Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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mm at sooin omaha
B.dt Tor Cfity Hall Bile Opened tt Meftin
of the Oity Oonscil.
Tkr Propositions l,oke t non with
Favor ana toe ("halo' la l.lkrlr
1a Pall One ot
A larger crowd than ha attended any
council mealing for the tent three men tha
gathered tn the council enamber la at night.
The early part of the . session was taken
up by routine business. The treasurer'
monthly report was presented and placed
on Hie. Beverat communication were read
and among them the letter uf M. Brunaky
tii referred to the city engineer. Thla
referred to the property line and a aurver
of the alley,- The perfected lease for the
building at prevent used for the city ball
wn filed. The contract of Oua Hamel. to
whom the building of the permanent side
walks wss awarded, wa' approved. ub)ect
to the approval of the city attorney. A
petition to grade Thirty-ninth street from
g to T treeta waa presented. Ordinance
Nos, 1MT. 1U and IMS were read the third
time and panned. Each of these ordinances
referred (o the establishment of the grade,
the first oti Thirty-first from Jefferson to
Harrison, the second on Thirty-ninth from
Vi to- T and the third the alley between
Twenty-ninth street "and Commercial ave
nue from C to E streets.
From these detail the council proceeded
to canvass ttt returns of the special elec
tion of last Thursday.' The return were
verified and the result formulated by the
council acting ae a committee of the wbo'e.
There was no. change In the reports pre-
viously published. There was found to be
1.909 votes cast on "the Question and l.T
for the bond and 601 against. This grfes
a majority of 6u for the bonds. -
A motion was introduced by Councilman
Kiewlt awarding all the job printing to
Oliver 4k White, provided the prices asked
were not excessive. Thla is the outgrow-yi
, of a bitter fight between the printers at
tbe time of-the letting of the annual con
. : .. " . .
in noaia then, .opened the bids of the
, , , , , I
........ ..... u. ,
Twenty-third street rrom Missouri avenue
to the cltr-limits. The lowest bidder was
If rf , J . . ! 7 , .
mat oi nan liannon. whose of both
- - ,
cent, -mere were a number of com- ,
y..Hw, ii He-i (ni-in was as low as j
this ln-any lnetane The vcMract was
.warded to Mr. Hannon. ;
Bids, op. the city ball Jle pr the Item
of greatest interest Of the evening and con-
irary io eve'ioiis i nere verc a large
number of iro positions offered. Many of ;
them wertf rejpclod bnrause the bidder did !
not enclose tlie joQUirrd cerlifiM check to
the ammrVit of -li?'.; The mot important
bid. ware- those et nderm.,-. Rerr. on Jterday mornu.g Pa; Croie waa ax-." WBU "f snow., or ,tle
the corner of Twentv-fifth and M streets , ined on the charge of holding up and garden empire. The entertainment through
which Was offered to tti-iiv .,t .(ul. The ' robbing the crew, of two motor car. at ouf was enhanced by dcscrlpUve story and
next pfTer was -thl of J. T. O Nell. the
oiiHiwert corner -aif Twenty-fourth and O
srreeta. . The lowest offer' of his three prop
ositlOitsxnas $jn.niid ranged up to r!o.W.
L. CiJibaon ofiVrod the sotitbeasl corner
of Twenty-fifth iin.l . O " streets at fli.OOO.
H. M.'t")VItleVotrered the northeast cor
ner eij -Tw.'nty-Jlfih and 1 'street, a plot
of sryuare- feel. -for IT.Vo.- This was
tVe 'lowein tiffef -of any by VrAi. and It Is
uenei-H!';- liellev-!. liie contest will be be-'
"en i ins corn'-r. tne one oucre ty An
.Vi..l--Roen aad that offered bv O'Vell. I
.Ml tl.e bids were referred ta the 0,tr
ouni ll HS a whole and they will look over
t. .',
It'ftftJriira. -Hi Uiarflie-liv cletk cwf
wivrtt on the -treasurer for to ,,a. ,
ttieofflev-rw-of the' recent' registration and
the revision. This Is the largest item in
the rcpeui which the I'nlon stork yards
Is to par ii the city as per the agreement
In trw hiaes meeting of last inuttli.
In the ipldst of these affair there wss a
motion Jnlrixluced to have the city pay for
the extension of the permanent sidewalks
on the east aldet of Twenty-fourth street to
the gutter line in those placeu rrhere the
narrowing of the streets had left a space
lietween the old walk and the gutter newly
constructed. This wa carried and the item
will. he. paid out of the Intersection fv.nd.
The council adjourned to met again to
night: The city TiaTl Kite may 1 decided
on. and poaslbly the preliminary steps of
the sewer bond firrpositlor will come up.
