THE mrATT.Y DAILY BEKj TUESDAY, FEDRUATIY 27, 1000. SPECIAL NOTICES Aavertlroa mi ror these roHi will bo lk(i nntll lit m. tow tho evenlna edition and until M l. m. let the norilii und Sunday edition. Rates 1 l-2o word rt Insertion, word thereafter. Nothing taken (or lea thaa e for the first laser, lion. Theae advertisements must be ran consecutively. Advertisers, by requesting nom l.ered rherk, can huvo answers BI Hreaaed to a numbered letter la ear of The flee. Answers aa addressed will le delivered an presentation ol cheek. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Business, Shorthand. Typewriting, Teleg raphy. Normal and rtngiish. Students admitted any day. Catalogue free. Ad dress JI. B. Boyies. I'res., Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. R il COLVMBIA OLL'MBIA OLLMBIA OLUMBIA RECORDS ECORDS ECORDS ECORDS REDUCED EDUCED EDUCED EDUCED TO 25c, 3Sc, 50c AND 60c. The Columbia Fhonograph Co. lfcA Farnam Bu, Omana. R-M23C Creighton University Dental College Infirmary 210 B. 18th Struct. The dental work Is done by the students of this college while under the personal in struction ot competent demonstrators. All who cannot aifuid tne services ol a prac ticing dentist are welcome here, innriiiary houra 1 p. in. until 6 p. m. every uay ex cepting bundays and legal liolidas. R-260 27 MONHEIT'S HAIR STOKE, 1411 Farnam. Electrical,, scalp, laciai aim Chiropody treatment. W igs, switches. Write for cat alogue. Tel. Douglas 2U U 3oo CITY SAVINGS BANK puys 4 per cent. H oil OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty ot lire escapes, shutters, uoors und sales. U. Anureeh, i'rop., lui S. luth be it ui4 WE PHESS 'EM Your buouiii ..ivutia u.u or i.iin us. No uaiigv,- iu yuur mien wun ou. ip-iu-diiie Si cam fHtjoaCtiB, MACUiaC. CI I k BliwvM LAlMJltl', 2U9 anu ill O. inn St. lei. iuu. 2ut. K dl4ul Aii Uola Tioc K. R UMBEL, & SON. 1121 uai i ij is. litn ot.. Omaha. R 6itt SIGN FAINTING, S. 11. Cole, 1302 Douglas, U an WE BUY and sell typewriters. We will sell yuur machine ou a siiuu, .omnnsiuu. omana Typewriter t-xonange, seviiie xiiic. Met. ijoug. ttku. naion STEIN WAY piano, upright, big bargain. i'eineia I'tatio Co.. luli. f arnam ci. 11-6TS UL'UflM C American herbs. 1624 N. 2ist l-IrviliJ, f,t omana, Meb. 'I'ei.Ked m It M4s M U UN SMITH;- keys, trunk locks, repairing iieilm, zii'S. I4tn. 'let Douglas 2ni4. .' : . K 208 KNIVES AND FORKS silver plated, 2.2a per oos. omana s'latlng to, imh name bt. a- - M-M I U4 MCI1.1 Chicken wheat"iV26 cwt'Svagner. sul N. la. 11 Mil l ALU Machinists. 311 b. lztb. St. lei. Doug. oS37. " ... . ' 110 ClNl WALL PA PER 'cleaner. Tel. Harney SiW. It M4 UAVE Wilson hang paper, quick, clean. Pa per hanging a specially. Tel. Loug. 6ufci. l Mtki M1J J. H. ST AN WOOD, ARCHITECT and Builder. Res. 2427 Lake. Tel. loug. H-M2&4 m: Furniture rep'd & upholstered. Tel Doug.32!K) k wa Mchi3 TRY KEI.LY'8 TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. hour. aodu. It 572 INCUBATORS, brooders and chick food Burr Incubator Co., 28th and Davenport R M7ti9Mch:3 ' Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co. 1319 Farnam. Jt-61 SURVEYING, Bllckensderfer, 313 Bee Bldg K ,lo SAD IRONS replated, 1508 Harney St. R-M7U5 Mch21 MARTIN MEYER, shirts, underwear to or der. R M7(W Mcha OMAHA Electric Works, electrical repalii int. rrices rigut. iub-u in. inn Bt. Tei uoug. K Mia M24 DRESSMAKING VilllL'S1 Till 1 tJ ItUU.. k.k.i. . . nmniH iiauiiB ana even ing coats,., JlilH Farnam St. Tel. Douglas iJt U14 ljHRKSM AKIXr: hv Huu . peri-nced in cutting and designing.' l2f ... ...... -Wl iUCIUX MRS. ROYS, cloaks, ladles' tailoring and evening gowns. .'Phone 2478. JM Dav ot. M 6i Ml M IX)WELL'8 school, 123 Far., room 24. ' MS32 LADIES shirt waist suits our aneii,v . Burgess, 2024 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 4113. . MWI Ml MUSIC AND LANGUAGES FRENCH GENMAN AND SPANISH. i ivS -i??J CHATELA1N SCHOOL UK LANoL AGES. Davidge Bldg., lMh Farn. Ms7 PRIVATE hjatructlon In German. French ; Spanish, Itallau. lCngllsli - and history .. ... ........ u "ciui r . iieins. no. . Hamilton Flat. 153 FeblSx VIOLIN teacher pupils' homes. -Wm. Miller Lessons 1 2'JS2 Far. St. Tel. Red 613 274 M1J I(JV,R.:NL,:K' t"no- Oerm.n method 1" tj aiciiia PRINTING LYNGSTAD "'' r 1 Calendars. b lhiui Ave. -764 THE JENNING8 PRINT Q CO.. Doug. 63W. KOI ERA' Jb Printing. too DOUGLAS P't f Co., 1608 Howard. Tel. C44. JU tch H.NELL Printing Co.. 310 South 12th Street : ax, Mchl2 PATENTS H. A. STl-RGES, registered attorney i-nta. trade marks. couvriKhis: 11 pat leas successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omat un LARli,ON co- Pnt lawy era bikiii uwa hot. Dei niag., Omaha, Ne b. B1IARPK MACHINE WORKB-Patenta procured. Inventions develoDed. drminn . patterns, castings, machine work. ftM-iui PATENTS procured, bought and sold. N uwmu lovcsuneai tik M Hualaa Bloc WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Men to learn barber trade; our (acuities cannot he equaled; steaay prac tice, careful Instructions, tools. diplomas and positions waiting; lew weeks com pletes; money earned from atari; Dig wuces to graduates; Just the season to begin; call or write. Molcr Barber Col lege, lilt Farnam HI. B M7W Mchlx VK ARE 