Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Office, 10 Pearl St. Tel. 48.
meeting of the rltjr council in time, will
I eddress the club on the wter work! ques
Davis sells drugs.
Btorkert sella carpet..
Bd Rogers' Tonv Taust beer.
Plumbing snd heating. Btxby Son.
trs. Woodbury, dentists. 30 Pearl street.
Woodrlng-Schmidt, undertakers. Tel. X9.
Ed Rogers' fmou Mickelob on draught.
If you want a good position enroll In
TVestarn Iowa college.
Htciis. the old. reliable merchant tailor,
makes our clothe to order.
Picture framing. Alexander's Art Store,
XIX Broadway. Telephone
L. Roeenfeld Co., wholesale and retail
store, sella purest liquors and wines.
The nobblcat and best fitting garmeuts
are made to order by iilcka. the tailor.
Batiafactary watch work and Jewelry re
pairing at Leflert s. Every Job guaran
teed. Full Une of fancy lamp elands with
headed frlnga and fancy crystal glass
fringe. W. A. Usurers china stare.
Hafer. the progressive lumber dealer of
Iowa and Nebraska, still saves you 10 per
cent. Uet a Udder and watch his business
D. W. Kellers reliable, up-to-date furni
ture store has a nice piece of furniture
for every, room In your nouse. Conje and
get It.
Council Bluffs Paint, Oil and Glass com
pany store. The peopie Use to traue at this
store. Read, Tne ltatt and you win anow
the reason.
Clark Drug company . will make you a
permanent customer by giving you every
thing In the drug Una at prices that wul
pleas you.
Squire. A Abnls. money to loan; cash on
band, no delay; city and farm property fur
sale on easy terms of payment, office, Ml
Peart street.
Ic waLKon. good as lie, for sale at a
creat bara-ln. Bee Hredenstem Smith
coal yard, near WrImsii freight house, 14th
Ave. and 4th fit.
W liar wick, wail i ji'cr btor. has the
finest display and l j-.ttni designs of 1V4
.wail paper. Side wi.... tuning and border
all shewn at once,
All kinds of shoe repairing at Sargent's
Model 8boe shoe Shoes hull soled while
you wait; you save 5vc and done better.
Look for til bear.
John Olnen tna rrocer on West Broad
way. Is having a splendid trade. Good
dairr butter and fresh eggs always on
hand. Watch for prices.
J. Katelman's feed and Junk store will
furnish you all kinds of feed and baled bay
and grain at sswest prices. He saves you
money. (01 South Main.
rnilwan Shoe comDanv. 23 South Main.
will make you satisfactory prices on foot
wear. Try a pair of their t-M and i.f
shoes. Rubbers and overshoes.
Missouri oak dry cord wood. $C a cord;
hiih.rk hickory. (7: Arkansas anthracite,
t?so ner ton less than hard coal. Wm.
Welsh. It North Main St. TeL US.
F. A. Spencer, furnace and sheet metal
mnrka: niumblnf. steam and noi water
heating, gas fitting, bathtubs. Suppose you
figure with turn ana save m per
The Manhattan restaurant and bar are
ivin- tiie biaaest meal In town. Short
orders: with cure cream for excellent
coffee. Try and you will be delighted.
Seeley A Felton. proprietors of the Crys
tal mills, are manuiaciurtng the celebrated
,in.rltHre flour. First-class grocers sell
It. Latest Improved machinery installed.
Sheely Una, marble and granite works,
East Broadway, are the people to patronise,
-They save you Jo per cent and give you
the finest material and best workmanship.
Bob Johnson, the negro who had his feet
fro sen while traveling imm, "
-n.n.ii muffs by the box car route, has
been sent by the police to Mercy hospital.
Bourtciua Piano House, 3 West Broad
war glvea you some valuable information
about pianos. You will do well to consult
i hem before purchasing. Best maxes csr
, , . m. Bj.hft.nitir ramtanv. It Is an
acknowledged fact that this furniture and
Injunction Application Today.
Fewer a( t'anrt ta F.njein Legis
lative Aets Will Be Tested
Mayor t rge Preaipt
Mother-la. Law ef Fred Flets
aaaes ftls Arrest.
Fred FWx wm taken Into custody last
evenlrie and a rhnrw nf nirinnr entered
udge Thornell Will Be Unable to Heai I against his tim tt poll' headquarters, it
was stated that possibly a more serious
rhsrge would he made against him today.
