Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Bute. Officials Mart Foot the Billi and Wait
for Lsdalstm Appropriation,
.Snnenl for AI4 far So O'er er la Jaa-aa
tire Oraee Grata Cass
CaU( r.
JITrnvn a Stuff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. . 8peclal. The re
fusal of Secretary of State Qalusha to Iti
voucher for mileage books filed by iuu
orTleers ha received the endorsement of
Oovernor Mickey. thous-H It Is Betting- hard
on some state officers and on the heads of
Some departments.
"I don't see any way that the state can
pay for these mileage books at this time,"
aid the governor. "The officer riding- on
business for the state should take a re
eelpt for the money he paid for the ticket
and then wheri the legislature meets pre
sent his claim. That Is the way I am doing
and shall do. I believe the legislature will
reimburse me. but If- It doesn't, then all
right. However, there Is no fund out of
which railroad fare can be paid. I think
the secretary of state la tight when he re
fuses to sign the vouchers."
This morning Secretary -Galusha again
announced that he would not sign the
Vouchers, and If the auditor Issued trie
warrant on vouchers not signed by the
aecretary he would be acting contrary to
Ganrd Daty the Sahjeet.
This morning's session of the school for
the officers of the National Guard was de
Voted to a discussion of the manual of
guard duty by Captain Cronln, Instructor.
The total enrollment this morning was
sixty-five and the closest attention was
paid to the lecture by the Instructor.
Guard duty. General Culver holds, Is one
Of the most Important subjects to be dis
cussed. Inasmuch as the members of the
Rational Guard have experience In this line
only when attending encampments. Captain
Cronln told what a guard Is, Its object and
what Is required of the guard In camp and
In the post. He divided his subject Into
Various topics and gave each topic a
Serious discussion. He gave the guard In
struction regarding conduct toward prison
ers and conduct In emergencies and during
irjins rxpvnpncfi. in me axiemoon Hp-
la In Cronln discussed target practice and
Small firearms.
Tonight lieutenant TVhelan of the reg
ular army delivered an address on small
firm firing, in line with the talk of Cap
tain Cronln this afternoon. Besides the
efT leers of the guard, a number of clt
liens were present at the lecture.
Appeal for Aid for Japanese.
uovernor Mickey has prepared a proc
lamation asking the people to aid the
Starving Japanese and he will Issue the
same Just as soon as he can And .some
representative of the Red Cross society who
Will act as treasurer and accept the con
tribution. .During the last few days the
governor has received several letters from
parties out In the state asking to whom
to send the contributions, and this has
Jed "the executive to believe his appeal will
lie responded to liberally.
Pierre Goes to Krntaekr.
Insurance Deputy Pierce went 'to Louts
Mile, Ky., yesterday to. sign the report to
be made by the Insurance commissioners
'of the several states who Investigated the
Jew Tork Insurance companies. . The re
port has been ready for some weeks, but
because of some slight changes to be made
In the wording of It It had not yet been
given to the public. -f ....
5mt Urala Compaay.
John E. Von Dorh and John A. Cavern
of Omaha have organised the Cavern-Von
iJorn Elevator . company with a capital
stock of IGO.ono. The articles of incorpora
tion were filed with the secretary of state
this' morning. The company will have Its
headquarters In Omaha and will do busi
ness In Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota and
Couth Dakota.
The Farmers'. Telephone company, with
a capital stock of $7,000 and headquarters
at School district No. 2, Wayne county
filed its. articles of Incorporation with the
aecretary Of state this morning. The com
pany will operate telephones In Wayne and
Thurston counties.
Glaadered Horses Killed.
Reports received from Dr Klmm, state
veterinarian, state he is out In the neigh
borhood of Rassett and that he has run
across end killed many horses which were
afflicted With danders. Dr. Klmm la v-
peeled to return to Lincoln about March
1 after visiting In the neighborhood of
Meadow Urcre and Atkinson. '
State Balldlaaa Insared.
The Board of Public Lands and Buildings
this afternoon let the contract for insur
ing stste buildings at Hastings, amounting
to m.noo. at 24 per cent to Higglnbotham
& Pickens of Hastings.
State Fair Concessions Bold.
t'ecretary Mellor of the State Fair board
bas let the grandstand privileges at the
state fair to V. W. Turner of Lincoln and
be Is now advertising concessions. The
concessions this year will bring a much
larger price than ever before, according to
the contracts already closed. One conces
sion ws sold this year for 16 less than
twice the amount It brought last year.
Space Is also being reserved by exhibitors.
Miles for Commencement Orator.
General Nelson A. Miles will be the orator
St the annual commencement of the Ne
braska State university on Thursday, June
14 next. The announcement waa made to
day at the university office upon the re
ceipt of a telegram announcing the accept
ance by the general of the invitation to
apeak. .
