Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Appeals for Aid Are Made in All Local
Methodist Churches.
II fin 4 rod and Msty Thoasasjd Hollars
Msmt n He Complete
(re (trnrrnai tlft sf
t)r. Jonas.
Omaha gsve
work In the
The Methodist churches of
nvfr the services Sunday to
lntcieste Kt the. new. hospital fund, the
csmpoign for which, with a goal of imnoo.
lit now In full swing. In the morning the
pastors nml persons connected with the
hospital did most cif the talking and In the
tvcnlng the mutter wan discussed from a
Inyman's standpoint.
Hubst flptlnns wri aVked and received at
some of the churches and other voluntary
contribution In substantial sums were
made. At the Trinity church, where no
formal collection waa taken. WQ was vol
untarily offered, and It la expected Hint
70rt more will be forthcoming from tlila
congregation. At the North Twenty-fourth
Street church totllO Was' received; Seward
Street church. 1170, with exportation of
$400 more: Sonit It Tenth Street church, 1S0.
with possibility of IJSft additional; First
church, 1300, and I3.wn expected; Flrat
church. South Omaha, IMO offered and 1:50
coming; McCabc Street church, 1N col
lected, ti more .expected, and Hanscom
Park church, $1.8 offered, with $3,000 to
come. This make a total of about H.00O
raised yesterday and places the estimate
of the amount to b expected from this
cm roe at additional.
The Seward Street church has taken up
the work of soliciting by dividing the par
ish Into districts, each In the hands of a
competent head. For the work at large
the Idea of having buttona made for those
Interested to wear has been carried out,
and now mottoes worn on the lapel, read
ing-. "It's T'p to You." nre not Infrequently
met on the street.
Christ" Mission on F.arth.
One of the most Interesting talks waa
that by Mrs. J. I. McLaughlin, superln-
tendent of the hospital and Deaconesses'
home. In the morning at the Hanscom Park
church. Mrs. Mclaughlin gave a simple
and graphic account of the career of the
Omaha hospital and the prlvationa and
hnrrishlna ' endured bv those ' having the
work In hand. She said:
"Christ came to earth for three great
purposes to preach, to teach and to help
the sick and suffering. To be a genuine
Christian a person must be Interested
actively !n nil three of these things. The
salvation of aoula Is of the first importance.
but not always first in order. Christ
showed very plainly His conalderatlon for
the sick and hungry and emphasized His
esteem of these offices! and the same rules
that applied then are In force today.
Methodists always have done' greut work
in the saving of souls und in charitable
enterprises but they, and In fact the whole
Protestant denomination, has been asleep
In the matter of eating for the sick and
"The Good Samaritan stands out as a
great example. We are bidden to go and
do likewise and we should try to fulfill
the command.
"We can scarcely realise that eighteen
years ago there were only two Mothodlst
hospitals In the entire United States. Our
church had almost wholly neglected one
of the great purposes for which Christ
came. Now we have twenty hospitals
throughout the country and yet these
should be and I trust they are only a be
ginning. -
Hospital Here Fifteen Tears.
"In Omaha Methodists have had a hos
pital for nearly fifteen years. It Is duly
within the last few months that we have
let the public know anything of what we
, havs endured something of the privations
and struggles, that, had we known them In
advance, we never would have been able
to face. Three nurses, of which I was one,
came from Chicago to start the work.
The others broke down becuuse they did
not have enough to eat and from overwork.
I waa stronger than they and did not break
down, too. We were ashamed to let the
trustees know that we were giving very
nearly everything' to our patients.
"Our rented building has become a shack.
By using the aisles and corridors we have
made room for forty-two beds. They are
always filled and applicants are waiting
for admission. Sometimes people wait four
months to get in. In one year eight persons
died while waiting. Of late years the pub
lic has come to the rescue and the nuraes
are now enabled to live In a fairly satis
factory manner. But they have gono with
out many meals In' order to save a quarter
here and a quarter there. They still have
many burdens to bear of, which most peo
plo know nothing , about and concerning
which I have not the courage to go into
Seeing la Knowing.