Flets was married last Wednesday In
Omaha to Clara M. Oliver, the young
daughter of Mrs. Itura Clausen "of Mf4
West Broadway Flets had some difficulty
after obtaining the marriage license In In
ducing the young woman to marry him
and matters went to the point where Fleti
endeavored to return the license and get
his moner. The young woman
relented the next dsy and the ma
took place.
The hearing on the application of Ovide
Vlen for an injunction restraining Mayor
Macrae and the members of the city coun
cil from passing or taking any further
action on the proposed ordinance flxlruf
the water rates is scheduled for this mom
Ing before Judge Thome!! In the district
court. As Judge Thornell will be occupied
with the trial of the damage suit of W.
A. Prlndle against the World-Herald Pub
lishing company, which was commenced
before him Saturday, the hearing will have
to go over. Judge Thornell stated Satur-
day that the Prlndle damage suit hsd th
right-of-way and thst the waterworks case j
would undoubtedly have to go over.
There is considerable doubt If "Judge ,
Thornell will entertain the application or
Vlen, as It Is contended thst a Judge of .
the district court has no Jurisdiction to en-
Join the contemplated action of a city coun-
The executive committee shall make to the
b"rd at each of Its rgilar meetings a
written report of the work done by It, with
a ststement of Its observations and con
clusions wln respect to each ot the Insti
tutions. The board shsll make reports to
the governor and lestslaturc of Its obeer
vhUoiis and conclusions respecting each
and every one of the Institutions namM.
such report to be made biennially. The
board shall also prepare for the use of the
' legislature ptennlai euim-tes or sppropns-
: lions necessary and proper for the support
Strong Efforts to Get Bill Through Both ; "f J"?'1 institutions, n "
o " c i ,uty pf the boant to promote as best It run
B.0USCS This Tear. the purposes for which each of the Insfl'u-
Hons under Its control Is maintained Con--
" 1 frnces of the board mlth the presidents.
norill -TlAN '''sns and hesds of departments of the In
UniULA I IUH j stttiitlons under its control may he held
' from time to time whenever it shsll deem
I suiii conferences Important. The hoard
may employ on architect at H.onn a year.
f'rnpwsl t in - to llov I obi nil t tees of
Minority Parlies to me t'nnril
dates Where There Is
iFrom a Staff Correspondent)
tE8 MOINES. Feb. IS. (Special.) Al
though little shows on the suriace, a vast
however. I amount of work is being done to get the
sge primary election law passed by the two
I bouses at this session of the legislature.
Now fhe honeymoon has been ruthlessly
Interrupted and the ynnng groom, if the
allegations of th young woman's mother
are true, will have to answer to a charge
of enmmlting blrsmy. Mrs. Clausen al
leged yesterday when she sought the er
rest of hr son-in-law thst he had been
previously married and had a wife from
whom he hsd never been divorced and two
children. The wife and children. It Is said,
are lining st Punlnp. la.
F!etx when taken Into custody declared
the nllegallons of Mrs. Clausen were with
out foundation, thst he had not been mar
ried before, did not have another wife and
two children and that there was some big
mistake somewhere. Flets Is only 22 years
of age end has been driving for a local
livery stable. The young woman to whom
he was married last week gave her age as
cil. The city council, it Is contended. Is i i. rit u was sain last nignt mat sne was
1ut as mTich a legislative bodv as the ' not that old. Tt will be remembered that
general assembly of the state nf Iowa and
that Its actions or contemplated actions '
cannot be subjected to Injunctions or r. ,
straining orders of a Judge of the district !
It Is understood that this question ' ne '
Jurisdiction will be raised at the first op- ,
portunlty when the case comes up for a
hearing by the counsel for the defendant '
city officials. j
Mayor Macrae stated last night that he
before going to Omaha to secure a mar
riage license Kleti applied for one here, but
H. V. Rattey, clerk of the district court,
refused it as Flets was unable to prove to
his satisfaction that the bride-to-be was
cf lawful sge.
Mrs. Clausen declared to the police last
night her Intention of filing an Information
against Fteti this morning.
and the members of the city council were
most anxious that the hearing should not
be delayed. Judge Thornell will be urged,
he said, to hear the matter this morning
and rule on It. so that the city council
may be In a position to take some action
on the ordinance at Its meeting this evening.
Kalghta of Colasnbas Initiation.
Council Bluffs council No. 1045, Knights
Baslaesa Men Approve Measure to
Restrict Sale of Explosives.
