Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1906, Page 5, Image 5
TILE 0MAI1A DA1LV BEE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20. Wwl. RUNKEL'S Cr6me de Milk Chocolate js made of the "cream of the milk" and the correct blending of choicest cocoa hoans. At r . Always lresh. sweet, firm io thp. finircr. only to melt like butter on the tongue. v-reme ae miik inocoiate is inviting to the purse to the digestion and most of all to the nalate. The five cent ealce is i .1 . .1 i . twite as Dig as any oiner gooa cnocoiate the ten cent Dackace is over-renerous - ( o . - . - o Value tOO. Sold everywhere by everybody tUNUL IIOTBEtS. Caeca toi Culalr Maaslsctunrs New Tom E23 Send 2c for simple cl Chocolate and minia tura can oi Cocoa V BREEN PLEADS ALL IN VAIN City Attorney Despairs of Convincing Oouncil and May Eire New Assistant. SAYS HE HAS NOT HELP ENOUGH FOR WORK lluntinarton Rrfairi to Aaarnt to Ordinance Inrreaelnai Stan of I, ravel Department, Aaklnv for Mora Time. City Attorney Breen and Councilinun Zlmman and Hove asaln pleadod with Councilman Huntington at the R-pnernl committee meeting of the council Monday afternoon to make a report on the ordi nance providing for the employment of a second assistant city attorney at $150 a month. Huntington declined to give his reasons and said he wanted more time. A motion by Zlmniah to Instruct him to report on the' document was defeated, Dyhall and Bchroeder. : who had voted for a similar order two weeka ago, going over to Huntington's side. The city attorney said the council hud trifled, with the legal department to a point beyond his endurance and he proposed to hire a lawyer under an old resolution adopted nearly three years ago, which 'fieyer'has' been' repealed. He said he and .his one assistant were unable to keep up with their work, though they had been trying to do so hy-working nights. Ztm man said the arjtlnn of the majority mem liers In withholding a report on the ordi nance for two months waa a shame. 1'oal Contract Protested. A representative of the Victor White ompany. the low bidder for 2,000 tons C twain coal, disputed the tight of the eJncll to award the contract to the Central ' Coal & Coke Co. at a higher figure, which tli council proporod to do on the recom mendation of th superintendent of the city hall. City Attorney Breen said the council might make the award It desired, as the Central company hud bid on Weir City coal whereas the White proposal was for Cherokee atenm coal. The matter was put off a week by a resolution directing the superintendent to try the Weir City cpul supplied by the White firm fur a week, despite the fact that concern did not bid on that kind of fuel. DraffKlste I)laatlnrd. Charles R. Sherman of emerman ft McConnell protested against the contract for drug supplies being awarded to the Myers-Dillon company. He said only fifty-tour Items were enumerated in the bidding blanks and thut hla nun was low on a good proportion of these, being, tiow- ever. ' about 12 high In the aggregate. I ne point nemaav waa me vny .vuiin Mir and uses many other kinds of drugs and Ajppllea not enumerated. Knowing this he l ad the city clerk Insert a clause in the bidding blank calling . upon bidders to furnish articles not enumerated according to the prices quoted In a trade publication isaued periodically. The Sherman Me t'ontiell ilrm offered to do 'his and In ad dition' to grant a discount of S per com. No other bidder made this concussion. Mr, Sherman said the claune hud been fhsertrd expressly to prevent Jcbbery and the charging of more than current market prices for articles not specified. It being pacticatly. .Impossible to Include many of them in the list, as the demand changes from month to month and yenr to year. He had discovered the tabulation umde In the city clerk's office had credited his bid with 5 per cent plus Instead of 5 per cent minus on the additional prices. Referred to Ralph. The committee wearily referred the mat ter to the health commissioner for a report and recommendation within a week. Councilman Kvans left before the meet ing adjourned