Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Tally Be (without Sunday), onf year..llfe
Jally f-e and Sunday, one year
Illustrated Bee, one year
Sunday Bee. cshe year :
Saturday Bee, on year
ty Be (Including Sunday). pT week.. 17s
Pally Bee (without 8unda. per week.. 12".
Kvenlng Bee (without Bunday), per week 3
Kvenlng Bee (with Hunday), per wek..lDo
Sunday Bee, per copy 5c
Address complaints of Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The T?w Building.
South Omaha City Hull Building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago 140 Unity Building.
New Tork 16 Home Ufe In. Building.
i Washing ton-l Fourteenth Street.
Communication! relating to newa and ed
itorial matter should he addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Jlemlt by draft, egpress or postal order
payable to The Be Publishing Company.
Only 1-cent stamps rvrlvetf aa payment of
mall accounts. Personal checks, escept on
Ofnaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
Stat of Nebraska, Douglaa County, s :
C. P. Rosewater, secretary of The B
Publishing company, being duly sworn.
ays that the actual number of full and
completa copies of The Dally, Morning.
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the
month of January. 1M6, arag aa follows:
1 tWMVSO 17 S1.IMM
t S1.BTO HA...' 81.TTO
8 Sl.TNO 19 S1.4BO
81.TTO SO...... S2.240
1 81.MM n 80,100
83,MO S 81.4HO
7 80.1B0 it..- 31.4HIO
I Sl.TaO 24 81,470
81,mO 25 81.B70
10 . 82,OHO 28 31.410
ii 8 1 , ; 'J7 aa.aao
13 81.SOO 28............ RO.OK
It 8il,440 ... 3.......... 81,aM
14 Utt.ftSO tO....... 81.30O
15 813TO 81..... 81,330
1 81.TTO , ,
Total . 1 ,008,400
Less unsold copies.... 1 1,03d
Net total sales..... DHJMo'i
Pally average.... . v.. v...w.. sa.Ol
' ' Secretary.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
to before me this 31st day of January, 18c.
8eJ) .., , M. a HUNOATE,
. Notary Public
" ' ' ' ''. j '
1 Mbacrlbcrs leaving- the city tera
. ararlly should bav The Bee
saalled to than. Addreaa will be
kasgt as efteai aa reqa.sted.
Southeastern Nebraska can make a
hit with Omaha by get ting Its natural
fag Hold developed before the coal
strike begins.
rat Crowc'g alleged visit to the
World-Herald office seems to have had
double object In view arranging for
a newapaper mouthpiece - and for a
bondsman nt the game time.
The delivery of Standard Oil mall to
Waters-Pierce offices In St Louis would
Indicate that the postal department had
ot been taking the Department of Jus
tice entirely1 into Its confidence.
It should be unnecessary to explain
that members-f the city council are
Bearing the ends of their official terms.
The proceedings of each meeting ex
hibit unmistakable earmarks of that
A law which would make divorces
obtainable only for reasons recognized
vln the state where tho marriage cere
mony was performed would bo logical,
but might' Injure railroad passenger
traffic. '
A councllmanic ticket is said to hare
been agreed on by the democratic lead
er. Why, however,, should any val
iant patriot lie down in advance of the
primaries when we are to have a free-for-all?
Peripatetic evangelists at Sioux Cltv,
Pea Moines. Chicago, Denver and
Omaha should get together, as all of
these places cannot be ."the worst city
In the United States" at one and the
same time. .-",, . ..
Th Nebraska State Association of
Commercial Clobs may not be in -league
with the express . company monooolv.
but Its protest against the parcels post
is Just what the express company lob
byists would want
Now that Westberg and SJoberg have
shied their castors In the ring as candi
dates for municipal office, Mr. Lobeck
Will find his claim as the only exclusive
Qwedlsh-Amerlcan tenant: in the city
hall hotly contested.
4 If the sensational and conservative
press would only give us a little breath
ing spell on the Longworth honeymoon
the Amerlean people would have some
thing to be thankful for. There Is such
'a thing as slopping over too much.
