Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone, Dougjag HI.'
Sow located la the new
retell center, Howard
and Sixteenth
Js a miracle jof earing newness, spring correctneKs and perfect
iuality. Here yotitmay view an exposition of all authoritative
styles, colorings and shapes, assured, that in every instance
qualities are the best obtainable at prices which, from the least
expensive in the basement to the most costly on the other floors,
are always favorable and profit sharing.
Dress Goods-NeWcomers for
rretty colored stuffs, prUr black weave
k beautiful showing. Come Tuesday and
look Ihem over. Jt will fttlp the planning
of. the new spring gown. :'. Much at every
arena good counter to see and enjoy.
Beautiful In finish rich' In appearance,
about the weight f battote. In the new
checked ground, here and there amall em
broidered figure of beautiful . tints, ll.'ii
a yard. , r
TAFFETAS Fine lustrous finish. In a
beautiful quality of wool taffeta snappy,
crisp and new. Just In the extreme new
hades of gray, $1.25 and 11.50 a yard.
A beautiful aoft - clinging fabric, very
bright rich black, fine teure resembling
all silk, quality as soft and clinging, but
being part wool gives It a little mora
weight. They are-, of unusual Interest.
Many of the new- Parisian gowns ar mad.)
from these' beautiful fabrics, 11.00, Jl.X,
$1.50. $1.76. $2.50 a yard.
Note Samples are' now ready for out-of-town
customers. ' ,
Ladies Suit, Coat: and Waist
Bargains in the Economy
Newest approved' spring and summer
style of pretty shape and color, prtcej
attractively and at n prlu difference that
la wholly In your favor.
tityllsh Eton Suits at . and $13. 9S each.
Man tailored close fitting Suits, the
height of fashion, $1.98 and $1X9S.
Swagger long, loose fitting Tourist Coals,
5.00 and $4.98. f
Howard and Sixteenth Streets.
of the third class. Under, these condition
it would seem Mr. Howe jiafl. no cause for
complaint. ;:: .
Mrhols Wants Money Retamed. ' .
Congressman Kennedy today Introduced
a bill for the relief of A..;?. Nichols of
Harpy county to send to the court of
claims, a claim for tajt: levied on Fort
Crook for the year ISX.. Slchol bought
the land, which was later sold to the gov
ernment and now Is the Fort Crook mili
tary reservation," at tax . salo after the
title had passed to, the government. He
has therefore no redrees , except .through
the court of claims. The amount Involved
I $500.
; .P,rnal Meatlaa.
John L, Webster, wife and daughter, are
akAt)e New'. Wlllard, Miss Webster, who
ha been on'a'vlalt to w Vork Jollnlng
her fathcr-arrf mother here yesterday.. Mr.
Webster ,1 a delegate- Jo the congres of
uniform divorce law. ;
Roscoe Pound of Lincoln is in Washing
toil a a delegate to the divorce law con
vention, a - ' t '
Ralph W. Breckenrldge of Omaha is also
In Washington on a similar mission.
John Morton of Douglas. Wyo.. member
of the Wypmlng legislature', and wife, 'are
In Washington and were presented to the
president today . by Senator Warren. Mr.
Morton waa. one of the purchasers of the
presidents horse, 'Wyoming," which was
presented to. the chief executive a year
or more ago. ...
Senator Millard today introduced "a dupli
cate of t,U bill previously Introduced by
Congressman Kennedy, providing an ap
propriation, of $75,000 (or macadamizing tho
Fort Crook military boulevard from Fort
Crook to-th southern city limit ? South
Omaha. , -,- . -
. Bills fef Besrlt of Wrat.
Senator Warren today Introduced a bill
railing for ' an ' appropriation of J2O.O0O
for equipping and maintaining a weather
bureau eJieer.vetcry e Cheyenne, Wyo.
Representative Martin lias reintroduced
his bill to'eel apart"aV"-eevtaln number of
acr. ot, Ovb nubile domain in South Da
kota a A-adjunct t the Battle Mountain
anltariUjrivc Hla'orat lll designated that
the lands be thu set apart as "park."
He now changea the language of the bill
to this extent It I to,e known a "Battle
Mountain santturlunj . jreserye.". '
Senator Gamhe totiay gave notice In
tlws senate that he would press an a-nend-tuent
to the .Indian appropriation bill,
which provide -in. a ppro'prlatlon of 56 520
to reimburse fifteen Blolrx Indians of the
Pine Ridge agencjT. fur ponies and other
property taken froju them' by the United
States military authorities' In . 1S7. Fa
vorable reports ha ve been made on this
particular claim" ln;past conRresse. but
the Item hss never Vet; beu grafted upon
an Indian ptkrvprtgtlon' bill.
ltm Occalu for. Alarm.
There l e- hlH pending In the house pro
viding for the reeurvey of government
lands In McPhereon county, Nebraska.
