Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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' On reuon why to many men are buymf McKlbbln hat ffia year St that
ther nave found out thai many other men art bniahing up their old McKibbins and
mating then do again. Qualities last even if style b changed. (t- rr
New arris McKlbblrw cotnpnM every late effect ... ipO.lAJ
Pick tba best dealer h row towa aad aak haa about the McKlbbtn.
Wift of Murdered Rreman Yields No
Information Under Police Pump.
All Parties Thooajht to Be t'oacfraf
Kit her Old In rime or Criminal
.tsanrlatlona anil Cannot
Be rteaehed I'.aall) .
The rffprts of the police during the last
twenty-four hours have failed to brina; out
anything; new In the Wheeler murder cuse.
liut there lia8 be n no dlminuntlon In ac
tivity and at any moment the whole story
of tiii crime may be laid bare. The ferret
inn out of thin mystery Is made doubly
hard for the jxiliee Iwc.-mse of the charac
ter of the people who are believed to know
something: ubout It. Frank E. Wheeler, it
Is positively believed, served as the dupe
of a low criminal clus through his own
wife, and his unsnspctliiK. confiding nature
made hlin enry prev. When ho innrrled
Mrs. Jonns Iteynnlds he Immediately was
thrown among former convicts and lawless
men. who almost made n headquarters of
his own house. These fellows have been
In the. hands of the io"c" before. They
are hardened, experienced law breakers,
who ;ire not to lie led Into a. betrayal of
the killing of Wheeler by any ordinary
method employed by the authorities in this
or any other city to Induce unwilling lips
to tell what they might. The undertaking
Is a delicti to one and may at any moment
be undone by some Ill-spoken word or
question. The greatest hope lies In Mrs.
Wheeler, who, with the negro, James Dlggs,
Is still In Jail. Women will break sooner
than men, but 'in this Instance the police
have a person who is its acquainted with
crime and as difficult to work upon as a
woman can be.
Iln, Wheeler Mill Hum.
Mr. Wheeler wns again taken before
Captain Punn yesterday morning for a
short time, but at the termination of the
Interview matters were about as before.
Again nt 6 o'clock last night the woman
was li d from the matron's department Into
the captain's office, but slv still maintained
her original declaration of titter Ignorance
as to the death of hor husband. She showed
nnmlstakablo siens of breaking after the
Interview with Captains Mostyn and Dunn
Saturday afternoon and evening, and it Is
brlieved If. she , has withheld anything
which might throw light on the Identity
of her husband's murderer It will not be
long b-f n; the truth will force (, Wny
The time h.'S n;i liei-q considered iiv
for the vlc.e evnmtcvitlon of Dlggs. t;vi
itenco ef a tint" Incrlmtna t Ing character
than iiitr pcsven d must b secured before
any !iiiir.uJuii cm le ira le on this man.
His has been a ilVof 1.1 ime and tllsri'R.ird
for mi rcl cKU law, unci even direct evi
dence n.n v f:iil to brln t I he, slightest ;nl-
tnltxioTt front !i!in
When Acting Chief Mostyn and Captain I
Dunn wire asked lust. -inlnj, regarding
th alleged onfesskn of Mrs. Wheeler
and her ln:!lca!ioii of iigxs both those
police officials stoutly denied that nlie had
made, any to them. Then Captain Dunn
asked AIis. 'Wheeler whRt she ' had told
the reporter who had seen her in the morn
ing and she replied by saying the reporter
told her Dlggs had confessed and asked I "a " crime, me iiko or wnicn, etc.
her what she thought of It. to which ques- ! P'"Ple- ' other cities read this melo
tlon ahe said she replied that she then ,IrHmutlc 1r,v'l. nd Nebraska's metrop
thought he must have been the man If he p,ls' tone-tiler with the aforementioned
bad confessed. ITp to early last evening tradesmen, suffers. The cltlsens of tho
Dlggs had not only not made any con- I p,ulrI, City should have told the plain
feaslon to any one, but had not even been i
through what is known as the "sweating !
process," .
i ' Coroner's Inqnest.
Coroner Broiley held an inquest jester
day afternoon. The Inquest was neither
lengthy nor sensational. The Jury re-
turned a verdict that Wheeler came to his
death from blows strurk by a person or
by person, unknown to the Jury, which
recommended that the parties now in
custody of the police a. id being held on
suspicion of having been Implicated In the
crime be held for further Investigation.
