Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Eerioui Hitch in Purchaw of Property fot
. . City Hall Bit.
-InjanrUon ftn4 O.I hs Dnl Ander
son) Alan Serve" rir Clerk,
WSIrh rats Another Trim
la the Program.
Thers was irtui h comment, both fsvorabls
and. adverse, yesterday on the action of
..the n-lty council Tuesday night orderlnii
ths fiurrhaaa or a city hall site. A great
" than y people looked with suspicion on the
'. transaction, but few went no far aa to
think that the whole business wan Illegal
.and that the' party who proposed to dispose
: of "his 'property to the city laid himself
liable to a fine of not less than ll.Of nor
more, than' 15.000. But. such Is the fart of
the Case. Tble brand , its tement Is baaed
on the clear provisions of the atatutea of
Nebraska. Anyone whd wishes may read
and assure himself of the facts. The first
-1 eferanee-, recommended to the public la
chapter lll, article It, aection W, compiled
! statutes of Nebraska for the year 19n(.
' There wtll b found the taw under the head
' Vr Interested contract as prescribed In
.. the charter provisions for cities of from
. 85,000 to. .(M population. There la found
f I he eapress provision- forbidding; any city
officer being Interested In any contract In
which the city, Is a, party, and also for
'.bidding such ctty officer furnishing- to any
rontr'fcctor with the city any material for
the carrying; out of hla work for the city.
"There are ' sfni more stringent provlalons
which provide that the city officer be not
. directly nor Indirectly Interested In any
such rontracle. Everyone know that T.
; J. O' Nell la the tax commissioner for the
ulty of South Omaha.
It will be a surprise to the public In
' general that there la still another statute
hearing on the case which will cause the
councH and the contracting parties all to
think twice.1 ".In .the compiled statutes of
Nebraska for tlie year llX, chapter xiv,
article I. section t,. under the head of cities
.. and villages generally, anil under the cap
'. Un of' contracts by officers and penalty,
" Is found the following:
Any officer of any city in this state who
hal) hereafter be Interested, directly or
Indlretflyi . In any Contract to which the
city la a party, or who shall enter Into anv
contract to furnish, or ahall furnish to any
contractor or sub-contractor with the city
of which he la nn officer, any material to
bo used In, performing; any contract with
, . such. .Uty. suull. upon, conviction thereof.
. Impossible to Get Employment, as
Face and Body Were Covered With
Itching Sores Scratched Till '
Flesh Was Raw Spent Hun
. dreds of Dollars on Doctors and
. . Hospitals and Grew Worse
. y i . ...
"Sine th year 1&04 I have been
x. troubled with, a very ' bad rase of '
Mifmi which I have spent hundreds
- of "dollars; trying .
'. to cure, and I weni
to . the hospital,
but they ailed to
cure ' me and It
M getting worse
II the time. FW
weeks ago my wile
boufht a box of
Cufleura Oint
ment And one
cae of Cuticura
Soar. . and I am
- ptettsed to say that I am now completely
- cured and well.
"It waa impossible for me to get
employment, aa my. far, head, and
body were covered with it. The
. ecieraa first appeared on the top of
my head, and it had Worked all the
way around down the back of my neck
" ana around to mv throat, down my
body and around the hips. It itched
so I would be obliged to scratch it,
and ta3" flash waa raw.
- "I would first wash the affected
parjtfl with warm water and Cutirura
' Soap, and then apply Cuticura Oint
ment and let it remain on all night, and
in the morning I would two Cuticura
Hoap; I am now all well, which all
, , niy friends can testify to, and I w ill be
pleaded to recommend the Cuticura
Remedies to any and all persons who
wish a speedy and permanent cure of
K , skin diseases.'1- Thomas M. Rossiter,
1'80 Prospect Street,
Mar. 30, 1005. - East Orange, N. J.
ComiHew Kxerixl us Ixarul Tmiimt r
SJil'i.oi. Irsat I'lmpiM t Krrrtula, tnm luhnfr tm Arm,
witUl ul Culler. ac, Itu..di, JUc , Wf.
"' S .li ftM' f t.'heralolr I'HIX Sll.i. fmr
t , a v t Kail of all lrutW A miumtt Ml iaK
1 Ui m.. dittrMalucrMM w,H ! utl. t.iar ItnM
A Cm. i ., aw fr.m.. .(, llaH.
