Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Charming Spring Novelties
Ladies9 Tailored Suits
Jirawlvi i alvay tfrst to how Bprinq nnrtltit in
ladir1 apparel that are abmluttly correct in point of rtyle
and trvilworthy in regard to tkVkd wnrkmanthip. The
nfir urn.wiit' mooV are particularly attractive this season.
The new spring effects in la
dices' tailored suits are many.
The chief innovations are the
smart short sleeves, the hand
somely finished eton and pony
effects In coats with the new
and very dressy circular skirts.
The daintiest new creations ever
shown in the west. We present
a number of specials at
24L $75
Ladies' Suit M QP
Special at It.OJ
As a special for Sat
urday we mention
stunning little effects
in the eton and pony
coat styles, beautifully
tailored and perfectly
correct in M OC
point of style J
Stunning Spring Co&ts
Tlie pretty pony and eton coverts are extremely dressy
this spring. We have brought from the eastern fashion
rraiTK ine nesi mm rue mi. rnei nan offered thin sen-
son. iur line i thoroughly mm
plrtp, we mention special num
bers, all of them correct, at
Very Special
Bargains in
Unmade Robes
on Sale
Lace Dept.'
J . l
- -TTTf Elegant
SS - ' . i-iLJ!i. Department.
, Brandeis Buys 65,000 Yards of tke Choicest Lots of New Spring Silks from the
Wonderful Buying Event
Spring Dress Goods
iOOO Pieces of the Finest Black and
Colored Dress Goods Bought
From JameStOWll Mills New York
We offer for Monday only, 600 pieces of elegant new
dress goods, consisting of 4S and 54 Inch chiffon
Panama, serges, mohairs, luelroses and cream wor
steds, also extra fine worsteds and Sicilians. These
fine goods have boen selling every
where up to $1.25 a yard. They
come In black and nil colors, and
go Monday, at, per yurd
300 pieces of the very finest goods manufactured will
be sold Monday at exceptional values. Tailor
cloths, clay worsteds, fine 54 inch Panamas, chiffon
Panamas, melroses, Indian twills.
Sicilians, etc., on front bargalr
square, worth up to $1.7o and
yard, at, per yard
75c Silk Printed and Summer and Party Fabrics, ex
quisite conceptions of the most fash
ionable order, bargain square, at
entrance of main store, at,
per yard ,
;uinu. l uroo
ufactured will
allies. Tailor
- 1. I M
ii pauHiuus, iuiuuu
ty Fabrics, ex-
These Elegant Silks Been Divided Into Three Lots for Monday
49J Z 29
New Season's Tailored Skirts
The circular flare skirt is recognized as the mimrtrnt
of the now sprint; skirts. Hnth for street and dress
wesr these new Ideas lead In favor. Wo have spe-
- ? t ii n Ki' ai II II lit
lr of our intjtit iiKt tww
fprinn m-rivala fur tomorrow
I'nd In favor. We have sp-
Newest Lingerie Waists
Nothing could hp daintier and dressier than our new
waists for t ho tun- season of J9n. A hundred differ-
r... .... V" '"V11 lmU wm at,i'n biRhest
iuiin mm pnn oainty
fabrics ure the rasliion lead
ers. Wo have priced them at..
12,000 yards of plain and fancy Pongee j
Silks, Chiffon Poplins, Taffeta ana
Loulsene Silks in checks, stripes,
etc., Printed Foulards, 27-inch
Leavy China Silks, 27-inch heavy
colored Silks, 22-inch Peau de
Cupid, in all the newest spring
shades. Ashley &
Bailey's wholesale
price 50c All
go at
22-inch best dressmaking taffeta, (wear
guaranteed). It will pay you to buy
black taffeta for the coming year. Afihley
& Bailey's wholesale price C7
f It
67'Ac, our price.
.'JJ.OOO yards of the choicest (5 lace Taffetas, newest
checks, stripes and barred silks, 'JO to 17 inches,
yard wide washable silks in black and white,
handsomest new taffeta, quadrille, taffeta chine,
Louisene, fancy Ratlin, 20 and 27-inch shirt suit
ings, 27-inch heavy rustling and chiffon finish
costume taffeta, in all colors and black, also a line
collection of white silks.
Ashley & Bailey Co.'s
wholesale price 87c,
22,000 yards of 27-inch all silk col
ored Tussah Pongee, 23-inch Taf
feta Pongee, Chiffon Taffetas, Lin-
ing Taffetas, black and all colors
Peau de Cygne, 36-Inch wide silks
for petticoats, newest satin and
twilled 2 4 -inch dress Foulards.