Business men In general of Council Bluffs
favor the passage of the antl-flrecracker
bill Introduced by Representative Offlll of
Jasper county, which passed the house
Friday by a vote of to I, and It is
hoped that the bill will pass the senate
by an erjuafly affirmative rote. The bill
is much in accordance with the restrictions
placed on the Fourth of July celebration
last year by Mayor Macrae and Chief of
Police Richmond, both of whom hope these
restrictions wfll now become a state law.
The bill provides that no person shall
use, sell or keep for sale within the state
of Iowa and toy pistol, toy revolver, or
other toy firearms, raps containing dyna
mite, fire crackers containing any explo
sive other than black gunpowder and not
excelling three ' and one-half Inches in
length and three-eighths of an inch In
diameter. The penalty la a fine not ex
ceeding tlOO or imprisonment not exceeding
thirty days, or both.
Last year in this city the' discharge of
blank cartridges in revolvers or shotguns
was prohibited and these restrictions can
be enforced on the Fourth of July or at
any other time as the dlschsrgd of fire
arms within the city limits is prohibited
by ordinance.
Th Offlll bill as first drafted prohibited
har4waxa auur surpass . theuv aiu e-chanR-aoola
ough Tor everybody. Oet
t ... a, vieoiaiaen. wall Daper store,
are readv for business. You will be de
i,.u, . n vour selection Of Paper
t.r n-rlor. aiitina room, bed room and
t... i wnnrfmen circle, will enter
lain council camp. Woodmen of the World,
Tuesday evening. There will be cards and
dancing and other forms of entertalnmanc
Rerresnmenie win d- .
. i j ,n nto nilbort had the mis
fortun to have a big cake of ice fall on
1.1. f..t veaterday. The foot was badly
bruised and Alderman Gilbert will prob
.ki.. harm tA lair mi for a If days.
The members of Tlgredla temple Rath- the manufacture of fire crackers and toy
bone Slaters, will be entertained at pistols In this state, but this prohibition
kenslngton Friday afternoon atthe home wtthdpwn for the Deneflt of jowa
bera are requested to bring, donations of
preserves, fruit, clothing, etc, for th
children of th Associated Charities
From to per cent discount this week
on our pretty parlor pieces, two and three
Piece suites, upholstered In leather, verona,
velours, golden tapestry, silk damask, silk
.plush: mission pieces In Sptuiiau leather;
uivans In solid mahogany or quartered
cuk. elaborately hand carved. Keller
Joe Smith, chairman of tha general com
mittee In charge of IB Young Man's Chris
tian association project, made two appeals
u Miss Helen tlould for a contribution and
vurh time received a stereotyped -newer
from th young woman's secretary say
ing Miss Gould could do nothing In tn
matter Mr. Smith la conttdenl that his
lequest never reached beyond the secre-
.tary. . .. '
Fr sale.
e' Modern i-roora dwelling,
school. KOOO.
1 Modern 1-room dwelling,
near Bloomer
near Bloomer
.chool. HMO. . .
Forty lots on 8. th 8t., ISO each.
Lots In Babbitt Place, up to grade. 0.
Lots In Highland Plac. up to grade. t&
Insure your house and furniture.
TeL (L .Charles T. Officer, tl Broadway.
' Fin Colorado farm land, 16 per
- Improved ranches, CO to 3 per acre. On
1 improved ranch, four miles from town.
i per acre. A big snap. Excursion February
: - rare 119.20. F. C. Loogee. 124 South
Main street.
Special bargains for this week. Fifteen
lots on the Omaha car line, west of the
car barns, for ISO each on easy monthly
payment. Abstract and perfect title. This
Is your opportunity to procure a good
bargain. See Wallace Benjamin, room I,
First National Bank building. I writ tire
Insurance. Phone 203.
i of Columbus, initiated a class of about
I sixty candidates yesterday, the exercises
; occupying practically the entire day. The
! members of the local council, together with
the candidates and a number nf visiting
', knights from Omaha and surrounding
towns, assembled at the Grand hotel at 9:30
a. m.. and from there marched to St. Fran
cis Xavler's church, where they attended
high mass. The Initiation ceremonies, con
ducted In the hall of the order In the
Brown building, commenced at 1 p. m.. fol
lowing lunch at the Grand hotel, and lasted
up to o'clock at night, when a banquet
was served by the wives of the local mem
bers In the Dodge Light Guard armory.
Emmet Tlnley presided as toastmaster
and the following were the toasts:
"Our National Objects." J. A. C. Ken
nedy. Omaha.
"Knighthood." D. M. Reynolds. Atlantic.
The Friends We Meet." Rev. P. J. Mul
len. Missouri Valley.
"The Catholic Layman," P. E. C. Lally.
"Impressions of the Day" (selected i.