11EADUCARTER8 FOR Bookkeepers, Blenugrapnei a, Ottice Clerks. Traveling Salesmen, Hetall Clerks, Who are seeking a location. Call or write for our plan ft placing competent people. Del. 1. B, MO-41-42 N, 1. X Blag. u-ia 27 DRL'G atorea bought and sold. Drug clerks wanted. F. V. ivniesl, M N. X. Ubii WANTED For IT. 8. army, able-bodied men between agea of il ana ; cmsens ui i nitea states, oi guou ciiih;ki ow mn pcraie nabita, who can apeak, read and wine cngiisu. ror iniuuuifcuuH itv Recruiting office, 13tti and Douglas Sts., . . . i . " i ,...., kith . lliianti; I n :ui n m nu umuu - - or Sioux City, la. B 172 BOY Burgess Blilrt Co., 21st and Farnam. H WUV o WANTED A good, live man who has had experience in moving Duuuings, win good wages and give steady work by uay or niontn or year. I. A. Murphy. Hloux r ails. B. D. x low muin OUNO MEN for Hy. braking and firing. Address Ky. Dept. a"9 S. I2U1. Omaha. J3 AlOUA WANTED Men to accept burgalns In land. notei una gaiiery. . a. roihuui, uj.u- tleld. Neb. 11 aiouj jm.o MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing. bricklaying, plastering iraaea; pjo a dav. uovne Hroa. Co.. New York, Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louis. Free cata logue. WANTED Work on railroad by 60 Greek laborers, with interpreter. ceoig 'iarslkes, 301J O, St.. South Omaha, lei. mi. B 849 Mchlx AMERICAN Barber College, 12th & Doug. aaw Alio CIVIL. SERVICE work. See Underbill. 8320 N. 24lli. mciub WANTED At once, 20 men to give dia mond rings lor presents 10 mcr ers, sisteia or sweethearts. Apply A. Mandelberg, 1522 Farnam St. Your credit Is good. B M6iJ WANTED An experienced paper cutter; also pruolreauer; gooa wugra. iw xwuo. D. Murphy Co.. Red Oak. U. Mch2 WANTED 50 bricklayers, at once. F. B. Gilbrelli, bloux City, la. n mian .1 WANTED Young man, 20 to 25 years old. to sell hi;. wing maieritu; oiib mi " experience In both ottice und Mlllng pre ferred. Address T 17, care Bee. B MISS 27 x WANTED Competent, experienced en- - 1 1 . 1 11. ui 11 1 . niun a ... Kineer lor issoiateu w fii"i " , :); give lull particulars und references. Address T 24, care Bee. B M18727 WANTED Experienced young man for slock clerk in cioik aepaxuneut, young man ol experience as slock clerk in millinery department. Apply to A. D. Brandeis between s and 9 o clock In the morning. J. L. Brandeis & Sons. B 236 28 WANTED Young man stenographer. Apply at Gibson Soap Co.. omana. ' B 223 26x TWO large, strong boys. Omaha Bex Co., Kast Omaha. ou o WANTED A traveling manager to work tne newa inu uuuk 11 uc iiuugftiwu. ...... - ... ..., .aini-v t ,1 iliu ,ii 11 n wuft mn ti 1 1 the position; we are willing to pay liberal wages, commission aim penseB; do not reply to this advertisement unless you can furnish good references and bonds. The Urumlaux News t Sub scription Co., LeRoy, N. Y. B 246 27x DETECTIVE8 wanted by railroads and cor porations; demand greatly exceeds trauma supply; Instruction given at home; en close stamp for particulars. New York Detective School, 44 Union square. New York. o 4 BROOM MAKERS wanted; good workmen Can nave steuuy employment t wages In large, well lighted, steam heated brick lactory, Aaaress r. o. nu isu, Des Moines, la. B-M243 28 WANTED A first-class grocery clerk and solicitor; good salury to right, man. Ad dress r 81. care Kee. ii aii:i-aicnix WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced lady assorter Biun: city luunury, council iiiuns. C-232 WANTED Girl for ceneral housework. Apply Mrs. Frederick Kustlu. 3oU Harney St. . c iii WANTED Competent nurse girl for only Cllliu, HIRU iu uu uiiaiuiin n ui K , guuu sal ary; references i-euuired. 1117 So. S'rth WANTED Experienced cloak and suit DHiesiauies; guuu lumiy iu iigiifc parties Address S 50, care Bee. C 617 WANTED A competent girl for ' general housework in a lamny 01 two; wages, .. 322 N. 22d St. Mrs. Truman Buck. C 778 26X WANTED At once, experienced waist fln lshers. Seebrlck s Dress Making Dept., Deadwood, S. D. C M-848 Mch 4 GIRL for general housework In small fam lly. 816 S. 37th St. " C 238 28 BILL CLERK and office assistant; state experience and salary expected. Andreas T 2S), care Bee. c A1.4Y Mchl WANTED A good downstairs second girl and waitress; private family. Mrs. K. r; Hart, 3d and Stoiy Sts., Council BlulTs, SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Carpenter work by sober man, junre8s r 21, nee. A Mist six WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted everywhere to sell our popular policies, covering all accidents, tliseases and occupations; something en tirely new and issued by this society orly; easily understood and easily sold; cost but to per annum each. Davable monthly If desired; large commission paid Immediately and exclusive lenltorj allowed Address National Accident So ciety, xji UroHdway, New York. Estab nsnea i years. J M5S4Mch5 SALESMEN WANTED PIANO salesmun wunted for outside work In city of .Si. Paul, good opportunity for auvaiiceiiieni to right party. Address, wun tun particulars and salary wunted xv. w. mmoau Co., St. 1'aul, Minn. L Mil 27x WANTED TO BUY ONE or two diamonds. 