Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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The best test of any food is the ability to work well
en it; sleep -well after it; keep well by it
No article of food has stood this test so veil so
long as the soda cracker. No soda cracker has stood this
test so satisfactorily as Uneeda Biscuit
Babies have thrived on them ; strong men have kept
strong on them; sick folks have lived on Hem; well
folks have kept veil on them.
are always fresh and crisp that's why they are so good ;
pure and clean that's why they are so wholesome ; all
. food and nourishment that's why they are so healthful.
Millions have learned this and profited by it have
you? The knowledge costs you only a nlckeL
City Hall Employe Unable to Full Bepre
sentatire Barnes from Hennines,
It Cannot Ta rn City Into Gam
bling Rftorl Km If
ressfal at Tolla.
1 ' 1
Amount of Land Brought Back for Entry
by Prosecutions. '
Chief Wheeler and Ilia Secret Service
Ftire Will floand Ip Thla
Acreage ny Flrat hf
VaA, A a result uf Ilia investigations made
, jL l'v the "land department through the se
jf " cret ifnlw and other land agents within
I'' tha last srvt-ral muntha there 'will have
firrn reniorea 10 ine puuuc domain J,uu,v
acres of land by July 1. which will become
available for public entry undnr the homo
si ead laws. Thin l,fluO,iXW acres represents
the actual amuunt of land which haa been
sogrcgated from the public domain by
f iilnUnt Al I (I.J. ...Ma... . . . a.UInh
la subxtantlated by aftidavlts procured by
V the special officers of the government de
t. tailed to make these Investigations.
aii ui una worn la uirecieu irom llie
Omaha office In the federal building, the
agents and secret service men being tinder
the Immediate direction of 1 C. Wheeler,
to whom all reports are made direct.
Honoris .constantly are being received
from the sjt.-nts in the field of northwestern
ml northern Nebraska. These affidavits.
which, show a remarkuble degree of fraud
ulent prnrtlcea. are obtained from various
source, and particularly wherein the land
haa been bought outright on the final proof
certificates of the purties employed to make
them. -',
One liiini'li of 'affidavits recently was re
ceived ., from a bank at Red Oak, la.,
Uiioiifcb which tho money had been paid
!) Ihu p.SrHes iniiklng proof and upon the
pmnentailon of warranty- deeds to the
rlsimr. Among these are several soldiers'
widow?. J,he coivderntinn,' being S75 and tWO
per deed., practically' all of these fraud
ulent traneferfl ami filings have been made
Mnr. the fs) of line, and all of such have
h-cn recirnmemlcd for cancellation. Where
a patent. has alremly ssud it will be Im
possible -in secure n cnivellatldn of the
entry." And w'.icrr the transaction vm
i-omp'eted prior to 1!K1 the statute of lim
itations t'i government from re-
Joseph Heller and Kdwin Heller, a ven
triloquist performance by Ralph Roths
child, with Harry Uoets as the "dummy.
an Impersonation by Joseph Newmann, a
recitation by Max Ron fold and illustrated
songs by Sidney Mandelberg and Lester
Heyn. The stereoptlcon views used to
Illustrate the songs consisted of pictures
of members of the club and were a popular
feature of the program. After the pet"
forum nee a dunce was held.
i i -
Youth's Mather Proves Alibi for Him
to Contradict Hla Confession
of. Holdups.
' ilis. Uornian, mother of Leo Angus, evi
dently has as little confidence- In the con
fession to the Albright saloon holdup made
by Angus as the jury before which it was
made. She called at the county Jail and
declared Leo could not have been at Al
bright on the night of the holdup becuuse
he was at home. She says he got to drink
ing heavily about that time and to break
him of It Mr. Gorman and she took Angus'
clothes and his overcoat away from him
and kept him In the house for almost three
weeks. It was during the three weeks he
was kept at home the Albright robbery
occurred, so she Is sure there can be no
truth In the confession.