To understand the real conditions one
must come ,to the hospital and Investigate
It for himself; We are able to take good
care of the patients, but only by the hard
est kind of work and putting up with many
Inconveniences end hardship. One-third
of our patient are treated fre that Is,
the hospital doe not receive one penny
for the services rendered. Beside the ma
terial akl we give, the hospital I used ns a
great missionary field and many con
versions to a Christian life are made there.
The nurse, any one of whom might l
earning 135 a week, labor for It S a wee
and try to save money to give toward
the much-needed new building. There are
no endowment. The support cnm from
the people of the state. For several years
one man has furnished aJt the flout used,
something like lo.onn pounds a year."
Other Places and Speaker.
At the First church the pastor. Rev. E.
Comble Smith, and Vnlted State District
Attorney Qoss spoke In the morning. In
the evening the platform meeting was ad
dressed by Thorns Sttirgess, chairman of
the executive committee: Dr., I. 8- Iravm
and O. W. Platner. At tha Hanscom Park
church the evening platform meeting, was
addressed by W. P. Harford, treasurer of
the hospital board; John Pale and O. M.
Barnes. In the other churches the follow
ing were on the program:
Trinity Morning. Rev. J. Randolph Smith
and C. W. Pe I .a mat re. Evening, K. C.
Hodder. Jacob Fawcett. Miss Mary Schal
ble and Miss Ivilu Milltman.
Walnut Hill Morning. Rev. Rimer E.
Hosman, T. F. Bturgess and.O. w. Platner.
Seward Street Morning. Rev. James B.
Prleat. Evening. P. W. De Imatre and
First Memorial Morning. Rev. William
Esplln. Evening, City Comptroller Lobeck
and others.
MeCabe Memorial Morning. Rev. J. W.
McDonald. Evening. 3. E. Moore. H. O.
Chapman and others.
Salvation Army Msg. were drooped over
the heads of the group of parents and
children. IJeutenant Colonel Sott, after
madlng the ritual of ronsecratlon, took
each Infsnt In his arms separately and
dedicated It to the service of the Iotd with
the utterance, "Oh, Imrd. we give to Thee
this child, and may It grow up in Thy
service and may Its mother train It up for
Jesus. Amen."
Another specie 1 service wa held Sunday
evening, at which the Seward Methodist
Episcopal church choir sang. Addreasea
were delivered by IJeutenant Colonel Scott
and Major Galley and their wives and
others of the congregation. The anniver
sary service will continue each afternoon
and evening until Wednesday.
Greatest One is' to Seeare the Proper
The Sunday school Institute which la
being conducted In Omaha under the direc
tion of the Nebraska Sunday School asso
ciation was continued at the Iwe Avenue
Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon
when Irof. II. M. Stetdley lectured on tho
teachers of the Sunday school and Miss
Mamio Uaynes on tne pupils that are
"The gieulest problem ut the bumluy .
school Is the teacher problem." said Prof. I
Steldley, "and two things mum be consld-
ered, one the recognition of Cod's right to j
choose his own teachers and the second the j
demand that a teacher once called ahull
prepare himself for the work.
"No one has a right to be a Sunday school
teacher unless he or she Is prompted by
the heart to work for God. Uod should
have a word In the choice. We want to
reach a time when one who accepts the
place In the Sunday school Mill do so only
after deliberate thought. A OoU-calleU
teacher will prepare himself to understand ! than that of any other person
-Pot-still Scotch
-afanro'a. h only dUtU
Ur anpptytmg whttky f las
The Scotch with the Pear-drop flavor.
t fc ka W Riler (res. Co.,
sad st dabs. Cafaa. Hotels sad ef DnHa
l be Look & Bemheimer Co.
the nature of tho boys and girl whom
he has to teach. Those who would teach
the Bible with force and power must study
wltli system.
"The teacher has not finished his work
when he has finished the day's lesson, hut
must become acquainted with his pupils.
There are Ave first fucU fur a Sunday
school teacher and these are represented
by the word 'first,' "h" stands for fellow
ship and friendship. All feel the necessity
of a friend and children often suffer be
cause they have not the sympathetic friend
ship even of their parents. T stands for
Instruction and he who goes before a youth
must go as a master of the topic to be con
sidered. 'R' stands tor recognition and u
teacher must see the best there Is in little
people If he wants tho best to assert Itself.