Only "a few witnesses wore Introduced at
the Inquest. Dr. Mack told of the result
of the autopsy nnd Detective Drummy
answered a number of questions asked by
the Jurors who were desirous of learning
something of the records of Mrs. Wheeler
and James Disss. Detective Drumniy's j
replies were In line with what has been
George Deal of S22 South Thirteenth
street, where Wheeler lived from February !
to October of last ; ear. told of overhear- j
lug numerous conversations and quarrels
between the woman and the mun who was
killed. Deal said Mrs. WhcMer called there
nearly every pay day to see Wheeler, she
then being Mia. Reynolds. Deal overheard
conversations regarding '.lie woman saving
money for Wheeler.
Neither Mrs. Wheeler nor Dlggs were
prw.nt at the Inquest.
The body of Wheeler was prepared to be
liken to th old family home at Oreenleaf,
Kan., and left on the 1:1ft o'clock Missiurl
Pacific ara In in charee "of ti e two brothers
who came Here for that purpose. The wife
expressed no regret ot netng unable to be
present at the funeral, nor did she seem to
mind that the nrrunwnienta would be In
other hands than hers. Frank E. Wheeler
has passed out of her life us though he
had never been her husband and apparently
with, as little thought.
Nenator French Is Acquitted.
SACRAMENTO. Cal . Feb. 2rt -Former
State Senator Frank Fiench of this ii?y.
tt(.pnui1 of aipnl loir n Krlli. m-ua inHtv
equltted by a Jury In the supreme court.
The case was submitted without argument.
Tlia lijrv was out tlilnv
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Cleanses and beautifies the
teeth and purifies the breath.
Used by people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
Convenient for tourists.
6f. -i 'Tf'Tr o
To Protect Bird.
NEW YORK, Feb. IS.-To the Kdltor of
The Bee: Senator Perkins haa introduced
a bill in congress in which all persons who
are friendly to the preservation of the
wild game and song-birds will be deeply In
terested. It is intended to give the presi
dent authority to designate such areas in
the public forest reserves as should In his
opinion be set aside for the protection of
game or of other animals, birds or Hah, and
be recognized as a breeding place therefor.
The bill further provides that when such
areas have been so designated, hunting,
trapping, killing or capture of game or
other animals, birds or fish upon the lands
of the United States within the limits of
said areas shall be unlawful. Tbe maxi
mum penalty for the violation of the pro
visions of the' act Is a fine of $j0 and six
months' imprisonment.
The act is not intended to cover the pro
tection of such birds and animals as are,
or may hereafter be, declared injurious by
the luws of the state or territory in which
such reserves are situated. It is the pur
pose of the act to protect from trespass the
public lands of the I'nltcd States and the
Htilnials, birds and fish which may be
thereon, and not to Interfere with the op
eration of the local game laws as affecting
stnte or territorial lands.
The National Association of Audubon So- I
elegies is working energetically in the Inter
est of this measure, and it solicits the co
operation of all who are In favor of the
establishment of the proposed game refuges
or reservations. All wild animal lift; Is
gradually being reduced by Are and gun.
and It Is high time that something practicul
be done to save what Is left.
Tho National Association of Audubon So
cieties is an Incorporated body, organized
to secure protection for wild birds and ani
mals. It is not yet endowed, but Is entirely
dependent on membership fees for funds
with which to carry on its work. An an
nual membership is $n, and the entire sum
Is used for actual protection work In the
several branches. The officers work with
out pny. and they earnestly appeal to the
public for aid in the great ecenonilc and
aesthetic work of bjrd protection. A few
hundred additional members Just now wil.
enable the society to greatly enlarge Iti
work. I
Petalled reports of the work of the asso
ciation will be cheerfully mailed on appli
cation to me at 141 Broadway. New York
City.. WILLIAM DITTO I ER. President.
SMggesls Alienee.
'WASHINGTON. D. C, F b. 24.-To the
Editor of Tho Bee: It seems to me that
western cities ara sufficiently misrepre
sented and misunderstood here in the east.
This Is -not altogether due to the fabrica
tions of press correspondents. The Crowe gave Omaha notoriety, not fame, i But
Omaha, In youthful gullibility. Is reaching
out this false fame even as a cred
ulous child grasps at a red-hot penny.
