Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1906, Image 1
he Omaha Daily Bee. Your Monty' Worth THE OMAHA BEE. Best A Vest Wl or Atftf' Count THE OMAHA DEE D, ... In West UtM tho ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORXIXO, FEBRUARY 22, 1900-TEX PAGES. SINGLE COPY THltr.E CENTS. MINERS WILL STRIKE Preident Mitchell Says He Sees No Way of Avoiding; Suspension. ! DECLINES TO MAKE DETAILED STATEMENT Sajs He Will Not Meet Bituminous Oper ators While in Pituburc WILL NOT CALL NATIONAL CONVENTION ZzecBtire Board Will Meet Before Aoril 1, ' but Act is Not Unuual. LOLAN'S OFFICE DECLARED VACANT A'ter Consultation with Loral Cnm inltttt Mr. Mitchell Orders tiff lion of Xev District . President. PITTSBURG, Feb. il.-"As far J know now there will ba a strike." President Mitchell of the United Mine Worker of America, who arrived here today from New York, mnde the above Matemenl to Ilia Associated Press at noon today at the Hotel lenr. "I am not here to have any conferences with the bituminous operator. My vlalt to Pittsburg I to Investigate the trouble existing among the officers and delegates of the Pittsburg district organisation. I will announce myself later In the day re garding the Pittsburg situation." "Will it ba necessary to reconvene the national convention before a settlement can be made between the miners and coal operators under the Ryan resolution adopted at the national convention at In dianapolis?"' President Mitchell was asked. "The national president Interprets the laws of the miners' union." he replied. "Toil mean, then, that you can effect a eettlement In any district?" "Ask Secretary Wilson." said Mr. Mitch ell. Wilson Xot Talk In sr. "And tne secretary not dfseusstng the question at this time," Secretary Wilson replied. "Will there he a strike on April 1?" President Mitchell was asked. "As far as I know now." answered Presi dent Mitchell, with considerable hesitancy, "there will be a strike." "In both the bituminous snd anthracite fields?" he w-as asked. "I will positively say nothing more.". "Notwithstanding tho denials from you and F. I Kohblns, leader of tho bitu minous operators, reports are still per sistent that you will hold a conference with Robblns." Mr. Mitchell was told. "There Is nothing; In the reports," he re plied. "Helm In Pittsburg, of course, I will see Mr. Robblns, probably some time today."' ' , President Mitchell held a conference with the special commit lee representing the delegates of the Pittsburg miners this morning. Ho said at the noon adjourn ment that he would ronfnr with the at torneys of the delegates, after which he would likely le In n position to make a statement. "Mr.. IkK'-hVT-se.ta lrt-"lww with the rprt , u rmt here yesterday that a con ference with th bituminous coal operators would Le bold ituluy. that he had made no arrangement to meet the coal operators here. "Mow W llio New York conference pro gressing." Affairs ore get t log along smoothly." "Do you think. Mr. Mitchell, it will ba neeessp.ry to reconvene the national con vention?" ' The nutloniil convention will not reas semble." said he emphatically. "Has the executive board lcen called together for a meeting?" "Yes. the executive board will meet some time .before April 1. The meeting Is es sential and must be held, but there la no unusual significance attached to the meet ing." replied Mr. Mitchell. nolan o Longer President. l-ater In the day when he had concluded his conferences. President Mitchell gave out a statement In which he said: The miners convention of District No. S. having removed the president, vice presi dent, secretory-treasurer and executive board, the national organisation recognises their right to do so. Mr. Dolan Is no long er president of District 6 of tho fulled Mine Workers of America. Pending the results of the elections, I have appointed a committee of three to take charge of the work In this district. The appointees are Thomas Haggerty, na tional board member from District !; Wll I Ham Little, nationul lioard member from District (I and Jos. Sharp, national board member from DIM r let 13. President Dolun, on being Informed of the move made by Mitchell stated that he mould still continue to do business as the legally elected head of the district. President Mitchell left this city at 10:15 tonight. Before boarding the train he; A strike in the bituminous Melds is in evitable. Francis Robblns, chairman of the execu . tive board of the Pittsburg Coal Company, left on the same train. FATAL WRECK. IN CALIFORNIA Two Men Killed ana Fair lujared In mashup Near Delta. REDDING. Cal.. Feb. :i. -Southbound xntesa train No. IS on th Southern Pa- 'rig was partially dualled l a landslide near Delta lust night. Two persons were killed und a few injured, th iugli others hag narrow escapes At first k large number of fatalities were reported, but later account have reduced the number of victim to tho following - Dead: DENNIS FREE!., of bunlsi.iir. JAM KH T. HEtSKR. a printer, of Spo kane. Wuah. Injured? .' Engineer C. E. Wick-. Fireman James Pefer. Milkmen Richard Miller. Mall clerk, name unknown. LAND FRAUD IN SOUTH DAKOTA He Minnesota Men Charged with Making Fraadalent Entries In Chasaberlata District. MAXKATO. Mum.. Feb. 21. James Mee- hail. Abrain Catlln. John Hilu. ngoi ff. P. H. Stiles and Henry Groth. of Triumph, Martin county, were brought to the citv a monopoly of the nuuiufactuie of cigi this afternoon and arraigned before I'nited rettea, obliging all manufacturers to Join Stales Court Commissioner Fberhsrt on a trust. In which PresiJent Cjutro and lor cliargo of having made false affidavits tu the final proof in homestead entries made by them in the Chamberlain. 