Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Colorado Detectire Bay Harry Orchard Hu
Hot Oonfewted Murder.
Man-' Drat ha la Colorado l.ald at
Door of Weatera Kedcratloa
, of MJavra br Mil
oa (.
UKNVKh, Feb. iO.-ln an Interview pub
lished he re today Detective Jamea McPar
land denies the report that he aecured a
confiaclun from Harry Orchard, who la
charged with Mia murder ot former Gov
ernor Frank Sieunenberg at Caldwell,
Idaho, December 30 laat. Implicating the
officer of tho Western Federation of Min
na and many others in the crime, though
he claim to have ample evidence ot their
guilt. -
"There have been Mali-menta made by
va'.'touH persiiiiH." said Officer McFnrland,
"but I know of none mndo by Orchard,
and as I have been tho only man at work
on the cuse I think I would have known
of It had there been one.
"i undertook the Investigation of Gov
ernor Steuncnbcrg's death at the request
of his personal friend, Governor Gooding,
and Governor Gooding has1 personally paid
what expenses have been Incidental on my
I tell it my duty as a cltlien of Colo
rado to uproot the gang and a such I
undertook the work. These fellows
thought that It was so long ago that I had
broken up the Molly Magulrea that I must
now be In my dotage. They were not
afraid of me. But there Is a weak spot In
every wall., especially such a one as that
upon which the Western Federation was
founded, and that weak spot I found. It
will coot Mover, Haywood and Pettlbone
and as many more their lives."
Talks ot Many Murders.
McPnrlnrtd claims to have positive evi
dence that members of the Western Fed
eration planned and carried out the assas
sination of Detective Lyte Gregory, killed
mysteriously In West Denver two years
ago. of Martin Gleason, superintendent of
tho Wild , Horse mine at Cripple Creek,
nho was thrown down a shaft; of Arthur
Collins, superlntndent . of the Smuggler
Union mine at Tcllurlde, who was shot
from ambush; of the killing of fourteen
men In the explosion at the Independence
depot near Crlpplo Creek June 6, 1904; of
the niurder of Martin B. Walley. who was
killed lust summer by an explosion. In this
city, and of other murders.
The killing of Walley Is suld to have
been accidental, the nltro-glycerln with
which he was killed having been placed
on a vacant lot through which Chief Jus
tice Oiibbert of the supreme court was
accustomed to pass with the Intention of
killing him. .
McParland denied tho Charge that he
had kldnsped the federation officers out
of Denver.. . ,
"The papers are regular." he ssld, "and
were served regularly. I could not be
expected to notify their lawyers that
Moyer. Haywood and Pettlbono were In
Jail and about to be taken to Idaho.
"They knew that If they were captured
they would never, be abio to clear them
selves and were about to leave the country
when arrested. They had planned to blow
up tho train' If an attempt were made to
remove them to Idaho and for this reason
1 Insisted on having a special train to tak
them to Idaho." ...
Mine Onsen Kmplojed Orchard.
The Times today says: "Harry Orchard,
who is under1 arrest In Idaho charged with
assassinating former Governor Stounen
burg, and who has made a confession
charging the leaders of tho Western Fed
eration of Miners with Instigating a num
ber of dynamite outrages and murders,
was In the employ of the Crlpplo Creek
Mine Owners' association as a detective
during the great strike in the Cripple Creek
district. This most Important fact will be
used In the defense of the accused labor
leaders when they are brought to trial In
the court of Idaho.
The following facts have come to the
Times from a most reliable source 'and
have been carefully verified:
Orchard was a member of the Western
Federation of Miners and employed In the
Cripple Creek district when the famous
sirlKe was" ordered. In November, 1W3,
he appronched a conductor nitmed Jones
on the. Florence A Crlpplo Creek railroad
and introduced himself aa a brother Ma
son. "I atn a member of the Miners'
union," said Orchard, "and Inst night I
heard some oi the members of the union
running' to wreck a train on this road,
do not believe; in such methods, and I
thought I would come to you and tell you
Of tho pint.' I picked you out because you
are a Mason."
Jones immediately took Orchard to Bcott
nd sterling, the detectives for the Mine
Owners' association. H repeated his story,
and Pcott and Hterllng Immediately em
ployed him aa a detective to work for the
Mine Owners' association. He was In
structed to attend the meetings of the
union and report dally.
Orchard continued In the employ of the
Mine Owners' association until June, lmM.
The day before the explosion which
wrecked the Independence station on June
(. and .Orchard disappeared. A mob took
possession of Cripple Creek and Victor and
attempts were made to force confessions
from many suspected persons. A your;
man . was suspended bv his thumbs, and
he finally agreed to tell the name of the
fiend who had caused the explosion. When
he was lowered to the ground he said:
"Harry Orchard did it."
