Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Tim Omaha Daily Bee,
Daltv Pi (without Bundavl, one year. .14
Dully Bee una Sunday, one year
Illustrated He, one year j-W
Sunday Bee, one year
Saturday Bee,, one year 1 J)
Dally Bee (Including Sunday), per week.. 172
Dallv Bee (without Sunday!, per week..HT
Evening Ilee (without Sunday), per week i
Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week..lo
Sunday pee, per copy .... So
Address complaint! of Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
.! - . OFFICES.
Omaha The Bee Building.
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Washington 61 Fourteenth Street.
Communlcatlnna relating to news and ed
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Onlv J-cent atampa received aa payment of
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County, aa.:
C. C. Roaewater. secretary of The Bee
Publishing oompanv, being duly sworn,
aara that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally. Morning,
Evenmg and Sunday Bee printed during the
month of January, INS. was aa follows:
1 IMl.R.IO 17 31,R
1 81.TO IX ai.TTO
I .."..,. SI, THO 81.4BU
4.. S1.7TO JO 32,il40
B 81.M30 21 8O.100
( 82.BOO 22 St,4IO
7.. 8O.1B0 23 81,MH
I 81.7SO 24 81,470
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14 S2.04IO 26 31,4 lO
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' Subscribed In my presence and sworn
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(Seal) M. P. IIUNGATE,
. .... . : Notary Public
Subscribers leaving; the city tem
porarily shoald have The Be
mailed to theni. Address will be
changed as often as requested.
Omaha Is to have aa automobile show.
Omaha will take no back seat for any
cltr of Its sle.
There la no lack of council manic tim
ber this year, but a great deal of It la
made up of basswood sapling and wil
low underbrush.
letters from China tell of greater ex
citement than are told In telegrams.
Either tb situation must have Improved
there or the censor is watching the
By odd coincidence Governor Penny
packer of Pennsylvania took no steps
against easy divorce nntil a number of
bti friends . were divorced from their
''graft.", ,
v From the way South American diplo
mat discuss the, speech of .SetTetary
Root few of them have any pretense of
being up on the meaning of the Monroe
The South Omaha city council wants
a new city hall very much. So do the
South Omaha real estate speculators
who expect to unloud a city hall site at
fancy prices.
Another Corean has committed sui
cide because of the domination of thut
country by Japan. If the plan Is een-
erally carried out Japan may find place
for Its surplus population.
President Baer evidently failed to
tnkt Into consideration the supreme
court1, of the United States when an
nouncing that his corporation had a di
rect mandate from on high.
In 'declaring all passes and special re-
auced rates suspended since the 2-cent
passenger rate went into effect those
Ohio railroads tip off the real reasons
why these favors were granted.
The discussion of the Crowe verdict
by the executive committee of the Com
mercial club Is suggestive of a discus
sion about padlocking the barn door
after tie horse has been stolen.
Now that France has been unable to
suggest a compromise on Morocco ac
ceptable to Germany the American dele
gates may have a chance to add to the
laurels this nation as a peacemaker.
City Attorney Breen hopes for an
other assistant. " Why not replace Carl
Wright on the pr-rmauent pay roll In
stead of keeping Urn on the salary list
as special attorney of the Water board?
It Is now denied thut Harry Orchard,
under arrest for killing the former gov
ernor of Idaho, made a confession. Evl
deutly some of the war correspondent
from Cb Foo are encamped near Boise
The bergs are getting In their work
or nnug ror the spring election. We
already have Westberg, SJoberg and the
other 'Iwrgs" of the Garfield club are
preparing to pre-empt apace on the pri
mary ballot.
f iui giaueuuie luiuruinuou is given
out that the University of Nebraska has
engaged a new foot boll coach for the
coming year. The ware of foot ball re
form evidently broke before It reached
tjbe shores of Salt Creek
A bill for the resurvey of McPherson
County is pending In congress, which
forcibly recalls the meandering of the
riatto river and other survey frauds
that scandalised Nebraska's federal
Officialdom in the 0s. As a matter of
Tact four-fifths of the original surveys
west of the IuOUj meridian were hams.
ooverxor ct'MMiysr n:nyryciAtr.XTo
Governor Cummins' explanation to
republicans of Iowa of the reasons for
his candidacy for a third term re-election
outlines In strong colors the main
lines for a campaign against corporate
domination. Even though the Idea of
a third term may go against the grain,
the reforms for which the governor la
enlisted appeal strongly to republicans
In the Roosevelt ranks, who believe In
a square deal and no favoritism.