' KOl lCK.
- Notice is hft'eby given mat uie Keith una
l.iii'oin Oouniieit irrigation Lnatrlct will
teocive scalcu piopoaHin (or ti.t purchase
i 'I the Jti,iv.m tMinu issue of sala diiriol
up to (He hour of o'ciuck p. in., Huinduru
, uui-. of iti 1 titty of April, ij, ui. tlie of me acciutury m jtunl unattun
titru.'t, in I'm town ut Huuici .auu, in
Lincoln county. In tlitr staila ut Arlnuiki.
a4alt .bonds uie in the denomination of
(iui.iui eacn anil bear Intereal til i ..' tale ot
am pel' Kill, iiaj abic sriul Hiinujii; , ua the
Oaya oi Marcu and Heiue.nui' ui each
'tmt vi y . year, bt-guiniut, viiin Uie nrat
.la? pf tJeptt-Mbvf, li. l i. Hi Ix iuia are in
ten criee, M ui winch are uue inr nisi,
oay of iaruli, Itttl; uuc . n toe nrat ot
u ic
il Hi
ll i.e
111 at
.MS It'll.
. .March.
t lie
I lie -litsi
I' i
the hrat
M.irch. 1".I, ami
iia ou tit Atti day
1. 1 March. Isr-'ti
Th sealed pupotala iikj Ih. for the
ViiOle 01 k.t -I temda or for m', amnion
Itieiof. rt'iu veil bids will be opened tin
nierimtett u'lei' the hour of i u'u-'ik p. in.
id xtlit ..a .i.iy of April, lfeai. tho board re.
.-i. '. i. rirfht to reject any nr,i all bids.
'Hit t. lis i:th day of Fobiunry. Ian.
JAMES bflOL P. k retary.
- ' r'Jt-dait
Notice Is hereby given teat tbe regular
annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Hetlth Platta Land Co. will be held at
t o efnee of said company In IJnotdn. Nt.
!r'ka. at 11 o dock a. in., on the lb day
id March. A. It.
By order Of the board of directors.
C. H. MORRILL, President.
.. A. B. MINOR; Sxretary.
. Lincoln. Kebiwaka, Feb. 1, lvC
Fabft D30t
! The r-gular ancual Hireling ot stockhold
ers tit The Hee I'tihllFhiiiK company will be
held on. Monday, Match . i!jt. at i o clock
, . in., in Ms otlice ai the Hee building, col-i.r-
ITih and Fsrnam streets. In the city of
'irstia.' K order of the president.
C. ROSE WATKK. fecretury.
, Febi;,-ME lot
Bids sre requested for steam heating
isnt In a teii-roou school building In WIs
ii r. Neb. aa iter plans and specifications
ii fl altli tl ae-rwtarv. Hid ill lie
'iicetl 11 nd contra-I lei March &
.-it, r. W. WfcaT. BecieUiy.
t-e fined In any aim not leas than t.V
nor more than $.,'. ;
The city attorney atatel yesterday aft
ernoon that the nwtter had nut been
brought to him aa yet. but that lila recom
mendation would simply be that the mayor
must veto the resolution of the council,
and hence the whole transaction Is nolled.
At present that Is the simplest way out
of the situatloh.
The only possible way fcr the property
to come before the city again would be
for O Nell to sell the same to a third paily
and that such a party resubmit' the hid.
Which aside from the appearance of lack
of good faith might not occur from the
act that the bids were regularly adver
tiaed and opened. There- are still several
propoaltlona open.
Aside from the Isw In the case as above
staled conies the Injunction proceedings
which were regulnrly begun yesterday un
der the advice of T. J. Mahoney of Omaha.
Last night a restraining order was served
on the city clerk. The basis of this action
will he that this Was not the cheapest
and best bid offered, and that the con
summation of the deal waa accomplished
by fraud.
There was a rumor to the effect that.
since the legality of the recent action has
been questioned and the reference to the
statutes on the subject has brought to
light some facts of law unknown gen
erally, there might he arrests, where some
Other officers had been Interested In. the
city contracts . either directly or Indi
rectly. Sealor class Play.