1 to 2-karat: m be white, well cut. free from flaws and a Dargain. Address T 13, Bee. N M122 bx WANTED To buy. good second hand opera vuiiniiia. d. o. iiooper, aterioo, Neb, IV MWl Z7X BOOKS Buy, sell, exchange. Address A O. Baker, 2312 E. Walnut St.. Des Moines! N-M71! M22 WANTED To buy. 8 or 9-room modern . noiisa in iiiminu, 3,un' 10 8i,UU0 carh. Ad areas 1 J.', i;ee. v-MS! 2H FOR SALE HORSES. WAGONS ONE brood mare. In foal; 1-year-old mare: 1-year-old mure; 5 Shetland ponies and puny ni. iusy icrnis. ua and Center. P 4i0 FOR SALE Grade Knaliah 8hlr iuiii ISTiO .. 8 years old. dark brown, sound' i'wiut, ran snow plentv o coin. Irlie SJUU.UU. Lotk Box 3M, New ensile. iNt-D. P M733 M9 cso n . I . - 1 . 1 . . , o.-w 1. r r.ignieen nig work norses. In quire iu llli Kory t. P M7H6 27x CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY Rill CC Faca Down Mnuni kir.k ehinery. Call or write and nta- let u auow you our . line. 'Phone Doug Tapp C'oaslructkiD Co.. ZSt Neville hTk S785. If dollars make things easy for then use a Bee want ad. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS I DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnnm. Doug. 611 0.1YI.EHaul Trunks E 535 WELL furnished, modern, steam heated rooms. .-.'34 f arnam. Flat . Tel. Doug. IS'J. E-781 NEWLY furnished rooms, 2S34 Davenport; wHiKins; distance. K 4aa OXFORD EUROPEAN HOTEL. Weekly rates. e M4SB FaUl FI RNISHED rooms for rent at 2634 Dav enport Bt. E 753 LARGE, comfortable, nicely furnished iront room, suitable for one or two teo ple. 415 N. 23d St. E M14S Mchlx LARGE double front room, modern, tele- pnone, io per montn. 3m Harney. E-M14tt Mchlx GOOD ROOM; private family; modern con- veniences. rj?i a. oth st. E M x URNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD THE ROSE, 2020 Harney. Nice warm rooms, wnn gooa ooara; also day bo.rd or meal tickets. F 2o3 Marlux Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks F-698 VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. r 5U4 THE FA KN AM 19th and Farnam Sts. F-841 ROOMS and good board, 85 per week nnd lltl I'ntl 1K17 ll....... CI. .- e,. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT EXCELLENT suite unfurnished rooms. icamnmuie. mn DUUIH iUltn. t OBJ 1823 FARNAM 8T., entire first floor, on the corner. G 7S0 'OR RENT Second floor, unfurnished, (4 rooms and alcove; strictly modern, pri vate family. 2tio8 Dewey ave. G 217 27 THREE south front rooms, heated. 3010 racine. References exchanged. G ISO 27 FOR RENT HOUSES HOI IBQ ,n a" Parts of the city. R. IIUUOLJ c Peters &. Co., Bee Bldg. but HOI KP ln aI1 Parts the city. The IIUUJW 0 F, Davis Co., 208 Bee Bldg. D 604 HOUSES, insurance, Ringwalt, Barker Blk. D fcuo CHOICE MODRRN HOMK. Nine rooms and barn, block from 24th car, uinney. tit. lei. liarney 63U. l 6U6 THE Omaha Van & Storage Co., pack. move anu store 11. 11. gooas. e to re no use, 1120-24 N. iSth. Ortlce, 1511Vi Farnam Tel. Doug. 1659. D W2 WE MOVE pianos. Mnggard Van & Stor age co. Tel. Doug. 1416. ortlce, 1713 Web ster St. ' D 603 8-ROOM modern house, except rtirance, 820. c. m. Macnmann, 436 faxion uik. 1 ei. Red 2639. D 224 FOR RENT Nine-room house, east front. 663 So. 28th St., 840 per month. G. W. Loomls. ' D 449 NINE rooms, modern, 3112 Mason St., HO montn. owner, 2tw s. 12th St. u w SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west. we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO.. 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 1195. " D M121 FOR RENT Second floor, unfurnished. (4 rooms and alcove); strictly modern, pri vate family. 260S Dewey ave. D 216 27 J. Schwartx, movl'g van, 1610 Web. Doug. 2046 D 631 M'-tU WOOLWORTH AVE., 2813-8 rooms, mod ern, 825; 614 South 22d, 9 rooms, modern, $S5; 1910 Blnney. 10 rooms, modern. 835; I2rt4 North 2bth St.. 6 rooms, modern, 317; lil9 Howard. 3-room Hat, 112.50. Rinxwalt Bros., Barker Blk. D M239 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 2alh St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur ing. 44x100; three floors and basement, elevator; will rent 22xlu0 separately; 1C03-6 Farnam St. Inquire 314 First Na tional Bank Bldg. 1847 WANTED TO RENT WANTED By man and wife, two or more elegantly furnished rooms, witn board, private family; Hanscom park neighbor hood. Will pay liberally for suitable place. Address T 5, care Bee. K -7S2 2x WANTED to rent. 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms within walking distance; price not over 115. Address P 61, care Ree, K-HIM 27x CLAIRVOYANTS IF IN TROUBLE consult Mrs. Faust; readings, 6v cents. 1709 Jack ion St. S Ml5 Mch3x MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 16th St., upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely given. 8 651 REV. EDWARDS' spiritual medium gives spiritual and business advn'e. Room 1, Patterson Blk., 17th and Farnam. s-Mtai 3 DRAMATIC Chambers' School of Stage Arts, Lyric Theater, Nineteenth and Farnam. Thorough Course of Instruction ln Stage Craft. Public performances by pupils In their own theater, under personal directorship of Frederick "Jim" Fulton, formerly lead ing character with "Ariiona," "Frederick Wardo," "Frohman's," nine years Wood ward Stock, Kunsus City,, Omaha. Tele phone. Douglas 1871 14k8. Willard K. Chambers, Manager. -235 LOST AND FOUND FOUND A place to buy diamonds on Credit. For further paiticulars inquire of A. Mandelberg, 1522 Farnam St. Lost-M67 LOST A red leather Ak-Sar-Ben soavenlr folding purse containing 32 ln silver and three blank checks sinned J. Levine. Re turn to J. Levine, 304 N. 16th. Ixt-2I0 25 TICKET BROKERS CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Philbin, 1506 Farnam. 