Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Third Ward Bom Tips His True Position in
Present Campaign.
Vrmorrali Imlil Their I'axtoa Hotel
Confab la to Be Strictly
Harsaoniaaa for Col
oitl Jim.
Tom Dennlson's real position In the fight
over the nonilnnllon for mayor on ths
republican ticket Is disclosed by his taU
with some of hla lieutenants one night
during- the week. Mayor-maker Jonnny
Lynch bad taken one or two other city
employes to see Dennison, the object
being to frame up the meeting In the TentU
Ward Ka.ual Rights Ixugue club that re
rinded the resolutions endorsing Hunnltigs
and passed a new set endorsing Uroatch.
-llennlngs will be the hard' man to beat,"
aid Dennison. In giving his final Instruc
tions to his men. "We want to skin him
for the nomination, any way we cun. Then,
If llroatch or Benson pulls out, we can
all turn In for Dahlman and elect hl;n
easily. Benson will be the easiest man
for Dnhlman to beat, and if we can t gel
Broatch, hs is the man we want o g;t
nominated." '
Different versions are given of the pur
poses of the democratic meeting called
for Tuesday at 7:30 in the l'axlon hotel
cafo. The Uahlinan people say the session
will be of the harmony variety und with
the Idea of laying out plans for the "cam
puign" notwithstanding the fact that Uahl
inan will have no opposition for the denio-
' cratlc mayoralty nomination. The bunch
that would like to see Dahlman badly
whipped declares the Dalilinan crowd )s
alarmed about a possibility of the other
faction controlling the city committee to
be elected at the primaries. Home of
the strongest of the former Smith faction
Lave filed for places on the committee and
this gave rise to the story that Dahlmans
enemies in his own party had laid a deep
plot to get control pf the committee and
lo evil things to him In his effort to get
elected. ,
Danlman has pledged to stand on a plat
form mads by the successful primary candi
dates, the committeemen and "leading
democrats." If tne element opposed to
liim should control the committee It might
bo able 10 frame up a reform platform that
would make the mayoralty candidate look
ridiculous to the voters and of a character
with which personally he could have no
cout-cimilous complicity. Hence the anxiety
to be sure that Duhlman's friends keep a
tight grip on the mechanism that is to
be lit power after the primaries.
At this same meeting the '.'clean" councll
niatilc ticket will be trotted out lor ex
tiibition and the news broken to tho public.
One of the politicians most actively con
cerned in getting up this "clean" slate is
Walter Molse's attorney, I. J. Dunn. In
fact, it is said Ignatius Jehovah appeared
at ull the meetings to have the most to say
about the deal. This rather disgusted
. them, they were free to admit, and thiy
have not been quite so sealous about the
. "clean" slate as they might have been.
The "clean" slate upon which the Dunn
bunch have been making such ado had
not been completed up to Monday after
noon. Holes still existed in the Fifth,
Tenth and Twelfth wards, according to
authorities, and a difficulty of choosing
between two men In others. Here is the
' outline as given by one who said he knew:
First Ward Andy Hansen, in tho brick
manufacturing business.
Second Ward Dr. Frederick J. Wearne,
uii vat elan.
Third Ward Fred Elsasser or John
Brant, both professional politicians, El
susser being now In the coul business.
Fourth Ward Judge George li. l.ake or
W J.- Dcrniody. Former is the pioneer
attorney and the latter Is in the real
estate business.
Sixth Ward W. 6. Sheldon, plomuker.
Hevnnth Wand Dr. Klnier H. Forter,
fcighth Ward Frank J. Burkley, print
ing house owner.
' JN'lntli Ward Warren Switzler, attorney.
Eleventh Ward M. K. Funkliouser, in
surance. Just how this councllmanic slat will
hitch with the Pa til man leadership is a
problem to which no one seems to know
tho answer. But all tho clans promise to
have delegations in the pow-wow, and tho
session may have. its own compensation.
The local end of tho state organization
- eetlng of democrats at Lincoln March 6
i .is been confided to J. C. Dahlman, may
. ..illy candidate,' nnd his lieutenants.
I i.uiity Chairman Cosgrove, it seems, has
teen overlooked so far m the arrangements.