- Grala Cnse Com In a I.
The suit sgainst the alleged Grain trust
Will be called for hearing at the next ses
sion of the supreme court, the court this
rooming having given the attorneys that
time In which to decide whether to stand
upon their demurrer or to tile an answer
to the petition of Attorney General Brown
for an Injunction to restrain them from
combining- to control the grain markets of
the state. To the petition the grain deal
ars filed a demurrer and at the last session
Vitality is a good indica
tion of a baby's condition.
A listless baby is not in a good
condition of health. MeUin's Food
babies have a creat deal of vitality
becausg M ellin's Food gives strength
and viger. Our beak, "The Cars a Feeding
mi Infcsl.- fm. "
The OS IT afasM' Peed raeaHrtaS
Ue CftANB tkUl at JtTLsiu. rW
(raid Modal. Bighsst Award,
rsrtUad. Or. 105.
if both a food and a stimulant It
is pure and wholesome just the
powdered cocoa bean properly
treated Ly extracting enough of
the oil to make it entirely digestible,
but with enough left in to make it
the most nourishing and delightful
beverage that nature has given man.
No sugar to add to the bulk
no flour or starch or arrowroot to
increase the maker's profit and cut
down the quality. When you pay
as little you get far less.
Sold by grocers everywhere.
Send 9e lor Mtxnsla of Chooslsle
and irdniatora can of Cecsa
Caeaa aad Cboeolato Mnauf aclorwra
New Tsrft
of the court the demurrer waa overruled,
and In the opinion handed down the anti
trust laws of the state were all declared
William Llvinghouse of Wayne county,
sentenced to the penitentiary for three
years, secured a stay of execution and gave
a bond for II. MO. Following are the pro
ceedings of the court:
Johnson against Hayward: Herpolsheimer Christopher; McCreary against
t'reighton; liush against Griffin; Bush
against Brown; Maylund Casualty company
against Bank of M unlock; Hicks against
I'nion Pacific Hail road company; Vogt
against Binder; Rogers aainst City of
Omaha; Kannow against Farmers' Co
operative Shipping association; Nelson
against Sneed; Modern Woodmen of Amer
ica against Wilson; Morrison ajfalnst Goa
nell; Lutjeharms against Smith ; S. D.
Mercer Co. against City of Omaha; O'Neill
against State; Martin against Martin;
Wleae against I'nion Pacific Railway com
pany; Wrich against I'nion Pacific Railway
company; Fltsgerald against Kimball
Bros.; Staats against Wilson; l.awrl
agninst Llnlnger & Metcalf; Middlekauft
against Adams; State ex rel. Vre against
Drexel; State ex rel. Solomon against
Drexel; in reapplication of E. A. Butler
for writ of habeas corpus.
Cases submitted on briefs:
Union Pacific Railroad company against
Fosberg: Judkins against Judkins; Hefner
against Roberts; Ramold against Clayton.
Cases continued:
I'nion Pacific Railroad company against
Connolly; Pullman Palace ' Car company
against Woods; Haddlx against State.
C. S. Harrlsoa Gives His Impressions
of the Coantrr.
: TORK. Net... Feb. SO. (Special.) In an
Interview with C. 8. Harrison, president of
the Nebraska Pork and Forest association,
who has Just returned from western and
northwestern Nebraska from an Investiga
tion In the sand hills of northwestern Ne
braska, and says "cattlemen have been
throwing sand In the people's eyes by say
ing that the land is so poor that a family
would starve on a section of It." He makes
tho statement that an average family can
make a good living on nearly every sec
tion In the sand hills. Most of the lands
are not as bad as painted by the ranch
men. Settlers In the sand hills are doing
well. In the valleys between the hills corn.
oats, wheat, potatoes, beets and vegetables
do well.
After an Investigation of conditions Mr.
Harrison believes that the Kinkald law Is
all right. The poorest parts will raise pine,
which do well. From tests made the bare
hills can be made to be worth $100 per acre.
Government tests are showing more and
more the value of these lands and If the
people had a chance at them thousands of
Nebraskans would receive support from
tho soli of that region.
Trngnrd Held for Blaamy.
FREMONT, Neb.. Feb. 20. (Special.)
Frank Tragard waived preliminary exam
ination in justice court today and In de
fault of ball was committed to the county
Jail In answer to the charge of bigamy.
