Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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a a m V .
special KMcning sale
' I 'ull lar.gth Ruches
SU Fancy Ribbons, Prr Yard 29c
A lot of wide, fancv printed warp an!
extra wide plain T(TtA Ribbon. In !
:;r Ladies' Kid Gloves
One lot of Kid Gloves, mad from finest
lamb kln. In all the new shade, worth
up In 11. a pair, while they lam, Bf,.
at. pair OlAC
MENS FANCY HOSK In cashmere a-id
fine cotton, worth no to 5r, In 111,
three lot, at 1-. IZ'kc and IUw
MEN'S SHIRTS In all tlif ti'wenl sprlm
patterns ami hit material, all well
known brand, special, at Mc, 6e 5)q
Don't Miss the
Great Sale of
Ashley &
Silk Monday.
See Window
25c New Neckwear at 7k
Th greateat line of Indira' new fan.-v
white Nwknr, all ataple gooda. rer
ular price 2fc special rale 7 1 r
price V.
50c Pure Silk Veilings, 12 k
Al. tha lateat fancy m?li loin and Cli.
iilla dot face vail In black. iu v. brown
See the treat
Display of
Ashley 6
Bailey Silks
in Our 16lh St.
f or ,
("parnt. Ruche.
Six different pattern In' each' box
color, regular price ,xv, special, 2UC
Other Saturday Specials
Fancy Ctods Sale
T.'.e Hand Rag,
Il on Hand Bag.
t.'.ivt Hand Bass,
Gilt Bet,
e. Sofa Pillow,
Xto Pillow Cord,
riin. fpriii,
and green, regular ami &
uuallty. apecial, at, yard
in nrnSrppn"
Big Shoe Sale Saturday
Women, fine shoe In patant colt and pat-
- inn ana imi can, made in
Goodyear welts and band turn ole. In
Oil, lot are about 490 patra of the eele
i hi a tad Vltra shoe In aomc Una that wa
nare oerided to drop. In ona a Qf
lot Paturday. at liOV
Men CROWN Sample alioaa. worth up 10
H.M. In mo-' all leather and 4 rr
tyle. bluchera and bal 1. VvJ
l.iflo pair of- Misses' achool nhoea. made
ny Mirian and Allhright. absolutely
inn ne,ii snoea tor girl, made
by any factory
Women' fhoea, worth up to
13. M, at
M!seiT and child alioa. worth Ofin
up to lt.T9. at ... VOS
Hosiery Specials
I a rile- heavy wool and fancv embroidered
hose, rcgii'ar and qualities, tC '
at..... , s.., IVk
IATjIKH' Mg.wr FLEETED and fancy
- oottcn hrae. In ail alr.ea. worth tip fyiry
to 2fl-. al ....14SJC
'SUMKft" A NO POV8' 1MPK. medium or
neavy nnocd, Zte valnen, Saturday ioi-
Sheet Music Sale s;;r
Afl the a I eat hit In both vocal and !n
tmrrrental ; on sle hiturlay n bnae
menl and Ihrid floor, at KUr lp etra by
'all and hear ll:ein plaved and aunlt.
'Hopplea." "Rufin Ha.tu Jnhnaon
Brown." "In My Mrrv i Mmoblo." "In
that Ciilden Xnnimer' Time," "Chicken
Chowder." "Call Me Back." "My Hind.)
Mm." "I Love Tou All thr Tlmo." "Ni4
knrna." "Captain Ciiold." "Kvaa of ths
Boul"' Ttn Tryltia; to .'Find a Hweetheart."
"Alabama. Ploaoma, ' "Uellea of Dixie,"
"Bouncing flotty," "."Dprothv Vernon."
"Anellne." "My lrlah Molly-O," "NothinK
From- Nothing Ieavaa You," "Cheyenne,"
The Big Meat
Rex Bacon,
pound, i.t
California Hani,
, I.oln of Veal Roaat,
Veal Steak,
Roillna Reef,
Round Bteak,
' fthotilrier Bteak,
All. kind of 8auae,.
; .pound , '.
Headquarter for all kind
Klh, Jut received.
of I .en ten
Bat and Trunk
MEN S SOFT FELT HATS in great vail,
ety of atyle and color, worth up 7at,
to $2.00. Saturday '"
OUR IMPERIAL IU.) HATS, aither atlff
.,, nr.taoft, absolutely guaranteed, 2.50
.Men's an Boy Cap In all new jrln
atylaa,-. worth up t 50c, at We 23C
' n0 SAMPLE TRUNKS that are worth from
" $6.00 to $25.00, will be on sale Saturday ut
Uber of Kumors Current Refcarciine Oitj
Hall OontroTeny.-
A Mother Report Haa It Compromise la
" Balaai Arranaied. bt Part lea to
tha CoatroTerar Enter
- a Danlal.
r a... . .