The confession of Angus was made In the
case In which James J. Buckley was on
trial for tha holdup. In spite of the state
ment of Angus. Buckley was found guilty,
the Jury refusing; to believe Angus. .
Metropolian Mali Mlnatrela Prove
Their Ability to Kntertala
Is Initialled.
The yi.iniK mti of the Metropolitan club
entertained the r't nf the club last night
by an. amateur pctrorriuinre given In the
club hull. The Vntertaliiini nt drew n large
wu ' " nnu i ne nmiicnce was liberal with
"pplniiie- inn indicated Its approval by
Tjllllnir bflr-k -till. 1 1 ' lit lli .ndi.fnpnH
nl;-lit In rimp in. the woods was made the
tmsla of a vaudeville performance, the
numbers telns; enlivened by local hits In
which the club mcmWra were victims. The
V principal -ruiniher on the program were a
at L . . II. a i. t . .
ninm iniH ny jnomc ueyn, nongs h;
Daaajera that Threaten the Child's'
(Prom the Chicago Trioune.)
"Health Commissioner Reynolds of Chi
cago, In his latest bulletins of the depart
ment, says that the worst danger to which
the children nt Chicago are now expoted
Is the neglected cold." , .
It would be unwise for the health com
missioner of a city to recommend any rem
edy for a cold; but should he do so, Cham
berlain's , Cough Remedy would ..certainly
bead the list as tho most efficacious for
colds, croup and whooping cough . in chil
dren, as a remedy that can always be de
pended upon to effect a speedy cure and
that la pleasant and safe to take. This
remedy contains no opium or other harmful
drug and may be given as confidently to a
baby as to an adult. Its great worth and
merit In the treatment of these diseases has
been attested by many thousands of mothers.
Two Meeting's Held for ramose of
Strengthening Its Or
At Wednesday afternoon's meeting of the
8treet Railway Employes' union C. O. Pratt
counselled more perfect organisation
among the local street car men and
urged loyalty to the International associa
tion. The session was a closed one and
was largely attended by the night force
of men. Another meeting was held last
evening and that session, too, was execu
tive. No action has as yet been taken
on the report of the executive committee
regarding Us conference with the street
railway officials.
President P. J. Ienihan of division 288
of the carmen's union said Wednesday
"Our grievance lies with the apparent
discrimination against the men because
they belong to the union. There have been
three dismissals of our members during the
last few weeks, which had largely to do
with the fact that they were union men.
The head men of the company do not make
any discrimination because of the union
but some few of the bosses do, but not all
of them.
General Manager Smith stated that no
grievance complaints had como direct to
him, nor did he know of any serious grlev
ance prevailing. Such matters, he said
would naturally come to Superintendent
Superintendent Tucker said:
"A committee of the employes visited
me this morning In the interest of the
union. They held that one of the foremen
was discriminating against union men. We
have had no trouble with the union at all.
I asked the resignation of one of the con
ductors because he had been observed
going into a saloon while on duty "on two
occasions. The rules of the company are
very rigid In this respect, as they are in
all corporations. The offending conductor
Was admonished for the first Infraction of
the rule. Shortly after this the offense
waa repeated and his resignation was
asked. One of the purposes of the visit of
the committee this morning was to ask
his reinstatement. As regards any dis
crimination against union men, there la
nothing to it."
ranrements for the ball was composed of
P. J. Norton Kd Brewer. F. J. Meyers,
J. Cnllen, L, IJdilell, Ueorge Kroehler and
P. Scoles.
Pnatolnee Milt Re Closed Part
Tharaday In Honor of (ieorae
The postoffice will be closed alter 10 a. in.
Thursday In commemoration of Washing
ton'a birthday anniversary. The letter car
riers will make two deliveries in the busi
ness districts during the forenoon only.
One delivery will be made In the morning
In the residence districts, but none In the
In a lung harangue Wednesday morning afternoon.
