Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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$ f v;
e. Yale's
"To Haver Hold"
Thursday March 1, 2:30 P. M.
I'p-to Date Costumes Will Be Won.
A Grand Musical Prorrgtnme.
Th. spirit et iMiilf will lnv.4. "ova's
Tseatsr atarrh Int. at 1:10 p. m., when Mom.
Vale, th. World', omim Beaut? Scientist,
will five th. ladle, of Omaha ana of h.r
lalmllaDle Beauty Culture Lecture. H
rn.rT.lowa portrayal of all that la moat
charming and beautiful la woman will be
reaentea with new ph. ere to d.llfht th.
and enwrap th. Man.
la addition to th. wla. Machine and Bevel
entertaining feature of Mm. Yale's Lecture
law la h.r wonderful personality that alona
la sufficient to bold an audience compoeed
utireir of her own aex completely apellbouna
lor sour. Tban, too, there la a fascination
about a Mm.. Yal. Beauty Lecture that
makes them irrealetlble to thoaa who ha-e
ror attended them. Par thla reaeoa man
at tk. aam faoaa will ba aaaa ther. tnrr
tin. Mmi. Yala appears, manjr of whom lv
Hat. Yala credit for Ana appaaruca
a4 wall preserve routs.
At thla particular tlma, whan so mack
tdm aad thought la being given to Phreleal
Cultura neovenienta. tha opportunity to aea
and bear tha pioneer and prima mover ia
aueh matter. I. certainly aa- opportunity that
everybody ahould tak. advantag. of. On thla
eecaalen lfm. Yala will have a great deal
to aar to middle-. fed women aad thoaa uet
ateralag -tram early v.elk int. tee moie
Batter stages at womanhowa. '
VIII t tli tnt for Mm. Ti' mwrtci,
M mpplrexl t th rapid chang tlut tak
plao during th phratcAl -volution of th
humaa body. Th part moat tntarnatlng. of
doubt, will ba th tranaformatton soane
vhara c)lii la turnded into baauty, and
old 4f mad to almulata youth. Th mar
vel oua thing that ara now being aeeom
llthad through Mm. Tala'a lnatrumntahtir
vlll ba forcibly dmonatratd and eon lu
ting) IlluatraUd la Mm. Yal'a word aad
A aaual. Mma. Yal. will d.vot. ana whole
art to Physical Cultura Derooaetratlona. In
thla act Mma. Yala ehowa to tb. beat ad
vantaac. Her perfection of figure, charm of
feature and wonderful grac of movement
.all forth tha highest commendation of h.r
an, aao preerai a seautuui example for all
m ioiiow.
Ticket, for Mm.. Yal.'a Lectur. iuj a
bUlaed tree of charge by applying for them
NOW at the Drag Department of tha Boetee
The ehoireet aeate. however, will be gives
to those whs malt, a purrhaee of any of
Mma. Yale's preparation, while applying for
. Uaketa,
STORZ BEER a produce
ia one of the most deantr,
t hvpenic a4 modern brew,
inf plants ia existence. Our
Uwhjt Wing of the few in the
world clipped tt great coat
with glass enameled steel
Storage tanks n4 an im
proved pipe line for convey
ing the beer abr-proof from the
benncticallr scales aging vati
to the bottle. If vrra want the
best order Stoss Bus.
I. ft IB a A a I
tvoiy Woman
ulaterostcd and ahould know r. '""I" " won.lerflll
MAJtUL whirling Spray
Iwa mH A.rftra. l.tet sef
cat- Jloet Convenient.
. . ieeaWt
If he fanmrt the.
ae ae w.m atwjjt Bo
ouwr. imii aena .lamp for
Illiiairaie4 bone etW Tt five.
en iw.iowiev anu .iireviiona lu
ealuaUl. to la.i ee, NtKIII. f a
m. ue st.. atv ukT
ror Sal by
' 1Mb. and Dodge St.
aBroBue-Lt (oonuilne BO
tilnlnvl breaks up coma ia
i hcatd la a few hours-
leaves ita ruul at ir- rr.wia
like J'Huua Preparations.