8. 1), laud district. They were Indicted by the 'dsial (nsnd Jury at Sioux Falls. 8. D. Kaon defendant gave u bond for tl.OOO for hU appearance at the term of the federal court ahlch convenes April i. al Sioux Fall. MAY BE SENT TO THE HAGUE Mar or ran Affair Mill Probably nt Be Algerlras. vKrb. VI. An Impoitant Span Jr v is authority for the state , question Is now mooted of -Hague arbitrary tribunal M ment chargl. with th flit of the Moroccan con ,i the apparent Inability Algeciras to secure an Sepers any that while troversy of the di accord. T . war la not trovcrsy kee, Franco-German con- e In a state of con- stant uneusln PARI8. Feb.' -i. The Foreign office con siders that the Franco-German situation Is stationary and docs not expect notable developments until the proposed Moroccan reforms arc discussed In open conference. RERUN, Feb. 21. The Colonge Gazette today expresses the opinion that a possi ble solution of the Moroccan police ques tion lies In the appointment of French and Spanish officers over a native force, the officers themselves to be under an Inspector to ?ome neutrsl power but in the Moroccan service. This newspaper's relations with the foreigners give this suggestion significance, as probably reflect ing the final effect of Germany to satisfy France's wishes. The Oasette also stt.vs an aciecnient be tween France and Germany had been sub sequently secured on the bank question, but the French representatives suddenly assumed an Irreconcilable position . under strong pressure from outside sources. SECRET CONSISTORY AT ROME Popr llnstena Allocation to Set at Rest Homers ns to Ilia Feelings. ROM K. Feb. 21 The pope held a secret consistory todny, chiefly to create nineteen French bishops In tho dioceses vacant through the Franco-Vatican struggle. He also preconixed the Right Rev. W O'Con tiell, coadjutor to the archbishop of Ron ton, as archbishop of Constance, and the Right Rev. A. 8. Bernard as bishop of St. Hyacinth, Can. The whole ceremony was In line with the Vatican's attitude toward France. Tho pontiff' delivered an allocu tion, summarising the' ideas set forth la bis recent cn-yelieal. showing that neces sity hastened its . appearance, as "certain publications mny have deceived the faith ful regarding the real Intentions and feel ings of the Holy See," evidently alluding to the pastoral letter of Monslgnore Rnno melll. archbishop of Verona, who advo cated the principle of the separation of church and state. The pope was much affected while de livering his allocution. He said he was compelled to accomplish a painful duty of his office and summarised his recent en cyclical, saying that the law providing for the separation of church and state In France was contrary to divine right and contrary to th welfare of society, which must live In peace with religion. He expressed the hope that better tlmea would come. OFFICERS ARE TO BE PUNISHED Raeslaas Who surrendered ts Japa nese Mast Fare Trial at ' ' -- - St. Petersburg, . ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. a.-Vnprece-d on ted regulations to purg the army of officers accused ot cowardice and surren dering during the war for no reasonable cause were announced today by the mill tary organ, the Russky Invalid. Captive officers returning from Japan will, unless they were wounded when captured, . be tried before courts of honor ar,d unless reinstated by tho unanimous decision of their fellow officers wlU be dismissed In disgrace. "Contusions." a frequent excuse for sur rendering, will not be accepted. The higher officials who were rr sponsible for the surrender of their organisations must secure a vindication from a court of honor and the mlnlnter of war. Such cases will be submitted to the emperor Individually. The troops which composed the garrison at Port Arthur are exempt from these pro visions, the responsibility for the surrender of that fortress falling upon General Btoesset. DAKOTA DIVORCE" IS VALID British High Court of Jnstlre Passes on fas of Two Americans. LONDON. Feb. 21.-The validity of a Dakota divorce In England waa today affirmed by Sir John Gorrell Barnes, judge of the divorce court division of the high court of Justice. The question was raised In the case of Mrs. Armytagc, who petitioned the court to declare her marriage to Edward Army tage valid. She formerly was tho wife ot Charles Gtlllg. an American living in Lon don and North Dakota and South Dakota, where she obtained a divorce on the ground of desertion and subsequently mar ried Mr. Armytage. Mr. dillig also re married, but last year began proceedings to nullify his marriage on the giound that the divorce which his first wife obtained In South Dakota waa not binding upon him and that consequently his second mar riage was invalid. Justice Barnes has now decided against Mr. GlUni's contention. CASTRO AGAINJ3N