Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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1110 Omaha 30.ii.
If your tenth r not sensitive, and you experience no
pain whiU they are being filled, almost any reliable dentist
In the city. South Omaha, -or The Bluff, can attend to your
needs very readily, for they all do excellent work.
But, on the other hand. If your teeth are sensitive and
the instruments used In filling cause a sharp pain, I am
about your only choice, for I have a complete system of
painlessness in dentistry. Not only do 1 fill and crown
teeth without pain, but I remove pulps ("nerves") alive In a
few minutes without hurting you in the least.
I substantiate what 1 say in my advertisements.
Write for It-page booklet regarding methods and price.
DK. J. B. FICKES, Dentist
'Phone Doug. B37. 333 Bee Bldg.
Mil a4 for Separation la Given
Inn Papers Hla Crose-Petltlaa.
Judge Kennedy yesterday refused to give
S divorce to- Mrs. Emily Schuchardt on
her petition, but granted the decree to her
husband. Edmund Schuchardt, on hie cross-petition.-
' ha cave the custody of the fifteen-year-old
daurhter to the father un
til further order of the court with tha un
derstanding he was to keep her In a Cath
olic school. Mr. Schuchardt stated on the
stand that he was a Lutheran and his wife
was s member of the Mormon church, but
both of them agreed to the daughter going
to a Catholic school.
The peculiar feature of the case is that
Mrs. Schuchardt secured a divorce by de
fault about year ago and two days later
went to Council BlufTs and married Charles
P. Deutgtnann, a nephew of her husband.
Her husband Immediately secured a decree
setting aside the divorce and she was In
the unusual position of having two hus
bands. There la question now that the
divorce Is granted whether her marriage
with Deutxmann is legal or not.
Judge Kennedy has gr-nted decree of
divorce to Fred Morane mho charged his
wife. Rhuhami, with desertion since Jan
uary l, 90l. They were married In L-
cygne, Kansas. May 2. 1901.
Non-support was the' principal reason
given In her testimony by Oussie Bmyth.
who secured a decree of divorce from Al
bert J. Smyth. Her maiden name, Gussie
Burllngham. was restored to her.
Cbasaberlala'e Conga. Ressedy Acts
a Katare's Plaa.
The most -successful medicines are those
that aid nature. Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy acta on this plan. Take it when you
hav a cold and it will allay the cough, re
lieve the lungs, aid expectoration, open the
aecretlona and aid nature In restoring the
system to a healthy condition. It is famous
for Its cures over a large part of the civil
ised world. Thousands have testified to Its
superior excellence. It counteracts any
tendency of a cold to result In pneumonia.
The last comes from Seattle, Wash., and is
from Austin K. Griffiths, a member of the
city improvement committee of the Cham
ber of Commerce of that place. He aays
he understands the plant has been a suc
cess In Omaha, and as his city is contem
plating similar measures he wants detail,
other Inquiries have been received from
Brooklyn, Kansas City and Topeka.
rb la ike ladlratlon oit, Few ar
Trials Italic at Pres
ent Sasslaa.
It Is proluible few or no trials of the land
fencing cases will be held at the present
adjourned term of tha federal courts. But
much is promisod for at the May term,
both by the federal grand Jury and the
The land cases now on the dockets sre
largely under old Indictments and many
of these possibly will be dropped altogether
because of the disappearance of witnesses.
However, several Important cases will
come before the grand Jury, In the matter
of the procurement of fraudulent filings on
lands within the ranch enclosures. A great
mass of affidavits already haa been secured
In these cases by the secret service agents
and additional evidence is coming in daily
in the form of affidavits, copies of warranty
deeds made to the ranch company from
these fraudulent filings, showing an aston
ishing degree of perjury and subornation
of perjury. In some Instances as high as
$MK have been paid for these deeds and the
entire transaction is almost identically
similar with that developed In the Ware
These affidavits reveal a practice in the
acquirement of title to vast areas of public
lands of the widest extent, with a decided
preference for soldier filings, particularly
Spanish-American war soldiers In Ne
braska. Iowa and elsewhere.
There will be a meeting of the North End
Ninth Ward Republican club at 2706 Cum
ing street, en Thursday evening at 8 p. m.
All candidates invited.
. G. W. SHANAHAN. president.
DR. F. RENNER, secretary.
Marriage Ureases.
Tha following marriage licenses have
been .Issued i .