und Hoye did not get an opportunity to cull up for action hla tut rate street car fare ordinance. He stu'S he will have the ordinance's twin brother ready to spring ut the council ineetin to. night and that he proposes to keep ham mering on this line as long as he stays In the council. , Daaart. that 'threaten the Child's Life. (Kmm the Chicago Tribune.) "Health Commissioner Reynolds of Chi cago, in his latest bulletins of the depart ment, says that the worst danger to which the children ot Chicago are now exposed Is tho neglected cold. Tt would be unwise for the health com missioner of a city to recommend any rem edy for a cold; but should he do so. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy would certainly head the list as the most efficacious for colds, croup and whooping cough In chil dren, as a remedy that can always' be de pended upon to effect a speedy cure and that Is pleasant . and safe to take., This remedy contain no opium or )uther harmful drug and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. Its great worth and merit In the treatment of these diseases has been attested by many thousands ot moth ers. One Fare for the Round Trio. Via Chicago Oreat Western railway to points within ISO miles. Tickets on sale every Saturday and Sunday to April I, 1908. Good returning the following Monday. Low rates to other points on sale every Friduy. For full Information apply to H. IT. Churchill, Q. A., 1512 Farnam St. VINTON SCHOOL GOES OVER Majority of Board of Education Not Beady to Act on Proposition. FINK HAS SOME OF THE BOARD'S CASH Refaaea to Tarn It Over to I Ity Tree a- rer Itennlna and Board Refers Matter to the Judiciary Committee. A proposal to take Immediate action In rranglng to build a new school house on the Vinton site was Introduced at the Board ot Education meeting last night by Member Rice, but his colleagues deferred action for two weeks. Mr. Rice's resolu tion stated that the extreme south part of the city Is growing rapidly In popula tion and the four small buildings that now form the Vinton school are wholly In adequate and Instructed the buildings and property committee to procure tho services of an architect at once to draw plans to be approved by the board for. the Im mediate construction oi a. slxteen-room building. Member Detweller recalled the fact that the hoard had the same matter up some time ago and at that time could not agree on the manner of securing architectural service and how the plans should be drawn. He said he thought the matter should be left over fdr two weeks in or der to permit time for consideration. Tresident MeCague said the size of the new building should be given careful at tention, and Mr. Rice said he thought sixteen rooms none too many. In assigning the members to visit schools President MeCague urged them to re spond to the duty In order to get closer In touch with the locat educational system. He warned the members thut he would call 'or a report from each one In two months. Fink Has School loue. The buard was informed that the lust state school moneys apportionment of $17.- S93.1S had been deoslted In the banks and was at the service of the board for the drawing of warrants against it by Robert O. Fink, who signed himself "treasurer ex-offkio for-the school district of Omaha. Mr. Fink has refused to turn me money over to City Treasurer Hennlngs or Secre tary Burgess. The matter was referred to the Judiciary committee and the attorney. An order was authorized for WO rilles and as many cartridges boxes and bayonet scabbards for the use of the high school cadet battalion. Secretary Burgess submitted the follow ing comparative statement of expenditures for the first seven months of the fiscal year tflol-6 and the first seven months of the fiscal year 1905-6: First 7 Mob. First 7 Mos. Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Advertising ! Architect's services.. Bond ' redenip. fund.. Books Cartage Census enumerators. Const ruction Drawing, music and kindergarten supl's. Election expenses ... F.lectrlc power Kxamlnlng com'tee.. Kxpress and freight.. Fuel Furniture and flxt'rs Improvements Insurance fund Insurance premiums. Inter, and exchange. Janitors Light and fuel gas... Maps, charts and ref erence books Officer and clerks.. Printing ..' Piano rent and tun'g Rent Repairs Special taxes Stationery and supis Teachers Miscellaneous Totals $32O.0tB.'