The complaint w-as filed against him by
Mrs. Mabel Tragard. who. according to
the records here, was married to him on
August 16, 1. Mrs. Kate Tragard of
Oskaloosa, la., asserts that she married
the same man at Lovillia, la., on January
2, 1901, and that they have never been di
vorced. Tragard denies that he was ever
married to the Iowa woman, though ad
mltting that he lived with her for several
years and took out life Insurance payable
to her as his wife. The Fremont wife be
came suspicious of her haxband's record
In the matrimonial line on account of some
papers she found in his possession a month
or s6 ago and began an investigation on
her own account, and becoming alarmed
at the situation he skipped to Iowa. The
Iowa wife will be here at his trial, which
promises to be hotly contested.
Baptist Voaasi People's Rally.
TFKAMAH Neb., Feb. 30. (Special.
The Baptist Young People's union of the
Omaha association held a rally here Feb
ruary 18. It was a great success both In
numbers and Interest. Eighty-five dele
gates were In attendance, also all the asso
ciation officers. Seventeen Baptist Young
People's societies compose the Omaha as
sociation. The services were composed of
prayer and praise, reports of societies and
two addresses, one by Rev. Bump of Teka
mah, the second by Rev. George McDougall
cf Omaha. An Invitation was accented to
meet in a rally at Fremont May 11
More- Chnraea Aaralaat Lnrn.
FREMONT, Neb.. -Feb. 20.-4 Special.)
James J. Lynch, who Is In the county Jail
awaiting trial on the charge of obtaining
money by false pretenses from Mrs. Wll
helmina Schoenfelt of Scribner, will prob
ably have to answer to some other charges
should. he be acquitted at the next term
of the district court. Sheriff Bauman has
been notified that he is wanted at Salt
Lake City and also at Osawatomle, Kan.
on charges of larceny. 1
Break All Records.
All records In curing Coughs, Colds, etc.,
ars broken" by Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption. 60s and tlU. For sale
by Sherman a McCounell Drug Co.
Big Cattleman Soon to Gite Wtj to the
Small Herd Owner.
Cattle Barons Have Been Misleading
the Pablle oa Amoaat of Lass
Head of Cattle.
CODT, Neb , Feb. . That there Is go
ing to be a great change In this part of the
stste In the near future Is spparent to the
most casual observer. The day of the
big cattle Interests, the fencing of govern
ment lands, the hiring of persons to make
fraudulent homestead filings to cover up
the best lands, must njvr give way to the
hand cream separator, milch cow and the
honest enforcement of the Kinkald 6) acre
homestead law. The general practice of
lawlessness heretofore In vogue will not
be tolerated further by the government.
The efforts of the large cattle interests who
have been gobbling up the best lands In a
fraudulent manner, to try to create the Im
pression that It requires forty acres to
support one steer. Is being disproved by
the special agents of the land department,
who are figuring up the acreage of each
enclosure and examining the returns of
live stock given In to the assessors. It Is
not generally believed that these people
gave In more cattle than they owned and
If they did not, the figures show a much
less acreage per head and In every part the
waste of grass Is enormous.
The business men of the small towns are
beginning to learn that a number of small
ranchmen will be of much more value to
the country than a few big concerns. For
example, one large concern that runs 6,000
cattle, buys most of Its supplies in Chicago,
while If fifty small ranchmen owned 100
cattle each, there would be fifty families
to buy goods from the merchants. Fifty
such families could produce enough cream
for the market to bring Into the community
from $2,500 to $4,000 per month. It Is clear
that 6,000 cattle owned by fifty persons
would require no more grass for support
than would the same number of cattle
owned by one person.
Some Sample Appeals.
A fair sample of the way those who
have been making use of these lands,
which they claim are of no value, but
hich they are trying to get by any
means, lawful or unlawful, look upon the
efforts of the govern bent to stop the prev
alent lawlessness, is demonstrated by the
letter of Mr. Woodruff Ball, who owns s
ranch near this place. The letter of Mr.
Ball has been widely published in Ne
braska. Among other things he says:
The attitude of the administration has
made the "square deal" a by-word in west
ern in cDrasKu.
In other words, the enforcement of the
law is sneered at. Again he says:
They received the "Big Stick." If ever
n the history or this country there was a
bold-faced attempt on the part or tne ex
ecutive to intimidate the federal judiciary,
this was the case.
Because the president wants officials who
will enforce the law, Mr. Ball criticises
his action. Aaaln:
What we ask is relief from obsolete
and antiquated laws, remedial legislation
mat we may go aneao running up mis
country tnat is ours oy conquest, capturea
from a wilderness and made to support.
not law breakers, but a type of citizens
hat go to ninke the backbone of this na
tion. If Secretary Hitchcock will turn his
hand to that, we will stand ready to co
operate with him. we are willing to ac
quire this land legally, either by purchase
or lease.
Notice the words "ours by conquest.'
