Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1906, Page 2, Image 2
Till: OMAHA DAILY BEE: TFIVRKDAY. FKHIUWRY WOfi. iHir la tit nrn flail rrnirr, Howard ami ftitiMtli MreHa. ' 1 Y Marked at astonishingly low prices for Thursday. We are perfectly willing to lose on them. They take up too much room. Remnants ot nearly every, cloth and color for every purpose. Remnants for half, in many cases for less than half. Waist lengths, skirt lengths, lengths for children's dresses, many full dress patterns, and best of all, every piece is clean, crisp, fresh dress goods. On sale 8 a. m. IIK KKO Nor'.LTY O !!, and Idai k i 'pl'rd ilit-ili, nls iii remnant, fur MKlWN HIKirr. Ni IV i. '.TV Tiny I i if I bill.", tlll.rl'll threads "I HI'I'lli ' their, gllhK JuM il suggestion t, hi remnant fni '.m- rMi nsrwiv-h m.ies wide. 'W'i'iti ijiiallly. fur tli long coat f l rieantlful fiilnii'. 4 nl ,11 tcmtiant, 1 ' II W Hllfllt llt' H CHECK SU ITING -i;i it HfMj nm), ei pi ft I . i:'-t aids In -.1 ..i.i. r.. ;.. . ct;i'K; XUVKI.T V -1 Indies . ii i- iiwniiM, aHi niimic of m. I in. colored threads fuming broken : k. ii'. snl in remnant, f ir v n KLTV CREAM PANAMA 4H Inches wide, r nil Ih r lini O'ImIIIv. cream ground. Ink threads fuming small he. ks. 3 yards l" i .nu nl. for 'T7o. NAVV "IILtKIH NuVKI.1 -Regular ' m i.ilitj, .' atd In remnant, fnr 7c. I : H ! ; 1 1 T I'l.A 1 1 F ur ohlldr -n o l losses ml In i.ninnnl. fnr 21c. N'lVKl.TV ('I.Alt' Rod. urn, ami blue. now, a tards fnr 3f MI.NEH CHEVIOT SIITING (tegular .Ac imnllli. Hi, rds In remnant, fnr Mo. Xii:i.TV SI ITING-Rcguliir V- qiial t. I strong fabric, 4 )nnl for 49c. SILK rlMFHKP nRILLIANTINK-li-gulwi- $1 hi m 1 m 1 1 f y . in the now fan turn i"ilio. horo Hint there liny win on flgnrrs. i sr. in lemuatit. fnr ?.4a.'K HI I K MiVKI TV Tho ww In'. bore and there tiny flee'ts of white, 'aid fnr "V. HRWN IM.AIM - Itinwii ground, bright threads fm mini broken chocks. 7 vards for hi-. NOVKLTV I'llKi'K-lit blight colors. 5S, a . I h In roninnnl. for "lo. XMVn.TV liHKKX l-llKi'lv Regular RV i'ielft. 4t yard In remnant, fnr 7!o. NEW I'LAIIi-For children, voiy fnolty. I'ItM rulnr. li, VHtds fnr '.'f IllCn AXt Hl.AfK KIIKPHKHirS Ti Howard BULLETIN FOR FRUIT MEN K'onllnied from r'iist I'nge.l prtiMlon of $H f't' mnntli for Callata J. Junes nf Kairbur. the pension dating from Mmi.Ii. tms. Repri pentat Ivo Ivinkaid today recnni i. endij the aipolntineut of Cora A. ClavK hM master at Hunter, Hioux county. Neb. Rullotiii No. S- of the Iluienu of tho tVusiis. Just issued, gives statist in of manufactures for Ion a. allowing that the value of pindiicts of factories Is $MO.b7J,3;3 for l!a. an Increase of about $J).Oio,ifio over l:l. The line of industry shows the great est alue of capital Invested is in lutuboi aiid timber factories, with u capital of J7. .S4.7. Tho largest value of product Is In pai king house products, $:K.074.070. rlemnaenda Nebraska Halldlag. The senate committee on buildings and Kiouiids tixlay authorlged favorable report .ni bills making appropriations for the ac quisition of sites and the construction of federal buildings as follows! At Moumi. Idaho. $7B.0iO: Kearney, Neb., $l'ViM: Carthage. Mo., $1(iO.0PO: Raker City, Ore.. 5.'M; Rureka. Cal.. $175.oDO; rrovo, I lah.$tt.'0; Afton, 111.. $78,000; for the en laigement. of tlia building at Roanoke, Va., pyl THE HEALTH r Of the Whole Family Depends Upon the MILK SUPPLY. 1M1E EAGLE Brand Cendnsd Sold Everywhere. Than Fresh Milk. orden's Condensed Milk Co. NKW Vigorous Clearing Sale Colored Dress Goods Remrvants, Economy Basement, Thursday. I 'IIKCK .Vol y new. i yardo In remnant, (or 40.. NAVV HI H IN1 - Roaular ",5i: unality, t' anli ni I'-nniHiit. for 75o. liUKKN ANI HI. I K PI.AIli Vol y now. 4i .laid" in romiiMiit. fnr NAVV III. IK NUVKI.TV RAINPROi iK Hi-pillar IV.'rii tiiility, 54 Itirln a Ulo. inixod Krnutid. nmy mrd rMnnlna; Irnnthm lie. vorj- iirtly yards for $2.TO NtiTK-Nn mall nnlora flllod. Only those ni tho oiinlor can lo Innkod nftor. Hun drodi In olinnjo finm. 1 A Spring Display of Sheer White Fabrics. IN AX r.XSI'RI'AHSKP ARRAY OK NKW j WKAVKS AND M ATK.HIAI.8. liHino Faslilnn In n "apoorh" from tho j "llimno" doi that tin- iirin and aum- nior soamm will bo tho gieutost white I gnud ovnt nf hor roicn. j Wf aro fully rondy fnr tho groat drnmnd. AVhlt.