THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 21, lPOfi. f CRMS AND PRODUCE MARKET Wtgkneg. in Wheat DtTelops in tha Northwest. FURTHER DECLINE ON BRADSTREETS Letrae Receipts Responsible for Weak Liberally F.arly Oats Close l ltllr Lower. OMAHA. Feb. 20. II?. Large receipts and Indifferent milling de mand caused early weakness In the north west, and this was responsible for a lower upenlng In the local market. There was a later heavy decline on the Urge Brad streets' visible. The market was off about c for the day. Large receipts, large estimated receipts tomorrow, the weakness In wheat, and the liberal covering by shorts yesterday and early this morning took all the snap out of corn. It was off at one time 4jo. but closed a little better. Oata opened weak, declined further, and allowed a little better feeling at the close. The day's loss was S'a'c. Primary wheat receipts were 454..00O bush ela and shipments 62.00 bushels, against receipts last year of 360.000 bushels and ship ments of I13.00 bushels. Corn receipts were l.OQO.Oni) bushels anil ahlnmenta 479(100 bush els, against receipts of S34.usi bushels last year and shipments of . bushels. Clear ances were K.noo bushels wheat, 27.000 bar rels flour, 2.'4.0nu bushels corn and 120,000 bushels of oata. Bradstreet's wheat Increase was l.TM.OOO nusnels; com decrease, 13,00 bushels; oats decrease. SM.flnn bushels. Liverpool closed S'd higher on wheat ta mgner on com. locally the option range wag as follows: Articles. Open. High.) low. Close. Wheat- May...... July Sept...... Corn Mav July Bept Oata M.ty July...... 7SBI 7KB 74V.BI 74tB, "3Wtj 73lBi 7SB! rsi STBI 37B 75HA 74B 75HA 74B 73B I as a S7 3SA 37VB STB SB' 27?, B! 2SHB" 27"B! 2SKA OTSA 277 B 2r,B . Omaha Cask Sales. w HEAT-No. 3 hard. 1 car. 75c; No. 3 oara, i car, izc; No. 4 hard, 1 car, 69c. CORN-No. 4. 1 car. 84VjC. OATS No. I white, 1 car, 28tc. Omaha Cask Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 73457oc; No. 3 hard, 70073c; No. 4 hard. VStiu.c; No. 2 spring 7u74Sic; No. X spring. 71il2Vvc. CORN No. 3. J5V.C: No. 4. SV.fj3o: no grade, Xogffic; No. 3 yellow, 25Sc; No. 3 wnue, 3tc. OATS No. 3 mixed. 27Hfr:!Sf; No. 3 white, oiy.,c; no. a, wnite, RYE No: !. 49c; No. 3. 67'4v. ' Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 55 498 . 199 Kansas Clty...i lm 115 44 Minneapolis ........264 Omaha ,.w 4 66 2 uuiutn . 62 ... Bt. Louis 67 140 107 CHICAGO GRAIS AND PROVISIONS Featares of the Trading aad Cloning; Prleea Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. Feb. 20. Mild weather In the Vnlted Ktates and an official report showing an Increased wheat acreage In France caused a slump In the local wheat market here today. At the close wheat for May delivery was off Hffc. Corn was down rrtc. Oats showed a loss of V8S.C Pro visions were "HtjliHc lower. The wheat market waa weak from the opening. The initial Quotations showed May down Wdc at 82V27e and before ine ena ot tne nrst hour tne price had dropped to 81TiC The principal cause of the decline was the French crop report, which showed that 16.0M,0u acres had been seeded to wheat, against 16,632.000 acres last year. As trading progressed additional news of a bearish character waa received. chief of which was a report from India that additional rain had t alien In several provinces. The world's visible supply as shown by Brsdstreets Increased l.".60,(mo bushels, against a decrease ot J9,0u0 bushels for the corresponding time a year go, Total prmiaryrsceipfs of United States for today were tfcs.OOO bushels, against Mt.MQ bushels a year ago. Around sic fur -May mere seemed to le an almost un limited number of buying orders. Borne of tnese were the result of damage reports from Missouri, but the larger part was in the nature of covering by shorts. Prices rallied somewhat lste in the day. but the close was weak with May at IS-'SUa-'tc-Clearances of wheat and flour were eoual to 21,lv0 bushels. Minneapolis. Duluth und i.nlcago reported receipts or 34 1 cars, against 9o cart last week and 300 cars a ivur ago. Wet weather in the middle west caused active buying of corn by commission houses early In the day and under this demand the market waa stesdy during the first hour, loiter, however, persistent sell ing by cash houses and pit traders, who were actuated by liberal primary receipts, lower rirlces for caslr corn and the slump In wheat caused the market to weaken and the cloae was easy. May opened unchanged to a shade lower at to t.T.frta-t.e. sold up to 4T-Sc and then declined to 4:c. Final quotations were at 43c. Local receipts were 4m cars, witn nineteen cars or contract grade. Becauae of profit-taking by a number of f imminent longs, the oats market waa wenk hroughout the day. The break In wheat waa the chief depressing Influence. May opened a shade to VbV lower at 29e to 2wc. sold between 24iSc and closed a 2StKc. Local recelnts were 199 cars. Provisions were weak on profit-Inking by local longs and the decline in tne grain market. Lard and ribs showed less weak ness than pork becauae of active buying bv Deckers. At the close May pork waa uown 17Vc at $15 67W Lard was off 7H&10C at 17.7s. Ribs were 10$12Vc lower at e.l- JS 15. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat nineteen cars: corn, 326 cars; oats, 100 cars "hot: 36.000 head. The Board of Trade will be closed Thurs day. February 22. It being a legal nouaay Tha leading futures ranged aa lunowe. Articles. Open. High.l Low. Close. Yes y. ewheat Corn May Julv Bept, Oats May Julv Sept. Pork Msv July Lard May July Ribs May July I IK?, V taiViV I I I IS MS 81TI 42 43V,1 ': i 43 43'.fi 43Vi 43S' II 44 44 i 44 f JM,4SV 3" & 2930 3W ' v. is 2' 15 73 IS 40 7 m 1 77HI 15 57HI 1 67Vi 15 85 i 40 li . 16 32WI 60 7 82 7 76 7 87V, 7 75 7 85 7 25 7 STV 7 W s ft I I 25 7 87V 8 15 1 8 22S 8 12h! 8 20 , 8 27H! 8 27H 8 So. X. Cash quotations were aa follows: "1il'K-Eniv; winter oatents. 83.7ua 4.00: winter straights. spring pat nte. 3 704J3.U: straights, U.Suijl To; bakers, SJ.IffiliiO. WHEAT No. I spring. fl8; No. 3. 7 ifTTHe: N. 3 red. BMSt. CORN No 2. SHc; No. 2 yellow. SSVc. OATS No. . No. 2 white, 31Hflf fkc: no. i wilte. ajysuc. RYR-No. 2. 3c. UAhLKY 1oh1 fer-dlllg. 374j374c; fair to ct,ni fruiting. AittH 8KF.PB No. 1 flax. 81 07; No. 1 northwest em. 81 t: prime timothy, 83.36; clover, con tract rrade. 114 15. FHOVIBIONS-Mese pork, per bhl., 315.45 (rMi.ou. uard. per lup lbs.. J..WJ7.t.'W Short riba sldvs t looeel. 37 8.00. Short clear !" ttMiXedl. .4(VISV. Following were the receipts and ship ments oc nour ana grain: Receipt. Shipments. Flour, bbls ; 2d. 31 Oil Wheat, bu M.O'O H.ftO Corn, ou iU.M 1M.K Oata. BU 267.0t) J.0 Ttye.. bu 7.0ii0 LOGO Parley, bu T.ron . n.suo on the rrortuce eachapge today the but. ter- Btafket was nrm: areanierlea. 17J.,e dtrH-a, 17iMc. Eggs,-weaker: at mark rase included, liw; nrats. llWo: mini firms, 12V extras, Uc. Cheese, firm. U Viae. Available apalles of Grala. NEW YORK, Feb 20.