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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1906)
TTTR mfATTA DAILY BEE: TTTTRSDAY, FEBTirAHY 22. 1fXVi. V I i ..- Yale's Beauty Culture Lecture "To Haver Hold" WILL BE GIVEN AT BOYD'S THEATER Thursday March 1, 2:30 P.M. lls Date Cott.mes Will Be Worn. A Grand Musical Programme. Tha spirit nf Reanlr will Inrnt Boyd's T-ir Marrh let. at 1 M p m . when Mm. itr, the Worlds Urestret Ilea at y Scientist, ill give the ladles of Omihi one ol her Immlieblo Ueauljr Culture Lwtura. Her marvelous port rami of all lhal la most I. arming, a4 beautiful In women will ba an seated with arat phaaaa to delight tho ;e and enwrap the eeneea. In arillllon to tha wlee tearhlnsa and naval entertaining featnre nf Mma. Yala'a Lecture In. re ta her wonderful nerannallt that alona fa atinVtent to Jiolit an aurilenra rompoerrl Mrelv of her own sea completely spellbound fir koura.- Tken too. there la a laeclnatlon arai a Mma. Yala Beaut? Liture that l.naea themtelrreaiatlble to thoaa who ha"e e.r attendee! theoi: far thin reaaon man ir tna aama raeea will ha aeen thara every nma Mma. Yala appeara, maov of whom glvo im. Yala rmilt lor their to appearance and well preserved routs. BEAUTT CULTURE PIONEER this particular lira, wbn bo murk mt4 thought ! bating lvn to Physical t itinr aioTrttriU. tb opportunity to mum .4 hear tfvo , piomt and prim mover in m. to maitvrti lt rvnainlv an opportunity that ,ttrboly (.houM tako advantag of. On Ihia t iun Mm. Talo will bv a grat dal l m lo pi 144 U-aged womn and llmaa )u-t nr.ina Irotn oarly you to into la Mtur i-tj of womanhood. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD" Hitl ! tho tt for Mm. Talo'a nnwrki, - appltfd to tho rapid thanao that takia pu tin no 4 th phvairal uiutlon of h i.umjn 14 j. Tho porta moot lntrrjotlng, ao IM bo tho tmnarurmattan acent-a . ughus-a ia luraIH Into beauty, and wil a ina4o to atmulato youth. Tha "U4 thUiRii litat or now bolng aH'oni pl.h4 ton. u h Mm. Valo'a Inatrumentahiy til ho fnri-.iily tfoitionatraird and t-onvm-ci it UliMiraiod la Mtao. Yala'a word and .itwuaiity. PHYSICAL CULTURE Aa o.ual. Km. Yala will dreote one whrila a. lu Ikilwal (all are Uemonatratlona. In ik . Mm Yala akowi to tha best au- :tmt. Iler perfection of flgura. charm of ( Mf and wonderful trace nf movement . iftrth tha iilfthcat rommandatlon uf Her an. and prrarnt beautiful example for ail vav. to follow. m TICKETS FREE Ti krt foe Mm.. Vale' a lecture mr do el-aMied Irea of rhnma by appljlnf for them .s w at tka Ur( licpartmeat ol tha Boston die. Ike eaotceet aeata, kowaeer. will bo liven to Iboae the make a port haas of dny of Yala prepaj-atiooa ahlle appljlnf for tKketa. DAM DEIS iwafews caws OMAHA AIIKNT3. HAND SAPOLIO Is especially valuable dunng the ummer feeason, when outdoor occu pations and sports are most in order. GRASS STAINS. MUD STAINS Mt CALLOUS SPOTS yield to it, and it is particularly agreeable when used in the bath after violent exercise. . ALL QROCERS AND DRUQGIITS IT Ukra nearly tit monthi Stom Bin to pt frorn tbd kettle to ytxi. It it thus tboroujhrr niatured and afrmbW to the matt dclUate tidnacli. It fnaantet alto that dclkiou paiarabl fletor that ft" tm$ !" can ;. Stmli Bill it tS teve ror ta. Drink it 4oiv4owa k tarn kk oar hotnt tr it tverv Woman .': K ' - .. I . S . . . . . . Or ik a ' nam eftewld know irVTtv S:lJS,t Ser-y Maa Coaivoniofit, a trnrn i I b e-OMB H I 'Tl . a-ep a . f. IUwneMniM.i ' iV AT - ey m . avf At HEajLaX a Mnl1.NNI.lX DRUO CO, as. A ajva LHedc . FORM GUARD ASSOCIATION Ore uniution Tollowi the Plan of the OTsr&a iution in Ohio. DENIAL IT IS SLAP AT, GENERAL CULVER L. tt. Rrlsm af Albion la Caaltnl 1r lAWklaiaT 0r Hli tkttrei for wnulaaUara aa Stat Tret.trrr. (From a Staff Correnpondfnt.) I-INCDLN. ffb. U.-'Sppcial.) The Na tlonnl Guard nnaoclatlon wn reorcanlied thin aftrrnoon, ofTlrera elected and a con tltutlon adopted. The constitution ta a rnpy of the Ohio aaaoclatlon constitution with the exception that the adjutant gen eral la nmde a member of all the commit tees. n0 friction occurred when the mo tion made to oriranlte at the conclu sion of the school, but there was some trouble about tilling the offices. These offl-t-era were elected: Major Paul of St. Paul, president; Major Mack of Albion, secre tary; Colonel Btorch, vice preaident; Cap tain Havhr of Omaha, second vice presi dent; Captain Newman of Albion, treas urer. Major Mack and others declined the ofTlcea to which they were elected, but the association