Tll "eW of Omaha dilate upon tho
I shame of It all; they proclaim to the world
that their city is now a hot-bed of vice
nnd will henceforth be even worse. The
local butchers, bakers and candlestick
makers are interviewed and give vent to
such rnbld Junk as "I am shocked, horri
fied," "This is a travesty on Justice,"
"Our fair city Is now Just entering upon
,runi "hout this very unusual case and
"nvr(l their rhetoric for a better purpose.
It may not be too lato. now to Institute
a campaign of discreet silence anent the
subject. Ordinary forethought suggests
such a policy; reason demands It.
R. H.
Wants Cheaper Gaa,
OMAHA, Feb. 24,-To the Editor of The
Bee: Will you please Insert the following
In your column for correspondents?
A Inrge number of voters many hun
dredshave agreed to drop politics In the
coming' election and "vote only for men
known to be honorable men. and for no
candidate for ho council unless he will
declare himself In favor of cheaper gas
to the consumer and do what he can If
elected to obtain it for us, as we are
paying more for gas than any city within
l,tt3 miles. For mayor Mr. Hennlngs suits
us, provided he is in sympathy with our
gas ambition. SCBSCRIBER.
riCMIAI nt I Can TDIICT rrl
Story that Carter Company gold Ont
Is Contradicted by Xonr York
Commercial. (
The New York Commercial prints a de
nlul by the officers of the National Lead
company that the concern has bought the
Carter White Lead, company, with opera
tive plants In Omaha, Chicago and Mont
real. According to the Commercial the
report originated In Omaha and seems to
have boon founded on the presence of E.
j J. Cornish, president of the Carter com
i puny, in New York. It is said Mr. Cornish
: offered to sell the property of his company
J for about $1,000,000, but the trust people
i thought the price loo high and declined
to close at the figure. It was given out
that no Negotiations are in progress. The
Carter White Lead .company is owned
mostly in Omaha and for years has been
the largest producer of Its kind out ot the
trust and the latter's principal competitor.
,M" Mlltmri Ml. hULU Uf
Colored Man Aasaulta
who Returns Blow and tho
Culprit Is Caught.
Traced from the scene of his depredation
to his home by blood. A. H. Robinson, col-
j ored, was arrested by Detective Ferris and
j Officer Rlnn at 19-3 Cuming street shortly
, before 2 p. in. Monday for assaulting M. P.
j McClung, clerk in the drug store of 8. H.
Furnaworth, 211a Cuming street. At 12:30
the colored man entered the drug store
and without uttering a word hurled a
brick at the clerk, striking him on the
head, inflicting an ugly gash. The clerk
struck Robinson with his pestle, dealing a
bad blow on the forehead, and the negro
fled, getting as far as Twentieth and Isard
ktreeta before a crowd of pursuers gave up
the search. Latei he waa traced by the
officers to his hiding place. The negro's
purpot ua said lo be robbery, but he
Leslie Allen on Trial for Altered Slajint: of
Lee Jarrett.
Leader of 1 oaths (haraeil with l or
der of Sela Laaalen Will tio
to Trial on March
The trial of Leslie Allen, a colored min.
charged with the murder of Ins brother-in-law,
Lee Jarrett, at the latter's home.
2X2 Jones street, December 6. was begun
Monday morning before Judge Sutton. The
prosecution Is being conducted by Deputy
County Attorneys Fitch and Hhutwell and
the defense by J. M. Macfarland. The ex
amination of jurors began tit II o'clock.
The charge Is first degree murder and the
Jurors are examined carefully as to their
ideas about the death penally.
Jay O'Hearn, chargt-d with the murder
of Nels Lausten January Ju, was arraigned
Monday morning and pleaded not guilty to
both of the counts in the information.
County Attorney Slabaugh sought to have
the trial set for next Momfay: buc ;it the
request of Mr. English, tvhj is del'end'ng
O'Hearn, a delay was granted jt.tll a week
from next Monday. The three
of O'Hearn have not yet boen arraigned.
A brand new Jury panel reported to J l.lge
Sutton Monday morning tor bevvlce d jrlna
the next three weeks. The usual number
of excuses were presented, but Judge Sut
ton announced that only a physic an j cer
tificate or evidence that the applicant had
passed the age limit would bo ti'ten as a
valid excuse.
ot a Motion of This Kind la Carried
by the Park Commis
sioners. Commissioner Oonden said yesterday at
the park board meeting that he proposed
to make an effort to have swings for chil
dren placed In the principal parks for use
during the coming summer. He remarked
he thought it foolish to spend money on the
parks unlrss people used them, and that
he thought attractions and amusements of
certain kinds should be provided.