The pursuit of Orchard was taken up.
bloodhounds bring employed. Orchard and
a companion named Neville Immediately
after the Independence explosion secured a
rig and ilwo out of Cripple Creek. They
Tki Cod tMT Oil BmmUttm "Par Bxullnct."
The storage battery of the humaa
ystem ia the heart.
Keep pumping good, rich, red blood
into that organ and repltiwli the worn
out tissues of your body by the aid of
a tonic which will assist nature ia her
work. '
To be strong and vigorous is
After the age of thirty-five the tls
sues refuse to renew themselves with
out aid.
The tenith has been reached, and
decline begins and is readily apparent
unless advantage is taken of the re
searches that knowledge and science
have put at our command.
Ozomulsion is one of its greatest
Oiomuliion stands on a plane by it
self.. It is the greatest nerre and bone
food on the market.
Beneficial results arc obtained after
the first dose.
By its use the whole system under
goes a complete change.
It creates new, rich blood, destroys
disease gems, invigorates the nerve,
and is a wonderful mental stimulant.
Begin today taking Ozomulsion, and
the change from a worn-out, nervous
state, to a strong, healthy body and
mi d will become at once apparent
We don't want you to take our word
lor it, but try it and be convinced.
Ttirre ar twe a:'iea- f-ea. and lt-oa. Bottles I
tha Formula ii printed ia T Unguagu oa aactw
Qzomulsion Laboratories
TV Bt, Klt lMlS, -
went across the country, avoiding the more
Important towns. When they reached
Greeley they disposed of their rig and
took a train for Cheyenne where Orchard
received a considerable sum of money from
friends In Colorado and disappeared. He
returned to Denver last April and visited
the headquarters of the federation In this
city. He said thst he feared arrest because
of the chsrges made ngalnst him In con
nection with the lndeenlence explosion,
and had therefore chnnged his name to
Hognn. For a time be worked for var
ious Insurance companies In this city and
last August left Colorado, saving be wss
going to New York. The next heard of
him he had been arrested In Idaho charged
with the assassination of Steunenburg.
Neville was arrested In Wyoming and
taken back to Cripple Creek, but no ser
ious attempt was ever made to prosecute
him. Sheriff Hell of Cripple Creek claims
that Neville confessed to him that be and
Orchard dynamited the station. It is said
that Neville la now dead. This latter state
ment, the Times has been unable to verify.
"I will not say whether or not Harry
Orchard did make such a confession a
attributed to him," was the statement
made by Detective James McParland to
day. "Numerous efforts were made to In
timidate the man Into saying things against
himself, but I refused to allow this."
rrlaoaer Rmploy Attoraey. .
noiSE, Ida.. Feb. 20. Attorney Richard
son of Denver arrived here today and ob
tained from Governor Gooding permission
to sec his clients, President Charles 11.
Moyer, Secretary William Haywood and G.
A. Pettlbone, former members of the ex
ecutive committee of the Western Federa
tion of Miners. For several hour the at
torney was In consultation with them. -No
one has been permitted to see the prisoners
except their counsel.
The statement which Detective McPar
land is reported to have made in Denver
to the effect that so far aa he know the
prisoner, Harry Orchard', has made no con
fession is received with skepticism here.
It is stated persistently that Orchard ha
made statements which will be used against
the other prisoners.
Steve Adams, alias Dickson, who was ar
rested yesterday at Haines, Ore., and taken
to Baker City, will bo brought to Poise
as soon as his extradition can be arranged
He Is charged with complicity In the as
sassination of former Governor Steunen
berg. Jack Slmpklns, another suspect, who
had been In Haines and vicinity for some
time, cannot be found by Penitentiary Offi
cer Robblns and the detectives who hnve
been searching for him. A grand Jury will
meet on Monday next at Caldwell to In
vestigate the assassination.
Two Arrests In Oregon.
6 A I.EM. Ore., Feb. 20. Governor Cham
berlain has granted requisition papers for
the arrest and return to Idaho ot J. U
Slmpklns and Steve ' Adams. , wanted as
accomplices In the murder of former Gov
ernor Frank Stcunenberg of Idaho. Simp
kins Is believed to be In this state. Adams
Is under arrest In Baker City.
Vice President of Western Federation
Take Charge of Miners I'nlon.
TERRY, S. I)., Feb. I0.-(8peelal Tele
gram.) James Kerwan of Terry, first vice
president of the Western Federation of
Miners, on receipt of a telegram an
nouncing the arrest' of Hay ward and Moyer
left last evening for Denver to assume
charge of the affairs of the federation
during the absence from Denver of the
head officers of the organization.
