Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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City Council Will Be Asked to Settle
Peculiar Question,
Man In Alnrlaht Tased on Title to
1'ohlle Tnoreaghfare aad Asked
to Move Ralldlaga to
Make Room.
8-seisl lipin.i of Interest will ionic before
th city rouncll tonight, timing them the
i ether unique statement of Michael Drun
ky, who liven at Twenty-second and Jef
ferson streets, tin I the owner of lots
:. ? and 22 of block S In Albright a Annex.
According to his statement the county road
passes through the three lota and tukes
tip three-fourths of the property, and yet
he' hs been paying taxes on three Iota
for seventeen years. During this time h
has built several fence and buildings,
which, if the present survey I correct,
stand on the space designated aa the alley.
Action baa been begun to cause Mr. Brun
fV.y to move his building. And on this he
makes the declaration that the alley take
from him tho other one-fourth of his three
Ims. Here he makes tho pertinent Inquiry
hs to where he la to borne In. He says the
buildings and fences have so stood for ee"
eral years without complaint. The county
id runs diagonally through tho property
and so trtkes up one-hBlf at the least, and
imsslnly the three-fourths. , If the line of
the alley is changed., very much where It
parses along tho north side of the lota
there " w ill not be much left. Mr. Brun
xky says" he has puld taxes on three full
lots for seventeen years and how It hap
liened that he received no compensation
when the road pusscd through his holdings
Is unexplained. It mny also be that even
If his buildings are found to be on the
alley they cannot be moved by the statute
recognising undisputed- iwssesslon. His
principal re'iurxt In the case, however. Is
that the city engineer make a new and
accurate survey of ' the street and the alley
which appear to encroach on his land.
The counc'l will make a canvass of the
lute special election and an official declara
tlon of the result of the same. It may
be thiif some of th preliminary steps will
be taken for the carrying out of the will
f the people as to the Issue of bonds to
the amount of J7S"0. ft Is believed that
the specifications and plans of Andrew
Rose water are both generous and ample
and the surplusage from the building of
the main branches will serve trt accommo
dHte arty section for which provision has
not been made In the general plans. Such
Is already the enactment of the council.
nd the name act also sets aside any pre
mlum which mar accrue from the sale of
the bonds.
The bids for the curbing and guttering
of ' Twenty-third street which have been
Hilvertlfed for the last two weeks will be
opened and the contract awarded. The
roat of this work Is estimated at about
M.000 or Jin.fKiO and It Is contemplated that
the work shall be done curlv In the spring.
O'Malley Accused of Forerery.
Oeorge O'Malley was arrested Saturday
nlaht charged with a forgery. A man who
had been a former friend of O'Malley
lodged the Information against him with
the police which led to the arrest. His
name la Krltenbrlnk, but It wa not his
nsme which was forged, but a third party
whose name Is unknown to the police at
present.' This party was an old man and
It appears that he gave O'Malley an order
for his check at one of the paoklng houses.
When -tho chock ;was delivered 'O'Malley -la
said to have forged the endorsement en
the back of the check and then proceeded
to spend the money. Krltenbrlnk says he
will appear to flic a complaint this morn
ing and will also bring the man whose
name was forged on the hack of the check.
Fire In a Cottage.
A blase occurred In a small cottage be
longing to John Richie, Twenty-third and
O street last night. It broke out at
shout O'clock and was gaining consider
able headway by the time the firemen ar
rived. They were In time, however, to
vreveet any great danger or damage to
the property. . .
Clay I'Urnn Factory.
It is stated that Dana Morrill will estab
lish a plant for the manufacture of clay
pigeons or "blue rocks." as they are com
monly called, lie will be located at 313
North Twenty-fourth street, South Omaha
uitd hopes to supply several million out
f lh thirty odd million clay pigeons used
In the I'niled Hhiloi each year by the
sportsmen, ne cuims 10 oe auie 10 manu
Saleswomen's Peril
Fact About Mlaa Merkley't Danger.
lilacs) aad Complete Car
Hare you ever thought why go many
women or girls rather walk aa hour
than stead still for ten minute?
It la taycause mmt women suffer from
aome derangement, of their delicate
organism, the discomfort of which in
lea trying when they ire in motion
than when standing.
I n Nome states lawscompel employers
o provide resting- places for their fe
male employee.
But Dt amount of law ran regulate
the hard tasks of thee women. They
must jet the strength which this work
. demands or run the risk of serious
diseases and the surgeon's knife.