The above paragraph Is comical. In view
of the fact that Mr. Ball is charged by
the special agents with having fenced in
about 22,OdO acres of government lands with
cedar posts and barb-wires, and with be
ing guilty of subornation of perjury In
hiring persons to file homesteads on the
best lands in his pasture.
Knd Not Yet.
If Secretary Hitchcock will turn his hand
toward leaving Mr. Ball alone, -he will
"co-operate with him." Again:
The end is not yet. There ere more of
these cattle kings that must be driven to
cover that conditions may oe made more
chaotic, titles upset, land values depreciated
and foreign capital stampeded. 1 he
land is filled to overflowing with special
agents and secret service men directly con
trary to law for. by whose authority are
treasury department men detailed to serv
ice with the Interior department? Intimida
tion Is practiced wholesale and Immunity
promised If only one will make an affi
davit or go to court and testify against
these ruthless cattle barons. This Is, In
deed, a nohle example of a free and pa
ternal government.
No, "the end is not yet." That is what
Is making trouble for those who are being
Investigated. None but guilty men are be-
In "driven to cover." The only "titles'
being "upset" are "titles" that were ob
tained In a fraudulent manner.- Those who
will make an affidavit or go to court
and testify" are making lots of trouble
Just now for guilty persons, and It is good
for the state that this is true. Lawlessness
must give way, and Nebraska will not
be Injured by such a charge.
Sews of Nebraska.
PLATTSMOITTH The Plattsmouth alove
factory company has rented and Is occupy
lug rooms in tne waterman Diock.
MADISON H. M. Palmer arrived hers
from Allen today and entered on his du
ties as manager or the John Lenon store.
BEATRICK J. B. Mitchell of Greenfield.
Kan., has purchased the hardware store
or j. T. Baugnan at to. on North f ifth
TABLE ROCK Cyprus lodge No. 44 eel
ebrated the forty-second anniversary of
Pythianlsm last night, and had a gala
night or it.
BEATRICE It Is understood that ten
acres of Arbor State park at Wymore Is
to be planted to trees this spring. Carl
Bnnderfcgger of this city has the contract.
BEATRICE Joseph Capelskl while oper
ating a drill machine at the Hem pater fac
tory yesterday nad Ms leit hand so badly
mangled that part of it may have to be
BEATRICE Yesterday County Treasurer
Barnard Issued a call for all outstanding
warrants excepting those issued to Con
tractor Sparks for the Barneston bridge
i lie total witn tnnse called rebruary
win aggregate tuu.uuu.
MADISON Mayor Fred Oeaner. com
mander of the Third battalion, and Captain
Charles Frazer and Lieutenants Uoltbs and
Kan. officers of Company jr. Nebraska Na
tional guard, started today fur Ijnioln to
attend the officers' school held there this
BEATRICE 11. H. Brown, for the past
two years day clerk at the Paddock hotel,
yesterday resigned his position and at once
assumed the proprietorship of the Markle
notei. uscar ant-noerger oi tills citv
waa appointed Mr. Brown's successor at the
BEATRICE A thunderstorm visited this
section last night, an unusual occurrence
for this time of the year. Following
light rainfall, accompanied by vivid light
ning and heavy thunder, the temperature
took a sudden drop and this morning it
is much colder.
PLATTSMOL'TH A new organization
known as the Laclede club, has been or
ganlsed in this city. The purpose Is to have
a good time, i ne omcers elected are: PreB
Ident. B. C. McElroy; vice president, John
ivinirr; secretary. Marry lJKeie; treaa
urvr. Charles Truman.
PAPILLION Dtxtrlct court Is In session
since yesterday. No Jury trials have been
called yet. The case of Rynor against
Jacobs over the ownership of a large tract
of land near Gilmore la on trial. Tomorrow
the jury will ooL-aiicd. There are sixty
two equity cases to be tried and three crim
IiOl'ISVILLK Arthur Parmer, who with
his brother Ow-ar have been attending the
Nebraska Wesleyan university, left a note
on the table la their room yesterday for
Oscar, staling that he had Joined the
i nitea niaies navy ana bidding htm an
his parents good by. Oscar came home lasi
evening to iniorm nis parents.
PLATTSMOUTH Eugene Sawyer, a Bur
Ungton freight brakeinan, had his right
arm crushed while coupling cars in Pacidc
Junction last night. He waa brought to
tnis city ana Dr. Livingston amputated
U injured member between the elbow and
shoulder. The unfortunate man has worked
or the Burlington for fifteen years, and
ss a wife and two children residing in
Creston. la. His mother from Creston. la..
nd his brother from Kansas City are here
aring for him.
MALMSONAnfhnny Scannell and Mtss
Edith Baisch were married here at the
'athollc church today. Only Immediate
relattres and friends attended the wed-
lug. The bride is a teacher, the daughter
Mr. and Mrs Fred Kalsch of this place.