Annaal Convention of District I nion
.la Xow la Session at
SPRINGFIELD. 111., Feb. . The an
nual convention of the Illinois District
Union Mine Workers of America began
here today.- Slate Secret ary-Treasuter
Ryan. In his annunl report, dwelt almost
entirely oil the likelihood of a strike. He
an id Illnolg miners were' well prepared for
a strike. He declared that on January 31,
lSn6, they had 139,000 in their treasury. Ho
referred to editorial which had appeared
in leading paper of the country, in which
it was stated that In case of a strike the
miners would probably rely on Intervention
by President Roosevelt, as they hid in the
strike of two years ego. Mr. Ryan said
his advice to the miners. In case of a
strike this year, was to refuse to ask or
accept the Intervention of President Roose
velt or any other person.
Announcement was made at today's ses
sion of the officer elected by a vote which
was taken two weeks ago. The results
show that the president, vice presldi nt
and secretary-treasurer were re-elected, a
follows: President, H. O. Perry, Spring
Valley; vice president, W. E. Smith, Coal
City-; secretary-treasurer, W. D. Rj-an,
Springfield. Thomas Burke, . Springfield,
was elected international board member.
INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. 20.-8ecretary-Treasurer
W. B. Wilson of the United Mine
Workers admitted today that he' would
leave Independence for Pittsburg tonight
for a conference ; with President John
Mitchell and Vice President T. I Lewi
which will be held-tomorrow night. What
the aubjert of the . conference would bo
made Wilson would not divulge.
CLEVELAND. Feb. !0.-The full strength
of the American Federation of Labor was
pledged to the cause of the miner of
Pennsylvania and other state by Samuel
Goinper. president of the federation, here
today. "I should not speak of a coal
strike," he said. "I hope it will not come
to that.
"For the Federation of Labor, however,
I may say that It will support every rea
sonable demand of the miner. In every
possible way. We shall be glad to help
them to avoid strike, If possible. If not
we shall certainly give them every aid In
our power."
Alleged Marder of Woman la Xew
York Prove to Bo Death from
NEW YORK, Feb. 30.-The police were
called upon today to Investigate the death
of Gussie Hart, an actress 60 year of age,
who died In a cab while being taken home
by several companion. The matter at
lust v reported a a possible murder
and several arrest were made. It de
veloped, however, thai the woman had
fallen down a flight of twenty step at
an uptown cafe, where she had i-nt
several hour with a party of friends. Her
skuii was fractured and he wa hurried
home. Suspicion was aroused bv tha fact
that those who were with the woman' left
her housu after summoning a physician.
The coroner tonight discharged all who
were arrested.
Fearfal Caraage
occur every day from cut. Injuries, etc.
Stop bleeding and heal the wound with
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Sc. For sal by
Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. '
Can Toaraamoat at Bcaalagtoa.
BENNINGTON. Neb., Feb. 30. i Special )
lieunington trap shooter have arranged
for u big shoot to be held here on Thurs
day, February 22. Neighboring club have
been Invited and an invitation la extended
to every shooter In the state. Individual
eenta. as well as a side shoot, have been
arranged, and prises will La given to high
est avvrage.
Wreck la Texas.
GREENVILLE, Tex . Feb. Si) -The sec
And wreck of the Gould system's fast mall
train occurred early tUuy at a point three
nd one-half mile Kouih of here. Th
train wa ditched, but no one wa hurt.
Haskell alga vilta Association.
MILWAUKEE, Feb. 30. Preaident
O'Brien f th American Baa Ball aaao
clatinn today received the aigned contract
of Umpire Jack Haskell for in coating
eesva, ...
Germany Proposes International Control of
Moroccan State Bank.
Fart that It Doe Sot Rerogalse
France's Position a Chief Cred
itor of Saltan Create Bad
' ALGECIRAS. Feb. lO.-Tbe delegates to
the Moroccan conference are most pessi
mistic over the results of the negotiations.
Germany's reply rejecting the French
proposals for policing Morocco adds that
Germany Is ready to examine any further
propositions France may wish to muke, but
the French seem not to have any further
proposition to present.
Efforts to reach a private agreement
have failed. France's und Oermany's proj
ects for the creation of a state bank in
Morocco were submitted to the conference
today. Germany's proposul created even a
worse Impression among the French and
British delegates han did lust night's re
jection of the French project relative to
police. Both the ' French and the British
delegates consider that the German prop
osition shows an absolute disregard of
France's position as the largest creditor of
Morocco by giving every power equal con
trolling capacity of the administrative
body without reference to preferential
claims relative to existing loans.
Other pdlnts with regard to control of the
finances of Morocco also aroused objec
tions. Count von Tattenbacli, the Junior
German delegate, has repeatedly expressed
the view that the settlement of the hank
question was merely delayed by the neces
sity of first dealing with the police, and
this had led the French and British dele
gates to the belief that Germany was will
ing to effect a compromise on the financial
controversy In return for French modera
tion regarding police. They consider that
France's consent to entertain Germany'
demnnd for the admittance of a third power
as the controlling eloment in the police
amply proves Its desir for the. success of
the conference, and therefore the uncom
promising nature of the present German
proposal Is very disappointing to them.
