10 feeders.. 1"7S 4 70 T feeders. .1051 4 33 67 feeders.. 12155 4 40 P. A. Bluffy. 1 feeder... 1200 4 00 7 feeders. .i:i-'S 4 60 13 feeders.. 1273 4 60 32 feeders. .12oi 4 00 HOU8 Receipts of hogs this morning were liberal, for this point. 171 cars being rmorted In the vards as asainst 140 a week ago and TO cars two weks ago. The market opened with conditions generally favorable to the selling Interest and holders of hogs were not slow to take advantage of every thing In their favor. Without exception every one was pricing bis stun consilient bly higher and, as iwckers were a little, backward about making the concessions deninnded, the trade was slow to open. When buyers and sellers finally got to gether It was on the basis of prices that were generally Mj7x4a higher than yester day mid the hulk of the hogs sold about that way. Today's advance carries the market to the highest point touched so far this year. Representative sales: IX I! I 10 7 3 16 1 36 It No. At. Bk. Pr Nx. At. Sn. Pr. 33 93 ... C 1)0 H. 2..1 40 4 10 36 120 ... 1 40 73 !! 40 4 10 It 118 ... I 60 64 318 I 10 80 139 90 6 66 79 868 120 l!'i 90 148 ... 6 811 (19 352 ... I 129 93 167 ... M'a 63 886 40 4 If, 88 191 110 4 06 IC 261 80 4 12xt 78 3"0 ... I 1)6 86 331 140 4 K'X, 93 194 ... I 06 98 361 ... I 121, 44 K.7 ... 4 "6 71 33 ... 4 13', 66 270 ... 1 06 68 28 ... I 12' 78 194 40 8 117 4 78 316 ... 4 12' 71 194 91 4 "7i, 12 280 1211 12t, 79 217 90 4 0714 8. 226 .'. . 4 12', 1 171 ... 4 01 '4 64 248 80 I 121, 83 184 80 4 07X4 70 209 ... 4 12', 70 196 ... 4 07V4 44 262 10 I 11 83 314 40 ( 071, 71 329 ... 4 12' 77 Ill 90 t 07 '4 31 240 40 I 1S 6 303 to I 0714 81 192 ... 112', 90 21 ... n7, 71 347 60 12 '4 74 30T 10 I 01V4 70 348 ... I 121, 46 381 K) I 10 76 228 ... 4 12 67 216 ... I 10 69 822 ... I 124 6 918 ... 6 10 44 248 120 4 12', 6 220 10 I 10 209 134 1 40 4 121, It 121 ...'110 17 270 40 I 12V, 71 241 K I 10 10 872 ... 4 16 17 171 ... 10 16 170 10 I 16 I. Ill ... I !0 183 341 ... 4 16 14 197 40 4 10 12.. 144 ... I 16 7' 191 130 I 10 84 373 ... I 16 10 tint ... I 10 69 130 240 I IS T3 310 ... I -.0 64 298 , ... I 16 I) :35 .10 10 69 294 ... 4 16 S3 360 90 I 10 71 247 ... I 16 19 213 90 4 10 11 245 ... I 16 70 221 ... 10 to Itil ... 4 174 71 331 130 I 10 87 274 ... 4 17', 19.. 1 196 ... I 10 64 125 ... I 3D 80 Hit 60 I 10 44. ...... .171 10 ISO ... 4 10 SHEEP Late trains made a late mar ket, vl Ith only a small fraction of the estimated receipts In sight when the mar get opened, buyers naturally were very much disposed to await later arrivals be fore making very extensive, purchases nence the morning waa wen advanced be foro very much business was transacted. It was evident from buyers' actions right from tne start that the situation was none too favorable; In fact, buyers admitted that llielr advices from the eastern mutton mar ket were very unfavorable the consuming demand being for vnrlnua reusons smaller than had been anticipated. I'nder such condition they eouli( not be expected to he very enthusiastic buyers. Still, they ap peared to want a few loads, of good sheep and anything answering to that descrip tion met with ipilte ready sale at prices not materially