Intel Him iirb .(..!
eaf el-mfc a hrte tet.t-emni en..- .
utt Ak fur the Orange Colored Hoi
and see inat trie tub4 reads
wV. a. WPT' (
areawMSjrli. V t
I X'Ti
a a. 4B ..J.
Ho More Vouchers to Be BieTied by Bccrettvry
of Bute and Auditor.
Statement Is Made Sosae Officials
Hit Bcra lalns tk Mlleaar
ta Travel aa Private
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 19 (8pclal.) Voucher
for mileage book, fllpd by state offlcers,
will no more be sig-ned by Secretary of
State Oaiufha or allowed by Deputy State
Auditor Cook. This because Mr. Oalusba
asserts he has evidence In his possession
that two at least of the state offlcers have
used mllr-age bought by the state for pri
vate purposes. Yesterday a voucher was
filed by Land Commissioner Eaton for
mlfcaa-e books for himself and deputy and
the secretary of state refused to sign.
After a consultation with the deputy audi
tor the latter concluded to refuse to Issue
any more warrants to pay for mlleaxe
books. Hereafter the state officer will have
to pay his railroad fare and take a receipt
from the ticket agnU Then If his trans
portation shows that he has gone to a
town In which there Is a state institution
the officer will stand a good chance to get
his money back, but if the ticket reads to
some place where the officer would hardly
go on state business the money will remain
in the treasury.
After the republican state convention the
state offlcers returned their passes svnd
then bought mileage books. The vouchers
were filed with the auditor and the war
rants were Issued. Mr. Galusha says he
has evidence that some of the offlcers were
using their books to travel on private busi
ness and therefore he will refuse in the
future to sign any voucher for mileage
books. Treasurer Mortensen pays his fare
when going on state business and turns
into the auditor his receipt. When travel
ing on private business the treasurer rides
on a mileage book which the state dues
not furnish.
Divorce Case Appealed.
William H. Judklns of Custer county has
appealed to the supreme court from the
decision of the iower court, which refused
to grant him a divorce. Mrs. Judkins filed
th suit In th loner court and Judkln filed
a cross bill. She alleged he was rather
low about coming across with the neces
sary funds, and he alleged she was too full
of peculiar Ideas to suit htm. One of her
Ideas which she desired to carry out was
for the two to be married In name only,
as It agreed, she said, with literature she
bad been given by a religious sect whose
services she attended.
Harder Case Geee l'p.
Wlnfleld 8. Haddlz of Custer county has
appealed to the supreme court from the
decision of the lower court,' which con
victed him of murder. Haddlx was con
vlcted of murder of Melvin Butler. The
fight between the two occurred near a (ate
on the farm of the defendant. Haddls ob
jected to Butler crossing his farm and the
two quarrelled and both used guns.
Supreme Conrt Meets Teday.
The supreme court will meet tomorrow,
the judges and commissioners having ar
rived this afternoon for consultation pre
vious to the opening- of court. One of the
Important cases which was to have oome
up ia that brought by the state to eject
the Boyd county settlers from school lands
which the state has leased to other parties,
has been discontinued. The attorney for
the settlers demanded a jury trial, and
after filing that motion thla morning- they
asked for a continuance. Th attorney
general agreed to th continuance pro
viding the jury was waived. This was
agreed ta
It is possible at this session of the court
the decision in the case Involving the
validity of the tax on fraternal reserve
funds will be handed down. The Stale
Board of Assessment has been considerably
delayed in sending out instructions to the
county assessors because this matter has
been tied up In the courts.
Guard Offlcers' School.
Everything Is in readiness for the offlcers
school of instruction, .which begin tomor
row morning in representative hall. Cap
tain Cronln. who will have charge of the
school, reached Lincoln last night. During
the week there will be a number of inter
esting papers by army offlcers, including
Captain Worklser of the university. Lieu
tenant Whelan of the Thirtieth infantry
and Major Blrkner.
