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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1906. 7 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Interest Well Sustained in Local Option Pit SHORTS COVER AND STRENGTHEN WHEAT Cr Pries? U Half-Oat Higher Lars (learaarea aad Better Frl riklrLrl Cask Market la Slaw. OMAHA, Feb. It. 14. Interest wss sustslned in the local op tion market, over Ht.a bushels ot corn and oata, mostly corn, changing hunda. Nobody wanted to trade In wneat. Wheat opened lower on large world's shipments and weak European cahlea. A disposition itnoni the short to cover ad vanced tne price more than He above Saturday. Tnere waa amall cssn demand and, although there waa a liberal offer ing on the sample tabled, only two tars Were aold. Clearance of more than l.SfO.n" bushels " the bullish feature In corn today, and there waa the added Incentive ot c bet ter European cables. The opening waa a trine nigner, and the price steadily ad vanced to He above Saturday. The local aah market waa alow, itimt corn being offered, but nobody wanting to bur. V'nder a fair domentlc and foreign de mand and with the Influence of a nigher -orn market, oat advanced He. The trade locally waa much lighter man In corn. Caen offering were very ltghi. Primary wneat recelpta were 814.000 bush els and elnpments r.oK) busnels -tgainsl recelpta last ear of 7S.ij bushels and Rhlpinents of 214.00O busheis. Corn recciole were kai.iO) busnels and snlpments IwO.iioji bushels, against receipts lAet year of 41i,ti0 vuai.eia ana shipments ol bushels. Com clearance ware 1.58.iU bushels, wlm Ualvemnn yet to come. Wheat and flour clearance wera 26o.. bushels and oats BVO.UI) buahela. Liverpool cloaed HftHd lower on whent and StoHd hirher on rmn. World a wiat shipment were 12.500,000 ousneia against 11.1U"i oushcls the previ ous week and lti.al2.ut busutls lust cr, Com ahlpmenta were 4.t.23.ii00 bushels against bushel the previous week and 4.561,000 bunhel last year. Wheal on passage Increased 4.87 xnno bushels, corn de creHMtd 2.022.OO0 Imsliels. Locally the range of quotations was as ioiiows: Articles. I Open. High. Ixiw. Close, Wheat May July Sept Corn Mav July Sept Oata May July w T3"a 72H tith S7 87H " B "b 7 74HH1 '.3: 74HR 7SV,U '.2-k 73V.R 37S j 37H 37H SHB; 37 fHB 37H 37H 37H I 2H,B I IR4B 27HB 17H iTHB 1 2H Omaha Cash Sales. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 1 car. 76Hc; 1 car, 76c. O ana ha Cash Prices. . WHEAT No. I hard. 74i7Hc: No. i hsrd. I'! m naro, ntyeiiic; no. . spring 7 4 75Hc ; No. S spring, i24a.74c. CORN No. 8, .yua6V: No. 4. JMVi -ro. a yeuow, t'ajjc; ao. a wiiite, ..ii(j OATS No. I mixed, 27Hi27Hc; No. 1 Willie, 26c; No. 4 while. S7H4c. RYE No. 2, 6!tn2c; No. it, ;$r69c. Carlot Receipt a. Wheat. Com. Oats Chicago Kansas City . Minneapolis ... Omaha Uuluth Bt. .Louis .U... 19 l-S 184 40 .... 11 .... S3 .... B4 44 11 CHICAGO CHAINS AID rRUVlIOMI Fcatarea f Ike Trad las la.lag frlcea Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Feb. 1. Active covet-in by shorts caused a firm tone in the local wheat market, final tiuolationa on May de livery being up 4c. Corn ' was up W4iHc. Oats af owed a gain of S'SHc. t'roviaions Wars JHo lower to 6c higher. Barly in the day sentiment In the wheat pit was Dearisn ana prices were bciow the close of Saturday. At the ODeninic the May option wss unchangred to Ho lower "HI (BHc to luc. Commission hou.tes bid - aotlveiy during the ft rot few minute and forced May uo to 82tkfrK3c. A a real deal of lone wheat came out at this time and tho 1-rice under general selling declined sharply to about the opening figures. Early news of the day was r really in favor of the baara. the total movement being l.M0,uO bushels. aainst 11.120,000 bushels last week and the amount of wheat on passage showed an Increase or 4.BZ.uuu bushels. Cables were easy and weather in the winter wheat section of the I'niled Slates was mild. This encouraged the beara and, for May the lowest point of the day was reached at K.'Hc At this point shorts be came active buyers. The market closed firm with prices at the highest point of the day. Final quotation on May being at SB He. Clcarant-cs of wheat and flour wera equal to Zl&.Cno bushels. Primary re ceipts were 814.00U bushels, compared with 7M.UO0 bushels a year ago. The visible sup- tlv decreased 631.0UV bushel. Minneapnna. Luluth and Chicago reported receipts of cars, against a holiday last week and 83 cars a year ago. Notwithstanding the early weakness of wheat, the corn market was firm tne en tire day. The visible supply statemen showed a decrease where an increase had been exDected. Cable were steady, clear' aaoas were liberal and the weather In the corn belt unfavorable for tbe movement the crop. Throughout the session shorts wars active bidders, but offerings were not large. The market closed strong with - pnoee at almost the top notch. May opened unchanged to a shade higher at 4ic to 4Jti'Hc. and closed at 4.tHU43Hc iocal . receipts were 633 cars, with ten cars of contract arade The oata market was firm because of the strcAth of corn, and covering by shorts May opened a shsde to He higher at Hf J3c to JHHc aold up to 3(c and cloaed at iWHvsuc. lxtcal receipts were 1M care. A. to advance In the price of live hoca which Induced shorts to buy freely, caused & BLaady market tn Drovlelona. During the day then waa considerable profit-taking ' by local Holder, dui an oecnnes were temporary and soon recovered. The close wu atdv with May Dork ur 6c at tlh.Si Laxd was unchanged at 7.S-Vur"-k'- Kibs were down IHc si s.3. Idstlmated receipts for tomorrow are Wheat, seventeen cars: com. 444 . cars oats, 142 cars; hoga, 4.0u0 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: .Articles. I Open. I High. I Low. j Close. Saty 'Wheat Msy July Voru May July Spt. Oats May July Sept. Porn May July lxra May July JUt May July I BH. tuH. R2H 61 H IV1S6H! CHI UH I 43WH 4SS! 4SVt.i 4.'i I. 4? 4?H5, 43 H 4SHB! 4?V 4SH ISH !2HS 3 'WHaHSS'ifnlftl Js I 3 15 S?h' 16 16 37H 16 66 16 S 16 20 7 m ", IW 16 k& 16 60 7 M 7 16 Mt 16 46 7 W 7 7 B i rni i to 7 17H t 23H t rH I 3-'H 10 No. 2. Cash Quotations were as follows: FLOl'K Weak: winter patenla. 13.700 4 0i: winter straights. .t.tHuJ sunnc lt cms. 3 7UKj3.fe, straights, 6a.6t4jl.7o; bakers. WHEAT No spring. TSi4c: No. anrlna. 7itVc: No. 2 red. S3'.j4Hc. CORN No. 2. SVtiU'c; No. S yellow. OATS No. t Sc; No. 2 white. I0HSSI No. I white. :'ikiJ0Hc rtk No. 2. CSc. BARLKV Oood feeding, ITflSSc: fair t choice maltin. 40b46c. SEtS No. 1 flax, II 07; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.12; prime tlrnoihy, 3.13; clover, con tract arade. 114 16. PROV18IONS-Mess pork per bbl.. 11166 16 so. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 17 76. Short ribs sides ilooei. txmaja.10. Short clear sides turned I. t8 60.66. Fullowlitg were the receipts and ship ments or hour ana grain: Keceipta. Bmpiuenta Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Com, bu Oata, bu Itye. bu.. 21 iv 0 S3. W . 