A 'Slie City Gossip.
Mrs: H. T.ovely has gone to Chicago on
business. Intererts. . .
The Ladiei' Aid mwi'-ty of the Christian
'ites Quickly
Cared at Home
iaataat Relief, Permaaeai CureTrial
- faakaaTO Mailed Free t All '
' . I Plal, Wrapper.
WV la a fearful diaeaac, but easy iu cur
If you go at It rishU
Aa op ration with the knife is dangeroua.
auuiiiiauiig aad "araly a permanent auoeaa.
attars la Jjst one oiher sure way to be
u-ed-p-inlesa, safe and In the privacy of
jrour own homs-Jt Is Pyramid Pile Cure.
We aiail a trial package free to all who
i lie.
It w 111 give you .instant relief, show you
the harmless, painless uatute uf this great
remedy and start you well oo the way to
aerd a peifiw.t cure.
Then )uu can gv( a full-eised bog from
any druggists for bv cents, and eften one
box. tore. '.,
If the druggists tries to sell you Soma
li il .ig Jiist aa -ood. it. la becauoe h make
more money, on the substitutea.
Insist on having what you rail for.
The cure begins at once and continues
rapidly until ii ta complete and permanent.
Yimi can go right ahead with your work
ana fee ejy ana comfortable all tbe time.
It is well worth- trying.
Jest send x-oui narat and address to Pyra
mid Drag Co-, 1273k Pyramid Building. Mar
hall. Mich..- anl roJve free by return
mall tlve lil paraage in a plaiu wrapper.
Thfcliaeu'ts have tteen cured In thu- easy,
painlesa asd inexpensive iy. mi the prl
vary of the norrie-
Alt ArvgCuta. W cuts. Write to-dny f e-.-
arse aa.iage.
. 'ea''V
I r
htirrh will met sfl dsr at the home of
Ralbnt, S?4 D street.
Mies Anna D. Riler. went on a huHntu
trip to Chicago yesterday.
Mr 1. C. Wilson of Steel City. Neb..
1 a gjest of E. K. E. Uldgeway.
Frank Carlson. Seventeenth anl Y
street, ha a girl baby. lorn February J . -J
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Elliott will give a
whist party at their home Tu'wiiv evth-
Helen Lnvlli. JW North Twenly-eluhth
street, la suffering from an attack 'f .llnii
theria. Joe Koulsky has gone again to his farri
at Ruskln. Neb. fie will not be back
several da
Guy Foly has recovered from th? f .til
ne rceivfi inei rmuraa) eniiiuvn wiiue
rut coasting.
St. Martin's Women's auxiliary will rot
meet with Mr. A V. Miller ae was an
nounced Sunday, hut it will meet at the I
Guild hall Wednesday afternoon.
I'pchurch lodge Nn. 8 of the Degree of
Honor will hold a regular meeting Wednes
day afternoon at 2 p. in. sharp. Important
business Is to come before the session.
The Lotus club hall last night was a
'pooky'- affair decidedly. Ail of the
dancera wer dreesed In a sheet with
pillow slip mask. There were about twenty
five couples In maske and the dance ws
full of the most laughable situations.
Prof. Wheeler, president of the Suue
Funday School association, conducted ttie
services at the rally of the Sunday echoois
held at the t'nltcd Presbyterian
laat night. Tonight Mr. Klddo of the Meth
odist Sunday school will conduct the eti
vices. J. T. Sperkley, Twenty-second and K
streets, report the birth of a girl February
17. Zee Kohen. Thirtieth arid R at ret U.
has a boy, born yesterday, and the same ta
reported from the homes of John Hund,
2".i Jefferson, and from Thomas Kotchick.
'i'nirty-thlrd and W streets.
Armour Co. has begun to ship In Ice
from Valley. About twenty or thirty tars
cam In yesterday. The warm weather will
aoon cause the harvest to come to a close.
L'p to the present time the companies have
not been able to do much toward securing
a sufficient quantity.
A consignment of new apparatus baa bveu
received tor tht new Young Men a t'hrls
tlan association gymnasium. It consists of
a fine high-bar. three si rone mate, a set
I of swinging rings, a twelve-pound shot and
a dotcn bar-oeiia. This will equip tne new
building pretty well and be a great In
centive to the boys and the young men to
take part in the athletic end of tne work.
Harry Steele was sentenced to twenty
days in tne county .lall on charge of va-
grancv. John Hiillnger was senienui-d to
lour day for intoxication. Harry Clark i
waa brought up on charge of vagrancy. !
ind from this lie waa discharged by the 1
jutlge. when be took occasion to expi-ss
his opinion or Chief BrlgK in such a . Isr
orou manner that he was Hgaln arrested
and this time he was sentenced to ten Unys
in the city Jail for disturbing the peace.