Alf Bugh, superintendent of the city nou, Tne United States courts will continue In
failed to convince Btale Representative operatton Thursday. All the offices will
Barnes that he ought to support w. J. be opened for business aa usual and court
Broatch for mayor. The conversation took
place In the superintendent's room, where
tho representative had tarried for a few
minutes. Bugh immediately undertook to
convert him to Broatch. . It required only
a few minutes for Mr. Barnes to announce
where he stood and he did so In a loud
voice with a total disregard for conse
quences, real or imaginary.
'It might as well be understood now as
any other time, that I am for Henninas
for mayor," asserted, the venerable legis
lator of the Fourth ward". "I deny the
right of Mc.yor Moons or any other man
to control 'my politics tyid will not go
over to the Broatch crowd In this cam
paign. For nine yeara andmore Broatch
has done everything in his power to down
the mayor and the men who were asso
ciated with him politically, of whom I was
one. When I was a candidate for the
legislature the Broatch outfit tried to de
feat me. I fall to see any reason why I
should truckle to them now and I do not
propose to do so. I am going to do all I
can to nominate Hennlngs for mayor. I
have no sympathy with or inclination
towards Broatch and time trying to get
me to come over to him Is wasted."
will be held In both the court rooms,
County officials will observe Washing
ton's birthday by a general suspension of
business In all of the offices. The district
clerk's and the county Judge's offices may
be open most of the day to receive filings
but no ether business will be transacted
The Jury has been excused until Friday
morning and no court proceedings will be
Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Rosa lafaat
Killed by Arrldeat at
Information has been received In Omaha
of the accidentaj death of the Infant son
of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Rosa at Cheyenne.
Wyo. Mrs. Ross was formerly Miss Nellie
Tayloe ot Omaha and waa prominent In
society here up to the time of going to
Cheyenne, nbotit three- years ago. The
son was left sleeping in his carriage on
the porch of the Ross residence. In some
unknown mnnner the carriage . was over
turned and the boy was found dead.
Chief and Mrs. Donahue left yesterday
for Hot Springs. Ark., for a stay of three
weeks. ...
N. P. Jeinisnu of Piainvlew, Neb., Is at
the Murray InMel, having arrived yesterday
N. A. IOrkwood of Hebron, Neb., a di
rector In the Nebraska Mercantile Five
Insurance company, has been called to
Omaha oji business. He la at the Murray,
H. A. , Thompson of Thompson, Belden
Co.. retnmied Wednesday morning from
New York. On his we 7 home he stopped
off a few days at West Baden, tiul.. and
says be' drank enough water to last a
year. , .
The Civic Federation will neither place
any municipal ticket In the field lior en
dorse candidates, according to its attorney,
Elmer E. Thomas,
"We believe, no matter .who Is elect ?J
mayor and to tlje offices, the I desuetude.
laws are going to be enforced In Omaha
hereafter." says he. We base our conclu
sions upon the obvious sentiment ot the
community. In the light of the last year
or two and the exclusion of gambling and
the midnight and Sunday closing of saloons
it Is believed this sentiment of the ma
jority of our people has been fully demon
strated. Personally I am rather astonished
that Dennlson, Chucovich and the other
gamblers should back the Broatch cum
DIst-aaa Paving; aad Decide o Revive
Federation of Improvement
The Prospect Hill Improvement club held
a largely attended and enthusiastic meet
Ing last evening, at which one of the
principal things discussed was the pro
posal to pave Hamilton street. It was the
consensus of opinion among the property
owners that the paving should run from
Twenty-fifth to Fortieth street and the
petition was amended to conform to thla
Idea, A movement was also started for
the pavement of Thirty-third street to
Parker street.
Delegates were present from several other
Improvement clubs and after some discus
sion It was decided to revive the city
federation of improvement clubs which
had been permitted to lapso into Innocuous
S corn
Here l,n new .aliaiM In th
"Asbury" assort iwnl. Jipt off
fashion's ttrliUlle.
A '.'piping" hot oho for (lie
young fellow entering Ms majority.