' Now. If the Jury that tries the Beef
trust should happen to return a verdict
ar nor guuty, tne Chicago clul will
have an twtpertrmlty to rise in their
might and Jiejabor that Jury for piny
Ing a Tat Crowe game of progressive
More trouble is said to be in sight
for Nebraska cattle barons. But. really.
are there any cattle barons in Nebraska?
We used to have cattle kings and cattle
queens, but they all disappeared long
ago with the buffalo and the prairie
If the Moroccan affair roea to The
Hague conference, the sultan of that
rw.ptry may think himself a bigger
maw than the sultan of Turkey, whose
affair have always been permitted to
inauagn themselves regardless of coune-
; The Woman's elub has registered Its
protest against the miscarriage of jus
tice In the Crow verdict. The Com
mercial club declares the acquittal of
Pat Crowe a mockery, and the Fonta
aelle club la on the verge of celebrating
Waahlngton'e birthday, by tomahawk
Ing Tat Crowe and singing its war
song. "I eoatd'not tell a lie, I did it
with my little hatchet.''
"Shall we have a constitutional con
vention?" la the text of a speech dellv.
eml by If. M. Huahnell of Lincoln at
the tgtu(iict given to tho Nebraska As
sociation of Commercial Clubs. The
sum and substance of this address is
embodied In the following:
Nebraska ahould have constitution that
would give local self-government to all
Its cities. Aa they grow In Importance
their conditions differ widely; no general
law can give beat results to all cities alike.
Iocal self-government for cities has been
won In number of states, and It Is a very
live Isfrue. It ought to be an laaue In Ne
braska, and a new copstitutlon would be
worth all Its cost. In labor and expense. If
It ga-e to the Incorporated cities of Ne
braska thnt which a republican form of
government is supposed to guarantee to all
In these healthful days of strong ex
pression for better government, the people
of Nebraska ought to put themaelves on
constitutional basis to meet conditions
not past but present and future. The
stream of government does not flow clear
that denies to any cltlaen the right of
self-government; neither Is It healthful and
pure when filled with doubtful decisions
to do away with expressed constitutional
It is Idle to talk about a constitutional
convention at this time. A constitu
tional convention under tho most favor
able circumstances could not be held In
less than four years. A resolution sub
mitting the question whether a constitu
tional convention should be hold would
have to pass three-flfths of both houses
of the legislature In 1W7.' The propo
sition would have to be "voted on by the
people of Nebraska In 14M8 and if rati
fied by a majority of alt the votes cast
at that election would have to be acted
on by the legislature of JOirO, by issuing
a call and making the necessary pre
parations. The convention would then
meet In the summer of 1000 and Its
work would be submitted to the people
at the enrliest nt n special election In
the summer of 1009 or In the fall elec
tion of the name -ear and it could not
therefore be put Into practical effect
until H10.
The shortest path to constitutional re
vision Is through the submission of
amendments covering all the defective
points by the present legislature which
could be convened by the governor this
spring or summer. These amendments
could le voted on at the November elec
tion of the present year and go Into
effect next winter.
The whole thing Is up to Governor
Mickey. He has It within his power
to call the legislature and define and
outline in his call what amendments
shall lie submitted.
There was a time when the anniver
sary of Washington's birthday wns gen
erally celebrated. There were parades,
public exercises and oratory eulogistic
of that great'mnn. It was a most ex
cellent custom. Inspiring to popular pa
triotism and reviving interest in the
character and achievements of Washing
ton. In later years, while the anni
versary Is not altogether lost sight of.
Its leaa general observance does not
make the impression upon the public
mind which It is desirable should be
It has been very truly said that above
all Washington is our grent national
example: In this respect he still serves
the country that he loved more ef
fectively than In any other. Tntrlotlsm,
in the truest and highest sense, wns
his most commanding quality and the
ono which most strongly appeals to
the citizens of the republic he founded.
It Is no disparagement of the other great
men who were his contemporaries to
say that as a patriot .Washington was
pre-eminent. His foremost thought' was
that his country ' ought to be a nation
and not a confederacy and that It was
to expand. He believed it had a splen
did destiny which It was certain to
It Is more than a ceutury since Wash
ington gave to' his countrymen the Fare
well Address, but time has not impaired
the vitality and force of that great de
liverance, which no intelligent Ameri
can citizen can read without "having
his patriotism stimulated and made
stronger and his Ideals of citizenship
broadened and elevated.