finally decided a declina tion was unconstitutional, so the offices were Anally filled. H has been reported jihe organisation of the association is a slap at Adjutant Gen eral Culver, but one of the officers last nlitlil desired this report corrected. He said : . "General Culver has the co-operation of the guard officers. He has done good work In bringing the guard up to Its present condition and he deserves great credit for it and the guard realizes that he has done more than any other man to help the guard. The officers who are going into the association all feel kindly toward the gen eral." A resolution was adopted denouncing an article In a Lincoln paper of yesterday that the guard resented the appointment of Captain Worklser and Lieutenant Richards as members of the governor's staff. The resolution endorsed the appointments. Captain Cronin, Instructor of the Na tional Guard officers' school talked on drill regulation this morning and this afternoon he talked on field engineering. The lesson this afternoon was directly In line with the Jecture by Captain Worklfor of the State university, who discussed field en gineering and map drawing. Tomorrow Captain Cronin will talk In the morning on administration and In the afternoon he will give his observations and experience In the maneuvers at West Point, Fort Riley and Manassas. This will be one of the most Interesting lectures of the series. Tomorrow a special pa triotic program will be carried out in honor of Washington's birthday. The school is progressing nicely and all of the guard officers are taking a great Interest In the work. Sew Telephone Company. The St. Bernard Telephone company of St. Bernard, Platte county, has filed ar ticles with the secretary of state. The capital stock of the company Is $.Virt and the Incorporators are Michael Kamrr and others. " Mortennen Makes o Xiivr. State Treasurer Mortens rctu: r."tl last night from Ord. where he went Saturday on private business. Mr. Mortcnxcn ha done nothing toward getting a case startot In the supreme court to test his eliglblltt Tor governor. Some of the friends of Mr. Mortensen have advised him to do nothing in the matter, but the treasurer desires a decision on the proposition befor the state convention meets. Brian I.ooklnar Over Pence. I.. G. Brian of Albion, candidate, for state treasurer, and H. C. I.ehr, who was electeJ rhairman of the republican state committee at the beginning of the compalgn a year ago, but who resigned bocause of the ill ness of Mrs. Ielir, were in Lincoln last nlKht and this morning looking up political iiiutters. Mr. Brian is trying to And out uliout what time the state convention will meet so he can start his campaign for treasurer. "If we are to have a late convention," he said, "I do not want to start out hust ling at this time, but if we are to have an early convention then I want to get busy. 1 don't care what the date of the convention Is to be, but I would like to And out about when it Is to be called. "I have not yet started my active can vass for the nomination, but when the proper time comes I snail no ao ana 1 shall try to get results." Mr. Lehr came along aa the sponsor for Mr. Brian and he expects his towns man to land the place. "If the people of the state knew him as I do," said Mr. Lehr, "he would get the nomination with out opposition. Mr. Brian has twice been elected county treasurer and once he served aa a county commiasloner. No man has made a better record as an official. MrBrlen Enters Denial. State Superintendent McBrien, who re turned to Lincoln last night, staled this morning he had never used his state mile age book for private travel, and he wants his conatltuenta and all others to know It. Another state officer who takes excep tion to the ruling of Secretary of State Galusha on the mileage book proposition asserts it Is perfectly legal for the auditor to ixaue the warrant for the money spent for the books, as every office except thit of governor, secretary, of state and treas urer, has a fund appropriated for traveling expenses. Out of this fund, this officer asserted, the coat of the mileage books could be paid. At this time there are several claims on Ale In the auditor's office for payment for mileage books and though Deputy Auditor Cook refused to issue the war rants, it is believed Auditor Searle will do ao, even though the secretary of state refuses to sign the vouchers. Assessors Disease Tax Law. County assessors from thirty counties met at the Commercial dub rooms today to