Tl)e Dahlman people are preparing to sell
the banquet tickets and to stir up as imieh
enthusiasm as they can, figuring that a re
fleeted sympathy from the pnrty throughout
the state will have a good effect upon the
municipal campaign. The plans are to send
down a delegation of not less than seventy
five and preferably about 100 from Omaha
to participate in the session, which is In
tended to perfect a nondestructive and irresistible-
' machine. I'p to the present
neither the rickets nor literature on the
subject Is In the hands of Dahlman and his
friends and no one has yet signified his In
tention of going to IJnroln March S. In
'"It's as good as a "McKib
bin" is trie best thing that can be
said of a hat
There is no weak point in a
McKibbift -color, trimmings,
fell are all the bet. Styles "up-to-the-minute
soft, stiff and in all
the standard
hat Value
Sold by bett and moat reliable dealer
trama fl
fact there has been very little talk In
Omaha concerning the program.
City Electrician Waldemar Mlchaelsen
has been bothered a good deal the last few
days by Inquiries If It were he who had
filed for the socialist nomination for mayor.
The electrician is a republican of many
years standing, while the socialist mayor
alty candidate Is C. F. MlrtieNen, a street
railway motorman and secretary of the
Ftiect Carmen's union. The electrician In
sists he has no political ambitions worth
talking about.
John M. Macfarland has filed with the
city clerk for a place on the republican pri
mary ballot as city attorney, and Albert
Pjoberg has applied for a place on the
democratic ballot In the city clerkship col
umn. Other filings are for committeemen,
and are as follows:
Republican G. R. Young. First district
Fourth ward; Joe I.oeback, Fourth dis
trict First ward; W. A. Mrsslck, Fourth
district Eleventh ward.
Socialist Morris Gallen, Third district
Sixth ward; Oeorge G. Seay, Fourth district
Eleventh ward.
Socialist Morris Gallen, Third district
Fifth ward.
How cotincilmanlc aspirants who do not
own real estate are going to emerge from
the primary campaign Is a xuhject of con
siderable dlscusslson. A property owner
In the Tenth ward says:
"Some time ago a resident of the Tenth
ward caino to mo and announced he In
tended to be a counellmanlc candidate; also
he proposed to get Into the race by ob
taining the endorsement of the Fontanel!
club. He then asked that I deed him a
lot without consideration, for, he whis
pered, he would deed it back to me right
after election. I refused for two reasons:
First, because I did not believe any such
transaction would be legil, and second,
because I have lieen opposed to the Fon
tanels club crowd for nine years. Now I
understand the same candidate Is after
the endorsement of the Equal Rights club.
He has filed his application for a place on
the primary ballot, but so far as I know
he has not acquired any property as the
law reauires."
Two Booth Omaha Men on Trial
in Federal Court on
The cases of Joseph Bazaar, a saloonlst,
and Joseph Rupchs, both of South Omaha,
on tho charge of passing counterfeit nionev
were called for trial In the Fnlted States
district court Monday morning before Juri-rn
Munger. As neither of the defendants r.ti-
peared In court, their bonds. $300 and tKl,
respectively, were declared forfeited.-
The Indictment against the accused
ehnrres them with being .in collusion In
passing a counterfeit dollar on another sa
loonlst of South Omaha by tho name of .
Oleweskl. It is alleged thHt Razaar gave
Rupchs the counterfeit dollar and told him
to go to Oleweskl's saloon and buy a glass
of beer with It and bring back the change,
which it is held Rupchs did. The offence
Ik alleged to have been committed June 3.
Mallclnns Mlsrhlef
often done by Indigestion Is prevented and
cured by Electric Bitters. JO cents: guaran
teed. For "!? b Sherman & McConnell
Drug Co.
Funeral of n. K. lloalKln.