One of the social events of the year 1!
i. j . .K x.... . .-
r" "'" ........ .i - w.e . ,:. . ,
C hristian association rooms. This la the
ueorge and Martha Washington reception,
whlcii Is one. of the annual functions ..I ,
the Women auxiliary. i his year a ui- i
Ipnrture has been made from the coi.u- !
i nemaI costuming and any costuming may 1
, - "
- --w..., " . T i
mitgl ciarrnnK voting women of the city,
IHite mt Trial Uepenaa briber
He imm
rrre Boad
or Sot.
In the dietrict court In Council Bluffs i
the east approach to the motor bridae on
the night of July 2 last, fof which he waa
Indicted by the grand Jury last January.
Crowe was represented by Attorneys A.
8. Ritchie of Otnaha and 8. B. Wadswortu
of this City. In answer to the court' In
qjirie counsel for Crowe said lie waa in
dicted under hi right name and that he
desired to euter a plea of not guilty.
It waa about S:3u o'clock when the ar-
ralgnmeiit took place. Crowe was brought
I from the county jail by Sheriff Canning
Bnd IPW McCa fiery. A crowd anxious
to see the prisoner had assembled in front
I of th" Ja" "nd rllow1 ,llm nd th oHeer.
(to the court rjoni, which waa crowded.
Ue - Proceed ingsi-were entirely, formal and
Perfunctory and there wa not the sligheat
aenionsiraiioii. . i ne proceedings occupiea
less than ten minutes and at their conclu
sion Crowe wa take back to the county
Crowe's attorneys stated that they ex
pected to secure the necessary bail bond
of $l.S.iu for their client, but had not deter
mined whether it would be a personal or
a surety company bond. In the event of
Crowe giving bond his trial will in all prob
ability, it I said, go over until tie March
term. In the event of his failing, to pro
cure bond the trial, it i understood, will
take place at this term.
lllea la RaMaalaa: Hoase fro as the
KaTeeta of EaeeaaHe
A well dressed man. Identified aa George
Mitchell of Denver, Colo., by the contents
of hla pockets, died in his room in a room
ing house over the aajoon at Sll North
Sixteenth street, from the effects of ex
: cesslve drinking, at 11 o'clock last night,
J According to the people about the place
i the man had come fthere four weeks ago,
j drinking heavily nearly all the time. Three
day ago. It wa said, be began suffering
from delirium tremens, and last night waa
ao bad that physician were sent for.
When they arrived he waa In a comatose
condition, showing every sign of being near
to death. In spite of heroic efforts to re
vive him he died In a few minutes. In
his pockets were a bank book of a Denver
liank. from which he had drawn several
large sums, and paprs Indicating that he
was at the head of the commissary de
partment of some mining concern. Coroner
Prailey took charge of the body.
Members All alala' Take
ut (he Propositi la
Thirty-six male members of the All
Saints' Episcopal church society gathered
at the Psxton hotel at 6 o'clock last night
I or ine purpose or laiaing over ways and
meana for the erection of a new church
edifice for the congregation, on the site of
the old building. Twenty-sixth street and
Dewey avenue. Dinner was served, afur
which tbe men got down to buslneaa, show
ing great enthusiasm In the proposition.
Rev. T. J. Mackay, rector of the iarish,
It la the desire of the church to raise
taAOOU for a new building, and of thia
amount, laving la already s-cured. Those
present last night pledged about $lt and
committees were appointed to take up the
work of soliciting tor the balance wanted.
Another dinner aad meeting waa set
two week's later.' being March i-
Inspector of Weights an Menenre
Hla Annaal Raasatt of
The annual bit of dest
irucitvenesa of
,i kl ,,,-..
hlrh Inspector of Weight
, "--"
Miuwinuii u euiuj ii-w f "in mj
afternoon, when. In the presence of Coun
cilman H', chairman of the Iniiliiiugs
and property committee of the council, he
pat .out of buslneaa sixty-six false meas
ures, tu caie and three short weights.
The collection represented the work of the
Inspector for 15 In removing temptation
f ri the. hand of the hrifty huckster,
r.very vessel Smashed into flinders by the
strong right arm of Mahamniitt a aa srong
, In g!lng loo little ftr a hat It purported
to be. Councilman Hoy contented htru
slf by Jumping on some very frail wona-o
bssket and utterly ruining their efficiency,
while the Inspector hammered holea in Uie
metal measures and knocked tha weighing
capa Ity f.ut of tne ecsles. The whole lot
.f junk u then gathered up br ct
hall Janitor and thrown in the furnace.
All waa according to law and In the pre- j
ence of two newspeper reporter beside.