The cast of characters of the senior class
play to be given near the close of the pres
ent school year Waa announced yesterday
afternoon at the high school. The play
will be a lively little drama entitled "The
Absence of Susan," and the cast will be
as follows:
Mrs. Campbell Grace Mclaughlin
Samuel H"lns I'reltaa;
Oeffrey Harry Ninon
Iilck l,ester Bratton
A sailor lllram Beovllle
Jane Mne Welsh
fluaan KUa l'eteraon
Malda Nell lefler
Mlaa Mary Tteasle Dare
Harriett Eva Adabcll
, Maslcal Hecltal.
The mUHlc puplla of St. Agnea- school
gave an entertainment yesterday evening
at the. Ancient Order of t'nited Workmen
temple to a fine audience of their friends.
The program consisted of twelve num
bers, many of them ouito long, but taste
ful and lacking In anything like tedioua
rss.. There were a number of costumed
pieces, one of them representing the god
dess of liberty, with a group of figures
representing ucriculture, science, painting,
sculpture, manufacturing, music anil re
ligion, all copied after tlie Ureek. The!
was a tambourine drill which was much
enjoyed by the audience, given by twelve
girls In costume. No. 8 on the program.
"A Home by the River." was a pleasant
pastoral lyric. The audience appreciated
the nntlonal airs In number 11. The pro
gram cloned with a sucred chorous, "He
Joi'ful.In the Lord."
Fnaeral of Mm, llaytvard.
The audience chamber of Bt. Martin's
church was full to Its capacity yesterday
at 11 :W to witness the funeral services
Over Mt Alia P. Hayward. There were
many floral tributes sent In by friends
The service was conducted by Ttv. James
Wise, assisted by Irving Johnson of Min
neapolis, The music was of the moat ap
propriate character. After the ceremony a
large number of carriages accompanied
the . body to Its resting place In Forest
Lawn cemetery.
Llthaanlans separate Hob.
It has been learned that the Lithuanian
societies of South Omaha wlah to be known
as an orranlzatlon distinct from that
known as the Polish republican clubs.
They wish It to be known that their name
Is the Lithuanian republican club and that
their voting strength is not to be counted
as part of the voting strength of the Polish
societies. It is to be understood alao that
neither Mr. Madura, nor Mr.- Urbanaki
were to be blamed for the grouping of the
two organisations In the press. The state
ment caused some little 111 feeling on the
part of the Lithuanian.
Magle City Uoasl.
Mr. and lira. 3. K. Talmadge will enter
tain a number of friends at curds Tuesday
evening, March .
Mrs. J. J. Dore. 'JVU K street, was trans
ferred from her home to St. Joseph hos
pital In Omaha yesterday ufternoon, where
she la to undergo a .course of treatment.
The annual hell of the Eagles Tuesday
night was attended by a full house and tlie
dancing ptovt-d a source of enjoyment to
all through the excellent music and the
good management of the floor on the pari
or the committee.
The police yewterduy brought before
Judge King eight petty oifend'-rs, all of
whom were given small lines and the must
of them were sent to jail to serve out
their time. - . . ,
' The dancing pat ty w hleh Is to be given
at the Ancient order of limed
Workmen temple tonight promises to
lie a very pieaaant evenings entcr
talniuont. The women have spent a great
deal of time in decorating tne hall and
there are more novelties In evidence than
fur some time iat, N lih the aid of th.i
good lighting ot the evening, ' he hall will
he most brilliant.
Mr. t.iiarlcs Offernian was married at
high noon yesterday to Mlaa Klla Mciiugli
at PI. Mary's church, He v. Father Nugan
vffli'latiug. The bride wore blue ailk over
taffeta and a chlftou bat. ghe carried a
liotiuet of white rosea. The best man was
Krvd Onermun. a brother of . the groom,
ami Mixs Anna Offernian waa brieesnuod.
fthe wore chltfon over blue silk. A euiup
itiuus repast waa nerved at the new home
of the btlde and groom, 'Jl North Twenty,
nrth street. -
drier Doud Hell vers Illustrated
tare Topic at Ftrat lrea
' lterla Charrh.
