TITK OMAHA DAILY BEEi -THOSIUY, MARCH 1, 190(1. Telephone, Douglas 6il. Row located in th net? retail center, Howard ' And 81itpei.Hl Streets. AVc are specially equipped with modern fitting rooms; our showing of corsets erinits of the Adjusting of jnst the proper corset for your individual form. Miss McCauley is trained Vy the designers ?of ."Redfeni" Corsets in all the details of corset fitting and will see that you are properly corseted in the "new fashion." Visit this department Thursday. Gray Is the Tone for Spring in Dress Goods and Silks. France. Kngland, 0rnuiny and America r.gv submitted. eholr gray Muff for spring, mostly with dull, Indistinct checks nil inmt with threads of color. The re sult I soft, artistic coloring thiit will give dlstftiet' atvle.. tat Suits mudu from these Mr to 12.50 per yard. Special Value in Economy Base ment Dress Goods Depart-. ment Thursday. Come surly to the dress goods department In basement Thursdays ,,Do.jrour other shopping afterwards. .W will not show you last season's styles, hut rood, clean, crisp dress roods nt our Economy Base ment special Jow prices. I)o not overlook t he remnant counter. . . . . , In Our Economy Basement Cloak Department. . We are showing soma bargains In waists, skirts, petticoats, indies' and children's roils, spring suits, in' silks, ranam and fancy mixtures, which for prices and values cannot be equaled In the city, , Ask to see our newsprint cravenettes at .. , ' TeIn!I?iIFJo IeLM $81 . Howard and Sixteenth Streets MINE OPERATORS TO MEET Pittsbursj Conference Calls a Geneife' Con vention at Indianapolis March ID. DIFFERENCES AMONG " THE EMPLOYERS Indiana and Ohio Men Oppose Any lacrras While .Illinois and Pennsylvania Are Badly .Divided'.;..,. 1'lTTBBUKti. Feb. tK Before the confer ence of bituminous coal operators of Penn sylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois opened v. today It was generally conceded that the proposition to grant the miners a 6.55 per ent advance would meet with opposition from some of the Independent operators, who freely expressed themselves as against grnntlng any. Increase In Wages nt this time. The conference opened shortly before, noon and all -but members- of .the suite committees were excluded. Those prtment were: l'cnnsyh'niilii, F. I... Itohblns, John Jones, rjoi t A. MllgjMjl2f Opto, Ml II. Wlnil r. II. J.. Chnpmaii, F. M. Osborn, T. K. t,-.ui .j, . Vnd linn, J.. C Koleeni, A.'. SL ogh, ... ... '.r'.'ilh, Hugh Shirkle, J. tJotli . ...... . n!lnoiM, H. M. Taylor, Colo- ii- 1 . ..... im: ' '' ' -' T..:- i .i.ti .uilJournd. about 1 o'clock' ami . n,.V ..ieiiinnt -was made that It luc . .. Ji-'.;. i-J to Issue a call for a gen ii:i. . j : KT,. l, held,. In Indiunapolls or. . ' ; iUich 79. .'- M -v iii-.'f xiMicd by the Joint commit tee I- i .. (kv.-tllon of the action taken "' .-,.-( r - In I si '.nf request for a conference of the r u oi-rtainrH of tho States of Ohio, Ind'anu and western Pensylvanla at In diana e In on March 14, It is positively stated by all the operators Joining In this call that sulci meeting has been called en tirely in deference to the wishes of the president of the Colled SUtes and that no action has been taken or agreement of any kind has been made by any operator up to this date regarding a settlement of i.he existing difficulties. No settlement Is possible on anv terms until after such meeting Is held and the Individual views of all of the operators of tho sild states have been obtained,., ... , ' . w Operators Badly Divided. Neither Chairman F. L. Robblns of tho Pittsburg Coal company, who presided at the meeting. ' nor any of the operators present would say unythtng after the meet ing or tonight, beyond the statements given out during the day.- It was learned from a reliable source, howuver,' that tho meet ing was most tumultous and thut several of the operators present expressed them selves In ImiHissloned speeches. Indiana and Ohio stood a u body against grunting tho 5Vt per feats' adrggce, while Illinois operators and'iPiltsbuig district operators ware divided. -Th indeptindeht operators of the Plttsburir dtHtrM-llrnily opposed the suggestion for the udvance. ' Mr. Robblns EniBtst Doctors friisi its In.ria...... Ws rotar to thaf boon to weak, i.errou tnfferliia; women known at lr. l'ier.