Juat at the present moment every thing
Is corijector' and rurhor regarding the city
.'liiUl lt'e. Injunction. " It la) declared by one
iwrty there waa a conference in the city
' Httorn,eya office by the member of the
coujicil and MrC O'Neil and there it waa
agreed not to tight the writ of Injunction
on -ttre-hearing Monday morning and that
the mayor; would proceed to veto the order
'of the council.' Then Mr. O'Neil would re
sign before a called, meeting of the council
, Monday night and o, atarting anew, the
V. "OUJICJI , wotiq t.nen paaa .on iu iiui-v.iiud
of the ite. 1 ..
" . .
nan' questioned aa to tin air. u reu ae.
. uled hat. there would be any euch proceed
ing and that: he Intended to fight the In
junction. He aald it la not nuceaaary for
..hint to resign' his office and that the law
Joes v ut prohibit him from offering a
transfer' qf hla property. He says a trans
fer of Ttal estate ts not a contract.
Tlavlil Anderaon declared that overturea
hud liecn mado'to him with a view of com
promising the matter and that the whole
niuliVr might ho aetled In an amicable
!rair -.before the day wa over.
Mayor Frank Koutaky I said to have de-i-lt.
Ihe rumor 'that any one would com-
promlx .with Anderaon. If inch a thing
wa $ cyiitemplayon ha did not know of
It. Lute In the evening H wa rumored.
Jmwever. that It had been decided the coun
cil should again auhmlt the question to the
people for a vote In the general eleectlon
of A aril 3.. A vole would be taken on the
Christie property and the O'Neil property,
while Anderson agreed to withdraw hi
property-' entirely. All previous action
would at' present be nolled by the veto of
the mayor. This solution could not be verl
U.'d .last night.:
.. .Blind . Ma a Bars ll.
Frank M. Johnson, the blind news k-uler
oir' the comer of Twenty-fourth and N
ktrecta, has begun suit against the city
for inj.iriea he Ravens were received Feb
Hualr it. He mkkee the decimation that
. ihe men who have bwn repairing the
: Walter Brandca building ut Twenty-fourth
und-N atreets left some obstruction on the
w:ilk and not being able to scv Johnson
wna tripui-4 as bo was passing along. He
was thrown , lo the wulk and b'ulacd so
savwivly he; was .under the doctor's cure
Jor Teral day, lit consideritlon of then
Injuiiea h thinks he should receive
nnd tllcirfore gives notice of suit for that
am Hint.
Wrerk Itelaya Max-k.
There waa a wreck on the Burlington at
cinrday morning which caused a
delay in the receipt' of live slock on that
,)oad and the 1,'nlon Pacific for nearly eight
hour.' The; Wreck occurred at Clifford
mr lull. : about two miles out of South
Onatha. '-"Regular- freight No. 24 at that
point ran Into the rear of an extra. The
extra was lo.tded with fruit and sugar and
ilia regular was .liau'lug stock. The engine
aud caboose of the extra and : ear of
li uU and one. ut sugar were wrecked. Nor.a
of the atot k waa hurt and the engineer and
Hrer.lan o' the r- gular hud tl-ne lo Jump.
The reaaog.for the extra's being there waa
thai the old main line heiwen AshUind
and Platuonoutb has lan overflowed by
biRli waicr".caufd by !ce gorges In the and the IVuvcr-Chicago through
ttlnar brought around I his wuy. There
I a hey grade at Clifford vwi'ch nnd a
.' Kiii';uat' back- The .-vira noi iM-lnx us.'d
lu ia track got'aiuik. ou tt. iadc and
Poya', Toutha and Uttla Oent
ll.W hoea
All Ihe IS.OO and K0 STETSON douh'.a
aoi hoea in all the bet leath
er, at
The CRUSSETT ahoea for Men.
W.M and
17 tyea of the new Oxford for spring
Juat reoelved, each fine a beauty. Come
In and lok thm ovr :it a aavlna; to
Have you ever worn a OROVijK ahoe?
The eaateat ahoea ever put on a ladlea'
frot. All price and kind from the
ti.aB buakln to the beat ladle',
Are they eaay? Auk the woman:!!
Fashionable Beauty, in Spring Dress
By all odds the most handsome collection of New Suits, Coats, Waists and Skirts we have
ever shown. Elegance, tastefulnens, style and quality are embodied in this great display. 1,5(J0
New Tailor Suits 1,100 New Covert Coats 1.175 New Silk Suits and about 7,000 Skirts the
very newest style ideas for spring wear. As Saturday specials we are showing:
Dept. Specials
MA raHtictlAn frnm rwnlur nrlc
$.oo Cowhide Suit Case, linen lined, with
or without ahlrt fold, 4 93
ISM Leather Suit Caae,
$2.00 .Suit Caae, apecial,
$1.50 Suit Case, apecial,
. 9Sc
the regular train, speeded up a usual
down through tho hollow to get up good
momentum to make the grade. They were
so close behind that there had been no
time -apparently for the train ahead to
flag them. The I'nion Pacific trains were
also held back because they were using
the ' Burlington tracks on nccount of a
washout on that line at Rogers.