In the world's history the place of
Washington Is unique. Mensnre him by
the heroe of other times and of other
countries, "and he stands apart from
them all. for he possessed an unselfish
ness and a devotion to duty which have
been paralleled seldom. If ever, In all
historic time. How great his life was,
and how precious a heritage bis mem
ory, we may somewhat appreciate by
comparing him with the great captains
and kings of other nations. There Is
none we would exchange for Washing
ton. An eminent Ainerican has said:
"The nation and the name of Washing
ton are Inseparable. ' One is linked lu
dlssolubly with the other. Both are
glorious, both are triumphant." It will
be a sad day for this country when his
name fails to come to his countrymen
as an Inspiration.
Mr. Roberta, director of the mint. Is
another alarmist regarding the currency.
He addressed the banker of Chicago a
few day ago, warning them unless
something was done to make the cur
rency of the couutry more elastic a
panic such as visited the country In
1R(3 might be the result. He expressed
the opinion that the only way In wblrh
the problem can be solved Is to adopt
the plan proposed by Secretary Shaw.
This proposition I to allow the national
banks to Issue notes up to one
half of their capital stock, without
the security of government bonds an
asset currency pure and simple and to
tax such circulation 5 or A per cent o
that it shall be withdrawn by the banks
I wheu not in demand.
As this plan has not tieen approved
by banker or business Interests any
where, so far as we have observed, but
on the contrary has been pronounced
Impracticable by such financial and
commercial organizations as have given
It careful consideration, It Is unlikely
thst the views of the director of the
mint regarding It made a favorable
Impression upon the Chicsgo financier.
It Is also noteworthy that there has
been no Intimation that the Shaw plan
has been seriously considered by any
one In congress, where there are a num
ber of men so closely Identified with
the banking interest that If the plan
were acceptable to that Interest they
would 1h very sure to bring It to con
gressional attention.
As a matter of fact these warnings
of a panic If the banks are not allowed
to Issue currency that Is not needed
by the legitimate business Interests of
the country, and would simply serve
the stock speculators does not scare
any one who rightly understands the
situation, which is not only entirely sat
isfactory at present, but there Is very
good reason to believe will continue so
for an Indefinite time. The people do
not want a' currency which Is not as
well secured as that now In circulation
and the banks do not want the privilege
of Issuing notes upon which there would
be a tax of 5 or 6 per cent Therefore
the Shaw plan Is not favored by either
the people or the banks. There must
be a better way found for making the
currency more elastic, If that condition
Is really needed. Meanwhile the legiti
mate business of the country will not
be alarmed by panic warnings.
At the lnstauce of a western Ne
braska banker, the Associated Commer
cial clutts of 'Nebraska have pnssed a
resolution condemning Congressman
Kennedy's postal savings bank bill and
requesting blm to desist from pushing
It any further. :
It so happens 'that Congressman Ken
nedy represents the Second congres
sional district with more than nine
tenths of his constituents located in
Omaha and South Omaha. It is safe
to assort that more than 05 per cent of
Mr. Kennedy's constituent In the Sec
ond congressional district favor the
establishment of postal savings banks
at the earliest possible time.
The overwhelming public sentiment
in favor of postal savings banks Is not
a matter of sentiment but of sincere
and profound conviction. The great
majority of the people, outside of bank
ing Interests, earnestly desire the gov
ernment to emulate the example set
abroad by the government of England
and other foreign countries to afe
guard the scanty earnings and savings
of the working classes and prevent, If
possible, the periodic disasters that have
overtaken them by reason of failure of
savings banks chartered by the states
and Inadequately capitalized with a
view to meeting recurring money panics
and a general financial depression.
The question that presents Itself to
Congressman Kennedy will naturally
be, whose advice should he take and
whose requests .should he obey. As
suming that a large per cent of the peo
ple of Nebraska outside of the Second
district are antagonistic to the postal
savings bank, which Is by no' means
established, would Mr. Kennedy be Jus
tified in voicing their sentiment rather
than that of his Immediate con
stituency? Is not his paramount obli
gation to his own constituency first and
next to the people of other sections of
the state, or of the United States?