- Kromli lawna. Whlto Froiirh mgandi. Wh'to Parla iniiiiKurlino Whlto air lino cloth. Whlto t'oralan 1mii ) hlto nilk mulls. ' Whlto India llnnun. 1 White niorrorlxod pniillnii. White ma inland nalnitnok. And en many nthor now thitme in white no cntild drvnto thie entire paxe in tolling iiliinit them. Kvon then ynu would not knnvv I hem en well a ynu will when ynu eeo them, l.lnon dopartinont. ninln finor. New Mercerized Vicerine Suiting. There are few materials that aro en dis- . ! ...,.i.. .i it, ..,.- . .,.n I adapted to the purpose intend -d as those boHiitll'ul and serviceable vicerine suitings, j We will try to give you a description of! them, but you must see them in the niece j to appreciate fully tho beauty nf this now ' material. A mercerized yarn, rather un- J ' u and Sixteenth Streets $8n,ori, and Increatiing the limit of cost of a building at Kvanaton, Wyo., from $179.K) to $184,oon. Iowa Publisher Unri ( ortrlj ou. In the supremo court of the Ulslrict of Columbia today I'ostmaator General Cor telyou waa made defendant In a suit Hied by the Homestead company of Ies Moines, la., in which the court is asked to enjoin the postmaster general from enforcing an ; order to exclude front the malls as second- I clasa mutter a special mulling of 15.000 copies of Homestead, a periodical, pub lished by the complainant. The order does not affect the right of the paper to enjoy second-class privileges In being trans mitted to regular subscribers John I.. Wrbatrr at White House. The president today talked about uni form state insurance laws with a delega tion representing the committee inquiring Into that work. The president expressed hla Intense Interest In the work. The delegation consisted of K. M. Katon of Rhod Island. C. F. l.lbby of Maine. K. K. Williams of Florida, John C. Riehberg of Chicago, John 1,. Webster of Nebraska, C. I-aiue of Pennsylvania and Talcott II. Russell of New Hampshire. F.Iectrlc Line Meeting;. M18SOI-RI VALLEY, la, Fob. 21. --(Special.) Delegate from Magnolia, Charter MDLKS mi COLUMBIAN Brand evaporated CREAEV3 Better and rSaer V YORK. Hop. Teh. 21. 1P0U ovonly spun, iw wnon inin i i"it nf pnnaina weave, prnduring .ho effort t murh In vnguo In tho new ellk falnirs. and b the uce nf two vnlor.'d varus the changeable effect in firmlu.-od. Vicerine is enft and pliable, doee nut crueli and washes beautifully. Knr tho now wa-li euits we du not know nf a mnro Iwmitiful or eorvicenlile material-iV a jiid. In Our Edonomy Basement Cloak Department. Our eprlng shnwing of ladiee' cnata. suite and walHtsi reproaent faultless model ing. Ilret-class workmanship, up to date materials, perfect fit and more especially correct and distinctive etyloe. Our last point of excellence Is our attractive prloea. Now spring silk suits in th new blues, greens, greys and also beautiful black styles at IS J5. New spring silk petticoats In corals. Alice blues, pearl greys, blacks and greens at $;,. New Spring Coats in plain coverts and fanry mixed materials, short box stylos at $4.M and $4. PS. Long, loose plain covert coals nt $H.9R. New Rain Coats Just received In oxford and castor colors at $X.8!. Final Clearance Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns at Half Price. All $1.00 gowns .V'c. All $1 gowns tiHc All $ gowns 7V. All $1.75 gowns All $:.l gnwns $ All gowns $1.U BW'tlNP 1-I.OnH. This Is the final clean-up nf those boautl- fl gowns at lialf price. Millinery Opening Watch for ,F . . the Date, We will announce