WARPATH Prealdent of Venesoela Preparing to lilw Property of Two British Corporations. W1LLEMSTADT. Island of Curacao, Feb. 21. A well informed official of Cara cas, in a letter received here today, says that President Castro, encouraged In his war against foreigners by the fact that the United Stales and France have taken I no action against Venezuela, has given orders to pi 'pare the documents to in stitute proceedings against the La Guayra harbor corporation aud the 1a Guayra Caraca railroad. Theae companies aio both owned by British subjects and ara largely capitalised. The writer of the . letter referred to adds that they prubaUy will suffer the same fate as the asphalt I and other concerns. The Vcnesuelan government has created his friends have acquired the lion's shars. Karlhnnako Shook nt at. I.neln. ST. THOMAS. D. W. t.. Feb. :i.-Au- olher very aware earthquake shock was felt t Hum today on the British West Indian island of St. Lucia. Slight shocks have been felt there at frequeiil lul'-rvals s.uce Tubiuury li PUTS IT IP TO THE SENATE President Will Make No Attempt to Pre?ent Amendment of Hepburn Bill. COMMITTEE TOLD TO SETTLE DIFFERENCES If the Rate Measure, When Passed, Does ot Meet with Approval of the Kxrcntlte He Will Veto It. WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. When the sen ate committee on Interstate commerce meets on Friday to vote on a rate bill the announcement will be tnude authorita tively that President Roosevelt will not attempt to prevent amendment of the Hepburn bill; that he will leave the. com mittee free to exercise Its best Judgment and if possible compromise its differences; that if a bill Is reported which does not meet his approval and In that form Is passed by congress he will content him self to exercise his veto power. This an nouncement will be made ns the result of a conference here today between the most active persons supporting the house bill without amendment, but will be delivered to the committee by a senator who has supported an amendment providing for Ju dicial review of an order of the Interstate Commerce commission. Conference at White llnuse. The conference at the White House is j one of the many that hnvc been held there ! In the last week for a discussion of the J railway rate question. It was attended I by Senators Dolllver and Clapp, Speaker ! Cannon, Representative Hepburn and At- j torney General Moody. They had under I consideration an amendment ' said to have I been drafted by Senator Knox and revised i by the attorney general. The draft In lls.i revised form, however. Is said, not to be satisfactory to Its author. It waa offered ' in a spirit of .compromise nud the president j and attorney general r. wanted to know j whether it would be acceptable to the I members of congress who are making a fight to prevent the adoption of any amend ment which they believe would Interfere with the operation of the measure they propose to enact into law. Briefly stated, the amendment aims to give to any complainant authority to file a petition In a circuit court asserting that a rate fixed by the commission was In fact Illegal, or that an order of the commis sion was in reality unlawful and author izes the court to hear tho suit to decide whether the commission acted within its authority and whether the constitutional rights of the plaintiff had been violated. . As they had previously announced they would do. alt those culled into the confer ence mnde a firm stand for the Hepburn bill In Its present form and said that none of the amendments suggested seemed to be an Improvement. They said that If the bill specified the conditions under which complaints could he taken Into court, the court might refuse to take cognisance of matters not specified In the bill. They said they preferred to leave open every feature on which an aggrieved person might de sire to go Into court. Attorney General Moody, it Is said, contended that the Hep burn bill In constitutional and that there Is no danger of its being overturned by tho I'nited States supreme court. He would not pass upon the wisdom of amending "the bill, taking the position that that Is u function outside of his official province. nolllrer and Clapp Stand Pat. After Senators Dolllver and Clapp re turned to the capltol they told certain colleagues that they would go Into th committee on Friday and make a firm stand to have the bill reported without amendment. When asked concerning the attitude of the president they said that they believed he Is satisfied with the bill as it stands, but that it is too much to say that he Is opposed to any amendments whatever. Tho president wss described by them as ready to consider any amendment that might lie offered gnd willing to listen to any proposition up to the time the bill la placed on its . final passage. They said that if anything should be brought for ward which. In the opinion of friends of the bill, would better It and not obstruct its operation, the president would give it careful study. Conservative members of the committee assert that they have the necessary votes to amend the Hepburn bill if they are left free to exercise their individual Judg ment, so that they will not be put In the position of opposing the president's policy. I'nder these conditions. Senators Elklns. Foraker. Crane, Keane, Aldrich, Carmack, Foster and McLaurtn will vote for an amendment providing for Judicial review. Seven votea is a majority of the committee. Senators Oil lorn and Carmack will not be present when the committee meets on Fri day, but as Senator Cullom Is opposed to the amendment this will not affect the result. An Informal meeting of the committee will be held tomorow, but it Is agreed that no Important amendments will be considered until Friday. VANDIVER CHARGES BAD FAITH Trastees of Sew York 1. 