-8peelal and tele graphic communications received by Brad street s today show the following changes in avatiaote supplies aa ooinpared with last acceunt: Wheat. Vnlted States and Canada, east Rockies, decreased. IcRJ.OoO bushels: afloat lor and In Europe. Increased. I.70U.i" buah els: total supply. Increased. 1.7M.UM bushels Corn. United States and Canada, raat Knctlea. decreased. 143.0(4 bushels. Oats. I'nlted State and Canada, east Jtoratea. ew-reaaed. aM.oon husheis. The leading decreases reported this we. 4V L",gu bucUla la Maaliu&a, Ui,4 bank Is t Ogdensburg and 5n,0f) buahels at Port mron. Blocks held In the Chlragn private eie- ators increased r7. bushels. U;V lORK GESRRAL MIRKET )aotatlas of the Par Tartoaa Commodities. NEW YORK. Feb. 20. -FliOfR Re ceipts. 31.3"3 bbls.; exporU. 15.31 bbls; market dull and barely steady; Minnesota Detents. 14 47l4.7ii: Minnesota. bakers. 3.&(fia US: winter patents, 84 0V(i4.41; wliV- ter atraignta. fj !vm; winier emrna, ft3 25; winter low grades, $2.Vtr 20. Bye flour, barely steady; fair to good, $3 6"f : choice to fancv. 33 64 25. Buck wheat flour, dull., spot and to arrive. COBNMEAL Steady; fine white and yel low, 8115; coarse. 31.031.06; kiln dried. $2.7"52.!iO. RIB-Nominal; No. 2 western, c I. o. o afloat, New York. BARIEY Oulet: feed ng. 40c C. I. I. Buffalo; malting, 42fr62c. c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT-Receipts. .0t: exports. 8.000 bu. Spot easy; No. 3 red, M",o elevator; No. 2 red, 9c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 North ern lMtluth, M4C, f. o. b., afloat. Options, new low prices lor tne season were estab lished In wheat today, the market yield ing to easy cables, liberal receipts, fav orable weather conditions, a poor flour de mand In the Northwest and stop-loss sell ing. It rallied finally on coveting and closed steady at v,c net advance to Sc net loss. May, 876W,c. cloaed at 8SV4o; July, 6Tcjj87VkC. closed at 87Sc; Septem ber, i',jjx-i,c, closed at 'c. CORN Receipts. eo.Ooft bu.; exports, .- tH bu. Boot steady No. 2, 48c elevator and 47vc, f. o. b.. afloat; No. t yellow. 47Vrc; No. 2 white, 4!c. Option market was fairly active and lower. The selling mo tives were eay cables, lighter clearances. he wheat declines and prospects for larger receipts. Iaat prices were lsc net lower. Msy, 4Hfrt14'. closed at 40c; July. 4W 4So. closed at 49'4o; September, closed at 80c. OATS Receipts. 9,nn0 bu.; exports, 40 bu. Bpot steady; mixed oats, 26 to 32 pounds, 344c; clipped oats. 38 to 40 pounds, 3fr3c; natural white, 80 to 33 pounds. 3Mi.i5V,c. HAY-Dull; shipping, 47H43MV; good to choice, 75 80c. HOPS Firm; state common to choice, 196 crop. lKulfio; lfa4. MUc; olds, 5S7c. HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to 2b IDs., 2nc; California. 21 to 15 lbs., 21c; Texas dry, i'4 to 30 lb.. lc. LEATHER- Steadv: acid. Zvi 27"o. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, 111. 30 fr13 00; mess. 19 0"i 10.00; beef hams. Cn.OOn 21. 50: parket. tl0.5fciill.00: city extra India mess i.5twis'. cut meats, nrm; picK- led nellies, w.srjvbn; pickled shoulders, ., hltkled hams. I3.75iilft.50. Ird, barely steady; western steamed. 7.S5tf.61; re fined, quiet: continent, IH.15; South Amer ica. 83.65; compound. Vi 1ZHW6.J7V4. pork. steady; family. llSKi 17.00; ahort clear, I15.0til7.50: mess. 31.aai6.75. TALLOW Dull; city, be; country, s9 RICGQuiet; domestic, (air to extra, 1 6e: Japan, nominal. BUTTER Firm; extra price creamery, 18c. Official prices: Creamery, common to extra. 162$c; state dairy, common to extra, 154) 26c; renovated, common to extra. livailc: "western factory, common to firsts. 14'(lic; western imitation creamery, ex traa. zic: western urate, lac. I'HEKSE-Firm: state full cream, small and large, colored and white, September fancy, 14'i4c; state, iKMoner Dest, lav? 13c; state, lato made, small, average neat. 12V,; state, targe, i-"c; state, lair, EOOo Kasy; state, t-ennayirania ana Moarhv fnnrv aelerted white. 306i'21c: Btnte choice, 18'lc; state, mixed, extra. 16Vf, 17c: western nrata. itc; western seconds, POVlrY Dressed, firm; western chick ens, lCKiilJc; turkeys, lau.ic: town, 10914c. St. Loals General Market. ST. LOL'IS.' Feb. 20. WHEAT Market lower; No. 3 red cash, elevator. So-gtSc; track. 89VV691C: May, SOHc; July. 7H79Vtc; No. 2 hard. 8lj83c. CORN Market weak; No. I cash, 40c; track. 4014c; May, 4Mc; July, tlc. OATS Market lower: No. 2 cash. SOc: track, nftyjc; May. &c; July, 28V:; No. 2 white. Be. FlirR-Oulet: red winter patents. 14.80 C4.50; extra fancy and straight,; Clear. 2.9083.35. SEED Timothy, steady. R.iejn.S), CORN-MEAL Steady. 12.20. BRAN Steady; sacked east track. 84fl5c. HAY Dull; timothy. IS-OofJH.W; prairie. SS.O311.00. IKON BUTTON T1K al.VI. BAOOINO 8iC. HEMP TWINE THe. PROVISIONS Pork. lower: lobbing. 115.25. Lard, unchanged: prime steamed. 17.40. Dry salt meats steady; boxed extra, shorts. H.S7V4: clear ribs. IS.62Vfc: short clears, IS 75. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, W.13'; clear riua, i..; snort Clears. 39.50. POULTRY Market easy: chickens, we; spring. i:vc; turkeys, lb1:; ducks, 13c; reese. 8c. BUTTER Market quiet: creamery, ziw 29c: dairy, lf-ia-lc. EOOS Market lower at livc. case count, era In were: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls lO.ono 14,000 Wheat, bu 3S.0H0 70,00) Cam. bu ,. 140.000 130.0i0 Oats, bu '. 107,000 99,000 Minneapolis Grain Market. (Superior quotations for Minneapelia de llverv.l The followlnr Quotations were re ported at Minneapolis by F. D. Day & Co., 110-111 Hoard oi iraae ounaing; Articles ! Open. Hfgh. Low. Close. lYesfy. Wheat I I I May...;81.eS " 1H 81H July... U3, 83U 2S S3 83, Flax I j May... 1 14 1 14 1 13 1 13 1 ir, July... 1 16HI lliHi 1S 1 V.I 115 Minneapolis Cash r!r,se-i-Wheat : No. 1 hard. MVtc 1NO. 1 nonnern, awac: to amve. 8oSc; No. 3 northern. 78v,c; to arrive, 7S74c; No. 3 northern. 76V4i77vac: No. 1 durum. 71c: No. 2 durum. 70c. Corn: No. 3 yel low. 3635c; No. J. a4c. oats: ISO. 3 white Sac; No. I. 2fr3?tiVc. Barley, 35VM 46c. Rye. bsv.awv lax: caan. iliia,; May. 11.12V ' Kansas City Grala and Provisions, to lower; May. 75S": July, Tie; Septem ber. T3"c. casn: o: z nara. jo. 3. TlWTSc; no. Z reo, si8c; ro. . iwyxic. CORN May. 39c: July, SSHo. Cash: No 2 mixed. Uc; No. 2 white, 39c; No. 8, t?ATS Steady : No. 3 white. 2",fi30Hc. HAY Steady; choice timothy, 10.50jU.OO; Choice prairie, 1 KfiK 50. RYE Steady : 5tu4j)ic. BITTER Bteady : creamery. 23c. EOOS Weak and lower; Missouri and Kansas new No. 2. whltewood cases In eluded. 10c; case count, 9Hc; cases returned Vc less. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 3.X 2,n0 Corn, bu 41,(J0 M.OiX) Oats, bu 9,000 i,000 Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 80.-BCTTER-Flrm; western creamery, 30c; extra nearby prints. 3Je. EUOS Half a cent lower; nearby fresh 14V at mark; western fresh, 14Sc at mark CHEESE Quiet: New York full cream fai'cy, 14V; choice, 13614c; fair to good U4J UVc. Peerla Market. PEORIA. Feb. 30. CORN-Bttady : No, 3 yellow, sc; No. I. WSc; No. 4. g.c; n crude. S6VsO. OATS Steady; No. 2 white. SOc; No. 3 white. 