The Omahn Junior Fakery claims an
average of 40,188 paid circulation for
last week. "Compare this with the state
ment of any other Nebraska daily,"
shouts the red line spieler. This I de
cidedly rich and refreshing. Why not
make It 50.000 even? Why not make It
pnld G0.0O0, 70,000 or 100.000? It Is
Just as easy for an Ell Fcrkins circula
tion expert to figure out that four pages
make one paper and four sheets make
eight papers, and when n family of four
reads one paper the paper has a paid
circulation equal to the number of read
ers; and when a bundle of papers passes
from the press room in the basemeut to
the business office on the ground floor
It Is entitled to credit for paid circula
tion for the number of paper lu the
it the telephone Issue could be pre
sented and discussed from the stand
point of equity and practical business
by disinterested parties who are fairly
conversant with existing conditions,
the general public would be enlightened
and placed In position to give unbiased
expression on the merits and demerits
of single or double telephone systems.
But an editorial discussion at so much
per line or a contingent editorial fee If
the duplex proposition carries can have
no weight with rational and Intelligent
A country editor, now governor of
West Virginia, is after the seat held by
Senator Elkins. As the senator 1 orig
inally from Missouri, the governor con
cluded evidently that he would have to
do some "showing" and started that
work by attacking the railroads. There
will probably be another alliance be
tween the late democratic candidate for
vice president and bis son-in-law In the
next campaign.
The bulletin of the census on Iowa
manufacturers shows that with 17.21 V
000 Invested lu 1005, the finished prod
uct of packing house was $30,074,070,
while the lumber Interests of the state,
with about $7.&0.0(0 invested, pro
duced merchandise to the value of
$5,610,772. The Iowa hog Is evidently
more remunerative than the Mississippi
Insurance Deputy Iterce la traveling
all the way from Nebraska to Kentucky
to sign a report to le made by the com
mittee of state Insurance commissioners
on their Investigation of New York life
Insurance companies. Why this reiort
could not have been mailed to Mr.
Pierce and the other member of the
committee for perusal and signature Is
not at all clear. The state of Nebraska,
In paying a salary to Its Insurance dep
uty, surely bad no idea It was engaging
htm -to run around the - country on
pleasure Junkets either at It expense
or at the excuse of life Insurance companies.
In going on record In fator of the
2-cent maximum passenger fare in Ne
braska, representatives of the commer
cial clubs of this state reflect truly the
growing sentiment among all classes.
Railroad passenger rates have not gone
down In Nebraska for more than twenty
years, although the traffic has multi
plied many times and the cost of run
ning a full passenger train is scarcely
more than that of running a half empty
Senator from Wyoming and from
California having gone on record In
favor of Senator Smoot, the prosecution
may move to introduce more testimony.
Thaaderlnra Patl to Frighten.
New Tork Commercial.
In the matter of the threatened strike,
the coal question seems to grow less and
less portentous somehow as we approach
Wall of the Troubled Splrlta.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Senator Elkins cannot understand why
Ms rate bill is not taken seriously. Tt
Is, he protests, couched "In the very words"
of the president. He should be reminded
that It Is the spirit that glvcth life, not
the letter.
Cohesive Power of Spoils.
Philadelphia Record.
There are fifty-odd customs houses in the
United States, of which the revenues do
not begin to pay tho official expenses of
collection. Yet such la the cohesive attrac
tion of public plunder that It Is difficult
to obtain a majority In congress to abolish
this flagrant abuse.
Editorial Indepeadewee Declared.
Hoi ton (Kas.) Signal.
Being a newspaper first, last and all
the time, this paper will print all the
news of all political parties and factions
during the coming campaign. It will
treat all politicians fairly and decently,
going on the theory that a man Is not
necessarily a horse thief because he Is a
republican, a chump because he Is a dem
ocrat or craxy because he Is a populist.