The funeral of R. F. llodgln. managnr
of the Omaha Trade Exhibit, will he held
this afternoon, Rv. A. S. Clsrke, pas
tor of the l.owe Avenue I'resbyterian
church, will conduct the funeral services
at 2 o'clock at the llodgln home, 4oI7
Lafayette avenue. Burial will be st For
est Iawii r-nietery. The active pall bear
ers will lie C. R. Farrall. George, Law
rence. R. E. Ingrahm. Charles E. Dutfle,
Ernest Hoel and Charles I. Hopper. Hon
orary pallbearers will he O. C. Holmes,
F. W. Judsnn, G. W. Hervey. E. B. Branch,
R. Crawford and T. E. Hancock.
You GaeiEiot Baay Pupei"
than HAYNER," tw natter how much you pay or where you get it. We
have been distilling; whiskey for 39 years. We have one of the most modern
and best equipped distilleries In the world. We know of nothing; that
would improve our product. Perfection in the distiller's art has been
reached in HAYNER WHISKEY, which goes direct from our distillery to
YOU, with all of its original purity, strength, richness and flavor. It doesn't
pass through the hands of any dealer or middleman to adulterate. You
thus save tho dealers' big profits. You buy at the distiller's price, at first
cost. Don't you see the economy in buying HAYNER WHISKEY, as well
as the certainty of getting absolutely pure whiskey?
-I have used H AYNER WHISKEY for mJtS'X
found it very satisfactory. I believe it to be a oumberor"edlcin.l VhlskJy
wwiir, w. o. oeutor irom VirgiDuu
mm vm
OUR OFFER W "ffl Bd TOO la plain seated case, who no
marks to show content. lT)t; PTTi.i. nniB P
13.20, and wo will par tho express coarcss. Take it homo and sample H.
bavo your doctor tost it every bottle it yon wish. Than if yon doot nod it
last as wo say and perfectly satisfactory, ship it back to as AT OUK EX
PENSE and your C20 will be promptly reroadodi How couid anr oSar bo
fairer. Yoo don't risk a ccol
I tsj-v
Order lor Aria.. Cal.. CoL. Idaho. Moot.. K.. W. kiss.. Or., TJtsh,
Wash., or Wyo . mast be ro the basis of 4 Quarto for M.WO by I'.i.
free PreDal4 or Quarts) lor lSjty r relght re paid.
' 7 ' Write oar aoarost offloo aad do it NO W.
tt. LaoJa. Mo. " SU layl, Mlaa. AUaata, 6a. Daytea, O.
1401 Dimunr, Tbot. O. EsTAauaasa VM. '
Four Hundred Meet and Denounce Verdict
in the Crowe Case.
Moat Prominent Families ol the City
Represented In This Repression
of ladla-natlon at Uross
Fully n wotnrn, rt prespntlnu the most
promlnonf families of the city, participated
In an India-nation meeting- Monday after
noon at the First Congrrsratlonal church
r.ralnst the verdict In the Pat Crowe case.
Although Mrs. Cudahy had expressed her
desire and Intention to be present, the ner
vous strain of the last week rendered her
unable to leave her home, and at the last
minute she grave up trying to g-o.
Mrs. Mary O. Andrews served as chair
man and announced that the meeting was
In no sense a mass meeting, but merely a
preliminary to decide what part the women
should have In a larger meeting of citizens
to "protest against the greatest legal farce
and one of the greatest moral wrongs ever
perpetrated against the city of Omaha."
Mrs. W. P. Harford said tho verdict was
so opposed to the higher sense of the com
munity that the people were duaed, and
she asked the women to consider the case
not through sympathy, but rather from the
standpoint of an Injured community.
Mrs. E. W. Nash held the more represen
tative men of the community responsible
for such miscarriages of Justice, because
they will not serve on Juries and will get
out of that duty In any way they can,
leaving It to inconiiictents or whoever run
be picked up. She charged the women with
their responsibility to we to It that ttie
men of their families did their duty In such
Bar Crowe from state.
Mrs. Byron Reed was one of several to
express the opinion that Pat Crowe should
never be allowed to live In Nebraska. Mrs.
C. H. Dewey suggested that the Jury
should Vie barred from ever serving again
and similar exprenslons indicated the feel
ing of the women.
After a general discussion the following
resolutions were proponted and unani
mously carried: '
Whereas, The verdict of the Jury In the
late criminal trial known as the Cudahy
kidnaping case has aroused the Indignation
Of the lawahldlng citizens of Omaha: and
Whereas. Our silence may be Interpreted
as assent, be it the sense of thlx meeting
that we express, In strongest terms, our
disapproval of such a verdict and our
astonishment that under the laws of this
great state there could lie such a miscar
riage of Justice, and furthermore that we
declare ourselves ready to co-operate with
other organizations of tho city which may
desire for the public good to enter a pro
test against the evident injustice done In
this case.