Mall order expressed ti any
.--. i
body anywhere. ' '
lUnek, tan, gra)V (
"Nebraska Special"
Hats at $1.50
will give you a IK-iSO appearance.
"BannMer" Shoes, for", men.
We are sole Omaha representa
tives. ' ' '
.H'ii- li rT,H '
Marriage Meenses.
The following marriage licenses have
been issued:
Name and Residence. Age.
James O'Brien. Perclval, la 2s
Mary Ryan, Omaha 25
Joseph Martis. South Omaha 22
Annie Bouhuer. Omaha t lit
Charles B. Offerman. South Omaha 27
Klla McHugh. Omaha 25
Thomas Gamble, F.I m wood 23
Pearl Hess. Klmwood
paign, as they seem to be doing, for even Arthur N. King, Friend 24
though they make Broatch mayor It will Mary Graven. Taimage 23
not do them any particular good. The William Keating. Sioux City 21
laws are going to be enforced Just the Mrto Qulnn Sioux City 22
same, and these men will not be per- Marv" Rosen broa . O inaha'!;!'"!;!!!.'"!!!; 21
A Krent Slllt Anetlon.
On February 8 the Ashley & Bailey com
pany, one of the largest silk manufacturers
In the country, held an auction sale of their
surplus stock of silks at the rooms of
Townsend 4 Montant, New York. Among
the buyers present we note from Omaha
the name of Hayden Bros., and understand
that extensive purchases wore made by
A Beautiful Skater.
, liss Nellie Donegnn, the fancy skater
now at the Auditorium, . is without doubt
the most - picturesque and 'accomplished
lady skater In the world. She dresses In
beautiful circus costume and her exhibi
tions are full ot dash and graceful evo
lutions. She will be at the Auditorium all
this week.
Special Announcement
On Monday, February 2Sth, will benin
one of tho greatest silk sales ever known
In Omaha. On the 8th of this month the
Ashley & Bailey Co., well known manu
facturers of high grade slllis, held an auc
tion sale of their entire surplus stock at
the rooms of Townsent & Montant. N. Y.
Our buyer secured over 46.(100 yards ut
prices which enable us to offer our cus
tomers the greatest bargains In new silks
ever seen In this part of the country'. All
fresh, new goods. In , the most popular
weaves and colorings for spring wear.
Every lady in Omaha should take advan
tage of this opportunity. See display in
our Idth street window.
Barllnsrton Changes Time. -
Efeetlve Sunday, February 25, train No.
2. for Chicago and the east, will leave
Omaha at S:4fi p. m.. Instead of 4 p. m., ar
riving at Chicago 7 o'clock next morning.
Tickets, 1502 Farnam street.
bargain fl
, . Only six mort days in which you have tht opportunity to obtain the bat bargaii
of the eanonr You will have to pay much more whersver you buy when this sale clones.
Buy now ami share the advantages we offer. We enumerate a few of thi bargains;
Novelty Lace Curtains, regular $3.50, now. $3.75
Novelty Lme Curtains, regular $4.50, now $3,25
-Novelty liioe Curtains, regular $8.00. now , $4.25
Brussels' Lace Curtains, regular $11.75, now $7,75
Iirus&uls Lace Curtains, regular $L"J.50, now. $16.50
Brussels Lace Curtains, regular $9.75, now $6.75
Tapestry PoftieTes, regular $11.75, now. f ; r. '. .$7.75
Koman Stripe Portieres, regular $4.50, now $2.25
Hope Portieres, 1-inch rope, extra heavy overtlrape, all colors, regular $5.50, now $3.75
$1.00 Shades and 75c Shades, this week. 25c
$10.75 Dresser, French bevel edge mirror, finely polished, for : $6.75
$7,50 Solid Oak Chiffonier, with French bevel, mirror, five drawers, for $5.00
$40.00 3-pieee Parlor Suit, upholstered in Verona velour, for : . . $26.73
$30.00 Large Library Arm Chair for... $20 00
$22.00 Solid Oak Mahogany Parlor Chair for .$15.00
$28.75 Solid Mahogany Library Arm Chair for . $1900
$35.00 Genuine Leather Couch, spring work the best, for $29.00
$27.00 Genuine Leather Turkish Kocker, heavy fringe, for .$20.00
$17.00 Velour Couch, with solid oak quarter-sawed frame, for $10.50
$20.00 Box Couch, lined inside, patent spring for opening, for . $17.50
$35.00 Antwerp Oak Morris Chair, very handsome design, for $20 00
$32.50 Royal AVilton Rugs, sire 8-3x10-6 $23 00
$35.00 Royal "Wilton Rugs, size 9x12. !$27!50
$42.50 Bigelow Imperial Axminster Rugs, size 9x12 $32.50
$5.00 Wilton Velvet Hug, size 9x12 :
$20v00 Wilton Velvet Rug, size 9x11-3.