Saturday Captain Davis of the adjutant
general' office tried out the new gun
bought by the state for distribution. These
guns are so made that a- twenty-two
calibre barrel can be substituted for the
thirty-two calibre for target practice, the
stock being of the regular army pattern.
The captain, who la one of the best rifle
shot In the state, plucked the bull' eye
In twenty-five targets at a distance of fifty
yards, and he didn't have a good light
The school of Instruction began In repre
entatlve hall tonight with sixty officer
present. Governor Mickey delivered th
The Best Guaranty of Merit
Is Open Publicity.
Every bottle of Dr. Pierce' world
famed medicines leaving the great labo
ratory at Buffalo, N. ., ba printed
npon It wrapper all the tntrredienu
ntrrlng Into Its composition. This fae
alone places Dr. I'inrce' Family Medi
cine in u clont all by 0cineltt. They .
cannot be classod with patent or secret -medicine
because they are neither. This
I why so many unprejudiced physician,
prescribe them and recommeud them to
their patients. Thev know what thev
re composed of, and that the ingredlnnu
re tnoee endorsed oj the most eminent
D3(1ical author) i !ei. .
The further fact that neither Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the
treat stomach tonic, liver invig-orator,
be art regulator and blood purifier, nor his
Favorite I'rescri ption for weak, over
worked, broken-down, nervous women,
contains any alcohol, also entitles them
to a place all by themreivee.
Many years ago. Dr. Pierre dlavovered
that chemically pure glycerine, of proper
strength, is a better solvent and preserv
ative of the medicinal principles resid
ing In our Indigenous, or nstlve. medi
cinal ll an U than is alcohol: and. further-
mote, that it poKaessMw valuable medicinal -
properties of its own. being demulcent,
nutritive, antiseptic, and a most efficient
ntifexment. , .
Neither of the above medicines con
tain alcohol, or auv harmful, habit
forming drag, as will be seen from a
glauce at the formula printed on each
bottle wrapper. They are safe to use and
pou-nt to cure.
Not only do phvslcians prescribe th
above, noii-ecret medicines largely, but
the most Intelligent people employ them
people who would not think of using
the ordinary patent, or secret medicine.
Every Ingredient entering Into the com-
rofclilon of Dr. Pierre's medicines bag
he strongest kind of a a endorsement
from leading medical writers of th
several schools of practice. Ko other
medicine put op for like purpose has
any such proeaaional endorsement.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets curs con- ,
tlpatlon. Constipation Is the cause of
snsuy diseases. Cure the cause and yen
curu tue utsease. uiw -reiiet-1 g gentle
laxative, and two a mild cathartic. Dmg
t'.su sell them, and nothing I "last as
twd. Easy to tak a candy. .
welcome address In whlrh he complimented
the offlcers on the Improvement In the
guard during the last three year and
urged continued Improvement and prog
res. Captain Cronln, Twenty-fifth Infantry,
U. S. A-, the Instructor, who occupied th
same position last year, announced briefly
that the topic for the offlcers tomorrow
will be Administration." Adjutant General
Culver, who presided, outlined the work
to be done in the school and pointed out
what he considered the week point of
the guard. The general announced him
self opposed to civic organisations in the
guard and &d these organisations usually
made trouble. While he did not openly
oppoA the reorganisation of the National
Guard association, he was by no means tn
favor of It, leaving the matter erftlrely to
the sruard.
The session tomorrow will begin at
o'clock and each evening a lecture will be
Secretary Galashsv Recovers.
Secretary of State Galusha, who ha been
sick for the last week, was able to be
at hi office this morning. Though looking
rather the worse for hi spell be 1 now
feeling much better and expects to be all
right within a few days. Miss Mouser of
the secretary' office, who ha also been
ick, 1 now recovered.
State PrlntlaaT Awarded.