The resolutions were signed by Mrs. W.
P. Harford. Mrs. K. W. Nash, Mrs. C. H.
Herring, Mrs. Ben Gallagher, Mrs. J. K.
Ban in, Miss E. M. McCartney.
The majority of the women remained for
the meeting of the social science depart
ment of the Woman's club, which followed
Immediately, for the consideration of "Boy
ays line and Cry Asraiost .Milwaukee
Is Trick of ni- thleaco
"This whole hue and crv against the
Milwaukee Is raised at the hck and call
of the big operators In Chicago to force
a condition, the effect of which will be to
tear down the Iowa rates," said K. A.
Nash, general western agent of the Mil
waukee, on his return from New York,
where he had been for two weeks. "This
thing has been threshed out several times
before and the contention mads by the
exchange always is proven wrr-ng. Kansas
City did not build up its grain market by
grain from Missouri, nor did Minneapolis
build up Its by grain from Wisconsin.
"The charge, made that we are holding
the grain until the southern ports are
closed nnd the !. w!!! r.'.nvo east, so wo
can get the haul Is also wronif. because
we can make Just ns much money by haul
ing grain to Forest. III., and then turning
It over to the Illinois Central, which roud
will then take It on to the yulf. No road
Is more Interested In making n, great mar
ket at Omaha than the Milwaukee, the
Illinois Central and the Wabash, which
lines have no road west of the river.
"Tha grain on our lines is and e
are willing It should come to Omaha, on a
fair bapts, but when the rate is cut to 12
to accommodate certain elevators and we
pay 146,000 a year for the use of tho bridge
and tracks, we should be allowed to col
lect the regular tariff rates. We can't
sacrifice our business for a little tem
porary benefit, which will do more harm
than good In the end.
"There is nothing to this matter, any
how, as we are holding no .rars, for these
have all been delivered at the tariff rate."
Rolira Trrenty-Klve Thousand Dol
lars More Than deeded for V. H.
C. A. Kansas City Marts Ont.
John C. Wharton, who spoke in the Cen
tral Presbyterian churrh of Kansas City
Sunday In the Interest of the Yountf Men's
Christian association, brings the news that
Kansas City has entered upon a vigorous
campaign to raise 1260,000 for a new Young
Men's Christian association building. He
also saya that in Ienver, where they
started out to raise I2o0,0o0, they got 1225,
000 and $3,000 for furniture. They came
up to the last day lacking 113,000. They
raised that amount and $.,000 besides.
Omaha's example nnd Omaha men have
helped in both these cities.
Chamberlain's Coush Hemedy Acts
on Katare's Flan.
The most successful medicines are those
that aid nature. Chamberlain's Cough Hem
edy acta on this plan. Take it when you
have a cold and it will allay the cough, re
lieve the lungs, aid expectoration, open the
secretions and aid nature in restoring tho
system to a healthy condition. It is famous
for its cures over a large part of tho civil
ised world. Thousands have testified to its
superior excellence. It counteracts any
tendency of a cold to result In pneumonia.
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths have
been reported to the Board of Health dur
ing the forty-eight hours ending at noon
Births-Fred J. Adamer. 2M Famam,
boy; Louis Bruno. 12:r.i South Twentieth,
boy; Edwin Brooks, Vinton, hoy; John
Iieho, 1910 Dodge, boy; John Kgan. lfiOa
North Twenty-first, boy; John B. Qelsen.
63Ti North Nineteenth, girl; Lee Herdman,
S360 Harney, girl; LJuyd B. Hay. 3033 Bur
dette. boy; Patrick Lenilian. Twenty-fifth
and Spring, boy; Arnold McDermltt.
Houth Tenth, boy; Sam Morasky, ai(
Pierce, boy; Dan Murphy, North Rev-
ententh, girl; Frank PeuHinger, 4227 Doug
las, girl; M. R. Prulte, 23uS North Twenty
seventh, boy; Jack Byan, 12 South Four
teenth, girl; John Schroder, 2018 North
Twenty-first, girl; Arthur C. Smith, girl;
Emanuel Thomsen. 2511 Caldwell, girl.