Read the experience of Miss Margret
Merkler, 875 &i Street, Milwaukee,
Dear Mrs. Plakhani:-
"Gradual loss of strength, uerrouaneas.
btsrius-dowu pains aod extreme irritation
i tun polled me to seek medical adtrior. The
doctor said I had .diseased organs and ulcer
ation, ad adviaed aa operation if I wanted
to get well. 1 ohktoit to this and decided
togi rs Ltrdia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Otn
pouifdatriai: I anon found that all the good
things said about this great medicine were
trow. The ulceration soon healed, backache,
headache aad ner oasneas disappeared, and
In a short time I was strong, vigorous and
perfectly well. I wih every working girl
who suffers would try Lydia K. PiasJuua's
Vegetable Compound.
Lydia E, Itnkhgtn'a Vegetable Com
pound ia a vegetable tonic which inrig
oratea and strengthens the entire fe
male organism, and will -produce the
same beneficial results in the caxes of
Iber aiok women as with Miss Merkley.
factur. the article much -cheaper than
hey arc mad at the other factories on
account of the nearness and the quality
of the clays found about South Omaha.
Sime of the machinery Is already on the
ground and other consignments are on the
way. About April 1 the operations are ex
pected to begin. Several men will have
to be employed.
Magic City Uosslp.
Harry It. Miller and family have aoun to
Afton, la.
Mrs. B. K. McCold has returned from a
visit In Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. J. Dore. 2!11 V. street re.
port the birth of a eon.
The Olympla clun has arranged a masked
ball for Keoruary t at the Workmen tem
ple. The annual masked Iwll will be cele
brated by the lxHus club at the Masonic
hall tonight.
The fifth annual ball of the South Omaha
Eagles will be given In the Workmen tem
ple Tuesday.
Mrs. Juy I-averty gave a surprise for her
little diiugnter Yhursduv afternoon. it
was a Valentine party.
Miss Kllen M.lhlan. a teacher of the for.
Igan school, who was reported 111 last week,
is said to be Improving.
Mrs. Richard Jacobs save a surprise
party on tne occasion or her husoand's
olrthday met Thursday evening.
The funeral of Miss lura Whltford was
conducted yesterday afternoon at IM p, in.
ene was Duried at Lurel mil cemetery.
There will le meetlnas of the Sunday-
schools throughout the. Week. The first
will be tnnigni at the United Presbyterian
t Is t'-Doited that both Mrs. and Chief
John Brigs art. 111. she being threatened
with pneumonia and-ie with inflammation
of the eyes.
Mrs. Charles X. Olbson entertained a
number of friends In honor of her hus
band's birthday Friday evening. It' was
given at the home of her parqnts, Mr. and
Mrs. P. 8. Casey.
Members of the South Omaha Country
club sre reminded ugain of the general
meeting to be held tonight. "Important
business will be presented. The meeting
will be In library hall.
A fair crowd of the ItHptlxt young people
spent Sunday at Tckamah and while there
attended the rally of the Sunday schools In
progress. They reMrt a splendid time and
the programs of the rally were exceptional.
The body of Mrs. J. It. Watkiu's mother
arrived In the city lat night from lxis An
geles, where ebe died. The funeral will be
at Forest Lawn, but the time and place of
the funeral services have not been an
nounced. The' music by the Hellcvue quartet and
the address of (uy W. Wadsworth of
Bdlevue college was much appreciated by
the members of the Young Men's Chiistluti
association yesterday afternoon. F.xtra
seats were arranged and the large gather
ing was well accommodated.
Dr. McCrann reports large subscriptions
to the funds of the (Saellc league since the
lecture or Douglas Hvde In the state. It
already has about II. ao asstired. Much Is
being sent in from small towns of the
state. Dr. McCrann is treasurer of the
financial committee of the organisation and
C. J. Smyth of ihnuha is the chairman.
Inspector Mansfield Tells of Their
Kfforts to fiet Into lotted
Chinese Immigrant Inspector Manxilc-ld
w;is doing duty lit the Immigration Inspec
tlon service 'along the Mexican border In
Arliona before bring assigned to Omaha
and he tells aome Interesting stories of the
schemes adopted by the Chinese and others
td get across the line Into the United
"Bret Hurte was not very far off when he.
said. 'That for ways hat are dark. etc..
the heathen Chinee Is very peculiar." They
resort to every possible and Ingenious ex
pedient to cross the line into the I'nited
States, not only as smugglers, but to get
Into the country to stay. Schools are
operated In some parts of Mexico where
the Chinese are taught just enough Eng
llsh words to answer the necessary ques
tions to ge(. across the line. And It is not
often they are caught wrong In , their
answers. Of course we could catch them
on any defect In their papers, but some
times they would put up an extremely
plausible story about their papers being on
this side and that they were not imme
diately at. hand. They would refer to some
well known and reputable Chinese on this
side of the line as vouchers for them, and
how they bad Just gone across the line
temporarily. Intending to come right back.