-' Kavorlu Frescription. Ir. John Yjto:v of the F.iiter'gl bi9 f Thb EtxtcTto Mr.DicAi. Rrvicw isyi of Unteorii root (HeUnila OUric) whirb Is on of the chief lug-redjrnu of ths "Fa Torlu Prtiscriptlon" : ., A remedy which bivarisoly acts as a uter ine inMfotaur makes for uonnal c tlrliy of. the entire reproductive tm Be continues "ui Mekmlas have n.Kit s aent whW h mora fully afikwere tLs a)ore purposes Uvfcti any tdittr drwv irOA teAicA f am eouuwt4d. lu tiia treatment of dlsetses pe culiar to womfii it is seldom that a esse Is scan wliU-b does not present sovte ludti-silou fur this remedial again,' I r. I'yfe further Bsrs: ."The following are among the leading Indications for Uelonlas (I'uicorn net). I'a'a mt aching In the tiack. with leucorrheea; atonic (eak conditions of the repri'ductlra vtcsiii of women, mental depressiuu ami tr rusblllty. associated with chronic diseases e( the reproductive prgana of women, constant saussuoo of best lu the region of the kid neys: nienorrhsgla tfloodingi. due to a weak ensd coiidltlou of the reproductive ststem; . amsn-rrtiua (suppressed or absent aiontkly periods 1, arising from or accompanying sa aboonnal coudittun of the digestive organs and ausMute (thin blood) habit; drsacing sensattuis to a exlsema lower part of be abdomen." If mora or lesaot the gbovs STtoptomi ara present, uo invalid woman tta do belter than lake Or. P'eroe's favori's rreacrlpvioii, one of the leading ingredi ent of which Is Unionrn root,orlieitnias, nd the niadlcal properties of which it most faithfully represents. Of Golden .eal met, suother prnmineul Ingredient of favorite Prescription, Prof, riniey EIllngwooA, M. I)., of ben Bett Medical Collaea, Chicago, sajt: " It Is an Important remedy la disorders of the womb. In all caiarrbal oondluona gad gstieral ofeebiemenU it is useful." Prof. John M. ficudder, M. D , lite of Cincinnati, nays of Golden 8eal mt : la ralatiuo to Its gwnersj effects oa the srswm, aw a we madUn um etaait wAva VMrs it imrh aenerol anansstgy u'eptnimt. It is wnfeersuJig regarded as tk4 toale useful la aU dabaitatad slates. Prof. Barthotow, it. IX, f, Jefferson Vedteal Oillege, says of tiuldeu Seal : Valaabes lu uterine hetoorrbag. aienor thagla (flooding) and eoogottve dysfaenor Mnaa ijtsiuful MaevueUoal." Dr. Pierce's Favrlte Preecrlptlo:. faitt fully reprwseiiu ai) the above c aired il EradteaU aod cure thedlsssisa for whirs is art recvm metaled. We Announce A sjhn'ihI engagemi'iit or the export corset i ere, Miss Adelaide McCauley, who rill give free fittings of the eelehrnted "Ketlfern" Corsets, beginning Thursday, March first, for a short period. Our Cloak Department Is the Fashion Center bf Omaha. For pretty suite, for dainty waists, for stylish coats and handsome skirts, Indies will find our clonk department the expo nent of till that Hs bcuutiful and new. Do not buy a .ready-to-wear garment until you see hut wc arc showing. Foreign Wash Goods. This grenl wash goods department t the main floor Is "en fete" with newest Impor tations from the foremost Europeun weaves und designers. Our increased selling space of these goods gives us more room to main tain every new and correct fabric and color. A visit to this section and you will know just what Dame Fashion will give her stamp of approval to for spring wear. Embroidered French Linen Suiting, 48 In. wide. $1.75 and t-'.Oi) per yard. English Eyelet Embroidered Linen Suit ing. 39 in. wide, fl.on, $1.50 and $1.75 per yard. Embroidered Handkerchief Linen Walst Ings, W In., $1.50, $1.75. $2.25. $2.50 and $U."0 per yard. Embroidered French ' Mull 48 in. wide, $1.26 and $1.50 per yard; SO In. wide, 75c, b5c and $1.00 per yard. Embroidered Voiles. . In', wide. $J,.2j per yard. French I'biue 3ti In. wide, 85c per yard; took occasion to deny In an emphatic manner thut he had any understanding with President John Mitchell of the t'nlted Mine Workers to restore the scule of two years ago. H. N. Taylor, the Illinois oper ator, who Is said to havo been it party to the alleged understanding, refused after tho conference to discuss tha matter. O. ly. Garrison, former president of Ihc Illinois operators, led the Illinois contingent In the light against any concessions being nuide, and J. C. Kolsem, president of the Indiana operators, led his contingent along the same lines. President John II. Winder of the Sunday Creek company of Columbus, which is the largest producer In Ohio and holds n huge operating interest In West Virginia, hotly contcsti-d tho suggestion of any advuncn being made. Mr. Winder Is recognized as the head of the J. Plerpont Morgan interests In "the bituminous coul trade.- It. F. Jlush, gen eral manager of the Consolidated Coal company, of Illinois and utwochttcd - with the Gould Interests In the southwest, also opposed the .granting of the advaitcc. Lnlon Miners Discharged, JK ANNETTE. Pa.,. VI. 28.-Thlrty.flve miners were discharged toduy from the Westmorland Coal . company of Pennsyl vania. The action Is said to be due to the wen having jrnid a miners' union about "thirty days' ago. Other trouble Is brewing and,, u gencriil. strike . redloacd, fur K- mdlTQW... Y :-( y - 5- Vrw Foil Time fur NhamoUIn IMiicm. ' 8HAMOKIN, Pa., Feb. ' 2S.