Many of ths delegates of the other pow
ers also take a pessimistic view of the sit
uation, but Henry White, the hend of the
American delegation. Is still inclined to be
lieve that there is a possibility of an even
tual agreement.
France to Appeal to Conference.
PARIS, Feb. 20. Germany's rejection of
France's propnxal nt Algeclras. that the
proposed Moroccan police system shall be
French and Spanish, hns given renewed
gravity to tho Frnnco-German situation.
It Is officially announced that Germany's
action lenses France no course but to ter
minate the private negotiations and appeal
to the Judgment of the world before the
open conference. This decision suspends
the meetings between M. Revolt, head of
the French mission at Algeclras, and Herr
von Radowltz. chief of the German dele
gation, at which they have been reeking
to find an accord. The failure to agree
promises to result In a prolonged crisis, in
which each side maintains the position
which It took up before the open con
ference. Reports are In circulation to the effect
that France Intends to withdraw from tho
conference, but they are not conl'trmcd, and
the determination of the French delegates
to carry the ense before the open con
ference shows that the withdrawal stage
has not yet been reached. It is expected,
that the strained situation will have the
effect of renewing tho alarmist war report
and of arousing public apprehension.
. Later, : a seml-ufnciul note was Issued
announcing France's Intention to discon
tinue private negotiations and to carry the
question of policing Morocco before the
judgment of the world In the oprn con
ference. The note states that It Is the
desire of Germany to have the conference
The Bourse showed uneasiness a a re
sult of the Motoccan situation, but wa
not panicky.
Kroner Offers Compromise. .
LONDON, Feb. 21. The correspondent at
Copenhagen of the Daily Mall learns that
Baron de Coureel, who represented the
French government at tho funeral of King
Christian, tried to obtain an agreement
with Germany on the Moroccan question
bv using French financial Influence. He
offered on behalf of the French govern
ment, the correspondent asserts, to open
the Paris bourse to dealings In German In
dustrial shares, thus reverFlng the recent
refusal of France to accede to the request
of the great German electrical companies
to get their snares quoted In Parts. Baron
do Coureel, the dispatch continues, offered
to permit dealings In these and other Ger
man industrials, provided Germany would
agree to give France a free hand In Mo
rocco. It la staled that Emperor William
at first was taken aback, but later seemed
inclined to consider the offer.
English Conrt Hold that the Defend,
ant I a Resldeat of
LONDON. Feb. 20. The application for
the divorce of Mrs. Fitxgerald from Ger
ald Purcell Fitxgerald. formerly owner of
a ranch near Los Angeles, Cat., and a
large land owner In Ireland, has failed, the
divorce court ruling that Mr. Fitxgerald
was domiciled In Ireland, that that there
fore the English court had no Jurisdiction.
Mrs. Fitxgerald, who Is a daughter of
John Nlcholls of Unlontown, Pa., testified
that she met her husband during a Journey
from Chicago to L-s Angeles In 1X98.
Shortly afterwards she married Mr. Fitx
gerald, who, she aald, always claimed to
be an Englishman.
The couple have been separated for some
time. -
Pouesscs all the requisites
dcmindtd fcy A connoisseur.
The price is half that of for
eign makes because there is
no duty hP freight to
par on this American made
Radhte Ride Poor Winner and One
Second at Oaklawa.
HOT 8PRINOS, Ark.. Feb. JO.-The fea
ture at Oaklawn todav was the riding of
Rndtke. who won with four of hi mount
and was second with one and third with
the other. Track sloppv. Results:
First raco, selling, six furlongs: Kate
Zitt won, Hneer second, Dresden third.
Time: V16i..
Kecond race, selling, three furlongs:
Malla won. Alms' pet second. Jocomo
third. Time: 0:37 V
Third race, sis furlongs: Mayor Johnson
won, Mafnlda second. Dave Sommers third.
Time: 1:18.
Fourth race, selling, five and a half fur
longs: Henrtlgt) won, Mias Ferris second,
Pt -kU-s third. Time: 1:11,.
Fifth race, live and u half furlongs: Mor
dellu won, Marv Prim second, Bandlllo
third. Time: 1:111,.
Sixth race, selling, one mile snd seventy
yards: Tristan Shandy won, Stand Pat
second. Henry O third. Time: 1:31 H.
LOS ANUK1.KS. Feb. 20. Result at
A siot :
First race, four furlongs: Vanljan won.
Cotnmldu second. Tom Gllroy third. Time:
Second race, one mile: Ullle B won,
KiiliR-on second. Charles Green third. Time:
Third race, 'five and a half furlongs: La
ccne won. Cicely second, Masedo third.