tho exact dale ot this long-looked-for display with the next Issue front the press. on't fall to watch for It. Oak and Missouri Valley tuet esterday at the office ot J. S. tiewell u the interests nf the prnposed Willow Valley electric line. Chairman A. Kdgecomb presided. Incoi posation, state franchise and rights of way were the subjects discussed. Fu ture meetings wll lie held. ; DEATH RECORD. e Hev. Father J. F. I.rar). CHAPMAN. Kas.. Fob. 21. Rev. Father J. F. Iary. chaplain In chief of the Grand Army nf the Hepulilic. died here tonight after n long illness, aged ill years He was born at OK.lciishurgh, X. Y. In tieueral Demand. Signiftcunt of the consumption of cliunc riagiie in this country Is tho quick appre ciation of wine perfection wnich keeps Moet & ('hand. in champagne at the head of the list of itnpurtal.oii? Into the I'nited States. Last year there were brought iiuo the port of New York :-9,3S7 cases of Moet & Chandoti champagne which amount is over Jo per cent greater than the impor tations of the brand second on the list, as shown by the custom house statistics, Moet & Chandon "White Heal." vintage UijO. is .elected for Horvico almost ex clusively at prominent, functiuus. u-ud th.; large reserve of thin grand wine serves to maintain the popular demand for it. Rnrke to Manatee Kansas l. 8T. LOCIS. Fob. 21. George Tebeau. owner of the Kansas City American a.-socln-tlon base ball club, tonight secured the re leaao of Jimmy Hurke. former manager and third baseman nf the Ht. Louis National league team, lonke was signed lo inanago the Kansas City team this year. Tebeau also gets Catcher l-ahy. FCRECAST OF THE WEATHER Haln 1oda In Nebraska, folder In West Portion Fair Tomorrow, folder In I:ast I'ortlon, WASHINGTON. fb. !l. -Forecast of tlie weather for Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska Rain Thursday, colder In west portion; Friday fair, colder In east portion. For South Dakota tiud Montana Rain or snow- and colder Thursday: Friday fair. For Iowa Fair Thursday, except rain in extreme west portion, but warmer in central and east portion: Friday fair, colder in west portion, rain in eastern portion. For Kansas Main Thursday; Friday fair and colder. For Missoui 1 Fair Thursday; Friday rain, colder In west (Million. For Colorado Rain or allow and colder Thursday; Fridav fair. For Wyoming Snow In west, rain or snow In eastern port inn Thursday, c older In south portion; Friday colder, except snow in northwest portion. Local Herorcl, OFFICK OF THE WKAT1IEK Bl HEAL', OMAHA. Feb. 21. Official record of tem perature and precipitation, 'compared with the corresponding day of the last thn years lftofi. lw-S. i,u iv . .Ms it'll. in) tempei a'ure. . . . . r 14 a-.' : Minimum temperature :W 31 i; i Mean temperature 44 4n lt si j t'rcclpitatiuti w .no r ,i I Temporal uie and precipltutloti departures j from the normal at Omaiiu since March 1, I and romparisnu with the last two years: Normal temperature j l-.xcess for t lie day is J Total excess since March 1 1103 I Normal pre, Ipnatlon 03 inch ! lleflclency for the day na iucti T..I.I r.lnl.ll ti..... Hl..l. 1 -w t..... . ...... - ...i..,, . . . . ..a.OT II1CHV lleflclency since March I i.'M inches tieSclency for cor. riod In Isoo.. 4 23 inches Excess for cor. period in law 1.48 inches - Reports trout Btatloaa at T I1 M. Rain fall. .i9 .'HI ,ii w .nu .m T .Kl .11 . . .110 .110 .w .52 .0 .UU (station and State of Weather. Bismarck, cloudy Cneyemie, cloudy Chicago cloudy pavenport. clear Denver, cloudy Havre, clear Helena, part cloudy. Huron, cloudy Kansas City, clear... North Platte, cloudy. Temp, klaxl 7 p.m. mum. .34 . .52 . .3 . . l 4 To jo 44 fi4 2 t.4 55 M 52 3tl 6 e 4k .54 .12 Omaha. art cloudy... ..51 Rapid City, part cloudy an t. Iuis, clewr. o2 IBt. Paul, clear .32 .S2 Halt 1-ake City, cloudy. Valentine, cloudy Willistoii. cloudy T Indicates trace of precipitation U. A