'8' stands for salvation where the soul will
definitely accept Jesus Christ as the Savior
of the world. T' stands for training; and
you must train your hoys In the wuy of
truth, for no truth Is worth anything un
less you put it into your lives."
Miss Haynes devoted some time to an ex
position of the characteristics of children
at the different stages of their lives and
divided the time sa from three to eight,
from nine to thirteen and from thirteen to
Declares Great Merchant lealeeted
IH a heat Doty In Getting Wealth.
"One wonders on what ocean we are
drifting when such colossal talent and
material success aa Marshall Field's had
such a pitiful outcome," said Rev. II.' C.
Herring at the First Congregational church
Sunday morning. "Ills would have been a
notable life back In the time of Caesar,
or of TjouIb XIV perhaps, but ' not aa
measured by the higher standards of this
enlightened age."
Dr. Herring paid a tribute to Mr. Field
as a man who stood without a rival In a
class by hlmsMf, the greatest merchant of
the age, not only because he did the most
business, but because he did it by honest
method. He was not a speculator, not a
juggler of finance, not a eorruptor of public
officials, not the secret beneficiary of
rotten syndicate. Besides, he never put
an advertisement In a Sunday newspaper
and he kept his blinds down on the Sab
bath. He Is pointed to by the world as a
great merchant and an upright man.
"Yet." said Dr. Herring. "I am obliged to
say his life was one of deepest pathos; I
cannot help but sny It was a pathetic fail
ure. He did not succeed In averting from
his own home that ruin which will inevit
ably come unless the home Is fortified
with Christ. Out of his home was driven
love, sympathy and purity and for many
yeHrs he lived a lonely life. Whether
money ruined his home or not, it is bound
to ruin his grandchildren, to whom he left
practically his whole fortune. If we did
not know him so well It would seem that
he merely wanted to keep his great fortune
Intact, as a monument to himself. He left
a one-thuusaodth part of his fortune to
alleviate human suffering; he left nothing
to those great remedial agencies which
savo men a aoults.
"Marshall Field failed to contribute any
thing to the social question. While others
were experimenting with profit-sharing,
fighting against child labor, throwing safe
guards around women workers, striving
I to ahollHh sweat shops, he was busy piling
I up his mammoth fortune, apparently with
1 out regard to any relations between labor
I and capital. And yet his name would have
I carried more weight for these, reforms
or group
Verdiot in Crowe Dane Thin Viewefl by Eer.
John Williams.
Father Williams II eel are Xn Honret.
n prejudiced Jnry C ould o
PecMe. Vet C ndahy and
Trusts Are Itlameable,
br s Jury In the face of such evidence, and
the mayor of the city suggests a more lib
eral locsl government. It Is time something
wer done."
Rev. L. O. BalM of the St. Mary's Ave
nue Congregational ehurch spoke on "Types
of National Greatness." pat Crowe and the
verdict being taken up in his discussion
of the false Idea of success todsy, which,
he said. "Is o spparent and which I maile
more and more apparent to the hoy nn
the street corner."
TNR RKLIARLK lilllllt.
50 I
Sew York Man Besrlns Campalan
Among Youth of Omaha.
E. M. Robinson of New York City, inter
national secretary for boya' work In the
Young Men's Christian association, ad
dressed about 100 boys ut the association
rooms yesterday afternoon. The meeting
was especially for boys over 14 years old.
Mr. Robinson har the faculty of putting his
Ideas in language that can easily be under
stood by the boys and he was given close
attention. The meeting marks the begin
ning of a campaign to be madn by the
association among the youth of the city.
"Becoming men," he said, "does not
merely mean that we are growing older
and larger. There are changes much more
Important than age and size. For Instance,
a man's religion Is different from a child's.
We expert a man to take the reins In his
own hands. As you become older you be
come responsible for your own acts. One
test of manhood la a courageous personal
standard in religion. Another is a willing
ness to be of service to our fellow man.