Time: 1:0?. .
" Fourth race, one mile: Ebony won, Cholk
Hedrlck second. Hermitage third. Time:
1 :i!9.
Fifth race. Brooks course: The Borgian
won. Brigand second, Northvllle third.
Time: l.':e4.
Sixth race, lx furlongs: Tim Hurst won.
Golden Buck second, Willie Gregg third.
Time: 1:14.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 20.-Result at
First race, six and a half furlongs: Matt
Hogan won, Doctor Sherman second, Lans
downe third. Time: 1 :.
Second race, six furlongs: The Reprobate
won, .Mlmo second, Minion third. Time:
Third race, six furlongs: Saint Francis
won, Frolic second. Bantam third. Time:
Fourth race, one mile and an eighth:
Dixie Iad won. Orchan second. Dusty Mil
ler third. Time: 1:67.
Fifth race, one mile: Mister Farnum
won. Ray second. Royal Red third. Time:
1 M.
Sixth race. Futurity course: Tocolaw
won. Mystic Pride second, Saint George
Junior third. Time: 1:11.
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. Results at
City park:
First race, one mile and a quarter, sell
ing: lihor won. Pillar second, Miss Nellie
third. Time: 2:0ft.
Second race, seven furlongs: Cablegram
won, Shelugh second, Rama third. Time:
Third, race, six furlongs, handicap: Gre
nade won. Devout second, Auditor third.
Time: 1:1
Fourth nice, five and a half furlongs,
selling: Heart of Hyacinth won, Gold
Proof second. Kara third. Time: 1:S4.
Fifth race, six furlongs, selling: Airship
won, Prince Brutus, second, Tlehomingo
third. Time: 1:1.'V "
Sixth race, one mile and nn eighth, sell
ing: Bon Mot won. Big flow second,
Limerick Girl third.' Time: 1 :1!4.
Seventh race, five and a half furlongs:
Ixinl Provost won. Anna Smith second,
Prince of Pless third. Time: 1 ;(.
Results at the fair grounds:
First race, three and a half furlongs: Al
Poll 'won. Schroedrr's Midway second.
Our Own third. Time: 0:44.
Second rare, six furlongs: Hocus Pocus
won.".HStrlan second. Lady Henrietta
third. Time: 1:1:1.
Third race, six furlongs: Third Alarm
won. Stoner Hill second. Doctor Coffev
third. Time: 1:15.
Fourth nice, one mile and a sixteenth,
handicap: Snlnf Valentine won. Monoco
Maid second, Hollnwmas third. Time:
1 :48S.
Fifth race, one mile, selling: Kickshaw
won. Hyacinth second. Canyon third. Time:
Sixth race, one mile and seventy yards,
selling: Whniicr won. Ralnland second.
Dapple Gold third. Time: 1:50.
The Krug Parks wfln' two games from
the Sfori Blue RihhAn last night and Inst
tho third by only atelngle nln. Webwr car
ried off nil the honors with a single game
of : and a totnl of, 581. Tonight the Krugs
and Cudahys piny off their postponed
came. Scores: ,
' ' ' 1st. id. 3d. Total.
Clsy .'...I 212 2n; RT9
French .17H 1M in 617
Zimmerman 1W 1SS J4 4P2
Hull .. 1ST 187 r 571
Bengele i 'jit 1S9 y,-t
Totals .'...SS 1 93 2.73H
1st. 2d. M. Total.
Frltscher at im 1R1 ffii
Straw 1 1S8 I4K 471
Schneider 159 148 14 471
Weber .....177 235 1 Ml
Marble ...17J IRS 10 511
Totals S85 W3 822 J.finc
The Imps Falstaff took two out of three
from the Stephens 4k Smiths on the Metro
politan alleys. The score:
1st. 2d. d. Total.
Jay ...1M 137 200 493
Carman 179 171 17S S3i
Berger .,...184 15$ 187 624
Klauck ..1(3 H3 1S7 613
Hlnrlch If 159 17 497
Totals .....841 783 931 2,556
Xst. 2d. Sd. Total.
Caughlan .......178 205 ISs 65.'
Stine 151 168 170 49
Rice 12 125 142 4-'9
Drink water .....141 ISO 1S M
Hinrichs '..,137 143 1 78 457
;...7t 790 822 2.381
National Leaerao Coatraet.
NEW YORK. Feb. 20.-Hrry C. Pulllam,
president of the National Base Ball league,
today announced the following contracts
a:.d releases:
Contracts With Cincinnati, Ed J. Phelps,
J. C. Delchanty, Orvllle Overall. Charle E.
Chech, Charle W. Harper, Robert Ewlng.
Fred W. Odwell, John Lobert. Thomas W.