Then they would tell a pitiful story about
their trying to make their way to San
Francisco to return to China.
"I would not want to Impeach the varsc
tty of the average Chinaman, but as a
rule 4 hey can put up Just about aa smooth
a story aa a man cares to listen to, suffi
cient to dece ive the very elect. Then with
their peculiar clothes and thick-soled shoes
they are enabled to do all sorts of smug
gling of small things. In fact a Chinaman
can hide mure contra band stuff about his
person than you can get In an ordinary
trunk, and keep it hid so effectively a to
defy discovery.
"Another emuggllng aclfcme that Is prac
ticed along the border Is In the matter of
clothes. White men do a thriving business
In this way, though they are sometimes
caught. The plan Is to put on an old.
worthless ult of clothea, go across the line
and buy a new suit and wear .It bach.
Ordinarily a man Is iiermltted to enter the
country with the clothes he Is wearing, and
there Is a certain . exception of other
articles. I have known Instance where a
limn caino Imck across the line with three
or four suits of underwear on him and
two or three suits of clothes. This is espe-
j'cttlly easy as lejiards summer wear and
tiboiit the only way tue smuggler can be
I idettllllecl I when he goes aWH.v pretty lean
i Mild coin, 'X lutck fat.
! "Oh. they have got the smuggling system
down to a tine point along the liorder, and
t it keeps the inspectors constantly busy to
; be on the lookout for them."
Oar of Pooodera of l.oeal Danish
Brotherhood Horied with Hoaora
of Order.
Krlc PeleiMcn, one of the founders of
the lecal Ilanish Brot hi t hood, waa burled
yesterday afternoon at Forest I-awn ceme
tery under the auspices of the brotherhood.
The inembcis o the Danish' organisation
assembled at the Petersen home. .Skit Flor
ence boulevard, and conducted the funeral
! service with the regalia and rights of the
order. Frank Kusuiussen waa master of
ceremonies. The pallbearers were Peter
Chrtstensen, Robert Johneen? Jens Jensen.
Henry I.tiiman. Carl Mot risen and Paul
, PhuIscii. Mr. Petersen was 61 years of age
and lived In Omaha thirty years. He waa
! a carpenter and well known and liked
. among hla countrymen and others here. In
, lin? he was one of the organisers of the
Ilanish Brotherhood In Omaha.
to. Iblld'a
I. He.
(From the Chicago Tribune.)
"Health Commissioner Reynolds of Chi
cago, in his latest bulletins of the depart
nienl. says that the worst danger to which
, the children ot Chicago are now exposed
' la the neglected void."
It would be unwise for the health com
; mlasioner of a city to recommend any rem
edy for a cold; but should he do so, Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy would certainly
' head the list as the most efficacious fur
j colds, croup and hooping rough In chll
' Aran, as a remedy that can always, be de.
! pended upon to effect a speedy cure and
that ia pleasant and safe to take. This
remedy contains no opium or other harmful
I drug and may be given as confidently to a
baby as to an adult.' fts great worth and
merit in the treatment of these disesses has
been sttested by many theiisanda of. jinn tiers.
Charles H. Pickens Telia of Omaha's Good
Standing in New York.
A. W. Jefferta Itetoroe from toother
Mootaaa Impressed with Fntore
Creators of That Part
of tho roaatry.
Charles II. lickens, secietary, treasurer
and general manager of the Paxton ft
Oallagher whuleaale grocery company, re
turned last week from a business trip to
New Tork City, bringing the report Ust
Nebraska and Omaha are being well and
favorably advertised throughout the east.
Mr. Pickens was surprised at the knowl
edge of the conditions out hre at the
command of the bankers, financiers and
business men whom he met. They all de
clared they were aware that big strides
forward have taken place during the last
few years and that the outlook Is brighter
than ever before for commercial pros
perity .and advancement.