discuss a plan for uniform assessment. Governor Mickey, Auditor Searle, Secre tary of State Galusha. Treasurer Mor tensen, Attorney General Brown and Sec- a mother should b a source of joy to all, but the suffering and t'ffiEiPti9 0r.dC1 B!kei.U nticiP-tio one of mL": 1 ?f "d U,Xhe ODr Ttm'd.r whicf Heveg women of the great r-... ,ger u maiermtv ; this fc!,TB t!"01 T made painless but all the danger is avoided tJ. . ' remeay are no longer despondent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distre.sine condition, ara overcome, the system i. made ready for the coming event, and tho w vvuiiuBu tu me critical hoar are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. It it worth its weight in gold." saya many who have ued it. ti.oo per ..... -s itnn, ooqx containing valuable information of interest to all women, will be sent to any addreaa free upon application to BRADnOO RTOUiATOR OO.. AUantm. Om. They Stand Alone. Standing out in bold relief. aU oVrma, ml M rnnsplcnon ikmpl of open, frank and honet dealing with tha slrk and afflicted, are Dr. Fferoe s Firorit) I'recriptloB for weak, over-worked, de bilitated, nervous, " run-down," paln raeked women, and Dr. Plerco'a Golden Medical Discovery, the famous remedy for weak stomach. Indigestion, or dys pepsia, torpid liver, or blllonsnee, all catarrhal affection whether of tha stomach, bowels, kidneys, bladder, nasal passage, throat, bronchia, or other mu eous passages, also aa an e (tec tire remedy for ail diseases arising from thin, watery or Impure blood, a srmfuVnua and skin affection. Each bottle of the shore medicine bean upon It wrapper a badge of hon esty In the full list of Ingredients com posing It ptin.ed in p7i!n A.ngth. This frank and open publicity place these medicine fn n clout nil by thrrn elres, and I the best guaranty of their merits. They canrfnt be classed aa patent nor socret medicines for they are neither hetno nf known com jjoiri lm. Dr. Pierce feels that he can afford to take the afflicted into his fnll confidence and lav all the Ingredient nf hi medi cines freely before them because these Ingredient are uch as are endorsed and most strongly praised by score of the most eminent medical writers as cures for the disease for which these medi cine are recommended. Therefore, the afflicted do not hove to rely alone upon Dr. Pierce's recommendation as to the curative value of hia medicine for cer tain easily recognized diseases. A glance at the printed formula on each bottle will show that no alcohol and no harmful or hnblt-forming drugs enter Into Dr. Pierce's medicines, they being wholly compounded of glyceric extracts of the root of native, American forest riant. These are best and safest for he cure of most lingering, chronic dis eases. Dr. R. V. Pierce can be consulted runic, by addressing him at Buffalo, N. V., and all communications are re garded as sacredly confidential. It Is as easy to be well at 111 and much more comfortable. Constipation la tho cause of many forms of illness. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipa tion. Thev are tiny, sugar-coated gran ules. Onellttle "Pellet" Is a gentle laxa tive, two a mild cathartic All dealers In medicines sell them. retary Bennett of the Slate Board spoke on the revenue lane, and plans of assess ment were discussed. The assessors were the guests of the Commercial club. MISSOURI RIVER Cl'TTIXG ITS BASKS Threatens to Leave Siehraaka City Three .'Miles Inland. NEBRASKA CITY. Feb. 21. (Special.) Reports from up the Missouri river about eight miles are causing tiruch alarm here. They are to the effect the river is cutting through Its banks and unless something Is done this city will be an inland town, the $700,000 Burlington bridge at this place will be left high and dry and the company will have to build another bridge east of the present one about three miles. Opposite what Is known as Jones' Point the river has been cutting for some time. A report from there today says it has cut In three-quarters of a mile and a large amount of land has been. Washed away. If It continues it will soon cut into what is known at White's lake atjd the channel will be somewhere near the Iowa bluffs, instead of the Nebraska bluffs, as now. Sheriff Stops a Wedding. WAYNE. Neb., Feb. 11. (Special.) Cupid was foiled here Just as the wedding license was about to be issued to the prospective young bridegroom, because a passenger who came into town on the train with the would be couple from Norfolk, informed the shcr IT that the prospective bride was but 11 years of age. This was Miss Florence Gay iord of Norfolk, and the man whom she was to wed was Eiuil Matthes of Stanton, Neb. As a matter of fact the bride-to-be is 18 years of age and had the consent of her mother. But the report of the passenger served to stpp the, .ceremony. Just, the same. Later the sheriff and Judge telephoned to Mr. Gaylord at Norfolk but before they had finished talking the young pair announced their determination not to wed and they returned to Norfolk on the next train. Farmers at Osceola. OSCEOLA, Neb., Feb. 21. (Speclal.)