Governor Cummins calls attention In
particular to two measures against
which the railroad cohorts are even now
battling before the Iowa legislature.
Why." he asks, "should the railroads
oppose a proposition to abolish free
passes and free transportation when
they ought to welcome an enactment
requiring everyone who rides to pay?"
Railroad opposition to the direct pri
mary in Iowa is explained on the same
theory,' namely, that it would weaken
the grip of the railroads upon political
machinery, as that is the fountain head
of government. According to Governor
Cummins, the allied corporate power
has decided that there shall be no di
rect primary nominations because "they
know that If the bill passes it would do
mere to lessen their Influence In poll-
tics than any other measure now pro
posed for the public good."
Governor Cummins might have in
serted In his list the fight for more equal
taxation of railroad property because
the railroads In Iowa shirk their taxes
In only a smaller degree than they do
in Nebraska. But. on this point he Is
There Is no good reason, however.
why these reform measures should not
be enacted Into legislation at the pres
ent sitting of Iowa's law makers and
put Into execution by Governor Cum
mins before his present term of office
expires, whether he Is endorsed or de
feated In his third term aspirations.
The opposition to Governor Cummins
Insists that It Is not dividing on the
railroad Issue and. If this Is the case, It
might make good such assertions by
assisting in perfecting these reforms at
once before the campaign Is really on.
As a sequence of the cimctment of the
2-cent-a-mlle pnsseuger rate law by the
Ohio legislature the Western Passenger
association has decided to make the law
odious us fur as possible and at the
same time recoup the railroads for the
anticipated shrinkage in passenger re
ceipts. It is mutually agreed that here
after everybody who travels by rail In
Ohio will be compelled to pay 2 cents a
mile regardless of occupation, race,
color or previous condition of servitude
to the railroads.
Preachers will no longer be carried at
half rate. Members of the legislature
and charity concessionaires, life insur
ance agents and delegates to political
conventions will have to pay full fare,
and Christmas and Fourth ofJJuly vis
itors to wife's relations will ""be com
pelled to fork ever 2 cents a mile In
stead of one fare for the round trip.
State and county officials, theatrical
troupes, theater parties, ' brass bands,
base ball and foot ball gamesters and
other enthusiasts after sport and prize
pigs will all come under 'the 2-cent rule.
All these favored tourists will doubt
less keenly resent the Insult and out
rage of being compelled to pay the same
fare as the ordinary traveler who does
not wear a white choker, a flannel
sweater, galvanized badge or drum
major uniform, but the very common
est of the common people will like the
change and enjoy It very much, nicy
never yet have been able to compre
hend why any discrimination should be
made against them In favor of com
mercial drummers, brass band drum
mers or dealers in options and futures
in this or in the next world.
All conductors look alike to ordinary
passengers and they do not see why
they should not look alike to all con
ductors when they call "tickets."
Unless congress should take it upon
itself to reverse the decision of the ad
ministrationsomething quite unlikely
to occur the recommendation of Presi
dent Roosevelt that the canal about to
be built at the Panama isthmus be a
lock canal may be takeu to settle finally
the question of type as between lock
canal and sea level canal.
While on this question the engineer
lng experts are widely at variance and
will, doubtless, continue to disagree, the
reasons set out by the president as de
termlnlng his decision In the matter will
appeal most strongly to those who are
not concerned with technlcul consldera
tlons. Whether the consulting engineers
are Influenced on the one side by their
familiarity with the sea level canal at
Suea and on the other side by famili
arity with the lock canal at Sault Ste
Marie, Is immaterial, for it is conceded
that their divergent views are honestly
entertalued and ably supported.
With our people, as with the presl
dent, the practical features will Lave
more weight, content to leave the en
gineering problems to be solved by the
scientific experts.