Rom of the land owner in that county
have expressed ' anxiety lest the pending
measure, may shake their title or render
uncertain the line and boundaries of old
or .existing gVverwiierii surveys In that
cmnty,f .170' have taken the matter up
with Senator . Millard .and Congressman
K'.ak-Jd': 'TI'e-latter said today that the
owner. Jlaad Ju McPtjereon county need
liave no fear that their - rights will In
any. why "be 'Impaired .by an act of con
gress providing for a reaurvey. .The
language -Of the' pending blil safeguards
such interest... ;
VyadJeat a Tree Plaatlag;.
A plan, .tbaa reoehtly been approved for
ru-operalW 'forest . experiments between
the fobeat eeevlee and - the -University of
Nebraska J The' university la to donate
twenty-five acre of laud at the North
Platte substalioo and systematic experi
maatal planting la te hi carried on under
Tobfh Powder
to discolored teeth. It bright
ens aiici whitens .them, hardens
the gams, 'makes the breath
sweeraBd the health good;'
that a dentist's advice, .'z
. Ia fcajMly naehal r ttlaa , .
DraY;i'-Toeth Powder Co.
Bee, Feb. II. 19".
Our Store
The latest Pony Coals, very new, II.Sl
and ROT.
Popular new spring and summer Waists,
of linen, lawn and mercerised cotton, 49c,
75c, 9Sc and $1.98.
Feather Pillows Specially
PILLOW,, $2.50 A PAIR-SIze 21x6. cover
of fancy striped ticking, Mled with an ex
cellent grade of mixed feathers. Superior
to any low priced pillow on the market.
PILLOW, $3.00 PER PAIR-Slae SlxW. art
tick covering, filled with a good grade of
feather that are soft and downy, pure
and clean.
PILLOW, Vi.'.a A PAIR-iSI SlxJi, fancy
light atrlpcd ticking, tilled with a hlgn
grade mixture of slightly mixed gceso
$1 oo PER PAIR Slae JCxtf, filled entirely
with goose feathers, no mixture of any
kind, fany blues and drab lrlped ticking.
riLLOW. fb.aO PER PAllt-Sizo rxa. fill id
entirely with white and gray goose feather
containing all the original down, coveting
of art ticking.
PILLOW, $.0 PER PAIR-SUe of pillow
22x28, lilted entirely with down of the goosu.
coveted with feather proof genuine Ger
man linen.
$7.50 A PAIR A perfect feather pillow,
size 22 x29, made of one-half goose down
nd one-half small fluffy feathers from the
breast of the white goose.' Covering of the
best quality of blue and white atrlped
ticking. .
the supervision of the forest service. The
aim Is to Increase the knowledge of forest
planting In western Nebraska, laying es
pecial emphasis on valuable new species,
the general relation of species to soil and
climate, spacing. ' mixtures, cultivation,
etc. The work wi:i run through a period
of years and only small lot will be planted
1 w Banks for Iowa.
These Iowa banks have been authorized
to begin business with $25,000 capital each:
The A bra in Rutt National hank at Casey;
Abram Rutt, president; William Valentine,
vice president; S. L. Rutt, caehler. The
Farmers' National bank of Corning;
Charles C. Norton, president; 8.- C. Scott,
vice president; Nellie Beldlng. cashier.
Iowa rural routes ordered established
April 2: Atallsaa,. Muscatine county; route
2; population!. Sl2; houses, 63. " LockVldge,
Jefferson. oounty; route 1 population-, J80;
houses, 70. Muscatine, Muscatine county;
route 7; population,' JS4; houses, 96. '
(Continued from First Page.)
lynn, where he waa defeated by a larllf
rerormer, the Liberal association tonight
temporarily selected him to oppose Premier
Balfour In the bye election made necessary
by the resignation of Alton Olbbs, who gave
up Ms seat In order to enable Mr. Balfour
to return to Parliament.
Mr. Ralfour commenced an active cam
paign this morning perambulating tho
gTeaay alleys of Billingsgate fish market,
shaking hands with hundreds of fish sort
ers and receiving an Occasional douche of
slimy brine from" the baskets on their
heads. '
Chicago ta Divert Mewage lato tha
, Mississippi UlTer Above
i -k ....
St. LoqIs.
WASHINGTON," Feb." iv.-r't'l'ie famouo
case of the State of Mlaaouvi against the
State of Illinois, Involving tho right of
the city of Chicago to divert Ita sewage
Into the Mississippi rivei 'through the Chi
cago sanitary canal and the Illinois river
waa decided today by the supreme court
of the United State in favor of Illinois.
Justice Holmes ( delivered (he opinion of
the court, which was that Missouri did
not prove Ita caf. Therr .was no dissen
sion. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 1.-When told of the
decision of the United States supreme court
today in the Missouri-Illinois aewage case.