'Phone Doug. 784. 6ui LARSON tt JOHNSON. 1406 Farnam. Doug. 1936. 666 LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church Co., main floor, N. . L. Tel. Doug. 133. 6tii J. M. Marfarland. 309 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 6"j8 BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES "NO trust prices." brand new solid on billiard and pool tables, lcn; also bar fix tures cheap. No agency expenses. Cata logues free. Clias. Passow U tions. Chi cgu. , ' fi'li FOR SALEREAL ESTATE FOR SALE A home worth $30,000 for 812, 000; west side. Address L 17. Bee. KE-MS5I c,kA9- Williamson Cau- RE 770 FARMS and city homes. Kemp, Real-Es-tater, Blair, Neb. RE 2u THE Glover Cuban land Co., R. 8, N. Y. L. Hliig., Omahn. Sell lands In Cuba. Round trip Omaha to Havana, 157.85. RE 657 FOR SALE Nice B-room cottage south part of city, two blocks from boulevard; big yard, shade and fruit trees; a bar gain. Call 301 Brown Blk. RE M158 THE J. FRED KERR COMPANY'S AB STRACTS OF TITLE are the safest. You are protected by a lin.OtiO bond airalnst loss by errors. You don't buy a lawsuit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 108 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2244. RE- ACRE LOTS on 8. 40th. South Omaha. 8300; five acres near South Omaha, II.UOO; acre lots on county line. $250. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam. RE M2M 27 FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE My two quarter sections In Holt county and one In Perkins countv, Neb., at -a bargain. John T. Danley, 1333 Lane Street, Topeka, Kansas. H-M735 Ml Nebraska. Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb.. Dept. "A." H-621 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prlcea; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. K. R., On.iUa, Neb., Dept. "A. FOR SALE Well-watered ranch of nearly 1.000 acres: crop land, pasture and timber all fenced; close to R. R. and P. O. ; Cas cade county, Mont.; county seat, Grent Falls; stocked, ready for business; price. $9,m; good terms. For particulars address McNair & Skinner, Great Falls, Mont. H M241-Mch1 FOR RENT FARMS FARM FOR RENT. We have the Union Cattle company farm, 312 acres, near Gllmore, for rent. Fine improvements. See McCague Investment company, Omaha. 751 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS IF YOU WANT TO BORROW MONEY Much or little, on furniture, pianos, live stock or on your salary, don't hesitate to come to us.- You can pay us back to suit your convenience. Charges as low as any and much less than many. No red tape. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas 2296. 3U6 S. 16th St. (Established 1(92. X M203 SALARY LOANS Made promptly and confidentiaio , without knowledge of employer or onyone. MONEY ADVANCED On your piano, furniture, without removal, at lowest rates. Open every evening. Take elevator to 3d floor. Tel. Douglas 1411. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 307-308 Paxton uik. and Farnam. X-i.7 DR. PRIBENOW'S "' PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, - pianos, salary, horses, etc.. In any, amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended In case ot sickness or out of employment. Room 214, Karbach blk... 209 S. 16th St. X-612 When In need ot MONbY Call on us. PHOENIX CREDIT CO. 632-3 Paxton Blk. X-666 $$ INDEPENDENCE $ $ Why be obliged to others? It's easy to get money of me. No red tape. Pay when you can. BOWKN, 7u3 N. Y. Lite. Open evenings until 7. . X 822 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others without security; easy pay ments. Ottlees ln 63 principal cities. Tul luun, room 714, New York Life Bldg. X611 SEE the Western Loan company for furni ture, diamond and salary loans, 331 Ne ville blk., 16th and Harney, 'lei. Douglas 6519. X 613 FURNITURE, Live Stock, Salary Loans. Duff Green Loan Co., Boom Barker allock. X 483 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., Io04 Farnam St. X 614 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 12th. A EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X 616 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-622 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 623 BUILDING loans on residence property; 6 per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Blk. W 624 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. W 26 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas. W 626 GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam; city loans, 5 nd bW per cent interest; no dulay.- W-627 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resl. dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan. R. 1, N. Y. Life. . W-628 8 S: 5tt PER CENT loans on city property. W. 11. Thomas. 1st National Bank Bldg. w WANTED City Loans. R.C. Peters & Co. W-i0 FARM. CITY AND BUILDING LOANS. Reed Bios., 1710 Farnam St. W 631 WANTED SOME LOANS OF 31.000 TO $2,000. BREEN & BLOOM. 