.'0 Receipts for first seven months of fiscal veur l!l6-6 General fund warrnnts outstand. Ing February 1. 190fi Cash In trensurer'8 hands Feb ruary 1. lft'lfi 37.077.115 Deficit February 1. I! $17,993.7 1904-5 42.00 nno.nii Wl.tfi !52.R! 40.001). 00 1.215.17 t702.3l 79.20 VW.0O So.72 9.967.SO 1.274.KK 7.221.0s 1. 4M.85 20.137.8i 400.44 l06-, $ 12.59 2.H2.M ''jS2.t 297. RS S79.90 7,076.12 2.115.97 1.0M.04 18.36 lWno 411 10,534.09 3.:jM.Nj ,(. 85 Y.7R& 19.012.15 Ji.37.03 2M.66 1.321. K . 7.4K4.W , .. 729.10 rM-81.00 320.00 11.9V, (K 2.71 5 932 92 133.3ft7.fii 1.4.W.7H 914. S .t.V.6 670.8. 90.60 115.00 18.2",.V 1.578.09 6.8tt.05 137.325 43 1.927.81 WOMAN 11 CLUB AND CHARITY 1255.874. SI f .$189,843.14 $55,071.43 Fifteenth Annnal Rail. The champion drill team of camp No. 120, aioaern woodmen of America, will give their fifteenth annual ball Wednesday, Feb. 21. at Barlght's society halls, 19th and Farnam Sts. (Rohrbough bldg.). Admis sion, 60c per couple. Extra ladies, 25c each. Fnneral Xotleev The funeral of our late brother, Robert F. Hodgin. will be held from the resi dence, 4017 tafayelte avenue, Tuesday, February 20, at 2 o'clock p. m. . Brethren Invited. CHARLES A. TRACY, Master. Burllnarton Chansra Time. Elective Sunday, February 25, train No. 2, for Chicago and the east, . will leave Omaha, at 3:45 p. m,, Instead of 4 p. m.. ar riving at Chicago 7 o'clock next morning. Tickets, 1502 Farnam street. Lincoln' taae Appealed. James Lincoln, a Winnebago Indian, re cently found guilty ot introducing liquor onto the reservation, was sentenced bv Judge Munger Monday morning to pav a fine of $100 and to sixty days' imprison ment in tho Douglas county Jail and to stand committed until the flim and costs were paid. Lincoln's attorney, Thomas L. Sloan, had tiled a motion for a new trial, and another motion for arrest of Judgment, both of which were overruled by Judge Munger. Mr. Sloan will at once appeal to the I'nlted States supreme court for a writ of habeas corpus Jn behalf of his client. , The Jar of Coughing Hammer blows, steadily applied, break the hardest N rock. Coughing, day after day, jars and tears the throat and lungs until the healthy tissues give way. Ayer's Cherry Pec toral stops the hard coughing. Con- suit your doctor freely about this. "We have no secrets! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. Maaa a tks . C. Ayr Co.. LowaU. Vaaa. Ala Maaolaatarer ef ATs-B'f laim T10O Tar tk halt. AYCK f PIILS Fo taaatiaatioa. ATUt'S oAftSAPAKUXA Fat ta kloed. AlfcK'3 AO 1)1 CURB I at Bvaitna aa aft. Announcement of the Theater. The attention being given "The Clans man" Is thoroughly merited, for the play and the players are both well watching. and lli Mory told Is one .that Is of keen In terest, being supported by history In Us main facts. A performance this evening and a matinee and evening performance Wednesday close the engagement. Grace George is coming on Thursday for wo performances or ner most successtul drama. "The Marriage of William Ashe, founded on the novel by Mrs. Humphrey Ward. In the character of I-ady Kitty Bristol Miss George has found a role that gives her more opportunity than any she has ever had, and the praise accorded her by the critics is the best evidence possible of her success In the part. Miss George Is supported by the same company that played with her In New York and Chicago. The week at the Burwood Is especially Interesting because of the presence of O. D. Woodward in the cast of "Men and Women." The play Is being delightfully produced. Another feature of the week la the matinees of "Little Lord Fauntleroy," being given on Monday. Wednesday snd Friday by the Woodward & Burgess road company. The regular professional matinee of "M-n and Women" will be given this afternoon. An extra matinee will he given at the Orpheum today. The