The hoard took no action on any boule
vard propositions having new plans for
final surveys before It.
A resolution was adopted Instructing the
superintendent to Improve Bluff View park,
the small tract recently given to the city
by W. T. Kierstcad. Mr. Klerstead said
he would supply dirt necessary for grading
from property close by It.
Charles 1'nitt wanted to make a proposi
tion for buying three dwellings, to be re
moved for the enlargement of Bemis park,
or to trade a lot he owns which the north
boulevard threatens to assimilate. He wui
told to take the matter up later, after the
board hns the deed to the park property.
Extensions Will Be Bnllt by M. ..
Dliihrow Jt Co. xt Fall
or Winter.
M. A. Dlsbrow A Co. will build a large
addition to their sash and door factory at
Twelfth and Nicholas streets this fall or
winter. The building probably will be sep
arate from the present factory. Rough
plans have been drafted, but the dimen
sions of the structure have not been de
termined. Plans have been tnude for- large
lumber sheds near the factory. ,
Howard Baldrlge will erect a two-story
brick building adjoining Miller's hotel, on
Twenty-sixth street, between N and O,
South Omnha. It will be 30x61 feet, with
modern improvements. The upper floor
will bo used as an annex to Miller's hotel
nnd the lower floor will be used for store
Mr. Baldrige expects to erect a store
building on the property recently purchased
by hltn at Twentieth and Harney streets.
It will be either one or three stories, de
pending on the outcome of negotiations
with prospective tenants.
lona Traveler Returns.
HARLAN, la.. Feb. 26.-(Special.) W. O.
Paul of this place has Just arrived home
from a three years' trip through Asia. Mr.'
Paul served in the Philippine war, and has
also seen military service In Central and
South America. For a young man. his trav
els have been very extensive. He has cir
cumnavigated the earth, and has explored
five continents. Three years ago. while in
Japan, ho engaged to a scientific exploring
party,, nnd began a trip few white men
have ever made. It started in China, fol
lowing up the Chinese rivers as far as boats
could run; thence by caravans and camels.
for fourteen months, to Kasllgar, In Cen
tral Asia. From Kasllgar the trip was
over tho Himalaya mountains to British
India. Then. Mr. Paul took a ship for Japan
and thence home. Mr. Paul's mother haa
Just returned from a six weeks' trip
through Old Mexico.
was the state of A. C. Stickel'a daughter,
Miletus, W. V, with a leg sore. Buck
len's Arnica Salve cured her. 26c. For sale
by Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co.
Steamer Delayed by, Storm.
PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 2-I, The Ameri
can liner. Noordland, arrived here today
from Liverpool and Queenstown four daya
late. The steamer encountered a succession
of heavy gales and several times during
the voyage had to lay to for hours. Oil
was frequently used with good effect to
calm the sea.
There is no element of
speculation in the quality of
It is good beyond compare
Special Committee Selects Candidates
for Different Fvents.
NEW YORK, Feb. 28. Tbe athletes who
will represent America In the Olympic
games at Athens from April T2 to May 3
next were named tonight tit a meeting hi
this city of the special committee appointed
for the purpose, hv the board of governors
of the Amateur Athletic union. The selec
tion, however. Is conditional, owing to the
uncertainty as to the attitude of college
and university authorities, as ' the latter
may not countenance the prolonged ab
sence of their students.. The final selec
tion wan referred ot a committee of three,
consisting of James E. Sullivan, secretary
of the American Athletic union; Julian .
Curtis and O. T. Klrby. This committee
will meet a week bene.e. The following
conditional selections for the team were
IcO-metre run: Archie llahn. Milwaukee
Athletic club; W. D. Eaton, ifemhrldgcporl
gymnasium; U. II. Queryrouge, Young
Men's Christian association. New Orleans;
W. A. Schick, Harvard.
400-metre run: S. L. Hillnuiu. New York
Athletic club; W. A. Schick. Harvard.
snn-metre run: H. V. Valentine.
1. 500-metre run: J. H. Sullivan and O. P.
Bon hag, both of the Irish-America Athletic
rive-Mile Kun O. R. Bonhug.
Marathon Race, 42 Kilometers. Marathon
to Athens J. J. Foreshaw of the Missouri
Athletic club, J. Fowler, Cambridgeporl
gymnasium, and W. ' Frank. Irish-American
Athletic club. . :
Standing Broad Jump Hay Ewry, New
York Athletic club.