1 re Company Aernaed of keeking Proxies , for Re-election. JEFFEIRSON CITY. Mo.. Feb. 21.-8tate Superintendent of Insurance Vandlver to night made public a letter he sent today to the general solicitor of J lie New Y'oi k Life Insurance company, 111 which he de clares that the action of the company in allowing its i.genta to solicit, oh a whole sale wale, proxies for use In the election of a board of trustees, is an act of bad faith. The letter In part follows: The printed form of proxy which policy holders are asked to sign. Is In the name of John Clanin. O. 8. Strauss and C. H. Mackay all three members of the board of trustees, under whose management, or lack of management, the gross extrava gance, graft and other forma of Illegal rtiiburs-menn grew to scandalous propor tions. Now. they aak policyholders to give them proxies to re-elect themselves. Perhaps your army of agents may col lwl proxies enough to do Una, but in my jutigmoiit. it is an act ot bad faith on the part of the company and lenders It difnouil. if not imposible, for any except those In control of the macMnery of the company to exert any appreciable influence in its management. It may not be in my power lo prevent the consummation of this scheme, but 1 feel It my duly to protest sguinst It and to h t the policy holders of Misautiri know that the theory of mutual control of the New York Life Is a ftuve S' long as the present methods are in vo gue. MALT! MOlt i:. Md.. Feb. a. As a result of Ihe meeting of the policyholders of the New York Mutual Life Insurance Co.. held in this city today, a printed call has been ' UsueU by General John R. Gill, Douglass H. Gordon, Bernard N. Baker. Itavkt Ainbach and Douglas 11 Thui.ias, leading financiers, endorsing the Mutual Ufe policyholders' associalluu. recently or gaiiised in Wasiiiugtoii and asking all ollcy holders lo become members to the end that Ihe company may hereafter be couducleU la the Interests of the insured. TO REPUBLICAN VOTERS. My f rleuilw. ttf enemy J Jim Al lan, ex-tleputy Vnitvtl tttatog mar shal, and others arc t-lrcuMiMng the story tbnt I nm nlwut to frlthilraw from the rue for mayor In fnvor or mum? otlir i-nndhlate. i 1 p' tively iltMiy thin, as I am In the rt? to tuny, fully lieliovlng that thJ people art? tired of the old ring rule. These same parties also threaten that tbey will upset the new pri mary law ami go liark to the ohl system of nominlatliiK candidates l'y convention. 1 believe this next law to lie a great Improvement over the old and shall plnilly submit my name to the republican voter and abide by their decision. i My motto Is a "aciuare deal" for :all and no "graft," and my friends will fullv understand that I am sincere. A. II. HKNN1NOS. AMERICAN STUDENT .MISSING Nephew of Former grantor Hard of California Mny HsM Been Murdered. NEW TORK. Feb. Il.-Thst' Albert M. Bard, a nephew of former I'nited Plates Senator Bard of California. hs dropped completely out of sight In Brussels. -Belgium, and that he Is believed tsi have met his death through foul play waa the state ment mnde today by Ietectn.-e John I. Fogarty, who arrived here on the steam Hhlp Zeelnnd from Antwerp afUr sis weeks spent In Belgium In a fruitless search for the missing man. He went auroad at the request of youne Bard's family and re turned without having found a trace of Bard, dead or alive, but with he convic tion thnt. the young man has been mur dered, t . ' . Young Hard was an accomplished vio linist and went to Brussels In August last to take Instructions from a master of thnt instrument. Kogartv brought back among the effects of the missing mart two. valu able violins, .me worth H."). They were found In Bard's room In the Bmssels house where he lived. ' In Bard's room Fogarty found the young man's' violins, ni'Mdr. clothing and other effocts. At the hotel he learned thut Just before Hard Intended to sail for New York he had drawn out his deposit of In the Brussels bank where he did business. He learned, too, that the young man had become Intensely Interested during his shdrt stay In Brussels In a young French woman, a music student like himself.- who lived In the same hotel. The -offlcef. also made an unsuccessful search for the.; young wo man. Before leaving for Washington to report to young Bard's family Mr. Kmgnrty was Bea: j "Where is Bard?" " "I don't know," he replied. " "Is he dead?" ' .',.' "Tes." "Did he meet with foul play?" . "Yes. I think he did. 1 could not And a trace of him. The matter is pew In the hands 'of the king's prosecuting attorney In Brussols." Jr STRANGER'S BODY IS fOUND PoIIre -of " Cnlenajtf r Cannot """"Trll Whether Harder or Hnlrlde Waa Committed. CHICAGO, Feb. 21. The body of a man, apparently about 4o years of age, was found today In the gutter at the corner of Twenty-flrst street and Calumet avenue, In tho hejirt of one. of the fashionable res idence districts on the south side of the city. There' was a bullet hole above the right ear and a cheap revolver lay near the corpse," but the police are unable yet to state whether It was a case of murder or suicide. The only clues to the identity or the man are the Initials "A. F." stamped In the sweat band of a hat found near him. The hat bears the name of "B.. K..