Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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To "train at a gnnt and swallow a ramcl sonns to ho tlip policy
f a good many otlierwinc level lioaded investor, who form thoir
conrlusionn by prejudice, preoonceivtl notions or information ob
tained from wholly or partially unreliable sources.
Their mi'tlitxls of handling their own hard-earned dollars, if
.tdopted by bank officials, would produce mob violence, and yet
these investors are not wholly to blame. The doubting Thomases,
the skeptics, the I-never-believe-anything-unlesR-I-see-it-with my-own-eyes
sort of persons have usually had some unfortunate ex
perience in money matters, and realizing the limitations of time
and money at their disposal, to say nothing of the usual lack of
knowing how, it is no wonder so many quit in disgust and let their
money mildew at the rate of 3 per cent per annum or until the
bank quits business.
, ' Criminal prosecutions would speedily follow if a bank official
did not do better with such funds then why is the power of the
funds more exempt than the bank official?
' For authentic information that will at least permit the inves
tor to distinguish between speculation whore the element of
chance predominates or investment where chance is largely elimi
nated, he can always with safety consult or refer to
Don't fail to read this week's issue. The White House Wed
ding Number out today. ,
Don't miss Jasper's Hints to Money Makers."
Don't fail to read Henry Shedd Beurdsley's article, "Tun
neling Under Gold-Ribbed Mountains," which tells the truth
about the great Hoosac Tunnel & Mining Co. and other much ad
vertised enterprises of that district.
If you prefer to acquire the information that distinguishes
the shrewd investor, from he who is indifferent or careless, you
will accept my advice.
Mr. Hoards ley's article is a graphic, description of the most
profitable and most fascinating of all money making industries
mining as a business. What Mr. Beardsley tells you in this week's
issue of Leslie's Weekly, I have been trying to tell you for weeks
past at the expense of valuable space in this newspaper, and what
I have told you I can repeat here, that the stock in the Hoosac
Tunnel & Mining Co. is n safe investment.
Specialist in Profitable Investments.
140 Dearborn Street,
Owner of Oapdy Factory Says He Did Not
Sot It Afire.
1 barer la Klled by Attorney for In
surance Company and Some
l ively Trillmonr I" We
Ina Introduced.
John ZiVs,' cn-dffenrtsnt lth Morris
KRf-pHr In km arson eaxo llled tn the po
ll cnurl. took thn stand ycMrrdny after
noon and denied srrlntlm the various state
ments niade by Ksepar al the morning ses
sion. Knsnor's testimony wss practically
all agHlnsl .ecs. Ilcfore the ibbc cam
to trial Kapnr mnde a sworn dopoHltlon
In which h staled .on told lilm he would
art flrr tn tha candy store at leavcn
worth street. ;
es waa on thn stand whn tha court
announced thr' casr would tir continued
at . 10 o'clock thla morning. Zees swore
his liualnraa at tha sddresn mentioned waa
pay Inn one. thHt ha did not arnd K na
ps r for a gallon of gHKnllne on tha even
Ina before the fire, and that In no way
did hla tranaactlona at tha randy store
have any Inrendliiry motlvra.
Zees denied that KHr ever r lilin
to put Into I lie business with the un
derstanding Kaspar waa tn become a part
ner at a later date, when Kaapar would
have paid In Wfl. Kanpar'a and '
atorlea were aa wide apart aa the pole.
One swnre In one thing, and he other to
another diametrically opposite. Attorney
rlhleld. representing- Zees, aald lie would
try and show I he animus ho believed act
uated K a spar, , Kaspar, however, atuek to
Pot-still Scotch
-Hmuro'.. Iht muly 4itll.
far auppijriag whiaky to lb
The Scotch with the Peir-drop flavor.
OikiMW RUey Bras. Ce.
aaa at data. Carat. Haul sad af Dm I arm,
Tht Cook & Bcmheimer Co.,
De Bib far aaa.taral
trrtt.tkoM e. aloaraMaa.
f at a. as. ambrtu.
..L ,.i ........
ImliuuCwatfMOi. iniHHiMtow.
nun,ir-l ftaM a brariMa . I a-l BUI. ral.
? lfM, araai. af
I aa. .il kitif T.