The State Printing board this afternoon
let the contract for printing 1,000 cople of
supreme court reports, volume 69 to 74
Inclusive, to the State Journal company
for $1.62 a page; 2,000 copies of the dairy
men' report, to J. L. Howard of Lincoln
at 11.60 a page; and 200 Insurance sum
maries to J. 8. Clatlln of University Place
at $1.70 a page.
Clerk Lladaay Retaras.
H. C. Lindsay, clerk of the supreme court.
and Mrs. Lindsay, returned this morning
from a ten da.s' visit to New Orleans
and other points In the south. Mr. Lindsay
reports a most delightful trip and came
back feeling much better than when h
Guy Whures. a cripple and deformed lad
from Blooming-ton, died at the Orthopedic
hospital this morning following an opera
tion. The little fellow had been crippled
from birth and the knife was resorted to
In the hopes of saving hi life and remedy
ing hi defects. He was burled In the lot
owned by the home for the friendless.
Llucola Mast Defines Poaltloat oa
Peadlng laaues.
KEARNEY. Neb., Feb. :.). (Speclal.)-
When Dr. Ludden was In this city a few
day ago he was questioned In regard to
the matter of being a republican candidate
for lieutenant governor. He stated he was
willing to serve hi party and state in the
office mentioned, provided the honor should
be conferred upon him. Dr. Ludden re
marked that tt was no more than, natural
that members of the party should desire to
know the views of men who might come
before the convention as candidates for
places upon the ticket, and he was per
fectly willing to state his position.
Asked as to his position on the question
of railway taxation Dr. Ludden stated that
he believed In treating the big and little
taxpayers alike. A man worth 1G00 should
psy no greater proportion of the expense
of government than a corporation worth
K.OOO.OOO. In the past, both big and little
taxpayers have shirked to a certain ex
tent, as was shown by the working of the
new revenue law. All should be made to
pay on the same basis.
As to rate regulation Dr. Ludden stated
that the greatest difficulty In this direc
tion was the rebate system. He believed
that a stringent law should be enacted
making It a crime to either give or re
ceive a rebate. At the present time the
shipper who takes the rebate can hold a
club over the head of the transportation
company, and If he Is big enough he can
secure most anything he want. Eliminate
the rebate and the rate question would
settle itself.
Dr. Ludden stAted that in his opinion
every candidate who came before the peo
ple next fall would be compelled to stute
his position plainly and unequivocally. All
would be pledged before they were nomi
Chlaamaa Mutilated by Customer
Who Lost Ticket.
HASTINGS. Neb., Feb. l.-(8pecial.)-An
unidentified man entered the laundry
of Hop Lee about 11:30 Saturday night and,
without any apparent cause, attacked the
proprietor, cutting off one ear and badly
mutilating his face. He was found lying
Insensible in a pool of blood by Lloyd Fink
about midnight. The Chinaman is con
scious today, but the attending physiclun
entertains some fear that he may not re
cover. The stranger asked for a package of
linen. Vpon being asked lor his receipts
he became indignant and at once assaulted
the laundryman. Hop Lee aald today that
he knew the man, but he refused to give
the name to the polio and said that he
would enter no complaint.
Farmer to Fiajht Treat.
TOR.K. Neb.. Feb. 1. (Special.) York
county farmers are awakening to the fact
that nearly every farm Implement or ma
chinery Is In the trust, and there I con
siderable, agitation among the farmers In
York county to form an association and
boycott all manufactured farm machinery
that Is sold by the trust. The plan pro
posed Is to effect an organization of York
oounty farmers who will plaoe there or
ders with Independent companies as far as
they can and - to place orders either
through the local firms or through a paid
secretary. If the members of the organi
sation find that they will need 100 wagons
for the year 1M they will place an order
for 100 wagons, thereby getting the wagons
at the lowest price. Farmers claim that
unless they organize that the trust will
continue to grow and soon nothing ran be
purchased unless from the trust, and that
the time to act is now.
York County' Republicans Awake.