No stock wa received at the South
Omaha yard after 8 n. in. until late in
the afternoon. There was accordingly a
suspension of the rule of the Stock ex
change to allow the commission men to
sell tha receipts, no that the packers could
kill today and clear the yards so that
nothing need be'rarrled over until Monday,
Maalo City Uoaalp.
8. J. "Wllkerson, 2310 O street, is on the
sick list.
Levy Gledhill, 2!U S street, reports the
birth of a child in his home.
It is likely there will bo a called meeting
of the council Monday night.
Don Pinnell gave a party to a number of
friends at hi home Krlduy evening.
Mr. Daniel Hagen and wife of Analcy,
Neb., are visiting with Postmaster F. J.
Superintendent J. A. McLean will speak
to tne prisoners at the city Jail Sumhiy
afternoon at 3 p. in.
Adah Chapter No. 52, Order of the East
ern Star, will Initiate candidates Saturday
evening at Masonic hall.
C. L. Talbot pent all day yesterdav in
Lincoln on huainess requiring the consul
tation of the state records.
The meeting of the Presbyterian circle
of the Kings Daughters held a pleasant
session at tne home of Mrs. Polian Thurs
day afternoon. 1
Dr. Hisson. pastor of the First MulhudiKl
.'hurcli, returned from Lincoln today,
arhere he has been In attendance for tne
last week with the Nebraska National
guard, he being chaplain of tne regiment.
The needy tumtiies wno were mcntioueu
several days hko 'in the paper have since
been cared lor in a aunstantial way.
Kniiugli provisions has been aent to keep
tiieni through llie severe mrt of tne winter.
Hcguiar Sunday services will be con
ducted by I ne Chi'iatlKir church al tne
Ancient order of t niteu uramen temple
Bunday morning. Ur. J. A. i Value of
tancolii will preach both morning and
evening, huiuiay school al lu a. in.
Mr. John Moorohouae of button. Neb.,
wormy matron oi tne Order ot in riaaiern
biai. ia in the clt viiung at (he home
ol Mr. Dave M Iccnarl. buo w III be present
al a special ineetitig of tile oilier wnicn ia
to he ueid lonigiit. In winch te vetal can
didates will be inilialed. Mis. Moorehouae
win preside.
Iloualaa I'aanl) Workers to tulle lu
Farthering the lisir l
t o-operatitin.
The twelve days', met ling of the Ne
braska Sunday School asMK iulloli cuinit
nat tl Friday night at the First Presby
terian church In the organization ol' the
Uoutflns County Sunday School univ.n.
Jeiirge G. Wallace of the Central Culled
i'rtsbyterian enure a was unanimously
elected president, and Beit Wilcox of Caa
lellar Prcsbyierlan churcli secrctary-ti'cas-arcr
o( the county crganlxation.
Dr. W. O. Henry of the First Presb;. -U'lian
church presided at the meetings
and the Invocation was delivered by Dean
Heecher or Trinity cathedral. Miss Haines,
stale secretary of the primary department
of the State Sunday School association,
uVlivei'ed an addresa upon Ihe "Child We
Teach." Prof. Steliilc), rleld secretary, fol
lowed with a short aooress, giving a abort
history of the Sunday school.
The organisation vt the Douglas County
union waa men procci tied with. After the
election of the preaiiienl and secretary
titasurer a motion prevailed lhal at) vxecu
llve cuiiimitlee confuting of the twu of
ficers named and larec oilier members
should be ap'duted by the chair. Dr.
Henry aiinoiiu.'vd that he would nam the
committee nl another meeting.
Al Ihe l.ri.'. meelliui of the Duugia
County uiii .:. to be called by the prcsi-
dent, threv
leelcd fi li
ven! ion. l
Kach Sum
hu c-nilil-.avruhii
.'legatea-at-large will be -stale
Sunday school con
c held ut York June 1S-2I.
m liool of the statu will alsi
. d-l g ile for e.icU l'
..av. liaciiou llicicof.
Over 45,CM.M) yd, of High (Jrade Silks iu all the must exquisite wraves niitl colorings for
Spring 1900" at about HALF THEIR ACTUAL VALUE.
Distinctiveness of design, elegance ami richness of uew colorings are features of this great
$1.50 Silks 69c $1.00 Silks 49c 75c Silks 39c
Sale begins Monday, February "JO. The greatest money saving sale of fine silks ever seen
in the west.