The child thinks of himself only, but a
man must look at the Interests of others
aa welt. If he does not he la not a man
In the true sense of the world."
Mr. Robinson spoke last night' at the
First Congregational church, his address
being a discussion of problems of boy
hood. "The period of adolescense when the boy
la In hla 'teens Is the critical period In his
life. He Is all setlvlty and this activity
must be directed aright or he will direct
them In the wrong direction. It la known
that nine-tenths of tha habits that last
through life are formed In thla period and
the general line his thoughts will follow la
determined largely then. The great accel
eration to the ranks of criminals la during
boyhood.. The average of convicts In pris
ons Is only It snd when we consider that
most of them are not convicted of their
first offense we can see that they took up
a criminal career earlv in life. Urnnrim
show half of the murders in the country
are committed by boys and not by seasoned
criminals." ..
of perxuns. He was fair with his em
ployes, yet he never fairly . faced tha
questions moHt vital to them nnd to labor
"It was nothing short of unfaithfulness
to his highest duty that he left the solu
tion of these burning questions to you
and ine, when he had such great intellect,
will and wealth and power to solve them."
Special SrrvlcrN nt Konatse Memorial
Church Mornlns and Evening-.
Sunday was Foreign Missionary An
niversary day and a program prepared by
the national hoard was given at KounUe
Memorial church. Rev. Mr. Hummon
preached an able sermon at the morning
service and the choir rendered esneolal
music. Miss Llddell and Miss Livingston
singing solos.
In the evening seventy-one young women
of the confirmation class, assisted by the
choir, gave a very' fine literary and musical
Three young women dressed as repre
sentatives of India. China and Japan ap
peared nnd were assisted by Misses Ger
trude Kortlang. Audrey Studholm and
Frances Niemen. Arthur Iaakson. Carl
Swedluitd and Arthur Frenser. bearing a
wreath cross nnd Bible, gave "The Church
and the Nations."
Bertha Elsasser. Ernest Huhernmnn and
Helen I.lndqulst each read well prepared
"The Query" was made and answered by
Hattie Bill. Iah Olsen. Emma Sievers,
Margaret Tetard and Helen Shaffer.
Mamie Slater recited "Desire. Prayer and
The pastor gave a brief address to the
class and called for a large contribution
and received it.
An octette and full chorus closed the
Rev. V. O. V. Rrockmeer Extola Life
of Danish Monarch.
In the course of 1.1 sermon Sunday morn
ing .at the Danish Lutheran church,
Twenty-second and Leavenworth streets,
the pastor. Rev. V. O. V. Brockmeyer,
spoke In eulogistic terms of the late King
Christian of Denmark. He said it waa not
uncommon to encounter difficulty among
the crowned heads and rulers of natlona
in discovering their virtues, but that in
King Christian's case It was the reverse
and the d'fflculty was in discovering that
which was not good about hlni. This was
the only semblance of a memorial service
to the late king of Denmark which natives
of that country In Omaha haver paid.
FEB. 26th to 28th
Wabash City Office,
1601 Farnam St., Omaha, Nab.
Sixteenth Anniversary la Omaha, Is
Celebrated for Three Days.
The relebrstion of the nineteenth annl
versary of the establishment of the Salva
tion Army in Omaha Is being observed
here and will continue for two or three
days. The Initial celebration took place
Saturday night at Salvation Army head
quarters on Davenport street and was con
ducted by Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs.
Scott of Kansas City and by Major and
Mrs. Galley, dlvisoinal superintendent.
Special services slmi r-re observed Sun
day afternoon, a large attendance of local
Salvationists being present. The services
were largely musical, although there was
a very pretty and Impressive service of
the dedication of children to the work.
Thla ceremony Is peculiar to ' the Salva
tion Army and corresponds In a measure
to the consecration of Infants observed by
several of the evangelical churches. Three
children, sll Infanta, were dedicated Bun
day afternoon. The services were con
ducted by Lieutenant Colonel Scott. The
children were taken to the platform by
their parents and the standard-bearers,
one holding the American and the other the
Colored Elevator Conductor Com.
plains of Hauling Drank Man
I'p nnd Down for Fan.