Whatever views the editor has he will ex
press on this page regardless of the reso
lution of any party, the actions of any
committee oi tho notions of any bosa. The
editor is paying the bills necessary to
keep this sheet going and he will run it
according to his individual Ideas.
Remedr for Overdear Coal.
Philadelphia Record.
In Pennsylvania the great railway com
panies largely control tha production of
coal. In West Virginia, on the contrary,
It Is charged that the great coal com
panies control the railways. Either form
of control tends to the establishment of a
dangerous monopoly, and is against the
publio interest. There Is grave danger
that the monopoly of Joint ownership and
control of transportation may be made
intolerable by . taking into partnership an
additional monopoly for the purpose of fix
ing the wage rate in the mines. Against
such-a combination i. the consumers of tho
country are at present helpless. Coal Is a
necessity, and they are obliged to pay for
It what the mine owners, carriers and
miners Jointly demand.
If there be .a means of relief from this
situation, so that extortion may be curbed
and justice done with fairness both to
producers and consumers. It Is the province
of statesmanship to find It out.
Mr. Rockefeller eomes so near owning the
earth he must feel at home wherever he Is.
A New Yorker has Just paid I43.S00 for
five painted fans: Evidently he did not
need these to raise the wind.
Mrs. Jemima Luke, who wrote the hymn
"I think when I read that sweet story of
old," died recently In the Isle of Wight, in
her ninety-first year.
Secretary Taft has agreed to deliver a
series of four lectures In the Dodge series
before Yale university next April. His
subject will be "The Responsibilities of
Prof. John II. Gray of Northwestern
university has accepted an appointment
under the National Civic federation to study
conditions In the large cities of this coun
try as respects different quasi-public, under
takings. The comet discovered several years ago
by M. Olacobinl, chief astronomer of tha
Nice observatory, was observed at Geneva,
N. Y . for the first time In the western sky
on Friday nlght last by Prof. Brooks at
Smith's observatory.
The city of Odenae, where Hans Chrla
tlan Andersen was born April 2, 1803, has
purchaaed his horn for tha purpose of
transforming It Into an Andersen house In
which may be preserved objects associated
with Denmark's beat known writer.
The duke of the Abrustl Is personally
superintending, the preparations for the
expedition which he has planned to Ru
wenxori mountain, in eastern equatorial
Africa, which Is sometimes railed "The
King of the Clouds." The duke expects
to return by way of the Nile.
Prof. W. Z. Ripley of the economlca de
partment of Harvard Is going abroad this
spring on a half year'a leave of absence.
He will visit many countries, spending
most of his time In Germany, where he will
study the railroad and Industrial combina
tions. He Is the Harvard expert on labor
and trusts.
is more than a (at food.
There . is no animal fat
that compares with it in
nourishing and building
up the wasted, emaciated
body. That is why chil
dren and anaemic girls
thrive and grow fat upon
it. That is why persons
with consumptive tenden
cies gain flesh and
strength enough to check
the progress of the dis
ease. KUTT ft 0WH, aa Fori Stress Kw Y
. m
Ripples A. the arrest ef Life la the
Chipper, confident and fearless, an ex
perienced salesman from a Maiden
Jewelry house, carrying a grip containing
HO.Ono of Jewels, started across Brooklyn
bridge at dusk one evening last week.
The salesman was onto his Job and was
particularly .alert against the chance of
losing his grip- But he lost It Just the
same. This la the way the Job was done:
Aa the salesman climbed the stairs at the
bridge he noticed a thickly-set man, poorly
dressed and with unshaven face. Jostling
about In the crowd as If half drunk. This
man got Into the same car of a bridge
train with him and talked loudly aa the
train proceeded. The salesman took up a
position In the center of the car near the
middle door, for he wanted to be where he
could get out quickly If there was any
row. In order more safely to guard his
Jewel box he held It under his legs , and
pressed it with both his legs and feet
against the underbody of the seat on which
he sat.
When ths train slowed up to discharge
passengers on the Brooklyn aide, the rois
terer said something particularly offensive
to another unkempt Individual near him.
Instantly blows were struck and one of
tho contestants fell against the salesman.