Ashley & Bailey
Co.'s wholesale
price G7 '4 c,
VI I o a V II IO 1 l
We were extremely fortunate in securing n
great shipment of the finest match sets
of embroideries the first choice of a
great assortment that was refused by a
Xew York jobber because of late 'de
livery. These arc all very fine matched
sets, most all very sheer and high
quality Swiss and Nainsook in
medium and narrow widths, also the
Also high quality skirtings, fiouncings, etc.,
wnn nuDon Heading edge, widths are 16
ana it mcnes; all beautiful new pat
terns; the values are up to 50c yard. at. ,
French, English and German Valenciennes lace and
nuB, many in maicn sets; all the patterns
ivs nun tiuu iimuy are very
elaborate; prices for Mon
day are, yard.
Handsome net tops and bands for making the new
ri.iV-ienaia lot are many Venice,
"uu crocnet laces, also fine
sanoons, worm as high as 25c yard;
i jaiu
, an iu patterns
the new
Extra Specials in
5o lileuchrd Turkish
wnh cloths, each IC
5c fringed linen napkins,
ench IV
12Hc Teneriffe Dollies, m-
enoh uC
16c Jnpanrne DuilieA, 71r
eni'h 5''
loo lileHched Turkish towels, Ln
ench M Jw
extra Isrue Huck tfr
towels, esi-h lu frinRrd tabls cloths. 3QC
60o hemstltehed huck and dam- Or
ask towels, each
ll.ivo crochet bed spreads, f
tl.25 all pure linen full bleached soft
finished table, damask, . D
ynrd OrJv
J2.50 fine quality bleached nnd silver
lileac-hed dinner napkins, BQ
dozen -' -
Too round thread peljrlan' 4i-lnch plain
white linen for waists and AQc
dri'sses, special, yard tW
Jap Novelties and
In the Arcade '
Just ' received hundreds of pretty
dishes suitable for gifts, card party
prises, etc. Prices lowest In the city.
Our Monday special, hand decorated
Satsuma Bait and Pepper 4 g
Shakers, worth 75c ; -
a pair, go at, MC
each w w
200 pieces yard wide best quality costume
taffeta, new shndes; also plenty of black
and white. Ashley & Bailey Cos,
wholesale price ll.Uo,
!!.": 98c L
NOTE We have been showinc since February 1st
the latest colors In the new spring dress goods, in
cluding the old rose.- We hare Just received by ex
press a splendid shipment of the new effects, includ
ing a large variety of new weaves and ultra fashion
able colors.
Gray Drexs Joodx The gray tones and weaves lead
eas lv in lionularltv tnm season, v e are exiuunum
hundreds of the best stuffs nnd new weaves
for 1906 in fashionable grays, at, yard. . . .
300 pieces of 50c cream yC-inch cream
mohair, at, per cloth, at, per
yard JmC yard
We are now receiving daily a great variety of these
very stylish robes extremely modish for this coming
season. We announce specially for Monday.
20 eyelet embroidered robes, M Cf
at, each T.JU
25 lingerie waist patterns, r
at, each 1 l.D
The season's favorite tub goods linens, chiffon
llsse. embroidered Swisses, dainty mulls, white
walstings, hand made French linens, In the new
tints. White Irish and Austrian linens, Tfl
at, per yard JUC
s WASH GOODS s-g-s
Embroidered Voiles in checks, plaids
and stripes nothing more pleasing
for spring and summer wear. This
fabric Is worth 25c yard
here Monday for, yard....
Kgyptlnn Tissue, new arrivals, fine
sheer fabric with heavy cords, lnre
assortment, pretty designs, sell
regularly for 2fk here Qi r
Monday for, yard CJJL.
Just received new lot of Rroteh and
Seersucker striped Ginghams, on
unusual good quality
, Monday at, a yard
Fine Dress GlnsliHins, long JengtlM,
splendid for shirts, waists, dresses,
wrappers, grentost assortment of
- styles In the west here Monday for
your choosing, ut a Cl
yard P2C
Silk dotted Mulls, all the desirable
shades, nowhere else can you buy
this line quality,
for yard
Finest Iong Cloth Nainsook and Cam
brics that are .lust the thing for fine
lindi-rgarments. On snle flr
Monday, at a yard.