Attorney General Hadley. aajil he could
not say at this time what actijn the atate
of Missouri will likely take.
When Informed ; of the, decision In', the
MbiMourl-Ulinoia sewaga case Mayor Wells
said: "The city has been co-operating
with the state In this case and the city
counsellor has worked with . the attorney
geneii in It. What course will be pur
sued as to me future will have to be de
termined by conference. I will confer with
the city counsellor and will probably con
fer with the governor and attorney gen
Cliwalt Ultras at Uavcasrt Jaly 81
Cloaea at sprlnageld Oct. 8.
CHICAGO. Feb. 1.-The great western
trotting dates far the coming season were
arranged at a meeting held here today of
the stewards' organisation. The season
will open ( naveaport July a and uloa
at Spiingtlld. III., txtober 6. The as.
slgnuients follow: Daveniiort, July 31 to
August S; Decatur. 111., August 7-10; Pe
khv. 111., AugiiM 12-16; Gaiesburg. Ill Au
gust il-24: Iubuqua. la.. August 2-al;
Hamline. Minn.. Snlember 3-s; Milwauke
September 11-15; Libertyvllle 111
Keptcmher l(t-22; Joliet. III., September R.
; SpringfleW. ll October I-.
J. K. Ingalls. owner of the Joliet track,
refused to accept the dates allotted to him
and bolted the meeting. F. E. Marsh of
Llbertyille was elected president of the
circuit for the coming year and W H
Smolllnger of Gaiesburg . waa named aa
secretary. Tha ejection.. of a. presldlua
Judas and starter waa . postponed. The
next meeting of the organisation will be
held In Milwaukee. -
A Gaavaatee Car far Vllea.
Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles
Tour druggist will refund money if Paso
Ointment fall to cure you In t to 14 day. 0c
Tsssrl lliMIIti . La(,
SA!C FRA-NCISCO. Feb. 1. -plana hava
Wn prepared by engineers of tha Southern
PaoinV company for a tunnel six mllaa
long through the Sierra Nevada mountains
Tru tunnel U1 cut down the present tnoun"
tain climb by fully 2,omi tet and will llm
tnate many curvea Tke estimated coat Is
$iVurtV0. It ia expefed work n tha
tunnel; ill bogi a ia h -naf . forur.
Gambling Prohibited in Aritona, Oklahoma,
New Mexico and Indian Territory.
Oae Measare Provides for Collect loa
of "ta list Irs' oa Inanraace, Klec
trleal ladaatrle. a1aa
Banks a ad Crimea.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 19. Three bill
were pasted under suspension of the rules
requiring a two-thirds vote In the house
' The first makes gambling unlawful In the
territories of the United States, including
Arizona. New Mexico, Oklahoma, Indian
Territory and Alaska. The bill was directed
particularly at Arizona and New Mexico,
where. It was stated, gambling wa li
censed. 1 The second provides additional work for
the census bureau by requiring statistic
to ba taken on Insurance, fisheries, elec
trical industries, savings banks and Crimea.
The third appropriate $50,000 for the pur
chase of 309 acre of coal lands on the
Island of Batan, one of the Philippine arch
ipelago. On the Utter bill a debate of two
hours was had. The other were debated
forty minute each.
An effort by Mr. Ialzell (Pa.) to set
consideration of the bill Incorporating the
Lake Erie & Ohio Ship Cap I company
Immediately after the pasiage of the army
appropriation bill failed. The army bill
will be taken up tomorrow.
A bill was considered, under suspension
of the rules, on motion of Mr. Cooper
(Wis.) appropriating $50,000 for the pur
chase of certain coal lands on the Island
of Batan, Philippine Islands.
Mr. Cooper took the floor to explain the
provision of the bill. He said that the
government spent about $1,000,090 annually
In the Philippines for coal. He aald the
purchase of the coal landn would save the
government about $400.GOO annually.
Opposition to the bill was mude by Mr.
Underwood. Mr. Madden (HI.) and Mr.
Slayden (Tex.) on the ground that the
price asked was too high, and also that
the government ought not to go Into the
coal mining business.
Mr. Fitzgerald (N. Y.) said that should
the bill pass the scheme wa to lease the
lands to Mr. Scott, president of the Union
Iron works, San Francisco. "But this part
of the plan does not appear In the bill,"
he added.
Mr. Cooper closed the debate, when the
bill was read for amendment and passed,
the vote being 121 to 3d.
A resolution presented by Mr. Lialxell
(Pa.) providing that the rules be suspended
to make an orde- after the passage of the
arniy appropriation bill, the consideration
of -a bill Incorporating the Lake Erie &
Ohio Ship Canal company. H required a
two-thirds vote and was defeated, 120 to 73.
Mr. Longwortb (O.) was paired on the
question with- Mr. Legare (8. C). Here
after he will be paired with Mr. Aiken
(8. C). The house then adjourned until
Meaara. Prrklna anal Patterson Define
Positions on I'tah Problem.