Corcoran. C. C. Carr; with Brooklyn, John
nutler. Kmll ratch, Charle A. Alperman,
Charle Malay. PhilllD Lewis. James Casev.
William Bergen: with Chicago, Walter
Mueller. Mordecat Brown, P. J. Moran.
Releases By Cincinnati to San Francisco,
Charles E. Street; by New York to Toledo,
William flaike; by Boston (uncondition
al! v. WHUani Stohr and Irving K. Wll
talm. ladoor Teaaie Tonrnament.
NEW YORK, Feb 20. The seventh an
nual lawn tennis tournament of the Indoor
national championship began today on the
courts In the Seventh regiment armory In
this city. Twenty-one player of the rank
ing claas are entered In the singles. Hugh
Tallant. a former Harvard player, won
the feature match of the day by defeating
W. B. Cragin, Jr., Seventh regiment, by a
nnn-slded acore. C. C. Grand, former in
door champion, and H. L. West fall . of
Brooklyn, were also winner. The latter
defeated A. L. Hoskln of Pennsylvania
after a hard match, twenty-two game
being necesaary to decide the final set.
Sporting Brevities.
Ganzel knew what he wa worth to him
self when he paid 13,000 for his own re
lease that he might manage and play with
his own club In Grand Rapids.
The meeting of the Omaha Rod and Gun
club acheduled for Friday night has been
changed to the city hall Instead of the
porting good house, aa wa previously
It la stated that (00 automobile were
old to local people at tha Chicago Auto
mobile show, if the Omaha show will do
but one-tenth aa well locally the promoters
will be satisfied.
Manager McGraw of the New York
Giant will ae nil his pltchera to the aouth
before the rest of the team, o when the
others arrive they will have seasoned
pitcher to bat at.
And Omaha Is to have an automobile
show of it own. Th Auditorium will
make a fine dlaplay ground and the atage
nd hallwaya upstair will make good room
for booth for the acceaaory men.
Nebraaka haa followed in the footstep
of Michigan and Minnesota and engaged
a coach for foot ball. Thia looka aa if the
institution were not seriously considering
letting the great game of foot ball gj by
the board.
The opening of the National base ball
aeason will be watched with considerable
Inlereat, aa muny ehangea have been made
In the makeup of the teams. McCloakry
ho given It nut that ha will be the bosa
of the St. Louia teuin, and with the dia
cord cut out this team will have to be
considered to aoni extent. And then Han
Ion will have free hand again and be may
make tha champ.
Newt from China, Brought by Mail from
Japan, ii Disquieting.
At Preaeat It I Daaajerooa tor For
elgaera to Visit fatlve Town
In onthera Province
of Empire.
VICTORIA, B. C. rb. 20.-The steamer
Athenian, from the orient, brings advices
of the increase of antl-forelgu feeling in
China, to which some officials are giving
encouragement. Shanghai papers call at
tention to the antl-forelgu action of Vice
roy Chou Fu. following the recent Hots
regarding the mixed court at Shanghai, he
having decided to build a jail for the cus
tody of prisoners held at the mixed court
at a cost of t'SO.onv. The North China
Daily News says there Is absolutely no
need for such an establishment, tho new
municipal Juil serving the purpose, and
classes the action its simply duo to 111
feellng and ill-temper, translating Into ac
tion the anti-foreign feeling.
In south' China the anti-foreign feeling
Is even more marked. Arrivals from Hong
Kong and Canton say visits to the native
cities now involve risking the traveler's
life. The situation in Canton and vicinity
Is Intensified because of discontent anent
the new Chinese taxation law, which has
resulted in the assassination, January 21,
of the governor general of Kwantung prov
ince. That the anti-foreign feeling is wide
spread I evidenced by risings against the
French priests In Tunann, far to the west
ward, and In Szechuan. The Kolao Aue
society Is planning anti-foreign risings.
Tho viceroy of Yuanann, In reporting the
attacks on the French missions, says the
priests at Llkiung Fu have shot and killed
several Chinese.
So Anxiety nt Peking.
PEKING, Feb. 20 Foreigners here are
receiving telegrams from relatives, Indi
cating that there Is a feeling of alarm
abroad over the possibility of an outbreak '
of Chinese hostility. No disquiet whatever
Is felt at Peking.
All the foreign ministers agree that the
Chinese here, both officials and people,
were never more friendly toward foreigner
personally, although following an Independ
ent line politically. There Is no antl
forelgn movement in north China likely
to lead to hostilities. Tho troubles at Can
ton and Shanghai are not felt here.
It Is reported from Honan that members
of the lllfknlfe Foclety have killed a num
ber of Chinese Catholics us the result of a
local quarrel.
o Apparent Dnnger.
RICHMOND, Ya.. Feb. SI. A cable mes
sage from Dr. R. J. Bryan, a missionary,
has been received from Shanghai, China.