Yard wide India Linons
for, a yard
-a quality well worth 25c,
All Monday forenoon we will sell
genuine Amoskeag Apron Ging
hams for, a
Monday afternoon, beginning 1:3ft, we
will sell a splendid quality of printed
lawns and batlsjes thut would bo
very cheap at Wc yard,
for Monduy afternoon they fC
go at, yard v
We invite your inspection of the newest styles In men's hand tailored
clothing for spring the new grays, new mixtures, etc. Coats are longer,
' broader lapels. Brandeis is always recognized as the first exponent of
correct style In men's clothing in the west.
Finest Spring Novelties
Brandeis perfectly equipped Shoe
department on the "'sin floor
shows the widest
variety of high
quality shoes uml
Oxfords In
Omaha. The
most satisfactory
shoes in Omaha
fitted In the most
careful manner
All the corree
lasts for VK. JT l
tjur conn Ties are
specially attrac
t I v e. Specials
4 Extra.ordina.ry
Carpet Bargains
Fine quality Tapestry Brussels
Carpet, witlf or without Q
, border,1 at, yard 0fC
Best quality extra Axmlnster, no
finer carpet made, worth 1 J A
$1.75 yard, at yd I.lU
Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 9x11.
worth $18.50, f Jt CIQ
Monday It. JO
Best Body Brussels Rugs, 9x12.
no better quality
made tJ
the White Goods Counter
We show for the first time a new lino of imnorted
white walstings In madras,
satin damask, poplin and em
broidered pique; at, per yard. .
These were bought by our resident buyer in Paris
and are absolutely new and shown by no other house
in the west. Having a resident buyer In Paris we
show the now things far in advance of any other houso.
This Is a new sheer white goods, is really a combina
tion between long cloth and lawn, comprising all
the desirable points of batlsto and sheer linen. It is
manufactured only by one factory, and sold only In
Omaha at our white goods counter. It is Just the
thing for lingerie
The price is, per
We show a complete line of sheer linen for ladies'
waists, in 36-inch width, at 25c, floe, 85c, $1.25, ift 1 .no,
92.00 and $ per yard. A medium weight linen
for shirt waists and shirt waist suits, in :!C-inch width,
prices ranging from Hc to $!.0O per yard. No other
house in the west shows a more complete line of
linens than our white goods counter does.
We also have on sale at present real Indian Head Suit
ing, in 44-inch width, at 19c per yard. This width
was impossible to get last year, and when our supply
of five cases is sold out it will be Impossible to get
any more. The white linen finished suiting f
is going to be more popular this year than I tf
last. You should buy now; at, yard
Scotch Notting
ham Curtains, 60
inches wide, 3
yards loDj:;
a', nair. .
New spring lace
curtains, the latest
patterns, Notting
ham, cable net nnd
holihlnet 1 jjQ
worth up to I VfS
Brussels net cur
tains, our own
importation for
After Week of Eicitin Debates Three Bills
Are Pasted with No Talk.
Lack of Members to Transact Uusluesa
Indacra Th e Present to Vote for
' Adjournment I mil After
tlt Election.
(From a Staff Currespondi'in.)
DES MOINES. Fi-b. 2i.-(SiKciHl.)-The
enate today passed three important meats,
ures and thai, too, with prautlially no
discussion. One of the moumuea, that for
Insuring live stock, wan defeated earlier
In the session. One of the measures passed
was the bill hy Smith of Mitchell, remov
ing the circle from the ballot. Senutor
Smith waa the only pe, ton who took the
floor on tho measure. He explained what
the bill did and what it purpose waa, and
It was passed by ai to 6. Senator Court
right called up the bouse measure authorising-
the Insurance uf cattle und horses.
He tried to gel n slmllai measure through
early In the session and It waa killed. To
day there was 110 debate oil the measure.
It waa passed within half an hour uftr
the house passed it. and will go to the
governor at once. A third Important mu
ura was called up by Gillilland and au
thorised upci-vlH.'irs to uppropriate uu to
t'XO for exja-rlniental rrt work on the
county poor farms. The measure is one
suggested by the Iowa Agricultural coll. so
and Is considered by th professors there
to ba very Important. The experimental
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Cleanses and beautifies the
teeth and purines the breath.
Used bj people of refinement
for orer a quarter of a century.
Convenient for tourists.'
work Is to be superintended by the pro
fessors from the state college.
The senate today passed the bill by
Saunders relinquishing all right and title
to certain park lands In Council Bluffs.