Orpheum road show. which has lieen attended by full houses at every performance, is the cause of having to give special performances. When Madame Sarah Bernhardt, the world's greatest tragedienne, appearaat tha Auditorium on February 27 in "Camllle" she will be seen In what haa been the most popular piece of her large repertoire, with the single exception of "La Sorclere." From the beginning of her farewell tour In Chicago "Camilla" has been In constant demand, and there have been clamorous demands for extra matinees, that those who had been unable to see It before might nave me pleasure or seeing the picture of French life on the darker side as only a Bernhardt could paint It. The story of "Camllle" la one t unique and morbid novelty, written in the strong est vein of Dumas flls. Imbued with the spirit, of deep repentance she attemps to lead the life for which her better nature calls, but when the father of Armand ap peals to socletv and denies her the right to her new-born happiness in a faithful and honest love for the younger Duval she re lapses and becomes again the figure of the underworld, so beautiful In sorrow, so sad In suffering, so appealing In tlnVsioss of a tenderness which had returned to her, only to be rebuked for its habitation. Another creditable accomplishment was registered for the social science .depart ment of the Woman's club Monday, when the subject of lny saving was presented by three authorities exceptionally well qualified to suggest. B. D. Hajwsid. su perintendent of the State Industrial School for Buys al Kearney, told ot the state in stitution and what It Is doing for de linquent boys. and. Incidentally, what sort of boys "delinquent" boys are, He said these charges of the state were exactly such boys as would, be found If one should take one boy from every other house In Omaha Indiscriminately, no better or no worse. If they are different from other boys It is that they are of bigger capacity. He told of the energy, loyalty and all the other commendable traits Of these . boys and said they lacked chiefly In Judgment, obedience, respect for law, appreciation of the rights ot others and knowledge of the preparation necessary before they are com petent to do without authority. ' He com pared these boys to the many high-spirited horses that have been spoiled In the break ing for want of master' who properly understood how to train them. E. M. Robinson. International boys' sec retary of tha Young Men's Christian as sociation, made a plea for the boy in the adolescent stage. It Is at this period, he said, that his life's course may be dlrei-tech" He advoeat"d a positive, energy-expending righteousness that will call for nerve and self-sacrifice, saying: "When we merely tell the boy In his teens to be good und then expect him to heed, we are making a childhood plea that does not appeal to his manhood." Mr. Denntson, boys' secretary of the local association, spoke briefly of the re sponsibility of the men and women In the making of the right sort of men ot the boys. "Mogy" asked the co-operation of the women in securing an ordinance regulating the public dunce halls of the city, which, ha said, arc doing more than any other agency to demoralize the boys and girls. He wants an ordinance that will make It an offense for any boy or girl under 18 years to attend such places unless accom panied by parent or guardian; that, these halls shall be closed at midnight and no liquors sold In them during the dances; also that they be closed Immediately if any trouble or disorder Is reported. A meeting of tho board and standing committees of the . Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs was held Tuesday and Wednesday of last week at Des Moines and was one of the most enthusiastic gath erings of club women held In the state this yesr. The gathering Included Mrs. J. J. Seerley of Burlington, president-; Mrs. Mary 11. S. Johnson of Humboldt, secre tary; Mrs. John. A. Nash of Audubon cor responding secretary; Mrs. H. B. Clark of Red Oak. treasurer, and Harriet Lake of Independence, state secretary to General Federation. The district chairmen or ex officio vice presidents w ho w re In attend ance included Mrs Z...A. Church of Jeffer son, Mr. L. F: Potter of Harlan, Mrs. Marion F. Stookey of Leon, Mrs. A. E. Shipley of Des Moinux. Mrs. Daisy V. Cave of Greene,, Mia, J. C. Jackson of Iowa Falls, Mrs. Jennie I. Berry of Cedur Rapids. Mrs. A. Blunt of Clinton and Mrs. S. H. Harper of Ottumwa.