6 un .JM.w .2u4 CO . 4(w . 6.IM0 1 ui.Kuo 1.0U0 liarlty. bu.. On tbe Produce exchange today the but tee inarket was strong: rresnieriea. ITHc: dallies i:n.'4V,c. l-jtra. weak; at mark. caaea Included. 1XH; nrata, 13Hc: prime nrat uy; extras. lsc. cntwae. Una, IlOUC. tlalbla hapyly af Gralau NEW YORK. Feb. 1 Tbe visible aunnl of araln Saturday. February 17. as com piled by the New Tork Produce exchange, wrs as follow: Whiuit 47 bushels: Aecfeasa, Us,ouil bushels. Cora, li,l7,(M uehela: decrease. lim bushels Oat. 2k.- rj bushels: decrease, im.tme bushels. Rye. ? ' biiehel; decrease. tl.fssi bush- I. Barley, 4.a(i bushels: decrease, TIL 'S bushel. KW TORK t.KtERtL M 4RKRT 4)atatlaas ef Ike Day Varlaas raaasaadltles. NEW TORK. Feb. 1 -Fl-OrR-RecelptB. 20.n bbls ; export. 4.61 bll.: market dull nd a Bhsde lower: Mlnne"t patents. 64 44 B: Minnesota baker. 3 .V6 te : win ter ptent. 64F?i4 4n: winter trajgnts. Wj,jSfi: winter extra. l2.7MTJ.2f: winter low grades, lZ.Wal t. nye nour, nareiy teady: fair to good. 13 MelD; choice to fancy. Buckwheat flour, dull, liio. spot and to arrive. CORN M KAL Rarely steady; fine wn.te nd yellow. 2116; coarse, tl.03ttl.0u; kiln dried. I2.705f2.. RYE Nominal: No. I western, ic i. o. o afloat, New Tork. BARLEY Easy; feeding. 4fc. c. I. f. Buffalo; malting. 42o62r. c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 11.000 bu.; exports. 4J.S80 bu. Spot market steady; No. 1 red. ;c ele-ator; No. 2 red. 0Hc, I. o. o. float; No. 1 northern Imluth. Kc. 1. o. b. float. After early weskne, during which he wheat market declined to new low rec ord for the sesaon. Influenced by big orld s shipments and bearish weather news. It recovered and closed H4io net higher. Late firmness was due to steadier closing cable, active covering, a bulllah Islbie. the com strength and outside buy ing. May, t-lWHRHc. closed Bt WHc; July. 'aSTSc. closed st 87Hc; September, sTiHc. closed at Ric. CORN Receipt. 151.72b bu. : export. 351. 11! bu.; sale. WO.O'Wt bu. futures, 72. mo bu. spot. Fpot market steaay; io. z, we eie- stor and 47V i- o. t. anoat: No. z yeiiow. vc: No. 2 white, ic. (mtlon market was ctlva and stronger on firm cables, bl sea board clearances, llsht offering and un favorable weather, the close showing V9 No advance. May, 4Ste4flHc, closed at 4!"c: July. 4fttiHc, closed at 4!c; Sep- emtier closed at ft"c. OATS Receipt. 106.000 bu.; export. M.- 0f2 bu. Snot market stead v; natural white, Do to 23 lbs . 34H36Hc; clipped white. 3D to 40 In . Swisxc. HAY-Dull: shipping. 47Hfflan4c: good to choice. 7ic. HtiPS Firm; state common to choice, lions crop. llftlSc; li4. tllc; olds. d&7c H1IE8 Firm; Oalvrston, W to 26 lbs, 2oc; California. 'A to 25 lbs., 2Jc; Texas dry, 24 to 30 Ihs.. lc. 1 FATHER-Rleadv; acid. 2V.H27Hc PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. 111. 50 frlJ.ou; me, W.Ownlium': bef hams, lai.orta U.nO; packet. 10.6lKii 11.06: city extra India mess Cut meals. Arm; pick led bellies, th eoCaP Wi; pickled shoulders. 17. pickled hums, IK Tart 1" S". l ard, steady; western steamed. lT.NMi'S.61 ; refined, steady; continent, t 16: South America. fi.Sa; com pound. IfvUHfati 17H- Pork, firm: family. 216.Wvsi7.0i'; short clear. 116.004(17.60; mess. $i( .2647 1A 7n. TALIXIW-Easy; city. 6c; country. WS KICF-Uuiet; domestic, fair to extra, H tihc: jnpsn. nominal. BUTTER Firm: extra price creamery. 18c. Official prices: Creamery, common to extra. Itii32bc; state dairy, common to extra. lDiHRc; renovated, common to extra, latiSlc; western factory, common to firsts, 14iol7r: western Imitation creamery, ex tras. 21c: western firsts. ISc. CHEESE Firm; stste full cream, small and large, colored and white, September fancy, 1414c; slate. tK-tober best. 13 Vr 13r; slate. lat- made, small, average bet. 12H; state, large, l?Hf; state, fair, 11H612C. EftOS Weak: state, Pennsvlvnnla and nearby, fancy selected white, 20((21c; state choice, imiihc; state mixea, extra, ne; western firsts. 15c; western seconds, 14St 14V: southern. I2rti5c. POl LTKl I resed. firm: western chick ens, 10&13c; turkeys. lo'aHc: fowls, 1014o. St. Loels Gesersl Market. ST. LOl lS. Feb. 1 WHEAT-Higner; No. 2 red cash, elevator. Kfnfctc; track. SiKtf HOHc: May, unsc; July, 7!Hc; No. 3 hard 7ai5c. CORN Higher: No. 2 cash. t9c: track. 40(3 40V: May. 40Hc: July. 41Hc. (. ATS Higher: iso. 2 cash. "e: track. si"A JHlHc; May. 2Hc: July. 2c; No. 2 white. llHf"u32c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. $4. TO (14.60; extra fancy and straight, t3.wqi4.2s; clear. . SEED Timothy, steady, K.tmri.90. CORNMEAL Steady. t2.20. BRAN Steady ; Backed east track. S4$rKc. HAY Steady; timothy. !.0"ei4.jl: prairie. St.outrii.ou. IRON .OTTON TIES 91. vZ. BAOOING Ho. HEMP TWIN K "He PROVISIONS Pork, steady; lobbing. tl6.50. Lard, steady: prime steamed. 27.40. Dry salt tniils, steady; boxed, extra short, 18.X744; clear ribs, short clears. x,,a. Bacon, steaay; ooxea, extra snoris. clear ribs. t.37H: short clears. t 60. POULTRT Essy; chickens. lOHc: springs. l?Hc; turkeys, loHci oucas, lac: geese. Sc. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 2129c; dairy 1S7 -1C. FOGS Lower. 13c. esse count. The receipts and shipments of flour and grain were; Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls !(.( 7.000 Wheat, bu M.Oou 67.ow Corn, bu 2iS,000 SH.OOrt Oats, bu 117.000 65.000 Mlssesselli Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 19. FLOUR Lower; first patents, $4.2ii6!4.tO: second patents, t4.1o430; first clears. 23.0(aS.0 second clears, 22. 4092. 50 BRAN In bulk. ll4.6ofiU.75. tSuorrior Quotations fur Minneapolis de livery. (The following quotations were re ported at Minneapolis oy r. u. uay at to, 110-111 Board of Trade building: Artlcles.l Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close.) Sat y. Wheat I I I , 1 May...iRlWH IS "!! 1S July... 83(i3H S B2H! '83H! 83S Flax May... 1 13H 1 1 1 13 1 13H 1 It July... 1 16HI 1 16H 1 14! 1 IS 1 14H Mlnnesnoll Cash Close Wheat : No. hard. KlHc: No. 1 northern, BIHc; to arrive. 81Hc; No. 5 northern. 79Hc; to arrive. 7Sc; No. I. Tvtnttc: o. i aurum, rnc; iso. z ou rum. Toe. Com: No. 1 yellow. 26c; No. 1. t4Hc Osts: No. I white, Hc; No. t. Klfe jbHc. Barley: wo!. itye: . iigtC, rlax: (l.u-; May, si.ia'w. Kaaaas City Grata aad Proytslaaa. KANSAS CITY. Feb. It. WHEAT - Steady: May. T6Hc; July, 74Hc; September, 7rA,c; rash. No. 2 hard. T6(tr7sc: No. 2. 719 75c No. 2 red. 84iic; No. S. 4c. CORN I nchangfd to higher: May, 3KVC July. iV; cash. No. 2 mixed. 6aVtc; No, 2 white. c: No. x. xsve.' OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 2H SM4.C. HAT Steady: prairie. ZMifiOc higher choice timothy, tlO.&O 11.00; choice prairie, m269K.B0. R Y K steady. &i&c. BITTER-Firm; creamery. Sic. FOGS Weaker: Missouri and Kansas new No. 2 whltewood caaes Included. 11H? case count. 10Hc; cases returned. He less. The receipts and shipments of grain were: Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 1S3.