-Polk county has Just closed the most successful farmers' institute and corn show that hay ever been held In the county and the farm ers feel that they know more now how to farm for proAt than ever before and under the management of O. E. Mickey as secre tary and C. B. Knerr as president, the best speakers of the state were provided, among whom were W. D. McKee of Lincoln. Val Keyeer of the experiment station of the atate, T. G. Fergusen of Beaver Crossing and Mrs. C. E. Welton of Fairbury, A. F. Johnson, R. G. Douglass, F. Rassmusscn and J. N. Norton. Edaar Y. M. '. A. to Build. EDGAR. Neb., Feb. a. (8pecial.)-The citizens of Edgar held a meeting yesterday afternoon in Stayner's hall to discuss a proposition for building and equipping a Young Men's Christian association building. It was decided to erect a to, 000 building, with library and reading room, gymnasium, bath rooms, toilet room, kitchen and dining room and a hall for lectures and social gatherings. A board of trustees wa's elected as follows: C. A. Voorhees, A. A. Gait, E. E. Howard. II. C. Hart, William Darby, F. M. Ferree, J. L. Sugden, W. L. Cass, James McNally, Charles Hanson and 8. B. Montgomery. Farmer Commits Suicide. AURORA. Neb.. Feb. .-(SpeclaI Tele gr;un.) William Dart, a farmer living Ave miles south of here, committed suicide to day by shooting himself with a IBS-calibre revolver. Death was instantaneous. Mr. Dart had been in Grand Island for several days, having returned home yesterday In a despondent condition. His widow and children are highly regarded. Board Appoints Coroner. SCHUYLER, Neb., Feb. 21.-(Speclal Telegram.) Dr. Allen of Clarkson was to day appointed coroner of Colfax county to All the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. Jungbluth. Dr. Allen waa the re and was defeated by Dr. Jungbluth. publican candidate for coroner last fall Paaaenayer Engine Jnmpa Track. TKCl'MSEH. Neb., Feb. 2. (Special Tele gram.) The front trucks on the engine on Burlington passenger train No. 98, east bound to Nebraska City from Holdrege, left the track Just east of this city today, but Every mother feels a great dread of the pain and danger attendant upon the most Critical period csf k.. i:r- r ; hour which is dreaded as woman's ,2oti.ers Friend a the train was proceeding slowly no dam age to amount to anything resulted. A broken flange on one of the wheels caused the accident. The train backed Into town ind after a delay of about two hours an engine was secured from Table Rock and the train proceeded. ewa of Sebraaka. WF.BT POINT Rchlnstock shipped eleven car loads of .at Rrothera cattle to i nlcngo on Saturday night. SEWARD Six hundred men participated In the wolf hunt at Germantown this week. Three hit wolves were captured. TEKAM A H Diphtheria scare Is prac tically over; no new cases ir reported, and all patients are getting aong nicely. PLATT8 MOUTH The contract for build ing the bridge in Cass count v for the coming year was awarded to Sheeley A Co. at IC.62 per level foot. PLATTSMOUTH The flrst cai.e tried be fore a Jury this term of court was that of Waldron against McBrlde and was decided In favor of the defendant. COOK Several cases of smallpox have been reported north of town, but as every precaution Is bejng taken there la not much danger of fits spreading. PLATTSMOUTH Joe Lloyd, who has been engaged In the service of the Bur lington for twenty-five years, has ten dered his resignation as engineer. BEATRICE Mrs. T. P. Ossrnan. living four miles west of the city, died yesterday morning of heart failure, aged 56 years. She leaves a husband and four children. WEST POINT In the game of basket ball between Lyons and West Point, last Friday evening, the local team was suc cessful in defeating the visitors by a score of 33 to . PLATTSMOUTH Fred O. Ohlenhausen and Miss Lottie May Goth were united In marriage In tho parsonage of the pastor of the German Evangelical church by Rev. F. J. Langhorst. TEKAMAH The funeral of Captain 8. T. Learning will be held at Decatur, the services being conducted by the Masonic fraternity of this city, of which Mr. Learn ing was a member. 