-AI i... col lleiles controlled by the, i'ejni'yL.;.uii. i.ll roufl compuny nptii-ea. were posted tiskiy annoiinclng thut heix-atter. utitil furt-l.i'r or ders, all collieries would be worked, full time ph Saturdays. Heretofore .the ii)Jnes closed at noon Saturdays. Many of , the workmen threaten to go on strike If .the order is enforced. . OUTPUT DF PACKING HOUSES Close of Winter Season Hhoni alight Decrease as Compared with Last Vasir. CINCINNATI. O., Feb. LS.-(Speclal Tele grain.) Price Current says: There has been a fair moveaient of hogs Into market chan nels the last week for this time of the year. Total western packing was t&VOOO head, compared with. 356.O00 head the pre ceding week and 580,000 head last year. .The period of four months' designated 'as the winter packing season la now brought" to a close and the running comparison of pack ing operations indicate n total of lO.Stio.Cttf) head, but it la not unlikely thut llnul re turns may change the result so as to bring the total up to the record of a year ago, which was lC,45tf,0rj0 head. Prominent places compare as follows; - - - lfiOil-rt Chicago J,.i' Kuiihim City i .'..,'.. I.liS.iKiu South Onmha TTO.imi St. Louis (Mfi.eo-l j St. Joseph -. T.i I InibanaiMiliK Wl.eHi Milwaukee , 4.i Clncinniill ,' :V.5.('u Otlumwa " iTR.tt n Cedar Rapids ii.m Hlotix City- , ),ii St. Paul ,,, , 3o.uo Cleveland .: ;T4.J 1904-3. 2, SI 2. (Iik) l.TCUOa T:r.iss( 7;2.oji !,) .'bi il i ;B4. i 2ti.oiJ .in.r. Sll ,.n Jlli.fH I .. eo.iii -. SSt.OlSI CONCESSIONS -T0 GERMANY Third Heel Ion of Dlualey Act uw (Itvrrai Importations lo Called States. WASHINGTON. Feb. Is. ITesideru Iti.oHevelt today issued a proclamation Im posing ww raies or uuiica provuiea uy section 3 o( tlic plngluy art upon lni ports from Germany in return for Ger many's concession of minimum tariff rates up rnited Slates products. DEATH RECORD.: A. Hrundnge. ' i TECCMSEH. Neb., Feb. 2. ispucial Tel egram.) A. Br und age died at his home in this city at T:'JU o'clock this evening after an illness of long duration He was a na tive of Orange, N. J., and waa born August t, l&lu. He waa a hut maker by trade ar.d served an apprenticeship at the I line John B. Stetson did and woiked for that gentle man In after years. Mr. Bundago came to Tcvumsch twenty-wevep years ago and here he had since resided. His wile and five children survive him. -tha children being Mrs. . Belle Conrad Of New Jersey, Mrs. Demon Swan. P. A. Hruudage and T. L. Bundage of Tecumseb and Charles 8. Brun dage of Washington. D. C. The deceased was a good ritlsen and had many friends. Funeral arrangements not yet made. ' John a. t'mme. URAKD ISLAND. Neh.. Feb. Jg.-(Sne-riul.) John 8. Crume died at ithe Soldiers' Home here yesterday at the age of 79 years. He served in the civil war as a member of the Seoond Nebraska Vavalry, Company C. and was admitted from Omaha in Jxxl. Interment mat tu the Sol diers' Home cemetery. LOGAN. Ia.. Fob. JR. (Special ) Robert Harvey has bought out his partner in the Flliolt a: Harvey drug store at Fifth gud Erie streets ia Missouri Valley, and ;u 1W, Fell. US. 11XK5. 32 in. wide. 5'K T."c. Cc and $1.W per srd. Panama While Suiting. '3 in. wide, U',c per yard. White Mercerised Suiting-: in. wide, 25c. c and ,S5c per yard; 32 in. wide, 35c and 50c per yard. White Embroidered Swiss 2S in. wide. i.".c per yard: 30 In. wide, Sic, 35c and 45c per yard: 32 In. wide, 3.V. 45c, 3c. 75c. 85c and $1.00 per yard. Wash Materials. All Indications point to an early spring and it is time to think of spring and sum mer fabrics. Many people have done so and are nil through buying their summer dresses. They are wise. They get the choice styles which you will admire so much, but cannot get Inter on. Jacquard Silk. . and 'c a yard. Itunsul Silk. 5:c a yard. Plaid Silk Chiffon, 6Cc a yard. Silk. Spot Eolllenne, 60e a yard. Shadow Silk Check, 25c a yard. Chameleon Silk, 25c a yard. Sole Juponalse. 50c a yard. Opaline Silk. 40c a yard.. Silk Chiffon Checks. 30c and 40c a yard. Wash Chiffons. 2.V. 30e. 40c and 45c a yard. Corded Silk Chiffon. 25c a yard. Mercerised Checked Mull. 20c a yard. Quadillle Silk Organdie. 