(i0 Ojio Corn, bu lw.oon Sl.oa Oats, bu 14. wo 33.000 Philadelphia Prodace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. ' 19 BT'TTER Firm: extra western creamery, c; extra nearby prints, 22c. KOGS Steady ; fair demand: nearby fresh and western fresh, 16c at mark. CHF.K8E Quiet but steady; New Tork full cream, 13'gl4HC reerla Market. PEORIA.- Feb. 1. CORN Higher: No. t yellow, !7v.c: No. 1 Hc; No. 4. 27c; no grade. S4H3EHc. OATS Steady ; No. t while. 2Hc; No. 4 white. 2sc. WHISKY On the baais of tl.28 for fin ished goods. Mllwaakee tirala Market. MILWAITvEE. Feb. 1 W H K A T Steady: No. 1 northern. 64toc; No. 2 north ern. 403c: May, UHc asked. RYE Pull; No. 1. DfiHSGTc. BARLEY Steady; No. 2. (5c; sample, SHiUc CORN Steady: May, 43c bid. Dalatk Grata Market. DfLlTH. Feb ll-WHEAT-To arrivs. No. 1 northern. tfe; No. t northern, 78Hc; on track. No. 1 northern, S-'Sc; No. t northern. TtV: May. KlVc; July. RlHc OATS To arrive and on track. S9c; May, Sc. Taleala gee-d Market. TOLEDO. Feb. 19. -SEED Clover, cash and February', 171c; March, STic; April, I.C7c; timothy. tl.tU; Alsike. Hue. raaTea Market. NEW TORK. Feb. Is. COFFEE Market for futures opened steady at anrhanged prices to a decline of t points tn response to disappointing rabies and rather Inferior Santas recelpta. There waa very little aup port.' and while March longs seemed to have no difficulty tn switching Into lats positions at existing differences, there was snore or less uneasiness as to the In fluence of notices late this week and the market closed at a decline of lul points. Bales were reported of 45.'. 77 bags. Includ ing March, at (6.70c; Msy. otrls; July. 4VisS4r7 06c: September. 7.1i7.Iv De cember. 1 47 she. and January, ;.uc Spot quiet. No. J Kio, 'c NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Early IrreenlgT IfoTemeutB of Muket Art Folloired by Eally. RAILWAY SHARES LEAD THE ADVANCE I larreaae la Earn I as; aad R amors f I a a rt a a t Preject Are MTlt Farters la the RUe. NEW TORK. Feb. 1 There was some further contest to sustain prices In the stock market todsy which proved success ful after irregular movements and was fol lowed by a rally from the low point of Isst week. There was a renewed show of strength In some of the stocks, which are still the subject of rumors of Important projects yet to be announced and there was the announcement of the valuable stock subscription privilege to the pro posed new issue of Chicago A Northwest ern stock. These proved sustaining factors in tne marxet ana neipea to check tne uis posltion to liquidate, which was running to extremes in the latter part ot last w-eck. The action of the money market gave no occasion for fears that an active condi tion was Imminent and there waa some relaxation from the tension of anxiety on that subject which depressed the stock market last week. The tl6.2B7.4K Chicago Northweatern stock Issue and the action towards the Issue of n4.000.0oo Delaware ac Hudson convertible bonds showed that the notation of new capital was not yet com pleted. But this rate of Increase com pared with last week's total of nearly tlati.- ono.OOO was regarded as a moderating ten- aency in this process. The rate for call loans wss appreciably easier today. It was suggested that some effect might have been produced py an accumulation of cash by the trust companies. In view of the con sultations between trust company and banking officials over the question of truKt company reserves. Bueh accumulations would be available In the call loan mar ket. There was a hopeful sentiment Prevalent over the prospects for a settlement of the labor dispute In the anthracite trsde. Tl:e extraordinary rate of expansion In gross earnings of rnllrosds reported for the sec ond week of February wa of favorable ef fect on sentiment. The percentage of in crease over the corresponding week of last year In the case of the Canadian Pacific and Denver Rio Grande reached 42 per cent: uotnsvuie tt Paahvllle. 36 per cent; Central of Georgia. 14 per cent: lost Cen tral and Minneapolis & St. Ixiuis, 3n por cent: Southern railway. 27 per cent; Texas or r-acinc. ana Missouri. Kansas at Texas 25 per cent, and St. liui Southwestern 22 per cent. Traffic official of railroads reported the volume of shipments well maintained and operating conditions not materially Impaired by last week's stormy weather. Support of the market w-a manifest at the opening, but was met by the selling caused Inevitably bv last week's drop In prices and the calla for additional mar gin which went out In consequence. The support In the market persisted and She arrest of the decline In Itself lightened the pressure to sell. An uncovered short In terest added to the demand for stocks. Except In a few stocks the strength did not become aggressive and yielded on a numncr oi reactions. The market rallied t tne last, however, and closed firm. Bonds were Irregular. Total Bales, nar iwe, i nuea states as advanced H Per cent on call. The following the mis of prlrea on tht New Tork Sick rxrhsnse: Sales. High. Low. ClnM. Adam Express 240 Amalgamated Copprr 1K..7H0 llli, l"k American Car Foundry.. 4. Km 4) 42 s do ntd 1.4110 lixii, Id 4.411) 36 JS 34 Amrrlran ollon oil do pfd Amwrtran Express Amrr. Hide Leather pfd American Irs seruntlm ... Amenran Llnaced Oil do pfd .... i .... Ilf, ks S7 IK) l.sno 100 ai 41 :3 4 4Si, .... 4C 70S 72 American Luroinotirt .... 11,5ii0 7H4 do pfd ino lis in in Amcr. Smellliii ft ReOnlng 44 sno )J 162V. 3i -u p' i.iiw ir ir:; 124 American Sugar keflittng .. I.OtiO 141 l'JM Amehru Tnhaeo pfd ctfa 4oo 104V, 104 is tin naw, 72 28-, Atchlaon do pld Allantir Coast Line ... DMltlmor a Ohio do pfd Mrooklrn Rapid Tranalt .. If. (OS - SO 14, iim isi " iw" . . us ll 7 7 ins lll"4 . . 2.ino K04 7i Canadian Tarlne C sntral of Naw 3nrf. .V 172S 171 172 1.HW- tl i.tM 67 112 21t I (taupe a Ohio Chlcaco at Alton .... BU .... 7 do pfd Chicago Great Wawtsrn J.sno 2H, ?o 2MH !Wit 17SV, 17S .... ish Uicaso a .Northwestern., t tnx 2M lilcajo. M',1. St. Paul.. 24.S0 1M Chleago Term. A Transit do pfd C. C. f. & St. Louis.... Colorado Fuel and Iroa... Colorado A Soulnern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Coneolldsted Gas Com prndurt do pfd tJelawar A Hudson lH-1.. Laokawsnna at West Denrr a Kio Orand do pfd Distillers' Becurlllea Kit do 1st pfd lo 2d pfd General Elsrtrle Hmklni Vallrr Illluots Csntral luurnational Paper do pfd International Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd Kansas City southern... . do pfd bnulsvllls at NaahTllis!;! Manhattan L Mrtropolltas Swurltle .. Metropolitan Street Rr... Mr i Iran Central Minneapolis St. Louis... Minn.. St. P. a g. aM. u do pfd Missouri radar, Mo.. Kansas aV Tsxas do pfd K'allnn.l T J ws tr too 101 H UK) (4 1.408 U4 MS, 4mt 274 'ins i" Wj 37 KM", Alt, 41 "4 ?S .... 11 bl tl 17 (7 Zll 4M 7.00 4l 44Vt 4t "7 V. . son 17.100 Jim 1.7.10 MS 424. 