WtLHli. Loci l-'oiecdsm. SENATE PASSES FOOD RILL ' Hfjburn Mnasare Goc$ Throneh TJppir . HOUW bf Vote of 63 to 4. , SOME PROVISIONS OF PROPOSED ACT ! i II Make It a Misdemeanor l Manic faotare or Hell Mlshranaled or Adnlterated Fonda. Drags r l.lqnora. WAHHINUTON, Feb. SI. After fifteen ears nf more or loss serious consideration nf the subject, the senate today passed a imre food bill by the declslxe vote of ivl to 4. The vote was taken after a day de voted almost exclusl ely to debate of a desultory character on the measure. Sev eral efforts were made to amend the bill and tho committee accepted a nunitier nf suggestions, but only those thus accepted were Incorporated In the bill as passed. The bll makes it a misdemeanor to man ufacture or sell adulterated or niisbianded nw. nmgs. meaictnes or itqunrs in tne Klstrlct of Columbia, the territories and I the Insular possesions of tho I'nlted Plates snd prohibits the shipment of such goods from one state to another or to another country. It also prohibits die receipt of such gonds. runlshment by tine of $ il or ! by imprisonment lor one year or both, is prescribed. In the case of corporations, officials In charge are made responsible. The Treasury department and the De partments of Agriculture and of Com merce and Ijibor are required to agree upon regulations for the collection snd examination of the articles coveted by the bill, but no specific pro visionals made for investigation except by tho Department of Agriculture. The in vestigations by that department are placed in tho hands of the chief of the bureau of chemistry and If he duds that the law has been violated the secretary of agri culture Is required to report the facts to j the i'nlted Btates district attorney, who In turn is required to Institute proceedings in the federal eonrts. The bill also de fines foods, droits, medicines and liquors and also dellnes the standards for thein. There Is an exemption for dealers who furnish guars tilers against adulteration and misbranding. Vote on uiendiiirnta. At n p. in. the senate began voting on the various amendments. The important amendments adopted Included the follow ing: Changing the provisions regarding the misbranding of liquors so as to make It rend: "It shall be deemed niisbianded if it is blended or rectified or consists of I an admixture of different grades of the same liquor, or contains or Is mixed with substances and tho word 'blended.' 'rec tified' or 'mixed' as the case may be. be not plainly stated on tho package." etc. Ther wore only, two roll calls on amend ments and in both instances the committee was sustained. The tlrst of these was on ai amendment offered by Mr. Foraker, eliminating the word "added'' from the following provision: "In the case of liquors, an article shall be doomed adulterated If it contains anv added Ingredient of a poisonous or dele terious character." The amendment was lost i'4 to 4fi. Tho other roll call was on a change suggested by Mr. Foraker In labelling rectllled liquors, which was lost bl- the close vote or 33 to :t5. Tho amendment on that point which was afterwards -accepted was on similar lines. ir. .Moneys sunsllttito hill and on amendment by Mr. Spooner authorizing the secretary of agriculture to fix standards of food, drugs, and liquors were both voted down without culling the roll. On the final roll call the bill passed by a vote of 68 to 4, Messrs. Hacon. Uallev, j Foster arid. T,lllimtn, all democrats, being the only senators to cast their votes In 1 the negative. 1 The senate at 5:15 p. in. adjoin nod. A ft M l - It! I.I. IN TIIK IKI1SK Congressman Hall I rues Necessity of strung Irniy and ns. WASHINGTON, Fob. 21. -Chairman Hull 01 me military anairs committee, in pre. senting the army appropriation bill lo the house today ...: urcewi... ui coin- piete iireparouuess as to our army and navy for trouble In the orient. He do. I claied that any nation not prepared to de fend its position In China might as well haul down its flag and quit the Pacific. Incidentally Mr. Hull pronounced Minister Hockhlll at Peking g.lilty of Indiscretion in Indicating to Chinese oRlfials that th. I'nited Btat.