different from those which prevailed yesterday. The (Jibson ewes sold at ?3 40. the same as they have been bring ing all the time; but shippers will under stand that they possess quality, flesh and weight, being choice In every respect. Lambs were slow and weak all day. Common to medium kinds were heglect"ii by the packers, who seemed to feel that there would lie enough of the better grades to supply their needs. In fact this ne glect of the aininiiiii to medium kinds of sheep and lambs is general now at all points, packers being dlsKised to leu. them for the feeder buyers. In fact, if it were not for the feeder ' buyers, wlu arc taking a good many at all the mark -t points, fat stuff would undoubtedly suffer mi re than It has. Quotations: Good to choice native lambs, Sn.6of&) 75; good to choice western lambs. I4.40tt4.65; fair to good lambs, S.15frj 6.40; cull lambs, S4.5Vao.2o; good to choice light year lings, S-Y 751 5.90; good to choice heavy year lings, S5.6oti5.75; fair to good heavy year lings, SO'tlo.rW; good to choke wethers, S5.5tittT) 60; fair to g.xid wethers. So.26tjS.5o; good to choice ewes, S4.fl03j6.26; fair to good ewes, S4.MKg4.HO. cull sheep and bucks, S3.00 434 00. Representative tales: 8 cull ewes 402 western ewes 451 yearlings and westerns. 190 western wethers 1K9 western wethers 149 Mexican lambs 38 Mexican iambs . 97 .114 . 97 Kl 111 70 76 4 50 6 40 6 55 6 iM) 5 Co tt 26 6 25 ClllCtCiO l.ME STOCK. MARKET Cattle and Hogs MronsV to Ten t ents Higher Skera and l.amlia Mleady. CHICAGO. Feb, 2S.-CATTLE-Recelptg, 17,o0o head; strong to I'm- higher: common to prime sieers. S3.754ta.3i); cows. H.l'Kbl.fri). heifers'. SS.5i9tt5.Pil: bulls. S2.404j4.3o: calves, S3.i4d7 60; stockers and feeders, S3.ilrrr4.75. HOGS Receipts. Si.OOfl head: 10c hlgh-r; choice to prime heavy. SH.351ixi.42A: medium to good heavy. S6f4l.:i5; butcher weights. S Sfi'AS.124; good to choice heavy mixed, Stt:to4i).36: fweking. t.'i.!x6.;i6. SHEEP AND l.MB-Receipts. 22.0H) head; market steady; sheep. S4(8ijo.oo; yearlings, 5.&0fl.2t; lamia. K25jj.3u. Kansas (lt Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 28. CATTLE Re ceipts, 10.000 head. Including 2(9) head south erns; market steady to shade higher; top quarantine, S3. 25; choice export and dressed beef steers. Si 4t5lt.00; fair to good, f4.2tVlt 6.25; western fed steers. gl.TTM&.oO; stockers and feeders,; southern steers. H. "5 dii.'Jt; southern rows, S2.50'u3.&5: native cows, S2.2TVul.5o; native heifers. S3.25fi6.Ou; bulls. S2.taVii4.00; calves, H(04jt;75. HOGS Receipts, 11,000 hiMd; market 60 higher; ton, S'lui; bulk of sales. $ ;. iofiti.20: heavy. Si.k"U6.25: pa kers. Sti.10fiH.2iJ; rigs and lights, So.4ot4.15. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. fi.Oia) head; market strong to 10c higher: native lambs, S5 5o-(i1.75; western lambs. K 60 a ti. 70; ewes and yearlings, S4.754j6.H5; western fed yearlings. So.504l4.0o; western fed sheep, 1.23 iih.m; Blockers and feeders, S3.25ft4.60. St. Loal Live Stork Market. BT. IX)lI8. Feb. 2.