- The chairmen and members of the standing committees who were present . were: Mrs. Jennie B. Weeks of Guthrie Center snd Mrs. Jemima Myers, of reciprocity committee; Mrs. Henry J. Howe ofL.Mrshalltown, library committee; Mis. Bailey- pfi Des Moines,' educational ( Ice'; Mrs. Mads Hterrett cf Oskaloosa,uhlld study commit tee; Mrs. Horace M. "Towner of Corning. Miss Margaret Blown of Charlton, club program commlltee; Mrs. Warren Oarst of Coon Rapids and Mrs.. Giles C. Moorchead of Ida Grove, household economics commit tee; Mrs. T. J. Fletcher of Murshalltown, child labor committee; Mrs. James G. Berryhlll of Des Moines. Industrial com mittee; Mrs. Mary H. 8. Johnson of Hum boldt, printing committee. The next meeting of the art department of the Woman's club will occur at 10 a. m. Thursday. .February 22. Mrs. W. H. Gur ratt presiding. The subject will be Man- tegna and other painters of North Italy, with general discussion of the painters that are thrown upon the screen. Mrs. Arthur Brandeis will present Items In current art. GOING LIKE HOT CAKES Country People enappliia I p Rest Meats for Bernhardt, a Manager lilllan. "I want to advise the people of Omaha." uld Manager GilluiV yesterday -at It Auditorium, "that the mail order sale c. seats for Bernhardt Is not confined to out of-town people. Omaha people may ordei bv mall and get their tickets back tht next day. and I wish to warn our home people right now not to. wait lor the box office sale next Friday, for the stream of mail orders coming from the country is something enormous and if Omaha peo ple want the best seats they will .have to get In quick. This is no advertising hoax. I mean exac tly, what I say. I shall be sorry to see Omaha people disupiointed In not being able to' get ' the best loca tions. If they will send In their orders at once aeeompunled by check or money order or cash we will mall back the tickets the next day, placing each one as near as ' possible In the lucutlon desired." BEDDEO TO BE THE AUDITOR Appointed as Acting Western Andltor for the H. R. Rldgeley Credit Clothing Co. In Thl Territory. Elmer Beddeo. who has been local man ager for the Rlilgeley Credit Clothing com pany for the laft four years In Oniaha, has received Instruction to tuke charge of the auditing and invoicing of the com pany's chuln of stores west of the river. He. will, continue as the manager of the Omaha store, aa in the past, and give it his personal attention, but wilt be com pelled to devote more or less time to his new duties. Every Mecc and Nepiiew of Uncle Sam should be deeply interested in what he has said about soda crackers, because they are the one food with which all of them are familiar. Uncle Sam has given out figures showing that soda crackers are richer in nutriment and body-building elements, properly proportioned, than any food made from flour. This is saying much for common soda crackers, and much more for Uneeda DlSCUlt, because they are soda cr ;kcrs of the best quality. They are baked better more scientirically. They are packed bettet more cleanly. The damp, dust and odor proof package retains all the good ness and nutriment of the wheat, all the freshness of the bef baking, all the purity of the cleanest bakeries. Your Uncle Sam has shown what fmxl he thinks bet for his people. His people have shown that they think Uneoda Biscuit th best of that food, nearly 400,000,000 packages haring already been consumed. Ueieeda NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 1 I V.J !.. Biscuit M V'aT 'J OUR LETTER BOX Condemn Crowe Verdict. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Keb. 19.