613 BEE BLDG. W 632 DANCING ACADEMY THINK IT OVER IF IT ISN'T WORTH CONSIDERING when you can buv a ticket good for 12 lessons ut Morand a Dancing school, 15th and Harney, for $2 less than regular price, if you Join on the opening of the spring term, Friday, March 2. at 8 p. m. Suc cess guaranteed. Call or Tel. Douglas loll. Assemblies every Wednesday. Ml 24 3x MORAND'S private or class lessons; adults, Tues. and FrL, 8 p. m. Tel. Douglas lotl. 21 Mchl PLUMBING CHAPMAN MAHAN. Repairs promptly done. Prices reasonable. 612 N. 16th. Tel. Red-664. 763 Mch23 WHEN YOU WRITE TO ADVERTISERS remember It takes only an extra stroke or two 9' the pen to say jou saw the ad Ln lb Bee, you, I i PERSONAL LAUNDRY CITY STEAM Tel. Doug. 251. 2U 8, litn St. R 719 JOIN THE "HOSPE POPULAR SHEET "". VI I tlAlbi l LL tii uave J one-half yonr sheet music bills, or give yyu twice as much music for your money. Write us for particulars or coll at the sheet music department. A. Hospe Co., lol3 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. U-M481 31. PLEATINCl RuCchlngK Buttons! 1 Ug,,n1 for price u8t and samples. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 Douglas Block. Tel. Doug. 1936 U 642 M At"iMPTl-Ptrefpnt Baths. Mme. nirtunci iv8mlthi jig N. is. ad n., r 1 V HA DR. JACKSON, R. 4. Frenxer block Chronic diseases a specialty. Consulta tion free. U i35 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at 3824 N. 24lh St., Omaha, Neb. U M100 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. U 37 PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, 81 weekly. All music lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perfleld Piano Co., Wll Farnam St. U 640 MRS. MERGES, pianist, 209 S. 20th. Tel. Doug. 4GS5. U M520M1 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. Doug. 5311. U 636 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-oft cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. U-ell DIAMONDS sold for cash or on very easy payments at A. Mandulberg's. 1522 Far nam St. U M675 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav- ci.iuii ois., special attention yniu iu iw rinement cases; all treatment supervised l. nnn.A rl....,A 1 ir 11,47 yj j . v 1 , , ' " puirnnuio, . 1 1 ' j , , u . j o .-". Calls answered day oro night. U 129 HAIRDRESSING. Special attention given to developing the arms; moderate prices for dyeing and bleaching hair. HATTIE HAUL, 206 Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 6186. U M144 W. W. LEMON, EXPERIENCED CHINA PACKElt, price moderate. Tel. Red i3i.. U M220 Mch25 YOUNG woman employed during day wishes room-mate in light housekeeping rooms. Address T 18, Bee. U M792 M3x WE RENT sewing machines, 75c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand, 8& to iseb. cycle jo Tel. Doug. 1663. Cor. 16th and Harney. U-641 PHONE Doug. 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, 32. Perfleld Piano Co., lttil Farnam. uvn TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. Doug. 3530. PHONB U-4145 ClotneH cleaned and impaired; satisfaction tni66, lttth, and Dodge Sts. U 659 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Inlec tions. Call or write for booklet. Wulck Cure Rupture Co., CU W. O. W. Bldg., omana. u 643 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 3 & 3, 1506 Farnam. IT dm JACK: Papa says if you buy the ring at Mandelberg s we may get married next week. cuun. c Ait 1 4 MASSAGE specialist for chronic diseases, Joseuh Ruben, room 218. Bea Bids:. Tel. 6608. Omaha; 27 years' experience; work guaranteed. u aisw Mcntt MASQUE costumes. Lieben. Tel. 4116. U M8S8 Mch8 PRIVATE confinement home; babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 2018 No. 21st St. Tel. 3559. U-MK87 Mch8 WE TAKE CARE of clothing by the month. 1,. bULKL f & CO., expert clean ers and dyers, 618 S. 13th St. Tel. Doug. 1729. U-M668 Mch20 DR. SHIPMAN, Specialist Diseases of the heart, liver and stomach. 618 Bee Bldg, U-873 "SYMPATHY" and 40 other songs. 6c. - r ecnan, am a. ma. c M27a Mia PRIVATE hospital during confinement. Ba. bies adopted. Best and cheapest In the city. -jis b. urn Bt., omana, incd. M506 Mchl9 MANICURING, shampooing, scalp treat ment, facial massage; thoroughly first, class work. Lutio Bryant, 316 Bee Bldg U M623 M18 MME. PAREE of N. Y.-Shaving. Facial Massage. Manicuring, an u-ugis Blk. TJ M622 M18 YOUR saving 40 per cent. Investigate. Pennell Millinery Co., Ill South 15th St U-700 SYRINGES, rubber goods by mall: cut prices. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha, U 748 Mch22 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY Mrs. M. Rltten- house, 413 N. 16th, room Z, second floor. V 818 MchlS OMAHA' Steam Paste Co. manufactures pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel. Doug 4021. " U MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's Pills women's monthly regulator, has brought liapplne&s to thousands of anxious women; no pain, no danger, no Interfer ence with work; relief in 3 to 6 days. We have never known or a single failure. Price. 32 by mail. Raymond's Monthly Regulator In liquid, 83. Dr. R. G. Ray mond Remedy co., iioum 30, st Adams Hi C'l.kato, 111. 647 LALIES. 