10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: .TTTTRSDAV. MARCH 1. lOOfi. KIXETY MILLIONS IN CUT-OFF ! Divisible Surplui Distributed by Union Pacific to Common Stockholder. COMPANY ACTS TO AVOID LAW SUIT Holder nf Common Threaten Action Mild Power I'lan to Make A liortlonmcnt In Script Instead of I null. Pressed fnv ni'llun by common stock holilf -ifi, i'nion I'aiitli- Interests are work- j Ii.r out n plan for a listrltutli.n of the Ulvls- lb lo surpiu. uniountlim to t '".' wlileli may net emjli Imhler i:t eonnium stock 135 h slmrr. 1'hwits Hnmnu; the cotninon Htock- i li.)nl r threaten I'-rhI action KKalnst Hie fitiifjany II this distribution in delayed lie- yond the end of the ire?ent llseal jcar. June ). No time has been ait for Hie j consummation of the transaction, but ll ! In the belief in financial circle the I'nloti Pacific will a Its way clear to complete the lml by thu liritt of July. The, principle Tor which the common nioi khulders ti re contending is the rljtnt lo ieceve anil own the divisible surplus or ; the company, and the cuinpiiay's concea- sion will be a recognition of tills principle. Including the proceed or the H.ile of the Ureat Northern and Northern Pucllic ' stocks ami "rights" and the n?t surplus j Mfter dividends lor the six months ciuliiitj j Iicn-mlxr 31. I'M, are made, the divisible j surplus is osiimulcil at :K),0.0'. The plun, ho Tnr as known, calls for a payment j of a scrU dividend of between oT and 4U per cent In l iiion Pacific 4 per cent pre- ferred stock. j In view of the fact that the I'nion Pacific needs nl least $7j,Un,Jrt In cash for the ' completion of work outlined lor the next j two jcars and finally to absorb its shares 1 In the l."s Aimeles. Mall Lake Pedro, j together with the lad that t lie L'nlon l'a- , c I lie will be pit) Inn only about :i.unc.mx a: y ar for the. upc of the entire surplus fund i obtained rum the profits on the oriaitiul I Northern Pacific purchase prnllls nmount- i InK to $xii,ipihi,ijiii-ii(. advantage, of a scrip j distribution ovi r u cash dlstribullim Is , tipparciit lo tin siocklioldcrs, and they therefore lavot Hie plan adopted by Hie ' (.oniiuin) . Rule on ProUiifc. Tim Wabash bus announced a rate which Will greatly affect the Omaha, butter, egg and poultry niuikil. but what that effect '. will be Hie railroads and col Isslon men ' aro now flKurluK out. The road has an nounced ll will protect Hie through rale on butter, i-kks and poultry, through the Oniulm market, to stop in Omaha not tn exceed twelve months. Hefore President Roosevelt delivered his , last message to emigres which stirred tip late mutters it had been the custom to concentrate hotter and eggs and poultry in the cold storage houses of Omaha, col lecting; from the neighboring towns, anil , then to ship east In carload lots, the com panies rebating to the shippers. All the ; roads did this, but when the Agitation ; started the pruitice was stopped and tho ; Omaha market suffered. The Wabash now ! has announced It will protect the through 1 rate, which means It will publish n rate ' whereby these products may be loncen- trated in Omaha and then forwarded with- ; out a violation of the law. Boost for .Summer Travel. Itallroads will unite with the hotel keep- ! ers of California to promote the summer ' travel to the coast and the hotel men are to make less titan one-half the winter rates for all summer tourists. A dally rate of iw for the round trip will be made to Portland and the TMigct Hound country and to California, nnd a. trip to both will be iiiadn by paying an additional Jli... 