NKW TAILOR Sl'ITS-Klon Hlouaa and
I'ony atylea. In all the moat popular ma
terial and culorlnga. either ahort or lon
alaeve. nearly all aaniplea. 21 Of)
worth :5. apecial Saturday, nl... "
Si TA1fR KCIT3-In all
tyle. fabric and color,
special, al
the newest
tM TAIIXR 81." ITS in all the new 11111
teriala. plain color or fancy m'.xtu'-ea.
with lonft or alioit sleeve and A Q
circular aklrt. apecial, nt
HANDPOMK KTON Bl'ITS -Trimmed with
tailor bra Ida. apleudid 115.00 U IIS
vahiea. apeclnl. at KJ' JJ
up-to-date atylea. K and 4 leneMha. in
tight aami-nttlne: or looae effect, made ol
fine Rngllah and Mohegan covert a, at
tractive valuea. at t).Ui. IH.Oi,
115.00, I12.M. 110.00, r.50, down to .
A fine ailk t'nderaklrt Saturday to every
purchaer of ona of our hand- ft Ofl
aome Voile Skirts, worth $15, at...0 JyJ
Grocery Prices for the People,
21 pounds bet rure Cane Granulated
Sugar : $1"
4S-nound sack best High Patent Minnesota
Flour l'-2o
10-pound sack best Granulated. Corn
meal If"
I pound beat Hand Picked Navy Bean. am
pound beet Pearl Hominy. Farina or
Bnrley ?c
10 bar beat hranda Laundry Soap 2oc
5-pound palla Pure Fruit Jelly 15o
Bromangelon. Jellycon or Jello, per pack
it 5c
1-pound package Mincemea
"I'retli I'ritxi'" at the Krnit.
Miss Jane Corcoran was greeted by ail
audience all too small at the Krug last
night when she mado her appcurance as
Mistress Peggy Woffington In "Pretty
Peggy," the charming little play made by
Miss Margaret Mayo on the well known
theme of the actress' love for David Oar
rick and the matter that drew them apart.
Mlsa Corcoran ia a charming Peggy, with
a delightful coquetry In her manner, a bit
of a brogue In her speech and the daintiest
of ways about her, while all the time she.
show she has a woman's sense of fltncys
and a heart that ia both tender and large.
Her work Is good in every sense.
Mr. Walter Law is the David Uarrick of
the cast, and ia a fine second for Mis Cor
coran. The rest of the long company ia
acceptable, and the whole of the bill is
presented in a really delightful way. A
matinee anil evening performance today
close tho engagement, and they should tee
the bouse packed.
Amateur Mbt at the llo d.
Last night the pupils of the Boyd Schuol
of Acting, under the direction of Mlsa Lil
lian Fitch, presented four little playlets to
an audience that tilled the theater. The
work of the more advanced pupils showed
the result of the effort Mlsa Fitch has ex
pended In the tuition. The plays and the
' players were:
"Tho Rector"
Janle Miss Mae Iverxon
Mr. Lemma-worth Mis. Putirun
Rev. Harris Ford Mux Behrield
Mlsa Aurella Trlniball. Miss Alice Wlnesere
Miss Marxaret Norton . .Mi B- rnice Clcyer
Mir Munsey Miss Anna Mailsen
Miss Virginia Knox Mlsa Marie Cash
"The Squaw Man." by Milton Royh
Big Bill, foreman of the ranch. .C. V. Higby
8liorty, cowlaiy Dan B'air
Andy, cowboy Max Rehfeld
Grouchy, cowlioy Mr. I'pton
Jim Carston, owner of the ranch
Clifford C. Hine
Mr. Petrie, London solicitor. .8. S. Hami'ton
LlttlO Hal. Carston a aim Clark Marshall
Nat-u-ritch. Curston's wife
Miss Anna MaUsen
"The Three Mlsa Biddies," by Alice Yates
Miss Anna Biddle Miss Stella Bcselin
Miss Grace Biddle Misa Marie rash
Mlsa Bessie Biddle Miss Hazel Brow n
Reginald Ronald Ralston C. V. Hlyby
"The Pompadour"
D'Argenson Oan lllalr
Marquise de Pompadour
Miss F.nid Valciit'ne
Muehault Clifford C. Hine
Athenne Misa Augusta Smith
Mistakes t owiparalU ely Haruieaa One
for l'lrphlne and Falls
to llie.
The police and Surgeon Wills hurl led to
1S South Thirteenth nt 10 o'clock last night
In response to a messige that Henry Weber,
who lives with hla wife at that place, had
taken -aldose of morphine with suicidal
intent. Weber was round lo lie In good
condition and Wills discovered thai the
sjpiajtifd morphine was only headache
powders. Weber had taken some of these
and told his wife that he hud taken poison.
He objected strongly to a hypodermic In
jection and asked why he could not be
allowed to die and go to heaven.
Mrs. Weber wa beside herself with grief
aud much relieved thai her husband was
not more anxioua to die than to take a
comparatively harmless drug. Weber is a
bartender for William Stelnhauser at Thir
teenth and Jackson streets.
Xail Mettled t'oapramlee.