A few day ago the usual good nature and
equanimity of the colored elevator con'
ductor of the Murray hotel was much per
turbed over the actions of a guest and
he had to die a kick with the clerk.
"It's dis way, you see. Dat gen'lmun
up In room No. Is got a idee dat all
i got ter do is to Keep haulin him up
and down.. I doan mln' dat, but when he
aats me to done 'pologlse to him when he
gets off upstairs and makes me haul him
down again, and den up again slower like
four or five times, I think It's time to
complain, I'm willln' to do' wat's right
but I doan like to he msde a fool of by
a drunk gen'lman all de time. He's done
gone asleep in hla room now, but It won'
be long 'till he be rlngln' for de elevator
agin', and den I'se got to go froo the whole
foolish kaboodlln agin."
Announcements of the Theaters.
To meet a demand occasioned by the
unusual attendance at the regular per
formances of "The Orpheum Road Show.'
an extra matinee will be given at the
Orpheum Tuesday. The popular prices thst
obtain at the Thursday matinee will pre
Malicious Mischief
often done by Indigestion Is prevented and
cured by Electric Bitters. 0 cents; guaran
teed. For sale by Sherman At McConaell
Drug Co.
The tenth annual banquet of Alpha Psl
chapter of Khdm Sivma fraternity. T-ni.
varsity of Nebraska, was held February It
m in uiiaeu notei, tJncoin. several
omana inrnioers were present. Including
Mr. lprge A. Davie, li. 8. Byrne and
' In my Judgment no twelve honest, un
prejudiced men, hound by their oath to
render a true verdict according to the
law and the evldnce, could have brought
In the verdict that the Jury in that cae
rendered," declared Rev. John Williams,
rector of St. Barnabas Kplscopal church. In
the course of hla sermon yesterday morn
ing, referring to the outcome of the Pat
Crowe case. Father Williams said th
Jury made the mistake of Ignoring the
main Issue and the' Crowe letter of con
fession and addressing Itself to the ques
tion. "Who Is the greater criminal, Cudahy
or Crowe?" Several other-Omaha ministers
took occasion In their Sunday discourses to
condemn the verdict. Continuing, Father
Williams said:
"Had tho Jurors' considered the evidence
alone i had their mind been free from
every consideration ave the one question
which they were sworn' to determine:
Did Pat Crowe rob Edward Cudahy of
$26,oW by compelling him under fear of
bodily hsrm to- his son, or did he not?
They could not have acquitted him. There
was his own confession. In a letter to a
priest, not under the sacred seal of sacra
mental confession In any sense. He ac
knoweldged the act. He offered to restore
$21,000, not because he was penitent and
wished to make good his lawless act as
far as lay In him; not because he wished
to submit himself to ..the .direction of his
former pastor ; not that. He offered to
restore, but on condition that Mr. Cudahy
should compound a felony. There was that
tell-tale letter! That confession of the
crime! Yet one of the Jurors declares they
paid little. If any, attention to that con
fession. They spent seventeen hours de
bating the evidence and their verdict, but
they, paid no serious heod to Crowe's own
confession. Now, why? Was tt not be
cause the' chlefest issue before the minds
of that Jury was not,. 'Is Crowe guilty or
not guilty of the crime charged?' but. 'Is
It Just or equitable to send Crowe to the
penitential. v for twenty years for taking
fcS,000 from Edward Cudahy, when the lut
ter, together with the other wealthy mem
bers of tho packing trust, stand before the
har. of JumiIw to answer for
law to an extent that makes Crowe's crime
veiilal In comparison. They stand befurc
the bar of Justice, represented by some of
tho most subtle, able niemlx-rs of the bar,
fightlngi the admission of their own con
fession of violation of law. JuhI aa Crowe's
lawyer fought the admlsxlon of his con
fession. They stand confessed, uf .viola
tion of law, a violation that was Intended
to enrich themselves at the expense of the
Reasoning; of the Jury.
That wa none . of the Jurors' business.