& Co., Milwaukee." There wag a bullet' hole In the hat, but the police were unable to At the hat upon the head in such a manner as to bring the perfora tion directly over the bullet wound. The hat was also very small for the man. It Is the opinion of the police that the man may hsve been slain by footpads and his body brought frem a distance. MILWAUKEE, Feb. 21 With every fea ture of clothing and bodily appearance tallying with that of Andreas Frederick son, a lay reader In the Methodist church. It Is thought that the man found dead In Chicago with a bullet wound In his head and a revolver lying within a few Inches of his hand Is the minister who Is well known in Milwaukee among Lutheran ministers. HADLEY BUSY IN MISSOURI Attorney Cannot Go to Sow Jersey to Testify Against Standard Oil Company. JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., Feb. 21.-Attor-ney General Hadley today forwarded a let ter to the attorney general of New Jersey stating that owing to press of official busi ness In Missouri at this time he will be unable to go to New Jersey and testify In the ouster proceedings instituted by the state of New Jersey against the Stand ard Oil company. Testimony is desired from M. Hadley relative to disclosures made In testimony In the Missouri ouster suit that the New Jersey Standard Otl cumpa'hy is the parent body of the various Standard Oil companies In the different states. NEW YORK. Feb. . An adjournment of the Missouri Inquiry Into the Standard Oil Co., was taken tonight until Friday, tomorrow being a legal holiday. The us ual brief seaxlon was held this evening. CONGRESSMAN IS INDICTED Member from Xorth Carolina Aeensed of raking Feea for Deport mental Work. ' RALEIGH. N. C, Feb. St. A special from Asheville. N. C , says that the grand Jury of the gpeclal term of the I nked States district court today returned two true bills against Congressman Spencer Blackburn. The bills of. indictment charge the Eighth district representative with practicing be fore. the Treasury department and receiving fees tor such service In violation of the laws. He Is accused of receiving .' froiu "Ace" Jiiukins and fits) from A. P. Davis. Each bill contains two counts. No action looking toward the arrest of Blackburu has been taken. The bill of Indictment contain several pages of type written sheets. After sanaay Tbeolera. 1KM MUI.NE. la.. Feb. U -Senator Wairvu Garel l-xWy introduced a measure in the upper ImiUjm. prohibiting Ihe dunday theater In loan. The measure carries with it a Hue of $. and spoilt tu aU place of aiuusvUMnl optu un Mauds , BULLETIN FOR FRUIT MEN I Agricultural Department Acta on Recom mendation of Congressman Pollard. EXPERT TO GIVE DEMONSTRATION ALSO Committee Makes a I nt of Two Thou sand Dollars In Appropriation for Snpport of the Omaha Indian Snpply Depot. I From a Staff Correspondent.! WASHINGTON, Feb. a.-tSpeclal Tele gram.) Representative Pollard Is a man ot action and he has thus far been successful In getting rather speedy results In what- ! ever he has undertaken. Several week" ago J he cm lid upon the secretary of agriculture ' and told him It would be a good thing for , the fruit growers of the country If a bullc- i tin explaining the means of extermination j of the codling moth and dry fungus could ) be prepared In such form as would be com prehensible to the average fruit grower's i mind. Secretary Wilson readily fell In with the Idea and. obtaining a few practical sux- j gestions from Representative Pollard, set ( his men at work with the result that a ' bulletin bearing upon the subject of pests , which attack apple and pear trees was sent ' to the printer and copies will soon be avail- able for such fruit growers as may desire them. 1 In this connection Mr. Pollard said today that he hud gained the consent of flccre- j tary Wilson to send an expert from his d"- partincnt to the fruit belt of Nebraska to make demonstrations of spraying of apple and other fruit trees to destroy these pests. These demonstrations will he conducted at , central points In each county of the fruit i belt and the endeavor will l not only to , show the fruit grower how to spray, but to give him the formula of the fluid which will destroy the codling moth and other pests which assail fruit trees. Congressman Pollard has also made an arrangement whereby some eight or ten practical farmers in his district will this spring experiment with new seed wheat, seed corn and alfalfa of high grade, which experts of the Agricultural department have produced on certain experimental farms. Rill to Relieve Land Purchasers. Judge' Alfred Haxlett of Beatrice, Neb.. Is In Washington In the interest of several I hundred Nebraskans who will be bene ficalrles under the Hlnshaw