It reads aa follows: "No apparent dan
ger." Letters which came from the mission
aries chow that there is a state of unrest
in China, but they do not seem to be
alarmed about conditions.
One person In writing from Yang Chow
says: "The great anti-foreign feeling will
probably show Itself for a while, though
we have not felt much of It In Yang
Another writing from Canton says:
"Things ore In a somewhat disturbed state
politically and robbbcry Is very common,
but we have been left In peace."
Japan la Interested.
TOKIO, Feb. 20. The Japanese govern
ment, although asserting that It h.-is no
serious apprehensions of an anti-foreign
rising In China, hns called the attention
of the Chinese government as to the nd-
W are living In an age of epeclal
am, n eg when success can only be
attained br the concentration of every'
thought upon the unswerving pursuit
of a single object. We are precisely
such sneclallsta. Thla acoounta for
the difference between eucceas and
failure In th treatment and cure of
disease of men. Th physician who
trie to explore and conquor the whole
field of medlolne and surgery become
proficient In no particular branch. We
have confined ourselves entirely to a
single claas of diseases and oomplioa-
tlon that ensue, ana maaierea inrm.
(!nrj (iafelv anil
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kid
ney and Urinary Diseases
and all 6ieae and weaknesses of men du to Inheritance, evil habit. e
oosses. aelt-bue or th rnult of speoiflo or private disease.
We make no misleading statement, deceptive) or onbnslnreallke
proposition to the afflicted, neither do we promise to cure them In
few days, nor offer cheap, worthlea treatment iu order to aecure their
patronage. Holiest doctors of recojniaed ability do not reaort to anch
method. We guarantee a perfect, safe and lasting cure in the quickest
Doaaible time, without leaving injurioua after-effect in the ystm, and
. . . , , m i a -I.J1W.. 1 .n,t .n.M..fn1 HiMtmant.
at the loweei coi poioie ior uuuctl,
rorr enuittin
rnLL and Examination
IS mamma
Office Hours
180 Farcuun Btn Between 18th and 14th SU, OMAHA, BTBB.
Every Saturday and Sunday
up to April 1st, 1906
Mlndcn -Harlan
Manning -
Carroll '
Fort Dodge -
- 1.60
- 2.80
Ceo4 returning following Monday.
For lull Jaforatla) pj' I
H. H- Ctuu-cWIf, Ctmtfl A '. fgff ttrmmm Stntt.
isablllty f adopting measures to prevent
the present feeling of unrest from develop
ing Into an antl-forelgn movement.
Mall from Orient Telia of ftalrlde of
Kdaeated Coreaa aa
VICTORIA. B. C. Feb. 20.-Another pa
triotic suicide to protest to Japanese oc
cupancy In Corea Is reported. Mr. Chong.
reputed the most prominent of Confucian
literati In Cores, announced that he would
commit suicide in protest to the conven
tion with Japan, but which the ixjliie pre
vented him from doing and returnod him
under guard to his native place. His wife
refused to admit him, stating he would be
eternally disgraced If he tamely abandoned
his determination. He then went to a
temple and swallowed opium, leaving a
farewell document addressed to the Corean
people und another to hi felow literati,
declaring that death was the only re
course at this Juncture for a true Corean
Fire at Toklo destroyed 445 houses in the
Aaakusn district on January 31. Several
people were burned to death.
Telegram from Vladivostok to Jupuiiese
papers report the destruction of a train
loaded with soldiers, which was blown up
and precipitated Into a river. Tho loss of
life is given as 3,000. but this is considered
exaggerated. On Januury 25 another col
lision occurred between Cossacks and
prisoner from Japan, these latter unarmed,
and 1.500 were reported killed or wounded.
About one-third of the wounded were taken
to hospitals, the other being left lying on
the snow.
Heavy rain In Java ha caused great
floods, many natives being drowned. The
destruction of growii g paddy and damage
by the floods will co'i-c great distress.
Prince Plluta, a Mongol prince, chieftain
of the Turguta Atill, has been given per
mission at Pekln to travel In the L'nited
The Jupanese government has named
March 10 as the date to be celebrated as
tho anniversary of the war.
Nome of the ewapapera Advocate
Bnylng Islands front the
t'nlted States.
VICTORIA. B. C, Feb. 20. Some Japa
nese newspapers are advocating the pur
chase of the. Philippines from the United
States, according to advices received by
the steamer Athenian. The Yorodsu
Hocho says the Philippines have cost the
United Stntes much money and no sub
stantial advantages have been secured, and
that Japan could meet with more success,
as America has failed because of ruclal
differences bet wen mler and ruled and the
long distance which sepiiratea the govern
ment and the Inlands. Concluding, the
Yorodsu Hocho Illustrated Japanese suc
cess In Formosa.