YORK. Neb.. Feb. 19. (Special.) Candi
date for the leKlslature from York county
will have to be men of ability with good
record and men who will not aocept
passes. York county will send men who
will act In the best Interests of the state
and county. One of the leading local re
publican paper announce that no candi
date will have it support if he Is known
to have a pass or will accept a railroad
pass. It looks as If the republican conven
tion will exact many pledge from the
oandldatea and that York county will have
representatives in tb legislature who will
not be under railroad or corporation in
fluence, but will look after the interests of
their constituent and at th same Urn
will give the railroads a squar deal.
Toeumaeh Willi Better Llskts.
TECL'MSEJI. Neb., Feb. 19. (Special Tel
egram.) At a special meeting of the Com
mercial club this evening a motion pre
vailed unanimously asking th city council
to submit a proposition at the coming mu
nicipal election for th Issuing of bonds
in the sum of 9.&u0 for the Installation of
a new electric lighting plant tn Tecumseh.
The present plant, which is the property
of the cfty. Is entirely Inadequate and out
of date. It I proposed to put in a plant
that will cost tllfluO, the city council being
able to provide the difference from other
aourcaa, A nioUwe) also prevailed a king
the council to mske an example of some
party able to stand the expense who re
fuse to build proper sidewalks.
Sew of Nebraska.
YORK The Commercial club has decided
to move to new quarters and will enter into
a contract with Cnmplw-11 Bros, of Omaha,
who own the Auditorium.
YORK York will have a lodge of Elks.
A charter membership of seventy-two have
signed for membership and more will Join.
An organisation will be effected In about
ten days.
ALBION District court convenes tomor
row, with Judge Paul presiding. The
docket is not a heavy one, but may be
materially enlarged by esses furnished by
the grand Jury.
ALBION .Yesterday the mercury reached
60 degrees and today Is very much like
spring. Most of the snnw has disappeared.
The recent snow and rain will leave the
ground In fine condition.
FAIRMONT The Rebecca lodge of this
city was visited by the Sutton lodge to the
number of thirty. Including its team, which
Initiated ten new members, for the local
lodR. after which a banquet was spread
and a good time had.
ALBION The union revival services now
being conducted by Messrs. Lyon and Pat
terson in the opera house are well at
tended and considerable Interest Is mani
fested. The meetings will continue for
about three weeks longer.
TEKAMAH The authorities this morn
ing closed the churches and schools for a
few days on account of diphtheria. There
are only four or live cases, but the Board
of Health thought It best to take this pre
caution and try and stamp it out at once.
BEEMER A successful series of revival
meetings in the Methodist church here
closed Sunday night. During the last seven
weeks Rev. Mr. Goodell, pastor of the
church, has preached titty-one consecutive
sermons, besides conducting thirty-seven
special afternoon meetings.
TEKAMAH Word was received here yes
terday announcing the death of Captain
8. T. Learning of Decatur. Neb. Mr.
Learning was on his way to Oregon and
died on the train at Shoshone, Idaho. The
body will be brought home for burial. The
deceased was a member of Tekamuh lodge
No. 31. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons.
OSCEOIA The farmers' institute and
corn show began Monday morning and
with the beautiful weather and good roads
It will be a success from start to finish.
Leading agriculturists are here from Lin
coln. Clay Center and other parts of the
state, and there is the finest display of
com that has ever been exhibited in Polk
FREMONT Th city council held a pe
dal meeting thl morning and voted to ap
prove the plans for the extension of the
water system Into Northslde addition. The
broad street rrwln will be extended two
blocks to Seventeenth street. A main mill
be put in on Eighteenth street, with
branches running on several of the north
and south streets.
Scott's Emulsion is
"the easy oil "easy to
take, easy in action. Its
use insures deliverance,
from the griping and nau
seating sensation peculiar
to the raw oil. Nobody
who has any regard for
the stomach thinks of
taking cod liver oil in the
old way when Scott's
Emulsion is to be had.
It is equally certain that
no one whose health is
properly regarded will
accept a cheap emulsion
or alcoholic substitute
for Scott's Emulsion. It
fulfills every mission of
cod liver oil and more.