-TO the Editor of The Bee: We notice In your Monday's issue of The Bee tho women of Omaha and especially women's clubs have felt It their duty to give expression ot their disapproval of the verdict lately ren dered in the Pat Crowe affaii. This is proper and right, . but why not make it unanimous? The great stale of Nebraska has been affected by this procedure and it behooves every mother, child and woman to place the stamp of disapproval on such methods. We heartly commend Governor Mickey is well as Judge Sutton for the stand they iiave taken. They simply .did h11 they could. Why not show an appreciation of their efforts by taking such a stand? Yours 'or Justice. MARY J. 1'LYNCH. PLANNING TO BENEFIT BOYS International Becretnrr of Roy' le - parthterit of the Y. 11. C. A. Outline" Work. E. M. Ruliinsun, International secretary of the boys' department of the Young Men's Christian association, met inform ally lust evening ut the association rooms with Secretary Wade of the local associa tion, H. V. Dennison, in charge of the boys' department of the Omaha association, and Probation Otlicer Bernstein, Superintend ent Haywurtl of the Kearney Industrial school and several members ot the Woman's club. Tho conference was to talk over ways and means of helping the boys of Omaha. Secretary Robinson gave those present the benefit of his varied experi ences und offered helpful suggestions. He stated that the Young Men's Christian as sociation Is now branching out in its work for boys, helping them In every way possi ble by both direct operation and co-operation. In some cities, he said, the associa tion had taktn the initiative in starting physical , culture in the public schools, establishing public playgrounds and carry ing on other forward movements for the boys. Mr. Roblnstin suggested that the Omaha association might follow the work irrlcd on by the other associations of the uuutry in lis boys' department. Tt One Way Settlers9 Rates Far West g Northwest DAILY UNTIL APRIL 7, 1906. 13 to puget Sound California, Butte- Spokane Countri, Portland San Francisco, Helena From X District Los Angeles, etc. Olstrlct I District. Omahtu.. $25.00 $25.00 I $20.00 $22.50 Lincoln... $25.00 $25.03 $20.00 $22.50 DAILY THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS to Los Angeles rla Denver, with daylight ride via the Rio Grande Route through Scenic Colorado aud Salt Lake City, thence the Salt Lake Route; TUES DAYS and SATURDAY8 peraonally conducted. DAILY THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS, to California via Denver, ttence the Rio Grande Route through 8canlc Colorado nd Snlt Lake City; Southern Pacific beyond Ogdon. THURSDAYS and FRIDAYS personally conducted. TWO DAILY TRAINS TO THE NORTHWEST From Omaha at 4:10 p. m. and at 11:10 p. m. :halr Cara. Dining Cara. Standard and Tourist Sleepers via BUlinga, Montana, to Butte, Helena, Spok ane), Seattle, Tacoma, Portland Folders and descriptive matter, rate, bertha all Information of I D DCVUninC fl Barra ar HflO Caraam CI Amah Dak j. l, o. ntiniLua, vuj rtaasiigci ngem, uut i si nam ui., vmsns,-ncs mmmw i)' m ! " W'3 Wllf '. 111 111 If ' 111 ' mtll yMf 'i' Hii-'-i'-i-1- fill. K' IrnaMiaaaaaMasvaMai 1 11 1 n , tm Break' All Record. All records in curing Coughs, Colds, etc., are broken, by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. 60u and Sl.uo. For sale oy Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. 3larrlage License. The following marriage licenses have been issued: Henry Klelhauser Detroit. Mich Madge lvescli, Kansas City I.inton Elliott, Oniaha Pearl Summers, Minneapolis Krans K. Khelberg, Omaha tielma Johnson, Omaha .. Curl O. Ashton. Talmage. Neb Elizabeth Ulckey, Elkliorn, Neb.. Leopold Kolovratek, Omaha Anna Marie Kruse, Omaha Alfred X. Pierson, Creston. la SS Dorothy Hope, Kent, la 'M Milton Hoeh. Omaha 22 Beatrice Derby. Oniaha 2J Fred White-more. Omaha :'l tirace Russell, Florence 19 Carl Anderson. Omaha 3?. Hannah Johnson, Omaha 1:2 Charles Huki.f, Omaha 2.1 Ella J Indi a, Omaha 2u Carl Bock, South Omaha 44 Katie Hotter. Omaha .... -n .... 35 .... Ico .... il .... -K .... 