It Is true. They were. not called upon to
determine' whether Crowe or Cudahy w.ts
the greater, criminal. .The latter' guilt of
violated Jaw Is yet Judicially undetermined
and neither that Jurx nor we have tho
rUht to prejudge the members of the pack
ing trust. And if Jhe Jury did have tho
right that was not, the issue. But If the
secrets of that long Uiacusslou In the Jury
shall ever be dlscJosqd It will be found that
the verdict turnod ,;upon the question as to
whether. Crowe or Kdward Cudahy were
the greater criminal. .
Their answer was given. From their
point of view they rendered rough and
readv iiiHtlce. Pat
behind the bars pf penitentiary for tak
ing of the many, many millions
which the packing .trust took and Is tak
ing from the people at large, while Mr.
Cudahy, a member or that trust, walks
and will walk thecarth free. That Is the
lesson of the. verdict, and it Is only a very
small part of the lesson which men In high
station ought to take to heart In their In
satiable pursuit of . great wealth at all
hazards. The Jury's verdict In.ilcate the
cleavage that is going on today between
the wealthy and the poor. Tt Is a peril to
he faced. The laboring men compose our
Juries. The wealthy will not serve. They
have neither time nor disposition to sit on
Juries. What reason have they to object
to a verdict against tliom, when they them
selves do not hesitate to violate or evade
the laws, or at all events the Justice, which
poor men are required to obey? The Crowe
verdict Is that so far as robbery Is con
cerned Edward Cudahy la the greater crim
inal. Crowe, therefore, ahall not wear the
criminal's stripes and" stand behind the
steel bars 'of a criminal's cage, while the
former walks the. land free, clothed In
broadcloth. That is the bare, naked mean
ing of the verdict. And It is not wholly
without reason behind It. however much
sny of us may be offended or outraged by
thus putting Mr. Cudahy and the proved
felon, Pat Crowe. In the same category of
violators of the law, to the wrong and In
Jury of their fellows. Whether we con
sent or not to that, the thing will be done.
Today It Is the setting free of a confessed
villain; tomorrow. If we heed not the sign
of the times, It will be something in
finitely worse for the men of great for
tunes, doubtfully obtained."
Savidare Fears Mob Rule.
Rev, C. W. Savidge In hia sermon on
"The Country Saloon" at the People's
church Sunday night referred to tha Pat
Crowe verdict. He said:
"I think this verdict of acquittal is in
swful thing. It sometimes looks ss though
our Jury system has become a farce. If
our courts and lawmakers cannot And a
remedy for such excesses ss this our com
munities . will he f ortd to do what the
early settler did; thst is, to have a vigi
lance committee. -We cannot keep down
mob rule If things go on like this. The
feeling of the people Is too Intense. The
people feel far worse about this verdict
than la generally known. Whose child la
safe? they are asking. If men who commit
crimes like this go free. I sm no advocate
of mob law, hut it will be Impossible to
hinder it If we have much more of the Pat
Crowe kind of verdicts. I have hesrd It
suggested by a number that there should
be a meeting lb give voice to the public
Indignation about the matter. I believe
such a meeting should be held. The ver
dict should not be allowed to go unre
buked. As the matter stands now It Is a
disgrace to our city."
Opinions af Other Ministers.
A number of other . ministers took occa
sion to refer to the verdict of the Jury In
the Crowe case at 'either the morning or
evening services yesterday, and with few
exceptions their reference conveyed a more
or less strongly expressed Impression thdt
a miscarriage of Justice of lasting dis
grace to Omaha had been perpetrated.
. Rev. John W. Conley of the First Bap
tist church brought up the subject Inci
dentally in his sermon on "Men's Disposi
tlon to Dm; Sin," speaking In the strong
est terms against the verdict. He charac
terised the action of the Jury In acquitting
the man after his confession and after
such evidence as most astonishing.
The result of the Crowe trial came iu
for mention by Rev. Newman H. Burdlrk
of the Second Presbyterian ehurch In his
talk on the need of a revival of religion
He said: "When a verdict can be returned
Proprietor of Omahn Trade Bthlhlt
Snccumha to I .on a Klaht villh
nrlaht'a lllsense.