Chaplain Perry MUrr UelUera
aa latereatlaat lllaatratea
A pleasing and interesting entertainment
was given Monday evening at Burlght hall
by Chaplain II. Percy Silver, comprising
an Illustrated lecture on the Phllippinea.
Chaplain Bllver, aa chaplain of the Thir
tieth Vnlted States Infantry, waa In the
Philippine several jeara and made an
ex'remely valuable collection of photo
graphs from all part of the islands, which
were reproduced by means of the stere
optlcen last evening much to the delight
of a fair audience.
' The picture began with numerous view
In the Hawaiian Islands, on the Island of
Guam, and the remainder largely of the
Philippines. These gave a comprehenaive
Idea of tti cities of Manila and Ilo llo with
their varied styles of architecture, the
water front of Manila bay and the Paalg
river and the busy life prevailing In the
Americanised metropolis of the Islands.
Then there were shown the different type
of people of the islands and their dress,
the crude methods of cultivation, the val
uable but inaccessible timber resource of
the country, because of the great forest
being enounilH-red by an Impenetrable un
dergrowth of tropical vegetation. Tbe
methods of transportation were ahots-n by
the omnipresent caribou, or water buffalo,
and the Information was given that nearly
SO per cent of these animals have polished
within a few years from rinderpest.
The characteristic Indolence of the av-
erase Filipino was shown with suggestive
i,,,. m , .,,!- ... ,
pictures. Ill jatratlons were also given of
the effort of the American government
to improve the sanitary conditions of the
islands, as well as to improve the road
ways. From the Philippines the lecturer took
r" . o u nun! ill
. . H.. .- .,
siaiea mat nong tvong was tne greatest
importing and extKirllng point of Asia,
and ,, tbe yangtse river, which empties
, . , . ..
'"' the Hcng Kong harbor, is navigable
for ocean veasels for !. miles. The In
irrinr name 01 rnai river i iniminM.
Ena-lund and cwmanv controlled ro,.
merelal tonnage of the orient, though
America had an unobstructed roadstead In
the Pacific', to Asia with It teeming pop
ulations, but carried scarcely 1 per cent
of the ocean traffic to Asia tn American
I ships and at the same time carried scarcely
10 per cent of the ocean traffic to the port
i of Manila.
Japan was also visited in picture, and
""" " lnr lecturer, ana was wunai
most Instructive aa well as entertaining.
Servleea Will Be Coadarted by Dr.
Rare Irk at Heroad Preehs.
terlaa ( karrk.
The funeral service for Rev. J. D. Kerr
wil be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock at the Second Presbyterian church.
Rev. Newman Hall Burdlck of the Second
Presbyterian church of which Dr. Kerr wa
once pastor, officiating. Dr. Kerr wa a
Presbyterian minister n Omaha, and went
last year to a sanitarium at Lincoln, where
he died Sunday. Rev. James Dinsmore
Kerr, D. D., wa born In Washington
county. Pennsylvania. November 18, 1S3S.
At the age of 13 he united with the church
of Cross Roads, one of the historic churches
of western Pennsylvania, where his grand
father, James Kerr, waa an elder for many
year. Passing with honor through pri
vate academic aud collegiate school h
wa graduated from Washington college,
Pennsylvania in 18M and the next year
taught with his friend, now Dr. Marquis
of McCormlr.k seminary. In Gallatin, Tenn.,
In 1800. Mr. Kerr joined hia college friends,
A. G. Wilson and Joseph Wa light, in
Natchez. Miss., near which city he taught
until the breaking out of hostilities be
tween the north and south, when he re
turned home, and entered the Western
Theological seminary, from which he grad
uated In 18M. Mr. Kerr's first pastoral
charge was the church of Farming-ton,
near Springfield. 111., where he accepted a
call July, 164. and where he, labored suc
cessfully until 1870, when he removed to
Nebraska. In August, ls65, ha was united
In marriage to Mlsa Sarah A. Lyman. Six
children came to thla home, two of whom
died in Infancy, and one, a son, Ralph
Dinsmore. In early manhood. Henry" P.
and Callsta L., with the mother, reside in
Omaha aud Jamea M.. In Long Beach, Cal.
Maaaaer Ulllaa ( Aadltortaaa Flaally
Completes the Arraage
aneata. Manager Glllan of the Auditorium finally
has arranged to hold an automobile ahow
from April 4 to 7, inclusive. After corre
sponding with the various makera of auto
mobiles Mr. Gillan was able to make the
announcement last evening.
The show will be the first of its kind in
this part of the country. Over thirty fac
torlea will be represented and the show
will be open afternoons and evenings of
the four days mentioned. Kicept neces
sary space set aside for aisles, the entire
arena floor will be tilled with automobiles
of various makes and designa. The ar-
rangemerit of the exhibition space and the
exhibit will be lit charge of a local com
mittee of dealers consisting of Messrs.