In executive session the senate confirmed
the reappointment of judge Robinson as
a member of the Board of Control.
The senate passed the bill to appropriate
1X0 to erect a monument to the memory
of a revolutionary soldier burled at Aspen
Grove. There are several similar bills and
It Is presumed from the action on this that
all will be passed.
Senator Cottrtright Introduced a bill mak
ing the term of office for supervisors six
years, two to be elected every two years
and all to be elected at large from the
county. The bill was Introduced in the
house by Robinson.
Adjuorn for City Flections.
The house toduy concurred (11 a senate
resolution for short adjournment next
week to permit members to return home
and attend to the nffuirs which usually
come up the llrst of March. The resolution
waa for adjournment from next Wednesday
until the Tuesday following. .March tV. The
house hud tubled the if solution on the pro
test of a numlHi- of tho most prominent
niemliers. but today most of the luclllb. iS
who had 011 the previous day so much d -"'red
that there should be work all the
time were absent, und the member who re.
muined und found themselves unable to do
biisiiieM because of the small iiuiiiIht pres
ent, decided it was best to accent the
senate program. Efforts to amend the reso
lution fulled and when taken from the
titlile It was couciHTed in. It is expected,
th-refore, there will lie practically nothing
done during the next week.
Amend Gllllllana liesolnlluu.
The Ullliland resolution asking for Infor
mation In regard to members receiving
bribes, which was called forth by the gov
ernor's reference to the railroad lobby
working against the primary bill, was read
and it was laid over under the rules, no
one earing to have It taken up at this time.
It is stated there will be a move on the
part of the tOythe men to have It amended
o that it will cull for un investigation of
the whole matter of the lobby.
Malct Bill Tarsa.
The senate bill fixing a flv-year limit for
(etitioiM (. consent for saloons under the
mulct luw was made a special order for
text Tuesday. Two small legalising acts
were passed and the house adjourned until
Monduy afternoon.
1i Rtisoif Hardin. Aawa.
M.tvor George Mattern strongly indicated
today thut he might remove Chief of De
tectives Eli Hardin In uplte of the action of
the ft-llce and hire commission in exone
rating blip fri'in the charges heard against
hint, llsvor Matteru aald today that lie
had other evldenco to secure before he
would decide to act. ;
Drake student Wins.
John Itooth, Drake university's orator In
the Iowa Intercollegiate oratorical contest,
won first place last night. He took five
firsts in thought and composition and four
of the five points in delivery, thus being an
easy winner of first honors. Booth's sub
ject was "The Power of Convlctlou." '
T. H. Gallagher of I'pper Iowa university
won second and C. A. Stone of Cornell
third. Iowa State college, Central, Coe,
Mornlngslde and Western finished in the
order named.
To Resume Internrlian Service.
At the offices of the Rock Island In this
city today It was given out that the lnter
urban service between this city and In
dlanola will be resumed, probably about
April 1. It Is exncted that the service will
after that be permanent. It is understood
tho service will be introduced this year per
manently on all the short branch lines of
the system in the slate.
luwa Man Uoca to Chlcano.
CEDAR FAI.l-8, la.. Feb. 24. (Special.)
This morning at cIiuim-I time it waa an
nounced at the Stute Normal school that
Director G. B. Affleck of the physical
training dejutrtmcut had been elected to
the position of physical director of the
Chicago Centtul Young Men's Christian as
sociation. This is a great compliment to
Mr. Affleck, us he is thus called to onu of
the most important positions thut is open
io a teacher of tbyslcal training in the
L'nited Slates. The Iowa State Normal
school also appreciates the compliment be
stowed upon Its faculty in having one of
Its faculty thought worthy of such dis
tinction and prominence in this great und
Important held. In the absence from the
city of President Kevrley, Dean Rich made
the announcement.
Hanker Mct'nteheou Acquitted.''
IDA GROVE, la., l-'cb. U. (Special.)
The Jury In the case of Fred McCutcheon,
the young bunker accused of accepting de
posits after tils bank was Insolvent, re
turned a verdict of not guilty today. The
Jury returned the verdict ut 6:15 this -morning,
after having been out all night.
liana Albert at Logan.
UK3A.N. Iu., Feb. !t. -(Special.) Lust
night Hans Albert, violinist, and Chuxlea
Huwley Keefcr. pianist, both of Onialiu,
gave a recital at the" Eogan opera house
to a lurge and well pleased audience.
a street excavation. Mrs. C. B. Pace, who
fell at the same time, was awarded $1,4U0
at the last session of court here.