What the American people want above
all is that the canal be built and ready
for traffic within the shortest possible
time and at the smallest possible out
lay commensurate with good work, per
manency aud safety, and reasonable eco
nomlcal cost of maintenance after It is
in operation. All the experts agree that
the lock canal Is aa feasible aa the sea
level canal; that the outlay for the lock
canal will not be over two-thirds of the
outlay necessary for the sea level canal,
and that the operation of the lock canal,
Including fixed charges, will be less by
approximately $2,000,000 or more per
year, than for a sea level canaL The
ease of enlarging the lock canal after It
Is once in operutiun. should the growing
volume of traffic require, at compared
with the difficulty of enlarging the sea
level canal under similar circumstances,
Is also a potent argument supporting the
president's recommendation.
The principal complaint registered so
far In the canal Investigations Is di
rected at the slowness of the govern
ment In getting down to business, but
this Is largely explained by the Inde
cision up to this time as to the type of
construction. Let it once be definitely
nnd Irrevocably decreed that the canal Is
to be a lock canal and the work on the
stlimus can go forward without further
serious interruption.
The president puts it up to congress
to give expression to its desires, if dis
satisfied with his determination In favor
of the lock canal. It Is for congress
then to act, if It is to act at all, with
reasonable promptness. With congres
sional confirmation of the plan to build
the canal with locks, the popular de
mand for speedy completion of the work
may be relied upon to act as the neces
sary spur to energetic action on the part
of the canal commission and Its sub
ordinate canal builders.
The death of John A. McCall, former
president of the New York Life Insur
ance company, haa closed the career of
a man who achieved greatness in the
insurance world not by accident of birth
or Incident of luck, but by sheer Indi
vidual genius and great executive ca
pacity coupled with unremitting atten
tion to detail In the upbuilding of the
great life insurance companies with
which he was identified almost from his
WltJh latent powers and accumulated
experience in a vocation which he had
made a life study, John A. McCall was.
perhaps, the most powerful factor In the
marvelous expansion that characterized
the New York Life Insurance company
siuce his advent as chief executive of
that Institution. If financial success Is
the crucial test of capacity, John A.
McCall certainly was the peer of any
of his contemporaries, Including the
founders of all the great life Insurance
companies of America.
As a man John A. McCall was public
spirited, broad minded, generous and
superlatively sensitive. He, felt most
keenly the severe criticisms of his con
duct by the press and the opprobrium
and stigma that attached to him in con
sequence of the disclosures before the
legislative investigating committee. It
M as to his credit that he made admis
sions before that body which tended to
place him In an unenviable light While
admitting that he had indiscreetly al
lowed himself to commit a breach of
trust In making political contributions
from Insurance funds, he Insisted that
be was actuated solely by a desire to
protect the Interests of the policyholders
and the company. Unlike others who
were similarly Involved, John A. McCall
mortgaged his home and died compara
tively a poor man in order to make resti
tution for the wrong Committed as far
as he could.
Toward Omaha and Its people John A.
McCall always manifested cordial friend
ship and good will. He was among the
first to recognize the advantage of the
Transmtsslsslppl exposition "toward the
upbuilding of this city and made a very
handsome contribution towards the en
terprise. During his last visit to Omaha
he expressed great confidence in its
future and a sincere desire to promote
its growth. It is meet and proper that
this tribute should be paid to his mem
ory. There are some serious questions as
to the eligibility of John H. Butler for
the position of building Inspector. In
the first place, the question Is raised
whether he la still a resident of Omaha;
that Is, whether he retains bis citizen
ship here after having acquired a home
stead In South Dakota in the great land
lottery. In the next place, It Is a ques
tion whether he can qualify under the
provision of the charter that requires
the building inspector to be an architect
of not less than seven years' practice
In designing and superintending the
construction of buildings or an experi
enced house builder and mechanic of
ten years' practice as a building con
tractor or superintendent of building
and construction. Although Butler once
occupied the position of building inspec
tor under an old charter, ho Is not a
builder and is not sufficiently familiar
with modern construction to make him
either competent or safe as a supervisor
of construction of buildings into which
iron, stone, steel and brick enter as ma
terials. An ordinary carpenter surely
does not measure up to these specifica
It is pleasing to know that Nebraska
has Congressman Hlnshaw holding
down a membership In the house com
mlttee on merchant marine and fisheries
to which the subsidy bill has been re
ferred. If Mr. Hlnshaw does not get
amendments grafted on to the bill be
fore It emerges from tkie committee to
Insure regeneration of the Mlskouri
river steamboats and resurrection of the
old Hue of prairie schooners that used
to ply l'tween Omaha and Fort Kear
ney Tio Hill be dlrefully derelict in his
duty to bis constituents.