23 a 22 DIAMONDS Edtiomi. tctli and Harney. n:rn. II AY WARD M is. K. R. . Funeral 1:3U Wednemluy af tei noun at 8t. Martin's church, South Omaha. Burial at Forest Lawi). THE HIM TREATMENT APPEALS TO F.lEfl WHO THINK. People who Investigate give their unqualified endorsement to Dr. E. C. Scott's rescrlp tions because he rejects all elements that produce drug habits or leave bad after effects. E-LIM-I -NO overcomes Weakness and Depression without alcohol, whisky, w ine or strichnine stimulants. E-lim-i-no acts by cleaning the blood of poisonous waste products and thus restores the circulation. - E-LIM-I-NETS Cur Chronlo Constipation and make unnecessary the continued use of phvsic They are a delight to all thus sttlicted. E LIM-I-NA TUM Stops Pain and Relieves Soreness without the use of opium, morphine, cocaine, or other narcotics. E-lim-l-na-tum acts by dissolving from the tisa and Joints the poisons that are settling and causing pain. , IT HELPS CORRECT FAULTY LIVING To maintain tbe bltii testing of sstrenuvui life msa reaort to tha wuln and apurof atlmslatlon. Most man uia lea, code and meata to eu'eu, to wlil b many add tba ut of loh.i ro, ami acid and aleobollo drlnka, all of which ailmnlala bnt rains an at'rumulailon of polaonnua traatn ii Ilia ayat.ui When health falla thr kava reached tbe limit. To attempt to hip up tba fJI1n ayatetn with mors ailmnianta or to deaden their frowliif palua wltb opiate snd narcotic only aggravate tha trouble snd brlof on tba calamity of drug balilta. At tha avitem la alreadr Inmled with polaonoua waits product the only wlf eonrae la to len ont the polannt. Tblt It wbat the Kllnilno tiemcdlea do. By tbut clearing tba ayatem tbty five eaae and comfort and reator health and natural beuyaucy. Are You Willing to Be SliownT To prove the great superiority of the F.limino Reme dies over all other medicines for the ailments named below we will send a maked eopy of Dr. E. C. Scott's New 64-Page Book Free , to all sufferers who will place a cross (X) in front of their ailments and send this announce ment in with their name and address plainly written. Poor Circulation Despondency Rheumatism ' Kidney Trouble Low Vitality Drug Habits Neuralgia Stomach Troubel Catarrh Constipation Sciatica Heart Trouble Sleeplessness Varicose Veins Lumbago Dlzilness i . Send no money, the Book is free. You get the medicine of your druggist. ' KHininets 5c; Elimiuo and Kliminatum St.oo each. If your druggist does not have or will hot get them for you, they will be sent direct, prepaid, on receipt of price.- sif I ' I H I r I fl W These remarkable remedies are based upon th) new prin- v I ! a. lLj c t a R ciple of elimination instead of the common practice of stimu li" "L, I MiN tip M lation and stUDefaction. The Book and the remedies rleaerva NATUMH to be in every home. Write todav. Do it now. Address ;lYfrWVl ELIR1INO MEDICINE CO.. D Mnlnas. lawa Carat f Thaak. We wish to thank the Ancient Order of Hibernians, the Woodmen of tha World and our kind friends and neighbors for the klnrtneaa. shown us during the sickness and death of our beloved father, Patrick Daly. tUignedj MRS. P. DALY, JAMt'S P. DALT, JOHN 3. DALr. WIIXIAM DALT, fAX DALY. aw r"w ' sa oicn And many other painful and serious ailments from which most mothers suffer, can be avoided by the use of T MOttiri rneifl. This great remedy is a God-send to women, carrying them through their most critical ordeal with safetv nnrl tin nam. No woman who uses ''Mother's FrUnl" need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is also healthy, strong and good natured. Our book "Motherhood," is worth its weight in gold to every woman, and will be sent free in plain envelope by addressing application to CffldfieJd Regulator C. Atlanta, Ga. rara RATES CUT IN TWO i Every Saturday and Sunday up to April 1st, 1906 rjiLWAf'. ROUTE ROUND TRIP RATES $1.00 II Eagle Grove - 1.60 Clarion - - 2.25 Hampton - - - 2.80 Belmond 4.25 11 Mason City - Ceod returning following Monday. SAME RATES TO OMAHA MOM ABOVE STATIONS ' fr tuM Mormtim H. tl. Chueaff. Csaerof A$t. tSil ftrmtm Strut. Mlnden -Harlan -Manning -Carroll -Fort Dodge - $4.80 5.10 5.90 5 45 6.40 BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS