Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Editon Expreas Opinion Only on Matters
Concerning; Tbeir Bugines.
UT Are Called to Meet la Ma
eola MaYrrh T ta DIkih mil for
Creating; Sew Federal Jadlrlal
Dletrlet la Nebraska.
(From a Stair Correspondent )
LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. 28 (Special. -The
Btate 1'ress association this morning refused
to adopt a resolution endorsing the U-burn
rate bill and the stand of the Nebraska
delegation In congress on that measure.
The resolution was Introduced by 11. M.
Wells of Crete and at once A. L. Gale of
the Lincoln Star rose to a point of order
that the resolution had not been reported
to the resolutions committee and there
fore the motion was out of order. Presi
dent Donovan promptly ruled with Mr.
Gala and no discussion followed.
Mr. Wells' resolution was as follows:
Whereas, President Roosevelt. In his
Inaugural address, ably advocated the
passage of a bill enlarging the acope and
powers of the Interstate Commerce com
mission, and.
Whereas. In accordance with his recom
mendation the bill known as the Hepburn
rate bill has been framed, introduced and
passed the lower house of congress. Is now
pending In the I'nted States senate, and Is
a measure which. If enacted Into law, will
be of great and lasting benefit to the
agrtcutural, stock-raining and shipping In
terests of this country, as well as to the
general public. It requires publicity: It
practically makes Impossible the pernicious
rebate system, abolishes favoritism and will
Jlvw to the carrier and the carried a square
aaJ. The people have no right to ask
mora than that; thev should not be con
tent to accept less. Therefore, be It
Resolved. By the Nebraska Slate Press
association that we hereby tender our
thanks to every member of congress from
Nebraska for his loyal and unswerving
amppert of that measure, and we respect
fully ask our senators In congress to sup
port that bill and to oppose any amend
ments which will tend to Incorporate
there p. any provisions providing for court
review, which will have a tendency to
waken Its usefulness or cause long, vexa
tloua and needless delay In the settle
ment of cases arising between corporations
and their pairona, and we call upon our
senators to give to the Hepburn bill, or
to soma other bill that will be equally
efficacious in producing the desired result,
their hearty and unanimous support.
Resolved. Thst the secretary be tn
trtructed to transmit a copy of these reso
lutions to each of the congressmen and
1b United Btatea senators from Nebraska,
niseaas Railroad Ad vert lalaaT.
At the morning session addresses were de
tlvered by Richard L. Metcalfe and J. C.
geacrest. These two talked about the rail
road advertising quritlon. the former tak
ing the "business office view" and the
latter the "editorial room view." Mr. Met
calfe departed from his subject long enough
. to take a few pokes at broken down poli
ticians who allow the newspapers to do
the things which are for the benefit of the
people and then claim the credit for It and
run for office on what the newspaper has
lone, while the editor couldn't get any
office, no matter what it is.
At the afternoon session La.fe Young of
JDes Moines lectured on "Newspapers of
the Osient." In his address Mr. Toung
departed from his subject and gave a his
tory of his recent trip wtih the Taft party,
which was full of humorous Incidents as
yrnli as good Information
After the session the members of the
vsaoclation visited the state farm.
The following officers were elected: Frank
Jleed of the Shettoo Clipper, president; K
M Vamer of the Sterling Bun, vice presi
dent; W, M. Maupta of Lincoln, secretary
auid treasurer; A. B. Wood of the Goring
Courier, corresponding secretary.
The editors adopted resolutions thanking
those who had contributed to the success
cf meeting., . recommending amend
roenta to tha Jwatal taws go that strictly
advertising Journals could not be sent
through tha mall as second-class matter
mnd recommended amendments, to the libel
law making It a misdemeanor rather than
faleny for tha publication of a libel. In
accord an oe with the recommendation of
Edward Rose water, and also recommended
an amendment tit the law providing that
newspapers could criticise without fear of
being fined for' contempt any decisions
rendered by the court.
Tonight occurred the illustrated -lecture
U Jo ha T. McCutcheon. the cartoonist.
The association will meet in Omaha next
year. . - , '
Meetlaflr of Lavwyera Called.
President CsJklna of the 8tatee Bar asso
ciation has invited all lawyers of the state
to meet In Lincoln March 7 to discuss tha
Buxkett bill creating a new federal district
for tha South Platte country, and at the
same time should the bill be passed to rec
ommend a lawyer for Jude of the new
At the last session of the supreme court
tha executive committee of the bar associa
tion, acting upon a petition which had been
lgned by numerous lawyers, decided to re
quest tha president to call the meeting.
By Linoola politicians the meeting is be-
Who's the Man
in the Heart?
i..V .rVv
The great kind heart
the heart that beats in
sympathy with the masses
1 People Kits How tsefal It Is la
Preaertlac Health ! Beaaty.
Nearly everybody knows that charcoal Is
the safest and most efficient dlalnfectant
and purifier in nature, but few realise its
value taken Into the human system for the
same cleansing purpose.
Chsrcoal Is a remedy that the more you
take of It the better; it Is not a drug at all,
but simply absorbs the gases and Im
purities always present In tha stomach and
Intestines and carries them out of ths
Charcoal sweetens tha breath after smok
ing, drinking or after eating onions and
other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually clears and Improves
the complexion. It whitens the teeth and
further acts as a natural and eminently
safe cathartic.
It absorbs Injurious gases which collect
In the stomach and bowels; It disinfects tha
mouth and throat from the poison of
All druggists sell charcoal In one form or
another, but probably the best charcoal
and the most for the money is In Stuart's
Charcoal Lozenges: they are composed of
the finest powdered Willow charcoal, and
other harmless antiseptics In tablet form
or rather In the form of large, pleasant
tasting locenges, the charcoal being mixed
with honey.
The dally use of these Ictenges will soon
tell In a much Improved ccndltlon xf the
general health, better complexion, sweeter
breath and purer blood, and the beauty of
It Is. that no possible harm can result from
their continued use, but on the contrary,
great benefit.
A Buffalo physician tn speaking of the
benefits of charcoal says: I advise Stuart's
Charcoal Losengea to alt patients suffering
from gas tn stomach and bowels, and to
clear th complexion and purify the breath.
mouth and throat: I also believe tha liver
Is greatly ' benefited by the-dally use of
them; they ccst but 15 cents a box at drug
stores, and although In some sense a patent
preparation, yet I believe I get mora and
better charcoal In Stuart's Charcoal
Loxenges than In any of ths ordinary char
coal tableta."
lieved to be for the purpose of heading off
Tom Munger, who has the endorsement of
Senator Burkett and for whom the office
Is to be created.
Mr. Munger said he had heard of ttae
meeting, but he did not know jet whether
he would attend.
"I believe It Is not a concerted action to
oppose anyone," he said, "but merely a
mass meeting to get the sentiment of the
lawyers of the state. Every lawyer will
act a chance to express himself for or
against the bill, and each will have an op
portunity to say who he prefers for Judge."
(Irasd Island Bonds Legal.
The etfO.OtO bond issue voted by the city of
Grand Island for the erection of a high
school has been declared legal by Attorney
General Brown, who has recommended to
the auditor that he register the bonds. By
those who opposed the issue it was as
serted the board had authorised the elec
tion without waiting for a petition signed
by one-third of the voters. The other side
asserted the law specified the election could
be called by a vote of two-thirds of the
board. One section of the statutes so pro
vides and the legal department held ths
law was good.
State Vital Statistics.
Vital statistics compiled by Dr. Sward
of the board of secretaries of the State
Board of Health under the provisions of
the law enacted by the late legislature
show during tha last year for the state
6,470 deaths from sixty-one causes. The
summary of deaths by the month is as fol
lows: January, 475; February, 60S; March,
W7; April. 178; May, 573; June. 332; July,
260; August, 233; September, 365; October,
714; November, 4I; December, 634.
Of the sixty-one causes of death the
largest number succumbed to infant dis
abilities, there being 889 deaths of children
under 6 years of age. The next highest
number of deaths from any one disease is
charged up to heart failure, there being 532
deaths from this cause. Typhoid fever
carried off 100 persons, tuberculosis took
as, cancer caused the death of 245 persons.
Bronchitis was responsible for sixty-three
deaths. Brlght's disease carried off 165,
while appendicitis was responsible for seventy-five
deaths and 300 persons died of
apoplexy. Paresis was responsible for 147
deaths. Only three persons died of sun
stroke, while tetanus was responsible for
ten deaths; twelve persons died of acci
dental poisoning; brain fever carried off
six, while only one person In the state
died of smallpox and only one person .died
of hydrophobia. Lightning killed, four per
sons, while one person was froxen to death
and thirty-five persons were drowned. Of
the persons whose death were due to ani
mals there were thirty-seven, of which
number thirty-three were males. Firearms
was responsible for forty-three deaths.