The suit of John J. Byrne against Peter
F. Collier and others, which has been on
trial in the Culled B talcs circuit court be
fore Judge Carland for two or three das.
was settled by compromise Thursday after
noon and ihe Jury discharged. Byrne had
brouKht suit against the deftuiuanis tor
i om missions and percentases in the sale of
..ubllcations issued by the Collier Publish-
18 00 SKIRTS and Panamas.
Inga. Scrgea and Cheviot, i
la teat atyle. je?ial. at
Nun's Va-
" 4.90
l.",.0O Silk Shirtwaist Pnlta. made of OIer
naud'a taffeta. In all populnr Q (11
shade, special, at " .f JJ
deaigna. at $.nft. IJ5.00., fft eLf
dowiv to IO.OU
NKW KKRINO WAISTfi-ln I,1ngrlr
I.lnena. Hut lata, .lap Silk, Messallnai
and iJicea, from $25.00 down
Children's Dresses, worth t'.W.
Saturday, each..
Woman's $5.00 and $.( Wnlklng
Skirts. Saturday, at
$15.00 Cravenette Coals,
Saturday, at
Stupendou bargains, at
$lR.f Waist. Albntros. Flannels
etc.. at. choice
3 93
wide and guaranteed not to rip. n -S
site 32 to 46. at $2.25. down to..
Highest Quit
iiy, Freshest
Goods and . . .
2-pound can fancy Sweet Sugar Corn. ...5c,
2-pound car Early June pea 7c i
2-pound pai'Kage runnur rioui. t.-u.-in-
Ing :Hc
Quart cans Golden Table Syrup IV
(Juarter-pound can Breakfast Cocoa ;c
.1-ooui.i1 cans fancy Table Peache or
Choice Tea SiTtlng. per P'i
ound 12iC
r 1
Ired Japan T"a, pi-
Fancv Hantce Coffee, per pound 16c
Fa nc v Full Cream Cheese, per pound. ..15c
The 'beat Soda or 'Oyster Cracker, per
Ing company for Xo.".- Tne case was
finally settled on n compromise lasis of
about ll.'nti. .'.
l.omra En lamer HtVuef ores at Klk
City and alley Over F.lkhorn
and I'latle.
The County commisifioners held a meet
ing of the committee of the whole Friday
morning to consider the condition of tho
bridge across the Flkjiorn at Klk City
und across tho Platte at Valley. Both of
them are said to tie In danger on account
of threatened ice gorges. County Engineer
Heal has decided to use dynamite to break
away the ice under the structures In the
hope the Ice floes which are said to be
coming down stream will not corge at the
bridsres. It was reported u part of the
brldae over the Platto- at Fremont had
been carried away and the lowlands were
being inundated, owing to a Jam which
dammed the river.
The bridge at F.1U City Is said to be In a
precarious condition, owing to the fact it la
undergoing repairs and I resting on tem
porary piling. The Standard Bridge com
pany ia replacing one of the pier. The
contract for the work was let last fall,
but the company did not begin operations
until after the work should have been
finished, according to the contract. The
bond was given to cover only tho cost of
the repair 'work :uid not the value of the
bridge, which is a steel structure and
wortli probably $15,000. The board Is In
j doubt as lo the effect of Its allowing tin
wora 10 ne ocgun alter the time specilled
in the contract and as to whether the
bond would be good under those clrcuiu
Fiances. In case the bridge gois out Ihe
county might hold the bridge company re
sponsible for damages sustained. A re
port from Elk City Friday morning wits
that tho brklKe wag resting on only three
piles, but seven or eight new support were
being driven. The ice had not begun to
County Attorney Slabaugh has been
usked tor a writ if ii opinion on the legal
questions involved.
The comiiiissioiiei s spent the ai'leriioon
discussing various plans for the repair of
the Klk City bridge und at the close of
the meeting authorised , County Kugineer
Beal lo decide between several proposals.
Before the work was la'gun the commis
sioners decided to rebuild the :W where
It stood, hut owing to the nature of the
bed of tne river this-was found lo be Im
possible. The contractors are now waiting
for the commissioners to decide on an-olhe:-
It 1 said the delay lu starling tlu work
was due to the fact the water In ihe river
' too high during the summer to per
mit the taking out of Ihe old pier. Then
the work wus started and It was found Ini
IHissible to carry out the plan decided on
by the commissioner. Since then the con
tractors have lieen waiting for the com
missioners lo decide on a new plan. U la
believed Hie work done on the te:iinorury
plles will prevent any damage lo the
blidtte by the ice.