In place of the regular mltl-week prayer
service si the First Presbyterian church
lust evening H. A. Poud, one of the elders
uf the church, guvs ail illustrated lucture
on the work of the churches among the
Indians. His talk, slid views were par
ticularly of the work of the Fresbyterlan
church. To those who were uot conversant
with 111 work the mlsslunarlea have done
among the ultoilKiuea, the lecture and
slides proved doubly Interesting.
In Ids running remarks Mr. lloud said
It had UK . '' oyei umeiic In Its various
tv-a an average i' IliXMnw for every In
dian killed and altr.crthtT the large aum
of $."iC,i,t to cam un those wars. The
Christian niUxlonurlea hive done what mil
lions spent In wars falll to accomplish
the speaker suld.
Mr. Doud explained how tlie Indian girls
are being taught the domestic Industries,
the Boys the practical Industries the
women elevated from th-ir former condi
tion of servitude and tit men taught to
be Independent.
Sarah Wat kins el al to William S.
Curtis, lota 1. i. J. 4. 5. , s, . 10. il
and .U'. block W. Dundea Place -.)
William J. Fritta and wire to Oldeon
Frltts, one-half Interest lot 6, Austa
J. Clark's subdtv of lots 1 and Z.
Mo. k fl, Ronih Omaha
William J. Watklns and wife to Wil
liam 8. Curtis, lota and 7. block V
Dundee Flace 4JO
John I). Ueinjiilll et al t John A.
Vvteraon, S lot 3. block 137, South
' tnnalia I.3b0
Alfred Hndgetta and wife lo K. J. flul-
lelL lots J and a. block 1. Andei'kor.
James W. Hamilton and wife to Iat id
A. Haleton acres In block M. Han
son Anna E. Andrews to Stephen J. l'r-v
' lot 1. block 14, K. V. Smith's a ll l.a
Augusta Peterson .d hushand i
I aim l ine Xweifel lol 3. block I. Ai
iut a. Uiusou's add l.iiufi
Mam t ha reed with HoMlac l
'lofto Keeper Admits B.erlaT Three
tears for Robber?. ,
Mike fcnrighl. charged with holding up
the saloon of Adam Purkls at Pouth
Omaha, went on the witness stand in his
own behalf at the afternoon session of
court yesterday. He denied havlng been
In Rurkls' saloon on the dny of the rob
bery and said he did not see the witness
who Identified him. He admitted on cross
examination that he had served a term
of three years In the penitentiary for
robbery. For the purpose of Impeaching
his testimony tho state introduced an affi
davit signed by him alleging he waa In
Indigent circumstances, and then brought
out In his evidence that he la the owner
of a part Interest In a house In Booth
At 4 o'clock the defense ran out of wit
nesses and an adjournment was tak'n until
Friday morning. As Thursday is a holiday
no sesalon of the court will be held.
The progress of the trial was slow
because the lawyers and the court got In
a tangle over the pronunciation of the
names of several of the Polish and Lithu
anian witnesses for the state.
The first trouble came when Martin
Iibanowaky was on the stand. He was
In the saloon at the time of the holdup.
Attorney Murphy for the defense ob
jected to his testifying because bis name
appeared on the Information as "Martin
Linlskl." Judge Sutton had the witness
pronounce his name several times, and
railing to discover any resemblance be
tween the rial name and that on the In
formation sustained the objection. A sim
ilar objection was made to the next wit
ness, but by agreement It waa decided to
excuse him until the afternoon session,
by which time the attorneys will argue
the matter to the court.
Mike Vorak, the bar keeper, testified as
Id the holdup. He said F.ntight entered
the saloon anil bought a glass of beer and
a minute or two later he heard a shot
fired In front of the saloon and Enright
hustled him Into the Ice box and locked
him up. He said he was so scared he did
not stop to take a minute survey of the
situation, so his Identification was not very
positive. Other witnesses Identified En
right as the man who entered the saloon
Just before the shot was fired.
Young; Husband Kinds ote from Her
When He Rrlarai from
nelly Toll.
For three mouths the daily tasks Of
George Pettlt, 110S aouth Fourteenth
street, as he has labored over the hot
ovens at his trade of baker, have neen
rendered ensv, troubles have been light
as air. as his thoughts have dwelt on the
lS-yoar-old bride .waiting to twine her
arms about hla neck and weleome him
home when hla dny'a work la done. For
three months he has been happy, but It
la all over now. When he arrived at their
little flat after work last night, instesd of
the usual oscillatory greeting from a fond
and loving wife, still in the sweetness ot
youth, he was rudely shocked to find a
note from her scribbled . on the top of a
tablet. ,
Ooodby. r.enieniber what you said to
me. I am going home. Minnie.