Urania s aa raaaaat
J.a TliOMt .ufl.riutf Irani weak
- Kaaf wiiu'b ap tha pieaturra
"I III should taka Juven I'lll.. 4ii! box will 111 a story of
marvelous results. Tkls saedlriae baa aiore
rJu.alinf, vitalising firee than baa ever
, be lor been Offered. Sent postpaid la plain
package ealy on receipt of ill. adv. and il.
Made by Wa otigiaaUtr t 1. Mood 'o.. pro
fletvrs Uwud barsaoarUla. Lew.ll. XI a..
his one story throughout the direct and
cross-examinations and became bo demon
strative at tlmeB during his own and
Zees' testimony that he had to be re
strained. Why He Didn't Tell Sonner.
Kaspur was on the stand a short time
after court convened for tha afternoon ses
sion. The feature of Kaspar'a testimony
In the afternoon was thr aworn statement
that the reason he did not conflda hla
suspicions before lie did. which waa Feb
ruary 3. three wreks after the fire, was
because res threatened Ills life If hr told
on hint, and also because Zees promised
to make n fair division of the Insurance
money that he believed would be re
reived. Zees said he lost all his clothing
and other personal effects In the flra.
Mrs. Hertha Hsabbo, wife of a shoe cob
bler, who lived next door to the Zees'
randy store, testified she had a premonition
the store would be burned, as she knew
from her own observations and front the
statements of others that Zeca was not
doing well. She raid she expected the fire,
and It came.
One if Kaspar's sensational statements
while on the stand yesterday afternoon
was, "After the fire I went-to Zees and
said, "You are a pretty good fireman.'
Then Zees sitid, "Kverybody does not know
how to burn a. building. I sprinkled gas
oline over the chairs.' "
Wednenday morning Kaspar waa on the
stand and told a lengthy story cf his con
nection with a candy store managed by
Zees at the address where the fire broke
out. '
Kaspar'a Ride of thr C ase.
"On the day before the fire," Kapar aald,
"Zeea told me he could not sell out and
that the only thing left for him to do was
to burn the building. A few mlnutea before
the' lire broke out Zeea gave tne a key he
aald waa for the front door of the store.
He sent me for bread, but when I reached
the bakery I heard thr fire department com
ing, rushed bark to the store, tried the key.
hut found It would not fit the door. When
Zera reached the store he waa anxious for
me to keep away from him. aa lie aald It
would look tyd for tia to bo together at
that time and aald he waa afraid of being
arrested. lie promised to share the Insur
ance money with me when he received It."
The complaint against Zees and Kaspar
was filed on the Information of 'E. M. Bart
lctt, repreaentlng the Glenn Kalla Insurance
company and the National Mutual Fire In
surance company, in which companies Zees
carried 11.000 Insurance on hla stock at 1)1
Leavenworth street. ,
County Attorney Slabaugh Is personally
conducting the prosecution.
Kaapar was employed by Zees at the
candy factory. He says he gave Zeea 180
with the expectation of becoming a partner
thamberlala'a Toaak Remedy Acta
oa Natara'a Plaa.
The moat aucceaaful medicines are those
that aid nature. Chamberlain's Cough Rem
tdy acta on thla plan. Take It when you
have a cold and It will allay the cough, re
lieve the lungs, aid expectoration, oped the
secretions and aid nature In restoring the
system to a healthy condition. It Is famous
for Its cures over a large part of the civil
Ised world. Thousands have testified to its
superior excellence. It counteracts any
tendency of a cold to result In pneumonia.
Vlslilac Nan...
...TJ," v'""',, Numea will hold their aa
"al reception at the Klka lub In the
yara block at Fifteen ih Tarn" Frnm
EEiV uim f,-r""" 'd eenlna! Mlaa
wTll".''" 'J"' Mr Alexander Ste"
l.v a m.n i f "nd,U' wl" Provided
white V'J" ort'h'""- n the afternoon.
v.hlle In the even ng Miaa I -a lira (Jui
-id Mia. William Ruch -Cg .. - U
the .-uartet fr.., ,he Firai PreVbyierlan
church, accompanied by Mia. Howard Ken-
Ureas: AU ReewrAa.
All record. eur1n Courtis. Colds etc
sr, broken by Dr. Klnr. New Discovery
lor Consumption, (to and W oo For sal.
fcy Sherman McConneU Drug Co
Official Approval Given to Pronirlent'i Policy
by Commercial Clubs of Nebraska.