30c a yard. Printed Silk Organdies, 25c, 30c, 4c. 50c and fine a yard. editinue the business. S. S. ICIIiott re tires und will be secretary of the Huiie Haus Drug company In Council BlufTo. O. K. Kvnns of Logan has purchased tl' lively buHiness of the Itoundy-Bennett ccmpuny at Woodbine, who operated two livery stables at that place. Foil nd llend In His Home. WEH8TKR CITV, In., Feb. -JX. (Special Telegram.) Clinton Wyckoff, one of tho most prominent' citixens of the city, was found dead tills afternoon In his home. Qrlef over the death of his wife six weeks ago brought on an aggravated attack of heart disease. Neighbors failing to see him ubnut Investigated and found the body. It lay stretched upon a rug In front of the lire grate, where he had lay down to rend lust night. Tramp Killed by Cars. FORT DODGE, lit.. Feb. 2S. (Hpeclul.) The mangled corpse of a man was foun l at T o'clock this morning. lying across the track In the Illinois Central yards her- His name has been learned to be Martin Murphy. He la suposed to have been : tramp, who wandered lulu the yards in a drunken condition and wus struck by an Incoming passenger train; Swnrtny ttphnol tnmtltute Itate. I.O(l,N. Ja . Feb, .i8.rr(SH-tiuUi-Th : Uni i ison' ' County Sunday School, nsHocla-t tion has decided to hold a Sunday school ipsdtute this year Instead of u convention. This will be held at Logan on Monday, Match 1-'. Prof. V. R. Vanning, field secretary of the teachers' training de partment of the Iowa Sunday School ass9- ciutlon will be in charge. Inlernrltan Franchise Defeated. , WINTER8FT. Ia.. Feb. SS. (Special.) The most exciting election in years was held yesterday on the proposition to grant E. A. Park and his associates an exclusive franchise for his proposed, interuiban mil way. Practically every vote In town was polled at the election und the franchise was tie ."ea ted. tireat Northern Takes Possession. SIOUX CITV, la., Feb. 28.-(8lecial Tl. gram.) H. 8. Josselyn. general manager of the I'nlon Terminal railway, has arrived In Sioux City to turn the company's proper ties over to the Great Northern road to morrow. Worth Knowing thst Allcock's are the original and genuln porous plasters: all others are Imitations. Tralnlusr Track at Mct'ook. M COOK, Neb.. Feb. 2H -(Speclul.)-The McCook Driving Park association has or l led with the following nflleers and board or directcrs: A. Kurnett, president; W R Sturr. vice president; C K Gruv, seere r.Y,': K' f treasurer; J. ri. Kelley, illlum Iwis, R J. Ounn and 8. D. Mc Ciain. directors. W. V. Jolinson is superin tendent of trui k und t it. Giac is Huperin tenilellt of lullillllKX. Over tl. huye been subserliied and almost all of ibis sum was paid lino Hie tressiiry hi the organizing meet Inn. The buildings and track are now licing built, and the association will be in ehaie lu the early spring for those who wish to train on the new track, and for tile races of the seison in due time, it will be the Iwst track In soul li western Ne braska and will attract horsemen from all all over this section of Nebraska und Iroiu eastern Colorado, together willi noitli wesifiin Kansas. I'eru teta Decision. YRK. Neb.. Feb. 2. (Special. I-The girls basket ball team of the York High school was defeuted by the girls of tin- Peru Nor. mul In their gymnasium, according to the referee's derision, which was heartily opiMiM'd by the spectators. The score was il to 18. Line tip: Peru. Position. York. Williams forward Myers Adams forward ('oonoliy McDowell center ............ .Baedeker Marshall (C.) guard C. Hall Hoadley guard Bchiitt-liel r ANeccssilyWhsn Traveling ror Toothache NwQreJdia AnT AIlAcddonls Price 2jtj0t tr$l.00 f -mm rrM m HEARING OS LAND' LEASING W. F. Gurlej, W. H. Eeynoldg and 0. H Cornell Present Their Areumentg, SUGGEST MODIFYING LACEY MEASUSE t waeh ( ha nee for Ireaeral Hill, hnt Some Hopes for Ost Which W ill He Aanllrahle to Ijinds In ehraska. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Feb. iH. (Special Tele gram.) The committee on public lands of the house today gave consideration to the four land leasing hills now before thst committee. In behalf of er general land leasing bill without regard to any psrtlcu lar measure. William F. Gurley and W. II. Reynolds addressed the committee. V. II. Cornell of. Valentine also addressed the committee In behalf of -his bill Introduced by Judge Klnkaid on request, but the 'time occupied by Gurley and ReynoMa In the general presentation of the needs of a land leasing bill for Nebraska occupied so much of the committee's time that a special meet ing of the committee waa arranged for Fri day morning, when - Mr. - Cornell will be heard In behalf of his measure. , Messrs. Gurley and Reynolds, In their ad dresses to the- committee, stated they Wefe present in the interest of the smaller cat tle men, who demand relief In the: passage of some leasing bllf. ' They' suggested that if the Lacey bill be adopted as the commit tee bill it should be amended to provide that In addition to allowing: homesteaders to lease 640 acres of land, or .whatever amount Is given him In addition to a- homestead, that the lessee