Bupperlesa and excited Pettlt rushed to
the police station and announced that his
wife had left him. The deserted husband
Is but 21 years old and hardly looks older
or bigger than a l(!-yar-old boy, and his
statement was received with nueh In
credulity at first. Captain Dunn thought
It more likely that this waa a hoy. who
had run away from his mother. However,
his story came out at last and a descrip
tion of the missing spouse was taken by
Desk Sergeant Havey.
Pettlt said he met his wife lust summer
while lie was following his warm weather
vocation of balloon ascensionlst, their
marriage following In November. He said
they had always lived happily together,
never had any tjuarrels and that he was at
a loss to understand her strange action.
Tin y parted yegtorday morning as he
went to work In a proper spirit. Her refer
ence in tlie note lo something he had said
he waa unable to explain. Her people
live in New Mexico and' he knew of no
place where she mlKht seek shelter In
Omaha. He said he would not return to
work until he has recovered his bettrr
Unit to Determine Validity of Acts
Creating; Adjnuet to Nebraska
Supreme t'oarl,
An appeal hua been taken to the supreme
court of the I'nited States to test the
constitutionality of the acta of the Ne
braaka supreme court commission. Th.i
suit is brought at the Instance or Hiram
T. Chapman or Boston, Maaa., against
the decision or the district court or Cedar
county, Nebraska, which, In March 1904,
granted a divorce from Chapman to Mrs.
Florence Elliott1 Chupmun and by which she
was awarded flO.OUO for her luuilitenance.
The caae was appealed It) the supreme
court of Nebraska and turned over lo tho
supreme court commission, which commis
sion affirmed tlie Judgment of the trial
Hiram T. Chapman now brings suit
through his attorney, W. E. Gantt of Sioux
City, to test the validity of the supremo
court commission, which he alleges has
no valid existence, and that au appeal to
the supreme court ot the state cannot be
acted upon by the supreme court commis
sion, which is merely an "unlawful" cre
ation of the supreme court. The attorney
for Mrs. Chapman Is J. W. Woodrough.
The suit is a novel one iu the fact that
It Is the first instance In which the federal
courts have been asked lo decide upon the
constitutionality of the Nebraska supreme
court commission.
Prot-esa Performed
la r'onr
teira Mill (
Marty Hays
The quadrennial weighing uf the Culled
States mails, Incoming and outgoing for
this portion of the Sixth division, began
Tueauay and mill continue for about ninety
days. Thirty-one men are employed In
tba work, which number Includes the
weighers at the various railroad .depots,
on the trains and at the depots at Grand
Island and Fremont. The purpose Is to
aggregate the weight of the inuilo trans
ported by tha different Hues ot railway,
upon which to base contracts for carrying
the malls.
The practice of weighing tbe mails Is
carried on at soma points in the United
States each year, though taking place but
one In four years In the Individual dis
tricts. All classes of mails are weighed
separately. Tlie weighing is dona on
standard scales at the depots or In the
mail cars. Ths work must be done very
rapidly and at tha same time accurately
and only experts era employed la tha work.
Lavat of tho Institutes.
Tha last of tha Sunday school Institutes
will be held in the First Presbyterian
church Thursday evening and Friday after
noon and evening. At the Thursday even
ing meeting at i.W Miss Haines speaks
on "The Tjiws or Teecntng and frot.
fMeldley gives his popular address on
The Boy (od Made. trltUy afternoon
St- 3:J Prof. Steldtey talks on "1 ht
Teacher" and Mlsa Haines conducts a
round tabic'" c?h primary work. I he p-
gram for Friday evening will be an
nounced later.