The groom Is In the banking business at
Petersburg, at which place they will make
neir nome.
BEATRICE Yesterday John Scheve sold
he old fair grounds located northeast of
he city to George W. Walker for I3.3KV
The tract comprises fifty acres, and the old
place was once the ecene of the liveliest
racing that ever occurred In Gage county.
it was once tne nome or counselor. Idavun.
Guelph and many of the best bred horses
that ever started In Nebraska.
OSCEOLA A number of old settlers and
mong the most prominent ritisens are
making arrangements to go where pastures
re greener. Among mem are Keene I.ud-
en. who goes to Gregory, S. D. : Oscar
ogllxer, to Valley county; Judge Saund
ers, to Columbus, and Rev. Knox Boude,
to California. They will leave about
March 1.
SCHUYLER The continued warm
weather. together with the bad made.
makes It nearly Impossible for the Ice man
to gei nis crop, hp has teams hauling Ice
mile and a half . I but nwlm to the condi
tion of the roads It Is hard to get anybody
to keep a team hauling. Unless the weather
cools there will be a shortage of Ice here
next year, ss only two-thirds of the usual
crop Is In the houses.
BEATRICE Exercises at which exemn-
tlon papers will be issued to a number of
firemen who have served the city five years
will be held in fire department headauar
ters next Thursday evening. At the close
of the exercises a smoker will be held and
addresses will ' be delivered by Mayor
Shulta, City Attorney Davis snd others.
There will be no banquet this year of the
department, owing to a shortage of funds.
NORFOLK Finding babes on the door
step has become almost a habit In Nor
folk. Last night Mr. and Mrs. U A. Miller
of this city answered a knock at the door
and found a little 4-months-old babv bov.
with blue eyes, and with a note pinned to
his clothing which said: "He Is four
months old February 21. Take him, give
him a good home, and buv him some
clothes." There Is no clus to the person
who left the baby.
SUTTON Robert M. Thomrmnn riled late
last evening from heart disease after an
illness of but a few dava. Deceased waa
born In Scotland. He came tn Rut ton in
172, engaging In the machine business and
later took up the real estate and loan busi
ness, which he followed successfully and
accumulated a competence, most of which
he leaves to his brother- William, now on
ne marine coast, in the war of 1861 he
was a Wisconsin soldier.
PLATTSMOUTH Amonr the sunerin.
endents who will attend the National Edu
cational association that will convene in
IoulBvllle, Ky., February 27. are E. L.
Rouse, Plattsmouth: C. M. Barr, Wahoo;
K. McfJee. Ash and: C. Fullmer. Beat
rice: George Burgert. Kearney; W. L.
Stephens. Lincoln, and State Superintendent
J. L. McBrien. They expect to visit the
public schools In Kansaa ntv Rt I.oiii
and Indianapolis while away.
OAKLAND-F. M Wnlhert haM a iiikkmi.
ful sale of Poland-China bred sows at his
sale pavllllon here Monday. Fifty head
were sold at an avernae of I5? SS. The hlrh.
est price paid was $200 for Highland Queen,
J. W. Pfander, Gravity, la., being the pur
chaser. J. W. Knowles A Son of Crala.
Neb., bought I.ady Louise for $108. Buy
ers were present from Nebraska. Iowa.
Kansas and Illinois. T. C. Callahan of
Omaha was auctioneer.
SCHI YLBR The fend hum UtnniHns tn
John Bingham still occupies a prominent
place In the street. The first Injunction
agninst It was dissolved and Bingham
would have moved the barn in then, but
the weather prevented. Before anvthinr
could be done Godenschwager got out an
other injunction under the new Are ordi
nance, taking the block where Bingham In
tended moving his barn into the fire limit.
The last Injunction has not been tried yet.
f A I K MONT C. B. Thorn nun n died at hla
residence in this city yesterday, after an
illness of about three months. The de
ceased was (IS years of age and was an old
soldier, having enlisted in the One Hun
dred and Forty-second regiment of Penn
sylvania volunteers In 1862. He served
through the war. and then settled in Iowa
In lSWi. and removed from there to Ne
braska In 1871. Since whlih ttm. he ha
been a resident of this county. A wife, three
sons and one daughter survive him.
FREMONT Owners of don vaJunhla
and otherwise. In this citv are much
troubled over the poisoning of a number of
their PCtS this Week. Tliua far fmirtaan
dogs, some of them valuable hunting dogs,
imve lumeu up aeaa rrom tne effects of
poison, one of them a hunter mined tAn
and anothor President Clemmons' oua
Felix, well known to hundreds of former
Normal students. There is no clue as to
who is dolna the hunine Th. viHnu.
and worthless curs have fared better than
the valuable ones.