bill which pro vides for an adjustment of the sales of certain lands In the lute reservation of the confederated Otoe and Missouri tribe of Indians in Nebraska and Kansas. This bill Is now before Ihe committee on pub lic lands and today Representative Mc-; Corthy, member of this committee, ar ranged that it should be taken up for hearing on Friday. It Is asserted that many Nebraska pur chasers of these lands paid exorbitant figures, and It is now sought to secure a rebate for them, plus 25 per cent of the original price paid. It Is asserted that the original purchasers wer compelled to pay more than an appraised .value of the lands; in fact, more than the land was worth. Indian Rill ftenorted. The house committee on Indian affairs todny ' concluded Its consideration fif the Indian appropriation bill -and reported it to' the hotrSe. The commlttee'reduced the appropriation for the maintenance of. tho Indian supply depot, at Omaha from 110, 000 to SS.OflO. St. Louis and San Francisco suffered a similar fate at tho hands "of the committee In Its-effort to prune ap propriations. However, the Nebraska del egation hopes to have the figure restored to Its former amount' when tha bill comes before the house. Another cut In the ap propriations was suffered by the Indian school at Genoa, tH.600 being lopped off. iAst year $64,300 was appropriated, this year 87,S0O. The usual amount (IHltC) Is carried to arry out the treaty stipulations with the Wlnnebsgoes. There Is quite a decided Increase In the appropriations for Indians in South Da kota. I-aM year the appropriation was $1,229,32. this year the bill carries 1,308, S2S. The total amount appropriated for Indiana residing in Iowa this year la $15, 800 and, in 'Wyoming $156,025. Dolllver Cannot Come. It was the desire of the McKlnley club of Omaha to have the pleasure of hearing Senator Dolllver at ita annual banquet early In March. It was supposed Senator Dolllver would be west on a lecture tour about the time' of McKlnley club's annual banquet would be held and could easily run Into Omaha. It appears, however, that Senator Dolllver will not be able to leave Washington at that time owing to his duties In the senate. Congressman Ken nedy today wired the club that Senator Dolllver cannot accept the Invitation. Legalising Final Proofs. Representative Burke of South Dakota today Introduced a bill providing that all final proofs for homestead lands in the Chamberlain land district made before the Judge or clerk oi the court of Stanley county, or any I'nited States court com missioner at Fort Pierre, prior to July I, 190S. shall be accepted, and patented the same as if such proofs were made within the Chamberlain land district. This art shall not afreet any final proof except only In respect to the place where same was made. Women - Ask Investigation. Tha Woman's club of Omaha has peti tioned the members of the Nebraska dele gation to support the bill for an appropria tion for a bureau of experts . to make a sclentlflo investigation into industrial con ditions of women. Jt is said such a bill will be introduced soon. The last census reports l.OuO.OiiO women engaged in gainful occupations, three-fifths of whom are employed in factories. Mrs. Mary G. Andrews, president of tha Woman's club, Omaha, says: "This influx of women into the Indus trial field is a social phenomenon, giving rise to many complex questions. It is as serted that women have affected the labor rear set to uie aemoraiisauon or wage rates; that home life has been affected; that marriage has decreased; that divorce Is Increasing, and that the birth rate barely exceeds the death rate. It is both asaerte-l and denied tliat ' the economic and social welfare of the country Is menaced by this army of women wage earners." Mrs. Andrews says that the Omah.i Woman's club la of the opinion that aam conclusions can b reached only uik.ii the basis ot accurate data and that the re sults i of-the prupused Investigation would be of great value as a basis fur general as well as local legislation. Mlaor Matters at Capital. Mr. and Mrs. Casper' E. lost of Omaha arrived In Washington tonight. They will remain until Monday. Cuiigree snmn Iflnshaw's bill gi anting a special pension of S3 to George W. Itedient of Valparaiso, has been reported favorably to the house. Mr. lllnahaw baa seemed aCwutlour4 wa Secvad Pg Nebraska weather forecast Rain Thnrsday, I nlder In West Pof. tloni Friday, Fair, Colder In Portion. Temperatare at Omaha IratrrilsM llnnr. Ilea. Mnar. lies. A a. m f!.1 I p. m I" a. m !t I a p. m IU r a. m .t A p. n it 1 ft a. m. H4 p. m -VI , n. m nil p. m vt in n. m (I H p. m It n. m -'t T p. m l I g nt 4l n p. in I'M a p. m IT ALLEGED FRAUDS IN UTAH Preside.! and secretary of insnrnnce Company Charged wiia waning False Reports, SALT LAKE CITY. F'b. SI. -The pre llminary examination of Hiram Titer, prs Ident of the Continental Life Insurance and Investment company, and Cameron C. Wylic, secretary of the company, who are charged Jointly Kith certifying lo Ihe secretary of state a false report of the company's condition, hcaan today before Police Judve Dteht. The prlncipul nitneas for Ihe state was Assistant Secretary of Stat- G-oige It. field hgaln h.SI the witness stand In thi Squires. ho is now engaed In an e. pa.