29i,e; No. 4 white. 2e. WHISKY On the basis of 11.28 for fin ished goods. Liverpool Grain Market. IJVERPOOU Feb. SO.-WHEAT-Spot nominal; futures, steady; Murcu, as aUJ Mav. a 8W1: July. a vd. CORN Spot, aulet: American mixed, new, 3s nsd; American mixed, old. 4s I'rtd: futures, quiet. March, is uv,a; tuy 4a Id. Mllwankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Feb. 20. WHEAT Mar ket lower; No. 1 northern. I3uc; No. 3 northern, TStfMc: May, K-lc. RYE Lower: No. 1. c. BARLEY Dull; No. 3, tic; sample. 3S9 03C. CORN Active: May. 43c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O., Feb. 20 SEEDS Clover cash and February, 8&.7z; March, is. 75 April. 8.7. limoiny. ii.nj. aisike, 8814. Sagar and Molavaaea. NEW YORK. Feb. M.-BUOAR-Raw nominal; fair refining. 2Tc; centrifugal, N fectionera' A. 4. lac; mould A. 4 tec; tu loaf. t.2oc: crushed. e.3oc; powdered, 43 tV. granulated. 4 bur: cubes. 4.70c. MOLA89ES Steady; New Orleans, open kettle, good -to choice, 8an3sC. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. J0-81OAR- irm; open kettle. centrtrugaJ. HjBVie; een Irlfugal whites, 3tjV'; yellows, 843Sc seconds. 1 3-lic. MoiSSKjl Open kettle, lTtgrUoc; centrU teat. 3 lt-tjav; moiaases sugar. re fined, quiet; No. 8. 4c; No. 7. 885c; No k. Ikuc; No. . tkoc; No. W. I 40c; No. 11. 3.75c; No. 11 170c; No. 13. 3.5c: No. 14. 3 c: ecu. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS I i Market it Irregular, Generally LoweT and Doll. READING THE FEATURE OF THE DAY Extensive Rnylnc by korts and Prob. able F fleet of t'onrt nerlslon end Prleea ( m and Down. NEW YORK. Feb. 20.-The eidence that Urgent preeaura to sell was completed for the time being, which made itself man ifest In yesteruay's stock market, was con- nrmeo by tne early action ur prices loony. There was some wavering during the first hour of trading which earned tne level below last night's close for a brief time. The latter action of the market, however, demonstrated that this selling was mostly for bear account In an effort to renew the decline. The demand to cover short sales then made, helped the general strength of the later market. The advances were rlelded abruptly before the close on the per cent loan rate. There were some out standing shorter accounts to be covered. wnicn were of longer standing, especially represented more substantial speculative sentiment. Buch short covering was very obvious In Reading. This stock was the feature of the day and Its furious activity caused by the enormous blocks absorbed on the advance overshadowed the whole market. In spite of this congestion of activity In Reading, and to a less extent few other prominent stocks, tne vol ume of tha dealings contracted considera bly. The yield nar tendency of the market dtir- ng the first hour. In which Reading fully shared, was due In large part to the de ductions drawn by speculative operators from the decision of the supreme court against the Chesapeake 4k Ohio In the mat ter of transportation charges for coal sold for its own account. It was Inferred that the present status of the anthracite com panies would bring them within the scope of the decision with wide-reaching effect on the business of the combined anthra cite companies. This opinion was modl- ned upon closer study of the decision oy the court and clauses were found even to be Interpreted as giving legal sanction to the present condltlona of operating In the anthracite trade. The vigorous recovery In Reading owed something to this con sideration. With the relaxation of the pressure to liquidate demonstrated there was some natural turn among operators to take the long side of the market again. The buying was fitful and Irregular, however, and Inclined to make Itself most felt in the stocks which have long moved under the control of market combinations. The Hill stocks were again conspicuous, and there was a very large proportion or the less prominent Industrial specialties In the list of gains. The time money market reflected tne sub sidence of the rush among speculative bor rowers which aggravated the scarcity last week. Bankers report also a large Influx of funds to the local money market for account of out-of-town Institutions. The rates for call loans, however. Jumped late In the day. The effect waa pronounced In the stock market, coming at a time when the room traders were tempted to take profits on the day's rise anyhow. The late lllng was due in part also to tne mod erate proportions of the demand attracted by the check to the reactionary tendency of the market. Hopes that a very large waiting den.nnd would come forward when the limits of the decline seemed to be reached were disappointed. The flurry In call loans to 8 per cent was due to the shifting of accounts Incident to the pay ment of subscriptions to the 130.000.000 of New York City bonds sold last week. The example of the sensitiveness of the money market and the future payments of a sim ilar character In prospect on other bond subscriptions were not relished by the speculative sentiment and prices yielded so sharply aa to carry the level generally back to below last night and make the closing tone easy. Bonds were steadv. Total sales par value $2,085,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. Tha (ollnvlns tha ransa ef Brloea ea tba aaw Tork stork eirnante: dales. Hlra. Low. rinaa. A4ama Eioren 240 itmalsir.atr4 Caspar 1.fxi4 11? 110', 111V4 Amuilraa Car and Foundry 4.(0 444, 41V4 411, da Did 101 American Cotton Oil tin 4i , 14V, J4V, do afd American Exproaa .. Ml IS Amer. Hide A Leather pfd l.tnt v 44-, American Ira arcs American Llnsvad Oil... I. 44 V, 23 Vt 45H 100 flu ptd 4H American Locomotive .. 1.00 T4 TIH 724 1144 4o prd Amar. Small ln and Refln. 21.100 IKV, la do sfd 4 1J4V 114 t?4 American 6uar Reining.. W 141 140 140, Amer. Tobacco pfd cir ... 1.000 1M4 10414 104 Anaconda Mining Co. .. 41. rK) 2ISI4, 232 Atcblaon !. nS Vi too 101 lorv, 101 400 141 l0H 140 tio no not, 17 4000 I2S 0V, II 17,200 17S4 172, 17; 100 117 517 li 1.700 67 14 MVi 400 11 10 to . n 1.4O0 21H 21 l.ioo :iii, ti 21. mo ims, its i;t, 1.200 14 14 14 400 It 14 V, 14 10014 11.100 C4 (SV-4 1. 100 14V, J.' 14 IJ , 0 7JV, 7!S '2 O0 24 It 11 177 174V, 1 17 17 00 17 (7 S4 1.104 114 ill IIJ as 1.400 4 44 Vt 4 MV, 4 .'if iit, (4" 14 M.imo 44 n 4:. MO 74 IS 77 1.100 71 70 7v 300 172 171 171', 114 4 174 17J 174 4- 12 K n I0 14 44 M 14 400 32 I? It 200 II 14 l U 100 11 11 11 41 1.400 141 147 147 IIS do pfd Atlantla Coat Lin Daltimora A Ohio do pfd 1... Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt Canadian Pacflr. Central of Naw Jeraey...., ( hceapeake A Onto Chicago A Alton 60 prd Chlcase Great Wcatera.-.