Ilo-Meter Hurdle Hugo Friend, Chicago
Athletic association, and R. Leavitt, Wil
liams college.
Running Broad Jump Hugo Friend and
Myer Prinsteln, New York Athletlo club.
Hop, Step and Jump Myer Prinstein.
High Jump H. W. Kerrigan, Portland.
Pole Vault R B. Clover, Chicago Athletic
Weights Richard Sheldon and James
Mitchell, New York Athletic club.
Swimming Team C. M. Daniels, New
York Athletic club; Marquand Schwarts. St.
Ixnils; J. W. fiiwncer and H. J. Barnaman,
New York Athletic club.
It was announced at the close of the
meeting that arrangement hMd been pro
gressed as far as possible. Insufficient
funds and uncertainty regarding the col
lege authorities' attitude was ascribed for
the reason for failure to complete the
arrangement. The committee lacks $7,000
of the funds necessary to send the men
selected for the American team.
A telegram was received by the chair
man of the committee announcing that
CJovernor Guild of Masachusetts had uer
sonally collected $2.fino toward defraying the
expenses of the team. Part of this amount,
11 Is understood, was collected at Har
No team seems able to stop the Cudahys
In their race for the championship. Last
night they won two of the series with tho
Armours, rolling three consistent games.
Just above the 900 mark. Again Cochran
was high man of the ten. with a total of
820. Tonneman beat him out one pin for the
best single game, with 27. -ARMOURS.
Sprague 179
Tonneman 1)
O.lerde 197
Hartley 157
Neale 169
!. S. Tot.
149 'J02 S30
1M iOT 5X7
175 ani . 573
17ft lfi 504
1HS 1S6 ittt
850 945 2,697
2.' 8. Tot.
171 178 46
213 157 548
184 180 554
182 226 620
176 171 547
924 912 2J5T.
Hodges ....
Griffiths ...
Williams ..
Cochran ...
Smashing I p Targets.
WEST POINT. Neb., Feb. 26. (Speclal.)
Thn Willow Creek Gun club, composed of
experts of Garfield, Sherman and Cuming
townships, held its first blue -rock shoot on
Sunday afternoon. This Is a flourishing or
ganization, in which woman membership
Is permitted. The following is the score:
F. Jarrett. .v.iM L Maack 14
P. Nelson .IS H: Rudlger 12
8. P; Jenson. 4.C .Belter 10
W. Sas. ...... a...,. 7 (1. Welchmann 0
H. Henneman.'....,.10 W. Mortenson l
F. Rlsse ...5.V..13 Mrs. C. W. Bast.... S
O. W. Sass. .......... .8 .
(irant Wins Tennis Championship.
NEW YORK." Feb. 2fi Wylle C. Grant of
the New York I .awn Tennis club today won
the national championship singles title in
the Indoor tennis tournament . tonight on
the courts of the Seventh regiment armory.
He defeated K: P. Fisher, former Metro
politan champion, 6-4. 6-2. 10-8. It waa the
swiftness of Grant's service and his general
excellence In overhead play that contributed
lo his success. This Is his third holding of
the title. Fisher was unable to break
through, his opponent's service at any
stage of tho contest.
Central A. A. V. Entrtea to Close.
CINCINNATI. Feb. 26 Announcement
waa made today that entries for the Central
association of the American Athletic union
meet In this city Saturday, March 10, will
close on March 1. The association includes
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan. Iowa,
Wisconsin and Minnesota In Its territory.
Root Wlna from Russell.
KALAMAZOO. Mich.. Feb. 26 Jack Root
of. Chicago was given the decision over
Fred Russell of Denver at the end of a ten
round contest. Root waa the aggressor ull
the time, and In two rounds he had Russell
all but out. Russell waa twenty pounds
heavier than Root.
Goteh Throws Parr.
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Feb. 26. Frank
Gotch tonight, in Convention hall, In this
elty.x won two straight falls in a wrestling
match with Jim Parr of England In sixteen
and thirteen minutes, respectively. Tho
ease with which Gotch won robbed the con
test of Interest.
Woodbine Defeats Denlson.
WOODBINE, la.. Feb. 28. (Special.) An
Indoor basketball game between Woodbine
and Denison occurred here Saturday night,
resulting In a victory for the home team
by a score of 33 to 12.
Haagatoa Harauet Champion.
BOSTON. Feb. 26.-P. D. Haughton of
Boston today won the national racquet
Sportlnar Brevities.