Unrivaled Clearing Values
R. F. H.idKln died at his home. n?7
tjifayette avenue, at 4:Sft p. m. Sunday of
Bright' disease. HI funeral will be held
at 2 p. m. Tuesday from the residence and
he will be burled in Fomst Lawn cemcterv. i
Rev. A. 8. C. Clarke of the Iowe Avenue I
Presbyterian church will conduct the serv
ices. Ribert Fremont Hod gin was born July
. II;. at Bartlett, O. Reaching his ma
jority he engaged In the tailoring business
with his late brother. F. L. Hodgln. at
Chester Hill. O. He moved to Uladbrook,
la., in lftto, and for some time was asso
ciated with his brother In the clothing
business at Des Moines. When the latter
business was disposed of he traveled for a
commercial agency. He came to Omaha
In 118 and organised the commercial and
credit company known as the Nebraska
State Business Men's association, which
published a small paper showing monthly
corrections of rs tings. Mr. Hodgln acting
as secretary of the association. That pub
lication was later known as the Nebraska
State Btisine Men's Association Journal,
and still later became known as a trade
paper under name of Nebraska Trade
Journal. After that first experience, as
published, he left the commercial agency,
and In ISM started the Commercial Ex
hibit, which was consolidated In ISSsi with
the Nebraska Trade Journal under the
name of the Omaha Trade Exhibit. A
stock couiany was formed In October,
189, for the control of the Omaha Trade
Exhibit, the company being known as the
Trade Exhibit company. Mr. Hodgln held
a large percentage of the stock, was presi
dent of the company and manager of the
Mr. Hodgln was married twlve, the firt
time In his native state and the second
time in Iowa, lie was the father of four
children. Thomas B.. u traveling man out
of Omaha; und three daughters. Hi. 12 and
4 years of age. respectively. Charles K.
Ady, general agent of the National Life
Insurance company, who has known Mr.
violation of i Hodgln for thirty-five years, and other In
timate friends HcHk of him as a nmt de
voted father and husband. He came from
old Q.iuker stouk. He wan not a member
of any other religious sect In Omaha,
though he and family have 1 -en communi
cants of the I.owe Avenue Presbyterian
church for some time.
Mr. Hodgln had been a sufferer from
Brlght's disease for n, long time. Saturday,
February 3, after having rallied from a bad
spell, he went from his home to his office
at Fifteenth and Howard streets. But that
was his last time downtown or away from I
home. He went to bed the next day and
never arose.
Sir. Hodain's aged mother still lives at
tne oia home In Chester Hill, u., and to
that home Mr. Hodgln made at least one I
trip every year. He paid his last visit to
his venerable mother last fall.
He was a prominent lueinlxr of the
Travelers' Protective Association of Ainer-
Lee. assisted in organizing the Nebraska
division. Mr. Holmes was the first state
secretary, being succeeded by Mr. Hodgin.
who has since held this office. He was also
secretary of the local Post. "A" for years
and at time of his luth. Me attended
all the national conventions of the order
and was once honored with the position
of national press chairman. He was also
member of St. John's lodge of the Masons
and the Woodmen of the World. He was
an active members of the Commercial club,
serving at one time on the board of di
rectors. He organixed two Nebraska ex
hibit trains which toured the east several
years ago.
r m mmm
In Our Great February Sale
of Men's Clothing.
Our entire stock of high rrrn'
Men's Clothing now on sale at
prices far below tlvoir nctual worth;
in many cses your dollar will do
double duty. Save clothes money
by buying now. - Never before have
we shown such an assortment of,
remarkable clothing values.
$12.50 to $20.00 Men'a Suits, $7.50
and $10.00. V
A complete line of sizes in great va
riety of fabrics and colors, doublo
or single breasted styles, with
good hair cloth fronts and jpadded
shoulders, stylishly cut, perfect
fitting garments, worth $12.50 to
S0TO 7.50 10,00
Men's Overcoats -Long or medium
length in plain or fancy mixed ma
terials, garments worth C fill
vrs v vr
uf to $10; choice.