With so many eminent Nebraska a
torneys attending the divorce congress
at Washington, we may have hope that
some scheme will be worked out by
which the growing divorce evil in this
state may be checked. Some people are
Inclined to believe, however, that part
of the lubricator for the divorce mill
traceable to the seal of shyster lawyers
eager to get a fee without much scruple
as to the manner of earning it,
Perhaps the senate is asking the In
terstate Commerce commission to re
port on the subject of coal and oil trans
portation rather than asking the De
partment of Commerce and Labor for
the Information bees use It does not de-
sire to Interfere with Mr. Garfield's In
vestigation on the same subject; and.
again. It may be that It does not want
to ratse any new points of Immunity
from prosecution.
In the present municipal campaign
there Is little room for straddling, nie
old adage that those who are not with
us are against us will become applicable
more than ever among the Fontanelle
high private braves and bravados who
are dividing their affections between
the two "B's" Benson and Rroatch
the would Bo's and will not Be's.
Sound the tocsin and beat, the dram!
Major Church Howe Is not to be wiped
off the map as consul general at Ant
werp by the new consular service bill,
but is only to have his income trans
formed from a fee basis to a salary
basis, and the salary Is to be larger than
were the fee perquisites heretofore. All
Is quiet again In Nemaha.
Balfour has opened bis campaign In
Billingsgate and when he emerges suc
cessful he should have acquired a few
choice epithets to use in describing a
party which refuses a former premier
a seat in the house without a fight.
The protest against the pure food
bill by blenders of whisky would indi
cate a feeling on their part that patrons'
sometimes drink liquor for something
besides its tnste.
The Moral of War.
Brooklyn Eagle.
Russia spent a billion dollars In Its war,
nd got Itself Into two billion dollars'
worth of trouble by so doing. Never go to
war. Unless you are sure you enn whip
the "other fellow.
Power o( the Paaa One
PhUad"lphla Press.
It didn't occur to the Pennsylvania leg
islature to investigate the coal mining
transportation companies until free passes
were cut off. What a slashing time the
next regular session will Ijave with no re
strictions on Its actions?
Celerity In Bank Wrecking.
Philadelphia Record.
In ten weeks from the opening of a
bank In Illinois the officers and directors
had borrowed a sum lRrger than the en
tire capital on the collateral of worthless
securities. It Is in this way that bank
wrecking Is generally accomplished, but It
It was never before done In so short a
Slackening Tide nf Immigration.
Springfield Republican.
Immigration Into the United States, while
still very heavy, shows some Indication
of falling behind the record figures of the
past calendar year. The arrivals during
January numbered 61,127, or some 6,000 less
than in the month last year. This seems
to be due less to any shrinkage in the de
mand for labor in the United States than
to a. lightening of pressure from behind.
For it appears that emigration from Rus
sia In this direction Is responsible for the
whole loss the arrivals from that coun
try having been 10.SS2 last month, as com
pared with 15,743 a year ago.
Strange Dedfellowa.
Chicago Chronicle.
Ths strangest' conjecture of opposltes
thus far developed In the United States
senate was when, In the same debate and
on the same day, Tillman of South Car
olina declared that "railway devilment"
can not be stopped till we compel some
millionaire railway operator to wear crim
inal stripes In Jail and Lodge of Massa
chusetts proclaimed that we never should
have repealed the provision for punishing
railway evasions of rate regulation with
Imprisonment, since the offenders care
nothing for fines which they can make the
companies pay. Is this a new case of the
lion and the lamb couching together? And
it so which is the lion?
American Gifts la 11MXV
New York Sun.
Reckoning only the known gifts of t",0no
and upward made In the United States
last year we have a total of IA6.000.000.