8EWARD The marriage of Mr. Thomas Anderson ana Miss Margaret Ashton oc curred et S p. m. at the home of the hrldo'e parents in Seward today. Rev. Father Murphy officiated. SEWARD Dean Marshall had his collar bone broken while hanging on a bobsled during the recent snow. The process was torn loose and the surgeons were required to rentier the necessary aid. BEATRICE A. F. Swart, for the past year proprietor of the City hotel, yester day vacated the building and stored his personal effects. C. J. Hall of Lincoln will reopen the hotel March 1. HARVARD Revival meetings are being held at the Methodist church by the pas tor, Charles Burns, assisted by Evangelist Campbell of University Place, that prem isses no small results for good. WEST POINT Carl Johnson of Garfleld township yesterday purchased the half section of land comprising the farm of Hans Jurgenson, In Cuming township, pay ing therefor the sum of $24,000. BEATRICE Frederick Rurkmeyer, a pio neer resident of Gage county, died yester day at his home near Clatonia, aged eighty fnur years. He is survived by four child ren, three sons and one daughter. WEST POINT Schlnstock Brothers shipped two car loads of horses to St. Louis Monday night. These animals are extremely choice stock and were pur chased from the farmers in this vicinity. BEATRICE Word was received here yes terdav of the marriage of Miss Alice Cal kins of this city, to Mr. Thomas Bos worth, which occurred at Chicago Tuesday. The young courle will make their home at Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. WILSONVILLE The farmers of this neighborhood met here yesterday and de cided to build an elevator-at this place. Stock was floated and nearly seventy-live per cent of the necessary funds sub scribed for during the day. WEST POINT Herman A. Wlllgohs of Snyd"r, and Miss Mary Cery of Howell, were married in the latter place on Friday morning last. The groom is the second son of the late Rudolph Wlllgohs. a for mer business man of West Point. WERT POINT The petition presented the Board of Supervisors by cltliens of the village of Bancroft to have that Incor porated village set apart from the road district In accordance with the statute regulating the matter, was granted. BEATRICE Franklyn Hunt, a baritone soloist of Kansas City, gave a recital in the Presbyterian church lust night. The recital was given under the auspices of the Matinee Music club of Beatrice, and proved to lie the musical event of the season. SEWARD Prof. H. W. Caldwell of the Vrlv-vslty of Nebranka will give an II )'.. t d lecture on "The Social Life of the js .:m People"' on the evening of Ms -h ..e.hlgh school auditorium under - ie iu: i' of tha of the high school. SEWARD A delegation of cltlsens at tended the meeting of the council last evening and asked that the question of license or no license be submitted to the voters at the spring municipal election. The council deferred its decision until next Friday night. BEATRICE Rev. ,M. M. Merki of St. Joseph's Catholic church received a telo giam last evening announcing the death of his mother, Mrs. Anna Merki, which oc curred at Kelso, lnd. She was eighty-six years of age. Mr. Merki left today for Kelso to attend the funeral. TEKAMAH Jeep Brothers, formerly of Thurston, Neb., purchaaed the general mer chandise stock of Smith Brothers of thla city. Mesurs. Jeep took possession ye terday. Smith Brothers have been In the niercantile business, in this city almost continuously for the past thirty years. WEST POINT The responses to roll call at the last meeting of the Woman's club were relative to beautifying the town and some very apt ideas on the subject were elicited, one being the planting of trees along the sidewalks of unoctupled lots and another for the removal of unused buildings. t H V M BOLDT W. O. Babcock and Mrs. Flora Beard of this city drove to Sen eca, Kas., and were united In marriage by the county Judge, returning at once to this city where they are at home tempor arily. They expect to depart soon for South Dakota, where the groom recently took a claim. HUMBOLDT The fire bell has been hoisted into place at the top of the new seventy-foot lower and can be heard much more plainly in the remote parts of the city. An automatic ringing attachment will be provided whereby alarms may be sounded from the central telephone office by simply