There were seventy-six persons, so the
statistics show, who preferred death to
live and therefore killed themselves. Forty
three persons were accidentally burned to
Lagrlppe was the cause of the death of
sixty-four persons, while erysipelss killed
only eight persons. Whooping cough vm
responsible for eighteen deaths. Alcohol
ism killed twenty-seven persons. Ulcer of
the stomach was responsible for the death
of twenty persons. Peritonitis killed ninety-
two persons, 37 people died of old age and
fifty-eight persons died as the result of
falls. Only three persons died of locn
moter ataxia. Childbirth resulted in the
death of thirty-nine persons.
Rarstlaa- Fir Wheel Takes Lea. i
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Feb. Spe
cial.) While a number of the attaches of
the Herman Tasge farm, nine miles west
of this city, were sawing wood with a
power saw the flywheel suddenly bursted
and Charles Tagge. nephew of Herman
Tagge. who had come over from his neigh
boring home to assist, was struck In th-
leg with a flying piece, breaking both
bones and tearing through the muscles In
such a manner that the leg had to be
amputated above the knee. One of the
pieces flew through the side of a barn
and another was imbedded over a foot In
the soil. A smaller piece also struck the
unfortunate young man In the head and
cut a deep gash, but fortunately did not
fracture the skull. The young man has
been brought to the Bt. Francis hospital
in this city. and. being In good physical
condition, there is no doubt as to his
recover .
ebraskaa Mows Oat Gas.
SIOUX CITY. la.. Feb. I Special Tele
gram.) While on his way from Tripoli. Ia.,
where he attended his father's funeral, to
Brunswick, Neb., where he is a harness
maker. Albert J. Brown blew out the gas
at the Hotel Vendome and has been in an
unconscious and critical condition all day
at a hospital.
Seers of Nebraakau
SEWARD H. Weller. a merchant at
Staplehurst. this county, fell from a ladder
In his store last night and sustained in.
BEATRICE Yesterday Peter Cramer
sold his grocery store and meat market in
West Beatrice to D. K. Smith Sons of
this city.
PITTSMOUTH-Martin Pronst. aed
about 7" years, died in his home six miles
west of l'lattsmouth today. His wife died
laFt week.
BEATRICE Wslter Pllkey of this cltv
and Harry Htout of De Witt yesterday ar
ranged to give a wrestling exhibition, to
bo given here soon.
BEATRICE The real estate transfers
filed yesterday In the register of deeds of
fice amounted to over tlt,uu. The trans
fers were mostly farm property.
NEBRASKA CIT-J. F. Wheeler of
Murray and Miss Man' Ost of I'nlon were
united in marriage this afternoon by Judge
vt uson in me county court room.
PLATTSMOl'TH The city council last
evening passed an ordinance notifying the
t'laiisinoutn v aler company tliat its con
tract for supplyii'g water to the city would
expire in April.
NEBRASKA CITY The Faultless Caster
company of this city has received a hand
some gold medal as the highest award of
the bt. Louis Louisiana purchase expo
sition for the beat caster made in the
PLATTSMOL'TH Mrs. John J. Bwoboda,
aged 61 years, died in the lmnianuel hos
pital last night, where she recently under
went a surgical operation. A husband and
six grown children survive her. The body
was brought to her home in this city today.
BEATRICE While working In the chem
istry . laboratory yesterday afternoon Miss
Jessie Chapman, a student of the high
school, was severely burned on the hand.
Tho Intense pain caused her to faint, but
she was soon rvvlved and conveyed to her
AL'BlRN The district court convened
Monday with Judge Kclltgar presiding. The
case against ueorge augn, cnarged with
assault on Mlna tiolloy. has been on trial
three days. Cal Taylor will be put on trial
aa au accessor- before the fact for the
same crime,
MADISON The general merchandise
stock of O. H. Gillespie Is being invoiced
this week and will be taken over by the
Madlaon Mercantile company, a stock com
pany which has recently been, formed. Mr.
Gillespie will remain with the new concern
aa manager,
8 F.WARD The directors of the Seward
County Agricultural society met and de
cided to hold a farmers institute each day
of the fair. It was also decided to appro
priate $l,u) for a speed program for the
fair. Superintendents of the several de
partments were elected.
BEATRICE The Fulton bloodhounds
were taken to Irving, Kan., this morning
to be used in running down the person
who murdered a man named Tennesion.
living near that place. The murderer fired
a shot through the window at Tennesion
home, killing mm Instantly.
MADISON-O. H. Gillespie, a general
merchant of this place, received a tele
gram Sunday noon announcing the death
of his mother, Mrs. Virtue Gillespie, which
had occurred at Grinnell. la., early in the
day. tne was years old. Mr. Gillespie
siarxea uuce to a-uena tae tunerai.