Gansel, the crack first baseman, who
bought his own release that he might play
with Ida own team at Grand Rapids, has
now announced that he mur possibly play
If any one .can find a sport over which
a scandal or sensation has not been sprung
he might Just trot I; out for exhibition.
Bowling, trottlna. boxing, foot 1II. base
ball and nearly all have been under the
limelight during the last winter.
I It Is claimed hv some of the basket ball
i manager that the Kasket Hall league Is
' being broken up liv the refusal of the cap-
tsln of the Omaha High school team to
play his scheduled games. The excuse
offered Is that he does not want to plav.
That Is n childish X"iise. The high school
team has made a good showinii agHinst
some outside teams, and Just liecauso It
night pussinly lose to tin- Crescents or llen
netts. should the g'cmcs be played. Is a
very lame excuse for not playing.
The plans of the Chicago Nationals have
been announced. They will go to West
Baden la h week for it week, and then to
Champaign, where they will train with the
I'nlversHy of Illinois team, from which
filace they will nuise sortie s to nelghlMH -ng
towns for exhibition games. The Chi
cago Tribune gives this lineup of toe Cubs:
Fur the eniant luce Manager Chance will
rick his team from plenty of good material,
le will have Kline. Moran and Nuonan, the
last named a St. Paul recruit, for c atchers;
Ijiindgron, Wicker. li ulbuch. Brown. Pfels
ter, Iteehe, Dodge-, Knoll and Mueller for
pitchers. Of the pitchers the nc-w man of
most promise Is Pfelster, who was pur
chasedt from the Omaha Western league
club. He Is left-handed. Heebe. Dodge
and Mueller come from the Wisconsin
league well recommended. For Infield ma
terial the Nationals have Chance. Kvers,
'"Inker. Stelnfeldt, lloftnan and Schnub,
and for the outfield Sheckurcl. Single,
Schulte and Sebrlng. If the Wllliiimsport
man can establish his Innocence of charges
now before the national commission. Hof
iiiiin also is an outfield recruit of great
value. Of the basemen and fielders only
Schnub has not proved already his ability
to hold his own In fast company, and he
has been a minor league star.
w Enterprise Launched nt l.armnle
with Ordera on Hand for
LARAMIE. Wyo., Feb. 26.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The Iramie rolling mills, under the
direction of W. H. B. Jacobus of Omaha
as superintendent and A. H. Fetters as
mechanical engineer, started at 9:42 this
morning, rolling two seven-eighths Inch
rods, wlych were divided into bits
for souvenirs, trie lirst one going to
W. R. McKeen. Jr.. of Omaha, superin
tendent of motive power for the Union Pa
cific system. The mill has large orders on
band for iron for railroads among the
orders being loO.OOO tons of angle bars for
the new ninety-pound rail being laid on the
Wyoming division.
Far mess' Lumber Company.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Feb. 26.-(Special.)
The farmers living In the vicinity of
Menno, Hutchinson county, who recently
took steps to organize what will be known
as the Farmers' Lumber company are
Every Catarrh sufferer dreads the return of cold weather, for at the first
cold breath of the season this plague of Winter is fanned into life with all
its miserable symptoms. The nostrils are stopped up, and a constant drop
ping of mucus back into the throat keeps up a continual hawking and spit
ting, the patient has dull headaches, ringing noises in the ears and a half
sick, depressed feeling all tbe time. Every inner lining and tissue of the
body becomes inflamed, and secretes an unhealthy matter which is absorbed
into the blood and distributed to all parts of the body, and the disease be
comes constitutional. The catarrhal poison brings on stomach troubles,
affects the Kidneys and Bladder, attacks the soft bones of the throat and
head and if not checked leads to Consumption. A disease so deep-seated
and dangerous cannot be washed out, neither can it be smoked away.
Sprays, washes, inhalations, etc., are useless, because they only reach the
membranes and tissues, while the real cause of the disease is in the blood.
S. S. S. cures Catarrh because it attacks it through the blood; it goes into
the circulation and drives out all unhealthy accumulations and catarrhal
matter, and when this is done every part of the system receives a supply of
you have Catarrh do not waste time with local remedies, but begin S. S. &
and write for our book and any medical advice without charge.
People who investigate give their unquallified endorsement to Dr. E. C. Scott' rescrip
Hons because hi rejects all elements that produce drug habits or leave bad after effects.