KOTT & M Wa, e rarl Street, w York
Be it known that we, the undersigned, citizens of the .Great Republic
of Bohemia, do hereby solemnly declare, ourselves
ITn IRevolt
Against the outrageous state of our interior. And furthermore resolve
that we will arm ourselves with
The famous aperient water that restores the gay dwellers of our beloved
Republic of Bohemia to a calm and peaceful existence.
Wherefore, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, and shall use
and recommend Red Raven now and forevermore.
(IMAM )&rrtAlHMj AUdJb
7 1 J D .
RED RAVEN is a refreshing
dinners or conviviality. Banishes
natural way.
...... -
Special Agent Who Examined Their Books
Placed on the Stand.
He la Kot Sure that Department of
Justice laed Information Com
piled from Packers'
CHICAGO. Feb. 19. Attorneys for the
packers sprung something of a surprise
today when they summoned to the witness
stand Special Agent Durand, who .con
ducted the investigation of the packing
industry In Chicago and other cities. Ho
waa on the stand when court adjourned
for the day. The tfuestlons put to him by
the attorney for the packer covered the
manner tn which the packer had surrend
ered their books for his inspection and the
nature of the Information secured. An
effort waa made to show by the witness
that information other than that published
in the report of Commissioner Garfield had
been given by the commissioner or hlf
subordinate to th Department of Justice.
Mr. Durand admitted that some paper and
tables that were not comprehended In the
report of the commissioner had been In
spected by Assistant Attorney General
Pagln. He was not able to tell, however,
whether the information which the assist
ant attorney general had seen waa taken
from the packer.
Mr. Durand will resume th stand In the
Dlsvck and Red List.
Arthur Meeker, general superintendent
of Armour & Co., was the first witness In
the packers' case today. Hi examination
waa In relation to the list known as the
"black and red" lists of cost in beef pack
ing, tt being the theory of the government
that the two lists were entirely different
thing. Superintendent Pierce of Armour
& Co. waa also a wltnesa regarding the
same matters.
E. D. Durand, special statistician for the
Department of Commerce and Labor, was
made a witness today for the packers, a
subpoena having been served on him at
thes Instance of Attorney Miller, counsel
for Armour Sc Co,
The preilrhlnary question by Mr. Miller
related to the duties ordinarily filled by
Mr. Durand, his connection with the In
vestigation of the beef Inquiry under Com-
1 mlnaloner of Corporations Garfield. Mr.
Durand was asked by Attorney Miller if
the Department of Justice had seen any
part of the report of Commissioner Garfield
which had not been published. He replied
that Assistant Attorney General Pagin had
seen certain tables and paper which wer
not Included tn the report, but supple
mented his statement by saying that those
particular tables were not examined by Mr.
Pagln in Durand' presence.
"What became of the material?"
"I believe that Mr. Pagln took soma of It,
but I do not know whether It was any of
the information taken from the packer."
Other Information, from Government.
Attorney Miller asked Mr. Durand If he
bad ever prepared any Information for th
government other than that received from
the packer. He replied that some such in
formation waa prepared from other sources
than the packers, but that he did not have
anything to do with Its preparation.
'What was the Information?"
"Statements of butchers and interviews
with employe of the packer."
"Wer not some of these men customer
of the packers."
"Certainly they were."
"Wer not the names obtained from the
books of the branch houses of the pack
ers ?"
'No." .
"Did some of jour stents xaiuln aoin
Covtm, otfWW
ft . J s . A An
S J' ' f
pit si
0 (t
0V cr,
aperient water, after an evening of heavy
headaches and dull care, in a perfectly
of the book at some of the branch
"Yes, J believe that Mr. Hunter, one of
eur agents, did go Into soma of th branch
Commissioner Garfield arrived In the city
to attend the trial. He probably will re
main here for several day.
Always Keep Chamberlain' Cough
Remedy In HI House.