81.000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Falling ERGO KOLO Remedy. Safely relieves longest, most obstinate cases of delayed Monthly Periods in 3 to 6 days without harm, pain or interference witn worn. man, ii.&u. Double strength, 32.00. "SPECIAL FOLD. ER rOR LADIES FREE. DR. B. H. SOUTHING TON CO.. KA.VSAb CITY, MO. . LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal pills are the best, sa(e, reliable. Take no other. Send 4n stamps for particulars. 'Relief for Ladles." in letter by return mall. Ask your druga-lst. Chichester Chemical Co.. t'liuaaeipnia. ra. BKST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" 81 box. postpaid. Sherman Ut McConnell Drug Co.. omana. h OSTEOPATHY JO"NBON Institute. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. Doo J0O4. vjl DR WELLS. D. O. and M. D. Nevtll- Block, 1W4U) M3 FENCING FENCE your lawn with iron or wire fence made by Alienor ence Mfg. CO.. 2o-( r 17th Pf Tel. Red 814. -64! Mi FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an au. in ana you win soon l 11. UNDERTAKERS Hoffmann GculUunan, ,W H. luiu. . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAINS, any slse. 1818 Farnam. j n SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED 1 AIM. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. j 662 HALL'S safes, new, 3d hand. 1818 Ku nam. FOR SALE At a bargain, material In stone wnu at and Douglus Bis. nee K. w. Baker, superintendent Bee building, or C. C. Rosewater, Bee business ottice. W 171 X IF YOU wish to buy a perfect Al diamond ring see a. Mamieinerg, lt farnam Hi. Your credit Is good. W M6i8 FOR SALE Two life scholarships on wmana Dusineas college. Address t'Wlglil Williams, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. Q 829 100 SINGLE Iron beds, springs and mattres ses; eacn, complete; wortn . aus u vpt W M47 F26 M II.CH nnWB nn av forma 43d and VI U Center. FOR SALE At a discount, due bill from one 01 tne most desirable life Insurance companies, which may be applied on a first year's premium; anyone considering taking out a policy can save money. Address P 67, care Bee. V) u7 PIANO FOR SALE Party who purchased piano oniy a lew weeks ago will sell it at a discount from the cash price paid. Address P 63, care Bee. Q 90s FiA.Iicirsluare' 60 cents weekly. Per- w., aoia r arnani ni. WJ WE TRUST EVERYBODY, easy payments. .;,r, u l"B woria in cneap prices on billiard and pool tables and bar fixtures; catalogue free. The Brunswlcke-Balke-Collender Co., 407 S. 10th St., Omaha. Neb. Q M637 CRIBBING, fir timbers, 80 feet and under; ciuuiicu narawooa lumoer. vol Douglas. y 6i 600 STOVES to select from at low prices. ...iiKu r unuiure V.O., lflo-lfUS LOdge Bt. M 659 The famous Old Trusty incubators, made vy duinison, tne incunator man. Send for 124-page free catalogue; 250 poultry illustrations. M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Center, Neb. , Q 660 SECOND-HAND 8TEINWAY UPRIGHT f.,.v, ui uAiamii. aio juccague Liidg. Q M660 Mch3 WATER BACKS, furnace and stove re- i,hhb, luniaco pipe ana nttinga. Tel. Douglas-960. Omaha Stove Repair Works. Q-318 M14 BEDROOM suite and chairs. 319 8. 26th. Q-783 NEW STYLE, upright piano, cheap. 415 i. eaa Bt. W M146 Mchlx FULL-BLOODED, single-comb Brown Leg- norn eggs ior sale; ooc per doi. 1402 N. 27. Q-M-177 27 ROLLER top desk, 6-foot, splendid condi tion, and office chair to go with It; an outlay of too when new. Whut will you give ior inemr Aaaress Tin, Bee. Q 789 FOUR oak chairs, leather seat, suitable for office chairs or for dining room. R. W. Baker, superintendent Bee bldg. Q 788 FINE barred Rock cockerels, also eggs for natcning. via i. i6tn St., south Omaha. , Q M787 27 BUSINESS CHANCES TO BUY OR SELL any business and for best information and quick action, see xuciAiB, inu jtvaroacn, diock. Y 680 LANDS, mdse. & town property for sale or exchange. Interstate Exchange, Module, la Y 461 Feb29 FOR SALE Store, lots and stock clean ecuBiai iiTTiv-iio.iioinc, uuiisiueraiion, 4,uuu; snap if taken soon; 20 miles from Sioux City on Omaha road. AddreRs P 45 care Bee. Y M802 Mch2x FOR SALE A good hotel business at Genoa, Neb. H. E. Stillman. Y-M662 Mchlx FOR SALEt-130,000 stock of general mer chandise in fine Iowa city. Will take half in -eurasKu inna. Aauress. B 52, Bee. Y-M659 28x FOR SALE Successful and profitable wnoiesaie iruit ana produce business lo cated ln a live city of 12.000: Brood nutM territory; 1906 business $15O,0uO; snap for nustiers. excellent reasons ror selling, Address 8 57. care Bee. Y M696 MchS WANTED A physician at Elk Creek. Neb. Gentian Lutheran preferred. Address J. rt, uore, aruggist, Y M6S9 28 AN EXCELLENT OPENING. FOR SALE A first-class business with clean, up-to-date ten thousand dollar stock or general maw. and fixtures. In one of the best little towns of 8. E. NVh. High school, three churches and a pros perous and progressive community. Ad dress do, uee. Y M731 28 REAL ESTATE and business property quickly sold. Adams Quick Sale Co.. XT V T fa nmaha KTaK V ( 81,000 TO 86,000. 