77N 70 43-, 77S 77 704, I0 171 17lii 171 Ill l.sno 174 172 1.700 221, 21V 17H XI 100 MV w" B1V, M M44 31 so 100 KM I 4i 1 son 700 II 41 3 I.SWB 147 141, !' lMVs 1U l.sno eu J.400 1174 117 11714 1ST, l.sno 141, 7St t'V If a 76 16 100 174 t.4110 10114s 1.70O MS MS Ks 2.400 Us 174 4 M 174, It") 14 Nrw York t'ontral ts'sos ilkl' .Iw ... ... "w. s.issr SI'S 6" SOU ui si wistrn... do pfd North Americas PanSe Mall Pennsylvania Psopls'a Gas Pittsburg. C, f. It gt l.sos 7 t71 Wis , i.:uo inoa, inu j,w SOO 6V 44 44 S . H.s lms i4 1.400 S fS . l.ios site iul 111, rrssssa Bt4wl r do pfd , Pullmaa Palao Car Hoadlng do 1st pfd do td pfd Republic gtsel do pfd Iliwk 1 bland to .." do pld St. L. Ban Fran. Id hm 300 101 iia. jmii, .loi.iiie liii, imh w ss S4 IMS too 12 Jia, l.tno n lot ! 1IH MS 44S 44 S J4, MS 4I.S S J4t 44 44 100 l.kW 7i 46 1 ft 44 Wj 4(,V lit. Loula Soutbwsaiern. .. do pfd Southern Partflc do pfd toulWa Rallwa)' . do pfd Tsuntssos Cl and iron! Toxas a Pai-lSr . 4.V, .Mm to'. IBS 117V 117. 1" ts l&iS 14 S4. V 874k 4oo mi s l.l l.VSi, l.!i 44 i;,i MS Toisdo. St. bouis A W. llon PacIBi- do pfd lulled Statra Bxprsai I. 8. Rsalty I. Rubber do pfd V. 8141 do pfd pfd U0 ML. ss dS ...111. Ujii it, 4- tM : e;s a 121 42 4 los . I.StS) 4S loo luk .114 700 4 V 41 ll 404s 41 S J0.4' 10S ioj, t irginia-carolina Cusauoml 1 iiis do pfd 47 47 47S wsaasJi do pfd W'slls-Farso Ex Hi l.oao MM) MS 4i 1-J 44 ti 141 S MS iS 7 ; " t34S 44 1 Meotinghoua slisclrlc elerj I nlon go Whosllng Laks Kris..'.'." jou W tscoliHin t'outral 4,) do pld . ioo 3S 1S s as lk rs 4.--S tit Conner raelBe 4S .son Central Latath, 1 4. oo 4rs ! lls do pfd 41 S t'S kUoss-EkeSleid 1S 1US c..u,.IM J (mjo . - Total aals lor ths dar. l.loi . ara. " Lskdsa t'leslag Storks .v.LOoI,9X' Fb' "--Closing quoUUons on the Slock exchange were: N M 00 isnsoiB. kaoaee su K r Contra. I do aocount SO 11-Jt X'ortolk g, W Anarot.ka ls do ptd Ul .. sS .. SIS .. 4: .. Tl .. 4S .. ss .. 4 .. 40 .. 44 ..1S .. 47S ..146 .-tOIH, .. tn ..lus .. I aieaiaoB Rm ont. a w ... do pfd , Pennsylvania . lUs Raad Mmea .177 keadlag . 474 , do lal ld ... " . tl1 do Id sfd lkSis Soslbera kr . ISSi do pfd .... . MS 'o. Paiiar B. A Ohio Canadian Pacific Cboa. A Ohio .. Chlrag Ot. W . C , at. St. P.. DaBssr D at k O do pld Erks do tat pfd da M pfdl... llliaota Csatrsl Latum, a Naaa 41V;lnlo Pacltc .. ... 44s ... ku ... 71 ...177 ...lill Bfd C a. Sisal 4o pfd .. K'kkaa 4 pld ... k. a t. . . 44 . sot ijpajiiaa 4a siu MONLV-4 per cent. Tbe rate of discount In the open market for Bbort bills is 3 lb-Is per cent; for three months' bills ts tHOt 16-1 per cent. Bask rieartaara. OMAHA. Feb 1 -Batik clearlngi for to day were tl 774 734. at and for the rarro sponding date last ear 11.34 lsJ9 7. Treasirr Btateasaat. WASHINGTON. Feb 19 -Today's state ment of the treasury balances in the grn eral fund, skdusivs vt ll tloo.vuu.oju (aid kb jpaalab reserve, show: Avsllsble cssh balance, tl4M$.!2. gold coin and bullion. T14lj. 1; gold certificates. t44.447.WO. Sew Verk Mnaey Market. NftW TORK. Feb. II MONET On call, steady at fa per cent; ruling rate, 41&4H per cent; closing bid. I per cent; offered at 4 per cent: time loans, firm; slty and ninety days. 6H4 per cent; six months, frH per cent; prime mercantile paper, eji-Va per cent. , 8TEKMNO KXCHAXOE Easy, with sc tual business In bankers Mils at It 6.ol 4"wt!5 for demand and at RWMM BV70 f,.r stxty-dsy bills: posted rates. t4lctH94M and M764f7H: commercial bill. Id.tZV SILVER Bar. Hr; Mexican dollars, Hc. HUXDB Government, firm; railroad, ir regular. Clcslng quotations on bona today were as follows: V. . nf t. rg. .10414 Japsa . td lesions .... 'S .... 7S .... "S ...1WS ... .Kl do coupon ..10S do 4a rtfs ..IOCS do 4s rtfs. . .11.V do td series . W I. N snl 4 . .. lots Man. t. sold 4. ..1S1 M.i. Central 4s... ..lttS, da 1st Isr .. 70 Minn. 4V St. I- a. ..114 M .. K. T. 4s... ..IMS do f 8 kk. reg , do coupon f. 8. old 4a. reg . do coupon , f 8. a 4. reg BO'S 4S 47 101 do ropo , Am. Tobarce 4a.. dn 4k Atrhlaon Sea. as. do adj. 4a .. K. R R. of M c. 4a. k4 Allsntir Coast U 4s 10lS K T. C. x 4S 8. O 44 14S N J. Csntral g. J4 .131 do IWs M Nor. PaclSr a 101S Brk. R. T. t. 4s ... do Is Tm Central of Ok. is.... 114 N, t W. t 4s 101 S do 1st Inr 5 or. 8. L rfg 4s Ms do Id Inr 87 Psnn. copt. IS. ...tots d td Inr 4.1 Resdlns son 4s li'i's Cnr ft Ohio 4S....li1H4 t.. 4V I.M. c. I11"S Chlrsso ft A. ISs.... kl St. 1 4 I. F. fg. 4. 4s C., B. ft S. 4e... l4St t. g. W. ft. 4s.... 41 C. R. I. ft P. 4s., 7S Seaboard A. L 4s ... kl do col b, sis Bo. Parlgr 4 )' CC ft St. L. g 4s.ini do 1st 4a rtfs M. Colo. Ind. ts ser. A.. 7S f lisllwsr ts 114 do ss ser. B 7s 'Trass ft p. Is IS Colo. Mid. 4s 7 T . St. L. ft W. 4s.. MS fnlo ft So. 4s US I nlon Parlflr 4a ... 1 rtiba la l7w do ronr. 4s 1M P. ft R. O. . .l.TCS t . S Blsel Id 4s .. s Wahaah lk ..loos do deb. B Plstillers' sec. as. Erls p. 1. 4s 114 7M, jm 2S . 82 S do gen. 4. 4? 11 w est am sttl Rocking Vkl. 4S .. 1S ft L E. 4s Jsttsn Ss ...100s Wis. On Irs 1 4s. Offered. Boston Stacks and Roasts. BOSTON, Feb. ' IS. -Call loans. 64 per cent; time loans, 4Jj6H per cent. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds were Afhlsnn sdj. 4s :,S Adventure 4 do 4a 102S Alloues it Mrx. Central 4s 7 Amalgsmstsd 111S Atthiron Ti Amer. Kmc 10 do pfd 10! Atlantic ;5S Biistnn ft Alhanf 2r.7 Blngliam 44S Mcmton A Main 1'4 I si ft HfK-la TIB Boston Elersled K44 Centennial ik FMrhburg pfd 14 t'..ppsr Rang 40 Mem. Central 14S isIt West 16 N. T , N. H. ft H...IOOS Franklin IS t'nlnn Parlflc 1H Granbv S Amer. Argw Cbem.. t:iS lele Bnvale do pfd 7 Mass. Mining S Amer. Pneu. Tub.. tt-S Michigan IS Amer. Sugsr 141 Mohssk bt do pfd W4S Mtmt C. ft C S Am. Tel ft Tel 140S old Oomlnion 4fS Amer. Woolen 45 st ftsr-eola SSS do pfd 1S Parrot s Pom. lion ft 8 3 Uuinre lis F.dlson Klec ft 111. .243 , Kheriuon Maae. Elsctrtc 1SS Tsmsrsck .... 47 Trinity tS I nlted Copper 106 I . 8. Mining 74'f. 8. Oil .... 107 11 4S oS us 5fcS 4S 4 131 do pfd .....'... Mass tlas t'nlted Fruit tnlted Shoe Mack do pfd si rtkh North Hutto WS Victoria l. s. moel 41V Winona ., o fd 10s:wlTrtn W' sating, common ... ftl Sew Verk Mlaiag Stsx-ka. on mining stocks were: Adams C4n 0 iLlttls Chief Allr loo Untsrlo 5nO Breere 4o J(phlr S37S Hrunswlrk Con lbt i'hoenik X ttmstook Tunnel ... s Ipotoel 10 ton. lal and Va .. 121. ;BrMge Horn Silver t Tl ISierra NeTadk a Iron Blirer 474 Ismail Hopes Leadrllls Con 4 Iriandard IM Forelara Flnaarlal. LONDON. Feb. 19 Money was In good demand today. Discounts were slightly easier. About COUO.OOO In gold was avail able in the market and it is believed that most of it will be aecured by the Bank of Kngland. Trading on the stock exchange opened dull, but Improved later with some Increase of business, though operators wei? largely occupied with the mining carry over. Afterwards trading became quid. Consols hardened on the kin kings speech Americans opened weak and rallied to well above partly. I 'nlon Pacific, Atchison, Tcpeka 4k Santa Fr. Erie and Southern Pa cific were the features. Prices eased dur ing the laal hour and closed steady at above the lowest Quotations of the day. Grand Trunk waa supported on the traffic Increase. Foreigners were upheld. Copper shares were in .deatand. Kaffirs rose sharply on Parts buying, owing to the be lief that the scare abroad over settlement difficulties had been overdone, but closed lower on the king s - speech. Japanese ts of IH04 were quoted at ICC7. , PARIS, Feb. 19. Prices on the bourse to day were firm and trade was active, owing to confidence In the eventual success of the Algeciras conference. PEKI.IN. Feb. 19. Prices on the bourse today were firm and trading waa quiet. Domestic shares wers higher. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 19 METAI There was an advance of over a pound in the London tin msrket. ' with spot closing at 1(6 and futures at 164 as. Locally Uie market waa higher. In keeping with the advance abroad; spot was quoted at $:t6 15 2i:6.4o. Copper was 12s2od higher st 78 13s d for spot and 78 2s fid for futures in the London market. Locally no change was reported: lake and electrolytic are quoted at" and casting at-llT.bOJi 17 6H Dead was 6s 3d higher at 16Ss9d In Dun don, but remained dull and unchanged at to.3M5.46 locally. Spelter advanced to 26 In Dondon. but was lower in the local market, with spot quoted at t6.fll3.10. Iron was unchanged to a shade higher abroad, with standard foundry quoted st ths 9d and Cleveland warrants at 49s lHd. Locally the market seems to be somewhat unset tled, with some deslers said to be offering slight concessions: No. 1 foundry is quoted at 118.26. No. t foundry northern at tl7.?V( 14 4a. No. 1 foundry southern at tin ti4t 18 76 and No. 2 foundry southern at $17.76 C IS 26. ST. DOl'TS. Feb. It METALS Lead, steady at l&.ITH: spelter, quiet at 35 . Cottoa Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 19. COTTON 8tot closed quiet and 13 points higher: middling uplands, ll.luc; middling gulf, 11.30c; no sales. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 19. COTTON Spot in fair demand: prices unchanged; American middling. s.Xnd. The sales of the day were lO.OuO bales, of which 1,008 bales were for speculation and export and Included t.b(0 hales American, neceipts, u.tuu oaios, an American. ST. DOI'IS. Mo . Feb. 19.-XTTON- Ouiet: middling. I1V; salee. 10 bales; re celpts 12 bales; shipments, 140 bses; stock, 43.763 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 19 -COTTON- Snot closed easy; sab-a. 3.000 hales: o.-dl nury, 11 3-16c; good ordinary, Wc; low mid dling, loc; middling. 10 s-lsc; good middling, 0 -6c: middling fair iic. Hecrlpta. .! bales; stock. Jiti.s. Dalea. fggsr aad Molasses. NEW TORK, Feb. 19. nominal; fair refining. rHc: centrifugal, Hi test. 3 ll-Sl'mSSc; molasses sugar. ."He; re fined, aulet: No. 6. 4c: No. 7, 8.96c; No. 8, S9uc: No. 9. 3 85c; No. 10. 3 80c; No. 11, 3.75c; No. 12. 8 70c; No. 13. 3.65c; No. 14, 3 fine; coti fertloners' A. 4.35c; mould A. 4 85c; cut loaf, S.anc; crushed, t itle: powdered. 46tx;; granulated. 4&ir; cunea. 4.0c. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans, optn kettle. gmd to choice, sni3hc. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 19-SFGAR Firm: open kettle, centrifugal, SljSSe: cen- trirugal whites. o'u4c; yellows, G3s0 seconds. fiS l-16c. MOLASSV-Open kettle, 20SSOc; centri fugal. 71 H'c. SVRl'P-3B45'SOc. ETaaaraleaT Apples and Driest Frails NEW YORK. Feb. 19. EVAPORATED APPLES Market ruled steady at about recent prices; common to fair (crop of 19041. are quoted st .c: fair to good, yiissc; prime, jhc; choice, 10c; fancy lUirtlW-. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'ITS-Prunes are tn fair demand, with quotstions rang ing from 4Hc to 8c, according to grade Apricots are moving out quite freely, with choice quoted at i'(nH:c: extra choice ltM-M'ic; fancy. ll&12c. Peaches are un changed, with extra choice quoted at loc; fancy, 10H4llc-. extra fanev. llH4313c. Raisins are selling rather indifferently and the tone of market barely steady Oils aaat Rasla. NEW TORK. Feb. 19 OILS Cotu.r.sed steady; prime crude, f. o. b. mills. 33H3 JSC: prime yelloa-. ir3lHc. retroieum, quiet; reflned. New York. 374B; Philadel phla and Haltlmore. t7.7o; In bulk, (763. Turpentine, quiet at 7;n7c. ROSIN-Strong; strained, cemmon to good. 34.08. Vissl Market. ST. LOl'IS M.. Feb. Feb. 19.-WOOL Su-adv: medium gradea, combing and cloth ing. 3i ; light fine. So34c; heavy fine. tku3c; tuo wasnea. sjd f. ElsTlB Batter Market. ETLCIN, 111.. Feb. 19 BITTER Firm; selling kt jrc. aivance iroin last week; saitg 1 or tne aisinct were ui'.vuo 10s. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Pricet Show Lower Tendency AH Around. HOGS ARE FIVE TO TEN CENTS HIGHER UaasT Fat Sheep aad lambs AetlTS Bellera at steady Price, wrlth Lasahs Dall aad (asa. ss Bheea Weak. SOCTH OMAHA. Feb 1. I Recelpta were.: Came, tiogs. Sheep. Official Monday 4.V t.t.46 .M Same dsv last week IB! 4.S44 7.1tU 8ime day week bf fore... 4.!..' 4 10,147 Same dav two weeka ago .!Vs S.471 7.:W Same three weeks sgo... t.SW 4. U.XA Same four weeks sgo.. 4.013 7.174 Same day last year 4.1 10 H.149 The following table snows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep st South Omaha for the year to date, cumpai-cil with last year: isos. IPS. Inc. Dee. Cattle 11X,i4 HC.XaM Ko.lil Hogs tM.lM S14.S4b 4.M Bhecp i'i0.7t lm.s.'l RANGE) OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha ts.wv0 S.2d.10 Chicago l.hrp'fi.oi fc.7( Kansas City t .I'tar "J I ".r.17H St. Loulk tKrtrS So! Sioux City tbtmi !1 .64J W CATTLK QUOTATIONS The following will show tbs price paid for the different kinds of railie on the MJUth Umaiia market: . Good to choice corn-fed steers. .. .$5.00b.50 Fair to choice corn-fed steers.... 4.botu6.'J Common to fair corn-fed steers.... t.miaiH.sV Oood to choice cows and heifers.... t.lbu-' Fair to good cows and huilrrs I uoio-3 75 Canners and cutters 1.Imu2. Uood to choice Blockers and feeders i.(ttn4.40 Fair to good stackers and feeder.. 3.a3.W Common- to fair Blockers ij 76iiS B Bulls, stags, etc J tu4 00 Uood veal calves fc.mK6 to The loilowmc table shows -.h t-.vai price of hogs at South Omaha tor Uie Usi several days, with comparisons: Date. I 14. ll.UltH. 1114. UftU.llMl.l00. Feb. i 41 H: 4 (P.'l 4 74 I S Ml S 12! 4 87 Feb. 2.... (48 I 4 (vi 4 73, t fri I b lta 4 4 Feb. I.... fi 631 4 72! 4 So 7i 5 83j I 4 kj Feb. I. .. I 4 74, 4 fcll i ti t Sl helj. 6.... S3 I I 4 i'.i W Ik t H 4 M Feb. ... 6 63HI 83 4 1 6 76; 16, s 21i 4 71 Feb. 7 1 in I 4 74 1 it, b m, t iai 4 Ml Frb. ....! b tV 4 Mi 4 Mi, t W 6 SJ, 4 7k Feb. I. ... 5 70H! 4 60, 4 Bit, 71 t 36, 4 84 ltd, IV... 1 s 71; 4 ii b i-, k 7;. S 00; 4 bO Feb. 11... I 1 4 77l t 0i 71 e I'M t S2 Feb. 1... i 71 Vi I t 00 "2! tra; b 4 79 Feb. 13... ( t 7tH, 4 811 4 !sjl t 81. & W, 6 lib 4 83 Feb. 14... S 89Hi 4 U j M. H3 31 1 4 7 Feb. lfi... i bSH 4 bo, 4 98! B kV i lt 4 75 Feb. 16... i K4Hl 4 b; t M 6 3 t S 4 83 Feu. B Kl'H: 4 ii i OS, J UL 6 7? 