BLAIR Mrs. Kellv mrt so vun
Of Thomas F. Kellv. citv enrlnp rtloH
at 9.36 last night at the Blair Emergency
hospital, where she has been for about
two weeks. Mrs. Kelly was born In Som
erset, Kentucky, and came to Rlalr in
1870, and five years later was married to
the husband who survives her Rh iuvm
also of her Immediate fomlly, three sons
onu une aaugnter. jonn, Thomas and Mrs.
May Bloomuuist of this citv and Met win.
aid, who Is serving In the navy on board
the United States ship Wisconsin now at
Five Thoaaand Damage Asked.
Five thousand dollars Is the
damages asked by A. G. Katelman In a
suit tiled in the district court yesterday
against Dore It. Bloom, nwnera of a hniiri.
lng at Eighteenth and Leavenworth streets.
ivaieimnn says he rented a store room
from the defendants at 1819 Inv.nntrih
and started a grocery business with the
understanding they were not to rent any
'"rr ru"in tor one as a grocery store.
After he had out in hla stock he suva th. me aKrcemeni ana allowed an.
other grocery store to come In. The dam-
agea ne asKs is figured on the loss on
the stock and nrobable nmflta he vnniH
have 'made had the defendants Went th.
alleged agreement.
Fair Today aad Tomorrow la We.
braska and lows-Hals la West
era Nebraska Tomorrow,
WASHINGTON, Feb. 30. Forecast ol the
weather for Wednesday and Thursday:
For Nebraska Fair Wednesday; Thurs
day, fair In east; rain In west portion.
For Iowa Fair Wednesday; Thursday
fair; warmer In eastern portion.
tor Kansas Fair Wednesday and Thurs
day. ,
For Missouri Fair Wednesday; colder in
east portion: Thursday, fair and wrr.-r
or South DiUiota Fair Wednesday;
warmer in extreme western portion: Thurs
day, cloudy, probably rain.
ror Montana Rain Wednesday, except
fair In southeast portion; Thursday, rain
or snow; colder In north and west por
for Colorado Fair Wednesday: Thura-
aay, rain or snow and co deri
For Wyoming-Fair In east, rain or snow
In western portion Wednesday; Thursday,
rain or snow and colder.
Loral Record.
OMAHA, reb. 20 Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
frs: 190S. 1905. 1904 190J
Maxlnvum temperature.... 62 39 28 :!S
Minimum temperature ..36 24 15 is
Mean temperature 44 32 22 "t
Precipitation 03 .00 .00 .'
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March L
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature ttj
Kxcess for the day is
Total excess since March 1 .l.Ofti
Normal precipitation 03 Inch
Kxcess fur the day 00 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1... .28.64 inches
Deficiency since March 1 2 fo inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 16 . 4 20 inches
Excess for cor. period in 1SU4.. 1.51 inches
Reports from Statloaa at T P. M.
Statlon and Stats
of Weather.
Temp. Maxi-
7 p.m.
m. fall.
M .00
48 .tin
M .X
4N .iH
64 .!
12 .00
&2 tt
48 .00
5S .52
64 .00
62 .00
62 . )
m T
i .00
64 .On
60 .00
a T
Bismarck, clear
Cheyenne, clear
Chicago, raining
Davenport, cloudy ...
Ienver, clear
Havre, cloudy
Helena, cloudy
Huron, clear
Kansas City, clear .,
North Pltatte, clear ...
Omaha, clear
Rapid City, clear .....
St. Iuls. raining
St. Paul, part cloud v
Salt Lake City, cloudy.... &2
Valentine, clear t 42
Wllllston. clear 10
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
Measure to Pass Ooncress Be Restricted
to Nebraska.
Congressman Is lllahly Pleased at
Wnrklnas of Ills Homestead Bill,
fader Which A.O)K,(mmi Acres
Have Been Taken.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Feb. Jo. (Special Tele
gram.) Judge Klnkaid tonight Issued a
statement regarding the land leasing law
that Is exceedingly Important from the
view point of the sixth congressional dis
trict. In this statement Judge Kinkald
says that after having received hundreds
of letters from both large and small stock
men urging relief along certain lines, he
could not support either of the four bills
which have been introduced In tho house
without amendments. Independently the
several bills, according to the member
from the Sixth district, it Is Improbable
that any of them can pass for the reason,
he cites, that they are Intended to cover
the whole of the 'western states and terri
tories and most of those states are likely
to be opposed to a leasing act. "It must
be restricted to Nebraska alone," said
Judge Kinkald, "and Its peculiar Interests,
to secure the leasing legislation desired.