BEATRICE Third City lodge. Degree of
Honor, held a largely attended meeting
last nignt, at wnicn tnere were six candi
dates initiated. Mary u. Laity of Lincoln.
grand chief of honor, was preuent and de
livered an Interesting address on fraternal
Insurance, following which a banquet was
TABLE) -ROCK An Important business
change takes place here tills week. Dr. V
H. Vt Uson. who has been In the drug bus!
ness here for many ye&rs, has sold his
stock of drugs to G. A. and G. F. Cotton.
The style of the new firm will be the Cotton
Drug company. Possession will be given
Marcn l.
BEATRICE George Bhaul, a prominent
business man of Be net. Kan., was In the
city yesterday, lie stated that there is
strong taik ol piping tne natural gaa Irom
the raids of Kansas to Seneca and other
towns along the line. He was of the
opinion that the line would be extended
to ueatnee,
8EWARD The city council has taken up
the question of sewerage in the city and
is having the city engineer make a plat of
the sewerage district. The question of
increasing the capacity of trie light plant
Is also under consideration. The business
has grown to such an extent that it will
soon be necessary u greaily increase the
quipment in order to meet the demand
lor iignt service,
SEWARD A petition has been circulated
and signed by the requisite number of
voters making it incumbent upon the city
ciera to suoniit tne initiative ana reteren
dum law to the voters for approval or rejec
lion at the next election. This law was
fiassed by the state legislature of IK 7. but
s not now operative in Seward fur the
reason that It has not been approved as
requirea ny tne voters.
ALBURN The funeral of Bertha Evalyn
Mayer took place today from St. Paul s
Lutheran church, Rev. Mr. Anshutx offici
ating. Interment was in the Sheridan ceme
tery'. Mrs. Mayer was years old and
was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ldward
. bnyaer. prominent farmer residing
near here. Deceased was married abuut a
year ago and the day after tier wedding
took down with Inflammatory rheumatism,
from which she suffered lu the day of her
NORFOLK Count v Commissioner L. E.
8k id more of Holt county has appealed to
tne district court from the decision of the
county Itoard in regard to a claim flleo
against the county by Treasurer D. J
Cronin for docket fees and cases of sale
on tax sales. 1 lie rase raises a new point
of law in Nebraska and arises out of the
scavenger act. Treasurer Cronin s bill is
fur fl.X.7 and the claim has been allowed
by the board, but no warrant has been
drawn yet. Mr. SkiJinore thinks the law
does not provide for the claim and a test
case will be made in court.
HAVELOCK Burglars entered the saloon
of John brothers some time last night,
pried open the money drawer, but found
it empty, as Brothers had taken all toe
cash home with him. The only things miss
ing are two gallons of whisky and souie
cigars. The robbers are supposed to be the
same parties who also entered the general
merchandise store of Prank Hecht. As Mr.
H ei til also had taken all the cash ho:ne
they helped themselves ID dress goods,
groceries and a tew bushels of potatoes.
Local parties are suspected. This makes
the sixth burglary In than two weeks.
BEATRICE At a meeting of the city
council last evening the Improvement com
mittee reported favorably upon the pur
chase of block lor a city park. It 1
more tnan likely the city will buy the
property fur that punuse. A warrant for
was drawn in favor of City Treas
urer Jones to be applied upon the North
western Mutual JudgiiM-nt. The ordinance
permitting guarantee companies to become
sureties upon liquor license bonds was
passed. The LOut feet of hose purchased
J i r th flrvn-!. m m ccfted. and Supei'itv
uruufm ruimrr wm tiwira m'iiiurr in
th library lLortsU bw uw ', J.
Kaaa Iteetin at Kearney Toratlly Put
Him in Senatorial Race.
Heaolatloaa mt a Highly Ealoalstle
Character Adopted aad Samher
of f nmpllmeatary Speeches
Are 'Made.'
KEARNEY. Neb.. Feb. A i goeclal. )
The republicans of Buffalo county met here
today In mass convention snd adopted reso
lutions endorsing Hon. Norris Brown for
the L'nlled States senate.
The meeting wss held in the cltv hsll.
which was literally packed Hon N P
McDonald presided. Delegations Were pres
ent from Gibbon. Shelton and all osrts of
Buffalo county. The meeting was highly
enthusiastic throughout. Addresses were
made by the following persons: N. P. Mc
Donald. Prof. C. A. Murch. C. H. Gregg,
E. C. Calkins. J. F. Crocker. Judge F. (.
Hamer. Prof. Hayward H. C. Andrews.