The other struck In the direction of the
opponent, but hit the salesman. The sales
man raised a hand to ward off another
blow, the side door of the car was thrown
open, there waa a rush of passengers to
get out. the salesman waa carried out In
the rush and the Jewel box w-as gone.
The aalesman went back Into the car as
soon as he could, thinking he might find
the Jewel box near his seat. It, wasn't
there. He asked a guard, and the guard
told him he had seen a man pick up and
carry out a case of the description given.
He ran up the stairs and over the bridge
leading to elevated trains, but was too late
to come up with the robber.
Tha grip contained 150 pieces of Jewelry.
They were In the shape of harvest moons,
bowknots, mercury wings, stars and hearts,
all set with diamonds or other stones;
thfrc were fifty rings set with diamonds,
rubles, pearls, emeralds or combinations
of stones; there were thirty single stone
diamond rings, six watches, about seventy
five pins of various designs set with va
rious Jewels and a score of lockets.
It Is estimated that, taking recent' sales
as a basis, the total value of the 11,000
seats held by members of the New York
Stock exchange would reach the enormous
total of $102,300,000. Between November of
last year and the present date the price
of these seats has jumped from IS5.000 to
The price of a seat fluctuates, according
to whether the market Is, good or bad.
In 1901 a seat was sold as low as $51,000.
while in the following year the price
reached tSO.OOP, dropping again to $70,000 a
short time later.
The recent cost of a seat In the Philadel
phia Stock exchange was $12,000, while
those In Washington have recently sold at
It must be borne in mind that the sale
of a seat bjt a member to an outsider does
not entitle the latter to membership In the
exchange unless he receives the consent
to the transaction of the board of man
agers. The New York Btock exchange Is
not an Incorporated body, but Is simply
an agreement among the members. When
an application Is made for membership the
candidate la most carefully considered by
the committee on admissions, and If he Is
accepted by It he pays $1,000 as an Initia
tion fee and Is prepared to begin his
transactions upon the floor. In case the
broker rails to meet his obligations his
seat Is sold by the exchange for the benefit
of hia creditors.
A recent sojourner in that great Ameri
can paradiae a la carte, the Waldorf-Astoria,
notes a roaring trade In human hap
piness In that center of joy. He waa
there In the high tide of the boom of four
or five years ago. The bands played,
every woman had a new spangled dress,
and every man was opening a fresh box of
cigars and drinking, as Dooley says of
John W. Gates, "champagne out of a
golden coal scuttle." The glad feeders
stood In line before the crowded dining
rooms, waiting like the lines before a
theater ticket office. The place was burst
ing with prosperity.
Two or three years later, in the dark
days, another visit saw the great caravan
sary lean and empty, and but pale reflec
tions of the ghosts of former grandeur 1
tha 1,501,001 mirrors. A melancholy barber
In the halfclosed barber shop spoke feel
ingly of the downfall. "The boys are
gone," he explained, wagging hia mourn
ful head. "They lost fortunes fortunes In
Steele common and Amalgamated."
But now "the boys" are back again. The
alulcea of good fortune are opened. Amal
gamated at 11S, Steel common at 45, and
a hundred and a thouaand fat men, with
their fat wives and diamond studs, and
little typewritten paper prospectuses of
preferred and common stork In castles In
Spain, are eating and drinking; and whoop
ing, popping, fining happiness fills the
good old Waldorf-Astoria to the roof.
Big Tim Sullivan, the Tammany king of
the Bower)', recently took a constituent
into an East Side restaurant. It was the
constituent's first abearance In a public
eating shop. He waa hungry, and Big Tim
saw him load In with three bowls of soup,
three codfish steaks, eight rhopa, three
beefsteaks and four bowls of coffee.
"Now," said Big Tim, "what'll you have
for dessert ?"
"Dessert T What's that?"
"Oh, something to top off with," replied
the congressman.
The constituent languidly wanned tha
bill of fare.