Charles Tsrskloom Slagged.
Charles Turnbloom. bartender in John
Doody's saloon at Fifteenth avenue and
Sixth street, was slugged and knocked un
conscious by two thugs while on his way
home late Saturday night. Turnbloom
missed the last car north on Main street
and started to walk. As be passed the large
Implement house formerly occupied by the
Fuller-Johnson-Shugart company two men
stepped from the north side and one of
them struck Turnbloom back of the head
with a sandbag. Turnbloom waa knocked
to the ground and rendered Insensible.
When ho regained consciousness about fif
teen minutes later he found that the thugs
had broken off his watch chain, but had
failed to secure his watch. He supposes
the men were frightened away before they
had time to rob him. He had a consider
able sum of money tn a pocket on the in
side of his vest, but his assailants failed
to get It. Turnbloom Is not certain
whether the men Intended robbing him or
whether they had some grievance against
him and Intended merely assaulting him.
nap Piano Bargain for Tsasrrsn,
Parties leaving the city. Left on sal.
Original price (330. Will sell on easy pay
ments. C86. Sea at th big piano houa.
Bchmoller se Mueller Piano company, 902
Broadway. Council Bluffs, La.
Th Title Guaranty and Trust company,
abstracters of titles. Books date back to
1S51 Books are all up to date. Work ac
curately and promptly done at lowest
pricea Office opposite court bouse. 135 Pearl
street. Council Bluffs, la.
The Vienna restaurant serves excellent
meals and lunches, cooked In th most
appetising manner: delicious coffee with
pur crestu. Meal tickets at reduced rates.
114 Broadway.
. J. Marcus. Glen avenu grocery store,
JX W. Bdwy., Is one of the busiest planes
m Council Bluffs. Get prices on teas and
coffees, fruits and vegetables.
lgnlto, th only mantle that needs no
natch. Fr sal at W. A. Maurer's china
N. T. Pluming; Co. Tel. 260. Night L CM.
Ate being advertised In this paper;
wonder what you ar paying for them!
Ixm t think for a minute that you cannot
ci these goods from us and at t'LT
K.xTKS Just icaus they ar not adver
tised over our name.
11 4 King's New iHscovery 7 9c
itx Km s New luacuvery u
rK- Hay s Hair Health ibc
Ii.oO Pink ham a Vegetable Compound. ....'
'k iNisns Kidney Pills "c
tl.rt Hostetter's Bitters 7c
tl ft Peruna for kJc
II 00 owainn Hoot 7W
Kant Stoop Shoulder Brae
1 v. le'quosoue (Want It?) se
Chester . Genuine Pennyroyal
Pills tl 40
H urt Gordon's Matt Whisky lPure.......:5o
II um Duffy a Mall Whisky T.c
Fre delivery In Council Bluffs, Oruaha
or South Omaha any place within (he j
umiia. ii viii ik umii, aenu in your
mail orders, as w deliver to our depot at
lies prices.
E. T. YATES. Proprleter.
Comer Fifth avenue and Main street.
Council Bluffs, la. Phone SX
Corner Sixteenth and Chicago 8ts . Omaha.
'Twenty-fourth and N Sta.. South Omaha.
Swain A Mauer. bardwarde store. Quick
Meal range, only $32.40. . Ocean Wave
washing machine. S6.S0. Every family
should hav on at this oric. 22f W
. T. McAfee's grocery Is th peoDle's
choice. It's acknowledged as th leading
grocery In western Iowa. Their trade U
constantly increasing with pleased custom
Henry H a Brunt, leader of low
prices on wagons, buggies, road carts and
harness. Watch for prices. Tou will be
O. C. Brown's confectionery and lea
cream parlors. Every man. woman and
child likes to trade at O. C. Brown's. 644
Broadway. Chocolate creams and bon bons.
Harry Schmidt, photographer. Tour
monei- back If photos are not the best on
earth. Engage silting at 40 W. Broadway.
Artistic in every particular.
In some counties petitions ot large pro
portions have been circulated and it has
been seen to that tbese petitions bear the
names of the men Influential In pontics.
At lesst two senators have been known
' to change from opiositon to the primary
to a position favorable to It because of
these petitions. The leaders, who favor
the primary, admit that they have not hur
ried the matter of brlmnng up the bill
j In order tn give time for the circulation
of these petitions.
One prominent lesder In favor of the prl-
' mary said today that it had come to be
a question of what the democrats would
do and that a movement was on foot to
get the democratic vote to favor the bill.