. WASHINGTON, Feb. -9. In presenting
petitions against Senator Reed Smoot.
signed by' thousands of wonrn of Cali
fornia and Colorado, Messrs. IVrklns and
Patterson took occasion today to define
tneir position on the protests against the
Utah senator. The .former said that re
ligious views should not be cursldered In
passing upon the qualifications of the
senator and that bis honesty and the at
tributes that command confidence and re
spect should be considered above all else.
Mr. Patterson thought there were great
constitutional questions to be considered
and said that these would govern h:
vote. The petitioners had requested theso
senators to make some remarks Jn present
ing the prayers.
Discussion of the pure food Mil occuDled
practically all of the day. The speakers
were Mr. Heyburn, who has charge of
the bill, Senator Foraker, wha presented
a number of amendments desired by liquor
Interests, Mr. Money, in fnvoi of his
substitute, and Mr. McCumber. An order
was made to devote time tomorrow and
Wednesday to the consideration of amend
ment under the ten-mlnuto rule and
begin voting at 6 o'clock on Wednesday.
When the senate convened today Mr.
Warren presented 6W letters :'tom railroa.l
employes In Wyoming praying against the
enactment of railroad rate legislation as
proposed by the Bsch-Townsend bill of hvat
session on the ground that It would land
to a reduction of wages.
Mr.' Perkins presented a petition against
Reed Smoot of Utah retaining his scat.
signed by several thousand wimcn of Call-'
forr.ia. The petitioner asked the 'Cali
fornia senator to accompany the petition
with a few remark defining hi position.
In carrying out thl request Mr. Perkln
said It was the duty of a senator to sit a
a Jul or on the conduct of a colleague and
that the chief qualifications to determine
the member' eligibility was that he
should be a good cltisen, an honest man, of
good Vhararter. possessing all the at
tributes that command the confidence and
respect of his fellow men. Whatever hi
private belief, aald Mr. Perkins, religious
mattera should have no weight In dis
qualifying a member from occupying the
high position of senator of the United
States. Mr. Perkins spoke arnlnst retrac
ing our steps to a period when religious
war devastated the earth. He said that
our government wa built on freedom f
conscience and unquestioned individuality
of expression concerning religious belief
and no action should be taken which would
In the slightest degree abridge this free
dom. Mr. Patteron presented a petition
against Mr. Smoot, signed by several thou
sand Colorado women, and aald that great
constitutional pueatlona were Involved, and
In casting bis vote he intended to be gov
erned by the constitutional rights of the
person agslnst whom the proceeding were
pending. ,
Mr. Hle presented a conference report
on the urgent deficiency appropriation bill,
which wa adopted wtlhout debate.
Averse reports from the committee on
Indian affairs were presented by Mr. Du
bois on bills for the relief of the Chickasaw
nation, the Cherokee tribe, the Chock taw
and the Creek tribe of Indiana and provid
ing for winding up the affair of the flva
civilised tribe of Indian. All of thee
bill were indefinitely postponed.
During the discussion of the pure food
Well-fed Feelmj
of Strength
coaaeg from
Read "The Road t Wellvllle," In pkg.
bill Mr. Foraker offered an amendment
regarding labels on liquor packag'-. which
Mr. Heyburn aald was an efftvt to put
something Into the bill In n "sly way"
which ouM give some dealers an Im
proper advantage. This wa resented by
Mr. Foraker and he read letters from
dealers protesting against being required
to disclose the formula of a blended whisky
by printing It en the package. Mr.
McCumber replied that there was no such
requirement. ,
Mr. Foraker ln,ii-.i Un. tl, meantna
f the bill was not plain ihd enld that the
purpose of hi ' amendment wa to pro
vide merely for the use ot some general
word or words, such blended, vatted
or rectified, according to the character of
whisky In the package. He Insisted that
ny one word would tell as iv.uch as the
entire formula In warhlug the public that
the whisky was not Just a It came from
the still. He offered h second amendment
and both will be considered tomorrow.
On motion of Mr. Allison tho unanimous
consent agreement on the bill was amended
to provide for the 'discission of amend
ment under the ten-ninute ruie after 8
o'clock tomorrow afternoon and after the
morning hour on Wednesday, the voting
to begin Wednesday at o'clock.
At 8:0$ the senate went Into executive
seaslon and adjourned at 6:1 p. m.
Presldeat Coaaalt Attorney Geaeral
Moody aad Speaker Caanoa.