1 4 reo. IS..., , 4 . k lib k Hi b .it ,- Feb. i I k 12 k sl 6 87 i 3, 4 84 Sunday. SATVRDAT'S SHIPMENTS. The following snows toe num'oer of stock- era and feeders snipped to tne country bat- uruay and tueir points 01 destination: caitle Cars. L. S. Ai orrlll & Co., Creston, la., Q 1 tl. 1 ottmiou. liJarlitia. la., rl. 1 1 A. J. Roberts. Council riiuns, la., V. P.. 1 A. F. Woodard, Anderson, la., W 1 Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.H'r's. C, M. St. P 3 3 Missouri facihc 10 .. .. 1 me otiiciui uumoer of cars of Sloca Drought 111 today by each road was: I nlon Pacific system 41 9 37 C. 6c N. W ., e.-tsi 10 k C. a- N. v., west 67 C, St. P., sd. At O.... Wi Is 1 ... rt. at east o C, 11. at west to C, K. 1. c P., east.. 4 11 Illinois Central 10 imc-ago Gi. Western .. Total receipts 205 53 45 3 The disposition of tne day's receipts was as tolloa-k, ea n buyer purcuaslng tne num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co... Uf.t eol iM 7 1.2ai 2.oti as kil 3,us Wi 1.2S3 3.4i3 148 llti 34 H3 113 b l: 155 610 124 7 7S 3 215 12 733 .... 65k bw-lft and company cunahy t-aeking o Armour at Co ktisant fc Co Carey Lobman & Co McCreary Mill ft don Huston at Co Hamilton Kothscblld. L. F. Hubs Kingan at to Wolf A Murnun Sol Degan J. H. Hoot at t-'O Hulla dt Kline S. & 8 Krey Packing Co Other buyers Totals 4,384 4,947 9,134 CAT1LE Receipts so lar as numbers were concerned were Just about the same as on Monday of a week sgo. but somewhat larger than most weeks previous ot recent dsts. The market ODened rather slow, with buyers holding back, apparently wailing for advices or lor news irom oiner market centers. The feeling was generally lower and It was late before the trade was fully under way. While some of the more de sirable grades of csttle which Just hap pened to suit sellers did not show much change, the general tendency was weak to 10c lower. Cows and heifers were In about the same condition as fat steers. Buyers all started out with the evident Intention 01 Buying their cattle lower and the trade was slow and late in getting started. As buyers were all of the same mind, tney generally had their wsy and the most of the cow stuff wss anywhere from weak to 10c lower. 8 o.kers and feeders were In good demand and aold quite readily at fully last week's firlees. The supply was - comparatively ight. there being only . few feeding cattle In sight. Representative sales: Uttr 8 1 E.H.11.D. Ha. At. Pr. Kt. at. St. 1 WD IM 14 Ilk 4 44 j Sj,o 4 00 1 iM 4 4S 14' rl 4 14 t 1144 4 44 rj 414 4 16 1 12M 4 7 M SkOl 4 t 11 lit 4 7 4 1064 4 44 14 1S.14 4 74 ItkO 4 14 17 lllil 4 14 ) tot 4 40 M 1470 4 SO I 110 4 40 14 124j 4 40 II 1111 4 44 1 130 4 40 4 174 4 66 34 i:47 4 40 O 451 4 so 14 1 111 4 44 1 1000 4 40 14 1411 I 00 t list 4 45 17 1171 4 00 II lOtl 4 44 14 1444 I 15 COWS 1 444 t 04 ! 474 t 00 1 HBO t M 10 Sb4 I Ot 410 I li 4 HI II) 1 444 I 14 4 774 I K 1 414 I 14 4 M I 14 s lOSO I 40 t 1140 I 56 444 14 10. ki I If , t& 1 40 7 Iflkl 4 4u j loeo I w 1 104 I u I MO I 40 4 Ht IN 1 na t ko 1 ins t 40 1 kVl'IH I liitii 1 40 4 fctl I 4U li 41 4 40 I urn I 4n 1 ino to 1 Ku 1 40 IB 1110 I 1 T 741 t 40 4 ltliO I 40 1 100 I 40 10 lil I to T 471 I le 15 IIJ0 1 40 t 1 I SS 4 1071 I 40 1 140 4 I 1075 t 4(1 t ltt.t 1 10 It 1110 I so 14 041 I 10 15 lOSO 4 76 1 io;o 1 n 1 ino 1 is kit I 15 1 ISM I (0 ( S44 I 44 14 1044 I SO I UH 1 45 1 In I it 4 145 I 14 11 im I si 1 llilk t 44 1) 4 (5 1 k UO I 40 4 It 12 I to 1 420 I 00 14 10.4 I 40 1 ksv 4 ku 4 llki 4 00 1 11MI I US 1 II Hit 4 00 1 1044 4 OS I UK. 4 14 1 b0 I u 1 1110 4 10 4 Til 04 11 471 4 14 HEIFERS. 1 454 I 04 I lit I B 1 ii 1 50 4 M I 40 1 4M I 74 7 414 4 40 1 441 I 74 4 574 3 44 I 114 I 74 1 114 t 75 1 701 1 40 tl J7 I 71 t 450 3 W 14 121 I to 1 424 I 44 14 f.l I ko I 414 I 00 4 HO IN 1 740 I 04 t list 4 lk 1 4k I at 1 4 14 I -.. 144 I 10 1! t 944 4 M BUi-IA 1 114 t 74 1 1S0S I 94 1 1 10 I 71 1 IMS I 40 1 11 t 44 1 Ills) t 44 1 ......154 I st 1 174 4 50 t 11a I 44 1 1140 I Is 1 1140 I 1 1 111 I k 1 100 I 1 loa I s 1 114 4 40 I leu I IS I IMS I 1 1 1144) I 54 1 140 I 44 1 1540 I to 1 1444 1 24 1 let IIS 1 IM I 44 1444 I SS t 44 I st 1 IMS I 14 1 .140 I St 1 1US I 1 1 IM 4 kt 1 107 I Tt t I4 IN 1 . 14J4 I 40 CALVES. 94 IS4 I 14 I Ill I Tl 1 44 I 14 4 14 I lu 1 444 3 II 1 110 4 OS 1 m m t ne 1 as 1 440 I 41 1... Ike 4 It 414 4 4 1 lal I S 1 E. I 5 I lit I W U 171 4 14 3 171 I la I 4 is 4 5 5 I 140 Its 17 lb! I 4 4 !i 4 :t 4 5" 4 54 Je I ;.n STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 K I 7M 4 st . Is .11 . 170 . M . 14 . inn ,. 174 . 741 . 10 . 110 . .1147 . in . 7i ..1011 , . 454 ,. 404 . 457 I I I 70 I 7 I no I no 1 00 I o I 0 I 4 I 14 4 1 I II 1 r- I 4 I 4 4 SO I 44 I 15 4 . I .. 11... 1 .. 4 . 4 .. 41 .. 4C . II .. 4. .. 14... 45 .. 5 . . 4... 4 .. 47 .. 4... 11 ... It., th . kf.ll . M . .fi . Ill . 4 . HI . Mi . 141 . 44 . 41 .171 . 45 . 741 . lit I I I 45 4 00 4 0 4 00 4 04 4 14 4 14 4 M 4 K 4 so 4 10 4 M 4 o 4 10 I 40 4 40 4 40 11 . 10 '. ! ' tl.. 10:1 040 Is7 111! 451 I 40 HOGS-There WSS usual light Mon- day s 1 tin this morning only a lew over fifty cars being reported on sale. In addi tion to the light receipts conditions were generally favorable to the selling intercom and without much trouble holders were able tn secure an advsnce of 6a 10c over last week closing prices. The bulk of the hogs sold at 5 853 (. as against ItvSofl i.t.'H on Saturday. The top today. M 10. was loc higher thsn anything brought last week. The trade wss as active as could be ex pected, the only slow Influence being the determination on the part of sellers to get every cent possible out of their holding. To sum up todav advance carries the msrket to the highest point touched so fr this year; more than that. It carries It to as high a point as was touched aiy day last rear and higher than at any time during 1904 Representstive sales: ft MO I? lis 11 Nk At. gk. Tt. No. AT Ik. P- . 10 13 ... I 14 4ti 110 147 V, 47 15 40 I W 41 1 ... I 474j fit. SI SO I SO ar til So I M 71 11 40 4 471, 7 44 ... 4 00 41 10 . . 102 SO (41 40 I 00 41 f! 110 !?', Sst 110 I 00 40 210 ... I 4ft 54 tH ... 40 71 Ill It I S DS 145 ... I 00 II inn ... IK 17 140 110 I 00 " Ill M IK 7! !S1 W IN 71 pm 40 I s M 211 iso I 00 44 13 ... I So ;. ;so ... I 00 11 10 ... I OS ll 170 ... I 00 18 217 10 I U 74 t:o ... I 00 41 TK 40 If-, M IM ... 4 00 rn Ill 120 IK 74 2 ... 4 0(1 74 14 ... t 45 II 171 120 I 00 46 700 ... I nisj Tt 2!1 . . I no 71 Its ... I 7, 54 : 20 I no 7? 22 10 5 7 04 Ml n IS 77 11 ... 5 47 47 ...SOI D on 4 Ki4 ... 17 II 174 40 to: 4f 114 40 4 17 59 lo 110 01 43 ll ... I S7 so (i7 ... 4 (! 74 2.14 BO I 17 49 S20 40 I U2 I" Ik ... 4 97 14 : 40 1 02 75 211 IS I 97 4 257 ... 4 1 41 2n ... 1 97 11 271 ... Ill K1 194 2110 4 47 SHEEP Packers sll wanted good fat sheep this morning, an that tiie market on that kind opened early and active. Ieir- anie lots answering to that description changed hands very readily at what ItHiked like good steady prices. AS l:lgh as t30 was paid for right good well finished ewea. with the bulk of the good ewes Belling at t5.0(if(6.26. The good stuff was limited very largely to ewes, there being very few de slrsble wethers or rearlincs. There was some inquiry for fat laaibs of gooo quality, but the demand was not as large as for sheep, with the result thai the lamb market, even on the good kinds, was slow. As high as 37. 