'People have got the summer habit." said 1. W. Wakeley, general passenger agent of the Burlington, "nnd the railroads will assist them to cultivate that habit. More and more each year the people of this country nre learning the advantages of traveling; In the I'nlted States over that offered " ll) any Rnropenn country and the west Is Jhe place the tourists art flocking to. "flie Portland exposition last year was an eye opener to the railroads and tha rourts were quick to profit. New trains have leen added and better accom modations furnished all along the route. Last year one pounty In Nebraska fur- ! ntshed over ) coast travelers. Farmers, j teachera, students, business men and edu- j catnra. all want to travel In the summer, j and when they learn they can live In these California palaces In the summer for less i than one-half tho winter rates they will continue to flock to the coast." Ilate Will Re Ignored. Other Omaha-Chicago railroads have agreed not to meet the reduced rate of tho Wabash and flreat Western on corn for export via the Atlantic seaboard. They have, agreed to stand by tho published tariff which la a combination of the two locals and 1 cent higher than the rate of 2m cents of the Great Western to Balti more or the rate of 23 cents of the Wabash to New York. The roads have been arguing over the division of the rate for some mouths and have finally agreed to let the rate stand anil to arcept tho grain which Will le compelled lo move over other roads because the Wnbnsh and Great Western cannot handle It. Resolution on the Milwaukee. This resolution was passed by the Board of Directors of the Omaha Grain exchange at a meeting Tuesday: Whereas, The Chicago. Milwaukee & 8t. VmuI Hallway company, seemingly not peine: suiisttcu with tho Injury Inflicted a Unit time ago In discriminating against this market and t lie welfare of Omaha in making lower rates on grain from Kansas City than from Omaha to the Atlantic ports, is now doing all it can In various '! to prevent grain from coming to this market iioni points on its road In Iowa; and, W hereas. The Milwaukee company has a large business in and out of Omaha and should certainly show u spirit of fairness; therefore, be it It. -solved, That the heavy shippers be advis.il of the attitude of said company and what it is doing and the injurious ef-l.-cl it will have on this grain market and Omaha lit general. MEAT FOR THE PHILIPPINES Canned Goods Shipped to Soldiers ot Indicative of Any Fresh Trouble Demanding Troops. A contract has just been awarded to the C'udahy Packing company for 70,000 cans of meats of different kinds by Captain T. , 11. Hacker, thief purchasing commissary, for lb use of the I'nited States army in the Philippines. There is no significance in tha contract, it laing merely the current miscellaneous supplies for the army in the orient. A shipment of a carload each of corned VW a J A Clupec Shrank Verier Arrow U Oali earn, 1 lor X Cento CLULTT. PCACOOY U CO. Jfoari of gl am iuMr SlUrU i New Spring Arrivals Ladies' Suits, Coats Inexpensively Priced The new tailored suits for spring at ifli.98 pony coats and etons, new circular skirts, the new high colors a special lot, at 9H 4!? Ladies' Covert Coats The lead ing styles for 1906 new box coats pony coats, etc. lined and unlined, smartly tailored, at Ladies' New Cravenette Coats for ltttitt All the leading shades and styles, Including the new. tour- inii car Btyles. made wlth"",,, with wide turn down lfl')50 rnllur vprv full rmck. I r etc., at Two Special Bara-ins in Spring Waists. LADIES' )AP SILK WAISTS With I WSH WASfS -All mw made Uft inttrtumx, etc., sltoii or Uiif nteerei, nt of ii'r, dain'if ichitt fabrics i acorn uf 2.98 1 :;"::mM"":'"".98c$i.5o LADIES' SILK 1KTTI CO ATS Smart Nw Style lVUlcoat in new pinks, rose, Alice blues, reseda greens, etc i harming new ruflled and corded effocts same quality of silk