Herbert J. Brown. St. Charles. III....
Zelpha K. Lake. Wasco, 111
Edward T. Bartiev, Cheyenne, Wyo
Ksther M. Whipple, Omaha.
Edward W. Cobb. Wsterloo. Neb
Emma" Schneider. Waterloo. TJeb. 19
. DIAMONDS Kdholm. ISth and Harney.
Crewe Verdict Deplored.
At a meeting of the clericus of the Epis
copal church Monday this resolution was
adopted : .
Resolved That we, the clergy of the
Kpiscopal church, deplore the result of the
late Pat Crowe trial, and express our In
dignation at tbe failure of the Jury to
render a. verdict in accordance with the
Large iakrr Attend Faarral of R,
F. HodaJa, Burled at Forest
Uws Cemetery.
More Informntlon Waated.
City Engineer Roeewater Is still receiving
inquiries front other cities about the opera
tion of toe municipal asphalt repair plant.
The funeral of R. F. Hodgin, manager of
the Omaha Trade Exhibit, was attended by
many friends and business associates Tues
day afternoon. Services at the family
residence, 40C7 Lafayette avenue, were con
ducted by Rev. A. 8. C. Clarke, pastor of
Low Avenue Presbyterian church. Burial
was at Forest Lawn cemetery.
The casket was literally covered with
floral tokens. Employes of the Trade Ex
hlbit company aent a beautiful anchor of
flowers, the Woodmen of the World and
St. John's lodge. No. 28, Ancient Free and
Accepted Mssons, sent wreaths, while tha
Travelers Protective association was rep
resented by s large emblematic shield of
flowers. The three organisations men
tioned were also well represented by mem
bers who attended the services.
The music was furnished by Mrs. A. L.
Sheets, Mrs. Kendell and Jo Barton. The
active ballbearers were C. R. Ferrall,
Oeorge Lawrence, R. E. Ingrahm, Charles
E. Duffle, Ernest Hoel and Charles L. Hop
per. Honorable pallbearers were O. C.
Holmes. F. W. Judson, O. W. Hervey,
E B. Branch, R. C. Crawford and T. E.
Democrat in Bepublioaa Club Baft Treasurer
Sever Lened on Lavrjer for Taxes.
peers) Maklaa Ends aoa Afterward
I Meanings Kaocker la ta
llied to Attead o
More Meet lags.
Seventy-live me'nbers of the Fifth Ward
Equal Rights club were treated Monday
night to some edifying arguments on why
and why not City Treasurer Hennings
should be elected mayor of Omaha. The
chief debaters were W. I. Klerslead and
John Coffey, who, upon Investigation, was
found to be a democrat, so registered last
Coffey opened up the fireworks by a vig
orous denunciation of Mannings and a se
vere rebuke of the club.
"Why, this man Hennings is nut fit to
be mayor. He is not fit to be city treas
urer. What kind of a treasurer has he
made? He has been talked of so much as
a vigilant enforcer of law because he
levied on property to compel payment of
taxes. But he never levied on any prop
erty except that of a poor man. No one
ever heard of him levying on a lawyer's
property to compel the payment of taxes."
That was when things got good. It was
at that Juncture that Ivieretead shied his
castor into the ring. Now, during the day
It fell to the lot of Mr. Kief stead to be
riding on the hind end of the same street
car with K. W. Sinicral, lawyer. And Mr.
Simeral was engaged in one of tils cus
tomary rear-end political speeches, loudly
denouncing City Treasurer Hennings aa
being unfit for mayor. Klerstead, not being
certain of a thought which presented Itself
to him while Simeral was declaiming,
kept quiet, but at the first opportunity he
ked City Treasurer Ileunings if lie ever
had had any trouble with E. W. Simeral.
Trouble? ell, I snouid say so," re
plied Hennings. "I had to levy on tlia
worth of Slmcral's office fixtures and books
for payment of taxes he owed the city."
"I thought so," said Klerslead.
So when Mr. Coffey, in his thrilling pero
ration, came to those burning words, "No
one ever heard of him levying on the
property of a lawyer to compel the pay
ment of taxes," Mr. Klerstead arose.
"I beg pardon for interrupting," he said,
"but I must take issue with the gentle
man on that point. I am prepared to say
that Mr. Hennings, as city treasurer, has
levied for taxes on the property of at least
two lawyers, E. W. Simeral and John T.
Mr. Coffey evidently had concluded his
remarks when Klerstead arose.