Said Mr. Pickens:
"My trip necessarily was a hurried one
and I did not have as much opportunity
to else up the east from a western stand
point as I should have liked, but I met
quite a number of bankers, brokers and
others who keep more or less In touch
with things out here and they all dis
played the greatest interest In the west.
They were particularly ke, Inquiring
about the developments such as manifested
In railroad extensions and irrigation proj
ects. Without exception they had beard
of Omaha's progress and they peemed to
think It quite in the course of natural
events coupled to a live and energetic
"They based their long range views on
the conditions from noting 'he Increase
In the volume of general business, in
crease in the hank clearings, success and
growth of the Grain exchange, the busi
ness done by the packing houses and the
figures for the amount of building con
struction and the gain over previous years.
I found a few who had not seen The
Bee's New Year's edition, so I took their
names and have arranged to send thein
copies. I considered that the best way of
driving home their good opinions and giv
ing them something more definite to con
sider and talk about.
'I had sent some of the piixe-wintiu.g
corn at the Ak-Snr-Bcn show to some finan
cial men In New York and I found they
had hung up the ears in the office. The
cobs had been nearly divested of kernels
by men amused at the sise of the ears
and kernels. I have had a number of In
quiries as to where similar seed can bo
procured for it Is a very different kind of
corn than they are used to in the east.
"I observed they have doubled the prices
nt the Hippodrome, where Help Dundy and
his imrtner seem to be making a grcut
deal of money, The prices now range from
1 lo I:1. 50."
Lewis U. Red and wife have returned
from a trip to California, where they
visited all the principal cities on the cciAt,
making a thorough study Of the conducing
as they exist.
"The trip to Ixjs Angeles on the new
San Pedro line was full of interest in many
ways, but the road runs through a for
saken country," said Mr. Reed. "Walcr
Is the crying need of that section and
plenty can le grown where water can he
obtained. The railroad has many of the
springs corraled and has g sort of corner
on, the water market.
"Thousands of cars are on the siding
awaiting the time to transport the fruit
east which is now being picked. Uis An-
gelea Is a Hue spot and Is supported by
visitors and people who have made their
money In the east and have gone there to
reside, It has the disndvantage of being
twenty miles from the sen. San Diego
and Santa Barbara are more pleasant lor
a sojourn. We crossed lo the famous
Coronado beach, which Is only hnlf a mile
wide. The people of Ban Diego have great
expectations because of their deep, water
harbor. Kenator Clark is having the gov
ernment expend large sums on a break
water si San Pedro, the present tertuiniis
of his line from Halt Icke. The soil Is
productive when water can be secured, the
climate mild and the air fine.
"We went via the coast line to 8an
Francisco and stopped at Ranta Harhara,
and Monterey. Ran Francisco has some
magnificent buildings and more are being
erected. The St. Francis struck me us
being a model hotel with all the rooms
facing the outside world, and I brought
home ground plans for Ideas for the build
ers of the new hotels In Omaha. The St.
Francis is being made one-third larger.
The main floor Is a model with its library
and parlors and waiting rooms, the dining
room being two stories high."
Robert McVicker passed through Omaha
last week on his annual trip to bis old
home at North Rend, Neb. He is now a
resident of the West African gol4 coast,
where he is operating a cyanide process
gold reducing mill for sn Rnglisli company.
His father. Captain McVicker. also for
merly of North Bend, Is in the African
hush country, too. engaged in the construc
tion of cyanide plants. Mr. McVicker says
the work In the gold nilnVa is done mostly
by native labor and difficulty ia encoun
tered at limes in getting a sufficient
The ores run from $6 to i per ton In
gold. It Is thought an entirely new process
must lie devised to get the full vulue ex
tracted and that considerable of the
precious metal is now wasted. Transporta
tion Is another problem bothering the
miners and cuts into the profits, but Mr.
McVicker 'says there are a number of gold
mines being operated and the country is
a rich one.
A. W. Jeffries returned last week from a
trip through southern Montana filled with
an abounding faith in that part of the new
country. lie la willing to give It as his
candid opinion that attractive futures exist
for young men with plenty of stamina and
nerve who s? out there prepared to endure
hardship until fortune rewards theni.
"1 rode through part of the country
with Governor Brooks." said Mr. Jeffries.
"He Is very enthusiastic for the future of
his state. From whst 1 could see his
optimum was well grounded. There is lots
of talk iilxiut railroad projections and
parties of surveyors have been busy near
billings and through the south part of
the state for some time. The building of
the Milwaukee road to the coast or to a
coast connection is looked upon as an
assured thing and considerable construe
tion of new lines by the Great Northern
and the Burlington Is expected. The Crow
Indian reservation In Montana is t. b
opened to aettlera this summer and a big
boom and heavy colonization la anticipated
to follow. The Indians on the reservation
are showing commendable progress in the
ways of civilisation and last year raised
something like 30.0U0 bushels of grain. Big
Irrigation projecta are under way that
promise much, one of th. chief works be
ing on th. reservation for th. benefit of
lands to be retained by the Indians and built
with money taken from th. amount set
aside to pay the Indiana for the land that
is to be taken from them and wpsnsd to
the whiles.
"Mills sr. being built In numbers and
there Is every Indication that th. country
is developing and striking a pace of greater
Wooeter oo Pass (taeattoa.
SILVER CREEK. Neb., Feb. 1.-To the
Editor of The Bee: Looking over an old
Impressions book, under date of February
I. 18. I find a letter to Oeneral Charles F.
Mandersou In which It said:
Remembering a conversation I had with
you some years ago In regard to the pass
question, which you will prolmbly not re
call, I write you ns one of the general offi
cers of the Burlington to offer a sugges
tion which, I trust, you will take under
serious consideration.
I am of the opinion that If the railroad
companies of Nebraska would unite on
two bills, the one prohibiting all free trans
portntlon of passengers and the other re
ducing fares to 3'i cents per mile, cause
them to be Introduced In the legislature
and In good faith try to secure their enact
ment Into law. It would be one of the most
popular things they ever did. put thetn on
better terms with the people and. In the
end. be to their miamia! advantnge
anti-pass bill should be sweeping and strln-
gent in its terms ami one inst rauroaa rx'O
ple themselves would feel bound to obey.
And they, better than others, would know
how to draft such a bill.
General Manderson didn't seem to take
kindly lo my proposition. But, In view of
subsequent development. I am satisfied
that my advice was timely and good. I
wish now to renew my suggestion with
this modification, that the passenger rate
be made 2 cents Instead of 2 cents. The
railroads would do well to make a virtue
of necessity and take the Initiative In this
matter. If they don't the next legislature
will be likely to do so. The people will be
demanding a ?-ccnt rate, and an nearly all
republicans have recently got pious on the
railroad U"itlMi, they will he only too
anxious to have a law preventing their
earning thoe hateful railroad papers
which burn their pockets.
The Minna of the Time.
IjOI'P CITY. Neb.. Feb. lT.-To the Kd!
tor of The Bee: Whoever has attentively
medilated on the Immoral, political and
business methods of individuals and cor
porations ennnot fail to discern that there
Is now a spirit of investigation and Inquiry
among men Into the past and present char
acter nnd status of men and corporations
which nothing can stop or even control.
Mr. Roosevelt recognises this spirit and is
contributing all In his power to check and
warn the courts and ti usts of the Impend
ing danger.
Reproach, obloquy, threats and precau
tions will be In vain. They may embitter
opposition and endanger violence, but thev
cannot shale the spirit and keenness of
this research Into the practice and methods
of the lives of men In whom they have
been deceived, wronged and robbed, men
who have contributed nothing to the moral
or material welfare of society outside of
what they own unci control personally, and
only. To the thinking nnin there Is a silent
march of thought, which will detect all
hypocrisy, deceit and fraud, and it Is not
difficult to see will lie marked by Important
events all over the nation. Mankind were
never before In the slttintlon they now
stand. The press never thundered such
-aontlnviits of moral right against en
trenched wrong as it Is doing today. It Is
yielding to nntlomil senllnienl for better
government, better men to govern, and Is
arousing the moral Intellect and virtue of
the nation. What has brought this i'bont?
Ixik for an Instance St the glg.intlc sys
tem of plunder and pillsge inaugurated by
y band of political pirates, with their deds
In the life Insurance companies.
Men of professed honor and honesty,
posing as the sacred guardians from want.
famine, hunger and Indigence of orphans
soil l,lna ut luvt detected to lie ltncnni- I
. , , , . .... j i j
nion criminals, robbers of the dead oud
widows' portion. Suc h villainy as this is
' . ...
j lh ,.use f the great impending Inorsl
-pvsl nil over the country. Behold Mr
, nyt0, driven by the power of a righteous
j piit,i0 sentiment lo ilixgorge and return to
Mn own company of emberaled
meystol n money. Is he now a purer
i mi4n on this account than before?
Virtue and character both cry eloud. No.
A virtuous and holy public. sentiment de
creed that he restore to the dead and
dying the money he enibesxled. and the
embexxler did so for fear of a -worse fate.
It would be dangerous at this time for An
Individual or newspaper to defend or ap
plaud his act as an act of virtue. No
sacred myrtle to Venus shall adorn hla
crime, but the thorny crown of degradation
and disgrace shall rest heavy now and for
ever upon bis dishonored name.
Happy will It be for us If In the In
evitable change of opinions now on ns we
are saved from that strife which fraud,
pride, prejudice, envy, hate and Obstinacy
of the oppressive few occasion to the
patient multitude. A. P. Ct'IXEY.
Local Sinclair Horlety, Assisted by a
Voted Violinist. Rntertalna
Lrce . Aadleoce.
At the Bohemisn Turners' lull lust
night a very enjoyable concert waa
rendered by Mr. Vaclav Machek. the
noted violinist, assisted by the Bohemian
Chnging societies of Omaha. Mr. Machek
rendered several solos, being accompanied
on the piano by Htanley B. Ietoveky. Jr.
Mr. I.etovky contributed a piano number,
one part of which waa a masurka of his
own composition. The society sang three
numbers and Misses Albina and Josephine
Vodlckovy and Misses Blanche and Ulllan
Vancuroy contributed vocal duets. A large
number were present and attested the
pleasure felt by enthusiastic applause.
Marble aad Cochran Play 1 1 Ml Uamra iu
Thirteen Hoars Twenty Mlnntea,
Marble and Cochran broke all knovvo
liowllnc records at the association alios
In this city Saturday night, when Ihcy
bowled HjO games In IX hours and M nun-
utes with a total of IS, 71 pins. When the- I
bowlers hud reached the mark they Imd
set to make they decided to rest until mum
yesterday and then go on with their
record-making work to finish at 7 o'cock
last evening, but Captain Harry Reed of
the Cudahy team, of which Cochran is a I
member, objected, ss Cochran Is to p!s
in a match game this evening, so play was
not resumed sua tne record was allow, d
to remain as It was for 100 games. Marble
wss the best st the beginning slid made
some nice averages for the first five games,
averaging over 201 to Cochran's 191, hut
Cochran got Ida second wind Id the lam
twenty-five games and made the splenuid
average for the let) garnea of lttl tT-50, while
Marble dropped buck, to 1W X3-&0. liuv
was from l.'M Saturday evening until :40
Sunday morning. The scores made were:
Ave. Sir. Spr. Spl. Kr.
Cochran IM 4T-M TH 1M M 3
Marble 1RJ tt-50 11 M 75 28
Team Will Begin Training aT "West
Badea, lad.. March .
CHICAtKt, Feb. 18 The Chicago National
laague base ball team will start Its train
ing season on March ( or T at West Radtri,
Ind., according to announcement made to
day by President Murray. After a short
stay there the team will go to Champaigii.
111., where the base ball facilities of the
I'niverslty of Illnois mill be used for a
fortnight. A short series of practice games
wll be played In the cities of Ohio, Indiana
and Illinois, including oprlngfleld, Peoria
and Danville. 111. The Nationals will open
the season In Cincinnati on April 1! and
will play Ave games there Instead of -our
as called by the schedule, the gam. of Sep
tember 4 at Cincinnati having been ad
vanced to April 16.
O'Brien Blaraa Hew Imolro.
MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Feb. 18 -The Amer
ican association la to have at least one new
umpire next season, as President O'Brien
announced today that b. had signed John
J. Kgan of Providence. R. I. Ka-an has
been with th. lQaatera league Qs veara
Anson B. Ebj Imagines Himself Appointed
Reform Agent of Ood.
fondemoo Roosevelt, Washington
.Morals, Halls Asalnal Catholicism
and Threatens f htef of Police
llonahoe with leath.
Suffering with a violent form of religious
fanaticism, Anson D. Kby of 4V" Notih
Nineteenth street was srrestcd yesterday
afternoon by Patrolman Shields and le
tectlve PruThmy and booked nt the city
Jail on a charge of Insanity. Kby's ease
ls one of the worst of the kind to be te-
corded by the police for many years.