"I guesa I'll have a beef stew," he re
plied. It la said that only royalty rldea ffrat
claas In Europe and that only millionaires
and suckers use cabs in New York. The
drivers there seem to spend their time
searching for suckers, and they resent the
approach of a man who knows , his busi
ness and who asks the fare before taking
a aeat. A well dressed woman with two
plecea of baggage may take a cab at any
one of the railroad stations and unless
she has tha spunk to resent a flagrant
overcharge she may be obliged lo give up
aa high as $4 or $5 for half an hour's serv
ice or leas. The best plan la to make a
definite agreement with the cabman before
entering his vehicle, giving him to under
stand that you know the rates and will
not be Imposed upon. It la a waate of
gentle manners to talk decorously to a
New York cabman.
Frlflac the Phlllpplaea.
Chicago Chronicle.
The crude talk In the house of repre
sentatives rn Washington over the proposed
aproprlatlons for fortifying the Philip
pines, reveals a atrange Ignorance of con
ditions. For some time there has been a
drift toward setting soma limit to our oc
cupancy, and If there la a prospect of any
thing of the kind, why should wa fortify
tha Islands at all? Neutralisation, not
fortification. Is the liading of common
aenaa in that event. If we put millions In
fortification will It not be held to mean
that we propea to stay there Indefinitely?
And If we mean that, does not common
acnae again point to the necessity for
changing the policy we have so far fol
lowed lu that quarter T
It Quiets
the Cough
This is one reason why Ayers Cherry
Pectoral is so valuable in consumption:
it stops the wear and tear of useless
coughing. But it does more it con
trols the inflammation, quiets the fever,
soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about
it, then do just , as he says.
We have no secrets! We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.
Made tha . O. Are Co., Lawall, Mass.
' Alas M aaufketursre ef
ATSR'S HAIR VIOOR-Tor th katr. ATBR'S PILLS-For eenitipatles.'
AYIR'S ARSAPAKJLIA For tha blood. ATBR'S AGUE CURB-For malaria and agat.
A Prrmlam on trim.
Buffalo Express.
Certainly there la great danjrer that the
verdict will tend to encourage the crime
of kidnaping.
Kncoaragement nt Lynch Law.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
An Omaha Jury has now acquitted Pat
Crowe, on the ground that the evidence
against him was not sufficient. Such an
outcome Is an encouragement ti lynch law.
Markers- of Jaetlre.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
No explanation la given by the Jury of
the ground for Its verdict; but It. seems
to be nothing less than an expression of
popular hatred for millionaires of the Beef
trust class snd a practical assertion of the
right of Jurors to grant Impunity for crimes
aimed against that class. Of course, such
an attitude, wherever It obtains, reduces
Justice to a mockery.
Worse Than the Mafia.
Washington Post.
Pat Crowe Is a more dangerous and In
excusable criminal than any of those
lynched Italians at New Orleans or than
all of them put together. Maybe the civ
ilisation of Omaha Is sweeter and more
wholesome than that of New Orleans.
Maybe not. But at least the southern city
has served notice that the enemies of so
ciety cannot live there, even with the com
promise of a craven Jury; whereas Omaha
has served notice that fiends like Pat
Crowe have nothing to fear at the hands
of a presumably enlightened community.
Rank Villainy Condoned.
Philadelphia Press.
By this verdict one of the rankest pieces
of vlllanies ever committed is condoned
and approved. The kidnaper Is released
and encouraged to steal soma other rich
man's son and compel ransom, since a
Jury declares It Is no crime. The verdict
was applauded in the court room, to the
great indignation of the trial judge, who
would not permit Crowe to thank the Jury
for acquitting a notorious criminal. The
Indignation of the judge was amply war
ranted, for Justice had grossly miscar
ried In his court room, and trial by Jury
had proved a shield to an atrocious crime.
Abollshlnar Cemetery Promoters.
New York Tribune.
The Iowa legislature has Just passed a
bill making It misdemeanor to discharge
firecrackers or toy pistols on the Fourth
of July. It Is time all the states were
uniting to abolish the excesses which turn
our greatest national holiday Into a
mere celebration of the nuisance making
powers of the small boy and the manufac
turer of explosives.
Browning, King & Co
originators and sole makers or BAir sizes in clothing.
Noticed our Hat window lately? We mention the fact aa Its
about time thoughts were turning towards new head dress.