Deaths Infant Harding, 93t North Twenty-fourth,
I days; Patrick Dlv, J816 Mar
tha. 6S, Arthur Drlscoll, lfttt Ohio, S
nirnths; Jonathan Scott, 0 North Twentv
elghth, I; Fred Brugham, 1&7 Douglas. o
F.lisaheth Mercer, Tuscan, Arts., Kb; James
Porter, county hospital. 78; John Mattson,
county hospital. 4; lilies W. Tlce, Twelfth
and Cass, ii; Beatrice Davidwn. 409 South
Twenty-filth. 4; Vaclav Bauhour.
Herman Railkte Hides Three Winner
at Osklsns.
HOT SPRINGS. Ark.. Feb. IS. Herman
Rarikte today again demonstrated his su
periority over the riders at Oaklnwn, win
ning three of the six events. Klsll. Red
Ijesf and legatee were the winning fa
vorites. The 2-year-old race was practic
ally a gift to Rliletnan. an untried young
ster from tha stable of Chlnn Forsythe.
Vlss Strome, the favorite, was left flat
footed at the post and could never get up.
The Kerne entry was also practically left
at the post. The weather has Improved
and the track conditions are expected to
be good tomorrow. Results:
First race, selling, ! years and upward,
five furlongs and a half: Klsll won, Uly
Brook second, Tomochlchl third. Time:
Second race, 2-year-old maidens, three
furlongs and a half: Rifleman won, Belle
Scott second. Miss Strome third. Time:
Third race, selling. 4 years and up, seven
furlongs: Red Lioad won. Rather Royal
second, Charley Thompson third. Time:
Fourth race, selling. 3 year old and up,
five furlongs and a half: Ala Russell won.
Loricate second, Proteus third. Time: l:Ortd.
Fifth race, 3-year-olds and up. one mile:
Tristan Shandy won, Laiell second, Vipe
rlno third. Time: 1:46.
Sixth race, selling. 4-year-olds and up.
one mile nnd an eighth: legatee won,
Angelena second, Doctor Hart third. Time:
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. W.-Resultl at
first race, three furlongs and a half:
Mistress Mathews won. Doc Craig second,
Pescadera third. Time: 0:13',i.
Second race, five furlongs and a half:
Lady Bimbo won, Meada second, Danger
ous Oirl third. Time: 1:10.
Third race, one mile: Wenrlck won,
Havenrun second. Bird of Passage third.
Time: 1:44?.
Fourth race, one mile and loo yards:
Critical won. Fulletttt second, Judge third.
Time: 1:4NV4.
Fifth race, seven furlongs: Watchful
won. May Holladay second. Ralph Young
third. Time: D&Vi.
Kix race, one mm- and fifty yards: Char
latan won, J K K second, Rey del Mundo
third. Tipie: l:45Vi.
I.OS ANUELfcS. Feb. 19. -Results at
Ascot :
First race, six furlongs: Miss May Bow
dish won. Tendercrest second, Bailey third.
Time: 1 :14V.
S'-cond race, four furlongs nnd a half:
Alonzo won, Joan of Arc second. Hot
Cakes third. Time: 0:55V
Third race. Futurity course: Atitara won,
Mfllsong second, Dawsonlan third. Time:
Fourth race, one mile: Morita won. Dine
of Life second, Workman third. , Time:
Fifth race, one mile and fifty yards: The
Huguenot won, Rubicon second, Cotillon
third. Time: 1 :44 V
Sixth race, six lurlones: Whoa Bill won.
Interlude second. Hcgul third. Time: 1:13V
NKW ORLKANS. Feb. 19. Remits at Un
fair grounds:
First race, five furlongs and u hulf. sell
ing: Pinstlcker won. Muffins second. Swell
Uiil third. Time: 1:074.
Second race, one-half inllo: Mint Uerla
won, Dorothy M second, Budapest third.
Time: 0:49V
Third race, one mile: Goldsmith won,
DoglKtllla second, Au Revoir third. Time:
Fourth race, six furlongs, handicap: Sou
thern Cross won, Columbia Girl second, Ks-cuti-heon
third. Time; 1:13V
Filth race, one mile: Old Hal won, P-ed
Raven second. Benora third. Time: l:tJV
t-'ixth race, one mile and a sixteentn.
selling: Consuelo Ii won. Ethics second,
Billenworth third. Time: 1:49.