bf echdol lands should lie al lowed the siuiie. privilege., A further suggestion -Was made that trie Lacey bill be modified sq as to allow larger tracts of land to be leased by the home steader than is provided In the bill of the chairman of the committee, namely,' 3,2u0 acres. Mr. Ourly' bore down particularly on this feature of the La Cry bill, believing larger tracts should lie permitted to be taken up than contemplated In that meas ure. May He Hill for Nebraska. From talks, had with tho delegation which Is here representing the Stock Growers' association of Nebraska, it Is learned that there Is a decided sentiment in the public lands committee for a land leasing measure, but that the sentiment of the majority of the committee is In favor of a bill lu the Interest of Nebraska .alone and It is quite possible that some sftch measure may be reported out of the committee. In addition- to the Nebraska delegation Interested In presenting the views of the cattle men to the committee, there were present Congressnren . McCarthy. Klnkaid and Hlnshaw. Appeal for Pettier on Indian linds. Judge Allied Haslett of Beatrice, Neb., attorney for some hundred cltlsens of that stole who settled upon lands In the late reservation of the Otoo Indians, was given a hearing today before the Public Lands committee of the ' house. ' These settlers seek relief through a rebate of 25 per cent from the government, iveauso they allege they paid exorbitant, prices for their lands. Judge Iluilett wa,accprded t href -quarters of an hour ( whicl to state his clients' side of iW cbs-mml he made the most of It. The. .entire membership of the committee was present and listened with much attention. A further' hearing on' the bill will occur nc,xt JTrirlay. . Postal ! Matters. -" ' ' Rural route N6. rhai been ordered established April "li t Fairfield, Clay county. Neb., -Heh-fnKCT? people'amf eighty one houses. iffr oii'-K "' Rninl carriers .arprteynt'eit for- Iowa routes; ......... xt..' f wiiit.. n fin J)il net ,- lUUilT a-vu. winmii ij. .niiier, carrier; Charles DO Forsyth;. substitute. Mltchellvllle. ' route '""'No. S, .Willhiin E. Palmer, currier; Charges II. i'lillllps, sub stitute. re " - - i R. S. Wharton of Omaha Is In Washing ton on business before the supreme f ourt. Pensions for" Nehrnsknns. Congressman Hlnshaw has secin'Od the following pensions? ' 6 rah M. Archkl't, David City, IS from June M. It 6. .and f'J additlonaj for esrh of four minor children; Kate M. Shedd, Ashland, 'widow of the late Lieutenant Governor Shedd, '18 from Octo ber, liioS, and accrued pension. Iowa Midshipman Itealans. Mldsl.ipmuii John ,11. frfiflund of Iowa, and Karl W. Chaffee of Michigan, two of the three midshipmen dlsm.ied from tha naval academy for Juiilng and reinstated by special act of congress lust year, hatu tendered their resignations1 from the ser vice.' That of Lolluud has been accepted and tho otliur Is awaiting action by Sec retary HonapurU". Timber and atone Act to May. The house committee on public lands voted today to lay on the table the bill for the repeal of the timber and the stone act. I.lenteunnt Klrkmaa Convicted. The record of the, court martini in the rase of First Lieutenant Hugh Kirkman, Eighth cavalry, triod In tho Philippines on c harges of forgery and tlnanclal Irregulari ties, bus been received at the War depart ment from Manila. ni indication that the couit has found the defendant guilty and recommended dismissal. The case will be submitted to' the president for iinul action. PAV F III H AL M AIL ( IKHIKHK Changes In .Compensation Dae to Headjastmeat of Hoates. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2S. A statement has Iwen furnished the Associated Press for transmission which says: In the matter of rwiil curriers'- pay it can le authoritatively slated that there Is no disposition on thy-part of the Poetofflee ilernutuient to cut i-xieting raterf Oil the contrary, the iletiai i ineiu has strongly riconiirieiideil the advisability of congres sional i-onHide'-ation of the subject, looking to more udeoualc inmpenaution. In- the recent readjustnienu -to complete county service the uuuilier of rou.es re duced in "mileage havi exceeded the numls-r incteaseil These eonditions huve resultod In lowering the average puy of the carriers somewhat. t'litll the service Is completed throughout the oouniry the average of curriers' sala ries, Itasejl oa I he prusent legal allowances, will naturally flnctiiHte from time to time ns route are increased or decreased in length. t'nder' the so-called "ne-" rural policy of the. denartment out of a totul of 34. test routes installed up to February 1 but seventy-seven had buen discontinued. These discontinuances were mostly due to rei adjustmeius In order-to complete service in counties. In the case o Kansas, for Instance, ten routes were saved by a careful readjustment of service, which In no way discommoded the patrons. The subcommittee of the house commit tee on poetofncee and post roads, which his been considering appropriations for the Postofflce department, practically com pitted a bill today fixing the appropriation for the department at about l!4.