It Is 'believed thst if the bill is amended
so that the democratic central committees
will be allowed to name candidates In
case no candidates enter the race that
the democrats would vote solidly for the
bill In the form In which It will come up
February 24. The democratic party being
In the minority there is some disposition
to accede this point. The democrats are
snxlous for It for the reason that being
In the minority they fear thnt often times
there may be no candidate voluntarily an
nounce himself.
The changes recommended by the com
mittee in the substitute bill which will
come up the first of next week have been
made with a view to simplifying It. These
are believed to be of far greater Impor
tance than the notices given to them. The
original bill provided that there must be
a declaration of party preference and the
machinery for changing votes was cum
bersome. It was the weak point in the
bill as Is now recognized by the friends of
the measure. This has been eliminated, and
the bill as now drawn provides that at
the first primary the votir wll be given
the ticket he calls for and this will be
taken as a party declaration and so re
corded end unless the voter wishes to
change his party he will not be required
to make declaration at any election or pri
mary following that. He can change very
easily up to within thirty days of the pri
mary by giving written notice to the
county auditor, but to change on the day
of the primary can be done only under
As the registration features of the bill
were the chief objections held by the dem
ocrats and also by a large number of
other members of the senate and house It
Is believed this change win bring votes to
the measure. Senator Lewis of CHrinda,
Garst of Carroll and,b1her friends of the
bill with the author. -Crosnley.. believe It
will win enough votes to pass the measure.
Board of Regents Bill.
The bill creating a lioard of regents for
state educational Institutions, considered
one of the most Important measures be
fore the legislature, was Introduced the
middle of the week In the senate by Sena
tor Whipple snd will be recommended for
passage by the committee some time this
week and go on the calendar under special
order. The bill Is the recommendations of
a commission that visited the educational
institutions of this and many other states
to gain information for the report. It is
claimed that the State Normal, State uni
versity and State Agricultural college now
duplicate the work In part of each other
and cause thereby a waste. The Idea was
brought up last seseion In the form of a
bill to consolidate all Institutions under
one board. It was finally referred to a
commission to Investigate and the bill re
ported is the result. Next to the primary
bill this bill has perhaps had as much at
tention or more than any other bill before
either house at this session. In brief. It Is
as follows:
Attempt lide to Destroy Home
Cornelius Green at Lead, S. D.
Have you figured with Geo. Hoagland's
lumber yard on South Main street? Tou
may save a Tew dollars by getting esti
mates from him.
D. 8. Kerr, real estate dealer, has some
splendid bargains for you in city and farm
property. Call at 544 Bdwy. and he will
tell you all about it.
Paddock & Handschy's hardaai store
ar having a big sale on the White Lin
Family Washing machine; no other make
can begin to compare with it.
Graves. 10S Pearl street hair goods for (
sale and mad to order; corns removed
wtlhout pain. Gives you best satisfaction
and saves you money.
Traveling Men Organise.
MARSHA LLTOWN, la.. Feb. H.-fSpe-clal.
A new traveling men's insurance as
sociation was organised here Saturday aft
ernoon to be known as th Hamkey Cora-
Klght members shsll constitute a quorum
of tne board, but no person shall be a-,-linte.l
president of any of the Institu
tions unless he receive the affirmative vote
of at least ten of the members No mem
ber of th" faculty or any officer shall be
appointed except by the affirmative vote
of at least eight of the members of the
board. No land or other property shall
be leased or sold, no set Ion at law or In
equity shall be commenced, no policy plan
or action of any kind affecting the gen
eral interests of said institutions shall be
adopted, changed or abandoned and no
money shall be appropriated except by the
affirmative vote of eight or more members
t I the board.
It Is provider?, that the president govern
ing boards and officials of the various col
leges .Thall turn over everything to the new
board the first of July next.
Hit rentrallslns; Plants.
The agricultural committee of the senate
has recommended for passage a bill pro
hibiting the purchase of Impure or adul
terated milk or cream for purposes of
manufacture Into articles of food for hu
mans. It also prohibits the manufacture of
such milk and cream Into food and fixes
a penalty for the violation of the law.
While on Its face the bill Is Innocent
enough, it Is In feet an attemrt to curb
the power and growth of the big central
ising creamery plants. It is the claim
that these plants In order to drive out com
petition of the local creameries purchase
milk and cream several days old of patrons
and no matter what Its condition pay full
ma-net price or above. The local creamery
Is unable to handle such stuff and make
good butter of It and cannot afford to buy
it and throw It away and so Is unable to
meet the competition. It Is charged that
the centralising plants take the cream
after It is fermented and unfit for use and
manufacture It Into butter by various
processes. It is to prevent the manufacture
of this cream into butter that the bill has
been brought forward.