Results at City park:
First race, three furlongs and a half:
Odd Track won. Bluedale second, Little
George third. Times- 1:01V
Second race, one mile nnu u sixteenth:
Gilfain won. Tho Gleam second, Ryan third.
Time: 1:47V
Third race, steeplechase, short course:
Judge Nolan won. Ruth's Rattler second.
Creolln third. Time:- 8:12V
Fourth race, six furlongs: Adalre won.
Captain Buh second. Ova Viva third. Tinier
1:14V s
Filth- race, ' one mile and a sixteenth,
selling: Florlza won, lole second. Gravianu
third. Time: 1:47V '
Sixth race, six tiu'Umgs: Aurccelver won,
Robin Hood second yuinn Brady third.
Time: 1:13.
Seventh race, six furlongs: Snranola won.
Judge Traynor second. The Only Way third,
'lime: 1:14V i .
Succeed ?d by Uassey In Left Rourkc
Will Xot Trade Weleh for 1-oaa.
Manager Rourke of the Omaha base hall,
team received a telegram Monday from
Mlko Cantlllon, owner of the li-s Moines
base ball team, offering to trade Hermnn
Dong for Harry Welch.
"I mlsht have considered the proposition
some time ago, when I was 111 r.eed of a
good thortstop," said Mr. Rourke. "hut
since 1 have secured Runkels to play short
there will be nothing doing In that trade.
Welch is big league timber and I could not
afford to i-t him go for Iong. who Is out
of the big leagues. Buck Thtcl will be with
Memphis this year, ss I have sold him,
utvl Hasr-ey will lie given the left garden
as his patch. 1 will call the players to
gether about March 27 for practice. Th
date of the league meeting which will fix
the schedule has not been set, but will be
about the middle of March. Wo will fix
tho schedule so games may he played with
the state league. If such a league Is
formed; but If the towns of the Slate go on
as they havo outlined and have outlawed
players on their teams, we will not be per
mitted to play frames with them."
Former Dartmouth Man to Succeed
LINCOLN. Fob. 19.-(Speclal Telegram.)
The athletic board of tho I'nlverslty of
Nebraska tonight announced the election
of Amos P. Foster as foot ball coach.
Foster Is an ex-Dartmouth player and for
the last two seasons has been coach at
Cincinnati university. His salary will be
ll.Risi nnnunlly.
The matter of scheduling foot ball games
for next fall remains in aheysnce until the
western conference has finally formulated
The P. O. Kamos won two out of three
games from the Hugo F. Bill team on the
Metropolitan allevs. Patterson of the Blls'
was the only man that bowled a good
game, bcore:
P. ft Q. KAMOR.
, 1st. 2d.
Peterson 148 179
O'Connor 140 136
Davis 171 146
Hariman , 128 1(8
Crooks 145 1S4
Totals..... 7732 747
1st. 3d.
Patterson Wl 14
Griffith 137 12S
R. Nichols 143 121
W. Nichols 2( 113
Rice 161 123
Totals ....817 S77
3d. Total.
178 606
190 4t
128 3.S7
lRj 464
839 2.818
3d. Total.
197 677
137 400
123 436
130 404
"ril jT
Sportlna Brevities.
The National and American league sched
ules are reversed this year and the Chicago
Nationals will start the season at homo,
remaining until June 1. while the White
Sox are traveling. Iast season In the
close race the White Sox were in the east
but this year will be at borne.
Mongolian pheasants are to be transported
from Oregon to Illinois to replete the fields
and forests. A large supply haa been or
dered from the breeding farms of Oregon
and will be distributed over the state
where It is thought they will have tho best
chance to multiply.