II. M. Raahaell of l.laeoln Kleeted
rrraldent .Reaolntlnn (alia for
hnilsaion of Telephone
(tneafloa to Votera.
Prealdent-H. M. Itushnell, Lincoln.
fiecretnry-W. . Illrnns, I'lerce.
Treasurer leoi f K. MlllM.urn. Mlnclen.
Vice Presidents,- W. A. Oreenwald, Kalis
C'ltv.- First congressional district; K. J.
MrV'ann, Omaha. Fecund congressional dis
trict: J. T. Ilnnson, Fremont, Third eon-
fresnl district; N. J. Ijidl, Wahoo,
ourth congressional district; linrn
Hoorr Oxford, Fifth congressional llx.
trl t; C. F. Horner, Lexington. Hlxth con
gressional district.
After electing these officers Wednesday
morning, having the previous day declared
In favor of c MnlHtlon to abolish the free
puss and provide u 2-d-nt passenger fare
on rallroHdi. opposed Congressman Ken
nedy's jiostiil saving bunk bill, the Ne
braska Association of Coniinerciul Clubs,
before udkurnln its second atiinnil con
ventlon at the Omahu Coniinerciul club
Wednesday, w!rit on record us heurtlly
endorsing President Roosevelt In Ids light
to secure equitable rullroud rate regula
tion, opposing the psrcels-post movement
and favoring the submission to the voters
In Oinuha by the city council of the ques
tion of another telephone franchise.
Reaolatlona Adopted.
These resolutions were submitted by the
resolution committee and passed:
Resolved. That we oppose the pioposeii
parcels post legislation, thoroughly be
lieving it Is Inspired by selfish interests,
that it would be for the beneltt of the few
in the coniinerciul world against the many;
that Its purpose Is to conceniratr Instead
of to lilstilliute trade; that conditions In
this nutlon In no v.ny are the uiii u
where the panels pom operates. We 1h
lleve the postal service of the country
would become a freight can ylng proposi
tion under aucti a luw, with postotnees
converted into warehouses, and th de
partment's annual deficit would assume
enormous proportions; that tlio i.iull sciv
lc now conducted at u loas would be In
creased beyond all possible antlcialioii
and that public interests and private In
terests, neither now nor In the future, de
mand tlila proposed legislation. We favor
the limitation of the franking prlviltKu
sufTlt.-lent to wipe out the present iell
clency, and as tlrst-claas mall matter, ii.s
the law ut present exists, pavs vastly
more than Its Just proportion of the postal
expenses, We ruvor a reduction of the
postage on first-class mall matter Troni 2
cents to 1 cent aa soon us the postal rev
enues will warrant it.
Resolved, That we endorse President
Roosevelt In his efforts to secure legisla
tion giving additional powers to thn In
terstate Commerce commission; thut wo
approve the bill passed by the national
house of representatives to this end and ap
prove the votes of our congressmen for
the measure, that wn request our sena
tors in Washington to support and vote
for this bill. Hint It may he aa forceful
when passed by that hoay as It Is at pres
ent, thus assuring the approval of thn
great majority of the people of this na
tion, who stand with the president for
rate regulation.
Resolved, That we recommend the local
Incorporation of commercial clubs, to the
end that such commercial clubs may be on
a business busts.
We desire to express our thanks to the
Omaha Commercial club. Its oftjeers and
members, for their cordial reception and
entertainment of this association. Our
visit baa been made pleasant In every way
and thn work of the Association of Coni
inerciul Clubs ami Its onViala has been
greatly assisted by the cordial co-operation
of the Omaha Commercial club.
We extend to Commissioner K. J. Mc
Vatin our full sympathy In the death of
his mother, which sad event has culled
him this morning from our councils and
deliberations. We also extend to the fam
ily of the late II. F. Hodgin our sympathy
and condolence. As buslitessymen, we ap
preciate the w-ork Mr. Hodgin did through
the Omaha Trade Kxhlhlt for the business
Interests of this state and the work of the
association. ' ,
We recommend to the aasociatlnn the
adoption of these resolutions.
. H. M. Ill'RIINKLL.