as is found in ten and twelve dollar skirts, at OMAHA SvEATHKIt FORECAST Thiimtlnjr, Fair arttl Warmer. OTMFTTSi I l l ,11 w JJ I JJ GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERY TIME 1 H Ashley Bailey Silks worth up to $1.50 a yard 69c, 59c. 49c, and 39c Chocolate Creams and Molasses j Chips, 10c lb. St and t0 Dtpt THE RELIABLE STORE Cocoanut Bon Bons and Mixed Candy, 10c Per Pound 5t and 10c Dtpt ADVANCE SEASON SALE OF LADIES' SPRING MILLINERY Early arrival of many oj spring millinery enable us to make a special showing Thursday. CliariiiinK Spring Millinery In chiding the new high crown sail ors that will certainly lead every thing iu popularity this season. New trimmings of flowers and foliage a variety of new est effects will go at Street Hats and Dress Hats at 12.50 All new styles made In our own workrooms by experienced designers, all latest styles, at ... . our swellest effects in 4w MeTceTzed TabUDama.k 25c Yd BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY A specially nice lot of fine mercerized Table Damask in mil i remnants mostly two yards and over in length the quality is better than we have ever offered and is worth up to 75c a yard. Thursday on bargain square at, vard r ; Silk Neck Ruchmgs 6 in a box 500 of these boxes dainty, new 6tvle3. a box HANDSOME UNMADE ROBES All new effects in cotton net robes, ' black silk lace jiet and batiste embroidered lace and embroidery department, at lv rv r i 1 1 itu v I I nilVl .5.50 Z $25 Ashley-Bailey Silk Sale More and more silks from our immense purchase of the New York auction stock are being brought forward. Thosii nrp hi npw snrnic IflOii. silks in h stnrp nf -I- - - , j - - - Hie most desirable patterns. Wholesale price at Ashley & Bailey Co. was up to 87 lc a yard, at Silks that Ashley & Hailey p. 39c BLACK DRESS GOODS Specia.1 Bargains for Thursday. Black Panamas, dust proof, crisp finish Crepe Egypt a a beautiful soft fabric for dressy gowns mohair tamise. extra fine, beautiful lustre, invisible checked Panamas, plain serges and twills, admirably adapted for separate skirts, worth up to $1.00 a yard. 'tOt Thursday only, a yard tJ. 46 inch chiffon finished Panamas and Batistes, Just the right weight for spring and summer wear, cheap at $1.25 yard, 7 C Thursday only, a yard I 54 Inch Rope Panamas t ' 4 0 inch Extra fine Chiffon Panamas Thursday 'sD 1 1 48 inch Imperial Twills p Y I 46 Inch Tamise. Batiste. Henrietta and Voiles. I er iara actual value $1.50 a yard J Colored Dress Goods Bargain. One Day SaJe Only 54 inch dust proof Sicilian in browns, navys, reds and blacks. CC1 nice high lustre, worth $1 yard Thursday, a yard JJ COXT1M KI) SALK OF KMBKOIIIKIUKS Thousand yards of our big lot of new embroideries sold: many excellent values left in enormous lot; on sale again Thursday, a yard, 10c, and. . . JC BEAl'TIVIL LACK FOK WAISTS Fifteen pieces of pretty Para guay, English Twine and Cluny Allover Laces in creams, ecrus and white just the proper idea for dainty waists. This lot IQn worth to 'l a yard, while they last, a yard, 39c, 25c and 1C PItKTTV DHKSS TKIMMIXUS CHEAP A big importer's stock of fancy Venetian Appliques, Bands and Edges, Wash Laces, Bands and Appliques creams, ecrus and white hundreds of patterns to select from, every yard worth from S5c to 75c C sale price Thursday, a yard, 25c and IJC HOS1EKV SPECIAL TUl'KSDAY Ladies' and children's pluin cot ton Maco Hose, double spliced heel and toe, every pair f warranted fast dye. special, a pair UC LADIES' VXIOX Sl'ITS CHEAP The celebrated Marode Cnlon Suits, medium weight, low neck, long. sleeves, worth $1.00 a fiO suii this sale only QJC Pretty New otton Goods. HEXLEV SEHGE The new and most popular Spring Suiting ft lias all the appearance