-.-t intended returning ihe 3. (Kl.uOu Rnxm- indemnity. Statements of this kind he siild will be taken by the Chinese as an indication that the I'nited States was afraid rather than liberal. Mr. Hull scouted the Idea. tkat Jaimn was Inter ested In stirring tip trouble In China to injure the I'tilted States. Japan's interests in China, he said, wore identical Willi those of the I'nited States and preservation of peace there was the only manner in which they could be maintained. Speeches on tariff, immigration and the Payne customs house Wll consumed the balance of the session. .' The army appropriation bill was taken lip when tlie house met today and It was agreed to continue general debate for eight hours, Refore taking up the order a senate res olution was agreed to reappointing Rich ard Olncy of MasBuchuactts on the board of regents of 'the Smithsonian Institution. Chairman Hull of the military committee took the floor to explain the army bill, The bill carries a total appropriation of Jti9.S78.5H2. which is l"ss by S1.521.15S than the amount asked for by the department. Discussing the army appropriation bill. FMII AM STI DV. 4, Culleae F.iprrlencc. "Al through my hign school course and first year in college." writes an ambitious young tn.ei. "I .struggled with my studios on 11 diet of greasy, pasty foods, being repectully fond of cakes and fried things. My system got into a state of general dis order and It was difficult for me to apply myself to school work with uny degree of satisfaction. 1 tried different medicines and food preparations, but did not seem able to correct the difficulty. "Then my attention was tall.-d to Urape Nats food and I sampled it. I had to do something, so I just buckled down to a rigid observance of the directions on the package, and in less than no time beg m to fool better. In a few weeks my strength was restored, my weight had increased. I had a clearer head and felt better In every particular. My work was simply pnrt to what it waa formerly. "My sister's health was badly run down and she had become an nervous that sha could not attend to her music. She went on lirape-Nuts and had the sam remarkable experience that I bad. Then my brother, Frank, who la In the Posi.irtice department at Washington City and had been trying to do brain work on greaay food, cakes and all that. Joined the Grape-Nuts army. I showed htm what it waa and could do and from a broken-down condition ha lias developed Into a hearty and efficient man. "Besldea these I could give account of numbers of my follow -students who have made visible Improvement mentally and physically by the use of this food." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Read the little book. "The Kond to Willvillv," iu package. Chairman Hull ssl.1 that the slfiatlon In China made It necessary to keep the r and navy in efficient condition to moot emergencies. It as nciessaij. he all. ' for us to b ready t fight for our rights, i Mr- eharcterl.e.1 as Injudicious the i utterances of Minister Hmkhlll that the' t'nlted Htatoa Intended tu n-t'itn ;A.niO,. f". Its shre of the iioxer ln.lriiin t. Tlie mlnisrer. he said, did not hav a proper con. option nf the character of the t'h'nese people when be offered them a bribe of Cli.iUi.nV to be good. "They would lake eucn an nftor ss an Indication of our Wll g afraid of them. Mr. Hockhlll shoild lr.e lot whatever aid was necessary come from the government direct. Mr. Hull read a letter rebutting the Idea that .lapar. was the author of the trouble. II" said the Hoxoe indemnity should be used to build battleships rather than returned to chins. He said It was in the Interest nf