Fred MeCoteheon Acquitted.
PES MOINES. Feb. 24. Bunker Fred Mc
Cutcheon, on trial at Ida Owv for re
ceiving deposits after his busk (it XoKitelu,
la., was Insolvent, was today acquitted of
the charge. McCutcheon's b.vlher otitlticd
that he received the alleged otiluwl'ul de
posits instead of the defendant and the
latter was cleared on this'evldence.
Auto Attacked In Honolulu.
HrrohlXC, Feb. 24. -The automobile of
C. W. Chupin, a New York millionaire, was
attached today in connection with a suit
brought by W. C. YVeedon of Honolulu for
$5,000 personal dumages. Mr. Weedon says
that while, he was riding in Kepiolanl park
on February 7 Mr. Chapin's machine, driven
by Mrs. Chapin. struck him, inflicting seri
ous Injuries. The attachment was imme
diately released, a bond being given by
New York bankers.
Vessel In Distress.
NEW ORLEANS. Feb. '.'4-Tlu- Southern
Pacific company was advised by cable to
day thst the Prince Arthur, their New Or-leuns-Huvamt
steamer. had broken Its
shaft. The vessel Is now at Havana and
will probably have to be docked, ncce-'Si-tating
the cancellation of all reservations
for early sallinus. It was reported yester
day that Mr. und Mrs. Ionnwoitli had en
gaged passage on the Prince Arthur, to
leave Huvanu today for New Orleans.
Dr. Humphreys' Scventy
Seren breaks up Grip and
t Ms- Wins Dawaae Salt.
WEBSTER CITY. la., Feb. J4.-(Specll
Telegram.) The Jury In the case of Mrs.
Co mud Buker against Webster City for
damages in the sum of fS.u'jU returned a
verdict today In favor of the city. Mrs.
Baker sustained injuries from fulling Into
One advantage of "Seventy
seven" over all other remedies
U, that while most iiredieine
reduce, the tonicity of "77" sus
tains the system durind the ill.
ness. Another advantage of
"Seventy-s; veil" is, that it goes
direct to the su-k spot without
disturbing the res; or the system
'Sevnty - tever" cures Grip,
Colds, Influenza, Catarrh,
Coughs and Sor Tnroai.
At Druggists, S3 cents, or mailed.
Humphrey's Humeo. Mdlciiie Co., Cor.
William and John Streets, New York. .
Gendarme Rescue American Tourists Who
Bun Over Boy with Auto.
tli lids Injuries Prove Might and
Father Declines to Proaerute-j
Prisoner Glten ' Pro
visional Hclease.
FLORENCE, Feb. :'4. The incident at
Pontedera yesterday, which Involved the
detention there of Mr. and Mrs. W. K.
Vandcrbllt. Jr., aud their chauffeur, turns
out to have been more serious than at
first reported. The dispatches received
yesterday from Pontedera simply sn
nounced that Mr. Vanderbllt was detained
there owing to an automobile accident by
which a boy was injured, but not se
riously. It now appears that Mr. Van
derbllt and his chauffeur were mobbed,
thut the former drew a revolver, und thut
both Mr. Vanderbllt and the chauffeur
were urivNted nnd taken to the police sta
tion. Mrs. Vanderbllt was escorted to the
best hotel In the place, where, according to
the latest advices, she was awaiting de
velopments. The Vunderbilt automobile, it appears,
was not going at exesssire speed, but
when turning a sharp street corner In
Pontedera It tan down u boy about 6 yeurs
old and Injured him about the head.
Though the boy was not seriously hurt hi
face was covered with blood.
Mob Surrouuds Car.
The automobile, which wus stopped as
soon as Its occupants noticed that an ac
cident had occurred, was soon surrounded
by a crowd of excited people, who In
dignantly and threateningly berated Its oc
cupants. In the midst of the excitement
the report spread that the child was dsad
and the townspeople became so enragod
thut they attacked the chauffeur. In fact,
i; after reached a very critical stuge and.
Mr. Vanderbllt, believing that the lives
of the party were In danger, drew a re
volver. lte.'ore he could use the weapon, how
evii, several men Jumped Into the auto
mor.i:". disarmed Mr. Vanderbllt and
kick) il und cuffed him.