$22.50 Wilton Velvet Rug, size 8-3x10-6
$23.00 Royal Axminster Rug, size 8-3x10-6.
60o.Hassocks, 100 in this lot, on sale at each . .......
mltted to carry on gamonng. i am toici oeorge Sreeves. Omaha
the gamblers have decided to make a raid Dorothy A. Adams, Omaha
on Omaha and put It In the open town I John J. Iynch. Omaha
column, like they did Denver.
In Denver. It is said. Chucovich was
one of the managers of Mayor 8peers
successful rani dh Inn and he Is credited
with spending something like of
campaign fund rained in 8 peers' behalf.
If these people think Omaha can be turned
over to them for their exploitation they
are much mistaken. If Broatch is elected
mayor and an attempt of, the kind Is made
Mary Sheehy, Omaha 37
William A. Schuldt. Elkhorn 23
Mnry Clausen. Elkhorn 3
Chris Oregerson. Washington county El
Christina Mordhorst, Washington county '.1
William C. Qulnlan, Omaha "H
Margaret F. Denis, Omaha Ju
Manly, vigorous and strong
DIAMONDS Edholm, loth and Harney.
- One Fare for the Round Trip.
Via Chicago Great Western railway to
they will meet with resistance that will points within 160 miles. Tickets on sale
prove very disastrous to them In the end. every Saturday and Sunday to April 1, 1906.
They may be relying upon a change in Good returning the following Monday. Low
public sentiment, but I think this hope is t0 other points on sale every Friday.
a forlorn one. For full information apply to II. IT.
Of course, while the federation win not
participate in thi municipal campaign, the
individual members are In no way re
strained from participating in any way
they Bee fit. Uut the organization has for
its object the preservation ' ot morals and
good order and the enforcement of the
Churchill, Q. A., 1512 Farnam St.
Anaon 1. Kk Inanne.
Anson D. Eby. the man who created
considerable excitement a few days ago by
announcing himself as the messenger of
Ood and who Wis arrested by the police,
was adlutlirt.d Insune vesterdfiv lv I lit.
laws, and not the election of1 sny candidate I Insanity commission. He probably will be
or set of candidates."
It Is in accord with the eternal fitness of
things that Candidate Broatch should have I
located his campaign headquarters in
former gambling resort.
New primary filings Within . the last
twenty-four hours:
Republican Councilmen: -'Charles O. Dy
ball. Seventh ward; O. H. Barker, Eighth
ward; William II. Hatterotli, Kleventn;
Henry 8. Payne. Ninth;- P. C. Schroeder.
Eighth. City attorney: . Jacob Fa wee U;
committeemen: John Kowalewskl, First
district Second ward; Ueorge E. Crow,
Third district Third ward.
Democrat Councilmen: W. 8. Sheldon,
Sixth ward; John C. Davis. Eighth; T. B.
Norrls. Ninth; Emll Cermak. Tenth:. M. F.