Japan to retain order In china. F.very government that lias bus. Iness relations with China must be ready to protect themselves or pull down their flag and loae the T'aclnc ocean and de stroy their trade." on. (Ml 4l. I K1 Ifi THIS I Resnlatlon tn Inirallsalr Relallona of ! I Theae 4'orporatlona lo Hallroads. WAPlllNiSTO.V. Feb. SI. At the suugos- ! I tlon of Renntnr Tillman, the hnuse com- i mlttoe on Interstate and foreign commerce made an amendment In the resolution todjy which It has agreed to recommend for j favorable action for the investigation of alleged railway monopoly of coal and oil. As the resolution was nt Initially framed 11 ! provided for an Investigation by tho Inter state Commerce commission as to whether railways own the coal and oil they haul, ' but it was the purpose of 111" committee i to extend the Investigation definitely to all ' railway ownership of the mines and oil j properties. To make the resolution clearer an amendment was accepted which spc- I ciftcally pmxldos for the Investigation of J tho ownership of coal and oil companies. ....... UtNltb CLEMENCY TO HOCH Illinois Board of Pardons Wees Heaaon to t onimnte 'lllne Hoards-' Sentence, SrRINUFIKl.D. 111., Feb. sl.-Tlie SiHle Bonrd of I'nrdons mot at 1ft o'clock this morning Itt their rooms and proceeded to the executive office, where they discussed the petition of Johann I Inch, condemned murderer, for coimniitatlnn of sentence to Imprisonment. After going over the evi dence thoroughly, at 1S:4f o'clock decision was arrived at to deny Hoch's petition and annnuiveinent was made to that of- j feet. The Hoard of l'nrdniis makes a lengthy statement In which they review the evidence nf I r. Celt and Mrs. Amellca Flscher-lloch and come to the conclusion that there was nothing in this evidence to justify overturning tho Judgment of the lower court, sustained by .iudirmetit of the supreme court, as Pr. Zeit testified that ho did not know wether Mrs. I loch, had j died from arsenic poison or not and that j presence of Prlght's disease would not 1 alf'i t death from erseiil.Hl poisoning. I CHICAGO. Fob. 21. I Inch had been con- j fident that he would b granted either a pardon or a now trial, and tho news that a j commutation of sentence had boon denied came as a great surprise. He winced per ceptibly when the news was told to him. J but recovered his orimposure immediately and remarked, quietly: "AH light. I have nothing to sa.y about it." Wurtli Knowing; -tht's are tho original and genuln porous plasters; all others are imitations. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES tlmnhtt fnntlnnea to Miow a Increase Over Last Kliitht CLNi'IXXATI. Feb. Jl. 1 Special Tel. -gram.) The. Price Currenl sa.vs. Tlie moveinent of bogs has not enlarged, the movement not varying much from the pie ceding week or tlie corresponding week ,.il)t year. Total western packing was fXX t.m .iniiri:iied Willi ."-.TO.IIcll the m-eccilma ' ..u ., -.- r.,, VMI. ,,.. v,,,,,,.,,,., i , , ia o rrnniM. v..lii 9 kT.i nun 1 the a 1 asl year ago. follow s: Prominent places compare l!-t. 1!n4-.-. 2.4U).i'i 2 t'S.i.dnc.'.ii I.liUi.ciKi iM.iKH! lio.n.m 7:.'i.i.'i) . ... 111 tl.KI ll4..,IH' .... fiS'.'.Cmi 5tai,tMi 44i0mi .Mtiini 214. CM 2.VI.IMI 2.V.iiii 2.Vi.Ofil . ... 27:.loii 21 7. 'i'n :io".0wi Jlfi.lMU :l5ll.Uell S75.0OU 2S5.nmi 2Hu,0Ofl Chicago Kansas City South Omaha St. Uuls St. Joseph Indianapolis Milwaukee Cincinnati Ottutnwa Cedar Hapids Sioux t'lty .... St. Paul Cleveland ..... SARAH Kill 4 r rSKIJ MlltDF.R Gtvi Details of Plot Resulting; In the Death of Her Husband. DF.3 MOINES. Feb. -.i. Ju.,t before swallowing the fatal dose of poison, an act of self-destruction committed after all hope of securing; a pardon frim the Iowa legislature had vanished, pretty Sarah Kuhn wrote with her own baud a confes sion, in which she admitted putting to death hor aged husband. Jaco'j Kuhn. The confession Is now In the hands of the board of control and was mad public for the llsst time today. It details the plot which resulted in the death of her aged shoemaker husband and gave to her a freedom to wed a younger 'lover a hope never realized. Two years ugi the legisla ture was split over the question of a par don and would undoubtedly have granted It this year hid she lived. 