. Loans Untsidc th Stat.
The cuuiuiiuue uu uanas aud banning of
the senate baturday Killed th Beaier bill
permitting online to Invest In farm moil-
gages oula:ue of the state of low- The
committee recommended for passage tne
bill subjecting trust companies to the same
investigation from the slate auditor's oitlcc
mat is now given to ban as.
Missouri Farmer a Salcide.
W. F. Hickman, a young farmer of Setla
lia. Mo., committed suicide last niglit by
drinking carbolic acid. He dropped to the
sidewalk a short distance from the street
car waiting room at Sixth and Walnut at
11 o'clock last night, and the odor of car
bolic acid quickly led to the discovery uf
the cause of his death. Letters were found
In his pockets from his parents addressed
to W. F. Hickman, but did not reveal
any cause for suicide or reason for his
being in Des Molncs. '
Big Democratic Banqnet.
The democrats of the state will hold a
big banquet at the 8a very the night of
April 2 In celebration of the birthday of
Thomas Jefferson. Governor Folk of Mis
souri, Governor Johnson tf Minnesota,
Mayor Dunne of Chicago, besides the prom
inent democrats of the state, will be speak
ers. Garst for l.lentenaat Governor.
Senator Warren Garst of Carroll county,
who at the close of this session will have
served In seven sessions of the senate. Is
being discussed as a candidate for lieu
tenant governor by the Cummins element
of the party. Senator Garst Is chairman
of the appropriations committee and recog
nized one of the strong men of the senate.
Though not a lawyer, he has led in framing
some of the most Important bills of re
cent years and Is a skillful parliamentarian,
taking a leading part In many of the de
bates. The suit of Alexander T. Watson of
Galesburg. 111., against the National Life
Insurance company. In which many Ne
braska people are interested as policy hold
ers, may be postponed a week. The in
junction suit was to have been heard in the
f nieral court here tomorrow.
Honae I Badly Dnntaged and Mr.
Green's on. Who Was sitting In
the Front Room. Wns
Slightly Injnred.
La. AD. P. D.. Feb. 11 (Special Tele
gram.) For the first time In Its history
Lead has been the scene of an attempted
assassination by methods In vogue in Rus
sia and Its dependencies.
Cornelius Green, one of the foremen of
the Homestake Mining company, snd th
members nf his family were the victims of
the attempt. This morning shortly after 1
o'clock Kdwsrd Green, son of th Home
stake official, was sitting in one of th
front rooms reading, when he heard some
one approach the house and then leave. He
paid no attention to the matter until he
heard a violent explosion and was hurled
from the chair In which he was sitting
across the room. He was the only one ot
the family awake at the time, but the ex
plosion was so severe that his father,
mother, little sister and hlied girl, all of
whom had retired, were thrown from their
beds. Th explosion had awakened the en
tire population In the neighborhood, and In
a few moments the house was surrounded
by an excited crowd of people. .
Hoase Badly Wrerked.
An Investigation showed thst the front
of the house hsd been badly wrecked.
Some high explosive, probably dynamlt.
hsd been placed against the flwr of a
storm vestibule and set off. So great waa
Its fore that the windows In the high
school building. ' feet away, were shat
tered. Mr. Green's fsmlly suffered no in
jury. Edward Green, the son. Wing th
only one to feel any 111 effects from the ex
plosion, and he was rendered unconscious,
but soon came to Mr. Green Is at a loss
to know why b hsd been singled out as
victim of the assassins or why his fsmlly
had been pieced In Jeopardy, as he Is one
f th best liked officials of the mines and
has not an enemy whom he can think of.
Pome time ago It became neceesarv to em
ploy In the mines only people who ci-mld
talk snd understand the El.gllsh language,
and under the rules adopted Mr. Oreen was
forced to discharge quite a number of em
ployes, and It is believed that some of
these, smsrtlng under the srorklngs of tha
new order, endeavored to revenge them
selves upon Mr. Green for the os of their
aertsT Begin Worn.
Sheriff Tratben of the county arrived on
the scene shortly after the explosion with
bloodhounds and an effort was made tn
trace the sssasslna. but owing to a fall of
snow fhe hounds were able to follow tha
trail for but a short distance, when they
lost It.
Great Indignation prevails among all
classes of people and should the officers
succeed In capturlna- the would-be mur
derer there will evidently not ho any op
portunity for a trial.
