Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Paily Dee.
Dally Bee (without Sunday), one ear..tjti0
Dally Bee and Sunday, one year J '
Illustrated Bee. one ear J jj
Sunday B. on year
Saturdsy Bee, one year 1-w
Dally Bee (Including Sunday), pT week.. IT:
Dsllv Bee (without Sunday), per week..K;
Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week
Evening Bee twlth Sunday), per t.
Siinrisr Bee. per copy .... nc
Address complaint of Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
fimaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building.
Council Bluff 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago 1640 Unity Building.
New York l.V Home Life In. Building-.
Waahlngtnn 601 Fourteenth Street.
CnmmurriVatlnna relating to new and ed
itorial matter should be addressed : Omaha
Bee. Editorial Department.
Remit hy draft.-expres or potal order
payable to The Bee Publishing Company,
only t-cent stamp received as payment of
mall account. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.:
C. C. RoSewster. secretary of The Bee
Publishing company, being duly eworn.
says that the actual numlr of full and
complete copies of The Dally. Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the
month of January, ISO, wn as followa:
i. itaMiivo 17.. .......... ai,o
i B1ATO 18... .i 31.7TO
-1 Sl.TMt 1 B1.450
4.. 3I.TTO 30 8a.sno
81,M30 21 3O.10O
T SO.10O LS 31,M
1 31.T.K) :'4 31.470
t 81.44MO SS 3t,5TO
10 2,0K SI 81.410
ii. ; si,iw at n,o
11 32,4441 aiJIBtt
14 StO.HMI 30 B1.BHO
15 31.MTO 81 31.BBO
Total i,ooa,4fn
Less unsold. copies ll,oa
Net total sales tMKI.eB'J
Dally averogo., 841,014
i Secretary.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
to before me thia 31st day of January, im.
(Seal) M. P.. HUNGATE.
Notary Public.
aharlber leavta- the pity tem
porarily should have The Bee
nailed e thenn ' Address ' trill ' be
I'kasKfa as often as requested. . . .
Is 11 ic re any neetl of Interstate rail
way rcptiliitlini? Ask the Omaha Ciraln
exchange. ' '
Friends of J.Iui. l)ublinan arc udvertls
liifc him its "a nian of gast-lroa nerve."
Some others think so, too.
hi the first round In Iowa a ''stauil
liatter" defeated a "tariff-ripper.'' Sec
it tnry Slia w. Ih Hlill on the niitp.
The only penalty Inflicted on rat
Crone tvas when he was summarily cut
off from slinking lmhds with the jury
after Uie verdict was rendered.
'' If It la true that the democrats have
agreed on Jim Dahliuan and none other
t run for mayor, why go through the
cimtly farce of a nomination primary?
x II. Clay IMcrce has offennl to testify
In the Missouri oil ' hearing;, showing
that at least one man In the alleged
"trust" lias some respect for public
With mail trains running so fast that
letters cannot he distributed letween
stations it would appear that trans
continental railway time Is approaching
its limit. .
' The yellow Journals blame the travesty
of Justice in the Crowe case on every
thing but themselves, but the general
public traces the yellow Juries to the
yellow Journals.
Irish home rulers who are making
public Premier Campbell Batuierman's
record ou Irish politics may find that
the personal and official desires of the
premier are things apart.
Omaha's clearing Louse exhibit for the
past week, with 24 per cent Increase
over the corresponding period last win
ter, Indicates that Omaha's commercial
growth is by leaps and bounds.
Kansas has sued the state treasurer
on his bond for a 10,000 shortage. As
there are 305 bondsmen to divide the
loss among them, Kansas may ite more
fortunate than Nebraska in making the
suit stick.
Suppose any of the Fontanel! candi
dates should not accord fully with that
postprandial platform adopted after
tb fact? Would the governors he able
to pry them loose and scratch their
uaraes off the slate?
Only two weeks more for aspiring pa.
trtots to offer their services as couucll
men to ths city by filing for he coming
primaries. If It were yet two mouths
we might have the entire population en
rolled on the official ballot.
Omaha goes steadily forward as a
grain market. Omaha Is the natural dis
trlbuting point for the richest grain and
wheat Huntry in the world, and noth
ing can prevent it from becoming one
of the greatest grain markets In the
According td the World Herald, the
eotnptrollershlp and building inspector
ship are conceded to Ixbeck and Wlth
nell, respectively, on account of the ex
ceptional records they have made during
the past terms. That depends entirely
iiKin the point of view.