Cantata 8. H. Blark. Joseph Owen, J. E.
Harris. 8. C. Bassett. Oscar Kdoi. Jams
H. Davis. Judge H. M. 8lnclair, M. A.
Brown. The committee on resolutions con
sisted of N. P. AfcDonald of Kearnev, F.
D. Reed of Shelton and Samuel C. Bassett
of Gibbon. The following resolutions were
The remihlicana rtt I.,., i. ........... . u
friends and neighbors of Hon vrn.
Brown. In in a mm rimi ,rM(,n 1. 1 .. ,
Kearney. February 2ft. lurs;, observe with
pride and grs tlni-stlon the spontaneous ex
pressions of public sentiment which hsve
been made throughout the state in his
favor for the office of Cnlted Ststes senator.
v e take pleasure In testifying to his ster
ling Integrity and genuine worth as a cltl-s-n
and his shlllty snf faithfulness as a
iiuoiie omcer; inereiore. be It
Resolved. That we herehv i
e hereby unqualifiedly
endorse the ofTUisl artji of liu.rnu . :.'
eral Norris Brown and pledge him our
unanimous and leval support in his candi
dacy for the L'nlted States senste; thst we
commend him as a man faithful and con
scientious In the discharge of public duties,
loyal to the principles of the party he rep
resents, and worthy of the confidence and
support or tne people ol the state.
Qaallflrmtloaa for Plae.
E. C. Calkins, regent of the University
of Nebraska, spoke as follows:
To us who are his neighbors th.r. m-m
be in his election a double satisiactlon
satisfaction in the fact that he is our
friend and neighbor and a greater and more
abundant satisfaction in the knowledge that
is especially equipped for an efficient
discharge of the responsible duties of that
nonoreq omce.
Ever since he met and held with even
hand the cleverest and most effective stunm
speaker that ever canvassed Nebraska for
votes tnere nas oeen no doubt of his foren
sic ability and power to meet in debate
and on equal terms the ablest public speak
ers. In the art of seeing what his hearers
saw, of feeling what they felt, and giving
voice to their emotion William L. Greene
was unsurpassed. He spun the thread of
fallacy around their wavering thought and
touched with master hand the chords of
hope and fear, of love and hate, of sym
pathy and passion, and swept them off their
intellectual feet with a torrent of eloquence
and emotion. When Norris Brown went out
to meet this Goliath of debate there were
some who feared for his success, but the
Sixth district well knows and will long re
member with what patient skill he unwound
the web of sophistry and with what quick
resource and ready art he constructed with
simple truth and plain logic the barrier
that withstood the floods of eloquence and
But it is not aione as a debater and a
lawyer that Norris Brown has distinguished
himself. Probably no man could meet suc
cess In either capacity without a compre
hensive knowledge of political questions
and the affairs of state, and he has shown
in his public addresses an extended crann
of political history and an insight Into
public questions which rounds out 'and
completes his qualifications fur the office
rot which we support him. .
Prof. C. A. Murch of the State Normal
school addressed tha meeting as follows:
I am for Norris Brown because as pri
vate citlsen or public official, he has al
ways done his best, and, I may add, it
has always been a mighty good best. 1
am for Norris Brown because he be
longs in that group of American citizens
with red blood in their veins and brains
under their hats, who get things done and
dene right LaKollette. Jerome, Folk, an.l
that American citlsen and man, Teddy
Knows rrdi of the State.
Hon. Samuel E. Bassett, former state
bend commissioner, said:
It Is not alone enough that the man
chosen to represent the people is willi:nr
to serve the people, is anxious to serve
the people. In order to properly serve the
people he must know the people, their
wishes, their desires, their ways of living
and mode of thought, their resources, thi
difficulties that hedge them about, in order
to be helpful In lessening those difficulties
or entirely removing them.
It goes without saying that he should be
a man of honesty and integrity, having
the full confidence of the people; but he
should also be a growing man. a prCgrer
sive man, for Nebraska Is a growing and
progressive state, a stste with untold re
sources yet undevelopxi, and only such a
man ca.n keep step with, can keep
of the rapid march of ever ts which affect
our Interests both as a state and a na
tion. Such a man is Norris Brown, in
whose interests we have this day assem
bled. Less than six years ago he was ap
pointed deputy attorney general, and so
well and faithfully did he perform the
duties Incumbent upon him that he was
the unanimous choice of his party as candi
date for attorney general, to which office
he was elected at the last general election.