4inr)hit for Drnlnmie Hitch. ONAWA. Is . Feb. 21. tSpocial. -A sur veying; party started this week to make an examination of ' route for a new drainage ditch, commencing at the Woodbury ounty line, north of Rodney, running thence southerly along the Utile Sioux Valley to tin- intersection of the Monona Harrison ditch. This ditch Is calculated to drain several thousand acres of Innd now subject to overflow and too wet for culti vation, which la believed will materially help the drainage (,f ihe uper Sioux Val ley, which Is now often flooded by the waters of the Little 81oux river. R. 8. Fessendeii Is the cominlssioiier of the drainage districts, but the party now at work is under the 1 barge of C. L. Huff, engineer of Harrison d. The piat ter is regarded as practical and tho work has the endorsement of most of the prop erty owners In the ptoposed district. Ithiaua Hold Rauquet. MISSOI RI VALLEY, la.. Feb. 21 (Spe cial.) Anchor lodge No. Hi of Ihe Knight of Pythias held a banquet, at Masonic hall Monday night, which la considered a great success. It was uttendeil by 140 guests. A musical program was also tendered and dancing ended the entertainment (iaarautreel Cure lor Pilra. Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles Your drunfist will refund money If l'azo Ointment falls to cure vou in ti to 14 days eoe Interest iu Ware Case. LEAD. 8. I.. Feb. :i. tSieclal.) -Interest I In tho approaching hearing, which will take 1 place before Judije M linger of the I'nited I Slates court at Omaha, for a new trial j In the caae of Roe. G. O. Ware, rector of i the Episcopal church of Lead, Is great, and I the people of the city, remembering the i services which Rev. Wai and bis wife : McKlhbln HivtrehownmtJienev "TWucop." AlpixoDe." "Fa Jir. e,-rpe"and other popular toft tharmforbflyt Mchibbin tlMS m all lha itplvl'-olhip-reca'eeim-afcwr.. MrKibbln tlMS in all Colon McKlbbln !l(kt lot sNV.hM and the McKibbin Hat in &ny rtyle, w THE STANDARD OF HAT VALUE At the Herts nl tt km drsleri errtywhere . . ' I laWaWTnawrnrriB TfflirTTTTiTTnTifiMrTBnnn rnmnnnmmmmm trmmmmk An Open Mmry earning nmnov i tho secret nf Buecese. Compounding tho osrnlngs makes morn fortunes than hpeciiruions A dollar represents a section of our life spent foolishly, it is gone forevei ; sivod It becomes a silent purl nor alw as working for you. Yon may ojion a Savings account with us at any time without ex pense, ltesourcos $1.5.1S.0tio. Kneh amount, hnwever smalt, shares In earnings from the dale received at this office. tV lo $,V"1 Investments received anv day and cash dividends paid thereon Jah 1st and July 1st. The all-powerful NOW Is the only tltii vnu are sine of. The Conservative Savings & Lean Ass'n.. 2tV 9. inth St., Omnlin. aVaVaaKBSafli What Would OF A I'd II. J AITOMUHILK WKKJHIXU 1.7M) THIS IS .Jl'ST ONK OK TIIK HKASOXK WHY TUK STEVENS-DURYEA IS THK BEST AM KMC AN TOURING CAN. IF YrtlJ WOULD L1K K TO KNOW THK OTHER REASONS SKN'I) FOR THK "TWKNTI KTH CENTURY HUST LER." ITS FREE. Everyone Acknowledges THAT THE Stanley Steamer IS THK MOST POWERFUL AND ECONOMICAL CAR BUILT. IF YOU ARE "FROM MISSOURI" ciiMF. i 'ii wk w 11. 1, R. R. KIMBALL, 2(2(20-J8 FAR NAM ST., OMAHA, NEU. 1 M 1 HBHHHBB9B-B3BiS-GV j pel formed during the epidemic of typhoid I fever and pneumonia which ragca neie I a,.,...,'ui, .ui'a mm are anxiously awaiting I the result. Rev. Ware was one of the most j Kipulai ministers who has ever served the 1 people of a congregation In Lead, popular not only with his own flock, but with nil the people of tho community. Rich, with- ! out the need of the salary which goes' i with tho position which he has occupied ! his purse has ever been open to the needy. 