(iuo,uou, or llO.tA'.i-ni more than the last appropriation. The bill provides for some sweeping changes lit the department's methods and contains a provision tu prevent the ship ment of anything but actual mail matter through the malls by the government. The appropriation in the bill for rural free delivery is about t28.9O.000, an Increase of fVMi,. over that of last year. osalaalloas or President. i WASHINGTON, Feb. 2s.-Tbe following nominations have been sent to the senate: Attorney for the District of Montaua, Cart Rasciie. postmasters: Arisona J. H. MeCllntock, Phouidx. California W. R. RatlilT. Tulare. t Kansas Lv I. Hr. fWeatraoreWnri: C. O. ' Klnne, Alma; B. A.' Rasenqurst, Osage City; lU. f. iHuiuell. Wavtily. Miouii-J. W. rnlth. Thaver. Nebraska W. K. Morgan. Oreeler. liklahoma W. T Utile, Perry. Wyoming W. F. RHttan. Sheridan. cromwellTnd morgan spar Wltneaa Hefore Senate Committee Fills Hack en Rlahts as Ceansel. WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. Senator Mor gan resumed his Investigation of W. N. Cromwell today. The Inquiry was In rela tion to the plun of the Amcrlcunisatlon of the Panama canal. Question after question were asked by Mr. Morgan and the witness refused t answer. "The case of lockjaw seems lo be get ting worse," Mr. Morgan said. "It Is the most remarkable case I ever encountered." Again declining to answer any questions on the subject, the witness was told by Mr. Morgan that he was not shutting out any Information. "Then why are you asking these ques tions?" asked Senator Klttrege. "I want to see If the witness can tell the truth on any point." snld Mr. Morgan. "Furthermore, if any senator cares to in terrupt he should address the chair. I dd not choose to be Interrupted in this way." Continuing his Inquiry, Mr. Morgan asked: "Did you assist Senators Manna and Klt trege Id making the minority report from this committee?" (The report referred to was agnlnst the Nicaragua route and In favor of the Panama route.) "I decline to answer," said the witness. Senator Taliaferro took up the examina tion, and the witness said what Informa tion he might have furnished was given as counsel for the Panumu Canal company. The succeeding questions were based on the assumption that the witness hud ad mitted that he had assisted the committee, but Mr. Cromwell promptly Interposed that he had made no stch admission. Again Declines to Answer. "I ask you again, did you glv them In formation?" asked Mr. Morgan. "I make the same reply," said the wit ness. "What was that reply?" asked Mr. Mor gan. ' , "That my actions were In the course of iny professional duties and of a confiden tial character," replied the witness. Mr. Taliaferro asked the witness con cerning the monetary agreement entered Into between the secretary of war and the republic of Panama, particularly the part he played In the transactions. "Is this not covered by your profes sional reticence?" asked Mr. Morgan. "No, sir," said the witness, "und 1 hope I may say this filially." "No, we will return to It again if I sec fit," said Mr. Morgan. "Very well, you seem to enjoy It, and It Is the first vacation I have had In a lung time." replied the witness, with Ill-concealed sarcasm. Mr. Cromwell then explained In detail the coinage system on tho isthmus, mid for the. tlrst time since, he went on the stand was permitted to proceed without Interruption. In the meantime Mr. Morgan was studying the records. As to Monetary Agreement. Mr. Cromwell said his activity In tills mdnetary agreement was by reason of an invitation from the secretary of war who knew of his familiarity with an agree ment the Panama Canal company had hud with the republic of Colombia. The witness declined to answer any hy pothetical questions concerning Ills rela tions with the railroad company prior to the transfer of the road to the United States. Mr. Morgan insisted upon a ruling as to whether Hie witness should be compelled to answer,- , Mr.. Kitlredge demanded a roll call, the setiiitorrrrrtlhgins. their nahies were Called. Those who voted against the witness being compelled to. answer any questions not speclcully stated, . were: Klttredge, Dry den. Ankeney and Millard. The vote to support Mr. Morgan's position were:- Mor