Whereas, The users of M.ono independent
telephores are patiently waiting to talk
wilh Omaha, and
Whereas, The city council of Omaha has
refused to submit to the voters of Omaha
the question of whether or not a franchise
shall be granted to an Independent tele
phone company, now therefore bo It
Resolved, mat .this associatiou appeals
to die citlaens of Omaha, asking that Ihey
take such action as will insure the sub
mission of the franchise question to the
This resolution was Introduced by I. T.
Chirk of Papllllon.
At the Instance of H. T. Clarke, the as
sociation passed thla resolution, endorsing
thr work of the Missouri River Improve
ment society:
Whereas, Many of our citizens are en
dangered In the possession of their prop
erty and their homes by the damaging ef
feyts of the Missouri river; and.
Whereas, The Missouri River Improve
ment association has by Its good work and
earnest endeavor been Instrumental In rail
ing attention to rongress to the destructive
acts of the Missouri river; and.
Whereas. At the last meeting of the
National Rivera and Harhora rongrrss, held
at Washington January 15 and hi. the aald
congress recommcnd"d that our people be
educated along the needs of Improvement
of the rivers and harbors and waterways;
therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Nebraska Associa
tion of Commercial Clubs do hereby endorse
the action of the National Rivers and
Harbors congress and the Missouri River
Improvement association In their endeavors
to protect our property and homes and
recommend to our representatives In eon
greas that they lend their support to any
measure for the Improvement of our rivers,
harbors and waterways.
John R. Meld of nearer Makes This
The Real Kslate exchange at Its meet
ing Wednesday listened to addresses from
a number of delegates to the meeting of
the Nebraska Btate Association of Com
merclal clubs, which baa Just closed.
John K. Field of lienver, engineer In
charge of the Pathfinder dam in Wyoming,
"Omaha men have made very little effort
to oorrall the new trade which la develop
ing In the North Platte country, and con
sequently the)' arc being left behind by
Denver and 81. Joseph. Six hundred men
and aa many teams are at work on the
reservoir. We will turn water Into the
canal May 1."
George B, Parr of Lexington said the
Pat Crowe verdict was disgraceful, but its
effect bad been exaggerated.
If. M. Buahnell of Uncoln, new presi
dent of the Association of Commercial
clubs, spoke for a state constitutional
amendment which will allow cities to make
their own charters.
Term la Pealtentlary for Man Who
. Pleads Guilt r Robblaar j
Richard NuTrU, -hara:ed with breaking
Into the store of hi. former employers.
Bchneuber 4j Hoffman, and stealing a sack
of flour, was sentenced to one year In the
penitentiary by Judge Button ye.tcrday
afternoon. Norrls changed his plea of not
guilty to guilty. Ha was before the court
In tha morning but when he was told a '
plea of guilty, would mean a penitentiary
sentence he decided to think the matter
over awhile arid did not arrive at a con
clusion until late In the afternoon.
Norrts pleaded guilty oine time ago to
embeuling about t from his employers.
The county attorney consented to a Jail
sentence of thirty days as It was his first
offense. He had no sooner got out of Jail
that he went to his employers" store and
burglarised It. This time the count) attoi.
ey refused to Intercede for him.
Fe- Ieele Kaew Hew t aef al It la la
Preserving? Health a ad Reaety.
Nearly everybody knows that charcoal Is
tlie safest and moat efficient disinfectant
and purifier In nature, but few realize Its
value taken Into the human system for the
same cleansing purpose. la a remedy that tha mora you
take of It tha better; It Is not a drug at all.
hut simply absorbs the gasea, and Im
purities always present In the stomach and
Intestines and carries them out of the
Charcoal sweetens the breath after smok
ing, drinking or after eating onions and
"ther odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually clears and Improves
the complexion, It whitens the teeth snd
further acta aa a natural and eminently
safe cathartic.
II absorbs Injurious gases which collect
In the stomnch and bowels; It disinfect the
mouth and throat from the poison of
All druggists sell charcoal la on form or
.mother, but probably the best charcoal
and the most for the money Is In Ftuart's
Charcoal I.oxenges; they are composed of
the finest powdered Willow charcoal, and
othe harmless antiseptics In tablet form
or rather In the form of large, pleasant
testing loxcnges. the charcoal being mixed
with honey.
The dully use of these losenges will soon
tell In a nticb Improved condition of the
genet a! health, better complexion, sweeter
breath and purer blood, and the beauty of
It Is, that no possible harm can result front
I heir continued use, hut on ths contrary.
great benefit.