of a wool serge, Thursday, yd.. only.iUC 50 pieces of wool finished Batiste in very pretty floral designs, f Q Persian patterns and little checks and dots, yard, only IOC Irish Linnette in colors and white, one of the very newest p fabrics for spring suits, a yard, only I JC 75 pieces of Cheviot Shirting, in very pretty stripes, small 111 figures and checks, Thursday, a yard G 1,500 New Spring' Coats to go on sale Thursday txt very lowest prices. LADIES' AMI MISSES' BOX COVERT JACKETS Loose back and front with rows of stitched straps down the back and front, T r ueat cufT, with and without collar, finished off with braid, at. LADIES' TIGHT KITT1XO COYEHT JACKET Satin lined C QC throughout, with or without collar, very neatlv tailored, at. D LADIES' MEDIO! LEXCJTH BOX COVEKT COAT Loose CPA back and front, finished with stitching, unlined, at D.O) LADIES' AXD MISSES' COVEKT BOX JACKET Verv neat stripe strapped down the front and back, stitched pockets. ' nicely tailored .5U An elegant Covert Cloth Jacket, satin lined throughout, 'stitched cuffs and pockets, a good value; we have them tight fitting and loose backs, at $8.90 and S,JO Newest Styles in Spring Dress. The great 'display of spring suits and covert coaU in our eloafc depart- ; nient Is deserving of particular notice. Not only have we the largest stock, I but the variety of now style Ideas Is unmatchable. Thousands of new gar. j ments now shown and many more arriving dally. Our New York resident I buyer, keeping us supplied with the latest distinctiveness in design and ex ceptional beauty in fabrics and finish are features of this display. AS SPECIALS FOIl TIU IISDAY. HANDSOME TAILOIl St ITS In eton, Pony, In blouse styles, In all newest, shadoca and materials for spring, 250 garments to select from, worth up to S35.00 Oft Special Thursday JLit,J3 .VOO TAILOIl Sl'ITS In all newest htyles, Pa cial values Xr. 1.1ETA VBUK CMF SHRETA iiamas, Chiffons, Voiles, Broad-' Q fA cloths, etc., very special values,, at 10U FIXE TAIMIIl Sl'ITS In four distinct stylos in all popular colors and materials. f .1 QA $ 2 it values, exceptional barguln. at . , .'. IV'U $13.00 STYLISH COYEHT COATS. Now being shown In our cloak department. No llll Y NEW COATS In thrw different a (tr . styles, good value at $7.50 Thursday . . . nt.JD HANDSOME COYEHT COATS In all newest at. ilea, attractively priced at $7.50, $10, ( tf $12.50. $15. U0 it)) to a.U,UU Don't fail to cv our line before buying. CHAVENETTE SPECIALS. Women's $15.00 Cravenettes Thursday Other special cravenette values at $15.00. $ix.0o, $20.00 and ! . 8.90 25.00 ! Woiui'ii's walking xkiris mi i. iitl Stylish skirts worth up to Hit WIM'Cl.ll XKW SPRING SKIIIT8--In utmost imlitii Iteil iissfirtnipiit. of slvlc ami material. at rr..i. tx.'M. $i.. m sn IliiU up tn 2-98NKW KVKNlNO ANU tre:et oownh. Q3 ,''"'t ari'lveil from I'nrls. london ami MitIiii, Hie very newest stylo creutiutis. KlfKmii in inulrilal, I'olorhiKs anil ilvwlfni, at $:5.i'. tfA-, $.'rt.w. $".. ami fH.0w. New Spring Waists. T.1iim-'Ii-m. Mcssaliiiss. t'riie If Citings I I surtnient in lli' city to si-led from prices K.W, a.!8. o.W Ui to SE10 Ol'H 1 IOM K-MAUK WnAPI'KltS-in Hle very full Kiiurantccil not to rli at 11. rm, $1 .70. liio and ... Jiip Silks. I'tr., the most compltr as- 20.00 2.2 5 ritOM 8 TILL i A. M Woiuen's $2.'" unilerskins at FROM 8::W TILL H:ao A. M. Fluriiii'liMte iliessitis; sacqtics ul t rilDM 9::30 TILL lo :i 8QC ' V,,""'n 8 wrappers- rm.i in.i. i" a. ! Il.on atfcn waists at 25c A. M. M. 60 c 45c I Great February Grocery Opening Sale. Our Immense Purchases Enables Us to Save Our Customers Money . . ,M SI'BClAL COMH1XATION: 1 pkg. Kenneit'A l.'npltol Wlwat )!. I pksr. B.niK'lt s t'Bpitnl Oats nv 1 tkg. Renrjett f. t'apitnl Pancake. .Mc 1 bottle Hnnln.ts Pnpitol Kxtraets 2 rans Maine lorn 23e . cans ijenesse Tomatoes . 