Both tha city and the company and th
county have offered rewards for Informa
tion which will lead to the arrest of tha
guilty parties, while onpeanised labor has
denounced the outrage In th strongest
terms and Is assisting In every way tha
efforts being mad tn catch thooa ' who
were responsible for the explosion.
y irflQimeitooD
Round Trip Rates to the South, February 20th
March 6th and 20th. '
Mobile, Ala., and Return
Montgomery, Ala., and Return
Jackson, Miss., and Return...
Pensacoia, Fla., and Return..
Lake Charles, La., and Return.
Xew Orleans, La,, and Return.
Beaumont, Texas, and Return.
Galveston, Texas, and Return.
Dallas, Texas, and Return
Fort Worth, Texas, and Return $14 40
iui raso, lexas, and lieturn $25.85
cansoad, u., and Ifeturn
Albuquerque, X. M., and Return
Oklahoma City, 0. T., and Return. .
Guthrie, 0. T., and Return
South McAlester, I. T., and Return.
Pine Bluff, Ark., and Return
Joplin, Mo., and Return
Springfield, Mo., and Return.
. .$21.30
. .$21.20
. .$22.85
Wichita, Kan., and Return $10.00
Stopovers allowed at many points. Final return
limit 21 davs.
City Passenger Agent
The board of regents to manage state
educational institutions as provided in the
bill Introduced by the special committee Is
to consist of fifteen members, not more
than nine being of the same political
party, four being members at large and
the others representing corgressional dis
tricts. The member shall be appointed by
the governor, sullied to the approval of the
senate. Th.-y will receive ft a day for
time actually used in the board meetings
not exceeding forty days in anv one mar.
with mileage and expenses. Tliere will be
an executive committee of three persons
not members of the board of regents
elected by the hoard of regents, and this
executive committee shall have a presi
dent and secretary and maintain an office
in ties Moines, and shall be auppli.-d with
employes and facilities for bundling all
the business. Members of the executive
committee shall devote their entire time
to the work of the Institutions and shall
eacn receive l.o'l a year.
The hoard of regents shall meet four
times a year, once at the state capitol. the
other three meetings at the three colleges,
and special meetings mav be called. The
hoard of repents has the sole power of
electing a Dresldent and froafoirep tnr ea,1.
of the three state educational institutions
ana professors. instructors
employes, to tlx the compensation to be
paid them, to muke. ritlf s and regulations 1
for the government of said colleges not In- j
consistent with the laws of the state, to '
manase snd mnlrol the nrniurti. K...U .i I
aaeii aasociaiion. it is 10 f a l ami personal, Belonging: to S lid n urui nnul
High t y-even Xew Woodmen.
CHARLES CITT. Ia.. Feb. 18. -(Special.)
The Woodman class adoption- of Floyd
county took place here Friday night, with
a class of eighty-seven candidates. Head
Banker C. H. McXider of Des Moines, Hon.
TV. 8. Hart of Waukon and several other
state officers talked on subjects related to
the Modern Woodmen of America.
Dyspeptic Philosophy.
Must of ua have promises to mend.
Le us hope that heaven la a place where
the suburbs are not in the hands of real
estate pi'ulator.
Men wouldn't flatter If wumen didn't
The fellow who casts slurs generally
throws a boomerang.
Sore men fall In love and never get on
tler feet again.
Ignorance Is bliss only when it is wise
erough to recognize its own blissfulness.
The mistakes of other people are always
more or less amusing to us.
The under dog generally gets our sym
pathy. In spite of the fact that he often
deserves all he gets.
A man is never too old to learn, but he
officers and j sometimes too young. New Tork Times.
Order your cigarettes from Peregoy
Moore Co. Wsnted. everybody ta know
tha Peregoy A Moore Co. sells cigarettes.
Ask for Central Cigar store.
Muccl confectionery store, a Broadway.
Is having a big trade on chocolate creams
and bon bona The Sc and 50c boxes can't
be beat.
Break All Reenrds.
All records in curing Coughs, Colds, etc.,
are broken by Dr. King's New Discovery
nurelv mutual connem to '..rni.h .ih- ' Institutions, snd to direct the evr.enrtimr. i 'or Consumption. a"c and n.". For sals
Insurance at actual cost for commercial
Tounkerman Seed Co. still take the lead
with the purest seeds of all kinds thst
never fail to grow. Orders promptly filled.
TV rite for prices.
Stephan Bros., plumbers, TV. Bdwy..
still takes the lead with fine porcelain
luied bathtubs and everything In plumbing
supplies. Prices always satisfactory.