Kredortckson, Powell. Coil. Lyouberger and
Derlght. Mr. Gillan will have charge of
the general management of the show.
sbewer af Beer Battles.
On returning to hia home. 1 North Fif
teenth street, late last night. C. C. Carter
was surprised io find a number of empty
beer bottles piled before the door, and aa
he was about to pick them up, found turns' If
the target of several of the missiles. He
fled Into the hours in a shower of flvlna
glass, which broke a window In a neighbor-
ing boi..v " d no J1,?-
h atrVet
ard Button, sis North Twenty-foint
r.r i were arrested as tne unruly person
i i i- i . . . i i. , ,
in "V " miiun marina
with being drunk and disturbing the peace J. ' " . j reiiei. em anrumausm is roi g irouDic xa'M. can DC ruorjea away or urawn
ky flhu,l I rSkTn p"V Vso. J'cTnnT'To'r'W'X ' out with Plaster5 tte thinS9 the d duce the inflammation.
! DCDCPMAI dadapdaduc ; daagea ia s-t for trial before judge t ar-j but do not reach the real cause of the trouble, and at the next exposure an
, rcnouNAL rAHAUKAr'rlb. rr'Srl S,V r"!0,1'" f,,r other attack cornea on. Rheumatism is caused by a aour. acid condition of
I Thursoax morning. The altered Injuries , , , . , , . ,., , . T , ...
I John Keenan of Berks. Neb is an Oinaha received by the plaintiff July Si. li6. ; the blood. The refuse matter and bodily impurities which Should be Carried
i visitor. : IT oiiiston on the def-ndunt road at ! off through the channels of nature have been left in the system because of
Dr. J. F. Gart ha returned from bis,
eastern trip.
V.1a mwlr n,H . , f .K XI..L.. ... ,
. ,, at Un(.oln viaitu.g with frtendi.
George r. Mayer of ee:ern. Nfb., is
Jn j ne city, making nia neau juartei s at ill"
George L. Loomla. a director in the new
lire Insurants company iccently organised
at Fremont, arrived yesterday afternoon.
He Is staying at the Murray.
3. W. Hattin returned from Chtcag?
yesterday and aald that the general ex-
preaaion in that citv waa one of surprte
at the acouiual of Put Crowe. People of
Chicago had i'hi t lie rase cineeiy an-t
were familiar with every phase of It. Mr.
Flat i in attended the Cornell alumni dinn'r
along with Charles " hne'oater. John W.
iV.le aud Jantea, jr.
W Charm-eel with Marrying
RatUai'i Ifakrit la t
PlalatIC la Salt.
A ritirlrd contest In the dlur-e case
0f Kmlly Schuchardt against Edmund
Schurhardt la on before Judge Kennedy.
; The suit presents some complication be
PICTURE ' ""' ft th' marital experience of the
plaintiff. About a year ago, according to
her testimony, she wa granted a divorce
by default. The deer wa granted Satur
day and the following Monday he went
to Council Bluffs and married Charles P.
Deutcmann. a nphew of her husband.
When Mr. Schtichardt learned he had ben
divorced he secured a decree setting aside
the decree of divorce on charges of fraud.
Last April Mrs. Schurhardt filed an
amended petition In which she charged him
with a number of different forms of cruelty
and nonsurport. The petition wa some
what sensational and the allegation were
denied In her husband answer. He In
turn charged her and til nephew with an
attempt to get ome of his property.
She wss n the stand during the morning
session and a part of the afternoon session
yesterday. She told of the marriage, but
denied she and Mr. Deutcmann had ever
lived together a husband and wife.
Bessie R. Relter was given a decree of
divorce from Robert J. Reiter yesterday
by Judge Troup. She said on the witness
stand her huband treated her all right
while they were living in the city, but last
spring they moved to a farm. Then, be
cause she could not go out In the field and
work, she said, he began to abuse her.
She say he told her' he did not care to
live with her any longer and hla treatment
became such that she left hlin atid came
back to Omaha. She was given her maiden
name of Bcasie R. Reed.
William A. Williams secured a divorce
from Frons. B. William yesterday. Judge
Sutton granting the decree. Extreme
cruelty wa the charge.
Marie Bchlank filed a petition for divorce
from Blgmond Bchlank, Viiutglng nonsup
port and habitual drunkenness. They were
married August K. 1ST5, and have two minor
children, of which she wants the custody.
Board Derides ta Gle Then Tereut;.
Foar Haara Karh Mi
Day a.