Funkhouscr, Eleventh; Jeff W. Bedford,
Twelfth. Committeemen: . John Keane,
Fifth district Second ward; A. II. Hippie,
Fourth district of Ninth; John 8. Little,
Third tlstrict of Fourth; E. J. Damon,
First district Sixth; Harold Overbeck,
Fourth district Sixth; Louis Fries, First
district Ninth.
Socialist Councilman: Charles Hat nit,
Seventh ward.
Harry E. Burnam haa filed as a candi
date for city attorney on the democratic
sent to the asylum at Uncoln.
The next criminal case of Importance
in district court will be the trial of Leslie
Allen, a colored man. for the murder of
his brother-in-law, Lee Jarretl, at Thirty
second and Jones streets.
To celebrate the thirty-eighth anniver
sary of his birth, the friends of Mike Doll.
superintendent of Krug's brewery, gath
ered at Millers hall, roghlecnth and Vin
ton streeta. About fifty couples were pres
ent to Join , in the festivities, and a ban
quet was served, after which the party
enjoyed the pleasures of a ditnce. John
Wittig was master of ceremonies, and John
Buck of the Store brewery made a short
speech. Richard Burnelle led the grand
MILLER, STEWART & BEATON 1315-1M9 fariiam street
Announcements of the Theaters,
The day when gallants were gorgeous,
when they wore becoming raiment of start
ling hue and stuck each other under the
fifth rib with as much grace and careless
ness as they arranged their ruffles. When
they were not Important unless they sat
gaming all night at some Inn, made love
to every pretty stage girl and noble lady
they met, got drunk between times and
conducted themselves In short as gentlemen
of the eighteenth century should, these
were the sort of fellows that fell at the
feet of Peg Wofflngton. Miss Jane Cor
coran. who Is to play an engagement at
the Krug theater on Friday and Satur
day. February 28 and 24. la starring In a
play under the title of "Pretty Peggy
whlch is a story of Peg Wofflngton by
Frances Aymur Mathews, and no better
selection could have been made by the
management ot this play in the choice of
an actress who Is the ideal Miss Wofflng
ton. Grace Ueorge, who has given to the
American stage some of its most charming
creations, will be seen at the Boyd this
afternoon and evening In "The Marriage
of William Ashe," a dramatisation of Mrs.
Humphrey Ward's latest and greatest
novel. It deala with love and the ambi
tion of a young man and has already been
stamped aa a "woman's play." Miss
Oeorge has an Immense following all
through the country. The engagement la
for the one day only. .
The regular shoppers' matinee will be
given at the Pur mood theater this after
noon. For tha special Washington's birthday
matinee at the Orpheum this afternoon
the headllner of the Orpheum road ahow,
"Ye Colonial Sextette" In the pretty con
cert. "An Old Time Hallowe en." makes a
timely attraction. It Is an excellent uuslcal
act and In It the performers are attired In
tha fashion In vogue In Washington's time.
All Druggists
Dc Earl S.S loan
' l alea MnrMalata Danre.
Omsha lodge No. 31, International As
sociation of Machinists, gave a ball at
Cretghton hall last night. It was the fourth
annual event given by the machinists of
this city and easily came up to any pre
vious effort In the way of attendance and
amount of pleasure afforded the daneera.
tieoike N. Ijimb waa master of ceremonies.
lUa couimltte having la charge the ar-
la tha man who Is not suffering freni
the ra-ages of private and sexual dls
eaata npr the blighting effects of Nerv
ous Debility, Weakness, etc. Com
parisons are usually odious, but the
weak, sickly, debilitated man cannot
help comparing himself with regret
If we. could see and treat all man
when the first symptoms show thetn
elves there need be no such compari
sons, anal there would be few men
seeking a rejuvenating of their physi
cal, mental and sexual powers, and
there would be none marked with tha
Indelible stamp of constitutional
Syhplils, and the sufferers from
Varicocele, Gleet, Stricture,
Hydrocele, Impotency, Gon
orrhoea, Emissions. Nerv
ous Debility, Rupture, Kid
ney and . Bladder . Diseases,
would be reduced to a minimum. But
as long as MEN continue to disregard
the golden adage, "A atltch In time
saves nine," and continue to neglect
themselves or to exercise Indifference,
or poor Judgment, In securing the
right- treament at the outset. Just SO
long will there be multitudes of
chronic aufferers.