A Buffalo physician In speaking of the
benefit! of charcoal aays: "I advise Stuart's
Charcoal Lozenges to all patients suffering
from gas In stomsch and bowels, and to
clear the complexion snd purify the breath,
mouth and throat; I also believe the liver
Is greatly benefited by the dally use of
them; they cf't but !5 cents a box at drug
stores, and although In some sense a patent
preparation, yet I believe I get more and
better charcoal In Btuart'a Charcoal
I.oxenges than In any of the ordinary char,
coal tablets."
Itadtke Again Carries Off the Honors
at Oaklana.
HOT SPRINGS. Ark.. Feb. a.-With fine
weather the attendance at Oaklawu was
the best since the openlnc duv. Radtke
again carried off the honors In the saddle,
winning with four of his five mounts. A. J.
I'olndexter registered a horse today as "The
Ruke," but It was decided that the horse
wua a ringer, and the association took
charge of the horse and will brand him.
First race, three furlongs, 2-year-olds,
Maidens': Snnardo won. Game Bird second,
Hello Scott third. Time: 0:J3.
Second race, sis furlongs, selling: Tvale
Zltt won, Ohats second. Anadarko third.
Time: 1:19.
Third race. mile, selling: Odella won.
Dolinda second, Dave Sommrrs third. Time:
1 :4Hi.
Fourth race, alx furlongs, selling: San
Prlmo won, Uermakls second, I.oriscate
third. Time: 1:18.
fifth race, three and one-half furlongs, !-year-olds:
Rudy won. Maty Welch second.
Rifleman third. Time: 0:46.
Sixth race, six furlongs: Mafalda won.
Investor second, O. O. I'adtte third. Tune:
NEW ORLBANS, Feb. 21. -Results at the
Fair Grounds:
First race, six furlonas. selllna: Shenan
doah won, Dan McKenna second. Arsenal
third. Time: 1:18.
Second race, three and one-half furlongs:
Raleshed won. Hlarkburn second, Glad
llrate third. Time: 0:45.
Third race, mile and sixteenth. Auni
master won, Ralnland second, Bouvler
third. Time: 1.- .
Fourth race, soVen furlongs, handicap:
Iady Navarre wrm; Do Rrszke second, Col
lector Jessup hlrd. '.Time:- 1:311.
Fifth race, tniie, and lialf. selling: Loiila
Kraft won. Paul., second, Cashier third.
Time: 2;4.
Sixth race," selling: J. C. Clem won. Fla
vlgny second. Bitter Brown third. Time:
Results at City park-:
First rac, six furlongs, selling: Ann Hill
won. Miss Jordan second. Henrt of
Franstamar third.. Time: 1:18H-
Second race, .si-' furlongs, selling: Creel
won. Dazxle second; lxcli Ooll third. Time:
Third race, mile and sixteenth, selling:
Ingolihrifl won, Kxtra second, lady Mis
take third. Time: l:53i.
Fourth race, six and one-half furlongs:
Suzanne Rocamore won. Jack Adams sec
ond, CHseinn third. Time: 1:26.
Fifth race, five and one-half furlongs:
Kargul won, Tlchomlngo second, Lucy
Voting third. Time: 1:10.
Sixth race, five and one-half furlongs,
selling: Spendthrift Helen won. Skyward
second. Oak Grove third. Time: 1:11V
Seventh race, mile and sixteenth, selling:
Goldlc won. Merry Acrobat seoond, Klein
wood third. Time; l.f.2.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb., 21.-Results at
Kmory vllle:
First race, seven furlongs: Modicum won,
Bhudy Lad second. Haven Run third. Time:
1 :2.
Second race, six furlongs: Yo San' won.
Soundly second. Isolation third. Time: 1:17.
Third rare, mile: The Captain won.
Major Tenny second. Standard third. Time:
l:4S'i. .
Fourth race, mile, the Stonehenge handi
cap: Jake Sanders won, Rob Ragon second,
Magrane thin!. Time: 1 :43.
Filth rare, mile and fifty yards: Corrl
gan won, Hooligan aeeond, Lone Wolf third.
Time: 1:46.
Sixth race, six furlongs: Forerunner won,
Gossiper second, Kd I.llburn third. Time:
LOS ANGELES, Feb. B.-Results at
Ascot: '
First race, steeplechase, short course:
I techno won, Adams second, Marylander
third. Time: J :0a.