The winter cap and hat should be laid aside soon, and of all
the stores in town that sell hats we don't know of one better
equipped to supply your spring wants than ours. We never
had a finer nor larter assortment and our styles and prices
are sure to please all comers.
Men's Hats from $2.M to t"l.OO.
Boys' Hats from l.BO to fJ.80.
ttilldrcn's Tarns from B(c to 92.00.
Fine Caps, Oc, 75c, $1.00.
Fifteenth and
I Douglas Sts.
Br 4 way at 4 Street HEW
The Reserve Force of the
The test of every other Piano is along elemental lines
repeating quality, tone, durability, beauty of case design, etc.
These things at their best are assured In a Knabe. and are
primary considerations. It is the marvelous Knabe tone
quality and Its great reserve force that arrest all the senses
and Indelibly fix In heart and brain a standard of music that
no other Instrument can approach. How may we describe the
Knabe tone? Higher, yet deeper; louder, yet softer; tragic,
yet more delicately playful than the voice of any other instru
ment underlying richness, tenderness, solidity. Simple
music takes on a new charm when played on a Knabe; con
cert music is overpowering when virtuosity stirs a Knabe to
Its depths. No composition ever exhausts or equals the pos
sibilities of a Knabe. Perhaps It is this reserve force of the
Knabe Piano, which music lovers Instantly recognize, that
makes the Knabe a thing beyond price to its owners.
Knabe Art Finish, 450. Knabe Mixtion (irand, 730.
Westers) Agents for the Angelus. Best Place lo Buy Piano.
nn itiiiT i nrtKKZY.
"Tommy." sxked the elderly friend of
the fiitnlly, "have the insurance people
settled with your father since you hafl
that fire at your house?"
"Xo. ma'am," answered Tommy, "but
pnw snys the dlxKiistcr Is comln' to see
him about It tomorrow." Chicago Tri
bune. "Of course." xalri the goxKip, . "I don't
know anything certain about her. but then
inic can put two and two together and
make four"
"yes." replied Miss Champion, menn
InKlv. "some peoplo can put practically
nothing together and make mischief."
Philadelphia Press.
"Do yon think that sheer dishonesty
wins in the long run for a politician?"
"No," answered Senator Sorghum, em
phatically. "A man who resorts to sheer
dishrnesty In modern politics Is like- a
vulgar card sharp who tries to sit In
at a gentleman's game." Washington
"Well. Int Is approaching. I suppose
you'll go Into the usual sackcloth and
"I'll go Into aackclnth all right enough,
hut with coal going up In price I don't
know that I can afford reil anthracite
ashes." Philadelphia Bulletin.
I.ear was making his remarks on the
NliHrnncKa of a serpent's tooth.
"That's nothing." replied a modern par
ent. "Just wall till you have paid out
l.'UmO on your daughter'a voice to hear her
sing 'Everybody Works But Father.' "
Herewith the King perceived that things
really might be worse. New York Sun.
Rome had Its Caesar, great and brave, but
stain was on his wreath;
Ho lived 'the heartl"ss conqueror, and died
the tyrant's death.
France had its eagle, but his wings, though
lofty they might soar.
Were spread in falite ambition's flight, and
dipped In murder's gora.
These hero-gods, whose mighty away would
fain have chained the waves.
Who flashed their hlndes with tiger-seal,
to make a world of slaves
Who, though their kindred barred the path
still fiercely waded on
Oh! where shall be their "glory" by the
side of Washington?
He fought, but not with love of strife
he struck but to dtend;
And. ere he turned a people'a foe, he
he sousht to be a friend.
He atrove to keep hia country's right, by
reason's gentle word.
And sighed when fell Injustice threw the
challenge sword to sword.
He stood, the firm, the calm, the wise, the
patriot and sage;
He showed no deep, avenging hate no
burst of despot rage.
He stood for liberty and truth, and daunt-
lenslv led on.
Till shouts of victory gave forth the name
of Washington.
He saved his land, but did not lay his
soldier trappings down
To change them for the regal vest, and don
a kingly crown. ,
Fame was too earnest In her joy-too proud
of such a son , .
To let a robe and title mask a nobis
Washington. ELIZA COOK.
YORK Faasiary. Coser Sja3r