The county Jail feeding graft at 35
ents per day for each person is the
same graft. In smaller degree, as at 45
cents a day for each person. Prisoners
In the city Juil are being boarded at 1(1
cents a day, and there is no excuse nor
reason for such disparity between the
two boarding houses.
There appears to lie still a possibility
that the threatened tariff War between
tJermany ami the I'nlted states may
lie averted. A recent rojtort from Berlin
stated that an arrangement, for a-pro
visional tariff with this country was
practically assure and that It would
tie valid for ne year niwl provide for the
treatment of American iniKrt accord
ing to the regulations Of the draft of the
new tierman tariff, while the t'nlted
States will grant Oenuan Imports cer
tain facilities in the matter of custom
house formalities. . There has been no
official continuation of this, but .there
is said to Ik a feeling in Washington,
in both executive and congressional
circles, that this will be the outcome.
It is stated that those who are in close
touch with the Oernlan situation con
tinue to give this as their opinion.
There Is some surprise expressed for
the reason that no official disposition, to
offer important concessions to (ternntny
bis jet lieen Indicated.
Only ten days remain before the new
tariff goes luto effect, so that If any
urrangemeut Is to be made there is no
time to lose. In order to avert tariff
war the Reichstag would have to au
thorize the government to nrrange tariff
relations with the United States for a
specific limited period, which would tie
short enough to preserve Its provisional
character and long enough to negotiate
a real treaty of commerce. Whether or
not the Reichstag is disposed to do this
there is no information at hand upon
which to base an opinion, but there Is
good reason to believe that the German
government is really anxious to avoid
a tariff war and will accept reasonable
concessions In order to do so. A tariff
war would not only result lu compelling
the German people to pay more for their
foodstuffs, but. In the event of congress
adopting retaliatory legislation, by
imposing ou German manufactures
duties 25 per cent higher than the pres
ent rates, the Germans would lose al
most the whole of their' export trade to
this country. Of course the United
States would also lose trade, but hardly
to the extent that ' Germany' would.
However, a tariff war would be exceed
ingly unfortunate for both countries,
not alone from the commercial wint of
vltjw, but as well because of the effect
It would almost certainly have upon
the existing friendly relations between
the two countries. It is very much to
be hoped that a satisfactory arrange
ment will be reached.
The convention to be held In Wash
ington city to consider the subject of
uniform divorce laws will be composed
of delegates from all the states but two
or three. Some of the staterepresenta
tlves are men prominent In ecclesiasti
cal circles and there are others who are
widely kuown from having taken an
active part in the movement for uni
form divorce laws. It. is therefore to
be expected that the deliberations of the
convention or conference will be of a
very interesting character and that Its
conclusions will exert a considerable in?
fluence. It Is said that President Roose
velt takes a good deal of interest in the
matter and while he will not actively
participate in the convention he will be
consulted and may have a hand In draft
ing the divorce law to be presented to
the legislative bodies of, the different
.That the question is important will be
very generally admitted. The facility
with which divorce can lie obtained tn
some of the states is a reproach and the
consequent multiplicity of divorces is re
garded by many as a stigma upon our
people and a grave danger to society.
It would lie, anticipating too much to
look to this conference to cure all the
Ills which have arisen under the present
unsatisfactory conditions, but It, is not
too much to expect great progress
toward reform. Since there cannot be
a national divorce law without on
amendment to the constitution giving
congress authority to enact such a law,
and there Is no probability of this being
done, an earnest effort should be made
to secure uniform state laws regarding
divorce, based upon, sound principles
that will safeguard the marriage rela
tion by making it very difficult to dis
solve it. To bring about such a ref
ormation Is the object of the, conference
and there Is reason to believe that it will
give a decided1 Impetus to the movement
In this direction.
When the Pennsylvania legislature
was called In extra session last month
to consider certain reforms urgently de
manded by the people it was not gen
erally expected to accomplish much. It
had shown no dlosltlon at the regular
session to Institute reforms and it was
reasonably apprehended that the same
men would show no change at the spe
cial session. The results, however, again
demonstrate the potency of the popular
voice. The Philadelphia Press says that
no session of the Pennsylvania legisla
ture ever did so much for the people in
so short a rime, and the Record remarks
that a great stride forward has been
made In sulwtituting self rule for tioss
rule In the state. It points out that
provision has beeu made for clarifying
and purifying the primary action of
parties, for purging. Hie body of the
electorate, for eliminating fraud at the
ballot tox. and for preventing the Illicit
use of money In jHilitlcs.