Second race, mile and seventy yards:
Rockey won. Piquet second, Gondnlus third.
Time: l:4Va-
Third race, five furlongs: Blue dottle
won. 8'lvan Dixon second, Iady Alleece
third Time: 1:02.
P'ourth raoe, seven furlongs: Felipe Lugo
won. Wrenne second, Whoa Bill third.
Time: 1;2XV
Fifth race, mile and seventy yards: Cata-
llne won. Miss Mav Bowdish second, Vlona
third. Time: 1:4.
Sixth race, five and one-half furlongs:
The confidence of the public is
the final proof of merit.
Has stood the test
It is old and pure
j? in
'!-! V. m. III i.IUJI I " " "' "" "'
Ambitious won. Joela's J"l second.
Turkey Foot third. Time: l".
The Oidshys won two games from h
Krug Parks In their postponed match lt
night, and It twglns to look a though the
packers hsve first place cinched. There
are still fifteen games to play, however,
and the Mrts team may tipxet calculations
like Isst year s finish. Ivldie Cochran
good enough after his endurance match to
lead the ten men with a to;il of Hull
and French tl"d for top single game wilh
134. Hcores:
1st. ?d. M Total.
Hodges ;'l IV. K"4
tirlflitha 110 1f. IV vi
Williams 17 1.T6
Conrad 1 154 11H .i
Cochran 211 211 191 13
Totals !MI K77 942 2.8oS
1st. 2d. M. Total.
Johnson L"ifi 1SJ 164 si
French 1.-6 214 174 :.4:i
Zimmerman 1M 191 17 &a
Hull 137 214 i'-t ul'-l
Bengele l'i 20S SO 6-3
Totals Ml l.'M 79 2.7SI
The Life Malts won three games from
the Armours No. 2 on the Metropolitan al
leys. Walenz hud high single name of 2-?.
also on totals with . Score;
1st. 2d 3d. Totals.
Sutton its 129 1M 4: 1
Johnson 171 17M 172 r"!
Ktuinnhoist :os IH7 174 o-Si
Nelson VA -A 17H 4;: :
Wnlcns 225 212 1!2 f-'.i
Totals 918 Ml 870 2.U29
1st. 2d. 3d. Totals.
Furav LOT 19! 12 &29
Colrtns 146 19 177 511
Welmer 15fi l!A 177 4W
Orlflln 12!l 11 lifil 371
Davis 1f9 131 175 4u
Totals 746 7S5 KM 2.305
Americans Challenge for Davis lap.
NF.W YORK. Feb. 21. The American
challenge for the Dwlght F. Davis Interna
tional challenge cup nt J.awn tennis was
cabled today to the English Luwn Tennis
association ut London.
This Is the first time that the American
challenge has been sent ahead of time.
The reason given by Chairman Anderson
of the l.'nited Slates National Lawn Tennis
association whs that the com ml ties had
! corresponded with leading players of this
; country and a team of high class was
assured. Seven countries are expected t'i
compete ror the cup, the list Including
Sweden. Germany. Belgium, France. Aus
tralia, America and the l-Jnglish defenders.
B. C Wright of Boston, F. B. Alexander
of New York, H. Ward and C. llohurt of
Orange, and K. Collins of Chicago nrc
talked of aa probable players on the
American team.
Indoor Tennis Tonrnnment.
NEW YORK. Feb. 1.-Play was con
tinued today In the Indoor lawn tennis
tournament for the national champion
ship In singles and doubles on the courts
of the seventh regiment armory. T. It
Pell held his place in the semi-final round
of the singles by defeating M. S. Clark
after a keenly contented three set match.
I. C. Wright, a younger brother of the
national champion, R. C. Wright of Boston,
won his first contest in straight sets from
K. Smith. R. T. Bryan of New York de
feated 11. K. Alton of Pennsylvania also
tn straight sets. One match was com
pleted In the doubles. Fisher and Tallant
winning over the Brooklyn pair, Westfull
and Anderson.
Cbamploaahlp Game.
The Bennett and Crescent teams will
play baaket ball Thursday night, to xloclde
thn championship of the city. The game
will be called at 1:30. The lineup:
Bennetts. . Crescents.