WASHINGTON, Feb' 18. Following a
conference between Attorney General
Moody and Speaker Cannon and Senator
Clapp and Dolllvery the attorney general
and Chairman Knapp nd Commlsloner
Prouty of the Interstate Commerce com
mission held a conference with President
Roosevelt at which railroad rate legislation
was discussed thoroughly. The effort waa
to shape the provisions In the Hepburn
bill regarding appeal to the courts so a to
make It certain that the bill . Is constitu
tional, and yet so far as there is power
by law to do so to limit the appeal as to
what p regarded as constitutionally neces
sary. The president I understood to be
lieve that Mesar. . Moody. KnauD and
Prouty have Worked out a atpfactory
provision that la better than , that In the
Hepburn bill or In the Interstate Commerce
commission's original bill, the only two
bills hitherto laid before congress with
which the president has on that point felt
at all satisfied. ...
CharleV F. hedd Appointed Register
of Land llffln at Lincoln.
WASHINGTON, Feb. IS.VThe senate in
executive session today confirmed the fol
lowing nominations: ;';
Colonel P. II. Kav, to be brigadier gen
eral and retired; Will M. Clifford, receiver
cf public moneys at Llncom, Neb.
Registers of land others: Oeorge w.
Stewart, at Vlalla Cal.; Charles F. Shedd.
at Lincoln. Neb. ,
Pnfltlnntftr''a.l.. ttt j .. i.
City; D. E. Cooper. Lamnr. Idaho E. F.
, . . inwa-T. 1 . Hollo-
well. Jr.. Fort Madison; H. L. Cheslev.
Sutherland. Kansas Msrk Palmer, Ksk
lidge; J. M. Gnrvcy,, Missouri C
Gardner. Campbell; F. L Swett. Lebanon;
W. C. Askln. fclalem. Nebraska W. A. Me-
I 'rwi 1!i . 1 1 r i .. .1 . , . . .
1. Miner. Ravenna; j G.. Olive, Weeping
Water. . .
Will Probe OIl.Tran nartitlnn
WASHINGTON. ha 12. Tho intr.ian
Commerce commission ha ordered an In
vestigation of rates 'and ' nructh-e of th
railroad carriers ' engaged In transporting
on irom jvansas. ana Indian Territory to
Interstate destinations, th hearing to be
held ut Kansas City. Mo.. March 12. innc
The Investigation is based upon a petition of
the Kansas Oil Producer-' association em
bracing a number of charges.
' '.Nominations Iijr President.
WASHINGTON. ' freb. liC-Thft president
today sent tho following nominations to
the senate: ' '
Major Willlup) P. huval, to be brigadier
Postmasters: lows' Eugene C. Haynes
Centerville; 8. W. Moorhead, Keokuk: Mil
lard V. Stockey, Leon; J. W. Campbell
Preston. Kansas O. J. Greenleaf, Greens
burg. Nebraska Charles W. MoComtughv,
Hol.irege. South Dakota N. Haugheh,
Curkraa Evaalre.
WASHINGTON. Feb. lD.-When "asked to
day concerning the report of his engage
ment to Mrs. Jack Gardner of Boston,
Representative Bourke Cock ran of New
Tork, said: "I cannot discuss, I can only
deplore such an unauthorized use of the
lady's name."
Secretary of State of Indiana tnlta
Office After Conference
with Governor.
stormy conference which ha Just closed
at the atate house, Daniel E. Storms, sec
retary of state, tendered to the governor
hi' resignation, which wa accepted,
Frank Slma of Frankfort, was Immediately
appointed to succeed Mr. Storms. It 1
understood the governor refused to promise
Storm that he would not press the pro
ceedings further."
Storm' resignation becomoa effective
April L according to It term. On that
date Sim will take hi place.
Before that time, according to Governor
Hanly, Storm ha promised to make up
certain money alleged to be due the atate
aggregating $6,810. . The payment of thl
money wa the condition under which the
governor permitted Storm to remain until
April 1..
t. Joseph and Kaaaae City lUako
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Feb. II. (Speclal.)-
The success of the committee, consisting
ot two Wyoming men, Dr. J. M. Wilson
of Douglas and - Secretary George 8.
Walker of Cheyenne; appointed by the Na
tional Wool Growers' association to meet
the river commission bouse with a view
to securing a reduction In the rate of coin
mission charged on sheep, la hailed with
delight by the sheepmen of the state. The
committee met with the Kansas City and
St. Joseph commission house Saturday and
secured a reduction on sheep from $S to $(
per car, $6 . being the rate which wa
charged prevloua to January 1, 1906. when
an advance of $3 was agreed upon by the
commission houses, j There la little doubt
but that the Omaha, Sioux City and Chi
cago commission houses will follow the
action or the St. Joseph and Kansas City
flrnuL The saving te the sheepmen of thl
tate alone during the coming year on ac
count of thl reduction will rech In the
neighborhood of $30,000.
WTi'f Maa I Inpatient.
FOSSIL, Wyo.. Feb. l.-r8peclal.,)-Be-eauaa
b would not wait on him aa soon as
he stepped up to the ticket window, a man
named Green pulled his gun and shot E.