What the legislature did ' is thus
summed up: The authority and reou
slbllity of the chief magistrate of Phila
delphia have lieen restored: tle way has
lvn opcjml for Greater Pittsburg: the
state treasury Wilnuccs have Is? n safe
guarded: a uniform primary electiou
system and personal registration have
been provided: the tee system lu state
offices has been alnjlished; the Phlla
delphia civil service is put under the
merit system; the corrupt use of money
in politics Is made more dangerous and
pernicious activity prohibited under
proper penalties. These are reforms
which cannot fail to prove of gTent
benefit. They restore to the hands of
the people complete control of public
affairs. Rarely has there been a more
striking illustration of the force of pul
llc opinion. It Is another assurance that
whenever the s?ople In any part of this
country earnestly demand reforms In
polllicnt conditions and methods of ad
ministration they will obtain them.
The acquittal of Pnt Crowe ou the
charge of highway l-obln-ry In the fa
mous Gudahy kidnaping case is a trav
esty on justice and a reflect ion upon the
moral Integrity, of every man and
woman In Ouinha. The testimony In
the case left not even the remotest
shadow of a doubt of Pat Crowe's par
ticipation In the heinous crime with
which he was charged, and while there
may have been some technical flaw lu
the statutes relating to the particular
crime with which Crowe was charged,
which might have afforded a pretext for
a disagreement ns to the law, there was
absolutely no excuse or palliation for h
verdict of acquittal.
Up to the time of the trial some doubt
existed in the minds of many people, not
only abroad, but even here lu Omaha,
as to the various stories that had teen
set afloat about the kidnaping of young
Cudahy, particularly as regards the pay
ment of $5,000 for his ransom, but the
story related under oath on the witness
stand by Edward Cudahy, the Identifica
tion of Crowe by several credible wit
nesses as the chief actor In the das
tardly plot and the introduction of
Crowe's confession In his own hand
writing over his own name should have
removed the last vestige of doubt from
the minds of any Juryman who might
have been inclined to give the benefit of
the doubt to the accused.
How It was possible to get twelve
men to concur in a declaration of "not
guilly" passes comprehension.
The Italian government will estab
lish in New York a labor exchange for
the benefit of Its people who come to
this country. It is pointed out that at
present the condition of the Italian im
migrants is not wholly satisfactory.
They have a strong Inclination to gather
in colonies in large cities. Under the
padrone system, which is still in opera
tion, large numbers are sent to work
for big contractors. Few settle in the
agricultural districts and efforts to in
duce them to go into the southern states,
where there is a demand for their labor,
have not been very successful.
The purpose in establishing a labor
exchange is to remedy these conditions.
It will keep In touch with employers
of labor in the west and south and send
Italians to them. It will see that the
workmen receive good treatment and
fair wages. Agents will" go among the
immigrants, both at the home' ports and
in New York, directing them to avoid
the padrones and apply to the exchange
for work. There can be no doubt that
this plan will result beneficially to the
Immigrants from Italy, many of whom
under existing conditions are vlctlrarzed
by the padrones and are otherwise Im
posed upon by tbelr own countrymen
here. It will Insure their better dis
tribution and be helpful In other re
spects. It Is a practical plan and may
be adopted by some other countries
after its advantages have been demon
strated. The Bee finds t has made a mistake
and cheerfully prints the subjoined cor
rection. We recently likened the meet
ing of stockmen that condemned this
paper for its attitude toward the lnnd
fencers to the three tailors of Tooley
street, whereas, we are now informed
that there were four of them. Our
correspondent also denies that the senti
ments ascribed to him are expressions
of his own but rather in quotations of
what others had told him. Here Is his
letter In full:
MULLEN. Neb.. Feb. . To the Editor
of The Boe: In your letter of February
( declining to publish an article sent you
by myself, you make a direct misstate
ment, which as long as It was only a
private letter I concluded to overlook. In
The Bee of February 15 you publish the
If you will dig up my letter you will find
I did not 'express" myself as you state,
but directly the opposite.
Your letter also implies I had accused
you of making misstatementa In regard to
thia country. This I also deny.
If you are willing to correct misstate
nients, as you say you are, here Is a good
place to show It.
In your Tooley street slap at the stock
men of Hjoker county you are off again -there
was four of them.
W. K. BOWER 8.
George II. Maxwell, head of the so
called International Irrigation league,
maintained, operated and sultsldlxed hy
sundry and various land grant railroads,
declares that 1 lie pending statehood bill
contains the biggest land steal of any
measure he ever saw. He refers to the
grants made to the new slates for edu
cational purpose, public buildings, state
reformatories, etc. Possibly the great
Irrigationist had in bis mind's eye some
scheme to annex these lauds to the rail
way land grant domain, but inasmuch
as the new states are, like all other
TraiiMutsHourl states, predestined to ls
railroad provinces for many years to
come, the patron of high finance Irriga
tion need not tie seriously alarmed. The
stiH-k of the railroads oerating In these
states will lie Irrigated iu Wall street
Just the same.
i I the new consular bill Is actually
signed Nebraskaus will never admit
that Church Howe's mascot lias failed
Premising Te Mack.