Au important meeting of the Omaha
Rod and Gun club will be held at Town
send s Friday evening to elect officers for
the year and perfect the plana for building
the club house. The location will again
be taken up and. the offer of the Court
land Beach people will probably bo re
newed. Beymour and Lajole were the leaders In
batting in the National American leagues
last year, and it was no short spurt of
good luck batting which landed these two
on top. They havo reached that plnaclo
of tame by sustained ability, covering a
considerable stretch of time. They belong
to a small group of batsmen who for a
decade have bien hitting over the .SOO
mark. This list lncludv-s Heeler. Fred
Clarke, Delehanty. Wagner. Beaumont,
Elmer Fick. Joe Kelley. Dolan. Burkett
and Buckley. Clarke. Bucket!. Beckley and
Kelley failed to reach this mark lust sea
son, but this was an exceptional year '.n
their cases. l.ajoie is probably the king
of all lor Continuous good performance
with the stick, as his average for the last
ten years is over .370. Frtm lx to lul
Ltolehauty averaged .Z3 and for the last
la toajra Willis K.eltsT baa avcrat4 ML
Examination Maj Be Made of Twelve Men
Who Liberated Pat Orowe.
Oat of Them Bald to Be Chum of
Crowe and Attendant
I pon Slater of Jim
Persistent rumors, which County Attor
ney Slabaugh would neither confirm nor
deny, were floating around the court house
Monday to the effect that an Investigation
of aome of the members of the Pat Crowe
Jury would be made. It is understood tho
Investigation touches two of them who are
said to bo close friends of relatives of
Persons who say they know what they
are talking about are responsible for tho
statement that one member of this Jury,
one of the two suspected, besides being a
boon companion of Crowe, has kept com
pany with a sister of Jim Callahan, Crowe's
alleged pnl In the Cudahy kidnaping. Noth
ing more definite than this could be learned.
"I ha-e nothing to say," said County At
torney Slabaugh when asked as to the truth
of the report.
Louis Rasmussen, one of the Jurors, has
received a letter signed "Cltlaens' Commit
tee," advising him to leave the city on ac
count of his verdict. He showed the letter
to other members of the Jury and they ex
pressed considerable Indlgnat'on that such
measures should be taken. The letter con
tained no direct threat, but merely advised
Rastmissen to get out of town.
W. H. Sloane, another of the Jurors, also
received a similar letter and after receiving
it went to, Judge Sutton and was excused
for the remainder of the term. M. Rosen
baum also secured nn excuse for the rest
of the term though he said he had not
received a letter. It Is understood the
Judges will take no public action toward
excusing the Jurors, as It was feared It
might make other Jurors feel It was neces
sary to bring in verdicts of guilty. The
members of the Jury may be uuletly ex
cused, however, for the remainder of the
has an earned reputation for
superior quality
Two Confidence Men Deceive Senator
on Bogos Check for linn
Hundred Dollars.
Slate Senator B. F. Thomas was inveigled
out of fc Saturday afternoon by a clever
pair of confidence men, for whom the police
are now looking.
Two men, giving the names of Arthur
W. Hayes and George J. Lawton, called on
Senator Thomas and presented what ap
peared to be a matter of important busl
ness. They came to Omaha, they stntcd, to
settle up nn Important real estate litigation
and had been referred to Mr. Thomas as a
prominent lawyer. As a retaining fre they
offered the senator what purported to be a
check for lido, hut which afterward proved
to he merely a piece of papr v.-;;h writing
on it. The callers were out of cash and
wanted J35 until banking hours Monday
morning. They received the $35. Both were
well dressed and had the appearances of
men of affairs.
, 1 II II I 7VJ lv
Rain In Eastern Nebraska Today,
Rain or Snow In West Portion
: Fair Tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19-Forecast of
tho weather for Tuesday and Wednesday:
For Nebraska Rain In east, rain or snow
In west portion Tuesday; colder; Wednes
day, fair.
For Iowa Fair In west, rain in east
portion Tuesday; Wednesday, fair; colder
In east portion.
For South Dakota Colder Tuesday, with
rain or snow, followed by fair; Wednes
day, fair.
For Missouri Showers Tuesday, colder
in the west portion: Wednesday, fair;
colder in enst portion.
For Kansas Rain Tuesday, colder:
Wednesdny, fair.
For Wyoming Fair Tuesday and Wednes
day. For Colorado Fair and colder Tuesday:
Wednesday, fair.
I.npal Record.
OMAHA. Feb. lit. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
vesrs: 19M. 1D05. 1904 lfleS
Maximum temperature r,4 32 30
Minimum temiierature.... 33 C-6 3 7
Mean temperature 44 ?fl 1 1.