The plea of the firemen of Omaha, for a
change in the schedule of hours off received
favorable attention at the hands of the :
Board of Fire and Police commissioners
at the regular meeting last night. A peti
tion waa filed some time ago with tht
board, asking that It be arranged so each
man may have twenty-four hours oft In
each six days, instead of the same lenatli
of time in cine days, as at present. The
matter was taken up last night and It was
decided to experiment with the proposed
new schedule for ninety days, and If then
found practical, make It permanent.
In the cases of Patrick McElllgett of
Hook and Ladder company No. 1. who hud
his left foot broken in a fall February 15.
and Captain Henry Jaacks of Engine com
pany No. 4, injured in jumping from a oar
to Join his company February 1 the time
oft waa allowed. In the matter of Lieu
tenant Mat (.sen of Hook and Ladder company-
No. 4, who fell through a pole hole
November 27, 1906. receiving injuries from
which he Is still confined to his bed. Chief
Salter asked for further Instructions, as the
three months charter, allowance expires
this month. It will be taken up at the next
A request waa received from Probation
Officer Mogy Bernstein. ' and read to the
board, in which he asked that a special
officer be appointed tlsselst in the- work
of the Juvenile court. It 'a referred to
the chief of police..-
A petition signed by fifty gardeners and
commission men waa presented, asking the
reinstatement of Henry Usch as house offi
cer at the market at Eleventh and Howard
Next Wednesday was set to act on the
application of M. Wollsteln ar Co., liquor
dealers, to remove their place of business
to 814 South Tenth street, and a liquor
license was granted to the Patrick Drug
company, 160-J South Twenty-fourth street.
Ex-Governor E. P. Savage, father-in-law
of A. R. Harvey, secretary of the board,
waa present during the meeting.
Eatertalas UtBrlal anal Plans Other
Faartlona Incident to Col
lection Caannalga.
Mra. Francis D. Everett of Cliicago. third
vice president of the American committee
of Young r'oat.'t Christian -coclatlon. Is
the guest of the local association. At
noon Monday. Mrs. Everett was the guest
of the board at a luncheon In the associa
tion dining room. Mrs. Everett is one
of the committee of seven appointed by
the American committee to confer with
the committee of seven from the interna
tional board next month In New York City
regarding plans for the union of the two
national organisations of young women.
The first public step toward the building
csmpaign will be taken Saturday evening
of tbia week, when the building committee
will entertain at a banquet 106 members
who constitute the ten teams of ten young
women each which will work for the
smaller contributions. Each ten alms ut
securing The captains of the teams
are: Misses Nellie Crandall, Edith Baker,
Alma Ady, Mary Larson. Hatlie Hood.
Susan Pax ton. Ova Johnson, Bessie Cham
bers. Mrs. C. E. Perkins and Mrs. May
Flnley. After the banquet plens will lie
formulated for work. About .40 invitatlona
have been issued this week to prominent
men and womn of the city for a banquet
at the ' Commercial club Monday evening.
reoruary . when Mias Helen F. Burns
... -.........., -.,... , present
ins worn oi I lie local association and ita
neeos. uintr aaareases win also be made
by some of the business men. A mats !
meeting hss been called for J:S0 p. m. Bun
day at tbe First Congregational church, for I
men and women. Miss Barnes will be th
speaker and will talk of Industrial condi
tions, especially as they affect women and
women affect them.
Dnhhlah i.t
Hgar store. n sx,uu, sixteenth sG-eet :
the rear of Murray
South !xtenth
I nVs'discoered ''bfcrth sVnaeh, bM
' spread and was soon estingtiistXd bythe
' " "j -'ii -iiiiawjmLL-u ov ine
,. ,.....,.. tl.. T "
t n nui rase io rome nerore tnis court'
for trial win be that of Clinton Morrow. '
1I IDBI HI w UIBI VI V, 1 1 1 If ! I aSUITJW. '
1 t"wiraJi ni. ll7 S'i'nZ "."'v'"
m OITwW . Ill I li al III 1 1 1 ( -a E ' 1 aV - off fl -
western railway company tor te.ii damages
ausialned bv the death of W. A
He waa killed in a coll'in on the de
i fendant road January 2. lino,
Alleging he exceeded h's autiioritv In
levying an execution Dn.iel sirnith Mondav
j began suit in district court againat Janus
I T. Wtckersham. a constable, and bis bond
fur . The pijntirT sas . ickerstmni
- came to hla place ef business Fehruarv 3
and made ih levy in spite of Binith s pro-
i teata lions tbst tbe property wse exempt
from levy. Aa a result be save, be was
Tored to give un aoout s m no atgu a
note for n. In order to get poasessia vf
his place ut business agaiu.
Habe You Head
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FRANK A. MUNSEY, 175 Fifth Ave., New York
Makes Formal
Announcement of Eii
Candidacy for Another Term.