Washington Post.
Senator Islge proves that snilioad rates
are lower In this country than in countries
where the rales are controlled by the gov-
eminent. That kind of argument Is lia
ble to make the railroads want government
at Hta Style.
Chicago News.
President Roosevelt's announcement that
he has not backed down on the railway
rate proposition was superfluous. He Is a
poor hand at hacking down.
The Simple l ife.
Chicago Record -Hera Id.
When one chooses the simple life for
himself, It may or may not be cheap; but
the Omaha school trustee who recommends
It to the teachers forgets that no manner
of life that Is forced on one can ever be
felt as simple.
I'rraohea Mis tlws Sermon.
Philadelphia Press.
There Is something exceedingly pathetic
In the fate of Mr. McCall. the late presi
dent of the New York' Life Insurance
company. As he lies at the point of death
It Is Impossible not to feci the touch of
sympathy, and It Is at the same time Im
possible not to recognise the admonition.
The swift fatality preaches Its own sermon.
llnntlna- for naer Meat.
Minneapolis Journal.
Divine Right Haer, having learned that
the Pennsylvania legislature was about to
order an investigation of the ownership of
coal mines by the Reading system, issued
a statement accusing the members of Ig
norance of the constitution and general
cussedness In doubting his eminent au
thority In the matter of fixing the price
of coal. It set-tn that the legislature waa
premature In asserting Its ambition to run
the state of Pennsylvania. Mr. Baer has
not resigned.
l oose Talk of Army Officers.
San Francisco Chronicle.
There Is a good deal of loose talk In
dulged In by army officers respecting the
attitude of the United States toward China,
but Its sincerity may well be called Inta
question. It Is absurd for any one to
urge that It Is our duty to preserve order
lu China, or to interfere In any manner
with the political concerns of the Chinese.
Those who do so are not thinking of
American interests; they have nothing else
in mind than the possibility of personal
advancement at the expense of the people
of the United States.
I'nele Sam's Strong Boa.
San Francisco Chronicle.
The colossal holdings of Uncle Sam's
strong box excite the Interest and per
haps the envy of the rest of the world.
Never before was there so great a quantity
of the precious metals gathered in one
place, and subject to a single control, as
there Is now iu the treasury at Washing
ton, which now holds the enormous sum of
11,287,064.032 in gold and silver coin and bul
lion. It Is lucky for modern, civilisation
that there are no outlying barbarians
ready to be tempted by the possibility of
capturing this vast hoard.
Inconsistent Critics.
Brooklyn Eagle.
The Impossibility of making others think
the same as we do is illustrated by cur
rent American criticisms of the Spaniards
for liking bull fights. . The Spaniards can
not understand why. many Americans and
Englishmen like prise fights, and why many
more of them like foot ball. The attempt
to strain one nation through the sensibili
ties of another can never be checked. It Is
part of the Indestructible desire to mind
other people's business, and of that form
of egotism which regards the prescription
of our taste to others as an exercise of
missionary activity. ',
Crrattan of Wealth.
New York World.
All the gold produced from all the mines
of the Transvaal last", year amounted to
only llOt.oOO.OOO In value. Ita production
cost the lives of kafflrs and coolies, to
gether with the loss of parliamentary
seats and much political chicanery In Eng
land. In New York two men by a private agree
ment for the merger of city traction Inter
ests added $108,000,000 to the face value of
the certificates of wealth In which Wall
street duals. In the transaction not a life
waa lost or a widow left to mourn, though
In the morality involved the honors are
perhaps easy.
How simple and effective the American
process by comparison with the ruder
methods of the Rand! "Water Is best,"
said Pindar. Its usefulness in the creation
of fictitious wealth is unexcelled.
Massachusetts Takes a Fall.
Springfield Republican.
Judge Orosscup -of the United States cir
cuit court repeated In an address on cor
poration reform a day or two ago what
he has previously said regarding the loose
ness of corporation charter laws as found
In New Jersey and some other states:
"Actually, five men can sit around a
table, put 11 in the center, organise a cor
poration calling for a million dollars worth
of capital, re-pocket the dollar and go
home after sending a certificate ef Incor
poration to the secretary of the state with
a $1,000,000 enterprise ready to launch."