16 PER CENT LAST YEAR An omana nrm, established nine years and opening branch stores and factories ln other cities, would sell shares from 11.000 to 35.0O0. Profits last year netted 16 per cent. Aaaress r 4, care Bee. Y-781 HOTEL furniture for sale and bulldlns- to rent In good eastern Nebraska town. Ad dress 1 3, care omana Bee. Y M162 27 FOR SALE OR TRADE A good stock of shoes. Address X, care Bees Sou'h Omaha office. Y M883 27 HOTEL of twenty-six rooms, two-story frame building, two town lots; only hotel in a thriving Oklahoma county seat of fKO inhabitants. One block from Rock Island depot. Transient business ave rages 840 ner day. Comoletelv furnished. Owner Is in poor health. 3.0u0 cash buys ir. win pay ior iiseir in less man a year, Must be sold quick. Address Cunning ham & Cunnineham, 831-838 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Y M126 4 FOR 8ALB Lease and furniture of Butler hotel, Boone. la.; doing fine business; pro prietor wishes to go west. Y M344-Mch3x FOR BALE1 A good paying general mer chandise store in a pew and thriving In corporated town In Nebraska: this Is the only stock In the town, and Is worth In vestigation. Address, for further dear-rip. tlon. T 30. care Bee Y Mq4?-MehK FLORISTS L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1253. 690 HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farncm. 689 GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR BRICK SCHOOL building. Department of Indian Affairs, Washington D. C February 15. Iukj. Sealed proposals Indorsed "Proposals for School Building. Pierre, 6. D.." and addressed to the commissioner of Indian affairs. Washington. D. C, will be received at the Indian office until 2 o clock p. m. of Monday, March 19, 1906. for furnishing and delivering the neces sary materials and labor to construct and complete a brick school building, with plumbing, steam heat and acetylene gas piping, at tne nerre Ionian scnooi, b, u. In strict accordance with plans, siieclflca tlons and Instructions to bidders which may be examined at this nfflce, the offices of the "Improvement Bulletin," Minneapolis, Minn.: the "Argus-Leader," Sioux Falls. S. D. ; the "Inter-Ocean." Chicago, III.; the "Globe-Dmocrat," St. Ixiuls, Mo. and the "Bee." Omaha, Neb.; the Builders and Traders Exchanges at Omaha, Neb.: Mil waukee. Wis.; St. Paul. Minn., and Minne apolis. Minn.; the Northwestern Manufac turers' association. St. Paul. Minn.; the I'nited Slates Indian Warehouses at 265 South Canal street, (h lea go. ill.; Ma How. ard street. Omaha. Neb.: 119 Wooster street New York City, and 602 Pouth Seventh street. St. lxmls. Mo., and at the school. For further information apply to J ('. Ieverigood. Supt.. Pierre. 8. D. C. F. Lar rabee, Act'g. Commissioner. F22-i4-iTM1--.-' LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders ot the South Platte Land Co. will be held at the office of said company ln Lincoln. Ne braska, st 11 o'clock a. m., on the 7th day of March. A. D. 190. By order of the board of directors. C. H MORRILL, President-' A. B MINOR. Bn-retary. ' Lincoln. Jiebiaska, Feb. i. I- LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE,. Notice Is herehv Hlven that the Keith and Lincoln Counties lrrlaatlon Dlsirlct wnt receive sealed proposals for the purchase cf the 165,000.00 bond Issue of said district up to the hour of 8 o clock p. m., stanuaia time, of the 2d dav of April. 1908. at the ottice ot the secretary of said Irrigation District, In the town of outneriand, in Lincoln county. In the state of Nebrasks. Snld lionds ate In the denomination ot euch and bear Interest at the rate of six per cent, imyable semi annually, on the llrst days of Marcn ana neptemoer 01 eacn and every year, beginning with the first tiny of September, 1. These bonds are In ten series, 33 of wnicn are out on tne nrst day of March. 1911: 39 due on the first of March. 1912: 46 due on the first day ot the first day of March, 1913; March, l'JH; 62 59 due on due on the first day of due on the first day of March, I'.'is; March, l:'l; March. 1917; March. 1018; 6 72 due on tne nrst day or 86 due on the first dy of 98 due on the first day of March, 1919, and 101 due on the first day of March. 1920. The sealed proposals may be for the whole of said bonds or for any portion thereof, and such bids will be opened Im mediately after the hour of t o'clock p. m. of said 2d day of April, 1906, the board re servlns; the right to reject any nnd all bids. Dated this mn nr or February, ltme. JAMES SHOUP. Secretary. F17-d20t RAILWA f TIME CARD t'KIO STATION -TENTH AKI MARCY. Union Paeiae. 1mv. Arrive Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 1:18 am The china and Japan Fast Mall .a 4 IR tim a 8:10 n.n Colo. A Calif. Ex a 4:16 nm a : am California A Ore. Ex.. a 4:25 pm a 8:10 pro. Augeies limited. ...ail :) am , aio:46 pin Fast Mail a 1:55 pm a t:30 pm Colorado Special a 7:4 am a 7:44 am North Platte Local a 8:10 Am a 4:50 pm Beatrice Local , b 8:16 pm b 2:00 pro Chicago, Rock Island at Parlfle. EAST. Chicago Limited a 3:25 am a 7:10 am Chicago Express a 7:00 im a 9:65 pin Chicago Express, Local.bll :16 am a 4:30 pm Des Moines Express. ...a 4:30 pm bll :50 am Chicago Fast Express, a 6:40 pm a 1:16 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. .a 7:20 am a 3:18 am Colorado Express a 2:06 pm a 4:65 pm Oklahoma & Texas Ex. a 4:40 pin al2:0ft pm Chicago A Northwestern. St. Paul Daylight a 7:30 am 10:00 pm Chkago Daylight a 8:00 am 11:50 pm Chicago Limited a 8:38 pin 9:16 