Caatern Attlberltr and Textbook
Writer Personally laa.nlrtaa
' Into the' Matter. . Joseph Y. Bergen of Uston. au
thor of Hall end Bergen's "Physics. '
"Elementary Botany" and other ' text
books, was In Omaha yesterday. He vis
ited tho High School, the Bee office and
o'her points ot Interest. In cturse of a
conversation, he said:
't hnve been travelling all the way from
my home in Boston to the Missouri river
to find out by peri-oral lnapi:'tl.n to what
extent botany and natural i be
ing taught In public schools, ami especially
high schools, anil what methods are being
used. I will say this much, thut the high
Schools In the west aem to devote more
attention to and give more thorough In
struction In botany than our high schools
In New England and the east. 1 think my
Obsnvatlon will be or much value to me.
as It Is Important in preparing text books
to know Just what ground the people to
use theni wish to cover.
'Omaha Is associated In my mind with a
little Incident which recalls Itseir ' ever
time the name Is mentioned. A year ago
last summer I waa spending some time
with members of my family In Florence,
ttaly. In study and recreation, and at the
hote! where I was stopping, was a read
ing room In which a large number of
foreign newspapers and periodicals were
kept. One evening T remember being In
the reading room with the table covered
with copies of the London Telegraph. Lou
don Times, the Paris Herald, and contl-
netal publications, when an elderly lady
who was also stopping at the hotel fingered
them all over and exclaimed In a most
pathetic tone: 'How 1 wish I could find
a copy of the Omaha Bee!" I'ntortunately,
none of us could supply the paper that
would have satisfied her home yearning."
ubsrrlpttons for Methodist Hospital
nnlMln Arc atlll Being Received
t Headtioartera.
The tutul anipunt of subscriptiona secured
for the Methodist hospital fund up to
Tuesday night was J1.0SK. The amount se
cured Wednesday up to noon was t'8V,
mostly from st.iitll subscriptions. Several
solicitors are atil out and have not re
ported. Of the amount secured Tuesday
$610 was from points outside the city of
"We are gratified that' the people are
responding to the call for money for the
new building," said Mrs. McLaughlin,
matron of the hospital. ""We have been
In . crowded quarters for so long. Seven
or eight years ago we had to give up cmer
gency work. Last year we cartel for MOO
patients and turned away l,2i;. Sometimes
ten or fifteen were refused entrance In
one day. We manage to get about forty
one patienta into the hospital, where there
is really room but for thirty. Several
railroads have importuned m to care for
their emergency cases, but. we cannot tlo
It. Every bed Is spoken for days ahead
of time.
"I think the public does not know the
hoepltul cares free or charge for these who
cannot pay. Patients In such cases are
saved from embarrassment, for only my
self and the clerk know that they do not
pay. Even the nurses do" not know It."
Mrs. McLaughlin haa keen superintend
ent of the hospital si,ne. K- rwas founded
In Marcluof. 1101. . .. .. llt .
The new hospital. ,at litty-alxUt and
Cuming streets will have one of the finest
operating rooms In the west. All the light
used will be from the-' horth.',ltTbe room
will have a seating capacity if ?O0 anil
can be used on occasion or clinics by the
students of the medical colleges.
Eighteen Cents Tariff Applies on Mil.
nols Central Betneen Mem
phis and the Uelf.
The Northwestern has announced a new
rate of IS cents on domvallo grain from
Omaha, South Omaha and Council Blurts,
to apply via Dixon, III., and the Illinois
Central. This rate wss erroneously an
nounced by a Northwealern man Tueaday
as applying from main line stations In
Iowa on the' North western, whereas the
Northwestern officials intended to an
nounce the rats to apply to main line sta
tions on the Illinois Central aouth of
Memphis. The rate has been higher to In
termediate points, between Memphis and
the gulf turn to New Orleans, and now
the lb-cent rat on corn has beeu made to
apply to these iilennedlate. stations. The
elevstor capacity at the southern ports
haa been taxed fot some time and scarcely
any grain is now Vlng shipped south for
export, although, considerable Is muvlng
for domestic use.
Vaelar Baadkaarr Koeaaler of First
Paper of Ilia Moaallt -nt
t. Louis.
Vaclav Bundhutier. whose funeral was
held Monday, was one or the Bohemian
pioneers In this country ami waa active
In stinting the first Bohemian paper at St.