The terrible distress prevailing In the
three fsmlne-strtcken districts of north
Japan is exciting profound sympathy else
where In the empire, the former tendency
to refuse' foreign aid hiving vanished In
view of the extreme need. Government
aid has beon organized and relief work
begun. Iter advices from the famine zone
show that hundreds of persons. Including
women and children, are perishing from
starvation, aggravated by bitter cold.
King; Kdwnrd Dor fot fin to St.
James Palaro to Hold
LONDON. Feb.. 20. King Edward held
the first levee; of the season at Bucking
ham palace at noon today, thus avoiding
We do not ecattor our faeultiaa, but
conaentrate them on one particular
specllaty. We have made a life study
of diseases and weaknessee peculiar
to men, spending thouaanda of dollar
in reaearches, evolving a speolal sys
tem of treatment that Is a safe and
certain cure for skin, nervous, blood
and private diseases.
If you are drifting tn a sea of alck
nesa and disease toward the rocks
and shoals of ohronlo Invalidism, you
should consult the eminent specialist
at once, before it la too late.
na 11 writ.
for ymptom diobk.
41 a. m. to p. m.
Sunday. 10 to 1 only.
Eagle Grove
Clarion -Hampton
Mason City -
. 5.10
S 45
the state procession to St. James palace,
where the Irvees st usually . held. Tho
occasion, however, wns not robbed of It
plcturesqueness. there being a large at
tendance of cabinet ministers, the leading
members of the opposition and the for
eign diplomat, among whom wa Am
bassador Reid nnd members of the Ameri
can embassy. Including Delnncey Jay, Am.
bascsdor Held' private secretary, and
Lieutenant Commander John L. Gibbon,
naval attache to the embassy, who. on this
occasion attended bis first levee.
Dana-era that Threaten the Child'
(From the Cliicago Trimine.)
"Health Commissioner Reynolds of Chl
cago. In his latest bulletin of th depart
ment. says that the worst danger to which
the children ot Chicago are now exposed
Is the neglected cold."
It would be unwise for the healtB com
mlssloner of a city to recommend any rem
edy for a cold; but should he do so, Chanv
berlaln' Cough Remedy would certainly
head the list as the most e flics clous for
colds, croup and whooping cough In chil
dren, as a remedy that can always be de
pended upon to effect a speedy cure ami
that Is ptensant and safe to take. This
remedy contains no opium rr other harmful
drug and may be given a confidently to a
baby as to an adult. Its great worth and
merit In the treatment of these disease ha
been attested by many thousands ot moth
You can not have energy or vim or am
bition In your present condition.
Treatment at Small Cost
ir'iin-tin" 'aT?i .ri
Dr. IMreW, Specialist
30 Years' Experience
20 Years in Omaha
and all weaknesses and disorders of men.
"barge I,eaa Than All Other.
Treatment by mall. Call or write. Box
TSfi. Offices 215 South Fifteenth Street.
Omaha, Neb.
J For deranged system
If you take one at bed. time.
They work so nice and easy.
Contain no opium, no cocaine.
No disagreeable after effects.
Ingredients are purely vegetable. -
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Find them erery day
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nouncement in THE)
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fa-L I M I N A-T U M
fc.V vVT. TUL Vv VX -vI
These remarkable rrmedtt art tu4 ftbd tadorvvd
by th lst people In tint eltjr,
K-l'l -I-fcO overrotnft TrVf nKiifM and t.
fralon wlttinut alcoholic r nrlcbiiluc itlmula
lon. K llm-l-no ana hj r :. in tLia poisoaoua
waata pndu u lrom tba bloiMt aud tliua reura
the circulation.
K LIN I KTa fitrt Cferonlr nafp.
tlon without the roaiiuurd w of plajraic They
are a delight to all thim afflicted.
KLIM -I. If ATI 31 Ml op Vjtt la tha worat
forma of KkraMNiUui. ft ril,f I ft, and ttrlaa,
irm without tha u of Opium, Uorpulna, Cocalue,
or N'arcotla In any form. K-lfttia-l-to4S.tBm acta br
dluolvltif the pola. on that ar ae-tnf In the Joint
and tlaauea and causing palu. As jour f)ni-r"t
A. Eampaon. Ucn'i Bale Aat. Onuna.
Pennyroyal pills
D ,v rt..T Umlf tttaai...
pya,vAra. . ....r...,u i u umk
u IU!, Cult MWW mmm .4
UMIKIM lkatkr. fUfaa
Jajcr alMiUM)lwa, mJ llla
Ua. B.y ?r bi m ... 4. ta
fw r.rtteaUrft, T 4iiaUta
14 " KrltW tmt I.mJIm,11! Uim. u. rw
lr Mail. M.BD Imimmum. f
Draafiw. 1 tot wUr t .mi Ul w
a. -VmU