Compared with prior years, beginning
with 1900, the record Is:
1900 $ 47.O.TO.0OO
191 lOT.OMMKin
1902 W.OOO.OOO
., 66,000.000
For the six years the average la 178,500,000
a year or a little over (6,641,000 a month.
If the smaller gifts and the unadvertlsed
gifts were added the total would doubtless
exceed 1130,000,000 a year, or $10,000,000 a
It is safe to assert that the United States
has a big lead over the rest of the world
In the matter of. private, and Indeed pub
lic, giving to charily, education, art and
church work.
Of the $66,000,000 given In 1906 Mr. Carnegie
gave $14,000,000 and Mr. Rockefeller $12,000,
000. The distribution of the $66,000,000 was: '
Eduoatlon $37,000,000
Oallerlea and museums 7,000,0no
Hospitals w 6,000,000
Church work and buildings (special
gifts) 4.000.000
Foreign missions (special gifts).... L0"0.0O
Miscellaneous ,., 11.0U0.000
Total $66,000,000
It would take a column to Hat the
hundreds of good works which shared In
the $11,000,000 "miscellaneous."
Deal Wheon Against Plntoerntle Gifts
te Schoole.
New York Bun.
The Omaha World-Herald la stirred to
tears by the noble words used by Its former
employe, Hon. William Jennings Bryan, In
turning his back on Illinois college and
Mammon. "Our college cannot serve God
and Mammon." cried its most illustrious
living graduate, modestly sure that he Is
serving God all the time and conacloua of
having acquired by his voice and pen a
goodly pile of demammontted mammon.
His old employer takes up the whoop
and, makes It louder:
Our public aohools are the chief reliance
of self-government and enlightened civili
sation. They are our all-powerful weapon
against all the abuses and evils that
threaten. They are at once the torch and
the flaming sword that are driving the
hosts of greed and oppression Into the
sea. What Inconceivable madness is It.
then, that leads us fatuously to allow the
captains of th,ls opposing force to lay hand
upon our icnuoui:
Fatuously. Indeed. If tainted plutocratic
gifts are not good enough for colleges they
are much too oad for schools. The colleges
are for the few. The public schools are for
all. Shall millions of Innocent school chil
dren be poisoned by "plutocratic support"
of primary education?
The more this great question of "taint"
is examined the clearer It becomes that
no worthy public object should receive
contributions, either forced or' voluntary,
from the plunderers ef "the producing
classes." The taint can be avoided only
by exempting plutocrats from taxation
Only persona with Just views of plutocracy
and trusts should be allowed to pay taxes.
The experiment of purifying the tax rolls
should be begun In Omaha and Lincotn,
Minor Scenes nnd Incidents Sketched
a the Snnt.
As the Tart party to the orient brought
about two or more engagrments, so also
Is the White House wedding esteemed a
promoter of unity. The Impression la
abroad In Washington that several dis
tinguished couples are preparing to march
to the music of the union. If the gossips
are to be relied upon, one of the distin
guished ones is Congressman linurke Cork-
ran, of New York, and the lndy in the
case is Mrs. Jack Gardner, of Huston.
Both were guests at the Itoosevelt-Long-worth
wedding and the spell of that Im
pressive ceremony la said to have convinced
widow and widower that life nlonc makes
the heart prematurely old and weary. How
long the New Yorker and th Bostonlan
had been betrothed la a mystery, but the
prevailing Impression Is that the While
House wedding precipitated either the pro
posal or the acceptance. The favorite
report a very pretty one, too was that
Mrs. Gardner was touched so deeply with
the sight of the new Mrs. I.ongworth's
happiness that widowhood became unbear
able to her. 'and In sight of the lovely floral
altar In the East room she promised the
Manhattan orator to lay 'aside her weeds
in the interests of his happiness and her
own. Less romantic, perhaps, was the
version that the two had been engsged
secretly tor weeks and months, and that
Cockran's attentions to the wealthy widow
In the course of the Longworth-Roosevclt
ceremony became so marked that friends
charged him with being engaged to her.
and In an unguarded moment of high
spirits he acknowledged his hopes.