Such a state, he added, puts its seal upon
a concern that lies the moment it leaves
the stste secretary' office, but while he
Included New Jersey and most other
states' In this Indictment he made an ex
ception of Massachusetts. Why Massa
chusetts? The Judge evidently is thinking
Of this state as It was before the enact
ment of the business corporation law of
J903. which lowered the commonwealth to
the New Jersey level. It Is now possible
to incorporate a wind-bag In Massachu
setts as In New Jersey.
I ncle Sain Sinks Money, Other atluna
Make a ProSt.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
According to the International post bu
reau, taking all the postofnees of the world,
the I'nlted States shows the l' avlest uss
from the management of Its postal af
fairs, and Great Britain the largest profits.
Nineteen hundred and three la the last
year for which figures for comparison
are available, and for that year we ran
behind I4.JC9.000. while Ureat Britain showed
a net profit of 2J,0n0,0CO, and Russia. Ger
many and France each about 114.000,000.
Due to the large and rapid Increase of
rural delivery since 9n3 our deficit has
grown to at least three times whst It was
then, and there are other reasons for
our unfavorable showing, the principal ones
being the larger compensation we pay em
ployes and the extensive areas we have to
cover which are thinly populated. The
highest paid postmaster In England re
ceives about tfi.OflO a year, clerks from tJua
to 11,800, carriers In the larger cities $400,
and in the smaller onea and rural car
riers from PfiO to 76. British postage. Is
cheaper than ours. For t cents letters
weighing up to four ounces ore carried,
with 1 cent additional for each two addi
tional sullies and every registered news
paper goes for I cent, regardless of weight.
Anything mailable Is carried by parcel post
for ( cents a pound and cents for each
additional pound up to eleven, which Is the
limit. Anything ran he registered for 4
rents, and the government Insures regis
tered matter up to fcS In value (or that
sum. By paying i cents for each addi
tional C0 lu value Insurance up to fluO
may be had. Newapapera nuy be for
warded without additional pustxge. which
la not the case with us. and postal orders
cost S rents for IS vrdvrs.
America a and tiermta freight Rates
Springfield (Msss.) Republican.
Transportation conditions as between Eu
ropean and American railroad are so dif
ferent In many particular that compari
son of superficial facts and conclusions
therefrom are to be made with great cau
tion. If, for example, the average freight
rate on the Ocrman state roads Is double
that of the United States roads, nothing Is
necessarily proved thereby either against
government rate fixing on a uniform prln
clple or for the present American policy of
letting the roads make what rates they
please and build up what a spokesman for
the roads lias described as a "heleroge
neous mass of discriminations."
Nevertheless Senator Lodge, In his note
worthy speech of Monday, does nuvke such
a comparison of surface facts and doe
draw rather sweeping conclusions there
from In favor of a let-alone policy In the
United States. He presents a table which
shows among other thing that the aver
age American freight rate Is 0.7H cents per
ton per utile, while the average German
rate Is 1.22 cents. And the Senator proceeds
to say:
"This table shows, what I hav already
stated, that our railroad freight rates are
the lowest In existence. The, fact that
rates are lower here than In any other
country and that, as the table shows, they
have steadily declined, taken lu conjunction
with the very moderate returns on the cap
ital invested In railroad property, Is proof
sufficient that there can be but little suf
fering fionf excessive rates and that when
rates have been excessive they cannot have
been of long continuance except under very
pculiar conditions. It may, I think, be
safely asserted that If there was no griev
ance to be dealt with except excessive
rates there would be no need of any legis
lation whatver."
It shduld be remarked In passing that if
American rates on the average are not
excessive, it by no means follows that they
are reasonable and Just In all particulars,
or do not stand in need of readjustments
under the direction of the public authority.
They may be unfairly low In some cases,
and unjustly high in others, and such Is
unquestionably the fact, and warrant ac
cordingly exists for public intervention.
But Mr. Lodge still appeals to the fact
that the German average la much higher
than the American rate. It Is somewhat
unfortunate for him that on the very day
of delivering his speech the American
papers should have published a cabled sum
mary of the findings of two Prussian state
commissioners sent lo the United States In
1!4 to study American railroads. Their
report says that while nominally the aver
age Prussian freight rate Is 1.3 cents,
against 0.78 cents for the United States, the
actual comparison. If conditions were equal
ised, would be a United Slates average of
1.44 cents per ton per mile, against O.X
cents for Prussia. They explain this con
clusion by saying that the American roads
Include freight carried for themselves,
which is not the case In Prussia; that the
American statistics exclude high-class goods
carried at high rates by the express com
panies, which Is not the case in Prussia,
and that the American roads receive large
sums for carrying the mails and the Prus
sian roads next to nothing.