"We would not be without Chamberlain'
Cough Remedy. It I kept on hand con
tinually In our home." says W. W. Kear
ney, editor of the Independent, Lowry City,
Mo. That is just what every family should
do. When kept at hand ready for Instant
use a cold may be checked in the outset and
cured In much less time than after It ha
become settled tn the system.
Business Men Victimised.
PIERRE, 8. D., Feb. 19.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Business men of this city and
Fort Pierre were victimised to the extent
of several hundred dollars by checks
drawn on the bank of Presho. signed by
Ed O'Keefe. It Is learned that O'Keefo
had no deposit In that bank and he ha
been arrested and given a hearing at
Come to our office and we will make a thourough, saching and clntlfle
EXAMINATION of your allmenta FRED OF CHARGE. An examination that
will disclose your true physical condition, without a knowledge of which you
are groping In the dark nd without a thorough understanding of which no
physician or specialist should be allowed to treat you. If -you have taken treat
ment without success we will show you why It failed. W want all ailing men
to feel that they can com to our office freely for examination and explanation
of their condition without being bound by any obligation to tak treatment tin-,
lea they so desire. Every man. whttlier taking treatment or contemplating,
same, ahould take advantage of thl opportunity to learn hi true condition,!
aa w will advise him how to best regain his health and strength and preserve,
the powers of manhood unto ripe old age. '
We are helping weak, nervous, bioken-down young and mlddJ-gd men(
baca to ruday r.eaitn, invanaDiy witnout interfering witn tneir uauai Dusrriase
ursults. They com to u weakened
laesses and secret weaknesses. Many
tired, lanauld. full of rearat perhaps
and Indiscretions. Some are on the brink of nervous exhaustion, caused by
worv, overwork, neglect of th human ytm, dissipation, etc.
We wish that you could see them change after commencing treatment with
us. Every day their condition Improves. You can see the depression vanisii
and a new alertness in their face and bearing a th new red blood of health
course through their vein and they ar Infllterated with new vitality, new
hop and new energy. They go away feallag all new-strong physically, ment
ally and sexually.
We Cure Safely aad Tboroa,rlil v I
Stricture, Varicocele. Emission, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
' Kidney and Urinary Diseases
and all disease and weaknesses of ana due to inheritance, evil babtts, self
abuse, excessee or the result of epeetflc or private disease.
We make no misleading statement, deceptive or unbu!iealik
propositions to the? afflicted, neither do we promise to core them La a
few days, nor offer cheap, worthJee treatment la order to secure their
patronage. Honest doctors of recognlxexl ability do not resort to stch
methods. We guarantee a perfect, safe and lasting cure la the quickest
possible tlnie, without leaving Injurious arterr-eflerts la the system, and -at
the lowest root possible for honest, skillful and successful treatment.
rorr eoaeetteMoi, If
Lt .) gaaaetaatrs) Of
Ac Hours
1SOS Farxuua 8r Between ISth and 14th Btau, OMAHA, KEB.
Fort Pierre and locked up In jail tn this
city for failure to furnish bond of SG00.
II say that th paper will be taken up.
Colorado People Think n Coal Fire
Cauae amok from Mount
( Sutton.
It. Little credence la given her to report
that Mount 8utton ha become an' active
volcano, and no alarm is felt over the
fire on the mountain side. When the flames
were first seen Marshal 8. McQueery,
Sheriff Solomon Jones and J. E. Brown,
editor of a local paper, made an Investiga
tion and reported that they had found fir
issuing from a crevice in the rocks. The
people of Hot Sulphur Springs are inclined
to the belief that it Is a coat fire. For
several month men have been prospecting;
for coal tn that region, and It ta believed
that they have discovered a deposit and
in an effort to test Ita quality set It on
fire. Thl theory I supported by the fact
that since the heavy snowfall last night
the fire i scarcely visible from here.
and dohllltated from speciao or private
are discouraged, depressed, nervosa.
for the ermrs of youth or later excesses
eaanot eaU writ for symptom blank.
4 a. m. te p. m. Sunday. IS to 1 only.