Senator Elklns has suddely awakened to
the consciousness that he has a for
midable rival In the state of West Vir
ginia. It haa leaked out, says a corres
pondent of the Chicago Chronical, that
Governor Dawson first wrote him about
the alleged misconduct of the Pennsylvania
railroad and Its allied lines In West Vir
ginia and the senator, presuming that Paw-
son was moved by a desire to do his duty
perfunctorily, paid no attention to the let
ter. Dawson, however, was In earnest.
When he read In the newspapers that Sen
ator Tillman had attacked the Pennsyl
vania during the course of a speech In the
senate he hastened to place In Tillman's
possession the facts which he had pre
viously submitted to Elklns. Tillman In
troduced the governor's lett-r Into the
Record and subsequently offered a resolu
tion empowering the Interstato Commerce
commission to make a complete Investiga
tion of the governor's charges. That
resolution was unanimously reported by
the committee on Interstate commerce, of
which Senator Elklns Is chairman.
How much persuasion It required on the
part of the West Virginia statesman to
Induce some of his republican colleagues
to swallow the Tillman resolution, can only
be conjectured, but It Is no exaggeration
to say that their only reason for doing so
was Elklns' startled revelation of his
own peril.
Governor Dawson is a candidate for the
senate. Senator Elkins' term expires one
year from March 3 next. Until Dawson
appeared upon the horixon he supposed
that he had no competitor, but now he
appreciates that he has a life or death
fight on his hands. The senator has begun
his campaign by Issuing a statement in
which he declares that he was always
an ardent supporter of the president's
railroad rate reform program. Nothing
but a sense of extreme peril could have
wrested such a confession from Senator
Elklns. The statement la a confession that
he is afraid of Dawson and persons who
are familiar with West Virginia politics say
that he has every reason to be afraid.
Temperamentally and physically Dawson
Is the antithesis of Elklns. He Is a country
editor, who, by a combination of fortuitous
circumstances, has been enabled to climb
over the heads of better known men than
himself Into the gubernatorial chair. El
klns Is large, fleshy, full-blooded, rotund,
with a boyish face. Dawson la thin, sallow,
mountaineer, but saturnine. He Is a typical
West Virginian mountaineer, but he has
an abundance of native ability and force
and Just at the present time, owing to
his unexpected departure fron the rules
which have heretofore governed West Vir
ginia politics, has endeared himself to the
people of that state.
One of the familiar sights on Pennsylva
nia avenue toward the middle of the lay
when congress Is In session is an unosten
tatious but neat coupe carrying a young
man who slta as If he were afraid his silk
hat might be bumped against the coupe
top. The title to mention possessed by the
young man and the coupe Is that they rep
resent for the time the connection between
the executive and the legislature of the na
tional government. The young man la Mr.
Barnes, the president's assistant secrelery,
one of whose duties it Is to present to con
gress "messages In writing from the presi
dent of the United States," which Includes
nominations, etc. Mr. Barnes Is a familiar
figure to the galleries of both house and
senate as he enters either chamber side
by side with the clerk or other official, and
after being announced bows ceremoniously,
announce briefly that he la the bearer
of "sundry messages In writing," etc., and
delivers the package containing them, and
takes his departure. It may be remarked
Incidentally that a debate or any other
proceeding In the house or senate is
promptly suspended, as soon as Mr. Barnes
appears. In order to go through this for
mality. Senator Frye loves to visit some of his
Maine friends and have a little supper, at
which the piece de resistance is pickled
pigs' feet, with the usual accessories. Of
all the members of the president's council
Mr. Root Is the only epicure and sole pos
sessor of a French chef. The secretary
of state has a dainty appetite and only the
most dainty food goes on his table. The
other cabinet folks are satisfied with
"cooks." Mr. Bonaparte has a fat, greasy
looking old mammy, who weighs nearly
60, but the egg bread, the fried chlckmi
and the savory omelet which she can turn
out would tempt St. Anthony.
Major Sylvester, chief of police In Wash
ington,, is required by law to make annual
report to congress showing how efficient
his force is. This year, as usual, he gives
statistics as to arrests and In this depart
ment of his report two lines attract atten
tion. The persons arrested are classllled
as gamblers, saloonkeepers, etc., but tt is
said that among the list were "one United
Btatea senator" and "two representatives
in congress." Major Sylvester discreetly
refuses to reveal the Identity of these dis
tinguished lawbreakers.