Then Mr. Klerstead added a word oV two.
Another member of the club arose to
ask Mr. Coffey If he was not a democrat,
"Yes. I am." said Coffey.
"Then what did you thrust yourself upon
this club for?"
The secretary of the club was instructed
to send Mr. Coffey a notice of dismissal
at once.
ea one man. but since the withdrawal of
Mr. Smith from the race the meeting was
practically a Jollification ovr the foie
cssted nomination of James Dahlman.
W. C. Bullard was called to the chair
and he called upon representatives lrotn
each ward to tell of the situation as It
existed and to make recommendations for
future action. All vouched for their loy
alty to Mr. Dahlman and all spoke for a
strong counctlmanic . ticket, a tilt h would
be a great help to Mr. Dahlman In Lis
Mr. Dahlman was called upon and ex
pressed surprise at the large attendance,
saying he expected to see about fifteen
democrats out. He added:
"If I understand the purpose of this
meeting it Is to get the rank and file to
gether, and then go into the wards and
precincts to select tbe best committeemen
possible. I said over my signature I would
call the leaders and candidates together
to make a platform, and I will do that
and will stand by that platform. I never
made a promise in my life I did not carry
out, and I consider each man on the ticket
haa as much right to assist in making the
platform as the head of the ticket. If
you give me K per cent of the democratic
vote of this city I will walk Into the office
on the hill. All we have to do is to get
together. We have had factions, but all
are now ready to unite, bury the hatchet
and get behind the ticket. I would like
to ask why a democrat cannot support
me. I always go into a fight thinking I
will win, and 1. don't think I will show
any white feather in this fight.
When this wss first suggested to me I
had no idea of running, but I had ten men
spend three days getting the sentiment of
the people and then I decided to run. i
now 1 am gaining strength all the time.
We will hare a good organisation, and
hether we win or lose we will present a
united front to the enemy."
Mr. Dahlman met with an enthusiastic
reception after his declaration and was
ollowed by other sneakers for democracy.
Including John Power. Tom Flynn. Dr. S.
R. Patten, W. T. Canada. Louis Piattl.
John Murphy. E. P. Ben-yman. W. S. Shoe
maker, Ed Rothery and others.
At a well attended meeting of the Fourth
Ward Equal Rights club last evening a
new candidate, for councilman from the
Fourth ward was brought out by the en
dorsement of Charles M. Bachman by an
lmost unanimous vote. Mr. Bachman Is
an old resident of the ward and served
wo years as Juntice of the peace. He will
probably file today for a place on the offi
cial primary ballot.
Lonii Rasinumen, Despite Order to Leave
City, on Another Jury.
Lnwjers for Eartgbt, Charged with
Holdap, Protest la Vala Against
Try lag; Case While Pa bile
Is Aroased.
Mallrloas Mischief
often done by Indigestion Is prevented and
cured by Electric Bitters. SO cents: guaran
teed. For sale by Sherman & McConnell
Drug Co.
What Many of t'a Are Doing Three
Times a Dar.
For everything we get something Is
taken away. Every act pulls two ways.
Soma men In power dole out their souls
for it. They can't have soul and power at
the same time.
And so. In this quick-living age, most of
us can't have energy and health at tha
same time. One or tha other must bo lost,
and it is usually health.
Wa know ws ar doing wrong and would
like to reform, but we have a morbid fear
of being laughed at If we aim to lira and
oat according to conscience and good sens.
Some of us break way for a while and
enslave ourselves to a diet. Wa read about
tha hardy Scotsman being fed on porridge
and oatcake, making soldiers of muscle
and dash, and how Caesar's army waa fed
on corn. But the diet doean t laat long.
Wa quickly awing back into tbe groat line,
oallng and drinking to fullneaa Ilk tbe rest,
eating anything and ever thing, at any
time, and any way we And It. Wo say,
"What is a storoacn fer If It Isn't to obey
the palate?"
But there Is really no on rule applicable
to everybody' stomach. What on man
may eat another may not.
But tha dyspeptic abould remember that
the death list has a dark shadow hovering
over It with a long bony finger pointing to
-died of heart diseese. Physicians will
tells ns that thero are few cases of heart
disease that do not come from a stomach
At every meal we may be brewing for
ourselves a terrible case of dyspepsia. It
may coma upon us after branafaai tomor
row morning, or after that oyster supper
tomororw nlgbt.