As some localities favor and others op
pose the leasing law my judgment is the
people of each county should be allowed
to determine for themselves whether an
act is to take effect In their county, and
this could be done by providing that it
shall not take effect In any county except
upon a resolution passed by the county
board requesting that it become operative
Further Judge Kinkald said that not In
this country has there been such splendid
result growing out of a particular bill as
has grown out oT the 640-acre homestead
act which had passed In the fifty-eighth
congress. Of 8.000.000 acres made subject
to the provisions of the Kinkald law only
twenty months ago, according to Judge
Kinkald, about 6.000,000 have been home-
steaded. There has not been another In
stance tn this country where public land
has been taken up more rapidly where
It has been subject to entry so long, as
had these lands at the tlms the new act
took effect.
Ask Place for Singleton.
The Nebraska delegation today Joined
In a request to the president urging the
appointment of M. F. Singleton of Omaha,
to some governmental position In recogni
tion of the colored race. Mr. Singleton
was a candidate for register of the treas
ury to succeed Judson W. Lyons of
Georgia, but early tn the game quietly
withdrew, recognising that much stronger
forces were at work to bring about the
succession to Mr. Lyons.
Gnrley Watching Lease Bills.
William F. Gurley of Omaha Is In Wash
ington, the guest of relatives. Incidentally,
however, Mr. Gurley has a weather eye
open to possible legislation affecting the
cattlemen's prospective leases of the public
domain now pending In committees.
Mlaor Weatera Matters.
Bills granting increased pensions to
Henry Russell, Omaha; John L. Clark, St.
Paul; D. D. Griffith, Amherst, Introduced
by Senator Millard, were favorably re
ported today by the senate committee on
Richard May has ben appointed post
master at Hayes Center, Hayes county,
vies J. H. Chrlstner, resigned. .
Albert J. Lelghty has been appointed
regular and Claud Blair substitute rural
carrier for route 3 at Gaddes, S. D.
Rural route No. 1 has been ordered es
tablished April 1, at Bartlett, Fremont
county, la., serving 408 people and 102
William H. Killpack of Council Bluffs
and Ed H. Johnson of Fort Dodge, la.,
were admitted to practice as attorneys be
fore ths Interior department.
Commits Mnrder and Suicide oa Boat.
Lenvlns Letter Confessing;
the Crime.
FALL RIVER. Mass.. Feb. . Mrs.
John W. Waters of New York, and for
merly of Chicago, threw her three children
overboard and then committed suicide last
night by Jumping from the steamer
Plymouth. The children Included a girl of
6 years snd two smaller children, one a
baby In arms.
Mrs. Waters left s number of letters,
one of them In the nature of a will, dis
posing of the writer's personal property.
One of the missives was written on a part
of an envelope, Uie other on a piece of
wrapping aper. The note on the en
velope read:
Dear Husband: Forgive this trouble. I
have nearly broken my heart. Dear John,
forgive me for causing you this sorrow,
but I could not live and I could not leave
our children. I have worried so much I
fear Insanity and I could not leave the
The letter which disposed of the woman's
personal proierty contained the name of
John W. Waters, 170 Broadway, New Tork.
Various trinkets and articles of wearing
apparel were disposed of In the hurriedly
written will.
After having searched the boat and found
no trace of the woman or the children the
off-nrs became convinced that the woman
had thrown them overboard snd then
lea ix d after them. Persons occupying
staterooms near by heard one of the chil
dren trying at about rrjidnlght. From that
time 'intll about 3:30 a. m., when the fact
was discovered that the stateroom was un-
Id Dutch Cleanser
10c AT "t CERS 10c
Sfe CUDAIIY PACKING CO.. So. Omaha, Neb.
I I K 1 The Flowing
I 1 Ap'- Jrc V A record f the perfect holidsy
FRANCIS WILSON'S recollections of
J nc and the All-Star Cast la
u&epu The Rfc,,
Jeff Cf SOI! With Portraits.
A story of ths California Mountains bj
Thomas Nelson Page
A Great Western Cattle
Described and illustrated la a remarkable series
of drawings, some of them in colors, by tne
artist, N. C. Wyeth.
Some Impressions of LINCOLN
By E. S. 7adal. New side-lights on his ca
reer and character.
Snort Stories
by Mary R. S. Andrews, Helen Haines,
Francis Lynde.
F. Hopkinson Smith's great
Tides of Barnegat."
25 O cms fa m Number
occupied, no other disturbance was heard.
Upon the arrival of the steamer the case
was turned over to the local police for
investigation, with a result that her Iden
tity was established.
Dwlght Brady, son of Captain James
Brady, collector of the port of Fall River,
identified the srticles found In ths state
room as belonging to his sister, Mrs.