Sal aaiiu Has Urbrinr f laiprvirairal
ta Mahmit ta tha
County Commiedoner Solomon lias a plan
for the improvement of country roads
which he will submit soon at a meeting of
the board. He believes it would be advisa
ble for the county to buy about fifty drag
which could be loaned to farmer who
would promise to use them on the roads
adjacent to their farms. The drags would
not coat more than $j each aud tbey are
said to be valuable In leveling and harden
ing the roads after a heavy rain. Tbey are
used on race tiacks and have been recom
mended by good road experts. It Is be
lieved the farmers would be willing to do
nate their time for the sake of securing;
better road'
Saturday Specials in
Javver Department
lar price 9ic apecial. per ae( -W
regular price $1.4l. apecial per set.1""
A complete line of Roger Broa. berry
epoons, cream ladles, gravy ladlea, meat
forks, augar ahells. butter knlvea, etc.,
regular 75c value, special
Great assortment of butter dlahe. cake
stands, brand ntid apoon tray and berry
dlslies. regular $2.25 value. 1 1
choice Saturdav '-'
Saturdnv. at w
PAN'i'Y -l)AY Cf.'ICKS. In oak or wal
nut finish, etrlke Ihe tirur and half hour
nnd have the alarm, follv -U'iran- ftQ
teed, viur choice. Saturday '
A complete assntment oi' hu.-Kle. hat pins,
ylanol waiat set, fancy comb, etc., In
all the new atyle. on sale Saturday.
Drug Dept. Specials
Talcum Powder,"
per bottle
Wl'ch Haacl Cream.
Cream Manulse.
per box
Kirk Toilet Soap,
per box
Parker's Tar SoHV.
Face Powder,
p.-r box
. 5c
Lowest Prices
pound He
Fresh, crisp Ginger Snap, per pound oc
Xceli or Fallen' Wheat Wa'ers. per pack
age TVc
The laat sale of this lze Orange al the
folloa'ing price:
:'0 for 2cc
Per dozan ICc
Tha Orang market haa rapidly ad
vanced. We aecurerl this car before the
advance came and are going to give our
cuatomers the benefit.
1. Trio. op. 32. D minor Arensky
Allegro niodcralo
Scoerso Allegro molto.
K'gla Adagio,
r Inale Allegro noil troppo.
J. Sonata In A minor iloccheiinl
Adagio Allegro.
Mile. Klsa" Ruegger.
3. Andante and Finale from Concerto.'.,
op. M Mendelssohn
Misa Marie Nichols.
4. (a) Nocturne Chopin
tb) Zlgeunerlans! Geral
Mllo. Klsa. Ruegger.
6. (at Andante Borowskl
(b Cham Itusso l-alo
(el Scene de la CsHida Hubay
Miss' Marie Nichols.
6. Trio. op. 4S, D minor Mendelsslion.
The above program wa given be.'oro a
repreRpnlntive house of music lovers at the
Lyric last night. The artists were Mile.
Klsa Ruegger and Mi Marie Nichols, who
by a happy combination of dates were
brought here together lo give the last of
the Chase concert.
Miss laab'.llc Moore, a very talented
young Boston woman, accompanied them
in a muslciaidy manner. She showed her
self possessed of splendid technique and tho
rather unuuul art of bringing her work
down fo the second plnce, than which there
In nothing more desirable in an accompan
ist. Mis Nichols did splendid execution tin
her lieautlfully toned violin. Heh teclini
m hrciiilth and 1 ieor of bow inc were
crtui'kH nil uvr the house. When one'.
stops to think that it takes Juat so many
IKtunds of pressure to produce a full, well
rounded tone, it is a very remarkable thing
when tin artist roc through such a -"ruber
a Mendelsshon's "Andante" and "Fi
nale" with hurdly a break In Ihe fullness
of melody.
Miss Nichols plaed to the best arvuntagc
In her Russian number. Perhaps she lacks
depth of feeling, but tliut depends some
what on the attitude of the listener as well
as the performer. She responded lo- the
"Scene de la Csarda" with a charming en
core. Miss Ruegger, however, carried off the
honors of the evening. She has a veiv
reserved and dignified manner, thoroughly
Intel) -ctuiil and seems utterly absorbed in
her work while plaing. Tlila talented young
Belgian woman Is making tier third tour
of the country and each year she aaina in
deptli and breadth of perception. Her cello
la a tine one nnd such tones as were
brought out laat night are seldom beard.
They were so det! broad and with that
mournful under current to them that il
fairly made the Ifart stand still.
I The Bocchcrini Sonata In A major was
tlnely rendcr'-d, the adagio movement be
ing most noteworthy of the two parts. Tho
Chooln nocturne was her best solo num
ber, she evidently being Just the kind of a
person that can Interpret that master. Af
ter the (b of the fourth number Miss
Ruegger delighted her listeners with
Schumann's "Traiimuii" In response to an
insistent encode.
The trio numbers were very well given,
the opening number being the more finished
iu style. It Is easily understood after this
concert why tbee young women have met
with such decided ucces at every api
pea ram e.