gan and Taliaferro. Mr. Morgan told the witness to resume and treated the subject as if he had expected to be overruled. Mr. Cromwell continued the discussion of the monetary matter and great interest was manifested In the subject after ho said he had drawn the monetary' agreement. Adjourns 1 ntll Tomorrow. The monetary agreement, said Mr. Crom well, was made for the benefit of the Panama railroad and the Isthmian Canal commission and the Interest of the Re public of Panama was only nominal. Senator Simmons asked Mr. Cromwell If It lie true that he had received no salary from the Republic of Panama, what had Induced hlni- to servo the republlu as fiscal agent. "Recausc of my broad Instinct of. good nature, which has prompted me to do so much for this cause, and for the further reason that I have more money than I know what to do with, unfortunately," said Mr. Cromwell. At 12 o'clock Mr. Morgan asked fur an adjournment until i p. m., but he was overruled. He then went to the senate chamber and other memlx-rs of tho com mittee resumed the Inquiry concerning the monetary arrangement. At 12:60 o'clock the committee adjourned until 10:3u o'clock tomorrow morning, when Mr. Morgan will again examine Mr. Crom well. DOMINION TREATY REPORTED strict Party Vote Sends Dormnent to Senate from Foreign Bela. tlons Committee. WASHINGTON. Feb. i. The senate committee on foreign relations today by a party vote agreed to report favorably the Santo Domingo treaty. A number of amendments was made to the treaty iie foro it was reported. Two sections were added to the treaty intended to more definitely protect the 1'nlted States in all monetary dealings with the creditors of the Dominican republic. They made it plain that the 1'nlted States shall not be liable for any claims agclnsl Santo Domingo or any awurd which re sults from the adjudication of any claims. The other amendments were verbal und do not materially change the treaty. Article vil was entirely rewritten end as reported as materially shortened. It reads as follows: The rnitecf Btates, while this treaty Is le Ing executed, may take such steps as it may deem proper to preserve order und facilitate Ike accomplishment of the purposes thereof. The other amendments were verbal and do not materially change the treaty. The Santo Domingo treaty, which has been so thoroughly discussed for more than a year, provides for the adjustment of the claims against the republic of Santo Do mingo under the supervision of the 1'nlted ytien Dp- Graves Tooth Powder ia used twice-a-day you will have white teeth, hard gumi, clean mouth, pure breath, good dila tion, good health. Listen to your dentist' advice. He knows best. Ia handy saetal eea eoSUos, Se. Dr Craves' Tooth Pondir Co. I Building Loans Ale a specialty with this sssoclation. Itrlng In your plans, give us the location of our house and we will promptly ad vise you how much we can loan you for the building of the home. As a rule we do not loan over 50 per cent of the actual cost of the house snd lot. Our loans are repayable In monthly in stallments, at the rate of fll.iV per month per H.flio. Our borrowing memliers have ' tho privilege of paying off ll'W or prin cipal at any time, thereby stopping Inter- ' est on the amount repaid, ami may also ' " npply on the principal each $10t ns it .ic fV'niilstes on the loan-shares. Oir iHirrowing members also share fully In dividends with Investing members and are protected by our Reserve and I'n dtvlded .profit Account or IrtMim. Present resources, $l,s.1a.iiiw.iw. . . Call for booklet fully explaining our platv" The Conservative Savings b loan Assn. ', Zo S. 16th 81., Omaha. "' "'' States; the 1'nlted States tu take charge of the Dominican customs house, collect the revenues, pay 45 per cent to the Dominican government and withhold Jo per cent; the latter to I" used to liquidate claims against Santo Domingo. The 1'nlted States Is auth orised to preserve order him! Increase the efficiency of the civil administration of the island. ftenate Confirms oiulnallons. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2S.-The senate In executive session today continued the fol lowing nominations: Harry L. Paddock, California, consul at Amoy, China. Postmasters Kansas: Dunlel Stnugli. Sedan; J. R. Kennedy, Troy. Missouri: G. L. Miller. King City; Thomas Curry, Ore gon. '"lriHktt : ( Robinson, Falt-mount. South Dakota: .1.(1. hopes (i otou. Dull: A. i.. i ..oinus, Salt Lake City. Dates for Iowa Comiilnliits. WASHINGTON. Feb. 18.-The Interstate Comnierctv Commission has usslgned the following Ouses for hcurlim: George D. Henry, against the Chicago. Hock Island & Pacillc Railway company at Davenport, la., March 14, and OhPinan & Effron against the Chicago, Rock Island Pacific Hallway company et ul, at Davenport, la., March 11. Admiral Retire. fc WASHINGTON. Feb. 2S.