00 was paid for lambs on the Mexican order. While the good srrades 01 fat fcheeD and lambs sold all right, the common to med ium Kinds were slow and dull from start to finish. With these kinds It was simply a continuation of the conditions which prevailed all last week. As has been explained time and again In these columns, no one seems to wsnt the unfinished kinds, as It Is still early In the season and prices are pretty high for feeder buyers to take hold as fteely ns they are likelv to do later on. Quotations for red sheep and lambs are as follows: Oood to choice lambs, Colo rado, tti.907.10; good westerns. tti.7o4T7.10; good yearlings, n. itgtS 15; good wethers. ti4nao.,b; ewes, X4.B5&5.35. No. Av. 87 Colorado ewes 9 71 western ewes .....104 3M western ewes lot 42 wethers 99 Pr. 8 00 6 If 6 15 t 60 C It 7 00 7 00 7 00 5 If e & 6 80 t 23 60 4 60 4 TS 4 76 t 00 5 no f 00 f 00 t If f 60 f 85 00 C 90 US western yearlings . tM western lamb 637 western lambs 213 wethers Ji-t ewes snd westerns. 27S western ewes ewes and wethers . . 90 . 82 . 81 . t & YM in; 74 & 104 Bi 101 98 98 89 100 102 11R 76 94 85 6n western lambs K3 western lambs ... 6 cull ewes 58 western ewes 19 western ewes 191 Colorado ewes fS Colorado ewe 22 western ewes 9 western ewes 458 western ewes 62 western wethers .. 81 western wethers . 198 western yearlings 41 western lambs CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. MARKET Cattle Weak Hoga Fire t eals marker Sh era strong 10 Slow. CHICAGO. Feb. 19. CATTLE Receipts, 29.U1U head; market weak to loc lower; common to prime steers. ffi.kt'tf4j.6o; cows, 13 OiittM.&O: heifers, K.6tat.0ii; bulls, U.u 3.80: calves, t3.0u s.Ou ; Blockers and feeders, HOOS Receipts, 60.000 head; market 5c higher; choice to prime heavy, tn.flti 30; medium to good heavy. fi.iKAatt.'l; butcher weights, t.ailj.S0; good to choice heavy mixed. 3G.aXfl4i.25; packing. t6.0Of&.25. SHEEP AND liAMho- Receipts, 28.000 head; market, best strong; others, slow; sheep. 31 nWfi.l5. yearlings. f6.0u'.BO; lambs, t6.4US7.36- Kew York Live Stavrk Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 19. BEEVES Re ceipts, 1.19a head; market for steers, 104jl5c lower; bologna bulls, steady; fst bulls, easier; cows, lOOj'Ute off, except bologna cows, which were snout steady. Steers. t4.70j.T6; extra. tS.tMftAOO; bulls, t3.1i&4.&0: oows, tl.9r&3.0: top price, tt.lo. Liverpool and London cables quoted live cattle slow at lltrtSc per lb., few tops at ISHc. dressed weight; refrigerator beef, lower at 9Htf 9c per lb. Exports tomorrow: Csttle, 860; sheep. 1.070. and 4.10ft quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 1.766 head; market for veala ISc lower, barnyard calves lower; veals. 14 50Er9 26; choice. t9 87H& 50; little calves. $3.60031.00; barnyard calves. 33.00 t.75; dressed calves. 8Htll3He per lb., ex tras at 14c. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, t.084 head; sheep, stesdy. but almost nominal; lamb, firm and medium grade 1041 loo higher; sheep, tl.OtH&j.OO (no good sheep herei: cull. t3 25; lambs, t7.0oi7.76. HOOS Receipts. 13.100 head; market firm; state and Pennsylvania hoga quoted at K0i&.76; choice light pigs exceeded quo tations. Kaasas City Live Block Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Feb. 19 CATTLE Receipts. 12.000 head. Including 000 head southern, market steaay to 10c lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, 3n.a tij.00; fair to good. t4.Onoj6.15; western K'd steers, t3.5i(i6i; Blockers and feeders. (3 00 5 00; southern steers. 33 ot-fl-4 90: southern rows. tU.254i3.75: native cows, t2.254i4.3i; na tive heifers. t3.1!o&600-, bulls. t2.ti6j4.Wi; calves. 33 SS1&7.60. HOOS Receipts, 1.100 head: market &c higher; top. fS 26; bulk of sale. KOGljC.lS; heavy. tu.lOfii-,.26; packers, tt.o5fr6.16; pigs and liaht. 35 K.Vri.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 10. (kO head; market for sheep steady; lambs 6 Km- lower: native lambs. 4V5oj.9n; western lambs, t5.&i 9u; ewes and yearlings ti 2 4j5ko; western fed yenrllngs, t5.7(&6.10; western fed sheep, 34 2646.75, stockers and feeders. 33.254.75. ' t. Loals Live Btisck Market. ST. LOllS. Mo., Feb. 19 CATTLE Re ceipts, IM head, including tuc bead Tex ans; market strong: native shipping and exDort steers. t4kinti.25; dressed beef and butcher steers. t3.tjtti6.4X'; steers under l.OuO pounds. f3.0lsU4.i5; stockers and feeders, iloufltao: cows and heifers, t! . 10074 40; can ners. tJ0ut0; bulls,; calvss. f 3 7f U7.26; Texas and Indian steers. f3.0;j4.(; cows and heifers. t l'tiS Kl. HOGS Receipts. 6.500 head: market Si; 10c higher; pigs and lights, liWa); packers. IS T64j 26; butchers and best heavy, to 15& 1.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1500 head; market steady; native muttons. 35 i& to S, lambs. 35 010 4 00; c tills and bucks, it 0104 7i; stockers, 13 0024 00. tt. Jesepk Live tlaek Market. BT. JOSEPH. Mo.. Fsb. 19 CATTLE Receipts. 8.77 head: market steady to weak; native. t4.a.10; cows and heifers. t4.6nb4 9o; stockers and feeders. t3 0uu;4oU HOOS Receipts, 3.4x7 head; market Bfeluc higher; closed weak: light. tih-tKilO; me dium and heavy, to.05ti.isi; bulk of sales, t.07H! 15. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,(412 head, market steady; lambs, t7.0C. Ilsai Ctly Lisa Stark Market. SIOUX CITY. la.. Feb. 19. (Special Tele, gram.k CATTLE Receipts. 2.400 bead. Msrket strong; stockers Mslu-r; beeves. t4.ot"o6fi; tows, bulls snd mixed. f?76(4 0u: rtnekers and feeders. 13 .fiotii u, calves and yearrrnga. Ct-H&JSu. HiXiS-IUctlyi. 2,uuu I. tad. Market V higl.rr. selling at to. '! mo. tulK af salts 15 1695. Mrk la Slabt. Receipt of live stock at toe six principal western markets yestetdsj : Csttle. Siicep 9.w: South Omaha 4 tf-i Sioux City 4- Kansas City 13. i" St. Jost ph 8 . . Ht. lx.uls 2 Ml Chicago 290H) Total .53.831 73.15.' 4.f3 OMAHA WH0LF.!t l.i M ARKET. Caadltlea at TraAe aad ttasstatlaaa aa taple aa4 Faaey r red see. EOGS-Recelpls liberal; candied stock un settled st He. LIVE Pol LTRT-Hcn. mHc; old roost er. 6c; turkeys, 15c; ducks. lie, young roosters. fHtil'H-; geese, sc. DRESSEU POL LThY Turkeys isojjtr: old fonts,. l.HilSc; rhirkens. llflli-; Old roosters, "c; ducks i:4il3c; geese, ik BVTTEM Pncking stock, lsc: choice to fancy dlry. lkattr; creamery. ntfilHc. mat tfices quoted py itmaoa r ecu com pany: No. 1 upland. f 00; med.iim, u.w, coarse 34 504ff.(J. Rye straw, ttVH). PRAN-Pcr ion, Jl 60. HIDES. PELTS AND TALLOW-No, 1 green hides, rc; No. 2. 8c; No. 1 salted. 12c; No. 2. lie; gieen bull hides. tf9c; cured. 971 Or; dry hide. 1621. Hors hide, large, tl! smsll. tl.ta Sheep pelts, each, 60cm 31 25. Tallow. No. 1, 4c; No. 2. t4sc; rough. 1HC TROPICAL FRUITS DATES Psr box or SO l-lo. pkgs., t?; Hallowe'en in TO-lb. boxes, per lb. ec; Ssy- ers. per lb., 4c; wslnut-stufled, l-lb. pkgw . 