It should further be added If evidence
presented at the American house committee
hearings on the subject Is to be relied upon
that the European rates Include costs of
dray&ge of goods to and from stations,
which is not the case in the United States.
And again it la to be considered that Ger
man railroad traffic, as in the cage of
other European railroads, consists largely
of high-class local tonnage, contrasting
with the fact that much of the traffic of
American roads is of low-class, bulky ar
ticles hauled over lung distances at low
cost. No one reading Mr. Lodge's speech
will accuse him of unfairness, but a com
prehensive view of the problem would have
compelled a note of this point particularly
and included a reference to the fact that
railroads situated as is the New Haven
company, which have a comparatively large
short-distance traffic In high-class good,
corresponding more nearly to European
conditions, show an average freight rate
much higher that of the New Haven com
pany in 1304 being 1.41' cents per ton mile,
compared with the Prussian rate of l.H
cents. If express and drayage charges were
Included In the New Haven's exhibit, far
more unfavorable of course would be the
comparison with Prussia.
Mr. Lodge makes a comparison with Eu
rope based on deceptive data, and con
cludes therefrom that the policy of public
control or rates is unfavorable for the
people, and that they are better off with
out it. If that conclusion properly follows
from the facts as he gives them, then Just
as forcibly it is proved by the true facia
that public control of rates Is desirable
from the standpoint of the people.
Publicity as a speelflc for the Ilia ef
the Empire.
Philadelphia Press.
The shadow -of coming event point
toward China. The significant incidents
of the last six months In that unwieldy
empire are reminders served upon clvillxu.
tlon that Instead of breaking up China Is
waking up. A portentous restlessness Is
seething In the vast maxs of Its hundreds
of millions of population.
Most of China's latest troubles may lie
broadly diagnosed as growing pains. It Is
developing something akin to a national
consciousness. A sort of patriotism which
Is as likely to make itself felt hy antl
forelfrn outrages aa in any other manner
la being evinced in remotely separated
portions of the empire. The day for wise
counsels has come, and here is how the
editor of the South China Daily Journal
litters them:
"A good newspaper Is worth many gun
boats at the present time. Good news
papers, free and untrammeled. can do
much for China. They stand with one
hand upon the pulse of the people at home
and the other upon the puis,- of foreign
sentiment with regard to China.
Publicity is the enemy of deception, false
hood and knavery, and the friend of virtue
and truth. And so we see that lu thoae
countries where the ruler are fattening at
the expense of the people It has been a
settled policy to gag the press, and by this
means to screen from the people the light
of truth, which I un attribute of their
growth." v
The likelihood of China' ever running
amuck, which as a possibility is exceed
ingly remote, would lie removed from the
field of consideration If this editor's level
headed advice could be followed. A good
newspaper Is more effective than an army
corps as a civillzer. It the Chinaman
give attendance to reading and he will
died bis fanaticism in short order. The
men who at this Juncture give to China
the newspapers it needs will deserve to go
down In Its history not only as patriots,
but also as friends of civilisation.
Mar's Horrors Shadow Peace.
Philadelphia Record.
Peace cum none too soon for either bel
ligerent. The Japanese famine has become
so severe that the president has invited
Americans to extend relief. Russia has
not asked for foreign assistance, but there
was a crop failure In several provinces
and the harvest was hardly over when
Russian papers declared that famine was
stalking through the land.
The children cannot possibly have
good health unless the bowels arc in
proper condition. A sluggish liver
gives a coated tongue, bad breath, con
stipated bowels. Correct all these by
giving small doses of Ayer's Pills.
Genuine liver pills, gently laxative.
We have no secrets We publish
the formulas of all our medicines,
Maa lave I. O. Ays C Lswsll, Mesa. .
ais HuiAmnn sf
ATBI't IA1 Tltm-Vsr tke hair. ATBK'aCkmrrPKCTOSAL-yereeagU.
A TIB'S BAMAPAJULLA-rw tks Meet. ATsa'S AflUB CDTLg frr malaria esc agw.
Bancroft Blade: Senator Millard ha had
his ear to the ground, but he ie so far from
the people that he failed to hear the
rumbling until It was everlastingly too late.
Tekamah Journal: It begins to have the
appearance that the editor of The Omaha
Bee I not at all unfavorable to the Idea
of the senatorial toga being again dropped
upon the shoulders of an Oniaha cltlxen
provided that gentleman be himself. And
the state could fare much worse.