touching a button, or from the front of the city hall. TEKAMAH Dr. Haver waa out again yesterday and bugged three more largu Canada geese. This makes seventeen iu the past two weeks. A bunch of about owl came over the doctor in easy range, and ho proceeded to land them, but his "Automatic" went wrong; however, hu succeeded in fixing it and getting two birds before they could get away. WEST POINT The Chicago Record-Herald uf yesterday announce- the appoint ment of Edward J. Padden tu be chief clerk lu the office of the city clerk of I'hicagu. Mr. Padden is well known in Nebraska, and has been a critic teacher In the Chicago Normal schools, lie was in West Point a few months ago, the guest uf his rclailve-a, the family of John Hlckey. GENEVA Thursday the new high school building will be formally opened and dedi cated. An unubually Ane exhibition uf school work will be on view and a program for the entire day Is arranged to wnich the publlo ia Invited. The Grand Army of the Republic will take part in the ex ercises and State Superintendent McBrien will be here. FREMONT The Omaha passenger train on the Northwestern Jumped the track ow ing to the spreading of me rails near Ar lington station yesterday afternoon. The engine and three cars left the track. The train was moving slowly at the time and no one was injured. It was nearly mid night before the train was buck In place again. Other trains passed on side tracks and were not delayed. WILSONVILLE-New contracts for bids Just issued by the postoftice department for carrying the mall from Wllsouville to Cambridge proposes to do away with the week day star route service and asks for bids for Sunday only. Tills new de parture has been brought about by the daily train service recently Inaugurated by the Burlington through the untiring efforts of Congressman Norrls. WEST POINT A Valentine party was given by the members of the Woman's club for themselves and husbands at the home of Mrs. William Stuefer. Hearts were to be seen everywhere and many other decorations appropriate to the oc casion. Miss Schalrer received the prise for the bear verse of original poetry. The decorations and refreshments were In the club colors, crimson and white. BEEMER Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smith a reception was given to welcome thus who united with the Methodist church during the re cent revival, and to bid Miss Wands, the evangelistic alnger who haa assisted Rev. Uoodell In the meetings for the past seven wtxtka, farewell. A short program was rendered, after which Mr. Smith, In a few well -chosen words, bade Miss Wands God speed on her mission to other fields. FREMONT The Knights of fyibiw eel- Rear-Admiral Hichborn Praises Pe-ru-na. I jyrgggr$, ; , ' . ml ve. J3$5? tPb z cr 'ei ' V i 1 : a. ocyxZ'Xx. . a. , e -"-v -ewei.. r ..s Ji : . - .. -T"v.-j. a ADMIKAIYS WORDS CARKV AVKlfiHT. REAR-ADMIRAL HICHBORN is one of the best known admirals In our navy. His statement concerning: Peruna will have much weight as It goes out Into the world. What he says Is echoed by many other naval officers of high standing. WHAT THE ADMIRAL SAVS. Philip Hichborn, Rear-Admiral United States Navy, writes from Washington, D. C, as follows: "Aftr the use of Peruna for a short period. I can now cheerfully recommend your valuable remedy to any one who is in need of an invigorating tonic." riiillp Hichborn. I AN KVERPRKSKNT FOK. The soldier and the sailor are especially subject to catarrh In some form or phase. Exposed as they are to constant changes, subject as they are to various vlclsxltudes, and all kinds of climate, wet and dry, night aDd day, they find catarrh to be their most insidious and everiiresent foe. In the barracks and on the field, Peruna Is equally efficacious. Taken at once after exposure, It should prevent catch ing cold. PE-Rl-NA A RELIABLE REMEDY. After a cold has-become established, Peruna will break it up as quickly as any other remedy known. Even after a cold has become settled in some organ of the body, Peruna can be relied upon to promptly dispel it. Peruna will relieve catarrh, whether acute or chronic, but a few doses taken in the flrst stages of the disease will be more effective than when the disease has become chronic. , , If you suffer from catarrh in any form, do not neglect it. Take Peruna at once. Delays in such matters are dangerous. ebrated the forty-third anniversary of the organization of the order last evening by a banquet at Pythian hall previous to which the work in the flrst and third de grees