As attorney general he became not only
the legal adviser of the people of the
state, but the defender of their tights as
well. Questions arose involving not only
large financial interests, but principles of
vitsl importance to all the people of the
state, questions which involved the rights
of the people as against the organized
greed and graft of a few individuals. In
all forms of government, whether It be
local, state or national, there is no more
important principle involved than the right
to leyy and collect taxes for the support
of the government, for the revenues thus
collected are the life-blood of the govern
ment. The attorney general was called
upon to defend the revenue laws of the
state, tn determine that In the valuation
snd assessment of property and the collec
tion of taxes the corporations had the same
rights, the same privileges, no more, no
pea errning, tuu buxjr making clothes to rlos.
less, as Individuals In defense of th
rights of the people he hss shown so mu'-h
skill rtid sMilty In the presenta'lon of the
issues involved, so much nf orlginslltv and
resourcefulness of methods employed, so
rmrh of success ip resn'ts sccompllehed.
thst tody the us me of Norris Brown Is a
household word on everv farm In the slate
whereon Is raised a buel of grain which
ni'ist pay tribute on its way to market.
His sble snd succensf ul defense of the
revenue laws snd the principles Involve. I
meeta the heartv spproval of every loysl
i taxpayer.
Home Test Relieves la Him.
I Hon. N. P. MotKmald. county attorney.
I said:
I It Is gratifying indeed to t lie friends snd
neighbors of Mr Broun to note the spon-
, taneous expressions of the people through
out the state in favor of Ills election ss
senator. We believe that he merits their
approval. His sbility. Integrity and experi
ence Qualify him for the duties and re
sponsibilities of th place. He has a wide
acquaintance throughout the state. His
gen;al personality lias made him friends
everywhere, among at II classes. The able
and satisfactory manner In which he has
conducted the off ce of attorney general has
given him the confidence of the people. He
knows the whole state and Is familiar
with its diverslfed interests. 'He is ac
quainted with the wants of the people In
every section of It and appreciates the
measures that will bring them the greatest
comfort and prosperity. He is broad
minded enough to fairly consider all the
Interests of the state, honest enough to
seek the greatest good for all. fearless
enoueh to restrain the strong hand that
would take more than Is "fair and square"
am .ius? enough to protect the corjHjratlon
the saise as the individual, the great inter
est the same as the small Interest.
Telephone C ompany Enjoined.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Feb. 2l.-iSpeclal Tele
gram.) Today Joseph R. Dodds secured a
writ of Injunction against the New Home
Telephone company and its promoters to
restrain them from proceeding with the
work of Installing a plant at Wymore. It
Is alleged In the petition that the ordinance
under which the franchise was secured was
Illegally railroaded at the council meeting
cn the night of January "JO. without having
been read the required number of times
snd without having a majority of all votes
piesent. The temporary writ wss issued by
' County Judge Spsfford and wss served by
Sheriff Trude on the defendants, the Eric
son Telephone compeny. the Home Tele
phone coripany, J. Harry Myers and Frank
M. Smith. The Home Telephone men say
that It Is a move on the part of the Ne
braska Telephone company to preent the
progress of the Home In Wymore.
Mother Locates Daaghter.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. &. Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. No-vitt of Dorchester, Neb.. I
arrived in town today and with the assist- j
nnce of the officers succeeded In locating
her 16-year-old daughter, who had run
nway from home several weeks ago. The
two left for Dorchtster this afternoon.
Vorletr Event.
Sarah Berks took Electric Bitters for
headache and can now meet her social en
gagements. SOr. For sale by Sheiman &
McConnell Drug Co.
fw Eqaltable Director.
NEW YORK, Feb. X.-At the annual
meeting of the trustees of the Equitable
Life Assurance society held In this city to
day John M. Beach of the Teff t-'iller Dry
Goods corporation was elected a member
of the board. There were no other
changes, all the officers and standing com
mittees holding over pending the receipt of
the report of the committee on bylaws.
Rain In Eastern Nebraska Today
Rala or Snow In Western Por
tion, Colder.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2S.-Forecast of the
weather for Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraska Rain or snow In western,
rain In eastern portion Thursday, colder;
Friday, fair and colder In eastern portion.
For Iowa Rain Thursday, warmer In
eastern portion; Friday, fair and colder, ex
cept snow In extreme eastern portion.
For Kansas Rain and colder Thursday;
Friday, fair and colder.
For South Dakota Snow and colder
Thursday; Friday, fair.
For Missouri Increasing cloudiness
Thursday, warmer In eastern and southern
portions; rain and colder at night or Fri
day. For Colorado Rain or snow and colder
Thursday; Friday, fair.