1 , c ko C&atl le oa p i i . 1 . . J1.IHI Oiie lluiKlted. tireeii TradliiR Stamps Ten-pound sack splendid Yel- 4ir, low Corn Men! IOW Ami ten green tradinsr stamiis. CHKK8K. Red Cloud full cream Cheese, If-, pound J L. And ten creen trading stamps Km vies, After Wnner Cheese, 241-C And ten srreen trading; stamps. riCKI.lOS. Medium Hour Tickles, quart 1 vl to And leu Kreen trading stHinps. Chow Chow I'lckles 1 C. quart IOW And ten areen tntdlnK stamps. wholesales up to 67Vc yd.. Including all silk Tussah Pongee, at, yd.. New spring silk that Bailey Co. wholesaled up to 5oc a yard, at, yard . . . Scores of Amazing Bargains IN THE GREAT Portiere Couch Cover Sale Will Be Found at Brandeis MONDAY MA51Rhc" HIGH CLASS TAPESTRY CURTAINS and COUCH COVERS AT BARGAINS THAT ALMOST PASS BELIEF. :: FULL PARTICULARS LATER. Corn, 1Mb. can fie Anderson's Tomato Hon p. can 7e Rrenltfast Corns, ran Hie oil Sardines, can 3c (Jrape-Mlts, package lljc MCTTKR Bl'TTKK ll udouarters for the Hest f'needa Uisetllts, three pkas Aii,1 ln o,..,.,.. h4i.. Dl'imond S Peaches. fVais, ciieirie Strnwherrl.'S, Pineapples. im n. . And twenty axeen trndlna stamps. I'.eriliclfK Harirain Hium t., l.,.r. : uni'iiiniiTi -;( nrn, plllnn .Mm i-o jsreen iraciniK Ktamps. SIX Sc sticks Wit-'Kle Stick And ten sri-en trndlna; stamps. TMRKK sticks P'c KBle Silck Mining: And ten rt-ecn tnnlini. eiq XKW FLOWKU HlililiH- i'low ers and Vegetaldes, pkg; -jr Cnlirornia Sultana Raisins, pound.. I.h; And ten gcreen trading; stamps. Three. pound can Camp Kire linked I'ork and Heans 15,. And twenty Rreen trading; stamps. Bennett's Candy Sectioa Plantation Molasses, assorted Candles, pound 5c package Chneohite, at Stuffed Iiati-s, pacKape ..Ino ..lie .fiQ SPKC'IALS KOR Tlll'RSPAT ONLY. HIUIIKST yt'ALITY AND KRKSHKST OtKIDS. GL'ARANTKKU. 21-lbs. jiure -.ine granulated simar $1.00 IS-lli. sacks best highest patent Minnesota flour Il.'fi 10-Hi. sacks best granulated cornmeal. .. .lfto 7-lbs. best hand-picked navy beans 10 bars hest brand laundry soap 2fic 5-11. palls pure fruit jelly 15c 011 sardines, per can 3e 2-ln. can fancy sweet sugar corn 5c 1-lb. pkg. condnsed mincemeat .. ...V- l-ll. cans assorted soups ..5c Z cakes Imported c.aFtlle soap ue Hromanjgeliii, Jellycon or Jello. pkg-.T'je Xcello or Fruen's wheat flakes, pkg "Hk- Nn 011 1 2-lb. pkg. self-rising pancake flour 7':' FRI.1T, FRI'lT, FRCIT A not her car of Fancy Highland Navel ranges. This Is our extra lancy car There is nothing like the Highland vels. They are the sweetest, juclest richest flavored orar.ge that grows. Tomorrow we will commence on this car tier dor.en Retailed everywhere for 25c and doaen. New lionev, jier rack Fancy Fall dales, 11 - Fancy Hnllow'en dates, lb l-lbs. shelled popcorn Fancy Crown Imported (ls, lb .... Fancy California liK, pkv 3iV .2Uc per .12A.-...in.-. . . . St ...1"C l'-'Vtc ,...4C l 12AC B! 4c I 8c i B HAYDEi BROS. It Is Not True that .March is not a wedding month. There will lie many weddings In March this yeur. Yon will doubtless be Invited In some. We have so manv handsome nieces for a bride, then our prices are so moderate too. Sterling Silver. Cut (Has, Clocks and Novelties. Spend a few tnlnutes in our store. Look lor the name, S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 1619 DOUGLAS ST. VIA UNION PACIFIC s. m vciC AW Ready! FOR YOU CRITICAL INSPECTION ICOLL'S hnndsomo array of Spring and Summer Woolons represents tho best thoughts of the Foreign and Domestic cloth makers. Over 1,000 styles on dinylny. Trousers, $5 to $12-Suits, $20 to $50 nm& EVERY DAY TO APRIL T. 1IHHI. .00 SHORT LINE FAST TRAINS NO DCLAVS lit sure yoiir