Acuta Indigestion means that you have
even chances for death or life. That the
gambla you are taking. That precious
gastric Juice decides, as a rule, whether
yon continue to live or not.
Therefore. If you feel your food lias Ilk
a ''lump ot lead" ou your stomach, be
ware! Teur gastric Juice la weak. It
can't dispose of the food la time to pre
vent fermentation. Take something that
wiU do it effectively, and at once. Take
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, the most pow
erful table is ia the world for lbs relief oi
all kinds of stomach trouble, nausea, indi
gnation, tha worst cases of dyspepsia, fer
mentation, bloaty feeling, sourness, heart
burn and brash.
One grain of an ingredient of those tab
lets wUl digest S.0UW grains of food. Tour
atoaaob needs a rest at once. Stuart's
Dygpepala Tablets will relievo your Slora
acb of mora than two-tbiida of the work
it has to do, digesting perfectly whatever
food there la ia your stomach.
You caa't do your work well, or be cheer
fuU or have energy or. vim or ambition,
whea yeur stomach, ia bad. Make yourself
feet good after a hearty meal, feel good all
over, clear your mind and soak you enjoy
lite, by taking Stuart's Dyspepsia Table La
Give your stomach a rest, so It can right
Itself, than you need fear nothing. Yon
can gat these tablets anywhere for fc cenra
I jiackss" i . '
: a. - . . . . - .
Peneefnlly Sleepla When Clerk
Awakeas Thoaa aad The a
Taraa In Alarsa.
Smoke coming from room 18, occupied by
Joseph O'Brien and a companion at the
Metropolitan lodging house. 133 Douglas
street, attracted tbe attention of Night
Clerk H. W. Crosby at o'clock last
night. He entered the room and found the
men asleep, and after awakening them
turned In an alarm of fire. The bed clothes
In the room had caught fire, probably from
a cUaiet. and spread so the firemen worked
for half an hour before they had it ex
tinguished. The loss from the flames,
which were on the third floor of the build
ing, will be slight, but the entire building
waa thoroughly flooded with water, some
of It spreading to an adjoining lodging
house. The second and third floors were
occupied by the Metropolitan house, of
which Samuel Ravlti is proprietor, and the
first floor by the Metropolitan Chinese
restaurant, which was flooded. The build
ing Is the property of Blivins. White a-
Kennedy, of Spokane. Washington. The
loss Is fully covered by Insurance.
Sara la Fladlaa of Dr. W. K. Lavender
aad Asalataata by aa
An autopsy held yesterday afternoon by
Dr. W. R. Lavender and Police Surgeons
Morsman and Willis showed that Frank
Tandy died of apoplexy. An Inquest was
held after the autopsy had been performed
and the Jury returned a verdict In accord
ance with the finding of the surgeons.
Tandy was a colored waiter who lived
at 1X3 Howard street with his wife and
is found in a critical condition early
yesierday morning at Thirteenth and Doug
las streets. He died within an hour after
being taken to the police station for treat
ment. The colored men held by the polios
until after the cause of Tandy's death
had been determined were released after
the inquest.
I sserten Seraa Mastoid Operation
aad Her foaaitlaa la Mill
Miaa Anna Fooa, principal of Kelluiu
school, who underwent a second mastoid
operation Sunday at the Omalia Geueral
hospital, waa reported laat -evening as
resting comfortably, although her condition
Is yet serioua. Last Thursday iliti Fous
as operated on by Dra. Clifford and Davis
and on 8 under was subjected to another
operation. Tbe operations being made
near tbe brain have caused some appre
hensions, but Dr. Gifford was very hopeful
yesterday regarding the recovery of the
patient. ( -
Mias Fooa is one of the three oldest living
principals in point of aervte In the Omaha
Public schools and has a large circle of
frieoda (
The club took no final action on the se
lection of a counclllnanic candidate, but
decided to do so at the meeting next Mon
day night. A plan was agreed to, in
which President Dave Christie will partici
pate, to leave the choice to a secret ballot
of tbo members of the club, there be
ing three candidates, Redman, Stone and
Wlikrrson. The man receiving the highest
number of votes after the first ballot.
when the low man shall drop out, will be
the man endorsed. Notice to all the 166
members and 100 applicants have been sent
but to attend this meeting. The meetings
are held at Sixteenth and Locust streets.