E-LIM-I-NO overcomes Weakness and Depression without alcohol, whisky, wine or
trichnine stimulants. E-llm l no acts by cleaning the blood of poisonous waste products
and thus restores the circulation.
E-LIM-I-NETS Cur Chronlo Constipation and make unnecessary the continued
use of physic They are a delight to all thus afflicted.
E-LIM-I-NA-TUM Stops Pain and Relieves Soreness without the use of opium,
morphine, cocaine, or other narcotics. E-lim-l-na-tum acts by dissolving from the tissues
and joints the poisons that are settling and causing pain.
To maintain the birb tsnalon of a itronuom life mro resort to tha wblp and spor of ttmuUtlon. Most
men use tea, enflrs and meaia to exreia, to wblrh many add tha uaa of tnhacrn, and arid and alcoboUe
drill ki, all of wblcb ilinulata bat caiue an arc-umulatloo of pniaonous waata In tbr yatem.
Wben bealtb falla tbey have rearhed tba limit. To attempi to whip up tbe Tailing ayatem wltb mora
attmulanuortodi-adi-a their growing pains with oplatea and Baruoilrs only Miravalot tba trouble and
brings on the calamity of drug babiia.
Aa tba ayatrm la already loaded with poisonous waste products tba only wlao rourse Is to clean out the
poisons. This la wbat the Ellmlno Kemedlea do. By thus clearing tbe system tbey (Its ease and comfort
and restore bealtb and natural uouyancy.
Are You Willing to Be Shown? To prove the great superiority of the Elimino Reme
dies over ail other medicines for the ailments named below we will send a maksd oopy of
Dr. E. C. Scott's New 64-Page Book Free
to all sufferers who will place a cross (X) in front of their ailments and send this announce
ment in with their name and address plainly written.
Poor Circulation Despondency
Low Vitality Drug Habits
Catarrh Constipation
Sleeplessness Varioose Veins
Send no monev, the Book is free. You get the medicine of your druggist. Elimineta
25c; Elimino and Eliminatum $1.00 each. If your druggist does not have or will not get
them for you, they will be sent direct, prepaid, on receipt of price.
Made-to-Order Blank Books
A book In order to give the best service must
first of all contain a good quality of ledger paper, then
the ruling must be bright and clear, the boards,
leather and everything that enters Into Its construc
tion must be the best, and lastly Is must season prop
erly before using.
Many years of experience In making books for
the banks and counties of this state enables us to
furnish you with books that will wear.
For the. last three years we have made the im
mense general ledgers for one of the largest packing
companies and they say they are the best they
ever had.
j making good progress with the enterprise.
! Between and Ml farmers have agreed to
take stock in the company. The company
expects to start in business with shout
$15.eo In cash. The lumber yard of the
company will he established at Menno.
lonthfal Eloper Arrested.
ABEKDEICN. P. D.. Feb. 26. tSpecial.)
Sheriff Abbott of Hand county arrested
William J. Pusle. aged 17. and the son of
a Mpiilur lawyer nt Miller, for eloping
with Mrs. Foy, many years older. The
couple left Miller three Cays before their I
arrival In Aberdeen, and young Pusle Is
alleged to have sold a horse and harness i
belonging to his father In order to secure
funds with which to make the trip. With
the assistance of Sheriff Anderson of Aber
deen the couple wire located In this city
and the boy was returned to Miller and J
will probably be sent to the reform school. I
Mrs. Foy recently arrived In Miller and
secured a position as a waitress. Young j
Pusle explained his Infatuation for the I
woman by saying that she bad "such I
taking ways." Mrs. Foy was allowed to I
go on her way nnd was not arrested. j
lanklaa Select Debaters.
YANKTON, S. D.. Feb. 20. -( Special. 1
In the annual debate at the college here,
t decide who should represent Yankton
college In the Inter-collegttite debate with
Huron. Messrs IT. Delman. Roberts and
Amundsen were selected by the Judges.
Mr. Delman also won the annual Flanagan
prise of $10 given by Judge Bartlett Tripp.
The. debate at which the Huron debaters
were selected was contented for hy mem
bers of the Ttiegn nnd Adelphlan societies,
the Thegn representatives winning out.
Fifteen Hundred Men In Hnlldlnat
Trades Demand Increase
of Waares.