1 and his charity has been unbounded by j 1 creed or social position. Mo has given 1 freely to the relief of distress, and lias had t ', as pensioners many of tlie jkioi' of the city. Alnraya Keeps 4 hnmberlnlu's Cough I Hemedy la Ilia House. "We would not be without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It Is kept on hand con tinually In our home." says W. W. Kear ney, editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mo. That is Just what every family should do. When kept nt hand v-ady for Instant , use a cold may be chocked in the outset ui.d ' cured in much less time than after it has become settled In the system b -.ff ..kM 4 11,iCmII .r,vv 1W1.1X 1--. . . ii,- iuii-ioit "i .nlin .. nicv ail, IHll pi emui-iii 111 I ue c w : York Lif" Insurance company, was held today at tlie Komau Catholic church uf the Rlessed Si'crameiit. Tne street 111 front of the 1 hiircb was llllod for half a blo.l; with hundreds of neisotiH who could not 1 int" tl'Q odifloe. Headaenea and rurntila from 4 olds laixative Bromo Quinine, the Cold and Grip remedy, removes tho cause. Call name and signature of E. W. Grove. 2r.c. 4roavenor l.osea Sent. LANCASTER. .. Feb. 21. -Albert lKiug lass was today nominated for congre-s o.r leneivl Grosvenor on tlie first ballot by 71 to SO oioose D-Gravcs Tooth Powder . . ii... ... 1 t j , DeiltlStS say It IS tlie best deiltl- frice and antiseptic in the world for the teeth and gums leaves the enamel white and gleaming;; also leaves H delicious after taste."v In hand metal raue or bottles. SSe. DT Graves Tooth Powder Co. OYSTER PATTIES DEUiONlCO Thursday Dinner at GAe CALUMET anJ foung row1 Ratify Kn(!i(oVni.l. lb b4 bit lo be had in thai dvU. Secret Think! You MiLP.S.? I siinw vni . AMrSF.ME.1TS. BOYD'S-- wuuuwaid A: burgssi, Managers. THIS AFTERNOON TONIOHT. GRACE GEORGE IN The Marriage of William Ashe Sunduy and Mondav PRIMROSE MINSTRELS Seats. 26c, .".He, 73.-, II. Monday' mati nee. 25 and 5no. BURWOQD Niht 1 8un. Mats. 10c-26c. PUfinUUU Tma..Thura.,oat.Mat.X0.20 1 Hit WIMIUUAKU STOCK' CO. TWKNTY -THIRD BIG WEEK Matinee Today, TJtghi. All Week MK. AM) WOMKV. O. D. Woodward os Governor Rodman. Next Woek-BLLE, JF.ANS SHiial Matinees. Mon.. Wed. Fri. Traveling Woodward Stock Co. fri LITT4LE LOUD FALNTLEROT I nvsfi 1 wiiiwivi w ivs rsi gjff J M. GILL AN. Manager. TUESDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY SI Farewell Amerfoun Tour MME. SARAH CAMILLE L'nder tne direction of bain SI. L ouu belt and W. fr Connor With her incu.u paiable coiupitny 1 101:1 the ITHEATRK SAitAH KlCitNllARDT. PAUiS 1 Pt icofc-1.w, (l.iio, J ou. ; box seais H'.OU. - 1 To Guard Against Ticket Speculation. J Mail older lor tickets -will now be ie I celvt d 1 1 0111 all points, including Omaha, when aci 0111 1 j iiicl by poslolhce or exptess money order or check and a stamped ad dressed envcl.ii.e for reply. All applications jteived. and the tickets will be mailed t the ruichuser on the following day. 1 itir seiaia win n 1 in 11. oinei r- Siamese .111 communications, in i. m. Clllnn. Manager Auditorium, Omaha, Nto. Regulor Box Office Sale Cirns Prlda. F'.-liriKtry 23. at 9 a. ti. . Thone Douglas V THE GREAT OKrilEl M KAl SlltiW. Iinoctioii Martin SVFriAL '' ' ' Washin.lon's BirhJaj Wt. Tedar 2:15 Anv nun m bouse. .iulnren. In TON U.I IT. nit.. J'riers. IVc. 2a-. IO f t I 1 f Prices lie. fjo, jne. Tic. KKUtl Mats -'-Any seat. 2.c Todays-Tonight. S:IV i'ho C.rtst MeliMli-ainalic b' THE BURGLAR'S DAUCHTLR A itur That Strikes True lo tbe I'll -Jane Curconii. i.i 1'ie'ttv l'g... AUDITORIUM ROLLER RINK MISS NELLIE D0NEGAN (i real est Ka'T) Skalcr In tlie ti. Kvciy AfterniMin and Ktcniug , Thla Ve.'k,. 'Hun la) l.iKllfs' Da) Lattice krea Admissiuii lUtu i i J BERHHAROT