Precipitation on .on .no t
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal st Omaha since March 1,
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 14
Excess for the day l
Total excess since March 1 1.047
Normal pre Ipitstlon 03 Inch
Deficiency for the dav 03 inch
Totsl rainfall since March 1 IK.M inches
Deficiency since March 1 !.!)0 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 190R... 4.17 Inches
Excess for cor. period. 1904 1.54 Inches
Reports front Stations at T V. M.
Station and State Temp. Maxi- Rain-
of Weather. 7 p.m. mum. fall.
Bismarck, cloudy 3S 40 .0
Cheyenne, part cloudy SO 50 T
Chicago, part cloudy 4X 5) .00
Davenport, clear 4S :a .00
Denver, cloudy 42 fts .art
Havre, clear 42 4x ,co
Helena, cloudy 3ft 44 T
Huron, part cloudy 41 fx) .00
Kansas Cltv, cloudv T2 ,r1 . .no
North Platte, cloudy IR S .on
Omaha, -lear M 54 .00
Rapid City, cloudy 3s M T
St. Louts, part cloudy M fil .no
St. Paul,' part cloudy 3R 44 .no
Salt Ike City, clear 40 44 .22
Valentine, cloudv 40 (52 .00
Wllllston, part cloudy 38 40 .00
1 4. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
Kflective Sunday, February L'3 Afternoon
Train No. 2 "Will leave Omaha at 8:45 p. m.
instead of 4:00 j. ni., arriving Chicago at 7:00
a. in.
Chair cars (seats free), Tourist and Standard
Sleeping Cars and Dining Cars.
Other Chicago trains at 7:25 a. m. and 8:03 ,'
. m. -
1502 Farnam Street
Bee Want Ads Produce Respite
1 inniLljl B
sT I"T ?k. tSuT ,sf""V H
We Cure
Men for
Until March 3d
We Will Treat Any Single Uncomplicated
pHrata, ehronle and pelvic disease, who are treating with quack special
ists and Inexperienced phvslclans without receiving- any benefit, we have de
cided to make a special offer to charge only ona-haif of our regular fee for cur
ing those who are now undergoing treatment elsewhere and are dissatisfied,
provide that you corns to us before Maroh , IK For Instance. If you are
afflicted with either Hydrocele. Stricture or Narvous Decline, our charge for
curing either of which without any complication la we wil guarantee to
cure you for 112.60, and accept the money in any war you wish to pay. Ws will
also cur Contagious Blood Poison for ill 60, which la Just half our regular fee.
The liberal offer is made to enable those to ba cursd who have spent their
money in doctoring without relief and to show the many who have treated with
dosena of physicians without benefit that w have the only methods that pro
duce a llfelons; cure. . . . . , - . . , . -
Our methods are) up-to-date and are indorsed by the highrut med
ical authorities of Europe and America. Hence our bucccm Id the
treatment of mn' dlaeaaen. Remember, our specialty i limited to
the diseases of MEN. and MEN ONLY.
PRIVATE DISEASES Newly contracted and ehronle eases cured. AU
burning. Itching and inflammation stopped in 24 hours; cures) effected in i 7 flays.
We cover the entire field of private and chronic, derp-ueated, con
plicated disease.
ncer, Stricture, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Blood Poison, Chronia
Discharges, Skin Diseases. Plies and Fistula, Prostatic Disease.
Nervo-Vltal Debility, Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
Northwest Corner 18th and Farnam.
Entrance on 18th Street.
Nine connecting offices
on the fifth floor
These offices are particularly suitable for anyone wishing a suite of several connect
ing rooms. They will be rented only in suites of three or more rooms. There is one
large southeast corner room with a vault, two splendid rooms facing Farnam street
and the other smaller rooms facing Seventeenth street on the fifth floor of
These ars the offices now occupied by the Updike Oraln Co.. who will move to the first floor as
soon as the business office of The Bes Is transferred to ths corner room oa ths ground floor.
It is very seldom that an opportunity occurs to accom
modate tenants needing large and handsome offices.
Thf serrios In The Bee Building Is lust a little better t least than In any other
building. All night and all day Sunday elevator service steam host electrlo light
watsr and - ads (juste Janitor service all Included In tha rental price. Apply to
BAKER. Supt. C. a BOSK WATER, Secy.
H 4ig Bee Bldg. K 100 Bee Bldg.