EAST ST. In8. 111.. Feb. 26. About 600
carpenters and 1,000 other men Identified
with the building trades went on strike
today to enforce demands for increased
When the carpenters' demands were pre
sented recently the contractors agreed to
accede to them, provided the carpenters
would agree not to go out on any sympa
thetic strike within a year.
The conditions were refused by the car
penters, and the general walkout ensued to
rich, pure blood, men tne innamea mem
branes and tissues heal, all discharge ceases,
the depressed feeling of the body is relieved, and
every symptom passes away. S. S. S. goes to
the very root of the trouble, and by purifying
and enriching the blood and building up the
entire svstem. cures Catarrh permanently. If
Kidney Trouble
Stomaoh Troubel
Heart Trouble
Dlstlness 1
1 nese remarkable remedies are pasea upon tne new prin
ciple of elimination instead of the common practice of stimu
lation and stupefaction. . The Book and the remedies deserve
to be in every home. Write today. Do it now. Address
Dinct from Cur Distillery to YOU
SavM Dtilars' Profit
Prevents Adulteration
w wilt tend you, Hi plain sailed
cats, with no marfci to (how content.
S3. 20, and wt will pay th axsraat
Cliarrea. Try it, hjvt your doctor attt
It, test It any way you Ilka. If jroa
donl find it all right and tn punut
and bait whiskey - you aver
taittd, snip it tick to u at A
aur avniHiM And wm. tl 9(1 M
will ba promptly, refunded.
At our distillery, on of
the largest aad beat
equipped In the world, we
distill an average of 9,StO
gallona of PURR WHIS
KEY a da. When yoa
KEY. It goes direct to yon
from our distillery, thus
aaaurlng you of perfect
purity and aaving yon the
dealers' big proflta. HAY
acrlbed bv doctors an
used In hospitals and by half
lanea cuatomers.
trv It.
That's wliy YOU should
t warn org majust omci
DAYTON, 0. ST. 10UIS, M0.
V Mi Or. Utnh or . rrn.t hi
on thsbMiir.f 4 vi rf..r4.iih,-axmissrai;
rn, or an i as ra for tt.aa by auaai mania.
Distillery. Tot. O. v-ht-.,, .u..
300 Capital S500.000.oO pa,H i. rii 9
i'ou can not have energy or vim or an
litinn In your present condition.
Treatment at Small Cost
Dr. McGreW, Specialist
30 Years' Experience
20 Years in Omaha
and all weaknesses and disorders of men.
t hnrares Leas Than All Others.
Treatment by msll. Call or write. Boa
766. Office, 215 8outh Fifteenth Street.
Omaha. Neb.
DR. J. C. Wllaon, Pre
fftsor of Medicine, Jef
r, ferion Medical College,
lays 1 "The moderate uae of
Sound Beer la not, in my
opinion, injurious to the health
of adult persona, especially when
taken with food. It is an agree
able beverage and haa limited food
value." Stoss Baaa ia the am
bodiment of the doctor's idea of
sound beer. Its quality and purity
are beyond cjueation. Try it. A)0
Colds Cured
Uromo-Li. (contains na
'Quinine) breaks up colds la
the) bead in a fnw bonrs
leaves no bad afteieiffeota
like Quinine 1'reparaUona.
tDoea the work uutuklv-
sufelj get a box today from your drus
ffist Ask for the Oraiure Colored iiox
snd sen tout the liilx'l reads
Every Woman
Ulntaraaiad and should know
. lll ' ' a i
The new Tubal a.rtera.
' r-yw,
eai-Mxt ruuT.Mleat.
Ma. ImmCI ha It
11 h aiMioiaiipily tha
si m w r. a., sc-epi no
ollwr. Mil MlidalAiim li
hlnairaieU Iwn,i It etna
Ta In-Lie m u.cea. i n l:l t'n
It. uaa ST., UH loisaT
Por Bala by
16th auid Dodg-a Sta.
yTl KtaTri IJa.B.Jfwaaatral
' 1 u a ..r. dierbaraM.laataiBMtUuae,
eucaao IrriUMuoa sr ulcinmsa
Hi I, HfUcw. ot aaacesa u.sil! au...
r .1 11 10. , uu M" mm . 1
HllmCti.HlClC. (tut or BoiMiacma.
. eiacinuri.i I
atolal B SM-MaTisu.
1. a. a.
or eent ia alala wrapper,
tr .ipra.. arril. tai
SI so. or I Uiiiu-a fi ..
Circular acBl aa rauae
' Try tli Want At
Columns of Tha Bas.
did not succeed. -