John Waters of Brooklyn, N. T. He
could give no reason, he said, for ths
woman's action beyond the fact that she
had said that she was not happy.
Mrs. Waters was 30 years of age. The
three children Included Helen, 4 years old;
Dorothy, aged I years, and a boy baby,
10 months.
NEW TORK, Feb. .John Waters
Is manager of the fire Insurance bureau
of the National Association of Manufac
turers. He was prostrated when told of
his wife's death, but later arranged to go
to Fall River this afternoon. To a busi
ness assistant Mr. Wattera said that his
wife had been subject to short spells of
Insanity snd that she spent some time in
a sanitarium several years ago.
Captain Colvoeoresses Examined Re
tarding Haslnsr at Annapolis
ANNAPOL.18, Md., Feb. 20.-The sub
committee on naval affairs of the house
of representatives resumed Its sessions at
the naval academy this afternoon. The
only witness before the committee was
Captain George P. Colvoeoresses, com
mandant of midshipmen and head of the
department of discipline of the naval
The session was not open to the public,
out after Its close it was stated by mem
Iters of the committee that Captain Col
voeoresses' testimony was very lengthy
and thorough. He was questioned closely
as to the attitudes of those having charge
of the conduct of the midshipmen towards
Superintendent Sands transmitted to the
committee a copy of the resolutions which
were passed by the second, now the senior,
class. Members of the committee have ex
pressed themselves as very much grati
fied at the action taken by the midship
men In the matter. Representative Padgett
sgid tonight that the greatest Importance
was to be attached to this sctlon, as it
was the result of a free movement on the
part of the midshipmen, not only with
out threat or hope of favor, but without
even a suggestion having been made to
them. The members of the committee ex
pect similar action by the third class.
Texas Bank- Closes Ueeri,
TEMPLE. Tex.. Feb. 20 The Temple Na
tional bank went Into liquidation today as
a result of rumors of Its Insolvency. For
mer Lieutenant (Jovernor Pendleton, presi
dent of the National Bank of Temple,
takes over all obligations and wll pay de
poHitlrs In full. The liabilities and re
sources approximate $5(.0i ench. The
capital stock of the bank Is flOO.OuO.
Alton May Consolidate.
PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 30 A meeting of
the stoi kholilers of the Chicago & Alton
Railroad company and the Chicago & Alton
Railway company will be held on March 8
to vote on a plan of consolidation for the
two corporations. The railway cmpany
owns practically all the stock of the rail
road company.
For scrubbing floors, whether marble,
stone, tile or wood. Old Dutch Cleanser
Is the lieat thing ever devised.
It leaves no stain on stone or marble
In fact removes all discolors tlons, re
storing the surface to Its original
tin wooden floors it sets with marvel
ous rapidity. ienetratlug into the grain
of the wood, lifting, absorbing snd
parrying away nil dirt and grease with
half the labor required with other
Contains no lye
or caustic to rough
en or redden the
handii, and WILL
Invaluable for
cleaning bath tubs,
sinks, windows,
woodwork, pots,
pans, linoleum, etc.
tourney of 1(300 miles. With
illustrations from , ijotogrsphs
by the author.
$3.00 m rMu
Cheeip Trips
If you've never been Southwest to Okla
homa. Indian Territory or Texas there Is
a treat in store for you. Besides escaping
the wintry weather here, a trip now may
prove of far greater benefit to you. There
are more and better opportunities for mak
ing money for home building in the South
west today than anywhere else. There are
openings of all sorts for milts and fac
toriea, for small stores, for banks and lum
bar yards. You have only to get on the
ground to prove this.
Radei Cheaper Than Ever
February 20th
March 6th and 20th
On above dates most lines will sell both
one-way and round trip tickets at excep
tionally low rates. If your nearest railroad
agent cannot give you the rates, -write niu
for particulars.
If you're In any way Interested In the
Southwest, I'd like to send you my
paper, "The Coming Country," Address
Blossom House, Kansas City, Mo.
Tickets sre on sale everywhere, via
Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway.
$23.50 :
FEB. 26th to 28th
Wabash City Office,
1601 Parnam St., Omaha, Nab.
Eoonemy, HOTELS.
Stop at The
Sffatlord Hotel
uropaan Plan
Kafloedr Blesrant. Quiet Located sos.
aar ol city's two finest boulevards,
convenient to entire business center.
Close to best theatres and shoppinc
dlstrict tii rooms. IS) private baths;
luxurious wrrtlos and recaption rooms;
woodwork mabneanr throat-hoot; brass
beds aad all modern comfort; tslepaoaa
m every room; boaatlrol dioln rooms
the best of vafTthinc at moderate price.
UL4li L .