Senate Has Lively Time titer Hesola
tloa on Railroad Rate Hevnlatloa
anal after stirring In Bad
Blood Allows It ! Vt (Her.
iFioni a Staff Corrviunlenl.)
DES MOINES. Ia., Feb. (.Special
Telegram..) Governor Cummins tonight
gave out a formal announcement of his
candidacy for a third term In which he
states that the paramount Issue politically
In Iowa is whether the corporations or the
people tiiall control. He states that he
would prefer to retire but that at the
Importuning of friends that it waa his duty
to stay in the fight and that It would be
cowardly to quit while the fight Is on, he
has decided to I e a candidate again. He
calls attention to the fact thiit the primary
election law now before the legislature is
a measure that In no way affects the man
agement of railroads or corporations and
yet the railroads are doing all they possibly
can to defeat that measure. He calls at
tention to the fact that the railroads are
trying to defest the bill prohibiting giving
free passes, a measure which he says ought
to elicit their warmest support. With these
statements the governor closes, stating that
the issue is squarely before the, people of
the state as to whether the corporations or
the people shall control, that he has done
everything in the four years of his term
that he could to curb the influence of the
corporations in politics, that he has never
left uncertain his position on the questions
and remains in the fight only with the hope
of firmly establishing the rights of the
people to control the state's affairs.
Lively Time In Senate.
In the senate late thia evening the Week's
resolution, sent over from the house and
endorsing the president's position on rate
legislation and urging the Iowa delegation
In congress to act along those lines, waa
brought up in its order on the calendar.
Senator Jamieson moved to amend by sub
stitution "The Dolliver-Hepburn bill." In
place of the number of the bill. Smith of
Mitchell moved to amend by making the
resolution read to endorse "a law conferring
powers on the Interstate Conimerce com
mission In accordance with the recom
mendaliona of President Roosevelt." Then
the most spirited and bitter debate of the
session ensued .in which considerable
temper waa engendered. Hepburn was de
fended by Jamieson and attacked by
Turner, who asserted Hepburn had kept on
his desk In Washington for nine years the
rate queation and only acted when forced
to. He asserted Hepburn had favored the
Nicarauguan ca a because he knew it
impracticable, mlth of Mitchell asserted
the people understood , what was meant by
the position of Roosevelt and not of Dolll
ver and Hepburn.
Molsberry moved to table the whole ques
tion, which was defeated by to Tl. Then
the senate adjourned and the question will
be the first business tomorrow morning.
A spirited time is expected. A desperate
effort will be made by both the friends and
enemies of the resolution. Nine senators
were absent today. All will be. present to
morrow. 4rreste4 for Stealing Grin.
; j.m Carroll was arrested early last
, night by Sergeant Vanoua and Ietecilve
Rheumatism is usually worse in Winter because of the cold and damp
ness and other changed conditions of the climate. The occasional twinges
of the disease that are felt during the wanner weather are changed to pierc-
iinr Mini tVtm nics1-a Konm , fiflamerl and swollen tne nerves oet artre and
t'"'"' V
excited, the bones ache, and Rheumatism, the terror of winter, takes posses-
6'on the system. Then the suflerer turns to the liniment bottle, the
woolen clothes, the favorite plaster or some home remedy, in an effort to get
. r. n . - . a.
indigestion, weak Kidnevs tomid Liver
. . - . -.
the system. These impurities soor
the blood and distributed to the different muscles, joints, nervea and bones.
. .
iiuuoi! uc lwuiui tiwiiuniii ui lyucuiuni mm. o. o. o. gucs vj tuc iwi w
' the trouble
the blood.
the pains
piiDn V UFCrTlRI r nerves are
rwnta.1 w LQL I nui. U.
. passes wfy, ana ujc curt IS permanent, O. O. O.
is purely vegetable and does not injure the evstem as do those medicines con-
taininr Potash and Other minerals
. T" '
ivaout ca-Jc JttE SWIFT
The Moment of Decision Roosevelt and Labor Unions Money
Among; the Ancients Rhymes of the Bards of Graft Tbe Devil "and Tom
Walker When Fate Casts the Dice Preservation of the Human Body
The Coins of Caesar A Horoscope of the Months Superstitions of the
Theater The Companions of Jehn nat the Prophets say about 1906
Benjamin Franklin The Progress of Women, and a hundred others.
I"nis charged with larceny. In his pos
session wss found a grip lelorrging to
H K. Graham, and whh-h hud ben siolen
from t lie owner st the I'nion station during
the afternoon. Mr. Graham hud set the
Blip down, and on returning for it dis
covered It to be missing. He rportd the
matter to the police and Carroll was
found In a Fa mum street saloon and ar
McDonald, na Bonrd'a Agent. ervea
pollers on Saloons In the
Country .