Albion News: The supreme court having
decided that all our anti-trust laws arc
constitutional and enforclble, we hope to
see the lumber, coal, Insurance and other
combination brought to time. Attorney
General Brown Is not going to have much
time to run for United State senator dur
ing the next few months.
Fremont Herald:' A dumocratlc victory
In Omaha In May would practically assure
a democratic victory In the state In No
vember. The democracy of Omnha has a
magnificent opportunity to win a better
place In the opinion of the democracy of
the state. That better place can be won
by making a mayor out of Jim Dahlinan
and by taking all the Omaha offices out of
the hands of the old machine. If Omaha
democrat will do this the next democratic
state convention will accord to the dele
gation from Douglas a better welcome
than It has known In a dozen years.
Wayne Herald: The Herald does not
want Nebraska's next United States Sena
tor to be the pliant tool of any man,
men or corporations, neither does It want
him to be a crank, an antl, one of those
extremists who can ee no good In or
ganised capital or men pulling together
for legitimate accomplishments. It wants
him to be a big. brainy fellow, broad in
his views and full to the chin of pure
Americanism, one with the capacity to
see things in the broad light of common
sense and with the manliness lo stand
pat against extremists or wrong doers, ho
matter who they are.
Aurora Republican: The Republican be
lieves with other of Its contemporaries
that if Norri Brown and Peter Mortensen
desire to be considered as candidates for
the offices for which they have been men
tioned they should get out from under
cover and say o. We are In hearty ac
cord with the policy of permitting the office
to seek the man, but when the man Is
found he ought to be prompt to say
whether he I agreeable or not. If Messrs.
Brown and Mortensen would announc
Hielr candidacy for the office of United
State senator and governor and launch a
bold and aggressive campaign at this time
they would stand in a much better light
with the people and the political at
mosphere might be wonderfully clarified.
Aurora Republican: Nebraska demo
crats are dlscusir.g the feasibility of nom
inating a candidate for United States sen
ator In state convention. The nomination
of 'Senator Burkett by that method proved
so successful and so satlafac.tory to the
people generally that the democrat. In
keeping with their practice of emulation of
things republican, are seriously consider
ing trying the method. The nomination
of a United States senator by the conven
tion method is a long step In the direc
tion of purification In politics and Is far
ahead of the legislative method which long
go received the seal of popular dlsap-
provsl. Until the election of senators by
direct vote of the people is made the
method by law or common consent, the
convention method will suffice as the next
best plan.
Fremont Tribune: In the face of Benu-
tor Millard's recent assurances that he is
an administration pet and that he will be
found supporting administration measures
It develops that hi successor on the com
mute on interstate commerce. Mr. Crane
of Massachusetts, is lining up against the
sdmlnistratlon. Senator Millard has als
assured us that lie got off of that com
mittee so as to get on the committee on
public lands and buildings. Ierause the
people of NeniasKS were reu-nm i.i
federal bulldlnss. In other worn, tne sen
ator could have remained on the commerce
committee had he wanted to do o. hut he
chose to get off because the railroads
wanted him to do, that. He put In a part
of the summer on the commerce commit
tee hearing evidence, but quit before he
wa ready to use It.
York Times: The Omaha Examiner nomi
nate Hon. John I Webster for the United
States senate. John L. Webster i such
good senatorial timber that the people
alwsya feel safe with him in reserve for
any emergency thut may arise. It Is unl-
ersally agreed that he possesses the quall-H
flcatlons and It has been so agreed for
twenty-five years. There is no fault with
Mr. Webster, but be ha a misfortune.
He appears cold and distant. The "boys-
call him an aristocrat. He Is plebeian
enough In sentiment and feeling and In
action as well, but he does not look It.
He is an honest man. a brainy man and a
scholar. He Is likewise a statesman of
no mean attainments. He would be a credit
to Massachusetts in the United State sen
ate, and had he resided in that state might
have teullsed his ambition long ago. Web
ster never received many vote for senator.
Coal. Wood. Coke, Kindling.
uu. .n th k. Ohla and Colorado CmIi -cltin. hot. lasting:
. .. mi. a1 Manna. Sheridan.
For gnral purp)... ua. Ch.rok.. Lump, fS.BO; Nut, fS.OO p.r ton
Missouri Lump, $4.78; Largo Nut, S4.S0-makoo a hot, quick fir.