Incidentally, the endorsement of Hennings
for mayor and Elbourn for city clerk by
the Central Federation of Clubs was veri
fied Monday night.
There is a well defined rumor that V. L.
Chucoviuh, one of the king gambler of
Denver and a partner of Tom Dennlson,
has come to Omaha to lend a hand in the
Broatch campaign. "Chuck," as he is fa
millarly known, is the man in whose name
the old Diamond pool room waa run when
It was reopened a few years ago and is
credited with being the man who squared
up Tom Dennlson with Broatch.
"Chuck" was in conference Monday with
Dennlson and Broatch. He went up to the
city hall "for the meeting of the police
board, but waited downstairs until tbe
meeting adjourned. He then repaired to
the Budmelser saloon, where another con
ference of the Broatch political captains
was held.
It developed tbe altered partial slate
vouched for by a democrat leador Monday
Is Imperfect in ways more than one. Dr,
Elmer R. Porter, who was accredited with
the endorsement for the councilrianic noml
nation from the Seventh wfd declares he
Is neither a democrat nor a resident of thst
wsrd and he hopes no further unauthorised
liberties will be taken with his name.
City Clerk W. H. Elbourn filed his appll
cation Tuesday for a place on the repub
lican primary ballot for re-election. Scorn
ing the regular printed forms which h
bad prepared and desiring to be unique
and extraordinary, Mr. Elbourn had hi
certificate written out entirely in red Ink
and signed it with writing fluid of the
same hue. Other filings were: Ernest S.
Holmes, councilman. Eighth ward, repub
lican; Thomas II. Dalley, councilman,
Fifth ward, democrat; Fred Rockenhouse,
committeeman. First precinct of the Fifth
ward, republican; Ed Oardipec, committee
man. Fourth precinct of Tenth ward, re
publican; James Griffen, committeeman
Fourth precinct of Fourth ward, democrat
C. E. Kelpin, committeeman. Third pre
cinct of Sixth ward, democrat; Dan T
Custer, committeeman. Fourth precinct of
Thli-d wsrd, democrat; William tie lien
committeeman. Third precinct of Fifth
ward, democrat.
The Broatch bunch has opened headquar
ters in two large rooms on the second floor
of the I'nlon block on Fifteenth street. The
quarters are within a few yards of Colonel
Jim Dahlman's and are much more elabo
rate than those of the democratic candidate
In many ways. On the street the liiforma
tion mas cheerfully bandied about that the
barrel had arrived and the time was deemed
opportune for establishing a habitat for the
cask and its contents. As yet. horn-ever,
the Broatch headquarters do not possess
much semblance of an actively operated
rash account. A desk, couch and several
chairs complete tbe equipment so far moved
In. Bob Houghton end one other individual
were the only spectators present. It has
not been given out who is to be in chaige
or at what hours expense money msy be
Aanoanreiaeata of the Theaters.
A pretty reminder of the days of Oeorge
Washington is on the roster of the
Orpheum Road Show." This Is the
Colonial Septette" in "An Old Tymu
Halloween," which will be a decidedly ap
propriate attraction at the special Wash
ington's birthday matinee on Thursday.
The scenes are laid in old Virginia and -the
talented musicians wear the costumes of
Washington's time.
The Burglar's Daughter," a new modern
play by Owen Davis is the attraction
booked at the Krug theater matinee and
night only on Thursday. February 22. It is
clean whqlesome play, that appeals to
every human being. The story is true to
life and the characters are of the every
day type. It is full of thrilling situations
and sensational climaxes and the construc
tion is clear and consistent. The beautiful
scenery showing New Tort harbor and the
marvelous rescue of the blind girl by Meg,
the heroine, who Jumps from tbe suspension
bridge to a fast running' trolley car. is
something to be remembered. The com
pany ia a first class one and the fact that
the Vance and Sullivan company are man
aging the organisation is sufficient guaran
tee of its high standard.
To My Repabllcaa Friends.
I desire to announce that I have tiled as
republican candidate for councilman from
the Eleventh ward, and ahall appreciate
your support HARRY HATTEROTH.
Plans of Xevr Ralldlag.
Fisher & Lawrle have been awarded the
contract for drawing the plans and super
vising the construction of the new five-
story building or the voamen Circle, to
be erected at Nineteenth and Farnum
streets, on the southwest corner, at a
cost of about SltM.OOO. It Is understood the
plans are to be completed aa soon as pos
sible, so that construction may begin at
the earliest possible date. Edwin Ilaney,
who formerly owneo ine property and
till occupies the dwelling upon it. has
until June 1 to vacate.