-Chtcaso A Northflem. .. Chlraao. M. ex SI. Paul... Chuaao Terra. A Transit.. do pfd t... C C. St. Louis tolorado Fuel and Iron.... Colorado A southern do let pfd do Id Bid Consolidated Gas Com Products do pfd Delaware A Hudson....... Delaware. L. A Western.. Denver ti Rio Uraude do pfd Distillers' Securities Ena do 1st pfd do Id pfd Oeearal Electric Hccklng Valley , Illinois Central International Paper da pfd lnternat'.oaal Pump da pfd Iowa Central do Did Kstieas City Southern...... do ptd LeulSTllle A Nashville.... Manhattan L Metropolitan aacuritlcs .... kUtropolttan Street Hr Mealcan Central U.nncapolta St. Louis.. Mina.. Bt. P. A S g. M . . do pfd Missouri Pat lie MlseouH, Kansas A Teias.. do pfd National Lead National R. H. of Mai. pfd New Tork Central N. Y . Ontario A Westers. Norfolk A Western do pfd j... North American Paclde Mail I.I0S 70 44 1.600 llli, 111 117 24 t,2oo 14 74 24 V. 10a 7o 7-l 4in ii S4 150 151 100 1; 1744, 174 1.0H0 101 100 lull, MS 14 14 14 4 10 14 14 1100 14)1, 14,1, I. he 11 . l.luO ts 17 ss 144 1 l.ooe ion, 100 im Paneylanla Prop la' a Gas Pills hvire;. ('.. r. A St. I Prreaed Steal Car do pfd Pullman Palaoa Car Kcadlr.s do 1st pfd do Id pfd Republic glee! da pfd Rock Island Ca da pfd St. L. A S. K. Id pfd.. St. Louia Southwestern. da pfd Southern PaclSe w aa 21. W0 14 14 , 1.200 N H 1.400 WO ao 101 u 101 e lo Tit . .JOT.JOO 140 ISO lia a 700 luo 1W son a K M "0 lusv law tea !. 21 U MU 200 fue 44 44 24 44 4 14 44 Ua 44 44 . Moo . 11. WW 17 va 42 do ptd 111 117 lltv. Southern Railway do pfd Tonaeaeae Coal aud Iron Teiaa A Pad Be Taleda. St. Loult A W.. do prd Imoa PaclSe . do pfd . V. 8. Etpraaa f. S. Realty I. S. Rubber da pfd C. S. Sua) do pfd .14I.0UO 4ia U4 15 :.4o 4 14 14 14 4J 1"0 400 K 14 I4W sa .103 00 111 HIV i&i. 11 m 1.701 tii 10 ie 41 lee 10li 100 107.700 4!V 4:V 41U r,:-.":; ! I'i. lu7 M Virsiata-Caroliua do pfd e site 114 111 I" M 12 'aaaah do pfd Wei la-Fargo Eipraaa , Waatinguouee EtartrM Waatera tales Wheeling A Lake Erie vWeceaela Caalral ... do pfd Northers Pacisc Central Leather do pfd 114 a 44 zss 11 13 M 11 l M l M M M 1IU0 m 124 124 1.100 W 41 Sloaa-eaorseld aaw a 14 Total aaie far the day. aaaraa. DlvUead Federal ! Nitw tukk. e-tta. .-The Federal Min ing dk Bmelting company today declared uw icsuwr ,uarirriy SllViaend Of IV cent on the preferred stock and 1V4 on common stock, payable March 16. Bask riearlaga. OMAHA. Feb. 2.-Bank clearings for to day were 1 1 141.17123 and for the our ro ponding data last year, tl,J77.?8.4i. Treasery Slaleaaeat. WAftHINOTON. Feb. 30 Today's state- 1 m 1 l ui ii'.'ui j vmHimm in ms aen- I srai fund, egcluitg vl Um aW).(M).uw guld reaerve. show: Available cash llanre, 11 4!.l til .is?: gold coin and bullion,; gold certificates, $44.711, iA Sew Yerk Metaey Market. NEW YORK. Feb. ?.-MONEY-On rail. strong and higher at JVi per cent; ruling rate. 4'(i4'a per cent: ckiain2 Md. 4 per cent: offered at per cent. Time loans, steady to Arm: sixty and nin"ty days and six months. h' per cert. I'KIMK MtllCAAllLK I'AthKHrtlo'i per cent. "TERUNCl KXCHANnEPteady. with actual business in bankers' bllH at M VUJ t.SK for demand and at 14 RJ7l4i K.') for slxty-dsy bills: posted rates. $, S3MM.M and S4.s74hi4; eommerciai bins. ntc1. 8IL,VER Bar. W; Mexican dollars, !. ...... PDNPS Oovrnmrit and railroad steaay. Clrsing quotations .on bono today were as follows: f g. erf. la. rei....loH Japao la. td aerie. lta do eoiipe 1MV, do 4t,a rtls ! V. S. la. res I do 4s elf 47 do coupon 1"; do 4w ctfe. Id per. w I. S. old 4a. rag 101 L A N. unl. 4a oj do coupon 1"' Mso. e. (aid 4a "2 t'. S. n. 4a. reg 12 Me Central 4a 11 do e mi eon ire1 let Ine Am. Tob. 4 7t Minn. A t. L 4... 7 do 4s 114 M . K. A T. 4s in Atchison ten. 4a 14 da I . flo ad. s. e t. rt. n. of at. c. s , Atlantle C. U 4s. N. T. Central l. J" B A O. 4 l'M N. J. Central a Is . 111 do lies o Northtrn PaclBc 4a. 104 Rmok. R. T. rr. 4. K do Is i Central of Oa. 4a . ..114 N A West. r. 4s . ..I'll do 1st Inc Wi Ore. S. L. rr. 4a.... t do id Inc 17 Penn. c. I lot do Id Inc Readme sen. 4s 10, Chee A O. 4s....lotm.L A I at. r. la .11 Chlraao A A. Ik.. II St. L. A S. F. f 4a. M c. h. a q. n. 4a..ioot St. u. s. w. con. .. ai C. R. I. A P. 4s... 7t Seaboard A. L. 4a ! do col. 4a I2. So. Parlflo 4s 44 CIX. A St. L. g 4e 10614 do 1st 4 rtfs M Colo. Ind. Is, err. A. S'uthero Hy aa ll"1 do aer. B 77 ITeaas A P. la 1?v, Colo. Mid. a 7 .T . St. L. A W. 4a.. M4 f ola. A Sontbars 4. 14 Vnlon PaclSe 4 1M t uba la m, do re. 4a 151 D. A R. 0 4a loot C S. Steel 2d Is ... I Distillers' Sac. Is... HH Wabash la 114 Ena prior lien 4. ..10, do deb. R 7 do sen. 4s 2a Weatera Md. 4s M Hock. Valley 4.. 10 W. A L. K. 4a 2 Japan e 100 Wis. Cet.tral 4 M on ered. I.oadoa f'loslag tocks. LONDON, Feb. 20. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: Console, money ao-7-14 V T. Central .... 1.-4 so 2 42 11 do account Norfolk A W.... Anaconda 14 do pfd Arrrtleon II Or.t. A Weetern... do pfd lov'Pennsylvsnla B. A 0 11 hand Mines ... 1 ... ... 44 ... 40 ... ...lOJV, ... 47 ...1M ...ll ... 4.1 ...m ... 2J-4 ...47 ... 11 Canadian Pacific 171 Kraitlns ( res. A Ohio , do 1st pfd Chlcaxo O. w 21' do td pfd C, M. A St. P. iSnuthem Hr .. 1 do pfd I)eBeera D. A R. O ... 4 -4 so. pscinc do pfd . l,l'nlon Pacific Erie 44 do pfd I". 8. Steel.. do pfd .... Wabash . do 1st pfd ... do 2d pfd .. so .. 72 ..171 ..142 Illinois Central Louis. A Nash do pfd M . K. A T .. i'H Spanish 4 PILVRR Bar. quiet; KHad per ounce MONEY 4 per cent. The rate of discount In the onen market for short bills Is 3 16-16 per cent; for three months bills is 3 per cent. Sew York Mining Storks. NEW YORK. Feb. 20. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adama Con. to Little Chief . . 1 .160 .iJ7 . I . 10 . 42 . 10 . 11 .JiO Alice nreec Brunswick Con. . Ccmotcck Tun.... Con. Cal and Va. Horn Slleer fl.... Iron Stiver Leadvllle Con ..340 .. 40 .. M .. I ..124 ..2:0 ..471 .. Ontario (ohlr rhoenlz Potosl Hsvage Sierra Nevada Small Hopaa . Standard ' Wool Market. BOSTON. Feb. 20-WOOL Continued heavy trading In all classes of wools has brought the supply down to limited pro portions and hardened prices to correspond. A number or larger mills have been buy ing during the last few days and the gen eral feeling In the trade is hopeful. Ter ritory wools are said to be practically cleaned up. and It is believed that prices in tnese lines, ir not ror an grades, are as low as they will be this season. The finer grades of pulled wools continue In demand. Supers are ' being taken con stantly in the usual way at 6ti62'. while A s touch 68c: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above, St'faSHe; X, 33p:34c; No. 1. SxifrSSV; No. 2. 1&40c; fine unwashed. 2HT' 36V: three-eighths blood, 33034c; half blood, 330 33c: unwashed de.lalne. 28j29c; fine washed delaine, 3T437Hc. Michigan, tine unwashed, 24ti20c; quarter blood, unwashed, flM:r32c: three-eighth blood. 33633: nait-Diood, uvyprac: ua washed delaine. 77m 2hc. Kentucky. Indiana, etc.. three-eighths and one-quarter bipod. 33c. Territory, Idaho fine, ZrVt3c.; heavy, line, tannic; fine medium. 22'u'?3c; jneidlum. 2nVfj27c; low medium. 17fc2Kc. Wyoming, fine, 22'&23c; heavy fine. - lSg2oc; fine medium. tZfiXc; medium. 