Our hard coal lath. SCRANTON, tha boat Pennsylvania anthraolta
Wo alao ooll Spadra, tho hard. at and oloanoat Arkanaaa ' hard ooal
All our ooal hand ooroonod and wolghod ovor any city ooaloc d.alr.d
COUTANT a SQUIRES "".""."i,"
but there were always a lot of members
of the legislature who were admirers ef him
and who would willingly have voted for him
had not some other and warmer candi
date stepped between them. Everbody feels
that Nebraska would lie well represent el
were he in the senate.
James Henry Hnilth of New York has
given $500,000 to St. Luke's hospital. Chi
cago, as a building fund. The hospital
Is one of the leading institutions of Its
kind. -
The notion that the Japs learn, and keep
on learning. Is confirmed by the recent
appearance In the Island kingdom of a
Beer trust, formed from three fcrewery
companies the Nippon, the Sapporo and
the Osaka.
General Bell, ex-xdjulaut general of Col
orado, who was with Roosevelt's Rough
Riders in Cuba, Is alKiut to go on the stage.
In a melodrama. He will wear the ll.txni
uniform which he liad made when adjutant
general of his state.
8enutor W. A. Clark has loaned to tin
Corcoran gallery. Washington, fifty-six ex
traoidlnarily interesting and . valuuble
paintings from his private collection which
have been congregated in a single room
and formed into a special exhibit.
A Maine paper recently attributed to Gen
eral Miles the familiar saying that the only
good Indian is a dead Indian. (Tenors I
Miles, who knows Indisns better. than most
people who speak ill of fheni, promptly
wrote that he was "never the author of
any such Inhuman, brutal and truthless
Dr. D mglas Hyde, the Garlic revivalist,
is scheduled for a dozen lectures ami
speeches. In colleges snd in public, ou the.
Pacific coast. Ills Itinerary embraces San
Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley. SacrameiiJo,
San Jose and Los Angeles, the date f,r
the last named city being March 11, Hit
delivered three lectures 'n the- University t
of California last week and a public ,-ad,
dress in San Francisco yesterday.
Diamonds hud Just gone up again. Sill!
the household did not despair.
"Perhaps these liarons don't know." he
reflected, "that coal Is carhon. too." Phil
adelphia ledger.
decent restaurant in this village?
Native Urchin Yes'r. an' they re wantln'
a waiter, too. You're Jlst In time fur the
Job." Chicago Tribune.
Mr. Rnrem Could I see Miss Pilihs?
Maid Faix! That's what she waa won
derin as ye come acrost the street.
Mr. Borem Ah! then she's In.
Maid Yes, but she's not at home.
Cleveland Leader.
Jack (during their quarrel! Now. let me
May I want to say something first.
Jack Ail right. I'm all ear.
May 1 know It. No doubt tint's why
your parents called you "Jack." Phila
delphia Press.
"Been living in the same house twenty- ,
four years, have you?" .
"Substantially the same. Of course we've
had to enlarge the attic two or' three
times to accommodate the worn out fur
niture and the old books and magazine,
but that's almut alt the changea we have
made." Chicago Tribune..
"When we first got married my wir
and I quarreled for a year about whether
we should buy an automobile or a horse
and buggy."
"Una ,1,I vnil settle it?"
"We compromised on a. baby carriage." -
Philadelphia Press
Denver Republican. ',
Red glows the sun on the smoke- browned
top of the teepee. '
Cold Is the plain Id the dying light of
day ;
Fsint comes the Vail of the pappnose. III
and sleepy. r
And weary are the feet that seek the
white man's way. .- ;
Think -ye. O strong, that tb task jre set
my kindred
Can he done as a lesson that one masters
in a day?
How can we travel, swift of foot and all
On your put lis unfamiliar, to ycjur spur
of aye and nay?
Years have we lived, a our ancestors have
taught us: ' ' '.
Now all must change we must live the
wiilte man's life:
Anger ye show land there what harm l
wrought us!)
If we leap not. full armed, In your world
of stress and strife.
Years have we roamed, aa our fathers
roamed before us.
On the plains ye he swallowed tn your
never sated greed; .
I no call heard from (he dead and gone
who bore Ita
lia ve our forebears left no message for
the red man's breed?
No, we must ken all your complex life on
M'e must know your maae of Isw, snd
must single truth from lies;
Sink we or swim ( All. the end Is not far
distant:) , m
Tour race will not linger, nor 'lend ear
unto our cries.
So bring out the drum let It rouse the Sod
den village:
Iet It bring forth the dancer to the
campflre's flaming wood;
It It cull up the days of the hunt, and
war and pillage
If red men must aie. lei mem am rm
men should!
Walnut Block. Coal. Eta. .