33 per dos: 8-lb boxes. II ORANOK8-Callfornls. extra fsncy rten- land navels, all sise. f3 Ov; fnncy navels, ft No; choice, all sixes. t2 6.V4T2.76. LEMONS Llmoniet. extra fancy, I4' Slte, 33 15; So0 to S0 sites. 33.75. FIGS -Csllfomla. per 10-Ib. carton. T61 85c; Imported Smyrna, three-crown, lie; six-crown. 13c. BANANAS Per medium sized bunch. 31.754)25; Jumbo. 2 S04T3 M. TANGERINES California, per bog of about i:5, tSOO. i HA PK FKL IT Florida. peT twix, 7 ttl 7.50; California, per box. 14 OOfM.60. FRVIT PEARS Wlntci Nellls and Mount Ver non, $2-50. APPLES California Bellflowers. SI .So per bu. box; rtcn Davis, f 1.75 per bu. box; Wlnesaps, IS. 26 per lm rrx; .lher varieties. t2.0mi2 5O per bu.; New York apples. 16 50 per brtl. CRAPES-Imported Malagas, to &fi 00. OLD VKOKl AllLlStf. POTATOES Home grow, par b'.. 0J tic; South Dakultt, (er bu., 75c. ONIONS Hume crown, yellow and red, per bu, b5c; Spanish, tier crate, K.(J; Colo rado, red and eilow, per bu., fLOO. NAVY BEANS Per bu., tiOO. LIMA Bi.ANS-Per lb.. 6Hc. CALBAUE Home grown and Wisconsin. In crates. Ier lb., 3c. CARROTS. PARSNIPS AND TL'RNIPS Per tu.. o5fcj75c. CELERY Kalamaxoo, per dot., 259S5e. s SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per 2-bu. bbl.. 33.00. NEW VEGETABLES. TOMATOES Florida, per crate of 30 lbs. pet. 16. uu. WAX BEANS Per hamper of about 30 lbs. net. 36 U0. STR1NO BEANS Per hamper of about SO lbs. net, 13 oifM 00. EOO PLANT--Florida, rer dos.. Sl ffiiTl.M. GREEN PEPPERS Florida, per hamper Of about 10 dos.. (3.50. TURNIPS Louisiana, dox. bunches. 75c S H A LLOTT8 Louisiana, per dox. bunches, 75c. HEAD LETTUCE Louisians. per bbl., $12.l,15.00; per dosen heads, tl.7542.00. LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per dossn beads, 50c. CUCUMBERS-Hot house, per dot , S1.75. RADISHES Hothouse, per doxen bunch es, 5"e75c. MUSHROOMS Hothouse, per lb., 60c. CAULIFLOWER California, about 34 heads to crate, 33.25. BKtr CUTS. No. 1 ribs, 13c; No. 2 ribs. 11c; No. S ribs, lOHc: No. 1 loins, ltc; No. 2 loins. 12c; No. t loins, 9Hc; No. 1 chuck, 6Hc; No. 2 chuck. 4Hc; No. 3 chuck. 4c; No. 1 round, 7 He; Ko. 2 round, 6c; No. t round, to; No. 1 plate, 4c; No. 2 plate, 3Hc; No. t plate. 3c. ' I'er keg. 33.76; per bbl.. 34. TS. HONEY New, yer 24 lbs., $3.60. CHEESE Swiss, new, lc; Wisconsin brick, 16c; Wisconsin Ilmberger, 15c; twins, 15c; (iung Americas, 15Hc.- NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb.. 16Hc; hard shells, per lb, 13Hc. Pecans, -large, per lb., 14c; amall, per lb., 12c,. PeanutB. per lb., Hc; roasted, per lb., 6c. Chili walnuts, per !b.. 12(ijl3Hc. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lb., 15c. Covoanuts, $426 per sack of Its). FRESH FISH-Trout. lie; halibut, 10c; pickerel, dresaed. Sc; white ask . lie; sun fish, 6ti9c; perch, aklnned and dressed, Sc; pike, 10c; redsnapper, 11c; nxltnon. He; crappies, 6ir.c; eels. lc: blac bass, Z2c; whffeflsh, 12c; frog legs, per dos.. 65c; lobsters, green, 33c; boiled lobsters, 37c; blueflsh, loc; herring. 4c: Spanish mackerel, 16c: haddock. 10c; shrlmn, 11. 0131. &0 per gallon; smelts, 12c; Cod. lie. OYSTERS Fresh stsndard. $1.40 per gal.; shell oysters, tl.C-&2.00 per ltm; Little Neck clsms. $1.60 per W:. SUGARS Granulated cane, In bills . t5 M; granulated cane, in sacks, 3?. 01; granulated beet, tn sacks. 11.91. SYRUP In barrels, 24c per gal.; cases, t 10-Ib cans. 11.60: caaes. 11 5-1 b. cans, P. 80; cases, 24 2H-lb. cans. SI .00. COFFEE Roasted: No. to, ST-Hc per lb.; No. 0, &Hc per lb.; No. 16. 15-c per lb.; No. to, 16Hc Pf lb.; No. 215. U'Hc Per in. FLOUR (wholesale) Best high grade Ne braska, per rwl., $2.00; best high grade pstent Minnesota, per cm., $2 30; straight patent Nebraska, ber est., $2.00; second patent Nebraska. $1.90. CURED FISH Family whltehsh, per H bbl.. loo lbs., $4.60; Norway mackerel, per bbl., 3u0 lbs.: Bloaters. 640 00; No. 1, $2t.0O; No. 3. btVOO; No. t. $2H.OO; Irish No. X $17.00. Herring, in bbls.. 200 lbs. each: Nor way, 4k. fl3.U0; Norway, 3k, IU.U0; Hol land, mixed, til. 60. Holland herring in kegs: Milkers, tOc; kegs, mixed, 7oc. BROOMS No. 1 carpet. $3.26: No. t car pet, 32. 40; No. t plain. 3S.25. CANNED GOODS Corn, stsndard west ern. 56i&oc: Maine, $1.35. Tomatoes. S-lb. cans.; 1-IU.. 7Hc4i31.ui; pine apples, grated. S-io., $2.062.30; sliced, 31 9 132.30; gallon Apples, fancy, $3.60; Cali fornia apricots, 31.403.00. pears,; peaches, fsncy, $1,756-2 40; H. C. peaches, U-tufDO; Alaska sal u ton. red. 11.16; pink 90c; fancy Chinook, P., $3.10; fancy sockeye. P., 11.95; sardines. H-oll. 62.6u; V-muiards. $2.60433.10; sweel pota. toes, tl.Ui'alto; sauerkraut, $1.00; pump kins. 8x?wfl06: wax beans, t-lb.. 7sjc; Lima bean a. 2-lb.. 76&0c4i$l.l5; splnstn, tl.36'a2.0i.i; cheap peaa, 2-lb., 60c: extra, 769uc; fancy. 313601.75. EVAPORATED FRUITS Fancy Mulr peaches, 12Hc; choice Mulr peaches, ll'c; fancy yellow, 12c; 60-60 prunes, 7c; gv-70, 7c; fancy New York ring applea, llc; choice, lOHc; fancy 4-crpwa loose musca tel raisins. 7Hc; 3 -crown, 7c: 2-crown, Hc; fancy seeded ratal. is tn l-lb. cartons, ic; choice seeded, In 12-ot. cartoons, 7c; aast arn pitted cherries, 17c; New Yoik evap orated black raspberries. 35c, fancy peara, 10c; choice, 15c; fancy nectarines, kc ; fancy apricots, llc; choice royal, loc; Hal lowe'en dates, 6Hc; glace citron, 17c; can died, 16c; lemon. 14 He; oranga. 14He. When you have anything to trade, adver tise It In the For Exchange Column of Tba Be Want Ad Page. Ohio Mas Foaael DeaaL COLUMBl'B. O.. Feb. !9-John Loiigetf bach was found dead on the floor of his home in Walhondlng. Coshockton count , today with his head split open, while an axe covered with blood lay nearby. Hia wife, who Is crazy, was sleeping by Ins side, and It Is supposed that she committed the deed. The body was found by John Singer, 10 years old. F-aglae ttrlkea (treat Car. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 19 A well Ailed Broad way trolley car waa struck by an etigtne at the Poplar street Iron Mountain road grade crossing this morning and moat - of tho passengers were- badly bruised, tout none fatally Injured. The oar was thrown from the track and careened on Its side. Baadlts Cssiar t'altlrcaaa. EL PASO. Tex., Feb. 19 A special from Demtng. N. M . Bays that Robert iiannlgaii. a prominent cattleman of southern New Mexico, baa been taken by bandits from a stags near Silver City. N. M., and carried Into the Mogollon mountains, to 1 held, presumably, for a reward. Itkede lalaaa la t UBasnlaaloa. BOSTON. Feb. It The battleship Rhode Island was pla-ed In commission - at the Charleslawn navy yard today. Captata, Perry Uarst Is Its commander. F. Do Day & Co. Oratera tat r Stocks. Grain. Provlttlon Skip Vaar Orala I a. raaeb UfCtco, IIU-111 at star A af Trasl ni4sT Oaaaka. kk. Teleakaae ni i. r:-tl4 Exchaaga Bvdg, South Omaha. Bail phone $14 lAdsastaacat 'Pkous tv Hogs. ;t. M: :,i k : in.ift 8.7 3 iiiu fc..',ii 3. Mi 611.1M1 :.