For Wyoming Snow Thursday, colder in
eastern and southern portions; Friday, fair.
For Montana Cloudy Thursday, snow
and colder In eastern and southern por
tions; Friday, fair.
Loral Record.
OMAHA. Feb. SS. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: 190S. 19o5. 14 lSwa.
Maximum temperature.. wi i f X:
Minimum temperature ... i 3S Jk 11
Mean temperature ,, ... iJ 6i Li
Precipitation mu .00 T i'
Temperature and precipitation departures !
from the normsi at Omaha since March 1,
and comparison with the last two years:
.-ormai temperature j
! Excess for the day
. .03 inch
M inch
2S.70 inches
lota I excess since March 1
Normal precipl'atlon
Ieficlency for the diy
Total rainfall since M.irch i .
Deficiency since March 1 . . . .
2 99 Inches
lieficlency for cor. period. lf. . 4.44 inchi n
Excess for cor. period. I!. l.Si lncht a
Reports front Stations at T P. M.
Station and State Temp. Maxl- Raln-
of Weather. 7 p.m. muni. tail.
Bismarck, cloudy XI 36 .i
Cheyenne, part cloudy .... wi u
Chicago part cloudy 3; 34 .oft
Davenport, part cloudy ... 34 3k .w
Denver, clear iKi M .oo
Havre, cloudy LU 34 .tin
Helena, snowing ,.. Ja 3J ,J8
Huron, part cloudy 4:' So ."
Kansas City, clear 5J .ti
North Platte, cloudy 54 K .im
Omaha, cloudy j& S6
Rapid City, cloudy 4 .(;
St. Iyouls, char 3 Uh .uo
St. Paul, cloudy 3ti 4J .ml
Salt I.ak City, snowing... 3J 5J .14
Valentine, cloudy So .ii
Willlaton. cloudy "30 3u T
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
U. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster
yif 'BXV Saved From :
fy Catarrli
: T : oftlic
W V."Xt;f Limgs ; j:
'S By Taking l
MARY t f !'
mac. . Pc-ru-na!
: J :
Mrs. Mary Ma. 4 23 College Ave.. E. Pittsburg, Pa., writes:
"Ijut spring I had a very severe colli which settled on in.v lunp. I went ta
the doctor for some time, but his medicine did me no good.
"Having rend In the paper some teatlmonials of the value of IVmna, I de
elded to tn- it. and at the same time wrote to lr. Hartnian for ndt lee. I took
live bottles of Penina and am now entirely cured.
"IV-fore taking Peruna I was so run down that 1 could do no work and could
not stand on piy feet. My head ached and I could run leej 1 would wake
up and rough. In the morning, on rising, I would rough for t least ten ruln
utes. 1 wan alarmed.
"Hut, thanks to Peruna, I am now enlovinir snnd health l n onM nr. k
without Peruna. I keen It in the house
has a cold.".
A NEGLECTED cold Is generally the
U first cause of cauirrh
Women are especially liable to colds.
These colds occur more frequently during
the wet. sloppy weather of winter and
spring than any other time of the year
Often they are not
considered serious
Women Should
Ileware of
Catching Cold.
and so me allowed
to run on. or they
are treated In such
a way as to only palliate the symptoms,
while the cold becomes more deep-seated
and the natlent fnaJlv awakens to the fact
that she has a well-developed case of
By reason of their delicate structure the
lungs are frequently the seat of a cold.
especially If there is the slightest weak
ness of these organs. The treatment of
catarrh of th lungs Is also more difficult
and discouraging than catarrh of any other
organ of tne body.
Dr. E. C. Scott won the support of intelligent women when he originated his famous
prescriptions, because they are pure medicines and are free from all elements that produce
drug habits and leave bad after effects.
E-LIM-I-NO overcomes Weakness and Depression without using alcohol, whik y,
wine, or strichnine stimulants. E-llm-i-no acts by cleaning poisonous waste products from
the blood and thus restores the circulation.
E-LIM-I-NETS Cure Chronio Constipation without the continued use of physic
They are a delight to all thus afflicted.
E-LIM-I-NA-TUM Stops Pain and Relieves Soreness without the use of opium,
morphine, cocaine, or other narcotics. E-lim-l-na-tum acts by dissolving the poisons that
are settling in the joint and tissues and causing pain.
To prove the great superiority of the EUmino Remedies over all others for the ailments
named below we will tend a marked copy of
Dr. E. C. Scott's New 64-Page Book Free
to all sufferers who will place a cross (X) in front of their ailments and send this in with
their name and address plainly written. Send no money, the Book it free. You get tha
medicine of your druggist.