QrlfTHh right forward. .W. Frankfort
Grau-Starr left forward... .11. Frankfort
Hansen center Wilson
Dunn right guard Weisen
Duncan left guard PJure
porting Brevities.
Much Interest Is being taken In . the
squash ball game. which will be played
this morning at 10:30 nt the Racquet club
between '"Spike" Kennedy and Luther
Rourke has a hard time keeping his
pitchers off the diamond on these beauti
ful spring dsys. The argument that It is
too cool does not go, so he has to order
them off to protect the grass at the park.
Nearly 200 automobile manufacturers
were represented at the Chicago automo
bile show and the Omaha promoters of
the show at the Auditorium claim they
have about thirty of these secured by
promises to participate In the show whluh
will open up April 4.
Travelers say the Platte Is black with
feathered fowl, which seem In no hurry
to get out of this fine climate which is
now hovering over Nebraska. Many
Omaha shooters are making preparations
to go to Clarks and other burgs on thn
Platte for a Sunday's shoot.
1 The Omaha Rod and Gun club will meet
In the city council chamber Friday night
when the annual meeting will be held.
Many Hpplliatlons for membership are be
Ing received, as new members can still
get In on the ground floor for II. whereas
after the meeting Friday night It la planned
to raise the Initiation fee to .
The colleges seem to have reached a
stage of waiting to ace what the other
fellow would do before coining out strong
for the good old game of foot ball. Minne
sota, Michigan and Nebraska have de
clared their position by 'selecting coaches
for the year and are now engaged In
schedule milking, waiting for the other
colleges to decide what they will do.
The Omaha High school will hold au
athletic carnival Friday night at tha
Young Men's Christian association gymns
lum, when a varied entertainment will be
given. The premier event of thu program
is a basket ball game between the high
school basket ball team and the Sioux City
High school team. A curtain ru! tier will
be played between the basket hall teams
of the senior and sophomore classes of the
high school, winners resiectlvcly of the
senior and Junior and freshman and sopho
more games. In addition to the basket
ball games there will be a general athletic
tournament, with athletic events In all
classes. Including the broad Jump, the
high Jump and shot put, the thirty-yurd
daah and a relay race.
MalirlotiM Mischief
often done by Indigestion Is prevented and
cured by Elertrlo Bitters. 80 cents: guaran
teed. For . sale by Sherman & UcConueil
Drug Co.
rhlraan Bank PrcsMent Keatan.
CHICAGO, Feb. 21. At a stormy mori
InK of the directors of th'e Jarksiiii TrUKt
and Savings bank today. President William
N. Htigan resigned his pnHltiun. The run
on the bank 1h about over aud 11 is an
nounced from the directors" miietlng the
Institution expected no further trouble.
With medicines as vith other things, the surest test cf
worth is the length of time they have the confidence of
the people. The efficacy of S. S. S. has been thoroughly
proven by experience, and so successful has it been that
today it is the best known and most widely used blood
remedy in the world. For diseases such as Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula,
Sltin Diseases, Sores and Ulcers, Contagious Elood Toison, and other trouble!
due to an impure and poisoned condition of tie Hood, no-remedy acts so
promptly and tlioroti.-jhly as docs S. S. S., and thousands throughout th
country, cured of such diseases, are daily recommending it to others simi
FORTY YEARS OF CURES. S. S. S. is a blood purifier of the highest
order, containing properties necessary to cure blood troubles of every character,
and which make it the greatest of all tonics. It goes into the blood and drives
out any and all impurities, and makes this stream of life strong; and healthy,
and when this is done disease cannot remain. Being made entirely from roots,
herbs and barks, chosen for their healing, purifying and building-tip proper
ties, it does not injure any of the delicate organs or tissue s of the body as do
(hose medicines which contain Totash, Mercury, Arsenic or other harmful min
erals, but cures safely as well as permanently. S. S. S. reaches deep-seated
and inherited cases on which the ordinary Sarsaparillas and tonics nave no
effect. It is no experiment to use. S. S. S.; it is a remedy with a record; it
has proven its worth and ability by its forty years of cures. If vou need a
blood remedy begin the use of S. S. S.; write us about jour case and let oui
physicians advise you and send book on the blood; no charge for either.
Dr. E. C. Scott won the support of intelligent women when he originated his famous
prescriptions, because they are pure medicines and are free from all elements that produce
drug habits and leave bad after ertecti.