was put on. A large delegation from Cedar Hinds was In attendance and there were many visiting knights who happened to be in the city. Chancellor Commander Brooks presided as toast master and re sponses were offered to a doxen appropri ate toasts. PLATTSMOUTH The Mothers' meeting was held with Mrs. C. E. Wescott. The subject was "Purity," and the meeting was in the nature of a memorial for the lato Francis Willard, who for years was the leader in America of the "Social Pur ity", reform and the advocate of the "White Life for Two." Miss Anna Gor der's class uf small girls sang very sweetly In German. Mrs. C. S. Johnson sang a duet, "Fountain of Purity." The wife of Rev. J. H. Snlsbury read a very able paper entitled " Purity." FREMONT Talk of a viaduct over the Northwestern, Union Pacific and Great Northern tracks on Main street has been revived recently and there are indications that the three companies are considering tho plans and cost of its construction. Main street is the principal thoroughfare between the city and Saunders county and travel over it is Increasing and be coming dangerous, owing to the additional tracks of tha Great Northern. It would have to be about six blocks long and would give the companies a quarter of a mile of tracks within the city unobstructed by grade crossings The project was flrst agitated two years ago. BEATRICE Today at high noon, at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mr, James Grimes, was solemnised the mar riage of Miss Myrtle Grimes and Mr. Ja cob A. Klein, two prominent young peo ple of this city. Rev. W. H. Kearns was the officiating clergyman, and the ceremony was witnessed by a few of the Intimate friends of the young couple, hesides the members of the family. A. wedding break fast was wed, after which the young couple left for the east on a wedding trip of a week or ten days. The groom is manager of Klein's Mercantile com pany and among the leading young bus iness men of the city, while the bride is an accomplished musician and a young woman of many attainments. Among the out-of-town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Fans of Omaha. Fenrfol Carnage occurs every day from cuts. Injuries, etc Stop bleeding and heal the wounds with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 25c. For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Borllnarton Changes Time. Effective Sunday, February 26, train No. 2, for Chicago and the east, will leave Omaha at 3:46 p. m. instead of 4 p. m., ar riving at Chicago T o'clock next morning. Tickets, 1602 Farnam street. Dlea at Husband's Hand. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 21. Dellrloua and rav ing. Mrs. Peart Stelzriede, 18 years of age, who waa shot four times by her husband, Elmer Stelxriede, last Friday night, died today at the city hospital. Stelxriede and hia wife quarreled and she was shot. He Is under arrest and, the police state, has admitted shooting her while in a rage of Jealousy. whitens the skin at once or your money back. Is used in place of powder; has same ef fect but does not show. Eruptions, Freckle or Liver Spots cured In 10 days. Derma Viva does not peel the skin. Red. Brown or Dark iace, neca or nanaa made once. Sent prepaid for 60c. DERMA VIVA CO., Chicago, III. lioaion Store, Drug Dept., Omaha. YJ5mea,t extract the world Q Extract of Beef ?gg L Ifo tbe most ancentratcd form PCnsV f j DERMA n VIVA n 0, a ft W n ouiis, I PT)rCT lIICTin RT P alUVLjl II Ao JLulltlADLLf Dr. Minor Morris Makes Fnblio Letters Eeeardine Arrest of Wife. PRESIDENT CAUSED AN INVESTIGATION Major Sylvester Examined Witnesses and Derided that Bio More Foreo Was Used Than Was TVecessary. WASHINGTON, Feb. 21.-Dr. Minor Mor ris, whose wife some weeks ago was ejected from the White House, where she had gone to present alleged grievances to the president, today gave out for publica tion the correspondence which recently passed between himself and the president regarding the case. Dr. Morris demanded a public apology of the president "for this outrage on womanhood and common de cency." Secretary Loeb replied to the let ter, stating that an Investigation by the chief of police showed that the arrest waa Justified and that the kindest act to Mrs. Morris and her kinsfolk was to refrain from giving the case additional publicity. The letters follow; To the President of the United 8tates: Sir Having waited patiently a number of weeks that yon might have ample time to ascertain all the circumstances connected with the Insult recently