The tall,' Impressive vice president Is
never clad, when In the senate, except In
conventional garments of the statesman,
long Prince Albert, dark gray trousers and
a plain black silk tie. This raiment Is du
plicated for at least five rows of seats back
and then comes a sprinkling of white vests
and colored ties. Mr. Fairbanks always
carefully dusts the seat of his chair before
he trusts his Immaculate coattails and he
never leaves his shining top hat In the
lobby, but brings It Into the senate and
places It with extreme caution on the top
of his desk. '
Consider the Rebntere' Taste.
Philadelphia Ledger,
Senator Lodge, In his scheme to send
re balers to Jail, forgets that In matters ef
such delicacy the personal tastes of the
reb.iters must be consulted. Rebaters
, would object to prison fare.
Royal Baking Powder is indispensable
to finest cookery and to the comfort
and convenience of modern housekeep
ing. Royal Baking Powder makes hot
breads, cakes and pastry wholesome.
Perfectly leavens without fermentation.
Qualities that are peculiar to it alone.
At last a New Yorker has plucked up
spunk to thrash a subway guard for his
Impertinent "Step lively!"
A rag picker recently died In Gotham
leaving n fortune of $45,000. Without wish
ing to discourage ambitious young men 't
must be added, however, that part of it
was inherited.
An Interesting commentary on the wav
that used to prevail In this announcement
that the Tibetan manuscript presented to
the Smithsonian Institution by Great Brit
ain was obtained by "legitimate purchase!"
George Ross of Fort Hancock, Tex., is
the Pooh-Bah of officeholders of the coun
try. He is postmaster of the town, a
member of the Board of County Commis
sioners, Justice of the peace end a. school
Orrln Stelnberger, a well-known artist of
t'rbana, Ohio, has lived all winter on the
top of a majestic oak tree for his health.
His home, Camp Aloft, was without a.
roof, and he has there braved and enjoyed
the caresses of the elements.
General Henry E. Tremaln, the newly
elected president of the Republican club
of New York city, has a splendid war rec
ord. He enlisted 'as a volunteer and rose
to be a brevet brigadier general In 1865.
He was one of the founders of the Grand
Army of the Republic In New York state,
and always has been active In politics.
It Is said that the father of M. Fallieres,
the new president of France, was a man of
such Immense strength that he used to
pick up a cask of wine, drink heartily from
the bunghole and then ask, "To whom shall
I pass the cup?" The president Is a bib
liophile and often strolls among the book
shops bargaining with the dealers for some
volume of worth.
Three giant brothers named Phillips are
among the new members of the British
Parliament and all are liberals. Wypford
Phillips, returned from Pembroke county,
Is six feet three Inches tall; Owen Phil
lips, six feet seven !nches, represents Pem
broke borough, and Ivor Phillips, six feet
four inches, is from Southampton. The
three stalwarts are sons of Rev. Sir Eras
mus) Phillips.
Surprising Change Wrought In the
Pennsylvania. Legislature.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Th short sDeclal session of the general
umhiv which closed Thursday was the
most wonderfully fruitful session Pennsyl
vania has ever known. In all our po""cai
histnrv. aince the Declaration of Independ
ence, there has been no such revolution
as has been accomplished at this time, ir
any one couid have predicted, at the olnae
of the regular session of 1906, that the aaemhlv. the pliant tool of a corrupt
organisation, would, within a year, re
verse its record and put Pennsylvania in
the very front rank In reform legislation,
he would have been scouted as a dreamer.
Yet this what has happened. The same
men who were content to obey the com
mands of Durham. McNichol and Penrose,
In defiance of constitutional duty or of
popular demand, have now Joined eagerly
to carry out the mandate of the people.
They have promptly and even eagerly
enacted nearly every measure for which
the most advanced reformers have been
.tonrMnK in vain for years, and which
only, the most hopeful ever expected to
achieve within a liretime, ana nave nnany
,..M iho rovernor for giving them the
opportunity to do the commonwealth such
The governor deserves these thanks, and
the thanks of all the people of Pennsyl
vania. He had the wisdom to perceive the
significance of the popular revolt against
corruption and graft and the duty of Im
mediate compliance with the Just demands
of the people of the state. Even he did
not at first contemplate so broad a pro
How Many
You must have had 60 at least!