E-LIM-I-NO overcome Weakness and Depraaalon without using alcohol, whisky,
wine, or strichnine stimulants. E-llm-i-no acts by cleaning poisonous waste products from
the blood and thin restores the circulation.
E-LIM-I-NETS Cure Chronic Constipation without the continued use of physic
They are a delight to all thus afflicted.
E-LIM-I-NA-TUM Stops Pain and Relieves Soreness without the ue of opium,
morphine, cocaine, or other narcotics. E-llm-i-na-tum acts by dissolving the poisons that
are settling in the joints and tissues and causing pain.
To prove tht great superiority of the Elimino Remedies over all others for the ailments
named below we will send a marked copy of
Dr. E. C. Scott's New 64Paga Book Free
to all sufferers who will place a cross (X) in front of their ailments and Fend this m with
their name and address plainly written. Send no money, the Book is free. You get the
medicine of your druggist.
Poor Circulation
Low Vitality
Sickly Women
Painful Periods
Change of Life
Drug Habits
Sickly Children
The Elimino Remedies
will be kept In every home where their worth
-tlona until you feel df'DrpMcd aud undone, try
lent and alpfpiebf . Or bve been expoaed to wet
Khtril wltb the remt. Your drunslat ran aappiir you with the Kltmlneu st 2.v. and with the, otbera
l.OO each. If be will not set I hem for too we will lend ibem direct, prepaid, on receipt of price.
-L I M I N E T S
1-L1 Ml NAT U MS
We Cure
Men for
private, chronic and pelvic diseases, who are treating with quack spaolal
l.t. and Inexperienced physicians without receiving any benefit, we have de
cided to make a special offer to charge
ing those who are now undergoing ireaimem eiaewnnr. im
provided that you com" to us before March . 1st For Instance. U you are
afflicted with either Hydrocele. Btrlcture or Nervous Decline, our charge for
-,.,ir.. .i.h., f hirh without any oomplloatlon Is 126.00. we wJl guarantee to
' ... !... accent the money
are you for $12.50, and accept ins money In ay J
lso cure Contagious Blood Poison for 113 SO. whi
k. neri- la mode to enable tbise to be
.i. :,,. rnnt..i'mi Rlood Poison for
T.K- i.k .i err i. n,o.t. ta enable these
money in doctoring without relief and to
dose's of physicians without benefit that
Our method we np-to-tlat and are Indoraed b the highest med
ical authorities of Europe and America. Hence our success ta the
treatment of men's di-ar. Itemeniber, our specialty la limited to
tbe diseases of MKN. and MRS O.NLY. .
PKIVATE D1SEABKB Newly contracted shd chronic cases cured. Alt
burning. Itching and Inflammation stopped in 2t hours; cures t ffeoted in J days.
cover the entire field of prt vale and chronic, deey-acated. tun
plicated diseases.
rirera Stricture. Hydrocele, Varicocele, Blood Poison, Chronla
Discharges, hkin llKenea. Pile and Piitula. Prostatic DUeaacs),
Nrrvo-Vital Ucbllitjr. Kidney and Bladder Dlseaaeg.
Corner 13th and Farnam
Rheumatism Kidney Trouble
Neuralgia Stomach Trouble
Sciatica Heart Trouble
Lumbago Varicose Veins
Headaohes Constipation
Are Best for Emergencies
Is known. When over-ttieil with home rre and neetal
Elimino. Wben uffirlni rAln ne Kllmluatum. When
or cold, take n dote or two of Elimlnmum. You will be
These remarkable renv -ies are based upon the principle
of elimination instead of the common practice of stimulate. n
and stupefaction. The Book and the Remedies should be
in every home. Write today. Do it now. Address
Pure, fragrant and cleansing.
The favorite toilet soap of
discriminating users.
Its mild and sooth
ing qualities make if
particularly desirable'
for sensitive skins.
Its perfume is the
delicious odor of natur
al fltnvers.
James S. Kirk
& Company
Until March 3d
We Will Treat Any Single Uncomplicated
only one-half of our regular fee for cur
In any way you wish to pay. We will
113 UK which Is Just half our regular fee.
to be cur.d who have sint thslr
show the many who have treated witu
we have the only m.inods that ro-
Entrance on 18th Street
i .