-k-rv case and made positive de amlnatlon of th" Insursnc company a j r-bii. of assert ons that, havo been made hook. He testified that his Investigations ' c , y . H.M1,M., ror showed that the comtHtnv wss carryll a r,.k. r,. jjlstret Mtorney Morrison que on its Uxks ss $i:. which had br-n ,,- Ml. Gfn I regarding his ronver expended. snd that lb company previous ,Htinllt wltn 1,.,,, pif,. Kdwsrd Morri to De.-cniber 31. l!l.had expended $-T.". , and isilous ot.ier representatives of th which was not reported to the ..-retary of ,mclirt. nll(j commissioner alated pos; state, and that the accused "fTi-Inls had vvly t,,Hl ,)p , Ilfvp. foM Rny of thom Included In their report o the secretary thul (.,,, received from the packers of state tHinsocilnn of later due thsu , mo,,, rK,r.,w , conndentlal or that DeeemlHT 31. I'M. hich ass the date of ,f ,,. R ))p ,nformnli1u the report made to the secretary of state. urKlr,.j y ,lls ((,p,rtmtnl t)(,j. would b Other witnesses Included W. II. Cunning- cmpcl.-c, to d so. ham of San Francis, o. secretary of the j Tlp, ,,.,.,. p , , "of he dgy Western Agencies company, lit sdlunet of j up t ufl,.atlon of ,,,,.,. u , the insurance cn,nn. ami i omi,. ""-; Ing. former bookkeeper of Ihe insurance company. Roth were culled for the pur pose of introducing certain lx'ks snd rec ords of the insurance company. accused miners stand mutei Mojer. May ward and Pettlbone Re fuse to Plead t Information In Me ho. ROIPR. Idaho. Feb. 21. Charles E. Moer, William I. llaywnrd and l. U. I'ettinone. leader of the Western Federation of Miners, were today tsken lo Caldwell, where they were arraigned before the prolmte Judge on Information charging them with Ihe murder of former Governor Frank Ktuenenberg. Each of Ihe prisoners stood mute, refusing to plead. The court overruled an objection to the Information snd a motion for the dismissal of the prisoners. The were com mitted without ball. E. F. Richardson, representing the pris oners, demanded an Immedtat preliminary hearing, but It finally was agn-cd that the rases should go over until Tuesday when a further continuanee may be ordered. Attorney Richardson maintained that the Information against the prisoners was not sufficient as the affidavit charged the com mission of a crime in Caldwell, whereas Moyer had not been In the state of Idaho since October last, and the two other pris oners had not been In Idaho- for years. There-was In the Information no word of cunnptraey, he ssld. The three prisoners this afternoon were brought bark to Boise and were again tsken to the state penitentiary, where they will lie kept In close confinement. SHAW REPUDIATES CHARGES Cleveland Official ys Secretary Was Interested In Selecting Mone for Pnhllc Building. CLEVELAND. Feb. St. City Clerk Peter Witt recently wrote a letter to President Roosevelt in which he charged that Secre tary of the Treasury Leslie M. Shaw had supported John R. Walsh of Chicago, the financier and quarry owner, in the con test for a sandstone public building In Cleveland. A response from Secretary Shaw was received today. ' "Your letter has been handed lo me by the president," wrote Mr. Shaw. "The statement Is wholly false and your, au thority must have known It was false. I did not even know that Mr. Walsh was Interested In quarries. You must quit tra ducing public officials, Mr. Witt, or make good your charges. Name your Informant." Witt says he cannot name hia Informant without betraying a confidence, but will undertake to "put It up to Secretary Shaw so straight he cannot get away from It." BIG STRIKER PROBABLE Cblrago Contractor Demand That Bolldlng Trades f all O All Sympathetic Strikes. CHICAGO, Feb. 21 A rupture in the re lations between the building trades unions, representing 50..WO mechanics, and the em ploying contractors of Chicago, has been caused by the sympathetic strike question nd lalmr troubles of wido extent In the building field are threatened for the near future. At a meeting tonight of the build ing contractors council the employers de cided definitely that they will force every man now on sympathetic strikes to return I to work or the unions and all existing agreements will be ignored. If such ac- j tk.n is taken by the employers a lockout I cr a strike Is sure to follow. The arbitra tion boards of nil the unions In the build ing line hive been summoned to a ivinf'-r-encc tomorrow and when Ihe convention meets the employers ill present their Ultimatum. NO CHARGES AGAINST ADAM Report that Governor Higglns llnd Been Isked to Remove BoaTalo Kserallve Mistake. . - . Hi riALU, reo. n .o cnarges of anyj " .. - - I kind have been preferred against J. N.jman who was ci lie I unaaie by the bU ! Adam. Buffalo's new inavor An snnoon. e. I Interest f the c. iirry fr the same roa- nient recently to the contrary was an error, The governor has not been asked to re move Mayor Adam. Charges recently Were preferred against the old superintendent or police, who resigned. Movements of Ooenn Wseels Feb. gl. At N. w York-Sulled: Majestie. f,,r l.iv- ik1 tft for Rotindam. Armed: S. Hand, from Antwerp; Kunu-ssia. from (iumi. Al lH.vrr Sailed: Prt tons, for Nw York. At Cherbourg K.tled : Uunier Kairt r Wllbellll der Glues, for New Y'utk. At Arrived: Hruukli u. from Nuw York' N'ord Ameri-'a. from New 'or'. At gtiMiwtu ti nailed: rUxoniat. for Bos ton. Arrived: I'.iltl". from New Yorlr. At Houthampiofi Sailed: Kaiser Willi. Iin der Grose, for New York, i la Cherbouig. At Antwerp Arrived Yuderland. Irum New. Yovr. At Alexandria, Arrived: Romanic, from Boston At WltlemstAdt A .