J. Willis, the operator and agent fiere, a
few day ago, th bullet passing through
hi side. Green made hi ( scape and Willi
waa taken to th hospital at Salt . Lake
City, where he 1 resting easily and will
probably. oon recover from his experience.
City to Gsesarsgt Treo Plaattaar.
ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo.. Feb. 1 (Spe
cial.) The city council haa authorised
Mayor A. Kendall of thl city to purchase
1,009 trees for delivery Arbor day next,
which will bo distributed free of fharge
to resident of tha rlty who will plant and
take rare ef earn. It la thought that by
thl mean the planting of tree can be
tertta to th city,
President Transmits to Congress His Recom
mendation on the Subject
MaJorlt oft anal Board Favor Locks,
While Majority of Engineer
Payors e. Level ( anal
at Isthinna.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. - President
Roosevelt today transmitted to congress
the report of the board of consulting en
gineers on the I'nnnma canal, together
with the letter of Secretary Taft, the re
port of the Jstiimlan Canal commission
and a letter by Chief Engineer Stevens.
Ine letter of the president Is as follows:
tivif.."'? ','nHte a,,ri House of Keprcxenta
ilcretn.v "?"'" "erewitn the leiu-r of the
oT , iVy. 01 , wr transmittal; tne report "ng.neera 01,
ILthmM.n V canal nu ,,M! rpl"'" tne
letter wrn'."' i0m""f""" eon, and T."1." l" tno chairman of the
inw-r 2.C.amU co"nlslun by t hief En
fumSi. t"evel"'- nn tne btatfd ot ct.n
ion1,hM!'n''e.r,,'nJ ,no c'"" coinnila
or th2 Vl?n.,n..,nclr r'Port- t'' majority
ber inSU""1.' engineers, eight In num.
favor J ln' tn.e "ve. ""etgn engineers,
of the "vel .c"na': one eniier
takes 1 i eonim as.on. Admiral Enaici.u,
laaes tho same view. Kiva ot tne elahi
iuTtlnann Tmbern of boVrd of coni
"sthrman .ulfT" 0n1 flve Member of the
canoj 2"' 5t"""!,lon favor the lock
Znn ' " d'Jr" Chlpr Engineer Sle-
i lock n,nrfCI',Hry ot Rr recommends
menaatlon f'.i,ur"u.nnt. lo l" recom
of cona?.?.ini tn, minority of the bonrd
JorlFv nr en,neera nJ of tne ma-
ca..i -.,.V10 -canal commission. After
fil? and 1. f pal,er" "Ubmltted and
wftnu ....e""u,tlve consideration of tne
mendation1 1 concup in ln". '!
Americana Favor Looks.
a.nei"6 Potlc,1 lht he American cn
fne 7n,m?.. J""""""!- ooard and on
.,,,? " "m"M'". by more than two to one
i..T,ty-1vor ,,,e ,t,rK cani"' "berca 1..0
Jn l"'ri'ners are a unit against It. i
uilna this is partly to be explained bv the
jaci tnat tne great traffic canal ot Hie
0i.TOr"1 tne Wue cn'. ea lovel
tr",:JV-Cn'.?" ll;B "'Rt l"mc 'nl 01
the new worm la the bault Ste. Marie canal,
a locK canal. Altnough tne latter, the fcio,
i" cl,"ei ,tu navigation during the winter
months, li carries annually three lime
tne traific of tne uex eanai. In my JuiIk
ment the very able argument of tne ma
jority of the ooard of consulting engineer
vitiated by their failure to pay proper
need to the lessons taught by the con
struction and operation of the 800 canal,
it must be borne In mind, as the commis
sion points out, that there la no question
or building What is picturesquely termed
the btraus of Panama." thnt Is, a water
way through which the largest vessels
could go with safety at uninterrupted high
speed. Botn the sea level canal and tne
proposed lock canal would be too narrow
una shallow to be called, with any truth
fulness, a strait or to have any properties
or a wide, deep water strip. Both of them
would be canais, pure and simple.
Cost aud Advantages.
Each' type hits certain disadvantages and
certa n advantages. But In my Judgment
me disadvantages are fewer and the ad
vantages very much greater In the case of
a lock canal substantially as proposed in
the papers forwarded herewith, and I call
especial attention to the fact that the chief
engineer, who will be mainly responsible
for the SUCet'HS Of thlK mivhlv nvlnnrlm,
feat, and therefore who has a peculiar per
sonal Interest in Judging aright, Is em
phatically and earnestly In favor of the
lock canal project and against the sea
level project.