offered my wife at the White House and that you might make some expression of deprecation, which would naturally be expected, it Is now incumbent upon me as husband and citlsen to demand a public apology for thla outrage on womanhood and common de cency. It Is unthinkable that such brutality Special Sale .SPRING In order to boorri business for this month we will sell, special for Thursday only' Suits worth $25.00 and $35.00 for $19.98 and $25.00 Don't Miss These Great Bargains FREDRICK RERGER & GO. AUTHORITIES ON STYLE U Goats, Skirts, Rain Goats and, Waists 1517 Farnam St. ... THE NEW CLOAK SHOP ' II ' I 8 i !1S i&anf CHRONIC CATARRH OK THROAT. "I was troubled with catarrh of the throat particularly, and suffered considerably as a result thereof for a period of about five years, and my general health was affected. I "soTg ; h tc i iTNTiiTi WTTa mate "Three years ago I was forced to give up business, and took my residence In the Western country, looking for relief in change In climate as well as a change In tha method of treatment for my ailment. RELIEF IN PE-RC-NA "After much expense, both here and in the West, I was induced by a friend to try Peruna. I continued the use of it for about five weeks, at the end of which time I . returned to New York both well and happy." Wm. II. Swltser, 325 E. T.3rd street, New York City. CSED PE-Rt-NA IN HIS FAMILY. "I have used Peruna in my family with very satisfac tory results for the last two years. Hesides 1 have recom mended It to all whom I think are in need of it. "I urge all who are afflicted to buy a bottle and begin its use at once. I have never heard of any who have used it to be dissatisfied with the results." Frank W. Harris, box 23, Basic City. Va.", member A. F. & A. M. A TYPICAL TESTIMONIAL Mr. J. H. Qalbraith, 390 West Second Ave., Columbus, Ohio, writes: "I have been a sufferer of catarrh of the stomach and kidneys for seven years. Doctors did me no good, and after taking Peruna for six months, at intervals, I believe I am cured. My appetite returned, I sleep well and work every day. I always have it in the house." No remedy ever yet devised has received such un stinted eulogy from so many renowned statesmen and militarysmen as Peruna. We have on file thousandsof testimonials like those given above. We can give our readers only a glimpse of the vast array of endorsements Dr. Hartman Is receiving. ' W0U'I to,'r,tP anywhere In this conn- I trThat' my-.wfv'nas"been conflned to "her bed six weeks from the shock and Injuries of this damnable treatment is had enough, hut I can say to you, In ull calmness, that had the original orders from the White House been carried out as to her longer incarceration, her Hfo would have been sacrificed. It is therefore incumbent upon me to repeat my urgent request that you take action at nnce suitable to the circum stances which have shocked the entire na tion. Respectfully, MINOR NORRIS. Feb. 16, 11108 Answer from the White Honse. THE WHITE HOUSE. WASHINGTON, Feb. 19, ilKW. Sir: In reply to your letter . of the 16th Inst., the president directs me to state to you that lie iiad the superin tendent of police of tho District of Co-, lumhla. Major Sylvester, make a careftil Investigation of the circumstances con nected wUh the arrest of Mrs. Morris for disorderly conduct at the executive office and the superintendent submitted to the president all the affidavits -of the persona whom he had examined. The president carefullv went over Major Sylvester's re port Hnd the affidavits, and also personally saw Major Sylvester and some nf the per sons making the affidavits. He came to the conclusion that the arrest was Justified and the force used in making the arrest was caused by the resistance offered by Mrs. Morris to the officers in the discharge of their duty, and was no greater than waa necessary to make the arrest effective. Under these circumstances the president does not consider that the officers are properly subject to blame, He was also satisfied that the kindest thing that could be done to Mrs. Morris and her kinsfolk was to refrain from giving any additional publicity to the circumstances surrounding the case. Yours truly, WILLIAM LOEB, JR., Secretary of the President. Dr. Minor Morris, Washington, D. C. Goverpor Carter at 'Sain Franrlnrn. SAN FRANCISCO, Cel., Feb. 21. Gov ernor George B. Carter of Hawaii, accom panied by his wile, arrived here today on the steamer Manchuria. fie will h? to San Diego for the benefit ejf his healt for Thursday n '--SUITS -n-nnnnns i C 1 c