-CATTLF-Rece(pts. 5, COO head. Including 1.100 head Texans; market 10c higher; native shipping and ex port sieers, totHrtifl 10; dressed leer and butcher steers, St 3Ti6 25; steers tinder l.OtO lbs., S3 Urifl oO; stCM-kers and feeders, S2.45j 2.7u: cows and heifers, S'.iiKii5 csnners, Sl k6(ij2.36; bulls. S-'.Vtif4.26; calves, tl 5uftd (X); Texas and Indian steers, S3.lHg4.70; cows and heifers, S2 3ux4.11. H(M1S Receipts. T.aO head; market 10c higher; pig, and lights. So &wy fi.tii. packers, SoO"iT.4o; butchers and best heavy,'u 45. SHEEP AND lAMB8-Recelpts. I.IAi head; market steadv: native muttons. S4.00 io 5n; lambs, S5.6u4i.l(6: culls and bucks, ti.5ou4.25; stockers, S3.0U4.U'. t. Joseph live Mtork Market. BT. JOSEPH. Feb. If. CATTLE Re. ceipts. t.'& bead: market steadv to lm hlgher; natives. S4.ty-t7i.ia: cows and heifers, II WH; stockers and fwdi i. H.l''i I .'. HOJS Receipts, 7.3M hvad; maikci sternly to higher; light. 4V.cHiii.l5; 1111 - dliro nn.t In x y . i l""t' ... SHEEP ANli I.A.MHM -Receipts. J.ikio head; sheep, sumly. I, nuns, i"c higher. OMAttt W IIOl.K l tl H ltlvKT. Conditio of Trade and Qnolntlons an Maple and Fancy I'ritdnee. EGGS Keieipts libel al. xanduJ slock via- sell led at l-c LIVE Put LTRY- II -is. liv. eld ivosl rs. f,c; lurK'is. 15c, duck, lie; 0un4 roi'Slels, V.l'.i; K se. Xe, D) 1 f.-.-.i ri i.ilxt Turkes. IsylA, old tonis, 1,V(ililc; chickens, I '1 11 ' ; old roosters. 7c; ducks. i;l.ic; tf-, ) c. Il 1 I Klx--1 acMtig slock. liSe; clnvtc lo fancy dslry. lxmisc; creamer. il'ti2l4C. 11 A i 11 1 es tunned by imianii r ecu com pany: No. 1 uplat-d. S"0; nu-d 11m, to .; loaise l.wix). Rye straw, lo.JO. BKAN-1'ei- ton, SI 50 HIDES. PELTS AND TALLOW-No. 1 green I. ides, c; Ko. 2, kc; No. 1 stuteu. 12c; No. 2. IK: gieen bull hldca. x'u' . tuied. SiiJ'.uc: dry hides. ItVj.i'J'c. Hor.e hides, large, J.I 26; small. 3 icen pw;ts, each, IwcuSlXx. i'alluw. No. 1, 4kc; No 2, c; rough, lHc. iRol'ICAL FRUIT DATES Per box ut SO l-li. Pkgs.. S2; Hallowe'en in 70 lb. boxes, ler II), ovl Bay ers, per lb., 4c; walnut-stuffed, l-lb. pkkii S3 per iloz. S-lb. boxes, SI- ORANGES California, extra fancy Red-. land navels, all sixes, S3.00; laucy navels. I! !o, choice, all sixes, S2 -i2.7:i .KJIi iNB Lltuoniei . exti.i fancy. 240- sife, ,t. ij, Duo to :tts) elxes, U 10. FiGS - alitoi nia. ni t' in-lb. carton. At 55c; Imported Smyrna, thice-ciown, 1104 ix-cioxxn. Uc. BANANAS Per nledilim sixed bunch. Sl.iw2.v; Jumbos, 42.!sJi)3.iiv. TANGERINES Calllotnla. per box of about 125, S3.GU 4-iixAi i-i if Ht il l Fiorina, per oox, .5o; Caliloi nla, per box, S4.OiKxi4.bO. FRUITS. rEARS Wlulci jSnlis and Mount Ver non, S2.u0. APPLES-Callfornla llcllllowers, SI. 50 per bu. box; Hen Davit, St-75 per bu. box; Winesaps, 12. 25 per int. box; uiuer arictii-. S-'.ij'u2.j0 per bu.; New York appics. 45 5 per 1101. UMAPKS importen Malagas, jo.tJWi.w. OLD VEUtiTABLES. POTATOES-Hoine grow:-., per otxiJ tuc; bouth Dakota, per bu., 7bc. ONIONS Home grown, yellow and red. per bu, 4oc; Spanish, per crate, S- ou, t-uiu- ado, r"ij and eilow, per D11., tl.uo. NAVY BEANS Per bu 2.00. LIMA BEANS Per ID., 6lc. CABBAGE Home grown utid Wisconsin, In crates, per 10 . 