C hase. Archltert tor the Masa.a and
Jewish l)iuif ew
John Latenser has been selected architect
for tha Scot tlh Rite a temple which Is to
be erected at Twentieth and Douglas
streets. Gustav Anderson said Friday no
work would be done on Ihe temple this
spring or summer; that construction prob
ably would be begun in the fall, though It
was possible the bjllding would not be
started until next year. The opinion ia
Bargains in Dainty Undermuslins
I,AlIh MC8I.1X I'XllfT.SK Ilt'l'S -Made
extra fill! with d-ep finances of
hanrianme embroldei if or fine lace and
Inaertlon underlay w tt li dut ruffle. av
mentn worth tip to M.Ot, at. J Cn
choice I.OU
I.APIKS' OOWN8 Handauinelv Irimme.l
with laca. anibroldre. luck a and wh
ab!e ribbon, tnarte extra full and lonf
and worth up to K. aoedal rU .
Saturday, at VO.
KADI KB' OOWNS. Corset Cover and
aiipllfate In the elty for Mv Ifin
tsaturday. while thev last, al -"v
w'th irlua'er of tuck. Uv-n
d ambmbleriea. worth douhle Kami
day'a apetial i!cpil fe. III.,
15c and lUt
Futniture Department
furniture (.ood Irve-stnirnt at thenar rrifa.
nrmarkablj- lm Kirlr Si.rlnf Vnuttion.
New 1XX1 line of Metal rtert. also Rraa b"d now on dlaplay.
"-tl- Ilk, a-ut -lthouc bra vaae poet are 1 1- Inchi. helht of head end
. Inchee. helpht of fool end Inchaa. txrt wide, white and apple Green 1 ft 4
enamel, one of the moat aubalantlal led. and the price ' O. CJJ
lok for It eqmtl aiuotia the ;.Oi bed.
New chair, rocker ad extension la'. lea alao In and open Tor Inapectlon.
Maltreaae. any iBe. 1.75 Af x,r P",ow- fanf' ,,okl 2.00
generally expressed among the membr of
the building committee that It will be "be
begun next fall. Mr. Latenser will a o
draft tho plans for the new Temple Israel.
F. V. Clarke lias been chosen architect
fori the Fairmont creamery building.
Patina of Hoalevard from Fort rook
ta South Omaha Object of
Millard BUI.
Sennlor Millard has introduced !n con-
gres a bill providing for the nuicadu mix
ing of Thirteenth street boulevard from
Fort Crook to the southern terminus of
Thirteenth street 111 Mouth Omaha. The bill
provides for an appropriation of $75,010 to
pay lor the work. This is a full text of
tire bill:
Re it enacted by Ihe senate and house
of representatives of the I'nlted States of
America In congresa assembled, that tho
secretary of war tie. and he is hereby,
authorized. In hi discretion, to macada
sr.'xe. to a width of eighteen feeti the
military boulevard (called the Thirteenth
at reel boulevard! extending from Fort
Crook Military reservation in Sarpy
county. Nebraska, to' Ihe south city Pmlls
of South Omaha. Neb., nt a point directly
opposite the southern terminus of Thir
teenth street In South Omaha. Neb., at
an expense not to exceed tha bum of $75. eo0;
Provided, that the county of Sarpy, in the
state of Nebraska, grade said boulevard
without expense to the government and lo
tha atlsfactiou of the secretary of war;
and provided further, that the right-of-way
for said boulevard shall be dedicated
to the government of the Cjilted Hlatea
free o' cost.
Sei lion l!. That the sum of $75.0(0. ur so
much thereof aa may lie necessary, Is
hereby appropriated, out of any money in
tho treasury of Die I'nlted States not
otherwise appropriated, to be expended
under the direction of the secretary of
war for tha purpose aforesaid.
Fred ll.malas of Mlsaoarl Valley iJild
at Rest ia Forest Lawn
Fred Douglas, a liilten and business, man
of Missouri Valloy, was burled with honors
by Omaha colored people Wednesday In
Forest Lawn cemetery. Mr. Douglus was
a colored man, who had risen from a menial
position to considerable wealth 'and good,
standing In the community. He was about
42 years of age. He died of apoplexy.
About ten years ago Mr. Douglas went
to Missouri Valley us a cook. He Worked
at this occupation for a time, saved money
and Anally opened a small restaurant. By
reason of careful management and business
ability on the part- of the proprietor the
I business grew rapidly. J it course of time
an entirely new plact; was opened, equipped
with expensive fixtures and appurtenances.
The succe of the enterprising negro con
tinued and he built himself a fine residence
and furnished It with considerable luxury,
wherein he provided n home much above
the average for his family. The family Is
left In comfortable circumstances. In
Omaha and vicinity Mr, Douglas waa re
garded by the colored population as among
the local leaders of the race.
Salt ta Compel Pol lee Board to Cancel
Saloon License Ready
for Trial.