-Rear Adtniml Colby M. Chester was placed on the re tired list toduy. He will be retained oi temporary active duty In the bureau of navigation. Admiral Chester will be suc ceeded In charge of the naval observatory by Rear Admiral Asa Walker. The retire ment of Admiral French K. Chadwick also occured today. To fare a (old tn One Itnv take LAXATIVE HROMO Quinine Table I n. Druggists refund money If II fulls to cure. E. W, Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Henson Meeting. At Creighton hall, lMh and Harney streets, Friday evening. March 2, IDOfi, at S o'clock. Mr. K. A. Benson and others will speak on loc al Issues. Everybialy come. ften Stops Life Line, ; CAPE HENlfY. Vn.. Feb. 2S -The jiaino of the' schooner a shorn here is George M. Giant of West Haven, lumber laden. At tempts this morning to shoot a line to tho vessel were unsuccessful. The sea la too high for surf boats. The life savers huve asked that a revenue -cuttvr come nut and send a bout to the schooner from wind ward. . . Jeffries lion to the 'Frisco.- KVAN8VILLE. Inch, Feb. 2R.-Frank P. Jeffries, general manager of the Kvansvll:e It Terre Haute railroad, resigned today -to become geireral purchasing agent of tie 'Frisco system. MCKIBBIN HATS Soak "McKlbblrt" the dvs Will "My nut." Test MeKlbbln' the otitohiag and tuiuk will stand it. Compare a "MeKlbbln." It's niade of the finest grades of fully guar autred fur frit. We a "MeKlbbln the styles are standard. Hundreds of them of and tiff tn chemoe from. S3.00 Beet dealers in the land Mil thein. . KM FAST TRAIN Leave Omaha - 6:00 P. M. Arrive Chicago 7:30 A, M. Steamship tickets to all Europ ean points. ILLINOIS CENTRAL TICKET OFFICE 1402 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. FRESH FRIED HAM Vm'NTHY KTYI.Kt -.THURSDAY DINNER AT She CALUMET BBBXBaVKsnffflntSSJBJBsnnffanBnSBW i ') ' ' . !- V f " v. - ' t , I The big metropolitan Journals of. Jan uary T contain the following suctnte . Press dispatch : , . - ...... HOW!) JiF.K Y.tXKKK PWKH.' Miss Idn Fuller Proves Urest Favorite nt Florenee.- Italy " ' FLORENCE, Jan. 7. Miss Ida- FuW. ' the young Amerleuii serpentine. - luivct, t Is drswliig huge crowds nightly to the National theater. She Is u great favorite .' Willi American resident: "Miss Fuller Is pretty Well 'ktlOVu in . Nevada. It Is remeipliefed that She oatiVe here in a baggage ear, on n- etretfhrr" in an utterly helpless, and whet' seemed to Ik- a Iiii'mIm physical condition, und arter haying tried every' other' mi'nns lor relief, she was completely restored Id health in n remarkahlv short time by Prof. S. A. Weltiner. Alter her cure was effected ' she stayed In N vnrts . for sonic mouths and maile many mends here. "Wilting to Prof. Weltmer frCPi Naples, Italy, Seplemlwr 21st. It.- Miss - Fuller, said: 'I have lieoti very well and also very successful since hiM I saw you and I attribute my health and a gt-ent degree of my success to the strength and knowledge I gained while under your treatment. 1 started out into the world again, with a greater degree of . self-nsHuronce and a ' better knowledge of how' to prvserve my c health." . . Prof. 8. A. Weltiner Is President of. Wcltnicr Institute, Nevada. Mo. He will send you his Journal FREE, upon request. 4 ODD D B Hsre Since 18 S3 D SELLS B n .: 0 sC'OAk'f 1608' Phoned fltfr?! ma a u u "..-'I WANT TO SELL YOUR HOUSE OR LOT? T We want you to list your house. Willi its for sale. We have the buyers. Tiyusoj a short time and see. Your price must b right. ;-' ' HASTINGS HEYDEN. - v lHiiflVi Fa Ilia m St. . . . .. . AMl'BKMEXT. Friday Saturday-Mat. 'and Night KYRLE BELLEW as RAFFLES. K. M. Holland as C'aptItedford. "March 4-SMI88 Hi III WHITE. March 11-7 LI'LI' OLA8F.R. Burwood : Nights-Bun. Mat. Ktc-lSo Thurs.. 8at. 10o, SCe. Til K WOODWARD. STOCK CO THIS . A FTKRNOt I?.'-TONIGHT ALL WKSKi.--, BLUE JEANS , TOMORROW AKTBHNOQN The Traveling Woodward Ktocg l'o. lu LITTLK LORD F A L' N T LEiM) V . 'Phone DougUia 49. MODERN VAUDEVILLE. MATINEE TODAY iT,r 25c children; lots'," TONIGHT8:15. iriseg. lOo. lie. SOc. K R U C TONIGHT I 15 Ireland's Sweet Singer AkLRN.OONS . Joseph Murphy's KIHRY OOW Fi ices 1-. ta: u"c. I5c. Sunday Weal V Yokes A Pali of Pinks. Roney's Boys' Concert Co. IN COSTt'MK PROGRAM. FKOPLE 8 INSTITCTB COI R8K FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 2ND FIRST CONGRKOATIONAL CHURCH Ade Issiou 6U cents. . . Auditorium : Roller, Rink Thursday Afternoon I.AIHKS ADMITTKD FRKK. "V."-i , . , MI'HIC HY THs slAXn. i:ig race Thursday night. AdmusWa ass. ff ft CREIOHTOM , .