Sheriff McDonald Is serullng out notices
to saloon in the county outside of Omaha
and South Omaha to comply with the
law in accordance with the resolution
passed by the county commissioners a week
ago Saturday. Before complying with the
resolution Sheriff McDonald referred to
County Attorney Sluluiugh the question
whether or not he should serve the notices
on saloons located in Incorporated villages.
He was In doubt on this point because the
villages have, license boards that have
control over saloona in the village limits.
County Attorney Slabaugh advised him to
serve the notices, not as sheriff, but as
an agent of the county commissioners.
Mr. Slabaugh held the board could ask any
body to eerve the notices as its agent, but it
could not direct the sheriff 1n his ofllcial
capacity to do it, as his duties are define
by law and cannot be added to by the
Prima D of Rognea tiallery Geta
Indeterminate Sentence
at Jellet.
"Fainting" Bertha Lieoeeke, who has a
speaking acquaintance with the Oinaha
po'.lce, haa teen given an Indeterminate sen
tence to the Joliet (111.) penitentiary. She
was sentenced by Judge B. M. Smith of
Cook county, where ahe was tried on the
charge of shoplifting. After her escape
from the Kankakee asylum several months
go she returned to Oinaha. was arrested
and escorted bark to Chicago on a rhsrge
of stealing a valuable coat from the Mar
shall Field store.
DlseoTery of Sew Evidence of limber
Cnttlng; May Reenlt la An
other Trial.
WASHINGTON. Feb. i. The aupreui
court of the United Statea today decided
the ras of the UQlted State against th
Bitter Root Development company ami
other assignees of Marcus Daly of Mon
tana Involving the charge of unlawfully
cutting t-.W0,0u worth of timber on th
public lands of that state against tbe gov
ernment, but it was stated by Justice Peck
ham, who delivered the opinion of the
court, that a the government had secured
new evidence the decision 1 without preju
dice. The Strangest Thing
thst could happen would be a case of con
stipation that Dr. King's New Life Pills
wouldn't cure. Guaranteed. 2sc. For aai
by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Lodging; Honee Clerk Beaten.
Lionel Eyre, clerk of the Diamond lodg
ing house. UU Douglas street, was taken
to the police station laat night Buffering
from several wounds about the h-ad and
face, which he said he received from H. C.
Ogden and three companions, all of whom
y. Eyre said Ogden had helped a
I drunken man Into the hotel and placed
n. it.i t j .
and a o-eneral alnp-yish condition of
. r p , . . .
and form uric acid, which is absorbed by
and cures Rheumatism bv cleansinr
It neutralizes the acids and filters
them out of the circulation and sends a stream of
pure, rich blood to all parts of the body. Then
cease, the inflammation subsides, the
quieted, every symptom of the disease
' .
TVlr ..n Vhen-iatiatn an1 Ai
him in a room, taking the opportunity te
go through the man's pockets, securing
sbout Ti. Eyre said be dleeovered the eeee
and forced Ogden td give up the money. ,
The latter did and tlien went to the street,
where he was Joined by his companions.
All of them attacked Eyre, giving him a
severe beating. Police Burgeon Moremsn
dressed bis wounds.
John Zees Arrested In Connection
a Its lire In Leavenworth
Street Candy Store.
An Investigation of a fire which occurred
at 8 o'clock Sunday morning at a candV
store at 11 Leavenworth street, haa re
sulted in the arrest of John Zee of 5 It
North Sixteenth street on the charge rtt '
arson. It is aald Mfrt Kasper was im-
pl.cated with Zees 1n setting fire to the
place. The county attorney haa prepareJ
a Joint complaint against Zees and Kasper
and will file It In police court Tuesday
Bee Want Add' are Business Booster.
t pdlke gait la Filed.
The Updike Grain company filed Ita suit
against the Milwaukee Mondav in the fed
eral court, tbe purpose of which Is to se
cure an order from the court to compel
the Milwaukee to deliver grain to th t'nloti
Pacific at Council -HlufTs for Omaha elera
tors or1-haul it itself at the emu rate for
whUiv,the I'nion Pacific haul it- "
Tou can not have energy or vim or am
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Treatment at Small Cost
Dr. McGreW, Specialist
30 Years' Experience
20 Year, in Omaha
and all weaknesses and disorder ef tne a-
Charge Lea Than All Other,
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ta B-ia Urn oaaataml
IrrltaUMS m all sialics
of a..,i. MSMa,
(knaawCl. imshmhs
fJ atoM kg Tisjiim
jt f mi Is aiais orssess.
f I 9T hsm, snl. tmt
rjT)l lio.HlMttslin
Cawal mt mm ssaossh
v V an-nuii.!