A careful study of the reports acrm to
establish a strong probability that the fol
lowing are the facts: The sea level canal
would be slightly less exposed to dumage
in the event of war; that the running ex
penses, upsrt from the heavy cost of In
terest on the amount, employed to be built
would be less and for small shins the tlma
of transit would probably be less. On th
other hund the lock canal nt a level of
eighty feet or therenlwuts, would not cost
much more than half as much to build
and could be built in about half tho time.
wnne mere would he very much less risk
connected with building It, and for larga
ships the transit would be quicker, while,
taking Iflto account the interest on the
amount saved In building, l be actual cost
of maintenance would be less. After being .1 vtuuiu itv easier 10 enlarge the
lock canal than the sea level canal. More.
over, what has been actually demonstrated
in maaing ana operating tne great lock
canal, the Soo, a more Important factor
of truffle than the general aea level canal
the Sue, goes to-aupport the opinion of the
minority or ine board 01 consulting engi
neer and the majority of the canal eom-
mlrslon as to the superior safety, feasibility
and desirability of building a lock canal at
Pinna for Lock Caaal.
Tha law on our statute books seem to
contemplate a lock cunal. In my judgment
a lock canal, as herein recommended, la
advisable. If the congress directs that a
sea level canal be constructed Its direction
will, of course, he carried out. Otherwise
the canal will be built on substantially
the plan for a lock canal outlined In tha
acttmpanying papers, such changea being
msae as oeing necensary, including possi
bly the change recommended by the secre
tary of war as to the site of the dam on
the Pacific side.
' THE WHITE HOUSE, Feb. 19, 1906.
The letter of Secretary Tat't treata at
length on the recommendation of the
board, the commission, and discusses the
reasons why he Is led to approvo the con
struction of a lock canal instead of a sea
level canal. In closing, he Invites atten
tion to the satisfactory character of the
discussion of the two type ot construc
tion " by the greatest canal engineers of
the world," which, he say, insure to tha
president and to congress an opportunity
to consider all the arguments, pro and
con, In reaching proper conclusion.
Sloax Falls Divorce Industry.
PIERRE, 8. D.. Feb. 19. (Speclal.)-An
analysis of the divorce record of South
Dakota for the first six months of the oper
ation of the vital statistics bureau shows
that Sioux Falls Is far In the lead of any
other point In the atate, over one-third of
the decrees granted for that period being
In that circuit. A total of 217 couples
sought separation In that time, and out of
that number 1ST came from outside state
to thl state for divorce purposes.
For Reoef and Cur
IS N. ApPy W
I 1 r ' I A s shown hi illastrmtion. It not I j
I rll l(D6I m I onT reli'vc all pattn bntitstrerjjtth-
s?-A I tbe mnscles aad restores energy
Yl I -s nothing else cs.n.
' 1 Also in valuable for
Colds, Cough. Aching
V Kidneys, Weak Chests, Weak
Backs, Rheumatism, Sciatica f
. Insist UmiiHaviho
V 1 11
Pure, Healthful, Refreshing
"The Queen of
Wreck on . Iron Mountain Near St. Louis
Injure Twelve Persons.
Englae Strike Broken Rail and
Leaves Track, Followed by
Two Cars Banning at
" Fall Speed.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 19.-The new fast mall
train for the southwest on the BL Louis,
Iron Mountain ft Southern railway was
wrecked, presumably by a broken rail, at
Carondolet, a suburb of St. Louis, early to
day. Twelve men. Including the conductor
and engineer, are reported Injured, several
tf them seriously.
Aamea of Injared.
Adolph brennecke, engineer, sprained
i a, oiuuru and cut; serious.
Edward Oreer, conductor, bruised and ln
ternal Injuries.
Peter Kaflerty, fireman, fractured skull
left arm broken; critical.
Mnll clerk:
W C. Rause. chief clerk
Joseph O'Neill, leg broken.
Lee McLaughlin, Internal injuries.
E. H. Lewis.
D. Richardson, spine Injured.
A. A. Werner
L. II. Cook. Internally.
E. G. Martin.
O. S. Miller.
The Injured were removed to the Mi'
sourl Pacific hospital. It Is believed that
all will recover.
The mall train was Just getting Into full
speed when the engine suddenly left the
track, followed by two car. The engln
and first car telescoped and together rolled
down a fifteen-foot embankment. The sec
ond car, after turning over, lodged on the
tdge of the River des Peres. It contained a
number ot mall clerks. The engine plowed
along the track for some distance before
going down the embankment.
The truln consisted of mall and expres
cars, no passengers being carried.
The crash aroused Carondelet citizens and
they speedily turned out and assisted In
caring for the. Injured, several of whom
were so tightly pinioned In the wreckage
that It required much work to release
Officials of the railroad sti.ted tonight
the Investigation has shown that the causa
of the wreck was a broken rod on the en.
gine, and not a broken rail, a waa flrat
To Care a told la Oao Day
take LAXATIVE) BROMO Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money If it falls to oura,
U. W. Grove's aianaturo la on aaon bos. lata.
Former Standard Employ Say a There
la .e Competition la
ST. LOt'lS. Feb. Taking of testimony
In the ouster proceedings of the State ot
Missouri against the Standard Oil, Republic,
Waters-Pierce and International Oil com
panies waa resumed today before Special
Commissioner Anthony.