Ixiula and rounding the first American so
ciety or the nationality. He woa 84 years
old when he died "lust Satmduy and had
lived In Omaha since September, USi.- He
emigrated to me l nlted Hlttes In lsii and
w,u directly to St. louls. Afterwards 'ha
lived ,n Chicago and various other places
In Illinois and Missouri. He followed the
trade of shoemaker. Mr. liandhaurer is sur
vived by a widow and u Sou, Flank Band
hauer, well known In local republican poll
tics, and a daughter. Mrs. Anus H. Kalins.
at whose hon.e, lMu Pouih Twelfth street,
the death occurred. ,
Asks Twatr-eiru Thvasand Dollars
from Street flallwar Company
for Peraonnl Injarlea.
For the sixth time the damage case u
Kmma Hoskovee against the Omaha
Council Bluffs Street Railway company la
being heard In district court. Five or six
years ago Mrs. Hoskovec was Injured In
alighting from a car at Thirteenth and
Dodge. The case In court has resulted
In two verdicts and three disagreements.
Each time there was a verdict the case
has been remanded by the supreme court
on account of error. The bearing Is on
before Judge Sears. Th plaintiff asks for
Washington Dnx Kaorrlaea. "
George A. Crook post. Grand Army of tha
Republic, la arranging for a very Interest
ing program at Magnolia hall. Tweutv
fourth and Ames venue, on the evening
of Friday. February a. In commemoration
of Waahlngton'a birth anniversary. Though
day late, tho servloes will ba aporoprtate
to tha natal day of tbo father of his coun
try and will Include addresses by promi
nent Grand Army men. It is expected that
Colonel Charles J. Greene will be one of
the principal spcaksis.
The Sweetmeats of Literature
To the jreybcards ol America, nl to their ttntle companion with gilrenr hairj to the
people of middle g-e, and to those who have passed beyond early youth to yem au
came out
on the
10th of
will bring back to your mind and heart the delight that a piece of mothers
pie would bring to your palate a big. jjic plice that used to taste so good,
so unspeakib.y good, in the hungry play days of youth.
, Tne Sweetmeats of Literatureold familiar friends, cominj back to you
in THE SCRAP BOOK-poems, anecdotes, datamation, humorous stories
andh imorous bits; pathetic stories too, half-.orgotten hymns, lost facts, quaint
and curious things, absorbing incidents, jokes, satires, and stories that once
set your youthful fancies ablaz: and op:nd up the big world to your vision
all these and a thousand things more are in THE SCRAP BOOK.
It is such a treasure-ho jse of new things, and o: old things collected from
the archives of the century, as has n:ver before been gathered together or
even dreamed of.
THE SCRAP BOOK is the hit of the century in magatine making;. .
On All News Stands or from the Publisher. 10 Cents a Copy by the Year
FRANK A. MUNSEY, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York
Kasts Kelt at Ihr Cents a
from fold storage to
Esrs at 6 cents a "dozen In February. It
seems Incredible, yet It is said a larse
quantity was sold from cold storage to
retail dealers at that prlee Tuesday.
Newly laid rue" are so iilntlful now that
the cold storage men are fairly sick. Those
who held their ckbs hnve lost a lot of
money. They are getting rid of their stock
now st whatever price they can get.
Fresh eggs are cheaper than they have
been ut this time of year since ISM. The
price now being offered on tlie commission
basis by Omaha men to country dealer
Is 13 cents a dozen. Before Christinas
they were pitying Just twice that llgure.
About this time Isst year eggs were "2.1
cents, while February , 1904, the dealers
were paying S( ce"nts. and on February 27,
IS cents. F.ggs have several times In thj
last few years been bought for V cents In
Poultry of all kinds commands a gool
price, about the same as it brought in
February of last year. The hens sre laying
and the farmers will not sell them. As
long as the weather la warm they will
take very little of their poultry to market.
A good variety of green things Is on the
local market now, but all ot them brim;
fancy prices. Tha recent cold weather is
the south has destroyed some of the early
vegetables and stunted the growth of tha
remainder. New Carrots, beets, radishes,
head lettuce, leaf lettuce and turnips are
here from Louisiana, and California has
sent a fair supply of new peas. A good
quality of radishes comes from southern
Illinois.- New potatoes are here from
Bermuda. They retail for In cents a pound.
The last of the Indian River Florida
oranges are on sale now, and they are of
such good quality it takes about t a box
to gel them.
Woman Screams Oat and Another
Drops Purse t'uittalntnir Half a
Thousand Arrest Follows.