2! Purl St Planes. !u. 13, CfllciS?
Lady AttenAaat V Desliad
Swanaon Music Co. will sell yon a piano
from 30 and up. They carry a first-class
Una of musical instruments of all kinds.
8. M. Williamson will sell you a talking
machine with all the p. puis r records (or
your home, which will make pleasure and
happiness for all.
laspravessrat (1st ta Meet.
Efforts to resuscitate the First Ward
Improvement club, which has been in a
state of "Innocuous deatuetude' for quits
a while, wilt be made this evening. A call
for a meeting of the club at the Ogden
hotel has been called and a new set of
ameers will be elected. Alderman Oscar
Tounkeru-tu. if he can get away from tLe
men only. A board of directors was elected
which In turn elected the following officers:
President A. C. Johnson of Marshall
town. Vice President V. A. Brundage of Qrin
nell. Secretary and Treasurer W. J. Van Per
veer of Marshall town.
The board of directors are:
Charles H. Bingham of Waterloo. TV. H.
Darner of Des Moines, J. 8. Clemmens of
i eoar rtapms. A. A. Anderson of Dubuque,
A. 8. Tiffany of Davenport and I T
Forties. K. E. Bownlng. E. TV. Archer, C.
H. Cleaver, all of Marahalltown.
of air the appropriations for such Instltu- by Sherman a- McConnell Drug Co.
There is ample provision for safeguard- I
Ing the funds of the various Institutions. '
for making loans and collections, for keep. 1
Ing all the accounts of the institutions In a
uniform manner aiul for auditing all bills
and making all contracts.
It Is required that one or more memliers
of the executive committee shall visit and
inspect one of such Institutions at least J
once each week and Investigate the flnin
clal condition ami management of such in- I
stttutions. If charges of abuse or wrongs j
r iu,..ti6airu ifir- i,niiu iiaii report to
the governor Its charges and conclusions.
All Aboard
for Chicago
On no railroad in America is the system of disci
pline among employes and watchfulness for the
safety of passengers developed to a higher degree
than on the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Three trains daily to Chicago. The Daylight
Special leaves 7:55 a. m. The Eastern Express at
5:45 p. ni. The Overland Limited at 8:35 p. m. -All
trains arrive in Chicago at the Union-Station ' .
in the heart of the business district.
Ganaral Wastarn Agant.
Gespel Service In Pawl ftaani.
ROCKFORD. Ia.. Feb. M (Special.!
Through the kindness and generosity of
P. J. Mullory in turning over bis poolroom
last Friday evening to the ministers of tha
city, a large crowd of young men was
given a chanca to hear a little gospel
preached who would not attend tha re
vivals now In progress. Promptly at 7
o'clock Rev. Mr. Smith of the Methodist
Kplscopal church, accompanied by the
gentlemen of his choir, filed Into the al
ready crowded hall. The meeting opened
with the singing of familiar hymns. Rev.
Smith's text was, "All Te. Like Sheep.
Have Gone Astray." He talked about
thirty minutes without 'roasting" any ana
It was a masterly effort and is the first of
Its kind to be tried here.
ewsaner Deal at siueirl Valley.
MI&SOrRI VALLEY. Ia., Feb. 11 (Spe
cial. Robert II. Harris has sold ,a half
iaterest in the Missouri Valley Dally
Times to Finery H Hoyle, wbo wile asn-r
tha firm about March L
La Grippe,
m6 f i
All Drug&'sJ
Boston Mass. lily V& ji'
Nine connecting offices
on the fifth floor
These offices are particularly suitable for anyone wishing a suite of several connect
ing rooms. They will be rented only in suite of three or more rooms. There is one
large southeast corner room with a vault, two splendid rooms facing Farnam street
and the other smaller rooms facing Seventeenth 6treet on the fifth floor of
Thena ars the offlees now oaoupted br the Cpdlke Oraln Ca.. who will move ta tha
aeon as tha business offios of Tha Bee to transferred ta tha corner room an tba
It la very s;dom that an opportunity occurs to accom
modata truutu seeding- larga space and bandaoisa offlcaa.
first floor as I
graund Saas,
Po.T Inln 7'. B,u"dlB'" iu,t Ii,tu better-at leaet-than In any otaae
bul ding. All night and all day Sunday elevator aervlca-ateam heat-electrle llibT
wtr and ad. quale jaaitar service all Included In tha raotal price Appl y to
E. W. BAKER. Snpt.
U. all Ba Bids.
C. C ROSE WATER, gacy.
R. 100 Baa BUI
ri fjflKn