Kby's hallucination Is that he bellow
he Is an agent of Ood and empowered wltn
authority to perform a certain work Iti
Omaha In particular and the I nlted Stales
In general. For several days he flooded
the newspaper office with Incendlaiy
"messages," In which he conderMied the
president, threatened the life of CM-f of
Police Donahue and railed against C?.tl."l'
Iclsm. He was kept under surveillance,
and as soon as his screeds became of a
dangerous character he was taken into
custody, lest he might do some harm In
his diseased state of mind.
Though wildly Incoherent In text and
dangerous In character, Kby's communlc ti
tlons are neatly written and grammatically
correct. From IHfH to li8 he taught In ihe
Tlazxard school In Florence precinct, and
now claims his father Is teaching school
at Crab Tree. Ore. Kby la 3 years of age
and single nnd for some time worked as
a trui ki r In the local freight houses.
Prom Uod Almighty.
His letters arc signed "Isaac Dushong,
agent for Ood, through Anson D. Kby.
From Ood Almighty." Kxplalnlng this
strange superscription, he said:
Isaac Mushong Is a man manged from
on high. This means by God in a way.
which Is to show this world that aerograph-
is only In the hands of said Isaac
Kushong. Now, Kushong can see all things
on this earth. Kby Is to write how near
the sun is. the moon is and the stars ure.
through Oocl. Science Is to read Hie lllhlo
from the first chapter of Genesis to Rcve
iHtlon. Then science shall tell Its story lo
Kby, and Kby, through Hushong nnd God.
will declHre the truth. One ivord more:
This earth must search for Isanc Lliisnnng.
Amen From Ood, most High, through An
son U. Kby.
Kby declared he was merely an instru
ment which recorded the messages trans
mitted from Bushong by "aerography."
Chief Donahue called on Kby In the cell i
room yesterday afternoon. The prisoner
"Wnnediately recognized the chief and said:
"Now. chief, 1 hope you won't think there
Is anything between us personally, but I
have to do these tilings, as there is n '.
higher power which commands nic"
Condemns Washington Morals.
Kby rushed into the office of an army
officer at the Department of the Missouri
headquarters and handed him a bunch of
his communications, saying he hud a com
mand that the documents be forwarded to
Washington. The papers, containing severe
arraignments of the nationsl morals, were
Immediately turned .over to Chief Dona
hue and the writer located by the de
tectives. The police suy Kby whs stricken with an
attuck of insanity here about seven years
ago. when be pcrsixted in writing letters
to a woman living at one of the hole!?.
At that time Rhy was senl to the asylum.
where he said yesterday he had Ikm-h for
several years,
, , . ... ., ,.
i men oulte a chase. lie did not nt. first
I think the men In civilian clothes were olll
I cere of the law. as be yelled "Police:" as
he led the way for several blocks, flnully
being taken Into custody at Seventeenth
street nnd f'npltol avenue.
Services at Home Attended h? Mi
Friends and Burial Is
Mrs. R. P. Mercer, who died last Tue- :
dsy at Tucson. Ariz., where she went
severel months ago In nuest of better
health, was buried yesterday afternoon in
the family plot a Forest l.awn cemetery.
The burial was private, while the service
at the home. 320 Cuming street, was con
ducted by Rev. T. J. Mackay, rector of
All Raints' Kplscopal church, before a large
gathering of friends.
The body was brought home from Tucson
Saturday morning by the husband. Dr. R.
li. Mercer: son. Ih Nelson, and daughter,
Miss Carolyns, all of whom were present
when Mrs. Mercer passed away after an
attack of pneumonia. .
The pallbearers were Charles Halbach,
W. J. Broatch, Pr. R. C. Moore, (ieorgu
Hoagland, S. A. MeWhorter, F. 8. Curtis,
John B. Barker and Pr. II. M. M, 'Claim- I
The Strangest Thing
that could happen would be a case of con
stipation that Pr. King's New I.lfe Pills
wouldn't cure. Guaranteed. 25c. For sale
by Sherman & McConnel! Prug Co.
When you have anything to trade, adver
tise It in the For Kxehange Column of The
Bee Want Ad Page.
Leg Broken by n Fall.
Peter Tomanlo. who lives at the rear of
ta North Twelfth street, was picked up
lying on the sidewalk near Ills Home late
yesterday afternoon and taken into the
house. He waa unable to wulk and Police
Surgeon Morsinan waa called and found
the fibula o' the left le fractured. To
manlo had probably fallen on the walk,
causing the fracture.