Poor Circulation
Low Vitality
Sickly Women
Painful Periods
Change of Life
Drug Habits
Sickly Children
The Elimlno Remedies Are Best for Emergencies
and will he kept In every boms where thetr worth 1 knevD. When orer-taxed with home rare mad torts,
exaction until you feel dppreaae.1 and uud'ine. trr Elimlno. When lufTenus patn ue Kllnnnatuin. v. her.
rest lew snd tleeplesa. or have been exposed to wet or cold, take a done or two of Kilinlnaiuin. Von will he
delighted with tbe reanlta. Tour drne eiM can turpi? yon with the EHmlneta at u.v, and itb tits others
at 11.00 each. If be will not get ibem Or jou ws will tend Ibrm direct, prepaid, on receipt of price.
L I Ml N E T S
Come to our omce and we will make a thottrough, teaching and s.'ien'lfie
F-XAMINATION of your aliments FHEB OF CHAlKiE. An examination that
will disclose your true physical condition, without a knowledge of which you
are freeing in the dark and without a thorough understanding of which no
phvslclan or specialist should he allow eu to treat you. If "you have taken treat
ment without success we will show you why It failed. We want all ailing men
to feel that they can come to our ofTe fieely for examination and explanation
of their condition without being bound by any obligation to take treatment nn
lea they so d'-slre Every man. wr.ither treatment or contemplating
same, should take advantage of this opportunity to irarn his true condlrnn,,
aa we will advise him how to s'. regain his health and strength and preserve,
the powers of manhood unto ripe old age. '
We are helping weak, nervous, bioken-down young and middle-aged men!
back to ruddy health, invariably without Interfering with their usual business
pursuits. They come to ua weakened and debilitated from specific or privet
diseases and secret weaknesss. Manv are discouraged, depressed, nervoas.
tired, languid, full of regret perhrp for the errors of youth or later excesses
and indiscretions. Some are on tha brink of nervous exhaustion, caused by .
worv. overwork, neglect of he human system, dissipation, etc.
We wish that you oould see them change after commencing treatment wl'h
us. Every day their condition Improves. You can see the depression vanlsii
and a new alertness la their face and bearing aa the new red blood of health
courses through their elns and they are infllterated with new vitality, naw
hope and new energy. They go away feeling all new strong physically, ment
ally and sexually.
XV Cure ttafely and Thoroughly:
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions. tfervo-Sexual Debility.
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases
and all diseases and weaknesses of rren due to inheritance, evil habits, self
abuse, excesses or the result of spocific or private diseases.
We make no misleading statements, deceptive or unbusinesslike
proposition to the afUtrted, iwitli-r do wo promise to rare them in m
few days, nor offer cheap, worth lees treatment lu ordr to secure tlarlr
patronage. Honest doctor of recognised ability do not resort to sich
method. We guarantee a perfect, safe and lasting cure In the quickest
poaaiblr time, without leaving iujurloua after-effect in the ajatem, and
at the loweat cost possible for honewt, skillful and aurceasful treatment.,
rpCC OeetsitatlM If you cannot eall writ for symptom blank.
aatf Baamlastia Office Hours I a. m te p. na. Sundaya. 10 to 1 only.
1S08 Farnaiu Bt-. Between 1 8th aad 14th BU OMAHA. NEB.
Bee Want Ads -Pest Business Boosters
ami oir it in me little w... i., ,.
mrs. miiv
It would be wise, therefore, to guard
j ,, precaution possible.
., , '
h" ,OUnd ,he m1 'I"bl
, D1 r-', tor cougns. colds and ca
tarrh. by reason of the fact that It goeg
at onCP ,0 th verjr ,"at of th trouble,
U ,f'arct out every crevice, every duct
ot tne poay. it quickens and equalises
the circulation ol
the blood, thus re- I IV-ru-na
lleving the congested I the Kctncdy
mucous membranes. I for Catarrh
It exercises a heal- I ( the Lungs.
,n a"d ""hing ef-
feet upon the mucous membranes, no mat
ter whether they are the more exposed
membranesv of the head and throat, or
whether they line the remotest oils of the
' A word to the wise woman !s sufficient,
Take Peruna at the first appearance of
a cold.
Rheumatism Kidney Trouble
Neuralgia Stomach Trouble
Sciatica Heart Trouble
Lumbago Varicose Veins
Headaches Constipation
These remarkable remedies are based upon the principle
of elimination instead of the common practice of mmulaticn
and stupefaction. The Book and the Remedies should be
in everv home. Write today. Do it now, Address
v r-