ticket rend over thin line. Inquira at City Ticket Office, 1324 Far nam St. Phone Dooslaa R.1I. cn i beef and bacon waa made Wednesday, under tha direction of Chief Purchasing Commissary Captain T. B. Hacker, from the Armour and Cudahy packing eatabliah menta to San Franclaco for trana-ahlpment to Manila, Philippine Islands, for use of the I'nlted States army. Aeta Chtunberlala's Cuigi meaaetf b Katart's ria. Tha moat sueceaaful meoictuea are those what aid nature. Cl'.nmberlain's Cough Kern ed y acta on this plan. Take U when you have a cold and it will allay the cough, re lieve the lunge, aid expectoration, cpen the secretions and aid nature in reatorlng tLe system to a healthy condition. It Is famous for Its cures over a large part of tha civil Ued world. Thouaanda have testified to its superior excellence. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result In pneumonia. I nliirit Is Baaat Over. J. H. Iifvere. ulius Fd Parker, barber at Twenty-lourto atrt-et and Wlllta avenue, was Imund over frmn the police court to the district court Wednesday morning on the charge of hsvlng .. hem hd 11-year-old Mina Kyiler. who Is now In the custody of the detention home authorities, isevers denied his guilt to tha nnii... ... ..... the evidence ffered against him by the Juvenile court authorities was auch aa to ii.iii lit pura juage holding Lever for a trial before a Jury. , Fatal Uas Eiplosloa. HIRMIN'OHAM Ata 1.-..K -m r gera arriving hero today from points near lh. finer iti I n... u h rm. - i . - - - i . " ' " " CAUIIMKia occurred late yesterday afternoon, report mm iwrnr iniiirrB Kit, aeaa, seven fatally nun .mi nan m. ujxen otnera oadly injured. MiHoatla Sherlat Shot. MlI.WAl'KEa Wla., Feb. 28-An Even ing Wisconsin special from Has, ley, Wla., hays that Deputy Bliertff Sealy was shot and killed today while he and a posse were cliuslug a burglar. ESS, WlalSLOW'S ' SGOTIIIKQ SYRUP Sf taea ssad to KUMoaa of at eta su pv. vuim lMasM7 IW dlskl l xHm mm ofciid, s)Mt i ftU mirm wtmtt mAU tA " - lwfllAn4.Bk twjutTji&iim cmitw A semi, THE NEW PATROLMAN'S SHOE Mailmen, Patrolmen and Watchmen will find this the most comfortable walking shoe ever sold in Omaha. Nothing Use It ever Been here before. Itl V. nKla ojaIa tttrie hot- I juiiiJ .ail, , toms. low flat heel, plain box toe- regular b.w value, tor $3.50 Tl' ihn. m-111 Illease VOU and we guarantee ever pair to be lattstaciory. Come In and see It. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street. TAILOR WILLIAM JERREMS' SONS. 20U-211 Bo. lftth Street. I Hcadachcd Stopped " The moat severe head achea will yield in a lew ml antes to bromo-L AAka.Ja am A I'lnininai ryvsiiskUis sw w ' om dox loosy aiB your arngviM i th Ornffj Colri1 Bo rtrRomo-LAv LUJ CONTAINS NO QUININE sf w. '&. A yOS Hihat Award at Lincoln, I 93. Highest Award and Gold Medal at Trana-Miuinippi Eipotition. Orru!.a,l898.Highwt Award and Gold Medal at Lewia and Clark Centennial Eipoait on, Tortland, Ore. , 1 90 ? . Tail, when in competition with the renowned berri of the world, and when judged by the nvt critical etpertt. Order a cats fur your home. As. .1 (5rt3) tactc DENTAL L X lAT-Lg ROOMS. MSj). 1517 Dowlas St. g -gjgrz MOTHER USED TOVVcVg: I OU SUCH MINCE " IN 2-PIE IPC PACKAGESMeimm-SwKoRUM.RYj SETTLER'S RATES Every Tuesday during March and April to points in North Dakota, Minnesota, Manitoba and Canadian Northwest, also HOE71ESEEKERS' RATES to same destinations first and third Tuesdays in March and April, via ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. Fast trains leave Omaha Union Station at 8 a: ni. and 8 :30 p. jn., via St. Paul. Btws and information at 1102 Farnam St SAMUEL NORTH, District Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.