IHiea yos drisk vkuksy drink
(ood whuksy. a cose vSialey is
Sood for I us sad ssd vauksy is
d tor jou.
it prworibod by pbrticiftn. wb
k.ow that ft tu wbr.kT i
th onlj rtffbt n4 proper mtkinkmf
to driah tad th-t lUr Wda tbm
.1Mb pur it. tt a4 ff.lA-
It kaa bm on th markM for
thirty rra tatl ia g rwmg is ppu-1-rilj
vry dtvjr.
Offered at ratloual -tlni
alaat. not "cure-all."
You Sometimes Annoy
Tour friends wltb that hackir.g cough.
Why mot a suggestion of a remedy
Will be a relief and tb. rltf begins with
th. first doM.
After sorer. Midi tb. cough that ro
nialna Is sometimes dangerous. I.A
GRIPPE COUGH SYRUP puts y.u on th.
roed to better health. I alsos, Jko, too aad
tl.M. Samples free.
Manufactured aad sold by
Sherman 4 McCennell Dfog Ct.
f mEMu
Baking Powder
Tho only high grado
Balling Powder sold at a
moderate price. Com
plies with the pure food
laws of all states.
Every Saturday and Sunday
up to April 1st. 1906
Mlnden -Harlan
Manning -Carroll
' -Fort
Dodge -
- 1.60
- 2.80
Cood returning following Monday.
tor full Information epmlf f. '
H. U. Churchill, Ctntrml Agtnl. IS It Farnom Strati.
To men who are weak, mentally,
morally and physically, whose sys
tems have at some time hen polluted
with poisonous private diseases, those
whose depleted manhood forbids any
advances toward matrimony, and those
who have made the inlstske of marry
ing while there tur;ei1 in their svtt;i
soma frightful wenlmens or poisonous
tslnt of private diseases, and who now
find tva; lyes on Ihe vergof social
ruin i Ifrlt ich men a conscientious
and experienced doctor would advise
We cure safely and thoroughly
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poi3on (Syphilis), Rectal, Kid
ney and Urinary Diseases
and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to inheritance, evil habits, ex
cesses, self-sbuse or the result of specific or private disesres.
We make no misleading" statements, deceptive or nnhoslaeas-llke
propositions to the afflicted, neither do ere promise to core them In m
few days nor offer cheap, worthless treatment In order to aeearo
their patronage. Honest dortors of recognised ability do not resort
to Bach methods. We guarantee a perfect, safe and lasting core ia
th. sjalekest possible lime, wltliont leaving injnrlona after effects In
the system, and at the lowest cost possible for boueal. aklllfal and
aareraafol treatment.
C.naultatlon If you cannot call writ, for symptom blank,
and Examination Office Houra 8 a. m. to it p. tu. Kundnya, 10 to 1 only.
1308 Farnsm St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., OMAIIA, NEB.
behind the unsurpassed home circulation of
The Omaha.
Is what maker; advertisers
The Bee advertising
Economy Way
c o. i i f ornia
All tho Way.
Dally, Ff binary
Samu.1 1 rimer, eitra for
Eul'tafcUBlda Tourist PuUoiana,
lea Moines. Is.,
fvir tourist sleep
er booklet.
mange oi cars.
Duatleaa roadbed
in. , , ij ;
Tru'it tto'ilntr Powders sell for 45 of
50 cent i per rono-l and may be Wen
tiriod by thin exorbitant price.
They are a menace to pubis) hoelth,
an food prepare J from tlnvn con
tains lan;o oitcntlllcs of Tlochctl.
aalu, a dangerous calhartiu drug.
Eagle Grove
Clarion -Hampton
Mason City -
- 5.10
5 45
you to consult without delay the best
specialist, one who has made a life
long study of Jiif.I such esses, one
who can ipslcl'ty and fully understsnd
your trouble, one who will nt decelv.
you with ficlne promises or unbusi
nesslike propositions, one who can and
will cure you in thn shortest possible
time nnd st th l"Hst expense to you.
A man in need of such medical ad
vice or treatment should come at once
know that it pays to uso
columns liberally. ; '
You do not sacrific comfort for
economy when you go in a
Santa Fe Tourist Pullman
2.1 for a Colonial ticket, Omaha lo California.
1ft to April 7.
berth or fre seat in chair ar.
Omaha to Los Angeles, without
liattey meals.
, as, . if rrrmTrfs