The mandamus case against the Fir and
Police board to compel It to cancel the li
censes of saloon keepers who have vio
lated the provisions of the S locum law,
probably will come before Judge Sutton
today. Klmer Thomas, for ibe Civle Fed
eration and City Attorney Rrean for tha
board have agreed to present th case
today. Judge Htitlun told them he would
be ready to hear it as soon as ha had
finished the Juvenile casa which are lo
come up at 1:30. Tils may take the greater
part of the forenoon and It will probably
be close to 13 o'clock liefore tha mandamus
case Is reached.
I-rge, high liat k
Rocker, golden
finish, leather
cobbler neat, size
of teat 18 V, xIP
inches, height of.
hack 39 inches,
well made, well
f i n I sh e d arm
roeker with
carved Cn
back, fori. J J
Look . for lis
I'qual among the
$2.8fi kind.
In Our Corset Dept.
.You will rind an assortment of the very bttt
makes in all the new spring models the
greatest and most varied stock west ef
Thompson filove-Kittlng Corsets, In the new fclh
bust with innerlng waist habit hip. (Ilk ftfj
cut), at l.n0 and I.vla
Taue lrdles In pink, blue and white, all "Jyt
sizes, special Saturday, at......
7So Ratiste (ilrrilc and long and short hip AO
Corsets, worth 75c, Saturday TC-
We are sole selling a Rents In Omaha for tha cele
brated H. H. Pneumatic Bust, f C(
at $3.00 and..: l.Df
Wonlri ONirarle Them.
OMAHA. Fell. L'i-To the Kdltor of The
Bee: Referring lo current comment from
eastern puK-rs relative to the miscarriage
cf Justice in the trial of Pat Crowe, would
it not be v.ell lu remind the citizens of
OniuliH that, while Crowe I ,no longer on
trial, the Jmy Is. send it 1 up to cur people
to jmss judgment on It? . '
The man who -voted for th acquittal of
Crowe Is a worse man than the one he
tinned loose. Crowe at leaiU js no coward.
Now. any man who associate with a
member of Ihe Crowe Jury is of the same
class. AV. Lu C
How . It Looks In Chicago.
CHICAGO. Feb. :"0. To the Editor of The I
Bee: While I don't want to have my name
published, I want to gtvr you . two way
in which the people of Chicago look at the
Crowe verdict. .
First That the jury wa afraid lo render
a verdict in keeping with their convlv
tton. Anil, God know,' I always looked
upon the men of Omaha and the west
ganerally a n ude of different stuff. .
Second That it 1 Just ike the decision
of all the Nebraska courts (und of the ver
dict cf It Juries) vis:' that ' a; rich man
or a corporation can't get a fair how.
W. I. B.
Knilornei Bee Kdltorlala.
BOl'TH OMAHA. Feb. 22. To Ahe Editor
of the Bee: I noted with pleasure your
comment yesterduy a. to Congressman
Kennedy' postal saving bank bill and
ent hlni clipping of your editorial. Your
editorial yesterday, as In most case, are
the right expression on current event. I
for one think Mr. Kennedy a good repre
sentative, for bis district first and Ne
braska second. J. G. BLESSING.
IV. F 't?r af Corulea Charged with
lta In FalalBed Actionals
of His Ofllre.
W. F. Berg, postmaster at Corwlea,
Platte county, on the Northwestern line,
has managed lo get himself into serious
trouble through an alleged falsification of
his acoounts to the amount of 137111. A
warrant has been Issued for bis arrest and
Deputy United States Marshal J. O. Moor
left for Cornlea Thursday night to sen
the warrant. The case was worked up by
Postofflce Inspector A. J. Moore, the In
vestigation resulting in sufficient evidence
lo cause the removal of the delinquent post
master and the turning over of tha office
to his bondsmen. His sureties made good
the ahortage and James R. Smithhelser
was placed In charge of the office.
threat law Salt Derided.
The supreme court, the people, has de
cided that Dr. King's New Discovery wins
against Coughs and Colds. 30c and $1. For
sale by Sherman A M'-Connell Drug Co.
A decree of divorce waa granted to Lil:le
Nelson from Karl Nelson by Judge Ken
nedy. Desertion for more lhan two years
waa the accusation.
Rachel E. Woods Is alao an applicant for
a divorce. She alleges that Charley Wnorra
haa noi supported her- very much since
they ware married. November U. IHuS. Sha
asks for her maiden Mill's Rachel K. Wil
son. A new Jury panel for service in dlslr . t
court was drawn yesterdav afiamoou. TI.e
second panel will rcriort for duty Mondiy
tool ulna and the panel drawn yatrrbiy
will begin duty llireu w-ek from that
Marie Juzu has l-guu suit In disl.i-t
conn 'or a divorce from Frank Juia.
whom sh" married lu Waluai October I,"..
11. She chargea hint with nonsupoo:
and calling her bad names, ah wants
le-r ms lib n name, Uaria "-)- 4C.