26327c. low medluni. 27628c: Utah and Nevada fine. 23fi24e; heavy fine. 1M we; nne medium. zi"J4c: medium, zavfjzjc; low medium, 27ft 3Sc. Dakota, fine. 10230; fine medium. 22&23c; medium. 27i62c: low medium. ?7j28o. Montana, fine choice, 2yct 28c; fine average. 2425c: fine medium choice, ZV&26c; average. WaZoc; staple, 27 2nc: medium choice. 27K!c. 8T. LOLl8, Mo., rb. 20 WOOIy Steady; medium grades combing and cloth ing. 234j"28c; light fine, 20UC4c; heavy fine, 1Mj21c; tub washed, 32f&40c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 20-METAI-Spot tin was unchanged at lte In Ixndin. but futures declined lfla to li'J15s. Locally the market wa quiet, with buyers and sel lers near together at Hn3ii 36.60. Copper was 1'sRd lower at 71 for spot and 75 10s for futures In the I-ondon market. 8ome 1 rod mers are still said to be asking $18.50 for lake and electrolytic In the local mar ket, but there seems little doubt that sup plies can be obtained under that figure and the general range is from 517.75(618.5") for lake and electrolytic and H7.604il7.a2U for casting. Lead advanced Is 3d to 16 5s in London. I .orally the market was un changed at I5.3iyafi.a5. Spelter was 2s fid lower at 25 17s6d In London. The local market was nulet at the recent decline, with snot quoted at Sfi.0O36.10. Iron was lower abroad, with standard foundry clos ing at 4Ss 3d and Cleveland warrants at 4s Ttd. Locally - the market was un changed: No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at tl 3ii19.35; No. 2 foundry northern at ll7.7ofiU.86: No. 1 foundrv southern, I18.254J 15.75: No. t foundry. $17.75518 25. ST., LOCH,. Feb. 20. MKT AL8 Lead, steady, I6.27VJ. Spelter, quiet, 15.90. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Feb. . COTTON Spot closed 10 points lower: middling uplands. He: middling gulf. 11.25c; sales. 'J& bales. ST. LOCIf". Feb. 20. COTTON Steadv: middling. 10T,r: sales, none; receipts. 131 bales; shipments, 182 bales; stock, 43,712 bales. - LIVERPOOL. Feb. 30. COTTON 8not. moderate business done; prices 6 point lower: Ametii-an middling fair. 6.12d; good middling. t.9Sd: middling. 5.SM: low mid dling. 5.601: good ordinary. S.tbd: ordinary. 6 32d. The sales of the day were 8.000 bales. of wnicn ,.) bales were for speculation and export and Included S.700 nales Amer ican. Receipts. 21,000 bales, including 17,100 American. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. JO-eTOTTON 8pot closed steady; sales, 12,8iiO bales; ordi nary, 713-Iao: good ordinary, 9ve: low nod dling, 10c: middling. 10-lc; good middling 1U5-16C: fair. 11o; receipts, S.137 bales; stock. 307,lr?3 brtlcs. Oils and Reals). NEW TORK, Feb. SO OILS Cottonseed, steady: prime crude, f. o. b. mills. 23 24c; prime yellow. 3t1fi3i)atc. Petroleum, quiet; refined. New Tork. "7.60: Philadel phia and Baltimore. 27 70; in bulk, (7 65. Turpentine, quiet at 7SS7tic. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Feb. 30 OILS Tur pentine, firm; 69c. ROSIV-FIrm; stock. 5.47 bbls. Ouote A. B, C, L. E, F and G. 4.10c; H 4.25c: I. 4 55c: K. ti 30c; M. .4ao; N, i.90c; WO, .10c; WW. 125c. OIL CITT. Pa., Feb. 30.-O!LS-Credit balances, 1168. Shipments, 57.f bbls; average. 64.4 bbls. Runs. 10.634 bbls ; aver age. a.19 Runs, Lima, 55.568 bbls.; average, 36.560 bbls. CoaTeo Market. NEW TORK, Feb. 20 -COFFEE Market for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 6 points In response to steady cable) and light receipts. To ward the close trading became very active, big buving orders were received from leal. Ing ball Interests and the market closed steady net unchanged to I points lower. Poles were reported of 1J8 6.0 bags, of which only about 17.000 bags were switches. Tbe business Included: 11 arch. .653.66c; April, 6 75c; May, 6.796.Soc: June. 6.86c; July. 45i7c; September, T.104r7.16c; De cember. T JOJT.tOc; January, 7 4o7.4&c. Spot Rio, steady; No. T Invoice, lc. Dalath Ursls Market. Pl'LVTH. Feb. 30.-WHEAT-Te arrive: No. 1 northern, iic; No. t northern. 78Uc. On tnuk: No. 1 northern. iV: No. f nonnern, n)-ac; uay. i"ac; juiy, KZtc. OATS To arrive and on track, tbc. St. Joseph Hts Stock Morket. 8T. JOSEPH. Feb. JO-CATTLE Re ceipts. t.TJS head: market, steady to strong; natives. tt.OuejellO; cows and heifers, 1 66j 4 8: stockers and feeders, (3.0034.60. HOGS Receipts. 1 136 bead; market, steady; light. 5t6.12H: -medium and heavv. M 0ub4V3n: bulk of sales. 16 064x4 15. ftHEEP ANU UMBs- Reoelwa. 5 MS read: niarkrl lor suevp, steady; lambs, its. .lower. .- OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Lower Rn-- of Prioes for All Hindi of Cattle. HOGS SHADE LOWER THAN YESTERDAY Largest Ran of All Klada of Stack for Year to Iae shee aad Lambs glow and Flfteea to Teventy-rive Lower. SOfTH OMAHA, Feb. 20. iV. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday J. .o6 4.4f.l 10 6M Official iuesday 5.54) 14,900 au.!"0 Two day this week. ...10.585 l 5t ."M Two days last week lo.J U.W Same two weeks ago 10.010 15.24K 15,419 Same three weeks ago... t.8r2 11.359 Same four weeks ago.... 7.fii8 13,'i 11. oort Same days last year 10.220 22.741 20.7M The following table snows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: liaej. 19. Inc. Cattle 133.S3S 107.031 26. Hogs I'.S.aOO S.loo 57.345 Sheep 2:3,366 212.170 lv,38 CAT! Lai QUOTATlONa. The following will show the price paid (or tba different kinds ot came on tiie ouutn unishi marketi Oood to choice corn-fed steers $4 9fS5 .50 Fair to choice corn-fed steers 4 5i4 Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4 u4.75 Good to choice cows and heifers.... a.itvrH.So Fair to good cows and heifers t ovH i Canners and cutters l."i3 0 Good to choice stockers and feeders S. 753 4 30 Fair to good stockers and feeders.. J ouy.75 Common to fair s tinkers 1 ivui bo bulls, stags, etc 2.5OQ4.00 Uood veal calves 5.0tV 50 range: OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha txwuei.25 ta V"U.10 Chicago 1.5"UM.3o 6.7fi aO Kansiaa City a.2hiti. t 8i46 20 St. Louis . 2.1"U.A &.riib JO bioux City : 2.7b(a6.n5 6.aVs.00 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha tor the laal several days, with comparisons: Date. I 14. Feb. 7... Feb. ... Feb. ... reb. 10.. Feb. 11.. Feb. U.. Feb. Is... Feb. 14.. Feb. 15.. Feb. 1.. Feb. li.. Feb. 18.. Feb. 1.. Feb. 20.. t,7J S 70SI ins ( '', t SSi 5 ksv.1 MV, 4 74 Ml 4 681 4 ii V71 4 81 1 4 n; 4 55j 4 BO, 4 'idi 4 671 e a 4 66 74j 01 6 i 4 69 t ii 4 76 6 25, 4 84 I 4 80 t 82 i i 4 n t 26.4 83 6 Ml 4 16 6 2i 4 75 i l 4 13 - 4 i 5 22 I 23! 4 84 5 31; 4 78 4 8b, 4 89 5 illl K 6 001 4 Wl I 04 & l3 5 ( 5 i: i 26 n ib 8 71, a 72 81 W 00; t: 02 6 vi 5 W, 5 aJ i(0 5 79 6 79' 5 7j a M 6 93, 7 It I 7, ( SI I t 3 Sunday. MONDArS SHIPMENTS. The following shows the number of cars of stockers and feeders shipped to the coun try Monday and their points of destination: Cattie cars. A. E. Cook. Odebolt, la.