P.y this time the police hud become aware
that something unusual was happening and
a party of gendurtnes hurried to the seen-)
to protect the automr.hlHRts. Owing to
the flit y of the people tho officers took
the Vanderbllt party Into a neighboring
shop for - safety. There they were im
mediately besieged by the ciowd, lbs most
violent of the people urging their com
panions to take summary vengeance on
the travelers.
Officers Save Party.
As a coincidence, the shop In which the
Vanderbllts were taken was owned by a
relative of the injured boy, which did not
lend to calm the feelings of the mob.
F.ventuaily, sn officer of gendarmes, with
reinforcements, arrived on the scene, and
after the townspeople had calmed down
somewhat, succeeded In rescuing the auto
mohillsis, who were taken to the police
station, followed by a crowd of shouting
people. The leaders protested violently
against the alleged carelessness of the
automoblllKts and said It was time fo put
a stop to such Incidents, Involving loss
of life, which were"feonKtantly Increasing In
Mr. Vunderbilt and the chauffeur were
detained at. the police station, under ar
rest, and Mrs. Vanderbllt, who was shown
every attention possible, was escorted to
the best hotel in Pontederu.
Vanderbllt Hlrea l-awrr.
This morning tli authorities examined
Adolphus Huttlnl, the boy who wus injured
by Mr. Vandcrbilfs automobile. In iticr
to ascertain his condition. Ota' compli
cations, it was announced, '.illght arise.
Through the American consjlur authorities
Mr. Vunderbilt bus securad a lawyer, who
has applied for' his client's provisional re
lease, which Is ulwayl granted in similar
cases, but which can be refused when tho
offender is a foreigner or when it is sus
pected thut he may flee from justice. If
the child does not die or la not perma
nently disabled the punishment may bo
Imprisonment for three months and a fine
of 1200, In addition to a tine for carrying a
revolver without permission. But It la be
lieved, considering the extenuating circum
stances, Mr. Vanderbllt may be sentenced
to pay a fine.
The father of the injured child, when
asked if he wished to biTng suit against
Mr. Vanderblt, not only refused to do mot
but also declined to accept the Indemnity
due him under the law. Thereupon the
Judge granted Mr. Vanderbllt provisional
liberty usd, accompanied by Mrs. VikWi
bill, he left for Pisa. ISefore dcstrtl!'!? Mr.
Vanderbilt gave Ho to the local hospital.
o Clemency for Mliepard.
PARIS. Feb. 21 The ministry of Justice
hns acted adversely on the application of
the American authorities for executive
clemency In the case of Elliot F. Bhepard
of New York, Grandson of the late W. H.
Vanderbllt, who was sentenced October !
to three months' imprisonment and $1M
fine nnd to pay S4.ot.o datnuses to the par
ents of Madallne Mardiiel, who was killed
by Mr. Hhepard's automobile at St. Ouen.
April 24 last. The fine and Indemnity were
puid, but the application sought to wuiva
ii-t imprisonment. Further efforts in this
direction will be made, but the govern
ment's adverse action Is considered flnal.
Elliot F. Khepard, whoso residence Is In
Purls, arrived In New York from Franca
January N to visit fiiends.
society Kvent.
Sarulf Iierks took Electric Bitters for
headache und can now meet her social en
gugements. noc For sale by Sherman A
McConnell Drug Co.
We Cure
Men for
TSI'JW'-i , s ii. ' sU
J r ' !U C-hsV nVI'lllal'll'
from excesses or victims to Nervous Debility or ts
haustlon. vvuaiuiii nu. w. ..... ...
vouns and middle-uged; lack of vim. vigor and
sirei.alh. with organs Impaired and weak. Our
treatment will cone, t all of these evils and restore
1? nv
I. ....... itl. nil nuA-ers vlu-orous and perfect.
usoiVrtPCI r cured peifectly and permanently
IMKIwULLLk for life by one treatment. No cut
ting no pain, no danger, no detention from work.
No other treatment will CI' ME as quick.
Dl nnn DfiKnil cured quicker than at IW
DLUUU rUldUlt Springs. At once every trace of
the disease disappears, no sores come on body
tsorcs in mouth, throat, tongue, hair falling out
stop at once)
We also cure all contagious or acquired diseases-.
Hydrocele. Prostatic. utarrli of Wadder, Kidneys,
all ehronie diseases of mm and women,
rnrr examination and consultation Writs fen
iKCC ninptom Blank. Pi years In Onuiha.
lith and Uouglaa btrcrU, Uuiaha, ftsbraaXa