Louis Kasuiussen, one of the twele men
who set Pat Crowe free and one of the
four Crowe Jurors who received letters or
dering them to leave the city within a
certain time or take the consequences, :'s
on another Jury. He was passed by both
state and defense yesterday afternoon an
Judge Sutton's court In the rase of Michael
Enrtght, charged with holding up. a saloon
keeper In South Omaha. Charles M. Tracv,
another Crowe Juror, wa passed by th
defense, but expelled by the slate.
On the ground the public mind is in
flamed on account of the verdict in the
Crowe case, the attorneys for Michael En
right, the defendant in a criminal case
before the district court, sought to secure
a continuance of the hearing in his case
Tuesday morning.
Newspaper clippings giving expressions of
opinion, both editorially and in quotitlons
from others, were read In court for the
purpose of showing a prejudice against all
persons charged with crime exists in
Omaha and vicinity. After listening to
arguments Judge Sutton refused to grant
the continuance. In doing so he said it
was possible the Jurors in the Crowe case
might want to "square themselves in
the public nlnd by bringing In a verdict of
guilty, but he did not think this influence
would extend to other members of the
panel. He gave the defense the right to
challenge for cause any of the Jurors who
sat on the Crowe case, should they be
called, and promised they would be ex
cused If the defense so desired, for no
other reason than the fact they served on
tbe Crowe Jury.
Moeh Crime of Late.
The affidavit, which was signed by En
right, set forth the fact there has been an
unusual amount of crime in Omaha and
South Omaha recently and public opinion
has been worked up on account of it. The
verdict in the Crowe case, It continues, so
Inflamed public opinion that Jurors would
hardly dare bring in verdicts of not guilty.
It calls attention to the action by the
Woman's club and also to the fact that
certain Jurors have received threatening
In his remarks on the affidavit Mr.
Fleharty, attorney for Enright, declared no
man had a right to criticise a Jury for Its
action. Even though they might have been
actuated by the hiphest motives, he said,
the Crowe Jurors could not help but blush
for shame when they read what is said of
thm in the public prints. Mr. Murdock,
in reply, said no one was exempt from
criticism, not even a Juror, if he does
things which the general public condemns.
Because the Crone verdict met with con
demnation was no reason, he held, -why
the courts should disband and go out of
business. He ssid he was willing to ex
cuse Crowe Jurors and had made a proposi
tion to that effect to the defendant's at
torney Monday. County Attorney Bla
bs ugh also discussed the motion along the
same lines.
Holding- lp of alooa.
Enright is charged with holding up a
saloon belonging to Adam Burkls In South
Omaha on Novamber 14 and securing fflo
in cash. John Berry is a co-defendant
with him. but on motion of the state the
trials will be hod separately over the pro
tests of the defense. It is charged Berry
and Enright went into Burkis' saloon and
locked him In tho Ice box at the point of
a gun while they rifled the money drawer.
In spite of the fears expressed by th
attorneys for the defense they did not
object to the two Crowe Jurors who wer
called to the Jury box. The two Jurors
were Louis Rasmussen and Charles M.
Tiacy. The defence passed both of them
for cause, but the state used Its last per
emptory challenge to strike Tracy's name
from the list. The defense waived its
last two challenges. Rasmussen was left
on the Jury. He Is one of the members
who received the threatening letters which
formed one of the grounds for the motion
for a continuance asked for by the de
fense. The Jury was secured about 4 o'clock and
after a short recess Adam Burkis, the
proprietor of the saloon, was placed ou
tbe stand as the first witness. He is i
Polander and his evidence had to be given
through an interpreter.
Ing a tendency to rnrourage further
crime. Therefore, be It
Resolved. Thst the action of ssid turv
dove not express the sentiment of the good
cltlsens of tmshs. snd be it further
Resolved. Thst the Cmnmerrtal club, rep
resenting as It does the commercial Inter
ests of this city, desires to say to the
world st large thst the verdict of the luiy
can onM- he denounced ns a most willful
and deliberate miscarriage of Justice arid
should be condemned by every law-abiding
Third Member of t mere Jary l,et Oat
of Farther "ervlee la
District C'oart.
John F. O Leary is the third member of
the Tat Crowe Jury to be excused from
service for the remsindr of the term.