What? Only 40? Then it must be
your gray hair. Ayer's Hair Vigor
stops these frequent birthdays. It gives
all the early, deep, rich color to gray
hair, checks falling hair, and keeps
the scalp healthy.
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YSB'SCHSKkY PKCTOKAfc-Jet Caeca. ATIK'AGnBC0RaV-rwsalaxUaa4aS
gram as has been carried out. To suggest
to this legislature the most sweeping meas
ures of nonpartisan reform seemed vision
ary. But the response to his summons was
such as to open up a wide opportunity,
which the governor recognised In his sec
ond call. With no very important excep
tions, all of the subjects which he thus
referred to the assembly have passed
upon wisely and well. The members them
selves hardly can realize tho far-reaching
resulta of what they have done. To those
who have long contended for such re
forms with little expectation of success,
the extent of the victory Is almost bewildering.
Her I guess our dog doesn't like you.
Him Oh. yes he docs.
Her What makes you think so?
Him Well, he tasted me last week and
he wanted to do it again tonight. Phila
delphia Press.
"Isn't It a fact, professor, that the
troubles of society are caused by one-half
of the world not knowing how the other
half lives?"
"My dear sir. the trouble comes from
the one-half trying to find out." Chicago
"In Russia It Is illegal for a person to
marry more than five times," said the
man who knows things.
"That Just shows how unprogressive the
Russians are," declared the man from St.
Louis. Houston Chronicle.
"No," said the woman, contemptuously,
"I don't understand her at all."
"You don't?" replied the young man. "I
thought you posed as a clairvoyant."
"Well, she's a,, dream." Philadelphia
"We are poor." sighed the maiden.
"And consequently of no Interest What
ever to the reporters and photographers."
responded the sensible youth as he slipped
his manly arm about her fragile form.
Pittsburg Post.
Wlgg I know a n'nn who was. robbed In
broad daylight In Ioriflon.
Wagg That waa very remarkable.
Wlgg Why. la robberv so scarce there?
Wagg No. but broad daylight Is. Phila
delphia Record.
"I see that W. J. Bryan Is very Indig
nant because his college accepted tainted
money from some venerous contributor."
"Wonderful. Isn't It?"
"What's wonderful?"
"Tho thought that a man with' a con
science like that can run a weekly news
papers'Cleveland riain Dealer.
(Written bv William Hutchinson, Omaha,
on the Occasion of His oth Anniver
sary.) My years four-score, this flay of days.
And euro It seems nae lang
Since T did skip ower Scota's braes
And lilt a wee bit sang. .
It albllns was o' "Bessie Bell,"
Or "Bonnie Mary Hay,"
"Dear Lass, It Me the Secret Tell,"
Op m R v K "firnti Wh Tin "
"My Nannie O," or "Roy s Wife,"
"Heme Comln' o' the Kye,"
Or "Willie Brewed a Peck o' Maut."
"A-Comln" Thru the Rye."
But be It this, or be It that.
Wl' eighty yeara gane thither.
In rohuBt health I'll Sing o' wealth ,
In friends that round me gather.
Frae far an' near, wl' notes o' cheer,
Congratulations swarm
Around my lugs; my heart full tugs
ResponHlve to their charm.
Who out an Ingrate like mysel'
Could now withhold his pralaj
Frae Him who doeth all things well,
And bless'd us all our days.
With Joys supreme and sorrows deep
Balr trials best or a
Tae teach our hearts the depths of lovs
And drive our frets awa'.
The cares o' halth my Betsey's ta'ea
Frae me, my mission ' thru;
An Idler I. aside maun lie
Wl' naethlng malr tae do.
But ruat and rot, a worthless blot
On our Industrial shield.
Nay! But I'll strive while I'm alive
The best of fruits tae yield.
Good friends. God bless you all. Amen.
Should nothing Interfere
You're all Invited here again
The same date o' next year.
sixty years." '