Attorney General Hadley and Assistant
Attorney General Lake appeared for the
tate, while Henry S. Priest, John D. John
son, 8. B. Eddy of Chicago and Frank
Hagerman of Kansaa City appeared for the
oil concerns.
A. G. Stlegerwald, traveling representa
tive of the F. O. Clark company ot Cleve
land, O., an Independent oil concern, was
the first witness. He was a willing wit
ness and aald that while he waa purchas
ing agent and traffic manager of the Re
public Oil company be gained hi knowl
edge of the method pursued by the Stand
ard OH company. He aald he had been In
the oil business since 1891, and from book
keeper for Schodeld, Shlrmer 4: ' Teagle of
Cleveland, O., he became general manager
for the Sclo Refining company. of Scio, O.,
which was controlled by Schofleld,
Shlrmer aV Teagle. In 1901 these interest
were transferred to a new corporation, the
Republic Oil company, and he wa made
purchasing agent and traffic manager of
the Republic Oil company and W. C. Tea
gle was vice president and general man
Wltnes aald he saw Teagle at 26 Broad
way several time and that Teagl Issued
the Instruction to the executive of the
Republic Oil company.
"Thee instructions were that the Re
public OH company waa to continue to so
licit the trade formerly controlled In Mis
souri by Schofleld. Shlrmer & Teagle. We
were told that there waa much dls'satlsfled
trade In Missouri and that we were to get
after this trade. Apparently we were to j
fight the Standard.
"In reality all of the money which we
made went Into the Standard treasury and
all of our report were made to Standard
headquarter In New Tork. Under the tur
ol Cons aa4 Bunions
Table Waters"
face our dealings were on a most anilcal.Sj
bssis. We did not actually sell to custom
ers which the Standard was nbl to hold
and they did not come Int.. real competi
tion with us.
"The Republic till com puny bought nil
of Its oil from the Standard oil refineries
In Cleveland and IJma, O.. and in Pennsyl
vania." On cross-examination Mr. Stlegerwald
was asked:
"How about the Waters-Pierce Oil com
pany?" "That Is the seme a , the Standard Ol
company." was the answer.
"How do you know It Is?"
"It is generally understood among ol.
men," said Mr. Stlegerwald. "that the Re
public Oil. Standard Oil and Waters-Pie re
Oil companies divided Missouri Into three
districts and that one never Invades the
territory assigned to another."
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Cleanses and beautifies the
teeth and purifies the breath.
Used by people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
Convenient for tourists.
Pinter roughened by needlework
catch every stain and look hopelessly
dirty. Mend Sapolio removes not only
the dirt, but alto the loosened, iajured -cuticle,
and restore tho tlngcn f
tbetr BMtunl beauty.
BOYD'S- WOO1 Mlnatrl""
Tonight Wednesday Matinee and
Thursday Matinee and Night
In "The Marriage of William Ashe."
DUnilUUU Tue.,Thura.,8at.Mata.l.il0t
n TV Wnndnrl n,.., t-j.
l "Wi-DIjUEI Jf.A.0
Special Matinees, Mon., Wed.-, Frl.
Woodward Stock Co. Road Show In
J. M. GILLAN, Manager,
Farewell American Tour
Under the direction ot Sam 8. Lee Bhu
bert and W. F. Connor With iier tnoom- 1
parable company from the
Prices 11.00, $1.W, U w. and bos seal 3
To Guard Against Ticket Speculation.
Mall order for ticket will now be re
ceived from all points, including' Omaha,
when accompanied by postofiice or expiest-'
money order or check and a stamped ad
dressed envelope for reply. All application,
for seats will be filled In the order re
ceived, and the tickets will be mailed te '
the purchaser on the following day. '
Address all communications to J. M.
Glllan, Manager Auditorium, Omaha. Neo.
Regular Box Olnce Sale opens Friday,
February 23. at a. m.
Lyric Theater
W. E. CHAMBERS. Manager.
:r. New Governor
A Fantastic Comedy in Three Acts,
lrider th Direction of
Under the Auspice of
Wednesday Evening, Feb. 21
Tickets on Sale Now t the Rox Office
AdniisNion, 25 and AO (.Vnta.
'Phone Douglas m.
The Great Orpheum Road Show
TODAY-Tl ESDAY-Any part of Hou.
36c. Children 10c. ' ,
TONIGHT. :1S-Prices luc, 25c. jc,
IV" r I TfS Price lie, c, too, 75c.
awe'vw-a Jlata. Ar
iny seat, S6e.,
Liwls Morrison (Himself)
itmt Eicsllcat frsleclwa Starkaf Cut
Thursday "Th Burglar's Daughter."