2c. CARROTS. PARSNIPS AND TURNIPS Per Oli , ts.iyioc. CELElt Kuliimaxoo, per do:., 25ri35o. SWEET POTATOES KanauH, per 4-Do. bbl.. l-'.oO. NEW VEGETABLES. TOMAlOES-Florlda. per crate of 3d lbs. net, ii.ix. WAX BEANS Per hamper of about 30 lbs. net, 40 'J0. STRING BEANS Per hamper of about JO ms. net, M-iU'itc uo. EGG PLANT -Florida, per dox., Sl.2uigi.i0. GREEN PEPPERS Florida, per Hamper Of about 10 dox., U-L0. TURNIPS Louisiana, dox. bunches.. 75c. SHALLOTTS Louisiana, tr- - dux. bunches, i'6c. HEaD LETTl'CE Louisiana, per bbl., tl2.uutiio.00; per doxen heaus, S1.7iia2.00. LEAF LElTL'CE lluthuuuo. pel uoxe:' heaus, 60c. CUCL-MUERS-Hot house, per dox., SI 7.x RADISHES HothouKC, per dozen butiLl. es, j"it ,oc. Ml'OHROOMS -Hotiiouse, per lb., 60c. CAL l.lKl.OVVI-'.R Callioliua. about 24 heads to crutc, S3.Hu. BEEr- CL'TS No. 1 ribs, 13c; No. 2 ribs, 11c; No. 3 ribs, 7,,jc; No. 1 loin. 16c; No. 2 loin. 12c; No. ;i loins, loxjc; No. 1 chuck, f.'c; No. t chuck. 4 he; No. 2 chuck, 4c; No. 1 round, ic, No. 2 round, fic; No. 3 round, Oe; No. 1 plate, 4c; No. 2 plate 3!a": No. 3 pluic, 3c. MISCELLANEOUS). CIDER Per kes, J.i; per bbl.. .',. HONEY New, per 24 lbs., S3. 50. CHEESE Swiss, new, ltic; Wisconsin brick, ltic; Wisconsin llniuoigur. 15c; twins, 15c; young Americas. laic. NLTtf Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 15S40; hard shells, per lb., 13Vvc 1'ecans, large, per lb., 14c; small, per lb., 12c. Peanuis, per lb., tHfcc; roaoieU, per lb., he. Chili walnuts, . per io.. . 12(g 13hc Almonds, soft shell, yer IS., ,i7c; lni'.d shells, per lb., lav. Cocoar.uts, S4.25 per sack of 100. FRESH FISH Trout. Uc; hgltbut, lne; pickerel, drcssei, 7c: wlille asi . Uc; sun bah, ttMDc; perch, skinned and dressed, c; pike, lodk redsnapper, 11c; salmon, Uc; crapples, 6-ij'JC; eels, ISc; but eg. buss, 2.c; whuelish, 12c; frog legs, per dug., 66c; lobsters, green, 33c; boiled lobsters, Sic; bluetlsn, 15c; herring, 4c; Spanish mackerel, loc; hadauck, luc; Bhrin.p. Slowl.axi per gallon; smelts, 12c; Cvd. I-4"; . OYSTERS Fresh standnid. Slipper gal.; shell oysters, Sl.ontf2.uo per loo; Little Neck clams S1.60 per loo. BUGAKSz-Granulated cane. In bbls., So.Ob; granulated cane. In sacks, S5-01; granulatad fceet, In sacks. 11.91. SYRUP In burrels. 24c per gal.; cases, ( 10-lb. cans, Sl.o; cases, 11 5-lu. cans, t'.BO; cases, 24 2"-lb. cans, $1.90. COFFEE Roasted; No. 35, 2.".Hc per lb.; No. 30. 2'o per lb.; No. 25, lc per lb.; No. 20. lSWc per lb.: No. 2ii. 12'o per ib. FLOUR (wholesale) Best high grade Ne braska, per cwl.,'; bust liluli grada patent Minnesota, per CWI., S2 30; straight patent Nebraska, per cwl., 42.00; second patent Nebraska. SI. 90. .v CURED FISH Family whltefislx, per V bbl., luO lhs.. S4-60; Norway mackerel, per bbl., 200 los. : Bloaters, Sto.oO; N) 1, 42.uu; No 2, Stt.00; No. 3, S-1'.00; lrtsli No. 2, S17.00. Herring, In bbls., 200 lbs. each; Nor way, 4k, S13.0U; Norway, 3k., Slav); Hoi land, mixed, 111.50. Holland heiriiig in kegs: Milkers, hue; kegs, mUcd, ioc. BROOMS No. 1 carpel, 6-1. Jxi, No. 2 car pel. S2.40; No. 3 plain. S3.Ho CANNED GOODS Cm 11, standard west ern, UiiUvOc; Maine, 1.2e. Tomatoes, 3-10. cans, tl.2btil.ou; 2-lb.. 'TVi'Miai.iiit; pure apples, grated. !