The excuse was granted Tuesday by Judge
Sutton at the request of O'Leary. M.
Rosenbuuni and W. H. Sloans are the other
larrrsne Middle of Kebraary Over
the fame Date of n
Yenr Ago.
As compared with a year aac the en
rollment of pupils in the public schools
shows a gain of nearly l.ono. On February
If. a year ago, there were 14.931 on the
lists, and on February 16. this year, there
were W.RVl. or 917 more. Practically all
of the gain is In the grade schools, the
high school showing an Increusc of but
19. the figured being i.Stffi, agamst 1.547.
Superintendent Davidson accounts for the
better showing by reason of the growing
population of the city, the milder weather
conditions and a very small amount of
contagious diseases affecting school children.
Fred (Jentch. of Superintendent Park's
office Is the happy father of a ten pound
O. L. Davis. 4020 North Twenty-fourth
street, was arrested late yesterday after
noon by Officer Kinn. and locked up at
the police station, charged with asault
with Intent to do great bodily Injury- It
Is asserted that Davis attacked his wife,
giving her a severe beating, because dis
pleased at some action on her part.
Thaddeus D. Porlne. a cattle buyer for
Allen. I Mid ley & Co. of South Omaha, has
begun suit in district court against the
I'nlon Stock Yards company for $1. in
juries sustained In a fall from his horse.
At the time the accident happen-d. April
13. 1W4. he was riding from the Stock ex
change building to the cattle pens. One
foot of his horse went throurh a hole In
the planks with which the alley mas paved,
and the animal fell on him breaking both
bones in his rirht lee just above the an
kle and otherwise Injuring him. The alley
was Inside the etock yards snd he savs It
was the duty of the stock yards company
to keep It in good condition.
For Men
The New Hats,
Spring 1906
With these popular makes we start
the hall a-rolling:
The New Stetsons at
We show three times the variety aa
ajiy other Omaha Store.
The New Astaury Hat
at $2.50
The nohhv young man who wants
something "different" will find
it in these
The New "Nebraska
If you wsnt your spring hst to Imve
a "tt.oO look," wear a f EA
Special, at ipl. OU
"Bannister Shoes." for men.
sole Omaha agents.
We are
Cliarles R. Slierm left yesterday
a trip to Porto Rleo.
Mr. A. H. McConnell returned Saturday
from a month's trip to old Mexico.
Prict251X?SlJ00 Xvw,
We've Got Our
Hatchot Out.
have been making big gaps in our
stock of present seanon Huttings ami
Overcoat Inirs. Orders came In rustling
all day yesterday. Mn who knew that
the Milting In our prices did not mean
a culling in the care of our cutters
or tailors, have been nick to take ad
vantage of our offer to make to meas
ure. 4LVI Suiting for 27.5
4S NaiUngH for S2S.OO
iO Suiting for 920.00
3 Suiting for 917.50
ft.10 Suit! its for f 15.00
No Blacks or I Hue are Included.
Phone Douglas 1M.
304 S. 16th Street.
Next door to Wabash Ticket OSes.
Action of Jnry In Liberating Con
fessed rrlaalnal Condemned by
Coaamrreial CI ah.
The Omaha Commercial club Tneaday
adopted resolutions denouncing the verdict
in the Pat Crowe case in these terms:
The executive committee of the Com
mercial tTub of Omaha desires and does
by the following rexoiuilon place itself
upon record as protesting against the
mockery of Justice represented in the re
cent trial of one Pat Crowe in this city
lor robbery. We deprecate any sucn trav
esty upon Justice, telievlng that it has a
baneful Influence upon the community and
tends to place our city in a false position
before the country. The evidence against
this man whs perfectly clear and should
have resulted In Ms conviction or ine
' crime charged and admitted. Whether the
Jury that acquitted lum was Ignorant or
' guilty of a willful disregard of their oat lis.
I or whether their prejudices were so strong
as to prevent them doing Justice between
on of our most respected citizens and an
outlaw, we. of course, are riot la a position
to say, but we denounce their action as
prejudicial alike to good government, to
the good name of the city, of which they
should be rwpectable citlaens. and aa hav-
Will X. Cliauiliera, a young stturney.- has
filed for the republican couucllnianic nora
lnatlon from the Fourth ward.
liemocratic workers of the city to the
number of ninety met at the Paxton hoj.el
lust night "to discuss Informally the ways
and means of taking action to lick the
other felloa-s," as Oeorge Rogers put it
when he .called Jhe meeting to order. In
vitations had been sent out to leadera in
alt precincts cf all wards and about ninety
responded. When the call for the mee
Ing nas made Kd Smith waa still In the
field aad tbe meeting was called to unite
NO. rf:w-A I1...1V ODD -WAIST.