am Carroll Local a 4:32 pm 9:60 am St. Paul Fast Mall a 8:28 pm 7:06 am Sioux C. A St. P. Local. b 1:50 fin 9:36 am Fast Mall 2:30 pm Chicago Express a 6:50 pm a 7:30 am Norfolk A Bonesteel....a 7:40 am 10:;i6 am Lincoln A Long Plhe...e 7:40 am 10:36 am Caspei A Wyoming e 2:60 pm 6:15 pm Deadwood A Lincoln. .a 2:50 pm 6:16 pm Hastings A Albion b 2:60 pm 6:16 pm Chicago Local all:30 am 3:46 pm Chicago Limited all:00 pm 11:16 am Chicago Great Western. Leave. Arrive. St. Paul A Minn a 8:30 pm a 7:15 am St. Paul A Minn a 7:45 am a 7:65 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm al0:30 am Chicago Express a 6:06 am a 8:30 pm Wabash. St. Louis Express a 6:30 pm a 1:40 am St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 9:16 am al0:30 pm Stanherry Ixical (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bll :S0 am Chicago. Milwaukee Jt St. Paul. Chicago A Colo. Spec'L.a 7:56 am a 7:35 am California A Wre. Ex... a 6:46 pm a 3:10 pm Overland Limited a 8:36 pm a 9:20 am Marlon A Cedar R. Lo..b 6:45 am bll:00 pin Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 8:00 am a 3:65 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 7:30 am Minn. A St. Paul Ex...b 8:00 am b 8:66 pm Minn. A St. Paul Ltd... a 8:80 pm a 7:30 am Missouri Paclnc. St. Louis Express a 9:00 am a 8:30 pm K. C. et St. L. Express.. all :lo pm a 6:00 pm BURL-nUTON BTAITON-IOTH MASON Burlington. Leave. Arrive. Denver A California.... a 4:10 pm a 8:30 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pin a :30 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm a 7:10 am Northwest Express ....all:10pm a 6:30 pni Nebraska Local a 8:00 am a 7:40 pm Neoraka express a 9:10 am a 7:40 pm Lincoln Local a 9:06 am Lincoin Fast Mall b 2:13 pm al2:t0 pm Ft Crook A Plattsin'h.b 2:50 pin bl0:25 am Bellevue A Plattsm'h...a 7:60 pin a 8:30 am Denver Limited ' a 7:10 am Bellevue A Pao. June. .a 3:30 am a 8:30 am Bellevue A Pac. June. ..a 9:10 am a 2:00 pm Chicago Special ...... ...a 7:26 am a 7:26 am Chicago Express a 3:46 pin' a 1:56 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:06 pm a 7:26 am Iowa liocal 9:15 am al0:63 pm St Ixiuis Express a 4:45 pm all.30 am Kansas City-8t. Jos'h..al0:45 pm a 6:45 am Kunsas City-St. Jos h..a 9:15 am a 6:10 pm Kansas Clty-Bt. Jos h. .a 4:46 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTM. A WEBSTER Missouri Pnellle. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha. Twin City Passenger.. Sioux City Passenger.. nalrlooil lilpal Leave. Arrive, b 3:50 pm bl'.':30 pm Minneapolis A ,.d o:a am d v.iv pm .a 2:00 pm all :30 am .b 6:45 pm b 9:10 am n k it. trt e II 'Ui nm Emerson Local ... a Dallv. b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, o Sunday only. Dally except Monday. DIVORCE AFTER LONG UNION Separation Asked by Mother of Twelve Children. Who Was Married Thlrty-Tvro Yemrs. After thirty-two years of married life Mrs. Mary A. Cole has asked the district court for a decree of divorce from James A. Cole and the restoration of her hialden name. Mary A. Crltchfleld. Twelve chil dren have been born to the couple, of whom eight are now living, two ot these being minors. They were married In Saunders county, June 29. 1874, and Mrs. Cole asserts shortly afterward her husband began the excessive use of intoxicating liquor. While under the Influence of liquor, she says, he mis treats her and uses threats against her. She says for a long time ha has not con tributed to her support and she has been forced to take in washing. Bhe asks the custody of their two minor daughters. Delia Barrett has filed salt for a divorce from George Barrett, to whom she was married April 30. 1902. In Belvldere. Non support and desertion are the allegations ln the petition. ' - BARADA'S APPEAL IS LOST Attempt of Plaintiff to Keen re Re versal of Verdlet Against Hint la Lost. A mandate from the United States cir cuit court of appeals for the Eighth dis trict dismisses the appeal In the case of William Barada as complainant against John F. Mackay. superintendent and spe cial distributing agent ot the Omaha Indian agency; Philip Walker, Guy Stabler, Na than Lyon. Uriah Men-leg and Carry La Flesche, Indian police, relative to the ejectment of William Barada, the com plainant, from the reservation as an al-' lotee of certain lands. The rase was de cided against Barada In the United States circuit court for the district of Nebraska April 7. 1906. on the ground that he was not entitled to an allotment. He appealed to the higher court with the above result. This particular case has no bearing upon the cases recently filed In the United States circuit court by the Raradas, wherein they again ask for allotments as heirs of original alloteea. Great Lave Salt Derided. The supreme court, the people, has de cided that Dr. King's New Discovery wins against Coughs and Colds. 60c and 81. For sale by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. Oil Hearlnar la Oklahoma. KANSAS CITT. Feb. 28 -Herbert 8. Had ley, attorney general of Missouri, and Rush ". Lake, assistant attorney general, left here today for Oklahoma City to take depositions for use ln the ease against the proceedings to oust the Standard Oil and allied i.onpault Iron ibis suia. tf J' 1 " 4 i k