Many a bright and promising career
has been blighted by Injurious habits
or folly before the age of knowledge
and understanding, and many have
been' cut short by the unfortunate
contracting of some poisonous special
disease, which, through neglect or Im
proper treatment, has completely un
dermltied and shattered the physical
strength and mental faculties. No
greater, mistake can be made than to
consider lightly the first evidence of
the Introduction of any private disease
Into your aystem or to neglect the flrat
symptom of weakened . mind and ap-
Xhfi Men's True Specialists
pmach of nervous debility, caused by
' improper or unnatural habits, ex-
. ossses. dissipations, etc
- Such Indifference and neglect ot tha
nrif wymptoms are responsible for '
thousands of human wrecks, failures
th life and business, domestic discord
knd unhappy married life, divorce, In
aanltr. suicide, etc. Men! Why take
Such desperate chances T The manifes
tation of the first aymptome of any
disease or weakness should be a warn
ing for you to take prompt steps to
safeguard your future life and happi
ness. Tou should carefully avoid all
uncertain, experimental, dangerous or
. half-way treatment, for upon the sue
ceaa of the first treatment depends
whether you will be promptly restored
to health again, with all taint of tha
poisonous disease removed from your
system, or whether your disease win
be allowed to become chronic and sub-
JeCt you to future recurrences of tha with the variotis resulting
complications, etc.
We make mlslendlna; statements, oeeentlee or nnbnslnesa-llke
propositions to the afflicted, neither do wo premise to enre tbem In n
few daye oer offer cheap, worth leae treatment In order to steers
their patronage. Honest doctor a of rerogrnlse ability not resort
to aoeh methods. Wo arnnrantoe perfect, snfe and lasting esrt In
the qalekest possible time, with oof leaving; Injnrlons after effect a In
th system, nnd at tho lowest rest possible (or honest, snlllfal and
sneeessfal trentment. ' ' . 1
rock Censultstlea If you cannot call writ for symptom "blank.
mCX ana a.(smlnstlea. Office Hours a. m. to $ p. m. Sundays. 10 to 1 only.
1809 Farnam 8L, Between loth 'and 14th St.. OMAHA. NEB.
Every Saturday and Sunday
upto Atril 1st. 1906
Mlndcn -Harlan
Dodf c -
- 1.60
- 2.80
Eajte Crova
Clarion -Hampton
Mason City
Coed returning tallowing Monday.
For full faferasaffe to
H. H. Churehltt, Cnraf Agent. MtX Tmrmtm Strtl. .
5 45
Nine connecting off ices
on the fifth floor
These office are particularly suitable for anyone wishing a suite of several connect'
ing rooms. They will be rented only in suites of three or inore rooms. There i ons...
large southeast corner room with a vault, two splendid rooms facing Farnam street.
and the other jmaller rooms facing Seventeenth street on he fifth floor of - "
Theae are he offices now oeeaplea by tha Updike Grain Co.. who will Into ta the flrat floor aa I
sva as the business office of Tha Boa Is transferred to tha corner room aa tha groun fleea.
. It la Terr aeldom that aa opportunity occurs toi accom
. modal tenant Steading largo space aad handsome offices.
i ,J."rv,c!..m 7Jl B5 V"aln lu, batter-at least Tthan
" "' au sifnin, an nay unoar elevator eervlce-eteam lieat eleetrte light-
aaSi I m B-a1 m A mA as liavl a ian fp ama mil I ..I . . .J -I a.- i 1 "
R. W. BAKER, Rapt.
B. 41S Bh Bldg,
In any ether
Apply ta
0.' BOSEWATER, Bae'y.
R. 100 Baa Bid