-iu., t2.0:U-3o; sliced, 11 sxi U2.20; gallon apples, fancy, S3.uu; Cali fornia apricots, 41.4iKy2.uu; pears, Sl.'ioil 2.6o; peaches, fancy, S1.752.4n; 11. C. peaches, S2.OtxU2.5o; Alaska salmon, red, tl io; pink. 9uc; fumy Chinook, r ., S-' i"; lancy sockcye, F., Si. 95; sardines, V-oll, 42. uu; 4-musturds, S2.onivi3.10; sweet pota toes, Si .lu'4il.2ii; sauerkraut, Sl.oo; pump kins, soc(aloo; wax beans, x-lt., .i7.i'ttc; Luna beuns, 2-lb., 750j9a:U 11.35; , spluacn, Sl.aa2.uu; cheap peas, 2-lb.,, 40c; txlra, i'x(1'', fancy, SI 3x4 1.75. ' ' EVAPORATED FRl.'ITS-Faucy Mulr peaches, 12lc; choice Mulr peaches,- ll'c; fancy yellow, c- 50-tu prunes, ic; 00-, u, 7'Mc; lancy New Voik Ting Siiples, !ll'4c; choice, lolc; fancy (-crown louse tiiusca tel raisins, 7:4C; 2-cruwn, 7o: 2-orowjt. uVec; fancy seeded raisnis In l-lb 1 cal-t'it, ix , choice seeded, In 12-ox. cartoons, 7,,c, cast ern pitted cherries,. 17c; New York evap orated bluck raspberries, a&c, fancy peat, ike; choice,- 15c; lancv uectarints, 5c; luucy apricots, ll'xjc; choice royal, lUVc; Hal lowe'en dates, 5Vtic; icluce citron, l'V-i, can died, ltic: li loon -; orange, I4HV. HIDES. PELTS AND TALLO-,No. 1 green hides, sV; No. 2, 7Vic; .i. I Milted, loc; No. 2. 9c; green bull fliilcs. iiiisc; cured. 91110c; dry hides. Itii2nc. Hoi s j hides, large. S3.00; small, S2.50. Slieep pells, each, tVlrfuSl.Zu. Tallow, No. 1, 4c; No. 2, 3c; roiigh, Hxjc. HE I, KNTA'I'H I R ANM F.ltM. Deeds tiled for record February 2. l!i. us ftirnislicd for The Bee by the J. I' I -.1 Kerr (., bonded abstracters, lun Nc York Life building: George Etiileu Hare ct al. Io Ihu American Fire Insurance company!' lot 7, block 1, Perkins sub of lot, W. Capitol add . ,. 1 Jennie T. Mackln and wife to Richard Burnclle, lol 7, block 3, Aiiibli -Place Lewis R. Reed and wife to Frank K. . Martin, lot 9. block 4. Institute Place. I5) Elizabeth C. Graham to Samuel Fink- enstt ln, lot K, block 5. Parker's add. l.ox) Arlemas M. Clarke and wile to Maiv 1 11111. lot 7. block 1, Hawthorne mid . !) Steilian llomlc to Patrick and Ellen Shea, lol 4. block 8. Brown Park 1.9") The City or Omaha to Elizabeth Koutitxe Real Estate company, trai t In block 19. Hlglilund Park t Seme to fnited Real Estate company, same 2 Hastings & Heydi-n to Josephine II. Weldcnfcller, lut 10, block 2, Hust ings 4ft Heyilen add 2,200 Continental Trust company to Carl K. Herring, lol 12, blink llo. Ilnu'l'-e Place ' 75 The Omaha Really company to James A. Beverly, w V lot 19, block 2. Wise V Parmele's add ' Hrl Joseph O. Lcsneur and wile to EMie Bedford, lots 2, 4. 7. 13. II. block 42.x. and oilier lots in Grandvtt-w add.... '70 Addle D. lleyiuan to V. II. Maun. 1,1st 14 lots 1 and 2, blocg pii. Bouth (Jmaha 1 Vernon H. Mann to W., 11. Hi-yinsii and wife, same 1 Margaret Conner to John It Snyder, east 10 feel lota 5 and ti. Dodge 44 Root's add 1 M. McGte and husband to same, lot I. Dodge 4k Root's add 4.'l Mary M. Funke and htsxhand n, Arthur W. Cutter and wife lot block S. Hoggs Hill s 2d add I F. D Day & Go. Ofslst Sat block. Grain. Provision blp tour drala u la. Branch Mttlea, 1IU-II1 Hoard of Trad Hid-., tlar.aka. Keb. Telenlma g.ll . r.-Z14 Exebangs Hldg , South Omaha. Ball 'phone 214. Independent 'Paoo t