Thanks to Vlistr Fashion, the ap
preciation ot fine materials and needlework
ranka above that of the richest silks and
velvets, and any woman who ia clever
with her needle may own , as pretty a
waiat as may be seen. A blouse like the
one shown might be made of white, pale
gray or lavender iouialne, of hatiale, with
lace motifs finishing the shallow yoke in
points. The collar is in on J with the
round yoke, and may tonsisi. of finely
tucked mull or net. The narrow cuff of the
sleeve is edged with rows of gathered
lace, which forms a becoming settling for
the arm. Tbe back and front of the waist
are gathered easily all around, while an
exquisite design is daintily embroidered
upon the front and sleeve. Plain Brussels
net la in growing favor tur waists of this
kind and might be uaed to advantage here.
In the medium slse the pattern calls for
I yards of X-inch material.
No. 4Ji Slaes. S3 to 4; inches, bust meas
ure. For tbo MccomniodaUoS wf readers of Tbe
Bee these patterns which usually retail at
fron Ic H cents each, will l furnished
at tbo nominal price of to centa A supply
Is now kept at our office, so thoaa who
wlaa any pattern can get It either by oail
lag or cucloslng- IS cents, addressid 'JPat-
We Cure
Men for
. Until March 3d
We Will Treat Any Single Uncomplicated
art rata, chronlo and pelvic diseases, who are treating with quack special
ists and Inexperionoed physiciana wiinoui receiving any oeneni, wo navo no
dded to make a special offer to charge only one-he if of our regular fee for cur
ing those who are now undergoing treatment elsewhere and are dissatisfied,
provided that you come to us before March 1 1(0L For Instance, if you are
afflicted with either Hydrocele. Stricture or Nervous Decline, our charge for
curing either ot which without any complication la S2t.0. we wJI guarantee to
cure you for tlXsO. and accept the money In aay way you wish to pay. Wa will
also cur Ceutagloua Blood Poison for tli U. which la. Just half our regular foa.
Tho liberal offer la made to enable those to bo cured who have spent their
money In doctoring without relief and to ahow the many who have treated wltn
dosena of physicians without benefit that wa have the only methods that pro
duce a lifelong euro. ...
On tlv.trla ua niWiWlaLi and arc lndomril br the hlarbnat siefl.
leal aathoririea of Europe and America- Hence oar succcso la tha I
treatment of men's djsraaew. Kemrmber, our specialty ia Ujnitod to I
I bo diseaaes of MEN, and MEN ONLY.
PRIVATE rUSEAPES Newly contracted and chronic cases cured. AH
burning. Itching and Inflammation stopped In M hours; euros effected in I days.
Wo cover the entire- ield of privnlo and chronic, dcf-p-ocatcd. coa
plicated dise a sea.
I'Icerg, Stricture, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Blood Poison, Chroni
Discharge, Kkln Hseaees, Piles and Fistula, Prostatic Diseases,
Nrrro-Vital Debility, Kidney and Bladder Disease.
Northwest Corner ISth and Farnam.
Entrance oa ISth Btroet.
Nine connecting offices
on the fifth floor
The offices arc particularly suitable for anyone wishing a suite of several connect-.
iug rooms. They w-ill be rented only in suites of three or more rooms. There is one
large southeast corner room with a vault, two splendid rooms facing Karnam street
and the other smaller rooms facing Seventeenth street on the fifth floor of
These are the offices now occupied by tha Updlks Oraia Co.. who will mo to to tha first floor as I
aeon aa the business offics of Tbo Bo Is transferred t ths corner room on the ground floor.
It Is vary seldom that aa opportunity occur to aceom
modata tenants Bsedlnf Urg gpaea aad aandsonia offics.
Zbj,rritita 71. B,Y,'a,n lu uuk betterat least -tha a In any othor
building. All night and all day Sunday elevator somoo-staam heat eleetrie Uaat
wator and adesuata Janitor service-all Included In the rental price. Anolv to
It 41S Be Bldg.
rental nrice. Apply to
K. 100 Baa Bid