-lived Princess Vlc tuiia Lui. Iivm New Ywik. Q UESTJ OX OF FACT Makim Promises to Packers. EDWARO SWT FLATLY CONTRADICTED Says Allejerl tc.tero.eut About Confidential Iufon atioo Was Not Made. BOOKS NOT SHOWN UNDER COMPULSION Agfnts Instru ted that Such Methods wers Not to Be Used. OBTAIN EVIDHCE rROM OTHER SOURCES Aepnrt Basel en Information from Hntrhers. 'lock Rnlsers and ton. mission Men, ns Well as from Parkers. CHICAGO, reb. H.-Commissioner Gar- possible M oral days will be occupied by this woi-k, i.pd the letters will be read Into the record of the case later. James R. Go held, commissioner of coi poratlons. lean tod ihe stand In the paca- The opening t'.ie examination . was on the books ea ined by Mr. Garfield when he l isted Chlci go February 2. 1905. Tim books showed tt e assembling or profits and loss account! ol the different packers. II said that he eximlned the totals only and that no figures vers taken from th book.". District Attorney Morrison then took up the subject of the conversstlon between representatives of Swift and Company and Commissioner Garfield. He atked the com missioner: "Did Edward Salft say In the presence ot Charles II. i wift that you had said In previous conversations that all th Infor mation taken would be regarded aa con fidential?" "He did not." "Did he say thtt you had sslfl that none of the Informal on would be used to harm Swift and Comjs.ny?" 't "He did not." The ' witness ' hi-u described the Intet view lietween J"s-e P. Lyman, president of the National Packing company, and himself. "Did you saj anything to Mr. Lyman about yo;ir power to compel the produc tion of hooka at 1 papers?" "I did not. ' .. "Did you eny' VMr. Lyman that all In formation would fia confidential and would not be usod to ! Jure the packers?" "f. did nt. ' During the inMo-juetlon of evidence of the packer animation was made by dif ferent witnesses to nearly all of the ques tions to which 'ommlssloner Garfield en tered a direct d nlal. o Cora nlslon Ordered. M'hen Commis loner Garfield attempted to tell what Inst uctlons he had given to his agents prior lo the commencement of the investlgatior the attorneys for tho packers objected strenuously, but after a long argument i tween the lawyers the witness win all wed to state what tha Instructlontt wen He declared that ha told the agents i t the department that If access watt g1v i to the books of tho packers they w -e to go to the books, that no detective net hods were to be used, that there would e on use of compulsory powers or a sugf stion of such g position on the part of he government. If dis putes arose they were to be referred to the commissioner for adjustment. District Attorn, y Morrison asked what Information had 1 -en secured by the com missioner outside f the books of the pack ers. Commission? ' Garfield said that much of It had lieen se dred from tho bureau of animal Industry, is well as from cattle raisers, foeders and commission, men. Butchers were.i leslioncd regarding the prices of rotall m ats. Many I.e rra Identided. Commissioner G rf eld occupied the atanj throughout the ternoon, the entire ses sion of tho court being taken up by tho identification of letters that passed be tween the commit kiier and the agents of his department. caplte the fact that to morrow Is a natlor .it holiday Judge Humph rey decided to ho i court as usual. There are a great mai ' of the letters to by Identified, and lr order to expedtlc tho hearing of the ca o. the court decide 1 that the work rhould c uitlnue as usual. CUMMINS OPI NS HIS CAMPAIGN Pas Trlbnte to senator Dolliier and soya th Two Arc la .- reord. FT. DOIK1K. la . . Vep: 21. (Special Tel egram.! The Cui ipins campaign opened here tonight will n speech by the gov ernor. The Mtdla 'd theatre, in which the big n.ass meeting r-'ae held, was packed with a crowd of t .x aud was diaped from end to end with Cummins banners. Tho band played a s lection and a'c 8 o'clock Major Chsntbuid of this city stepped Ui the front of the tage and intr aluced th speaker In an In pressive talk In which, t t r ,) 1 1 wum i t to the aoveraor as u. j ' Roosevelt ws called unsafe. Gov ernor Cummins s .Kt nearly tnrce nours, during which the audience gave clos at tention. A glowng tribute 'Was pail) by him tu D-illlver, i li let said was striking a memor.ible b!i .' for lighteous govern- i merit. He said a wished in make It I j,, tlml there vis no conflict between j ,. . i Kill vers I ambl am iuver s The Issue in I and in th national govrrniiit nt on w . cli the stale and com ing national cuii'l t gn was to be fought." Itr said, "was t e xo porxtlons against people, slid that t') inins of the cor porations to alt la the full privilege which they claim s to select the men who compose our lei Illative and executive bodies, intkc sun or their nomination to uffk-e and then r. i Vt sure of their elec tion. Tr.U inov , ' he said, "must bo ground iKpeuth t r tiel of U AgMrtcau natiou."