Mrs. Annie Helton of am Wool wort h ave.
ii ue whs arrested yesterday afternoon lot
alleged shoplifting at the UoMon store and
Haydcu Hros.' store, at which places she
Is chargjil tslth stealing dollies, perfumery,
ribbons, luces, a purse and a stick pin.
The woman's arrest Incidentally brought
much Joy. to Mrs. Dunning of 112 South
avenue, Council Bluffs. Mrs. Dunning laid
her purse containing jcq in cash on u
counter in tlie iluyden store and while her
head was turned for a second the purm
was taken. The Council Bluffs woiiiitu
immediately announced her loss In lon-s
that were heard by Mrs. Helton, who ltd
standing near. Mrs. Helton suld she had
the purse and had lifted K u; by mistake
for her own. Mrs. Helton arrested
and charged with stealing the other ar
ticles mentioned.
Kulghts of (olimbai.
Twenty-flve members of the Knights oT
Columbus will leave Omaha Thursday
morning for Ues Moines, where the fourth
degree will be given lo about ZZ iih-iuIkts
of the order I' mm Nebraska. Iowa a.ul
ttouth Dakota. The degree will ! admin
istered by District Master Mct'ullnjgh sill
the class Includes iihihImts from all tl.e
Labor Saving De vices
Such as loose leaf ledgers, transfer cases,
price books, order tiles, card index cabinets,
vertical letter files in fact all the modern
office conveniences can be found in our sta
tionery department.
Everything we have is up-to-date and use
ful and will help in many ways to save time
in vour office work.
Our Steel Die Embossing; for Jmsiuess sta
tionery is produced by first-class workmen
and materials and it has a "gloss" that's
hard to beat. Our new sample book shows
mauy elaborate designs with prices.
Lonr Distance 'Phone 98. FREMONT, NEB.
Effective Sunday, February J." Afternoon
Train No. 2 Will leave Omaha at 3:45 p. m.
instead of 4:)) p. m., arriving Chicago at 7:U0
a. 111. ,,...., ;,
Chair cars (seats free), Touribt and Standard
Sleeping Cars and Dining Cars.
Other Chicago trains at 7:25 a. in. and 8:05
j). rn.
councils In the district. To take this de
gree a man must hae been member uf
the order for two years.
Three Brothers of Omaha Tribe BrlnsT
Kualty Unit for Allotments
of Land.
Mitchell Warren slid William garada.
Omaha Indiana, or descendants of that
tribe, have each brought suit in the I'nited
States circuit court against the United
States allotments of lands as members' of
i thut tribe in Thurston county. The suits
' sre In equity, and have been in the United
j Slates courts in some form or other for
I several years. The petition alleges the
pluiutiffa are heirs of legal allottees and
' are lawfully entitled to allotments, which
! hitherto have been denied them and they
! ask their rights be recognised In the ap-
pcrtionment ot lands.
Mllehell to Be Burled Here.
The remains of Oeorge Mitchell, win
died at till North Sixteenth street Mou
lay night, aa the result of excessive drink
ing, will be laid away at Mount iioe
cemetery today by Corouer Hralley. In
doing this the coroner Is carrying out In
structions received ill this country from the
desd man's relatives in Kngland. Mitchell
hud fur some years been receiving a quar
terly remittance from Chard, England,
through a Colorado bank. The newa uf the
death waa conveyed to this bank, which
in turn cabled to F.ngland, cable Instruc
tions for the dlsp wiilou of the body being
returned Immediately. From the man's
effectH it would appear that lis came from
a wealthy Ungllsh family from whom lie
for some' reason lived apart. There e.ere
also indications that lie had participated
in Iho Boer war.
copies, and
all sold out.
edition noir
on the press
1502 Farnam Street
You can not have energy or vim or ant
bitlon In your present condition.
Treatment at Small Cost
Dr. McGreVf Specialist
30 Years' Experience
20 Years in Omaha
nd all weaknesses and disorders ef men.
t hai-see l-ess Than All Others.
Treatment by mail. Call or write. Bos
766. Offices VIS South Fifteenth Street.
Omaha. Neb,
FEB. 26th to 28th
Wabash City Office,
101 Prnam St, Omaha, Nab.
Costs Bat 1 War
mest Aarisoltnrnl Fsins