-N. W W. F. Johnson. Guthrie Center, la. R. I. 2 W. H. Banks, Guthrie Center, la. R. I... 1 V. H. Burney, Hartlngton. Neb. M. ft O. 2 C. Boiler, Griswoid, la. R. 1 1 J. M. Ward, Genoa, Neb. F. E 1 George Heldt, Yutan, Neb. V. P 1 E. F. Sullivan, Afton, la. Q 3 F. 8. Morris, Nodaway, la. Q 1 North aV Ro bison. McCuol Junction, Neb. Q 1 Ed Eno. O'Neill, Neb F. E 1 C. F. Schroder, Council Bluffs, la. R. I.. 1 G. W. Hutchison. Cambridge, III. R. I... 2 T. J. Jordan. Dunlap. la. N. W 1 Fugerson Bros., Lunlap, la. N. W 2 W. H. Fraxler, Odessa, Neb. t'. P 1 F. McPherson, Kearney, Neb. U. P 1 The official number of cars of stock orought In today by each road waa: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H's. C M. 4V St. P -. S 10 .. 1 Wabash 5 1 Missouri Pacific 4 . 5 4 1 I nlon Pacific 4 43 61 1 C. & N. W., east.... 11 6 .. C. N. W., west.... 53 75 14 i C, St. P., M. 4 0 22 13 2 C, B. aV Q., east 7 8 C. B. A Q.. west 69 40 I C, R. I. A P., east.. 2 1 1 ... C, R. 1. it P., west.. .. 1 Illinois Central 2 Chicago ,G. W J 2 .. Total receipts 217 , 207 81 6 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each, buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 6J8 2.797 l.Ht Swift and Company 1,052 4.t'73 6H Cudahy Packing Co S63 2.530 2.011 Armour dk to nei 4,34a 1.149 Carey '. 65 Lobman & Co 175 McCrearv 55 W. 1. Stephen 2 Hill ck Hon 182 Lewis Underwood 7 Huston & Co 67 Hamilton A Rothschild .. 55 L. F. Htiss 75 Wolf V Murnan 5 Mike Haggerty 97 Sol Degan I J. B. Hoot A Co 187 Bulla & Kline 6 8. A S 17" Other buyers 653 4.366 Totals 5,233 CATTLE The receipts of morning numbered ZA cars, which was the largest run of the year to date; In fact, the largest of any day since me second week In December. With so many cattle in sight and with the quality on an average none too goon, buyers were in a position where t lit v could afford to take the bear side of the deal. Hence fl'ts general ten dency of the market was towu4 a lower level of values. v Buyers were out In the yards In ve.v fair season, but with the number of cattle on sale they were apparently disposed to look over tne yaras quite thoroughly be fore making extensive purchases, hence the trade was a little slow to open and was at ho time very active. In a few cases seliors who happened to have beef steers that Just suited a buyer thought that they were able to get very close to yesterday's prices, but such cases were few and far between and the general mar ket could hotter be quoted 10c lower. Aa a rule the beef steers were on the common to fair order, and hence sales do not show up any too well on paper. The situation as regards butchers' stock was very much the same as with steers that Is. the supply on sale waa unusually large and buyers were able to take their time in filling orders. Hence the trade was slow in opening and the forenoon was well advanced beforu very much business waa transacted. AS was tne case with steers, there were a few instances where sales men who happened to have something that just suited a buyer's-order, prided them selves on naving gouen out in very good shape, but It would be no misrepresenta tion to quote the general market as loc lower. Stockers and feeders for the first time In a long while were a little slow and any where from weak to loc lower than yes terday. The feeder market had been strong and active for every day for such a long time past that It hardly seems possible for it to be anything else, but with the liberal receipts this morning, and the fear on the part, of speculators that there would be another large run tomorrow, acted as bear influence, which brought about a gen. era I shading ot values, aa noted above. Representative sales: BEEF 8TEKR0. Ka. " A. r. 1 444 1 4a - 11 1071 4 44 t 40 I 14 11 l4i 4 44 1 1140 I 74 11 1171 4 40 1 170 17 ' 44 114 4 40 1 110 I 10 1 114 4 40 11 411 I II Ill 4 4 t 2i 4 II 11 1141 4 40 11 SI III ' 4 1211 4 40 1 Ml 4 1 1011 I 26 v... Ml IM 2 110 4 44 1 IM 4 11 ' H IM1 1s 1 111S 4 14 24 llvl I 1 1 11 4 11 4 ....121 4 74 14 447 4 4 If 1141 4 4 at to 4 tt 1 124! 4 M 14 llu 4 40 It Ua4 4 M COW8 1 14 1 4 . 1 14 I SS J 14 1 4 1 101 t 14 171 I ti 1 Uuo U 1 4 1 14 1 124 I tt I HI I t lu4 I ai 1 is IN 4 lvti I U 1 1 14 I till I 14 . ........... 411 2 14 It IM I II KA 1 44 14. . 10 I a . Ill I a S 1004 I 1 la 1 4 1 117 I 44 1 74 I 4 121 1 a I ., Mi M I 11 5 1 t 10U I M I. ION I M t i IM I 44 1 4 I 40 I ln I t 1 1U t Ti 4 ( 14 I 74 1. lie I e 1 11 14 4 ft I en 1 ,....le 1 1 4 net 1 7 1 100 t 11 i. 101 1 11 M4 I T 4 Ml 1 14 1 m in ites 1 14 l. 171 t M tt IM I H 4... Ml t M 1 11M I I M IN 6 44 I M 1 114 I M t ... 111 I M I...-. 1W IM . 1 mi 4 M HEIFERS. , 1 54 I 6 L... le I 46 .M I 12!4 I 0 4 4 1M ! 4 "4 . ... IM 4 le 1114 4 ii 4M 4 Ml I I I 1 W I II nt-Li.a 1 120 t o I.... l...w I0M 17 1 ... I . ito la 1 1 IKO 10 1.... 1 14 I 14 11... 1 1 lie I la 1 . . 1 us 1 li 1.... 1 Ijio 12 I. . I 1 "o :.i 1 I 1410 1 51 1.... I ' 1 1.... I Ill I II I. .. 1J I til I U Iw I l. I. an lb -,M I 14 laa aa le" I W 1 aa lew I an 1T0 1 . . ,.!4l 4 l H I 7k I HS I II .im 1 COWS AND HEIFERS. 14 16 it I IN 1 774 t la CO W 8 AND STKErtS. If l 17 CALVES. 1 104 t 48 ; 13 18 t 4S in 1 i. n If i-ii 1 4 l. t 4 4il 1 II 1 13 I 40 1 140 4 0 1 11 ( Kl 1 Ml 4 Ml 1 12 I 14 t 1:1 4 1 I I a re 1 IM ID I It t I BTOCKEltS AND FEEDERS. 1 KXf t a 11 1 M I m ti io 1 m 1 440 1 00 I I 4.". II ITT I 4 I MO S M 11 117 I l 11 ... 41 1 44 11 434 li .. .' 4 00 1 4S1 I 44 If Ill 4 6 1 14 I 44 11 " I. 44 1 1 . i 100 4 1 1 411 1 1 : 411 4 m 1 7M I 74 ro 411 4 Is 1 410 I Tl 1 10JI 4 14 IS IN HOGS This was a day of Urge receipts or cattle, hogs and sheep, all showing the heaviest runs of the year to iinte. In the rase of hogs the receipts ran ,ar ahead of the early estimates, no one having antici pated anything like the numoer mat out in an appearance. Considering tne large receipts, the mar ket from a seller's iandint, was by in means bad; on the contrary it was In the main a good market. Prices were only a shade lower than yesterday and tne trade as active as could be expected with over. w fresh cars on sale. Tho hogs sold very largely at 6.86'uii.OO. which was about the same tange as yesterday. There was this difference, though, that there were more sales at the lower price today, while, according to some of the buyers, tne qual ity was better. Cnder the influence of a good buying demand the larger iirt of the hogs sold In reasonable season at the range noted sbove. Representative sales: Ha A. Sa. Pt. No. Af. Sn. Pr 1 ! 10 I 12 14 74 23 ... 1 7'4 15 ... 1124 77 t4 H I!', . ti: in 1 14 o ko 40 1 n 4 1: 40 I to l:4 ... I "ii 10 120 ... M ' Ill ... 474 at II IX IN 71 XI in I i'a 17 10 M I 14 CO ...10V 10 Itilt 114 ... IK 42 in ... It's 47 t1 40 I I II l "J W I T Ml Isl ... I 91 71 UI ... I I7 44 221 M I H 41 in ... I 7, 71 244 ... 4 11 4 2f. ... I art S tit H IN 4 ... I Ml .7 Ill 1M IK II iit ... 4 00 71 Ill s) IM I? 114 ... 4 00 71 12 4 I 4 70 141 , 40 4 00 71 Ill ... I 17 . 44 141 ... I 00 IM 120 ... I 17 'a 71 240 140 00 47 27 40 IITa II 210 ... 00 71 Ill ... I I7 44 21 40 4 41 11 110 I I7t 44 S44 ... 4 40 41 210 120 I 91 44 171 ... 