Men's Hand Tailored OvrrooHts Medium or long. In plain blacks or
fancy gray and brown mixtures, splendid garments, worth up
to 120: sale nrlce
Men Odd l'anls In all sizes and many different shades and pat- QC
terns, worth up to $3.50; sale prlco
Ht.ys I,oiir lant Suits Double or single breasted styles, worth up C fift
to 9, at
Cliildren'N Kmr l'uiits Suits All styles aud fabrics, worth up to A C
$3.50: sale price lmJ
lloys' Novelty Overcoats Ages 3 to 8 years, worth up to $7.50,
Children's Knee I'antf
-Hegular 50c and 65c values; sale
Always Keeps Chamberlain's C'ousrli
Remedy In Ills Honse.
"We would not be without Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand con
tinually In our home." says W. W. Kear
ney, editor of the Independent, Lowry City,
Mo. That is Just what every family should
do. When kept at hand ready for Instant
use a cold may be cheeked In the outset and
cured in much less time than after ft has
become settled In the system.
Fifteenth Anneal nail.
The champion drill team of camp No.
1?0. Modern Woodmen of America, will
give their fifteenth annual ball Wednesday,
Feb. 21, at Barlght's society hulls. IRth and
Farnam 8ts. (Rolirbough bldg. . Admis
sion, DOc per couple. Kxtra ladles, ak- esch.
We Cure
ien for
Until March 3d
We Will Treat Any Single Uncomplicated
OUR SPECIAL OFFER: nntmay aVlcteS wltS
private, chronic and pelvic diseases, who are treating with quack special
ists snd inexperienced physicians without receiving any benefit, we have de
cided to make a special offer to charge only one-hajf of our regular fee for our-
lng those who are now undergoing ireaimem n.ewu-i. ...u .
provided that you come to us befors March . W06. For Instancs. If you are
afflicted with either Hydrocele. Stricture or Nervous Decline, our charge for
curing either of which without any complication Is $28.00. we wJl guarantee to
cure you for $12.50. and accept the money In any way you wish to pay. Ws will
also cure Contagious Blood Poison for $11 60. which Is Just half our regular fee.
The liberal offer is made to enable those to be cured who have spent their
money In doctoring without relief snd. to show the many who hav treated with
doiens of physicians without benent that we have the only methods that pro-
dU &rllmrtho&r up-to-date nd are Indorsed by th. highest med
ical authorities ot Europe and America. Ucnce our success In Ui.
treatment of nien'g diseases. Uetneniber. our specialty la limited to
the diseases of MEN. and MEN ONLV. '
PRIVATE niSEASKS Newly contracted and chronic cases cured. An
burning, itching and Inflammation stopped in 24 hours: cures effected In 7 days.
We cover the entire field of private and chronic, deep-seated, come
plicated disease.
rirera. Stricture. Hydrocele, Varicocele, Blood Poison, Ghronla
Discharges. KUIn Diseases. Piles and Fistula. Prostatic Diseases,
Nrro Vital Debility, Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
Entrance on 18th Street.
DIAMONDS Kd noun, tth and Harney.
KHHR Rev. J. p.. st Lincoln. Neb.. Sun
day night. February 18. aged 69 vears.
Notice of funeral, which will be' held
in Omaha, will 1m given later.
or yTT an nosASos) SMiers
206 Karbach.
15th Doiic's
Pfnr": 507
Msry had a little watch.
She swallowed It one dsy,
Then took a Westmal Senna Pill
To pass the time away.
HUMAN. M'1NllMil C0HS.sY
Ibo ltth and Dodgw. Xo Post Paid.
a Northwest Corner 13th and Farnam
yr- Si
-wmt w
I n Anrlt 7 1QnH nn, vav Colonist tickets will he
Iff on gale from Omaha to Portland, Meat tie, Tsroma
and many other points in the Northwest. Via
Sll Tickets good In Dally Tourist Cars. I
Inquire at I
m r"y Ticket Office, 1824 Farnam St. J
S ' 'Phone Douglas-ll.'tt. V
I . : -
ViV 1517 Dous St,
Heatelectric light janitor service
all night and Sunday elevator ser
vice a fire proof building all cost
the tenant of The Bee Building
nothing extra.