100 7 IV1 110 I 11V 44 141 ... I M (4 141 10 I 17V, 4& 24 . . 104 74 1.W 40 4 7', 71 147 ... in 44 221 120 I 17Vs SHEEP In spite of the fact that the re ceipts were the largest of any day since November (, the actual offerings of desir able killers were small. As a matter ot fact, there were a few loads of right good sheep and lambs, but the number was small, it beinc estimated that not to ex ceed one-third of the receipts consisted of desirable killers. Among tne arrivals was , . , . , , 1 .. . a very consiaeraoie sprinkling ui iuu, South Dakota, and Colorado sheep and lambs of very ordinary Quality, over one third of the total receipts was made up of stock from these three states. All were d saDDolnllna- In oualltv. The size and the quality of the receipts would naturally have a depressing eflect upon the market, but In addition to that other market points were sending out re ports of large receipts and lower mar keta at the ooenina. A still further baar Influence was the fact that local packers were all large purchasers yesterday, none of them having anticipated anything like such a large run today. In consequence none of them were In any great need of supplies. With so many bear Influences at work It was not surprising that the market waa In anything but a satisfactory condi tion aa viewed from a seller s standpoint. The trade opened very slow and was a drag from start to finish. It n late In the forenoon before all the stuff reported had arrived; It was still later before the market really opened, and very late before anything like a clearance waa made. As to prices, it is sare to quote tne inaraei an of 'Sa'2Lc lower. Quotations for fed sheep and lambs are as follows: uood to cnoice lanms toio rados, S6.booVi.00; good western. 7V?j7.00 good yearlings, 55.6oft6.n0; good wethers, eo.4ua&.o6; ewes. 14. 14. No. ' iv. Pr. 61 western cull ewes 91 S 60 256 western ewes W 4 75 362 South Dakota yearlings W 4.00 155 South Dakota yearlings J 6.0O 341 South Dakota yearlings ii 6.W 2bS western ewes 67 4 66 156 western ewes 110 6 00 40 western ewes 110 6 00 l; western ewes Ill 6 00 71 western ewes 10 6 la 465 western yearlings and wethers 96 6 60 native wethers 191 6 00 16 Colorado lamb feeders 70 6 26 290 Colorado lamb feeders 7'i 6 25 290 Colorado lamb feeders 70 6 J Til Colorado lamb feeders 70 26 107 Colorado lamb feeders 70 6 ;5 16 Colorado lamb feeders 70 6 25 71 western lambs 78 4 60 7 native lambs 117 7 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle slow Hogs Shade lower gheeo Steady. P CHICAGO. Feb. 20. CATTLE Receipts, I tJ head;' market slow; prices steady; I cAnmon to Drlme steers. t3.5o'a6.30: cows. 13 Vff-4.1 4 261 ca t2.f-Si4.i 04.60; heifers, $L'.6u4ii6.uo; bulls, calves, n.wu.a; stockers ana leeuirs 65. Recolnta 9f. ftno head? market vl,; prices snade lower; r-holce to prime heavv. 6,; medium to good neavy, K5C''4.2; butcher weights, t6..i6.30; good to choice heavy mixed,; packing, U 75-14.26. SHt.KP AND LAMBS Receipts. 25.000 head; market, sheep steady; lumus. si and lower: sheep, 54 0"tr6-uu; yearlings, fo.iO 6. 50; lambs, .40j!7.2f. Kansas Cltr Llvo Stork Market. KANSAS CITT. Feb. 20. CATTLE Receipts, Unix) head. Including 300 south erns; market, strong; choice export and dressed beef steers, 45.25Q4i.oo: fair to good 14.0u4i6.15: western fed steers. S3. 6041 5 go atockers and feeders. t3.0oti4.K0; aoutnern steers, I3.76u4 SO; southern cow. a2.2jj3. .j; native cows. U native heifers. i.Sfit 4.9: bulls. S2.r4.0O; calves, S3 iK(l J.Bel. HOGS Receipts. 16.000 head; market opened steady, closed weak; top, K22H: bulk of sales, t60Vn17H: heavy. I6 6 224: packers, Io.10ij6.20; pigs and lights, 16 e'll 12H- SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 10.000 head: market, steady for sheep: lambs, loc lower; native lambs, 55 5036); western Is nibs, $5ft0; ewes and yearlings 64 50 fe6 60; western fed yearlings. a5.ViJ.10; western fed sheep, f4.25436.75; stockers and feeders. t3.2S4j4.7S. at. Loots Live Stock Market. ST. I5UIS, Mo.. Feb. 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.0uO, Including 1.676 Texuns; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $4 3'a 26; dressed beef and butcher steers, $ 604(4 40; steers under 1.011) lbs., 63 0(4.60; stockers and feeders, I2.6i34.3l; rows and helfera. $2.1004.40; canners. $l'Kfl-2.g.; bulls, $2,7644 28; calves. I2 0otr7.o0; Texas and In dian steers, $1.0oK00; cows and heifers, t2 K93 9o. HOGS Receipts. 10.000: market steady; pigs and lights. t5t523: packers. t6.75? 26: butchers and best heav 66 luQl. 6HEEP AND LA MBS Receipts. 2.6D; market, steady; native muttons. to.26j 26; lambs, to.004 30; culls and bucks, t3.fAivi.26; stockers, 6i.0m&4.00. tloos Cltr Llvo Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la., Feb. SO. (Special Tel egram.) CATTLE Receipts. 1.700 head; market, ateady; beeves. $4.006 50; cows, bulls and mixed. ta.OfsH4.25; stockers and feeders. t3.0U4j4.1S; calves and yearlings, 12.757 90. HOGS Receipts, t.luv bead; market, weak; selling at C 9006.00; bulk of sales, to 96. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, TOO head; market, steady. took la lo-fct. Receipts of live atock at the sis principal western markets yesterday; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha t.6 14.6uO 20.K-0 Hioux City 1.700 6 Hut 7 Kansas City ll.OuO 15.U00 0.Qjs St. Joaeph 2.7a 6.636 6. St. Louis w 6u . 10. Owl r.6u0 Chicago 6.0UU 26.000 26.VU0 ToiAi ,tea 7J.636 61.133 I S t aa 4 Ill I 0 I ...aa tan M I I. 1 I l. 11 I I 1 fa i 4TI I li OMAHA WltOLF.S I.B MARKKT. Condition of Trade and Qaeialleaa on Staple anal Fancy rrodaee. EOOS-Receipts liberal: candled stock un settled at lie. ,IVE Fill I.TRT Hens. 10V; old roost ers, tc; turkeys, lor; OHO., 11c; oung rooeters. 'tilic; geese, Sc. DKmsEu 1't 'liLT H 1 Tut keys, ism.t old lomi li4.i !'.'. chlrk.-ns. lli:o; old roosters, 7c; ducks. Hfirc; geese, n. BCTTEH-Pnrking atock. lac; cnoice w fancy dairy. HtflSc; creamery. 21Cl-'l4jC. HAT Ftiies quoted r.y omana ream com pany: No. 1 upland. M 00; medium, u a; toe is.' 64 Rye Strtw, 16 50. BRAN Per ton. J16J0. HIDES, PELTS AND TALt.OW-No I green Mdes, V; No. 2, Ne: No. 1 salted. 12c; No. 2, 11c; Fteen bull hi. lea. Mlc; cured. HtlOc; dry hides ltje. Horse hides, large. 3.25; small. t-50. Sheen rt. each, eoctiel 2S. Tallow, No. 1, 4c; No, 2. 3c; rough. IHc. TROPICAL FRUIT" DATER Pre hot n SO l-lo. tlkxS.. t2: Hallowe'en in 70-lb. boxes, per lb, ac; Say- era, per lb., 4c; walnut-stuffed. ItH. pkgs., U per dot: S-lb. boxes, tl. ORANGES California, extra fancy iteo- land navels, all sixes. $"!'; fancy navels, t?86; choice, all sixes. t24xS2.76. LEMONS Llmonlets. extia fancy. 10- llr.e, 13.3, 30 to 360 vises. 63.76. FlQS---allforrila. per 10-lb. carton. 75-1 65c; Imported Smyrna, three-crown, lie six-crown. ic. BANANAS Per medium Blsed bunch. tl. 752 25; .1 umbos. 2 50433.00. TANGERINES California. Per box ot about ITS, tS.OO. UKAl-'K r KL IT Florida, per nox, li nn 7 6; California, per box. $4 0U-7J4 64. FRUITS PEARS Winter Nellls and Mount Ver non, t2.50. APPLES Ca llfomla Bellflowrrg. J1.S0 per bu. box; Ben Davis, 11.75 per bu. box Wlnesaps, 12.26 per !. bes; other varieties, t-.00j?.50 per bu.; New Tork apples, ta.K per bhl. unAftu-imported niaiaro. ew.mja-vu. OLD VEtjiTABLKS. POTATOES-Home grown, per bu. tOO 15c; South Dakota, per bu., 7 it. UMON-tl(mi grown, yellow ana red. per bu, 66c; Spanish, per crute, 12. W, Colo rado, t"C ana yeuow. per 011 , ii.ou. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 62.00. LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 6c CABBAGE Home grown and Wisconsin, In crates, per lb.. 2c. CARROTS, PARSNIPS AND TURNIPS Per bu., 664375c, CELERY Kalamasoo, per do.. 25fl5e. SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per t-bu. bbl 62-00. NEW VEGETABLES. TOMATOES Florida, per crate of 30 lbs. net. W.uO. WAX BEANS Per hamper ot about 30 lbs net, 66 00. STRING BEANS Per hamper of about 10 lbs. net, (3 outr 00. tuti I'LANT--Florlda, per dol , tl.1.60. GHEEN PEPPERS Florida, per hamper Of about 10 dos., 63.50. TURNIPS Louisiana, dos. bunches, 75c. - SHALLOTTS Louisiana. per dos. bunches, 75c. HEAD LETTUCE Louisiana, per bbi., $12.0ud, 15.00; per dosen heaul. 61.75432.08. LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per dosen heads, 60c. CUCUMBERS Hot house, per dos., tl "i RADISHES Hothouse, per dosen bunch es. 6"i76c. Ml bHROOMS-Hothouse, per lb.. 60c CAULIFLOWER California, about 24 heads to crate, t3.25. BEEf CUTS No. 1 ribs. 13c; No. 2 ribs, 11c; No. S ribs, lOHc: No. 1 loins. 16c; No. t loins. 12c; No. I loins, 9lc; No. 1 chuck, 6V: No. 2 chuck. 4VC; No. 3 chutk, 4c; No. 1 round, 7t4c; No. ! round, 6c: No. 1 round, 6c; No. 1 plate, 4c; No. 2 plate, SVfec ; No. 1 plate, tc. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg. 63.7t: per bbl., 17.76. HON KY New. per 24 lbs.. t3.50. CHEESE Swlas. new, 16c; Wisconsin brick. 16c; Wisconsin limberger, 15c; twins. 15c; young Americas, ISVjC. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 15Vrc; bard shells, per 10. USc. Pecans, large, per lb., 14c; artull, per lb., 12c. Peanuts, per lb., 44c; roasted, per lb., 8c. Chili walnuts, per lb.. 12'ol3c. Almonds, soft shells, per 5S., 17c; ha-d shells, per lb., 15c. Cocoanuta, t4.25 per sack of 1(0. FRESH FISH-Trout. 11c: halibut, 10c; pickerel, dressed, 3c: whitens. 11c; sun-' huh, Oit&c; perch, skinned and dressed, tc; pike, loc; redsnapper. He; salmon. 11c; crappler, C9c; eels, ISc: black baas, Zic; whltensh. 12c;. frog legs, per dos.. 65c; lobsters, green, 33c; boiled lobsters. 37c: blueflsh. 15c; herring, 4c; Spanish mackerel, 16c: haddock. 10c; shrimp, tl.009i.6O per gallon: smells, 12c; cod. 12c OYSTERS Fresh standard, tl-40 per gal.; shell ovsters, n.WitiM per 100; Little Neck elams. 11.60 per 100. SUGARS Granulated carte. In bbls.. to.0; granulated cane. In sacks, granulated beet, in sacks. II.9L 8YRUP In barrels, 24c per gal.; cases, 6 10-lb. cans. tl fX'; cases, 11 6-lb. cans. 6'. 50: cases, 24 1-lb. cans. $190. COFFEE Roasted : No. 35, 26Hc per lb.; No. 80, goojC per lb.; No. 25, HHc per lb.; No. 20, lJc per lb.: No. 215. 12Vc per in. FLOUR (wholesale) Best high grade Ne braska, per cwt., t2.00; beat high grade patent Minnesota, per cwt., $2 30; straight patent Nebraska, per cwt., 62.00; seoond patent Nebraska, 11.90. . CURED FISH-Famlly whltefish, per bbl., 1I0 lbs., td.50; Norway mackerel, per bbl.. 200 lbs.: Bloaters, $40. 00; No. 1, $28.00; No. I, t26.00; No. I, $2000: Irish No. 2, 117.00. Herring, In bbls., 200 lbs. each: Nor way, 4k, $13 00; Norway. 3k. IU.00; Hol land, mixed, til. 60. Holland herring In kegs: Milkers, 80c; kegs, mixed. 70c. BROOMS No. 1 carpet, tf-25; No. t csr pet,' $2.40; No. t plain. 63.25. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern, 55&60c: Maine, $1 26. Tomatoes, 3-lb. cans, 1.2fl.: 2-1'u.. 7HcV$1.iai; pine apples, grated. S-ib.. 62-0662.30; sliced, 11 K ti2.20; gallon apples, fancy, $3.60; Cali fornia apricots, 11.4u320o; pears, tl.JVai 2.50; peaches, fancy, ?1.75&2 4o; H. C. peaches,; Alaska salmon, red, tl 16; pink, 90c; fancy Chinook. F., tZlo; fancy sockeye, F., $1.95; sardines, H-oll, $2.60; 4-mustards, $2 oue3.10; sweet pota toes, $1 16'iz 1.26; . sauerkraut, $1.00; pump kins, eoc(o$l-0u- wax beans, 2-lb., Tittftoc; Lima beans, 2-lb., 7oi)'9tictl$L35; Spinach, Il.864i2.00; cheap peas, 2-lb., 0c; extra. Ze9uc; fancy, $1 total 75. EVAPORATED FRUITS Fancy Mulr uches, 12Hc; choice Mulr pesches, ll'4c; fancy yellow, 12,c: 60-60 prunes, 740; -7o. 7-a.c; fancy New York ring apples, HUc; choice, loHc; fancy 4-crown loose musca tel raisins, "tc; 1-crown, 7c; 2-crown, Vtc; fancy seeded in 1-lb. cartons, ic; choice seeded, In 12-os. cartoons, 7c; east ern pitted cherries, 17c; New York evap orated black raspberries, 26c, fancy pear, itc; choice, 15c; fancy nectarines, ec: lancy apricots, ll4c; choice royal, 10Hc; Hal lowe'en dates, 6Hc; glace citron, 17c: can dled, 16c: Union. ;4Vc; orange, lte. Dry Gooda Market. NEW YORK. Ffb. 30.-Buylng of Sry goods today was largely confined to goods for nearby shipments and buyers en deavored to secure concessions. In certain quarters Irregularities were noticeable, Ik. I the murket aa a rule remained firm. REAL fcsTATK THAMfERa. Harry G. Jordan et al to Mary ft Franklin, lot 6, block 2, Drake's aild '. ..,$ John Flanagan to Mary E. Thompson. lots 2, 3, 8, -i snd 10. block 20, and other lots. Boyd's add ..... Philip S. Heed to Alexander C, Reed, lot 21, block 4, I'ruyn park Sophia E. French to pliilip 8. Reed. aus.e Hubert R. Fuller to Mary C. Porter. wV lot 2, block G, Omaha.... T. A. Thompson et al to Hubert U. Fuller, same Oruce Shevly to C. F. Wehber, lot 24, block 3, Grammercy park Byron Reed company to John C. 8el. den, s ni lot 2, block 1, Kirk wood add ? John 3wanson to C. H. Eckery, lots 1 and 2. block t, Patrick's add John W. McDonald, sheriff to Susan G. Dewev, w 25 feet lot 4. and e! 1.1 . 1 3aa 75 1 1 l&o 1.750 .0A) 2.St-0 if) l.aoj 1.S0 ' 1 1 eei tot a. diock a. rosters aaa Omaha Mercantile company et sj to r . J. lewls. lots 1 and 2, block 64. nontn timiiit John Kryder and wife to John K. Krvder, lot 4. block ' 1. Missouri avenue park add A bra nam I- Reed et al to Harry G , Jordan and Hi yon R. Hastings, lot 6. block 2, Drake s add Edward W. to Pea:I A. Robb, lot 7, sub of lot T, Olses' add . Fanny Pracht and husband to Nellie C. Sadler, lot 9, block 3, Drake's' add Charles P. Ford to Hannah Casey. s 46 feet n 111 feet sub lot t. tax lot tl. $4-15-13 ; Bertha Rubin to Flora Rubin, n 56 . feet lot 4, Isaac's add..-. J. Gardner Knight tu Edwin 8. Rood. 1 acre set, .14-Itl-12 Bdwln 8. Rood to Updike Grain com- ' pnny, same 1 Omaha Realty company to Ignats Moakovlts, e 60 feet nH 1' 11 Nel son s add , 1 aVaaf S"aV F. Dt, Day (k Co. Oeaisrs ta Stocks. Oram, Povitvlon Ski taw Oru. to i.m. rank OOtao, llO-ltt Hoard of Traa, RlelaT.. Osaka, Reb. Telephone Bale. r.!-214 Exehangs Mf , Sooth Omaha. BsU 'Pbooo til ltxeependsnt 'puons t